HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-06-04; City Council; 11176 Exhibit 1; 1991-92 OPERATING BUDGET Exhibit 01I I I. I Operating Budget I I B I I rl I IE I li 1 i I! I 1 / CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1991-1992 to BUILBOUT I I 1 4 It II MAYOR CITY COUNCIL C IAU DE " B U D DY" LEW I S ANN J. KULCHIN ERIC IARSON MARGARET STANTON JULIE NYGAARD CITY MANAGER FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR RAYMOND R. PATCHETT JAMES F. ELLIOTT u I I I I I I c II I B d 1 I 1 1 i CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 1991 -92 BUDGET 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLES City Manager's Letter CSMFO Excellence in Operating Budgeting Award ........................ CSMFO Excellence in Capital Budgeting Award Projected Fund Balances for 1990-91 .................................. Projected Fund Balances for 1991 -92 ................................. Expenditure Summary Revenue Estimates .............................................. Personnel Allocations ............................................ Organization Chart Graphics ..................................................... Growth Management Plan Accounting System BUDGET DETAIL GENERAL GOVERNMENT Citycouncil CityManager .................................................. Public Information ............................................... Cityclerk Finance ........................................................ Cash Management Audit ........................................................ Purchasing ................................................... Human Resources HealthInsurance ............................................... Research ...................................................... Information Systems ............................................ GFOA Distinguished Budget Award .................................. .......................... ........................................... ............................................. Carlsbad Community Profile ....................................... Budget Process ................................................ ........................................ .............................................. ................................................... ..................................................... City Attorney. .................................................. ............................................... .............................................. ............................................. Data Processing ................................................. Risk Management ............................................... WorkeJs Compensation ............................................ General Liability ................................................ 1 Miscellaneous Non-Departmental ..................................... TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Two PUBLIC SAFETY Police Department Summary ........................................ 69 Administration ............................................... 70 Operations .................................................. 71 Investigations ................................................ 72 Vice/Narcotics ............................................... 73 Technical Services ............................................. 74 ..................................................... 75 D.A.R.E Reserve Officers .............................................. 76 Traffic ..................................................... 77 Fire Department Summary .......................................... 78 Administration ............................................... 79 Suppression ................................................. 80 Prevention .................................................. 81 Emergency Medical Services ...................................... 82 Weed Abatement ....................... : ...................... 83 Disaster Preparedness .......................................... 84 DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES Community Development Administration ............................... 85 Geographic Information System ...................................... 86 Engineering Department Summary .................................... 87 Administration ............................................... 88 Development ................................................ 89 Municipal Projects ............................................. 90 Transportation ............................................... 91 Land Use Planning ............................................... 94 GrowthManagernent ............................................. 95 Building Inspection .............................................. 96 Water Pollution Control ......................................... 92 PlanningCommission ............................................. 93 CULTURE AND RECREATION Library Department Summary ....................................... 97 Administration ............................................... 98 Circulation 99 Reference Services ........................................... 100 Children’s Services ........................................... 102 ................................................. Genealogy/Local History ....................................... 101 I 1 I I 8 I I 1 I I I 1 1 I 8- 1 TABLE OF CONTENT'S Page Three Technical Services Collection Development & Acquisitions ............................. Audiovisual Services .......................................... Media Services AdultLearning .............................................. La Costa Branch ............................................. Cultural Arts ................................................ Sistercity ................................................. Audiovisual Insurance ......................................... California Library Service Act (CLSA) Public Library Fund (PLF) ...................................... I Partnerships for Change ........................................ Parks and Recreation Department Summary ............................ ............................................ .............................................. ............................... Administration Commission Operations ................................................. Tree Maintenance ............................................ Median Maintenance Recreation Fee Supported ...................................... Aquatics Recreation . Agua Hedionda Lagoon ............................... Senior Commission SeniorPrograms ............................................. 1 SeniorGrant ............................................... .............................................. ................................................ .......................................... Recreation Operations ......................................... ................................................... ........................................... UTILITIES AND MAINTENANCE Utilities and Maintenance Department Summary ......................... Administration .............................................. Street Maintenance ........................................... Facilities Maintenance Traffic Signals .............................................. Buena Vista Creek Channel Maintenance ............................ Street Lighting Sanitation Services ........................................... Water Services .............................................. Solid Waste Management Fleet Operations ............................................. 4 Vehicle Replacement .......................................... ......................................... .............................................. ....................................... TAE3LE OF CONTENTS Page Four HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT Housing and Redevelopment Department Sumary . a D v s s o e . o o . G o e o . . e D D D e 143 Historic Preservation .......................................... 144 Housing Certificates and Voucher Programs .......................... 145 Portable Vouchers ............................................ 146 Community Development Block Grant .............................. 147 Redevelopment ............................................... 148 Affordable Housing ........................................... 149 WATER DISTRICT Carlsbad Water District Summary ................................... 151 Administration .............................................. 152 Engineering ................................................ 154 Maintenance & Operations ...................................... 153 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Capital Improvement Program Overview Current & Future (1991-92 to Buildout) Projects Table .................... 165 Capital Improvement Program Cash Flow .............................. 179 .............................. 1.55 APPENDICES Capital Outlay Requests .......................................... 187 Travel Requests ................................................ 189 Glossary ..................................................... 197 8 I I I I 1 i I I 1 I 1 I 1 i 1 - ~ I December 10, 1991 I TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: City Manager 1991-92 OPERATING BUDGET AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET The City Council adopted the Operating Budget of $68.8 million on June 18, 1991, and Capital Improvement Program Budget of $50.6 million on December 10, 1991. This res in a total budget of $119.4 million for 1991-92. The General Fund Operating budget is balanced, with current operating costs fun( through current revenues. The budget format once again presents service programs wk contain narrative statements addressing Work Programs, Work Activities and their result Workload Measures or Performance Objectives. These narrative statements reflect types and levels of services that are occurring throughout the community. Carlsbad ; its citizens can be proud of the quality of the services delivered. The beginning of the 1990-91 fiscal year presented an economic environment consist with our expectations. Major events during the year, however resulted in signific impacts to the economy, and have influenced the outcome of the 1991-92 bud2 National, state, and local economies alike have recognized and must continue to face economic realities of a recession, the Gulf War, and new, more stringent govemm regulations on the banking industry. All have contributed to decreased levels of re sales, construction activity and home resales, which drive the City's revenues. All of fund types in the budget, from the General Fund, which receives its resources from ta and fees, to those funds that operate as a true enterprise, are experiencing the results a slow economy. The flattening of revenues coming into Carlsbad has slowed the gro~ of existing and new programs, resulting in the preparation of the tightest operating bud in many years, 1 ___ __ 1 1200 Carlsbad Vlllage Drive - Carlsbad, Caltfornla 92008-1989 - (619) 434-2 This letter will address the policies that were instrumental in formulating the Operating Budget for 1991-92. A discussion of the estimated revenues, and the basic assumptions made in developing them will follow. Next, the 1991-92 expenditures will be noted. Budnetarv Policies The goal in preparing the City budget under any circumstance is to arrive at a balanced budget, whereby current revenues support current expenses. In order to amve at a balanced state, policies were developed which took account of revenues as well as new costs which needed to be absorbed in 1991-92. In the past, the City of Carlsbad has generally relied on a steady growth in revenue to operate. As the 1991-92 budget was prepared, it became apparent that the broader economy was having an impact on Carlsbad, and that local revenues were depressed. General Fund revenues are projected to increase by approximately 6% over the revenues for 1990-91. This increase reflects inflation only, as opposed to true growth in resources. Forces other than flat revenues have also influenced 1991-92 budget preparation. The imposition of new fees and taxes levied by the state and federal governments has resulted in new costs which needed to be absorbed by the City. First, the State balanced its 1990- 91 budget on the shoulders of Cities, by passing Senate Bill 2557. This bill allows counties to levy charges for property tax administration, and booking fees. Property tax administration fees of $90,000 have been included in the 91-92 budget, as have $254,000 for booking fees. Second, the Social Security Administration has imposed Social Security taxes on all employees not presently covered by a pension plan. As a result, the City will be paying these taxes on all part time employees, which has added $100,000 in expenses to the 1991-92 budget. The last major cost which was absorbed in the 1991-92 budget is full year expenses for the Liability Insurance Premium. The City Council chose to purchase a Liability Insurance premium in December, 1990.. One-half of the costs were absorbed as coverage was obtained for approximately one-half of the 1990-91 year. The cost for funding the premium for a full year is now included in the budget and has increased liability insurance expenses by $500,000. In order to reach the goal of a balanced budget within the constraints of a slow economy and the absorption of new costs, departments were directed to add no new programs or positions. In fact, departments were asked to structure their 1991-92 budgets at or below their 1990-91 budget levels. These steps in conjunction with deferring projects, especially consultant related projects, as well as the purchase of capital outlay items, has resulted in a balanced budget. 2 I 4 I I I I 1 I I i I E 1 I 1 I 1 1 3 Revenue The table below shows the operating revenues the City expects to receive for 1990-91 well as those projected for 1991-92. The first line shows General Fund revenue for wh the City has taken a conservative position in projecting for 1991-92 due to the high le of uncertainty about the 1991-92 economy. General Fund revenues, those resour, received from taxes and fees, are expected to be increase by only $2.5 million or 5.7 This can be considered within the range of inflation, and no significant increases wit1 any single General Fund revenue source are projected. The Special Revenue Fund revenues, as a whole, show an increase of 15% in anticipat revenues. Special Revenue Funds include those programs funded by grants, such as t Housing and Senior Nutrition programs, as well as special maintenance assessmc districts. The Street Tree and Median Maintenance Benefit Assessment Districts are t programs which are instrumental in pushing up the Special Revenue Fund revenues. T is due to the third and final year of implementing the maintenance district assessmc funding, resulting in the higher assessments needed to fully fund these programs. The largest increase in revenues shown below, occurs within the Enterprise Funds. A f study was recently completed for the Sewer Fund which was the basis for the City Counc implementation of a significant fee increase needed to support the Encina waste wal facility and the maintenance and depreciation of the entire City sewer system. T increased fees are projected to bring in an additional 58% in Sewer Fund revenul Internal Service Funds reflect a projected 6.5% increase in revenues. This increase reflei a near doubling in rates assessed to all programs for their share of Liability Insuranc Redevelopment revenues are dependent on the area's Property Tax and their incremen increases from the base year. These revenues are projected to increase by 14% in 1991-5 ' REVENUE SUMMARY BY FUNCITON DIFFERENCE AS %OF SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ENTERPRISE FUNDS WATER DISTRICT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS The only revenues which have decreased from the previous year are those for the Water District. These revenues have dropped off by $1.3 million or 22.8%. This reduction is due to the restricted use of water in response to the drought. Let's take a closer look at General Fund revenues as they are of most interest. These revenues are generated through sales and use taxes, and fees for services. These revenues reflect the health of the broader regional economy with sales tax indicating consumer confidence, the transient occupancy tax tracking the amount of discretionary income, and the property tax showing the condition of the real estate markets within the City. The relatively flat 1991 -92 projections for these revenues indicate an economy keeping pace with inflation Gth little to no actual growth. The combination of property tax, sales tax, and transient occupancy tax generate 65% of the General Fund revenues. The table below provides a summarized outlook of the major General Fund revenues. Property tax, Carlsbad's largest single revenue source, is expected to increase by 9.0% in 1991-92, for a total of $14.6 million. Reduced property transactions and the higher assessed values that result from that turnover, has slowed this revenue from its previous double digit pace to the projected level. Sales tax revenues are projected to increase by 5% in 1991-92, for a total of $10.5 million. Carlsbad has also experienced double digit increases in sales tax revenues in the past, however spending within the Plaza Camino Real mall and Car Country has found this revenue increasing in recent months by an inflationary rate only. The effect of the return of the Desert Storm troops to Camp Pendleton remains an unknown factor in the sales tax revenue forecast. Travel to Carlsbad is also down, as reflected in the projected transient occupancy tax. An increase of 3.1%, or $100,000, is forecast for a total of $3 million. Although this increase reflects general inflation, the travel industry has fallen below last years levels through 1990-91. This industry will have to show a significant recovery to meet even this minimal growth projection. SIGNIFICANT REVENUES TO THE GENERAL FUND DIFFERENCE AS %OF SALES TAX TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE 4 I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 8 I I 1 li 1 5 Development within Carlsbad has also slowed in concert with the general economy. 1 result, development revenues are again projected to be flat. Staff has consistently proje( a return to a more normal level of development as the Growth Management Prog matures. If the economy improves during 1991-92 we can look to greater developrr I revenues by year end. One additional revenue source the City uses to support General Fund street maintena operations is State Gas Tax. These revenues will total $875,000 for 1991-92 based on states' allocation formula. The calculation of total funds available to support General F Operations includes both General Fund revenues and the Gas Tax funds. The City and the community alike need to be aware of the impact that the State's buc balancing maneuvers may have upon the City. The State of California is facing a $ld $15 billion budget deficit for 1991-92. The size of this deficit and the depth of problems at the State level make it clear that the Governor will be looking to lr government for help in solving the dilemma. Should the State attack City revenues, ser level reductions will need to be implemented. The budget does not attempt to deal 1 this contingency other than to recognize that there is a direct threat to our communi I Expenditures As can be seen in the table on the following page, the City Operating Budget is dowr $2.5 million or 3.5% overall, and reflects the effort taken to compile a budget within existing economic constraints. The most dramatic decrease in expenditures is within Water District, down 25% or $1.8 million. The drought has resulted in the Disi purchasing significantly less water for distribution to the users, thereby reducing t expenditures for that commodity. Also down from the 1990-91 budget are the Inte Service Fund expenditures at 4.8% or $300,000. The Data Processing program m significant capital purchases during 1990-91 , which will not be repeated in 1991 -92, w the Vehicle Replacement Program has reduced the amount which will be spent on vel- replacements during 1991 -92. balanced by transferring $500,000 in contributions from the fund balances of the Gen Fund, the Sewer Fund and the Water Fund. The Redevelopment Agency has a propc budget containing no increase over the 1990-91 year, and conformed to the Si budgetary guidelines as all other City programs. Two budget categories contain increases in spending; Special Revenue Funds Enterprise Funds. Special Revenue Funds are up by $300,000 or 6.8% due to scheduled maintenance of the Buena Vista Creek Channel. Maintenance on the Chai is scheduled to occur once every three years. The Enterprise Funds, as a group, show largest increase in expenditures, up $800,000 or 15%. While the Water Enterprise is dc by 16% due to the expiration of debt and a one time expenditure in 1990-91 for E Mapping, the Sanitation Fund has increased by 30%. The increase is due to more accu accounting for depreciation of the sewer lines. The Worker's Compensation Self Insurance Fund OPERATING BUDGET SUMMARY DIFFERENCE % CHANGE GENERAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ENTERPRISE INTERNAL SERVICE REDEVELOPMENT TOTAL OPERATING WATER DISTRICT ($1.8) -24.7% General Fund expenditures for 1991-92 are down $1.5 million or 3.3% from 1990-91 levels. The spending level proposed will match current revenue projections. Several strategies were used to mold the General Fund spending plan into one which matches the current revenues. First, there are no new positions or programs recommended. Second, several departments have voluntarily agreed to operate during 1991-92 with less than full staffing. Fourteen General Fund, full time, positions have been included in this year's budget with zero funding. This second action has resulted in a budgetary reduction/savings of approximately $600,000. Throughout the year, vacancies will be monitored to ensure that this budget target is realized. Finally, two expense categories have been modified in this year's effort to balance the budget. First, the Hosp Grove debt repayment has been reduced by approximately $400,000. This one time savings is possible through the application of remaining construction funds and earned interest to the payment for 1991-92. Second, the allocation for the Calavera Hills Golf Course project has been reduced by $340,000. This amount was advanced to the Golf Course Enterprise Fund from the General Fund during 1990-91 in an effort to keep the design effort on schedule. Again, this is a one time event that will not occur in the future. Other budget balancing strategies included the deferral of capital outlay purchases. General Fund capital outlay for 1991-92 totals $21,900, down $1.5 million or 98% from 1990-91 spending levels. Travel budgets were also closely reviewed resulting in a $50,000 or a 27% reduction from 1990-91 levels for these expenditures. Although reductions have occurred throughout the budget, staff has allocated $2.0 million, or 4.5% of the General Fund budget, to the Council Contingency Fund. These funds can be used by the Council to pursue unanticipated projects, programs or emergencies. With few exceptions, the budget before the City Council maintains the present service levels. The most visible service level reductions occur within the Recreation programs. Hours at the three community centers, Stagecoach, Calavera and Harding, have been reduced during times of low participation. They will be closed for varying hours on Saturdays, and on Sundays. The swimming pool will also reduce operational hours for all seasons except Summer. 6 I I CaDital ImDrovement Promam A complete discussion addressing the 1991 -92 to buildout Capital Improvement Progr Budget begins on page 155 of this document. Specific issues outlining the Cap Improvement Program revenues, expenditures and projects may be found there. m I Summary The 1991-92 Operating Budget sustains the high quality and variety of City services i programs that are available to Carlsbad residents, and businesses. At the same time, budget is marked by the fiscal constraint of a sluggish economy. No new positic programs or services have been included. In closing, I want to express my appreciation to the City Council, Department Heads i staff who have contributed to the preparation of the 1991-92 budget. Special thankc the Finance Department and Debbie Neville, Senior Management Analyst, for the mi hours spent in the compilation of the budget. Carlsbad’s award winning budge1 something of which we can all be proud. Thanks for a job well done. I I I I I I 1 1 B # 8 I I I 1 City Manager 7 / 8 I 1 I I I GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION I Budget Presentation I Award PRESENTED TO City of Carlsbad, Ca I i f o rn i a For the Fiscal Year Beginning I I I 8 B I I I I I I 9 I July 1, 1990 The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GF presented an award for Distinguished Budget Presentation to the City of Carlsbad fo annual budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1990. In order to receive this award, a governmental unit must publish a budget document meets program criteria as a policy document, as an operations guide, as a financial and as a communications medium. The award is valid for a period of one year only. We believe our current budget contii to conform to program requirements, and wc mc submitting it to GFOA to determin eligibility for another award. I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 II I 1 n I 1 i I 1 .H -co 2 3 Y C Q) 2 4 v) @ (A d e ZW C 0 a a:: d) '$: E -3 ei 334 8 *s 76 44 1- C3 q 'Ez q .!3 < 3 3.g <++ g d) $ ;2z aE 0 *Q a ecc E8 w UE & 8 2 e: gcj w t) dd .Y, Q) k %2 cf, 3 m% 3 u .rl a& t e5 Q) % *?$$ u- + 0 w u5 .* s m.2 g cz h 2mm 5.5 5 ?+ 4.2" d Oc& @-e mud LO d) g$ t crs 3 0 z i: 3 ~ g 3 OZ a: *a c ma '5; 0 I= a2 $Eu F9s 0- 0% Ob cws 04 z a" e %a$ 8'2 33 & W- I= *- Q.5 E" W% 2% ..-.I u E2W g 2: 55s E?* 'E: MI 10 ecc a= 033 , ..-.I ca 5 2.w c '2 5 *-% E c6s 5: 8gS z W d w x cr;l -\ e .m 0 u ..-.I 02 *+ ng ?+2 *- @ cj .. s 82 t) 8 -8 z".s 3z \$ Y 2q &%M 2: ko ---.. 3 CJ' Et 0 ?D 3 0, .- 7-c C & cd 'S mu0 uu +-, -44 t '2 e: U b&@ G 11 J CITY OF CALRSBAD PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1990-91 PROJECTED BALANCE ESTIMATED EST EXPEND/ * FUND BALANCE FUND JULY 1,1990 REVENUES CAPITAL APPROP TRANSFERS RESERVES JUNE 38,1991 GENERAL 12,447,194 41,130,oOO 41,21431 8 (5,406,994) 0 6,955,582 SPECIAL REVENUE POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE 51,079 234,000 113,347 171,732 CDBG - ENTITLEMENT 4,454 60,100 49,861 14,693 HOUSING - LOW & MOD/SEC8 115,358 1,817,000 2,069,732 (4 37,374) AU Dl0 -VISUAL INSURANCE 99,337 67,000 104,000 62,337 BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT 108,723 104,700 1,500 21 1,923 STREET LIGHTING 381,481 612,600 747,194 246,887 TREE MAINTENANCE 1,893 395,400 587,367 174,401 (1 5,673) MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 1,269 117,600 156,055 57,658 20,472 275,458 STATE GRANTS 263,458 180,000 168,000 FEDERAL GRANTS (NEA) (1 5,207) 41,500 24,300 1 ,993 SENIOR NUTRITDN 9,551 228,050 153.050 84,554 NAT'L ENDOWMENT ARTS 0 11,586 (1 1,586) DEBT SERVICE LIBRARY BONDS 16,692 22,700 22,276 17,116 SEWER BONDS 102,493 126,900 122,626 106,767 HOSP GROVE DEBTSERVICE 369,333 369,333 ENTERPRISE WATER MAINTENANCE 794,821 1,765,000 1,702,l 10 857,711 S EWER MA1 NTENANC E 2,320,044 2,265,000 3,3743 12 560,487 1,771,019 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 32,900 101,Ooo 70,000 1,900 GOLF COURSE 0 760,000 INTERNAL SERVICE WORKER'S COMP SELF INSUR 377,057 785,000 971,748 190,309 LIABILITY SELF INSUR 1,081,849 581,200 520,000 485,000 1,628,049 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE (61,254) 1,142,000 1 ,163,319 (82,573) VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 812,701 857,800 591,110 160,000 1,239,391 1,163,989 HEALTH INSURANCE 993,989 1,625,000 1,455,000 DATA PROCESSING 613,939 778,000 1,053,425 32,200 370,714 WATER DISTRICT WATER DISTRCT OPERATION 2,824,300 6,478,200 7,137,100 2,165,400 REDEVELOPMENT OPERATIONS (30,883) 80,m 658,882 919,203 309,438 LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG 1,126,209 420,000 0 1,546,209 TAX IPdCRMNT BOND DEBT SER 1,237,021 1,528,000 1,132,400 (671,361) 1,021,260 12 I I I i PUBLIC FACILITIES 9,978,973 5,543,000 4,416,423 11,105,550 CITY OF CALASBAD PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1990-91 PROJECTED BALANCE ESTIMATED EST MPENDl FUND BALANCE FUND JULY 1,1990 REVENUES CAPITALAPPROP TRANSFERS RESERVES JUNE30,1991 CAPITAL PROJECTS CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION 2,287,389 164,000 493,728 61 3,045 2,570,706 ZONE 5 PARK FEE 1,259,200 275,000 0 1,534,200 PARK DEVELOPMENT 1,812,847 579,000 2,681,514 3,050,000 2,760,333 1 TRAFFIC IMPACT 2,799,013 767,000 223,034 3,342,979 BRIDGE &THOROUGHFARE 2,673,885 694,OOO 857,512 2,510,373 PLANNED LOCAL DPAINAGE 2,031,663 186,000 393,184 3@woo 2.1 24,479 I SEWER PROJECTS 10,646,275 2,907,000 2,430,405 (=l@7) 10,562,383 TRANSNET/LOCAL 282,729 654,000 21 3.235 723,494 I TRANSNET/HIGHWAY 495,432 10,000 523,834 (1 8,402) TRNASNET/BIKE 0 0 0 0 GAS TAX 2,214,879 1,183,000 380.654 (1,093,424) 1,923,801 I COUNTYGRANTS 266,829 344.000 47 61 0,782 1,036,725 l PUBLIC ART (1 % FUND) 147,470 34,000 85,965 =,m 325,005 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 1,299,989 16,705,000 14,346,746 3,658,243 LTR CREDIT/ZONE 19 0 0 GOLF COURSE 367,639 116,OOO 527,104 1,080,190 HOSP GROVE 265,853 160,000 56,520 (369,333) 0 B FEDERALGRANTS (1,693,236) 1,535,000 59,431 21 8,424 757 1 CDBG (41,648) 327,000 285,350 2 I I II 1 1 I REVENUE SHARING 222,256 19,ooo 5,272 235,984 STATE GRANTS 50,250 148,OOO 202,675 (4,425) WATER DISTRICT 1 WATER DlST MAJOR FACILITIES 6,535,000 2,000,000 3,254,000 5,281,000 WATER DlST PROJECT REPL 2,824,300 1,455,000 497,300 3,782,000 REDEVELOPMENT 3,250,436 CAPITAL PROJECTS - BONDS 3,679,830 262,656 474,208 (217,842) CAPITAL PROJECTS - REDEV 427,114 38,m 154,601 31 0,513 1; 1 TOTAL OPERATiNG FUNDS 25,737,571 64,235,650 65,406,118 (3,250,073) 0 20,187,697 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS 50,833,931 36,105,656 32,562,742 3,250,073 0 57,626,918 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 76,571,502 100,341,306 97,968,860 0 0 77,814,615 13 CITY OF CALRSBAD PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR M 1991 -92 PROJECTED BALANCE ESTIMATED EST EXPEND/ FUND BALANCE FUND JULY 1,1991 REVENUES CAPITAL APPROP TRANSFERS RESERVES JUNE 30,1992 GENERAL 6,955,582 43,570,000 44,430,243 416,000 6,5? 1,339 SPECIAL REVENUE POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE 171,732 234,WJ 0 405,732 CDBG - ENTITLEMENT 14,693 75,200 84,386 5,587 HOUSING AUTHORITY (1 39,374) 2.1 05,006 2,057,214 (89,582) AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE 62,337 67,500 65,674 64,163 STREET LIGHTING 246,887 840,000 787,299 299,588 TREE MAINTENANCE (1 5,673) 569,400 568,491 (14,761) MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 20,472 236,500 235,227 21,745 STATE GRANTS 275,458 207,600 175,700 307,358 FEDERAL GRANTS (PFC) 1,993 43,830 42,330 3,493 BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT 211,923 104,500 300,000 16,423 SENIOR NUTRITION 84,554 231,913 177,278 139,189 NAT'L ENDOWMENT ARTS (1 1,586) 0 (1 1,586) DEBT SERVICE LIBRARY BONDS 17,116 9,308 26,424 0 SEWER BONDS 106,767 21,502 128,269 0 ENTERPRISE WATER MAINTENANCE 857,711 1,782,000 1,580,062 (1 6,000) 1,043,649 SEWER MAINTENANCE 1,771,019 3,561,000 4,577,897 (25,000) 729,122 SOUD WASTE MANAGEMENT 1,900 31,200 31 ,OOO 2,100 GOLF COURSE 351,800 351,800 INTERNAL SERVICE WORKER'S COMP SELF INSUR 190,309 606,225 1 ,o00,000 500,m 296,534 LIABILITYSELF INSUR 1,628,049 1,095,000 1 ,o0O,ooo 1,723,049 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE (82,573) 1,273,600 1,308,587 (1 17,560) VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 1,239,391 91 3,400 190,587 1,962,204 HEALTH INSURANCE 1,163,989 I ,440,700 1,743,179 861,510 DATA PROCESSING 370,714 826,800 751,414 446,100 WATER DISTRICT 7,408,295 1,960,105 WATER DISTRICT OPERATION 2,165,400 7,203,000 REDEVELOPMENT OPERATIONS 309,438 50,OOo 760,323 (400,885) LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG 1,546,209 430,000 95,215 1,080,994 1,477,932 TAX INCREMNT BOND DEBT SV 1,021,260 1,590,000 1 #133,328 14 II I 1 1991 -92 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1991 -92 FUND 6/30/91 91 -92 1990-91 NEW 1991 -92 FUND ENDING REVENUE CARRY- APPROP TOTAL TRANSFER BALANCE FORWARD APPROP. E CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION 2,806,306 0 2,304,478 56,200 2,360,678 42,255 I PUBLIC FACILITIES 1 1,105,550 1,821,974 6,240,987 3,560,000 9,800,987 (2,202,500) ZONE 5 PARK FEE 1,534,200 200,000 0 0 0 PARK DEVELOPMENT 2,760,333 454,472 32,268 0 32,268 1 TRAFFIC IMPACT 3,342,979 757,699 1,441,014 1,710,000 3,151,014 (477, 500) BRIDGE &THOROUGHFARE 2,510,373 0 190,638 0 190,638 (2,320,000) I PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE 2,124,479 0 1,188,760 0 1,188,760 SEWER PROJECTS 10,562,383 1,l 90,410 3,730,069 1,494,365 5,224,434 REDEVELOPMENT BONDS- TIB 2,603,354 730,100 1 TRANSNET/LOCAL 723,494 3,015,000 261,765 3,315,000 3,576,765 TRANSNET/HIGHWAY (1 8,402) 1,875,000 2,049,681 2,000,000 4,049,681 TRANSNETBIKE 0 400,000 0 250,000 250,000 GAS TAX 1,923,801 875,000 11 8,437 0 118,437 ' COUNTYGRANTS 61 0,782 320,000 399,891 0 399,891 GOLF COURSE 1,036,725 14,000,000 652.930 14,000,000 14,652,930 I PUBLIC ART (1% FUND) 325,005 562 284,952 0 284,952 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 3,658,243 3,235,165 0 3,235,165 LTR CREDlT/FOOTE 170,000 0 170,000 170,000 u LTR CREDIT/ZONE 19 187,500 0 187,500 187,500 AVIARA LOAN 91 3,000 0 913,000 913,000 FEDERAL GRANTS 757 0 0 0 l STATEGRANTS (4,425) 520.000 551,743 503,416 1,055,159 0 193,729 REVENUE SHARING 235,984 0 193,729 CDBG 2 200,000 550,200 0 550,200 SENIOR GRAMflRUST 3,028 0 3,028 3,028 WATER DISTRICT 0 2,277,500 2,277,500 1 WATER DlST MAJOR FACILITIES 5,281,000 1,865,000 2,535,000 2,535,000 WATER - STATE LOAN 0 5,000,000 (875,000) (42,255) 1 WATER DlST PROJECT REPL 3,782.000 6,365,000 COMMW FACILITIES DISTRICT 0 1 CONSTRUCTDN 4,660,000 10,843,000 0 11,400,000 11,400,000 5,000,000 DEBT SERVICE 464,000 464,ooo 464,ooo F 0 I CAPITAL PROJECTS - BONDS 3,250,436 100,000 0 0 CAPITAL PROJECTS - REDEV 31 031 3 25,000 0 I 1 TOTAL OPEwTiNG mms 20,187,697 69,470,984 0 70,658,342 0 875,000 1 [ TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS 62,522,518 46,565,645 26,030,061 50,569,109 68,265,716 (875,000) I - I 15 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE BY FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1988-89 TO 1991 -92 %IN( 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 DEPAmENT ACTUALS ACTUALS GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER PUBLIC INFORMATION CITY CLERK INFORMATION SYSTEMS CITY AlTORNEY FINANCE CITY TREASURER PURCHASING HUMAN RESOURCES RESEARCH OFFICE 170,419 271,767 484,459 509,901 ~ 285,329 RISK MANAGEMENT TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC SAFRY BUILDING INSPECTION POLICE FIRE TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY PUBLIC WORKS COMMUNITY DEVELADMIN GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION DEVELOP PROCESS SVCS 316,301 359,549 ENGINEER1 NG MUNICIPAL PROJECTS PLANNING GROWTH MANAGEMENT HISTORIC PRESERV COMM BLOCK GRANTADMIN TOTAL DEVELOP SERVICES 16 I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET WPENDITURE SCHEDULE BY FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1988-89 TO 1991 -92 DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ESTIMATED UTILfTIES ADMINISTRATION STREET MAINTENANCE FACILITIES MANAG EM EM TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAIM CULTURURECREATION CULTUWLARTS PROGRAM SISTER CITY PROGRAM PARKS AND RECREATION SENIOR CITIZENS PROG TOTAL CULTURURECREATION NON-DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNllY PROMOTION COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE DUES &SUBSCRIPTIONS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ANIMAL REGULATION CONTRAC HOSP GROVE PAYMENT GOLF COURSE PROPERTY TAX ADMIN FEE STREET LIGHT COSTS (CITY) TREE MAIN COSTS (CITY) TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL SUBTOTALGENERAL FUND CONTINGENCIES 1 DEPARTMENTAL SAVINGS 2,887,500 1 I I 41,214,~ a ~- TOTAL GENERAL FUND 29,452,370 36,099,529 17 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGEP EXPENDINRE SCHEDULE BY FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1988-89 TO 1991 -92 %IN( 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUALS ESTIMATED DEPA!XMENT ACNALS LIBRARY AUDIO VISUAL INS STREET LIGHTING BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT TREE MAINTENANCE MEDIAN MAINTENANCE WATER DISTRICT CAL LIB SERV ACT (CLSA) PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE NAT‘L ENDOWMENT ARTS SENIOR NUTRITION GRANT LIBRARY BONDS SEWER BONDS CDBG ENTITLEMENT WATER ENTERPRISE 1,216,447 SANIT” ENTRPRSWENCINA SOLID WASTE ENTERPRISE WORKERS COMP INS LIABILm SELF INS 1,317,118 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 1,207,949 FLEET OPERATIONS VEHICLE DEPRECFiEPLACE DATA PROCESSING REDEVELOPMENT 1,3053 12 TAX INCREMENT BONDS LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE 99,746 43,958 1 13,347 MTAL OTHER FUNDS 21,173,644 23,169,199 18 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1991 -92 ESTIMATED PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % REVENUE OF N 90-91 REVENUE REVENUE SOURCE OF FUNDS PI 1990-91 FY 1990-91 N 1991 -92 DIFFERENCE PROJECTED TAXES PROPERTY TAX $13,908,000 $13,400,000 $1 4,560,000 $1,160,000 8.66% SALES TAX 10,808,000 lO,OO0,000 10,500,000 5oaOO0 5.00% TRANSIENT TAX 3,600,000 3,200,000 3,350,000 150,000 4.69% FRANCHISE TAX 750,000 780,000 800,000 20,000 2.56% TRANSFER TAX 410,000 =,cQo 275,000 15,000 5.77% TRAILER COACH IN-LIEU 18,000 20,000 20,OOO 0 0.00% TOTAL TAXES =,-,000 27,660,000 29,505,000 1,845,000 6.67% LICENSES AND PERMITS CONSTRUCTON PERMITS 1,084,484 530,000 530,000 0 0.00% LICENSE TAX-CONSTRUCTION 800,000 550,000 500,~ (50,000) -9.09% 100,000 265,000 280,000 15,000 5.66% 2,859,484 2,185,000 2,185,000 0 0.00% BUSINESS LICENSES 875,000 840,000 875,000 35,000 4.17% -___ OTHER LICENSES & PERMITS ______ -____ TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS STATE SUBVENTIONS CIGARElTE TAX 4 40,000 150,000 150,Ooo 0 0.00% HOMEOWNERS PROP. TAX REIMB. 295,000 295,000 295,000 0 0.00% TOTAL STATE SUBVENTIONS 2,685,000 2,570,000 2,830,000 260,000 10.1 2% CHARGES FOR SERVICES VEHICLE IN-LIEU 2,250,000 2.1 25,000 2,385,000 260,000 12.24% PLANNING FEES 750,000 890, OOO 1'1 00,000 21 0,000 23.60% BUILDING DEPT. FEES 575,000 420,000 460,000 40,000 9.52% ENGINEERING FEES f,300,000 1 ,000,000 1,050,000 50,000 5.00% ZONE PLAN FEES 125,000 140,000 110,000 (30,000) -21.43% WEED CLEANING 35,000 =,cQo 35,000 0 0.00% AMBULANCE FEES 230,000 m,000 190,000 (10.000) -5.00% RECREATION FEES i70,OOO 700,000 700,000 0 0.00% OTHER CHARGES OR FEES 200,000 650,000 ~,000 30,000 4.62% TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES - 3,985,000 4,035,000 4,325,000 290,000 7.19% FINES AND FORFEITURES 550,000 530,000 550,000 20,000 3.77% INTEREST 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 0 0.00% 300,000 18.46% INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES 1,800,000 1,625,000 1,925,000 OTHER REVENUE SOURCES 200,000 525,000 250,000 (275,000) - 52.38% TOTAL GENERAL FUND 43,565,484 41,130,000 43 ~ 570, 000 2,440,000 5.93% 20 CITY OF CARLSBAD I 1 1 I I I II I I TOTAL 76,000 67,000 67,500 500 0 I I II I 1 I I I I REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1991 -92 ESTIMATED PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE OF FY 90- SOURCE OF FUNDS N 1990-91 PI 1990-91 FY 1991 -92 DIFFERENCE PROJECT CDBG ADMINISTRATION I GRANT REVENUE 65,000 60.1 00 75,200 15,100 25. POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE ASSET FORFEITURES 150,000 225,000 225,000 0 O.( INTEREST 8,000 9,000 9,000 0 O.( TOTAL 158,ooo 234,000 234,000 0 O( HOUSING INTEREST 1 ,000 17.000 15,000 (2,000) -1 1 FEDERAL GRANT 1,650,000 1,800,000 2,090,006 290,006 16 TOTAL 1,651,000 1,817,000 2,105,006 288,006 15 AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE INTEREST 6,000 3,000 2.500 (=Q) -16 INSURANCE FEES 70,000 w000 65,000 1,000 1 STREET LIGHTING INTEREST 4,000 10,600 10,000 (W) -5 STREET LIGHTING FEES 570,000 570,000 785,000 21 5,000 37 TOTAL @x000 61 2,600 84wQo 227,400 37 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 27,000 27,000 4,000 7 7,000 62 DAMAGE REIMBURSEMENT 5,000 5,000 1 ,000 (4,000) - 80 STREET TREE MAINTENANCE INTEREST 2,500 3,700 3,200 (500) -1: I NTERDEPARTM ENTAL 96,700 96,700 81,200 (1 5,500) -lC TREE MAINTENANCE FEES 295,705 295,000 485,000 190,000 6f 4 TOTAL 394,905 395,400 569,400 174,000 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE INTEREST 0 1,500 1,500 0 ( MEDIAN MAINTENANCE FEES 116,100 116,100 235,000 118,900 lo; TOTAL 116,100 1 17,600 236,500 11 8,900 10' 21 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1991 -92 ESTIMATED PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE OF FY 90-91 SOURCE OF FUNDS FY 1990-91 FY 1990-91 FY1991-92 DIFFERENCE PROJECTED BUENA VISTA CHANNEL INTEREST 0 4,700 4,500 (200) -4.26% BUENA VISTA FEES 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 0.00% TOTAL 100,000 104,700 104,500 (200) -0.19% STATE GRANTS INTEREST 1 ,000 8,000 5,000 (3,000) -37 50% GRANTS 172,470 172,000 202,600 30,600 17.79% TOTAL 173,470 180,Ooo 207,600 27,600 15.33% FEDERAL GRANTS INTEREST 0 1,500 1,500 0 GRANTS 0 wxQ 42,330 2,330 5.83% TOTAL 0 41,500 Je83o 2,330 5.61 % SENIOR PROGRAMS GRANTS 3 56,913 153,050 156,913 3,863 2.52% DONATIONS 60,000 75,000 75,000 0 0 00% TOTAL 216,913 228,050 231,913 3,863 1 69% TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 3,557,388 3,857,950 4,715,449 857,499 22.23% LIBRARY BONDS PROPERTY TAX 23,000 22.300 9,008 (1 3,292) -59 61 % INTEREST 100 400 300 (1 00) -25.00% TOTAL 23,100 22,700 9,308 (I 3,392) -59 00% SEWER BONDS PROPERTY TAX 126,000 126,000 20,502 (105,498) -83.73% INTEREST 1 ,000 900 1 ,m 100 11 11% TOTAL 127.000 126.900 21,502 (1 05,398) -83.06% TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 150,100 149,600 30,810 (1 18,790) -79.41 % 22 CITY OF CARLSBAD I I I I I I IO TOTAL 1,608,000 1,765,000 1,782,000 17,000 0 I I I I I I I I I I c I REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1991 -92 ESTIMATED PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE OF N 90- SOURCE OF FUNDS FY 1990-91 N 1990-91 PI 1991 -92 DIFFERENCE PROJECT1 WATER MAINTENANCE RECONNECT FEES 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0.c INTEREST 45,000 wJoo 27,000 (3,0001 -1oc READY TO SERVE CHARGE 1,300,000 1,390,000 1,400,000 10,000 0.7 FIRE PROTECTION 6,000 35000 35,000 0 0.c METER CONNECTION FEES 72,000 85,000 =,000 0 0s LATE CHARGES 125,000 170,000 175,000 5,000 25 MISCELLANEOUS ~,000 45,000 50,000 5,000 11 1 SEWER MAINTENANCE INTEREST 125,000 50,000 40,000 (10,000) -20.1 SERVICE CHARGES 2,200,000 2,200,000 3,476,000 1,276,000 58 MISCELLANEOUS 0 2,000 0 (2,000) -1001 TOTAL 2,348,000 2,265,000 3,561,000 1,296,000 57 LATERAL CONNECTIONS 23,000 13,000 45,000 32,000 246 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT I MEREST 0 900 1,200 300 33 GRANTS 0 32,000 w000 (2PW -6 RECYCLING FEE 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 0 32,900 31,200 (1,700) -5 GOLF COURSE INTEREST 20,000 20,000 22.000 2,000 10 CONTRIBUTIONS TOTAL 760,000 760,000 351,800 (408,200) -53 - 55 740,000 740.000 329,800 (41 0,200) TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 4,736,000 4,822,900 5,726,000 905,100 18 23 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1991 -92 ESTIMATED PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE OF PI 92-91 SOURCE OF FUNDS N 1990-91 N 1990-91 N 1991 -92 DIFFERENCE PROJECTED WATER OPERATIONS WATER REVENUES 6,088,200 6,008,200 6,781,000 772,800 42 86% ENG & OTHER SERVICES 150,000 150,000 107,000 (43,000) -28 67% MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 50,000 50,m 24,000 (m000) -52.00% INTEREST 270,000 270,000 291 ,000 21 ,000 7 78% TOTAL 6,478,200 6,478,200 7,203,000 724,800 11 19% WATER DlST PROJECT REPL CAPITAL SURCHARGE 875,000 875,000 1,015,000 140,000 1600% 25.00% PROPERTY TAX 560,000 5w000 700,000 140,000 INTEREST 28,ooo 20,000 =woo 330,000 CITY CONTRIBUTIONS 0 0 4,300,000 4,300,000 1650 00% TOTAL 1,455,000 1,455,000 6,365,000 4,910,000 337 46% WATER DlST MAJOR FACILITIES MAJOR FACILITYCHARGE 1,400,000 1,400,000 4,496,000 96,m 6 86% INTEREST INCOME m,ooo fmooo 369,ooO (231,000) -38 50% TOTAL 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,865,000 (1 35,000) -6.75% TOTAL WATER DISTRKT 9,933,200 9,933,200 15,433,000 5,499,800 55 37% WORKERS' COMP SELF-INSURANCE INTEREST 50,000 35,000 30,oOo (5,000) -1429% 750,000 750,000 576,225 (173,775) -23 17% -__ SERVICES TOTAL 800,~ 785,000 606,225 (1 78,775) -22 77% LIABILITY SELF-INSURANCE INTEREST 120,000 8%000 95,000 12,000 14 46% 498,200 498,200 1 ,000,000 501,800 100 72% SERVICES 88 40% TOTAL 61 8,200 581,200 1,095,000 51 3,800 -~ HEALTH INSURANCE INTEREST 45,000 45,000 70.000 25,000 55 56% INTERDEPARTMENTAL 1,360,000 1,360,000 1,130,700 (229,300) -16 86% REIMBURSEMENTS 240,000 220,000 240,000 20,000 9.09% - TOTAL 1,645,000 1,625,000 1,440,700 (184,300) -11 34% 24 I 1 I I 1 I Y I I I I Y I TOTAL 1,325,000 1,528,000 1,59O,OOO 62,000 4 1 CAPTIAL PROJECTS - REDEV 0 38,000 25,000 (1 3,000) -34 R 1 I I CITY OF CARLSBAD I REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1991 -92 ESTIMATED PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % REVENUE RWENUE REVENUE OF FY 90-! SOURCE OF FUNDS N 1990-91 PI 1990-91 PI 1991 -92 DIFFERENCE PROJECTE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE I NERD EPARTM ENTAL 1,155,063 1,094,000 1,223,600 129,600 11.g TOTAL 1,205,063 1,142.000 1,273,600 131,600 11.5 MISCELLANEOUS 50,000 wm w000 2,000 4.1 VEHICLE REPLACEMEKT INTERDEPARTMENTAL 798,720 776,800 833,400 =,600 7.; INTEREST 12,000 41 ,000 w)Oo (1 ,000) -2.4 SALE OF PROPERTY 0 @J,000 40,000 0 0.C TOTAL 81 0,720 857,800 91 3,400 55,600 6' DATA PROCESSING INTEREST 14,000 18,000 18,000 0 0.C CHARGES 732,690 760,000 808,800 48,800 6.1 TOTAL 746,690 778,000 826,800 e8oo 6 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 5,825,673 5,769,000 6,155,725 386,725 6. REDEVELOPMENT FUNDS INTEREST 80,000 80,000 115,000 35,000 43. TOTAL 80,m m000 50,000 =,000 LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG 300,000 300,000 360.000 60,000 20 TOTAL 420,000 420.000 430,000 10,000 2 REDEVELOPMENT DEBT SRV 1 ,m,o00 1,265,000 1,440'000 175,000 13 INTEREST 120,000 120,000 70,000 (50,000) -41 BOND INTEREST 125,000 263,000 150,000 (1 13,000) -42 -61 (1 62,656) CAPITAL PROJECTS - BONDS 0 262,656 1 00,000 TOTAL OTHER FUNDS 1,825,000 2,290,656 2,070,000 107,000 A 25 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1991 -92 ESTIMATED PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % OF FY 90-91 REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE SOURCE OF FUNDS M 1990-91 FY 1990-91 FY 1991 -92 DIFFERENCE PROJECTED GENERAL CAPITAL CONSTR 1,752,177 164,000 0 (1 64,000) PUBLIC FACILITY FEE 4,358,699 5,543,000 1,821,974 (3,721,026) -67.13% PARK IN LIEU 252,292 579,000 454,472 (1 24,528) -21.51 % ZONE 5 PARK FEE 222,877 275,000 m,m (75,000) -27.27% TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 712,304 767,000 757,699 (9,301) -1.21% BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE 657,500 694,000 0 (694,000) -100.00% PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE 0 186,000 0 (1 86,000) - 100.00% TRANSNET/LOCAL 1,053,000 654,000 3,015,000 2,361,000 361.01 % TRANSNET/HIGHWAY 1,875,000 10,000 1,875,000 1,865,000 TRANSNET/BI KE 0 0 400,000 GAS TAX swJoo 1,183,000 875,000 (308,000) -26.04% SEWER CONSTRUCTION 966,621 2,907,000 1 ,l 90,410 '(1,716,590) -59.05% COUMY GRANTS 3w000 344,ooo 320,000 (24,000) 1 1968.97% GOLF BONDS 8,000,000 1 16,000 14,000,000 13,884.000 HOSP GROVE 160,oOo 0 PUBLIC ART (1% FUND) 14,050 Woo0 562 (33,438) ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 16,705,Ooo 0 (16,705,OOO) LTR CREDIT/FOOTE 170,000 LTR CREDITEONE 19 187,500 0 187,500 AVIARA LOAN 91 3,000 FEDERAL GRANT 0 1,535,000 0 (1,535,000) - 100.00% REVENUE SHARING 19,000 0 STATE GRANTS 2,400,000 148,000 520,000 372,000 251.35% CDBG 246,528 327,000 200,000 (127,000) -38.84% SENIOR GRANTRRUST 3,028 COMMUNW FACILITIES DISTACT BONDS 0 0 2,255,000 2,255,000 100.00% TAX ASSESSMENTS 0 0 8,422,000 8,422,000 100.00% INTEREST 0 0 166,000 166,000 100.00% DEBT SERVICE 0 0 464,000 464,000 100.00% TOTAL CMM'TY FCLTY DlSTR 0 0 11,307,000 11,307,000 100.00% TOTAL 23,933,548 32,350,000 38,210,645 4,366,l 17 13.50% TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS 66,012,845 64,235,650 69,470,984 5,415,334 8.43% r 1 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS 27,388,548 36,105,656 46,565,645 8,965,461 24.83% $93,401,393 $100,341,306 $1 16,036,629 .._.. $1 4,380,795 14.33% .._.____......._ ~. GRAND TOTAL 26 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 1 1 I 1 I TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 1 1 0 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1990-91 1991-92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED 1 1 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER 1 1 FINANCIAL SERVICES MANAGER 1 1 ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER .1 1 SECRETARY TO C. MANAGER 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 CLERK TYPIST I 1 1 TOTAL CITY MANAGER 7 7 0 INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY CLERK 1 1 1 1 MINUTES CLERK 1 1 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS 6 6 0 STENO CLERK II DATA PROCESSING PROGRAMMEWOPERATOR 2 2 PROGRAMMEWANALYST 1 1 MICRO COMPUTER SPECIALST 1 1 DATA PROCESSING MANAGER 1 1 TOTAL DATA PROCESSING 5 5 0 TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS 11 11 0 CITY ATQRNEY 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY AlTORNN 1 1 DEPUTY CITY AlTORNEY 1 1 SECRETARY TO C. AlTORNW 1 1 SECRETARY I1 1 1 TOTAL CITY AlTORNW 5 5 0 27 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED FINANCE DIRECTOR 4 1 ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 ACCOUNTANT 3 3 ACCOUNTANT - WATER 0 1 1 ACOUNTsNG SUPERVISOR 2 2 ACCOUNT CLERK I1 4 2 -2 ACCOUNT CLERK 11 - WATER 0 1 1 ACOUNT CLERK I 2 2 AUDITOR 1 1 BUSINESS LICENSE REPRESENTWE 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL FINANCE 17 17 0 1 1 SECRETARY I I 1 1 TOTAL RISK MANAGEMENT 2 2 0 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 BUYER 2 2 STOREKEEPER 4 1 MESSENGER 1 1 TOTAL PURCHASING 6 6 0 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR 1 1 COMPENSATION & BENEFITS MGR 1 1 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES MANAGER 1 1 HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST 1 1 HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 CLERK TYPIST I1 1 1 COMPENSATION TECHNICIAN 4 1 TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES 8 a 0 MGR OF RESEARCH &ANALYSIS 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 2 2 SECRETARY I 1 1 TOTAL RESEARCH 4 4 0 28 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991-92 1 I I 1 I .I 1 I 1 l I 1 I II 1 I I TOTAL DARE PROGRAM 0 2 2 I i 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED ADMINISTRATION POLICE CHIEF 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL ADMl N ISTRATION 3 3 0 OPERATIONS 1 1 POLICE CAPTAIN POLICE LIEUTENANT 4 4 POLICE SERGEANT 6 6 SENIOR POLICE OFFICER 10 10 POLICE OFFICER 32 32 POLICE SERVICES AIDE 1 1 TOTAL OPERATIONS 54 54 0 INVESTIGATIONS POLICE LIEUTENANT 1 1 POLICE SERGEANT 1 1 SENIOR POLICE OFFICER 8 8 POLICE OFFICER 1 1 POLICE SERVICE AIDE 1 1 SECRETARY I 2 2 TOTAL INVESTIGATIONS 14 14 0 VICE NARCOTICS POLICE SERGEANT 1 1 POLICE OFFICER 2 2 TOTAL VICE NARCOTICS 3 3 0 TECHNICAL SERVICES POLICE CAPTAIN 1 1 POLICE SERGEANT 1 1 POLICE OFFICER 2 0 -2 RECORDS & COMMUNIC SUPERV 1 1 SUPERVISING COMMUNICATOR 1 1 COMMUNICATION OPERATOR II 13 13 POLICE RECORDS CLERK II 6 6 CRIME PREVENT TECH 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 TOTAL TECHNICAL SERVICES 27 25 -2 DARE PROGRAM POLICE OFFICER 0 2 2 29 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PERSQNNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991-92 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED TRAFFIC POLICE SERGEANT 1 1 SENIOR POLICE OFFICER 4 4 POLICE OFFICER 2 2 POLICE SERVICES AIDE 1 1 TOTAL TRAFFIC 8 8 0 TOTAL POLICE 109 109 0 1 1 FIRE BATfALION CHIEF 4 4 FIRE CAPTAIN 18 18 FIRE CAPTAIN SPECIALIST 4 4 FIRE ENGINEER 18 18 FlRE FIGHTER 12 12 PARAMEDIC-FIRE FIGHTER 18 18 SECRETARY I I 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER I 1 0 -1 FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER II 1 2 1 FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER 111 2 2 TOTAL FIRE 81 81 0 1 1 BUILDING INSPECTOR 111 2 2 BUILDING INSPECTOR II 4 4 BUlDLlNG INSPECTOR I 1 1 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER 1 1 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER I 1 1 BUILDING TECHNICIAN II 1 1 TECHNICIAN I 2 2 PERMIT CLERK 2 2 TOTAL BUILDING INSPECTION 15 15 0 COMMUNIlY DEVEL DIRECTOR 1 1 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 CLERK TYPIST I 2 2 R ECEPTl ON I ST/CAS H I ER 1 1 TOTAL COMM DEV ADMINIST 6 6 0 30 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 1 E I 1 I 4 1 SI 1 T I I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED ADMINISTRATION CITY ENGINEER 1 1 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER 0 0.5 0.5 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 SECRETARY II 2 2 WORD PROCESS OPERATOR II 3 3 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 9 9.5 0.5 DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER 1 1 PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER 2 2 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER 7 7 ASSISTANT CIVIL ENGINEER 2 2 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 3 3 TECHNICIAN I 1 1 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT 16 16 0 MUNICIPAL PROJECTS MUNICIPAL PROJECT MANAGER 1 1 PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER 2 2 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER 4 4 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 2 2 PRINCIPAL CONSTRUCTION INSPECT 1 1 SR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 2 2 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 5 5 ENGINEERING INSPECTOR - WATER 0 1 1 SR ENGINEERING INSP -WATER 0 1 1 PERMIT CLERK TOTAL MUNICIPAL PROJECTS 18 20 2 1 1 TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC ENGINEER 1 1 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER 2 2 ASSISTANT CIVIL ENGINEER 1 1 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 4 4 0 TOTAL ENGINEERING 47 49.5 2.5 31 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991-92 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED GROWTH MANAGEMENT MANAGER 1 4 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER 1 0.5 -0.5 SENIOR PLANNER 1 1 TOTAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT 4 3.5 -0.5 1 1 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 2 2 PRINCIPAL PLANNER 2 2 SENIOR PLANNER 4 4 ASSOCIATE PLANNER 7 7 ASSISTANT PLANNER 3 3 PLANNING TECHNICIAN 1 1 9 PLANNING TECHNICIAN II 1 1 GRAPHIC TECHNICIAN 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 WORDPROCESSOPERATORI 1 4 WORD PROCESS OPERATOR I1 2 2 TOTAL PLANNING 27 27 0 0 0.5 0.5 TOTAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION 0 0.5 0.5 GEOGRAPHIC INFO SYSTEM COORD 1 1 GEOGRAPHIC INFO SYSTEM TECH 1 1 TOTAL GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION 2 2 0 32 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 I _1 I 1. t Q 1 I I I 1! 1 TOTAL GENEAOLOGY 1 1 0 I I 1 I I I 1 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION LIBRARY DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR 1 1 LIBRARIAN 111 1 0 -1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 2 0 -2 SECRETARY I1 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 0 1 1 GRAPHIC ARTIST 1 1 MESSENGER 1 1 ACCOUNT CLERK I 1 1 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 9 7 -2 CIRCULATION LIBRARY ASSISTANT 111 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 1 1 LIBRARY ASS1 STANT I 1 1 TOTAL CIRCULATION 3 3 0 REFERENCE SERVICES LIBRARIAN Ill 1 1 LIBRARIAN II 2 2 LIBRARIAN I 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 1 1 TOTAL REFERENCE 5 5 0 GENEAOLOGYlLOCAL HISTORY LIBRARIAN Ill 1 1 CHILDREN’S SERVICES LIBRARIAN 111 1 1 LIBRARIAN II 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 1 1 TOTAL CHILDREN’S 3 3 0 TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN 111 1 1 LIBRARIAN II 2 2 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 3 4 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 1 0 -1 CLERK NPIST II 1 1 TOTAL TECHNICAL 8 8 0 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN Ill 0 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 0 1 1 TOTAL COLLECTION DEVEL 0 2 2 33 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PEffSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED MEDIA SERVICES AUDIO VISUAL SPECIALIST 1 1 TOTAL MEDIA 1 1 0 ADULT LEARNING LIBRARIAN Ill 1 1 CLERK TYPIST I1 1 1 TOTAL ADULT LEARNING 2 2 0 BRANCH LIBRARY ASS1 STA NT I I I 1 1 LIBRARY ASS1 STA NT I 1 1 TOTAL BRANCH 2 2 0 TOTAL LIBRARY 34 34 0 1 1 COMMUNITY ARTS COORDINATOR 1 1 SECRETARY S I 1 TOTAL CULTURAL ARTS 3 3 0 ADM I Nl STRATI ON PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 PARK PLANNER 1 1 SECRETARY I1 1 1 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 5 5 0 PARK MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 PARK SUPERVISOR 1 1 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER Ill 5 5 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 9 9 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER I 4 4 BUILDING MAINT CARPENTER 1 1 TOTAL PARK MAINTENANCE 21 21 0 TREE MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERVISOR 0.5 0.5 TREE TRIMMER LEADWORKER 2 2 TREE TRIMMER II 2 2 TREE TRIMMER I 2 2 TOTAL TREE MAINTENANCE 6.5 6.5 0 34 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 + I I I 1 # I i I 1 31 1 TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION 50 50 0 I I I I I 1 1990-91 1991-92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED MEDIAN MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERVISOR 0.5 0.5 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER I 1 1 TOTAL MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 1.5 1.5 0 RECREATION OPERATIONS RECEPTIONIST/CASHIER 3 3 RECREATION SPECIALIST I 1 1 TOTAL RECREATION OERATIONS 4 4 0 RECREATION FEE SUPPORTED RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 PRlNC RECREATION SUPERV 1 1 RECREATION SUPERVISOR II 3 3 RECREATION SUPERVISOR I 1 1 RECREATION SPECIALIST I 2 2 TOTAL RECR. FEE SUPPORTED 8 8 0 AQUATICS AQUATIC SUPERVISOR 1 1 TOTAL AQUATICS 1 1 0 SENIOR PROGRAM SR CITIZEN COORDINATOR 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 SITE MANAGER 1 1 TOTAL SENIOR PROGRAM 3 3 0 ADMlNlSTRATlON UTILITIES/MAINTENANCE DIR 1 1 ASST UTIUMAINT DIR 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 TOTAL ADM I N ISTR AT1 ON 5 5 0 i 35 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED STREET MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 0.3 0.3 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPT 1 1 STREfT MAINTENANCE SUPERV 2 2 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER III 5 6 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER II 14 13 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER I 3 3 TOTAL STREET MAINTENANCE 25.3 25.3 0 STREET LIGHTING ELECTRICIAN II 1 1 ELECTRICIAN I 1 1 ELECT OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR 1 1 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 3 3 0 BUILDING MAINTENANCE BUILDING MAlNT SUPT 1 1 BUILDING MAINT SUPERV 1 1 SENIOR BUILDING MNNT WORKER 0 1 1 BUILDING MAlNT CARP 2 0 -2 BUILDING MAIN% WORKER Ill 0 7 1 BUILDING MAINT WORKER I 0 1 1 CUSTODIAN II 1 1 CUSTODIAN 9 9 0 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER II 1 0 -1 TOTAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE 15 15 0 WATER UTILITY MAINT SUPERINTENDENT 0.5 0.5 ACCOUNT CLERK II 0.5 0.5 ENGINEERING TECH II 0.3 0.3 UTILITY MAINT WORKER Ill 1 1 METER SHOP SUPERVISOR 1 1 METER READER II 5 5 METER READER I 1 1 TOTAL WATER 9.3 9.3 0 SANITATION UTILITY MAlNT SUPERINTENDENT 0.5 0.5 ACCOUNT CLERK II 0.5 0.5 ENGINEERING TECH in 0.4 0.4 SEWER MAINTENANCE SUPERV 1 1 UTILITY MAINT WORKER 111 1 1 UTILITY MAINT WORKER II 2 2 MAINT WORKER I 1 1 UTILITY SYSTEM OPERATOR Ill 1 1 UTILITY SYSTEM OPERATOR II 7 1 TOTAL SANITATION 8.4 8.4 0 36 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991-92 li. I I I I 3 f I s 1 TOTAL AFFORDABLE HOUSING 0 1 1 1 I TOTAL HOUSING 4 4 0 I I I 1 I 1 I 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED NUMBER BUDGET FLEET OPERATIONS FLEET MAINTENANCE SUPERT 1 1 ACCOUNT CLERK II 1 1 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC II 3 3 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I 1 1 EQUIPMENT M ECHANlC SU PERVl SOR 1 1 TOTAL FLEET OPERATIONS 7 7 0 TOTAL UTlLlTIESlMAl NTENANCE 73 73 0 HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT DIR 1 0.5 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 2 1.5 -0.5 CLERK TYPIST 11 1 1 SECRFTARY I1 1 1 TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 5 4 -0.5 AFFORDABLE HOUSING HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT DIR 0 0.5 0.5 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 0 0.5 0.5 HOUSING SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 HOUSING SPECIALIST I 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 CLERK TYPIST It 1 1 BLOCK GRANT SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 0.5 -0.5 TOTAL BLOCK GRANT 1 0.5 -0.5 TOTAL HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT 10 9.5 0 GENERAL SERVCIES ADMIN GENERAL MANAGEFUDE 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER 1 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST 1 ACCOUNTANT 1 0 -1 ACCOUNTING OFFICE ASSISTANT 1 0 -1 ACCOUNT CLERK I1 0 1 1 ACCOUNT CLERK I 0 1 1 WATER CONSERVATION SPECIALIST 1 1 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 1 1 RECEPTIONIST 1 1 TOTAL GENERAL SERVICES ADMIN 8 8 0 37 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 4 998-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1998-91 ALLOCATED OPERATIONS SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 SYSTEMS OPERATION SUPERVISOR 1 1 CONSTRUCTION & MAINT SUPERV 1 1 SENIOR SYSTEMS OPERATOR 1 1 SERVICE COORDINATOR 1 1 STOREKEEPER 1 1 SR CONSTR & MAINTENANCE WORKE 1 1 SYSTEMS OPERATOR II 3 3 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 1 1 FACILITY MAINT LEADWORKER 1 1 CONSTRUCTION MAINT WORKER 3 3 SENIOR VALVE TECHNICIAN 1 1 VALVE TECHNICIAN 1 1 OPERATIONS OFFICE ASSISTANT 1 1 TOTAL OPERATIONS 19 19 0 ENGINEERING DISTRICT ENGINEER 1 1 SR. ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN 2 2 SR. ENGINEERING INSPECTOR 'I 0 -1 ENGINEERING INSPECTOR 1 0 -1 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN 3 3 ENGINEERING SECRETARY 1 1 ENGINEERING OFFICE ASSISTANT 1 1 TOTAL ENGINEERING 10 a -2 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT 37 35 -2 SYSTEMS OPERATOR I 1 1 38 an bo .5 - 4 c L !-I EW- 1 2 2 51: 4 I rSE w 0+9 A .2 23: gz 3%52" "B ow z Ma. ma El 53 E w > *z +!x s u $ Em -0 I? I 1 Fy 6 w G F G ud r r UE-. + }% I" d: 4 U z w R+I~J~ SI b 52 q 12 1"' 4s I2 Q 2 hl *= >o CG rw +z - e< 0 % e> z u Q '5- r/z Ir, rl kE 44 m5 E" k4 *z 4s ZZ b4 ).-.( E2 1 "I --I 0 -1 a G - 4 + 5 "$ wc am ZZC 5:s i! LIZ ?m6 2ez - gsg UUW kEl 522 c k-e E z - 5 0 .d + mE mp2 e4 0 22 2 -+ < -=n& c * $ .2 " E= '= &Srnia D4 m % -!I -& g ., om E 5 "C s 2 # 42 I - V L 1 2 24 r Q c cu ? 7 cI% 4:> Mac COW0 -lru K?P <E$ 05, qe OWQ 2 >g> t-Fm - 0s W a 8 c $$?$?&?$?$?$?$?&? gLnLn. y?szz - 0 oe $y-L 7 .- 0 && 22 - %Bczo @v 28 cn c i2 - - a? =?'oy"-eb - 4;;; c"o,,oe,, a? ,GGtfttfttfttfttfttA mcn 3 -J2! cg3 E <z a 0: LG 6, m 9-; cn t-E C 0 LIZ e u69 _- Gzcna t c il s 52 I a d 2? 3 c ZI a, c 1 Go 0- QXiZ 0 -0 0-2~ o= an- 0 a, IT EO-$ >cn - u,olla, a *>>&-S 6L?S2~23U xEEg+Fg;g YI W 2 t mn.\ a0 - zul + $$$$$$$?$?$ o~(4yqcy~. 003: L a,,b~coc?mco~~( Q n? 46 mz OCZ 4Y ow La Om >G LE 06 22 c6 a?, 2 <& G .- 0 t. az =LD?yCqqqCq *( fff c/)c/, =:~bc\I@Jahcj. Jw - m*fftmffte3tft*f g2 2: 2 U 2% 02 E GL5 2 m .I KO c m2 0 m= LE cx OE >k r-2 a, 01 G: ( v) - *+-. * .! -z $ =I( ZlLC v, a -0: g .E C' b gj LI> $E;& xgrl-a$*na: ErnrnL ,~Qrn~cS~~! a,L ~S.ly=~C[ '2 ;a 0~is5 Ejt g2 - m 0 I- .- x*v- ax >(d=JU - wo a- YIN m 2N I I (0 0 0 1 40 1 1 GENERAL FUND U I I I I: 1 1 II 1 I 1 1c fl I 1 I 1991 -92 PROJECTED REVENUES TAXES LICENSES & PI FINES & FORFEITURE $0.6 1% CHARGES FOR SERVICES SUBVENTIONS OTHER REVENUE $4.3 10% $2.2 5% $2.8 6% GENERAL FUND REVENUE SOURCES The most significant discretionary source of revenue is that generated for General Fund expenditures. Estimates for 1991 - Taxes $ 29,505,C 92 show that Taxes constitute the Subventions 2,830,C largest single share of revenue at $29.5 Other Revenue 2,175,C million or 67.7% of the total. Included Charges for Services 4,325,C are Property Tax, Sales Tax, and Fines/Forfeiture 550,C next largest share of revenue is within 2,185,C Licenses and Permits which includes Construction Permits and Business Licenses. Subventions consist of Cigarette Tax and Vehicle In-Lieu. Other Revenue includes interdepartmental service proceeds. Totals for each category above are: Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT). The Interest 2,000,c Licenses and Permits 3 41 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1991 -92 General Fund Budged - Expenditures - Parks & Recreation mmunity Development $2.9 6.5% Total General Fund Budget ~ $44.4 Values in Millions CITY GENERAL FUND OPERATIONS The General Fund supports services most commonly recognized as those being provided by the City. Revenues General Government $ 4,703,643 which support the operations come from Public Safety 15,901,264 taxes, charges for services, and state Community Development 7,995,684 subventions. The service which Maintenance 4,837,543 constitutes the largest expenditure is Library/Parks 7,305,488 that for public safety, Police and Fire at Non-Departmental 1,709,945 35.8% of the total. Contingencies 1,992,560 Specific dollar amounts include: 42 GENERAL FUND REVENUE COMPARISON 1990-91 AND 1991-92 5 I I I 1 1 I I I P I I I I fi I IC 1 43 PROPERTY TAX i-1 SALES TAX \-j k TRANS OCCUPAFJCY TAX - N FY 1990-91 D E FY 1991 -92 OTHER TAXES b LICENSES & PERMITS b STATE SUBVENTIONS b k-7 CHARGES FOR SERVCS - INTEREST b L FlNES/FORFElTURES OTHER u 0 2 4 6 810121416 MILLIONS OF DOLLAA Property Tax revenue is projected to by 5% or $35,000, an amount which increase by 8.7% in 1991-92, or $1.2 capture inflation. License Tax on I million. It was assumed that the base construction contains a decline of 9% would increase by 2% as allowed under $50,000, as it is anticipated 1 the provisions of Proposition 13. The construction of new units will fall be .remainder of the increase is projected to 1990-91 levels. increase as a result of higher assessed values on new residential units sold and State Subventions show an increasc on the resale of existing property. 10% or $260,000. Estimates are bz upon information received from the S Sales Tax is projected to increase by 5%, Department of Finance. the estimated rate of inflation. No growth is estimated as no new Charges for Services are projected establishments are anticipated. increase by $290,000 or 7%. Increi are estimated in Planning Fees Transient Occupancy Tax contains a development plans continue to projected increase of nearly 5%. As with reviewed on an active basis. Zone I sales tax, this increase reflects the Fees show the largest decline in estim: estimated inflation rate and no new revenues as more plans are now compl lodging facilities opening for business. Interest is anticipated to remain at 15 Other Taxes include Franchise Tax, 91 levels. Transfer Tax and Trailer Coach In-Lieu. The small average increase in projected Fines/Forfeitures contain no not revenue among these sources, 2.8%, changes. accounts for inflation. Licenses and Permits, as a group, contain no projected increase and are estimated to equal the 1990-91 revenues. Business District for appropriate services. License Taxes are anticipated to increase Other includes Interdepa'rtmental Cha which are up 18% or $300,000. increase is due to assessing the W a CARLSBAD COMMUNITY PROFILE Date Incorporated July 16, 1952 Form of Government CouncillManager Area 42.2 Square Miles Population 64,264 Net Assessed Valuation $5,474,063,206 Miles of Streets 238 Fire Protection: Number of Stations 6 Number of firefighters 72 Police Protection: Number of Stations 1 Number of sworn Police Officers 82 Municipal Water District: Number of customers 17,000 Miles of lines and mains Average Daily Consumption 300 12.8 million gallons Miles of Sewers 103.7 Recreation and Culture: Number of parks (improved Area of parks 326.88 Pools 1 Number of libraries 2 Number of volumes 200,481 and unimproved) 36 Total number of regular City and Water District employees 559 44 I I s I I follows: I 1 I I I 8 Io I g i 1 c 1 1 GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN The Growth Management Plan was developed and voted into law by the citizen2 Carlsbad in 1986. The plan was established in an effort to regulate developn within the City by linking residential, commercial, and industrial developr directly to the standards for the availability of public services and facilit. Standards for facilities are applied within the City as a whole, within City's four quadrants, and in the City's twenty-five community or growth mani ment zones. The Growth Management Plan has established precise standards, as adopted by City Council for eleven public facilities. Standards must be met at all t as growth occurs. Facilities for which standards have been established arc - City Administrative - Library - Wastewater Treatment - Parks - Ci rcul at i on - Drainage - Fire - Open Space - Schools - Sewer Collection - Water Distribution The Plan requires that appropriate public facilities be available, in conform with the adopted performance standards, as development occurs. Unless eac the eleven public facility standards have been met, no new development can oc The Growth Management Program impacts both the Operating Budget and the Cap Improvement Program. As the Program was being developed, very little const tion occurred which resulted in reductions in both operating and capital deve ment related revenues. Revenues can be expected to recover as standards are and reasonable levels of development begin to occur. The Growth Management directly affects the operating and capital budgets by requiring the construc of facilities to meet standards and the subsequent operation ofthose facilit Facilities such as community centers, parks, and fire stations have been structed under this program. The Capital Improvement Program has been designed to specifically address a where facilities do not comply with the adopted performance standards, or projected to fall below standard within the next five years. 45 BUDGET PROCESS The development of the operating and capital budgets began in January, 1991 wit1 input from all departments. Criteria for making funding requests were based upor the need to maintain existing service levels which may have suffered due to growtt within the City. New programs were also encouraged in efforts to meet City Council goals and objectives. The budget proposals were received in the Finance Department in early February at which time documents were reviewed for accuracy and consistency. A more completc analysis of the budgets ensued, which entailed the application of the establishec policies to the requests. Each department head was also interviewed by a Budget Analyst. A written report summarizing the Analyst’s findings was prepared anc distributed to appropriate department heads as we1 1 as to the City Manager’s budget team at the beginning of April. The team consisted of the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Assistant to the City Manager, Community Development Director, Finance Director and Budget Analyst, who met with department heads to review their budgets, the analysis, and to receive any additional input. The budget recommendec to the City Council is the result of several meetings by the City Manager’s team. A City Council workshop was held on June 4, 1991 in order to overview and discuss the. This meeting was followed by two public meetings held on June 10 and June 12, 1991, conducted by the Finance Department. The purpose of the meetings was to reach out to the community and receive input on the proposed budget. The final review of the budget occurred at the Public Hearing on June 19, wherein the Council formally heard public comments, discussed pertinent issues and adopted the budget. HOW THE BUDGET DOCUMENT IS ORGANIZED The operating budget is organized by general function such as Public Safety, Community Development and General Government. Within these broad categories, the budget is organized on a departmental basis. Departments containing more than one program include a financial and brief descriptive summary. The summary page is followed by detailed program information. Some departments consist of one program only, and thus only one page is included for them. For each program, financial history, along with the 91-92 budget figures, is presented. Also included are narrative statements identifying program activities and their workload measures or performance objectives. Some programs may contain personnel costs yet not reflect a number of positions. This occurs, for example, in the City Treasurer and City Clerk budgets. In these cases, costs reflected are for part-time staff only, and are not considered in the reporting method established. The Water District is included in the budget, however no account numbers are noted on the detail pages. The Water District will maintain its own accounts and accounting system as in the past. This approach may change as the City and District continue their merging process. The Capital Improvement Program and its cash flow are located toward the back of the budget. This is followed by a table outlining 1991-92 Capital Outlay. Travel detail is presented next, so that Council may review and approve these requests. Accounting occurs on a fund basis and is described more thoroughly in the following section e 46 1 DEPARTMENTS PREPARE AND SUBMIT BUDGET PROPOSALS m FINANCE OFFICE ANALYZES REQUESTS AND SUBMITS TO CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE I II CITY MANAGERS TEAM MEETS WITH INDIVIDUAL DEPARTMENT HEADS PRELIMINARY BUDGET L 1 TWO PUBLIC ME CITY COUNCIL CONDUCTS PUBLIC HEARING I I ACCOUNTING SYSTEM AND BUDGETARY CONTROL The City's accounting system is designed around a few basic principles. 1) The City is not one single entity. It is the total of many entities, each with its separate function and legal restrictions on the use of resources. In the private sector, a corporation may have many "subsidiaries" which make up the parent corporation; in the public sector, a city government may have a variety of "funds" that provide the basis for separately recording the financial data related to a specific activity. A fund is an accounting en- tity with a complete set of self-balancing accounting records. Each fund has been established because of some restriction on the use of resources received by that fund. This report includes the transactions of all entities over which the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has authority (as defined by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board). 2) The City's accounting system operates on a modified accrual basis for all governmental type funds. Governmental funds include the General, Special Revenue, Debt Service and Capital Projects Funds. A modified accrual system is one where (a) revenues are recorded when received in cash; (b) revenues are accrued when they are both measurable and collectable within the account-ing period or soon enough after the end of the period to pay liabilities of the period; and (c) expenditures, other than interest or long-term debt, are recorded when liabilities are incurred. The proprietary fund types (the Water Utility and Sewer Enterprise Funds and the Internal Service Funds) use the accrual method of accounting. Revenues and expenses are recorded when earned and incurred, respectively. 4) Internal controls exist within the accounting system to ensure safety of assets from misappropriation, unauthorized use or disposition, and to main- tain the accuracy of financial record keeping. These internal controls must be established consistent with sound management practices based on the cost/ benefit of the controls imposed. The cost of a control should not be exces- sive in relation to its benefit as viewed by City management. The internal controls in existence within the City's system are sufficient to ensure, in all material aspects, both the safety of the City's assets and the accuracy of the financial record keeping system. 5) Budgetary control is maintained through monthly reports on all revenue and expenditure accounts as well as special reports summarizing the financial position of the City. The City Council has authority to control the budget through adoption of a formal budget at the beginning of each year and by amending the budget as necessary through the year. Expenditures should net exceed budgeted figures. All appropriations expire at the year end unless specifically carried into the new fiscal year by council actions. The Carl sbad Municipal Code requires that the Fi nanci a1 Director annual ly prepare a budget for the City Manager showing estimated revenues and expenditures. 3) 48 GENERAL GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 1 I I GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 104,626 S 122,417 0 122,036 S 134,937 19,847 20,568 28,100 29,625 0 0 6,000 0 s i24,4n s 142,985 s 156,136 s 164,562 1 1 1 1 1988-89 ACTUAL PERSONNEL S 340,780 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 48,682 CAPITAL OUTLAY 8,547 GRAND TOTAL 8 398,009 POSIT IONS 5 1991 -92 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 357,609 8 478,032 546,499 48,227 54,984 51,380 15,334 10,728 0 S 421,170 S 543,744 8 597,879 5 7 7 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 1- I 1 GRAND TOTAL POSI TI ONS 1988-89 1989-90 1990 - 91 1991-92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET s 1,948 s 155 f 0 s 0 22,391 28,548 44,127 41,400 0 0 1,373 0 s 24,339 s 28,703 s 45,500 s 41,400 0 0 0 0 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 4,305 S 4,634 S 6,600 S 7,105 73,757 8,320 30,000 13,500 0 0 0 0 S 78,062 S 12,955 S 36,600 Si 20,605 0 0 0 0 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 1 I 8 GRAND TOTAL POS I T IONS 1991 -92 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 231,356 $ 295,476 $ 364,419 S 391,257 28,305 35 I 969 41,761 51,185 507 6,692 11,655 0 s 260,168 o 338,137 s 417,835 s 442,442 3 3 5 5 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL PERSONNEL s 544,233 s 627,098 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 31 4,372 401,968 CAPITAL OUTLAY 11,867 21,819 GRAND TOTAL B 870,472 $ 1,050,885 POSIT IONS 15 16 1991 -92 1990-91 BUDGET BUDGET B -0,582 s 784,557 540,633 300,976 14,700 3,000 B 1,285,915 B 1,088,749 17 17 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 1 1 I GRAND TOTAL POSI T IONS 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 11,262 S 23,237 S 27,306 S 28,541 31,739 37,838 52,250 52,542 752 0 0 0 S 43,753 S 61,075 S 79,556 S 81,083 0 0 0 0 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1990-91 1991-92 1988-89 1989- 90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 10,900 34,500 3s $000 35 o 000 0 0 0 0 S 10,900 S 34,500 S 35,000 S 35,000 0 0 0 0 PERSONNEL I I 1 MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL WTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988-89 I 989- 90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET s 174,345 s 182,045 s 218,875 s 247,926 104,270 I 57,487 161,732 151,108 5,291 4,105 7,461 0 S 283,906 $ 343,637 $ 388,068 % 399,034 5 5 6 6 PROGRAM: HUMAN RESOURCES FUND : GENERAL DEPARTMENT: HUMAN RESOURCES ACCT # 001-1510 MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Provide service to City departments, employees, and the public relative to their human resource needs; attract, retain and develop competent and motivated workforce. PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Employment Services: Provide services in the areas 1. Conduct approximately40 recruitment to attract of recruitment and selection focusing on continuing well qualified applicants for available proactive outreach efforts to attract qualified positions. minorities, women, veterans, and handicapped applicants. 2. Review City testing and screening procedures to insure that they are free frcin artificial barri ers ~ 3. Upiate the City's Affirmative Action Plan during 1st quarter FY91-92. Classification and Canpens ationr Create new 1. Respond to the classification needs of the classifications when appropriate and coordinate organization within 60 days. reclassification studies. Conduct salary surveys and administer pay plans for all City employees. 2. Conduct all salary surveys in accordance with established guidelines. Benefits: Acbninister health, life, and retirement 1. Educate employees relative to their benefits. plans for all eligible City employees. 2. Develop an attractive benefits package, including research and design of a flexible benefit program. Endowe and Organizational Develmt: Provide 1. Continue to provide additionat training through services to the organization in the areas of the Human Resource Management Seminar Series. employee development and organizational development. 2. Conduct organizational training for all employees on valuing diversity in the workplace. 3. Begin to develop a new Employee Orientation Program uhich provides for a better understanding of the values, cultures, functions, responsibilities, and benefits with the City of Carlsbad. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: One Clerk Typist position is allocated but not funded. Personnel costs are also down in 1991-92 due to a litigated settlement made in 1990-91. Maintenance and Operation costs are down as there are less funds allocated for various outside professional services and training. 58 I 1 I 1990-91 1991 -92 1988-89 1989- 90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL s 0 L 0 s 0 s 0 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 1,207,949 1 ,240,108 1,494,854 1 ,743,179 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 GRAND TOTAL 9 1,207,949 9 1,240,108 S 1,494,854 9 1,743,179 POSIT IONS 0 0 0 0 PER SON N E L MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL WTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1990-91 1991 -92 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 144,951 $ 199,020 S 221,386 $ 251,024 18,627 59,962 281 ,465 34,305 6,841 12.785 7,050 0 $ 170,419 $ 271,767 $ 509,901 $ 285,329 4 4 4 4 PERSONNEL 1 1; I MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1991 -92 1988-89 1 989- 90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET s 197,362 s 215,907 s 282,524 s 293,275 140,653 133,676 144,479 139,210 1,999 39,940 263,185 0 $ 340,014 s 389,523 s 690,188 s 432,485 5 6 6 6 PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATION FUND : GENERAL DEPARTMENT: INFORMATION SYSTEMS PAGE TWO ACCT X 001-1710 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES : CY/1990 CY/9989 Minutes Service: Provide minutes for City Boards, 1. Minutes for 14 Minutes for 14 Comnissions and Comnittees. Boards, Comnissions, Boards, Comnissions, and Comnittees. and Comnittees. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 62 1988-89 ACTUAL PERSONNEL $ 136,407 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 318,716 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 I I I GRAND TOTAL S 455,123 POSIT IONS 2 1 989- 90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 190,617 S 252,489 S 278,643 298,457 508,466 462,971 0 297,144 18,100 S 489,074 $ 1,058,059 S 759,714 3 5 5 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1991-92 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 94,405 B 99,594 S 108,316 S 123,933 67,439 107,423 156,500 125,550 1,500 3,237 0 0 S 163,344 S 210,254 B 264,816 S 249,483 2 2 2 2 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY I I I GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1990-91 1991-92 1988- 89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 0 s 0 s 0 s 0 467,673 788,990 794,500 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 S 467,673 S 788,990 S 794,500 $ 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 1988-89 ACTUAL PERSONNEL s 0 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 1,317,118 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 GRAND TOTAL $ 1,317,118 POSIT IONS 0 1989-90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 0 s 0 s 0 677,914 1,168,237 1,000,000 0 0 0 $ 677,914 $ 1,168.237 S 9,000,000 0 0 0 I I I I I 1 I I II I I I I I I I I I PROGRAM: MISC. NON-DEPARTMENTAL ACCT # 001-' 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 10-41-2993 Comnunity Prmtion 200,000 147,182 225,000 225,000 10-50-2930 Taxes (Chamber) 89 1,000 10-50-2993 Comnunity Contributions: Big Bang Comnittee S 8,500 Casa de Amparo 10,500 Hospice of the North Coast 3,500 Lifeline 10,000 San Diego Aids Project 1,000 North County Food Co-op 6,180 Women's Resource Center 17,500 YMCA Oz North Coast 15,750 57,500 62,900 84,058 72,430 I 19-67-1922 Hosp Grove Debt Service 153,222 768,300 876,585 488,275 19-90-2340 Leases (mandated & contractual) City Hall B 36,000 Parking Lots 174,000 Miscellaneous 20,000 106,106 236,500 300,000 230,000 19-90-2489 Animal Regulation Contract 67,183 67,681 84,670 94,240 19-90-2520 Dues and Subscriptions 21,485 21,581 35,000 36,000 19-90-2999 Contingencies (Budget request) 1,500,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 2,000,000 62-10-2211 Street Lighting Assessment 24,500 28,000 28,000 28,000 67 / \ 68 PERSOMMEL MAINTEHAMCE OPERATIOM CAPITAL OUTLAY I I I GRAND TOTAL POSITIOMS 1991 -92 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 5,058,166 S 5,778,860 S 7,254,679 S 7,326,432 1,154,258 1,412,487 1,842,858 2,120,041 68,505 98,502 143,839 12,000 o 6,280,929 s 7,289,849 o 9,241,376 s 9,458,473 91 100 109 109 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSITIONS ~~~~ 1988-89 1989- 90 1990-91 1991-92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 8 135,551 S 156,708 S 226,621 8 228,785 113,837 146,880 258,993 575,078 0 0 0 0 S 249,388 8 303,588 S 485,614 803 ~ 863 2 2 3 3 , I I I 1990-91 1991 -92 1988-89 I 989- 90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL s 2,638,579 s 3,027,552 s 3,864,794 s 3,870,970 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 41 6, a27 527,562 662,971 616,580 CAPITAL OUTLAY 15,668 76,388 59,175 0 GRAND TOTAL 0 3,071,074 f 3,631,502 f 4,586,940 $ 4,487,550 POSIT IONS 49 49 54 54 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1991-92 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 693,455 S 736,690 S 967,349 S 961,769 127,378 144,405 231,933 232,950 11,006 0 24,768 0 S 831,839 S 881,094 S 1,224,050 S 1,194,719 10 10 14 14 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY I I I GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 96,734 S 211,951 S 244,603 S 242,329 4,198 25,886 30,900 22,551 13,178 12,999 3,500 0 S 114,110 S 250,836 S 279,003 S 264,880 3 3 3 3 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL WTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 1,070,001 $ 1,194,836 $ 1,385,651 S 1,346,788 444,082 496,159 572.326 542,023 2,708 6,162 55,216 12,000 S 1,516,791 $ 1,697,157 S 2,013,193 S 1,900,811 27 28 27 25 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY I 1 I GRAND TOTAL POSIT I OMS 1991 -92 1990-91 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET t 0 s 0 s 0 $ 121,733 0 0 0 13,619 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 s 0 $ 135,352 0 0 0 2 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1990-91 1991 -92 1988-89 1 989- 90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 10 0 1,750 $ 4,375 $ 4,500 4,844 3,428 8,938 8,400 0 799 0 0 s 4,854 $ 5,977 s 13,313 s 12,900 0 0 0 0 1 I I 1988-89 1989- 90 1990-91 1991-92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL s 423,836 s 449,373 s 561,286 s 549,558 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 43,092 68,167 76,797 ioa,ao CAPITAL OUTLAY 25,945 2,154 1, iao 0 GRAND TOTAL s 492,873 s 519,694 s 639,263 s 658,398 POS I TI ONS a a a a 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSON ME L S 3,993,978 S 4,772,767 S 5,554,468 MAINTEMANCE OPERATIOM 651,005 693, a34 970,559 CAPITAL OUTLAY 52,105 219,586 77,533 GRAND TOTAL f 4,617,088 S 5,686,187 S 6,602,560 POSIT IONS 63 81 81 1991 -92 BUDGET S 5,652,348 774,559 0 S 6,426,907 81 PERSONNEL 1 1 I MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1990-91 1991-92 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET s 134,512 s 157,220 s 281.265 s 280,331 69,926 77,923 170,688 142,091 10,302 0 12,000 0 S 214,740 S 235,143 0 463,953 S 422,422 2 2 2 3 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1991-92 1990-91 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 2,919,294 B 3,513,908 S 4,070,207 S 4,134,382 363,732 380,545 496,852 366,040 27,977 204,854 51,649 0 S 3,311,003 0 4,099,307 S 4,618,708 B 4,500,422 44 60 60 59 I 1 I 1991 -92 1988-889 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL s 226,196 s 270,672 s 328,381 s 336,063 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 45,719 30,557 62,479 50,600 CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,981 14,TJ2 0 0 GRAND TOTAL 0 276,896 0 315,961 0 390,860 $ 386,663 POSIT IONS 5.5 6 6 6 1988-89 ACTUAL PERSONNEL s 564,101 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 1 04.61 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,%5 GRAND TOTAL s 672,560 POSIT IONS 10 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET o 749,505 s 778,865 s 805,006 106,540 116,616 113,078 0 2,000 0 s 856,045 o 897,481 s 918,084 12 12 12 1 1 I 1991 -92 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL s 308 S 0 s 0 0 0 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 25,979 41,627 54,924 33,350 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 GRAND TOTAL 0 26,287 0 41,627 's 54,924 b 33,350 POSIT IONS 0.5 0 0 0 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL WTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 69,567 f 81,462 f 95,750 96,566 41,035 56,642 69,000 69,400 5,000 0 11,884 0 S 115,602 S 138,104 $ 176,634 $ 165,966 1 1 1 1 I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT \ / PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY e I I GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 184,056 S 221,187 S 249,477 S 272,316 220,934 331,990 401,235 347,090 0 8,144 9,900 0 S 404,990 0 561,321 0 660,612 S 619,406 7 7 5 5 1988-89 1989- 90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PEUSONNEL $ 0 $ 0 $ 90,000 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 0 0 165,200 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 GRAM0 TOTAL $ 0 s 0 $ 255,200 POSIT IONS 0 0 2 1991 -92 BUDGET S 90,515 126,950 0 S 217,465 2 r 1988-89 1989- 90 ACTUAL ACTUAL PERSONNEL 0 1,465,669 S 1,849,604 2,006,059 3,149,355 MAINTENANCE OPERATION I: I I CAPITAL OUTLAY 24,550 40,472 GRAND TOTAL f 3,496,278 0 5,039,431 POSIT IONS 33 17 1991-92 1990-91 BUDGET BUDGET $ 2,603,443 $ 2,736,786 3,074,335 2,965,927 53,340 0 0 5,807,814 S 5,702,713 41 47 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL S 1,032,910 0 1,351,689 S 473,088 S 482,750 624,592 781,358 1,181,373 819,380 10,081 31,757 33,889 0 $ 1,824,349 S 2,564,819 S 1,343,053 S 1,107,342 24 7 9 9.5 PERSONNEL 8 I I MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1991-92 1988-89 1 989- 90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 0 0 0 0 rs 916,872 rs 846,348 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,100 0 s 0 s 0 t 921,972 0 846,348 0 0 16 16 1988-89 1989- 90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL $ 432,759 0 497,915 $ 1,018,582 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 153,181 157,116 235,782 CAPITAL OUTLAY 14,469 8,715 11,725 GRAND TOTAL S 600,409 f 663,746 $ 1,266,089 POSIT IONS 9 10 18 1991-92 BUDGET $ 1,167,285 173,634 0 S 1,340,919 20 1991-92 1990-91 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL $ 0 s 0 $ 254,901 $ 240,403 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL WTLAY 0 0 2,626 0 1 I I GRAND TOTAL $ 0 $ 0 0 257,527 $ 240,403 POSIT IONS 0 0 4 4 4 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1991 -92 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET s 0 s 0 S 0 $ 0 1,071,520 1,810,866 2,019,173 2,167,701 0 0 0 0 S 1,071,520 S 1,810,866 S 2,019,173 S 2,147,701 0 0 0 0 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 1 I I GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1990-91 1991-92 1988-89 1 989- 90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 8,404 0 12,761 S 16,800 S 18,950 15,582 16,144 16,500 17,000 0 0 0 0 0 23,986 S 28,905 0 33,300 S 35,950 0 0 0 0 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL PERSONNEL $ 630,231 $ 815,545 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 221 ,on 316,804 CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,050 25,532 GRAND TOTAL $ 855,358 0 1,157,881 POSIT IONS 16 24 1990-91 1991-92 BUDGET BUDGET $ 1,313,788 $ 1,382,646 763,838 854,852 84,300 0 B 2,161,926 $ 2,237,498 27 27 1988-89 1989 - 90 ACTUAL ACTUAL PERSONNEL S 140,538 S 175,523 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 39,108 13,671 I I I CAPITAL WTLAY 4,600 10,313 GRAND TOTAL S 184,246 5 199,507 POSIT IONS 4 4.25 1991-92 1990-91 BUDGET BUDGET 5 245,400 S 170,405 78,200 37,900 8,000 0 S 331,600 0 208,305 4 3.5 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1991 -92 1990-91 1988-89 1989- 90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET s 447,478 s 458,100 s 648,628 s 672.a~ 406,809 423 * 084 453,247 436,484 2,125 20,938 33,800 0 s 856,412 s 902,122 o i,i35,6i~ s 1,109,319 10 10 15 15 1 CULTURE AND RECREATION / PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY I I I GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988-89 1989- 90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 1,432,968 0 1,630,403 f 2,044,035 f 2,127,192 806,292 885, OR 1,169,852 1,062,644 26,145 86,219 114,808 45,250 $ 2,265,405 S 2,601,694 f 3,328,695 0 3,235,086 0 34 34 34 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988-89 1989- 90 1990-91 1991-92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 301,370 $ 288,620 $ 406,812 $ 364,102 242,440 158,783 156,043 281,509 0 30,798 13,450 0 $ 460,153 0 475,461 0 701,771 $ 606,542 7 6 9 7 4 I 1 1990-91 1991 -92 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL S 164,494 S 172,366 $ 198,437 B 297,925 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 80,715 18,041 4,930 5,900 CAPITAL WTLAY 0 0 2,750 0 GRAND TOTAL s 245,209 f 190,407 o 206,117 B 303.825 POSIT IONS 1 2 2 3 1990-91 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL s 239,592 o 280,860 o 287,681 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 145,858 167,844 137,659 CAPITAL OUTLAY 7,730 0 3,400 GRAND TOTAL s 393,180 0 448,704 $ 428,740 POSIT IONS 5 5 5 1991 -92 BUDGET s 298,932 140,400 0 S 439,332 5 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL 0 0 S 0 P 70,752 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 0 0 12,700 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 1,500 I I 1 GRAND TOTAL S 0 S 0 0 84,952 POSIT IONS 0 0 1 1991 -92 BUDGET S 75,283 20,500 0 S 95,783 1 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL WTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988- 89 1989-90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 0 117,105 0 133,369 0 179,962 $ 150,962 24,315 28,874 33,051 34,550 0 0 912 0 0 141,420 0 162,243 S 213,925 0 185,512 2 2 3 3 PERSON WE L MAINTENANCE OPERATION I II 1 CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988-89 1 989- 90 1990-91 1991-92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 8 2ss,7a3 o 269,047 s 32a,w s 317,265 106,126 i07,asi 99,429 96,800 6,637 8,977 0 0 s 368,546 o 3as,an s 428,274 s 414,065 7 a a a 1988-89 1989- 90 ACTUAL ACTUAL PERSONNEL s 0 f 0 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 GRAND TOTAL f 0 s 0 POSIT IONS 0 0 1991-92 1990-91 BUDGET BUDGET $ 0 f 90,106 0 18,700 0 0 0 0 $ 108,806 0 2 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY I I I GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET s 87,996 s 80.938 $ 79,420 s 0 15,732 18,205 18,985 0 0 0 0 0 s 103,728 s 99,143 $ 98,405 s 0 2 2 1 0 ma-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL PERSONNEL s 58,040 s 58,192 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 23,414 23, TI1 CAPITAL WTLAY 776 0 GRAND TOTAL s 82,230 s 81,963 POSIT IONS 1 1 1990-91 1991-92 BUDGET BUDGET s 62,262 s 69,635 34,367 23,500 1,333 0 o 97,962 s 93,135 1 1 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY I I I GRAND TOTAL POS I T IONS 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 0 S 80,604 S 85,166 S 83,757 0 16,788 29,925 26,980 0 0 12,578 0 S 0 S 97,392 S 127,669 S 110,737 0 2 2 2 1988-89 1989- 90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL $ 119,367 $ 154,356 S 176,484 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 978 0 126,400 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 3,500 GRAND TOTAL $ 120,345 S 154,356 0 306,384 POSIT IONS 2 2 2 1991 -92 BUDGET S 191,262 89,100 0 $ 280,362 2 1988-89 ACTUAL PERSONNEL $ 89,221 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 77,476 CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,725 GRAND TOTAL S 169,422 POSIT I OMS 2 1 I 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET f 112,051 S 143,520 $ 158,438 107,047 119,035 103,300 7,835 3,500 0 $ 226,934 $ 266,055 $ 261,738 2 3 3 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1991 -92 1990-91 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 0 0 0 0 0 5,450 f 7,995 0 0 17,550 16,000 0 0 0 0 f 0 $ 0 f 23,000 f 23,995 0 0 0 0 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL s 0 s 0 0 0 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 56,175 73,810 108,000 1 1 I CAPITAL OUTLAY 6,189 8,468 0 GRAND TOTAL f 62,364 f 82,278 0 108,000 POSIT IONS 0 0 0 1991-92 BUOGET s 0 65,674 0 S 65,676 0 PER SON NE L MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 0 8 0 8 0 s 0 112,274 166,798 100,842 110,000 0 0 0 0 S 112,274 S 166,798 S 100,842 8 110,000 0 0 0 0 1990-91 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL $ 0 $ 0 0 0 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 4,446 0 22,058 CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,088 30,141 71,365 I I 1 GRAND TOTAL 0 6,534 S 30,141 $ 93,423 POSIT IONS 0 0 0 1991 -92 BUDGET $ 0 48,000 45,250 $ 93,250 0 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 4988-89 1 989- 90 1990-91 1991-92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 0 0 0 S 19,244 S 21,530 0 0 23,412 20,800 0 0 520 0 S 0 S 0 S 43,176 S 42,330 0 0 5 a 1988- 89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL PERSONNEL S 1,709,308 f 2,240,818 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 1,439,719 2,006,248 .I 1 E CAPITAL WTLAY 64,732 160,820 GRAND TOTAL f 3,213,759 S 4,407,886 POSIT IONS 46 50 1991 -92 1990-91 BUDGET BUDGET S 2,885,788 S 3,034,130 2,297,571 2,327,572 295,246 1,000 0 5,520,723 S 5,362,702 50 50 1 1991 -92 1988-89 1 989- 90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL $ 223,664 $ 280,053 B 315,935 s 337,506 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 223,714 222,733 172,136 255,955 CAPIYAL OUTLAY 1 ~ 065 4,753 7,332 0 GRAND TOTAL s 448,443 t 507,539 t 495,403 B 593,461 POSIT IONS 5 5 5 5 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY I 1 1; GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988-89 1989-90 195'0-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 0 8 0 $ 0 $ 0 583 953 1,700 1,500 0 0 0 0 s 583 0 953 S 1,700 $ 1,500 0 0 0 0 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1991-92 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 644,860 0 702,825 S 888,036 S 945,084 619,724 810,541 895,751 823,745 45,603 98,812 97,400 0 0 1,310,187 f 1,612,178 S 1,881,187 $ 1,768,829 19 19 21 21 PROGRAM: OPERATIONS FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: PARKS AND RECREATION m PAGE TWO ACCT # 001-4121 1 8 3 I 1 I I 1 c 8 a 1 I B I n i PERFORMANCE OWECTIVES: PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: 1990-91 1988-89 1989-90 m Space Maintenance: Provide maintenance 1. No. of Acres: activities to City owned open space and areas of additional maintenance responsibilities. Duties 38 1 408 408 include trash removal, clean up and weed abatement. Miscellanearr Maintenance/Reuair and SWC ial Request: These activities are difficult to measure and include repair to park structures, play equipnent and fencing. Installation of play equipnent, bleachers, drinking fountains, soccer goals, trash enclosures, concrete work, and painting projects. Additional activities also include special projects such as "Pops Symphony" turf installation, sculpture installations, redevetopnent requests and cmnity garden needs. The Total amount of time spent on these activities amounts to approximately 12% of Parks Maintenance J activities. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Maintenance and Operation costs are down due to various reductions made in supplies, services and utilit 119 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1991-92 1990-91 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 0 0 $ 136,890 $ 283,301 $ 302,081 0 111,100 213,603 266,410 0 30,250 155,500 0 0 0 0 278,240 f 652,404 $ 568,491 0 5 6.5 6.5 1990-91 1989- 90 1988-89 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL S 0 S 59,356 S 81,685 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 0 32,402 91 ,290 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 8,800 0 I I GRAND TOTAL S 0 S 80,558 S 172,975 POSIT IONS 0 0 1.5 e 1991 -92 BUDGET S 84,043 151,184 0 $ 235,227 1.5 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1991-92 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 130,973 S 210,420 S 276,279 289,819 89,509 76,546 91 ,820 82,086 1 I ,874 15,658 22,181 0 si 232,356 s 302,624 si 390,280 B 371,905 2 3 4 4 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL L 475,324 0 517,916 '5 622,382 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 403,430 430,718 483,037 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 I 1 1 GRAND TOTAL L 878,754 0 948,634 0 1,105,419 POSIT I OMS 9 9 8 1991 -92 BUDGET L 630,862 412,910 0 0 1,043,772 8 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 120,529 $ 141,206 0 180,159 $ 178,304 64,888 93,846 76,988 71,550 3,115 0 4,000 0 0 188,532 t 235,052 0 261,947 $ 249,854 1 1 1 1 1988-89 1989- 90 ACTUAL ACTUAL PERSONNEL S 16,561 $ 23,699 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 10,886 4,008 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 1 B 1 GRAND TOTAL S 27,447 S 27,707 POSIT IONS 0 0 1990-91 1991-92 BUDGET BUDGET $ 32,000 $ 32,618 9,406 8,014 0 0 $ 41,406 $ 40,632 0 0 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL WTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSI T IONS 1991-92 1990-91 i9m-89 1989- 90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET f 0 f 0 0 0 $ 0 307 122 500 500 0 0 0 0 S 307 f 122 f 500 $ 500 0 0 0 0 I 8 1 1991-92 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL s 97,397 t 128,872 s 166,504 s 180,940 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 26,678 118,322 149,734 130,313 CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,075 2,547 8,833 0 GRAND TOTAL t 127,150 0 249,741 t 325,071 $ 311,253 POSIT IONS 2 2 2 2 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988- 89 1989- 90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET f 0 f 39,581 f 39,507 S 52,873 0 104,959 118,913 123,405 0 0 0 1,000 e 0 S 144,538 0 158,420 f 177,278 0 1 1 1 # r U TIL! TIES AND MA IN TENA NCL 1988-89 ACTUAL PERSONNEL S 2,241,849 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 5,886,405 I 1 I CAPITAL OUTLAY 94,142 GRAND TOTAL 0 8,222,396 POSIT IONS 64 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 2,616,033 0 3,160,848 $ 3,447,972 6,593,783 6,895,687 7,655,502 174,861 959,414 341,800 s 9,384,677 $11,015,949 $11,445,274 66.2 69.2 73.2 I I\uuI\N-I. nui.iAiiid I 1v-x n LWI- FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: UTILITIES AND MAINTENANCE ACCT f 001-6010 MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The Administration Division provides administrative, managerial and technical support to the Street Maintenance, Fleet Operations, Facilities Management, and Utilities Divisions of the Utilities and Maintenance Department. In additiori, the Administration Division administers the City's Real Property Management, Recycling and Solid Waste Programs, as well as oversee the Cable Television franchise, and staff the Cmnity Television Foundation. PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: 1. Maintain timely processing of uork orders and Owretias: Plan, organize and direct public services programs. Develop procedures and policies special project requests. for efficient operation of department. 2. Maintain efficient uork planning, scheduling and processing of departmental program activities. 3. Conduct surveys and perform research and statistical analysis on administrative, personnel and operational matters. 1. Process personnel requisitions. Persomel Manaqemnt: Recomnend and process personnel appointments, promotions and disciplinary 2. Track personnel evaluation to ensure timely actions. Provide on-going support to management completion. and miscellaneous enployees. 3. Establish standards and expectations for 4. Revieu all personnel issues uith Supervisor. errployee performances. Budset nanaqement: Coordinate the preparation of 1. Prepare departmental budgets. all Departmental Budgets, to ensure that all 2. Monitor expenditures and maintain fiscal budgets comply uith City policies and procedures. 3. Process invoices, purchase requisitions and 4. Prepare and submit department payroll to records. requests for payment. Finance uithin required time frame. Contract Services: Supervise and coordinate 1. Process all RFP's, Notices to Proceed, and contractually provided services. other docunents pertaining to contracts in a timely manner. 2. Prepare and process contracts. 1. Process all training requests and registrations Training and Safety: Provide training in uork related areas, and motivate employees to enhance in a timely manner. their job skills. 2. Distribute current safety information to employees. 3. Brief all management personnel of any changes to safety rules and regulations. (continued) 130 PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATION FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: UTILITIES AND MAINTENANCE I I PAGE TWO ACCT # 001-6010 I PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Coordination with Other Departments and Aqencies: 1. Represent City and Department by atten Coordinate activities with other City departments County and area meetings and conferences. and divisions, end with outside agencies. 2. FacilitatecomrunicationbetweenDepartmenl other City departments. E I s B s 1 i I I I J I I I I, ReWrts and Statistics: Prepare written and oral 1. Prepare staff reports. reports. Prepare grant applications. 2. Present both written and oral reports to Manager, City Council, Cmittees, Cmis! and other agencies. Prepare grant applications as appropriate Cammity Services: Respond to all citizen 1. Receive, record and disseminate ci inquiries expeditiously. i nqui ri es. 2. Maintain and facilitate comnunication Division managers to insure that all ci inquiries are being responded to within a turn-around period. 3. 1. Process leases, appraisals and corresporw Real Procertv Mmaq ement: Ensure that all leases, property acquisitions and sales activities are within one day of receipt. handled appropriately. 2. Prepare agenda bills and resolution 3. Research and analyze all data pertinei appropriate. property management. Graffiti Abatement: Ensure that all noted graffiti 1. Report all graffiti canplaints to appro6 within City jurisdiction, as well as the sea wall division and process any correspor are maintained on a regular basis. pertaining to the reported graffiti. Monitor Graffiti Abatement activities to E removal within 24 - 48 hours. Budqet Management: Coordinate the preparation of 1. Prepare departmental budgets. all Departmental Budgets, and to ensure that all budgets corrply with City policies and procedures. 2. Monitor expenditures and maintain 1 records. 3. Process invoices, purchase requisitior requests for payment. 4. Prepare and sutmit department payro Finance within required time frame. 2. n Contract Services: Supervise and coordinate 1. Process all contracts, RFP's, Lette contractually provided services. Acceptance, Notices To Proceed, and docwnts pertaining to contracts in a manner. 2. Prepare refuse collection, recycling, gr control, and all other contracts pertain department. Training and Safety: Provide training in work 1. Process all training requests and registr related areas, and motivate errployees to enhance in a timely manner. their job skills. 2. Distribute current safety informati. ecrployees. 3. Brief all management personnel of any c to safety rules and regulations, an monthly safety inspections. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 131 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL PERSONNEL S 731,192 S 837,935 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 1,877,206 1,704,395 CAPITAL OUTLAY 19,317 147,667 GRAND TOTAL $ 2,621,715 $ 2,689,997 POSIT IONS 23 23 1991-92 1990 - 91 BUDGET BUDGET 3 990,758 S 1,075,194 1,865,484 1,877,780 153,506 1,200 S 3,009,748 3 2,954,174 25 25 PROGRAM: STREET MAINTENANCE FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: UTILITIES AND MAINTENANCE 1 I D II I 8 I I I I I i I 8 I c I I 1 PAGE TWO ACCT t 001. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Traffic Safety Pavement Striping Proqrcn: To en- 1. Annually refresh striping on 225 pass r sure proper delineation and direction for safe llprimell roaduays, 166 pass mites llm passage on City streets. The Street Maintenance roaduays, 128 pass mi Les llsecondaryll roadr Division maintains and refreshes all line strips, 53 pass miles llresidentiallt roaduays. crossualks, pavement messages, colored curb and City facilities parking areas. Respond to Traffic Engineering work orders and special requests from 3. Annually refresh 6,010 pavement markings. various City departments. 2. Annually refresh 189 crossualks. 4. AnnualLy refresh 17,675 linear feet ou1 5. Refresh City facilities parking areas, 6. 35,349 linear feet of colored curbs. needed. Respond in a timely manner to uork orders Traffic Engineering and special requests various City departments. Miscellaneous Maintenance and Recair Prograa: 1. Emergency response, citizens1 complaints, s Monitor un-scheduled uork activities that the patrol, safety and training and special eve Street Division performs annually; this program accounts for 6,600 staff hours. Major Rehabilitation Contract Prograa: Direct and Contract: Annual Goals: oversee the (7) maintenance and rehabilitation contracts Listed. 1. Street Sueeping Sueep 8,430 curb mile 2. Chip Seat Chip 20 lane miles 3. AC Overlay Resurface 10 Lane mil 4. Curb, Gutter & 4,578 [in. ft. curbs; Sideualk Replace 8,340 sq. ft. sideual 5. Graffiti Coating Coat & maintain 6. Buena Vista Channel Annually Clean the B Maintenance Vista Drainage Channe SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Maintenance and Operation expenses are doun due to deferring some asphalt repair applications. 133 1991 -92 1990-91 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL o 321,486 s 421,073 o 564.270 s 592,485 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 269,969 483,690 888,303 576,440 CAPITAL OUTLAY 11,327 8,346 50 ~ 500 5,700 GRAND TOTAL f 602,782 S 913,109 f 1,503,073 S 1,174,625 POSIT IONS 10 10 15 15 i ~~ I I B 1990-91 1991 -92 1988-89 1989- 90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL S 18,828 4 3,240 0 9,351 S 17,524 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 179,723 218,035 310,553 305,657 CAPITAL OUTLAY 7,169 6,387 5,150 0 GRAND TOTAL S 205,720 0 227,662 0 325,054 S 323,181 POSIT IONS 1 0.3 0.3 0.3 L 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL PERSONNEL $ 0 s 0 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 0 1,500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 GRAND TOTAL s 0 0 1,500 POSl T I ONS 0 0 1991 -92 1990-91 BUDGET BUDGET f 0 $ 0 0 300,000 0 0 S 0 0 300,000 0 0 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY I 8 I GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1991-92 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET B 125,900 S 128,847 S 144,929 S 170,696 403,202 386,319 622,679 61 6,603 55,506 7,355 0 0 S 584,608 0 522,521 S 767,608 S 787,299 3 3 3 3 1990-91 1988-89 1989- 90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL % 285,527 % 335,505 % 416,342 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 1,038,578 1,504,191 1,006,154 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 5,000 GRAND TOTAL S 1,324,105 0 1,839,696 S 1,427,496 POSIT IONS 7.5 8.4 8.4 1991 -92 BUDGET S 419,564 1,881,132 109,500 % 2,410,196 8.4 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 1 I I GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1990-91 1991 -92 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 301,459 S 330,502 S 406,255 $ 453,892 895,819 1,089,024 1,174,712 1,099,870 0 0 119,500 26,300 S 1,197,278 S 1,419,526 S 1,700,467 S 1,580,062 8.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POS I T IONS 1991-92 1990-91 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 0 0 S 0 S 3,000 S 0 0 0 98,000 31,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 f 0 S 101,000 S 31,000 0 0 0 0 1 I 1 1991 -92 1990-91 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PER SON N E L S 248,224 S 267,758 S 330,114 $ 391,338 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 669,391 796,261 831,114 882,249 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 2,091 35,000 GRAND TOTAL S 917,615 S 1,064,019 S 1,163,319 0 1,308,587 POS I T IONS 7 7 7 7 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL PERSONNEL f 0 0 0 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 504,002 361,215 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 GRAND TOTAL S 504,002 S 361,215 POSIT IONS 0 0 1990-91 1991 -92 BUDGET BUDGET s 0 0 0 40,000 26,487 618,110 164,100 S 658,110 S 190,587 0 0 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMEA PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 8 I I GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1991 -92 1990-91 1988-89 1 989- 90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 270,209 0 374,925 S 506,498 S 538,499 1 ,933,763 2,060,125 2,498,707 2,393,298 601,837 150,299 27,691 2,m S 2,805,809 S 2,585,349 S 3,032,896 S 2,934,572 8 10 10 10 1988-89 1989- 90 4990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL S 2,269 0 0 $ 0 MAINTENANCE OPERATIOM 5,073 4,614 7,789 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 590 3,011 GRAND TOTAL 0 7,342 S 5,204 0 10,800 POSIT IONS 0 0 0 1991-92 BUDGET S 26,629 6,100 0 S 32,729 -5 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1 I 1 1991 -92 1990-91 1988-89 1 989- 90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 0 113,670 0 131,623 S 165,857 S 179,180 1,241,404 1 ,363,785 1,700,109 1,574,406 0 7,8i 2 0 0 f 1,355,074 L 1,503,220 S 1,865,966 0 1,753,586 4 3.5 4 4 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL WTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1 I I 1991 -92 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 0 '5 0 '5 0 S 0 114,403 138,030 118,340 208,808 0 0 0 0 S 114,403 '5 138,030 '5 118,340 S 208,808 0 0 0 0 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 19B-89 1989- 90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET s 0 s 0 $ 0 B 0 0 16,439 103,700 94 e 820 0 0 2,000 0 $ 0 $ 16,439 S 105,700 B 94,820 0 0 0 0 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY I I I GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1990-91 1991 -92 1989- 90 1988-89 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 6,358 S 0 S 52,139 S 57,575 17,120 22,285 9,493 26,731 0 1,350 0 0 S 23,478 S 23,635 S 61,632 S 84,306 1 0 1 .5 PROGRAM: REDEVELOPMENT FUND: REDEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ACCT # 890-3410 MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: To redefine and develop innovative programs that promote and increase economic developnent, affordable housing, and the revitalization of the current, and any proposed, redevelopnent areas. PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Redevelocment Master Plan: Coordinate and prepare 1. Review and develop scope of uork. the Village Area Redevetopnent Project Area Master Plan study. 2. 3. Retain consultants. 4. 5. Prepare and distribute consultant RFP's. Develop plan of uork and proceed. Complete process and adopt Master Plan. Redeveloprrnt Proiect Area Survey: Establish neu 1. Review and develop scope of work. Redevelopnent Project Area. 2* 3. Retain consultant. 4. Prepare and distribute consultant RFP's. Develop plan of uork and proceed. Affordable Housing Proqrasr Implement Program to 1. Housing Task Force: a) Coordinate the timely execution of meet SANDAG Affordable Housing Goal. Develop coinnittee duties. program to achieve City of CarI.sbad SANDAC Fairshare Affordable Housing requirement consistent uith Housing Element of General Plan. b) Assist in developing tools to induce developers to provide affordable units in the City. 2. Affordable Housing Units: a) Develop program to inform public and recruit developers to provide 200 units of affordable low and very Lou income housing units. b) Implement recruitment program. c) Negotiate and execute development agreements for 200 affordable units. Dountoun Redwelocment Project Area: Encourage 1. Review vacant, under-productive and non- economic enhancement of Project Area. conforming land uses within project areas. 2. Produce brochure with this information and distribute. 3. Meet uith interested parties and obtain cmitments from 5-10% to do a project that will increase tax increment revenue. 4. Parking Assessment District: a) Retain consultant. b) Study needs. c) d) Review and adopt plan. Prepare plan to provide parking. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: One half of Senior Management Analyst has been transferred out of this program into Historic Preservation. 148 PER SON N E L MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL WTLAY 8 1 I GRAND TOTAL POS 1 TI ONS 1991 -92 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET s 0 s 0 s 0 $ 73,700 0 0 0 23,400 0 0 0 0 S 0 S 0 s 0 S 97,100 0 0 0 1 150 PER SON NE L MAINTEMANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY I I I GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 1,492,248 S 1,607,527 S 1,996,398 S 1,842,951 4,696,764 5,565,813 5,428,050 5,235,244 330,100 146,368 262,891 158,750 S 6,335,380 S 7,436,231 S 7,583,198 S 7,408,295 28 31 35 35 I 988- a9 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL S 241,666 B 245,385 S 394,942 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 4,431,334 5,346,014 5,169,350 CAPITAL OUTLAY 60,639 37,117 40,000 GRAND TOTAL s 4,~33,639 s 5,628,516 s 5,604,292 POSIT IONS 5.0 6.6 6.6 1991 -92 BUDGET B 442,545 3,796,992 13,500 s 4,253,037 6.6 PERSONNEL I I I MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSITIONS 1991-92 1988-89 1989-90 1990 - 91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET s 782,727 s 827,684 s 1,003,978 s 1,400,406 245,866 212,106 251,200 1,438,252 79,812 181,157 110,750 316,600 $ 1,108,407 s 1,220,947 s 1,365,978 s 3,155,258 16 16 19 28.4 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988-89 1989- 90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET s 467,853 s 534,458 s 597,478 s -0- 19,564 7,693 7,500 -0- 5,917 44,617 8,000 -0- s 493,334 s 586,768 s 612,978 $ -0- 7.0 8.4 9.4 -0- I 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1991-92 Capital Improvement Program Introduction I The Capital Improvement Program for 1991-92 totals $50.1 million, which is nea identical to the 1990-91 adopted budget of $51.5 million. This represents a decrease $.4 million or 1.6%. Projected revenues for the 91-92 program total $46.3 million.and i up by $3.2 million or 7.4% over the 1990-91 budget. Although total revenues for 1991- are up, weak economic conditions nationally and locally as well as dramatically declini construction levels have resulted in reduced development related revenues. Revem collected as the result of new residential and commerciaVindustrial development occur i down by $5.9 million or 92.2%. This has resulted in modifications to the scheduling projects. This report and the accompanying CIP documents reflect the actions taken address the issue of funding availability weighed against the demand for facilities, i growth. As the City continues to monitor growth in conjunction with revenues, it has beco apparent that there is a correlation between the amount of funds that can be spent projects, and the amount of growth. If development subsides, so too do revenues, wh in turn impacts expenditures schedules. Most expenditure schedules were established us the Growth Management standards as guidelines. Interwoven into this formula are fi: constraints which are becoming more important. This year, lack of available funds forced some projects to be recommended for phasing, and reflects a change in phi lo so^ Previously, the City chose to build facilities to meet maximum population expectatic Now, the philosophy is shifting to one where phasing of projects will more closely ms the incremental growth demands. Further, in cases where facility availability fails to rr growth management standards, developers may be required to finance design construction costs. As growth revenues decline, the expenditures too must be altc accordingly. The Growth Management system used by the City needs to be viewed v flexibility, as well as in concurrence with other external issues, including the gen I economy. Several other steps were taken in formulating the 1991-92 CIP. First, cost estimates all projects were reviewed by the Engineering Department resulting in sigdicantly hi8 budget figures for park projects. The new cost estimate for park development is $135, per acre, up from $115,000 per acre. Second, in August, 1991, the Planning Codsr reviewed all projects new to the 1991-92 CIP for General Plan consistency. All proj were found to comply with the General Plan. Third, the 1991-92 CIP now included Community Facilities District projects and revenues. Although the projects themselves not new, the finding sources have been modified to reflect the use of the CFD. The projects which will utilize CFD funds are the Library and the 1-5 Interchanges. Fot Traffic Impact Fee projects have been revised to reflect the projects identified in the S' presented to Council in October, 1991. Fifth, Sewer projects have also been revise reflect the projects contained in the recently adopted Sewer Master Plan. The accurately shows Carlsbad's share of the Encina Wastewater Facility's capital pro5 budget. 155 The fiscal resources, and the assumptions used in projecting those resources, as well as specific expenditures will be addressed separately. Also addressed will be issues facing the CP in general. Revenue Revenues for Capital Projects may be broken down into three major categories as follows: 1) fees generated by development in Carlsbad, 2) the Community Facilities District and 3) other sources including grants, bond issues, and letters of credit. The pie chart below provides an overview of the estimated revenues which are projected to support the CIP projects. Approximately 38% of all CIP revenues are received as a result of development, and are dependent upon assumptions made about the City's growth in dwelling units and commercialhdustrial square feet each year. These revenues include the Public Facilities Fee (PFF), Traffic Impact Fee (TIF), Park-In-Lieu (PIL), and Sewer Construction revenues. Community Facilities District revenues occupy 43% of the total and are based on schedules included in the Engheering Report. The remaining 19% of revenues are related to the receipt of grants, the county sales tax program (Transnet), the issuance of bonds, and the Water District's Capital Surcharge. FUNDING SOURCES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1991-92 TO BUILDOUT '73F' p \4FACr 5245 4% -:.VER IjQ5 2% 349 7 2% 371 5 13% -'kc? r:J 2 P% SAAJI R i \C'LlTY FEE F-CL C FNdI[I'f FEE PARK N CIEIJ CAPITAL SLRCblARGE 135 1 6% $'€le. 3% r;lANS NET $41 7% CVPJr Y CAC L 3IS'R 3265 7 33% Total Ilwonuoa I t56O Mllllnn Several assumptions about the rate and type of growth were made in order to project those revenues which rely upon development. Growth assumptions were compiled uskg the projections used in the Growth Management Program, which continue to change along with the economic climate. For example, this year residential and non-residential growth rates have been reduced from earlier projections to reflect the volumes of gfowth anticipated in a weak economy, The table on the following page compares the number of residential units used for projecting for the 1991 -92 CIP revenues with the number of units used in the 1990-91 CIP. As can be seen, the number of residential units projected for 1991-92 has been decreased by 373, while in 1992-93 a decrease of 180 is shown. The 156 1 90-91 Total 91 -92 Total No. Units NO UnctS Orfl 90-91 Total Sq Ft. Year Resid Resid lo 91 -92 Comrnllnd 91 -92 899 526 (373) 1 m.000 92-93 1488 1.308 (IN) i.m.aoo 93-94 1400 1.356 (52) 1,~OoO 94 - 95 1371 1,350 (21) 1 o0O,ooo 95-96 NIA 1,248 i ,m,aoo Years 5 - 10 1,376 1,246 (130) 1,ooo.oaJ Yean - 2001 + 995 1.m 93 1 ,o0O.ooo B I I I 4r 5-- Vndnbl* pro).cIlono not made for thln Urn. wad. a 1 0 I t 4 I was assigned eight trips per day, and a detached unit ten trips per day, based on data I in developing the TIF. Each residential trip was valued at $77.00. The trips-per-day v; for commerciUindustrial was averaged at 17 trips per 1,000 square feet of developm The volume of trips generated by commerciUindustrial development can vary wic depending on the ultimate land use. The value of each commerciaVindustrial trip established at $63.00. Sewer fees were calculated by assessing each residential unit (EDU) $1,675. Commei was assessed $1,675 for each 1,800 square feet of development and industrial was asse: $1,675 for each 3,400 square feet based on the City's procedure for calculating EDU': Park in Lieu revenue projections have increased by 45% throughout the life of the This is the result of applying the new fees which were implemented in May, 1991. This is the first year that the Community Facilities District (CFD) funding mechanism been incorporated into the CIP. The implementation of the CFD has reduced the t amount of PFF, and TIF, and BTD revenues projected, as projects which were previo funded from these sources will now be funded through the CFD. Revenues for the I and TIF have been reduced accordingly, and the fund balance for the BTD has I- transferred to the CFD. 4 non-residen tial uses. I II 8 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 I I m 159 ExDenditures The 1991-92 to buildout CIP outlines a total of 185 projects at a total cost of $414.7 don. The pie chart below indicates that the largest segment of expenditures are witkin the Parks category at $94.2 don or 23%. Included are park projects within all quadrants of Carlsbad as well as Vetem's Memorid Park. Other major park projects include the Golf Course, Larwin Park, Nta Mka Park, Alga Norte Park, and a comuniry park in Zone 19. Park project expenditures are followed in dollar value by Water projects which total $83.7 million, and include new and replacement pipelines and reservoir maintenance. Major street projects in the CIP are the widening of the railroad overpasses at Poinsettia Boulevard, and Pdomar Airport Road, La Costa Boulevard widening, and the extension of Faraday Boulevard. The smallest expenditure category for projects is Traffic Signals, at $3.3 million or I%. Specific timing and cost estimates for projects are identified in the table immediately following. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT ALLOCATION 1991-92 TO BUILDOUT DARKS 5952 23% 'RAFFIC SIGNALS $33 1% SEWER 858 4 14% 1-5 IhTEaCHANGES WATER \T--/ $83 7 20% SiSEET DqOdECTS $78 9 19% Total CIP to Buildout I $414.7 YlllloO Specific phasing of projects is reliant upon fund availability as well as efforts taken to meet established growth management standards for facilities. Wherever recommended project scheduling changes occuned, they were based upon a thorough review of the Growth Management Plan, in unison with revenue projections. In order to balance the first five years of the CIP in conjunction with the decline in projected revenues, selected park and street projects have been phased and deferred. All of these dtered projects are funded by the PFF, which is now balanced as a result of the timing changes. The altered projects and related issues are identified on the following page. 160 i t Southeast Ouadrant Parks Alga Norte Park - Construction for this park is now scheduled for the 1996-2( time period. In the 1990-91 CIP, Alga Norte park was scheduled for pha construction in 1991-92, and in 1992-93. Under of provisions of the existing p: agreement, and to comply with the growth management standards, this park ne to be completed in 1993-94. Staff is presently working with the develope] accomplish the more imminent deadline. Canillo Ranch Park - The scheduling for this park has not been altered from f shown in the 1990-91 CIP. Construction is shown in 1994-95. Camllo Ra however, faces the same development related issues that are encountered with k Norte Park. Access to the area will not be established until development occ and it is now estimated that this will occur until sometime later rhan 1994-9; may be necessary to defer this park in the future should these issues continuc a 1 I 8 I 9 1 1 I I- l I 1 1 1 I I exist. Southwest Quadrant Parks Alta Mira Park - The construction of Alta Mira park has now been phased into segments. The prior year CIP showed the construction of all 42 acres in 1992- Due to funding constraints, construction will be phased, providing $4.0 millioi funds in 1992-93 and $3.0 million in 1995-96. Initial design for this park wil completed by May, 1992 which will result in more accurate cost estimates for e phase, as well as the amenities to be built at each stage. Zone 19 Park - Developer funds of $1,875,000 are available through a lette credit and can be used to construct the first phase, 15 acres, of Zone 19 Park. CIP shows construction of Zone 19 Park for 1992-93, which is one year earlier I was shown in the 1990-91 CIP. Lack of development in the area, and access to park site are still issues which need to be addressed before embarking on project. Streets Palomar Airport Road Railroad Bndne - This project also includes the intersec realignment of Palomar Airport Road and Carlsbad Boulevard. Instead of fun1 the entire project cost of $4.0 million in 1995-96, $1.0 million will be funde that year, with the remaining $3.0 million occurring in the 1996-2001 time pel The City can expect to undertake the project in 1996-97. Poinsettia Lane Railroad Bridne Widening - This project was scheduled in 1991 at $2.0 million, and was pushed back into the 1996-2001 time period. 161 1991-92 Proiects The 1991-92 CIP identifies 44 projects which have been budgeted at a total cost of $50.1 million. The chart below shows that Park projects occupy one third of the total 1991-92 expenditures at $16.9 don. Twenty five percent or $12.3 million of the budget is allocated to Civic projects. Sewer projects account for the least amount of expenditures at $1.5 million or 3%. Following is a detailed explanation of the sigmficant 199'1-92 CIP projects by category. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1991-92 PROJECTS BY MAJOR CATEGORY c VIC 1-5 INTERCHANGES $34 7% STREET PROJECTS $62 12% 'WATER sga 20% Told 91-92 CIP I $50.1 Mllllnn Civic Proiects The significant projects scheduled for 1991 -92 appropriation include the expenditure of CFD funds toward the! South Carlsbad Library at $1 1.2 million. Design funds of $136,000 for the Cole Library Remodel are also budgeted in 1991-92. Park Proiects The construction of the Golf Course is identified for 1991-92 to be funded with a $14 million bond issue. The repayment of the debt is considered an operating expense, and does not appear within the CIP. It should be noted that the General Fund contribution to the Golf Come is limited to between $700,000 and $800,000 annually. Additional debt service expenses will need to be met through the Golf Course Enterprise Fund, and the appropriate setting of user fees. Larwin Park at $2.5 million is the one City park scheduled for a 1991-92 appropriation. Initial design plans for this park are under review. 162 1 1 s I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I Sewer Proiects The CIP reflects Carlsbad's share of funding the Encina Budget. tncludec $844,000 in funds to repay the debt for the Phase Iv Expansion, and $488,000 the Solids Management Program. An additional $475,000 is scheduled in the 15 92 budget for the Home Plant Lift Station project. s Water Projects The largest 1991-92 Water District project is budgeted at $3.5 million for a pipe along Palomar Airport Road, from El Camin0 Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road. TI are also eleven. Water District projects that are identified for funding through a s loan program center around the use of reclaimed water. To date there is mechanism in place to repay the loan. This is the second year that Water Dist projects have been included in the CIP. The projects and the accounting used them now fully conforms to the City's method for representing capital projects Traffic Simals There are no traffic signals requiring appropriation in 1991-92. # Street Proiec ts A total of $5.8 don in new appropriations is scheduled for street projects. c largest expense is for the widening of Palomar Airport Road from El Camino R to Business Park Dnve at $2.3 million. Funds are coming from Transnet/Loca segment of the Proposition A Sales Tax program. The intersection improvemen El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road is also scheduled for 91-92 at $ million to be funded by TIF and Transnet/Local. The remaining significant expel is an appropriation of $730,000 to the Streetscape Phase V with bond fund inteI earnings offsetting projecr costs. I 1-5 Interchannes The I-S/Palomar Airport Road Overpass is budgeted for $2.2 million during 19' 92. This will begin the projecr which has the remaining $10.8 million needed complete the Interchange in 1992-93 from the CFD. A loan from Transnet v allow the City the accelerate the project timing. CFD funds will be used to reg 1 the loan. 163 a Outstandinz Issues There are two issues which became apparent as steps were taken to formulate the recommended CIP. These are outlined below. 1. Unfunded Projects - There continues to be is a list of projects identified, that have no specific funding source. These projects may be pursued as funding becomes available. Included on the unfunded list are eleven Public Art Projects. Historically, funding for these projects is arrived at by applying 1% of the GCC project costs to Art. As there are few GCC projects planned within the 1991-92 CIP, funding for public art is scarce. Council may wish to consider establishing a policy which would require that 1% of the total project cost be allocated to art. This would eliminate a duplicate process for each project as well as broaden the potential funding sources to the PFF, CFD and TIF. Water District Fund Balances - The Capital Surcharge fund which is used to replaced existing out-of-date or worn infrasmeture, shows a negative balance beginning in 1992-93, and continuing though the 2001+ the frame. Water District staff are presently investigating the possible issuance of debt in order to remedy the problem. Should debt be given further consideration, staff will need to review the water rate structure and establish the nature of the debt to be issued. Summary Review of the CIP finds that all projects identified in the 1990-91 CIP continue to be included. There is concern however, over the economy and the impact it will have on City revenues. Lack of funds has caused the City to rethink how it can accomplish its capital projects. Generally the phiiosophy has been to build quality capital facilities which meet, and at times exceed, growth management standards whenever economically beneficial. This philosophy worked when growth and related revenues were substantial. The lack of funds now facing the City has resulted in the need to rethink capital projects. Concepts such as phasing projects over a period of years, and timing them when funds are available need to become more prominent. As the new philosophy emerges, the City can still expect to provide quality capital facilities which meet the need of Carlsbad's citizens. The 1991- 92 CIP reflects these concepts, in that staff has recommended the phasing of some park and street projects until such time as projected revenues become available. Should the economy fail to recover within the next year, the City will need to continue its efforts in effectively timing projects to match revenues. This could result in dramatic defenals of some projects in the CIP schedule. 2. I64 # t I s I i 5. t $ 1 E 1 IC I 1 B i # *. ** * "0 8 E. *I 3 E. q ! fE i g g. N iii / 2- "8 *I *I *. *. In g n n N "8 *I *I *I 51 N. e In - 8. a?: i 0. g. 8. Q. ,?: : 8- E. 8. --&?E : VI $$i ** ; n N Y* "* I, * *. "1 "I 8 * -:I1 s W In n >$; j N I. *a Y* ** .I "5 E r' "fl: : ZAi : VI 0 OR e .ON eE! j - "I *I *I *I *I "I ~n. # u) <NW * OYI N *n 0 t zsi j * "8 "I "I "8 "0 "8 -NU 1 W -a B a 1 32 =?: ; E- In 8. E. Q xi : n N w %E - - "3 "8 us IS "t ;: om m=c 2-0 5YN "4 ;E; 58 e : s~.~~.~~.E.g~.~E-~.g~.~.0.~.8.8.sE.~.8-%.%-~%.~.~.~- :Ez eK: a E :bin.- : s *mz g 8 E! ~~~~~-q~.~~-~ z E-Z z c CE S in 0-0 2 *X "en- c ** "I "I I, "I R r * C_IW -- u-s Zf "I gg:: :: s E- !3- E- 0 s 6 %* E- 5- 2. % g. 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GCC 502,084 56,200 445,884 PFF 2,661,618 1,821,974 3,560,000 923,592 ZONE 5 PARK FEE 1,534,200 200,000 1,734,200 PIL AREA 1 NU 1,431,805 118,312 1,550,117 PIL AREA 2 NE 392,736 141,460 534,196 PIL AREA 3 SU 5 16,960 91,820 608,780 PIL AREA 4 SE 386,374 102,880 489,254 TIF 1,424,223 757,699 1,710,000 471,922 PLD - 3 26,968 26,968 PLD - 7 16,072 16,072 PLD - 9 349,096 349,096 SEWER CONST 6,832,314 1,190,410 1,494,365 6,528,359 TRANSNET/BIKE 400,000 250,000 150,000 TRANSNET/HIGHUAY (2,069,001) 1,875,000 2,000,000 (2,194,001) TRANSNET/LOCAL 647,082 3,015,000 3,315,000 347,082 SDG&E PLD - OTHER 543 ~ 887 543,887 GAS TAX 1,745,587 I, 745,587 383,601 14,000,000 14,000,000 383,601 SD COUNTY 210,383 320,000 530,383 GOLF BONDS PUBLIC ART 41,038 562 41,600 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 422,767 422,767 LETTER OF CREDIT - 219 187,500 187,500 LTR CREDIT FOOTE 170,000 170,000 LTR CREDIT BCED AVIARA LOAN 913,000 913,000 FEDERAL GRANTS REDEVELOPMENT TAX INCREMENT BOND 647,082 100,000 730,100 16,982 STATE GRANTS (556,408) 520,000 503,416 (539,824) CDBG (550,200) (550,200) SENIOR GRANT/TRUST 3,028 3,028 CMMTY FACILITY DISTR 5,053,144 6,346,856 11,400,000 UATER DISTRICT FUNDS -STATE LOAN 5,000,000 5,000,000 -MAJOR FACILITY FEE 9,054,795 1,942,568 2,535,000 8,462,363 -CAPITAL SURCHARGE 2,909,859 2,157,693 2,277,500 2,790,052 .................... ----------- -_-__-_---- ----------- ----------- TOTAL 34,558,066 41,375,762 50,105,109 25,828,719 ........................................................................ ........................................................................ 179 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CASH FLW 1992 TO BUILDOUT YEAR 2 1992-93 BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/92 REVENUE EXPENDITURES END I NG -------------_----_-~..-~~----------------------------------------------- GCC 445,884 445,884 PFF 923,592 3,502,492 4,575, ooo ( 148,916) ZONE 5 PARK FEE 1,734,200 200,000 1,934,200 PIL AREA 1 NU 1,550,117 356,222 1,906,339 PIL AREA 2 NE 534,196 372,940 907,136 PIL AREA 3 SU 608,780 328,444 937,225 PIL AREA 4 SE 489,254 102,880 592,134 TI F 471,922 1,100,678 640,000 932,600 PLD - 3 26,968 26,968 PLD - 7 16,072 16,072 PLD - 9 349,096 349,096 TRANSNET/BIKE 150,000 150,000 TRANSNET/HIGHWAY (2,194,001 ) a50,ooo (1,344,001) SDGgE 395,000 395,000 GAS TAX 1 ,745, 587 1,745,587 PLD - OTHER 543,887 543,887 SEVER CONST 6,528,359 2,498,585 1,869,256 7,157,688 TRANSNET/LOCAL 347,082 436,000 300,000 483,082 SD COUNTY 530,383 157,500 687,883 GOLF BONDS 383,601 383,601 PUBLIC ART 41,600 41,600 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 422,767 422,767 LETTER OF CREDIT - 219 1,687,500 1,687,500 LTR CREDIT FOOTE LTR CREDIT KED 2,241,265 2,241,265 AVIARA LOAN FEDERAL GRANTS REDEVELOPMENT TAX INCREMENT BONO 16,982 16,982 STATE GRANTS (539,824) (539,824 ) CDBG (550,200) (550,200) CMMTY FACILITY DISTR 20,335,000 20,335,000 UATER DISTRICT FUNDS -MAJOR FACILITY FEE 8,462,363 2,102,238 9,253,594 1,311,007 -CAPITAL SURCHARGE 2,790,052 1,076,434 10,262,750 (6,396,264) .................... ----------- __---_-_-__ --------_-_ ___________ TOTAL 25,828,719 37,743,178 49,318,100 14,253,798 ........................................................................ ........................................................................ 180 1 I 1 I 1 D ! M 1 I II I I U U II E D CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CASH FLOW 1992 TO BUILDOUT YEAR 3 1993-94 BEG INN I NG FUND BAL 7/1/93 REVENUE EXPENDITURES END I NG ........................................................................ GCC 445,884 445,884 PFF (148,916) 3,605,644 3,520,000 (63,272) ZONE 5 PARK FEE 1,934,200 200,000 2,134,200 PIL AREA 1 NU 1,906,339 356,222 2,262,561 PIL AREA 2 NE 907,136 334,360 1,241,496 PIL AREA 3 SU 937,225 331,325 1,268,550 PIL AREA 4 SE 592,134 102,880 695 ~ 014 TIF 932,600 1,121,731 2,090,000 (35,669) PLD - OTHER 543,887 543,887 PLD - 3 26,968 26,968 PLD - 7 16,072 16,072 PLD - 9 349,096 349,096 SEWER CONST 7,157,688 2,444,985 1,740,515 7,862,158 TRANSNET/BIKE 150,000 150,000 TRANSNET/HIGHUAY (1,344,001) 1,045,000 (299,001 ) TRANSNET/LOCAL 483,082 349,000 300,000 532,082 SDGgE 550,000 550,000 GAS TAX 1,745,587 1,745,587 SD COUNTY 687,883 165,375 853,258 GOLF BONDS 383,601 383,601 PUBLIC ART 41,600 41,600 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 422,767 422,767 n LETTER OF CREDIT - 2 LTR CREDIT FOOTE LTR CREDIT BCED 2,241,265 2,241,265 AVIARA LOAN FEDERAL GRANTS REDEVELOPMENT TAX INCREMENT BOND 16,982 16,982 STATE GRANTS (539,824) (539,824) CDBG (550,200) (550,200) CMMTY FACILITY DISTR 22,763,000 22,763,000 WATER DISTRICT FUNDS -MAJOR FACILITY FEE 1,311,007 2,116,091 3,219,705 207,393 -CAPITAL SURCHARGE (6,396,264) 1,171,048 2,882,670 (8,107,886) .................... ------_---- ----_--__-- _____------ _---------- TOTAL 14,253,798 36,656,661 37,065,890 i3,~+,569 ........................................................................ ........................................................................ 181 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CASH FLW 1992 TO BUILDWT YEAR 4 1994-95 BEG1 NN I NG FUND BAL 7/1/94 REVENUE EXPENDITURES END I NG -p-------___"_-_-_--____m___p___________-------------------------------- GCC 445,884 445,884 PFF (63,2n) 4,132,750 3,080,ooo 989,478 ZONE 5 PARK FEE 2,134,200 200,000 2,334,200 PIL AREA 1 NU 2,262,561 297,066 2,559,627 PIL AREA 2 NE 1,241,496 334,360 1, 575,856 PIL AREA 3 SU 1,268,550 357,045 1,625,595 PIL AREA 4 SE 695,014 102,880 797, a94 TI F (35,669) 1,119,099 340,000 743,430 PLD - OTHER 543,887 543,887 PLD - 3 26,968 26,968 PLD - 7 16,072 16,072 PLD - 9 349,096 349,096 TRANSNET/BIKE 150,000 150,000 TRANSNET/HIGHUAY (299,001) 1,135,000 835,999 SDGgE GAS TAX 1,745,587 1,745,587 SD COUNTY 853,258 173.650 1 ,026,908 GOLF BONDS 383,601 383,601 PUBLIC ART 41,600 41,600 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 422,767 422,767 SEUER CONST 7,~2,15a 2,434,935 5,192,800 5,104,293 TRANSNET/LOCAL 532,082 378.000 4,600,ooo (3,689,918) LETTER OF CREDIT - 219 LTR CREDIT FOOTE LTR CREDIT BCED 2,241,265 2,241,265 AVIARA LOAN FEDERAL GRANTS REDEVELOPMENT TAX INCREMENT BOND 16,982 16,982 STATE GRANTS (539,824) ( 539,824) CDBG (550,200) (550,200) CMMTY FACILITY DISTR 3,950,000 3,950,000 UATER DISTRICT FUNDS -MAJOR FACILITY FEE 207,393 2,093,963 7,396,501 (5,095,145) -CAPITAL SURCHARGE (8,107,886) 1,272,557 534,375 (7,369,704) .................... ----------- ----------- ---------__ ---_____--_ TOTAL 13,844,569 17,981,305 25,093,676 6,732,198 ........................................................................ ........................................................................ 182 I I. 1 I I I I I I 8 I 8 I I I I 1 I 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CASH FLW 1992 TO BUILDOUT YEAR 5 1995-96 BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/95 REVENUE EXPENDITURES END I NG ---------_"-_-___--_----------------.----------------------------------- GCC 445,886 445,884 PFF 989,478 3,373,552 4,235,000 128,030 ZONE 5 PARK FEE 2,334,200 200,000 2,534,200 PIL AREA 1 NU 2,559,627 191,614 2,3ao,ooo 371,241 PIL AREA 2 NE 1,575,856 334,360 1,910,216 PIL AREA 4 SE 797,894 102,880 900,774 TIF 743,430 1,074,363 340,000 1,477,793 .PLD - 3 26,968 26,968 PLD - 7 16,072 16,072 PLD - 9 349,096 349,096 TRANSNET/BIKE 150,000 150,000 TRANSNET/HIGHUAY 835,999 1,230,000 3,450,000 (1,384,001) PIL AREA 3 SU 1,625,595 357,045 1,982,640 PLD - OTHER 543, a87 543 * a87 SEVER CONST 5,104,293 2,264,085 3,509,200 3,859,178 TRANSNET/LOCAL (3,689,918) 410,ooo 2,495,000 (5,774,918) GAS TAX 1,745,587 i ,745,587 GOLF BONDS 383,601 383,601 SDGgE SD COUNTY 1,026,908 182,350 1,209,258 PUBLIC ART 41,600 41,600 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 422,767 422,767 LETTER OF CREDIT - 219 LTR CREDIT FOOTE LTR CREDIT BCED 2,241,265 2,241,265 AVIARA LOAN FEDERAL GRANTS REDEVELOPMENT 656,250 656,250 TAX INCREMENT BOND 16,982 16,982 STATE GRANTS (539,824) (539,824) CDBG (550,200) (550,200 ) CMMTY FACILITY DISTR 7,000,000 7,000,000 WATER DISTRICT FUNDS -MAJOR FACILITY FEE (5,095,145) z,i6i,a70 (2,933,275 ) -CAPITAL SURCHARGE (7,369,704) 1,092,335 (6,277,369) __------____________ --_-------- -__________ ---________ -__________ TOTAL 6,732,198 20,630,704 24,065,450 3,297,452 ........................................................................ ........................................................................ 183 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CASH FLOU 1992 TO BUILDWT YEAR 6-10 1996-2001 BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/96 REVENUE EXPENDITURES END I NG _______9______________________________DD-------------------------------- GCC 445,884 445,884 PFF 128,030 16,719,479 15,135,250 1,712,259 ZONE 5 PARK FEE 2,534,200 1,000,000 2,000,000 1,534,200 PIL AREA 1 NU 371 ~ 241 958,070 1,329,311 PIL AREA 2 NE 1,910,216 1,661,512 3,571,728 PIL AREA 3 SU 1,982,640 1,656,625 1,278,500 2,360,765 PIL AREA 4 SE 900,774 564,554 1,465,328 TIF 1,477,793 5,341,551 7,107,000 (287,656) PLD - OTHER 543,887 543,887 PLD - 3 26,968 26,968 PLD - 7 16,072 16,072 PLD - 9 349,096 349,096 SEWER CONST 3,859,178 11,307,025 7,681,800 7,484,403 TRANSNET/BIKE 150,000 150,000 TRANSNET/HICHUAY (1,384,001 1 4,350, OOG 2,965,999 TRANSNET/LOCAL (5,774,918) 1,450,000 1,500,000 (5,824.$38) SDGgE GAS TAX 1,745,587 1 ,745,587 SD CWNTY 1,209,258 1,058,000 1,950,000 317,258 GOLF BONDS 383,60 1 383,601 PUBLIC ART 41,600 41,600 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 422,767 422,767 LETTER OF CREDIT - 219 LTR CREDIT FOOTE LTR CREDIT BCED 2,241,265 2,241,265 AVIARA LOAN FEDERAL GRANTS REDEVELOPMENT TAX INCREMENT BOND 16,982 16,982 STATE GRANTS (539,824) (539,824) CDBG (550,200) (550,200) CMMTY FACILITY DISTR 30,300,000 30,300,000 WATER DISTRICT FUNDS -MAJOR FACILITY FEE (2,933,275) 10,802,071 22,621,052 (14,752,256) -CAPITAL SURCHARGE (6,277,369) 6,783,068 8,777,200 (8,271,501) -----------__-__--__ --__------- _________-- ----_______ ---------__ TOTAL 3,297,452 93,951,955 100,592,067 (3,342,660) ........................................................................ ........................................................................ 184 I I I u 1 1 1 (I II I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CASH FLOW 1992 TO BUILDOUT 2001 + BEGINNING FUND BAL 7/1/2001 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ENDING ........................................................................ GCC 445,884 445,884 ZONE 5 PARK FEE 1,534,200 3,170,815 4,705,015 0 PFF 1,712,259 38,478,327 32,748,015 7,442,571 PIL AREA 1 NU 1,329,311 2,318,658 3,647,969 PIL AREA 2 NE 3,571,728 3,070,968 6,642,696 PIL AREA 4 SE 1,465,328 1,305,290 2,770,618 TIF (287,656) 13,970,393 9,290,000 4,392,737 PLD - 3 26,968 26,968 PCD - 7 16,072 16,072 PLD - 9 349,096 349,096 SEWER CONST 7,484,403 26,435,530 37,420,120 (3,500,187) TRANSNET/HIGHUAY 2,965,999 18,060,000 21,025,999 TRANSNET/LOCAL (5,824,918) 6,020,000 3,000,000 (2,804,918) SDG&E GAS TAX 1,745,587 1,745,587 SD COUNTY 317,258 613,125 930,383 GOLF BONDS 383,601 383,601 PUBLIC ART 41,600 61,600 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 422,767 422,767 LETTER OF CREDIT - 219 LTR CREDIT FOOTE LTR CREDIT BCED AVIARA LOAN FEDERAL GRANTS REDEVELOPMENT TAX INCREMENT BOND 16,982 16,982 CDBG (550,200) (550,200) CMMTY FACILITY DISTR 14,500,000 14,500,000 WATER DISTRICT FUNDS PIL AREA 3 SU 2,360,765 2,425,211 4,785,976 (0) PLD - OTHER 543,887 543,887 TRANSNET/BIKE 150,000 150,000 STATE GRANTS (539,824) (539,8241 -MAJOR FACILITY FEE (14,752,256) 28,462,717 8,273,438 5,437,023 -CAPITAL SURCHARGE (8,271,501) 21,526,656 675,000 12,580,155 TOTAL (3,342,660) 180,357,690 128,458,847 48,556,183 ___------"-------___ -------_--_ ---------__ -__-------- ----------- ........................................................................ 185 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CASH FLOU 1992 TO BUILDWT GRAND TOTALS ALL YEARS TOTAL TOTAL FUND BEGINNING BAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES EN0 I NG _________-________-_____________________------~--------~---------------- GCC 502,084 56,200 445,884 ZONE 5 PARK FEE 1,534,200 5,170,815 6,705,015 0 PFF 2,661,618 71,634,218 66,853,265 7,442,571 PIL AREA 1 NU 1,431,805 4,596,164 6,027,969 PIL AREA 2 NE 392,736 6,249,960 6,642,696 PIL AREA 4 SE 386,374 2,384,244 2,770,618 TIF 1,424,223 24,485,514 21,517,000 4,392,737 PLD - 3 26,968 26,968 PLD - 7 16,072 16,072 PLD - 9 349,096 349,096 SEWER CONST 6,832,314 48,575,555 58,908,056 (3,500,187) TRANSNET/BIKE 400,000 250,000 150,000 TRANSNET/HIGHUAY (2,069,001) 28,545,000 5,450,000 21,025,999 TRANSNET/LOCAL 647,082 12,058,000 15,510,000 (2,804,918) SDGLE 945,000 945,000 GAS TAX 1,745,587 1,745,587 SD COUNTY 210,383 2,670,000 1,950,000 930,383 GOLF BONDS 14,000,000 14,000,000 PUBLIC ART 41,038 562 41,600 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 422,767 422,767 LETTER OF CREDIT - 219 1,875,000 1,875,000 LTR CREDIT FOOTE 170,000 170,000 LTR CREDIT BCED 2,241,265 2,241,265 AVIARA LOAN 913,000 913,000 FEDERAL GRANTS REDEVELOPMENT 656,250 (656,250) TAX INCREMENT BOND 647,082 100,000 730,100 16,982 STATE GRANTS (556,408) 520,000 503,416 (539,824) COBG (550,200) (550,200) SENIOR GRANT/TRUST 3,028 3,028 CMMTY FACILITY OISTR 5,053,144 105,194,856 110,248,000 WATER DISTRICT FUNDS PIL AREA 3 SU 5 16,960 5,547,s 16 6,064,476 (0) PLD - OTHER 543,887 543.887 -STATE LOAN 5,000,000 5,000,000 -MAJOR FACILITY FEE 9,054,795 49,681,518 53,299,290 5,437,023 -CAPITAL SURCHARGE 2,909,859 35,079,791 25,409,495 12,580,155 .................... -_--------- ----------- _----___-__ ---_____--- TOTAL 34,174,465 428,041,006 414,699,139 47,516,332 ........................................................................ ........................................................................ 186 I 1 f,,, APPENDICES AND SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS 1 I I II CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 1991 -92 ACCT NO DEPARTMENT ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY 001 -1 310 FINANCE Desktop 286 Computer 1 8 TOTAL FINANCE @ TOTAL POLICE TECHNICAL SERVICES 1 TOTAL STREW MAINTENANCE 001-2140 POLICE TECHNICAL SERVICES UPS Emergency Radio System 2 001 -51 10 STREET MAINTENANCE Jackhammer 90 Ibs. 1 001 -5320 FACl LIT1 ES MA NAG EM ENT Carpet Soil Extractor 1 Power Snake 1 Vacuum 1 TOTAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT I I II 1 I I I I II U TOTAL GENERAL FUND 180-81 10 PUBLIC LIBRARY GRANT lnlex Terminals 2 OCLC Workstation & Monitor 1 Deskjet 500 Printer 1 lnlex Inventory Control Portable Module 1 Laptop computer 1 Flat Files 1 Microfiche Cabinet 1 i Film Readers TOTAL PUBLIC LIBRARY GRANT 51 1-6110 SA N ITATl ON Telephone Alarm Units L Variable Speed Pump 1 Hydraulic Comminutor Bar Screen 1 Hydraulic Press 25 Ton H-Frame 1 B TOTAL SANITATION 620-521 0 U/M - FLEET OPERATIONS Bar 90 Engine Analyzer 1 Oil Filter Crusher 1 Freon Recovery Station 1 10 Ton Air/Hydraulic Jack 1 u TOTAL UIM - FLEET OPERATIONS 620-5220 U/M - VEHICLE REPLACEMENT Police Patrol Vehicle E TOTAL UN - VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 187 h CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 1991 -92 ACCT NO DEPARTMENT ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY C 640- 1 720 INFORMATION SYSTEMS - DP Network 300 ME Hard Drive 2' Network FAX 1 Novel1 Async Communications Server 41 81 0-341 0 REDEVELOPMENT Color 386N Computer 1 - TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS - DP 1 TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT WATER DISTRICT GENERAL SERVICES Lap Top Computer 1 ( Cash Register -Water Billing 4 Miscellaneous Office Furnishings I - TOTAL GENERAL SERVICES 1: WATER DISTRICT OPERATIONS Vehicle Replace - 112 Ton Compact 35 Vehicle Replace - 5 Yard Dump Truck 1 3( Fence Maerkle I Reservoir 9( Fence Maerkle II Reservoir - N Prop Line 1: Fence La Costa Low Reservoir ( Refence Kelly Vault Electric Power to Camino De Las Ondas Telemet ry 3: Safety Equipment - Gas Detectors Sound Level Meter Safety Post Vault Access 3" Submersible Pump - Maerkle Reservoir Chlorine Leak Detector Chlorine V-75 Chlorinator Chlorine Vacuum Regulator Chlorine Pumps Pneumatic Calibration Equipment Portable Volt Recorder FM Radios for District Vehicles ' I 1( Desk Top 396 Computer 1 t Warehouse, Office Upgrades - Furniture Upgrade Valve Operator Machine HVAC for Telemetry Room 500 Gallon Water Tank - Trailer Mounted Xerox Machine 1 Platform Forklift 1 - TOTAL WATER DISTRICT OPERATIONS 30; WATER DISTRICT ENGINEERING Office Furniture Desk Top Computer 1 - f TOTAL WATER DISTRICT ENGINEERING : /TOTAL __ SPECIAL FUNDS $66; [TOTAL ALL FUNDS $69' 188 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAVEL REQUESTS 1991 -92 I 1 ll I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I ACCT NO DEPARTMENT TRAVEL DESCRIPTION DESTINATION 001-1010 CITY COUNCIL League of California Cities Annual Conference (3) San Francisco Mayors and Council Legislative Conference (4) League of California Quarterly Dinners (15) League of California Cities Policy Committee Meetings (5) National League of Cities Conference (2) Meetings with Legislators in State & Federal Capitals Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Sacramento San Diego Various Washington D Wash DC/Sacr Various I SUBTOTAL CITY COUNCIL 001-1020 CITY MANAGER League of CA Cities Annual Conference (2) San Francisco League of CA Cities City Mgr's Meetings (1) ICMA Annual Conference (1) National League of Cities (1) Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Palm Springs Boston, MA Washington D Various SUBTOTAL CITY MANAGER m 001-1030 CITY CLERK City Clerk's Association of California Conference Cen. California Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various SUBTOTAL CITY CLERK San Francisco S California Los Angeles Arizona San Diego Various I SUBTOTAL CITY ATTORNEY 001-1210 CITY ATTORNEY League of CA Cities Annual Conference League of CA Cities City Attorneys Meeting League of CA Cities Continuing Education Seminar (2) Nat's Institute of Municipal Law Officers San Diego County City Attorney's Association (3) Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses 001-1310 FINANCE CA Society of Muni Finance Officers Annual Conference (2) N California N California Ventura Out of State S California San Diego Carlsbad Various League of CA Cities Financial Mgmt Seminar (2) CA Municipal Business Tax Conference GFOA Class on Intermediate Gov't Accounting CA Municipal Business Tax Meetings Local Chapter CSMFO Meetings Mileage - Business License Inspections Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses SUBTOTAL FINANCE 001-1320 CITY TREASURER CMTA Monthly Meetings San Diego Municipal Treasurers Annual Conference Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Knoxville. TN Various SUBTOTAL CITY TREASURER Regional and Local Public Works Workshops 001-141 0 PURCHASING SUBTOTAL PURCHASING 189 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAVEL REQUESTS 1991-92 ACCT NO DEPARTMENT TRAVEL DESCRIPTION DESTINATION CC 001-1510 HUMAN RESOURCES Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 1. CALPELRA Annual Conference (1) San Francisco PRIMA Annual Conference San Francisco League of CA Cities EmployerlEmployee Conference Los Angeles SUBTOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES 3. 001-1610 RESEARCH OFFICE MMASC Annual Conference S California League of CA Cities Legislative Briefings Los Angeles League Legislative Fellowship Program Sacramento Meetings with Legislators in Sacramento Sacramen to 1. Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 1, SUBTOTAL RESEARCH OFFICE 4, 001-1710 INFORMATION SYSTEMS Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 1. SUBTOTAL INFORMATION SYST 1, 001-1910 RISK MANAGEMENT California Manufacturers Association Annual Conference Monterey Monterey Public Agency Risk Mgr's Ass'n Annual Conference Local Seminars and Conferences Various SUBTOTAL RISK MANAGEMENT 2. 001-2120 POLICE ADMINISTRATION California Police Chiefs Association Conference N California Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various SUBTOTAL POLICE ADMIN 1. 001-2120 POLICE OPERATIONS Mileage for Personal Cars for Transport to Court San Diego Co. 1, FBI National Academy Quantico. VA 1, SUBTOTAL OPERATIONS 2.1 001-2130 POLICE INVESTIGATIONS Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 1 ,' 1 .( SUBTOTAL IN VESTlG AT10 NS 001-2131 POLICE VICWNARCOTICS Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 2.1 TOTAL POLICE VICONARCOTIC 2,l 001-2140 POLICE TECHNICAL SERVICE Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 3,1 SUBTOTAL POLICE TECHNICAL 3.1 001-2160 POLICE TRAFFIC Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various SUBTOTAL POLICE TRAFFIC 001-2210 FIRE ADMINISTRATION California Fire Chiefs Conference Sacramento S. California S.D. County San Jose. CA I SUBTOTAL FIRE ADMINISTRATI 2.: California Fire Chiefs Quarterly Meeting San Diego County Fire Chiefs Monthly Meetings California Fire Services State Training Annual Conference 190 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAVEL REQUESTS 1991-92 I I 1 I t I I I 1 1 I I I I II I I I I DESTINATION ACCT NO DEPARTMENT TRAVEL DESCRIPTION 001-2220 FIRE SUPPRESSION California State Fire Academy Courses (8 Attendees) Pacific Grove California Fire Training Officers Workshop (6 Attendees) California Regional Training Officers Courses San Diego County Fire Chiefs and Training Officers San Jose S. California San Diego SUBTOTAL FIRE SUPPRESSION 001-2230 FIRE PRNENITON State Fire Academy Training (2) Pacific Grove California Fire ChiefdFire Marshals Conference Regional Fire Prevention Officer Meetings Western Fire Chiefs Conference San Luis Obisp S. California Portland, OR SUBTOTAL FIRE PREVENTION 001-2240 EMERGENCY MEDICAL Regional Emergency Medical Seminars S. California Regional Meetings for Paramedic Coordinator Southern California Fire Chiefs E.M.S. Paramedic Continuing Education Seminars San Diego Los Angeles S. California SUBTOTAL EMERGENCY MEDIC 001-2260 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS Disaster Preparedness Coordination Meetings San Diego California Office of Emergency Services Seminars California Specialized Training Institute S. California San Luis Obisi: SUBTOTAL DISASTER PREPARE 001-3010 COMMUNITY DEVEL ADMIN League of CA Cities Annual Conference San Francisco California Building Officials Annual Business Meeting Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Long Beach Various SUETOTAL COMM DEVEL ADMIb Redlands Annual GIS Users Group Palm Springs Annual UREA Meeting So. California Miscellaneous Meetings and Seminars 001-3020 GEOGRAPHIC INFO. SYSTEM ARCllNFO Supplemental Training (2) Various SUBTOTAL GEOGRAPHIC INFO. San Franciscc S Califorma San Diego American Public Works Assn's National Convention Public Works Officer Institute (2) Monthly American Public Works Ass'n Meetings Institute of Transportation Engineers Various Carlsbad Chamber Meetings for Various Staff Drainage Seminars Various Subdivision Map Act Seminars Various SUBTOTAL ENGINEERING 001-3110 ENGINEERING ADMlN Carlsbad San Diego Various 001 -31 30 MUNICIPAL PROJECTS American Public Works Ass'n Monthly Meetings Miscellanious Seminars for Division Staff SUBTOTAL MU NlCl PAL PROJ E( 19 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAVEL REQUESTS 1991-92 ACCT NO DEPARTMENT TRAVEL DESCRIPTION DESTINATION C 001-3220 PLANNING COMMISSION Planning Commission Institute S California League of CA Cities Annual Conference (Chair) Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses San Francisco Various SUBTOTAL PLANNING COMMISS 1 001-3230 PLANNING American Planning Association State Conference N California American Planning Asmiation National Conference Mid-America . League of CA Cities Annual Conference Association of Environmental Professionals Sierra Users Group Meeting Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 6 SUBTOTAL PLANNING 10 San Francisco N California N California 001-3240 GROWTH MANAGEMENT Travel Associated with Growth Management Seminars Various 1 SUBTOTAL GROWTH MGMT 1 001-3610 BUILDING INSPECTION Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 1 Int'l Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials Col Sprngs. C 1 SUBTOTAL BUILDING INSPECT1 2, 001-341 1 HISTORIC PRESERVATION State Preservation Conference (4) Santa Barbara 1, California Preservation Foundation Workshops Various SUBTOTAL HISTORIC PRSRVT'N 2. 001-4010 LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION American Library Association Annual Conference San Francisco League of CA Cities Annual Conference San Francisco League of CA Cities Executive Committee Meetings Various California Library Association Annual meeting Oakland Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various SUBTOTAL LIBRARY ADMIN 2. 001-4021 LIBRARY CIRCULATION Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various SUBTOTAL CIRCULATION 001-4022 LIBRARY REFERENCE Serra Library System Seminars and Meetings (6) Various Various California Library Assn Seminars and On-Line Users Group SUBTOTAL REFERENCE 1 001-4023 Ll6RARY GENEALOGY Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various SUBTOTAL GENEALOGY 001-4030 LIBRARY CHILDREN'S Local Travel to Facilities for Programs/Mtgs/School Visits Carlsbad Serra Children's Services Committee Meetings San DiegoCo. 2 SUBTOTAL CHILDREN'S 2 001-4040 TECHNICAL SERVICES Serra Technical and Automation Review Committee San Diego Co. 1 Serra Audiovisual Cataloger's Workshop San Diego Co. 1 INLEX Users Group (2) Monterey 1.1 SUBTOTAL TECH SERVICES 1.3 192 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAVEL REQUESTS 1991-92 i 1 ACCT NO DEPARTMENT TRAVEL DESCRIPTION DESTINATIOC 1 SUBTOTAL COLLECTION DEV. I SUBTOTAL MEDIA SERVICES t SUBTOTAL ADULT LEARNING 001-4041 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Oakland 001-4052 MEDIA SERVICES Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 001-4060 ADULT LEARNING Miscellaneous Seminars and Literacy Network Meetings Various 001-4070 BRANCH Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 1 SUBTOTAL BRANCH 001-4210 CULTURAL ARTS National Association of Local Arts Agencies Tuscon. AZ Sacramento L.A./San Fran L.A./San Fran Various California Federation for the Arts League of CA Cities Executive Committee Meetings California Assembly of Local Arts Agencies Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses 8 I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 D SUBTOTAL CULTRUAL ARTS 001-4220 SISTER CITY Official Delegation Visit Fultsu. Japan So. California Southern California Sister Cities Regional Conference SUBTOTAL SISTER CITY 001-4110 PARKS8REC ADMlN Parks 8 Recreation Administrators Institute Asilomar California Park and Recreation Society Annual Conference Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Long Beach Various SUBTOTAL PARKS 8 REC ADM Long Beach Lake Arrowhe Various 001-4121 PARK OPERATIONS California Park and Recreation Society Annual Conference National Park 8 Recreation Park Plannin 8 Maint School Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses SUBTOTAL PARK OPERATIONS 001-4131 RECREATION OPERATIONS California Park and Recreation Society Annual Conference Long Beach Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various SUBTOTAL RECREATON OPRT 001-4133 AQUATICS Local Professional Meetings B SO County Aquatic Council S California Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various SUBTOTAL AQUATICS 001-4141 SENIOR COMMISSION Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various SUBTOTAL.SENIOR COMMSS’E 193 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAVEL REQUESTS 1991-92 ACCT NO DEPARTMENT TRAVEL DESCRIPTION DESTINATION CC 001-4142 SENIOR PROGRAM America1 Society on Aging Conference San Diego San Diego San Diego San Diego N County Senior Director's Meetings Area Agency on Aging Meetings Congressman Packards' Senior Advisory Meetings SUBTOTAL SENIOR PROGRAM 001-5110 STREET MAINTENANCE Maintenance Superintendent Conference San Diego Traffic Control Supervisors Association Conference Fresno MiscellaneOUS Travel and Meeting Expenses Various SUBTOTAL STREET MAINT 1. Misc13llaneOUS Technical Training Various SUBTOTAL FACILITIES MGMT 001-5410 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAlNT Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various SUBTOTAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL MN 001-6010 U & M ADMINSITRATION APWA National Conference San Francisco APWA Monthly Meetings Local Maintenance Superintendent Association Conference Maintenance Superintendent Association Monthly Meetings MMASC Annual Conference Local San Diego Los Angeles Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 1-1 SUBTOTAL U8M ADMIN 3.1 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 1%. 161-4122 STREET TREE MAINTENANCE Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 1 #' SUBTOTAL TREE MAINTENANCE 1.1 161-4123 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE Landscape Seminars Various SUBTOTAL MEDIAN MAlNT 391-3510 BLOCK GRANT(ENT1TLEMENT) Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Local SUBTOTAL BLOCK GRANT Los Angeles 51 1-61 10 SANITATION WPCA National Conference I Water Pollution Control Association Meetings San Diego Water Reclamation Symposium San Diego San Diego Water Reclamation Quarterly Meetings San Diego Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various SUBTOTAL SANITATION 1, 620-5210 FLEET OPERATIONS Annual Fire Chief's Association Mechanics Academy Orange County SUBTOTAL FLEET OPERATIONS 194 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAVEL REQUESTS 1991-92 I I 1 I 8 I I II 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I ACCT NO DEPARTMENT TRAVEL DESCRIPTION DESTINATION 131-3310 HOUSING VOUCHERS Misc. Travel and Meeting Expenses for Hearing Officer Various NAHRO Quarterly Training Workshops Unknown HAEDA Quarterly Information Meetings Unknown Section 8 Program Training Unknown Monthly Mileage Reimbursement for Inspections Personal Car Mileage to City Facilities Local Local SUBTOTAL HOUSING VOUCHER 161-6210 STREET LIGHTING Meetings regarding Street Light Operations and Maint. Various SUBTOTAL STREET LIGHTING 181-8119 SENIOR GRANT California Assoc of Nutrition Directors Sacramento Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various SUBTOTAL SR GRANT 190-8206 PARTNERSHIP FOR CHANGE Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various SUBTOTAL PRTNR FOR CHANG 501-6310 WATER SERVICES Maintenance Superintendents Meetings San Diego San Diego Water Group Meetings Cross Connection Meetings and Seminars AWWA National Conference Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses San Diego Co. Otay Long Beach Various SUBTOTAL WATER SERVICES 520-6410 SOLID WASTE MANAGMENT Solid Waste Management Conference Unknown AB 929 Technical Advisory Committee Meetings Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Local Various SUBTOTAL SOLID WASTE MGM- California Palm Springs 640-1720 DATA PROCESSING Sierra Users Group Annual Conference ARCllnfo Annual Conference (GIs Users) Government Technology Annual Conference Sacramento MacWorld Exposition Annual Conference Networld Annual Conference Cognos Users Annual Conference Anaheim lnterex Annual Conference San Diego Netware Users Conference Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses San Francisco Dallas, TX San Diego San Diego Various SUBTOTAL DATA PROCESSING 81 0-341 0 REDEVELOPMENT Community Redevelopment Agencies Annual Conference Unknown Unknown California Association for Local Economic Development California Housing Development Los Angeles Meetings with Carlsbad Civic Organizations Personal Car Mileage to City Facilities Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Local Local Various SUBTOTAL RED EVELO PM ENT Affordable Housing Seminars Unknown 810-3420 AFFORDABLE HOUSING SUBTOTAL AFFORDABLE HSNC 195 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAVEL REQUESTS 1991-92 ACCT NO DEPARTMENT TRAVEL DESCRIPTION DESTINATION Cl WATER DISTRICT Ass'n of California Water Agencies - Spring Conference S Calif 3 Ass'n of California Water Agencies - Fall Conference Ass'n of California Water Agencies - MeetingslWorkshops California 3 N Calif 5 Conserv '91 Western States 2 American Water Works Ass'n - Fall Conference S Calif 2 American Water Works Ass'n - Spring Conference Western States 2 American Water Works Ass'n Workshops Western States 2 National Water Resources Ass'n Conference Western States 1 California Water Pollution Control Ass'n Unknown 1 Ass'n of Water Reclamation Agencies Western States 1 Teleproducts S.C.A.D.A. School S Calif 2 Teleprcducts Electronics School (Telemetry) S Calif 2 SUBTOTAL GENERAL SERVICES 29 TOTAL SPECIAL FUNDS 55 GRAND TOTAL TRAVEL 191 H:\LIERARWFINANCE\123DATA\92TRAV 196 I I I 1 II I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I I GLOSSARY APPROPRIATION - A specific amount of money authorized by the City Council for approved work program or individual project. ASSESSED VALUATION - A dollar value placed on real estate or other property by I Diego County as a basis for levying property taxes. BALANCED BUDGET - A budget in which planned expenditures do not exceed plan funds available. BEGINNING/ENDtNG FUND BALANCE - Unencumbered resources available in a fund fi the prior/current year after payment of the prior/current year expenses. BOND - A certificate of debt issued by an entity, guaranteeing payment of the orig investment, plus interest, by a specified future date. BUDGET - An annual financial plan that identifies revenues, types and levels of service be provided, and the amount of funds which can be spent. Carlsbad's Operating Buc encompasses one fiscal year, as does the Capital Improvement Program appropriatior CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - A multi-year financial plan containing propc construction of physical assets such as park, street, sewerage, and recreation facilities. r program has identified all projects which are the responsi-bility of the City between present to buildout. CAPITAL OUTLAY - Equipment (fixed assets) with a value $500 or more and with an estimated useful life of more than one year, such as automobiles, comp terminals, and office furniture, which appear in the Operating Budget. COST ALLOCATION - A method used to charge General Fund costs to special reve programs, such as enterprise funds, and internal service funds. DEBT SERVICE - The payment of principal and interest on borrowed funds such as bo DEPARTMENT - An organizational unit comprised of programs or divisions. Exam include the Police Department, Library Department, and Personnel Department. ENCUMBRANCE - A legal obligation to pay funds, an expenditure of which has not occurred. ENTERPRISE FUND - A fund type established to account for the total costs of sele governmental facilities and services which are operated similar to private enterpr These programs are entirely self-supported, and include the Water and Sanita Departments. 197 EXPENDITURE ~ The actual spending of funds set aside by appropriation for identified goods and services. - FEE - A general term used for any charge levied by government for providing a service or permitting an activity. FISCAL YEAR - A twelve-month period of time designated as the budget year. Carlsbad's fiscal year is Jdy 1 to June, 30. FUND - A set of inter-related accounts to record revenues and expenditures associated with a specific purpose. FUND BALANCE - The amount of financial resources available for use. GENERAL FUND - The primary fund used by the City for which revenues and expenditures are not legally restricted for use. Examples of departments operating within the General Fund include Fire, Parks and Recreation and the City Manager's Office. GRANT - Contributions of cash or other assets from another governmental agency to be used or expended for a specified purpose, activity, or facility. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN - A comprehensive approach to land use planning insuring controlled and managed growth within the City, while providing designated public facilities. GROWTH MANAGEMENT STANDARDS - Standards for acceptable service levels which have been established for eleven public facility categories. INTERFUND TRANSFERS - Payments from one fund to another fund, primarily for work or services provided. INTERNAL SERVICE FUND - A fund which provides services to all City departments, and bills the various other funds for services rendered. Examples of Internal Service Funds include Fleet Maintenance, Data Processing, and Worker's Compensation Insurance. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION - A general category used for classifylng expenditures for materials, supplies and services which are normally used within and fiscal year. OPERATING BUDGET - The annual appropriation of funds for on-going program costs, which include salaries, benefits, maintenance, operation, and capital outlay items. OPERATING COSTS - Estimated expenses which can be expected to occur following the construction of a Capital Improvement Project. PERSONNEL - Costs associated with providing the staff necessary to provide the desired levels of services. Included are both salary and benefit costs. 198 ( C I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1991-1992 to BUILDOUT Prepared by: Engineering Department . . . . . .. . . . . I I 1 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I 1 I INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Technical Appendix is to provide a detailed description of the project scope, project location and project need. All capital projects with any future or current funding are listed. As the Carlsbad Municipal Water District merged with the City in 1990, all water projects are now listed in the City's Capital Improvement Program. Where bonds or a loan are to be repaid, this has been included in the Technical Appendix to describe the repayment. All cost estimates are preliminary as in most cases no design has been done to accurately determine costs. All costs are in current dollars, therefore projects in future years should be anticipated to escalate over time to account for inflation. TABLE OF CONTENTS I I I I 1 1 I UTILITIES/MAINTENANCE WAREHOUSE FACILITY 3 I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I II - PAG CMC PROJECTS CITY HALWCITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS COMPLEX FIRE STATION NO. 3 RELOCATION FIRE STATION NO. 6 (PERMANENT) LAS PALMAS PURCHASE EXPAND COLE LIBRARY REMODEL COLE LIBRARY SOUTH CARLSBAD LIBRARY PUBLIC ART: 1-5 INTERCHANGES PUBLIC ART: LARWIN PARK PUBLIC ART: TEMPORARY SCULPTURE EXHIBITION 1 ROOSEVELT STREET PARKING LOT 1 DRAINAGE PROJECTS BUENA VISTA CHANNEL REPAIR 3 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE STORM DRAIN STORM DRAIN & DESILTATION BASIN/CA"ON ROAD I 3 PARK PROJECTS ZONE 5 PARK FACILITY 3 NORTHEAST OUADRANT PARKS GOLF COURSE DEVELOPMENT I MWIN COMMUNITY PARK MACARIO CANYON PARK DEVELOPMENT NORTHWEST OUADRANT PARKS CANNON LAKE PARK HOSP GROVE IMPROVEMENTS 1 MAXTON BROWN PARK IMPROVEMENTS COMMUNITY CENTER - NORTHWEST QUADRANT 1 PARK SITE - NORTHWEST QUADRANT I SENIOR CENTER BARBECUE FACILITY SOUTHEAST OUADRANT PARKS ALGA NORTE PARK ALGA NORTE PARK (LOAN REPAYMENT) ALGA NORTE PARK COMMUNITY FACILITY LEO CARRILLO PARK I 1 PAGE SOUTHWEST OUADRANT PARKS ALTA MIRA PARK - PHASE I 30 ALTA MIRA (LOAN REPAYMENT) 31 ALTA MIRA PARK COMMUNITY CENTER 32 SPECIAL USE AREA PARK 33 ZONE 19 COMMUNITY PARK 34 ZONE 19 COMMUNITY PARK (LE'ITER OF CREDIT REPAYMENT) 35 ZONE 19 COMMUNITY CENTER 36 SEWER PROJECI'S ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY PARALLEL OCEAN OUTFALL 37 SOLIDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 38 TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION 39 PHASE V EXPANSION 40 DISINFECTION FACILITIES 41 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 42 INTERCEPTOR SYSTEM & LIFT STATIONS AGUA HEDIONDA LIFT STATXON 43 BUENA VISTA LIFT STATION 44 BUENMSAN MARCOS INTERCEPTOR 45 HOME PLANT LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAIN 46 VISTMCARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR 47 SEWER MONITORING PROGRAM 48 WATER PROJECI'S 384 ZONE TO POINSETTIA 49 550 ZONE TO POINSETTIA 50 580 ZONE SECONDARY SUPPLY 51 680 ZONE SUPPLY 52 BATIQUITOS DRIVE 53 WINO HILLS AT FARADAY 54 WINO VIDA ROBLE TO "D" RESERVOIR 55 CANNON ROAD - EL CAMINO REAL TO COLLEGE 56 CANNON - CAR COUNTRY TO EL CAMINO REAL 57 CANNON - COLLEGE TO OCEANSIDE 58 CARRILLO WAY 59 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE - CELINDA TO DONNA 60 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD - MANZANO TO ENCINA 61 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD - SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT 62 CARRILLO WAY - EL FUERTE TO EL CAMINO REAL 63 COLLEGE BOULEVARD EXTENSION AT EL CAMINO REAL 64 .. 11 - PAG I I I 1 1 II I I i I I I II I I 1 I I WATER PROJECXS (Cont'd.) COLLEGE NORTH AT OCEANSIDE 6 COLLEGE ROW - ALGA TO BATIQUITOS 6 COLLEGE - 33" TO CANNON 6 COLLEGE - CANNON TO TAP 6 COLLEGE - POINSETIRA TO PALOMAR AIRPORT 6 D RESERVOIR I 7 DOWNTOWN REHABILITATION 7 E RESERVOIR TO CAR COUNTRY 7 EAST OF "E" RESERVOIR 7 EL CAMINO REAL - CHESTNUT TO TAMARACK 7 EL CAMINO REAL AT COLLEGE 7 EL FUERTE AVENUE - NORTH OF LOKER 7 EL FUERTE - ALGA TO CARRILLO 7 EL FUERTE - FARADAY TO MAERKLE 7 EL FUERTE - CARRILLO TO PALOMAR AIRPORT 7 FARADAY TO CANNON ROAD e FARADAY - EL FUERTE TO ORION e 1-5 AT NAVIGATION CIRCLE e JEFFERSON - PI0 PIC0 TO MAY CO e KELLY DRIVE - CAMINO DE LAS ONDAS e KELLY DRIVE - "E" RESERVOIR TO CANNING e LONG TERM STORAGE e MAERKLE DAM LINING - COVER e MAERKLE PUMP STATION & CHLORAMINATION e MAERKLE RESERVOIR TO EL CAMINO REAL 8 MARRON ROAD - AVENIDA ANITA TO PR STATION S MARRON ROAD - PR STATION TO OCEANSIDE S PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD FROM ECR TO SANTA FE S PALOMAR AIRPORT NORTH OF OWENS S PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AT YARROW 5 POINSETTIA - EL WINO REAL TO I'D" S POINSETTIA - PASEO DEL NORTE TO CARLSBAD S PR STATION S PR STATION RELOCATION S RECLAIMED WATER - AG & 1-5 ONSITE PIPING S RECLAIMED WATER - AG & 1-5 PIPELINES 1c RECLAIMED WATER - AG & 1-5 PUMPING STATIONS 1c RECLAIMED WATER - AG & 1-5 RESERVOIR 1c RECLAIMED WATER - AVIARA PIPELINE 1c RECLAIMED WATER - AVIARA RESERVOIR 1c RECLAIMED WATER - AVIARA PUMP STATION - ECR 1c RECLAIMED WATER - GAFNER IMPROVEMENTS 1c RECLAIMED WATER - 1-5 PIPING 1C RECLAIMED WATER - 1-5 @ PAR BRIDGE 1c RECLAIMED WATER - MAHR RESERVOIR IMPROVEMENTS 1c SOUTH OF WINO VIDA ROBLE 11 I'D" I1 RESERVOIR 11 I'D" RESERVOIR TO PALOMAR OAKS 11 I iii TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECTS TRAF. SIG. - ALGA ROAD/EL FUERTE STREET TRAF. SIG. - ALGA ROAD/MELROSE DRIVE TRAF. SIG. - CANNON ROAD/AVENIDA ENCINAS TRAF. SIG. - CANNON ROADKOLLEGE BOULEVARD TRAF. SIG. - CANNON ROAD/FARADAY AVENUE TRAF. SIG. - CANNON ROAD/I-5 TRAF. SIG. - CANNON ROAD/PASEO DEL NORTE TRAF. SIG. - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD/CHESTNUT AVENUE TRAF. SIG. - CARLSBAD BOU'LEVARD/AVENIDA ENCINAS TRAF. SIG. - CARRILLO WAY/EL FUERTE STREET TRAF. SIG. - CARRILLO WAY/MELROSE DRIVE TRAF. SIG. - COLLEGE BOULEVARD/EL CAMINO REAL TRAF. SIG. - COLLEGE BOULEVARD/CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE TRAF. SIG. - COLLEGE BOULEVARD/LAKE CALAVERA TRAF. SIG. - COLLEGE BOULEVARD/POINSETTIA LANE TRAF. SIG. - EL CAMINO RWCALLE BARCELONA TRAF. SIG. - EL CAMINO RWCANNON ROAD TRAF. SIG. - EL CAMINO RWCARRILLO WAY TRAF. SIG. - EL CAMINO RWOLIVENHAIN ROAD TRAF. SIG. - CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE/JEFFERSON STREET TRAF. SIG. - CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE/ROOSEVEET STREET TRAF. SIG. - CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE/TAMARACK AVENUE TRAF. SIG. - CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIWUNTERCONNECT SIGNALS TRAF. SIG. - MELROSE DRIVE/LA COSTA AVENUE TW. SIG. - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD/MELROSE DRIVE (SOUTH) TRAF. SIG. - CAMINO DE LOS COCHES/LA COSTA AVENUE TRAF. SIG. - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD/HIDDEN VALLEY ROAD TRAF. SIG. - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD/MELROSE DRIVE TRAF. SIG. - PASEO DEL NORTE/CAMINO DE LAS ONDAS TRAF. SIG. - POINSETTIA LANWBATIQUITOS DRIVE TRAF. SIG. - TAMARACK AVENUE/GARFIELD STREET TRAF. SIG. - TAMARACK AVENUE/HIGHLAND DRIVE TRAF. SIG. - WINO VIDA ROBLEnARROW DRIVE 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 STREET PROJECTS ADAMS STREET DESIGN 146 ALGA ROAD 147 AVENIDA ENCINAS - ENCINA WWTP FRONTAGE 148 AVENIDA ENCINAS WIDENING 149 CANNON ROAD & 1-5 151 CANNON ROAD WIDENING 152 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD WIDENING 153 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD MEDIAN 154 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE WIDENING 155 EL CAMINO REAL MEDIANS 156 EL CAMIN0 REAL WIDENING (TAMARACK TO CHESTNUT) 157 EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING 158 CANNON ROAD 150 iv - PA( 1 I I I II 1 1 1 I I I II 1 I I-S/POINSETTIA LANE INTERCHANGE 1 1 1 I V 1 1 =ET PROJECTS (Cont'd.) EL CAMINO REAL & PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD INTERSECTION l! EL CAMINO REAL (LA COSTA AVENUE TO ARENAL ROAD) 1( EL CAMINO REAL & ALGA ROAD 1( EL CAMINO REAL & CAMINO VIDA ROBLE 1( EL CAMINO REAL & CANNON ROAD I( EL CAMINO REAL & CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE I( EL CAMINO REAL & FARADAY AVENUE 1( EL CAMINO REAL & TAMARACK AVENUE 1( FARADAY AVENUE & ORION STREET 1( FARADAY AVENUE 11 JEFFERSON STREET BIKE PATHS 11 LA COSTA AVENUE WIDENING 1 LEUCADIA BOULEVARD WIDENING 1 LOCAL ROAD DRAINAGE PROGRAM 1 MELROSE DRIVE & ALGA ROAD 1 MISCELLANEOUS - TRAFFIC MONITORING PROGRAM 1 OLNENHAIN ROAD & RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD 1 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD & COLLEGE BOULEVARD 1 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD & PASEO DEL NORTE 1 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD - BETWEEN YARROW DRIVE & EL CAMINO REAL 1 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD MEDIANS 1 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD - EL CAMINO REAL TO BUSINESS PARK DRIVE 1 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD BRIDGE 1 POINSETTIA LANE WIDENING 1 POINSETTIA LANE BRIDGE 1 LOCAL STREET UPGRADE PROGRAM 1 SIDEWALK - LAGUNA DRNE WIDENING 1 STREETSCAPE - PHASE V 1 TAMARACK AVENUE 1 UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 14 1 UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 15 1 BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE PROJECTS I-5/LA COSTA AVENUE INTERCHANGE 1 1-.5/PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD INTERCHANGE 1 I-S/PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD INTERCHANGE (LOAN REPAYMENT) 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I 8 1 I i I 1 I i I rn b U w d p.c W u 3 2 al a c) 2 3 .c_ a2 al '-g h -3s" g5.g 5 2.EoE L. .E% U qgs2 - g $3 = E agUl3 bOf3 x aco-,c 2 z 'ijrncP c z n g.c%o a2al= s: ; '=Og.22 u.JE rn 4E ih! +; n U4.5 2E 2.g I-I tu cu E.S 01 g g .gg2prn a0 u > 5gLo m 0- a 1 I I I I 1 S 0ang QW, nal2 ; cri {&s c) C C a (ij - C0.z 0 a 3 .o_ a2 Q) .- B 3 C 2.9 - 3 a 9 EgEg E 1 9m I-2 a E 5o,.sz I- .- - 4- 2 2' 0 +u 00- K 2x0~~ 20 ih o"am I- .- S Ea 72 7 ""US$ atx n no3or p -I"-. + C)+ i1 @le [! EU c g n* 21 2 $1 c 8 n -2 3 CL I zs 2 2Pc I$88 I :c ZG 32 X I I z I i I I E tr n G 3 W 5 LLI E a W I m a z E e 9 9 2 9 g a o_ z 0 G I- t 0 '3 n I- ow 8 8 E @I %I s! :I $1 c 9 L c Us! g* <q zz Fa< = z O o!$ '0 go gii: w a2 0 mg' I- 1 c e tn a C1)C a C .c .o .- 0 =tu) c al 4" .3g .z? (D '0 C EU a 8 .$ m gm 0 .z? P 58 .- 9 fa, 0 c% n(D E5 55 Ti E- z .z m gs 6 Kg C Of L 9 a z E 2 mg .- tn zi I- do $ w .- Oal .- 0 2s a zg c a - - & $1 3 - $ tn- al CZ .- a av) .- (D 0 v) c c -c C * 3 .- U m a0 QZ .- 6 aQQ) f€ p 3 ii 6) 0 Z C 0 3tn mal 5s ea 3 0 0 c OL -a n 2 .- '5 0 .E c cr .P E sa as c .- E .E 5 55 0 .s $ 2 c. U C m a, 3 0 a E .- 2/ .c =VI= 003 (3 $I a C a- m * .- VIQ. c 25 g z.g Q 2% g CC e- 2 g: g ZFCb z y race i% $ 2% $ .Ea2 cc gg g $3:: z c Y 5.g 0E I- c- 0 I- a2 3 n a20 a ,z 3 u. 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Ca= v)* a= - 52 u-i -0 C 2 .- 9 -m" m 5 5 0 CT SEg 2 g :+2 4 v) a! 5 gEE C Q, $ ;pJ m - 5 5 .- %:a I m.5 s v) z so= c * al 2 $:$ 2 : 0 22 cc zo_€ g3; 05 I oz :: w 28% ;E 20 9: a 3sg =o Pp 4 +F $2 2- 0 t:g +; gz2? :: aZ n $ E $ p_.u,a sg2 $gg c) v) g -- m - a 3 .- w 25 + mrl- 4 cLQ,m z +@J a UE a I- QU nr.x uz w a2n s P 3s!5 0 OE f 1 N r 0 0 ?J E 8 c 4 $1 8 5 y I-0 KP 02 -JT ?a Ea uz OO - 5J $ nc an 1 2 2- P a 2 I z CARLBAD BLVD 9 2 Y o c i2 n I- t: $ 3 n $1 m .sg U E4 gIe ? $8 r !pig Q ii 3 = L I- N * m * Lf 2 L dQ 223 9% 1 u a8 IC P Q) 92P n 0 'E I- I I 1 I I I 1 $n LlJ a 20 I g I E6 nt- EZ w aua 0 (3s. i- a, iI I 5 0” N 2 Ti a, m n s r 3 6 0 -1 U m (1 .- - - 0 U .- 0 C m a T3 T .- v) if= E 3 b c c.. 2 .- 5 5+ a, a22 P 0 m c a a, - 8 Wa U 3 In z m E * 22 F c a, @I $I - a, m v) -0 22 P oz 5 $E gw- 3 $2 3: w?; a wc $E5 Yg Ys i-E? 2; $<ce 2% =g i-= 22 aE +22 2 .c a S Zo n+ 0 LT I -- z 3 I I $ I-5 U% $ a.p I I g.: a3 2 I I I 1 1 I Y 2 a II U 02 nu -r;i OO - 9 -1 2- n a 5 z 2 s a 0 i- L I- ow i2 Q $1 &/ F “i !I s 8 8 $ur -E’ c 7 ZL8 g* ql 2’G ax urn - 33 vc .r .o, u* c .o 3 a- c= v) s2? E .E 05 73 (IJ 2 %: C J v) guj E 5 .s? C 8 v)L5 a .- C 25g m i -us % 3 5 .c_ C 9ca 2 5 .- m z -- 003 8 2 - a 0 $Zm g 22 ; aQ)a o_r = GSv) l-22 5 3 .G nii, :E g ss - 2 IJJ $C% (TIQ =o *$ sa ; $55 c- l-0 se s- EEL 0 YE .- 23 E% $8 2 T, $3.2 0 * + $ Q) g P-.v,a w Zqa qj n 325 puu s 5% $ 5; 3 Y= ai - C m m t: 65 3c c) .- 0 a 3 (IJ c .z 0 0 -a 0-x I-? * WF =z I- nl= Jw gm nz a?5 0, s *s k y 2-a ti n 4 H 9 $------- CARLSBAD BOULEVARD *\ 0 I- s 2 i2 n c il E ip. F: c 8 $I t/ 6 0 = I- 0 z, n i? Hi % g n qp ;/ $1 f -1 i t r" i Ud ;I c 'OS3 0, u m 5 U L gp *c A;!pr 2 cIL 2 3 2 !j jj 2 c P ".a /y&j&,7' &l I L 1 I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 MAYOR CITY COUNCIL C IAU DE "B U DDY"LEWIS ANN J. KULCHIN EERIC LARSON MARGARET STANTON JULIE NYGAARD CITY MANAGER FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR RAYMOND R. PATCHETT JAMES F. ELLIOTT I SI t r n I I t 1 1 I 1: 1 E I I 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 1991-92 BUDGET i TABLE OF CONTEN'TS TABLES City Manager's Letter Orgamzation Chart ............................................................................................. :.. ...... Projected Fund Balances for 1990-91 ........................................................................... Projected Fund Balances for 1991 -92 Expenditure Summa ................................................................................................... Revenue Estimates ....................................................................................................... Personnel Allocations ............................................................................. :.. .................. BUDGET DETAIL GENERAL GOVERNMENT City Council City Manager ............................................................................................................... Public Information. City Attorney ............................................................................................................... Finance.. Cash Management.. ...................................................................................................... Audit ............................................................................................................................ Purchasing.. Human Resources ........................................................................................................ Health Insurance .......................................................................................................... Research.. .................................................................................................................... Information Systems .................................................................................................... Data Processing ............................................................................................................ Risk Management Worker's Compensation.. .............................................................................................. General Liability. .......................................................................................................... Miscellaneous Non-Department al........ PUBLIC SAFETY Police Department Summary.. ..................................................................................... Adrmmstration.. ................................................................................................ Operations.. Investigations. ................................................................................................... Vice/Narcotics.. ................................................................................................. Technical Services ............................................................................................. ................................................................................................... .. .......................................................................... ................................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................... City Clerk ..................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................. ......................................................................................................... ........................................................................ .. e ...................................................................................................... .. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Two D.A.R.E .............................................................................................................. 57 Reserve Officers ................................................................................................. 58 Tr~c ................................................................................................................ 59 Fire Department Summary .......................................................................................... 60 Prevention ........................................................................................................ 63 Emergency Medical Services ............................................................................. 64 Weed Abatement ............................................................................................... 65 Disaster Preparedness ....................................................................................... 66 Community Development Adrmmstration .................................................................... 67 Geographic Information System .................................................................................. 68 Engineering Department Sumnna ry .............................................................................. 69 Administration ................................................................................................. 70 Development ...................................................................................................... 71 Mumcipal Projects ............................................................................................ 72 Transportation .................................................................................................. 73 Water Pollution Control .................................................................................... 74 Planning Comssion .................................................................................................. 75 Administration ................................................................................................... 61 Suppression ...................................................................................................... 62 DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES .. .. .. Land Use Planning ....................................................................................................... 76 Growth Management ................................................................................................... 77 Building Inspection ...................................................................................................... 78 CULTURE AND RECREATION Library Department Su mnaary ..................................................................................... *. 79 Administration .................................................................................................. 80 Circulation Services .......................................................................................... 81 Reference Services ............................................................................................. 82 Genealogy/Local History .................................................................................. 83 Children’s Services ............................................................................................ 84 Technical Services ............................................................................................. 85 Collection Development & Acquisitions ............................................................. 86 AuQovlsual Services ......................................................................................... 87 Adult Learning .................................................................................................. 89 ... .. Media Services .................................................................................................. 88 La Costa Branch ................................................................................................ 90 Cultural Arts ..................................................................................................... 91 Sister City ......................................................................................................... 92 R 1 i 1 I I I 1 1 t I I 1 I 1 1 I I TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Three .. Aud~owsud Insurance.. ...................................................................................... .California Library Service Act (CLSA) ............................................................... Public Library Fund (PLF) ................................................................................ Partnerships for Change .................................................................................... Parks and Recreation Department Summary.. ............................................................. Administration.. Comrmssion.. .................................................................................................... Operations.. ...................................................................................................... Tree Maintenance Median Maintenance .......................................................................................... Recreation Fee Supported Aquatics ............................................................................................................ Recreation . Agua Hedionda Lagoon ..................... i ........................................... Senior Comssion ................................................................ ..: ........................ Senior Grant. ....................................................... :. ........................................... ................................................................................................ .. ............................................................................................. Recreation Operations ....................................................................................... ................................................................................. .. Senior Progralms ............................................................................................... 1 UTILITIES AND MAINTENANCE Utilities and Maintenance Department Summary ........................................................ Admstration.. ............................................................... ;. ............................... Street Maintenance ........................................................................................... Facihties Maintenance ...................................................................................... Traffic Signals ................................................................................................... Buena Vista Creek Channel Maintenance ........................................................... y Street hghtmg .................................................................................................. : Smtahon Services ........................................................................................... : Water Services ................................................................................................... .. ... .. .. Solid Waste Management .................................................................................. . Fleet Operations ............................................................................................... Vehicle Replacement.. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT Housing and Redevelopment Department Su ......................................................... j Historic Preservation .......................................................................................... 1 Housing Certificates and Voucher Programs 1 Portable Vouchers. ............................................................................................ : Community Development Block Grant .............................................................. 1 Redevelopment : ....................................................................................... ..................................................... ................................................................................................. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Four WATER DISTRICT Carlsbad Water Distnct Summv ............................................................................... 131 Adrministrat.1on .................................................................................................. 132 .. Engineering ........................................................................................................ 133 Operations ........................................................................................................ 134 Capital Outlay Requests ............................................................................................... 135 Travel Requests ........................................................................................................... 137 Glossary ........................................................................................................................ 145 APPENDICES . I I -- City of {Carlsba 1. 1 I I I I & I I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 May 28, 1991 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council 1 FROM: City Manager 1991-92 OPERATING BUDGET It is my pleasure to submit the 1991-92 City of Carlsbad Operating Budget. The Ger Fund budget is balanced, with current operating costs funded through current rever The budget format once again presents sedce programs which contain narri statements addressing Work Programs, Work Activities and their resulting Work Measures or Performance Objectives. These narrative statements reflect the types levels of services that are occurring throughout the community. Carlsbad and its citi can be proud of the quality of the services delivered. The beginning of the 1990-91 fiscal year presented an economic environment consis with our expectations. Major events during the year, however resulted in signifi impacts to the economy, and have influenced the outcome of the 1991-92 buc National, state, and local economies alike have recognized and must continue to fact economic realities of a recession, the Gulf War, and new, more stringent govern regulations on the banking industry. All have helped to dampen retail sales, construe: activity and home resales, which help drive the City's revenues. All of the fund typc the budget, from the General Fund, which receives its resources from taxes and fee those funds that operate as a true enterprise, are experiencing the results of a : economy. The flattening of revenues coming into the Carlsbad has slowed the growt existing and new programs, resulting in the preparation of the tightest operating but in many years. This letter will address the policies that were instrumental in formulating the 199' budget. A discussion of the revenues, and the basic assumptions made in developing t will follow. Last, the 1991-92 expenditures will be noted. 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434: 2 Buanetarv Policies The goal in preparing the City budget under any circumstance is to arrive at a balanced budget, whereby current revenues support current expenses. In order to arrive at a balanced state, policies were developed which took account of revenues as well as new costs which needed to be absorbed in 1991-92. In the past, the City of Carlsbad has generally relied on a steady growth in revenue to operate. As the 1991-92 budget was prepared, it became apparent that the broader economy was having an impact on Carlsbad, and that local revenues were depressed. General Fund revenues are projected to increase by approximately 6% over the revenues for 1990-91. This increase reflects inflation only, as opposed to true growth in resources. Forces other than flat revenues have also influenced 1991-92 budget preparation. The imposition of new fees and taxes levied by the state and federal governments has resulted in new costs which needed to be absorbed by the City. First, the State balanced its 1990- 91 budget on the shoulders of Cities, by passing Senate Bill 2557. This bill allows counties to levy charges for property tax administration, and booking fees. Property tax administration fees of $90,000 have been included in the 91-92 budget, as have $254,000 for booking fees. Second, the Social Security Administration has imposed Social Security taxes on all employees not presently covered by a pension plan. As a result, the City will be paying these taxes on all part time employees, which has added $100,000 in expenses to the 1991-92 budget. The last major cost which was absorbed in the 1991-92 budget is full year expenses for the Liability Insurance Premium. The City Council chose to purchase a Liability Insurance premium in December, 1990. One-half of the costs were absorbed as coverage was obtained for approximately one-half of the 1990-91 year. The cost for funding the premium for a full year is now included in the budget and has increased liability insurance expenses by $500,000. In order to reach the goal of a balanced budget within the constraints of a slow economy and the absorption of new costs, departments were directed to add no new programs or positions. In fact, departments were asked to structure their 1991-92 budgets at or below their 1990-91 budget levels. These steps in conjunction with deferring projects, especially consultant related projects, as well as the purchase of capital outlay items, has resulted in a balanced budget. 1 I 1 I 8 1 I 1 I I 1 i II I I I I 1 Revenue The table below shows the operating revenues the City expects to receive for 1990-9 well as those projected for 1991-92. The first line sholws General Fund revenue for w the City has taken a conservative position in projecting for 1991-92 due to the high 1 of uncertainty about the 1991-92 economy. General Fund revenues, those resou received from taxes and fees, are expected to be increase by only $2.5 million or 5, This can be considered within the range of inflation, and no sigruficant increases wi any single General Fund revenue source are projected. The Special Fund revenues, as a whole, show an increase of 15% in anticipated reven Special Funds include those programs funded by grants, such as the Housing and Se Nutrition programs, as well as special maintenance assessment districts. The Street ' and Median Maintenance Benefit Assessment Districts are the programs which instrumental in pushing up the Special Fund revenues. This is due to the third and f year of implementing the maintenance district assessment funding, resulting in the hi2 assessments needed to fully fund these programs. The largest increase in revenues shown below, occurs; within the Enterprise Funds. A study was recently completed for the Sewer Fund which was the basis for the City Corn implementation of a significant fee increase needed to support the Encina waste w facility and the maintenance and depreciation of the entire City sewer system. increased fees are projected to bring in an additional 58% in revenues. Internal Ser Funds reflect a projected 6.5% increase in revenues. This increase reflects a near doub in rates assessed to all programs for their share of Liability Insurance. Redevelopn revenues are dependent on the area's Property Tax and their incremental increases f the base year. These revenues are projected to increase by 14% in 1991-92. I REVENUE SUMMARY BY FUNCITON CHFFERENCE AS % OF PROJECTED $2.5 5.7% 0.7 14.9% ENTERPRISE FUNDS 1.3 24.1 % WATER DISTRICT -1.3 -22.8% INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 0.4 6.5% 0.3 14.3% $3.9 5.8% 4 The only revenues which have decreased from the previous year are those for the Water District. These revenues have dropped off by $1.3 million or 22.8%. This reduction is due to the restricted use of water in response to the drought. Let's take a closer look at General Fmd revenues as they are of most interest. These revenues are generated though sales and use taxes, and fees for services. These revenues reflect the health of the broader regional economy with sales tax indicating consumer confidence, the transient occupancy tax tracking the amount of discretionary income, and the property tax showing the condition of the real estate markets within the City. The relatively flat 1991-92 projections for these revenues indicate an economy keeping pace with inflation with little to no actual growth. The combination of property tax, sales tax, and transient occupancy tax generate 65% of the General Fund revenues. The table below provides a summarized outlook of the major General Fund revenues. Property tax, Carlsbad's largest single revenue source, is expected to increase by 8.7% in 1991-92, for a total of $14.6 million. Reduced property transactions and the higher assessed values that result from that turnover, has slowed this revenue from its previous double digit pace to the projected level. Sales tax revenues are projected to increase by 5% in 1991-92, for a total of $10.5 million. Carlsbad has also experienced double digit increases in Sales tax revenues in the past, however spending within the Plaza Camino Real mall and Car Country has found this revenue increasing in recent months by an inflationary rate only. The effect of the return of the Desert Storm troops to Camp Pendleton remains an unknown factor in the sales tax revenue forecast. Travel to Carlsbad is also down, as reflected in the projected transient occupancy tax. An increase of 4.7%, or $150,000, is forecast for a total of $3.5 million. Although this increase reflects general inflation, the travel industry has fallen below last years levels through 1990-91. This industry will have to show a sigrScant recovery to meet even this minimal growth projection. SIGNIFICANT REVENUES TO ME GENEWL FUND PROPERTY TAX SALES TAX TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE 1 a I I 1 1 I I 1 8 8 I: I I t 1 I 1 Development within Carlsbad has also slowed in concert with the general economy. , result, development revenues are again projected to be flat. Staff has consistently proje a return to a more normal level of development as the Growth Management Prog matures. If the economy improves during 1991-92 we can look to greater developn I revenues by year end. One additional revenue source the City uses to support General Fund street mainten; operations is State Gas Tax. These revenues will total $875,000 for 1991-92 based on states’ allocation formula. The calculation of total funds available to support General F Operations includes both General Fund revenues and the Gas Tax funds. The City and the community alike need to be aware of the impact that the State’s bul balancing maneuvers may have upon the City. The State of California is facing a $1 $15 billion budget deficit for 1991-92. The size of this deficit and the depth of problems at the State level make it clear that the Governor will be looking to 1 government for help in solving the dilemma. Should the State attack City revenues, sei level reductions will need to be implemented. The budget does not attempt to deal 1 this contingency other than to recognize that there is: a direct threat to our commun m Emenditures As can be seen in the table on the following page, the City Operating Budget is dow $2.6 million or 3.6% overall, and reflects the effort taken to compile a budget within existing economic constraints. The most dramatic decrease in expenditures is within Water District, down 23% or $1.7 million. The drought has resulted in the Dis purchasing significantly less water for distribution to the users, thereby reducing 1 expenditures for that commodity. Also down from the 1990-91 budget are the Intc Service Fund expenditures at 4.8% or $300,000. The Data Processing program n significant capital purchases during 1990-91, which will not be repeated in 1991-92, v the Vehicle Replacement Program has reduced the amount which will be spent on vel replacements during 1991 -92. The WorkeJs Compensation Self Insurance Fund balanced by transferring $500,000 in contributions fmm the fund balances of the Ger Fund, the Sewer Fund and the Water Fund. The Redevelopment Agency has a propi budget containing no increase over the 1990-91 year, and conformed to the s budgetary guidelines as all other City programs. Two budget categories contain increases in spending; Special Funds and Enterprise Fu Special Funds are up by $300,000 or 6.8% due to the scheduled maintenance of the BI Vista Creek Channel. Maintenance on the Channel is scheduled to occw once every t years. The Enterprise Funds, as a group, show the largest increase in expenditures $600,000 or 11%. While the Water Enterprise is down by 16% due to the expiratic debt and a one time expenditure in 1990-91 for Base Mapping, the Sanitation Fund increased by 30%. The increase is due to the more accurately expensing depreciatic the sewer lines. s OPERATING BUDGET SUMMARY 6 ENTERPRISE WATER DISTRICT ($1.8) -24.7% General Fund expenditures for 1991-92 are down $1.5 million or 3.3% from 1990-91 levels. The spending level proposed will match current revenue projections. Several strategies were used to mold the General Fund spending plan into one which matches the current revenues. First, there are no new positions or programs recommended. Second, several departments have voluntarily agreed to operate during 1991-92 with less than full staffing. Fourteen General Fund, full time, positions have been included in this year's budget with zero funding. This second action has resulted in a budgetary reduction/savings of approximately $600,000. Throughout the year, vacancies will be monitored to ensure that this budget target is realized. Finally, two expense categories have been modified in this year's effort to balance the budget. First, the Hosp Grove debt repayment has been reduced by approximately $400,000. This one time savings is possible through the application of remaining construction funds and earned interest to the payment for 1991-92. Second, the allocation for the Calavera Hills Golf Course project has been reduced by $340,000. This amount was advanced to the Golf Course Enterprise Fund from the General Fund during 1990-91 in an effort to keep the design effort on schedule. Again, this is a one time event that will not occur in the future. Other budget balancing strategies included the deferral of capital outlay purchases. General Fund capital outlay for 1991-92 totals $21,900, down $1.5 million or 98% from 1990-91 spending levels. Travel budgets were also closely reviewed resulting in a $50,000 or a 27% reduction from 1990-91 levels for these expenditures. Although reductions have occurred throughout the budget, staff has allocated $2.0 million, or 4.5% of the General Fund budget, to the Council Contingency Fund. These funds can be used by the Council to pursue unanticipated projects, programs or emergencies. With few exceptions, the budget before the City Council maintains the present service levels. The most visible service level reductions occur within the Recreation programs. Hours at the three community centers, Stagecoach, Calavera and Harding, have been reduced during times of low participation. They will be closed for varying hours on Saturdays, and on Sundays. The swimming pool will also reduce operational hours for all seasons except Summer. I I 1 I I I I 1 1 1 8 1 R 1 1 t I Summary The proposed 1991-92 City Budget sustains the high quality and variety of City ser and programs that are currently offered to Carlsbad residents, and businesses. At the time, the proposed budget is marked by the fiscal constraint of a sluggish economy new positions, programs or services are proposed. Staff looks forward to the per discussion with the City Council and the community as we mutually strive to prod budget that reflects an awareness for the levels of service provided to the community, 1 8 a - J F+ c) *z am 25- C EM, c zz; ezg M c .s k Ma E2 .- zg,E- 1- 2 ; 22 c %si ma C .- 2 *& 2: 2 p. Y s OSS V= a CL cz1 + 3 os w ).z Go, *E5 b= Y em w e= e G4 E-. I b4 4 T -4 8 2- 2 s 2i 0 p: w b4 v2 4 €-qz *E *a G T u ~ y I IZE~~~J Q 0 Q @ 2 2 q .- * s E2 0 E= L 6 zz h *g 4;; k ew 5 55 - QJ 0 z 44 - A k 0) 0) m z - l w -e;i 0 a 2 w -a= c.( -LJ J E-' 9 4ws QJ .I E "& ==E-' ;:2 ;2$ 5;s ha 4z LE .e - zzz 2 r&4Q a ,* s E W u - Q c ec) s t! 6: v.2 =: % g2sm Ea 2 .- .a* h Q)d 3: .- nr:zm 3 E .: am UI 52 aL. QuE:adaJ zf, zs m6 2: s: b ;5 - W - .nd a 6 '= V - p.3 51 mg- I 1 CITY OF CALRS13AD 1 PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR PI 1990-91 BALANCE ESTIMATED EST EKPEND/ FUND FUND JULY 1,1990 REVENUES CAPITAL APPROP TRANSFERS RESERVES GENERAL 12,447,194 41,130,000 4'1,214,618 (5,506,794) 0 B SPECIAL REVENUE POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE 51,079 234,000 11 3,347 1 CDBG - ENTITLEMENT 4,454 60,100 49,861 HOUSING - LOW & MOD/SEC8 1 15,358 1,817,000 2,069,732 AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE 99,337 67,000 104,000 B BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT 108,723 104,700 1,500 n SENIOR NUTRITION 9,554 228,050 153,050 1 STREET LIGHTING 381,481 61 2,600 747,194 TREE MAINTENANCE 1,893 395,400 587,367 174,401 I MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 1,269 117,600 156,055 57,658 STATE GRANTS 263,458 180,000 168,000 FEDERAL GRANTS (NEA) (1 5,207) 41,500 24,300 NAT'L ENDOWMENT ARTS 0 11,586 GAS TAX 1,959,488 1 ,000,000 140,701 DEBT SERVICE LIBRARY BONDS 16,692 22,700 22,276 1 SEWERBONDS 102,493 126,900 122,626 ENTERPRISE I WATER MAINTENANCE 794,821 1,765,000 1,702,110 SEWER MAINTENANCE 2,320,044 2,265,000 3,374,512 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 32,900 101,000 70,000 INTERNAL SERVICE T 1 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 81 2,701 857,800 591,110 160,000 I 1 1 LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG 1,126,209 420,000 0 I 1 ToTALoPERATiNG FUNDS 27,697,059 64,832,050 65,546,819 (4,497,535) 1 1 WORKER'S COMP SELF INSUR 377,057 785,000 971,748 LIABILITY SELF INSUR 1,081,849 581,200 520,000 485,000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE (61,254) 1,142,000 1,163,319 HEALTH INSURANCE 993,989 1,625,000 1,455,000 DATA PROCESSING 61 3,939 778,m 1,053,425 32,200 WATER DISTRICT WATER DISTRICT OPERATION 2,824,300 7,038,200 7,137,100 REDEVELOPMENT OPERATIONS (ww 272,000 658,882 91 9,203 TAX INCRMNT BOND DEBT SERV 1,297,021 1,132,400 1,132,40 (889,203) 9 CrrY OF CALRSBAD PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR Fy 1991 -92 PROJE BALANCE ESTIMATED EST EXPEND/ FUND BALA FUND JULY 1,1991 REVENUES CAPITALAPPROP TRANSFERS RESERVES JUNE 3 GENERAL 6,&,5,7= 43,570,038 44,430,243 41 6,000 6, SPECIAL REVENUE POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE 171,732 234,000 0 CDBG - ENTITLEMENT 14.,693 75,280 My= HOUSING AUTHORITY (1 37,374) 2,105,006 2,057,214 AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE 62.337 67,500 65,674 STREET UGHTING 246,887 840,000 787,299 BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT 21 1,923 104,500 300,000 TREE MAINTENANCE (1 5,673) 569,400 568,491 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 20,472 236,500 235,227 STATE GRANTS 275,458 207,600 203,250 FEDERAL GRANTS (PFC) 1,993 43,830 42,330 SENIOR NUTRITION 84,554 231,913 177,278 NAT'L ENDOWMENT ARTS (1 1,586) 0 GAS TAX 2,818,787 875,000 0 (875,000) 2, DEBT SERVICE- LIBRARY BONDS 17,196 9,308 26,424 SEWER BONDS 106,767 21,502 128,269 / ENTERPRISE WATER MAINTENANCE 857,71 1 1,782,000 1,580,w (16,000) 1, SEWER MAINTENANCE 4 ,219,532 3,561 ,ooO 4,577,897 (25,000) SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 31,200 31 ,000 INTERNAL SERVICE WORKER'S COMP SELF INSUR 4 90,309 606,225 1 ,000,000 500,000 LIABILITY SELF INSUR 1,628,049 1,095,000 1 ,~,oo 1, VEHICLE MAINTENANCE (82,573) 1,273,600 4 ,=,m ( VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 1,239,391 913,400 190,587 1,' HEALTH INSURANCE 1,163,W 1,440,700 1,743,179 ~ DATA PROCESSING 370,74 4 826,800 759,714 WATER DISTRICT WATER DISTRICT OPERATION 2,725,400 5,706,000 5,555,913 2,; REDEVELOPMENT OPERATIONS 501,438 421,672 760,323 LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG 1,546,209 430,000 95,215 191 TAX INCREMNT BOND DEBT SERV 407,818 1,283,328 1,133,328 ! TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS 76,922,233 68,562,184 68,841,810 0 0 78,l 10 1 I 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHECNLE BY FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1988-89 TO 1991 -92 1990-91 1988-89 1989-90 DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ESTIMATED CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER PUBUC INFORMATION CITY CLERK INFORMATION SYSTEMS CITY TREASURER HUMAN RESOURCES RESEARCH OFFICE RISK MANAGEMENT TOTAL GENER4L GOVERNMENT PUBUC SAFETY BUILDING INSPECTION . 856,412 FIRE 4,617,087 TOTAL PUBUC SAFETY PUBLIC WORKS COMMUNITY DEVEL ADMlN GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION DEVELOP PROCESS SVCS 31 6,301 359,549 ENGINEERING MUNICIPAL PROJECTS PLANNING GROWTH MANAGEMENT BLOCK GRANT ADMIN 8 I 1 11 CIN OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE BY FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1988-89 TO 1991-92 %INCR (E 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 91 -92 BUD DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ESTIMATED STREET MAINTENANCE FACILITIES MANAGEMENT TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINT TOTAL MAINTENANCE CU LTURURECREATON UBRAFiY CULTURAL ARTS PROGRAM SISTER CRY PROGRAM PARKS AND RECREATION SENIOR CITIZENS PROG TOTAL CULTURURECREATION NON - DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNITY PROMOTION COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE AUDIT DUES & SUBSCRIITIONS ' LEASES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 126,685 937,596 ANIMAL REGULATION CONTRAC HOSP GROVE PAYMENT GOLF COURSE PROPEmY TAX ADMlN FEE STREET UGHT COSTS (Clw TREE MAINT COSTS (CITY) TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL SUBTOTAL GENERAL FUND CONTINGENCIES DEPARTMENTAL SAVINGS 2,887,500 TOTAL GENEPAL FUND 29,452,370 12 8 I 8 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE BY FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1988-89 TO 1991-92 1990-911 1988-89 1989-90 DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACTUALS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS HOUSING AUMORITY l,469,4i7 1,657,689 8 LIBRARY AUDIO VISUAL INS 62,365 82,278 STREET LIGHTING 584,608 522,521 BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT 0 1,500 I TREE MAINTENANCE 0 278,240 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 0 ~,!= WATER DISTRICT 7,843,558 8,602,409 ' CAL LIB SERV ACT (CLSA) 1 12,274 166,798 I I 1 I I 1 PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND 6,534 30,141 PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE 0 344 NAT'L ENDOWMENT ARTS 0 10,174 SENIOR NUTRITION GRANT 144,538 150,368 LIBRARY BONDS 18,263 22,792 SEWER BONDS 127,893 124,449 CDBG ENTITLEMENT 39,550 60,256 WATER ENTERPRISE 1,216,447 1,419,526 SANIT" ENTRPRSUENCINA 2,395,625 3,650,562 SOLID WASTE ENTERPRISE 0 0 WORKERS COMP INS 467,673 788,990 LIABILITY SELF INS 1,317,118 677,914 HEALTH &LIFE INSURANCE 1,207,949 1,240,108 FLEET OPERATIONS 91 8,036 1,064,019 VEHICLE DEPREC/REPIACE 504,002 361,215 DATA PROCESSING 455,123 489,074 REDEVELOPMENT 1,305,512 765,963 TAX INCREMENT BONDS 877,353 877,353 LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG I POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE 99,746 43,958 11 3,347 TOTAL OTHER FUNDS 21,173,644 23,169,199 ' [TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET 50,626,014 59,268,728 ~406,i ia 71,231,865 m,wi ,ai o I I I I 13 CITY OF CARLSBAB REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1991 -92 ESTIMATED PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE OF FY 90-91 SOURCE OF FUNDS N 1990-91 FY 1990-91 N1991-92 DIFFERENCE PROJECTED TAXES PROPERTY TAX $1 3,900,000 $1 3,400,000 $1 4,560,000 $1,160,030 8.66% SALES TAX 10,808,000 1 0,000,m 10,500,000 500,000 5.00% TRANSIENT TAX 3,600,000 3,200,000 3,350,000 150,000 4.69% FRANCHISE TAX 750,000 780,000 800,000 20,000 2.56% TWSFER TAX 41 0,000 260,000 275,000 15,000 5.77% TRAILER COACH IN-LIEU 18,000 20,000 20,000 0 0.00% TOTAL TAXES m-,m 27,660,000 29,505,000 1,845,000 6.67% LICENSES AND PERMITS CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 1 ,m,w =,000 =A000 0 0.00% LICENSE TAX-CONSTRUCTION . 800,000 550,000 5w000 (50,000) -9.09% OTHER LICENSES & PERMITS 100,000 265,000 280,000 15,000 5.66% TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS 2,859,484 2,185,000 2,185,000 0 0.00% STATE SUBVENTIONS BUSINESS LICENSES 875,000 84WoO 875,008 35,000 4.17% CIGARElTE TAX 1 40,000 150,000 150,000 0 0.00% VEHICLE IN-LIEU 2,250,000 2,125,000 2,385,000 260,000 12.24% HOMEOWNERS PROP. TAX REIMB. 295,000 295,000 295,000 0 0.00% TOTAL STATE SUBVENTIONS 2,685,000 2,570,000 2,830,000 260,000 10.12% CHARGES FOR SERVICES PLANNING FEES 750,000 890,000 1,100,ooo 21 0,000 23.60% BUILDING DEPT. FEES 575,000 420,000 460,000 40,000 9.52% ENGINEERING FEES 1,300,000 1 ,m,000 I ,050,000 50,000 5.00% ZONE PLAN FEES 125,000 . 140,ooo 110,000 (30,000) -21.43% WEED CLEANING 35,000 35,000 35,000 0 0.00% AMBULANCE FEES 230,000 200,000 190,000 (1 0,oOo) -5.00% RECREATION FEES 770,000 700,000 700,000 0 0.00% OTHER CHARGES OR FEES 200,000 650,000 680,000 30,000 4.62% TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 3,985,000 4,035,000 4,325,000 290,000 7.19% FINES AND FORFEITURES 550,000 530,000 550,000 20,000 3.77% 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 0 0.00% INTEREST -~ 18.46% INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES -___ 1,8oo,000 1,625,000 1,925,000 =woo OTHER REVENUE SOURCES 200,000 525,000 250,000 (275,000) -52.38% TOTAL GENERAL FUND 43,565,484 41,130,000 43,570,000 2,440,000 5.93% 14 I 1 1 I I I II 1 I I I I I I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD I REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1991-92 ESTIMATED PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE OF FYS SOURCE OF FUNDS FY 1990-91 PI 1990-91 FY1991-92 DIFFERENCE PROJE( CDBG ADMINISTRATION I GRANT REVENUE 65,000 60,100 - 75,200 15,100 2 POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE ASSET FORFEITURES 150,000 225,000 225,000 0 INTEREST 8,000 9,000 9,000 0 TOTAL 158,OOo 234,000 - 234,000 0- HOUSING - INTEREST 1 ,000 17,000 15,000 (29000) FEDERAL GRANT 1,65o,000 19800,000 2,090,006 =o,m TOTAL 1,651 ,000 1,817,000 2,105,006 288,006 AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE - INTEREST 6,000 3,000 2.500 (500) INSURANCE FEES 70,000 64,000 65,000 1 ,000 TOTAL 76,000 67,000 - 67,500 500- STREET LIGHTING INTEREST 4,000 10,600 10,000 (600) INTERDEPARTMENTAL 27,000 27,000 44,000 17,000 t DAMAGE REIMBURSEMENT 5,000 5,000 1 ,000 (4,000) 4 TOTAL 6owOo 612,600 - 840,000 227,400 STREET LIGHTING FEES 570,000 570,000 785,000 215,000 STREET TREE MAINTENANCE - INTEREST 2,500 3,700 3,200 (500) TREE MAINTENANCE FEES ‘295,705 295,000 485,000 190,000 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 96,700 96,700 81,200 (1 5,500) - TOTAL 394,905 395,400 569,400 174,000 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE INTEREST 0 1,500 1,500 0 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE FEES 116,100 116,100 235,000 118,900 1 TOTAL 116,100 117,600 236,500 118,900 1 I 15 CIN OF CARLSBAD IRWENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1991 -92 ESTIMATED PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE OF FY 9-91 SOURCE OF FUNDS PI 1990-91 FY 1990-91 FY 1991 -52 DIFFERENCE PROJECTED BUENA VISTA CHANNEL INTEREST 0 4,700 4,500 (200) -4.26% BUENA VISTA FEES 1 00,000 100,000 100,000 0 0.00% TOTAL 1 00,000 104,700 104,500 (200) -0.1 9% STATE GRAMS INTEREST 1 to00 8,000 5,000 (3,000) -37.50% GRANTS 172,470 172,000 202,600 w600 17.79% TOTAL 173,470 180,000 207,600 27,600 15 33% FEDERAL GRAMS INTEREST 0 1,500 1,500 0 GRANTS 0 *,000 42,330 2,330 5.83% TOTAL 0 41,500 43,830 2,330 5.61 % SENIOR PROGRAMS GRANTS 156,913 153,050 156,913 3,863 2.52% DONATIONS 60,000 75,000 75,000 0 0.00% TOTAL 21 6,913 228,050 231,913 3,863 1.69% TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 3,557,388 3,857,950 4,715,449 859,499 22.23% LIBRARY BONDS PROPERlYTAX 23,000 22,300 9,008 (1 3,292) -59.61 % INTEREST 100 400 300 (1 00) -25.00% TOTAL 23,100 22,700 9,308 (1 3,392) -59 oG% SEWER BONDS PROPERTYTAX 126,000 126,000 20,502 (1 05,498) -83.73% INTEREST 1,000 900 1 ,000 100 11.11% TOTAL 127,000 126,900 21,502 (1 05,398) -83 06% ( TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 150,100 3o,ai o 11 8,7 -79.41 % 16 1 I I 8 I 8 I 1 1 I I 1 1 t I 8 I CITY OF CARLSBAD 8 REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1991-92 ESTIMATED PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS 9 REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE OF FYSH SOURCE OF FUNDS FY 1990-91 FY 1990-91 FY1991-92 DIFFERENCE PROJEC WATER MAINTENANCE RECONNECT FEES 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 ( INTEREST 45,000 30,m 27,000 (3,000) -1 I REAW TO SERVE CHARGE 1 ,300,000 1,390,000 1,400,000 10,000 FIRE PROTECTION 6,000 35,ooo 35,000 0 METER CONNECTION FEES 72,000 =,m =,000 0 LATE CHARGES 125,000 170,000 175,000 5,000 MISCELLANEOUS =,000 45,000 - =too0 5,000 1 TOTAL 1,608,000 1,765,000 - 1,782,000 17,000 SEWER MAINTENANCE INTEREST 125,000 50,000 ~,000 (10,oOo) -2 SERVICE CHARGES 2,=0,000 2,200,000 3,476,000 1,276,000 Y C LATERAL CONNECTIONS 23,000 13,000 45,000 32,000 24 MISCELLANEOUS 0 2,000 0 (2,000) -1 0 TOTAL 2,348,000 2,265,000 - 3,561 ,000 1,296,000 5 / SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT INTEREST 0 900 1,200 300 GRAMS 0 32,000 ~,000 (2sw RECYCLING FEE 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 0 32,900 - 31,200 (1,700) - - TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 3,956,000 4,062,900 5,374,200 1,311 ,x0 II 17 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTlMATES FOR 1991-92 ESTIMATED PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE OF N 90-91 SOURCE OF FUNDS N 1990-91 FY 1998-91 N 1991 -92 DIFFERENCE PROJECTED WATER OPERATIONS (1,286,200) -21.41 % WATER REVENUES 6,008,200 6,008,200 4,722,000 PROPEFW TAX 560,000 =a000 562,000 2,000 0.36% ENG &OTHER SERVICES 150,000 150,000 107,000 (44000) -28.67% MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 50,000 50,000 24,000 (26,000) -52.00% INTEREST 270,000 270,000 291 ,000 21 ,000 7.78% TOTAL 7,038,200 7,038,200 5,706,000 (1,332.200) - 1 8.93% WATER DlST PROJECT REPL CAPITALSURCHARGE 875,000 875,000 1,015,000 140,000 16.00% ClTy CONTRIBUTIONS 0 0 4,300,000 4,300,000 INTEREST a000 20,000 =J,000 =cwo 1650.00)6 TOTAL 895,000 895,000 5,665,000 4,770,000 532.96% WATER DlST MAJOR FACILITIES MAJOR FACILITY CHARGE 1 ,400,~ 1 ,400,000 1,496,000 96,000 6.86% 88 REFUNDING PROCEEDS 0 0 0 0 INTEREST INCOME 600,000 600,000 369,000 (231 ,aoo) -38.50% TOTAL 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,865,000 (1 35,q -6.75% TOTAL WATER DISTRICT 9,933,200 9,933,200 13,236,000 3,302,800 33.25% WORKERS COMP SELF-INSURANCE INTEREST 5woQ 35,000 30,000 (5,000) -14 29% SERVICES 750,000 750,000 576,225 (173,775) -23.1 7% TOTAL 800,000 785,000 606,225 (1 78,775) -22.77% UABIUTY SELF-INSURANCE INTEREST 120,000 83,000 95,000 12,000 14.46% SERVICES 498,200 498,200 1 ,000,000 501,800 100.72% TOTAL 61 8,200 581,200 1,095,000 513,800 88.40% HEALTH INSURANCE INTEREST 45,000 45,000 70,000 25,000 55.56% REIMBU RSEM ENTS 240,000 220.000 240,000 20,000 9 09% TOTAL 1,645,000 1,625,000 1,440,700 (1 84,300) -1 1.34% INTERDEPAFTMENTAL 1 ,=wo0 1,360,000 1,130,700 (=Vw -16 86% 18 I 1 I 8 .I 8 I I I I I TOTAL 420,000 420,000 430 10,000 I 1 I I I I CIN OF CARLSBAD 1 REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1991-92 ESTIMATED PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE OF PI! SOURCE OF FUNDS FY 1990-91 FY 1990-91 N1991-92 DIFFERENCE PROJE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE INTERDEPARTMENTAL 1,155,063 1 ,o94,000 1,223,600 129,600 MISCELLANEOUS 50,000 4&000 50,000 2,000 TOTAL 1,205,063 1,142,000 - 1,273,600 131,600 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INTERDEPAFWMENTAL 798,720 776,800 833,400 =,600 INTEREST 12,000 41 ,000 40,000 (1 ,000) SALE OF PROPERTY 0 40,000 40,m 0 TOTAL 81 0,720 857,800 - 91 3,400 55,600 DATA PROCESSING INTEREST 14,000 18,000 18,000 0 CHARGES 732,690 760,000 808,800 48,800 TOTAL 746,690 778,000 - a26,m 48,800 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 5,825,673 5,769,000 6,155,725 386,725 REDEVELOPMENT FUNDS OPERATIONS 192,000 192,000 306,672 1 14,672 INTEREST 80,000 80,000 115,000 35,000 149,672 TOTAL 272,000 272,000 421,672 e LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG 300,000 ~9000 360,000 a000 INTEREST 120,000 120,000 70,000 Wt000) - TAX INCRMNT BOND DEBT SRV 1 ,w7,4al 1,007,400 1,133,328 125,928 BOND INTEREST 125,000 125,000 150,000 25,000 TOTAL 1,132,400 1,132,400 1,283,328 150,928 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 0 21 4,000 150,000 (s4,000) TOTAL OTHER FUNDS 1,824,400 2,038,400 2,135,000 310,600 TOTALOPERATING FUNDS 65,792,245 63,832,050 67,687,184 3,830,134 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS 3,020,000 3,109,000 7,680,000 4,596,000 1 GRAND TOTAL $68,812,245 $66,941,050 $75,367,184 $8,426,134 19 CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL AL.LOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991-92 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED 1 1 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 1 1 0 CITY MANAGER 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER 1 1 FINANCIAL SERVICES MANAGER 1 1 ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER 1 1 SECRETARY TO C. MANAGER 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 CLERK TYPIST I 1 1 TOTAL CITY MANAGER 7 7 0 INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY CLERK I 1 STENO CLERK II 1 1 MINUTES CLERK 1 1 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS 6 6 0 DATA PROCESSING PROGRAMMEWOPERATOR 2 2 PROG RAMM EWANALY ST 1 1 MICRO COMPUTER SPECIALST 1 1 DATA PROCESSING MANAGER 1 1 TOTAL DATA PROCESStNG 5 5 0 TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS 41 11 0 CITY ATTORNEY 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNW 1 1 DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY 1 1 SECRETARY TO C. AlTORNEY 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL CITY AITORNEY 5 5 0 20 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 I I I 8 1 1 1 I I I I I TOTAL PURCHASING 6 6 0 I 1 I 8 1 i 1 21 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER f3UDGET OVER ALLOCATED RIWJEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED FINANCE DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 ACCOUNTANT 3 3 ACCOUNTANT -WATER 0 1 1 ACOUNTING SUPERVISOR 2 2 ACCOUNT CLERK II 4 2 -2 ACCOUNT CLERK I1 - WATER 0 1 1 ACOUNT CLERK I 2 2 AUDITOR 1 1 BUSINESS LICENSE REPRESENTIVE 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL FINANCE 17 17 0 RISK MANAGER 1 1 SECRETARY I1 1 1 TOTAL RISK MANAGEMENT 2 2 0 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 BUYER 2 2 STOREKEEPER 1 1 MESSENGER 1 1 1 1 COMPENSATION & BENEFITS MGR 1 1 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES MANAGER 1 1 HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST 1 1 HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 COMPENSATION TECHNICIAN 1 1 TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES 8 8 0 MGR OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 2 2 SECRETARY I 1 1 TOTAL RESEARCH 4 4 0 ClTY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED ADMINISTRATION POLICE CHIEF 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 4 4 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL ADM I NlSTRATl ON 3 3 0 OPERATIONS POLICE CAPTAIN 4 1 POLICE LIEUTENANT 4 4 POLICE SERGEANT 6 6 SENIOR POLICE OFFICER 40 10 POLICE OFFICER 32 32 POLICE SERVICES AIDE 1 1 TOTAL OPERATIONS 54 54 0 INVESTIGATIONS POLICE LIEUTENANT 1 1 POLICE SERGEANT 4 1 POLICE OFFICER 1 1 POLICE SERVICE AIDE 1 1 SECRETARY 1 2 2 TOTAL INVESTIGATIONS 14 14 0 VICE NARCOTICS POLICE SERGEANT 1 4 POLICE OFFICER 2 2 TOTAL VICE NARCOTICS 3 3 0 TECHNICAL SERVICES POLICE CAPTAIN 1 1 POLICE SERGEANT 1 1 POLICE OFFICER 2 0 -2 RECORDS & COMMUNIC SUPERV 1 1 SUPERVISING COMMUNICATOR 1 1 COMMUNICATION OPERATOR II 13 13 POLICE RECORDS CLERK II 6 6 CRIME PREVENT TECH 1 1 SECRETARY 1 1 1 TOTAL TECHNICAL SERVICES 27 25 -2 DARE PROGRAM POLICE OFFICER 0 2 2 TOTAL DARE PROGRAM 0 2 2 SENIOR POLICE OFFICER 8 a 22 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 I 1 I 8 I 1 TOTAL POLICE 109 109 0 1 I I I I I 1 I TOTAL BUILDING INSPECTION 15 15 0 1 I TOTAL COMM DN ADMINIST 5 5 0 I I 1990-91 1991-92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED TRAFFIC POLICE SERGEANT 1 1 SENIOR POLICE OFFICER 4 4 POLICE OFFICER 2 2 POLICE SERVICES AIDE 1 1 TOTAL TRAFFIC a a 0 1 1 FIRE BATTALION CHIEF 4 4 FIRE CAPTAIN SPECIALIST 4 4 FIRE ENGINEER 18 18 FIRE FIGHTER 12 12 SECRETARY II 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 1 0 -1 FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER I FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER II 1 2 1 FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER 111 2 2 TOTAL FIRE 81 ai 0 FIRE CAPTAIN ia ia PARAMEDIC- FIRE FIGHTER ia ia 1 1 BUILDING INSPECTOR 111 2 2 BUILDING INSPECTOR II 4 4 BUlDLlNG INSPECTOR I 1 1 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER 1 1 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER I 1 1 BUILDING TECHNICIAN II 1 1 TECHNICIAN I 2 2 PERMIT CLERK 2 2 COMMUNITY DEVEL DIRECTOR 1 1 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 CLERK TYPIST I 2 2 RECEPTlONlSTlCASHlER 1 1 I 23 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED ADMINISTRATION CITY ENGINEER 1 4 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER 0 0.5 0.5 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 4 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 4 SECRETARY II 2 2 WORD PROCESS OPERATOR II 3 3 CLERK TYPIST II 9 1 TOTAL ADM IN I STRATI ON 9 9.5 0.5 DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER 1 1 PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER 2 2 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER 7 7 ASSISTANT CIVIL ENGINEER 2 2 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I1 3 3 TECHNICIAN 1 1 1 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT 16 16 0 MUNlCi PAL PROJECTS MUNICIPAL PROJECT MANAGER I 1 PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER 2 2 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER 4 4 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I1 2 2 PRINCIPAL CONSTRUCTION INSPECT 1 1 SR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 2 2 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 5 5 ENGINEERING INSPECTOR - WATER 0 1 1 SR ENGINEERING INSP -WATER 0 1 1 PERMIT CLERK 1 1 TOTAL MUNICIPAL PROJECTS 18 20 2 TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC ENGINEER 1 1 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER 2 2 ASSISTANT CIVIL ENGINEER 1 1 TOTAL TRAN SPORTATI C)N 4 4 0 TOTAL ENGINEERING 47 49.5 2.5 24 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 I 1: I I 1 R I 1 II I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I I 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER f3UDGET OVER ALLOCATED RIEQ U EST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED GROWTH MANAGEMENT MANAGER 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER 1 0.5 -0.5 SENIOR PLANNER 1 1 TOTAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT 4 3.5 -0.5 1 1 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 2 2 PRINCIPAL PLANNER 2 2 SENIOR PLANNER 4 4 ASSOCIATE PLANNER 7 7 ASSISTANT PLANNER 3 3 PLANNING TECHNICIAN I 1 1 PLANNING TECHNICIAN II 1 1 GRAPHIC TECHNICIAN 1 1 SECRETARY I1 1 1 WORD PROCESS OPERATOR I 1 1 WORD PROCESS OPERATOR II 2 2 TOTAL PLANNING 27 27 0 0 0.5 0.5 TOTAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION 0 0.5 0.5 GEOGRAPHIC INFO SYSTEM COORD 1 1 GEOGRAPHIC INFO SYSTEM TECH 1 1 TOTAL GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION 2 2 0 25 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 11991 -92 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION LIBRARY DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR 1 4 LIBRARIAN 111 1 0 -1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 2 0 -2 SECRETARY II 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 0 1 1 GRAPHIC ARTIST 1 1 MESSENGER 1 1 ACCOUNT CLERK I 1 1 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 9 7 -2 CIRCULATION LIBRARY ASSISTANT 111 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 1 1 TOTAL CIRCULATION 3 3 0 REFERENCE SERVICES LIBRARIAN 111 1 1 LIBRARIAN I 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 1 1 TOTAL REFERENCE 5 5 0 GENEAOLOGYROCAL t-IISTORY LIBRARIAN 111 1 1 TOTAL GENEAOLOGY 1 1 0 CHILDREN’S SERVICES LIBRARIAN 111 1 1 LIBRARIAN II 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 1 1 TOTAL CHILDREN’S 3 3 0 TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN 111 1 1 LIBRARIAN II 2 2 LI B RARY ASS1 STA NT I I 3 4 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 1 0 -1 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 TOTAL TECHNICAL 8 8 0 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN 111 0 1 1 LIBRARY ASS1 STA NT I I 0 1 1 TOTAL COLLECTION DEVEL 0 2 2 LIBRARIAN 5 2 2 26 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-!31 AND 1991 -92 I I I U I ]I TOTAL ADULT LEARNING 2 2 0 1 I TOTAL LIBRARY 34 34 0 B I I I II I R IC 1. I 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER I3UDGET OVER ALLOCATED RIEQU EST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED MEDIA SERVICES AUDIO VIUSUAL SPECIALIST 1 1 TOTAL MEDIA 1 1 0 ADULT LEARNING LIBRARIAN 111 1 1 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 BRANCH LIBRARY ASSISTANT 111 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 1 1 TOTAL BRANCH 2 2 0 1 '1 COMMUNITY ARTS COORDINATOR 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 TOTAL CULTURAL ARTS 3 3 0 ADMINISTRATION PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 PARK PLANNER 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 TOTAL ADMl Nl STRATION 5 5 0 PARK MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 PARK SUPERVISOR 1 1 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 5 5 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER II 9 9 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER I 4 4 BUILDING MAINT CARPENTER 1 1 TOTAL PARK MAINTENANCE 21 21 0 TREE MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERVISOR 0.5 0.5 TREE TRIMMER LEADWORKER 2 2 TREE TRIMMER II 2 2 TREE TRIMMER I 2 2 TOTAL TREE MAINTENANCE 6.5 6.5 0 I 27 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CL;ASSIFICATION PERSONNEL AL.LOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED MEDIAN MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERVISOR 0.5 0.5 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER I 1 4 TOTAL MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 1.5 1.5 0 RECREATION OPERATIONS RECEPTlONlSTlCASHlER 3 3 RECREATION SPECIALIST I 1 1 TOTAL RECREATION OERATIONS 4 4 0 RECREATION FEE SUPPORTED RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT 1 4 PRINC RECREATION SLIPERV 1 1 RECREATION SUPERVISOR II 3 3 RECREATION SUPERVISOR I I 1 RECREATION SPECIALIST I 2 2 TOTAL RECR. FEE SUPPORTED 8 8 0 AQUATICS AQUATIC SUPERVISOR 1 4 TOTAL AQUATICS 4 4 0 SENIOR PROGRAM SR CITIZEN COORDINATOR 1 4 SECRETARY I 4 1 SITE MANAGER 1 1 TOTAL SENIOR PROGRAM 3 3 0 TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION 50 50 0 ADMINISTRATION UTILlTlESlMAINTENANCE DIR 4 4 ASST UTlUMAlNT DIR 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 SECRETARY I1 1 1 CLERK TYPIST I1 1 1 TOTAL ADMlNlSTRATlOlU 5 5 0 28 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 I 1 I: I 1 R 1 I 1 I 8 I 1 I m II 1 I TOTAL SANITATION 8.4 8.4 0 1990-91 1991-92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED STREET MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 0.3 0.3 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPT 1 1 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPERV 2 2 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 5 6 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER II 14 13 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER I 3 3 TOTAL STREET MAINTENANCE 25.3 25.3 0 STREET LIGHTING ELECTRICIAN II 1 1 ELECTRICIAN I 1 1 ELECT OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR 1 1 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 3 3 0 BUILDING MAINTENANCE BUILDING MAINT SUPT 1 1 BUILDING MAINT SUPERV 1 1 SENIOR BUILDING MAINT WORKER 0 1 1 BUILDING MAINT CARP 2 0 -2 BUILDING MAlNT WORKER 111 0 1 1 BUILDING MAINT WORKER I 0 1 1 CUSTODIAN II 1 1 CUSTODIAN ' 9 9 0 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER II 1 0 -1 TOTAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE 15 15 0 WATER 0.5 0.5 UTILITY MAINT SUPERINTENDENT ACCOUNT CLERK II 0.5 0.5 ENGINEERING TECH II 0.3 0.3 UTILITY MAINT WORKER Ill 1 1 METER SHOP SUPERVISOR 1 1 METER READER II 5 5 METER READER I 1 1 TOTAL WATER 9.3 9.3 0 SANiTATlON UTILITY MAINT SUPERINTENDENT 0.5 0.5 ACCOUNT CLERK II 0.5 0.5 ENGINEERING TECH II 0.4 0.4 SEWER MAINTENANCE SUPERV 1 1 UTILITY MAINT WORKER 111 1 1 UTILITY MAINT WORKER ll 2 2 MAINT WORKER I 1 1 UTILITY SYSTEM OPERATOR 111 1 1 UTILITY SYSTEM OPERATOR II 1 1 I 29 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED FLEET OPERATIONS FLEET MAINTENANCE SUPERT 1 1 ACCOUNT CLERK II 1 1 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC II 2 2 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I 1 1 EQUIPMENT SERVICE WORKER 1 1 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC SUPERVISOR 1 1 TOTAL FLEET OPERATGONS 7. 7 0 TOTAL UTILITIESNAINTENANCE 73 73 0 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT DIR 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 2 4.5 -0.5 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 5 4.5 -0.5 HOUSING SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 HOUSING SPECIALIST I 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 TOTAL HOUSING 4 4 0 BLOCK GRANT SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 0 TOTAL BLOCK GRANT 1 1 0 TOTAL HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT 10 9.5 -0.5 GENERAL SERVCIES ADMIN GENERAL MANAGEWDE 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER 4 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST 1 1 ACCOUNTANT 1 0 -1 ACCOUNTING OFFICE ASSISTANT 1 0 -1 ACCOUNT CLERK I1 0 1 1 ACCOUNT CLERK I 0 1 1 WATER CONSERVATION SPECIALIST 1 1 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 1 1 RECEPTIONIST 1 1 TOTAL GENERAL SERVICES ADMlN 8 8 0 30 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 I I 1 1 i3 I I I I TOTAL OPERATIONS 19 19 0 I U I I 1 I I I I 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) ALLOCATED 1990-91 OPERATlONS SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 SYSTEMS OPERATION SUPERVISOR 1 1 CONSTRUCTION & MAINT SUPERV 1 1 SENIOR SYSTEMS OPERATOR 1 1 SERVICE COORDINATOR 1 1 STOREKEEPER 1 1 SR CONSTR & MAINTENANCE WORKE 1 1 SYSTEMS OPERATOR II 3 3 SYSTEMS OPERATOR I 1 1 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 1 1 1 1 FACILITY MAlNT LEADWORKER CONSTRUCTION MAINT WORKER 3 3 SENIOR VALVE TECHNICIAN 1 1 VALVE TECHNICIAN 1 1 OPERATIONS OFFICE ASSISTANT 1 1 ENGINEERING DISTRICT ENGINEER 1 1 SR. ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN 2 2 SR. ENGINEERING INSPECTOR 1 0 -1 ENGINEERING INSPECTOR 1 0 -1 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN 3 3 ENGINEERING SECRETARY 1 1 ENGINEERING OFFICE ASSISTANT 1 1 TOTAL ENGINEERING 10 a -2 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT 37 35 -2 558 0 92PER I 31 I I I I 31 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1-1 / 1 I 1 1988-89 19a9-5)o 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL. BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL $ 104,626 $ 122,417 S 122,036 S 134,937 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 19,847 20,568 29,678 32,781 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 (1 6,000 0 GRAND TOTAL $ 124,473 $ 142,,9a5 s 157,714 s 167,718 POSIT IONS 1 'I 1 1 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL PERSONNEL E 340,780 f 357,609 BAINTENANCE OPERATION 48,682 48,227 CAPITAL OUTLAY 8,547 15,334 GRAND TOTAL $ 398,009 $ 421,170 POSIT IONS 5 5 1991 -92 1990-91 BUDGET BUDGET $ 478,032 546,499 59,694 60,800 10,728 0 $ 548,454 $ 607,299 7 7 I I I 1990-91 1991-92 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL S 1,948 $ 155 S 0 $ 0 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 22,391 28,548 44 * 734 42,614 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 1,373 0 GRAND TOTAL $ 24,339 $ 28,703 S 46,107 $ 42,614 POSIT IONS 0 0 0 0 PROGRAM: CITY CLERK FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: CITY CLERK ACGT # 001-1830 MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The City Clerk's Department is responsible for performance of duties as defined in the Covermnt Code and the Carlsbad Municipal Code. WORKLOAD MEASURES : PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: CY /i 989 CY/lWO I. Elections: Electim Services: Serves as the City's Election Officer responsible for conducting the Municipal 1 Special 9 General E Lect i ons - Fair Political Practices Canaissim (FPPC) Filimsr 1. FiLings: Serves as City's Filing Officer for all filings 33 Campaign 47 Campaign required by the Political Reform Act of 1974. This St at emen t s Statements includes receipt and review of Campaign Statements 115 Statements of 247 Statements of and Statements of Economic Interest. Economic Economic Interest Knterest Comcil Heetim Record of Proceedings: Keeps an 1. Council Minutes: accurate record of proceedings of the legislative 65 62 body as required by the Government Code. Achinistrative Services: Maintains custody of City 9. CLaims Filed: Seal; maintains City records which include filing 113 105 of records and certification of copies; publishes ordinances and notices of public hearings; receives all claims filed. 46 40 2. Public Hearing Notices: 3. Ordinances Published: 46 44 Smrt Services: Provides staff support to the 1. Meetings Held: Parking Authority and BuiLding Authority. Serves as Secretary to the Public Inprovement Corporation and Water Board and Recording Secretary to the Housing and Redevelopnent Cmission. 15 47 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Budgeted expenses are down for fiscal year 1991-92 as there are no elections anticipated. a 35 I E 1 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL S 231,356 S 295,476 S 364,419 S 391,257 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 28,305 35,969 43,908 55,479 CAPITAL OUTLAY 507 6,692 11,655 0 GRAND TOTAL S 260,168 S 338,137 S 419,982 S 446,736 POSIT IONS 3 3 5 5 PROGRAM: FINANCE FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: FINANCE ACCT # 001-1310 MAINTENANCE OPERATION WORK PROGRAM: The Finance Department pays the bills and collects the revenue for the City, maintains accurate and timely financial records, and provides necessary information on financial status and forecasts to the City Manager and City Council. PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Financial Wenaaemen t Achinistrationt Provide long- 1. Present results of fiscal inpact analysis of range financial planning services, including the General Plan. 2. Update and report City's long-range financial funding of grouth management related facilities, long-range operating revenue and expense forecasts. Budset Hanaqement: Develop an annual budget 1. Prepare annual capital and operating budgets identifying operating and capital programs and uhich include program activity and output their costs for future years. measures or performance objective statements. 2. Monitor expenditures monthly to insure budgetary integrity. projections. Assessment District/CFD Ahinistration: Provide 1. Issue bonds for initial capital projects. financial management of 1913/15 Act Assessment and Mello-Roos Districts. 2. Establish CFD No. 1 tax rates. 3. Establish recording system for Alga Road Assessment agreements. Accounts Receivable: Bill and collect revenue for 4. Establish business license field inspection the City; includes utilities, business license, system. 2. Revise ordinance to base business license fee ambulance, parking citations, and emergency response billings. Accounts Payable: Assembles and pays the debts of the City, including payroll. Satisfies require- and pay invoices. ments of taxing agencies. General Accomting: Prepares and maintains 1. Distribute monthly expenditure smry on 5th accurate financial records; includes grants, uorking day of month. capital projects, enterprise funds, assessment 2. Survey City departments to determine departmental financial needs/requirements. districts, investments, and fixed assets. 3. Provide City Manager and Council with timely monthly financial reports. on prior year's actual receipts. Maintain turnaround time of 30 days to process 1. Audits: Revieus records of businesses in City that 1. Audit 40 major retailers and businesses; 3 support business license, sales taxes, franchise major hotels/motels; all franchise fees. Revieu Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau fees, and TOT revenue. Perform compliance revieus for compliance. and internal audits of City departments. 2. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: This program uill be absorbing one Accountant and one Account Clerk from the Uater District uhile giving two Account Clerk's I1 to the Uater Oistrict. Maintenance and Operation expenses are down due to the payment or completion in 1990-91 of one time projects, such as Mello Roos consulting and the fiscal inpact analysis of the General Plan. One Account Clerk I position has no funds allocated. 37 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY I P 4 GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 11,262 S 23,237 8 27,306 S 28,541 31,739 37,838 52,491 53,024 752 0 0 0 S 43,753 S 61,075 S 79,797 S 81,565 0. a1 0 0 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL WTLAY GRAND TOTAL WS I T I ONS 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 0 0 0 S 0 S 0 40,900 34,500 35,000 35 ~ 000 0 0 0 0 S 10,900 S 34,500 S 35,000 S 35,000 0 0 0 0 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION 1 1 I CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSI T IONS 1991 -92 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET s 174,345 s 1a2.045 s 218,875 s 247,926 104,270 157,487 165,504 154,908 5,291 4,105 7,461 0 s 283,906 s 343,637 s 391,840 s 402.834 5 51 6 6 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL WTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSl T IONS 1988-89 1989- 90 1990-91 1991-92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET f 204,337 0 267,217 f 524,012 f 457,390 257,815 310,184 512,100 454,952 940 5 , 856 38,620 0 $ 462,892 S 583,259 0 1,074,732 0 912,342 5 6 8 8 1991-92 1990-91 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL s 0 0 0 s 0 s 0 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 1,207,949 i , 24~1,108 1,494,854 1,743,179 I li CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 8 POSIT IONS 0 0 0 0 GRAND TOTAL s 1,207,949 s 1,24ci,ioa s 1,494,854 s 1,743,179 1 1988-89 . ACTUAL PERSONNEL t 144,951 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 18,627 CAPITAL OUTLAY 6,844 GRAND TOTAL S 170,419 POSI T IONS 4 1991 -92 1990-91 1989- 90 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET t 199,020 0 221,386 t 251,024 59,962 285 s 198 41,771 i2,aas 7,050 0 0 271,767 0 513,634 t 292,795 4 4 4 1988-89 1989- 5)O 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL. BUDGET PERSONNEL S 197,362 $ 215,907 S 282,524 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 140,653 133,676 147,956 I* I I CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,999 39,940 263,i a5 GRAND TOTAL s 340,014 $ 389,523 s 693,665 POSIT IONS 5 ti 6 1991-92 BUDGET S 293,275 146,210 0 s 439,485 6 PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATION FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: INFORMATION SYSTEMS PAGE TWO ACCT # 001-1710 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: CY/1989 CY/1990 Minutes Service: Provide minutes for City Boards, 7. Minutes for 14 Minutes for 14 Comnissions and Comnittees. Boards, Comnissions, Boards, Comnissions, ad Comnittees. andl Comnittees. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 45 1988-89 ACTUAL S 136,407 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION 318,716 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 I I I GRAND TOTAL S 455,123 POSITIONS 2 1991 -92 1989- 90 1990-91 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 190,617 0 252,489 S 278,643 298,457 508,466 462,971 0 297,144 18,100 S 489,074 S 1,058,099 $ 759,714 3 5 5 PROGRAM: RISK MANAGEMENT FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: RISK MANAGEMENT Am # 001-1910 MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The Risk Management Department administers the Insurance/Self-Insurance Program, directs the Loss Prevention/ Training Program, and controls the administration of the Claims Management Program, PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Insurance/Self-Insurance: Directs the marketing, 1. To inplement a facility use liability insurance renewal, planning and funding of the insured and program. self-funded portions of the program; administers the worker's capensation and general liability self-insurance funds. ernent: Directs and adnninisters the 1. To provide safety training programs to each Claim Mamw Claims Management Program for worker's compen- department. sation, property, casualty and general liability by utilizing a combination of in-house servicing and 2. To revise the Administrative Order and Personnel Rules dealing uith work related third party contract administration. in juries. Litigation Menarrement: Uorks in conjunction with 1. To Revise the procedure for processing claims the City Attorney's Office and outside counsel to settlements. monitor, control and resolve litigated matters in the areas of uorker's compensation, property, casualty and general liability. Loss PreventionLTraining: Provides direction, 1. To provide safety training programs for each programing and training for various City department e departments in order to minimize the potential risk of future losses. Swcial Ewnt/FaciLitv Use Programs: Assist uith 1. To inplement a special event liability the administration of the Special Event/Faci lity Use Programs in order to ensure conpliance with Council Policies established for the protection of the participants, sponsors, spectators and City. insurance program. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Maintenance and Operation expenses are down as insurance premiums, for proposed earthquake insurance coverage and collision coverage for vehicles, have been deferred. 47 I I I 1990-91 1991-92 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL S 0 S 0 s 0 S 0 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 467,673 788,990 794,500 1,000,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 GRAND TOTAL t 467,673 S 7881,990 S 794,500 t 1,000,000 POSIT I o)(S 0 0 0 0 PROGRAM: GENERAL L IAB 1: L ITY FUND: SELF-INSURANCE DEPARTMENT: RISK MANAGEMENT ACCT # 612-1910 MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The General Liability Self-Insurance Fund is part of the City's Risk Management Program. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: General Liability Claims: The fwd is utilized to 1. Revise the Facility Use Program. provide payment for settlements, costs and defense expenses incurred as the result of general liabili- ty claims made against the City. It is also util- ized to pay for related acbninistration and in- surance expenses. 2. Implement a Facility Use Liability Insurance Program. SIGN I FICANP CHANGES : None e 49 I ACCT # 001. 1 PROGRAM: MISC. NON-DEPARTMENTAL 1988-89 1 989- 90 1990-91 1991-9; I ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGE' 10-41-2993 Comnunity Promotion 200,000 147,182 225,000 225 s 001 10-50-2930 Taxes (Chamber) 89 1,000 I I I I I I I I 1 u I i I I I 1 10-50-2993 Comnunity Contributions: Big Bang Cornnittee t 5,000 Case de Anpro 13,335 Hospice of the North Coast 3,150 Lifeline 10,395 North County Food Co-op 6,300 Sen Diego Aids Project 1,000 Uomen's Resource Center 17,500 YMCA Or North Coast 15,7SO 57,500 62,900 84,058 72,43 19-67-1922 Hosp Grove Debt Service 153,22i! 768,300 876,585 488,27 19-90-2340 Leases (mandated 8 contractual) City Hall s 36,000 Parking Lots 174,000 Miscellaneous 20,000 106,106 236,500 300,000 230,OO 19-90-2489 Animal Regulation Contract 67,183 67,681 84,670 94,24 19-90-2520 Dues and Subscriptions 21,48Ii 21,581 35,000 36,oa 19-90-2999 Contingencies (Budget request) 1,500,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 2,000,OO 62-10-2211 Street Lighting Assessment 24 , 500 28,000 28,000 28, OC 50 1 D I I 1 1 i I I I 1 a I I I 1 I I i[puBLlcsAFETy I e I I I 1991-92 1990-91 1988-89 1989-90. ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL S 5,058,166 S 5,778,860 S 7,254,679 S 7,325,582 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 1,154,258 1,412,487 1,874,068 2,184,386 CAPITAL OUTLAY 68,505 98,502 143,839 12,000 GRAND TOTAL S 6,280,929 S 7,289,849 S 9,272,586 S 9,521,968 POSIT IONS 91 100 109 109 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 135,551 S 156,708 S 226,621 S 228,760 113,837 146,880 290,203 639 I 423 0 0 0 0 0 249,388 S 303,588 $ 516,824 868,183 2 2 3 3 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 I ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL s 2,638,579 s 3,027,552 s 3,864,794 s 3,870,970 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 41 6,827 527,562 662,971 616,580 CAPITAL WTLAY 15,668 76,388 59,175 0 I I GRAND TOTAL S 3,071,074 S 3,631,502 'b 4,586,940 S 4,487,550 POSIT IONS 49 49 54 54 - PROGRAM: INVESTIGATIONS FUND : GENERAL DEPARTMENT: POLICE AUX # 001-2136 MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: To provide follow up investigations leading to the identification and apprehension of persons responsible for the comnission of crimes. To provide coordination of the criminal justice process, to recover property and to establish property and evidence processing procedures. To enforce and investigate juvenile offenses, and to coordinate jwenile diversion/education groups and programs. WORKLOAD MEASURES: PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: - 1988 - 1989 1990 1. No. of Reports: Investigations: and incident reports. 1503 1516 1729 Case Closures: Clearance rate for FBI Index offenses for: Investigate and follow-up on crime 1. Clearance Rates: Violent Crimes - includes hom,icide, rape, / 49% 47% 49% 25% 26% 22% robbery and aggravated assault.* Property Crimes - includes burglary, larceny theft and motor vehicle theft.* Property Recovery: Property recovery rate is for 1. Property Clearances: burglary, larceny theft and motor vehicle theft. 45% 49% 43% Juvenile Diversion: The diversion of juveniles, 1. Juveni Les Diverted: both delinquent and pre-delinquent, within and 400 440 500 prior to the criminal justice system for rehabilitative opportunities. * Note: This rate is the proportion of crime cases cleared by charging a suspect or by identification of an offender who cannot be arrested (exceptional clearance). SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: none. 54 1990-91 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET I I I PERSONNEL B 96,734 S 211,951 S 244,603 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 4,198 25,886 30,900 CAPITAL WTLAY 13,178 12,999 3,500 GRAND TOTAL S 114,110 S 250,836 S 279,003 POSITIONS 3 3 3 1991 -92 BUDGET S 242,329 22,551 0 S 264,880 3 PROGRAM: TECHNICAL SERVICES FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: POLICE ACCT f 001-2140 MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Provide support to the police department in the form of police and fire emergency comnunications, training, crime prevention, records maintenance, automated system coordination and recruiting and personnel. PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: PROGM ACTIVITIES: Carmnicatiarr: Provide routine and emergency 1. Provide Emergency Medical Update training to cammications service to police, fire and appropriate personnel. emergency medical program. Crime Preventim: Presents crime prevention and 1. Produce an Hispanic version of the Neighborhood neighborhood uatch programs throughout the City. Assists in camunity relations programs and oversees the False Alarm program. Training & Persomel: Coordinates all training 1. Inprove pre-employment investigations by department uide, provides recruiting services, sets up testing program and conpletes P.Q.S.T. mandated pre-employment investigations. Assists in coordinating public meetings and special programs. Records-. Provides processing, filing and 1. Improve the coordination and use of the CASS to maintenance of all department official records. improve department operations/computer Responsible for data entry into the ARJIS program and for statewide reporting of crime information. Public reception and assistance program is also a vi tal program. Uatck Newsletter. developing contrattua l services. application programs. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Two DARE program positions and expenses have been transferred out of the Technical Services Program to its own program. 56 1 8 I 1988-89 1989- 90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL s 0 s 0 s 0 s 121,683 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 0 0 0 13,619 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 GRAND TOTAL s 0 S 0 s 0 0 135,302 POS I T IONS 0 0 0 2 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL WTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSITIONS 1991 -92 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 10 S 1,750 S 4,375 S 4,500 4,844 3,428 a D 938 8,400 0 799 0 0 S 4,854 S 5,977 S 13,313 S 12,900 0 0 0 0 I 1 B 1988-89 198940 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL S 423,836 0 449,373 S 561,286 0 549,558 MAINTENANCE OPERATIOM 43,092 68,167 76,797 108,840 CAPITAL OUTLAY 25,945 2,154 1,180 0 GRAND TOTAL f 492,873 S 519,694 S 639,263 S 658,398 POSIT I OMS 8 <B 8 8 1991-92 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL S 3,913,978 S 4,7?2,767 S 5,554,468 S 5,652,364 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 659,005 693 d 834 iIo3a,741 91 0,874 CAPITAL OUTLAY 52,105 219,586 77,533 0 GRAND TOTAL S 6,617,088 S 5,686,187 S 6,670,742 S 6,563,238 POSIT IONS 63 ai ai 81 I I I II 1991-92 BUDGET 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ’ PERSONNEL s 134,512 s 157,zo s 281,265 s 280,331 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 69,926 77,923 238,870 278,506 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10,302 0 12,000 0 GRAND TOTAL s 214,740 s 235,143 s 532,135 .s 558,837 POSITIONS 2 2 2 3 PROGRAM: FIRE SUPPRESSION FUND : GENERAL DEPARTMENT: FIRE ACGT # 001-2220 MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Respond to citizen requests for assistance in a timely manner with appropriate equipment and property trained personnel- PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: 9. Maintain a five minute or less response time to fire and emergency calls for service 90% of the time Citywide. Resme Levels: Maintain a high and safe level of safety services throughout the City. Training: Provide aL1 safety personneL appropriate 4. Conduct an annual physical fitness appraisal training in order to enhance their personal safety program for all personnel. 2. Provide technical training to all shift and also enhancing the services provided to the citizens. personnel on a monthly basis. 3. Develop standard operating procedures conforming to national safety guidelines by the 4th quarter. Certify all probationary firefighters as State Firefighters I by the end of their probationary year. 4. Service: Operations personnel will maintain a 1. Engine companies will participate in public positive comnunity profile of service, education programs and code enforcement friendliness, and responsiveness. 2. Engine companies will participate in special inspections on an annual basis. connrnity events as needed. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 62 1 I 1 1988-889 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL $ 226,196 s 270,1572 s 328,381 s 336,061 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 45 , 719 30,557 62,479 50,600 CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,981 14,732 0 0 GRAND TOTAL $ 276,896 $ 315,961 0 390,860 0 386,661 POSIT IONS 5.5 6 6 6 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1991-92 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET f 564,101 S 749,505 S 778,865 0 805,006 104,614 106,540 116,616 4 13,078 3,845 0 2,000 0 S 672,560 $ 856,045 $ 897,481 $ 918,084 10 12 12 12 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL s 308 S 0 S 0 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 25,979 41,627 54 , 924 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 I 8 1 GRAND TOTAL S 26,287 S 41,627 S 54,924 POSIT IONS 0.5 a1 0 1991-92 BUDGET S 0 33,350 0 S 33,350 0 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 69,567 S 81,462 S 95,750 96,566 41,035 56,642 69,000 69,400 5,000 0 49,884 0 S 115,602 S 138,104 S 176,634 S 165,966 1 1 1 1 1 1 COMMUNITY DEVU1 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY I 1 I GRAND TOTAL POSITIONS 1991-92 1990-91 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 184,056 S 221,187 S 249,477 S 272,316 220 , 934 331,990 407,357 359 , 332 0 a, 144 9,900 0 S 404,990 S 561,321 S 666,734 S 631,648 7 7 5 5 I PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSI T IONS 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 0 S 0 S 90,000 S 90,515 0 0 165 I 200 1 26,950 0 0 0 0 S 0 $ 0 S 255,200 S 217,465 0 0 7.5 5.5 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY I I I GRAND TOTAL POSIT I OMS 1991 -92 1990-91 i9m-89 wa9-'?0 ACTUAL ACTUAIL BUDGET BUDGET S 1,465,669 t 1,849,604 S 2,603,443 S 2,736,786 2,006,059 3,149,355 2,970,132 2,762,222 24,550 40,472 53,340 0 S 3,496,278 S 5,039,431 t 5,626,915 S 5,499,008 33 17 41 47 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 1,032,910 f 1,351,689 f 413,088 0 482,750 781,358 1,181,373 714,099 418,687 10,081 31,757 33 ~ 889 0 0 1,824,349 $ 2,564,819 $ 1,161,076 S 901,437 24 7 9 9.5 I I I 1990-91 1991-92 1988-89 1989.90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL t 0 t 0 t 916,872 s 866,348 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 5,100 0 GRAND TOTAL t 0 S 0 s 921.9~ s a46.348 POSIT IONS 0 0 16 16 L 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL PERSONNEL S 432,759 S 497,915 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 153,181 157,116 CAPITAL OUTLAY 14,469 8,715 GRAND TOTAL S 600,409 S 663,746 POS I T IONS 9 10 1991 -92 1990 - 91 BUDGET BUDGET S 1,018,582 S 1,167,285 236,860 175,834 11,725 0 S 1,267,167 S 1,343,119 18 20 I I I 1988-89 1989- 90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ' ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL s 0 $ 0 S 254,901 S 240,403 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 0 CI 0 0 CAP I TAL OUTLAY 0 0 2,626 0 GRAND TOTAL s 0 S 0 S 257,527 S 240,403 POSIT IONS 0 (I 4 4 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POS I T I ONS 1991-92 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 1,071,520 1,810,866 2,019,173 2,167,701 0 0 0 0 $ 1,071,520 0 1,810,866 $ 2,019,173 $ 2,167,701 0 0 0 0 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY I I I GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1990-91 1991-92 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 8,404 S 12,761 S 16,800 S 18,950 15,582 16,144 16,500 17,000 0 0 0 0 S 23,986 S 28,905 S 33,300 S 35,950 0 0 0 0 1988-89 1989-90 1990 - 91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL t 630,231 0 815,545 0 1,313,788 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 221,077 316 ~ 804 777,778 CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,050 25,532 84,300 GRAND TOTAL $ 855,358 f 1,157,881 0 2,175,866 POS I T IONS 16 24 27 1991 -92 BUDGET S 1,382,646 882,652 0 $ 2,265,298 27 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY I I I GRAND TOTAL POS I T I ONS 1991-92 1988-89 1989-'30 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 140,538 S 17!5,523 0 245,400 $ 170,405 39,108 13,671 81 ,960 45,420 4,600 10,313 8,000 0 S 184,246 S 199,507 0 335,360 0 215,825 4 4.25 4 3.5 PER SON N E L MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 4991-92 1990-91 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET s 447,478 s 458,100 s 68,628 o 672,835 406, a09 423 ~ 084 463,223 456,434 2,125 20,938 33, aoo 0 o 856.412 o 902,122 s 1,145,651 s 1,129,269 10 10 15 15 I I I 1988-89 1989- 90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL 0 1,432,968 0 1,630,403 S 2,044,035 $ 2,127,192 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 806,292 885, OR 1,197,694 1,115,559 CAPITAL OUTLAY 26,145 86,219 114,808 46,350 GRAND TOTAL 0 2,265,405 S 2,601,694 S 3,356,537 0 3,289,101 POSIT IONS 0 34 34 34 - 1988-89 1989- 90 1990 - 91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL $ 301,370 0 288,620 $ 406,812 $ 364,102 292,640 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 158,783 156,043 306,636 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 30,798 13,450 0 GRAND TOTAL f 460,153 f 475,461 0 726,898 f 656,742 POSIT IONS 7 6 9 7 I I I 1991 -92 1990-91 1988-89 1989- 90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL t 164,494 S 172,366 t 198,437 t 297,925 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 80,715 18,041 4,930 5,900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 2,750 0 GRAND TOTAL S 245,209 S 190,407 t 206,117 $ 303,825 POSIT IONS 1 2 2 3 PERSOMMEL MAIMTEMAMCE OPERATIOM CAPITAL WTLAY GRAMD TOTAL POSIT I OMS 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 239,592 S 280,860 S 287,681 S 298,932 145,858 167,844 137,659 140,400 7, no 0 3,400 0 f 393,180 S 448,704 f 428,740 S 439,332 5 5 5 5 II e 1 1991 -92 1990-91 1988-89 1 989 - 00 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL S 0 S 0 S 70,752 S 75,283 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 0 0 12,700 20,500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 1,500 1,100 GRANO TOTAL S 0 S O S 84,952 0 96,883 POSIT IONS 0 0 1 1 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL PER SON N E L 0 117,105 f 133,369 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 24,315 28,874 CAPITAL WTLAY 0 0 GRAND TOTAL f 141,420 f 162,243 POSITIONS 2 2 1991 -92 1990-91 ' BUDGET BUDGET S 179,962 f 150,962 33,051 34,550 912 0 S 213,925 0 185,512 3 3 ~ 1988-89 1 989- 90 1990-91 1991-92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET R II 8 PERSONNEL S 255,783 f 269),047 S 328,845 S 317,265 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 106,126 107,85 1 99,429 96,800 CAPITAL OUTLAY 6,637 8,977 0 0 GRAND TOTAL 0 368,546 f 3851,875 S 428,274 S 414,065 POSIT IONS 7 8 8 8 PROGRAM: COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITIONS FUND : GENERAL DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY ACCT # 001-4041 MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Coordinate the selection of materials and plan co1lecti.n development for the library. all materials budgets for the library. Allocate and monitor Order and receive all print and non-print materials. PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: 1. Plan collection development for two libraries Plaming: Develop plans for the collection of mater i als. in the new system. 1. Automate fund accounting. Budqeting: Prepare departmental and library-wide materials budgets; monitor expenditures for 2. Detail material accounts by major subject. department and materials. 1. Develop policies and procedures for allocating Coordinate Selection of Materials: Coordinate uith and ordering of $400,000 materials budget. comnittee of 16 selectors who hare differing subject area responsibilities. Includes both print 2. Coordinate selection and ordering of print and and non-print materials. non-print materials in regular operating budget. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: This new program is staffed by the transfer of one Librarian 111 and one Library Assistant II from Library Adninistration. 86 1990- 91 1988- a9 1989-910 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL s 87,996 s 80,938 s 79,420 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 15,732 18,205 18,985 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 GRAND TOTAL s 103,728 s 99,143 s 98,405 POS I T IONS 2 2 1 I I I 1991-92 BUDGET s 0 0 0 s 0 0 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSITIONS 1991-92 1990-91 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 58,040 S 58,192 S 62,262 S 69,635 23,414 23 * 771 34,367 23,500 776 0 1,333 0 S 82,230 $ 81,963 S 97,962 $ 93,135 1 1 1 1 1990-91 1988-89 19a9-~10 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET s 0 s 80,604 s 85,166 8 I I PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION 0 16,788 29,925 CAPITAL WTLAY 0 0 12,578 GRAND TOTAL s 0 $ 97,392 S 127,669 POSIT IONS 0 i! 2 1991 -92 BUDGET s 83,757 26,980 0 S 110,737 2 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POS I T IONS 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 119,367 S 154,356 S 176,484 $ 191,262 978 0 126,400 89,100 0 0 3,500 0 S 120,345 $ 154,356 $ 306,384 S 280,362 2 2 2 2 I 1 1990-91 1991 -92 1988-89 1 989 - '90 ACTUAL ACTUAIL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONMEL S 89,221 S 112,051 0 143,520 S 158,438 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 77,476 107,047 121,750 106,015 CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,725 7,835 3,500 0 GRAND TOTAL S 169,422 f 226,934 S 268,770 S 264,453 POSIT IONS 2 2 3 3 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POS I T IONS 1988-89 1989- 90 1990-91 1991-92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 0 $ 0 $ 5,450 $ 7,995 0 0 17,550 16,000 0 0 0 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 23,000 $ 23,995 0 0 0 0 I PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL WTLAY I I GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1991 -92 1990-91 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 0 '5 0 $ 0 $ 0 56,175 73,810 108,000 65,674 6,189 13.468 0 0 s 62,364 'L az,278 s io8,ooo $ 65,674 0 0 0 0 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988-89 1989-90 1990- 91 1991-92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET s 0 s 0 $ 0 s 0 112,274 166,798 100,842 110,000 0 0 0 0 3 112,274 $ 166,798 $ 100,842 $ 170,000 0 0 0 0 8 1 1 r 1991-92 1990-91 1988-89 I 989- 90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 $ 0 $ 0 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 4,446 0 22,058 48, ooo CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,088 30,141 71,365 45,250 GRAND TOTAL f 6,534 S 30,141 f 93,423 0 93,250 POSIT IONS 0 0 0 0 1988- 89 ACTUAL PERSONNEL s 0 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 GRAND TOTAL s 0 POSIT IONS 0 1989-90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET s 0 S 19,244 S 21,530 0 23,412 20,800 0 520 0 s 0 S 43,176 S 42,330 0 5 8 I I I 1990-91 1991 -92 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL s 1,709,308 s 2,24al,8ia $ 2,885,788 B 3,034,130 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 1,439,719 2,006,248 2,255 , 453 2,239,280 CAPITAL OUTLAY 64,732 i6(11,820 295,246 1,000 GRAND TOTAL S 3,213,759 0 4,407,886 s 5,436,487 0 5,274,410 POSIT IONS 46 51 51 51 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL $ 223,664 S 280,053 $ 315,935 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 223,714 222,733 123,414 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,065 4,753 7,332 GRAND TOTAL s 448,443 $ 507,539 s 446,681 POSIT IONS 5 5 5 1991-92 BUDGET S 337,506 168,934 0 s 506,440 5 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL s 0 s 0 s 0 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 583 95 3 1,700 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 8 I I GRAND TOTAL s 583 s 953 $ 1,700 POSIT 1 ONS 0 0 0 1991-92 BUDGET s 0 1,500 0 S 1,500 0 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 644,860 S 702,825 S 888,036 S 945,084 619,724 81 0,541 895,751 823,745 45,603 98,812 97,400 0 S 1,310,187 S 1,612,178 S 1,881,187 S 1,768,829 19 19 21 21 PROGRAM: OPERATIONS FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: PARKS AND RECREATION II I I 1; I 1 I 1 I I I I 8 I 8 1 I I I 101 PAGE TWO ACCT f 001-6121 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: 1990-91 -- 19138- a9 1989-90 (ken Space Maintenance: Provide maintenance 1. No. of Acres: activities to City ouned open space and areas of additional maintenance responsibiiities. Duties 381 408 408 include trash remval, clean up and ueed abatement. Miscellaneous Maintenance/Reuair and Speciat R-t: These activities are difficult to measure and include repair to park structures, play equipnent and fencing. Installation of play equipnent, bleachers, drinking fountains, soccer goals, trash enclosures, concrete uork, and painting projects. Additional activities also include special projects such as "Pops Syrrphon~'~ turf installation, sculpture installations, redevelopment requests and camunity garden needs. The Total amount of time spent on these activities amounts to approximately 12% of Parks Maintenance activities. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Maintenance and Operation costs are doun due to various reductions made in supplies, services and uti1 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1991 -92 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 0 0 S 136,890 S 283,301 S 302,081 213,603 266,410 0 1 11,100 0 30 ~ 250 155,500 0 % 0 0 278,240 f 652,404 % 568,491 0 5 6.5 6.5 I I 1 1990-91 1991 -92 1988-89 1989- 90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL f 0 f 59,356 0 81,685 S 84,043 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 0 32,402 91,290 151,184 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 8,800 0 0 GRAND TOTAL f 0 f 80,558 f 172,975 S 235,227 POSIT IONS 0 0 1 .s 1.5 1988- 89 1989 - 90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL $ 130,973 $ 210,420 $ 276,279 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 89,509 76,546 91,820 CAPITAL OUTLAY 11,874 15,658 22, I81 GRAND TOTAL $ 232,356 $. 302,624 $ 390,280 POSIT IONS 2 3 4 1991 -92 BUDGET 289,819 82,086 0 $ 371,905 4 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY i I I GRAND TOTAL POS I T IONS 1990-91 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET --~~ S 475,324 0 517,916 t 622,382 403,430 430,718 483,037 . 412,910 0 0 0 t 878,754 t 9481,634 $ 1,105,419 s 1,043,m 9 9 a 1988-89 ACTUAL PERSONNEL S 120,529 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 64,888 CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,115 GRAND TOTAL S 188,532 POS I TI ONS 1 1991-92 1989-90 1990 - 91 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 141,206 S 180,159 S 178,304 93,846 76,988 71,550 0 4,000 0 S 235,052 S 261,147 S 249,854 1 1 1 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 . ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 1 I I PERSONNEL $ 16,561 S 23,699 $ 32,000 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 10,886 4,008 9,406 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 GRAND TOTAL S 27,447 S 27,707 S 41,406 POSI T IONS 0 0 0 1991 -92 BUDGET 71 8,014 I 1988-89 1989-90 9 990 -91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL s 0 s 0 f 0 f 0 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 307 122 500 - CAPITAL OUTLAY D 0 0 0 GRAND TOTAL B 307 s 122 $ 500 B 5.50- POSITIONS 0 0 0 0 $00 '500 I I I i9m-a9 1989-90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL s 97,397 s 128,872 s 166,504 -71 CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,075 2,547 a, a33 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 26,678 118,322 149,031 129,042 GRAND TOTAL f 127,150 0 249,741 f 324,368 f 309,982 POSIT IONS 2 2 2 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL PER SON N E L 0 0 s 39,581 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 0 1 04,957 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 GRAND TOTAL S 0 s 144,538 POSIT IONS 0 1 1990 - 91 1991 -92 BUDGET BUDGET s 39,509 B 52,an 198,913 123,405 0 1,000 s 158,420 s 177,278 1 1 1990-91 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET S 2,241,849 S 2,616,033 S 3,160,848 1 I 1 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION 5,886,405 6,593,783 6,844,745 CAPITAL WTLAY 94,142 174,861 959,414 GRAND TOTAL S 8,222,396 f 9,3&,6TI S10,965,007 POSIT IONS 64 66.2 69.2 1991-92 BUDGET S 3,447,972 7,557,460 341,800 1 $11,347,232 1988-89 1989- 90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL $ 209,233 $ 291,173 $ 295,829' MAINTENANCE OPERATION 54,515 49,153 59,755 CAPITAL OUTLAY 823 5, IO6 5,557 GRAND TOTAL $ 264,571 $ 345,432 $ 361,141 POSIT IONS 4 5 5 1991 -92 BUDGET $ 327,279 60,619 0 $ 387,898 5 PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATION FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: UTILITIES AND MAINTENANCE I 1 I 1 I 4 i 8 1 I I 1 1 4 I B I PAGE TWO ACCT # 001-6010 PERFCIRMANCE OBJECTIV1:S: PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: 1. Represent City and Department by atte Coordination with Other Departments and Aqencies: County and area meetings and conferences Coordinate activities uith other City departments and divisions, and uith outside agencies. 2. Facilitate cmnicationbetueenDepartmer other City departments. Reports and Statistics: Prepare uritten and oral 1. Prepare staff reports. reports. Prepare grant applications. 2. Present both uritten arx oral reports to Manager, City Council, Cimittees, Cmis ad other agencies. 3. Prepare grant appticaticns as appropriat 1. Receive, record and disseminate ci i rqui r i es. 2. Maintain and facilitat? cmnication Division managers to injure that all ci inquiries are being resp)nded to uithin a turn-around period. Commnity Services: Respond to all citizen inquiries expeditiously. 1. Process leases, appraisiils and correspor Real Property Management: Ensure that all leases, property acquisitions and sales activities are handled appropriately. 2. Prepare agenda bills and resolution 3. Research and analyze all data pertinei uithin one day of receipt. appropriate. property management. 1. Report all graffiti ccq)laints to appror division and process any correspor pertaining to the reported graffiti. .- Monitor Graffiti Abatemeit activities to f rtmval uithin 24 - 48 tours. Budget Management: Coordinate the preparation of 1. Prepare departmental bulgets. all Departmental Budgets, and to ensure that all budgets comply uith City policies and procedures. Graffiti Abatement: Ensure that all noted graffiti uithin City jurisdiction, as uell as the sea uall are maintained on a regular basis. 2. 2. Monitor expenditures and maintain 1 records. 3. Process invoices, purcliase requisition requests for payment. 4. Prepare and submit d?partment payrol Finance uithin required time frame. 1. Process all contracts RFPls, Lettei Acceptance, Notices Tc Proceed, and docwnts pertaining to contracts in a ' manner. Pirepare refuse collectitn, recycling, gr< control, and all other contracts pertain department. Training and Safety: Provide training in work 1. Process a1 L training reqliests and registr, related areas, and motivate employees to enhance in a timely manner. their job skills. 2. Distribute current silfety informatic ~ITQ l oyees . 3. Brief all management personnel of any cl to safety rules and *egulations, and Contract Services: Supervise and coordinate contractually provided services. 2. I monthly safety inspectims. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 1 113 - 1991 -92 1989-90 1990-91 1988-89 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL s 731,192 s 837,935 t 990,758 s i,ori,i94 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 1,871,206 1,704,395 1,798,744 1,747,903 CAPITAL WTLAY 19,317 147,667 153,506 1,200 GRAND TOTAL s 2,621,715 s 2,~9,w7 s 2,943,008 s 2,824,297 POSIT IONS 23 23 25 25 PROGRAM: STREET MAINTENANCE FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: UTILITIES AND MAINTENANCE PAGE TWO I I I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 il I I I I I I ACCT # 00 I PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Traffic Safety Parernent Striping Prwraa: To en- 1. ArvKlally refresh striping on 225 pass sure proper delineation and direction for safe "prime" roaduays, 166 pass miles I# passage on City streets. The Street Maintenance roaduays, 128 pass mi le: %econdaryB4 roa Division maintains and refreshes all line strips, crossualks, pavement messages, colored curb and City facilities parking areas. Respond to Traffic Engineering uork orders and special requests from 3. ArwlLy refresh 6,010 ravement markings 4. Arwlly refresh 17,6i"i linear feet c various City departments. 3!i,349 linear feet of colored curbs. 5. Refresh City facilitics parking area rn?eded . 6. Respond in a timely maruier to uork order Traffic Engineering and special request vi~ious City department:,. 53 pass miles "resident1 allB roaduays. 2. Arvwally refresh 189 crtissualks. Miscellaneom Maintenance and Reuair Prosram: 1. Einergency response, citizens1 conplaints, Monitor un-scheduled uork activities that the patrol, safety and training and special e Street Division performs annually; this program accounts for 6,600 staff hours. Contract: - Aniiual Goals: Maior Rehabilitation Contract Prosram: Direct and -- oversee the (7) maintenance and rehabilitation 1. Street Sueeping Suibep 8,430 curb mi contracts listed. 2. Chip Seal Ch p 20 lane miles 3. AI: Overlay Re!urface 10 lane rr 4. Curb, Gutter & 4,'178 tin. ft. curt Sidewalk Replace 8,:i40 sq. ft. sidek 5. Graffiti Coating Co$it & maintain 6. BiJena Vista Channel Aruually Clean the Maintenance Vi<;ta Drainage Char SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Maintenance and Operation expenses are doun due to deferring sale asphalt repair applications. I 115 I I\UUI\Ty 1. I-UILIIILI. IYT\AI.IL...Y...L. FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: UTILITIES AND MAINTENANCE ACCT # 001-5320 MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Maintain City facilities to provide safe and attractive buildings for the City to conduct its business and provide services to the comnunity. WORKLOAD MEASURES: PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 Building Maintenance: Perform repairs and 1. Total Building Space Maintained (Sq. Ft.): alterations as required to maintain and operate City facilities at a professional level. Perform emergency repairs to eliminate hazards or unsani- tary conditions and to reduce liability. Remodel and/or renovate City facilities to accOrrmOdate pro- gramnatic changes for City Departments. Provide assistance in the relocation of staff and/or office furnishings as required. Implement and manage a preventative maintenance program for major mechan- ical systems, roofing and painting. Custodial Services: Provide professional level 1. Total Custodial Space Maintained (In-House): custodial services for all City Facilities by utilizing City staff in the major lwildings and contract services in the smaller buildings. 2, Total Custodial Space Maintained (Contract): 268,194 323,402 325,245 325,245 210,900 242,600 244,443 244,443 19,886 21,494 21,494 21 ~ 494 1. Total Custodial Space Maintained (Other): Contract Maintenance: Prepare and administer contracts for all building maintenance services (i .e. HVAC, plunbing, electrical), construction 39,408 59,308 59,308 57,308 projects, and custodial services. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Maintenance and Operation expenses are down due to fucding several major building maintenance projects in 1990- 91 that will not be recurring in 1991-92. Also, several projects are being deferred in 1991-92. Projects slated for completion in 1991-92 include: 1. Asbestos Survey 0 14,800 2. Install Emergency Lighting, Stagecoach, Calavera, Herding 5,500 3. New HVAC at Holiday House 6,500 4. Air conditioner economizers at Las Palmas 12,000 5. Refinish floors at Stagecoach & Calavera 10,000 TOTAL $100,000 6. Second year roof repair/replacement program 51,200 116 1988-89 ACTUAL 1 I I PERSONNEL S 18,828 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 179,723 CAPITAL WTLAY 7,169 GRAND TOTAL S 205,720 POSITIONS 1 1991-92 1989- 90 1990-91 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET :::: S 3,240 S 9,351 218,035 314,032 6,387 5,150 S 227,662 S 328,533 S 330,181 0.3 0.3 PERSONNEL MAIMTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSIT IONS 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 8 0 8 0 s 0 8 0 0 1,500 0 300,000 0 0 0 0 f 0 f 1,500 0 0 f 300,000 0 0 0 0 1 I I 1991-92 1988-89 . 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL 0 125,900 0 128,847 $ 144,929 '71 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 403,202 386,319 622,679 CAPITAL OUTLAY 55,506 7',355 0 GRAND TOTAL f 584,608 $ 522,521 f 767,608 787,299 POSIT IONS 3 3 3 - 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL $ 285,527 S 335,505 $ 416,342 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 1,038,578 1,504,191 1,006,154 CAPITAL WTLAY 0 0 5,000 GRAND TOTAL f 1,324,105 $ 1,839,696 8 1,427,496 POSIT I OMS 7.5 8.4 8.4 1991 -92 BUDGET $ 419,564 1,881,132 109,500 $ 2,410,196 8.4 I I I 1991-92 BUDGET 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 1,099,870 26,300 PERSONNEL S 301,459 0 330,502 S 406,255 S 453,892 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 895,819 1,089,024 1,174,712 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 119,500 ~ GRAND TOTAL 0 1,197,278 0 1,419,526 0 1,700,467 0 1,580,062 POSITIONS 8.5 9.5 9.5 - 1990 -91 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL $ 0 $ 0 $ 3,000 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 0 0 98,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 GRAND TOTAL 0 0 s 0 $ 101,000 POSIT IONS 0 0 0 1991-92 BUDGET $ 0 31,000 0 $ 31,000 0 PERSONNEL II I I MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSITIONS 1991-92 BUDGET 882,249 35,000 I 1990-91 1988-89 1989- 90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET s 248,224 s 26i',~ja s 330,114 s 391,338 669,391 796,261 831,114 0 0 2,091 f 917,615 0 1,0&,019 f 1,163,319 0 1,308,587 7 7 7 1990-91 1988-89 1989- 90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL $ 0 s 0 0 0 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 504,002 361,215 40,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 618,110 GRAND TOTAL $ 504,002 $ 361,215 $ 658,110 POS 1 T IONS 0 0 0 1991 -92 BUDGET $ 0 26,487 164,100 $ 490,587 0 R I I BUDGET :Ti 1988-89 1989-90 1990- 91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL S 270,209 0 374,925 S 506,498 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 1 ,933,763 2,06a1,125 2,498 I 836 2,393,428 CAPITAL OUTLAY 601,837 m, 299 27,691 GRAND TOTAL S 2,805,809 0 2,585,349 S 3,033,025 $ 2,934,702 POSI T IONS 8 10 10 1988- 89 ACTUAL PERSONNEL S 2,269 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 5,073 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 GRAND TOTAL S 7,342 POSI T IONS 0 1991-92 1990 - 91 1989-90 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 0 0 s 0 S 26,629 4,614 7,918 6,230 590 3,011 0 S 5,204 S 10,929 S 32,859 0 0 5 1990-91 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL $ 113,670 0 131,623 $ 165,857 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 1,241,404 1 , 363 , 785 1,700,109 1 1 I CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 7,812 0 GRAND TOTAL S 1,355,074 S 1,503,220 S 1,865,966 POSIT IONS 4 3.5 4 1991-92 BUDGET B 179,180 1,574,406 0 $ 1,753,586 4 1988-89 ACTUAL PERSONNEL s 0 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 114,403 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 I I GRAND TOTAL s 114,403 1989-90 1990-91 1991 -92 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 0 S 0 $ 0 138,030 118,340 208,808 0 0 0 s 138,030 s 118,340 s 208,808 POSIT IONS 0 0 I I 0 0 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL PERSONNEL s 0 s 0 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 0 16,439 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 GRAND TOTAL s 0 $ 16,439 POSIT IONS 0 0 1990- 91 1991 -92 BUDGET BUDGET s 0 s 0 103,700 94,820 2,000 0 $ 105,700 S 94,820 0 0 I I I 1991-92 1990 - 9 1 1988- 89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL S 6,358 S 0 0 52,139 S 57,575 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 17,120 22,285 9,493 26,?31 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 1,350 0 0 GRAND TOTAL 0 23,478 S 23,635 S 61,632 S 84,306 POSIT IONS 1 0 1 1 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL S 147,912 S 243,302 S 288,502 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 555,763 514,972 559,276 CAPITAL OUTLAY 601,837 140,547 22,680 GRAND TOTAL 0 1,305,512 $ 898,821 f 870,458 POS I TI ONS 3 5.5 5 1991 -92 BUDGET S 275,115 482,433 2,775 S 760,323 4.5 1 I I 1 I I I u I I I 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 ~iGiF~ I 1 I 1990-91 1987-88 1988- 89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL S 1,363,000 $ 1,591,931 $ 1,596,060 S 1,845,451 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 4,536,005 5,293,940 4,708,579 3,983,992 CAPITAL WTLAY 157,527 226,300 158,750 330,100 GRAND TOTAL S 6,329,532 $ 7,112,171 S 6,463,389 S 6,159,543 POSITIONS 31 3 11 35 35 1990-91 1988 - 89 1989-90 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL \ s 220,000 s 313,644 s 3ia,aoo MAINTENANCE OPERATION 4,369,206 5,021,440 4,446,410 CAPITAL OUTLAY 61,429 67,000 40,000 GRAND TOTAL S 4,650,635 $ 5,402,084 S 4,805,210 POSIT IONS 6.0 6.6 6.6 1991 -92 BUDGET s 445,045 3,651,292 13,500 $ 4,109,837 6.6 I I I PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSI T IONS 1988- a9 1989-90 1 990 - 91 1991 -92 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET S 428,000 $ 477,,443 S 417,940 $ 392,306 16,850 6,,000 8,500 8,500 6,230 a,,ooo 8,000 9,000 S 451,080 S 491,443 S 434,400 S 409,806 9.4 7.4 8.4 8.4 1988 - 89 1989-90 1990 - 91 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL S 715,000 S 800,844 S 859,320 MAINTENANCE OPERATION 149,949 266,500 25 3,669 CAPITAL OUTLAY 89,868 151,300 110,750 GRAND TOTAL S 954,817 S 1,218,644 S 1,223,739 POSIT IONS 15 16 16 1991-92 BUDGET S 1,008,100 324,200 307,600 S 1,639,900 19 I I / APPENDICES AND SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS \ L E I I I ACCTNo CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 1991 -92 DEPARTMENT ITEM DESCRIPTION QPI 001 -1310 FINANCE Desktop 286 Computer I TOTAL FINANCE I TOTAL POLICE TECHNICAL SERVICES 001 -21 40 POLICE TECHNICAL SERVICES UPS Emergency Radio System 1 001 -51 10 STREET MAINTENANCE Jackhammer 90 Ibs I TOTAL STREET MAINTENANCE 001 -5320 FACl LIT1 ES MA NAG EM ENT Carpet Soil Extractor Power Snake Vacuum TOTAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT I I [TOTAL GENERAL FUND PUBLIC LIBRARY GRANT lnlex Terminals OCLC Workstation 1% Monitor Deskjet 500 Printer lnlex Inventory Con1,rol Portable Module Laptop computer Flat Files Microfiche Cabinet Film Readers I I I I 620-5210 TOTAL PUBLIC LIBRARY GRANT 51 1-61 10 S AN ITATl ON Telephone Alarm Units Variable Speed Pump Hydraulic Comrninuitor Bar Screen Hydraulic Press 25 Ton H-Frame I TOTAL SANITATION UIM - FLEET OPERATIONS Bar 90 Engine Analyzer Oil Filter Crusher Freon Recovery Station 10 Ton AirlHydraulic Jack I I TOTAL U/M - FLEET OPERATIONS 620-5220 U/M - VEHICLE REPLACEMENT Police Patrol Vehicle TOTAL U/M - VEHICLE REPLACEMENT I I 135 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 1991 -92 ACCT NO DEPARTMENT ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY CO 640- 1 720 INFORMATION SYSTEMS - DP Network 300 MB Hard Drive 2 4,e Network FAX 1 1.2 Novel1 Async Communications Server 1g TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS - DP 11,4 8 1 0-341 0 REDEVELOPMENT Color 386N Computer 1 2,7 TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT 27 WATER DISTRICT GENERAL SERVICES Lap Top Computer 1 6,O Cash Register -Water Billing 1 25 Miscellaneous Office Furnishings 5,O TOTAL GENERAL SERVICES 135 WATER DISTRICT OPERATIONS Vehicle Replace - 1/2 Ton Compact 3 51,O Vehicle Replace - 5 Yard Dump Truck 1 36.0 Fence Maerkle 1 Reservoir 90,o Fence Maerkle II Reservoir - N Prop Line 133 Fence La Costa Low Reservoir 62 Refence Kelly Vault 2,1 Electric Power to Camino De Las Ondas 4,o Telemetry 333 Safety Equipment - Gas Detectors 4,o Sound Level Meter 1 ,o Safety Post Vault Access 2,4 3” Submersible Pump - Maerkle Reservoir 3,5 Chlorine Leak Detector 2,1 Chlorine V-75 Chlorinator 2,1 Chlorine Vacuum Regulator 12 Chlorine Pumps 1,9 Pneumatic Calibration Equipment 32 Portable Volt Recorder 9 FM Radios for District Vehicles 8,O Desk Top 396 Computer 1 6,O Warehouse, Office Upgrades - Furniture 10,o Upgrade Valve Operator Machine 13 HVAC for Telemetry Room 7,5 500 Gallon Water Tank - Trailer Mounted 7,5 Xerox Machine 1 7,5 Platform Forklift 1 8 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT OPERATIONS 307,6 WATER DISTRICT ENGINEERING Office Furniture 3,O Desk Top Computer 1 6,O TOTAL WATER DISTRICT ENGINEERING 9.0 [TOTAL SPECIAL FUNDS $669,8 /TOTAL ALL FUNDS $691,7 . 136 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAVEL REQUESTS 1991-92 I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I 1. I I I ACCT NO DEPARTMENT TRAVEL DESCRIPTION DESTlNATlOl 001-1010 CITY COUNCIL League of California Cities Annual Conference (3) San Franciscc Mayors and Council Legislative Conference (4) League of California Quarterly Dinners (15) League of California Cities Policy Committee Meetings (5) National League of Cities C0nferenc.e (2) Meetings with Legislators in State & Federal Capitals Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Ekpenses Sacramento San Diego Various Washington C Wash DClSac Various SUBTOTAL CITY COUNCIL 001-1020 CITY MANAGER League of CA Cities Annual Conference (2) San Franciscc Palm Springs Boston, MA Washington C Various League of CA Cities City Mgr's Meelings (1) ICMA Annual Conference (1) National League of Cities (1) Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Ekpenses SUBTOTAL CITY MANAGER Cen. Californi Various 001-1030 CITY CLERK City Clerk's Association of California Conference Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses SUBTOTAL CITY CLERK 001-1210 CITY ATTORNEY League of CA Cities Annual Conference San Francisci League of CA Cities City Attorneys Meeting League of CA Cities Continuing Education Seminar (2) Nat's Institute of Municipal Law Officers San Diego County City Attorney's Ajsociation (3) Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses S California Los Angeles Arizona San Diego Various SUBTOTAL CITY ATTORNEY N California N California Ventura Out of State S California San Diego 00 1-1 31 0 FINANCE CA Society of Muni Finance Officers Annual Conference (2) League of CA Cities Financial Mgmt Seminar (2) CA Municipal Business Tax Conference GFOA Class on Intermediate Gov't Accounting CA Municipal Business Tax Meetings Local Chapter CSMFO Meetings Mileage -Business License Inspections Carlsbad Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various SUBTOTAL FINANCE San Diego Knoxville, TN Various 001-1320 CITY TREASURER CMTA Monthly Meetings Municipal Treasurers Annual Conference Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting lhpenses SUBTOTAL CITY TREASURER 001-1410 PURCHASING Regional and Local Public Works Workshops SUBTOTAL PURCHASING 137 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAVEL REQUESTS 1991-92 ACCT NO DEPARTMENT TRAVEL DESCRIPTION DESTINATION COS1 001-1510 HUMAN RESOURCES Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 1.9% CALPELRA Annual Conference (1) San Francisco 50( PRIMA Annual Conference San Francisco 50( League of CA Cities ErnployerlErnployee Conference Los Angeles 30( SUBTOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES 3.2% 2% S California 001-1610 RESEARCH OFFICE MMASC Annual Conference League of CA Cities Legislative Briefings Los Angeles 20( League Legislative Fellowship Program Sacramento 80( Meetings with Legislators in Sacramento Sacramento 1 ,OO( Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 1.80( SUBTOTAL RESEARCH OFFICE 4.03 001-1710 INFORMATION SYSTEMS Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 1 .OO( SUBTOTAL INFORMATION SYST 1,00( 80( Monterey 001-1910 RISK MANAGEMENT California Manufacturers Association Annual Conference Public Agency Risk Mgr's Ass'n Annual Conference Monterey 80( Local Seminars and Conferences Various 40( SUBTOTAL RISK MANAGEMENT 2.00( 001-2120 POLICE ADMINISTRATION California Police Chiefs Association Conference N California 60( Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 50( SUBTOTAL POLICE ADMlN 1,10( 001-2120 POLICE OPERATIONS Mileage for Personal Cars for Transport to Court San Diego Co. 1,20( FBI National Academy Quantico. VA 1,47( SUBTOTAL OPERATIONS 2.67( 001-2130 POLICE INVESTIGATIONS Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 1,50( SUBTOTAL INVESTIGATIONS 1,50( 001-2131 POLICE VICWNARCOTICS Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 2,00( TOTAL POLICE VICWNARCOTIC 2,00( 001-2140 POLICE TECHNICAL SERVICE Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 3.00( SUBTOTAL POLICE TECHNICAL 3.00( 001-2160 POLICE TRAFFIC Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 1 O( SUBTOTAL POLICE TRAFFIC 1 O( 001 -221 0 FIRE ADMINISTRATION California Fire Chiefs Conference Sacramento SO( California Fire Chiefs Quarterly Meeting S. California 40( San Diego County Fire Chiefs Monthly Meetings S.D. County 40( California Fire Services State Training Annual Conference San Jose, CA 60( SUBTOTAL FIRE ADMINISTRATI 2.20( 138 CITY OF CARLSBAD I D I I I I 1 1 I 1 I- I I I I I I TRAVEL REQUESTS 1991-92 ACCT NO DEPARTMENT TRAVEL DESCRIPTION DESTINATIO 001-2220 FIRE SUPPRESSION California State Fire Academy Courses (8 Attendees) Pacific Grove California Fire Training Officers Workshop (6 Attendees) California Regional Training Officers Courses San Diego County Fire Chiefs and Training Officers San Jose S. California San Diego SUBTOTAL FIRE SUPPRESSIO1 Pacific Grove San Luis Obi S. California Portland, OR SUBTOTAL FIRE PREVENTION 001-2230 FIRE PREVENITON State Fire Academy Training (2) California Fire ChiefdFire Marshalf: Conference Regional Fire Prevention Officer Meetings Western Fire Chiefs Conference 001-2240 EMERGENCY MEDICAL Regional Emergency Medical Seminars S. California Regional Meetings for Paramedic Coordinator Southern California Fire Chiefs E.M.S. Paramedic Continuing Education Seminars San Diego Los Angeles S. California SUBTOTAL EMERGENCY MEDl 001-2260 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS Disaster Preparedness Coordination Meetings San Diego California Office of Emergency Services Seminars California Specialized Training Institute S. California San Luis Obi SUBTOTAL DISASTER PREPAF 001-3010 COMMUNITY DEVEL ADMlN League of CA Cities Annual Conference San Francisc Long Beach Various California Building Officials Annual Business Meeting Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses SUBTOTAL COMM DEVEL ADM 001-3020 GEOGRAPHIC INFO. SYSTEM ARCllNFO Supplemental Training (2) Redlands Annual GIS Users Group Palm Spring: Annual URlSA Meeting So. CalifornL Miscellaneous Meetings and Seminars Various I SUBTOTAL GEOGRAPHIC INF( San Francis S California San Diego 001-3110 ENGINEERING ADMlN American Public Works Assn's National Convention Public Works Officer Institute (2) Monthly American Public Works Ass'n Meetings Institute of Transportation Engineers Various Carlsbad Carlsbad Chamber Meetings for Various Staff Drainage Seminars Various Subdivision Map Act Seminars Various 1 SUBTOTAL ENGINEERING 001 -31 30 MUN IC1 PAL PROJECTS American Public Works Ass'n Monthly Meetings San Diego Miscellanious Seminars for Division Staff Various SUBTOTAL MUNICIPAL PROJE 139 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAVEL REQUESTS 1991-92 ACCT NO DEPARTMENT TRAVEL DESCRIPTION DESTINATION COS: 3,00( 001-3220 PLANNING COMMISSION Planning Commission Institute League of CA Cities Annual Conference (Chair) San Francisco 70( S California Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 90( SUBTOTAL PLANNING COMMISS 4.60( 001-3230 PLANNING American Planning Association State Conference N California 70( American Planning Association National Conference Mid-America 1,60( League of CA Cities Annual Conference San Francisco 70( Association of Environmental Professionals N California 70( Sierra Users Group Meeting N California 30( Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 6.60( SUBTOTAL PLANNING 10.60( 001-3240 GROWTH MANAGEMENT Travel Associated with Growth Management Seminars Various 1 .OD( SUBTOTAL GROWTH MGMT 1 .OO( 001 -361 0 BU I LDlNG INSPECTION Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 1 .a( Int’l Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials Col Sprngs. C 1.10( SUBTOTAL BUILDING INSPECT1 2.60( 001-341 1 HISTORIC PRESERVATION State Preservation Conference (4) Santa Barbara I ,50( California Preservation Foundation Workshops Various 50( SUBTOTAL HISTORIC PRSRVT’N 2,00( 001-401 0 LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION American Library Association Annual Conference San Francisco 80( League of CA Cities Annual Conference San Francisco 70( League of CA Cities Executive Committee Meetings Various a( Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 20( SUBTOTAL LIBRARY ADMlN 2.90( California Library Association Annual meeting Oakland 70( 001 -4021 LIBRARY CIRCULATION Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various , 20( SUBTOTAL CIRCULATION 20( 001-4022 LIBRARY REFERENCE Serra Library System Seminars and Meetings (6) Various 20( California Library Assn Seminars and On-Line Users Group Various 20( SUBTOTAL REFERENCE 40( 001-4023 LIBRARY GENEALOGY Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 20( SUBTOTAL GENEALOGY 20( 5( Serra Children’s Services Committee Meetings San Diego Co. 20( SUBTOTAL CHILDREN’S 2X Carlsbad 001-4030 LIBRARY CHILDREN’S Local Travel to Facilities for Programs/Mtgs/School Visits 001-4040 TECHNICAL SERVICES Serra Technical and Automation Review Committee San Diego Co. 1 O( Serra Audiovisual Cataloger’s Workshop San Diego Co. 1 O( INLEX Users Group (2) Monterey 1.10( SUBTOTAL TECH SERVICES 1,30( 140 CITY OF CARLSBAC) TRAVEL REQUESTS 1901-92 I 1 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I I ACCT NO DEPARTMENT TRAVEL DESCRIPTION DESTlNATlO 001-4041 ' COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Oakland SUBTOTAL COLLECTION DEV. 001-4052 MEDIA SERVICES Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various SUBTOTAL MEDIA SERVICES 001-4060 ADULT LEARNING Miscellaneous Seminars and Literacy Network Meetings Various SUBTOTAL ADULT LEARNING Various 001-4070 BRANCH Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses SUBTOTAL BRANCH 001-4210 CULTURAL ARTS National Association of Local Arts A,gencies Tuscon, AZ Sacramento L.A./San Frar L.A./San Frar California Federation for the Arts League of CA Cities Executive Committee Meetings California Assembly of Local Arts Agencies Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting IExpenses . Various SUBTOTAL CULTRUAL ARTS 001-4220 SISTER CITY Official Delegation Visit Futtsu. Japar So. California Southern California Sister Cities Regional Conference SUBTOTAL SISTER CITY 001-41 10 PARKS 8 REC ADMIN Parks 8 Recreation Administrators linstitute Asilomar California Park and Recreation Society Annual Conference Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting IExpenses Long Beach Various SUBTOTAL PARKS 8 REC ADM 001-4121 PARK OPERATIONS California Park and Recreation Society Annual Conference Long Beach National Park 8 Recreation Park Plnnnin 8 Maint School Lake Arrowht I SUBTOTAL PARK OPERATION: . Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 001-4131 RECREATION OPERATIONS California Park and Recreation Society Annual Conference Long Beach Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various SUBTOTAL RECREATON OPRT 001 -4133 AQUATICS Local Professional Meetings 8 SD County Aquatic Council S California Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various SUBTOTAL AQUATICS 001-4141 SENIOR COMMISSION Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various SUBTOTAL SENIOR COMMSS'P 141 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAVEL REQUESTS 1991-92 ACCT NO DEPARTMENT TRAVEL DESCRIPTION DESTINATION COST 001-4142 SENIOR PROGRAM America1 Society on Aging Conference San Diego 365 N County Senior Director’s Meetings San Diego 90 Area Agency on Aging Meetings San Diego 180 Congressman Packards’ Senior Advisory Meetings San Diego 40 SUBTOTAL SENIOR PROGRAM 675 001-51 10 STREET MAINTENANCE Maintenance Superintendent Conference San Diego 600 Traffic Control Supervisors Association Conference Fresno 600 Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 300 SUBTOTAL STREET MAlNT 1,500 Miscellaneous Technical Training Various 800 SUBTOTAL FACILITIES MGMT 800 001-5410 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAlNT Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 700 SUBTOTAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL MN 700 001-6010 U &. M ADMlNSlTRATlON APWA National Conference San Francisco 800 APWA Monthly Meetings Local 400 Maintenance Superintendent Association Conference San Diego 200 Maintenance Superintendent Association Monthly Meetings Los Angeles 180 MMASC Annual Conference Local 500 Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 1,600 SUBTOTAL U&M ADMIN 3.680 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 135.855 161-4122 STREET TREE MAINTENANCE Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 1.000 SUBTOTAL TREE MAINTENANCE 1,000 161-4123 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE Landscape Seminars Various 500 SUBTOTAL MEDIAN MAlNT 500 391-3510 BLOCK GRANT(ENT1TLEMENT) Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Local 200 SUBTOTAL BLOCK GRANT 200 511-6110 SANITATION WPCA National Conference Los Angeles 600 Water Pollution Control Association Meetings San Diego 300 Water Reclamation Symposium San Diego 100 San Diego Water Reclamation Quarterly Meetings San Diego 200 Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various 300 SUBTOTAL SANITATION 1.500 620-5210 FLEET OPERATIONS Annual Fire Chief’s Association Mechanics Academy Orange County 500 SUBTOTAL FLEET OPERATIONS 500 142 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAVEL REQUESTS 1991-92 I I I i I i I 1 I 1 I I II i I I I I I TRAVEL DESCRIPTION DESTlNATlOl ACCT NO DEPARTMENT 131-3310 HOUSING VOUCHERS Misc. Travel and Meeting Expenses for Hearing Officer Various NAHRO Quarterly Training Workshops Unknown HAEDA Quarterly Information Meetiings Unknown Section 8 Program Training Unknown Monthly Mileage Reimbursement for Inspections Personal Car Mileage to City Facilities Local Local SUBTOTAL HOUSING VOUCHE 161-6210 STREET LIGHTING Meetings regarding Street Light Operations and Maint. Various SUBTOTAL STREET LIGHTING 181-8119 SENIOR GRANT California Assoc of Nutrition Directors Sacramento Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting E>penses Various SUBTOTAL SR GRANT 190-8206 PARTNERSHIP FOR CHANGE Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various SUBTOTAL PRTNR FOR CHANC 501-6310 WATER SERVICES Maintenance Superintendents Meetings San Diego San Diego Water Group Meetings Cross Connection Meetings and Seminars AWWA National Conference Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses San Diego Cc Otay Long Beach Various SUBTOTAL WATER SERVICES 520-641 0 SOLID WASTE MANAGMENT Solid Waste Management Cohference Unknown AB 929 Technical Advisory Committee Meetings Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Local Various SUBTOTAL SOLID WASTE MGk 640-1720 DATA PROCESSING Sierra Users Group Annual Conference California ARC/lnfo Annual Conference (GIs IJsers) Government Technology Annual Conference Sacramento MacWorld Exposition Annual Conference Networld Annual Conference Cognos Users Annual Conference Anaheim lnterex Annual Conference San Diego San Diego San Diego Netware Users Conference Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Various Palm Springs San Francisc Dallas. TX SUBTOTAL DATA PROCESSIN( Unknown Unknown 8 10-34 1 0 REDEVELOPMENT Community Redevelopment Agencies Annual Conference California Association for Local Economic Development California Housing Development Los Angeles Meetings with Carlsbad Civic Organizations Personal Car Mileage to City Facilities Miscellaneous Travel and Meeting Expenses Local Local Various SUBTOTAL REDEVELOPMENT Unknown 810-3420 AFFORDABLE HOUSING Affordable Housing Seminars SUBTOTAL AFFORDABLE HSN 143 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAVEL REQUESTS 1991-92 ACCT NO DEPARTMENT TRAVEL DESCRIPTION DESTINATION COS1 WATER DISTRICT Ass'n of California Water Agencies - Spring Conference S Calif 3.50( Ass'n of California Water Agencies - Fall Conference N Calif 5.00( Ass'n of California Water Agencies - MeetingslWorkshops California 3.00( Conserv '91 Western States 2.50C American Water Works Ass'n - Fall Conference S Calif 2,ooc American Water Works Ass'n - Spring Conference Western States 2,SC American Water Works Ass'n Workshops Western States 2.50C National Water Resources Ass'n Conference Western States 1 .OOC California Water Pollution Control Ass'n Unknown 1 .ooc Ass'n of Water Reclamation Agencies Western States 1 ,OOC Teleproducts S.C.A.D.A. School S Calif 2.50c Teleproducts Electronics School (Telemetry) S Calif 2,50c SUBTOTAL GENERAL SERVICES 29,OOC TOTAL SPECIAL FUNDS 55.423 GRAND TOTAL TRAVEL 191.271 H:\LIBRARWFINANCR123DATA\9ZTRAV 144 I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I GLOSSARY APPROPRIATION - A specific amount of money authorized by the City Council fc approved work program or individual project. ASSESSED VALUATION - A dollar value placed on real estate or other property by Diego County as a basis for levying property taxes. BALANCED BUDGET - A budget in which planned expenditures do not exceed pla funds available. BEGINNING/ENDING FUND BALANCE - Unencumbered resources available in a fund the prior/current year after payment of the prior/cuirrent year expenses. BOND - A certificate of debt issued by an entity, guaranteeing payment of the ori investment, plus interest, by a specified future date. BUDGET - An annual financial plan that identifies revenues, types and levels of servic be provided, and the amount of funds which can be spent. Carlsbad's Operating BI encompasses one fiscal year, as does the Capital Improvement Program appropriatic CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - A multi-year financial plan containing proy: construction of physical assets such as park, street, sewerage, and recreation facilities. program has identified all projects which are the responsi-bility of the City betweei present to buildout. CAPITAL OUTLAY - Equipment (fixed assets) with a value $500 or more and with an estimated useful life of more than one year, such as automobiles, coml terminals, and office furniture, which appear in the Operating Budget. COST ALLOCATION - A method used to charge General Fund costs to special rev programs, such as enterprise funds, and internal serYice funds. DEBT SERVICE - The payment of principal and interest on borrowed funds such as bc DEPARTMENT - An organizational unit comprised of programs or divisions. Exar include the Police Department, Library Department, and Personnel Department. ENCUMBRANCE - A legal obligation to pay funds, an expenditure of which has nc occurred. ENTERPRISE FUND - A fund type established to account for the total costs of sel governmental facilities and services which are operated similar to private enterp These programs are entirely self-supported, and include the Water and Sanit Departments. I I 1 I 1 II I 1 1 145 EXPENDITURE - The actual spending of funds set aside by appropriation for identified goods and services. - FEE - A general term used for any charge levied by government for providing a service or permitting an activity. FISCAL YEAR - A twelve-month period of time designated as the budget year. Carlsbad's fiscal year is July 1 to June, 30. FUND - A set of inter-related accounts to record revenues and expenditures associated with a specific purpose. FUND BALANCE - The amount of financial resources available for use. GENERAL FUND - The primary ffind used by the City for which revenues and expenditures are not legally restricted for use. Examples of departments operating within the General Fund include Fire, Parks and Recreation and the City Manager's Office. GRANT - Contributions of cash or other assets from another governmental agency to be used or expended for a specified purpose, activity, or facility. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN - A comprehensive approach to land use planning insuring controlled and managed growth within the City, while providing designated public facilities. GROWTH MANAGEMENT STANDARDS - Standards for acceptable service levels which have been established for e1eve:n public facility categories. INTERFUND TRANSFERS - Payments from one fund to another fund, primarily for work or services provided. INTERNAL SERVICE FUND - A fund which provides services to all City departments, and bills the various other funds for services rendered. Examples of Internal Service Funds include Fleet Maintenance, Data Processing, and Worker's Compensation Insurance. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION - A general category used for classifying expenditures for materials, supplies and services which are normally used within and fiscal year. OPERATING BUDGET - The annual appropriation of funds for on-going program costs, which include salaries, benefits, maintenance, operation, and capital outlay items. OPERATING COSTS - Estimated expenses which can be expected to occur following the construction of a Capital Improvement Project. PERSONNEL - Costs associated with providing the staff necessary to provide the desired levels of services. Included are both salary and benefit costs. 146 I I 1 1 1 R I 1 1 1 1 I li I I I I 1 REVENUES - Amount of funds received from the collection of taxes, fees, permits, licer interest, and grants during the fiscal year. SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - A fund which collects revenues that are restricted by the ( State, or Federal Government as the method to whiclh they may be spent. 1 147