HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-06-04; City Council; 11176; 1991-92 OPERATING BUDGETj u M 0 a a, 5 aJ k rn -rl a, k l-i $ u ar *ti 0 3 C --4 \ m 0 V 4. \ a .. z 0 F= 0 4 $ z 3 8 Clpl)OF CARLSBAD - AGENWBILL ’- i, AB#d+!%k--.. TITLE: DEP’l MTG. 6/4/91 1991 -92 OPERATING BUDGET CITY DEPT. FIN CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff report, no action required. llEM EXPLANATION. The total operating budget proposed for 1991-92 is $68.8 million, whic represents a $3.3 million, or 4.8%, increase over the current, 1990-91 budge Operating revenues from all funds are $68.6 million, an increase of $3.8 millioi or 5.5%, over the projected revenues for 1990-91. The General Fund portion of the budget contains $44.4 million in recommendc expenditures, and are up $700,000 over the adopted 1990-91 budget. Projectc General Fund revenues for 1991-92 total $43.6 million, which are supplement( by a transfer of $875,000 of Gas Tax funds, for a total of $44.4 million resources. Revenues are up $3.1 million or 7% over those projected for 1990-9 The revenue picture for 1991-92 remains tight, which has resulted in t preparation of a hold the line budget for Carlsbad. The recommended operati budget contains no new positions and no new programs, yet maintains existi service levels in all significant City services. Also contained in the budget E expenses for new costs which have been imposed on the City, Property T Administration Fees and Booking Fees are included at a total cost of $344,0( while Social Security Taxes totaling $100,000 are also an added expense. A o time savings of $740,000 occurred when adjusting the payment for Hosp Grc and the Golf Course. The recommended budget contains a $2.0 milk contingency account which will give the Council flexibility in meeting demax for resources which may arise during the coming year. The Water District operating budget totals $5.6 million, down $1.5 million fr, projected 1990-91 expenditures. Reduced expenditures are accompanied b similar reduction in revenues which are down $1.3 million. These reductic reflect the reduced quantities of purchased and resold water as a result implementing drought restrictions. The Redevelopment operating budget totals $760,000, down $34,000 from adopted 1990-91 budget. This reduction was accomplished by establish expenditure categories in the Affordable Housing portion of the fund. This 1 be the first year operating expenditures will be attributed to Affordable Housj and total $95,000. The repayment of Redevelopment bonds at $1.1 millior also part of this budget. Revenues into the Redevelopment fund total $ million, an increase of $311,000 over those projected for 1990-91. 1 L e e Page Two of Agenda Bill No. j ti !,I i3Q Council will have the opportunity to review this budget at the first work sessioi on June 4, 1991. A public hearing is scheduled for the meeting of June 18tl when the Council will receive input from interested citizens and groups wishin to comment on the proposed budget. EXHIBITS 1. 1991-92 Operating Budget. e 0 .-- May 28, 1991 TO: FROM: City Manager Honorable Mayor and City Council 1991-92 OPERATING BUDGET It is my pleasure to submit the 1991-92 City of Carlsbad Operating Budget. The Ge Fund budget is balanced, with current operating costs funded through current revel The budget format once again presents service programs which contain narr statements addressing Work Programs, Work Activities and their resulting Worl Measures or Performance Objectives. These narrative statements reflect the types levels of services that are occurring throughout the community. Carlsbad and its cit can be proud of the quality of the services delivered. The beginning of the 1990-91 fiscal year presented an economic environment cons with our expectations. Major events during the year, however resulted in signi impacts to the economy, and have influenced the outcome of the 1991-92 b~ National, state, and local economies alike have recognized and must continue to fac economic realities of a recession, the Gulf War, and new, more stringent goverr regulations on the banking industry. All have helped to dampen retail sales, constn activity and home resales, which help drive the City's revenues. All of the fund ty the budget, from the General Fund, which receives its resources from taxes and fc those funds that operate as a true enterprise, are experiencing the results of a economy. The flattening of revenues corning into the Carlsbad has slowed the groi existing and new programs, resulting in the preparation of the tightest operating k in many years. This letter will address the policies that were instrumental in formulating the l? budget. A discussion of the revenues, and the basic assumptions made in developinj will follow. Last, the 1991-92 expenditures will be noted. ____- - __ _____ .--_-___-_- - _- ___--- 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, Callfornla 92008-1989 0 (619) 43 e e BudRetary Policies The goal in preparing the City budget under any circumstance is to arrive at a balan budget, whereby current revenues support current expenses. In order to arrive i balanced state, policies were developed which took account of revenues as well as 1 costs which needed to be absorbed in 1991-92. In the past, the City of Carlsbad generally relied on a steady growth in revenue to operate. As the 1991-92 budget prepared, it became apparent that the broader economy was having an impact on Carlsl and that local revenues were depressed. General Fund revenues are projected to incrt by approximately 6% over the revenues for 1990-91. This increase reflects inflation o as opposed to true growth in resources. Forces other than flat revenues have also influenced 1991-92 budget preparation. imposition of new fees and taxes levied by the state and federal governments has resi in new costs which needed to be absorbed by the City. First, the State balanced its 1' 91 budget on the shoulders of Cities, by passing Senate Bill 2557. This bill allows coui to levy charges for property tax administration, and booking fees. Property administration fees of $90,000 have been included in the 91-92 budget, as have $254 for booking fees. Second, the Social Security Administration has imposed Social Sec taxes on all employees not presently covered by a pension plan. As a result, the Cig be paying these taxes on all part time employees, which has added $100,000 in expc to the 1991-92 budget. The last major cost which was absorbed in the 1991-92 budget is full year expenses fo Liability Insurance Premium. The City Council chose to purchase a Liability lnsut premium in December, 1990. One-half of the costs were absorbed as coverage obtained for approximately one-half of the 1990-91 year. The cost for fundin: premium for a full year is now included in the budget and has increased liability insu expenses by $500,000. In order to reach the goal of a balanced budget within the constraints of a slow eco and the absorption of new costs, departments were directed to add no new progra~ positions. In fact, departments were asked to structure their 1991-92 budgets at or 1 their 1990-91 budget levels. These steps in conjunction with deferring projects, espe consultant related projects, as well as the purchase of capital outlay items, has resul a balanced budget. e e Revenue The table below shows the operating revenues the City expects to receive for 1990-91 well as those projected for 1991-92. The first line shows General Fund revenue for WE the City has taken a conservative position in projecting for 1991-92 due to the high 1( of uncertainty about the 1991-92 economy. General Fund revenues, those resou received from taxes and fees, are expected to be increase by only $2.5 million or 5. This can be considered within the range of inflation, and no significant increases wi any single General Fund revenue source are projected. The Special Fund revenues, as a whole, show an increase of 15% in anticipated reven Special Funds include those programs funded by grants, such as the Housing and Se Nutrition programs, as well as special maintenance assessment districts. The Street r and Median Maintenance Benefit Assessment Districts are the programs which instrumental in pushing up the Special Fund revenues. This is due to the third and year of implementing the maintenance district assessment funding, resulting in the hi assessments needed to fully fund these programs. The largest increase in revenues shown below, occurs within the Enterprise Funds. L! study was recently completed for the Sewer Fund which was the basis for the City COUI implementation of a significant fee increase needed to support the Encina waste M facility and the maintenance and depreciation of the entire City sewer system. increased fees are projected to bring in an additional 58% in revenues. Internal Se Funds reflect a projected 6.5% increase in revenues. This increase reflects a near dou in rates assessed to all programs for their share of Liability Insurance. Redevelop revenues are dependent on the area’s Property Tax and their incremental increases the base year. These revenues are projected to increase by 14% in 1991-92. REVENUE SUMMARY BY FUNCITON DIFFERENCE AS % OF SPECIAL FUNDS ENTERPRISE FUNDS WATER DISTRICT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS REDEVELOPEMNT TOTAL OPERATING 0 e The only revenues which have decreased from the previous year are those for the Wi District. These revenues have dropped off by $1.3 million or 22.8%. This reductio due to the restricted use of water in response to the drought. Let’s take a closer look at General Fund revenues as they are of most interest. TI revenues are generated through sales and use taxes, and fees for services. These revel reflect the health of the broader regional economy with sales tax indicating consu confidence, the transient occupancy tax tracking the amount of discretionary income, the property tax showing the condition of the real estate markets within the City. relatively flat 1991 -92 projections for these revenues indicate an economy keeping 1 with inflation with little to no actual growth. The combination of property tax, sales and transient occupancy tax generate 65% of the General Fund revenues. The table below provides a summarized outlook of the major General Fund revel Property tax, Carlsbad’s largest single revenue source, is expected to increase by 8.7 1991-92, for a total of $14.6 million. Reduced property transactions and the hi assessed values that result from that turnover, has slowed this revenue from its prei double digit pace to the projected level. Sales tax revenues are projected to increa: 5% in 1991-92, for a total of $10.5 million. Carlsbad has also experienced double increases in Sales tax revenues in the past, however spending within the Plaza Camino mall and Car Country has found this revenue increasing in recent months by an inflatic rate only. The effect of the return of the Desert Storm troops to Camp Pendleton ren an unknown factor in the sales tax revenue forecast. Travel to Carlsbad is also dovl reflected in the projected transient occupancy tax. An increase of 4.7%, or $150,0( forecast for a total of $3.5 million. Although this increase reflects general inflatior travel industry has fallen below last years levels through 1990-91. This industry will to show a significant recovery to meet even this minimal growth projection. SIGNIFICANT REVENUES TO THE GENERAL FUND PROPERTY TAX SALES TAX TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE 0 0 Development within Carlsbad has also slowed in concert with the general economy. P result, development revenues are again projected to be flat. Staff has consistently projec a return to a more normal level of development as the Growth Management Pro@ matures. If the economy improves during 1991-92 we can look to greater developm revenues by year end. One additional revenue source the City uses to support General Fund street maintena operations is State Gas Tax. These revenues will total $875,000 for 1991-92 based on states’ allocation formula. The calculation of total funds available to support General F Operations includes both General Fund revenues and the Gas Tax funds. The City and the community alike need to be aware of the impact that the State’s buc balancing maneuvers may have upon the City. The State of California is facing a $1. $15 billion budget deficit for 1991-92. The size of this deficit and the depth of problems at the State level make it clear that the Governor will be looking to 1 government for help in solving the dilemma. Should the State attack City revenues, ser level reductions will need to be implemented. The budget does not attempt to deal 7 this contingency other than to recognize that there is a direct threat to our cornmun Expenditures As can be seen in the table on the following page, the City Operating Budget is dowi $2.6 million or 3.6% overall, and reflects the effort taken to compile a budget withir existing economic constraints. The most dramatic decrease in expenditures is withir Water District, down 23% or $1.7 million. The drought has resulted in the Di: purchasing significantly less water for distribution to the users, thereby reducing expenditures for that commodity. Also down from the 1990-91 budget are the Intt Service Fund expenditures at 4.8% or $300,000. The Data Processing program r significant capital purchases during 1990-91, which will not be repeated in 1991-92, v the Vehicle Replacement Program has reduced the amount which will be spent on ve replacements during 1991 -92. The Worker’s Compensation Self Insurance Fund balanced by transferring $500,000 in contributions from the fund balances of the Gel Fund, the Sewer Fund and the Water Fund. The Redevelopment Agency has a prop budget containing no increase over the 1990-91 year, and conformed to the : budgetary guidelines as all other City programs. Two budget categories contain increases in spending; Special Funds and Enterprise F1 Special Funds are up by $300,000 or 6.8% due to the scheduled maintenance of the E Vista Creek Channel. Maintenance on the Channel is scheduled to occur once every years. The Enterprise Funds, as a group, show the largest increase in expenditure $600,000 or 11%. While the Water Enterprise is down by 16% due to the expirati debt and a one time expenditure in 1990-91 for Base Mapping, the Sanitation Fun( increased by 30%. The increase is due to the more accurately expensing depreciati the sewer lines. 0 0 OPERATING BUDGET SUMMARY DIFFERENCE % CHANGE SPECIAL FUNDS ENTERPRISE WATER DISTRICT General Fund expenditures for 1991-92 are down $1.5 million or 3.3% from 199 levels. The spending level proposed will match current revenue projections. Sei strategies were used to mold the General Fund spending plan into one which matche, current revenues. First, there are no new positions or programs recommended. Sec several departments have voluntarily agreed to operate during 1991 -92 with less thar staffing. Fourteen General Fund, full time, positions have been included in this y budget with zero funding. This second action has resulted in a budgc reduction/savings of approximately $600,000. Throughout the year, vacancies wi monitored to ensure that this budget target is realized. Finally, two expense categ have been modified in this yeaJs effort to balance the budget. First, the Hosp Grove repayment has been reduced by approximately $400,000. This one time savings is pos through the application of remaining construction funds and earned interest to the pay for 1991-92. Second, the allocation for the Calavera Hills Golf Course project has reduced by $340,000. This amount was advanced to the Golf Course Enterprise Fund the General Fund during 1990-91 in an effort to keep the design effort on schedule. A this is a one time event that will not occur in the future. Other budget balancing strategies included the deferral of capital outlay purch General Fund capital outlay for 1991-92 totals $21,900, down $1.5 million or 98% 1990-91 spending levels. Travel budgets were also closely reviewed resulting in a $5( or a 27% reduction from 1990-91 levels for these expenditures. Although reductions occurred throughout the budget, staff has allocated $2.0 million, or 4.5% of the Ge Fund budget, to the Council Contingency Fund. These funds can be used by the Cc to pursue unanticipated projects, programs or emergencies. With few exceptions, the budget before the City Council maintains the present sf levels. The most visible service level reductions occur within the Recreation prog Hours at the three community centers, Stagecoach, Calavera and Harding, have reduced during times of low participation. They will be closed for varying hou Saturdays, and on Sundays. The swimming pool will also reduce operational hours f seasons except Summer. 0 0 Summary The proposed 1991-92 City Budget sustains the high quality and variety of City serv and programs that are currently offered to Carlsbad residents, and businesses. At the Si time, the proposed budget is marked by the fiscal constraint of a sluggish economy. new positions, programs or services are proposed. Staff looks forward to the pent discussion with the City Council and the community as we mutually strive to produc budget that reflects an awareness for the levels of service provided to the community, w ' g our limited fiscal resources. City Manager 0 a CITY OF CALRSBAD PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1990-91 BALANCE ESTIMATED EST EXPEND/ FUND ___ FUND JULY 1,1990 REVENUES , CAPITALAPPROP TRANSFERS RESERVES GENERAL 12,447,194 41,130,000 41,214,618 (5,506,794) 0 --. SPECIAL ~ REVENUE ___ -___ ___ POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE 51,079 234,000 11 3,347 CDBG - ENTITLEMENT 4,454 60,100 49,861 HOUSING - LOW & MOD/SEC8 1 15,358 1,817,000 2,069,732 AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE 99,337 67,000 104,000 BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT 108,723 104,700 1,500 STREET LIGHTING 381,481 612,600 747,194 TREE MAINTENANCE 1,893 395,400 587,367 174,401 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 1,269 1 17,600 156,055 57,658 STATE GRANTS 263,458 180,000 168,000 FEDERAL GRANTS (NEA) (1 5,207) 41,500 24,300 SENIOR NUTRITION 9,554 228,050 153,050 NAT'L ENDOWMENT ARTS 0 11,586 GAS TAX 1,959,488 1 ,000,000 110,701 -~__ DEBT SERVICE - LIBRARY BONDS 16,692 22,700 22,276 SEWER BONDS 102,493 126,900 122,626 __~- ENTERPRISE __~- WATER MAINTENANCE 794,821 1,765,000 1,702,110 SEWER MAINTENANCE 2,320,044 2,265,000 3,374,512 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 32,900 101,000 70,000 __ INTERN_A_L_SER_V_E . - - - __ __ ___- WORKERS COMP SELF INSUR 377,057 785,000 971,748 LIABILITY SELF INSUR 1,081,849 581,200 520,000 485,000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE (61,254) 1,142,OcO 1,163,319 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 812,701 857,800 591,110 160,000 HEALTH INSURANCE 993,989 1,625,000 1,455,000 DATA PROCESSING 61 3,939 778,000 1,053,425 32,200 WATER DISTRICT WATER DISTRICT OPERATION 2,824,300 7,038,233 7,137,103 --.____ REDEVELOPMENT __._ -____ -- OPERATIONS (30,883) 272,000 658,882 919,203 LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG 1 ,126,209 420,000 0 TAX INCRMNT BOND DEBT SERV 1,297,021 1,132,400 1,132,400 (889,203) TOTALOPERATING FUNDS 27,697,059 64,832,050 65,546,819 (4,497,535) 0 e CITY OF CALRSBAD PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1991 -92 BALANCE ESTIMATED EST EXPEND/ FUND FUND JULY 1,1991 REVENUES , CAPITAL APPROP TRANSFERS RESERVES ____ GENERAL 6,855,782 43,570,0(30 44,430,243 41 6,000 SPECIAL REVENUE POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE 171,732 234,000 0 CDBG - ENTITLEMENT 14,693 75,200 84,306 HOUSING AUTHORITY (137,374) 2,105,006 2,057,214 AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE 62,337 67,500 65,674 STREET LIGHTING 246,887 840,000 787,299 BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT 21 1,923 104,500 300,000 TREE MAINTENANCE (1 5,673) 569,400 568,491 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 20,472 236,500 235,227 STATE GRANTS 275,458 207,600 203,250 FEDERAL GRANTS (PFC) 1,993 43,830 42,330 SENIOR NUTRITION 84,554 231,913 177,278 NAT’L ENDOWMENT ARTS (1 1,586) 0 GAS TAX 2,818,787 875,000 0 (875,000) DEBT SERVICE __-- LIBRARY BONDS 17,116 9,308 26,424 128,269 SEWER BONDS 106,767 21,502 ______ ENTERPRISE WATER MAINTENANCE 857,711 1,732,000 1,580,062 (1 6,000) (25,000) SEWER MAINTENANCE 1,210,532 3,561 ,000 4,577,897 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 31,200 31,000 __~_. INTERNAL __..__.__-...._ SERVICE - -.- ..- - ________ 1,000,003 500,000 WORKERS COMP SELF INSUR 190,309 606,225 LlABlLllY SELF INSUR 1,628,049 1,095,000 1,000,000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE (82,573) 1,273,600 1,308,587 VEHICLE REPIACEMENT 1,239,391 91 3,400 190,587 HEALTH INSURANCE 1,163,989 1,440,700 1,743,179 DATA PROCESSING 370,714 826,800 759,714 WATER DISTRICT WATER DISTRICT OPERATION 2,725,400 5,706,000 5,555,913 _-__- REDEVELOPMENT _._.-.___.._ OPERATIONS 501,438 421,672 760,323 LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG 1,546,209 430,000 95,215 TAX INCREMNT BOND DEBT SERV 407,818 1,283,328 1,133,328 _._ ____ ._______ ______ ._.___-.. ____ __.---.--_ ____ ( ___. ~-.. 0 _-_ 68,841,810 r- TOTAL OPERATING __.__ FUNDS __.__.___..__ 76,922,233 __ .-....- ____~ 68,562,184 e e CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE BY FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1988-89 TO 1991-92 0 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 DEPARTMENT ACTU ALS ACTUALS ESTIMATED GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER PUBLIC INFORMATION CITY CLERK INFORMATION SYSTEMS CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE CITY TREASURER PURCHASING HUMAN RESOURCES RESEARCH OFFICE RISK MANAGEMENT TOTAL GENEPAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING INSPECTION POLICE FIRE TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY --- ___- __ _____.____---- __ PUBLIC WORKS COMMUNITY DEVEL ADMIN GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION DEVELOP PROCESS SVCS 31 6,301 359,549 ENGINEERING MUNWPAL PROJECTS PLANNING GROWTH MANAGEMENT HISTORIC PRESERV COMM BLOCK GRANT ADMIN TOTAL DEVELOP SERVICES _____ e 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE BY FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1988-89 TO 1991-92 a/ 1988 -89 1989-90 1990-91 DEPARTMENT ACTU ALS ACTUALS ESTIMATED FACILITIES MANAGEMENT TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINT -___ TOTAL MAINTENANCE CU LTU RE/REC REATlON LIBRARY CULTURAL ARTS PROGRAM SISTER CITY PROGRAM PARKS AND RECREATION SENIOR CITIZENS PROG TOTAL CU LTU RE/RECREATION NON - DEPAmMENTAL COMMUNITY PROMOTION COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE AUDIT DUES &SUBSCRIPTIONS LEASES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 126,685 937,596 ANIMAL REGULATION CONTRAC' HOSP GROVE PAYMENT GOLF COURSE PROPEATY TAX ADMlN FEE STREET LIGHT COSTS (CITY) TREE MAINT COSTS (CITY) TOTAL NON -DEPARTMENTAL SUBTOTAL GENERAL FUND CONTINGENCIES DEPARTMENTAL SAVINGS 2,087,500 ... .. __- TOTAL GENEPAL FUND m 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE BY FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1988-89 TO 1991 -92 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ESTIMATED LIBRARY AUDIO VISUAL INS STREET LIGHTING BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT TREE MAINTENANCE MEDIAN MAINTENANCE WATER DISTRICT CAL LIB SERV ACT (CLSA) PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE NAT’L ENDOWMEM ARTS SENIOR NUTRITION GRANT LIBRARY BONDS SEWER BONDS CDBG ENTITLEMENT WATER ENTERPRISE SANIT” ENTRPRSE/ENCINA SOLID WASTE ENTERPRISE WORKERS COMP INS LlABlLlTY SELF INS 1,317,118 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE FLEET OPERATIONS VEHICLE DEPREC/REPLACE DATA PROCESSING REDEVELOPMENT 1,305,512 TAX INCREMENT BONDS LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE 99,746 43,958 1 13,347 _____ TOTALOTHER FUNDS TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET 50,626,014 59,268,728 65,406,118 71,231,865 68,841.81 0 0 m CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1991-92 ESTIMATED PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE OF FY9C DIFFERENCE PROJEC SOURCE OF FUNDS N 1990-91 N 1990-91 N 1991 -92 TAXES PROPERW TAX $1 3,900,000 $1 3,400,000 $1 4,560,000 $1,160,000 E SALES TAX 10,808,000 10,000,000 10,500,000 500,000 5 TRANSIENT TAX 3,600,000 3,200,000 3,350,000 150,000 1 FRANCHISE TAX 750,000 780,000 800,000 20,000 1 TRANSFER TAX 410,000 260,000 275,000 15,000 C TRAILER COACH IN-LIEU 18,000 20,000 20,000 0 ( TOTAL TAXES 29,486,000 27,660,000 29,505,030 1,845,000 t LICENSES AND PERMITS CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 1,084,484 530,000 530,000 0 BUSINESS LICENSES 875,000 840,000 875,000 35,000 LICENSE TAX-CONSTRUCTION 800,000 550,000 500,000 (50,000) - o-..-.- -~ OTHER LICENSES & PERMITS 100,000 265,000 280,000 15,000 2,859,484 2,185,000 2,185,000 TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS STATE SUBVENTIONS _____ CIGARETTE TAX 140,000 150,000 150,000 0 VEHICLE IN-LIEU 2,250,000 2,125,000 2,385,000 260,000 1 HOMEOWNERS PROP. TAX REIMB. 295,000 295,000 295,000 0 TOTAL STATE SUBVENTIONS 2,685,000 2,570,000 2,830,000 260,000- 1 -____ _______ ____ ----- __-- -__ CHARGES FOR SERVICES PLANNING FEES 750,000 890,000 1,100,000 2t0,000 BUtLDlNG DEPT. FEES 575,000 420,000 460,000 40,000 ENGINEERING FEES 1,300,000 1,000,000 1,050,000 50,000 ZONE PIAN FEES 125,000 140,000 11 0,000 (30,000) - WEED CLEANING 35,000 35,000 35,000 0 AMBULANCE FEES 230,000 200,000 190,000 (1 0,000) RECREATION FEES 770,000 700,000 700,000 0 TOTALCHARGES FOR SERVICES 3,985,000 4,035,OO 4,325,000 290,000 20,000 FINES AND FORFEITURES 550,000 530,000 550,000 INTEREST 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 0 OTHER CHARGES OR FEES 200,000 650,000 680,000 30,000 -~ ~ INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES 1,800,000 1,625,000 1,925,000 300,000 OTHER REVENUE SOURCES 200,000 525,000 250,000 (275,000) - -~ 2,440,OCQ 43 I570 I000 ___--____.. 43,565,484 4 1 I 1 3oLcl0 -_~___________ __.---.--- TOTAL GENERAL FUND ~___ 0 m CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1991-92 ESTIMATED PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS c REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE OF FY9 FY 1990-91 Fy 1990-91 FY 1991 -92 DIFFERENCE PROJE( SOURCE OF FUNDS CDBG ADMINISTRATION GRANT REVENUE 65,000 60,100 75,200 15,100 2 POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE ~ _______.~ ASSET FORFEITURES 150,000 225,000 225,000 0 INTEREST 8,000 9,000 9,000 TOTAL 158,000 234,000 234,000 0- 0 - -- HOUSING - INTEREST 1,000 17,000 15,000 (2,000) 2,090,006 290,006 FEDERAL GRANT 1,650,000 1,800,000 TOTAL 1,651,000 1,817,OoO 2,105,006 288,006 AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE - INTEREST 6,000 3,000 2,500 (500) INSURANCE FEES 70,000 64,000 65,000 1,000 TOTAL 76,000 67,000 67,500 500 STREET LIGHTING ___- ---. INTEREST 4,000 10,600 10,000 (600) INTERDEPAATMENTAL 27,000 27,000 44,000 17,000 STREET LIGHTING FEES 570,000 570,000 785,000 21 5,000 - DAMAGE REIMBURSEMENT 5,000 5,000 1,000 ___ (4,000) ______ 227,400 840,000 TOTAL 606,000 61 2,600 STREET TREE MAINTENANCE - INTEREST 2,500 3,700 3,200 (500) TREE MAINTENANCE FEES 295,705 295,000 485,000 190,000 96,700 81,200 (1 5,500) - INTERDEPAATMENTAL 96,700 TOTAL 394,905 395,400 569,400 174,000 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE INTEREST 0 1,500 1,500 0 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE FEES 116,100 116,100 235,000 1 18,900 TOTAL 1 1 6,100 11 7,600 236,500 118,900 ' 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1991-92 ESTIMATED PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % OF N90 SOURCE OF FUNDS Fy 1990-91 N 1990-91 FY 1991 -92 DIFFERENCE PROJEC REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE BUENA VISTA CHANNEL INTEREST 0 4,700 4,500 (200) -4 BUENA VISTA FEES 100,000 100,ooo 100,000 0 a TOTAL 100,000 104,700 104,500 (200) -C STATE GRANTS INTEREST 1,000 8,000 5,000 (3,000) -37 GRANTS 172,470 172,000 202,600 30,600 li TOTAL 173,470 180,000 207,600 27,600 1: FEDERAL GRANTS INTEREST 0 1,500 1,500 0 GRANTS 0 40,000 42,330 2,330 TOTAL 0 41,500 43,830 2,330 SENIOR PROGRAMS GRANTS 156,913 153,050 156,913 3,863 DONATIONS 60,000 75,000 75,000 0 TOTAL 216,913 228,050 231,913 3,863 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 3,557,388 3,857,950 4,715,449 857,499 2 LIBRARY BONDS PROPERTYTAX 23,000 22,300 9,008 (1 3,292) -e INTEREST 100 400 300 (100) p -L -6 __- (13,392) . - TOTAL 23,100 22,700 9,308 SEWER BONDS PROPERTY TAX 126,000 126,000 20,502 (1 05,498) -, INTEREST 1,000 900 1,000 100 - TOTAL 127,000 126,900 21,502 (1 05,398) TOTAL DEBTSERVICE FUNDS 150,100 149,600 30,810 (1 18,790) - 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1991-92 ESTIMATED PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS X OF N9C SOURCE OF FUNDS N 1990-91 N 1990-91 N 1991 -92 DIFFERENCE PROJEC REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE WATER MAINTENANCE RECONNECT FEES 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 C INTEREST 45,000 30,000 27,000 (3,000) -lC READY TO SERVE CHARGE 1,300,OcO 1,390,000 1,400,000 10,000 c FIRE PROTECTION 6,000 35,000 35,000 0 C METER CONNECTION FEES 72,000 85,000 85,000 0 t MISCELLANEOUS 50,000 45,000 50,000 590 1' LATE CHARGES 125,000 170,000 175,000 5,000 ' TOTAL 1,608,000 1,765,000 1,782,000 17,000 SEWER MAINTENANCE INTEREST 125,000 50,000 40,000 (10,000) -2 SERVICE CHARGES 2,200,000 2,200,000 3,476,000 1,276,000 5 MISCELLANEOUS 0 2,000 0 (2,000) -1c LATEWL CONNECTIONS 23,000 13,000 45,000 32,000 24 5 1,296,000 TOTAL 2,348,000 2,265,000 3,561,000 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT INTEREST 0 900 1,200 300 GRANTS 0 32,000 30,000 (2,000) - 0 - _____ 0 - 0 .._____ 0 -. RECYCLING FEE TOTAL 0 32,900 31,200 (1,700) - TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 3,956,000 4,062,900 5,374,200 1,311,300 e 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1991-92 ESTIMATED PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE OF FY 90. SOURCE OF FUNDS FY 1990-91 FY 1990-91 FY 1991 -92 DIFFERENCE PROJEC1 WATER OPERATIONS WATER REVENUES 6,008,200 6,008,200 4,722,000 (1,286,200) -21 PROPERWTAX 560,000 560,000 562,000 2,000 0. ENG &OTHER SERVICES 150,000 150,000 107,000 (43,000) -28 -52 7 TOTAL 7,038,200 7,038,200 5,706,000 (1,332,200) -18 (26,000) MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 50,000 5woo 24,000 ____ INTEREST 270,000 270,000 291,000 21,000 WATER DlST PROJECT REPL CAPITAL SURCHARGE 875,000 875,000 1,015,000 140,000 It CITY CONTRIBUTIONS 0 0 4,300,000 4,300,000 INTEREST 20,000 20,000 350,000 330,000 165( TOTAL 895,000 895,000 5,665,000 4,770,000 53: WATER DlST MAJOR FACILITIES MAJOR FACILITY CHARGE 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,496,000 96,000 t 88 REFUNDING PROCEEDS 0 0 0 0 INTEREST INCOME 600,000 600,000 369,000 (231,000) - 3t TOTAL 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,865,000 (135,000) 4 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT 9,933,200 9,933,200 13,236,000 3,302,800 3: WORKERS' COMP SELF-INSURANCE INTEREST 50,000 35,000 30,000 (5,000) -1, SERVICES 750,000 750,000 576,225 (173,775) -L TOTAL 800,000 785,000 (178,775) -L c c 606,225 LIABILITY SELF-INSURANCE INTEREST 120,000 83,000 95,000 12,000 1 SERVICES 498,200 498,200 1,000,000 501,800 1( 1,095,000 513,800 f TOTAL 618,200 581,200 HEALTH INSURANCE INTEREST 45,000 45,000 70,000 25,000 f INTERDEPAATMENTAL 1,360,000 1,360,003 1,130,700 (229,300) - 20,000 _____ __ 240,000 REIMBURSEMENTS TOTAL 1,645,000 1,625,000 1,440,700 240,000 220,000 - __-__- - (184,300) ' ~__ ~ -____ e 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1991-92 ESTIMATED PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS 9( REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE OF FY9C SOURCE OF FUNDS FY 1990-91 N 1990-91 N 1991 -92 DIFFERENCE PROJEC VEHICLE MAINTENANCE INTERDEPARTMENTAL 1,155,063 1,094,000 1,223,600 129,600 11 MISCELIAN EOUS 50,000 48,000 50,000 2,000 1 11 131,600 TOTAL 1,205,063 1,142,000 1,273,600 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL 798,720 776,800 833,400 56,600 - INTEREST 12,000 41,000 40,000 (1,000) SALE OF PROPERW 0 40,000 40,000 0 TOTAL 810,720 857,800 91 3,400 55,600 DATA PROCESSING INTEREST 14,000 18,000 18,000 0 CHARGES 732,690 760,000 808,800 48,800 TOTAL 746,690 778,000 826,800 48,800 ~ TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 5,825,673 5,769,000 6,155,725 386,725 REDEVELOPMENT FUNDS OPERATIONS 192,000 192,000 306,672 1 14,672 INTEREST 80,000 80,000 115,000 35,000 TOTAL 272,000 272,000 421,672 149,672 LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG 300,000 300,000 360,000 60,000 INTEREST 120,000 120,000 70,000 (50,000) - 10,000 TOTAL 420,000 420,000 430,000 TAX INCRMNT BOND DEBT SRV 1,007,400 1,007,400 1 ,I 33,328 125,928 25,000 BOND INTEREST 125,000 125,000 150,000 150,928 TOTAL 1,132,400 1,132,400 1,283,328 ____~ ~ (64,000) - 150,000 CAPITAL PROJECTS 0 21 4,000 TOTAL OTHER FUNDS 1,824,400 2,038,400 2,135,000 310,600 TOTALOPERATING FUNDS 65,792,245 63,832,050 67,687,184 3,830,134 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS 3,020,000 3,109,000 7,680,000 4,596,000 GRAND TOTAL $68,812,245 $66,941,050 $75,367,184 $8,426,134 0 e CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED 1 1 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 1 1 0 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER 1 1 FINANCIAL SERVICES MANAGER 1 1 ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER 1 1 SECRETARY TO C. MANAGER 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 CLERK TYPIST I 1 1 TOTAL CITY MANAGER 7 7 0 INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY CLERK 1 1 STENO CLERK II 1 1 MINUTES CLERK 1 1 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 SECRETARY I1 1 1 TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS 6 6 0 DATA PROCESSING PROGRAMM ER/OPERATOR 2 2 PROGRAMMER/ANALYST 1 1 MICRO COMPUTER SPECIALST 1 1 DATA PROCESSING MANAGER 1 1 TOTAL DATA PROCESSING 5 5 0 TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS 11 11 0 CITY ATTORNEY 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 1 1 DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY 1 1 SECRETARY TO C. ATTORNEY 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL CITY ATTORNEY 5 5 0 0 @ CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED NUMBER BUDGET FINANCE DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 ACCOUNTANT 3 3 ACCOUNTANT - WATER 0 1 1 ACOUNTING SUPERVISOR 2 2 ACCOUNT CLERK I1 4 2 -2 ACCOUNT CLERK II - WATER 0 1 1 ACOUNT CLERK I 2 2 AUDITOR 1 1 BUSINESS LICENSE REPRESENTIVE 1' 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL FINANCE 17 17 0 1 1 SECRETARY I I 1 1 TOTAL RISK MANAGEMENT 2 2 0 PURCHASING OFFICER 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 BUYER 2 2 STOREKEEPER 1 1 MESSENGER 1 1 TOTAL PURCHASING 6 6 0 1 1 COMPENSATION & BENEFITS MGR 1 1 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES MANAGER 1 1 HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST 1 1 HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 COMPENSATION TECHNICIAN 1 1 TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES 8 a 0 MGR OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 2 2 SECRETARY I 1 1 TOTAL RESEARCH 4 4 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED ADMINISTRATION POLICE CHIEF 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 3 3 0 OPERATIONS POLICE CAPTAIN 1 1 POLICE LIEUTENANT 4 4 POLICE SERGEANT 6 6 SENIOR POLICE OFFICER 10 10 POLICE OFFICER 32 32 POLICE SERVICES AIDE 1 1 TOTAL OPERATIONS 54 54 0 INVESTIGATIONS POLICE LIEUTENANT 1 1 POLICE SERGEANT 1 1 SENIOR POLICE OFFICER 8 8 POLICE OFFICER 1 1 POLICE SERVICE AIDE 1 1 SECRETARY I 2 2 TOTAL IN VESTlG AT1 0 N S 14 14 0 VICE NARCOTICS POLICE SERGEANT 1 1 POLICE OFFICER 2 2 TOTAL VICE NARCOTICS 3 3 0 TECHNICAL SERVICES POLICE CAPTAIN 1 1 POLICE SERGEANT 1 1 POLICE OFFICER 2 0 -2 RECORDS & COMMUNIC SUPERV 1 1 SUPERVISING COMMUNICATOR 1 1 COMMUNICATION OPERATOR II 13 13 POLICE RECORDS CLERK II 6 6 CRIME PREVENT TECH 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 TOTAL TECHNICAL SERVICES 27 25 -2 DARE PROGRAM POLICE OFFICER 0 2 2 TOTAL DARE PROGRAM 0 2 2 a ' CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 1990-91 1991-92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED TRAFFIC POLICE SERGEANT 1 1 SENIOR POLICE OFFICER 4 4 POLICE OFFICER 2 2 POLICE SERVICES AIDE 1 1 TOTAL TRAFFIC 8 8 0 TOTAL POLICE 109 109 0 FIRE CHIEF 1 1 FIRE BATTALION CHIEF 4 4 FIRE CAPTAIN 18 18 FIRE CAPTAIN SPECIALIST 4 4 FIRE ENGINEER 18 18 FIRE FIGHTER 12 12 PARAMEDIC-FIRE FIGHTER 18 18 SECRETARY II 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER I 1 0 -1 FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER II 1 2 1 FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER Ill 2 2 TOTAL FIRE 81 81 0 1 1 BUILDING INSPECTOR 111 2 2 BUILDING INSPECTOR II 4 4 BUlDLlNG INSPECTOR I 1 1 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER 1 1 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER I 1 1 BUILDING TECHNICIAN II 1 1 TECHNICIAN I 2 2 PERMIT CLERK 2 2 TOTAL BUILDING INSPECTION 15 15 0 COMMUNITY DEVEL DIRECTOR 1 1 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 CLERK TYPIST I 2 2 RECEPTIONIST/CASHIER 1 1 TOTAL COMM DEV ADMINIST 5 5 0 0 * CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED ADMINISTRATION CITY ENGINEER 1 1 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER 0 0.5 0.5 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 SECRETARY II 2 2 WORD PROCESS OPERATOR II 3 3 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 9 9.5 0.5 DWELOPMENT ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER 1 1 PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER 2 2 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER 7 7 ASSISTANT CIVIL ENGINEER 2 2 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 3 3 TECHNICIAN I 1 1 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT 16 16 0 MUNICIPAL PROJECTS MUNICIPAL PROJECT MANAGER 1 1 PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER 2 2 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER 4 4 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 2 2 PRINCIPAL CONSTRUCTION INSPECT 1 1 SR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 2 2 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 5 5 ENGINEERING INSPECTOR - WATER 0 1 1 SR ENGINEERING INSP - WATER 0 1 1 PERMIT CLERK 1 1 TOTAL MUNICIPAL PROJECTS 18 20 2 TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC ENGINEER 1 1 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER 2 2 ASSISTANT CIVIL ENGINEER 1 1 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 4 4 0 TOTAL ENGINEERING 47 49.5 2.5 0 ' CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991-92 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED GROWTH MANAGEMENT MANAGER 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER 1 0.5 -0.5 SENIOR PLANNER 1 1 TOTAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT 4 3.5 -0.5 1 1 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 2 2 PRINCIPAL PLANNER 2 2 SENIOR PLANNER 4 4 ASSOCIATE PLANNER 7 7 ASSISTANT PLANNER 3 3 PLANNING TECHNICIAN I 1 1 PLANNING TECHNICIAN II 1 1 GRAPHIC TECHNICIAN 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 WORD PROCESS OPERATOR I 1 1 WORD PROCESS OPERATOR II 2 2 TOTAL PLANNING 27 27 0 0 0.5 0.5 TOTAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION 0 0.5 0.5 GEOGRAPHIC INFO SYSTEM COORD 1 1 GEOGRAPHIC INFO SYSTEM TECH 1 1 TOTAL GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION 2 2 0 0 ’ CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991-92 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION LIBRARY DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR 1 1 LIBRARIAN 111 1 0 -1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 2 0 -2 SECRETARY II 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 0 1 1 GRAPHIC ARTIST 1 1 MESSENGER 1 1 ACCOUNT CLERK 1 1 1 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 9 7 -2 CIRCULATION LIBRARY ASSISTANT Ill 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 1 1 TOTAL CIRCULATION 3 3 0 REFERENCE SERVICES LIBRARIAN 111 1 1 LIBRARIAN II 2 2 LIBRARIAN I 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 1 1 TOTAL REFERENCE 5 5 0 GENEAOLOGYlLOCAL HISTORY LIBRARIAN Ill 1 1 TOTAL GENEAOLOGY 1 1 0 CHILDREN’S SERVICES LIBRARIAN Ill 1 1 LIBRARIAN ll 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 1 1 TOTAL CHILDREN’S 3 3 0 TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN Ill 1 1 LIBRARIAN II 2 2 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 3 4 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 1 0 -1 CLERKTYPIST II 1 1 TOTAL TECHNICAL 8 8 0 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN 111 0 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 0 1 1 TOTAL COLLECTION DEVEL 0 2 2 0 * CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED NUMBER BUDGET MEDIA SERVICES AUDIO VIUSUAL SPECIALIST 1 1 TOTAL MEDIA 1 1 0 ADULT LEARNING LIBRARIAN Ill 1 1 CLERK TYPIST I1 1 1 TOTAL ADULT LEARNING 2 2 0 BRANCH LIBRARY ASSISTANT 111 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT 1 1 1 TOTAL BRANCH 2 2 0 TOTAL LIBRARY 34 34 0 ARTS MANAGER 1 1 COMMUNITY ARTS COORDINATOR 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 TOTAL CULTURAL ARTS 3 3 0 ADMINISTRATION PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 PARK PLANNER 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 CLERK TYPIST I1 1 1 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 5 5 0 PARK MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 PARK SUPERVISOR 1 1 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER Ill 5 5 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER II 9 9 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER I 4 4 BUILDING MAINT CARPENTER 1 1 TOTAL PARK MAINTENANCE 21 21 0 TREE MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERVISOR 0.5 0.5 TREE TRIMMER LEADWORKER 2 2 TREE TRIMMER I1 2 2 TREE TRIMMER I 2 2 TOTAL TREE MAINTENANCE 6.5 6.5 0 0 L * CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED MEDIAN MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERVISOR 0.5 0.5 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER I 1 1 TOTAL MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 1.5 1.5 0 RECREATION OPERATIONS RECEPTION lST/CASH I ER 3 3 RECREATION SPECIALIST I 1 1 TOTAL RECREATION OERATIONS 4 4 0 RECREATION FEE SUPPORTED RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 PRlNC RECREATION SUPERV 1 1 RECREATION SUPERVISOR It 3 3 RECREATION SUPERVISOR I 1 1 RECREATION SPECIALIST I 2 2 TOTAL RECR. FEE SUPPORTED 8 8 0 AQUATICS AQUATIC SUPERVISOR 1 1 TOTAL AQUATICS 1 1 0 SENIOR PROGRAM SR CITIZEN COORDINATOR 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 SITE MANAGER 1 1 TOTAL SENIOR PROGRAM 3 3 0 TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION 50 50 0 ADMINISTRATION UTlLlTlES/MAINTENANCE DIR 1 1 ASST UTlUMAlNT DIR 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 5 5 0 rn k e CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED NUMBER BUDGET STREET MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 0.3 0.3 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPT 1 1 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPERV 2 2 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER Ill 5 6 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER II 14 13 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER I 3 3 TOTAL STREET MAINTENANCE 25.3 25.3 0 STREET LIGHTING ELECTRICIAN II 1 1 ELECTRICIAN 1 1 1 ELECT OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR 1 1 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 3 3 0 BUILDING MAINTENANCE BUILDING MAINT SUPT 1 1 BUILDING MAINT SUPERV 1 1 SENIOR BUILDING MAINT WORKER 0 1 1 BUILDING MAINT CARP 2 0 -2 BUILDING MAINT WORKER Ill 0 1 1 BUILDING MAINT WORKER I 0 1 1 CUSTODIAN II 1 1 CUSTODIAN 9 9 0 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER II 1 0 -1 TOTAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE 15 15 0 WATER UTILITY MAINT SUPERINTENDENT 0.5 0.5 ACCOUNT CLERK II 0.5 0.5 ENGINEERING TECH II 0.3 0.3 UTILITY MAINT WORKER Ill 1 1 METER SHOP SUPERVISOR 1 1 METER READER II 5 5 METER READER I 1 1 TOTAL WATER 9.3 9.3 0 SANITATION UTILITY MAINT SUPERINTENDENT 0.5 0.5 ACCOUNT CLERK II 0.5 0.5 ENGINEERING TECH II 0.4 0.4 SEWER MAINTENANCE SUPERV 1 1 UTILITY MAINT WORKER Ill 1 1 UTILITY MAINT WORKER II 2 2 MAINT WORKER I 1 1 UTILITY SYSTEM OPERATOR Ill 1 1 UTILITY SYSTEM OPERATOR II 1 1 TOTAL SANITATION 8.4 8.4 0 e 8 * CITY OF CARLSBAD a PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991-92 1 BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED FLEET OPERATIONS FLEET MAINTENANCE SUPERT 1 1 ACCOUNT CLERK II 1 1 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC It 2 2 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I 1 1 EQUIPMENT SERVICE WORKER 1 1 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC SUPERVISOR 1 1 TOTAL FLEET OPERATIONS 7 7 0 TOTAL UTlLlTlES/MAINTENANCE 73 73 0 HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT DIR 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 2 1.5 -0.5 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 5 4.5 -0.5 HOUSING SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 HOUSING SPECIALIST I 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 TOTAL HOUSING 4 4 0 BLOCK GRANT SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 0 TOTAL BLOCK GRANT 1 1 0 TOTAL HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT 10 9.5 -0.5 GENERAL SERVCIES ADMlN GENERAL MANAGEWDE 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST 1 1 ACCOUNTANT 1 0 -1 ACCOUNTING OFFICE ASSISTANT 1 0 -1 ACCOUNT CLERK II 0 1 1 ACCOUNT CLERK I 0 1 1 WATER CONSERVATION SPECIALIST 1 1 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 1 1 RECEPTIONIST 1 1 TOTAL GENERAL SERVICES ADMIN 8 8 0 1 * CITY OF CARLSBAD * \ PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1990-91 AND 1991 -92 = BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 1990-91 1991 -92 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1990-91 ALLOCATED OPERATIONS SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 SYSTEMS OPERATION SUPERVISOR 1 1 CONSTRUCTION & MAINT SUPERV 1 1 SENIOR SYSTEMS OPERATOR 1 1 SERVICE COORDINATOR 1 1 STOREKEEPER 1 1 SR CONSTR & MAINTENANCE WORKE 1 1 SYSTEMS OPERATOR II 3 3 SYSTEMS OPERATOR I 1 1 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 1 1 FACILITY MAINT LEADWORKER 1 1 CONSTRUCTION MAINT WORKER 3 3 SENIOR VALVE TECHNICIAN 1 1 VALVE TECHNICIAN 1 1 OPERATIONS OFFICE ASSISTANT 1 1 TOTAL OPERATIONS 19 19 0 ENGINEERING DISTRICT ENGINEER 1 1 SR. ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN 2 2 SR. ENGINEERING INSPECTOR 1 0 -1 ENGINEERING INSPECTOR 1 0 -1 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN 3 3 ENGINEERING SECRETARY 1 1 ENGINEERING OFFICE ASSISTANT 1 1 TOTAL ENGINEERING 10 8 -2 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT 37 35 -2 92PER