HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-06-04; City Council; 11180; Library board of trustees apptI.. 4 ClTyOF CARLSBAD - AGENWBILL c"i I 1 AB# 11; I .FG I TITLE: I DEF MTG. 6-4-91 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPOINTMENT CIT' CIT' DEPT.cc I I r ~~~ ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: *rl u h U =t (d rJY ,J= E-c d E 'G M 4 *rl 5 .$ 0 "a 2% P ai -m 3- W7-l \r) 01 4 grn :z 5 &Jz u; p: $a u.2 2 -rl . uo a, -rl .A u 500 EIu rJY a, -4 a, $Z 0" 222 h a, ml-l CdEI =: P; Q: $P H -+A l-lmrn \A co m'\ \'\ e44 "a z .. 2 6 a s Z 3 0 0 Adopt Resolution No. q / -/b 5 appointing one member to the Library Trustees. ITEM EXPLANATION The term of Thomas Curtin expires in June, 1991. Dr. Curtin was c appointed to the Board in July, 1989 to fill an unexpired term. Terms for Board members are three years, so the term for the appointee wi in June, 1994. Other members of the Board are: Mi 1 ton Cooper, Mary Grosse, Richard Martin Trigas. EXHIBITS 1. Resolution No. ? / -/ks , appointing one member to the Library Trustees. 2. Copies of applications received in calendar year 1991. , e 0 1 2 3 RESOLUTION NO. 91-165 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE CARLSBAD LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES. WHEREAS, the term of Thomas Curtin expires in June, 1991; 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of ( 5 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 6 California, as follows: 7 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to serve as a n 8 the Carlsbad Library Board of Trustees for a term to expire in June, I 9 11 THOMAS CURTIN 10 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Counc 'I. AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Nygaard and Stanton 13 vote, to wit: 12 City of Carlsbad' on the 18th day of June , 1991, by the f 14 ABSENT: None I.5 NOES: None 16 17 18 19 11 ATTEST: 20 7 '?. / i &a 21 AgT$+RAkNKRANZ, c i t>zq 22 11 (SEAL) 23 24 25 26 27 28 ?7$7k! &f cz -e 1 - &4-*,. & &A I .i ; 1:' ,-! r-.:-. ... .. 5 . - - . -,. 8 . . . .. .b.. . __. . 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 ;:I i -.' _. ',.: . : ,__ TEL ," *"C, _r .. . , . I.2 7;; 2: 57 ,619) Office of the City Clerk (ai*p of (IlnrlBbnb r'"'; ". i . , .,. .' . L'.'.T:LS3AD APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOARD (SI AND/OR COMMISSION ($1 (Please print or type.) NAME : ADDRESS: CITY: HOME PHONE : PRESENT OCCUPATION: BUSINESS NAME: BUS INESS ADORESS : WORK PHONE: U.S. Citizenship (req Resident of Carlsbad (preference given to residents) - /Yes Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some comissions) - L/ Yes I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Comnission(s) I wish to sewe; I am willing to provide required statements if appointed to a Board or Comnissia to f i nanci a1 dl scl osure; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a designated by the City .Council or at the request of an individual Council Men DATE: 3-/p. 9/ e 0 EDUCATION 424 pf &P- Fxb & YdT& a4 Pw &Y& 3&Li ,9 i EXPERIENCF &?A +. /&M & 7 &LL? ; f5LW AL/5lj&&/+& e z%w~~.C - . .. COrrmWITY ACTIVITIQ b i E- l7 ,=+%=e- wzg l -+?+/q/ A&?Z /- LC e 0- - d- .. _. 1200 ELM AVENUE I._. , r \ F?;..'.: :-:= :.-: - . CAALSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 I- * ,:-,.", 1 .-" ;;I - \ ; bA.-L,,\ ~4 G' ! i" TEl ?**? \? ,;i\ ;'4' F:l \P. 50 6'9: Q I \'*,::2. Office of the City Clerk aitg nf (anrlsball BOARD ($1 AND/OR COMMISSION (s) c\ \ 'i \-)- *,>;-d-s3hD -,, ;. .- ."I > 3 AQf'LfCATION FOR APPOINTMENT (Please print or type.) wE(S) OF wAm(s) AND/OR c~IssI~(s) IN HIGH INTERESTED: ~RIY~W elT1 L / BRRW 0 NAME : '30 Nq &~IA Gc H ADDRESS: 29 I53 *L[€//E- mg J CITY: HOME PHONE : b/? #36-t$37'.$- PRESENT OCCUPATION: ROTHOP - .ED t TO P - -PRo&(Or/fli -TRFS~ BUSINESS NAME : 3 coembRirk- dh GffRI-lic5 iQb i, BUSINESS ADDRESS: , zsis 4ffW/EA/Z &jg'/ WORK PHONE: b/? 't76- 437% HF* 6&7 336 !%O& U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) Resident of Carlsbad (preference given to residents) 5 ::: Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some comissions) I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s I wish to serve; I am willing to provide required statements if appointed to a Board or ConwnissiI to financial disclosure; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Me1 . .. e??PiLS"m, ' ZIP CODE: %2 - 1/ Yes S I GNATURE : Ydd DATE: .+h, (Continued on reverse sid ) v 0 0 5 EWCATION WB- -wJ r u qfJ c L(?X(60 MR- bo lv"wi3 7& klo OD[ c/. hitipl, bt, i ~dUc./yIC/chl fOU&S - ?IJ ffiL)[br ~GYk4d~ &ad k?%U&j7, EXPERIENCE c~-u!4/uu& L&?!$&& dJ rn10kSiCi Lwk ~Rpoi?lyr/u 5 &w 5L9&?4I 7c dhx HJ/oL4)/c) 3LJ.5At.eGs && ~r -~d& 56 ~75 gw zc .M& &&L Tz J$y?f/S@ ff$k Gvj& f kY CWMUNITY ACTIVITIES A 8- C@&W~%O~JE~ /?g&-- W&~U/U - ! 4dJ.&d&~*&F~r&d &- &m .*&, + ""tf"" 4 iL &* @/.&m!i?* / m& I B ! W h: ' -,-$-&4&c&&e Jw?kbL!dU&, 72!& zLtGfdy"&i ay p L /2zuhgqw t L kW@. &h cE;& Aaky i4 M x? * Kfi3UMB-3UMMAKI ' p 0 0 ONA Z. MEILACH 2018 S-e Wav Carlsbad CA 920Qe Phone 619 436-4395 MCI Mail: 297-0943 PRESIDENT CompuWrite.* - . Writing. Presentation Graphics Seminars. Media Consulting EDUCATION Norhwestern University. M.A. An History: University of Chicago, Ph. B, and others. BOOKS Au(horof67 books. Most arc how-to books dcaling wilh computrs, graphics, fine afis, cnfis. Also ccm health and childrcn's books. Somc lillcs ilcc in scvcn lmguagcs. MAGAZINE ARTICLES On a variety of subjects. published in national and international magazincs, ncwspapcrs and other medh SYNDICATED COLUMNIST BYTES IN YOUR BUSINESS.(Cumcnt). Nationally and intcrnalionally. Columbia Features, CREATIVE CRAFTS. Chicago Tribune, Travel & Cdt fcaturcs. CONTRIRUTING EDITOR, COLUMNIST AND EDITORIAL POSITIONS Audio Visual Communications, Computer Graphics Today, Computing for Business, Sphere Magazine Special assignment writing, dcsign, photography, for,Fortune loo0 companies and others. Don & Co. Advertising Manager TEACHING ASSIGNMENTS Faculty, Univ. Cal. San Diego Ext. TEC Centers San Diego. Navajo Center, San Diego Mira Costa College, CA.; Purdue Univcrsity, IN.; EverbTecn Park High School, IL. SUBJECTS: Computers, computcr graphics, business presentations, writing, art history, crafLs. TELEVISION AND RADIO APPEARANCES Various talk shows throughout the country. PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY Photos appear in all books devclopcd, newspapcrs and magazine arlicles. Many used for book jackeu. TRAVEL AND FIELD WORK and ARTICLES FILED FROM . Europe and the Near E~t,'Far Easl; Japan, China, HongKong, Papua New Guinea, Canada Thailand, Bali, Philippines, Scandinavia, Central America, Turkey, Isracl, North Africa, Turkey, South America, Caribbean Islands, Spain, Portugal, Australia, New Zcaland, Fiji, throughout Unilcd Statcs. PROFESSIONAL LISTINGS Listings in Over 15 Who's Who Publications. PUBLlC SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS Active in a variety of non-profit groups as a volunteer. SEMINARS, WORKSHOPS, LECTURES, CONSULTING Short seminars and full day workshops, in house and at spccialimi conferences. Leads pancls and arranges speakers for spccialimi computcr conferences. Consulting on computcr graphics equipment, presentation techniques, and mcdia applications. . ". _. . REFERENCES: Upon request. L352/ &&d4 e I 0 m co / 17, 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 - ?. . @- .~ ~ Office of the City CIeR his$ i .: Y % ~- :-.-;; : .~ -_ ,, ,_ d. :-, i .---: . . c- ,,?i? :- -; , . . : , _:., ” ’*. . ” . . ” r .’. , _, j n , 7:. !.r I.! 1.;. i6t: TE - :- L ?, .-,*.. . .... . I. . ., .. @ita af (aarkbtd BOARD (9 AND/OR COMMISSION (SI APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMa (Please print or type.) NME(S) OF eoARD(S) AND/OR CMISSIort(S) IN YHICH IWERESTED: ~~ ~~~ - ~~~ NAME : JOSEPH N. (JOE) EGGLESTON ADDRESS: 3301 Belle Lane CITY: Carlsbad ZIP CODE: 920( HOME PHONE : 729-5091 PRESENT OCCUPATION: Retired, USMC & Retired.Citv of Carlsbad BUSINESS WE: None r BUSINESS ADDRESS : e WORK PHONE: P U.S. Citizenship (required for a11 appointments) Resident of Carlsbad (preference given to residents) Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some conmistfont) I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Comission(s I wish to serve; I am will ing to provide required statements if appointed to a bard or Coamissi to financial disclosure; I am willing to be interviewed regardfng my quatlficrtions for appointment by a designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Me ,SIGNATURE: &e P%a DATE: ~anuaw 31 (Continued on reverse side.) - X Yes - X Yes - X Yes P .. I. (I) e HlIwTI(TJ Graduated frCm Chagrin Falls, Ohia High School in 1947 and Mira Costa Juni01 College in 1975, received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Administratio1 from San Diego State University in 1977 and a Master of Arts Degree in Publi Administration frcan the California State University at Ung Beach in 1981. EmmImcE "ky-six years in the U.S.Marine Corps going through the ranks fran Privat b Staff &QWlt and secbnd Lieutenant to Major, being %assigned responsible tasks as Battalion, ccs;nPany and Platoon COmMnders; Third Marine Amphibious Force Motor Transport Officer, Camp Pendleton, California, Base Motor Transg Officer, Marine Barracks security officer and Inspector/Instructor for mir Corps Reserve Squadron. Fifteen ( 1 5 1 years in municipal government working for the City of Qrlsbd in the De-& of Planning, Personnel, parks & Recreation, public Works Administration/Developnent Services, Engineering and Utilities & Maintenance as a Department Administrative Assistant, Administrative Assistant 11, Senio Managamt Analyst and Acting Park and Recreation Director ( 9 months) . oxwNITY- Member of the Carlsbad Rotary Club, Carlsbad olamber of COarmerce (Ambassador: and Military Affairs camnittees), Carlsbad Historical Society, Disaster/=( Planning Group for Carlsbad (during employment with City) and the Public Safc and Service center Planning -up (during employment with City). I have been a member of the Traffic Safety comnission and the Carlsbad General Plan Revic camrittee in the past and am currently on the Carlsbad Sister City Ccmnittee and the Carlsbad Veterans Memorial Carmittee. mmm INEuIwmm m OomPNls I am sincerely interested and have sufficient time to participate actively in the junctions of the Carlsbad's Ebards, ccmnissions and Carmcittees. Respectfully request consideration for the tasks mich the City Council deems me best qualified. e 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the City Clerk v* MI) eL 4- TEL i619) ait~ of aarlsbah APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOARD 6) AND/OR COMMISSION ($) (Please print or type.) NAnE(S) OF eoARD(S) AND/OR COmISSIOn(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: [ ,, ,'&'< &<(d 61 Tr&ees I NAME : Dah l"tZLi.lLiV~@n ADDRESS: 401 I: x%ie Olr,d LL CITY: HOME PHONE : 4.3q I9 \iC . .. ., ( Ld<ifd "j 26 t1g . ZIP CODE: PRESENT OCCUPATION: e $ib) r BUSINESS NAME: 1-t p,,~ ik ,~~s.'~,~w. L~ k/7 BUSINESS ADDRESS: 12-T~ X&& wbLdc r rbw lJqa 4 2 j WORK PHONE : U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) dyes Resident of Carlsbad (preference given to residents) -7 Yes Registered voter irs Carl sbad (row4 red for sme .ctxmirt.dens). - J Yes I am familiar with the responsibilities assign~ed to the Board($) or Conmission( I wish to serve; I am willing to provide required statements if appointed to a Board or Commiss to financial disclosure; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council M & 'f 'j - G i-5 % 'S I GNATURE : L DATE: 5/3 i 1 ' . . (Continued on reverse side.) e 0 EDUCATIOH i/ $1 i Vi2,vs-l 9 cb &df?frZl& 1 y&wb~ CpL.2 iq6G-67 EXPERIENCE i?, &ds 3 k hc Lib mv y ~ccd @[ fs, reaq /y.g - jtq Fft s+\J< J?TeS ,.&A,& j 9 ti? - q0 $2Gb' f.ClY c-bLLtirIta.o\. /"10 -7 / \ .. COMJNITY ACTIVITIE~ 1"b1 et~;,de+A &btQ&& [&&&e fi z""r Gr-* d, rub; rx q!a u 'S..@L LA I d"" FG "Lh~h 1 [&FL b.& 1/Ljz f&d. CAI$+ c/t ( '/T ine . L..b rAhy 0 i T-A i,- LC& Cq-. I &tu$! /)&>IC sy ff vviL&l . p @&&b b hub b &u&t &Q& lit J7+ il&G [l'd rCLr7 !. t^%tS lib+\ 1 9 lr ~;LC a Cd t pd G~F~A,L<~~~ o 1 0 t/,u/,,Ld yz i3 <P ~r h, 1 LC: 0 e EMlCATIOW LhVi2vr'n) cG c[3n(i ~AACX soc/wh cP1;.2 [466-67 &I EXPERIENCE w\ &sfs (3 k he Cb rwy b0y-I *I 131 r-5 /3!!?L - j Frt e+d< rrert && 14 ti5 - 40 ~~~i~ fcc~ C&N-CGA 1qq0 -9 / . .. ComuWITY ACTIVITIES L'i? et,;dihn &t;z&J/.g l&iUc.rdee jl) CbQ+ GYotLYL t dl r-hli, /3y. asta ~r dx,iN L>m fi? "I&& 1 l;fi7.b.e VWCCL~ c%~&., 1/L t'fl ne . L..brmy aicd $-D &,u&f t-v~u ~k * ~ZOU / t.6 r;rrr rate L.bh"?A 7. iid m+ 6tJCd L&3!.i, . ~ i UUCLbkl . $9 0 f- 1 $ 24 r,'uh; "p flw a Cd I &a$ e-gpLijrP2.. 0 1 ~&~~~~~i~ XCJ r~st I' 0 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the City Clerk 74 /(..&&'e& .4- TELi (619) aitg of (aarlBbail BOARD (9 AND/OR COMMISSION (S) -4 I. ..' " , ".,. i .3 - APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT -. " - -.r' ,, '2 ,- - , ^. ! .. . ,. :". -3 ." -- I (Please print or type.) ,_ (3 &"r - i-3 y? NAnE(S) OF,PRD(S) AND/OR CMISSION(S) IN UiiICH INTERESTED: a ;g &d*$ fi&.Ls-ll q /bu&w .- 1 ~~ NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: HOME PHONE: . .. PRESENT OCCUPATION: BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE : U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) -des / Resident of Carlsbad (preference given to residents) - es Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some comissions) - /des I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board($) or Comaission(s) I wish to serve; I am willing to provide required statements if appointed to a Board or Comnissic to financial disclosure; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Mea pjff&&:" SIGNATURE : DATE : qZ& / (Continued on reverse side.) .I EDUCATION EXPERIENCE . .. cOmUNIN ACTIVITIES ‘x! 4 % % 0 I h (3 1 &ZL &&” Z,& 3 h7 T&e. P EWCAT IOy '1 'L # -4 .% % 0 EXPERIENCE i '. . .. & COmtlHITY ACTIVITIES q ITIOMAL INFBCWATIM OR CSmmrS &zc @&z * L 3242 " &dT, Ti&-. I 3