HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-06-11; City Council; 11192; AUTHORIZATION TO AMEND AGREEMENT WITH CONSULTANTS COLLABORATIVE INC. FOR CONSULTING SERVICES RELATED TO HABITAT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM* a E pg s5 ' z 0 I- o 4 d o z 3 0 o c g2i!":) CIT~F CARLSBAD - AGEN~BILL I t ((I D C C TITLE: AUTHORIZATION TO AMEND AGREEMENT WITH CONSULTANTS COLLABORATIVE INC. FOR MTG. // CONSULTING SERVICES RELATED TO HABITAT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. AB#e: DEPT. PLN - RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. y/- /g? authorizing the City Manage execute an amended agreement with Consultants Collaborative Inc increase the amount by $21,725. ITEM EXPLANATION On November 20, 1990, the City Council authorized staff to pro with a Work Program intended to lead to a Habitat Management for the City. Phase I of the Work Program included formation c Advisory Group to assist in this process. In order to assure that the Advisory Group's discussions objective and fully representative of all points of view, s decided that use of an impartial professional facilitator shoul explored. In February of this year the City Manager approv start-up agreement with Consultants Collaborative Inc. (CCI) ir amount of $9,500. The purpose of the agreement at that time wa assist in getting the Advisory Groups started and to deter whether the use of a facilitator should be continued for duration of the Work Program. During this trial period it be clear that continued utilization of a Facilitator would be hi beneficial. An additional $5,000 was authorized in April to a completion of Phase I of the Work Program. At this time, staff and the Advisory Group are ready to begin P I1 of the approved Work Program, which will include hirir biological consultant to prepare a habitat inventory of the C Phase I1 will extend into next fiscal year, and funds have requested in the 91-92 budget to complete this phase of the Program. CCI's cost breakdown for Phase I1 is provided in Exh 2. In order to retain the services of the Facilitator for remainder of the current fiscal year, it is necessary to amend agreement with CCI to increase the contract amount by $21, This amount is available in the Planning Department's Miscellan Professional Services account (001-820-3230-2479). Funding for portion of Phase I1 that will occur in FY 91-92 will have ti addressed as part of the budget deliberations. One task in Phase I11 of the Work Program is to explore var mechanisms for funding this habitat planning effort and for hab acquisition and maintenance. It is likely that one such mecha will be a mitigation fee to be applied to developm Consideration of the mitigation fee concept may take place so than Phase I11 if the need arises. Staff Is intent is to pursue mitigation fee concept as a means of recovering all or part of Cityls costs. 0 0 I. s Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. x /q/ 1 FISCAL IMPACT This planning effort is being carried out in phases, and funding for it has likewise been provided in phases. Phase I now comlete, and total costs for this phase were $24,500. Of t total amount, $14,500 was payment to CCI for facilitation servi and $10,000 was for miscellaneous expenses. If the recornmendations of this report are approved, total Phase costs would be approximately $147,850. This is broken down follows : Consultant FY 90-91 FY91-92 CCI $21,725 $31,125 Biological Consultant 0 $95,000 Totals $21,725 $126,125 Phase I1 is expected to be the most costly phase of the A Program. At the completion of Phase I1 staff would return to City Council with a report and a recommendation on whether proceed with Phase 111. If Phase I11 and subequent phases of Work Program are pursued, there would be additional costs. noted above, there is the potential for the City to recover costs for this planning effort through later implementation c mitigation fee. EXHIBITS 1. City Council Resolution No. $?//?A 2. CCI cost breakdown for Phase 11. I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 l9 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. -91-177 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AN AMENDED AGREEMENT WITH CONSULTANTS COLLABORATIVE, INC. WHEREAS, the City Council on November 20, directed staff to initiate a planning effort related to wi habitats within the City of Carlsbad, to include formation Advisory Group to assist staff: and WHEREAS, the City Manager approved an agreemen. Consultants Collaborative, Inc. to provide a facilitator f Advisory Group during its formation and initial meetings; WHEREAS; staff has concluded that continued utili of the facilitator would be highly beneficial to the Ad Group by assuring that all points of view are given a vo the deliberations and by encouraging consensus based de making. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Coun the City of Carlsbad, California that: 1) 2) The above recitations are true and correct. The City Manager is hereby authorized to exec ' amended agreement with Consultants Collaborative, Ir 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 increase the amount of the existing agreement by $21,725. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... i > 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l3 14 15 16 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOI?TED at a regular meet the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, held on the 11th June , 1991, by the following vote, to wj AYES : NOES: None ABSENT: Council Members Kulchtn and Stanton Council Members Lewis ,, Larson, and Nygaard &LA CLAUDE A. LEWf S , /Mayor ATTEST: lL~ ’ dc,, l- & ALETm L. mkEN,z, ~y .I$. (SEAL) I I -2- 0 EX b iBlT 2 PHASE I1 During Phase 11, CCI will continue to perform work under the Consultant Obligations section of the overall Agreement including: Approx. Hrs. Maximum FY CCI Olver Total 91 Staff 6 Months Cost cost 1. Continue to direct Alexander 1.20 12,000 4,000 the activities of involved parties as described in paragraph A of the Consultant Obligation including: - Focus the activities of the Advisory Group, City Staff, and City Environmental and Biological Consultants on development of a Habitat Resources Management Plan. - Commence work with Advisory Group on fiscal and institutional components of plan. 2. Develop the plan Alexander 60 6,000 2,000 in accordance with the project milestones and timing reflected in the project Work Program. The work program is included by reference in this contract (Attachment 1) as if fully incorporated herein. 3. Provide liaison Alexander 72 7,200 2,40( with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game, and other involved state and federal e 0 '*. agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 4. Finalize project A1 exander 20 2,000 2,000 goal development with City Staff (Task 4). 5. Substantially Alexander 25 2,500 2,000 complete Task 5 Barker 110 9,350 7,225 (Public Information Azhadi 10 800 800 Program) , including preparation of an 12 c 650 10 , 025 initial press notice and possibly conference, quarterly newsletter, and slide presentation. Completion of work required in this task will involve the services of additional CCI staff. Their job descriptions and billing rates are: Theresa Barker Senior Planner $85.00/hour Julia Azhadi Graphics $40.OO/hour 6. Participate in Alexander 40 4,000 1,300 selection of Biological Consultant and provide support to that consultant once under contract, including: - develop mapping/GIS agreement with SANDAG - provide liaison between Bio-consultant and Advisory Group, regulatory agencies, public. consultation to Bio- consultant in order to: - provide support, review, and d 0 0 - assure results compatible with other regional efforts - provide public information on project 0 9,000 '9 0 7. Continue Task 7 Alexander (Potential Expansion of Planning Area) to the point where an invitation to participate in a coordinated effort has been extended to interested jurisdictions. - assure that activities undertaken by other jurisdictions are compatible in terms of biology, mapping, and data format. - develop local jurisdiction and decision maker interest in a cooperative process. 52,850 21,725 * e I) 'i CITY OF CARLSBAD Membership of Advisory Group for Habiitat Management Plan Facilitator Rick Alexander - Consultants Collaborative, Inc. Environmental Oraanizations Seth Schulberg and Don Omsted- Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation William Daugherty - Buena Vista Audubon Society Heidi Coates, Alternate - Friends of Lake Calavera Jane Skotnicki, Alternate - League of Women Voters Federal, State and Local Governmental Aaencies Brooks Harper/Larry Salata - U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Terri Stewart - California Department of Fish and Game Paul Webb - California Coastal Commission Mike McLaughlin - SANDAG Propertv Owner/Development lndustrv Doug Avis - Fieldstone Co. George Haviar - Lyon Communities Tony Griffin - Wimpey Co. Jim Hicks Representative From Open Space Committee Fay Round Citv Staff Michael Holzmiller - Planning Department Terri Woods - Planning Department Mark Steyaert - Parks and Recreation Department Cheryl Allen - Finance Department Lloyd Hubbs/David Hauser - Engineering Department Don Rideout -- Growth Management Division Citv Environmental Consultant Phil Hinshaw - A. D. Hinshaw and Associates Citv Bioloaical Consultant Michael Brandman Associates - H. Lee Jones, Harolld Weir, Micahel U. Evans .'= -- 8" yTfif-f e-T- fM&E a! Ep t j) jSTK!3~~