HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-06-25; City Council; 11215; ESTABLISH 1991-92 FUNDING LEVELS FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE GROUPS AND THE CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITOR'S BUREAU$ u L) cd *A M 0 w cn a, .lJ 2 d -d a, a, rn E 4 cI\ 1 ul hl \ Lo .. z 0 4 6 s z 3 0 0 FISCAL IMPACT The proposed budget contains $72,430 in funds for community service groi and $225,000 for the CCVB. Any additional funds the Council may wisf allocate to any of these groups, can be accomplished by a transfer from General Fund Contingency Account. EXHIBITS: cIj-i %?- establishing specific funding levels for community ser Resolution No. groups, and the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor's Bureau (CCVB). Summary of Community Service Group requests. Copies of requesting letters from the Community Service Groups. I L -. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 l2 13 14 15 16' 17 18 19 0 0 RESOLUTION NO 9 1 - 19 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING FUNDING LEVELS FOR SPECIFIC COMMUNITY SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California h reviewed and conducted the Public Hearing for the 1991-92 Operating Budge and WHEREAS, the Council desires to specify the General Fund financi support for certain Community Service Organization identified in the budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. /// /// /// /// ' /I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 i /// I /// /// /// /// /// /// 1 I 1 /// Y I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 2. That 1991-92 funding for the following organizations shall be i follows: Organization 1991 -92 Funding Allocated Casa de Amparo $ 10,000 Lifeline Community Services 10 , 000 YMCA Oz No. Coast 15 , 750 Women"s Resource Center 17,500 Hospice of North Coast 3,500 North Community Food Co-op 6,180 Big Bang Committee 8,500 I San Diego Aids Project 1,000 PASSED APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the C Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 25th day of June , 1991, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members LEwis, Kulchin, Larson, and Stanton NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Ny 1 ,I ATTEST: 7 UP@h%& ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) i 0 e -1991-92 SUMWY - COMMUNITY SERVICE GROUP REQUESTS AND WBAD CONVENTION AND VISITOR’S BUREAU Casa de Amparo - $13,335 requested: to provide safe, sanitary housing for victims of cl abuse in emergencies. In addition meals, counseling and life-skills learning are provid YMCA Oz North Coast - $16,000 requested: to continue serving troubled adolescents i their families. The goals of the service are to provide 1) emergency shelter to youngsi in crisis, and 2) a system of other services including eight weeks of aftercare designec reunite and stabilize the youth and family. During 1990, YMCA OZ service 60 Carlsl residents in the residential shelter and family counseling program. Women’s Resource Center - $17,500 requested: to assist in providing support to batte women, and counseling for adults and children victimized by sexual assault. Spec support services provided include providing counseling for victims and abusers, advoc; information and referral, and emergency food and shelter. During 1990, 830 Carls residents received assistance from Women’s Resource Center. Lifeline Communitv Services - $14,916 requested: to cover salary and benefits for one time Social Services Worker. Services provided include shared housing, long t counseling, transportation, and information and referral. During the 10 month per February 1, 1990 through January 30, 1991, 1,500 client contacts were with Carls residents. Hospice of North Coast - $3,500 requested: To underwrite in home care for terminall patients allowing patients to spend their remaining days at home, in familiar surroundi: During 1990, 50 Carlsbad patients and their families received Hospice services. North County Food Co-op $10,000 requested: Provide food to membership agencies wl allows them to concentrate on other needs of the client in helping them to get their 1 in order. The Co-op would like to expand the program to include an Emergency F Purchase Program. The Co-op will purchase for an agency something they I: immediately, and that they do not have on hand, and cannot get donated quickly. Du 1990, 775 Carlsbad households were served. San Diexo Aids Foundation - $1,000 requested: Provide support services to those and 1 loved ones who have contacted the HIV virus in an effort to help them maintain i health and well-being. Counseling assists all involved with the emotional, psycholo1 and social impact of HIV infection. The Foundation is currently working with 5 Carl! residents. Big Bang Committee - $15,000 requested: To offset the annual fireworks display. e e 1991-92 Summary - Community Service Groups and Carlsbad Convention and Visitor's Bureau Page - 2 - The Wellness Community - $5,000 requested: For community education, outreach, i support for Carlsbad residents with cancer and their families. Specific programs incl. workshops, classes, participant/family groups, sharing groups and special programs. Alcohol and Drug abuse Prevention Task Force ADAPT - $7.500 requested: A contrar of prevention/education services regarding drug abuse to San Diego County residents. ' emphasis is on drug and alcohol prevention. Meals on Wheels - Senior Adult Services - $3,000 requested: Provide services wh objectives are to help seniors remain their own homes, and out of public institutions. 1 is accomplished by providing in home meals. Iris Platuck - $3.500 requested: To produce a thirty minute television show featui outstanding San Diego teenagers who have made noteworthy achievements. Carrillo Ranch Curation - $7,440 requested: Provide funds for the volunteer Curato pursue artifact collection, research, and public education for Carrillo Ranch. 1991-92 g( include printing an informational brochure, travel to Sacramento, San Francisco, and Vegas, as well as locally to complete research. Carlsbad Convention and Visitor's Bureau - $267,000 reauested: To implement progri design to promote travel to Carlsbad. Specific programs include the placement advertisements, familiarization tours, attendance at trade shows, and support of 1( community events. f\USERSWNW92BUD\COMSERV e 0 >, : ; t I :, I. YMCA OZ NORTH COAST \ n\.' , : t; / * *\ \I ~-Tliiiiiv Narch 7, 1991 Ms. Debra J. Neville Sen i o r Man aq emen t An a 1 ys t City of Carlsbad 12C0 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CG 92008 Dear PIS. Neville: In respanse to your letter dated February 5, 1991, YKCG OZ North Coast is requesting continued funding through the City of Carlsbad for fiscal year 1991-92. The request is in the amaun t of Enclased please find a program description and statistics on clients served this year included in the following narrative. Also attached is a copy of the current 1990-91 budget and projected 71-92 revenue and expenses. Gbring this time of recession, we are pleased to be operating the shelter with a balanced budget. This does not reflect any reduction in need, however, as the costs of operating a residential shelter continue to increase yearly. Therefore, financial assistance from local government continues to be a critical necessity for our survival. We greatly appreciate your past support and generous contributions over the years. I will be happy to furnish you with any additional information you may require. We look forward to working with you during the upcoming year. 4 1212 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008 619 e e p roc! r-E! QEZL!2PLLQ.E A program of the YMCFi Funan Deveiapment Set-s.-,ic~s r)~p;rt;;ipr.f 1 YMCA OZ North Coast, located at 1212 Oak Avenue in Carlsbad, serv~s troubled adolescents ages 12-17 and their families. For 15 years, OZ North Coast has provided il) emergency shelter to youngsters in crisis and 121 a system of other services including eight weeks aftercare designed to reunite and stabilize the youth and family, whenever appropriate. In addition to shelter and individual , family and group counseling, information and referral and education regarding family issues are also provided to Carlsbad and other north coastal residents. While in shelter, youngsters also participate in an individually prescribed information and skill training program. A youngster is required to complete personal objectives in the areas of drug and alcohol education, oreparation for independent living, interpersonal skill building or in other areas depending on hisiher individual needs. CZ North Coast is currently licensed by the State of California for six beds. OZ operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to ensure availability to families in crisis. Counseling services are provided by we1 1 qualified master's level, state licensed therapists. OZ also has an active 'volucteer program which makes use of 25-35 volunteers. Volunteers assist in client supervision, recreation and house maintenance, while serving as a positive role model and an empathic adult friend to residents. Glthough funding from the YPlCA accounts for a minimal portion of the total budget, OZ is provided with financial management and auditing services by the YMCA of San Diego County. This assures qranttirs strict fiscal accountability in use of funds. From January 1, 1990 to December 31, 1990, OZ sheltered 136 youngsters, for a total of 1711 bednigbts. Youngsters admitted to OZ stayed an average of 13 days. Average age of residents was 14-1./2. Although fees are charged and do generate a necessary portion of operating income, they are assessed on a sliding scale. In 1990, b7% of OZ clients. according to San Diego County guidelines, were low income and were assessed nw fee. Funding from the City of Carlsbad helps to ensure that no family in crisis is turned away due to an inability to Pay for services. 0 0 In 1991-92, it is projected that CZ wili shelter 150 youngsters for a total of 1350 hedniqhts. Residents and their families will participate in inter;sive cour;selin-, services during the shelter stay and for eiqht weeks thereafter. It is also projected that 1,500 will receive information and referral services. OZ impacts not only the individual youth and his/her family, hut the community at large. Community henefits include, in the short term, a reduction in delinquent and acting out behavior by runaway homeless and troubled youngsters and, in the lonq term, the contribution of youngsters who are assisted to become productive adults. During 1990 YMC.4 OZ North C.nast served 612 Carlsbad residents through our residential shelter and family counseling program. e 3355 Mission Avenue 0 Suite 11 1 0 Oceanside, Califc (61 9) 757-3500 BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS 1990 COLLEEN C'HARRA Attorney-at-Law ROBERT GLEASON ViceChairperson Retired Postmaster YVONNE MURCHISON Chairperson February 26, 1991 City of Carlsbad Attn: Mr. Mayor and Members of the Council 1200 Elm Avenue Secretary Consultant Carlsbad, CA 92008 STANLEY BLUSH Certified Public Accountant Treasurer Dear Mr. Mayor and Members of the Council, LARRY WHARRA As you are keenly aware, Women's Resource Center provides cr' Commercial Real Estate Broker needed, unduplicated services to North County families threa victimized by domestic violence, sexual assault and/or homelc Directors These services include: supportive services; counseling for GERRY CURTIS COLEMAN and abusers; advocacy; information and referral; and, emerger Immediate Past Chairperson and shelter. Attorney-at-Law WILLIAM "JAY" DESS, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist Since Women's Resource Center was established seventeen yea VINCE JlMNO there has been a steady increase in requests for assistanc Escondido Ch,ef of Police victims of abuse. During 1990, 830 residents of the City of ( ANN KULCHIN (7% of the Center's client population) received assistanc Carlsbad City Council Women's Resource Center. As the City of Carlsbad has tradii shown concern for providing its residents with the emergency I Attorneyat-Law they need in life-threatening situations, we are again re( support for Women's Resource Center. In fiscal year 1990-91, the City of Carlsbad allocated $ li Education Specialist funding for Women's Resource Center. our agency budget. Fez f€sc& year 1991-92, we reqmsthg fra Area Manager Pacific Bell These funds assist the Center in providing women's shelter--the only facility exclusiv battered women and their children in North county--and our COI program for adults and children victimized by sexual assault. Women's Resource Center continues its extensive use of co NEILSYBERT Project Coordinator, SDGBE volunteers. We are especially proud of the fact that our v( ranks consistently number almost 1001 The Center also cont. MARGE L WAGNER augment government grants and contracts with private donati fund-raising events with these contributions accounting for 51: current budget. Women' s Resource Center sincerely appreciates the support we hi ceived from the Council in years past. We need that continued JANET BLEDSOE LACY WARNER LUSARDI Contractor PAT NAKATSUKA This represents about 2 JANIE PHILLIPS TONY PITALE President El Dorado College KEITH PRESNELL DeveloperICPA Municipal Court Judge DEE WALKER Real Estate Marketing EX-OFFICIO MEMBER MARVA BLEDSOE CHRISS Executive Director Supported by: Private donations, County of San Diego, State of California, Cities of Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Unlted Way 0 0 for fiscal year 1991-92! Your granc plays a very important role in us in preserving our current level of services for Carlsbad reside1 $ 17,500 funding request represents a cost of only $ 21.08/Carlsbac served. I urge your continued support for Women's Resource Center. find additional information for your review. Thank you for your concern and consideration. Enclosec Please contact me if I can be of assists Sincerely, %-&& Marva Bledsoe Chriss Executive Director MBC/mc enclosure 0 LIFELINE co*NLML%yITY SERVICE: OF NORTEI SAX DIEGO COLXTY - A Unzted Way Member Ap~cy &nhanctng the posrttve gudzty d communtty @e I t ti ‘\A\ -ly ’ ,pi ‘ March 1, 1991 J Debra J. Neville Senior Management Analyst City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, Ca. 92008-1989 Dear Ms. Neville: Lifeline appreciates the support we receive from you and the City of Carl for our Social Service Program. I am enclosing the requested statistical data summary for the 1990-91 cyc For the past year, Lifeline assisted Carlsbad residents with over 1,500 client contacts for the $10,395 we received through this contract. I am also enclosing Lifeline’s request for support cycle. Our funding request is in the amount of $1 the salary, fringes and taxes for one (1). fuu he Social. Service Work Carlsbad residents are able to avail themselves of Lifeline’s services at both Vista and Oceanside offices. If you need any further information, please contact me direct at 726-6396 Thank you for your continued support and consideration. the 1991-92 fundin, B which will cover Very truly yours, Executive Directo Encs . 0 MAIN OFFICE: 200 Jefferson Street Vista, CA 92084 (619) 726-4900 i COASTAL YOUTH SERVICES: 1834 S. Hill Street Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 757-011 March 1, 1991 e e Debra J. Neville Senior Management Analyst City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, Ca. 92008-1989 Re: Statistical Data for 1990-91 Services provided by Lifellne for the City of Carlsbad Lifellne received $10,395 from the City of Carlsbad for social services fc Carlsbad residents. on the increase. For the 12 month period of February 1, to .January 31, 1: Li€eline had over 1,500 client contacts with Carlsbad residents. Lifeline's Oceanside offices gives Carlsbad people closer access for youth and family counseling, juvenile diversion, Hire-A- Youth, and Parenting Classes. community service work as mandated by the schools, courts and probation. Many Carlsbad residents receive multiple services such as transportation clients needing long-term conseling on a weekly basis and emergency assistance clients who need help with finance budgeting and/or emergency tokens for transportation for job search or medical appointments. Llfeline's staff conducts continual outreach during the year through contacts and presentations to agencies, clubs, churches and other groups to inform them of the services we provide. In the previous cycle, Lifeline provided client contacts to Carlsbad residents through our various services: The number of Carlsbad clients we are assisting is This office also facilitates youth and adults needing to do 13 Legal Assistance - Free consultation with volunteer attorneys. 10 Homeless Shelter - in life threatening cold weather. (To 6/30/90 ( 100 Shared Housing - Matching people to share companionship and save n Juvenile Diversion - Prevents and diverts youth from contact with the juvenile justice system offered at both the Vista and Oceansic sites. Caregivers Support Group - People caring for disabled loved ones receive emotional support and education. 30 40 270 Long-term counseling - Available to individuals, couples, youth an families. 20 Emergency Assistance - Provides food, emergency bus tokens and 0th practical resources. Transportation - Elderly and disabled receive door-to-door trans- portation services. 679 379 Information and Referral - Assistance with specific problems throu referring to other agencies and supplying information. a 0 Lifeline volunteers are also available to assist Carlsbad clients through the following programs. 6 Volunteer attorneys €or Legal Program 23 Emergency Shelter volunteers 3 School interns for Emergency Assistance 11 Receptionists to greet clients and assist with information and referral 32 Transportation escorts to help frail and disabled passengers 1 Clerical updating resource files 2 Interviewers for Shared Housing Program 2 Computer Data Input Operators 75 Panel members available for juvenile preventionfdiversion progri e 0 HOSPICE OF THE NORTH CQAST Community Outreach \ (j \\ \P ~ Kt 88 March 6, 1991 Debra J. Neville Senior Management Analyst City of Carlsbad Finance Department 1200 Carlsbad Village drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 Dear Ms. Neville: Hospice of the North Coast is a non-profit organization th provides a broad range of services to patients and their famili coping with a terminal illness. Our services allow patients spend the remaining days of their lives at home in famili surroundings and in the company of family and friends. Grief a bereavement services are also provided to surviving members the patient's family. Although some third party reimbursement of program costs a available, many expenses are not covered - and patients a families are not billed for Hospice services or supplie Communities in our service delivery area have been generous helping to underwrite these costs so that we can continue serve without consideration of someone's ability to pay. During the past year, 50 patients and their families residing Carlsbad received services from Hospice of the North Coast. T monthly average number of unreimbursed visits to these patien was 3 nursing visits, 1.5 home health aide visits, and 1 soci worker visit. This equals some 36 unreimbursed nursing visit 18 home health aide visits, and 12 social worker visits on annual basis. Since the number of patients served by Hospice of the North Coa is expected to increase by 50% during 1991-92, the monthly numb of unreimbursed visits to patients in Carlsbad would increase 1.5 nursing visits, .75 home health aide visits, and .5 soci worker visits. Including medical supplies, the annual cost these increased Hospice visits would total some $3,500. Hospice of the North Coast is asking all of the cities in i service area to help underwrite the expected increase unreimbursed Hospice visits during fiscal year 1991-92. 1 respectfully request that the City of Carlsbad allocate $3,51 from its 1991-92: fiscal year budget to our agencp. Since we have moved our administrative offices and our resa store to Carlsbad, our programs and services have become mo convenient for its residents. The monthly potluck dinner fl 2380 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE * SUITE F CARLSIBAD, CA 92009 (619) 431 )\" y Y A,+! ',a+cc 11'1*11 T>l Ci:) 1 fcspi's: Dis:rict 0 e surviving Hospice family members is now held at St. Michael Episcopal Church in Carlsbad and serves between 40 and 50 peog each month. We have also seen an increase in the number Carlsbad residents who desire a meaningful volunteer experier with Hospice of the North Coast - 14 of 25 new patient ca volunteers live in Carlsbad. Hospice of the North Coast greatly appreciates the past financj support from the City of Carlsbad, and we thank you for yc consideration of our new request. Please contact me at 431-41 if you need additional information. Sincerely, - &C[@d Nathan Clark Executive Director NOd% COUNTY FOOfCO-OP Agencies Networking to Feed the Hungry i, , ,;I ,?f f'?Tf February- 21, 1991 :,ekIra Neville Senior M*:?aqeernerit Analyst City of Carlsbad, Finance Depar tmerlt 1200 Elm Avenue Zar;Lsbad, CA 92008-138'3 ;!ear X;3. Neville, The North il*oiinty Food Co-op, is requestirig $10,000 from , City of Carisbad's General Fund. This funding will enable the Co-op to continue to help t luw-income residents of Carlsbad. We are expanding our program 19'31 to include helping all non-profit agencies in the North Cour on a inorithly basis. We will increase our "Emergency Food Puzchs Program" in which we purchase €or an agency something they ne immediately and we do not have on hand and cannot get donat y u i c: k i y . We are again asking North County cities whose iow-in~:~ residents we serve to help with the yearly expenses of the Fo Co-op. North County Food Co-op is also requesting funds from ti !:it i es of Escondido, Oceanside, Sari Marcos arid Vista. We ,a: looking to C.arlsi=ad to help in this cooperative project. The City of Carisbad's support of the Food Co-op will be muc appreciated. Please remember, your one qrant will act-i-ially benef i over twenty non-profit, social service agencies in the North Count who help Carlsbad residents. :< inCt?K e ly, $(!$JIL 8aW Ilene Bates, Program Director North County Food Co-op 1410 Grand Ave., Suite E Sun Marcos, CA 92069 (619) 471-1613 Funded in part by the County of San Diego e 0 1390 SUMMARY In 1990 the North County Food Co-op changed its focus and qr from a membership of ten agencies and nine participating ayerlci to serving over twenty-four agencies. Each agency we cier-~e h experienced a dramatic increase in the number of cljents needi food . In 1990 the North County Food Co-op agencies provid emergency food and case management to 775 Carlsbad household This was increased from the 528 served in 1989. Remember, t.k number represents households served, not individuals, an as si. represents a much larger number helped than the 775 suygests. 1 emphasis is on enabling thern to become self-sufficient throL counseling as well as giving them immediate help with fc provisions. We estimate that Carlsbad represents 4% of the total clier served by the Food Co-op. There were 79,068 persons who are r counted in the regular statistical reports and of these we c estimate that 3,163 were Carlsbad residents. These are clients i. frequent soup kitchens, or who do not state a place of permarit. residence. This count is not documented in the 775 counted in t reijular statistical reports. In 1990 the Food Co-op distributed 321,336 poxrids of food E served d total of 101,007 households. The North County Food Co-op concentrates on alleviating p? of the member agencies worries about food so that they then wi be able to concentrate on other needs of the client in order help the clierlt get their lives in order. When the client's bar need of food for survival is fulfilled, he than can bet concentrate on turning his life around. It is ci win/win situat for all involved. The Food Co-op fills a unique and much nee( place in this chain of change. North County Food Co-op is very economically run with only 1 paid, full.-time staff, one part-time (8 hours per week) warehoi person and the rest volunteers. The C.0-op is planning long-term financing through fundrais events, direct mail appeals and continued c3ra3nt writing to priv foundations. AIDS SUPPORT EDUCATE ADVOCATE 3777 Fourth Avenue San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 543-0300 FAX (619) 543-9685 San Diego, CA 92104 (619) 280-1500 601 Eucalyptus Avenue Vista, CA 92084 4341 30th Street FAX (619) 280-9484 (619) 945-6000 @ a 0 March 8, 1991 Ms. Debra J. Neville Senior Management Analyst Finance Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008- 1989 Dear Ms. Neville: AIDS Foundation San Diego respectfully requests $1,000 in 1991-92 f~ from the City of Carlsbad, for agency Client Services programs which SL residents of Carlsbad. AIDS Foundation San Diego (AFSD) was created in 1990 by the me of the San Diego AIDS Project and the AIDS Assistance Fund. AFSD nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization which (1) provides comprehen compassionate support services for people with AIDS/ARC and their loved o (2) strives to prevent the transmission of HIV (the Human Immunodeficit Virus which causes AIDS) through complete, culturally-sensitive education; (3) advocates the civil rights and dignity of people with AIDS, ARC, and I infection. AFSD's service area is all of San Diego County. People with AIDS/ARC require services to help them maintain tl health and well-being, and which assist them and their families and friends c with the material, emotional, psychological, and social impact of HIV infect AFSD is the major provider of such services in San Diego County, prima serving people with AIDS or ARC, with some services also available to frie and loved ones, and to HIV-infected individuals who do not have AIDS or A symptoms. Attachment A shows the Client Services provided by AFSD. For y information, income is not used to determine eligibility to receive the agen services; however, more than 90% of AFSD's current clients have incomes be Federal poverty standards. 0 0 Page 2 Ms. Debra J. Neville March 8, 1991 Attachment B describes the scope of HIV/AIDS in the County and in the Ci Carlsbad. AFSD has 1000 current clients who have a diagnosis of AIDS or ARC; fir these clients reside in Carlsbad. The number of requests for service from residen Carlsbad has been increasing steadily over the past several years, a trend which is expc to continue. As part of the merger process, we are upgrading our computerized c database, and plan to be able, in 1991-92, to track more precisely client usage of SUI services by place of residence. Attachment C shows AFSD's 1990-91 budget. The $1,000 in unrestricted fur provided by the City of Carlsbad to the San Diego AIDS Project in 1990-91 was use( operating expenses at the agency's North County Office in Vista. We greatly appreciate the City of Carlsbad's past generosity to its residents whc affected by AIDS, ARC, and HIV infection. Further funding from the City of Carl: would make a big difference these individuals, by helping AFSD continue to provide t with much-needed social services. If you have any questions or require additi information, please call me at (619) 543-0488. Sincerely, &WG -=j$vwk!j$ u b Amy Somers, Ph.D. Executive Director Carisbad Big Bang Committee \>&a' 3 March 25, 1991 t fjJ City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92008 Attention: Deborah Neville Re: Request for funding Please consider this our request for funding in the amount of $15,000 to offset in part the fireworks display for the people of Carlsbad. Inclusion of this amount in your budget would be most appreciated. Very tr y yours, Hope Treasurer 44 Wri RN/h m P.O. Box 2115 Carlsbad, California 92008 (619) 434-1724 .. thi!!lhess. e mmunity 3760 Convoy Street, Suite 320, Sari Diego, CA 921 11 (61 9) 467- San Diego !IO\Ol<\K~! Cff:\lIP.l \\ April 24, 1991 Ms. Debbie Neville City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92006 Dear Ms. Neville: ltari)ld 11. lit~nianlin, 1'11 I). 1 IO C I< \I<) ii() \I<[> i)i.l)ll<li if,)I<< \ \ll\"\\l lorni.in C i)uyiii\- MJ ri I y ti Q 11.3 y It' 'ildzr I lO\OI< \I<) I<( 1 \I<[> OFllIl<t:~ IOIb Enclosed is a grant proposal from The Wellness Robert and l.redricka IX\ tlr Community, San Diego, submitted for your Congremn.ln Ihncan f-funtcr We are seeking your support of our Senator Lucy Killea Congres5lnan Philip M. Klauber Bill ILowen Frank I'anarisi Carlsbad residents with cancer and their families. 1'l<~~FE5~lO\~\l .AI?\ iV)ii\ iio \R[i medical treatment of cancer, less attention has bee: Scott %I. Browning, 51.1). given to helping cancer patients and their families 'Mark R. Green, M.D. deal constructively with the enormous psychological Richard G. lust, 5I.T). and social impact of the disease on their lives. 11 Charles R. Kossman, X1.l). this very real sense, cancer patients to date have Joan t. Kroener, \I.ll. been a disadvantaged and underserved population. Russell Pierce, P1i.l). Community, San Diego (TWCSD) is a non-profit, Murra) H. Rowntlial, 11.0. 501(c)3 organization formally established to provide lvor Ropton, \l.ll. free psychological, social and educational support Thomas .A. Shift'?n, \l.O. services to adult cancer patients and their lolin 5. Irontboid, \1.11.. f~.p~.C.l' families. It is a supplement to and in support of Superviwr Su>.in Goldi tis consideration. cost-effective program through a $5,000 grant for community education, outreach, and support for Governor Pete Wilson Although great strides have been made in the Stephen I.. Seagren, M.[l., c Sondra Btlrdon James H. Harrell 11, \l.D., t.C C.1'. CheylKosits, R.\..B.S.\..O.C.l. William F. Ilalonev, .Il.l>., t..A.C.I'. Rodrigo A. Vunnz. Al.D., I-..A.l'.,A. Warren 5. I'aroly, V.D. Now there is help for them. The Wellness Sara Ilosenthnl, 41.1). laricy b'. Stockwell, \f.S.W. 2, conventional medical treatment. ]dine\ S. I arle\., Cecile j. Bere.il In just over one year, TWCSD has become a major Richard C. Bigelow Barbara Binoin people weekly (150-200) than any other local support Shirley Dav-biIli.ims program. To date more than 1,250 San Diegans have Burton l>i.;ncr participated in workshops, classes, Murray Galinw;i special programs. Edwin A Luiics Cancer patients who have participated in our John Howard Burton \ester "curett or recovery. But we have proof that Richard L Sicholas participating in one's fight for recovery, along Robert B. Savitch Stephen L. Seagren, M.D. J. Luis Zuriiga EXECLl-IL't [:)IRE< T(il< cancer patients (and their familiesj who want to force in our local cancer care system, serving more Scott hf. Browning, .11.0. participant/family groups, sharing groups and \f ic hae I t 1 I en t uc k Beverly treniont. \1.1..C.C. Bob Garrison, Jr Kriatan C;rcgg program attest to its value. with one's medical team, will improve the participant's quality of life -- and may just enhance the possibility of one's recovery. We do not promise Albert A. tfutlrr Patricia I.. Roicoe Colette Carson Royston, R.\., \I.\. Howard J. Silldorf Virginia Thomas The target population of TWCSD is this group of Barbara 1\ Cook, M.P.A. Nancy .4 Ruppert, L.C.S.W. DEL'EI.OP\IE~ T [lir<E<'~l<>l< Jan H. Allen . A prqrour of.~iipporf for iotrizr ptiiwt.5 i7iiif tkir fi7rriiiii.s . . Etrhrsc2ti ty tlrr Slit7 Diqo Coiiiify Mzdiclil Socit,:!i . 0 a actively participate in their battle against cancer. participants are the frail elderly or disadvantaged minorities lacking financial resources and/or a local support system. TW( can help them retain their independence and can become for the1 (as one participant stated) '#my silver lining." Initial results of a recent study (summary enclosed) by Ui researchers on Wellness Community participants indicated that program has a I'beneficial effect on depression and pain, particularly for those most in need, i.e., those cancer patien who consider themselves in poor health and those with fewer outside support resources.I1 Another study, by David Spiegel, M.D., suggests that support groups may extend the life span of (breast) cancer patients (article enclosed). Cancer often creates enormous financial burdens. Medical care for cancer is costly. In addition to care and treatment, lost work time and loss of job impose financial burdens on man. cancer patients. Services such as those provided at The Welh Community most likely would not be used by a number of people recipients have to pay for them. Many TWCSD is one of the few organizations offering its servict free of charge. It represents a safe haven for people with cancer -- in many cases the only place they can come for help fighting their illness where they won't be billed or have to f( mountains of paperwork. Realizing your important support of services benefitting * Mc community of Carlsbad, we would like you to consider TWCSD. than 10 residents of Carlsbad have been involved either in participant and family support groups or the various other programs offered during the week and on weekends. In 1991 alone, more than 10,000 San Diegans will be diagnosed with cancer. At least 1,500 of these cancer patient! are expected to participate in TWCSD, at least 20 of them from Carlsbad. The $5,000 grant we are requesting provides education and outreach to Carlsbad residents -- making them aware that suppoi is available -- as well as providing access to the services available at The Wellness Community. needs of the citizens of Carlsbad. Please help us meet the Thank you for your consideration of our proposal. Please contact me if additional information is needed. Sincedely , The Wellneys Cpqunity, San Diegc -- LC 1 , -_ Bakbara K. Cook Executive Director I, L - March 21, 1991 Ms. Linda Oravec, Executive Director ADAPT 5384 Linda Vista Rd., Suite 304 San Diego, CA 92110 Dear Ms. Oravec: Thank you for your inquiry regarding funding for the ADAPT program. I have refe your request for a $7,500 grant from the City of Carlsbad to Debbie Neville, Sc Management Analyst in the Finance Department. Debbie coordinates the budget prc through which various organization and community groups apply for city funds schedule for this process, including the date of the public hearing, will be sent to yc the next several weeks. At the public hearing you will be given the opportunity to adc the City Council, describe your program and express the need for City of Carlsbad fi in the ADAPT program. If you would like additional information, or have any questions regarding the buc please contact Debbie Neville at (61 9) 434-2867. Sincerely, City Manager ma c: Mayor Council Members Financial Management Director Finance Senior Management Analyst 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 - (619) 434-2 m a March 15, 1991 TO: CHIEF OF POLICE FROM: Investigations Commander a?- ADAPT FUNDING REQUEST In January of his year, we received information that the County of San Diego Department of Health Services, under the direction of the Board of Supervisors, is in development of a Five -Year Master Plan to Reduce Alcohol and Drug Problems. Recent legislation, (Seymour Bill, 2599), calls for the voluntary development of County Master Plans which will provide cities and various agencies direct input into the planning process. The Carlsbad Police Department has been asked to join in the planning efforts, with an Advisc Body being formed. We were asked to designate a Iiaisonhnember to this body, and Sergeant Matt Matney was selected. Some of the criminal justice system representatives on this Advis Committee include Chief Vincent Jimno, Frederick Lear, Administrator of the El Cajon municipal courts, and Cecil Steppe, the Chief Probation Officer for the San Diego Courts. 0th individuals represent the County Schools, community groups such as ADAPT and SANDSAC, and providers. (please see attached newsletter and pamphlet) There also is a second planning process currently being formulated out of the County of San Diego Drug Abuse Services. Drug Abuse Services is moving forward with their annual planni culminating in the submission of an annual drug plan to the State of California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs. We have also been requested to provide feedback and to attend a regional public hearing at the end of this month. Input will also be reviewed for the 5-year Master Planning Process. These processes have recently started, with a request for our input. ADAPT is a contractor ( preventionhducakw sewkes regarding drug abuse to San Diego County residents. Their service emphae is on drug and alcohol prevention, and they are among numerous contractor providers in the fieid of prevention services, as observed on the attached photocopies. I am nc aware of any contact our department has had with ADAPT, nor am I aware of any services the might have provided to the Carlsbad community. I did note, however, that Drug Abuse Servict has seeen the need for annual funding increases. They are aware of the growing drug probler San Diego County, and an insufficient number of treatment programs and/or services to meet the demand. One of their primary concerns is if they should increase funding for current on going contract providers at the expense of new services. ENIOR ADULT ' * 'S ER"ICES,INC. Helping Srnior.; >ta? Independent 7 2860 North Park Way San Diego, CA 92104 (619) 297-3260 - Board of Trustees President Mr. John Musial Vice Presidents Mr. Warren Johnson Miss Priscilla Simms Mr. Albert Gabbs Mr. Alan Bonine Treasurer Ms. Daralyne M. Baddour Secretary Mrs. Robert Kronemyer Mrs. Clayton Brace Mr. Larry Cox Mr. Fred Crawford Mr. Robert Crooks Mr. Larry Cushman ' Mr. E. Douglas Dawson Mrs. Michael Ibs Gonzalez Mr. James Goodwin Mr. Gary A. Grading Mr. M'illiarn Kolender Mr. Richard Ledford Mrs. Evangeline Losoya Mrs. Shirley Meier Mr. Joel Meriwether Mr. Korman Merrick Ms. Karen Nydam ' his. Rachel Reed Mrs. John O'Donnell Ms. Margaret Peschel Mrs. Sue Reid Mr. George A. Scott Mrs. Quentin Stokes Mrs. Dorothy Sumner Mrs. Ross Tharp Staff: Executive Director Mrs. Barbara P. Bright Director of Development Mr. M'illiam Wiener - m RED TO cln MA FOR RESPONSE \ _I February 7, 1.3'31 I:: I TY OF CARLSEAD ATTN Mayor lI:1 dude Lew i 5 1200 El m Street Car 1 sbad, 137 '32<:)(lE( Dear Maylsr Lewi E. : Mea 1 s-@n-Wheel s of Nclr t h !I:~:mst k,as .just pleted almcst 5 years of serving needy c citizens residing in Carlsbad. These ser\ whctse clb.jel:tives are ttzl help siEniws retnai their clwn homes and out of expensive F instituticlns, werE ,successfully funded cisrnbined ef fcfrt including minimum fees, 1: cm rn c!n i t y -w i d E f CI n d r a i c, i n 3 . For 1'3'31, Ssnior Adult Services - the F aqenlry of Meals-On-Wheel s - has tlctdqei expenditure uf $33,561 t111 cclnt inue Mea: f ic it amcwr will cclme from fees. 9E,,4,504 will be . supplied .ti3 Carlsbad frc venue a count-wide fundraising paign. Meal s-On-Wheel s wctu1 d 1 i ke to request t h; .City of Carlsbad he ake ,I .up this deficit the .Meals-On-Wheel i y3 ;3- i for ' pr QV i d i nc program. in Than I:: you ! Glheelf in Car lsbad. ?.!!!?-!g~.~:.. i $2 .~ ~ .. ......._..._.. ..- -. . r a i se.~. , ..Lj . -. . .. . . . . . , . .. - . ., a grant . . c1f ... *3,0C!C), uld-_!?e ..-..- .. E1Y. _i Si nc er el y ysttr c, , h& 4iie William Wiener Di r el: t mr 1-1 f Devel Iclpment e m 1546 Avenida La Posta Encinitas, CA 92024 April 7J 1991 Debbie Neville Senior Manager Analyst 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Ms. Neville: I am producing a thirty minute television show featuring outstanding San Diego teenagers who have made noteworthy achievements. I am requesting funding of $3500 and would appreciate being notified of the June date of the next public meeting so I may attend and present additional information about my plans, needs and resulting benefits to Carlsbad citizens. Sincerely, &?&&&-& 0 OC- ARLSBAD CALIFORSIA May 16, 1991 Mr. Ray Patchett City Manager City Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA. 92015 Dear Ray, The Convention d( Visitors Bureau is requesting $267,000 from the City Carlsbad to help fund our programs and operate the Visitors Informatlon Cen from October I, 1991 to September 30, 1992. The fncrease over requests of previous years reflects the higl administrative costs of operating the depot and the increased staff t necessary to fulfill our ever expanding commitments. Two years ago the ConVis was only superficially involved in local events. i we are on the planning committee of most major events that occur. The ConVis is involved in two additional major events this year, the Ma Tennis Classic and the San Diego Marathon. This year we have doubled the number of travel trade shows we attend promotz Carlsbad. We have greatly increased our advertising program and hi made it a top priority to communicate with travel writers and encourage ti to write about Carlsbad. While the economy and Gulf War took its toll on the hospitality industry, I confident the marketing programs we have in place prevented the decline fr being severe. We are positioned to recover rapidly as the economy improves A perusal of our quarterly reports to the City is an indicator of positi trends. For example from January 1 - March 31, 1990, we responded to 587 phc requests for information and 1803 written inquiries. From January 1 - Mar 31, 1991, we responded to 1025 phone requests for information and 3201 writ1 inquiries. I am sure this increase in interest in Carlsbad will transli into a healthier hospitality industry in the future. We will be pleased to provide you with any additional information you need develop our budget request. &dJ Ma TEVE na g e LINK r Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau P.O. Box 1246 * Carlsbad, CA 92008 * (619) 434-6093 Dit 15 0:: nt .he Carlshad Chamber 4 Conrrercr e e 7 FY 91-92 BUDGE INCOME : $267,000 City of Carlsbad 35,000 Other sources $302,000 Total ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES: $ 84,700 Salaries 8,800 Benefits 16,500 Payroll Taxes 12,000 Accounting/Legal 2,400 Insurance 1,800 Utilities 1,200 Equipment Rental l? 000 Maintenance 2,200 Janitorial 6,000 Telephone 6,000 Post age 1,800 Office Supplies dr Copies 1,800 Auto Expenses 2,400 Dues/Conferences/Education 1,800 Publication purchases 2,000 City Audit 1,000 Depot Property Taxes 6 00 Misc. $154,000 PROGRAMS : $ 85,000 Multi-media advertising 5,000 Video 12,000 Trade Shows 5,000 Fam Trips 14,000 Print Brochures 2,000 Advert ising Specialty Items 15,000 Special Events 2,000 Special ProJects 8,000 County Pr oJ ect $148,000 $302,000 Total