HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-06-25; City Council; 11216; Community Facilities District No. 1am 00 &!z u 3 : -4 Flu -A =r 04 GO 3m oa, uc4 m vl N d \ \ W 2 0 5 a $ z 3 0 0 Adopt Resolution No. 9 j * Iq ? providing a credit against Traffic Impact Fe (Interim). ITEM EXPLANATION: On May 7, 1991, the City held an election of the formation of the propos Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 1 which was to provide the financing f a variety of required public facilities. The results of this election were certifi by the Council on May 14, 1991, with over 94% of the property owners, 1 acreage, voting in favor of formation of the district. Following the election w a 30-day period during which interested parties could file challenges to tl formation of the district. This period ended on June 13,1991 with no challeng being filed. The Council will now be asked to take a series of actions adopting ordinanc and resolutions establishing the maximum tax rates and formula, and establishi the fee credits to CFD property owners for a share of the Traffic Impact FI (TIF), Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District Fees (BTD), and Public Faciliti Fees (PFF). c It ,e 3i ,‘(fCJ L , .e 1.. 0 --e 19 a Page TWO of Agenda Bill No. il; 2 / b < h< The actions before the Council at this time are: 1) the adoption of an ordinal ordinances and resolutions amending the TIF, BTD and PFF providing a crf against existing fees for property within the CFD boundaries. CFD Tax Rate Ordinance The City Council is being asked to take one of a series of actions establishing ability of the district to set tax rates and collect tax revenue to fund construction program anticipated by the CFD proposal. The attached ordina will set the tax formula for the CFD, in a manner consistent with the < documents adopted prior to the creation of the district. Next month Council 7 be asked to set the actual amount of the tax imposed per parcel based upon tax formula. Public Facilities Fee Credits The Community Facilities District Report dated January 22,1991, deals with issue of fee credits to property within the CFD boundaries in Section 111, Ri and Method of Apportionment of Special Taxes, pages 18 through 20. Under heading of Public Facilities Fees the report states: establishing the maximum tax rates for the CFD and 2) the adoption of sen “Participants in the CFD will receive a credit against the Public Facilities Fee (PFF) and/or additional License Tax on New Construction (License Tax) to the extent that projects funded from these sources are included in the CFD program.” The amount of the fee credit was based on the proportional value of proj funded through the CFD that had previously been funded by the PFF. Base( current cost estimates, the CFD will support about 48% of all PFF projf Using this as a credit or reduction factor, the existing 3.5% PFF will be adju continue to pay the existing 3.5% PFF rate. Since the Business License Ta: New Construction is linked to the PFF, we must also adjust the License Ta 1.82% for property within the CFD. These adjustments are accomplished through an amendment of the PFF resolu and the License Tax ordinance providing for a credit against the fee due in amount of 48% of the full fee. Bridge and Thorounhfare Benefit District The CFD will fund three Interstate 5 interchanges which were previously fina through the Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District Fees. These fees I developed by the City in an effort to finance the Palomar Airport Road, Poins Lane and La Costa Avenue Interchanges on Interstate 5. The District is gove by the rules established in Section 20.08.140 of the Carlsbad Municipal Cod to 1,82% for property within the CFD boundaries, Property outside the CFD 1 *e 0 1 Page Three of Agenda Bill No: I/! A lb ,- 'it' rtx , 1) * '* -* # \ L, implemented by Resolution No. 8744 (August 12, 1986). The propo ordinance will amend the Municipal Code to allow property owners within CFD boundary to receive a credit against the BTD Fees as described in Community Facilities District Report. The report states: This credit will fully offset any obligation to the Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District No. 1 to the extent that construction costs for these projects do not exceed costs funded through the CFD." At this time, the CFD will fund 100% of the projected construction cost of three bridges. Therefore, property owners within the CFD will not be subjec a BTD fee. Should project costs increase, Council may reinstate a portion of BTD fee as necessary to provide full project funding. The ordinance presented to the Council with this agenda bill amends Seci 20.08.140 of the Municipal Code by allowing for a credit to properties within CFD. The accompanying resolution establishes the amount of the fee credi 100%. Traffic Impact Fees Section 18.42.050 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code establishes the City's Tr; Impact Fee (TIF) for the southern portion of the City. This fee progr implemented in 1986, was designed to finance a variety of traffic reL improvements that were required to meet the demands of growth in the a Later in the same year, the City adopted Resolution No, 8660 setting an intc Traffic Impact Fee for the remainder of the City thereby completing the rr; funding plan for the City. Council will eventually take action creating a sii Traffic Impact Fee area for the entire City rather than the current bifrac: system. The actions before the Council will amend Section 18.42.050 of the Carls Municipal Code and provide the necessary resolutions to establish the fee cre due to the property owners within the CFD in a manner similar to tl described above based on the current two tiered (north and south) syst When the unified Traffic Impact Fee is adopted, the Municipal Code necessary resolutions will reflect the necessary credits. The Community Facilities District Report states that property owners will rec a credit in the following manner: "Participants in the CFD will receive a credit against any future Traffic Impact Fee collected to fund the construction of La Costa Avenue Widening, Leucadia Boulevard and Olivenhein Road/ Rancho Santa Fe Road. The fee credit represents the funding for these projects to be provided by the CFD. If the cost of these , . * * l Page Four of Agenda Bill No. '/I/ d rL9 *e VIf'fti, ie ' <b \ t\ projects exceeds the funding ability of the CFD, Traffic Impact Fees n be adjusted." The recommended amount of fee credit is 36% based on the Community Facilii District Report dated January 22, 1991, The amount of credit will be revi with the new Traffic Impact Fee report as necessary to maintain equity. Summary Council is being asked to take two actions; the first dealing with establishing tax formula as defined in the previous CFD documents and the second adjusl the City's fee structures to be consistent with the CFD funding program. Th adjustments are made in an effort to maintain equity between those prop( owners who have elected to participate in the CFD program and those who whatever reason may not fall within the boundaries of the District. The Cou may, from time to time, adjust the fee credits to reflect the most recent ( estimates for the projects financed by the District. EEKX IMPACT: The first official action of the Community Facilities District No. 1 will bf establish the tax formula to be used in fixing the tax rates to be levied in future. This formula was defined in the Cornunity Facilities District Re] dated January 22, 1991 and is not modified by this action. The taxes le7 under this formula will raise the necessary revenue to provide financing for South Carlsbad Library this year, the Palomar Airport Road and La Cc Interchanges next year and the Poinsettia Lane Interchange the following y as well as other significant projects. The action setting the tax formula is administrative in nature since there is change in the formula from that included in the CFD Report. The other action (or actions) the Council will take will be to amend a serie City fee programs that were developed over the years to provide a pay-as-yo1 funding source for a variety of projects, Several of these projects are now fun through the CFD, therefore the fee programs must be revised to allow for a cr for those projects now financed as part of the CFD tax rate. The Commu Facilities District No. 1 will eventually provide funding for about $109 millio capital projects needed to maintain Growth Management defined service le1 The Council's actions amending the Additional License Tax on New Construct Public Facilities Fee, Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District and Traffic Im] Fee programs will ensure that the City does not double charge property ow for improvements now funded through the CFD program. 8 e t [$/b *e **€,‘Lyl* !, *e ‘ ‘. I Page Five of Agenda Bill No. 1, . t\ EXHIBITS: 1. Introduce Ordinance No..dS F 15 5 Community Facilities District No. 1. Introduce Ordinance No.&’ 5 - / 5 6 amending Section 5.09.040 of . Municipal Code, additional License Tax on New Construction. Introduce Ordinance No. #S - (5 ? amending Section 20.08.140 of i Municipal Code, Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District. Introduce Ordinance No. A’S0 i f, E: amending Section 18.42.050 of i Municipal Code, Traffic Impact Fees. Adopt Resolution No. Ci 1 - Iq 3 providing a credit against the additioi License Tax on new construction. Adopt Resolution No. 7 I - I? Y Facilities Fees. Adopt Resolution No. 4 1-1 7 s Thoroughfare Benefit District Fees. Adopt Resolution No. 9 I - 1 4 b providing a credit against Traffic Imp: Fees (La Costa). Adopt Resolution No. 9 I - 1 9 ? providing a credit against Traffic Impi Fees (Interim). establishing the tax formula 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. amending Council Policy 17, Pub 7. providing a credit against Bridge a 8. 9. 10. Four Public Facilities Fee Agreement forms. I +I '\ 1 i ' (\ I .L *. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 r, ',I* L .. 0 I RESOLUTION NO 91-193 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING A CREDIT AGAINST THE ADDITIONAL LICENSE WITHIN THE BOUNDAFUES OF AND SUBJECT TO A TAX WITHIN COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1. TAX ON NEW CONSTRUCTION FOR PROPERTIES WHEREAS, Section 5.09.040 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code requires t City Council to establish a credit against the Additional License Tax on Nt Construction for properties within the boundaries and subject to a tax unc Community Facilities District No.1, and WHEREAS, this credit may be established by resolution from time to til as the Council finds it necessary to adjust any credit to be consistent with coun policies, the cost of projects, the Municipal Code or other statutes, and WHEREAS, properties subject to the Additional License Tax on Ne Construction shall receive a credit to the extent that projects funded by the Pub 18 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I Facilities Fee program, and alternately the Additional License Tax on Nf Construction, are funded by Community Facilities District No.1, and 1 I WHEREAS, the Community Facilities District Report dated January S 1991 has established this initial credit to be 1.68% of building permit valu reducing the obligation due under the Additional License Tax on Ne Construction to 1.82% of building permit value, I i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City council of the City Carlsbad, California as follows: 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. t <t, *I It ‘-I %\ * k. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 * 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 0 0 I** 2. That properties included within the boundaries of Communi Facilities District No. 1 that are subject to taxation by the District shall recei a credit against the Additional License Tax on New Construction of 1.68% building permit value, thereby reducing the obligation due from the present 3.5 to 1.82% of building peht value. 3. That this credit is based on the proportional share of projects to funded by the Additional License Tax on New Construction, funded Community Facilities District No. 1. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Cj Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 25th day of June , 1991, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, and Stanton NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Nygaard l8 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I ~ I ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAJJ 1) <I ,I ,x '\ 1 '* t. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 *e 0 1 b,? . RESOLUTION NO 91 - 1 94 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING A CREDIT AGAINST THE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE FOR PROPERTIES WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF AND SUBJECT TO A TAX WITHIN COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1. WHEREAS, Council Policy No. 17 establishes the Public Facilities E program for the City of Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, Council Policy No. 17 requires new development within 1 City of Carlsbad to pay a Public Facilities of 3.5% of the building pen valuation to the City to satisfy the need for certain infrastructure facilities to constructed to meet the needs of the expanded population or business b; created by said new development; and WHEREAS, the City has created Cornunity Facilities District No. 1 provide a guaranteed funding source capable of issuing bonds or other forms debt for the purpose of constructing a variety of public improvements includi i l8 19 1 a portion of the improvements which were to be funded from the Public Facilit ~ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, the City intends to adjust the Public Facilities Fee program : Council Policy No. 17 to allow for a credit against the amount of the Pul Facilities Fee due for properties within the boundaries of Community Facilii District No. 1, and subject to taxation by the district to the extent that Pul Facilities Fee projects will be financed by taxes collected within Commur Facilities District No. 1. /// I 11, ., ,' . " *. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8 12 13 14 15 l6 17 18 i -m 0 '11 1 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Citj Carlsbad California as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitals are all true and correct. That Council 'policy No. 17 shall be amended in consideratior the creation of Community Facilities District No. 1, and that Council Poky 1 17, shown in Exhibit A Attached hereto, is adopted. PASSED APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the ( Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 25th day of June , 1991, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, and Stanton NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Nyga ATTEST: /- - " p<~A~-- AI!%~$%AU<NKEUWZ, City Ca 19 (SEAL) I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I i 1 ’ ’\ h ’.. <, CALI IO J 1, ‘1, I ., - , 1 CITY OF CAIILSUAD I’olicy Nu. 17 Effective Dare 7/; 1 71 SATISFY THE PUBLIC FACILITIES Supersedes Nu. ,I: ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN COUNCIL YOLKY STKIEMENT Date Issued 7/2/91 Cleiieral Subject: REQUIREMENTS NECESSARY TO Caricellatio~i Date Sjxciilic Subject: Copies to: City Couricil, City Manager, City Attorney, Departliieiit aiid Di Eitiployee Bitlletiti Boards, Press, File BACKGROUND In order to protect the public health, safety and general welfare of all the citizens Carlsbad and to ensure a continued high quality of life within the City, the PUL Facilities Element of the Carlsbad General Plan requires than an applicant proponent of a development project present evidence satisfactory to the City Count that all necessary public services and facilities will be available concurrent wi community needs before. any zoning, subdivision, development, or redevelopme approval or permit may be given or issued. it is the policy of the City to mitigate the public service and facilities impacts creatl by new development and ensure that all public services and facilities will be providl in the manner which will ensure the continued high quality of life in Carlsbad. Pri to July 3, 1979, the City Council relied on a report of availability of public faciliti and services received from City staff. On July 3, 1979, the City Manager report( that in the future, those services and facilities cannot be made available to ne development from the City‘s resources. As a result of that report, the City Coun, adopted City Council Policy No. 17 on August 29, 1979. Policy No. 17 hl subsequently been amended at various times by the City Council. The most rece amendment to City Council Policy No. 17 was effective on April 10, 1984. The Ci Council has been provided with various reports and information by the City stz since the adoption of City Council Policy No. 17 and the City Council finds that tl facts and circumstances which required the adoption of Policy No. 17 continue exist. On January 21, 1986, the City Council adopted Urgency Ordinance No. 975 after a finding on January 14, 1986 that establishment of the developme management system and public facilities and improvement phasing plan for the Ci was required to eliminate public facility shortages and to protect the communi character and quality of life in Carlsbad. This system and plan is required in additic to the requirements established by City Council Policy No. 17. On March 25, 1981 the City Manager reported to Council on the status of public facilities in Carlsbad ar recommend an increase in the public facility fee. This report identified a list t facilities and services which would be funded by the public facilities fee. The list w; approved by the City Council. In addition to the fee established pursuant to Ci Council Policy No. 17, the City requires developers to provide public improvemen by a variety of different means. By utilization of all available methods, the Cii Council will be able to find that public facilities will be proirided concurrent wil need as required by the Public Facilities Element of the Carlsbad General Plan. 2 -' %\ . *\ C' 'VbL L .I *I, I 51 I I CITY OF CARLSI3AD Policy No. 17 COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued 7/2/91 Effective Date 7/2, General Subject: REQUIREMENTS NECESSARY TO Cancellation Date SATISFY THE PUBLIC FACILITIES Supersedes No. I-lr 17-c ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN Specilic Subject: Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Departirieiit aid Di1 Employee Bulletill Boards, Press, File On July 28, 1987, the City Council accepted a revised report on the availability ( public facilities and adopted a revised public facilities fee of 3.5% which allows fc interest costs associated with debt financing library and civic buildings. On June 25, 1991, the City Council introduced and on July 2, 1991, adopted tk necessary ordinances and resolutions to place into operation Community Facilitit District No. 1, a Community Facilities District (CFD) established by the voters withi its boundaries in order to provide a guaranteed source of funds for several critic public projects. This list of projects included the main Library facility and futui Library expansions, a City administrative office, and a portion of Macario Canyc Park, all projects previously financed through the Public Facilities Fee program. Wit the implementation of the CFD, the City now had the ability to levy taxes on propefl within the boundaries of the CFD to finance these three projects. This ability to le\ a tax in advance of development takes the place of the need to collect a public facilil fee, or at least that portion of the fee applicable to these three projects. On June 25, 1991, the City Council adopted this revised Council Policy allowing credit against the 3.5% public facility fee for properties within the boundaries of an subject to taxation by the CFD. The amount of this credit is based on the proportio of PFF projects now funded through the CFD. The credit amount is 1.68%, thereE reducing the PFF for qualified properties to 1.82%. Any property not within the CFD boundaries and subject to taxation by the CFD sha continue to be subject to the additional License Tax on New Construction i established by Chapter 5.09 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. PURPOSE: 1. To establish a policy regarding the requirements which must be met before tf City Council will find that the Public Facilities Element has been satisfied. To establish a policy that will allow development to proceed in an order manner while insuring that the requirements of the Public Facilities Elemei will be satisfied by establishing a fee to fund the cost of City-provide facilities, including but not limited to: parks, major streets, traffic signals, storm drains, bridges and public buildings such as fire stations, police facilitie 2. 2 ,$ 1, ' 18) Page ,. CITY OF CARLSUAD %\ Policy Nu. 17 COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued 7/2/91 Effective Date 7/2 Caricel la t io 11 Date -17.7 -7% Supersedes No. t' G e lie r ii I S 11 bj ect : REQUIREMENTS NECESSARY TO ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN SATISFY THE PUBLIC FACILITIES Specilfic Subject: Cu 17 i e s to : City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Departinent arid Di Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File maintenance yards, libraries and general offices, which will insure they will t available concurrent with need. POLICY: 1. In determining whether or not service provided by another entity will t available concurrent with needs in connection with a project, the Council, the absence of evidence to the contrary, shall be guided by a letter t availability from that entity, provided, however, developments which a required to dedicate land or pay fees for school facilities pursuant to Chapti 21.55 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, shall be deemed to have satisfied tE Public Facilities Element in regard to schools for that development without tE necessity for an availability letter. The City Council finds that the report entitled, "A Public Facilities Fee for tl City of Carlsbad", dated July 3, 1979, accurately reflected the City's need fc and lack of ability to provide public facilities, and services to new developme and was therefore approved by the original Policy No. 17 adopted on Augu 29, 1979. The City Council also finds, based on the reports submitted support of Ordinance No. 9791, and in support of an increase to the pub1 facilities fee as presented to the City Council on July 28, 1987, that in additic to a public facilities fee, other means of providing needed facilities and servic must be established. These other means include the adoption of development management system and various impact fees. The Council also finds that the continued development of the City, with tl consequent increase in population and in the use of public facilities, w impose increased requirements for such facilities, including, but not limited t parks, major streets, traffic signals, storm drains, bridges and public buildini such as fire stations, police facilities, maintenance facilities, libraries ai general offices. The necessity for such facilities results directly from nc construction and the need cannot be met from ordinary City revenues. T most practical and equitable method of paying for such facilities is to impo a fee upon a new development in the City. Payment of such a fee will enab the City to fund a construction program to provide public facilities. If project developer agrees to pay the public facilities fee established by this 2. 3 rdge q w \I ',r I 't 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD * '. Policy No. 17 COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued 7/2/91 Etfective Date 7/2 Caiicella tioil Date Supersedes NU. I= Ijr G e I le r ii I S 11 bj ec t : REQUIREMENTS NECESSARY TO ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN SATISFY THE PUBLIC FACILITIES Specific Subject: Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department aiid L)i Eiiiployee Bulletin Boards, Press, File policy and other impact fees as may be adopted by City Council ordinance resolution, and complies with any applicable facilities plan, the City Coun will be able to find that public facilities and services will be availaI concurrent with need and that the requirements of the public facilities ha been met. In addition, the Council finds that the creation of Cornurn Facilities District No. 1 has provided an alternative source of funding for thr projects previously funded entirely from the public facilities fee. The projects are the construction of the new main Library and remodel of t existing Library facility, construction of new City administration facilities, a the construction of a portion of the park improvements within the Macai Canyon area. Those properties within the boundaries of and subject taxation by CFD No. 1 have therefore met a portion of their public faciliti obligation and should receive a credit against the public facilities fees due the time of development. Before any zoning, subdivision, development or redevelopment approval permit may be given, the applicant shall pay or agree to pay (on the fon attached hereto) a public facilities fee in the amount of 3.5% of the buildi permit valuation of the buildings or structures, or a fee of $1,150 for ea mobilehome space to be constructed pursuant to such approval. If t property applying for the above actions is within the boundaries of t Community Facilities District No. 1 and is subject to taxation by the Distri the amount of the public facilities fee due shall be 1.82% of building perr valuation as defined above or a fee of $598 for each mobile home space to constructed pursuant to such approval shall be required. The fee shall be p: prior to issuance of building or other permits, and shall be based on t valuation at that time. All proceeds from the fee collected pursuant to this policy shall be paid ir a special capital outlay fund of the City entitled, "Public Facilities Fund." T fund shall be used only for the purpose of acquiring, building, improvi1 expanding and equipping public property, and public improvements a facilities including, but not limited to, the following types of capital project Public buildings (such as fire stations, police facilities, maintenance and yai facilities, libraries and general city offices) parks, major streets, traffic signal stom drains, bridges and other similar projects as the Council may deem 3. 4. 4 rdge -1 I .w " ,' . 3' a 1. 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD Policy No. 17 Effective Date 7/2/ *, COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued 7/2/91 General Subject: REQUIREMENTS NECESSARY TO Caricellat io ti Date 17-73 llLB SATISFY THE PUBLIC FACILITIES Supersedes No. ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN Specific Subject: Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department arid Divi Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File necessary and appropriate. Designation of expenditures of funds availat: from the fund shall be made by the City Council in the context of approval the City's annual operating and capital improvements budget or at such 0th time as the Council may direct. The following exceptions from payment of the fee shall apply: (a) 5. The construction of a building or structure or mobilehome space whi is a replacement for a building or space being removed from the sar; lot or parcel of land. The exception shall equal but not exceed the f which would be payable hereunder if the building being replaced we being newly constructed. If the fee imposed on the new buildir exceeds the amount of this exception, such excess shall be paid. Accessory building or structures in mobilehome parks, such as a ch house, swimming pool, or laundry facilities. Buildings or structures which are clearly accessory to an existing UI such as fences, pools, patios and automobile garages. Additions to existing single-family or two-family residential structure dwelling unit as defined by the Uniform Building Code. The City Council may grant an exception for a low cost housing proje. where the City Council finds such project consistent with the Housin Element of the General Plan and that such exception is necessary. I approving an exception for low cost housing, the City Council ma attach conditions, including limitations on rent or income levels ( tenants. If the City Council finds a project is not being operated as low cost housing project in accordance with all applicable condition the fee, which would otherwise be imposed by this chapter, shall immediately become due and payable. The City may not waive or otherwise adjust the amount of the tax du or imposed by Community Facilities District No. 1 under this policy. (b) (c) (d) provided the addition does not create a new dwelling unit or econorr (e) (f) r 3 j, .\ -I Page t v .I 'r I,* t #I - CII'Y OF CARLSI3AD Pwlicy No. 17 Effective Date 7/2/ 17-33 Supersedes No. COUNCIL 1)OLICY S'I'AI'EMEN'I' Date Issued 7/2/91 General Subject: REQUIREMENTS NECESSARY TO Cancellation Date -7m SATISFY THE PUBLIC FACILITIES ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN Specitic Subject: Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Depnrtnie1it aid Div Eniployee Bulletiii Boards, Press, File 6. There is excluded from the fee imposed by this policy: (a) Any person when imposition of such fee upon that person would be i dolation of the Constitution and laws of the United Stares or the Stat of California. The construction of any building by a nonprofit corporation exclusive1 for religious, educational, hospital or charitable purposes. The construction of any building by the City of Carlsbad, the Unite States or any department or agency thereof or by the State ( California or any department, agency or political subdivision thereof The City Manager shall be responsible for the administration and enforcemer of this policy. His decisions may be appealed to the City Council whos decision shall be final. On August 29, 1979, the City Council adopted Policy No. 17. In so doing, th not for any new development. Policy No. 17 shall apply to projects involvin the conversion of an existing building or mobilehome park to a condominium planned unit development, stock cooperative or * other similar form o ownership as follows: If the building or park being converted was constructed before August 29 1979, the fee to be paid shall be limited to 3.5% of the building permi valuation of any new construction done as a part of the conversion. If thi building or park being converted was constructed after August 29, 1979, a fel of 3.5% of building permit valuation at the time of construction shall be pail plus a fee of 3.5% of the building permit valuation of any new constructioi done as a part of the conversion. These fees are subject to adjustment a: described in Section 3 above for property within the boundaries and subjec to taxation by CFD No. 1. (b) (c) 7. 8. Council found that public facilities were adequate for existing structures br 6 ,\ 1 " .\ Page e e rt 'I I ) t '1 CI-L'Y OF CARLSBAD Policy No. 17 Effective Date 7/21' Caiicellation Date - 17 is Supersedes Nu. COUNCIL YOLlCY S'i'AI'EMENT Date Issued 7/2/91 C; en era I S 11 bj ect : REQUIREMENTS NECESSARY TO SATISFY THE PUBLIC FACILITIES ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN IILB Spcciiic Subject: Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Departmerit a~id Divi Employee Bulletin Buards, Press, File 9. Pursuant to City of Carlsbad Ordinance No. 6082, the public facility fee sh; apply to all project for which building permits were or will be issued after Ju 28, 1987. 7 4 ’,’ VI 1. *< -< -\ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 0 J ., * RESOLUTION NO. 9 1 - 19 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A CREDIT AGAINST THE FEES IMPOSED BY THE BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE BENEFIT DISTRICT NO. 1 FOR PROPERTIES WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF AND SUBJECT TO TAXATION BY COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 WHEREAS, Section 20.08.140 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code allow: the City Council to establish a Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District; anc WHEREAS, the City Council has established Bridge and Thoroughfan Benefit District No. 1, through the adoption of Resolution No. 8744; and WHEREAS, Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District No. 1 impose! a fee for the construction of the Palomar Airport Road, Poinsettia Lane anc La Costa Avenue Interchanges with Interstate 5; and WHEREAS, the City Council has also formed Community Facilitie! District No. 1 in an effort to create a guaranteed financing source for i variety of projects including the Interchanges listed above; and 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 i WHEREAS, to the extent that funds may be raised by Communit] Facilities District No. 1 to support the construction of these Interchanges, i is appropriate to provide a credit against fees imposed by Bridge an( Thoroughfare Benefit District No. 1. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Cit! of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. I That the above recitals are all true and correct. /// /// I, ' '._ I, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l8 i v 0 I b, * 2. That properties included within the boundaries of Communig Facilities District No. 1 that are subject to taxation by the District shall receive a credit against any fees imposed by the Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District No. 1. 3. That the amount of this credit will fully offset any obligatior to the Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District No. 1 to the extent thal construction costs for the above projects do not exceed costs funded througl the tax revenue received by Community Facilities District No. 1. 4. That, in the event that the costs of construction for the projects listed above exceeds the funding ability of Community Facilities District No, 1, the Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District No. 1 fees may be assessed in an amount necessary to fund the additional costs. /// /// /// /// 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 i /// I 1 /// /// /// /// /// /// /// ' ’ \’ ’ .q +. .\ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ZL 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I, e ’3, 1 5. That the amount of the credit against the Bridge anc Thoroughfare Benefit District fee shall be 100% of the fee obligation basec on current cost estimates. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting oi the City Council on the 25th day of June , 1991, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, and NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Nyga ATTEST: / qL& yi iir .&/ r/ cfi 2L-J ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, city C1erZ-l v (SEAL) i I 1 1, ,’ L * t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 a 1 1, t I RESOLUTION NO. 91-196 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF THE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE IMPOSED BY CHAPTER 18.42 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE FOR PROPERTIES WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF AND SUBJECT TO TAXATION BY COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 WHEREAS, Chapter 18.42 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code establish€ the Traffic Impact Fee for the southeastern area (La Costa area) of the Cit of Carlsbad; and CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A CREDIT AGAINST WHEREAS, this Traffic Impact Fee was established to fund certaii public improvements required to serve additional development within th City of Carlsbad; and WHEW the City has created Community Facilities District No. 1 tl provide a guaranteed funding source capable of issuing bonds or other form. of debt for the purposes of financing public facilities previously funded fron the Traffic Impact Fee established under Chapter 18.42 of the Carlsbac I Municipal Code; and 1 WHEREAS, it is appropriate for properties within the boundaries o and subject to taxation by Community Facilities District No. 1 to receive t I1 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 credit against any Traffic Impact Fees to the extent that projects previouslj funded through the Traffic Impact Fee will be funded through Comuni~ Facilities District No. 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Ciq I of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. /// I I I 8> v rn I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 * e tb > 2. That properties included within the boundaries of Communi Facilities District No. 1 that are subject to taxation by the District shz receive a credit against the Traffic Impact Fee established under Chaptl 18.42 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to the extent that projects previous1 funded through the Traffic Impact Fee will be funded through Communi1 Facilities District No. 1. 3. That the amount of the credit against the existing Traffi Impact Fee shall be 36% of the existing fee as described in the Communit Facilities District report dated January 22, 1991. The amount of the Traffi Impact Fee due and payable for properties within the boundaries of an( subject to taxation by the Community Facilities District shall be 64% of thc fee as computed under Chapter 18.42 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting 01 the City Council on the 25th day of June , 1991, by thc following vote, to wit: l8 19 I AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson and Stan NOES: None ,i 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ABSENT: Council Member Nyga i ATTEST: ALETHA L. RWTENKFUWZ, city clerl4 (_SEAL) I I/ 7 1 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 e a VR , RESOLUTION NO. 91-197 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A CREDIT AGAINST THE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE IMPOSED BY RESOLUTION NO. 8660 FOR PROPERTIES WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF AND SUBJECT TO TAXATION BY COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 WHEREAS, Resolution No. 8660 establishes the Traffic Impact Fee fi all areas of Carlsbad outside the southeastern area (La Costa area) of tl- City of Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, this Traffic Impact Fee was established to fun transportation improvements required to serve additional development withir the City of Carlsbad; and WHEW the City has created Community Facilities District No. 1 tc provide a guaranteed funding source capable of issuing bonds or other form of debt for the purposes of financing public facilities previously funded from the Traffic Impact Fee established by Resolution No. 8660; and WHEREAS, it is appropriate for properties within the boundaries of 21 22 23 24 funded through the Traffic Impact Fee will be funded through Community Facilities District NO. 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1 ., I *\- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 f a a , )I , 2. That properties included within the boundaries of Cornmunit Facilities District No. 1 that are subject to taxation by the District sha receive a credit against the Traffic Impact Fee established by Resolution Nc 8660 to the extent that projects previously funded through the Traffic Impac Fee will be funded through Community Facilities District No. 1. 3. That the amount of the credit against the existing Traffi Impact Fee shall be 36% of the existing fee as described in the Communit Facilities District report dated January 22, 1991. The amount of the Traffi Impact Fee due and payable for properties within the boundaries of an subject to taxation by the Community Facilities District shall be 64% of th fee as computed by Resolution No. 8660. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting c the City Council on the 25th day of June , 1991, by th following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson and S NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Ny 1 I ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, city clerh (SEAL) I 1 * i e e 8% ,I RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND 1 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: 1 ) City Clerk 1 CllY OF CARLSBAD ) 1200 Carlsbad Wage Drive ) Carlsbad, Califomla 92008-1 989 ) i Space above this line for Recorder's use Parcel No. AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER, DEVELOPER AND THE CrrY OF CARLSBAD FOR THE PAYMENT OF A PUBUC FAClUTlES FEE FOR INSIDE THE BOUNDARIES OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this day of 9 19. by and between (name of developer) a , hereinafter referred to as 'Developer" whose address (corporation, partnership, etc.) is (street) (city, state, zip code) and (name of legal owner) a , hereinafter referred to as "OwneF, whose addre (individual, corporation, etc.) is (street) (city, state, zip code) AND the CllY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter re to as "Ci, whose address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, 920081 ! %I+ 1 hl-In rrpprovat ByCitycoundlJuty21991 Reso X 91-194/KM 3 0 e P' .I 8 RECITALS WHEREAS, Owner is the owner of the real property described on Exhibit "A", attac hereto and made a part of this agreement, hereinafter referred to as "Property"; and WHEREAS, the Property lies within the boundaries of City; and WHEREAS, Developer has contracted with Owner to purchase the property and prop a development project as follows: on said Property, w development carries the proposed name of and is here referred to as "Development"; and WHEREAS, Developer filed on the day of ,1E with the City a request for hereinafter referrc as "Request"; and WHEREAS, the Public Facilities Element of the City General Plan requires that thc Council find that all public facilities necessary to serve a development will be available cona with need or such development shall not be approved (said element is on file with the City and is incorporated by this reference); and WHEREAS, Developer and City recognize the correctness of Council Policy No. 17, July 2, 1991, on file with the City Clerk and incorporated by this reference, and that the public facilitiea and services are at capacity and will not be available to accommoda additional need for public facilities and services resulting from the proposed Developmer WHEREAS, Developer and Owner have asked the City to find that public faciliir services will be available to meet the future needs of the Development as it is prr proposed; but the Developer is aware that the City cannot and will not be able to make an finding without financial assistance to pay for such services and facilities; and the Form Approved By City Council July 2,1991 2 Rgg # 91-194KJH , , 0 0 .I ,I Developer and Owner propose to help satisfy the General Plan as implemented by Council PC No. 17 by payment of a public facilities fee. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals and the covenants contained her the parties agree as follows: 1. The Developer and Owner shall pay to the Ci a public facilities fee in an am1 not to exceed 1.82% of the building permit valuation of the building or structures tc constructed in the Development pursuant to the Request. The fee shall be paid prior tc issuance of building or other construction permits for the development and shall be basec the valuation at that time. This fee shall be in addition to any fees, dedications or improvem required pursuant to Tiles 18,20 or 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Developer and 0 shall pay a fee for conversion of existing building or structures into condominiums in an an not to exceed 1.8296 of the building permit valuation at the time Of canversion. n\6 fee condominium conversion shall be paid prior to the issuance of a condominium conversion p as provided in Chapter 21.47 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Condominium shall in1 community apartment or stock cooperative. The terms "other construction permits', construction permit" and "entitlement for use" as used in this agreement, except in referei mobilehome sites or projects, shall not refer to grading permits or other permits fc construction of underground or street improvements unless no other permit is necessaq to the use or occupancy for which the development is intended. Developer and Owner shi the Ciiy a public fadlities fee in the sum of $598 for each mQbilehOme space to be cons1 pursuant to th+ Request. The fee shall be paid prior to the issuance of building a construction permits for the development. This fee shall be in 'addition to any fees, dedit or improvements required according to Ties 18,20 or 21 of the Carfsbad Municipal Co The Developer and Owner may offer to donate a site or sites for public fi in lieu of all or part of the financial obligation agreed upon in Paragraph 1 above. tf De and Owner offer to donate a site or sites for public facilities, the City shall consider, bl 2. Fom Approved ByCitycoundlJuly2,1991 Rcso # 91-1!WUH 3 , e 0 >I *I I obligated to accept the offer. The time for donation and amount of credit against the fee s be determined by City prior to the issuance of any building or other permits. Such determinati when made, shall become a part of this agreement. Sites donated under this paragraph 3 not include improvements required pursuant to Tiles 18 or 20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Cc This agreement and the fee paid pursuant hereto are required to ensure consistency of the Development with the City’s General Plan. if the fee is not paid as provi herein, the city will not have the funds to provide public facilities and services, and development will not be consistent with the General Plan and any approval or permit for Development shall be void. No building or other construction permit or entitlement for use ! be issued until the public facilities fee required by this agreement is paid. 3. 4. City agrees to deposit the fees paid pursuant to this agreement in a public fad fund for the financing of public facilities when the Ci Council determines the need exis provide the facilities and sufficient funds from the payment of this and similar public facilities are available. 5. City agrees to provide upon request reasonable assurances to enable Devel to comply with any requirements of other public agencies as evidence of adequate F facilities and services sufficient to accommodate the needs of the Development herein desa 6. All obligations hereunder shall terminate in the event the Request mac Developer is not approved. 7. Any notice from one party to the other shall be In writing, and shall be date signed by the plrty gMng such notice or by a duly authorized representative of such pa$ such notice shall trot be effective for my purpose whatsoever unless served in one following manners: 7.1 If notice is given to the City of personal delivery thereof to the City depositing same in the United States Mail, addressed to the City at the address set forth I enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed to the City for attention of the City Manager, pc mlm rrppmvrd ByCitycouncilJuly2,1991 Reso # 91-1wwH 4 4 e 0 1, ,& prepaid and certified. 7.2 If notice is given to Developer by personal delivery thereof to Develop by depositing the same in the United States Mail, enclosed in a sealed envelope, addresse Developer at the address as many have been designated, postage prepaid and certified. 8. This agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of, and ! apply to, the respective successors and assigns of Developer, Owner and City, and referei to Developer, Owner or City herein shall be deemed to be a reference to and include respective successors and assigns without specific mention of such successors and ass tf Developer should cease to have any interest in the Property, all obligations of Deve hereunder shall terminate; provided, however, that any successor to Developer’s interest i property shall have first assumed in writing the Developer’s obligations hereunder. At such time as Owner ceases to have any interest in the Property, all obligatio Owner hereunder shall terminate; provided, however, that if any successor to the Owner’s ini in the Property is a stranger to this agreement, such successor has first assumed the obligc of Owner in writing in a form acceptable to City. 9. This agreement shall be recorded but shall not create a lien 01 security intei the Property. When the obligations of this agreement have been satisfled, City shall rec release. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Form 4w-d ByCitycouncilJuly2,1991 Reso # 91-1P)/KRI 5 + e * I1 ,I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this agreement is executed in San Diego County, Cdifomii as of the date first written above. OWNER: DEVELOPER: (print name) (name of developer) (signature) (print name) (signature) (print name) (print name) (signature) (signature) sy (title and organization of signatory) (signature) (print name) BY (title and organization of signatory) CKY OF CARLSBAD, a munidpc carperatien ef the State of California ATTEST: MARTIN ORENYAK for City Manager BY ALHHA L RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk APPROVED aSt0 FORM: RONALD R. Buf, City Attorney BY Deputy City Attorney (Notarial acknowledgement of execution of DEVELOPER and OWNER must be attached.) hln Approved ByCitycOundlJ~2,1991 6 Rea0 # 91-194r/KJH 0 e I< ,1 I EXHIBIT 'A' LEGAL DESCRIPTION Form Approved ByCitycouncilJuly21991 7 Rero # 91-1p)/KRI 0 *I ,I qECoRoiN6 REQUEST& AND ) WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: 1 1 1 ) 1200 Catlsbad Village Driie 1 Carlsbad, California 920081 989 ) j City Clerk CrrY OF CARLSBAD Space above this line for Recorder's use Parcel No. AGREEMENT BEWEEN DEVELOPER-OWNER AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR THE PAYMENT OF A PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE FOR OUTSIDE THE BOUNDARIES OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES DlSTRlCT NO. 1 THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this day of 119 by and between (name of developer-owner) (corporation, partnership, etc.) a , hereinafter referred to as "Developer" whose addres is (street) (city, state, zip code) and the CllY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereii referred to as "Citylll whose address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Driie, Carlsbad, California, 9 1989. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Developer is the owner of the real property described on Exhibit "A", atti hereto and made a part of this agreement, hereinafter referred to as "Property"; and WHEREAS, the Property lies within the boundaries of City; and WHEREAS, Developer proposed a development project as follows: on said Property, which development carries the proposed name of Form Approved b(2 3 BY ci Council dub 2,1991 a( pN \ 1 R~SO # 91-194/KJH a 0 .I ,I ' and is hereafter referred s "Development"; and WHEREAS, Developer filed on the day of , I! with the City a request for hereinafter referred to "Request"; and WHEREAS, the Public Facilities Element of the City General Plan requires that the Council find that all public facilities necessary to serve a development will be available concu with need or such development shall not be approved (said element is on file with the City ( and is incorporated by this reference); and WHEREAS, Developer and City recognize the correctness of Council Policy No. 17, c July 2, 1991 , on file with the City Clerk and incorporated by this reference, and that the C public facilities and services are at capacity and will not be available to accornmodatc additional need for public facilities and services resulting from the proposed Development; WHEREAS, Developer has asked the Ci to find that public facilities and services w available to meet the future needs of the Development as it is presently proposed: bu Developer is aware that the Ci cannot and will not be able to make any such finding wii financial assistance to pay for such services and facilities; and therefore, Developer propos! help satisfy the General Plan as implemented by Council Policy No. 17 by payment of a p facilities fee. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals and the covenants contained hc the parties agree as follows: 1. The Developer shall pay to the City a public facilities fee in an amount n exceed 3.596 of the building permit valuation of the building or structures to be constructr the Development pursuant to the Request. The fee shall be paid prior to the issuance of buil or other construction permits for the development and shall be based on the valuation a1 time. This fee shall be in addition to any fees, dedications or improvements required purs Form Approved By City Council July 2,1991 2 ReM, # 91-194MH e 0 .I ;r 1, to Titles 18, 20 or 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Developer shall pay a fee for mnve of existing building or structures into condominiums in an amount not to exceed 3.5% c building permit valuation at the time of conversion. The fee for a condominium conversion be paid prior to the issuance of a condominium conversion permit as provided in Chapter ; of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Condominium shall include community apartment or cooperative. The terms "other construction permits", "other construction permit" and "entitle for use" as used in this agreement, except in reference to mobilehome sites or projects, shi refer to grading permits or other permits for the construction of underground or improvements unless no other permit is necessary prior to the use or occupancy for whic development is intended. Developer shall pay the City a public facilities fee in the sum of $ for each mobilehome space to be constructed pursuant to the Request. The fee shall be prior to the issuance of building or other construction permits for the development. This fee be in addition to any fees, dedications or improvements required according to Ties 18, 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 2. The Developer may offer to donate a site or sites for public facilities in lieu or part of the financial obligation agreed upon in Paragraph 1 above. If Developer off donate a site or sites for public facilities, the City shall consider, but is not obligated to E the offer. The time for donation and amount of credit against the fee shall be determined t prior to the issuance of any building or other permits. Such determination, when made, sh come a part of this agreement. . Sites donated under this paragraph shall not ir improvements required pursuant to Tiles 18 or 20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 3. This agreement and the fee paid pursuant hereto are required to ensu consistency of the Development with the City's General Plan. If the fee is not paid as prc herein, the City will not have the funds to provide public facilities and services, ar development will not be consistent with the General Plan and any approval or permit ' Development shall be void. No building or other construction permit or entitlement for us Form Approved By Ci Council July 2,1991 3 Rem # 91-194KJH a 0 iL I* 1, 'I be issued until the public facilities fee required by this agreement is paid. 4. City agrees to deposit the fees paid pursuant to this agreement in a public faci fund for the financing of public facilities when the City Council determines the need exis provide the facilities and sufficient funds from the payment of this and similar public facilities are available. 5. City agrees to provide upon request reasonable assurances to enable Deve' to comply with any requirements of other public agencies as evidence of adequate F facilities and services sufficient to accommodate the needs of the Development herein descr All obligations hereunder shall terminate in the event the Request mac 6. Developer is not approved. 7. Any notice from one party to the other shall be in writing, and shall be datec signed by the party giving such notice or by a duly authorized representative of such party. such notice shall not be effective for any purpose whatsoever unless served in one c following manners: 7.1 If notice is given to the City of personal delivery thereof to the City depositing same in the United States Mail, addressed to the City at the address set forth h enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed to the City for attention of the City Manager, po prepaid and certified. 7.2 If notice is given to Developer by personal delivery thereof to Develoi by depositing the same in the United States Mail, enclosed in a sealed envelope, addres! Developer ab the address as many have been designated, postage prepaid and certified. This agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of, anc apply to, the respective successors and assigns of Developer and City, and referenc Developer or Ci herein shall be deemed to be a reference to and include their resp successors and assigns without specific mention of such successors and assigns. If Devi 8. should cease to have any interest in the Properly, all obligations of Developer hereunde Form Approved By Ci Council July 2,1991 4 %SO # 9l-l94/KJH e e i‘ ,I 1, terminate; provided, however, that any successor to Developer’s interest in the property have first assumed in writing the Developer’s obligations hereunder. 9. This agreement shall be recorded but shall not create a lien or security inter€ the Property. When the obligations of this agreement have been satisfied, City shall rea release. ... e.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Form Approved By City Council July 2,1991 5 Reso # 91 -1 94WH 0 e I' I It I .1 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this agreement is executed in San Diego County, Californ of the date first written above. DEVELOPER-OWNER: CrrY OF CARLSBAD, a municip corporation of the State of California (signature) BY BY (print name) MARTIN ORENYAK (title) (signature) (print name) (title) for City Manager BY ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney BY Deputy Ci Attorney (Notarial acknowledgement of execution of DEVELOPER-OWNER must be attached.) Form Approved By Ci Council July 2,1991 6 Rem # 91-1WIKJH e 0 ,,I ;I .*c I $1 6 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Form Approved By City Council July 2,1891 7 %SO # 91-194/KJH * 08 ) 0 I ,* ' I' ' RECORDING REQUESTE Y AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: L i City Clerk 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive 1 Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 ) Space above this line for Recorder's use Parcel No, AGREEMENT BETWEEN DWELOPER-OWNER AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR THE PAYMENT OF A PUBUC FACILITIES FEE FOR INSIDE THE BOUNDARIES OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this day of 11 by and between (name of developer-owner) (corporation, partnership, etc.) a , hereinafter referred to as "Developer" whose addres! is (street) (city, state, zip code) and the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereii referred to as "City", whose address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, 9 1989. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Developer is the owner of the real property described on Exhibit "A", atti hereto and made a part of this agreement, hereinafter referred to as "Property"; and WHEREAS, the Property lies within the boundaries of City; and WHEREAS, Developer proposed a development project as follows: on said Property, which development carries the proposed name of oh3 1 Form Approved id+ TIa ~y Ci Council JUM 2,1991 \ Rem X 91-194lWH na e I ,a 1; k * and ,is hereafter referred s "Development"; ahd WHEREAS, Developer filed on the day of y 1: with the City a request for hereinafter referred to "Request"; and WHEREAS, the Public Facilities Element of the City General Plan requires that the Council find that all public facilities necessary to serve a development will be available conci with need or such development shall not be approved (said element is on file with the City and is incorporated by this reference); and WHEREAS, Developer and City recognize the correctness of Council Policy No. 17, t July 2, 1991, on file with the City Clerk and incorporated by this reference, and that the 1. public facilities and services are at capacity and will not be available to accommodatc additional need for public facilities and services resulting from the proposed Development WHEREAS, Developer has asked the City to find that public facilities and services H available to meet the future needs of the Development as it is presently proposed; bL Developer is aware that the City cannot and will not be able to make any such finding wi financial assistance to pay for such services and facilities; and therefore, Developer propos help satisfy the General Plan as implemented by Council Policy No. 17 by payment of a p facilities fee. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals and the covenants contained hc the parties agree as follows: 1. The Developer shall pay to the City a public facilities fee in an amount r exceed 1.8296 of the building permit valuation of the building or structures to be construd the Development pursuant to the Request. The fee shall be paid prior to the issuance of bui or other construction permits for the development and shall be based on the valuation a time. This fee shall be in addition to any fees, dedications or improvements required pur! Form Approved By Ci Council July 2,1991 2 &SO # 91-1941KJH e 0 I ,II 1; I . 82 I to Titles 18,20 or 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Developer shall pay a fee for conver of existing building or structures into condominiums in an amount not to exceed 1.82% oi building permit valuation at the time of conversion. The fee for a condominium conversion ! be paid prior to the issuance of a condominium conversion permit as provided in Chapter 2 Of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Condominium shall include community apartment or s cooperative. The terms "other construction permits", "other construction permif and "entitler for use" as used in this agreement, except in reference to mobilehome sites or projects, shal refer to grading permits or other permits for the construction of underground or s improvements unless no other permit is necessary prior to the use or occupancy for whict development is intended. Developer shall pay the City a public facilities fee in the sum of 4 for each mobilehome space to be constructed pursuant to the Request. The fee shall be prior to the issuance of building or other construction permits for the development. This fee : be in addition to any fees, dedications or improvements required according to Titles 18,~ 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 2. The Developer may offer to donate a site or sites for public facilities in lieu c or part of the financial obligation agreed upon in Paragraph 1 above. If Developer offer donate a site or sites for public facilities, the City shall consider, but is not obligated to aa th8 offer. The time for donation and amount of credit against the fee shall be determined by prior to the issuance of any building or other permits. Such determination, when made, ! become a part of this agreement. Sites donated under this paragraph shall not incl improvemen& required pursuant to Tiles 18 or !X of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 3. This agreement and the fee paid pursuant hereto are required to ensure consistency of the Development with the City's General Plan. If the fee is not paid as prow herein; the City will not have the funds to provide public facilities and services, and development will not be consistent with the General Plan and any approval or permit for Form Approved By Ci Council Juty 2,1991 3 RWO # 91-194IKJH . e 0 ‘ ,‘I I, ’ , ,I I I Development shall be void. No building or other construction permit or entitlement for use ! be issued until the public facilities fee required by this agreement is paid, 4. city agrees to deposit the fees paid pursuant to this agreement in a public faci fund for the financing of public facilities when the Cii Council determines the need exisi provide the facilities and sufficient funds from the payment of this and similar pub\iG facivfiies are available. 5. City agrees to provide upon request reasonable assurances to enable Devel( to comply with any requirements of other public agencies as evidence of adequate pi facilities and services sufficient to accommodate the needs of the Development herein descri All obligations hereunder shall terminate in the event the Request madc 6. Developer is not approved. 7. Any notice from one party to the other shall be in writing, and shall be dated signed by the party giving such notice or by a duly authorized representative of such party. such notice shall not be effective for any purpose whatsoever unless served in one 01 following manners: 7.1 If notice is given to the City of personal delivery thereof to the City c depositing same in the United States Mail, addressed to the City at the address set forth he enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed to the City for attention of the City Manager, pod prepaid and certified. 7.2 If notice is given to Developer by personal delivery thereof to Develop( by depositing the same in the United States Mail, enclosed in a sealed envelope, address€ Developer at the address as many have been designated, postage prepaid and certified. This agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of, and 8. apply to, the respective successors and assigns of Developer and City, and reference Developer or City herein shall be deemed to be a reference to and include their respec . Form Approved By Ci Council July 2,1991 4 R~SO # 91-194KJH 0 2. < 11) ' 6'1 I ' , I1 I successors and assigns without specific mention of such successors and assigns. If Develc should cease to have any interest in the Property, all obligations of Developer hereunder ! terminate; provided, however, that any successor to Developer's interest in the property ! have first assumed in writing the Developer's obligations hereunder. 9. This agreement shall be recorded but shall not create a lien or security intere the Property. When the obligations of this agreement have been satisfied, City shall reco release. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... @et ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Form Approved By Ci Council July 2,1991 5 &SO # 91-194/KJH 0 I,. m ' IO 1 ' ,I * IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this agreement is executed in San Diego County, Caliiorni of the date first written above. DNELOPER-OWNER: CRY OF CARLSBAD, a municip corporation of the State of California (signature) BY BY (print name) MARTIN ORENYAK for City Manager (title) (signature) (print name) BY (tile) ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL, Ci Attorney BY Deputy City Attorney (Notarial acknowledgement of execution of DEVELOPER-OWNER must be attached.) Form Apprwed By ci council July 2,1991 Rem # Ql-194KJH 6 e *I. e L ,I, 1; 1 , ,I I f EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Form Approved By Ci Council July 2,1991 7 Reso # 91-194/1wH 4 0 I I1 4 0 I ,', '; ' , I. I 1 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND 1 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: 1 1 City Clerk 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD ) 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 920061 989 ! Space above this line for Recorder's use Parcel No. AGREEMENT BEMlEEN OWNER, DEVELOPER AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR THE PAYMENT OF A PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE FOR OUTSIDE THE BOUNDARIES OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this day of 9 19 by and between (name of developer) a , hereinafter referred to as "Developer" whose addres! (corporation, partnership, etc.) is (street) (city, state, zip code) and (name of legal owner) (individual, corporation, etc.) a , hereinafter referred to as "Owner", whose address is (street) (city, state, zip code) AND the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter re to as "City", whose address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, 92008-1 ! 1 1 Form Approved flbp d7 By City Council July 2, 1991 Reso # 91-194/KJH * 0 I 1, , 0 11 I 6 ,'I , , ,I u I RECITALS WHEREAS, Owner is the owner of the real property described on Exhibit "A", attac hereto and made a part of this agreement, hereinafter referred to as "Property"; and WHEREAS, the Property lies within the boundaries of City; and WHEREAS, Developer has contracted with Owner to purchase the property and propc a development project as follows: said Property, which development carries the proposed name of and is hereafter referred to as "Development"; and WHEREAS, Developer filed on the day of , 1s with the Ci a request for hereinafter referred to "Request"; and WHEREAS, the Public Facilities Element of the City General Plan requires that the Council find that all public facilities necessary to serve a development will be available conci with need or such development shall not be approved (said element is on file with the Ci and is incorporated by this reference); and WHEREAS, Developer and City recognize the correctness of Council Policy No. 17, ( July 2, 1991 , on file with the City Clerk and incorporated by this reference, and that the public facilities and services are at capacity and will not be available to accommodat additional need for public facilities and services resulting from the proposed Developmeni WHEREAS, Developer and Owner have asked the Ci to find that public facilitie services will be available to meet the future needs of the Development as it is pre Form Approved By City Cwncit JULY 2, 1991 Reso # 91-19UKJH 2 0 t 1, , 0 . ,I, '1 ' , ,I e proposed; but the Developer is aware that the City cannot and will not be able to make any I finding without financial assistance to pay for such services and facilities; and therei Developer and Owner propose to help satisfy the General Plan as implemented by Council PC No. 17 by payment of a public facilities fee. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals and the covenants contained he the parties agree as follows: 1. The Developer and Owner shall pay to the City a public facilities fee in an am( not to exceed 3.5% of the building permit valuation of the building or structures to be constru in the Development pursuant to the Request. The fee shall be paid prior to the issuanc building or other construction permits for the development and shall be based on the valu; at that time. This fee shall be in addition to any fees, dedications or improvements reqi pursuant to Tiles 18, 20 or 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Developer and Owner shall a fee for conversion of existino buildina or structures into condominiums in M amount nI exceed 3.5% of the building permit valuation at the time of conversion. The fee f condominium conversion shall be paid prior to the issuance of a condominium conversion PC as provided in Chapter 21.47 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Condominium shall inc community apartment or stock cooperative. The terms "other construction permitsM, "c construction permit" and "entitlement for use" as used in this agreement, except in referenc mobilehome sites or projects, shall not refer to grading permits or other permits for construction of underground or street improvements unless no other permit is necessary to the use or occupancy for which the development is intended. Developer and Owner shal the City a public facilities fee in the sum of $1,150 for each mobilehome space to be constru pursuant to the Request. The fee shall be paid prior to the issuance of building or c construction permits for the development. This fee shall be in addition to any fees, dedicai or improvements required according to Tiles 18, 20 or 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code Form Approved By City Cwncil July 2, 1001 Reso # 91-194fKJH 3 I d) Y .1 b 0 6 ,', f.' ' , ,I c 2. The Developer and Owner may offer to donate a site or sites for public facil in lieu of all or part of the financial obligation agreed upon in Paragraph 1 above. If Develc and Owner offer to donate a site or sites for public facilities, the City shall consider, but is obligated to accept the offer. The time for donation and amount of credit against the fee be determined by City prior to the issuance of any building or other permits. Such determins when made, shall become a part of this agreement. Sites donated under this paragraph not include improvements required pursuant to Tiles 18 or 20 of the Carlsbad Municipal C This agreement and the fee paid pursuant hereto are required to ensurc consistency of the Development with the City's General Plan. If the fee is not paid as pro! herein, the city will not have the funds to provide public facilities and services, an( 3. development will not be consistent with the General Plan and any approval or permit fc Development shall be void. No building or other construction permit or entitlement for use be issued until the public facilities fee required by this agreement is paid. 4. City agrees to deposit the fees paid pursuant to this agreement in a public fat fund for the financing of public facilities when the City Council determines the need exi provide the facilities and sufficient funds from the payment of this and similar public facilitie are available. 5. City agrees to provide upon request reasonable assurances to enable Devc to comply with any requirements of other public agencies as evidence of adequate facilities and services sufficient to accommodate the needs of the Development herein des AH obligations hereunder shall terminate in the event the Request ms 6. Developer is not approved. 7. Any notice from one party to the other shall be in writing, and shall be datc signed by the party giving such notice or by a duly authorized representative of such parl such notice shall not be effective for any purpose whatsoever unless served in one Forin Approved By City CouKil July 2, 1991 4 RSO # 91-194/KJH I e 1 17 a 0 * ,’,’.) ‘ , II c following manners: 7.1 If notice is given to the City of personal delivery thereof to the City o depositing same in the United States Mail, addressed to the City at the address set forth he1 enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed to the City for attention of the City Manager, pos prepaid and certified. 7.2 ti notice is given to Developer by personal delivery thereof to Develop by depositing the same in the United States Mail, enclosed in a sealed envelope, addresst Developer at the address as many have been designated, postage prepaid and certified. This agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of, and apply to, the respective successors and assigns of Developer, Owner and City, and refere to Developer, Owner or City herein shall be deemed to be a reference to and include respective successors and assigns without specific mention of such successors and ass If Developer should cease to have any interest in the Property, all obligations of Devel hereunder shall terminate; provided, however, that any successor to Developer’s interest ii property shall have first assumed in writing the Developer’s obligations hereunder. 8. At such time as Owner ceases to have any interest in the Property, all obligatio1 Owner hereunder shall terminate; provided, however, that it any successor to the Owner’s int in the Property is a stranger to this agreement, such successor has first assumed the obliga of Owner in writing in a form acceptable to City. 9. This agreement shall be recorded but shall not create a lien or security inter1 the Property, When the obligations of this agreement have been satisfied, City shall reo release. ... ... 114 Form Approved By City CwnciL July 2, 1991 Reso It 91-194/KJH 5 L e e $ u ., c. * ,*,'*I s , 8) * IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this agreement is executed in San Diego County, Califom1 as of the date first written above. OWNER: DEVELOPER: (print name) (name of developer) (signature) (print name) (signature) (signature) (print name) (print name) (signature) (signature) BY (title and organization of signatory) BY (print name) (title and organization of signatory) CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California ATTEST: BY ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk MARTIN ORENYAK for City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney BY Deputy City Attorney (Notarial acknowledgement of execution of DEVELOPER and OWNER must be attached.) Form Approved By City CouriL July 2, 1991 Reso # 91-194/KJH 6 l e 'I 'c< Y , -, e 4 I* I u. 0 * 4 1. .+ rc EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Form Approved By City Comcil July 2, 1991 Reso # 91-l%/KJH 7 0 * 1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE b WITH NOTICE REQUIIlEM3NTS COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO CITY OF CARLSBAD ALETHA RAUTENKRANZ, under penalty of perjury, CERTIFIES AS FOLLOWS: The undersigned is now, and at all times mentioned herein was, the duly q~ -and acting CITY CLERK of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, and as such, accoi the notice requirements in connection with the referenced Community Fa( District, as noted: RECORDING The NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX LIEN was recorded in the Office of the County Rec the doTnday of , 1991, said date being within fifteen ( of the certification of Me results of the election of the Community Fa District. EXECUTED this 2 Irt day of mfi !J , 1991, at Carlsbad, California. &GL &.me CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA I I 0 I WHEN RECORDED, RETURN TO: CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 NMlICE OF SPECIAL TAX LIEN Pursuant to the requirements of Section 3114.5 of the Streets and Highways t Section 53328.3 of the Government Code, the undersigned CITY CLERK legislative body of the CITY OF CAFUSBAD, COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. OF CALIFORNIA, HEREBY GIVES NOTICE that a lien is hereby imposed to secure Diego, State of California, is authorized to annually levy for the f purpose : of a special tax which the city Council of the City of Carlebad, County To pay for certain public capital facilities, including the payment of principal and interest on bonds, said facilities generally described as follows: I. Public facilities generally described as a new library facility, a major addition to an existing library building, a City Hall complex, and the addition of office and warehouse facilities at the public safety center. 11. Park improvements generally designated as the MACARIO CANYON PARX. 111. Major street improvements in portions of the following designated public streets! FARADAY AVENUE, CANNON ROAD, LA COSTA AVENUE, OLIVENHAIN ROAD/RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD and LEUCADIA BOULEVARD. IV. Major bridge and overpass facilities generally described as the LA COSTA INTERCHANGE, POINSETTIA LANE INTERCHANGE and PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD INTERCHANGE. The special tax is authorized to be levied within Community Facilities Dis 1, which has now been officially formed, and the lien of the epecial continuing lien which shall Becure each annual levy of the epecial tax 4 shall continue in force and effect until the special tax obligation is permanently satisfied and cancelled in accordance with law or until the sp ceases to be levied and a notice of cessation of special tax is rec accordance with Section 53330.5 of the Government Code. The rate and method of apportionment of the authorized special tax is as collected in the same manner as ordinary ad valorem property taxes are coll shall be subject to the same penalties and the same procedure, sale priority in case of delinquency as is provided for ad valorem taxes. ( under which the obligation to pay the special tax may be prepaid and pz satisfied and the lien of the special tax cancelled are a8 follows: the attached, referenced and incorporated Exhibit "A"I and the special talc k 0 e Any special tax may be prepaid and satisfied by the payment of the maximum present value of the special tax obligation. b Notice is further gfven that upon the recording of thi8 notice in the Office County Recorder, the obligation to pay. the special tax levy shall become a 1i all non-exempt real property within the District in accordance with Sectior of the Streets and Highways Code. The (a) names of the owner(s) of the real property included within this Cc date of recording of this Notice and (b) the Aseeesor's tax parcel(s) numberr parcels or any portion thereof which are included within this Community Fac District are as set forth on the attached, referenced and incorporated Exhibi' Reference is made to the boundary map of the Community Facilities District Assessment and Community Facilities Districts in the Office of the County for the County of San Diego, State of California, which map is now ti boundary map of the Community Facilities District. For further information concerning the current and estimated future tax liat owners or purchasers of real property subject to this special tax lien, Fr persons should contact the following deeignated person: Faellithe Dletrict aa they appear on the last secured aaaessment roll as at Book 2 q t Page .$6 , Document No. 90-634 1 1 8 f of JIM ELLIOTT, FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: (619) 434-2867 DATED : 9- l? /w/ WTY Cdw c/' CITY OF CARLSEAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA 4 k e CITY OF CAFUSBAD a COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXHIBIT "A' PROPERTY CATEGORIES AND MAXIMUM TAX All taxable property within the boundaries of the Community Facilities I shall be subject to ANNUAL SPECIAL TAXES as applicable, based upon the 1 categories, maximum tax rate^, increases and status of the issuance of 1 permits, all as hereinafter set forth. Improvement Area I refers to all prc within the boundaries of the City of Carlsbad Bridge and Thoroughfare D Improvement Area I1 is for all remaining properties within the Community Fa District, not within the Bridge & Thoroughfare District. RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY All taxable property prior to the issuance of a building permit shall be st the following maximum annual special taxee, subject to LncreaeeB aa 0 herein: MAXIMUM ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY PER DEVELOPABLE ACRE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990/1991 IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT PROPERTY CATEGORY -A I AREA I1 Residential Low $ 281.00 $ 277.00 Residential Low to Medium 772.00 760.00 Residential Medium 1,294.00 1,217.00 Residential Medium to High 1,984.00 1,868.00 Residential High 2,793.00 2,739.00 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME Upon the issuance of a building permit, all Residential properties shall k to the following described SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME, also 8 increases as set forth herein, as follows: MAXIMUM SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME PER RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990/1991 IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT PROPERTY CATEGORY AREA I AREA I1 Residential Low $ 4,452.00 $ 3,835.00 Residential Low to Medium 4,452.00 3,835.00 Residential Medium 2,810.00 2,312.00 Residential Medium to High 2,810.00 2,312.00 Residential High 2,810.00 2,312.00 0 0 & COHMERCIAL, 1NI)USTRIAL AND OTEIER PROPERTY ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY All taxable Commercial and Industrial Property prior to the issuance of a b permit shall be subject to the following maximum annual special taxes, also to increases as set forth herein: MAXIMUM ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY PER DEVELOPABLE ACRE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990/1991 IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT AREA I AREA I1 Commercial Property $ 2,400.00 $ 1,600.00 Indu8 trial Property 1,200*00 960eOO Agricultural Property -0- -0- All Commercial and Industrial Property, upon the issuance of a building shall have the option to (1) pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPHENT TAX - ONE TIME assume the ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY for a period of not tc twenty-five (25) years, generally in the amounts per property category as fol i MAXIMUM SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990/91 PER SQUARE FOOT OF BUILDING AREA PROPERTY CATEGORY IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT COMMERCIAL USE DESIGNATIONS AREA I AREA I1 Restaurant - Fast Food $ 28.46 $ 7.58 Outdoor Tennh Courts 28t14 7t26 Bank with Drive-thru 18 06 5.72 Campground 17.51 4.99 Restaurant - Sit Down 15.17 4.73 Marina 14.85 4.41 Bank - Walk In 12.83 4.60 Auto - Gasoline 8.11 2.89 Grocery Store 7.78 2.56 S & L with Drive-thru 7.59 3.48 Bowling Center 6.63 2.83 Restaurant - Quality 6.57 3.09 Neighborhood Shopping Center 6.46 2.27 Auto Car Wash 6.31 ' 2.52 S 61 L - Walk In 5.51 3.03 Race Track 5.10 2.33 Library 4.26 2.86 Convenience Market 27.31 6.74 Community Shopping Center 4.24 1.80 HaepFtal - General 3.88 3.18 . -- 0 0 I IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT COMMERCIAL USE DESIGNATIONS AREA I AREA I1 Hotel - Conv. Fac/Comm. 3.47 , 2.52 Auto - Repair & Sales 3.41 1.58 Regional shopping Center 3.35 1.61 Discount Store 3.22 1.58 Golf Course 3.06 2.14 Church 2.99 1.94 Office - Government 2.93 1.88 Commercial Shops 2.90 1.58 Health Club 2.89 1.85 Motel 2.69 2.06 Office - High Rise 2e67 1.84 Office - Commercial, 100,000 SF 2.56 1.75 Lumber/Hardware store 2.47 1.58 Office - Medical 2.42 2.07 Hospital - Convalescent 2.33 2.23 Indoor Sports Arena 2.33 2.23 Resort Hotel 2.30 1.98 b Univers ity 2.26 1.91 Junior College 2.19 1.90 All other Commercial Properties 2.14 1.44 not indentified above IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT INDUSTRIAL, USE DESIGNATIONS AREA I AREA 11 He1 iport s $ 10.63 $ 3.67 Park 2.14 1.51 Industrial-Commercial Business All other Industrial Properties not identified above 1.74 1.42 OR, IN THE ALTERNATE, ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX The "Maximum Annual Special Tax - Developed Property" €or any Fiscal Year L exceed 13.81% of the authorized "Maximum Special Development Tax - One Time' various Commercial and Industrial Property categoriee a8 set forth abovc amount applicable and annually adjusted for each Fii3cal Year. ANNUAL TAX INCRgASE he above SPECIAL TMES for the taxable properties are applicable for tl year 1990/91, and are all eubject to annual increases to reflect Fnci construction costs. The Construction Coat Index of the Engineering New titled "ENR Cost Indexes in 22 Cities" will be used. The Index publishec month of April for the City of Los Angeles under the column heading of "P Change from Last Year" will annually inflate each of the Maximum Annual ' each year for properties as follows: c M e 0 A. PROPERTIES WITHIN THE DISTRICT: Not to exceed 50% Of the above-referenced increase. 4 B. PROPERTIES TO BE SUBSEQUENTLY ANNEXED: Not to exceed 100% of the above-referenced increase until annexed. TERM OF TAX The above taxes shall be levied until all bonds have been discharged and fa( however, the ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY shall not be levfec period in excess of twenty-five (25) years per parcel. Residential : Once a building permit has been issued for Residential property and the DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME has been paid, the property no longer will be SUI any annual special tax. Commercial 6i Industrial: The Commercial and Industrial properties, upon the issuance of a building have the option to (1) pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME or (2) as] ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY, as set forth above. Upon the iasi any building permit, no further increase or escalation is authorized. funded and/or guaranteed, and the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIM has be< ALLWATTON OF COST AND TAX Total capital costs for all authorized facilities shall be allocated as 65% to Residential property, 35% to Commercial & Industrial property. TI costa exclude costs of issuance as needed. Residential property shall be taxed in an amount sufficient to meet the 65% facilitiee, which tax will include costs of issuance, interest and othei including sinking fund payments for future construction as applicable. Commercial & Industrial property shall be taxed in an amount sufficient to 35% share of facilities, which tax will include costs of issuance, intei other costs, including sinking fund payments for future construction as appli COLLECTION OF ANNUAL TAX Residential : Determine monies necessary to make payment, on bond debt service, replenish call bonds, pay bonds and Community Facilities District No. 1 administrativ and pay for public capital facilities. FIRST: Reduce this amount by t collected from Special Development Tax - One Time levied against ref properties. SECOND: The remaining funds needed are to be collected by the the annual Special Tax - Undeveloped Property on undeveloped taxable re€ acreage, in the proportional amounts €or each property category as required exceed the maximum authorized tax. e Commercial and Industrial: betermine monies necessary to make payment on bond debt service, replenigh - call bonds, pay bonds and Community Facililies District No. 1 administrativc and pay for current or future public capital facilities. FIRST: Reduce thi by the funds collected from Special Development Tax - One Time and annual Tax - Developed Property levied against commercial and industrial pro SECOND: Levy the annual Special Tax - Undeveloped Property on undeveloped commercial and industrial acreage in the proportional amounts €or each category as required, not to exceed the maximum tax. *** 17 May 1991 e CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXHI BIT 'I B It ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. ................................... ---------- A-M HOMES 215-612-10 ABADA, AHARON 214-140-40 AITCHISON, WALLACE G 215-070-18 ALADRAY, NAZEAN & JOSEPH 212-040-26 ALSOP, ANNE TR 214-022-10 ALTAMIRA UNIT NO 4 214-300-08 ARIE DEJONG JR. FAMILY TRUST 215-080-01 AVIARA LAND A660C 214-170-51 OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-040-18 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-040-19 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-040-20 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-040-21 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-040-22 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-040-23 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-070-25 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-080-24 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-080-25 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-592-01 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-592-02 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-592-04 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-592-09 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-592-10 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-592-19 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-600-15 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-600-16 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-600-23 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 2 15-600-24 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-600-25 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-600-26 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-600-27 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-01 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-02 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-03 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-04 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-05 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-06 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-07 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-08 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-09 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-10 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-11 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-12 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-13 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-14 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-15 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-16 PAGE 1 0 17 May 1991 e CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXHI BIT 'I B 'I ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. ................................... ---------- AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-17 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-18 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-19 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-20 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-21 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-22 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-23 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-24 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-25 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 2 15-6 10-2 6 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 2 15-610-27 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-28 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-29 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-30 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-31 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-32 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-33 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-34 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-35 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-36 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-37 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-38 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-39 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-40 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-41 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-01 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-02 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-03 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-04 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-05 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-06 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-07 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-08 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-09 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-10 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-11 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-12 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-13 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-14 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-15 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-16 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-17 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-18 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-19 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-20 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-21 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-22 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-23 2 15-611-2 5 AVIARA LAND ASSOC AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-26 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 2 15-611-27 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-28 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 2 15-611-24 PAGE 2 17 May 1991 e CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXHI BIT " B It ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. AVIARA LAND ASSOC 2 15-611-29 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-612-05 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-612-09 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-612-13 215-612-14 AVIARA LAND ASSOC AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-612-17 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-110-02 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-110-19 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-110-28 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-111-04 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-111-07 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-111-08 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-111-09 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-121-15 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-121-16 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-122-01 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-150-07 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-150-18 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-150-19 AVIARA M.H.A. 215-592-03 AVIARA M.H.A. 215-592-11 AVIARA M.H.A. 215-592-16 AVIARA M.H.A. 215-592-18 AVIARA M.H.A. 215-602-53 AVIARA M.H.A. 215-602-54 AVIARA M.H.A. 215-612-03 AVIARA M.H.A. 215-612-08 AVIARA M.H.A. 215-612-11 AVIARA M.H.A. 215-612-12 AVIARA M.H.A. 2 15-612-15 AVIARA M.H.A. 215-612-16 AVIARA RESORT ASSOC 215-612-02 AVIARA-5 215-592-08 AVIARA-5 215-592-12 AVIARA-5 215-592-13 AVIARA-5 215-592-14 AVIARA-5 215-592-15 BACHMAN, JOHN & ALICE 214-021-01 BACHMAN, JOHN 61 ALICE 214-021-02 BACHMAN, JOHN & ALICE 214-021-08 BACHMAN, JOHN & ALICE 214-021-09 BARBER, ROSS & MABEL L TRS 209-060-57 BATIQUITOS BLUFF 216-140-27 BATIQUITOS BLUFF 216-140-28 BATIQUITOS BLUFF 216-140-29 BATIQUITOS BLUFF 216-140-31 ................................... ---------- AVIARA M.H.A. 215-592-17 PAGE 3 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 * 17 May 1991 EXH I B I T It B It ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. ==-=--=---------~~==mm~m~mm=m=~m-~- ---------- BATIQUITOS BLUFF 216-420-79 BATIQUITOS POINTE 216-140-17 BATIQUITOS POINTE 216-140-18 BATIQUITOS POINTE 216-140-19 BCE DEVELOPMENT CORP 223-030-56 BCE DEVELOPMENT CORP 223-060-60 BCS PROGRAM L-2 212-040-29 BECKMAN INSTRUMENTS 209-050-29 BIRTCHER BUSINESS CENTER 212-110-08 BLONSKI, THEODORE & MIRIAM 210-100-05 BLONSKI, THEODORE & MIRIAM 210-100-06 OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS BLONSKI, THEODORE & MIRIAM 210-100-12 BOLTON, GEORGE h MU1 215-070-23 BRAMALEA CALIFORNIA, INC 215-612-04 BREN DONALD L CO 255-031-18 BRIGHTON CARLSBAD ASSOC 264-010-21 BRIGHTON CARLSBAD ASSOC 264-010-22 BRIGHTON CARLSBAD ASSOC 264-010-23 BRIGHTON CARLSBAD ASSOC 264-010-25 BRYANT, FRANK 215-070-19 BUERGER, WILLIAM & ANN 215-040-08 BUERGER, WILLIAM & ANN 215-040-10 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITIES INC 212-040-30 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITIES INC 212-120-33 CAMPBELL, TOM ET AL 214-022-11 CANTARINI, BANNING T ET AL 209-070-01 CANTARINI, BANNING T ET AL 209-070-02 CARLSBAD 54 PARTNER 212-020-23 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-01 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-02 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-03 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-04 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-05 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-06 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-07 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-08 PAGE 4 17 May 1991 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD a COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXHI BIT 'I B II . ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-09 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-10 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-11 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-13 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-14 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-15 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-17 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-18 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-082-01 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-082-02 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-082-03 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-082-05 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-082-06 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-082-07 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-082-08 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-082-09 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-091-01 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-091-02 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-091-03 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 2 12-09 1-04 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-091-05 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-091-08 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-091-13 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-091-14 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-091-15 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-091-16 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-091-17 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-091-19 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-02 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-03 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-04 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 2 12-092-05 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-06 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-07 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-08 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-09 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-10 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-11 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-12 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-13 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-19 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-22 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-23 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-093-01 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-093-02 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-093-03 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-093-04 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-093-05 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-093-06 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-093-08 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-093-09 ................................... ---------- CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-082-04 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-093-07 PAGE 5 m CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXHIBIT 'lBtt @ 17 May 1991 ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. CARLSBAD DEVELOPMENT CO 168-050-02 CARLSBAD DEVELOPMENT CO 168-050-05 CARLSBAD HEIGHTS ASSOC 212-040-41 CARLSBAD MWD 167-101-08 CARLSBAD MWD 168-040-20 CARLSBAD MWD 168-050-08 CARLSBAD MWD 169-011-24 CARLSBAD MWD 169-230-02 CARLSBAD MWD 169-500-05 CARLSBAD MWD 215-080-05 CARLSBAD MWD 215-080-23 CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-082-02 CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-082-03 CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-082-06 CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-082-07 CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-082-08 CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-083-01 CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-083-02 CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-083-03 CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-083-07 CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-083-08 CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-083-11 CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-083-12 CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-083-15 CARNATION PROPERTIES 215-070-06 CHAPPEE, EUGENE 214-160-28 CITY OF CARLSBAD 167-101-07 CITY OF CARLSBAD 167-101-09 CITY OF CARLSBAD 167-101-34 CITY OF CARLSBAD 167-101-35 CITY OF CARLSBAD 168-020-12 CITY OF CARLSBAD 168-020-13 CITY OF CARLSBAD 168-020-17 CITY OF CARLSBAD 168-020-18 CITY OF CARLSBAD 168-020-19 CITY OF CARLSBAD 168-040-02 CITY OF CARLSBAD 212-010-05 CITY OF CARLSBAD 212-010-07 ................................... ---------- CARLSBAD MWD 168-04 0-24 CITY OF CARLSBAD 212-010-11 CITY OF CARLSBAD 212-010-12 CITY OF CARLSBAD 212-010-13 CITY OF CARLSBAD 212-081-19 CITY OF CARLSBAD 212-081-20 CITY OF CARLSBAD 214-140-39 CITY OF CARLSBAD 214-300-09 CITY OF CARLSBAD 216-110-34 PAGE 6 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXHIBIT llBlt 9 17 May 1991 1 ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. CITY OF CARLSBAD 223-050-66 CITY OF CARLSBAD 223-060-51 CITY OF CARLSBAD 223-060-61 CITY OF CARLSBAD 255-146-59 COBRA-BLACKMORE 212-120-06 COMMUNITY BANK CORP 216-122-25 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 209-050-25 CRIVELLO FAMILY TRUST 212-061-03 CUSD 167-101-11 CUSD 167-101-26 CUSD 168-050-19 DANIELS CABLEVISION 223-010-40 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-01 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-02 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-03 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-04 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-06 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-07 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-08 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-09 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-10 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-11 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-12 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-13 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-14 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-15 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-16 DAVIDSON/COS CAN PARTNERS 215-590-17 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-18 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-19 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-20 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-21 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-22 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 2 15-590-2 3 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-24 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 2 15-590-25 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-26 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 2 15-590-27 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 2 15-590-28 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 2 15-590-29 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 2 15-590-30 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 2 15-590-3 1 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 2 15-590-32 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-33 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-34 ................................... ---------- DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-05 PAGE 7 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXHIBIT I' B It r) 17 May 1991 ). ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. DAvIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-35 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 2 15-590-3 6 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-37 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-38 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-39 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-40 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-41 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-42 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-43 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-01 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-02 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-03 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-04 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-05 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-06 DAVIDSON/ COS CAN PARTNERS 2 15-591-07 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-08 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-09 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-10 DAVIDSON/ COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-11 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-12 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-13 DAVIDSON/ COS CAN PARTNERS 215-591-14 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-15 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-16 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-17 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-18 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-19 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-20 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-21 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-22 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-23 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-24 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-25 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-26 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-27 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-28 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-29 DAVI DSON/COS CAN PARTNERS 2 15-62 0-01 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-02 ................................... ---------- DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-03 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-04 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-05 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-06 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-07 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-08 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-09 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-10 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-11 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-12 DAVIDSON/COS CAN PARTNERS 215-620-13 DAVIDSON/COS CAN PARTNERS 215-620-14 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-15 PAGE 8 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD EXHIBIT "B" 9 17 May 1991 COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-16 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-17 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-18 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 2 15-620-19 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-20 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-21 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-22 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-23 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-24 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-25 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-26 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-27 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-28 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-30 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-31 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-32 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-33 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-34 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-35 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-36 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-37 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-38 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-39 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-40 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-41 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-42 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-43 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-44 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-45 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-46 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-47 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-49 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-50 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-51 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-52 DELORM, ROBERT 209-040-24 DEVLIN, LESLIE L 214-022-18 DICKIE, CHARLES & VIRGINA 214-021-03 DONAHUE, RICHARD ET AL 214-021-04 DONAHUE, RICHARD ET AL 214-022-01 DONAHUE, RICHARD ET AL 214-022-04 DONAHUE, RICHARD ET AL 214-022-06 ECKE, PAUL SR 212-041-05 EDWARDS, MARJORIE R 214-022-15 EDWARDS, MARJORIE R 214-022-17 ................................... ---------- DAVI DSON/COS CAN PARTNERS 2 15-620-29 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 2 15-62 0-48 PAGE 9 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXHIBIT "B" 9 17 May 1991 . ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. ENGLER, WILLIAM E. 2 14-170-58 ENGLER, WILLIAM E. 214-170-59 EXTEN VENTURES INC 216-140-33 FERMANIAN, G. 223-060-53 FERNANDEZ, VICTORIA 215-070-14 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 2 16-32 0-13 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 222-470-23 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 222-470-25 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-010-12 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-010-18 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-010-19 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-010-27 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-010-28 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-010-29 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-010-31 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 223-010-32 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-010-33 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-010-34 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-010-35 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 223-010-37 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-011-02 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-011-03 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-011-04 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-011-05 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-011-06 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-021-08 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-021-09 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-021-10 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-021-11 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-021-12 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-021-15 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-021-16 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-032-01 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-032-02 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-050-53 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 223-050-54 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 223-050-59 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-050-65 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-050-67 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-050-69 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-060-15 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-060-49 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-071-05 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-071-07 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 255-010-09 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 255-010-18 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 255-010-19 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 255-022-01 ................................... ---------- FIELDSTONEjLA COSTA 223-071-09 PAGE 10 17 May 1991 ? CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXHIBIT ll Bll v ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 255-030-09 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 255-030-10 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 255-030-11 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 255-031-17 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 255-031-24 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 255-031-25 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 255-031-26 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 255-04 1-14 FIELDSTONE/ LA COSTA 264-220-47 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 264-220-71 FIG HOLDING CO 212-062-04 FIG HOLDING CO 212-062-14 FISHER, JOHN & CARYL 214-160-34 FRED DELANEY 2 14-430-22 FRED DELANEY 2 14-430-23 FRED DELANEY 214-430-24 GREAT WESTERN SAVINGS 209-041-18 HADLEY, PAUL & PEGGY 215-080-19 HEAD WILLIAM E 214-010-03 HERRICK DEVELOPMENT 214-450-20 HIGDON, BARBARA 212-050-13 HILLEBRECHT CO 214-140-42 HUNT, W H 216-122-23 HUNTINGTON BEACH CO 212-041-06 HUNTINGTON BEACH CO 212-041-07 HUNTINGTON BEACH CO 212-041-08 HUNTINGTON BEACH CO 212-041-09 HUNTINGTON BEACH CO 212-041-10 HUNTINGTON BEACH CO 212-041-11 IVAR NV CORP 212-050-41 IVAR NV CORP 2 12-050-43 KAISER ELECTRO-OPTIC 209-081-01 KAISER ELECTRO-OPTIC 209-081-07 KAISER ELECTRO-OPTIC 209-081-09 KAISER ELECTRO-OPTIC 209-081-18 KAISER ELECTRO-OPTIC 209-081-19 KAISER ELECTRO-OPTIC 209-081-20 KAISER ELECTRO-OPTIC 209-081-22 KAISER ELECTRO-OPTIC 2 13-061-2 3 ................................... ---------- PAGE 11 17 May 1991 ? CITY OF CARLSBAD e COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXH I BIT " B I' ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. KAISER, GILBERT & MARY 215-080-22 KATO, HIROSHI & IDA 209-070-04 KATO, HIROSHI & IDA 209-070-08 KELLY FAMILY CARLSBAD 207-101-12 KELLY FAMILY CARLSBAD 208-020-28 KELLY FAMILY CARLSBAD 208-020-30 KELLY FAMILY CARLSBAD 208-020-33 KELLY, ALLAN 0 & KATHERINE M 168-050-01 KELLY, ALLAN 0 & KATHERINE M 168-050-03 KELLY, ALLAN 0 & KATHERINE M 168-050-06 KELLY, ALLAN 0 & KATHERINE M 168-050-07 KELLY, ALLAN 0 & KATHERINE M 168-050-25 KELLY, ALLAN 0 & KATHERINE M 168-050-26 KELLY , RICHARD C 209-060-53 KELLY, RICHARD C 209-060-58 KELLY, RICHARD C 212-040-32 KELLY, RICHARD ET AL 212-040-35 KELLY, RICHARD ET AL 212-040-37 KELLY, RICHARD ET AL 212-040-40 KELLY, ROBERT 212-081-21 KELLY, ROBERT ET AL 212-040-36 KELLY, ROBERT ET AL 212-040-38 KELLY, W. ALLAN & MARIE ET AL 208-020-32 KIRGIS, HOWARD & IDA 212-010-03 LA COSTA ESTANCIA 255-031-20 LA COSTA FUNDING 223-060-29 LAMB, JOHN M 216-140-16 LAUREL TREE INVESTMENTS CO 212-040-46 LEUCADIA CWD 216-110-18 LUSK, JOHN & SON CORP 214-150-16 LUSK, JOHN & SON CORP 2 14-150-17 LUSK, JOHN & SON CORP 214-150-18 LYON COMMUNITIES INC 215-612-06 LYON COMMUNITIES INC 215-612-07 LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 167-101-03 LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 167-101-19 ................................... ---------- PAGE 12 17 May 1991 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXHIBIT "B" ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 167-101-21 LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 167-101-27 LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 167-101-28 LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 168-040-14 LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 168-040-16 LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 168-040-17 LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 168-040-18 LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 168-040-22 LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 168-040-23 LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 168-040-25 LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 168-050-27 LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 208-101-05 MADISON SQUARE DEVELOPMENT I1 213-091-04 MADISON SQUARE DEVELOPMENT I11 212-110-01 MADISON SQUARE DEVELOPMENT I11 212-110-02 MADISON SQUARE DEVELOPMENT I11 212-110-03 MADISON SQUARE DEVELOPMENT I11 212-110-04 MADISON SQUARE DEVELOPMENT I11 212-110-05 MADISON SQUARE DEVELOPMENT I11 212-110-06 MADISON SQUARE DEVELOPMENT I11 212-110-07 MAG PROPERTIES 223-050-68 MAG PROPERTIES 223-050-70 MAG PROPERTIES 223-060-31 MAG PROPERTIES 223-060-32 MANDANA CAL CO CORP 209-040-27 MANDANA CAL CO CORP 209-070-03 MANDANA CAL CO CORP 209-070-07 MARINE CORPS WEST 213-070-11 MC CABE, JEFFREY S 214-022-08 MCKINNEY, RONALD & EVELYN 215-070-10 MCREYNOLDS, ANDREW 211-040-14 MCROSKEY, JOHN 2 13-061-02 MCROSKEY, JOHN 213-070-20 MCROSKEY, JOHN 213-070-2 1 MCROSKEY, JOHN 213-070-22 MENDIVIL, MARIA ET AL 214-170-73 MERCOTAL INC 213-070-08 MISON ESTANCIA PARTNERSHIP 223-060-50 MITSWCHI, ROY & NANCY 216-121-02 MITSUUCHI, ROY 61 NANCY 216-121-03 ................................... ---------- PAGE 13 17 May 1991 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXHIBIT "B" ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. MOORE, GUY S. JR. 215-080-20 MORGAN/PALOMAR INDUSTRY 212-040-25 MTK CORP OF AMERICA 212-092-14 MTK CORP OF AMERICA 212-092-15 ................................... ---------- MURPHY, HOWARD TRUST 2 16-12 1-01 NELSON, GREGORY & BARBARA 215-080-04 NORTHWESTERN PACIFIC 255-023-01 NORTHWESTERN PACIFIC 255-023-02 OCEAN BLUFF PARTNERS 215-070-16 ODMARK THELAN DAVIDSON CO 214-170-17 ODMARK THELAN DAVIDSON CO 2 14-170-2 1 ODMARK THELAN DAVIDSON CO 214-170-22 ODMARK THELAN DAVIDSON CO 216-150-03 ODMARK THELAN DAVIDSON CO 216-150-05 ODMARK THEW DAVIDSON CO 216-150-16 OLIVENHAIN MWD 223-071-06 PALOMAR INVESTMENT 209-041-20 PALOMAR INVESTMENT 209-041-27 PALOMAR INVESTMENT 209-041-28 PARKVIEW WEST PARTNERSHIP 223-060-40 PILLSBURY, MARTHA 209-090-12 PORTER, MARVIN & MARGRET 214-170-72 PRICE CO. 211-040-08 PRICE CO. 211-040-09 PRICE CO. 211-040-12 PROPERTY MORTGAGE CO 214-160-19 PROPERTY MORTGAGE CO 214-160-24 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-01 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-02 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-03 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-04 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-06 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-07 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-08 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-09 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-10 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-11 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-05 PAGE 14 17 May 1991 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 s COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXHIBIT "B" ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-12 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-13 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-14 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 2 15-600-18 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-19 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-20 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-21 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-22 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-01 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-02 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-03 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-04 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-05 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 2 15-601-06 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-07 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-08 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-09 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-10 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-11 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-12 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-24 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 2 15-601-25 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 2 15-601-26 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-27 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-28 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-29 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-30 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-31 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-32 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-33 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 2 15-601-34 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-47 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-01 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-02 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-03 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-04 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-05 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-06 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-07 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-08 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-09 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-11 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-12 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-13 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-14 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-15 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-16 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-17 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-18 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-19 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-20 ................................... ---------- RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-17 2 15-602-10 PAGE 15 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 17 May 1991 T COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 E XHI BIT 'I B #I ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-21 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-22 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-23 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-24 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-25 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 2 15-602-2 6 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-34 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-35 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-36 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-37 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-38 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-39 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 2 15-602-40 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-41 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-42 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 2 15-602-43 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-47 169-230-03 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAL REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAL 169-230-05 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAL 169-230-07 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAL 169-230-12 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAL 169-230-18 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAL 169-230-23 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAL 169-230-28 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAL 169-230-29 RICE ENTERPRISES 264-010-07 RICE ENTERPRISES 264-010-09 ROBERTSON, BRIAN K 168-040-03 ROBERTSON, VIRGINIA K 168-050-17 ROBERTSON, VIRGINIA K 208-010-32 ROESCH, RONALD L. 215-070-15 RUDVALIS, JOSEPH A. SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-010-09 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-031-03 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-031-09 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-031-10 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-031-11 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-031-12 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-033-01 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-034-01 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-035-01 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-036-01 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-051-01 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-052-01 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-053-02 ----.=-=--------------.---.,~~---~- -----e---- REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAL 169-230-04 215-070-04 PAGE 16 17 May 1991 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD e COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 ., E XHI BIT 'I B 'I ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-054-04 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-061-21 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-062-2 1 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 2 14-063-2 1 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 2 14-064-01 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-065-01 SAMMIS PROPERTIES 216-140-25 SAMMIS PROPERTIES 216-140-32 SAN DIEGUITO HSD 223-322-03 SAN DIEGUITO HSD 223-322-04 SAN MARCOS CWD 223-071-10 SANDLIN, DOROTHY 209-060-55 SARKARIA, DALJIT 215-070-12 SCHINDLER, THURL0 215-070-13 SCHREIBER, DALE 216-010-01 SCHREIBER, DALE 216-010-02 SCHREIBER, DALE 216-010-03 SCHREIBER, DALE 216-010-04 SCHREIBER, DALE 216-010-05 SDGE 209-050-28 SEA BLUFF ASSOCIATES 216-140-30 SEAPOINTE PROFESSION 214-010-01 OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS ................................... ---------- SHELLEY, DANIEL T 223-061-01 SHELLEY, DANIEL T 223-061-02 SHELLEY, DANIEL T 255-040-19 SHELLEY, DANIEL T 264-010-11 SHERMAN, JOSEPH 214-140-13 SIPPEL MARVIN ET AL 212-050-35 STANTON, MARIE L 214-022-03 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 210-100-03 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 210-100-04 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 211-030-29 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 214-150-19 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 216-030-05 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 216-030-34 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 216-041-23 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 216-041-25 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 216-042-07 PAGE 17 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD EXHIBIT trBtt e 17 May 1991 . COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 D ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. STATE OF CALIFORNIA 216-140-08 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 216-140-22 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 216-140-23 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 216-150-14 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 216-150-15 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 216-150-17 STEINDORF, ALBERT 0 & SONDRA G 212-050-36 STEINDORF, ALBERT 0 & SONDRA G 2 12-050-38 STEINDORF, ALBERT 0 & SONDRA G 212-050-39 SUGINO, MASADA & IKUK 215-040-09 SUGINO, MASADA & IKUK 215-040-11 SUNBELT PLANNING CO 214-140-07 SUNNY CREEK I PARTNERSHIP 209-090-11 SUNNY CREEK I1 PARTNERSHIP 209-060-59 SUNNY CREEK I1 PARTNERSHIP 209-090-01 SUNNY CREEK I1 PARTNERSHIP 209-090-02 SUNNY CREEK I1 PARTNERSHIP 209-090-03 SUNNY CREEK I1 PARTNERSHIP 209-090-04 SUNNY CREEK I1 PARTNERSHIP 209-090-05 SUNNY CREEK I1 PARTNERSHIP 209-090-06 SUNNY CREEK I1 PARTNERSHIP 209-090-07 SUNNY CREEK I1 PARTNERSHIP 209-090-08 SUNNY CREEK I1 PARTNERSHIP 209-090-09 SUNNY CREEK I1 PARTNERSHIP 2 09-090-10 TABATA, AKIRA & JOYCE 215-040-04 TABATA, NOBORU & EVELYN 214-170-66 TABATA, NOBORU & EVELYN 215-080-21 TABATA, NOBORU ET AL 212-050-33 TABATA, NOBORU ET AL 2 14 -14 0-44 TARTAGLIA, PATRICIA 214-022-25 THERRIEN, CHARLES J 216-110-32 THOMPSON, DAVID & KAREN 214-170-05 THOMPSON, DAVID & KAREN 2 14-170-09 THOMPSON, DAVID B 214-170-47 ................................... ---------- STEINDORF, ALBERT 0 & SONDM G 212-050-37 THOMPSON, HAROLD 214-170-36 TREETOPS UNLIMITED 167-554-01 TREETOPS UNLIMITED 167-554-02 TREETOPS UNLIMITED 167-554-03 PAGE 18 17 May 1991 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD e COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 Y EXHIBIT lrBr' . ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. UNION OIL CO OF CALIFORNIA 223-060-28 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-020-25 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 2 12-02 0-37 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-020-38 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-020-39 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-070-01 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-070-12 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 2 12-070-13 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-070-15 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-070-17 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-070-22 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 2 12-070-23 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-070-24 . ................................... ---------- UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-01 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-02 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-03 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-04 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-05 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-07 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 2 12-120-08 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-09 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-10 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-11 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-12 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-13 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-14 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-16 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-17 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-18 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-20 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-21 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 2 12-12 0-22 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-23 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-24 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 2 12-120-25 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 2 12-12 0-2 6 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-27 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-28 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-29 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-30 VISTA SANTA FE VISTA SANTA FE 255-031-23 WARD, GUY 214-02 1-10 WARD, GUY 214-022-21 WARD, GUY 214-022-23 WARD, GUY 214-022-24 WEIDNER, EVELYN ET AL 2 14-170-46 WEISS MYLAS & FRANCINE K 2 14-150-08 255-03 1-22 PAGE 19 17 May 1991 e CITY OF CARLSBAD e e COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 . ASSESSOR'S c EXHIBIT I'Bll Y OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. WESTERN LAND & DEVELOPMENT 168-050-23 WESTERN LAND & DEVELOPMENT 209-060-03 WESTERN LAND & DEVELOPMENT 209-060-06 WIEGAND PROPERTIES PARTNERSHIP 255-040-17 WIMPEY GEORGE INC 212-050-22 WIMPEY GEORGE INC 212-050-29 WIMPEY GEORGE INC 212-050-30 WIMPEY GEORGE INC 212-050-34 WOOD, JAMES F & LINDA L 2 14-022-02 WRISLEY, RALPH & HOPE 209-040-23 YAMAMOTO, YUJIRO & YAMA 215-040-05 YMCA OF SAN DIEGO 2 12-050-40 ---=-==-=----~-~1~~0~~0~~~~~~~~~~~- ---------- PAGE 20 m-W.4. .N . .-y - -- - 0 Y * 1806 I ap pBs - LQiLW a WiiEN RECORDED, RETURN TO: CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX LIEN Pursuant to the requirements of Section 3114.5 of the Streets and Highways Section 53328.3 of the Government Code, the undersigned CITY CLERK legislative body of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. OF CALIFORNIA, HEREBY GIVES NOTICE that a lien is hereby imposed to secure of a special tax which the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Count] Diego, State of California, is authorized to annually levy €or the f purpose : To pay for certain public capital facilities, including the payment of principal and intereet on bonds, said facilities generally described a8 follows: I. Public facilities generally described a8 a new library facility, a major addition to an existing library building, a City Hall complex, and the addition of office and warehouse facilities at the public safety center. 11. Park improvements generally designated as the MACARIO CANYON PARX. 111. Major atreet improvements in portions of the following designated public streets: FARADAY AVENUE, CANNON ROAD, LA COSTA AVENUE, OLIVENHAIN ROAD/RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD and LEUCADIA BOULEVARD. IV. Major bridge and overpass facilities generally deecribed as the LA COSTA INTERCHANGE, POINSETTIA LANE INTERCHANGE and PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD INTERCHANGE. The special tax is authorized to be levied within Community Facilities Dist 1, which has now been officially formed, and the lien of the special t continuing lien which shall aecure each annual levy of the special tax a! ehall continue in force and effect until the special tax obligation is permanently satisfied and cancalled in accordance with law or until the spe ceases to be levied and a notice of cessation of special tax is recc accordance with Section 53330.5 of the Government Code. The rate and method of apportionment of the authorized special tax is as the attached, referenced and incorporated Exhibit "A", and the special tax collected in the same manner as ordinary ad valorem property taxes are colle shall be subject to the same penalties and the same procedure, sale priority in cam ~f delinquency aa Fa provFded for ad valorem taxes. cc under which the obligation to pay the special tax may be prepaid and pez satisfied and the lien of the epecial tax cancelled are as follows: a * I807 Any special tax may be prepaid and satisfied by the payment of the maximum present value of the special tax obligation. -L a i> Notice is further given that upon the recording of this notice in the Office County Recorder, the obligation to pay.the special tax levy shall become a li all non-exempt real property within the District in accordance with Section of the Streets and Highway6 code. The (a) names of the owner(s) of the real property included within this Cc Facilities District as they appear on the last secured assessment roll a6 date of recording of this Notice and (b) the AssessorOs tax parcel(s) numberr parcels or any portion thereof which are included within this Community Fa( District are as set forth on the attached, referenced and incorporated Exhfbii Reference io made to the boundary map of the Community Facilities District : Asaessment and Community Facilities Districts in the Office of the County for the County of San Diego, State of California, which map is now tk boundary map of the Community Facilities District. For further information concerning the current and estimated future tax liab owners or purchasere of real property subject to this special tax lien, in persons should contact the following designated person: at Book Jq , Page 56 , Document No. 90-674 (1 8 I of JIM ELLIOTT, FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CA€USBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: (619) 434-2867 DATED: k& /: /yy/ -23 CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA 4 0 18V5 .* 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXHIBIT "A" PROPERTY CATEGORIES AND MAXIMUM TAX b' ~ll taxable property within the boundaries of the Community Facilities 1 shall be subject to ANNUAL SPECIAL TAXES as applicable, based upon the ; categories, maximum tax rates, increases and status of the issuance of ' permits, all as hereinafter set forth. Improvement Area I refers to all pr within the boundaries of the City of Carlsbad Bridge and Thoroughfare D Improvement Area 11 is for all remaining properties within the Community Fa District, not within the Bridge & Thoroughfare Di8triCt. RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY All taxable property prior to the Fseuance of a building permit shall be 61 the following maximum annual special taxes, subject to increases as a herein: MAXIMUM ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY PER DEVELOPABLE ACRE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990/1991 IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT PROPERTY CATEGORY AREA I AREA I1 Residential Low $ 281.00 $ 277.00 Residential Low to Medium 772 .OO 760.00 Residential Medium 1,294.00 1,217.00 Residential Medium to High 1,984.00 I, 868.00 Residential High 2,793 .OO 2,739.00 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME Upon the issuance of a building permit, all Residential properties shall to the following described SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME, also f increases as set forth herein, as follows: MAXIMUM SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME PER RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNIT FOR FISC= YEAR 1990/1991 IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT PROPERTY CATEGORY AREA I AREA I1 Residential Low $ 4,452.00 $ 3,835.00 Residential Low to Medium 4,452 .OO 3,835.00 Residential Medium 2 , 810.00 2,312.00 Residential Medium to High 2,810.00 2 , 312.00 Residential High 2,810 .OO 2,312.00 -* 0 1839 0 b COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHBR PROPERTY ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY All taxable Commercial and Industrial Property prior to the issuance of a k permit ehall be eubject to the following maximum annual special taxes, a160 to increases as set forth herein: MAXIMUM ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY PER DEVELOPABLE ACRE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990/1991 IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT AREA I AREA I1 $ 2,400.00 $ 1,600.00 1,200.00 960.00 Commercial Property Industrial Property Agricu 1 tural Property -0- -0- All Commercial. and Industrial Property, upon the iseuance of a building shall have the option to (1) pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIM assume the ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY for a period of not t twenty-five (25) yeara, generally in the amounts per property category as fol I MAXIMUM SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990/91 PER SQUARE FOOT OF BUILDING AREA PROPERTY CATEGORY IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT COMMERCIAL USE DESIGNATIONS AREA I AREA I1 Restaurant - Fast Food $ 28.46 $ 7.58 Outdoor Tennis Courts 28.14 7.26 Convenience Market 27.31 6.74 Bank with Drive-thxu 18.06 5.72 Campground 17.51 4.99 Restaurant - Sit Down 15.17 4.73 Marina 14.85 4.41 Bank - Walk In 12.83 4.60 Auto - Gasoline 8.11 2.89 Grocery Store 7.78 2.56 S & L with Drive-thru 7.59 3.48 Bowling Center 6.63 2.83 Restaurant - Quality 6.57 3.09 Neighborhood Shopping Center 6.46 2.27 Auto Car Wash 6.31 ' 2.52 S & L - Walk In 5.51 3.03 Race Track 5.10 2.33 Library 4.26 2.86 Community Shopping Center 4.24 1.80 Hospital - General 3.88 3.18 1810 0 * IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT F e v COMMERCIAL USE DESIGNATIONS AREA I AREA 11 Hotel - Conv. Pac/Comm. 3.47 . 2.52 Auto - Repair & Sales 3.41 1.58 Regional Shopping Center 3.35 1.61 Discount Store 3.22 1.58 Golf Course 3.06 2.14 Church 2.99 1.94 Commercial Shops 2.90 1.58 Health Club 2.89 1.85 Motel 2.69 2.06 Office - High Rise 2.67 1.84 Office - Commercial, 100,000 SF 2.56 1.75 Lumber/Hardware Store 2.47 1.58 Hospital - Convaleecent 2.33 2.23 Indoor Sports Arena 2.33 2.23 Reeort Hotel 2.30 1.98 Un iver s it y 2.26 1.91 Junior College 2.19 1.90 Office - Government 2.93 1.88 office - Hedkal 2.42 2.07 All other Commercial Properties 2.14 1.44 not indentif ied above IMPROVEMENT. IMPROVEMENT INDUSTRIAL USE DESIGNATIONS AREA I RREA I1 He1 iport 8 $ 10.63 $ 3.67 Industrial-Commercial Business Park 2.14 1.51 All other Industrial Propertfee not identif Fed above 1.74 1.42 OR, IN THZ ALTERNATgI ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX The "Maximum Annual Special Tax - Developed Property" for any Fiscal Year exceed 13.81% of the authorized "Maximurn Special Development Tax - One Tim4 various Commercial and Industrial Property categoriee aa aet forth ab07 amount applicable and annually adjusted for each Fiacal Year. ANNUAL TAX INCREASE The above SPECIAL TAXES for the taxable properties are applicable for t year 1990/91, and are all subject to annual increases to reflect inc construction costa. The Construction Coet Index of the Engineering Ne titled "ENR C05t Indexes in 22 Cities" will be used. The Index publhh, month of April for the City of Los Angelee under the column heading of 'I Change from Last Year" will annually inflate each of the Maximum Annual each year for properties as follows: 0 1811 c e , 1 A. PROPERTIES WITHIN THE DISTRICT: Not to exceed 50% of the abave-referenced increase, B. PROPERTIES TO BE SUBSEQUENTLY ANNEXED: Not to exceed 100% of the above-referenced increaee until annexed. TERM OF TAX The above taxes shall be levied until all bonds have been discharged and fat funded and/or guaranteed, and the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME has bet however, the ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY shall not be leviel period in excea8 of twenty-five (25) years per parcel. Residential: Once a building permit has been issued for Residential property and the DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME has been paid, the property no longer will be su any annual special tax. Commercial & Industrial: The Commercial and Industrial properties, upon the issuance of a buildin5 have the option to (1) pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME or (2) ai ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY, a8 set forth above. Upon the is any building permit, no further increase or escalation is authorized. XLOCATION OF COST AND TAX Total capital costa for all authorized facilities shall be allocated as 65% to Residential property, 35% to Commercial & Industrial property. cost8 exclude costs of isauance as needed. Residential property shall be taxed in an amount sufficient to meet the 6!3! facilities, which tax will include costs of issuance, interest and otk including sinking fund payment8 for future construction as applicable. Commercial & Industrial property shall be taxed in an amount sufficient tc 35% share of facilities, which tax will include costa of issuance, int other coats, including sinking fund payments for future construction as app COLLECTION OF ANNUAL TAX Residential: Determine monies neceseary to make payment, on bond debt service, replenir call bonds, pay bonds and Community Facilities District No. 1 administral and pay for publFc capital facilities, FIRST; Reduce this amount by collected from Special Development Tax - One Time levied against properties. SECOND: The remaining funds needed are to be collected by 1 the annual Special Tax - Undeveloped Property on undeveloped taxable acreage, in the proportional amounts for each property category as requi exceed the maximum authorized tax. a 1812 d 0 Commercial and Industrial: Determine monies necessary to make payment' on. bond debt aervice, replenish r call bonds, pay bonds and Community Facililies District No. 1 administrative and pay €or current or future public capital facilities. FIRST: Reduce thir by the funds collected from Special Development Tax - One Time and annual Tax - Developed Property levied against commercial and industrial pro] SECOND; Levy the annual Special Tax - Undeveloped Property on undeveloped commercial and industrial acreage in the proportional amounts far each category as required, not to exceed the maximum tax. 6 *** / , e 0 * 1813 ? CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH NOTICE REQUIREMENTS COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO CITY OF CARLSBAD ALETHA RAUTENKRANZ, under penalty of perjury, CERTIFIES AS FOLLOWS: The undersigned is now, and at all times mentioned herein was, the duly 9 -and acting CITY CLERK of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, and as BUC~, accof the notice requirements in connection with the referenced Community Fac District, as noted: RECORDING The NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX LIEN was recorded in the Office of the County Rec the day of , 1991, said date being within fifteen ( of the certification of the reoults of the election of the Community Fz District. EXECUTED this day of , 1991, at Carlsbad, California. CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAO STATE OF CALIFORNIA .I ? I 17 May 1991 e CI@ b# CARLSBA @ COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXHI B I T 'I B Is J ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. A-M HOMES 215-612-10 ABADA, AHARON 214-140-40 AITCHISON, WALLACE G 215-070-18 ALADRAY, NAZEAN & JOSEPH 212-040-26 ALSOP, ANNE TR 214-022-10 ................................... ---------- ALTAMIRA UNIT NO 4 214-300-08 ARIE DEJONG JR. FAMILY TRUST 215-080-01 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 214-170-51 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-040-19 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 2 15-040-2 C AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-04 0-2 1 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-040-22 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-040-22 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-070-25 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-080-24 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-080-2: AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-592-01 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-592-02 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-592-04 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 2 15-592-0s AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-592-1C AVIARA LAND ASSOC 2 15-592-15 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-600-15 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-600-2: AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-600-24 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-600-2E AVIARA LAND ASSOC 2 15-600-2 E AVIARA LAND ASSOC 2 15-600-2; AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-01 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 2 15-610-0: AVIARA LAND ASSOC 2 15-610-0 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 2 15-610-01 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-0 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-01 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-0' AVIARA LAND ASSOC 2 15-610-0 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-0 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-1 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-1 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-1 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-1 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-04o-ia AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-600-16 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-1 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-1 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-1 PAGE 1 - 0 CITY OF CARLSBA d) COI'QIUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXHI BIT I' B I' u' IC7 May 1991 \ ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-17 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-18 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-19 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-20 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-21 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-22 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-23 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-24 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-25 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-26 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-27 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-29 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-3C AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-31 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-32 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-33 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-34 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-35 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 2 15-610-36 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-37 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-3e AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-3s AVIARA LAND ASSOC 2 15-610-4C AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-41 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-03 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-0; AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-0: AVIARA LAND ASSOC 2 15-611-01 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 2 15-611-OE AVIARA LAND ASSOC 2 15-611-01 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-0; AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-Ot AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-05 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-1( AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-1: AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-1; AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-1: AVIARA LAND ASSOC 2 15-611-11 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-1I AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-1f AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-1' AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-11 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-l! AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-2: AVIARA LAND ASSOC 2 15-611-2: AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-2: AVIARA LAND ASSOC 2 15-611-21 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-2! AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-21 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-2' AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-611-2 ................................... ---------- AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-610-2a AVIARA LAND ASSOC 2 15-611-2 I PAGE 2 i 0 db l5I.O CITY OF CARLSBA COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 I X7 May 1991 EXH I BIT It B I' 'J ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. ................................... ---------- 215-611-29 215-612-05 AVIARA LAND ASSOC AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-612-09 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-612-13 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-612-14 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 215-612-17 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-110-02 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-110-19 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-110-28 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-111-04 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-111-07 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-111-08 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-111-09 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-12 1-15 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-121-16 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-122-01 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-150-07 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-150-18 AVIARA LAND ASSOC 216-150-19 AVIARA M.H.A. 215-592-03 AVIARA M.H.A. 215-592-11 AVIARA M.H.A. 215-592-16 AVIARA M.H.A. 2 15-592-17 AVIARA M.H.A. 215-592-18 AVIARA M.H.A. 215-602-53 AVIARA M.H.A. 215-602-54 AVIARA M.H.A. 215-612-03 AVIARA M.H.A. 215-612-08 AVIARA M.H.A. 215-612-11 AVIARA M.H.A. 215-612-12 AVIARA M.H.A. 215-612-15 AVIARA M.H.A. 215-612-16 AVIARA RESORT ASSOC 215-612-02 AVIARA-5 215-592-08 AVIARA-5 215-592-12 AVIARA-5 215-592-13 AVIARA-5 215-592-14 AVIARA-5 215-592-15 BACHMAN, JOHN & ALICE 214-021-01 BACHMAN, JOHN & ALICE 214-021-02 BACHMAN, JOHN & ALICE 214-021-08 BACHMAN, JOHN & ALICE 214-021-09 BARBER, ROSS & MABEL L TRS 209-060-57 BATIQUITOS BLUFF 216-140-27 BATIQUITOS BLUFF 216-140-28 BATIQUITOS BLUFF 216-140-29 BATIQUITOS BLUFF 216-140-31 AVIARA LAND ASSOC PAGE 3 ---- 0 CITY OF CARLSBA @ COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 2 L 17 May 1991 1 EXHIBIT I'B" ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. BATIQUITOS BLUFF 2 16-420-79 BATIQUITOS POINTE 216-140-17 BATIQUITOS POINTE 216-140-18 BATIQUITOS POINTE 216-140-19 BCE DEVELOPMENT CORP 223-030-56 ................................... ---------- BCE DEVELOPMENT CORP 223-060-6a BCS PROGRAM L-2 2 12-040-29 BECKMAN INSTRUMENTS 209-050-29 BIRTCHER BUSINESS CENTER 212-110-oa BLONSKI, THEODORE & MIRIAM 210-100-05 BLONSKI, THEODORE & MIRIAM 210-100-06 BLONSKI, THEODORE & MIRIAM 210-100-12 BOLTON, GEORGE & MU1 215-070-23 BRAMALEA CALIFORNIA, INC 215-612-04 BREN DONALD L CO 255-031-18 BRIGHTON CARLSBAD ASSOC 264-010-21 BRIGHTON CARLSBAD ASSOC 2 64-010-22 BRIGHTON CARLSBAD ASSOC 264-010-22 BRIGHTON CARLSBAD ASSOC 264-010-25 BRYANT, FRANK 215-070-15 BUERGER, WILLIAM & ANN 215-040-0E BUERGER, WILLIAM & ANN 215-040-1C CALIFORNIA COMMUNITIES INC 212-040-3C CALIFORNIA COMMUNITIES INC 2 12-12 0-32 CAMPBELL, TOM ET AL 214-022-11 CANTARINI, BANNING T ET AL 209-070-01 CANTARINI, BANNING T ET AL 209-070-0; CARLSBAD 54 PARTNER 212-020-2: CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-01 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-0; CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-0: CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-01 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-01 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-01 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-0' CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-0i PAGE 4 L9 1818 CITY OF CARLSBA COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXHIBIT lrB" > : 17 May 1991 0 -. 'J ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME 61 ADDRESS PARCEL NO. CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-09 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-1C CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-11 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-13 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 2 12-08 1-14 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 2 12-081-15 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-081-15 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 2 12-081-11 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-082-03 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 2 12-082-0; CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-082-01 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-082-04 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-082-0E CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-082-Ot CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-082-0: CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-082-09 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-091-01 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-091-02 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-091-03 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-091-04 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-091-05 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-091-08 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-091-13 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 2 12-091-14 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-091-15 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-091-16 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-091-15 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-04 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-03 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-04 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-05 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-06 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-05 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-0E CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-05 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 2 12-092-1E CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-11 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-12 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-13 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-19 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-22 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-092-23 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-093-01 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-093-02 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-093-03 ................................... ---------- CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-082-08 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-091-17 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-093-04 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-093-05 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-093-Of CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-093-05 CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-093-0E CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 212-093-05 PAGE 5 0 CITY 1M ZARLsBA d) COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXHIBIT I' B " t . 17 May 1991 7. I ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. CARLSBAD DEVELOPMENT CO 168-050-02 CARLSBAD DEVELOPMENT CO 168-050-05 CARLSBAD HEIGHTS ASSOC 212-040-41 CARLSBAD MWD 167-101-08 CARLSBAD MWD 168-040-2C CARLSBAD MWD 168-040-24 CARLSBAD MWD 169-011-24 CARLSBAD MWD 169-230-02 CARLSBAD MWD 169-500-05 CARLSBAD MWD 215-080-05 CARLSBAD MWD 215-080-23 CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-082-02 CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-082-03 CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-082-06 CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-082-07 CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-083-01 CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-083-02 CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-083-03 CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-083-08 CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-083-11 CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-083-12 CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-083-15 CARNATION PROPERTIES 215-070-06 CHAPPEE, EUGENE 214-160-28 CITY OF CARLSBAD 167-101-07 CITY OF CARLSBAD 167-101-09 CITY OF CARLSBAD 167-101-34 CITY OF CARLSBAD 167-101-35 CITY OF CARLSBAD 168-020-12 CITY OF CARLSBAD 168-020-13 CITY OF CARLSBAD 168-020-17 CITY OF CARLSBAD 168-020-18 CITY OF CARLSBAD 168-020-19 CITY OF CARLSBAD 168-040-02 CITY OF CARLSBAD 212-010-05 CITY OF CARLSBAD 212-010-07 CITY OF CARLSBAD 212-010-11 CITY OF CARLSBAD 2 12-010-12 ................................... ---------- CARLSBAD MWD i68-050-0a CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-082-oa CARLSBAD OAKS EAST LTD 209-083-07 CITY OF CARLSBAD 212-010-13 CITY OF CARLSBAD 2 12-08 1-19 CITY OF CARLSBAD 212-081-20 CITY OF CARLSBAD 214-140-39 CITY OF CARLSBAD 214-300-09 CITY OF CARLSBAD 216-110-34 PAGE 6 d) 1820 CITY OF CARLSBA COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 4 , P7 May 1991 0 .. L EXHIBIT ll Bll ASSESSOR' E OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. CITY OF CARLSBAD 223-050-66 CITY OF CARLSBAD 223-060-53 CITY OF CARLSBAD 223-060-61 CITY OF CARLSBAD 255-146-55 COBRA-BLACKMORE 212-120-06 COMMUNITY BANK CORP 216-122-25 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 209-050-25 CRIVELLO FAMILY TRUST 212-061-03 CUSD 167-101-11 CUSD 167-101-26 CUSD 168-050-19 DANIELS CABLEVISION 223-010-40 ---------------_--------~-------,-- -,,-,1,,,- DAVIDSONjCOSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-01 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-02 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-03 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-04 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-05 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-06 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-07 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-08 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-09 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-10 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-11 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-12 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-13 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-14 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-15 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-16 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 2 15-590-17 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 2 15-590-18 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 2 15-590-19 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 2 15-590-20 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-21 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 2 15-590-22 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-23 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-24 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-25 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-26 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-27 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-28 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-29 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-30 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-31 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-32 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-33 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-34 PAGE 7 d) 1821 CITY OF CARLSBA COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 fi 17 May 1991 0 5 EXHIBIT "B" ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-35 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-36 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-37 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-38 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-39 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-40 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-41 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-42 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-590-43 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-01 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-02 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-03 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-04 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-06 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-07 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-08 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 2 15-591-09 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-10 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-11 DAVI DSON/ COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-12 DAVI DSON/ COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-13 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-14 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-15 DAVI DSON/COS CAN PARTNERS 215-591-16 DAVI DSON/ COS CAN PARTNERS 2 15-591-17 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-18 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-19 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-20 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-21 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-22 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 2 15-591-23 ................................... ---------- DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-05 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-24 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-25 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-26 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-27 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-591-28 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-59 1-29 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-01 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-02 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-03 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-04 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-05 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-06 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-07 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-08 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-09 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-10 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-11 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-12 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-13 DAVIDSON/COS CAN PARTNERS 215-620-14 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-15 PAGE 8 - -- e @ CITY OF CARLSBA COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXHIBIT "B" j 17 May 1991 -1 r ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-16 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-17 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-19 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-20 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-21 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-22 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-23 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-24 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-25 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-26 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-27 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 2 15-620-28 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-29 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-31 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 2 15-620-3 2 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-62 0-3 3 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-34 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-35 DAVIDSON/COS CAN PARTNERS 215-620-36 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-37 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-38 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-39 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-40 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-41 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-42 ................................... ---------- DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-ia DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-30 DAVID6ON)COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-43 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-44 DAVIDSON/COS CAN PARTNERS 215-620-45 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-46 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-47 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-48 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-49 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-50 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-51 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PARTNERS 215-620-52 DELORM, ROBERT 209-040-24 DEVLIN, LESLIE L 214-022-18 DICKIE, CHARLES & VIRGINA 214-021-03 DONAHUE, RICHARD ET AL 214-021-04 DONAHUE, RICHARD ET AL 214-022-01 DONAHUE, RICHARD ET AL 214-022-06 ECKE, PAUL SR 212-041-05 EDWARDS, NAWORIE R 2 14-022-15 EDWARDS, MARJORIE R 2 14-022-17 DONAHUE, RICHARD ET AL 214-022-04 PAGE 9 r 0 1823 F, CITY OF CARLSBA COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 '\ 17 May 1991 -. EXH I BIT 'I B " i ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. ENGLER, WILLIAM E. 2 14-170-58 ENGLER, WILLIAM E. 214-170-55 EXTEN VENTURES INC 216-140-33 FERMANIAN, G. 223-060-52 FERNANDEZ, VICTORIA 215-070-1L FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 216-320-13 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 222-470-23 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 222-470-25 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 223-010-12 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-010-19 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-010-25 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 223-010-2E FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 223-010-25 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-010-33 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 223-010-3; FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-010-32 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-010-34 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-010-37 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 223-011-02 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-011-02 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-011-04 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-011-05 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 223-011-06 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 223-021-08 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 223-021-09 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 223-021-10 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 223-021-11 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-021-12 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 223-021-15 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-021-16 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-032-01 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-032-02 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-050-53 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-050-54 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 223-050-59 223-050-6E 2 2 3 -050-65 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-050-65 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-060-15 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 223-060-49 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 223-071-05 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 223-071-07 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 223-071-09 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 255-010-09 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 255-010-18 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 255-010-19 FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 255-022-01 ................................... ---------- FIELDSTONE/= COSTA 223-oio-ia FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 223-010-3E FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA PAGE 10 ? P 1Oc;Lf CITY OF CARLSBA COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 ' 17 May 1991 0 .i EXHIBIT "B" ASSESSOR'E OWNER'S NAME 61 ADDRESS PARCEL NO. FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 255-030-05 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 255-030-1C FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 255-030-11 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 255-031-1i FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 255-031-24 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 255-031-2E FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 255-031-26 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 255-04 1-14 FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 264-220-4; FIELDSTONE/LA COSTA 264-220-71 FIG HOLDING CO 2 12-062-01 FIG HOLDING CO 212-062-11 FISHER, JOHN & CARYL 214-160-34 FRED DELANEY 2 14-430-22 FRED DELANEY 214-430-23 FRED DELANEY 214-430-24 GREAT WESTERN SAVINGS 209-041-18 HADLEY, PAUL & PEGGY 215-080-19 HEAD WILLIAM E 214-010-03 HERRICK DEVELOPMENT 2 14-450-2 0 HIGDON, BARBARA 2 12-050-13 HILLEBRECHT CO 2 14-140-42 HUNT, W H 216-122-23 HUNTINGTON BEACH CO 2 12-041-06 HUNTINGTON BEACH CO 212-041-07 HUNTINGTON BEACH CO 212-041-08 HUNTINGTON BEACH CO 212-041-09 HUNTINGTON BEACH CO 2 12-04 1-10 HUNTINGTON BEACH CO 212-041-11 IVAR NV CORP 212-050-41 IVAR NV CORP 212-050-43 KAISER ELECTRO-OPTIC 209-081-01 KAISER ELECTRO-OPTIC 209-081-07 KAISER ELECTRO-OPTIC 209-081-09 KAISER ELECTRO-OPTIC 209-081-18 KAISER ELECTRO-OPTIC 209-081-19 KAISER ELECTRO-OPTIC 209-081-20 KAISER ELECTRO-OPTIC 209-081-22 KAISER ELECTRO-OPTIC 213-061-23 ................................... ---------_ PAGE 11 q 0 I825 1, CITY OF CARLSBA COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 \ 17 May 1991 i EXHIBIT "Btt ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. KAISER, GILBERT & MARY 215-080-22 KATO, HIROSHI & IDA 209-070-04 KATO, HIROSHI & IDA 209-070-08 KELLY FAMILY CARLSBAD 207-101-12 KELLY FAMILY CARLSBAD 208-020-28 KELLY FAMILY CARLSBAD 208-020-30 KELLY FAMILY CARLSBAD 208-020-33 KELLY, ALLAN 0 & KATHERINE M 168-050-01 KELLY, ALLAN 0 & KATHERINE M 168-050-03 KELLY, ALLAN 0 & KATHERINE M 168-050-06 KELLY, ALLAN 0 & KATHERINE M 168-050-07 KELLY, ALLAN 0 & KATHERINE M 168-050-25 KELLY, ALLAN 0 & KATHERINE M 168-050-26 KELLY, RICHARD C 209-060-53 KELLY, RICHARD C 209-060-58 KELLY, RICHARD C 212-040-32 KELLY, RICHARD ET AL 212-040-35 KELLY, RICHARD ET AL 212-040-37 KELLY, RICHARD ET AL 212-040-40 KELLY, ROBERT 212-081-21 KELLY, ROBERT ET AL 212-040-36 KELLY, ROBERT ET AL 2 12-040-38 KELLY, W. ALLAN & MARIE ET AL 208-020-32 KIRGIS, HOWARD & IDA 212-010-03 LA COSTA ESTANCIA 255-031-20 LA COSTA FUNDING 223-060-29 LAMB, JOHN M 216-140-16 LAUREL TREE INVESTMENTS CO 212-040-46 LEUCADIA CWD 216-110-18 LUSK, JOHN & SON CORP 214-150-16 LUSK, JOHN & SON CORP 214-150-17 LUSK, JOHN & SON CORP 214-150-18 ................................... ---------- LYON COMMUNITIES INC 215-612-06 LYON COMMUNITIES INC 215-612-07 LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 167-101-03 LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 167-10 1- 19 PAGE 12 LVNV I , 17 May 1991 0 CITY OF CARLSBA P COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXHI BIT " B " $ ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 167-101-21 LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 167-101-27 LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 167-101-28 LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 168-040-14 LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 168-040-1f LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 168-040-17 LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 168-040-1E LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 168-040-22 LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 168-040-2: LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 168-040-25 LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 168-050-27 LYON/COPLEY CARLSBAD ASSOC 2 08-101-OE MADISON SQUARE DEVELOPMENT I1 213-091-04 ................................... ---------- MADISON SQUARE DEVELOPMENT I11 212-110-01 MADISON SQUARE DEVELOPMENT I11 212-110-02 MADISON SQUARE DEVELOPMENT I11 212-110-03 MADISON SQUARE DEVELOPMENT I11 212-110-04 MADISON SQUARE DEVELOPMENT I11 212-110-05 MADISON SQUARE DEVELOPMENT I11 212-110-06 MADISON SQUARE DEVELOPMENT I11 2 12-110-07 MAG PROPERTIES 223-050-68 MAG PROPERTIES 223-050-70 MAG PROPERTIES 223-060-31 MAG PROPERTIES 223-060-32 MANDANA CAL CO CORP 209-040-27 MANDANA CAL CO CORP 209-070-03 MANDANA CAL CO CORP 209-070-07 MARINE CORPS WEST 213-070-11 MC CABE, JEFFREY S 214-022-08 MCKINNEY, RONALD & EVELYN 215-070-10 MCREYNOLDS, ANDREW 211-040-14 MCROSKEY, JOHN 213-061-02 MCROSKEY, JOHN 2 13 -070-2 0 MCROSKEY, JOHN 213-070-21 MCROSKEY, JOHN 2 13 -07 0-2 2 MENDIVIL, MARIA ET AL 214-170-73 MERCOTAL INC 213-070-08 MISON ESTANCIA PARTNERSHIP 223-060-50 MITSWCHI, ROY & NANCY 2 16-121-02 MITSUUCHI, ROY & NANCY 2 16-121-03 PAGE 13 @ 106 4 CITY OF CARLSBA 4 COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 I > 17 May 1991 0 i EXHI BIT *I B ** ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO, MOORE, GUY S. JR. 215-080-2( MORGAN/PALOMAR INDUSTRY 212-040-2! MTK CORP OF AMERICA 212-092-1d MTK CORP OF AMERICA 212-092-15 MURPHY, HOWARD TRUST 216-121-01 NELSON, GREGORY & BARBARA 215-080-04 NORTHWESTERN PACIFIC 255-023-01 NORTHWESTERN PACIFIC 255-023-04 OCEAN BLUFF PARTNERS 215-070-1€ ODMARK THELAN DAVIDSON CO 214-170-17 ODMARK THELAN DAVIDSON CO 214-170-21 ODMARK THELAN DAVIDSON CO 214-170-2: ODMARK THELAN DAVIDSON CO 216-150-03 ODMARK THELAN DAVIDSON CO 216-150-05 ODMARK THELAN DAVIDSON CO 216-150-16 OLIVENHAIN MWD 223-071-06 PALOMAR INVESTMENT 209-041-20 PALOMAR INVESTMENT 209-041-27 PALOMAR INVESTMENT 209-041-28 PARKVIEW WEST PARTNERSHIP 223-060-40 PILLSBURY, MARTHA 209-090-12 PORTER, MARVIN & MARGRET 214-170-72 PRICE CO. 211-040-08 PRICE CO. 211-040-09 211-040-12 PRICE CO. PROPERTY MORTGAGE CO 214-160-19 PROPERTY MORTGAGE CO 214-160-24 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-01 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-02 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-03 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-04 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-05 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-06 RDC DEVCO XI LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-07 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-08 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-09 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-10 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-11 __---__---__--___--_--------------- ---------_ PAGE 14 U CITY OF 1828 CARLSBA 9 i COMMUNITY FACILITI'EIS DISTRICT NO. 1 L '17 May 1991 0 EXHIBIT I' B I' 1 .1 ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 2 15-600-12 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-13 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-14 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-1i RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-1E RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-19 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-20 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-21 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-600-22 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-01 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-02 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-03 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 2 15-601-04 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-06 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 2 15-601-07 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-0E RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-0s RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-1C RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-11 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-12 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-24 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-25 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-26 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-27 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-28 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-29 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-30 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 2 15-601-3 1 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-32 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-33 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 2 15-601-34 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-47 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-01 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-02 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-03 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-04 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-05 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-06 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-07 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-08 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-09 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-10 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-11 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-12 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-13 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-14 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 2 15-602-15 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 2 15-602-16 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 2 15-602-17 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-18 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-19 ................................... ---------- RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-601-05 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-20 PAGE 15 s 0 1829 d CITY OF CARLSBA COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 L, '17 May 1991 *< E XHI BIT 'I B It 4 ? ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-21 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-22 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-23 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-24 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-25 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 2 15-602-2 6 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-34 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-35 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-37 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-38 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-39 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-40 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 2 15-602-41 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-42 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-43 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-47 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAL 169-230-03 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAL 169-230-04 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAL 169-230-05 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAL 169-230-07 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAL 169-230-12 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAL 169-230-23 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAL 169-230-29 ................................... ---------- RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP 215-602-36 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAL 169-23o-ia REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAL 169-230-28 RICE ENTERPRISES 264-010-07 RICE ENTERPRISES 264-010-09 ROBERTSON, BRIAN K 168-040-03 ROBERTSON, VIRGINIA K 168-050-17 ROBERTSON, VIRGINIA K 208-010-32 ROESCH, RONALD L. 215-070-15 RUDVALIS, JOSEPH A. 215-070-04 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-010-09 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-031-03 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-031-09 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-031-10 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-031-11 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-031-12 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-033-01 214-034-01 2 14-035-01 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-036-01 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-051-01 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-052-01 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-053-02 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC PAGE 16 I I830 p jI '17 May 1991 0 CITY OF CARLSBA COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 i' EXHIBIT "B" ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-054-04 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-061-21 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 2 14-062-2 3 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-063-23 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-064-01 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASSOC 214-065-01 SAMMIS PROPERTIES 216-140-25 SAMMIS PROPERTIES 216-140-32 SAN DIEGUITO HSD 223-322-03 SAN DIEGUITO HSD 223-322-04 SAN MARCOS CWD 223-071-10 SANDLIN , DOROTHY 209-060-55 SARKARIA, DALJIT 215-070-12 SCHINDLER, THURL0 215-070-13 SCHREIBER, DALE 216-010-01 SCHREIBER, DALE 216-010-03 SCHREIBER, DALE 2 16-010-04 SCHREIBER, DALE 216-010-05 SDGE 209-050-28 SEA BLUFF ASSOCIATES 216-140-30 SEAPOINTE PROFESSION 214-010-01 SHELLEY, DANIEL T 223-061-01 SHELLEY , DANIEL T 223-061-02 SHELLEY, DANIEL T 255-040-19 SHELLEY, DANIEL T 264-010-11 SHERMAN, JOSEPH 214-140-13 SIPPEL MARVIN ET AL 212-050-35 STANTON, MARIE L 214-022-03 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 210-100-03 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 210-100-04 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 211-030-29 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 214-150-19 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 216-030-05 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 216-030-34 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 216-041-23 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 216-041-25 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 216-042-07 ................................... ---------- SCHREIBER, DALE 216-010-02 PAGE 17 a F '* 1831 CITY OF CARLSBA COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 , '17 May 1991 0 i' EXH I BIT 'I B 'I ASSESSOR ', OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO ................................... --------- STATE OF CALIFORNIA 216-140-0 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 216-140-2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 216-140-2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 216-150-1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 216-150-1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 216-150-1 STEINDORF, ALBERT 0 & SONDRA G 212-050-3 STEINDORF, ALBERT 0 & SONDRA G 212-050-3 STEINDORF, ALBERT 0 & SONDRA G 212-050-3 STEINDORF, ALBERT 0 & SONDRA G 212-050-3 SUGINO, MASADA & IKUK 215-040-0 SUGINO, MASADA & IKUK 215-040-1 SUNBELT PLANNING CO 2 14-14 0-0 SUNNY CREEK I PARTNERSHIP 209-090-1 SUNNY CREEK I1 PARTNERSHIP 209-060-5 SUNNY CREEK I1 PARTNERSHIP 209-090-0 SUNNY CREEK I1 PARTNERSHIP 209-090-0 SUNNY CREEK I1 PARTNERSHIP 209-090-0 SUNNY CREEK I1 PARTNERSHIP 209-090-0 SUNNY CREEK I1 PARTNERSHIP 209-090-0 SUNNY CREEK I1 PARTNERSHIP 209-090-0 SUNNY CREEK I1 PARTNERSHIP 209-090-0 SUNNY CREEK I1 PARTNERSHIP 209-090-0 SUNNY CREEK I1 PARTNERSHIP 209-090-0 SUNNY CREEK I1 PARTNERSHIP 209-090-1 TABATA, AKIRA & JOYCE 215-040-0 TABATA, NOBORU & EVELYN 2 14-170-6 TABATA, NOBORU & EVELYN 2 15-080-2 TABATA, NOBORU ET AL 212-050-3 TABATA, NOBORU ET AL 214-140-4 TARTAGLIA, PATRICIA 2 14-022-2 THERRIEN, CHARLES J 216-110-3 THOMPSON, DAVID & KAREN 214-170-C THOMPSON, DAVID & KAREN 214-170-C THOMPSON, DAVID B 214-170-4 THOMPSON, HAROLD 214-170-2 TREETOPS UNLIMITED 167-554-( TREETOPS UNLIMITED 167-554-( TREETOPS UNLIMITED 167-554-( PAGE 18 4 0 CITY OF CARLSBA F COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 * Le '17 May 1991 i' EXHIBIT 'lBl1 ASSESSORII OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO UNION OIL CO OF CALIFORNIA 223-060-2 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-020-2 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-020-3 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 2 12-02 0-3 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-020-3 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-070-0 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-070-1 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-070-1 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-070-1 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 2 12-070-1 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-070-2 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-070-2 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-0 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 2 12-12 0-0 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-0 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-0 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-0 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-0 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-0 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-0 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 2 12-12 0-1 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 2 12-12 0-1 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-1 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-1 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-1 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-1 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-1 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-1 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-2 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-2 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-2 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-2 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-4 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-4 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-2 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-4 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 2 12-12 0-2 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-2 VISTA SANTA FE 2 55-03 1-2 VISTA SANTA FE 255-03 1-2 WARD, GUY 214-021-1 WARD, GUY 214-022-2 WARD, GUY 214-022-; WARD, GUY 214-022-; WEIDNER, EVELYN ET AL 214-170-1 WEISS MYLAS S, FRANCINE K 214-150-( ................................... --------- UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-070-2 UPLAND INDUSTRIES 212-120-2 PAGE 19 183-w CITY OF CARLSBA 1 COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 e 8 : \+. 917 May 1991 f EXHIBIT "B" ASSESSOR' 5 OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PARCEL NO. WESTERN LAND & DEVELOPMENT 168-050-22 WESTERN LAND & DEVELOPMENT 209-060-02 ................................... ---------- WESTERN LAND & DEVELOPMENT 209-060-06 WIEGAND PROPERTIES PARTNERSHIP 255-040-1: WIMPEY GEORGE INC 212-050-2; WIMPEY GEORGE INC 2 12-050-2: WIMPEY GEORGE INC 212-050-3 WOOD, JAMES F & LINDA L 214-022-0 WRISLEY, RALPH & HOPE 209-040-2 YAMAMOTO, YUJIRO & YAMA 215-040-0 YMCA OF SAN DIEGO 2 12-050-4 WIMPEY GEORGE INC 212-050-3' PAGE 20