HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-07-02; City Council; 11223; Acceptance of Certified Local Government GrantCP OF CARLSBAD - AGEN = ACCEPTANCE OF CERTIFIED LOCAL GOVERNMENT GRANT 1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: ~ City Council, by minute motion, accept a grant of $2,000 from the State Office of Historic Preservation under the Certified Local Government (CLG) Grant Program and authorize the Financial Managment Director to appropriate the funds. ITEM EXPLANATION On May 21, 1991, Council authorized staff to apply for a Certified Local Government Grant in the amount of $2,000. The State has notified the City that this Grant has been approved. Funds will be used as follows: 1) $750 to hire a professional to process the Santa Fe Depot application for placement on the National Register of Historic Places, 2) $1,250 for Historic Preservation Commissioners and staff to attend preservation conferences in Santa Barbara and Sacramento. ’ Historic Preservation operating budget funds totaling $2,000 are available to meet the required 50 percent match. i FISCAL IMPACT The City will receive $2,000 in Federal Funds administered through the State Office of Historic Preservation under the Certified Local Government Grant Program. Funds in the amount of $1,250 will be utilized in the 1990-91 F.Y. and $750 will be utilized in the $1991-92 F.Y. Matching funds will be utilized from the Historic Preservation Operating Budgets. EXHIBITS 1. Letter dated May 23, 1991 from the State Office of Historic Preservation. STATE OF CALIFORNIA -THE RESOURCES AGENCY PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION P.O. Box 942896 SACRAMENTO 94296-0001 (916) 445-8006 May 23, I.991 FAX: (916) 322-6377 Ms.PatriciaCratQ *a - Ar4lyst. 2% T"f-= -3-m Dept carlshad, CA 92009 Dear Ms. cratty: g Ihe Natimal Park Service has approved the Office of Historic prese;nmtiopl’S ~tionfcrfundingtoUxeCityofQrl&adfora National Register nmination for the Santa Fe Depot. We may now p-cceedwith~ - -irrs* Please sign eadl of tie enclosed six (6) copies of the Project Agreement and return five (5) tousforpmcess~. Afullyexemted agmemmt will be smt to ym in approximately two weeks after being lzturn&toopIp. I believe you already have a copy of the Secretarv of the D-brior'sstardards forHistcricReservaticmProiectsardtherevised . 1989 Subrant Pmc&xal Gude FederalE@alCQ$rtmityF&qulations, T~~U&requires that the &losedposterbe~di+ayedbyallcqant Also,pleasebeamrethatany~llcatlonslIust~ mnt; both are publish& cm ti inside cover of the before-mentioned ProceduralGuide. Ifyouforsme reasondonothavetheabovepubli- cations,pleaseletusknuw. Welookforward t0wcdciIqwi~ya.l. tanceinassuriqthisisa Ifwecanbeofanyassi.s- successful project, please contact Eugene ItcgamarJoyceIawattheabovenumber. . -Yl - . s+*- KathrynGualti~i StateHistmic Presermtionofficer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 COURT PACER ,*ATn 0, uLImn*l~ STD. 113 9nev. l .VZI 96wee NATIONAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION ACT OF lW6 HISTORICAL RESOW -: PRESERVATION PROJECT AGREEMENT Stat. of CaNIamh - l‘ho Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION PFUAECT SF(IR: Participant shall prepare a National Register mmination for the Santa Fe Depot, In preparing the National Register nomination, PartiFipant shall follow instructions in Natimal Mister H&Q&tin No. 16 (Wa&mqton, D.C.) Naticnal Park Ewvice, U.S. DeprbmtoftheIrrbrior. Participantaaqyoftheminstn&i~. State shall provide Participant shall m allwork-pmdmks in this agreement according to the "Secretary of the Interior's standards and Guidelines for Wesexvation P~,Identificaticp1,Evaluaticnarwl~~ti~~su~standardsare applicable, and shall insure that principal project personnel meet ap- pmpria~pcofessionalqualificationsstandards set fm-th in 36 CFR Part 61, ~A.ParticipanthasaqofWesestandards. !HlePa?kicipantshallsendmembers of its staff and its Historical Advisory Commission to a workshop on historic preservation for Certified Local G, or other State-approved workshop, seminar, or conference on historic presematicn dtxing Federal Fiscal Year l990/9l. AND m: Participant shall submit to State progress reports detailing theproportionofworkamx@i&edandany difficulties B as follows. suhuitted alolq with Any billings other than described below may be pmgressrepartsasParticipantdeemsnecessary. September 10, 1991 - The first progress report shall be submitted by September 10, 1991 along with a -afmzi~~~~~.through septaaber 30, 1991 (ti end of the federal fiscal year). This summary and a follawupofa~far~(~Fann583,suppliedbyState) (azmmummPAc;Elam) PROJECT FUNDING: Total costs supportedby Federal grant futxls Under-National Historic PresenBticnActofl966: !rwowxxsaw dollars ($2,000). I Minimum contribution of the ParticipanttOmatchFederalgrantfundsurder the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966: Two thousand dollars Gww l DPR 631 (e/sS) la Y 2 31 /, 4 Ii ii 5 :: 6 1: 7 / j g !, i, 9 ,; LO Ll L2 I L3 >a 14 15 L6 17 18 19 :0 lulstbesuhni~toreoeive- #eft?&ralf~ylear, furcot3blMdepriortotheendof, fiscalyear. Costscanwtbecamiedfwthto thenext federal; I Ocbker 30. 1991, -Participant shall sub&a secmI pxqress ing-~~;ury~E--=. - d-ilri Januarv3.3.9 reprt shall be submitted no later thani January 300, lz-~~ physical descriptions ata draft state-' menb3ofsignificzance fcir&eNatiunalIkgistermnination. J-0Afinalpnqress of&leticmda~ofpmject. repa shall be subnittedwith arrticipation~ I 15. 1992 the *El Report, as outlined in- revised 9~-participantshall~ttostatenr,laterthanAugust15,i sE@mnbe 3.989 "subgrant 1 I%oammlGuide"f"urnishedbystate,andfinalpaoducts. Cmeattxhedcmtract wnnsamsistingof faIrteen pagesofgenexalcontract terms areincorporatedherein~madeaparthereof. The~jectpmposedj Budget, whiti is attached and made a part hereof as part of the approved; Project Notification, shallbeadhered toascloselyaspossible. Anymajar: deviaticmsshallbeappmvedinwM.ngbySta~. / I COU?’ :r^,” 85 3.’