HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-07-02; City Council; 11232; COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS POLICY F-44- MCCLELLAN-PALOMAR AIRPORT)I I 6" 0 cd LI .rl 1H .rl 0 .rl a 2 5 .rl 3 h -rl c) 4 0 PI 5 al m -rl &I a, 5 5 st u .rl 3 0 g t! al $4 bn. cdn m u4 -4 rl ala su ual a a alN c) 00 cdw aa, dU .rl v) *rl 5 c I+ *rl -4 E CaJ 7aJ om U- CJ a Yl \ N \ b .. z 0 6 4 g Z 3 0 0 CI.Y)OF CARLSBAD - AGENWBILL A. 1- AB#*, TITLE DEPT. CITY 1 DEPT. RES POLICY F-44 - McCLELLAN-PALOMAR AIRPORT CIW I COUNTY OF SAN DlEGO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MTG . .*, RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review and comment on the revised Board of Supervisors Policy F-44 as outlined in Exhil ITEM EXPLANATION: The Board of Supervisors Policy F-44 was recently reviewed by County staff on a routine clause provision. The existing Policy F-44 delineates limits placed upon the airport regardin expansion and airport noise. The County staff was asked to revise Policy F-44 to also idet role of the airport. It is felt by the County that the revised policy is a more positive way to the functions of the airport (Exhibit 2). Carlsbad staff reviewed the proposed revised policy and recommended several chans additions, which are shown in bold type, in parenthesis on Exhibit 3. City staff also questic deletion of the policy statement limiting the maximum gross weight at 60,000 pounds for The County staff incorporated all Carlsbad's recommendations, plus reinstated the 60,00( aircraft limitation into the policy's background statement. The following abbreviated new policy statements replace the former policy statement #1 "...application will not be made for a full Airport Operating Certificate:" * McClellan-Palomar Airport will provide air transportation for residents of North Sa County and facilitate general aviation activities. Commuter airline operations are limited to aircraft having 30, or fewer, seats. (Fu operating certificates are issued for aircraft having 31, or more, seats only.) The remaining abbreviated new policies reflect an updating of former policies 2, 3, 4, 5, E * The airport will operate with one runway at its current length. The airport will operate in accordance with F.A.A. Part 150 Noise Compatibility Progi in addition, recognize the City of Carlsbad's Noise Policy #17. The County will monitor aircraft noise and pilot compliance, and institute proce mitigate single event noises. The airport manager will produce, distribute and promote a detailed noise at program for the airport on an annual basis, and request pilot compliance with the [ Finally, the County included recognition of SANDAG's Airport Land Use Commission Pla last new policy statement: SANDAG's Airport Land Use Commission Plan will be recognized. I e 0 j3L PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. ".f A The Palomar Advisory Committee favorably endorsed the revisions at its April 18, 1991 me The County is now seeking Carlsbad City Council's input on the revised Board Policy F-44 the City Council has reviewed this Policy, it will be docketed for Board action. FISCAL IMPACT: None, except staffs time reviewing proposed revisions. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. 3. Proposed revised Board Policy F-44 RJJ-19 APR-1991 Development of McClellan-F Airport. Letter to Assistant City Manager from County of San Diego of 5-8-91. Proposed Board Policy F-44 with Carkbad staff recommendations. EXHIBIT 1 e 0 BOARD POLICY F-44 (DRAFT) RJJ-19 APR-1991 ' DEVELOPMENT OF MCCLELLAN-PALOMAR AIRPORT Purpose To provide a policy establishing guidelines for the €w&+e operation and development of Lhc ~-~?iztfcr: zctivity 2rz;z x McClellan-Palomar Airport. Background .. &-"-crzl zsrthcrz E22 ciy++€e=Wt;- zst:c-, s';rr^vBi+€wxJ EcClcLlx Pa&eEtw AiEpGZt hzvc cxp%%zd sei+s€Z2 th2t tk 2irp-F-k w1lL kc ex- 1:: s ma-Ri?zr =S*h:z" we&d IC& tc 2-2 :a azrpcrt 3zisc. *n*ltk&esgh thz GirpGrt 6czs zct k-"-e ;An .. l-na ..en -e An67 a h-- 4-kr. ct-tn -4"- Pt-&&-.%-AP AUIIU UUb -+.a UbLI u uy CALL ULUCb LUG UC I nq4-h- th- *' .I. CVL L&Ab LA11 thn -4w C-IAC- -.A& ACAbd. .. McClellan-Palomar Airport has become the busiest County-owned airport facility with more take-offs and landings than any other civilian airport in the San Diego region. The development of land adjacent to the airport has restricted the airport to a single 4700 foot runway, which due to taxiway limitations can support aircraft weighing less than 60,000 pounds, and a capacity for 665 based aircraft. There is a need to insure that residential and commercial land uses around the airport and airport operations remain compatible. Policy It is the Policy of the Board of Supervisors that: I;~-~J~- :11 n-~A F-.- - c..l~ a:.--n.-+ nnnw-t: IIcIUbIWAA IY&&..L LA -L LWI- u LUII LI-LI-~WL~ V~~LUC-L- CCZtlf1CZtC. .. 2. 3 tk n6 the eu4et4-c. w--w--- -.-4ll n-t hn. nvt 4. CIA ".L CLLb cn'"L-"'y LULL Ul "".I..LL La"& UL bL%b 14'-4th C1t-t- --& rnk- -:VnhVt .AZ&+ ULL ULL -.:11 "*.b-Ld. -LC&& UbWCL UI w-1 l** LUII F 1 --nt--*-- t- -L bVIILI.A.LUL CV rn T --?nT c /C UI-b YbVL-LU \v +efcrrzL 2rcz 2s dzszrsbcd 1:: tkc fi&eR%zr ?Alrpe& h nnm-v7,-. T-.- ~1~- n - bLI.bAI.U-LVb UUlbU VUb LLUR. C1ri;crt'S zcs52 zkUt2RCzzt prcr;rm. Wlll kc *qi!2t& 22w22LLy. - 7 mh- -41-t -A~rr-t4~ -w FhY ,-.e4 cn -l--t--t nwX^ra..w^- ,. AI&\- IIUL bu ~UL-L I r' WL LIWIUb LLUL4CL L11.C L LuuLrd 0 0 .-- - e -..--,-- 4- -.-. "-4- -.* rn 8. rn A. YL"-" -YbzL U*LL.LUAL. ".L-LA AI"L b-Ce-33 wut* -. 1. The role of McClellan-palomar Airport shall be to provide - air transportation for the residents of North San Diego County and to facilitate General Aviation activities while minimizing noise impacts on surrounding areas and communities. 2. Scheduled commuter airline operations are limited to aircraft having 30 or fewer seats. Commuter airline aircraft shall meet the FAA Stage I11 noise criteria. The airport will operate with one runway at its present length. Due to land restrictions, a second runway could not be added. - - 3. 4. To insure the future safety and compatibility of the - existing runway length, the County will take a pro-active role working with local agencies and the FAA to protect the airspace around the airport from encroachment and to promote compatible off airport land development. The County will operate the airport in accordance with any adopted FAA Part 150 noise compatibility program and in full compliance with any State or Federal mandated noise standards relating to the operation of a public airport. The program will recognize the City of Carlsbad's Noise Policy #17 and implement mitigation measures to minimize noise impacts. The County will monitor aircraft noise and verify the Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) noise contours within the airport influence area as described in the Palomar Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan as well as monitor pilot compliance with any adopted FAA Part 150 Noise Abatement Program. Event Noise Exposure Levels (SENEL) in the form of a noise monitoring system and institute procedures to mitigate single event noises. 7. The Airport Manager will produce, distribute and promote a detailed noise abatement program for the airport. The program will contain specific flight information and a chart identifying noise sensitive areas. program will be updated annually and distributed to pilots. The Airport Manager will request pilot compliance with the program. 5. - 6. - The County will also monitor Single - The noise abatement 8. This policy recognizes SANDAG'S Airport Land Use Commission Plan. - Sunset Date This policy will be reviewed for continuance by 12-31-95. EXH I a7-2 ".d. 0 0 mondg of %an piego - CHIEF AD MI N ISTRATIVE OFFICE /&lpbac.d@ PrsC- ?/z 3//? NORMAN W HICKEY CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 1619) 531-5250 FAX I6191 557-4060 1600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101-2472 May 8, 1991 Mr. Frank Mannen Assistant City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 BOARD POLICY F-44 Dear Frank: Please be advised that County staff concurs with your requested changes to ou proposed revi si on of Board Pol icy F-44 regarding McCl el 1 an-Pal omar Airport The proposed revision with your changes was presented to the Palomar Advisor Committee on Apri 1 18, 1991 , for endorsement. The Committee voted unanimous1 to favorably endorse the revision. The statement that "the maximum aircraft gross weight will not exceed 60,OC pounds" was removed from the pol icy statements as it is a physical 1 imi t of tk airport. This limit has alternatively been added to the background statement No other changes were made to your proposal. We would appreciate a prompt review by City staff, and City Council approval as soon as possible, in order that we may docket this for Board action at tt earliest possible date. If you have any questions, please feel free to call n at 531-5274. Sincerely, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Attachment cc: Department of Public Works (0332) Prnred on recycled paper 0 0 EXH’B’T 3 BOARD POLICY F-44 (DRAFT) RWSI 4-Dec-1990 Fri DEVELOPMENT OF McCLEtLAN-PALOMAR AIRPORT Purpose To provide a policy establishing guidelines for the fuhw operation and development of v McClellan-Palomar Airport. Backaround .. .. McClellan-Palomar Airport has become the busiest Countv-owned airport facilitv with more offs and landinss than anv other civilian airport in the San Oieao reaion. The developme land adiacent to the airport has restricted the airport to a sinale 4700 foot runwav and a caE for 665 based aircraft. There is a need to define the role of the airport and control aircraft n There is also a need to insure that residential and commercial land uses around the airpor airport operations remain comoatible. Policv It is the Policy of the Board of Supervisors that: I 2. 8. T A A T 5. e. 7. 0 0 c (why not ri c 60,000 pounds?) The role of McClellan-Palomar Airoort shall be to provide air transportation fo residents of North San Dieqo Countv and to facilitate General Aviation activities. t minimizing noise impacts on surrounding areas and communities.) Scheduled commuter airline oDerations are limited to aircraft havina 30 or fewer : Commuter airline aircraft shall meet the FAA Staqe 111 noise criteria. The airport will operate with one runwav at its present lenqth. Due to land restric a second runwav could not be added. To insure the future safetv and comoatibilitv of the existinq runwav lenqth, the Cour take a pro-active role workinq with local aqencies and the FAA to protect the air around the airoort from encroachment and to promote compatible off airpor d eve1 OD m e nt . The Countv will operate the airport in accordance with any adopted FAA Part 150 comRatibi1iQ proqram and in full compliance with anv State or Federal mandated standards relatins to the operation of a public airport. (The programs will recogni; City of Carlsbad’s Noise Policy #I 7 and implement mitigation measures to mir noise impacts.) The Countv will monitor aircraft noise and verifv the Communitv Noise Eauivalenl {CNEL) noise contours within the airport influence area as described in the P: Airport Comorehensive Land Use P\an as well as monitor Dilot comdiance wi. adooted FAA Part 150 Noise Abatement Proqram. The Countv will also 7 +a monitor Sinale Event Noise Exoosure Levels (SENEL) in the form of a noise mor svstern. (and institute procedures to mitigate single event noises.) The Airport Manaqer will produce, distribute and promote a detailed noise aba proqram for the airport. The proaram will contain soecific fliqht information and identifvinq noise sensitive areas. This noise abatement proqram will be updated ar (and distributed to pilots.) The Airport Manaqer will efxwfaw (reques comoliance with the oroqram. This policy recognizes SANDAG’s Airport Land Use Commission Plan.) - 1. - 2. - 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. - 7. (8. Sunset Date This policv will be reviewed for continuance bv 12-31 -95. Note: The bold type in parenthesis represents the Carlsbad staff’s propose e 0 + POUCY NO: 17 EFFECTIVE DATE: March 4. 19 PAGE 1 OF 2 v -, PUNNING DWbRTMEW ADMINrnrn POUCY ActrordIng to tho Noise Control Act of 1973 Health 8, Safety Ccde 46000 et,ssq., the Plani and Zoning Law Gavernment Code 65302(f) and CEQA Public Resourcas CQde 2100 etas and until th6 City at Carlsbad's Noise Element Is updated and amended a "Naise" Study * be oubmitted with ail discretionary applications for residential projects of flve or more dwt units within: 1, 2, 3. 4. 2,W feet from the rightsf-way of Interstate 5 1,ooO feet from the right-oi+way of Hlghway 78 333 feet from the rallroad rfghtal-way 500 feet from the right-of-way of ern existing or future Clrcuiatian El6 Roadway a8 identified on the Carlsbad General Plan Within the McClellan Palomar Alrport Influence arm IS depicted o Comprehenslve Land Use Plan for McClellan Palomar Airport. This etudy shall be prepwued by an acoustical professional and document the proledsc' level at buildcut of Carkbad's General Plan and mitlgate the projected buildout nolse 1 a maximum at 60 d8A CNEL at: Five feet Indde the proposed project's property llne at six feet abwe fi grade level, and Above the flrst floorfstary if usable exterior spacs is prodded, n 5. c 1. 2. Interior noise levet8 shall be mitigated to 45 d5A CNEL when openings to the exteria residence are dosed, If openings are provided, mechanical venttiation shall be provlc If the acoustical study shows that exterior noise levels cannot be mitlgated to 60 dB or less, the development should naf be approved without the foliowlng flndings: 1 l It shalt be the responslbllity af the developer of the project to prove to the sat of the Planning Commission Or Design Review Board why It Is not feasible tr with the 66 dBA CNEL standard, No Interior CNEL shall exceed 45 dBA when openings to the exterior are clo 2. '7 0 0 - 3. The Plannlng Commission or Design Review Board must find that there are specifjci ldentlfied overrlding sodai and economic conaiderattons which warrant approval of 1 development Byan though it does not meet the nolse standard. All purchasers of the impacted property shall be nothd \n wrlting prior to purchase, 1 by deed discbure In writha, that the praperty they 818 purchaslng is nalse impac and does a meet Carlsbad noise standards for resldentlal property. 5, If the acoustical study shows that the exterior mitigated nolse level 8xc8eds 65 1 CNEf, the development should m be appreved, In additlon, the fallowing apprcrprlate mitlgatlans andlor condltlons of approval shal incorporated Into projoctr3: 1, 4, For resldentlal nroiects near sxistina or futur a transoortation corridors - Prlc remdation of the first final tracvparcel map or issuance ot building permits, whic) ks first, the owner shall pfepare and record a notlce that this property may be su to impacts from the proposed or exlsting Tranaportdlon Corridor In a manner me the approval of the Planning Director and City Attorney (see Natse, Form #1 attac For re$identlal otoiects within 3 mlles of McClellan-Paiomar Aircort $8 shown a puzrust 198 9 Countv of S an Diem Noise Contrui Pian for Palomer Alreort - Prior ' recordation of the first final tract/parcal map or the issuancs of residential bL permits, whichever is first, the owner of record of the property within the bounda- this tentatlve tract/parcel map shall prepare and recard a notice (see Noise, FOI attached) that this property lo subject to overfflght, sight, and sound of aircraft op6 from Palmar Airport In a manner meetlng the approval of the Ptanning Dlrector a Cky Attorney. The applicant shall pcst aircraft noise notification signs In all sales and/or rental associated with the new development. The number and locatlons of said sigr be approved by the Planning Director, (See Noise, Form # 3 attached.) anrlyds rapon and appropriate plans shall be submlttad describing the noise ger potential of the propasd project and proposed attenuation measures to assure environment which Is free frcm excsssive or harmful noise Is achieved and mall The repart shall be submltted to the Planning Director for review and approv: approved Ctttonuatidn featurss shalt be Incorporated Into the plans and specifics A, fl 3, Far 0 atentlal ne is8 neneratlna . D roiecta - Prior to approval of any permits, an act the prOpQ88d PrQIed. APPROVED BY: Planning Director arb /7 f * L G e e July 1, 1991 TO: MAYOR CITY COUNCIL FROM: Council Member Stanton McCLELLAN-PALOMAR AIRPORT - POLICY F-44 As the City Council representative to the McClellan-Palomar Airport Advisory Committee, I ha reviewed the proposed policy. While the intent of the committee’s direction to include t, maximum weight limit of 60,000 pounds in the policy has been fulfilled, I am concerned that t language is not entirely clear. Therefore, I am recommending the paragraph in the Backgroui section of the Policy (Exhibit 1) be modified to read: Mc-Clellan-Palomar Airport has become the busiest County-owned airport facility with more take-offs and landings than any other civilian airport in the San Diego region. The development of land adjacent to the airport has restricted the airport to a single 4700 foot runway, and a capacity for 665 based aircraft. Taxiway configuration limits the weight of aircraft utilizing the facility to a maximum of 60,000 pounds. There is a need to insure that residential and commercial land uses around the airport and airport operations remain compatible. The highlighted area indicates the recommended change. I would appreciate receiving i comments you may have relative to this issue. MARG RETSTANTON ** YaL Counci Member mhs c: City Manager City Attorney Assistant to the City Manager 4 I 0 e L BOARD POLICY F-44 (DRAFT) RJJ-19 APR-1991 DEVELOPMENT OF MCCLELLAN-PALOMAR AIRPORT ( Purpose To provide a policy establishing guidelines for .. the w McClellan-Palomar Airport. Background operation and development of +he s-:istisz szt--.-ity a :zczs cn P i.. e- t. A" ".. LUI .I w cz c*c*~v vu .. c-. * ECC'12'112"&*2 2XW=--kkt the 2::- McClellan-Palomar Airport has become the busiest County-owned airport facility with more take-offs and landings than any other civilian airport in the San Diego region. The development of land adjacent to the airport has restricted the airport to a s i ng 1 e 4 7 0 0 foot runway, whick-due_+t--tax i way-l imi-t a_t_i~~~+~a-tt for 665 based ' . There is a need to insure that residential anccial land uses around the airport and airport operations remain compatible. Policv It is the Policy of the Board of Supervisors that: support axcr&&+erqhiny l-esa t kan-mO pounds.--and 2 sepa-~~ ' t' [ A 11 -et hn md- .F..- - F..l1 n. --+. "id.& 1.w- i-L * uc --A. L &-I* *I L u CI €2 rtz f z :&e. .. 7 11 -& LA "-W"t-4 3. *-e &&.de c '% e a. 11 ..A* I& UL CUI bee . 11 rn& * -"e- ,e ,*; 71 A FC~CZZ. 1' -At!=, - -b-. .I 'I, &,a --:-e e&- -- .. * --- .I"*- - e4 -..----- 7 I -.;71 "n-&: -,,- 4.- --A :--1..a: - r, 3-Ek 4. " .. -e- -"..--.Aue e" -- :e LL- -: w- , ill &-.e LI -1 - m....n i ,.-: -- rnw- -- -._..- ..w--c -nl c. .. :11 k- :a-%pi.G.-a --a :-*1.. ,.a :- + --- &L IUC -*i--*Lu W*&U &.I*b.LU bL4 **A c L Wlll -. w W e -;.--.--4zt 11 -A+- -.,- nn0 Y'""4 L u.bA.i.iL4ii w*** *'"C -'x I "" -- 1. The role of McClellan-Palomar Airport shall be to provide air transportation for the residents of North San Diego County and to facilitate General Aviation activities while minimizing noise impacts on surrounding areas and communities. - 2. Scheduled commuter airline operations are limited to aircraft having 30 or fewer seats. Commuter airline aircraft shall meet the FAA Stage 111 noise criteria. length. Due to land restrictions, a second runway could not be added. - 3. The airport will operate with one runway at its present - 4. To insure the future safety and compatibility of the - existing runway length, the County will take a pro-active . role working with local agencies and the FAA to protect the airspace around the airport from encroachment and to promote compatible off airport land development. adopted FAA Part 150 noise compatibility proqram and in full compliance with any State or Federal mandated noise standards relating to the operation of a public airport. The program will recognize the City of Carlsbad's Noise Policy #17 and implement mitigation measures to minimize noise impacts. 5. The County will operate the airport in accordance with any - 6. The County will monitor aircraft noise and verify the Community Eu'oise Equivalent Level (CNEi,) noise contours within the airport influence area as described in the Palomar Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan as well-as monitor pilct compliance with any adopted FAA Part 150 Noise Abatement Program. The County will also monitor Single Event Noise Exposure Levels (SENEL) in the form of a noise mcnitcring system and institute procedures to mitigate single event noises. 7. The Airport Macagez will prc<uce, distribute and prcmcte a detailed noise abatement program for the airport. The progian will contain specific flight information and a chart identifying noise sensitive areas. The noise abatement program wllf be updated annually and distzibuted to pilots. The Airport Manager will request pilot compliance with the program. Plan. - - 8. This policy recognizes SANDAG's Airport Land Use Commission - Sunset Date This policy will be reviewed for continuance by 12-31-95.