HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-07-09; City Council; 11240; AGREEMENT FOR THE WIDENING OF AVENIDA ENCINASc. d B u > 0 z a 2 .. 0 z F 0 4 0 2 3 0 0 =1 ClWOF CARLSBAD - AGENWBILL vp” AB##- TITLE: AGREEMENT FOR THE WIDENING DEPT. C CITY A; DEPT. ENG CITY M RECOMMENDED ACTION: OF AVENIDA ENCINAS MTG.~ ADOPT Resolution No. 9 / .-. 3. I 3 APPROVING an agreement between the C Carlsbad and the Encina Administrative Agency regarding the widening of Av Encinas along the frontage of the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility and autho the Mayor to execute said agreement. ITEM EXPLANATION: On April 18, 1989, the City Council approved an Amendment to the Precise Develor Plan (PDP) 1C for the construction of the Phase IV expansion to the Encina ’ Pollution Control Facility (WPCF). A condition of the approval of the amendment tc 1 C required the applicant to enter into an agreement with the City of Carlsbad reg& the widening of Avenida Encinas along the frontage of the project. The attached agreement stipulates that the Encina Administration Agency (EAP deposit with the City $622,000.00 to be held in a trust for the purposes of fulfillin obligation of EAA to pay for the widening of a portion of Avenida Encinas. Shoul actual cost of constructing the improvements exceed the estimate, EAA is requir fund their share of any additional expenses incurred by the City to completc necessary road improvements. This deposit will be held until at such time the ( length of Avenida Encinas is constructed. Upon execution of this agreement and when the $622,000 is deposited with the Fin Department, the condition of approval for PDP 1 C is satisfied. Environmental Review The Planning Director has determined that this project has already been considerc conjunction with a previously certified Environmental Compliance dated Novembe 1988, which was approved by the Planning Commission on March 15, 1989. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact on the City with this action. EXHIBITS 1. Location Map. 2. Resolution No. 9 1 ’ g/ 3 to Avenida Encinas and authorizing the Mayor to execute said Agreement. approving an Agreement for lmprovem 3. fier.eevmev\;t 11 a .. . I CITY OF OCEANSIDE CITY OF ENCIN ORAWN RV SCOTT FVANC CAR1 SRAn FNGINFFRlNC nFPT 6/14/91 ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e RESOLUTION NO. 91-213 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE ENClNAADMlNlSTATlON AGENCY REGARDING THE WIDENING OF AVENIDA ENCINAS WHEREAS, Precise Development Pian (PDP) 1C has been approved by Planning Commission and City Council approving the construction of the Phas expansion to the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) located at 6200 Ave Encinas; and WHEREAS, as a condition to the approval of PDP 1 C, the applicant was reqi to enter into an agreement with the City regarding the widening of Avenida Encinas a the frontage of the project; and WHEREAS, the applicant is required to deposit with the City the sun $622,000.00 fulfilling EMS obligation for the construction of Avenida Encinas; and WHEREAS, upon execution of this agreement by the Mayor of the City of Carls and upon the depositting of $622,Oo0.00, the condition of PDP 1 C has been satisfied; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsk California that: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. /I/ I// /// /// /// I// ,I * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 a 2. That upon execution of this agreement by the Mayor of the City of Caris and the depositting of $622,000.00 with the City’s Finance Department, that the condi of approval for PDP 1C has been satisfied PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad Council held on the 9th day of July , 1991 by the following vote, to wit: Stanton AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Nygaard z NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk \ (SEAL) , AGREE ME^ BETWEEN ENCINA ADMINIST~VE AGENCY L AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REGARDING WIDENING OF AVENIDA ENCINAS Ref: 781.1 This Agreement is entered into effective @+lo/ , 1991, by and between ENCINA ADMINISTRATIVE AGENC hereinafter to as llEAAtt and the CITY OF CARLSBAD, hereinafter referred to as "City" with respect to the following facts: RECITALS A. Under prior land use approvals granted by City, EAA is obligated to pay for widening of Avenida Encinas located along the frontage of the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. EAA is currently prepared to fully fund this obligation and to pay to City the reasonable estimated cost of such improve- ments to hold in trust until such time as the widening of EAA's Avenida Encinas frontage may be economically undertaken in conjunction with the widening of Avenida Encinas across and along adjoining properties. City believes that early funding of EAA's obligation may B. C. permit the City to facilitate widening of Avenida Encinas. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 1. Deposits of Funds by EAA. Upon execution of this agreement by the parties, EAA shall promptly pay to City the sum of Si2 Hundred Twenty-Two Thousand Dollars ($622,000) to be held in trust by City for the purpose of fulfilling the obligation of EAA to pal for the widening of a portion of Avenida Encinas along its frontag€ with the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility property frOntag€ is identified on Exhibit ttAtt, attached hereto and incorporatec herein by reference. 2. Interest on Deposited Funds. City shall deposit these fund: into an account bearing interest at a rate at least equal to thal being paid by the Local Agency Investment Funds on an annual basis All interest eared on such sum shall accrue to EAAls benefit an( shall be used to complete the Improvements. 3. Withdrawal of Funds: Notice. City may withdraw all or an! portion of these funds at any time for the purpose of funding tht EAA's pro rata share of the costs of design, engineering, construe. tion and other costs related to the construction of a project whicl includes the improvements : provided that City shall provide writte! notice to EAA of its intent to commence any work on such a prOjec* prior to the withdrawal of any funds deposited by EAA. 4. City to Retain Authority to Construct. City shall, in it sole discretion, provide for: the letting of any and all contrac associated with widening Avenida Encinas; approval or developmen of contract specification: engineering or construction contac administration; engineering; supervision of the work associate wit the improvements; inspection; acceptance of the completed improve rnents; and any other improvements associated with the widening 0 Avenida Encinas. - Ref: 781. 5. Estimate of Costs. Encina has provided, and City approves the engineering estimates of the cost of providing the Improve ments, attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein b reference. city acknowledges that this approved estimate is th basis for EAA's payment of funds under this agreement. Should thl actual costs of constructing the Improvements,including EAA's pr rata share of any design, engineering, inspection other costs exceed the estimate for any item or items included in the approve estimate (i.e., the amount deposited hereunder by EAA including a1 interest accrued thereon until construction of the Improvements) EAA shall pay to City (or its designee) any additional expense incurred by City to complete the Improvements . Conversely, shoul the deposited funds exceed the actual cost of construction of th Improvements, the City shall reimburse the difference to EAA Prior to paying any additional expenses, or at the time th Improvements are complete, EAA shall have a continuing right t request documentation supporting all expenses attributed to th Improvements. 6. Alteration or Abandonment of Widening Project. Should Cit at any time reduce or abandon the planned widening of Avenid Encinas, EAA shall be entitled to an equitable adjustment or retur of part or all of the amount deposited, including a pro rat portion of any accrued interest. Encina Administrative Agency 0 0 cFA-yPfl*,* Bernard Rappapohf, [EAA Chairman Approved as to form: 2 A EAA Counsel Mayor - - ---- _..___ - .--- - .-.____- - ' .. cr) u- us +!=z aLLP <<u -0 unL4 -&a - --.. IRlsllBFPCmar arsmrmllslarwmll 9 * I * EXHIBIT B COST ESTIMATE WIDENING OF AVENIDA ENCINAS Quantity Des c r i p t i, and Unit Unit Price Tota AC 700 tons 50.00 35,W AB 4,550 tons 30.00 136,50( Fog Seal 6 tons 300.00 1,m Sidewalk 6,500 sq ft 5.00 32,50( Curb and Gutter 1,300 LF 12.50 16,W Grading 3,000 CY 5.00 l5,m Catch Basin 4 ea 2,100.00 8,40( 18-inch RCP 24 LF 65.00 1,561 30-inch RCP 1,300 LF 100.00 m,m Conductor 3,200 LF 0.75 2,m Light Poles 10 ea 2 , 250 .OO 22,501 Luminaire Arm 10 ea 500 .OO 5,m Luminaire 10 ea 350.00 3133 1 1/2-inch PVC 1,400 LF 7.00 9,m Remove AC Berm 1,300 LF 2.00 2,a Sawcutting AC Pavement 1,300 LF 1.50 11% Striping (Painted) 8,000 LF 0.40 3,m Traffic Control lump sum 38 , 040 .OO 44,w Subtotal 475 , m ENR Adjustment $475,000 (6465/5740) = 535,001 Design Engineering/Construction Management 87,000.00 Nfrn Total 622,001 Pull Box 10 ea 300.00 31m Construction Surveys , Mobilization, and TftM W.0. NG, - e im bmWN CARQ4QINEERB * EXHIBIT B 5ata -- -- Paw I -). . of 0y ---- PAGE 2 b -- Jus- ---e c- - -- --. 4r c.4 6. t 3n'AC ! L5'S CJ - - 0 P -- c1300'\t .. -. - -- % -3 ' bh- (@m 9)(#3d)(.E)+ c c /_rz 2 L'j &'I + (s'SIR'>/: L;4,7- 1 718 4- - Id c &JOd LF? -.@ 140 PCF -- -a t 4 L5-m rms - -- 4600 e-yd e' + Arm -__I I --. - --c ,- / -- -- I/ - -- u -- - ._ -d c. - c .- - -- -. .-- --- SUk - 4300 ,/s> '% CtL- c /360 LF TkPe- AZJ4 ,5mo .+ i+* si--- G' .- I\ - - .- --- -. --. 7 - - -_ e--. .- -_ -I .- - - -- - GLqdiv,e - AasL4-e &3 *SI r4c; sh- - 4 cS*n,$&$ft.& 7 CQ&&Srv\ Q. eq (325( spsc;\.tc k) _c /GOO1) (40,) 0 t') c $5) -2- cq -+ 3,- e .. &'RCP Cra-Ll- PmiF , ..-- - -. I J &C If$ &CP!&& ,\ 24 L. - - --.. _- rcRkrChdj-' t\(r b cy -c r- + -0- I- ..- -- . . . ..,< -- -. 1nw - --. ., . - _... e W.u.Ho. .._. ... . *.- SalllrN CARaLLQ @tJaU+iEERe .. Data -_ - __-_ -- ._- BY - - _..- .---_ ._ .- Pap EXi'IBIT B P,-'.GE 5 ? 2 , _" ._... ot _. k. 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