HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-07-09; City Council; 11251; CIRCULATION IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM AND TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE STUDY-. y( 1 Q 9 8 pe 4 k 2 0 E a i 0 f 3 0 0 w ur bnnLamnv - nurm DILL - 1 AB#- TITLE: CIRCULATION IMPLEMENTATION GOGRAM MTG. 7-9-91 DEPT, CITY i AND TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE STUDY DEPT. ENG CITY 1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 9 I -d a&- accepting the Circulation Implementation P and Traffic Impact Fee Study, directing staff to implement the study recommendatic wide Traffic Impact Fees. authorizing staff to schedule a public hearing to consider establishment of unifoi ITEM EXPLANATION: In early 1990, the City of Carlsbad contracted with the San Diego Associ: Governments (SANDAG) to complete a comprehensive traffic modeling and I alternatives study. This study was designed to develop updated traffic volume pro to guide the overall development of the City’s Circulation Element of the Generc The study involved a complete update of land use and circulation network assun projections for 1995, 2000 and buildout and the evaluation of the impacts of alternative networks. Land use and growth projections were evaluated for comi with adopted Local Facilities Management Plans (LFMP’s) and alternatives were dr to evaluate the potential impact of major missing circulation links such as: 0 Cannon Road 0 Poinsettia Lane a Faraday Avenue a Melrose Drive a Carrillo Way a College Boulevard The purpose of the study included four key components: Evaluate adequacy of circulation element. Identify required circulation element deficiencies. Update and consolidate existing Traffic Impact Fees. Establish Preliminary Circulation Phasing Program to insure confo with Growth Management Standards to buildout of the City. 0 a 0 a The Circulation Implementation Program and Traffic Impact Fee Study docum6 findings of those studies and recommends adoption of a revised Traffic Imp Program. The report identifies nearly $40,000,000 of roadway segments and intersection I for funding through the recommended revised Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) program. projects and cost estimates are shown in the attached tables. The City Council on April 22, 1986 established a TIF for the La Costa area b: projects identified prior to the adoption of the Growth Management Program. Or 1986 an interim fee for the northern part of the City was established pendins study. Existing fees and proposed revisions are shown in the Table below. Existing City-Wide La Costa Fee Proposed Fee Residential $67/Trip Residential $7; Other (including $27,Trip Industrial/CommerciaI $3' Commercial, Industrial, Office) t Existing North Carlsbad Interim Fee Residential $60nrip Industrial/Other $1 5Frip Commercial/Off ice $1 Onrip City-Wide Proposed Fee Residential $77 Industrial/Other $31 Commercial/Office $31 La Costa Avenue Leucadia Boulevard Olivenhain Rd/Rancho Santa Fe Rd TOTAL $6,00( 3,50f s,ooc $1 5,50f LAND USE Residential Commercial/lndustrial/Other TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PER TRIP OUTSIDE CFD INSIDE CFC $77 $41 $31 $1 6 0 rl,asl 9 PAGE THREE OF AB # The enclosed study additionally establishes a proposed phasing for the widen existing circulation roadways and the construction of critical unconstructed roi segments required to complete the Circulation Element roadway system. A major finding of the report relates to impacts on Carlsbad due to traffic congest the freeway system and regional arterials bordering the City. It is apparent tt proposed regional roadway system is not adequate to accommodate buildout county in compliance with Growth Management Standards. As the regional hi system begins to break down, these impacts will be felt on the local system. problems will be most critical in and around freeway interchanges and along major south arterials such as Carlsbad Boulevard and El Camino Real. Many of these in are not mitigatable through conventional highway construction and will require participation in regional transit and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) strai Staff recommends that Council accept the report and authorize staff to proceed public hearing to consolidate and revise the City’s Traffic Impact Fee program. FISCAL IMPACT: Any fee program must be revised from time to time to ensure that the revenue re through fees will be adequate to fund the projects that will serve those paying thc The City’s Traffic Impact Fees are no exception. The proposed revision includes b update of the estimated project costs and the fees necessary to support Adjustments have been made for those projects which are funded by the Comi Facilities District. Without the proposed fee, the City would have insufficient revenue to suppc construction of many significant traffic related projects needed to serve the new res and businesses in Carlsbad. Council will continue to see fee revisions over the this and other construction program through buildout, Although the report identifies $40 million in costs, the proposed fees will suppo $36.4 million of projects. The additional $3.6 million will be funded by grants, developer contributions or may remain unfunded. The TIF program includes three projects that will eventually be funded through thc Community facilities District (CFD). These projects are: 0 La Costa Avenue - 1-5 to El Camino Real 0 Leucadia Boulevard 0 Olivenhain/Rancho Santa Fe Road The proposed action will set a traffic impact fee that includes the cost of funding projects. However, property owners inside the boundaries of the CFD will receive a against the TlF in an amount proportional to the cost of these projects to the toti TIF projects. Property owners outside the CFD boundary will be subject to the full shown in the report. 0 Jl,$s( m PAGE FOUR OF AB # EXHIBITS: 1. Table 1 - Traffic Impact Fee Projects/Cost Estimates - Intersections 2. Table 2 - Traffic Impact Fee Projects/Cost Estimates - Roadway Segments 3. Resolution No. 0) / - & 3- (f? 4. Circulation Implementation Program and Traffic Impact Fee Study is on file w City Clerk. Intersection Proiect Description 1. Cannon Rd. - Interstate 5 Road and Ramp Widening Signal Installation at Ramp termini Add one thru lane in each direction Add dual left turn signal modifications Add southbound right turn lane Left turn lanes Dual left on El Camino Real Dual left turn lanes on El Camino - right turn lanes eastbound, westbound and southbound 8. El Camino Real - Palomar Airport Rd. Intersection reconstruction. Add left turn, thru and right turn lanes on all legs - phased construction Close free right turn lane signal modification for dual lefts and left turn phasing. (reimburse Foote Development) 2. Cannon Rd - Paseo Del Norte 3. El Camino Real - Alga Road 4. El Camino Real - Cannon Road 5. El Camino Real - Camino Vida Roble 6. 7. El Camino Real - Faraday Ave. El Camino Real - Carlsbad Village Dr. 9. El Camino Real - Tamarack Ave. 10. Faraday Ave. - Orion Street 11. Faraday Ave. - College Blvd. Traffic Signal Dual left turn northbound and southbound 12. Melrose Dr. - Alga Rd. Dual left turn lanes northbound, southbound eastbound and westbound Dual left turn lane southbound Dual left turns all legs 13. Palomar Airport Road - College Blvd. 14. Palomar Airport Road - Paseo Del Norte TOTAL Estimated - cost $1,750,000 $435,000 $250,000 $130,000 $320,000 $320,000 $71 0,000 $1,750,000 $1 70,000 $1 00,000 -0- Already Constructe $480,000 $1 60,000 $525,000 $7,1OO,OOC ROADWAY SEGMENTS Proiect Description 1. Alga Road Widen south side from Mimosa Drive to El Camino Real Palomar Airport Road 2. Avenida Encinas Widen south of 3. Carlsbad Boulevard Widen from Manzano Drive to 600 ft. north of Cannon Road Widen from Pontiac Drive to 4. Carlsbad Village Drive Victoria Avenue Widen east of El Camino Real 5. Carlsbad Village Drive* 6. El Camino Real Widen from Tamarack Avenue to Chestnut Avenue Arena1 Road Widen from 1-5 to El Camino Real 7. El Camino Real Widen from La Costa Avenue to 8. La Costa Avenue 9. La Costa Avenue* Mitigation for widening 10. Leucadia Boulevard** Construct from existing terminus east to El Camino Real Widen from El Camino Real to Melrose Drive 17, Olivenhain Road & Rancho Santa Fe Rd. ** 12. Poinsettia Lane Widen from 1-5 to Batiquitos Lane TOTAL - cost $ 300,00( 525,00( 2,100,00l 1,360,001 450,001 1,760,001 450,00( 6,710,001 765,001 3,500,001 6,000,001 1,870,OO $25,790,00 L i v i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 9 1 - 2 2 6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING THE CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENTS TO BE FUNDED BY TRAFFIC IMPACT FEES WHEREAS, that report entitled "City of Carlsbad Circulation lmplei Program and Traffic Impact Fee Study" was completed in April 1991, hereinafte to as the 'Traffic Impact Fee Study"; and WHEREAS, that study estimates the capital costs of constri improvements to implement the City's Circulation Program; and WHEREAS, fees to implement the construction of those improvemer forth in the Traffic Impact Fee Study; and WHEREAS, the fees so established do not exceed the reasonable constructing these facilities and the fees are not levied for general revenue pui NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the April 1991 City of Carlsbad Circulation Implementation Pros Traffic Impact Fee Study, which is incorporated herein by this reference, is accl Ill Ill Ill Ill //I Ill Ill Ill - 1 \ 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e- e 3. That staff is directed to implement recommendations in the Traffic Imp Study and schedule a public hearing to consider the establishment of uniform C Traffic Impact Fees. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlst Council held on the 9th day of July , 1991 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Nygaard, St ant on NOES: None ABSENT: None AlTEST: -p-7$?-, ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) CITY OF CARLSBAD CIRCULATION IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM AND TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE STUDY Traffic Impact Fees Program April 1991 Prepared by: Engineering Department I CITY OF CARLSBAD CIRCULATION IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM AND TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE STUDY I I r i i i i 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. STUDY METHODOLOGY 2 III. CIRCULATION SYSTEM EVALUATION 3 • Roadway Segment Analysis 3 • Intersection Analysis . . . 7 • Sidewalk Program 11 • Transportation Management and Monitoring 13 IV. TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PROGRAM 14 V. ALTERNATIVE AND PHASING ANALYSIS 18 VI. ISSUES 24 Cannon Road 24 Melrose Drive Extension 27 Rancho Del Oro Interchange 27 Arenal Road Extension 28 Carlsbad Boulevard 29 Freeway Ramp Metering 29 Transportation Demand Management 31 VII.SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS - 33 Appendix A. B. C. D. Capacity Analysis Project Cost Estimates Sidewalk Priority Listing La Costa Area Traffic Impact Fee Agenda Bill I CITY OF I I I I 4 I I I I 1 I I I CIRCULATION IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM AND TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE STUDY List of Tables Page No. Table 1 Level of Service Roadway Segments 5 Table 2 Traffic Impact Fee Projects and Cost Estimates Roadway Segments 5 Table 3 Level of Service Description Intersections 8 Table 4 Traffic Impact Fee Projects and Cost Estimates Intersections 9 Table 5 Special Intersection Design (Incomplete Intersections) 11 Table 6 City of Carlsbad Traffic Impact Fees 14 Table 7 SANDAG Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates for the San Diego Region 15-16 Table 8 Future Trip Summary 17 Table 9 Traffic Impact Fee Existing and Proposed Fee 17 Table 10 ' Critical Link Phasing 18 Table 11 Road Segment Widening Program 20 List of Figures Figure 1 Buildout Traffic Projections 4 Figure 2 Critical Road Segment Improvements (Traffic Impact Fee Projects) 6 Figure 3 Intersection Improvements (Traffic Impact Fee Projects) 10 Figure 4 Special Intersection Designs (Unconstructed Intersections) 12 Figure 5 Missing and Critical Links 19 Figure 6 Roadway Improvements Required by 1995 22 Figure 7 Roadway Improvements Required by 2000 23 Figure 8 Impacts of College/Tamarack Connection 1995 25 Figure 9 Impacts of Cannon Road & Melrose Connection at Buildout 26 Figure 10 Future Hot Spots 30 I I f I I I I I I t I [ CITY OF CARLSBAD CIRCULATION IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM AND TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE STUDY I. INTRODUCTION In early 1990, the City of Carlsbad contracted with the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) to complete a comprehensive traffic modeling and phasing alternatives study. This study was designed to develop updated traffic volume projections to guide the overall development of the City's Circulation Element of the General Plan. Elements of the study included a complete update of land use and circulation network assumptions, projections for 1995, 2000 and buildout and the evaluation of the impacts of various alternative networks. Land use and growth projections were evaluated for compatibility with adopted Local Facilities Management Plans (LFMP's) and alternatives were designed to evaluate the potential impact of such major missing circulation links as: • Cannon Road • Poinsettia Lane • Faraday Avenue • Melrose Drive • Carrillo Way • College Boulevard The purpose of the study included four key components: • Evaluate adequacy of circulation element. • Identify required circulation element deficiencies. • Consolidate existing Traffic Impact Fees. • Establish Preliminary Circulation Phasing Program to insure conformance with Growth Management Standards to buildout of the City. This report documents the findings of those studies and recommends adoption of a revised Traffic Impact Fee Program. -1 - I i i I i i t i i i II. STUDY METHODOLOGY ---••. - . . , . '•- -^~^~ -, .' Since adoption of the Growth Management Program in 1986, the City has embarked on a major planning effort to establish detailed development parameters within the 25 Local Facilities Management Zones (LFMZ's). Compared to prior studies far more detailed land use, circulation and phasing information has been developed. It was necessary to incorporate this new data into existing computerized traffic models to evaluate the current adequacy of the planned circulation system. Land use intensities were significantly reduced by the adoption of the Growth Management Program. Improvement in the overall circulation system performance was to be expected. m The following steps outline the overall study process: 1 » Evaluate and confirm Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZ's) • Review and revise transportation network connections and link characteristics (• Establish buildout land use and trip characteristics for TAZ's • Project land use and trip characteristics for 1995 and 2000 based on LFMP data 4» Project Average Daily Trips and Peak Hour trips on alternative networks for 1995, 2000 and buildout. I , • Evaluate roadway .segments^ and intersection capacities for conformance with the § Growth Management Standard for Circulation • Identify potential Circulation Element failures | • Develop mitigation measures to insure conformance with the Growth Management Standard for Circulation I • Prepare project cost estimates • Evaluate and revise Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) I • Review impact of missing roadway segments on overall system performance in 1995 and 2000 I • Establish network phasing thresholds and preliminary project schedules. This report will provide an overall framework for development of the circulation system. Annual traffic monitoring should continue to be evaluated against model assumptions to insure accuracy and compatibility. As appropriate, project scheduling should be revised as a part of the Annual Capital Improvement Program (CIP) process. -2- I I f I I I I I 4 I I \ I I I I I ill. CIRCULATION SYSTEM EVALUATION The City of Carlsbad Growth Management Standard for circulation provides that: "No road segment or intersection in the zone nor any road segment or intersection out of the zone which is impacted by development in the zone shall be projected to exceed a Service Level C during off-peak hours, nor Service Level D during peak hours. Impacted means where twenty percent or more of the traffic generated by the Local Facilities Management Zone will use the road segment or intersection." Evaluation of the adequacy of the Circulation Element involves comparisons of projected peak hour traffic volumes against planned roadway capacity for circulation roadway segments and intersections. Tables 1 and 3 provide general parameters for Level of Service (LOS) evaluation. Figure 1 compares buildout traffic volume projections with 1990 traffic volumes. Roadway Segment Analysis Roadway segment adequacy was evaluated against the Circulation Element classification, as well as existing conditions. The study confirmed that when fully constructed, the Circulation Element roadway segments are adequate to-accommodate buildout traffic. There are however, a number of segments that are only partially constructed and do not front on developable properties. Supplemental funding will be required in order for these facilities to be fully constructed to meet traffic demands generated by citywide growth. These links are recommended for inclusion in the Traffic Impact Fee program. Deficient links are described in Table 2 and shown on Figure 2. Detailed descriptions and project estimates are shown in Appendix B. -3- \ I I TABLE 1 LEVEL OF SERVICE ROADWAY SEGMENTS Level of Service A B C D E F Capacity Ratio 0.00-0.60 0.61 -0.70 0.71-0.80 0.81-0.90 0.91-1.00 1.00+ Arterial Capacity* Collector 1080 1260 1440 1620 1800 1800+ Secondary 2160 2520 2880 3240 3600 3600+ Prime 3240 3780 4320 4860 5400 5400+ * Capacity is expressed in vehicles per hour for the peak hour direction assumed to be 1800 vehicles per hour per lane. TABLE 2 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PROJECTS AND COST ESTIMATES ROADWAY SEGMENTS Project 1 . Alga Road 2. Avenida Encinas 3. -Carlsbad Boulevard 4. Carlsbad Village Drive 5. Carlsbad Village Drive* 6."EI Cafhino.Real ~ ~ ~~ 7. El Camino Real 8. La Costa Avenue 9. La Costa Avenue* 1 0. Leucadia Boulevard** 1 1 . Olivenhain Road & Rancho Santa Fe Rd. ** 12. Poinsettia Lane Description Widen south side from Mimosa Drive to El Camino Real Widen south of Palomar Airport Road Widen from Manzano Drive to 600 ft. north of Cannon Road Widen from Pontiac Drive to Victoria Avenue Widen east of El Camino Real Widen from Tamarack Avenue to Chestnut Avenue Widen from La Costa Avenue to Arenal Road Widen from I-5 to El Camino Real Mitigation for widening Construct from existing terminus east to El Camino Real Widen from El Camino Real to Melrose Drive Widen from I-5 to Batiquitos Lane TOTAL Cost $ 300,000 525,000 2,1 00,000 1 ,360,000 450,000 1,760,000 450,000 6,710,000 765,000 3,500,000 6,000,000 1 ,870,000 $25,790,000 I \ \ \ \ Construction completed **City contribution only-not full project -5- I I f I I I I I I I r i i i t i i Intersection Analysis The SANDAG computer model generates morning (AM) and afternoon (PM) peak hour turning movement volumes at all major circulation element intersections. This turning movement data was utilized to calculate intersection Levels of Service in the AM and PM peak for more than 60 intersections in Carlsbad. Assuming General Plan roadway configurations, 20 intersections were identified as not meeting Growth Management Standards. These intersection were then analyzed assuming the addition of turn lanes to determine required mitigation measures to allow the intersections to meet standards. Impacted intersections and mitigation measures are shown in Tables 4 and 5 and on Figures 3 and 4. Detailed project descriptions and cost estimates are contained in Appendix B. It should be noted that even with the implementation of the improvements proposed in this report there remains a number of intersections which are projected to fail the adopted Growth Management performance standards at buildout of the City. These intersections are shown in Figure 10, but generally include all freeway interchange areas and major intersections along Carlsbad Boulevard. A more detailed analysis reveals that in excess of 50% of the future Carlsbad Boulevard traffic volumes are the result of the diversion of regional traffic from Interstate 5 due to projected traffic congestion on the freeway. Structural mitigation for these projected intersection failures is not feasible from an economic or traffic engineering standpoint. With the adoption of the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan it was recognized that there may be certain intersections which fail to meet the adopted performance standard, over which the City does not have jurisdictional control and therefore could not halt development because of this condition. The diversion of regional traffic from a failing Interstate or State Highway onto City streets would qualify as not being within the jurisdictional control of the City. The City may be able to fully or at least partially mitigate these failures by aggressive pursuit of the implementation of an effective regional program of Transportation Demand Management (TDM) and alternative mass transit services. These programs are discussed later in this report. -7- I I \ \ I I I I t I I TABLE 3 LEVEL OF SERVICE DESCRIPTION INTERSECTIONS Level of Service A B C D E F Traffic Quality Low Volumes; high speeds; speed not restricted by other vehicles; all signal cycles clear with no vehicles waiting through more than one signal cycle. Operating speeds beginning to be affected by other traffic; between one and ten percent of the signal cycles have one or more vehicles which wait through more than one signal cycle during peak traffic periods Operating speeds and maneuverability closely controlled by other traffic; between 1 1 and 30 percent of the signal cycles have one or more vehicles which wait through more than one signal cycle during peak traffic periods; recommended ideal design standard. Tolerable operating speeds; 31 to 70 percent of the signal cycles have one or more vehicles which wait through more than one signal cycle during peak traffic periods; often used as design standard in urban areas. Capacity; the maximum traffic volumes an intersection can accommodate; restricted speeds; 71 to 100 percent of the signal cycles have one or more vehicles which wait through more than one signal cycle during peak traffic periods Long queues of traffic; unstable flow; stoppages of long duration; traffic volume and traffic speed can drop to zero; traffic volume will be less than the volume which occurs at Level of Service E. Nominal Range of ICU (a) 0.00 - 0.60 0.61-0.70 0.71-0.80 0.81-0.90 0.91 - 1.00 Not Meaningful .(a) ICU (Intersection Capacity Utilization) at various Level of Service versus Level of Service E for urban arterial streets. Source: Highway Capacity Manual. Highway Research Board Special Report 87, National Academy of Science, Washington D.C, 1965, page 320. I I I I -8- TABLE 4 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PROJECTS AND COST ESTIMATES INTERSECTIONS Intersection 1 . Cannon Rd. - Interstate 5 2. Cannon Rd - Paseo Del Norte 3. El Camino Real - Alga Road 4. El Camino Real - Cannon Road 5. El Camino Real - Camino Vida Roble 6. El Camino Real - Carlsbad Village Dr. 7. El Camino Real - Faraday Ave. 8. El Camino Real - Palomar Airport Rd. 9. El Camino Real - Tamarack Ave. 1 0. Faraday Ave. - Orion Street 1 1 . Faraday Ave. - College Blvd. 12. Melrose Dr. - Alga Rd. 13. Palomar Airport Road - College Blvd. 14. Palomar Airport Road - Paseo Del Norte Project Description Road and Ramp Widening Signal Installation at Ramp termini Add one thru lane in each direction Add dual left turn signal modifications Add southbound right turn lane Left turn lanes Dual left on El Camino Real Dual left turn lanes on El Camino - right turn lanes eastbound, westbound and southbound Intersection reconstruction. Add left turn, thru and right turn lanes on all legs - phased construction Close free right turn lane signal - modification for dual lefts and left turn phasing, (reimburse Foote Development) Traffic Signal Dual left turn northbound and southbound Dual left turn lanes northbound, southbound eastbound and westbound Dual left turn lane southbound Dual left turns all legs TOTAL Estimated Cost $1,750,000 $435,000 $250,000 $130,000 $320,000 $320,000 $710,000 $1,750,000 $170,000 $100,000 -0- Already" Constructed $480,000 $160,000 $525,000 $7,100,000 I I -9- I I I I \ i I I I \ I \ \ \ \ I I TABLE 5 *SPECIAL INTERSECTION DESIGN (INCOMPLETE INTERSECTIONS) 1. Cannon Road and College Boulevard 2. Cannon Road and Hidden Valley Road 3. Carlsbad Village Drive and College Boulevard 4. El Camino Real and Cannon Road 5. El Camino Real and Poinsettia Lane 6. El Camino Real and Calle Barcelona 7. El Camino Real and Olivenhain Road ** 8. El Camino Real and Marron Road 9. Melrose Drive and Faraday Avenue 10. Melrose Drive and Carrillo Way 11. Melrose Drive and Alga Road 12. Melrose Drive and Rancho Santa Fe Road 13. Palomar Airport Road and Hidden Valley Road 14. Poinsettia Lane and Alga Road 15. Rancho Santa Fe Road and Questhaven Road * Intersections identified above indicate the need for dual left or free right turn lanes that should be incorporated into design at time of construction. Further detailed analysis should be conducted at time of improvement design. ** This intersection should be reviewed in detail as a part of the Zone 25 LFMP. Sidewalk Program As a part of the City's Pedestrian Action Plan, a full inventory of sidewalk deficiencies has been prepared and a priority program established. The total priority program is estimated to cost nearly $10 million, excluding detailed right-of-way, utility and drainage consideration. As growth occurs throughout the City, pedestrian activities will increase and provisions for full pedestrian facilities will become vital. It is recommended that $300,000 per year be provided over a 20 year period to fund priority sidewalks. The $6 million is to be included in the Traffic Impact Fee Program. Remaining funding should be generated from assessments on existing residents from Federal, State and regional funding sources or from City General Capital Construction GCC funds. Identified sidewalk projects and rankings are attached as Appendix C. Actual projects should be established as a part of the annual Capital Improvements Program. -11 - I t I I I I \ \ I I I I \ i i \ i Transportation Management and Monitoring Analysis of the overall Circulation Element has indicated that there exist a number of critical locations that will have difficulty in maintaining the levels of service stipulated in the Growth Management Plan. To insure optimum system operation all efforts should be made to manage and monitor the circulation system. Many of the projected City deficiencies are related to inadequacies in the regional freeway networks. Efforts to expand these regional facilities are not possible at the City level. Attaining the regional transportation and air quality goals will require an aggressive Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program. Transportation Demand Management strategies target work and school trips in an attempt to increase transit use, ridesharing and work hour flexibility. Such efforts are designed to shift and reduce peak hour traffic demands. This program can be particularly effective in areas of high employment intensity. LFM Zones 5 and 16, combined with portions of the City of Vista, provide a unique opportunity to improve traffic flow in the Palomar Airport Road corridor and such north-south corridors as El Camino Real, Melrose Drive, Interstate 5 and Carlsbad Boulevard. As such, these zones should be given specific attention to implement a strong TDM program. SANDAG is currently working with local agencies and the Air Pollution Control District to develop Transportation Demand Management strategies. To facilitate these long-term efforts and to annually monitor impacts on the circulation element, $1,100,000 has been included in the Traffic Impact Fee program to finance management and monitoring efforts over a 20 year period. - 13- IV. TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PROGRAM I I I J I I \ I \ I I This study has identified a number of circulation element needs related to traffic demand created by the buildout of the City. These improvements are required to serve overall traffic increases throughout the City and are not attributable to localized project impacts. The most common method of funding these types of projects is a Traffic Impact Fee (TIP) on new development. Based on a previous study conducted in Carlsbad by Barton-Aschman Associates, the City Council on April 22,1986 established a TIP for the La Costa area located generally south of Poinsettia Lane. Subsequent to that action, an interim fee was adopted on July 6, 1986 for the northern part of the City pending further study. A summary of the existing fee programs is shown in Table 6 below. The La Costa area TIP agenda bill is attached as Appendix D. TABLE 6 CITY OF CARLSBAD. TRAFFIC IMPACT FEES " Land Use Residential Industrial/Other Commercial/Office North TIP $60/Trip " $15/trip $1 0/Trip La Costa TIP $67/Trip $27/Trip $27/Trip Trip generation rates for various land uses are based on the trip tables established by SANDAG as indicated in Table 7. Based on current analysis, the following program demands have been identified: Roadway Segment Projects (Table 2) Intersection Projects (Table 4) Sidewalk Construction Program Transportation Management and Monitoring Total of Projects Funds Previously Received BALANCE (FUTURE FEES) $ 25,790,000 7,100,000 6,000,000 S 1.100.000 39,900,000 -3.627.000 $ 36,363,000 \ i - 14 - Table 7 I I I I I I I \ I I i i r i San Diego ASSOCIATION OF GO\rERNMEXTS Suite 800. First Interstate Plaza 4Q1 B Street San O'ego. California 92101 619.'236-5300 Fax 619/236-7222 NOTE: This list only represents a guide of average, or estimated, traffic generation rates for land uses (emphasis on acreage and building square footage) in the San Diego region. These rates are subject to change as future documentation becomes available, or as local sources are updated. For more specific information regarding traffic data and trip rates, please refer to the San Diego Traffic Generators manual. Always check with local jurisdictions for their preferred or applicable rates. BRIEF GUIDE OF VEHICULAR TRAFFIC GENERATION RATES FOR THE SAN DIEGO REGION JANUARY 1990 LAND USE Agriculture (Open Space) Airports Commercial General Aviation Heliports AutomobileCar Wash GasolineSales (Dealer & Repair) Auto Repair Center BankingBank (Walk-in only) Bank (w/Drtve-through) Drive-through only Savings & Loan Drive-through only Cemeteries Church (or Synagogue) Commercial/Retail Centers Super Regional Shopping Center (More than 60 acres, more than600,000 sq. ft, w/usually 3+ major stores) Regional Shopping Center (30-60 acres, 300,000-600,000 sq. ft, w/usually 2+ major stores) Community Shopping Center (10-30 acres, 100,000-300,000 sq. ft.. w/usually 1 major store and detached restaurant) Neighborhood Shopping Center (Less than 10 acres, less than 100,000 sq. ft, w/usualty grocery store & drug store) Commercial Shops (also strip commercial) Grocery Store Convenience Market Discount Furniture Store Lumber Store Hardware/Paint Store Garden Nursery Education University (4 years) Junior College (2 years) High School Middle/Junior High Elementary Day Care Hospitals General Convalescent/Nursing ESTIMATED WEEKDAY VEHICLE TRIP GENERATION RATE 2/acre" 12/acre, 100/flight, 70/1000 sq. ft* 4/acre, 2 flight 6/based aircraft* 100/acre" 900/srte, 600/acre" 750/station, 130/pump" 40/1000 sq. ft, 300/acre. 60/service stall* 20/1000 sq. ft, 400/acre. 20/setvice stall* 150/1000 sq. ft, 1000/acre* •• 200/1000 sq. ft. 1500/acre* 300/(150one-way)/lane* 60/1000 sq. ft, 600/acre" 100 (50 one-way)/lane" 5/acre* 15/1000 sq. ft, 40/acre** (triple rates for Sunday, or days of assembly) 40/1000 sq. ft, 400/acre* 50/1000 sq. ft,500/acre* 70/1000 sq. ft, 700/aere* " 120/1000 sq. ft. 1200/acre* •* 40/1000 sq. ft, 400/acre* 150/1000 sq. ft, 2000/acre • ** 500/1000 sq.ft" 70/1000 sq. ft, 700/acre* »• 6/1000 sq.ft, 100/acre" 30/1000 sq.ft, 150/acre** 60/1000 sq. ft, 600/acre" 40/1000 sq. ft. 90/acre" 2.5/studerrt, 100 acre* 1.6/studem.BO/acre* 1.4/studerrt,50/acre* 1.0/studerrt, 40/acre" 1.4/studem,60/acre" 3/child. 70/1000sq.ft" 20/bed, 20/1000 sq. ft, 200/acre* 3/bed" HIGHEST PEAK HOUR % (plus IN:OUT ratio) Between 7-9 A.M. Between 4-6 P.M. 6% (6:4) 4% (5:5) 6% (5:5) 8% (6:4) 8% (7:3) 4% (7:3) 5% (6:4) 3% (5:5) 2% 4% 4% (8:2) 2% (7:3) 2% (7:3) 3% (6:4) 4% (6:4) 3% (6:4) 9% 5% 7% (5:5) 9% (5:5) 12% (5:5) 10% (4:6) 11% 8% (4:6) 10% (5:5) 13% (5:5) 9% 15% 8% (5:5) 9% (5:5) 9% (5:5) 10% (5:5) 11% (5:5) 9% (5:5) 11% (5:5) 8% (5:5) 10% (5:5) 9% (5:5) 9% (5:5) 9% (5:5) 10% (5:5) 9% (3:7)8% (3:7) 14% (3:7) 7% (3:7) 5% (3:7) 18% (5:5) 11% (3:7) 8% MEMBER AGENCIES: Cities of Carlsbad, Chula Vista. Coronado. Del Mar, El Cajon, Encinitas. Escondido. Imperial Beach. La Mesa. Lemon Grove. National City. Oceanside. Poway, San Diego. San Marcos, Santee. Solana Beach. Vista and County of San Diego ADVISORY/LIAISON MEMBERS: California Department of Transportation. U.S. Department of Defense and Tijuana/Baia California None. -15- Table 7 (Continued) Industrial Industrial/Business Park Industrial Park (no commercial) Industrial Plant (multiple shifts) Manufacturing/Assembly Warehousing Storage Science Research & Development Library Lodging Hotel (w/convention facilities/restaurant) Motel Resort Hotel Military Offices Standard Commercial Office (less than 100,000 sq.ft.) Large (high-rise) Commercial Office (more than 100,000 sq. ft) Corporate Office (single user) Government (Civic Center) Post Office Department of Motor Vehicles Medical Parks City (developed) Regional (undeveloped) Neighborhood Amusement (Theme) San Diego Zoo Sea World Recreation Beach, Ocean or Bay Beach, Lake (fresh water) Bowling Center Campground Golf CourseMarinas Racquetball/Health Club Tennis CourtsSports Facilities Outdoor StadiumIndoor Arena Racetrack Theaters (multiplex) Residential Single Family Detached(average 4 DU/acre) Condominium (or any multi-family less than 20 DU/acre) Apartments (or any multi-family units morethan 20 DU/acre) MobileHome Family Adults Only Retirement Community Rural Estate Congregate Care Facility Restaurants Quality Sit down, high turnover Fast Food (w/drrve-through) Transportation Facilities Bus Depot Truck Terminal Waterport Transit Station (Rail) 16/1000 sq.ft. 200/acre* 8/1000 sq. ft, 90/acre* 10/1000 sq.ft. 120/acre* 4/1000 sq. ft, 60/acre" 5/1000sq.ft., 60/acre" 2/1000 sq. ft, 0.2/vault 30/acre* 8/1000 sq.ft., 80/acre* 40/1000 sq. ft, 400/aere" 10/room, 300/acre" 9/room, 200/acre* 8/room, 100/acre* 2.5 military & civilian personnel* 20/1000 sq.ft., 300/acre' 17/1000 sq. ft., 600/acre* 10/1000 sq.ft., 140/acre» 30/1000 sq.ft." 150/1000 sq.ft.** 180/1000 sq. ft, 900/acre" 50/1000sq.ft., 500/acre* 50/acre* 5/acre* 5/acre* 80/acre, 130/acre (summer only)** 115/acre* 80/acre* 600/1000 ft shoreline, 60/acre* 50/1000 ft shoreline, 5/acre* 30/lane, 300/acre** 4/campsrte**8/acre, 600/course**4/berth, 20/acre* •• 40/1000 sq. ft, 300/acre. 40/court*3071000 sq. ft, 30/court** 50/acre, 0.2/seat* 30/acre, 0.1/seat* 40/acre, 0.6 seat* 80/1000 sq. ft, 1.8/seat* 10/dwelling unit* 8/dwelling unit* 6/dwelling unit* 5/dwelling unit 40/acre* 3/dwelling unit, 20/acre* 4/dwelllng unit** 12/dwelling unit** 2/dwelling unit** 100/1000 sq. ft., 500/acre* ** 300/1000 sq. ft, 1200/acre* ** 700/1000 sq. ft, 3000/acre* ** 25/1000 sq.ft." 10/1000 sq.ft., 60/acre 170/berth, 12/acre** 300/acre** (8:2) (7:3) 6% (6:4)8% (4:6) 5% (6:4) 9% (9:1) 14% (9:1) 13% (9:1) 15% (9:1) 9% (9:li 7% (5:5) 6% (6:4) 6% (8:2) 4% 7% (7:3) 4% 6% (8:2) 3% 4% (6:4) 4% 0.3% 8% (2:8) 8% (2:8) 8% (2:8) 9% 9% 3% (6:4) 1% (6:4)8% (5:5)4% (6:4) 9% (4:6) 14% (7:3) 12% (2:81 12% (2;5 15% (3;- 20% (V.- 25% (4:6i 9% (5:5)14% (1:9) 10% (5:5) 8% (6:4) 9% (6:4) 7% (4:6) 10% (2:8) 13% (2:8) 14% (2:8) 15% (1:9) 12% (3:7) 8% (5:5) 11% (4:6) 10% (3:7) 8% 11% (4:6) 10% (4:6) 8%9% (3:7)9% 9% (3:7) (6:4) 11% (5:5) 8% (7:3) 10% (7:3) 10% (7:3) 11% (7:3) 12% (6:4)10% (6:4) 8% (5:5) 8% (7:3)6% (6:4) 8% (5:5) 8% (5:5) 15% (3:7) • Primary source: San D/ego Traffic Generators. " Other sources: ITE Trip Generation Report, Trip Generation Rates (other agencies), various SANDAG & CALTRANS studies, reports and estimates. -16- I I I I \ I \ I I Traffic Impact Fee Calculation In order to calculate the revised TIP, it is necessary to inventory all trip types and distribute the cost based on the various land use categories. Consistent with the La Costa area TIP and the City's Bridge and Thoroughfare District, it is recommended that Commercial, Office and Industrial trip generations be adjusted to reflect double-counting. The proposed structure adjusts Commercial and Industrial trips to 40% of the SANDAG published rate. This adjustment reflects the assumption of those studies that 60% of the trip ends assigned to Commercial and Industrial uses originate from residences within the City. Table 8 gives a summary of remaining trips. TABLE 8 FUTURE TRIP SUMMARY Land Use Residential Commercial/Industrial Total Future Trip 244,000 Trips 575,000 Trips 81 9,000 Trips Trip Rate Adjusted 244,000 Trips 230,000 Trips 474,000 Equivalent Trips The fee per residential equivalent trip is: $ 36,363,000 + 474,000 = $ 76.72/trip The Commercial and Industrial fee is adjusted to 40% of this rate or $30.69 per trip. Table 9 summarizes the fee adjustments, which have been rounded to the nearest dollar per trip. TABLE 9 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE EXISTING AND PROPOSED FEE Existing La Costa Fee Residential $67/Trip Other (including $27/Trip Commercial, Industrial and Office) City-Wide Proposed Fee Residential $77/Trip Industrial/ Commercial $31 /Trip Percentage Increase 14.9 14.8 Existing North Carlsbad Interim Fee Residential $60/Trip Industrial/Other $15/Trip Commercial/Office $1 0/Trip City-Wide Proposed Fee Residential $77/Trip Industrial/Other $31 /Trip Commercial/Office $31 /Trip Percentage Increase 28.3 106.7 210.0 I - 17- V ALTERNATIVE AND PHASING ANALYSIS As a part of the SAN DAG modeling effort, six (6) different networks were analyzed for the 1995, 2000, and buildout periods. Analysis of these alternatives allow the staff to evaluate for each of the time periods the impact of missing links on the performance of the remaining system. Figure 5 highlights the major missing circulation links and those that are found to be critical for adherence to Growth Management Standards in the future. Critical missing links are those roadway segments that if not installed within a particular time frame will result in potential failures along other routes within the system. Critical links and the critical periods are shown in Table 10 and on Figures 5, 6, and 7. TABLE 10 CRITICAL LINK PHASING Roadway Cannon Road Cannon Road Cannon Road College Boulevard Faraday Avenue Calle Barcelona Avenida Encinas Leucadia Boulevard Limits I-5 to El Camino Real (Reaches 1 & 2) El Camino Real to College Boulevard (Reach 3) College Boulevard to Oceanside (Reach 4) Cannon Road to Carlsbad Village Drive Orion Way to Melrose Drive El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road End to Carlsbad Boulevard El Camino Real to existing terminus Phasing Year 2000 1995 2000 1995 2000 1995 1991 2000 The remaining missing links shown on Figure 5 serve primarily local demand and will be constructed concurrent with development within the areas served. Construction of these routes will be the responsibility of individual project development. In addition to construction of critical missing links, several existing roadways have not been developed to their full general plan width. Traffic projections were analyzed to determine when these roadways will require widening to avoid capacity failures. These projects are listed in Table 11 and shown on Figures 6 and 7. This information will be utilized to prepare the Annual Capital Improvement Program. -18- \ TABLE 11 ROAD SEGMENT WIDENING PROGRAM I I I I I I I I I I I I I Roadway Carlsbad Boulevard Palomar Airport Road Palomar Airport Road Poinsettia Lane La Costa Avenue Rancho Santa Fe Road Olivenhain Road El Camino Real Limits Cannon Road to Manzano Street 4-lanes Carlsbad Boulevard to I-5 4-lanes El Camino Real to Business Park 6-lanes Carlsbad Boulevard to Avenida Encinas 4-lanes El Camino Real to I-5 4-lanes Melrose Drive to La Costa Avenue 4-lanes 6 lanes El Camino Real to Amargosa 4-lanes 6-lanes Poinsettia Lane to La Costa Avenue 6-lanes Phasing 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 2000 1995 L 2000 2000 -20- I I I I I I I I & M I I Phasing Policy In order to insure the orderly and timely development of the circulation network it is recommended that a policy be established that prevents circulation mitigation measures beyond those required to accommodate buildout traffic. Those measures are identified in the General Plan Circulation Element and the mitigation identified within this report. If implemented, such a policy would require growth management planning to incorporate phasing and financing of critical missing links into the zone planning process as identified within this report. Development that impacts roadway segments or intersections beyond planned levels would not be allowed to proceed until a financial guarantee for construction of the appropriate missing links has been approved and adopted by formal action of the City Council. . It is recommended that the City Council adopt the following policy: No interim mitigation improvements beyond those identified for construction at buildout of the § City will be allowed. Where buildout mitigation is not adequate to meet Growth Management Standards, construction of the appropriate missing circulation segments is the only acceptable mitigation measure. I When such missing segments are required, development within the Local Facilities Management Zone shall proceed only upon adoption by the City Council of a finance plan guaranteeing I construction of the missing segment. I I I I I I I I I VI. ISSUES I Carlsbad's circulation planning occurs within a greater regional context that is intimately linked to the freeway network and the circulation and land use planning of neighboring jurisdictions. I Most of the transportation issues facing Carlsbad in the future relate to this regional interface. Resolution of these issues to optimize the circulation system will require continued full involvement in regional transportation planning efforts. I Cannon Road By far the most significant missing link within Carlsbad at this time is Cannon Road. This major I east/west connector extending between State Route 78 and Interstate Highway 5 has been recognized as a regionally significant relief facility for the Route 78 corridor and has received $4.6 million from the Route 78 Corridor reserve funds to facilitate its completion. Cannon Road will significantly reduce traffic on all major circulation links north of Palomar Airport Road. I Additionally, Route 78 is relieved by up to 20,000 trips per day; segments of 1-5 are reduced 32,000 trips per day; and Palomar Airport Road is reduced by approximately 15,000 trips per day. _ Carlsbad Village Drive, El Camino Real and Tamarack Avenue all receive relief with the I completion of Cannon Road. Although Cannon Road is a vital local and regional link, it does not appear to be critical until near the year 2000. Plans are currently being completed for Villages Q and T of the Calavera Hills Master Plan. I These plans include road construction of College Boulevard from the City of Oceanside-to Carlsbad Village Drive. "This connection is functionally equivalent to portions of Cannon Road I and may be completed by 1993. To assess the impact of the College/Tamarack connection, computer model projections were conducted for 1995, 2000 and buildout. The volume impacts I at 1995 and buildout are shown on Figures 8 and 9. The primary impact of the College/Tamarack connection would be to the intersections of Tamarack Avenue at El Camino Real and Tamarack Avenue at Carlsbad Village Drive. These two intersections are projected to approach capacity in 1995. Mitigation for these intersections is the construction of College Avenue to Cannon Road and Cannon Road to El Camino Real. This connection provides traffic relief by establishing a bypass route for regional and industrially oriented traffic away from Tamarack Avenue. Figures 6 and 7 incorporate the proposed construction phasing. -24- I I I I I I I I I In general, the connection of Melrose Drive has limited impact on the City of Carlsbad circulation I with the exceptions of where Melrose Drive combines with Rancho Santa Fe Road in the vicinity I I I I I Local Facilities Management Zone Plans should be revised to reflect the proposed timing of roadway improvements. Melrose Drive Extension The Circulation Element of the General Plan designates Melrose Drive as a significant north/south prime arterial. It will extend from Route 78 to an undisclosed terminus point in the vicinity of the proposed State Route 56 south of the San Dieguito River valley located outside the City of Carlsbad. Melrose Drive is not included within the Circulation Element of the City of Encinitas and is a subject being considered in the SANDAG-sponsored Mid-Counties Transportation Study. This study indicates that Melrose Drive serves as a major regional link relieving congestion on Interstate 5 and Interstate 15, including several local collector streets within the communities of Olivenhain, Encinitas and Rancho Santa Fe. of Questhaven Road. Traffic projections in this area approach 75,000 average daily trips. Such large volumes far exceed the capacity of the prime arterial classification and would require unusual mitigation measures to satisfactorily accommodate traffic flow. I I The Mid-Counties study is currently proceeding. A sub-committee has been formed to evaluate I the viability of the Melrose Drive extension, to review environmental constraints and explore the potential for collector level streets to provide intermediate traffic relief. I Upon conclusion of these studies, the Circulation Element issue of Melrose Drive and the extension of La Costa Avenue should be revised consistent with adopted regional plans. Rancho Del Pro Interchange Traffic studies indicate that construction of a new interchange at Rancho Del Oro Drive and Route 78 will provide significant traffic relief to El Camino Real and College Boulevard and at other interchanges with Route 78. However, the majority of relief would occur northerly of Route 78 in the City of Oceanside. -27- I Relief provided in the City of Carlsbad is primarily to the future extension of Marron Road and proposed development within LFM Zone 25. I Caltrans completed a Project Study Report on the proposed interchange in November of 1990, I and the City of Carlsbad completed a financial evaluation in December of 1990. The proposed I I I I I project, including the extension of roadway between Marron Road and West Vista Way, is estimated to cost approximately $26 million. The NBS/Lowry December 31,1990 study indicates that the City of Oceanside benefits from $13.45 million and Carlsbad $12.45 million. Even given significant cost sharing from Oceanside, the economics and environmental viability of this project is in question. It would appear that funding of the proposed interchange will require intensive land uses within LFM Zone 25, partially offsetting gains received from the improvements. Additional traffic attracted to Marron Road may have significant adverse impacts on the Intersections of Marron Road with College Boulevard and El Camino Real. Detailed issues of land use intensity and financing should be further studied in relationship to the Local Facilities Management Plan. These studies should include a spectrum of land use alternatives taken within the context of environmental constraints. I I I I I I I Arenal Road Extension I Computer model analysis included review of the impact of completing the connection of Arenal Road between El Camino Real and Batiquitos Lane. This connection was studied in some detail I as a part of the Phase I Aviara plan. The physical viability of various alternatives were established; however, construction would involve significant reconstruction of the existing I roadway westerly of El Camino Real with potential of environmental concerns to surrounding residences. Traffic projections indicate that at buildout of the City the roadway would attract approximately 6,000 average daily trips, 3,300 of which would be diverted from the Alga Road/El Camino Real intersection. The standards at the Alga Road/El Camino Real intersection can be accommodated with conventional mitigation measures incorporated into the Traffic Impact Fee program. -28- Given currently planned land use intensities within Aviara, it is concluded that Arenal Road extension will not be required. Carlsbad Boulevard Carlsbad Boulevard is unique in character in that it provides primary beach access and closely parallels Interstate Highway 5 (1-5). Because it abuts the ocean, all major intersections are "T" intersections that tend to have high turning movement demands. SANDAG projections indicate that greater than 50% of Carlsbad Boulevard traffic is regional in nature and uses Carlsbad Boulevard as an alternative to 1-5 for through circulation. It can be expected that this trend will continue as congestion on 1-5 increases. As indicated on Figure 10, I-5 intersections and major Carlsbad Boulevard intersections have been identified as future hot spots. Consequently, these locations of future impact that primarily serve regional traffic are within limited control of the City. At buildout, either physical or jurisdictional constraints may prevent attainment of Level of Service D requirements. Available mitigation measures primarily involve regional actions and implementation of Transportation Demand Management strategies. Freeway Ramp Metering The Regional Transportation Plan has established the goal of installing ramp meters on all freeway interchanges in the region by 1995. Potential significant impacts to local jurisdictions may result. A ramp meter is a traffic control device placed on freeway on-ramps to meter traffic entering the freeway. These devices are designed to maximize freeway flow by limiting access to the freeway and to reduce friction caused by unregulated flow entering the freeway. Ramp meters installed on freeway segments that have exceeded their functional capacity will tend to create delay at freeway interchanges and can result in diversion of traffic to alternative parallel routes. Interstate 5 ramp meters will serve primarily north-south traffic. Diversions from this route will impact Carlsbad Boulevard and El Camino Real. -29- The most significant structural mitigation to the 1-5 problem is the provision of facilities within the Melrose corridor and commuter rails systems and feeders. ; Ramp metering includes provision for high occupancy vehicle (HOV) preference lanes. These facilities enhance carpools, vanpools and other transportation demand features. The magnitude of work trips in the Palomar Airport Road corridor make these types of features particularly effective and desirable. Transportation Demand Management It has become apparent in recent years that buildout of the San Diego region will result in significant increase in traffic congestion and generally poor levels of service on the roadway network. Interstates 5 and 15 are the only major north-south arteries, and even when widened and retro-fitted with high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes will not accept the demand placed on them. Maintenance of acceptable levels of transportation services will require: • Land Use revisions to enhance transit viability I • Transportation Demand Management (TDM) I Transportation Demand Management primarily targets peak hour and special event trips with a strategy to reduce the number of drive alone trips-and to alter the time distribution of 4he peak I hour. I Strategies include: • Employee flex-time I • Carpool programs • Vanpool programs I - • Parking management . -•- -,.-..-- ..„__-.• • Work place transit incentive programs i • Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities I SANDAG and the Air Pollution Control District are actively pursuing the implementation of the -31 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I Transportation Demand Management program. Some form of regional ordinance and program will be adopted in the near future to comply with the California Clean Air Act of 1988. Given that 70% of all trips are Commercial/Industrial related with nearly 50%, or over 200,000, of I the daily trips are in the Industrial/Palomar Airport Road corridor, Transportation Demand Management has a high potential to alleviate many of the future regionally based transportation I concerns. Nearly all future hot spots within the City can be positively impacted with a comprehensive targeted transportation management program. I -32- I VII SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS I In this report, an attempt has been made to outline the existing state of circulation planning in the City of Carlsbad and to generally point out areas which require future actions to maintain I adequate levels of service through buildout of the City. The following are areas addressed: • Identification of circulation area deficiencies I • Proposed mitigation to enhance roadway system • Recommended Traffic Impact Fee program I • Schedule for development of roadway missing links • Identification of future circulation issue areas of concern ' The proposed Traffic Impact Fee program deals with all circulation areas under the direct control I of the City. Studies indicate the reduction of development intensities implemented with growth management have insured the adequacy of Carlsbad's internal circulation system. Failures I foreseeable in the future all relate to the City's interface with the regional system. Increased emphasis on regional planning issues and Transportation Demand Management will be required . in the future to improve transportation performance. Recommendations; | • Direct staff to implement the revised uniform Traffic Impact Fee and Program. • Promote resolution of Melrose Drive classification and alignment issues. I • Require detailed land use circulation and finance studies of Local Facilities Management Zone 25 focused on construction of the Rancho Del Oro Interchange. I • • Eliminate consideration of Arenal road extension between El Camino Real and Batiquitos Lane. I • Establish a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program consistent with regional program directives. I • Interim mitigation improvements beyond those required to accommodate traffic at buildout of the City will not be approved. Where buildout mitigation is not adequate to meet Growth I Management Standards, construction of the appropriate unconstructed circulation element is the only acceptable mitigation measure. I When such unconstructed segments are required, development within the Local Facilities Management Zone shall proceed only upon adoption by the City Council of a finance plan I for the construction of the missing circulation element segment. -33- B I I CITY OF CARLSBAD CIRCULATION IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM AND TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE STUDY APPENDICES Traffic Impact Fees Program April 1991 Prepared by: Engineering Department F I I APPENDICES INDEX E Appendix A - Capacity Analysis I Appendix B - Project Cost Estimates * Appendix C - Sidewalk Priority Listing • Appendix D - La Costa Traffic Impact Fee Agenda Bill I I I i i i i i i l i i i APPENDIX A Capacity Analysis F I APPENDIX A - INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY LOCATION El Camino Real at Marron Rd. El Camino Real at Carlsbad Village Dr. El Camino Real at Chestnut St. El Camino Real at Tamarack Ave. El Camino Real at Kelly Dr. El Camino Real at Cannon Rd.* El Camino Real at College Blvd.* El Camino Real at Faraday Ave.* El Camino Real at Palomar Airport Rd. El Camino Real at Camino Vida Roble El Camino Real at Poinsettia Ln. El Camino Real at Alga Rd.* El Camino Real at La Costa Ave.* El Camino Real at Levante Street El Camino Real at Calle Barcelona El Camino Real at Olivenhain Rd. Palomar Airport Rd. at Avenida Encinas LEVEL OF SERVICE AM EM D C C D B C C C D B D C F C D D A Palomar Airport Rd. at Paseo del Norte j C Palomar Airport Rd. at Hidden Valley Road Paiomar Airport Rd. at College Blvd. Palomar Airport Rd. at Camino Vida Roble Palomar Airport Rd. at El Fuerte Palomar Airport Rd. at Melrose Ave.* Palomar Airport Rd. at Business Park Way Rancho Santa Fe Rd. at Olivenhain Rd. Rancho Santa Fe Rd. at Calle Barcelona Rancho Santa Fe Rd. at Camino de las Coches Rancho Santa Fe Rd. at La Costa Ave. Rancho Santa Fe Rd. at Questhaven Rd. * Rancho Santa Fe Rd. at Melrose Ave. * Rancho Santa Fe Rd. at Calle Acervo Carlsbad Blvd. at State St. A C B D C C C A A B C F C C D B A C A D D D D B D D F C D D D D A D A D D B C A A C C F B C * - HEAVY DEMAND ANALYSIS \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I i APPENDIX A - INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY * - HEAVY DEMAND ANALYSIS LOCATION Carlsbad Blvd. at Grand Ave. Carlsbad Blvd. at Carlsbad Village Dr.* Carlsbad Blvd. at Tamarack Ave.* Carlsbad Blvd. at Cannon Rd.* Carlsbad Blvd. at Palomar Airport Road* Carlsbad Blvd. at Poinsettia Ln.* Poinsettia Ln. at Avenida Encinas Poinsettia Ln. at Paseo del Norte Poinsettia Ln. at Batiquitos Dr. Poinsettia Ln. at Alga Rd. Cannon Rd. at Avenida Encinas Cannon Rd. at Paseo del Norte* Cannon Rd. at Hidden Valley Road Cannon Rd. at Faraday Ave. Cannon Rd. at College Blvd.* College Blvd. at Tamarack Ave. College Blvd. at Carlsbad Village Dr. College Blvd. at Faraday Ave. Melrose Ave. at Faraday Ave.* Melrose Ave. at Carrillo Way Melrose Ave. at Alga Rd. Melrose Ave. at La Costa Ave. La Costa Ave. at Saxony Rd. La Costa Ave. at Camino de las Coches El Fuerte at Alga Rd. El Fuerte at Carrillo Way Carlsbad Village Dr. at Tamarack Ave. Marron Rd. at Jefferson St.* Marron Rd. at Monroe St. LEVEL OF SERVICE AM PM D C E F E D D D C D B B C B B C D C F D B A C A B D A B C D C D D F E D D C D B C D C D B D A E D D A C A A C A D D I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: MARRON ROAD AM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 80 42 42 525 L 1500 2 2 1 1 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 1352 1191 219 799 T 1700 3 3 2 2 TR 1700 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 193 117 49 10 R 1500 0 . 0 0 0 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left Thru Right (VPH of Green) Turn Turn Northbound 2700 5100 0 Southbound 2700 5100 0 Eastbound 1500 3400 0 Westbound 1500 3400 0 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Thru Right Turn Turn Northbound 3.0% 30.3% 0.0% Southbound 1.6% 25.6% 0.0% Eastbound 2.8% 7.9% 0.0% Westbound 35.0% 23.8% 0.0% 03/19/91 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW : MARRON ROAD BUILDOUT PROJE AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 42 ' O1 Q£ i y 49 , V 117 1191 I I <--' V 0 3 1 2 0 2 3 ^ A I I 80 1352 42 I '--> 2 0 I 193 A 0 ' 10 2 < 799 1 , 525 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2700 2700 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 3.0% 1.6% 2.8% 35.0% Thru 1700 5100 5100 3400 3400 Thru 30.3% 25.6% 7.9% 23.8% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR CAPACITY UTILIZATION 84.7% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE ---- > D 0. 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I i i i i i i INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: MARRON ROAD PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 97 36 33 293 L 1500 2 2 1 1 Left Turn 2700 2700 1500 1500 Left Turn 3.6% 1.3% 2.2% 19.5% Thru 1188 1339 552 494 LT T 1500 1700 0 3 0 3 0 2 0 2 Thru 5100 5100 3400 3400 Thru 34.3% 28.1% 17.5% 14.9% Right Turn 559 95 44 11 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 000 000 000 000 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 03/19/91 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: COLLEGE BLVD. AM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 227 37 143 614 L LT 1800 1800 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 Left Turn 3240 3240 3240 3240 Lett Turn 7.0% 1.1% 4.4% 19.0% Thru 599 1622 222 743 T 2000 3 3 2 2 Thru 6000 6000 4000 4000 Thru 10.0% 27.0% 5.9% 18.8% Right Turn 280 684 12 9 TR R LR 2000 1800 1800 0 1 0 0 1 0 000 000 Right Turn 1800 1800 0 0 Right Turn 15.6% 38.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 ! INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR. AM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 62 126 174 22 L 1500 2 2 1 1 Left Turn 2700 2700 1500 1500 Left Turn 2.3% 4.7% 11.6% 1.5% Thru 992 1514 126 344 LT T 1500 1700 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 Thru 5100 5100 3400 3400 Thru 19.7% 32.3% 6.4% 21.5% Right Turn 12 134 92 388 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJE EW : CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR. AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 174 ' 19R 92 , V 134 i1 <--' 0 1 2 0 2 I 62 1514 126 1 iI I v '--> 3 2 3 0 I I 992 12 0 • 388 2 < 344 1 , 22 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2700 2700 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 2.3% 4.7% 11.6% 1.5% Thru 1700 5100 5100 3400 3400 Thru 19.7% 32.3% 6.4% 21.5% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 77.7% LEVEL OF SERVICE > C INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR. PM PEAK I I I i i i i I i i i i i i i TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 62 286 123 18 L 1500 2 2 1 1 Lett Turn 2700 2700 1500 1500 Lett Turn 2.3% 10.6% 8.2% 1.2% Thru 992 1098 343 290 LT T 1500 1700 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 Thru 5100 5100 3400 3400 Thru 19.7% 26.4% 14.7% 18.5% Right Turn 12 248 156 339 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 1 0 0 1 0 0 100 1 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR. PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 248 1098 286 I I i <—' v '--> 0 3 2 123 ' 1 0 ' 339 343 2 2 < 290 156 , 0 1 , 18 v v 230 <--. * ,~> III 62 992 12 | North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1500 2700 2700 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 2.3% 10.6% 8.2% 1.2% Thru 1700 5100 5100 3400 3400 Thru 19.7% 26.4% 14.7% 18.5% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 67.0% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE' > B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW: CHESTNUT AVE. BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS AM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 88 32 94 17 L 1500 1 1 1 1 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 883 1501 28 253 T 1700 3 3 1 1 TR 1700 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 3 95 68 89 R 1500 0 0 0 0 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 JP CAPACITY een) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 Thru 5100 5100 1700 1700 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Turn Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound 5.9% 2.1% 6.3% 1.1% Thru 17.4% 31.3% 5.6% 20.1% Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: ELCAMINOREAL EW : CHESTNUT AVE. BUILDOUT PROJEI AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 94 ' 9ft 68 V 95 1501 I I <— ' v 0 3 1 - 0 1 3 I I 88 883 32 I '--> 1 0 I 3 A 0 ' 89 1 <• 2531 %» <LsJvJ 1 , 17 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 5.9% 2.1% 6.3% 1.1% Thru 1700 5100 5100 1700 1700 Thru 17.4% 31.3% 5.6% 20.1% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 73.5% LEVEL OF SERVICE > C I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: CHESTNUT AVE. PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 97 112 45 6 L 1500 1 1 1 1 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 1451 1016 68 98 T 1700 3 3 1 1 TR 1700 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 12 144 120 46 R 1500 0 0 0 0 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 JP CAPACITY een) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 Thru 5100 5100 1700 1700 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Lett Thru Right Turn Turn Northbound 6.5% 28.7% 0.0% Southbound 7.5% 22.7% 0.0% Eastbound 3.0% 11.1% 0.0% Westbound 0.4% 8.5% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW: CHESTNUT AVE. BUILDOUT PROJE PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 45 ' eo 120 , V 144 I 0 1 1 0 1 I 97 1016 112 I I v ' — > 3 1 3 0 A — — ^ I I 1451 12 A 0 ' 46 1 , 6 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 6.5% 7.5% 3.0% 0.4% Thru 1700 5100 5100 1700 1700 Thru 28.7% 22.7% 11.1% 8.5% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 57.6% LEVEL OF SERVICE > A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW: TAMARACK AVE. BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS AM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 162 0 72 345 L 1500 2 2 1 1 Lett Turn 2700 2700 1500 1500 Left Turn 6.0% 0.0% 4.8% 23.0% Thru 901 1562 127 321 LT T 1500 1700 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 Thru 5100 5100 3400 3400 Thru 18.5% 31.1% 14.8% 9.4% Right Turn 44 25 375 0 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 1 0 0 1 00 1 0 0 1 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW : TAMARACK AVE. BUILDOUT PROJEt AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 72 ' 107 375 , v 25 1562 i iI l <— ' v 0 3 1 2 0 2 3 I I 162 901 0 iI '--> 2 0 I 44 A 0 ' 0 2 < 321 1 , 345 v A 1 North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1500 2700 2700 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 6.0% 0.0% 4.8% 23.0% Thru 1700 5100 5100 3400 3400 Thru 18.5% 31.1% 14.8% 9.4% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 84.9% LEVEL OF SERVICE > D INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: TAMARACK AVE. PM PEAK I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 491 0 34 94 L 1500 2 2 1 1 Lett Turn 2700 2700 1500 1500 Left Turn 18.2% 0.0% 2.3% 6.3% Thru 1526 1080 267 257 LT T 1500 1700 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 Thru 5100 5100 3400 3400 Thru 33.3% 22.4% 13.8% 7.6% Right Turn 173 62 201 0 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW : TAMARACK AVE. BUILDOUT F PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETF 62 1080 I I < — ' v 0 3 34 ' 1 9£7 9 201 , 0 V 2 3 I I 491 1526 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left Turn Default Capacity 1500 Northbound 2700 Southbound 2700 Eastbound 1500 Westbound 1500 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Turn Northbound 18.2% Southbound 0.0% Eastbound 2.3% Westbound 6.3% 0 I '--> 2 0 I 173 Thru 1700 5100 5100 3400 3400 Thru 33.3% 22.4% 13.8% 7.6% A 0 ' 2 «xV.— — — ~ 1 , — V A I North Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 70.6% LEVEL OF SERVICE > C 0 257 94 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: KELLY DR. AM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 17 0 60 0 L 1500 1 0 1 0 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 1048 2248 0 0 T 1700 3 2 0 0 TR 1700 0 1 0 0 Right Turn 0 35 76 0 R 1500 0 0 1 0 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1500 0 1500 0 Left Turn 1.1% 0.0% 4.0% 0.0% Thru 5100 5100 0 0 Thru 20.5% 44.8% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 0 0 1500 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 5.1% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW : KELLY DR. BUILDOUT PROJE AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE A 60 ' 76 , V 35 1 < — ' 0 1 0 1 1 I 17 2248 0 I I v '--> 3 0 3 0 A -w I I 1048 0 GEOMETRY A 0 ' 0 0 < 0 0 , 0 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 0 1500 0 RATIO Left Turn 1.1% 0.0% 4.0% 0.0% Thru 1700 5100 5100 0 0 Thru 20.5% 44.8% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 1500 0 0 1500 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 5.1% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 61.0% LEVEL OF SERVICE > B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: KELLY DR. PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number o( Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 57 0 34 0 L 1500 1 0 1 0 Left Turn 1500 0 1500 0 Left Turn 3.8% 0.0% 2.3% 0.0% Thru 2157 1306 0 0 LT T 1500 1700 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 Thru 5100 5100 0 0 Thru 42.3% 27.0% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 0 69 29 0 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 000 1 0 0 0 1 0 000 Right Turn 0 0 1500 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 1.9% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW : KELLY DR. BUILDOUT PROJEi PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 34 — -' 29 , V 69 1306 1 1 <--' v 0 3 1 0 1 1 3 j A I I 57 2157 0 I '--> 0 0 I 0 A 0 ' 0 0 < 0 0 , 0 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1500 1500 0 1500 0 RATIO Left Turn 3.8% 0.0% 2.3% 0.0% Thru 1700 5100 5100 0 0 Thru 42.3% 27.0% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 1500 0 0 1500 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 1.9% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 54.6% LEVEL OF SERVICE > A I I I I I \ \ I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: CANNON RD. AM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 90 74 200 190 L LT 1800 1800 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 Left Turn 3240 3240 3240 3240 Lett Turn 2.8% 2.3% 6.2% 5.9% Thru 691 1830 588 1084 T 2000 3 3 2 2 Thru 6000 6000 4000 4000 Thru 11.8% 30.5% 19.7% 29.4% Right Turn 18 558 198 92 TR R LR 2000 1800 1800 000 0 1 0 000 000 Right Turn 0 1800 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 31.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW : CANNON RD. BUILDOUT PROJE AM PEAK-HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 200 ' COQOwO 198 , V 558 I <--' 1 2 2 0 2 I 90 1830 74 I I v '--> 3 2 3 0 I I 691 18 A 0 ' 2 < 2 , V A I North 92 1084 190 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1800 3240 3240 3240 3240 RATIO Left Turn 2.8% 2.3% 6.2% 5.9% Thru 2000 6000 6000 4000 4000 Thru 11.8% 30.5% 19.7% 29.4% Right Turn 1800 0 1800 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 31.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 78.9% LEVEL OF SERVICE > C INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: CANNON RD. PM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 138 177 404 38 L 1800 2 2 2 2 LT 1800 0 0 0 0 Thru 1783 961 916 559 T 2000 3 3 2 2 TR 2000 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 364 198 224 173 R 1800 0 1 0 0 LR 1800 0 0 0 0 LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 3240 3240 3240 3240 Lett Turn .4.3% 5.5% 12.5% 1.2% Thru 6000 6000 4000 4000 Thru 35.8% 16.0% 28.5% 18.3% Right Turn 0 1800 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 11.0% 0.0% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW : CANNON RD. BUILDOUT PROJB PM PEAK-HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 404 ' QIC 224 , V 198 961 I II <--' V 1 3 2 2 0 2 3 j, A I I 138 1783 177 1I 2 0 I 364 A 0 ' 173 2 < 559 2 , 38 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1800 3240 3240 3240 3240 RATIO Left Turn 4.3% 5.5% 12.5% 1.2% Thru 2000 6000 6000 4000 4000 Thru 35.8% 16.0% 28.5% 18.3% Right Turn 1800 0 1800 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 11.09* 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 82.0% LEVEL OF SERVICE > D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW : COLLEGE BLVD. BUILDOUT PROJE AM PEAK-HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 143 ' 999 -.. - 12 . V 684 11 0 2 2 0 1 I 227 1622 37 1 |1 1 v '--> 2 1 2 0 A — — "^ I I 599 280 A 0 ' 9 2 < 743 2 , 614 V I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1800 3240 3240 3240 3240 RATIO Left Turn 7.0% 1.1% 4.4% 19.0% Thru 2000 6000 6000 4000 4000 Thru 10.0% 27.0% 5.9% 18.8% Right Turn 1800 1800 1800 0 0 Right Turn 15.6% 38.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 72.8% LEVEL OF SERVICE —-> C INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW: COLLEGE BLVD. BUILDOUT PROJECTION PM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound East bound Westbound Lett Turn 18 98 416 431 Thru 1887 808 769 328 Right Turn 760 303 37 58 INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound L 1800 2 2 2 2 LT 1800 0 0 0 0 T 2000 3 3 2 2 TR 2000 0 0 0 0 R 1800 1 1 0 0 LR 1800 0 0 0 0 LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Lett (VPH of Green) Turn Thru Right Turn Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound 3240 3240 3240 3240 6000 6000 4000 4000 1800 1800 0 0 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Turn Thru Right Turn Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound 0.6% 3.0% 12.8% 13.3% 31.5% 13.5% 20.2% 9.7% 42.2% 16.8% 0.0% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL I I I I I I I I I I I NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW : COLLEGE BLVD. BUILDOUT PROJE PM PEAK-HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 303 1 0 416 ' 2 •7CQ 9 37 , 0 V 1 I 18 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left Turn Default Capacity 1800 Northbound 3240 Southbound 3240 Eastbound 3240 Westbound 3240 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Turn Northbound 0.6% Southbound 3.0% Eastbound 12.8% Westbound 13.3% 808 98 I I v '--> 2 1 2 0 * ** I I 1887 760 Thru 2000 6000 6000 4000 4000 Thru 31.5% 13.5% 20.2% 9.7% A 0 ' 2 < 2 ,— - V A I North Right Turn 1800 1800 1800 0 0 Right Turn 42.2% 16.8% 0.0% 0.0% 58 328 431 EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 85.7% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE —-> D INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW : MARRON ROAD BUILDOUT PROJE PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 33 ' ceo 44 , V 95 1339 I I <--' V 0 3 1 2 0 2 3 j, A I I 97 1188 36 I 2 0 I 559 0 ' 11 2 < 494 1 , 293 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2700 2700 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 3.6% 1.3% 2.2% 19.5% Thru 1700 5100 5100 3400 3400 Thru 34.3% 28.1% 17.5% 14.9% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 82.7% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > D INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: FARADAY AVE. AM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 437 307 50 126 L 1800 2 2 1 1 LT 1800 0 0 0 0 Thru 1029 1801 241 847 T 2000 3 3 2 2 TR 2000 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 68 300 219 360 R 1800 1 1 1 1 LR 1800 0 0 0 0 LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left Thru Right (VPH of Green) Turn Turn Northbound 3240 6000 1800 Southbound 3240 6000 1800 Eastbound 1800 4000 1800 Westbound 1800 4000 1800 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Thru Right Turn Turn Northbound 13.5% • 17.2% 3.8% Southbound 9.5% 30.0% 16.7% Eastbound 2.8% 6.0% 12.2% Westbound 7.0% 21.2% 20.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW : FARADAY AVE. BUILDOUT PROJE AM PEAK-HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 50 ' 941 219 . V 300 I 1 1 2 1 2 I 437 1801 307 I I v '— > 3 2 3 1 A *^ I I 1029 68 A 1 ' 360 2 < 847 1 , 126 V I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1800 3240 3240 1800 1800 RATIO Left Turn 13.5% 9.5% 2.8% 7.0% Thru 2000 6000 6000 4000 4000 Thru 17.2% 30.0% 6.0% 21.2% Right Turn 1800 1800 ' 1800 1800 1800 Right Turn 3.8% 16.7% 12.2% 20.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 77.5% LEVEL OF SERVICE > C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: FARADAY AVE. PM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 124 386 257 100 L 1800 2 2 1 1 LT 1800 0 0 0 0 Thru 2042 1113 582 221 T 2000 3 3 2 2 TR 2000 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 117 123 302 442 R 1800 1 1 1 1 LR 1800 0 0 0 0 LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 3240 3240 1800 1800 Left Turn 3.8% 11.9% 14.3% 5.6% Thru 6000 6000 4000 4000 Thru 34.0% 18.6% 14.6% 5.5% Right Turn 1800 1800 1800 1800 Right Turn 6.5% 6.8% 16.8% 24.6% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW : FARADAY AVE. BUILDOUT PROJEi PM PEAK-HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 257 ' COO 302 , V 123 1113 I I <--' V 1 3 1 1 2 3 j A | | 124 2042 386 I '--> 2 1 I 117 A 1 • 442 2 *- 991^— •* — ~ &£. \ 1 , 100 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1800 3240 3240 1800 1800 RATIO Left Turn 3.8% 11.9% 14.3% 5.6% Thru 2000 6000 6000 4000 4000 Thru 34.0% 18.6% 14.6% 5.5% Right Turn 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 Right Turn 6.5% 6.8% 16.8% 24.6% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 80.5% LEVEL OF SERVICE ' > D 1 1 1 1 1 •1 • 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION NS : EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 31 475 77 205 L 1500 2 2 2 2 Lett Turn 2700 2700 2700 2700 Left Turn 1.1% 17.6% 2.9% 7.6% Thru 1032 1320 613 1314 LT T 1500 1700 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 Thru 5100 5100 5100 6600 Thru 26.0% 31.0% 12.1% 28.4% Right Turn 294 261 4 562 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 77 ' CIO 4 , V 261 I <— ' 0 2 0 2 I 31 1 320 475 I I v '--> 3 2 3 0 I I 1032 294 A 1 ' 562 rt 1 71 A 2 , 205 V A 1 North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2700 2700 2700 2700 RATIO Left Turn 1.1% 17.6% 2.9% 7.6% Thru 1700 5100 5100 5100 6600 Thru 26.0% 31.0% 12.1% 28.4% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 «. ,~ CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 84.9% LEVEL OF SERVICE > D 1 1 1 1 1^B 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION NS : EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound East bound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound East bound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUMEyCAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 8 431 372 252 L 1500 2 2 2 2 Left Turn 2700 2700 2700 2700 Left Turn 0.3% 16.0% 13.8% 9.3% Thru 1271 1055 1105 666 LT T 1500 1700 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 Thru 5100 5100 5100 6600 Thru 29.0% 23.2% 22.1% 19.2% Right Turn 207 130 21 599 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1'0 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD BUILDOUT PROJEi PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 130 1055 I I <— ' v 0 3 372 ' 2 1 10R 3 21 , 0 V 2 3 ^— — A I I 8 1271 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Lett Turn Default Capacity 1500 Northbound 2700 Southbound 2700 Eastbound 2700 Westbound 2700 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Turn Northbound 0.3% Southbound 16.0% Eastbound 13.8% Westbound 9.3% 431 I '— > 2 0 I 207 Thru 1700 5100 5100 5100 6600 Thru 29.0% 23.2% 22.1% 19.2% A 1 ' 599 3 <- gcfi\J *«» ~ — ~ V\J\J 2 , 252 V A I North Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 87.9% LEVEL OF SERVICE > D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: CAMINO VIDA ROBLE AM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound ' Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 729 149 30 26 L LT 1500 1500 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 Left Turn 2700 2700 1500 1500 Lett Turn 27.0% 5.5% 2.0% 1.7% Thru 1665 767 51 22 T 1700 2 2 1 1 Thru 5100 5100 3400 3400 Thru 33.1% 20.5% 3.6% 1.9% Right Turn 24 278 70 42 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: CAMINO VIDA ROBLE AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 30 ' C1 70 , 278 767 149 I I I <— ' v '--> 032 1 2- £ 0 • o • — 0 <•e, ^.~ 1 , 42 22££ 26 230 <—, * ,-- > III 729 1665 24 | North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1500 2700 2700 1500 1500 RATIO Lett Turn 27.0% 5.5% 2.0% 1.7% Thru 1700 5100 5100 3400 3400 Thru 33.1% 20.5% 3.6% 1.9% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 62.8% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: CAMINO VIDA ROBLE PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 131 61 172 26 L 1500 2 2 1 1 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 885 1437 35 60 T 1700 2 2 1 1 TR 1700 1 1 1 1 Right Turn 8 72 511 134 R 1500 0 0 0 0 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left Thru Right (VPH of Green) Turn Turn Northbound 2700 5100 0 Southbound 2700 5100 0 Eastbound 1500 3400 0 Westbound 1500 3400 0 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Thru Right Turn Turn Northbound 4.9% 17.5% 0.0% Southbound 2.3% 29.6% 0.0% Eastbound 11.5% 16.1% 0.0% Westbound 1.7% 5.7% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW : CAMINO VIDA ROBLE BUILDOUT PROJB PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 172 ' •5C 511 , V 72 1437 I iI <--' V 0 3 1 2 0 2 3 I I 131 885 61 2 0 I 8 0 ' 134 2 < 60 1 , 26 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1500 2700 2700 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 4.9% 2.3% 1 1 .5% 1.7% Thru 1700 5100 5100 3400 3400 Thru 17.5% 29.6% 16.1% 5.7% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 62.2% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: POINSETTIA LN. AM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 26 10 215 389 L 1500 2 2 2 2 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 1927 816 547 461 T 1700 2 2 2 2 TR 1700 1 1 0 0 Right Turn 346 37 132 276 R 1500 0 0 0 0 - LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left Thru Right (VPH of Green) Turn Turn Northbound 2700 5100 0 Southbound 2700 5100 0 Eastbound 2700 3400 0 Westbound 2700 3400 0 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Thru Right Turn Turn Northbound 1.0% 44.6% 0.0% Southbound • 0.4% 16.7% 0.0% Eastbound 8.0% 20.0% 0.0% Westbound 14.4% 21.7% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: POINSETTIA LN. AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 10 0 ' ---- 276 2 < ---- 461 2 , ---- 389 A 215 ' CA7 _ __ 132 . 37 816 I I < — ' v 0 3 2 0 26 1927 346 | North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2700 2700 2700 2700 RATIO Lett Turn 1.0% 0.4% 8.0% 14.4% Thru 1700 5100 5100 3400 3400 Thru 44.6% 16.7% 20.0% 21.7% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 89.3% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > D I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EW : POINSETTIA LN. TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 70 144 76 353 L 1500 2 2 2 2 Left Turn 2700 2700 2700 2700 Lett Turn 2.6% 5.3% 2.8% 13.1% BUILDOUT PROJECTION PM PEAK Thru 936 1719 624 537 LT T TR 1500 1700 1700 Q 2 1 0 2 1 020 020 Thru 5100 5100 3400 3400 Thru 27.4% 36.7% 20.2% 16.1% Right Turn 460 155 63 11 R LR 1500 1500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW : POINSETTIA LN. BUILDOUT PROJEi PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 155 I <--' 0 76 — -' 2 fi94. 9 63 , 0 V 2 I 70 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left Turn Default Capacity 1500 Northbound 2700 Southbound 2700 Eastbound 2700 Westbound 2700 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Turn Northbound 2.6% Southbound 5.3% Eastbound 2.8% Westbound 13.1% 1719 144 I I v '— > 3 2 3 0 A -^ I I 936 460 Thru 1700 5100 5100 3400 3400 Thru 27.4% 36.7% 20.2% 16.1% A 0 ' 11 2 < 5^7b **»"" "" ~ •" \J\Ji 2 , 353 V A I North Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 82.6% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > D I i i i I i i i i i i i i i i i i i i INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: ALGA RD. AM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 456 86 178 688 L 1800 2 2 2 2 LT 1800 0 0 0 0 Thru 1847 1272 205 385 T 2000 3 3 2 2 TR 2000 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 496 102 479 200 R 1800 1 0 1 0 LR 1800 0 0 0 0 LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left Thru Right (VPH of Green) Turn Turn Northbound 3240 6000 1800 Southbound 3240 6000 0 Eastbound 3240 4000 1800 Westbound 3240 4000 0 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Lett Thru Right Turn Turn Northbound. 14.1% 30.8% 27.6% Southbound 2.7% 22.9% 0.0% Eastbound 5.5% 5.1% 26.6% Westbound 21.2% 14.6% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO EW : ALGA RD. REAL BUILDOUT PROJB AM PEAK-HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 178 ' 2 one o 479 , 1 V 102 1272 I I <— ' v 0 3 2 3 - A I I 456 1847 86 I '— > 2 1 I 496 A 0 ' 200 2 f -ageC- ^- OO^ 2 , 688 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1800 3240 3240 3240 3240 Thru 2000 6000 6000 4000 4000 Right Turn 1800 1800 0 1800 0 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 14.1% 2.7% 5.5% 21.2% Thru 30.8% 22.9% 5.1% 14.6% Right Turn 27.6% 0.0% 26.6% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 73.6% LEVEL OF SERVICE > C I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL I I I I I I I I I I i I I i i NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW: ALGA RD. BUILDOUT PROJECTION PM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 570 229 120 584 L 1800 2 2 2 2 Lett Turn 3240 3240 3240 3240 Left Turn 17.6% 7.1% 3.7% 18.0% Thru 1230 1650 342 347 LT T 1800 2000 0 3 0 3 0 2 0 2 Thru 6000 6000 4000 4000 Thru 20.5% 30.3% 8.6% 10.5% Right Turn 521 167 535 73 TR R LR 2000 1800 1800 0 1 0 000 0 1 0 000 Right Turn 1800 0 1800 0 Right Turn 28.9% . 0.0% 29.7% 0.0% LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW : ALGA RD. BUILDOUT PROJE' PM PEAK-HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS /LANE GEOMETRY 120 ' 535 , V 167 1650 I I < — ' v 0 3 2 2 1 2 3 ^ A I I 570 1230 229 I 2 1 I 521 0 ' 73 2 < 347 2 , 584 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1800 3240 3240 3240 3240 RATIO Left Turn 17.6% 7.1% 3.7% 18.0% Thru 2000 6000 6000 4000 4000 Thru 20.5% 30.3% 8.6% 10.5% Right Turn 1800 1800 0 1800 0 Right Turn 28.9% 0.0% 29.7% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 87.6% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > D I I I I i K B I I I I I I 1 i i I i i INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: LA COSTA AVE. AM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 423 107 820 37 L 1800 2 2 2 2 LT 1800 0 0 0 0 Thru 1866 1632 277 865 T 2000 3 3 2 2 TR 2000 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 20 750 167 183 R 1800 0 1 0 0 LR 1800 0 0 0 0 LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 3240 3240 3240 3240 Left Turn 13.1% 3.3% 25.3% 1.1% Thru 6000 6000 4000 4000 Thru 31.4% 27.2% 11.1% 26.2% Right Turn 0 1800 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 41.7% 0.0% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW : LA COSTA AVE. BUILDOUT PROJEi AM PEAK-HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 820 ' 077 167 , V 750 1632 i iI I <--' V 1 3 2 2 0 2 3 — A I I 423 1866 107 iI 1 — > 2 0 1 20 0 • 183 2 < 865 2 , 37 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound East bound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound East bound Westbound Lett Turn 1800 3240 3240 3240 3240 RATIO Left Turn 13.1% 3.3% 25.3% 1.1% Thru 2000 6000 6000 4000 4000 Thru 31.4% 27.2% 11.1% 26.2% Right Turn 1800 0 1800 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 41.7% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 103.2% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > F I I I I I I I I I I i I i i i i i i i INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: LA COSTA AVE. PM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 328 253 514 22 L LT 1800 1800 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 Left Turn 3240 3240 3240 3240 Lett Turn 10.1% 7.8% 15.9% 0.7% Thru 1726 1526 554 643 T 2000 3 3 2 2 Thru 6000 6000 4000 4000 Thru 30.7% 25.4% 16.9% 19.9% Right Turn 118 1060 123 153 TR R LR 2000 1800 1800 000 0 1 0 000 000 Right Turn 0 1800 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 58.9% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: LA COSTA AVE. PM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 1060 1526 253 1 514 ' 2 554 2 123 . 0 V 230 <--, * ,—> III 328 1726 118 | North V 3 '— > 2 A o 2 < 2 , 153 643 22 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound East bound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY — Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn . 1800 3240 3240 3240 3240 RATIO Left Turn 10.1% 7.8% 15.9% 0.7% Thru 2000 6000 6000 4000 4000 Thru 30.7% 25.4% 16.9% 19.9% Right Turn 1800 0 1800 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 58.9% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 104.7% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > F I I r iiii ("v r t i i i i i i i i INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: LEVANTE STREET AM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 0 82 0 167 L 1500 0 1 0 1 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 2125 1755 0 0 T 1700 3 3 0 0 TR 1700 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 70 0 0 184 R 1500 0 0 0 1 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Lett Thru Right (VPH of Green) Turn Turn Northbound 0 5100 0 Southbound 1500 5100 0 Eastbound 000 Westbound 1500 0 1500 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Thru Right Turn Turn Northbound 0.0% 43.0% 0.0% Southbound 5.5% 34.4% ' 0.0% Eastbound 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Westbound 11.1% 0.0% 12.3% 02/06/91 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW : LEVANTE STREET BUILDOUT PROJE AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 0 ' 0 , V 0 1755 I I <— ' v 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 I I 0 2125 82 I 1 0 I 70 A 1 ' 184 0 < 0 1 , 167 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 0 1500 0 1500 RATIO Left Turn 0.0% 5.5% 0.0% 11.1% Thru 1700 5100 5100 0 0 Thru 43.0% 34.4% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 1500 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 12.3% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR CAPACITY UTILIZATION 70.8% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE ---- > C 0. 1 I I •v I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I i l l INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: LEVANTE STREET PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 0 134 0 94 L 1500 0 1 0 1 Left Turn 0 1500 0 1500 Lett Turn 0.0% 8.9% 0.0% 6.3% Thru 2033 1538 0 0 LT T 1500 1700 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 Thru 5100 5100 0 0 Thru 44.0% 30.2% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 211 0 0 139 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 000 000 000 0 1 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 1500 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 9.3% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 02/06/91 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW : LEVANTE STREET BUILDOUT PROJE' PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 0 1538 i iI I <--' V 0 3 0 ' 0 n 0 , 0 V 0 3 -» * I I O 2033 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Lett Turn Default Capacity 1500 Northbound 0 Southbound 1500 Eastbound 0 Westbound 1500 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Lett Turn Northbound 0.0% Southbound 8.9% Eastbound 0.0% Westbound 6.3% 134 iI 1 0 I 211 Thru 1700 5100 5100 0 0 Thru 44.0% 30.2% 0.0% 0.0% 1 • 139 0 < 0 1 ,— - 94 V A I North Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 1500 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 9.3% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 72.2% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > C I i i i I i i i i I i i i i i i i i INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: CALLE BARCELLONA AM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 395 101 161 467 L 1500 2 2 2 2 Left Turn 2700 2700 2700 2700 Left Turn 14.6% 3.7% 6.0% 17.3% Thru 1819 1334 55 182 LT T 1500 1700 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 Thru 5100 5100 3400 3400 Thru 38.1% 33.2% 6.0% 11.5% Right Turn 123 359 150 209 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW : CALLE BARCELLONA BUILDOUT PROJEi AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 161 ' -_ 150 , V 359 1334 I I <--' V 0 3 2 0 2 3 I I 395 1819 101 I '— > 2 0 I 123 A 0 ' 209 2 <- 109^» I O£ 2 , 467 V . I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2700 2700 2700 2700 RATIO Left Turn 14.6% 3.7% 6.0% 17.3% Thru 1700 5100 5100 3400 3400 Thru 38.1% 33.2% 6.0% 11.5% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 81.2% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > D I iIi i i i I i i i i I i i i i i i INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: CALLE BARCELLONA PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 231 279 372 180 L LT 1500 1500 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 Left Turn 2700 2700 2700 2700 Lett Turn 8.6% 10.3% 13.8% 6.7% Thru 1562 1140 190 99 T 1700 2 2 1 1 Thru 5100 5100 3400 3400 Thru 38.3% 28.0% 16.5% 5.9% Right Turn 389 286 370 100 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: CALLE BARCELLONA PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 286 1140 279 • 372 ' ton 370 . <--' 0 2 0 v '— > 3 2 * 0 ' 2 ..-^. — — — — 2 , 100 QQyy 180 V 230 <--. * ,~> III 231 1562 389 | North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1500 2700 2700 2700 2700 RATIO Left Turn 8.6% 10.3% 13.8% 6.7% Thru 1700 5100 5100 3400 3400 Thru 38.3% 28.0% 16.5% 5.9% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 81.7% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > D I I I I I I I i i i i i i I i I i i i INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: OLIVENHAIN RD. PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 122 345 164 220 L 1500 2 2 2 2 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 1756 1250 878 436 T 1700 3 3 2 2 TR 1700 0 0 1 1 Right Turn 165 97 40 262 R 1500 0 0 0 0 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Lett Thru Right (VPH of Green) Turn Turn Northbound 2700 5100 0 Southbound 2700 5100 0 Eastbound 2700 5100 0 Westbound 2700 5100 0 \PACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 4.5% 12.8% . 6.1% 8.1% Thru 37.7% 26.4% 18.0% 13.7% Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: OLIVENHAIN RD. PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 164 ' 070 40 97 I <--' 0 2 0o 0 1250 I V 3 345 I '— > 2 A 0 ' •1 <-o ^* 2 , 262 436*TwV7 220 122 1756 165 | North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2700 2700 2700 2700 RATIO Left Turn 4.5% 12.8% 6.1% 8.1% Thru 1700 5100 5100 5100 5100 Thru 37.7% 26.4% 18.0% 13.7% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 86.6% . Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE —-> D INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL EW: OLIVENHAIN RD. BUILDOUT PROJECTION AM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 48 149 .177 227 L LT 1500 1500 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 Lett Turn 2700 2700 2700 2700 Left Turn 1.8% 5.5% 6.6% 8.4% Thru 1573 1463 587 875 T 1700 3 3 2 2 Thru 5100 5100 5100 5100 Thru 32.8% 35.3% 13.3% 28.7% Right Turn 98 339 93 587 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 000 000 1 0 0 1 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL CAMINO REAL BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: OLIVENHAIN RD. AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 339 1463 149 A 177 ' coy 93 , <— ' v 0 3 2 0*J 0 — > 2 0 • •3 <-O ^k 2 . 587 8750 f \J 227 48 1573 98 | North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2700 2700 2700 2700 RATIO Left Turn 1.8% 5.5% 6.6% 8.4% Thru 1700 5100 5100 5100 5100 Thru 32.8% 35.3% 13.3% 28.7% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 83.5% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > D INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: AVENIDA ENCINAS BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AM PEAK c TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 30 42 28 237 L LT 1500 1500 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 Lett Turn 2.0% 2.8% 1.9% 15.8% Thru 83 273 249 663 T 1700 2 2 2 2 Thru 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 11.8% 8.4% 10.3% 21.4<!* Right Turn 317 11 102 63 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 000 000 000 000 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 02/06/91 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : AVENIDA ENCINAS EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD BUILDOUT PROJEi AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE * 28 ' OAQ 102 , V 11 273 I I < — ' v 0 2 1 0 1 2 j A I I 30 83 42 I ' — > 1 0 I 317 GEOMETRY A 0 ' 63 y <• CR-J£ ^» — — — — DOO 1 , 237 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 Thru 1700 3400 3400 3400 3400 Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 2.0% 2.8% 1.9% 15.8% Thru 11.8% 8.4% 10.3% 21 .4% Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR CAPACITY UTILIZATION 50.7% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > A 0.1 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: AVENIDA ENCINAS BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD PM PEAK 1 £ TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound East bound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 83 178 11 361 L LT 1500 1500 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 Left Turn 5.5% 11.9% 0.7% 24.1% Thru 235 87 643 716 T 1700 2 2 2 2 Thru 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 16.0% 3.9% 20.7% 22.0% Right Turn 310 47 62 31 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 000 000 000 000 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 02/06/91 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: AVENIDA ENCINAS EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 11 ' ftA*^ 62 , V 47 87 I I <--' V 0 2 1 0 1 2 I I 83 235 178 I '--> 1 0 I 310 A o • — p ^£ *» 1 , V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 5.5% 11.9% 0.7% 24.1% Thru 1700 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 16.0% 3.9% 20.7% 22.0% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 31 361 EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 82.7% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > D INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : PASEO DEL NORTE EW: PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. BUILDOUT PROJECTION AM PEAK ''if TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 536 293 97 42 L LT 1500 1500 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 Left Turn 2700 2700 2700 2700 Left Turn 19.9% 10.9% 3.6% 1.6% Thru 258 125 1622 1099 T 1700 1 1 2 2 Thru 3400 3400 5100 5100 Thru 16.7% 8.2% 32.4% 24.9% Right Turn 311 155 29 173 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 10 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : PASEO DEL NORTE EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. BUILDOUT PROJB AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 97 ' 29 ----, V 155 125 I I <— ' v 0 2 2 3 0 2 2 j, A I I 536 258 293 I 2 0 I 311 A 0 ' 173 3 < 1099 2 , 42 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2700 2700 2700 2700 RATIO Left Turn 19.9% 10.9% 3.6% 1.6% Thru 1700 3400 3400 5100 5100 Thru 16.7% 8.2% 32.4% 24.9% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1. CAPACITY UTILIZATION 72.0% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > C INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: PASEO DEL NORTE BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 229 332 208 79 L LT 1500 1500 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 Left Turn 2700 2700 2700 2700 Left Turn 8.5% 12.3% 7.7% 2.9% Thru 237 323 1147 1898 T TR 1700 1700 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 Thru 3400 3400 5100 5100 Thru 8.9% 16.7% 25.8% 43.2% Right Turn 65 245 169 306 R LR 1500 1500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 r INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : PASEO DEL NORTE EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. BUILDOUT PROJE* PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 245 323 1 1 < — ' v 0 2 208 ' 2 11x7 _ o 169 , 0 V 2 2 — A I I 229 237 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left Turn Default Capacity 1500 Northbound 2700 Southbound 2700 Eastbound 2700 Westbound 2700 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Turn Northbound 8.5% Southbound 12.3% Eastbound 7.7% Westbound 2.9% 332 I 1 — > 2 0 1 65 Thru 1700 3400 3400 5100 5100 Thru 8.9% 16.7% 25.8% 43.2% * 0 ' 306 •3 <• IflQfl«J ^»— ~ — — < O9u 2 , 79 V A 1 North Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 86.1% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > D INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: HIDDEN VALLEY RD. BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. AM PEAK L TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 142 3 162 61 L LT 1500 1500 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 Left Turn 9.5% 0.2% 10.8% 4.1% Thru 5 1 1628 1149 T 1700 1 1 2 2 Thru 3400 3400 5100 5100 Thru 1.9% 0.9% 33.8% 22.9% Right Turn 61 28 96 20 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : HIDDEN VALLEY RD. EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. BUILDOUT PROJEi AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 162 ' 1 ft^fl 96 . V 28 1 I I <--' V 0 2 1 0o 0 1 2 I I 142 5 3 I ' — > 1 0 I 61 A 0 ' 20 3 ^_ 11AQ^.— — — || H y 1 , 61 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 RATIO Lett Turn 9.5% 0.2% 10.8% 4.1% Thru 1700 3400 3400 5100 5100 Thru 1.9% 0.9% 33.8% 22.9% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 58.2% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > A INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: HIDDEN VALLEY RD. BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 115 43 50 - 19 L LT 1500 1500 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Lett Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 Left Turn 7.7% 2.9% 3.3% 1.3% Thru 1 10 1445 1472 T 1700 1 1 2 2 Thru 3400 3400 5100 5100 Thru 1.1% 5.1% 30.9% 29.0% Right Turn 37 164 131 B TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : HIDDEN VALLEY RD. EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. BUILDOUT PROJEi PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 50 ' 1 AA*\ 131 , V 164 10 I I <--' V 0 2 1 3 0 1 2 I I 115 1 43 I 1 0 I 37 A 0 ' 8 3 < 1472 1 , 19 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 Thru 1700 3400 3400 5100 5100 Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 7.7% 2.9% 3.3% 1.3% Thru 1.1% 5.1% 30.9% 29.0% Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR CAPACITY UTILIZATION 55.1% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE ---- > A 0. 1 fi INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: COLLEGE BLVD. BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. AM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 320 97 521 28 L 1500 2 2 2 2 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 629 209 1044 630 T 1700 1 1 2 2 TR 1700 1 1 1 1 Right Turn 357 279 128 59 R 1500 0 0 0 0 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 i LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 2700 2700 2700 2700 Left Turn 11.9% 3.6% 19.3% 1.0% Thru 3400 3400 5100 5100 Thru 29.0% 14.4% 23.0% 13.5% Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : COLLEGE BLVD. EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. BUILDOUT PROJEt AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 521 ' 1 A4.4 128 , V 279 209 I I <--' V 0 2 2 0tj 0 2 2 I I 320 629 97 I '--> 2 0 I 357 A 0 ' 59 o <• contj ^- OOv 2 , 28 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2700 2700 2700 2700 RATIO Left Turn 11.9% 3.6% 19.3% 1.0% Thru 1700 3400 3400 5100 5100 Thru 29.0% 14.4% 23.0% 13.5% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 75.4% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > C [i f- INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: COLLEGE BLVD. BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 111 77 186 409 L 1500 2 2 2 2 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 194 828 856 1087 T 1700 1 1 2 2 TR 1700 1 1 1 1 Right Turn 50 300 484 69 R 1500 0 0 0 0 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left Thru Right (VPH of Green) Turn Turn Northbound 2700 3400 0 Southbound 2700 3400 0 Eastbound 2700 5100 0 Westbound 2700 5100 0 i \PACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 4.1% 2.9% 6.9% 15.1% Thru 7.2% 33.2% 26.3% 22.7% Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : COLLEGE BLVD. EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. BUILDOUT PROJEI PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 186 ' , OCR 484 . V 300 828 I I <— ' v 0 2 2 3 0 2 2 ^—i A I I 111 194 77 I 2 0 I 50 A 0 ' 69 3 < 1087 2 , 409 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2700 2700 2700 2700 RATIO Lett Turn 4.1% 2.9% 6.9% 15.1% Thru 1700 3400 3400 5100 5100 Thru 7.2% 33.2% 26.3% 22.7% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 88.7% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE —-> D INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : CAMINO VIDA ROBLE EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. BUILDOUT PROJECTION AM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 220 57 256 0 L 1500 1 1 1 1 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 149 20 696 752 T 1700 1 1 2 2 TR 1700 1 1 1 1 Right Turn 0 48 196 359 R 1500 0 0 0 0 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 JP CAPACITY sen) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 Thru 3400 3400 5100 5100 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 OPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 14.7% 3.8% 17.1% 0.0% Thru 4.40/b 2.0% 17.5% 21.8% Right Turn 0.0% 0.0%' 0.0% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : CAMINO VIDA ROBLE EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. BUILDOUT PROJEI AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 256 ' ftQft 196 , V 48 20 I I < — ' V 0 2 1 3 0 1 2 rf*1 * 1 1 220 149 57 I 1 0 I 0 0 ' 359 3 < 752 1 , 0 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 14.7% 3.8% 17.1% 0.0% Thru 1700 3400 3400 5100 5100 Thru 4.4% 2.0% 17.5% 21.8% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR CAPACITY UTILIZATION 65.5% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > B 0.1 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : CAMINO VIDA ROBLE EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. BUILDOUT PROJECTION PM PEAK B TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 194 273 81 1 L 1500 1 1 1 1 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 36 111 879 741 T 1700 1 1 2 2 TR 1700 1 1 1 1 Right Turn 1 248 248 108 R 1500 0 0 0 0 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 JP CAPACITY Ben) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 Thru 3400 3400 5100 5100 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 \PACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 12.9% 18.2% 5.4% 0.1% Thru 1.1% 10.6% 22.1% 16.6% Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : CAMINO VIDA ROBLE EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. BUILDOUT PROJEl PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 81 ' R7Q - -_- 248 , V 248 111 I I <--' V 0 2 1 3 0 1 2 j. A I I 194 36 273 I 1 0 I 1 A 0 ' 108 3 < 741 1 , 1 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 12.9% 18.2% 5.4% 0.1% Thru 1700 3400 3400 5100 5100 Thru 1.1% 10.6% 22.1% 16.6% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 55.7% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > A INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL r NS : EL FUERTE ST. EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. BUILDOUT PROJECTION AM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 211 11 91 2 L 1500 1 1 1 1 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 380 163 1032 2142 T 1700 1 1 2 2 TR 1700 1 1 1 1 Right Turn 242 173 16 81 R 1500 0 0 0 0 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 JP CAPACITY Ben) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 Thru 3400 3400 5100 5100 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 I VOLUMeCAPACITY RATIO Left Turn Northbound Southbound' Eastbound Westbound 14.1% 0.7% 6.1% 0.1% Thru 18.3% 9.9% 20.5% 43.6% Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL FUERTE ST. BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 91 ' 1 fyw 16 -— , V 173 163 I I < — ' v 0 2 1 •jo 0 1 2 ^ A I I 211 380 11 I ' — > 1 0 I 242 A o • — 1 fJ ^.— — — — 1 , V I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 14.1% 0.7% 6.1% 0.1% Thru 1700 3400 3400 5100 5100 Thru 18.3% 9.9% 20.5% 43.6% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 83.6% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE ——> D 81 2 2 r INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL FUERTE ST. BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 49 42 30 151 L 1500 1 1 1 1 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 206 644 1836 1339 T 1700 1 1 2 2 TR 1700 1 1 1 1 Right Turn 26 43 39 6 R 1500 0 0 0 0 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 JP CAPACITY een) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 Thru 3400 3400 5100 5100 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Thru Right Turn Turn Northbound 3.3% 6.8% 0.0% Southbound 2.8% 20.2% 0.0% Eastbound 2.0% 36.8% 0.0% Westbound 10.1% 26.4% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL FUERTE ST. EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. BUILDOUT F PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETF A 30 ' 1 A*3£ 39 , V 43 644 I I <--' V 0 2 1 Q 0 1 2 rf*" A I I 49 206 42 I ' — > 1 0 I 26 A o • — 0 <-o ^ 1 , V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 3.3% 2.8% 2.0% 10.1% Thru 1700 3400 3400 5100 5100 Thru 6.8% 20.2% 36.8% 26.4% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 80.3% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > D 6 9 151 rr I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION NS: MELROSE AVE BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: PALOMARAIRPORTRD AM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 257 26 229 151 L LT 1800 1800 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 Left Turn 3240 3240 3240 3240 Lett Turn 7.9% 0.8% 7.1% 4.7% Thru 1918 1214 805 1553 T TR 2000 2000 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 Thru 6000 6000 6000 6000 Thru 34.6% 20.2% 15.5% 25.9% Right Turn 155 523 125 291 R LR 1800 1800 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Right Turn 0 1800 0 1800 Right Turn 0.0% 29.1% 0.0% 16.2% LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : MELROSE AVE EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT RD BUILDOUT PROJEi AM PEAK-HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 229 ' 125 , V 523 1214 I I <— ' v 1 3 2 0 2 3 ^ A I I 257 1918 26 I 2 0 I 155 A 1 • 291 3 < 1553 2 , 151 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1800 3240 3240 3240 3240 RATIO Left Turn 7.9% 0.8% 7.1% 4.7% Thru 2000 6000 6000 6000 6000 Thru 34.6% 20.2% 15.5% 25.9% Right Turn 1800 0 1800 0 1800 Right Turn 0.0% 29.1% 0.0% 16.2% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 78.3% LEVEL OF SERVICE > C INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION NS: MELROSE AVE BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: PALOMAR AIRPORT RD PM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND TRAFFIC VOLUMES Left Thru Right (Vehicles per Hour) Turn Turn Northbound 175 1567 172 Southbound 173 1488 193 Eastbound 473 1192 189 Westbound 311 1009 238 INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) L LT T TR R LR LTR Default Capacity 1500 1500 1700 1700 1500 1500 1500 I P Northbound 2030000 Southbound 2031000 Eastbound 2030000 Westbound 2 0 3 0 1 00 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left Thru Right (VPH of Green) Turn Turn Northbound 2700 5100 0 Southbound 2700 6800 0 Eastbound 2700 5100 0 Westbound 2700 5100 1500 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Thru Right Turn Turn Northbound 6.5% 34.1% 0.0% Southbound 6.4% 24.7% 0.0% Eastbound 17.5% 27.1% 0.0% Westbound 11.5% 19.8% 15.9% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : MELROSE AVE EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT RD BUILDOUT PROJEi PM PEAK- HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 473 ' 1 1Q9 _ 189 , V 193 1488 I I < — ' v 0 4 2 0 2 3 j A I I 175 1567 173 I 4 — > 2 0 I 172 A 1 ' 238 Q 1 f\f\Q 2 , 311 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2700 2700 2700 2700 ' RATIO Left Turn 6.5% 6.4% 17.5% 11.5% Thru 1700 5100 6800 5100 5100 Thru 34.1% 24.7% 27.1% 19.8% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 1500 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 15.9% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 89.1% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > D c R INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL S: BUSINESS PARK WAY BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. AM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 0 181 206 0 L 1500 0 2 2 0 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 0 0 767 1713 T 1700 0 0 2 2 TR 1700 0 0 o 1 Right Turn 0 459 0 104 R 1500 0 2 0 0 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 i LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 0 2700 2700 0 Left Turn 0.0% 6.7% 7.6% 0.0% Thru 0 0 3400 5100 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 22.6% 35.6% Right Turn 0 2700 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 17.0% 0.0% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: BUSINESS PARK WAY BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 459 0 181 • 206 ' 7R7 -_ __ 0 , V < — ' 2 2 2 0 0 1 0 v '--> 0 2 0 0 I I 0 0 A 0 ' 104 3 < 1713 0 , 0 V » I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 0 2700 2700 0 Thru 1700 0 0 3400 5100 Right Turn 1500 0 2700 0 0 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 0.0% 6.7% 7.6% 0.0% Thru 0.0% 0.0% 22.6% 35.6% Right Turn 0.0% 17.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 70.3% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > C INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL G r 1 S: BUSINESS PARK WAY EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. BUILDOUT PROJECTION PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 0 128 223 0 L 1500 0 2 2 0 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 0 0 1432 1088 T 1700 0 0 2 2 TR 1700 0 0 0 1 Right Turn 0 421 0 110 R 1500 0 2 0 0 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 0 2700 2700 0 Left Turn 0.0% 4.7% 8.3% 0.0% Thru 0 0 3400 5100 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 42.1% 23.5% Right Turn 0 2700 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 15.6% 0.0% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: BUSINESS PARK WAY BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 421 0 128 I I I <—' v '—> 202* 223 ' 2 0 ' 110 0 , 0 0 , 0 North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 0 2700 2700 0 RATIO Left Turn 0.0% 4.7% 8.3% 0.0% Thru 1700 0 0 3400 5100 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 42.1% 23.5% Right Turn 1500 0 2700 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 15.6% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 67.7% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > B INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: OLIVENHAIN RD. EW: RANCHO SANTA FE RD. BUILDOUT PROJECTION AM PEAK f 1 TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound East bound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound East bound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 0 31 0 423 L LT 1500 1500 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 Left Turn 0.0% 2.1% 0.0% 28.2% Thru 2 9 530 460 T 1700 0 1 3 3 Thru 3200 1700 5100 5100 Thru 20.9% 0.5% 10.4% 9.0% Right Turn 667 0 0 0 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 1 1 0 000 000 000 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : OLIVENHAIN RD. EW : RANCHO SANTA FE RD. BUILDOUT PROJEI AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY • 0 ' CO/% 0 , V 0 9 1 1 0 v 0 2 1 0 1 2 I I 0 2 31 I '--> 1 0 I 667 A o • — o 2 ^ Afin^.— — — — HOW 1 , 423 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 0.0% 2.1% 0.0% 28.2% Thru 1700 3200 1700 5100 5100 Thru 20.9% 0.5% 10.4% 9.0% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 71.6% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > C B P INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: OLIVENHAIN RD. BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: RANCHO SANTA FE RD. PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 0 17 0 548 L 1500 1 1 1 1 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 4 6 588 317 T 1700 0 1 3 3 TR 1700 1 0 0 0 Right Turn 578 0 0 0 R 1500 1 0 0 0 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Lett Thru Right (VPH of Green) Turn Turn I Northbound 1500 3200 0 Southbound 1500 1700 0 Eastbound 1500 5100 0 Westbound 1500 5100 0 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Lett Thru Right Turn Turn Northbound 0.0% 18.2% 0.0% Southbound 1.1% 0.4% 0.0% Eastbound 0.0% 11.5% 0.0% Westbound 36.5% 6.2% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : OLIVENHAIN RD. EW : RANCHO SANTA FE RD. BUILDOUT PROJEI PMPEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 0 ' coo 0 , V 0 6 1 1 0 v 0 1 1 n 0 1 1 j • A I I 0 4 17 I '--> 1 1 I 578 A 0 ' 0 <i f -JITO ^» O 1 1 1 , 548 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 0.0% 1.1% 0.0% 36.5% Thru 1700 3200 1700 5100 5100 Thru 18.2% 0.4% 11.5% 6.2% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 77.4% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > C I- r INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : RANCHO SANTA FE RD. BUILDOUT PROJECTION E: CALLE BARCELLONA AM PEAK i TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 9 0 186 0 L LT 1500 1500 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Left Turn 0 1500 0 1500 Left Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Thru 1219 871 0 0 T 1700 3 3 0 0 Thru 5100 5100 0 1700 Thru 24.1% 28.4% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 0 579 11 0 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 00 0 000 000 1 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : RANCHO SANTA FE RD. EW: CALLE BARCELLONA BUILDOUT PROJECTION AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 186 ' 11 , 579 I <--' 1 1 ow 1 871 I V 3 0 0 0 1 3 0 I I 9 1219 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY North Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 0 1500 0 1500 RATIO Left Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Thru 1700 5100 5100 0 1700 Thru 24.1% 28.4% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR CAPACITY UTILIZATION 38.4% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE ---- > A 0.1 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: RANCHO SANTA FE RD. BUILDOUT PROJECTION E: CALLE BARCELLONA PM PEAK r: TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 15 0 497 0 L LT 1500 1500 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Left Turn 0 1500 0 1500 Left Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Thru 1169 862 0 0 T 1700 3 3 0 0 Thru 5100 5100 0 1700 Thru 23.2% 22.7% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 0 294 4 0 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 000 000 0 0 0 1 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : RANCHO SANTA FE RD. BUILDOUT PROJEi EW : CALLE BARCELLONA PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 497 ' 4 , V 294 862 i i1 1 <— ' v 1 3 1 0 1 1 3 ^ A I I 15 1169 0 ii 0 0 I 0 A 0 ' 0 0 < 0 0 , 0 V I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 0 1500 0 1500 RATIO Left Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Thru 1700 5100 5100 0 1700 Thru 23.2% 22.7% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 33.2% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > A INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: RANCHO SANTA FE RD. BUILDOUT PROJECTION W: CAMINO DE LAS COCHES AM PEAK I TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 0 7 0 143 L LT 1500 1500 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Left Turn 0 1500 0 1500 Left Turn 0.0% 0.5% 0.0% 9.5% Thru 1379 1237 0 0 T 1700 3 3 0 0 Thru 5100 5100 0 0 Thru 29.4% 24.3% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 122 0 0 2 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 000 000 000 0 1 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 1500 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : RANCHO SANTA FE RD. BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: CAMINO DE LAS COCHES AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 0 1237 7 A 0 ' n 0 V <-- V 0 3 0 0 0 3 - A I I 0 1379 — > 1 0 I 122 A 1 ' 2 0 <r^ A^ — — — — \J 1 , 143 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 0 1500 0 1500 RATIO Left Turn 0.0% 0.5% 0.0% 9.5% Thru 1700 5100 5100 0 0 Thru 29.4% 24.3% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 1500 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 49.4% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > A INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: RANCHO SANTA FE RD. BUILDOUT PROJECTION W: CAMINO DE LAS COCHES PM PEAK I TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 0 4 0 119 L LT 1500 1500 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Left Turn 0 1500 0 1500 Left Turn 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 7.9% Thru 1484 1107 0 0 T 1700 3 3 0 0 Thru 5100 5100 0 0 Thru 32.4% 21.7% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 170 0 0 7 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 000 000 000 0 1 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 1500 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : RANCHO SANTA FE RD. EW : CAMINO DE LAS COCHES BUILDOUT F PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETF A o — • o 0 , V 0 1107 I I <— ' v 0 3 0 n\J 0 0 3 ji A I I 0 1484 4 I '— > 1 0 I 170 A 1 ' 0 -.^— — _ -» 1 , V I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 0 1500 0 1500 RATIO Left Turn 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 7.9% Thru 1700 5100 5100 0 0 Thru 32.4% 21.7% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 1500 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 50.6% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > A 7 119 p INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: RANCHO SANTA FE RD. BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: LA COSTA AVE. AM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound East bound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 27 0 158 0 L 1500 1 1 1 1 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 1424 1136 225 237 T 1700 2 2 1 1 TR 1700 1 1 1 1 Right Turn 4 360 51 64 R 1500 0 0 0 0 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left Thru Right (VPH of Green) Turn Turn Northbound 1500 5100 0 Southbound 1500 5100 0 Eastbound 1500 3400 0 Westbound 1500 3400 0 i \PACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1.8% 0.0% 10.5% 0.0% Thru 28.0% 29.3% 8.1% 8.9% Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : RANCHO SANTA FE RD. EW : LA COSTA AVE. BUILDOUT PROJECTION AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 158 ' ooc 51 , V 360 1136 I I <--' V 0 3 1 0£ 0 1 3 ^ A I I 27 1424 0 I '--> 1 0 I 4 A 0 ' 64 o f 007£ ^ £.JI 1 , 0 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 1.8% 0.0% 10.5% 0.0% Thru 1700 5100 5100 3400 3400 Thru 28.0% 29.3% 8.1% 8.9% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 60.5% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > B INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: RANCHO SANTA FE RD. EW: LA COSTA AVE. BUILDOUT PROJECTION PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 79 0 244 0 L 1500 1 1 1 1 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 1366 1146 268 417 T 1700 2 2 1 1 TR 1700 1 1 1 1 Right Turn 4 305 21 35 R 1500 0 0 0 0 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 JP CAPACITY sen) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 Thru 5100 5100 3400 3400 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 i VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Lett Turn Thru Right Turn Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound 5.3% 0.0% 16.3% 0.0% 26.9% 28.5% 8.5% 13.3% 0.0% '0.0% 0.0% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : RANCHO SANTA FE RD. EW : LA COSTA AVE. BUILDOUT PROJECTION PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 305 1146 0 I I I <--' v '--> 0 3 1 244 ' 268 21 , 1 2 0 0 ' 35 2 < 417 1 , 0 1 3 0 <--• * .--> I I I 79 1366 4 LANE GROUP CAPACITY I North Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 5.3% 0.0% 16.3% 0.0% Thru 1700 5100 5100 3400 3400 Thru 26.9% 28.5% 8.5% 13.3% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 73.3% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > C INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : RANCHO SANTA FE RD. W: QUESTHAVEN RD. BUILDOUT PROJECTION AM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND 0 n TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound East bound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 0 422 0 600 L LT 1800 1800 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 Left Turn 0 3240 0 3240 Lett Turn 0.0% 13.0% 0.0% 18.5% Thru 1267 1122 0 0 T 2000 3 3 0 0 Thru 6000 6000 0 0 Thru 21.1% 18.7% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 566 0 0 1119 TR R LR 2000 1800 1800 020 000 000 020 Right Turn 3240 0 0 3240 Right Turn 17.5% 0.0% 0.0% 34.5% LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : RANCHO SANTA FE RD. EW : QUESTHAVEN RD. BUILDOUT PROJEi AM PEAK-HEAVY 1 INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 0 ' n 0 . V 0 1122 I I < — ' v 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 I I 0 1267 422 1 1 — > 2 2 1 566 * 2 ' 1119 0 < 0 2 , 600 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1800 0 3240 0 3240 RATIO Left Turn 0.0% 13.0% 0.0% 18.5% Thru 2000 6000 6000 0 0 Thru 21.1% 18.7% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 1800 3240 0 0 3240 Right Turn 17.5% 0.0% 0.0% 34.5% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 78.7% LEVEL OF SERVICE > C INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: RANCHO SANTA FE RD. BUILDOUT PROJECTION W: QUESTHAVEN RD. PM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND I TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 0 961 0 496 L LT 1800 1800 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 Left Turn 0 3240 0 3240 Lett Turn 0.0% 29.7% 0.0% 15.3% Thru 1185 1242 0 0 T 2000 3 3 0 0 Thru 6000 6000 0 0 Thru 19.8% 20.7% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 629 0 0 594 TR R LR 2000 1800 1800 020 000 000 020 Right Turn 3240 0 0 3240 Right Turn 19.4% 0.0% 0.0% 18.3% LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : RANCHO SANTA FE RD. EW : OUESTHAVEN RD. BUILDOUT PR(DJEI PM PEAK-HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 0 1242 I I <--' V 0 3 0 ' 0 Q — — ••— 0 o — , o V 0 3 ^ A I I 0 1185 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left Turn Default Capacity 1800 Northbound 0 Southbound 3240 Eastbound 0 Westbound 3240 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Turn Northbound 0.0% Southbound 29.7% Eastbound 0.0% Westbound 15.3% 961 I '--> 2 2 I 629 Thru 2000 6000 6000 0 0 Thru 19.8% 20.7% 0.0% 0.0% • 2 • 0 ^.v»— — — — 2 , V A I North Right Turn 1800 3240 0 0 3240 Right Turn 19.4% 0.0% 0.0% 18.3% 594 496 EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 77.7% LEVEL OF SERVICE > C INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION NS: MELROSE AVE BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: RANCHO SANTA FE AM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND TRAFFIC VOLUMES Left Thru Right (Vehicles per Hour) Turn Turn Northbound 000 Southbound 318 0 759 Eastbound 1647 636 0 Westbound 0 999 582 INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) L LT T TR R LR LTR Default Capacity 1800 1800 2000 2000 1800 1800 1800 Northbound 0000000 Southbound 2000200 Eastbound 2030000 Westbound 00301 00 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left Thru Right (VPH of Green) Turn Turn Northbound 000 Southbound 324-0 0 3240 Eastbound 3240 6000 0 Westbound 0 6000 1800 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Thru Right Turn Turn Northbound 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Southbound 9.8% 0.0% 23.4% Eastbound 50.8% 10.6% 0.0% Westbound 0.0% 16.7% 32.3% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: MELROSE AVE BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: RANCHO SANTA FE AM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 759 0 318 I I I <--' v '—> 202' T647 ' 2 1 ' 582 g36 3 3 < ggg 0 , 0 0 . 0 v v 000 North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1800 0 3240 3240 0 RATIO Left Turn 0.0% 9.8% 50.8% 0.0% Thru 2000 0 0 6000 6000 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 10.6% 16.7% Right Turn 1800 0 3240 0 1800 Right Turn 0.0% 23.4% 0.0% 32.3% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 100.9% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > F INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION NS: MELROSE AVE EW: RANCHO SANTA FE BUILDOUT PROJECTION PM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND [ r i TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 0 426 1050 0 L LT 1800 1800 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 Lett Turn 0 3240 3240 0 Lett Turn 0.0% 13.1% 32.4% 0.0% Thru 0 0 888 707 T 2000 0 0 3 3 Thru 0 0 6000 6000 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 14.8% 11.8% Right Turn 0 1489 0 509 TR R LR 2000 1800 1800 000 020 000 0 1 0 Right Turn 0 3240 0 1800 Right Turn 0.0% 46.0% 0.0% 28.3% LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : MELROSE AVE EW : RANCHO SANTA FE BUILDOUT PROJE< PM PEAK-HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 1050 ' 000 0 , V 1489 0 i iI i <--' V 2 0 2 3 0 0 0 ^ A 1 1 0 0 426 iI 2 0 I 0 A 1 ' 509 3 < 707 0 , 0 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1800 0 3240 3240 0 RATIO Left Turn 0.0% 13.1% 32.4% 0.0% Thru 2000 0 0 6000 6000 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 14.8% 11.8% Right Turn 1800 0 3240 0 1800 Right Turn 0.0% 46.0% 0.0% 28.3% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR CAPACITY UTILIZATION 100.1% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE ---- > F 0. 1 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL n NS : RANCHO SANTA FE EW: CALLE ACERVO TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Left Turn Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound 1500 1500 1500 1500 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Turn Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound 0.9% 4.1% 13.1% 6.4% BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS AM PEAK Left Turn 13 62 197 96 Thru 1203 640 0 0 Right Turn 39 54 30 262 L 1500 1 1 1 1 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 T 1700 2 2 1 1 TR 1700 0 0 0 0 R 1500 . 0 0 0 0 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru Right Turn 3400 3400 1700 1700 Thru 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 36.5% 20.4% 1.8% 15.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 10/05/90 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : RANCHO SANTA FE EW: CALLEACERVO BUILDOUT PROJEi AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 197 ' 30 , V 54 640 i iI l <— ' v 0 2 1 1 0 1 2 rf"" * I I 13 1203 62 iI 1 0 I 39 A 0 ' 262 1 < 0 1 , 96 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 0.9% 4.1% 13.1% 6.4% Thru 1700 3400 3400 1700 1700 Thru 36.5% 20.4% 1.8% 15.4% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 79.2% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > C INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: RANCHO SANTA FE BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: CALLE ACERVO PM PEAK U TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 29 230 88 43 L 1500 1 1 1 1 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 870 1003 0 0 T 1700 2 2 1 1 TR 1700 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 102 165 20 120 R 1500 0 0 0 0 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 JP CAPACITY sen) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 Thru 3400 3400 1700 1700 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 k L VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Thru Right Turn Turn Northbound 1.9% 28.6% 0.0% Southbound 15.3% 34.4% 0.0% Eastbound 5.9% 1.2% 0.0% Westbound 2.9% 7.1% 0.0% 10/05/90 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : RANCHO SANTA FE EW : CALLE ACERVO BUILDOUT PROJE( PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE A 88 ' _ 20 , V 165 1003 I I <--' V 0 2 1 1 0 1 2 I I 29 870 230 I ' — > 1 0 I 102 GEOMETRY A 0 '— — 120 1 < 0 1 , 43 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 Thru 1700 3400 3400 1700 1700 Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1.9% 15.3% 5.9% 2.9% Thru 28.6% 34.4% 1.2% 7.1% Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 66.8% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > B INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: CARLSBAD BLVD. BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: STATE STREET AM PEAK )LUMES er Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 0 217 0 8 Thru 2115 2288 0 0 Right Turn 32 0 0 20 INTERSECTION GEOMETRY r ' Lanes) pacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound L 1500 0 1 0 1 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 T 1700 2 2 0 0 TR 1700 1 0 0 0 R 1500 0 0 0 1 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Lett Thru Right (VPH of Green) Turn Turn i L Northbound 0 5100 0 Southbound 1500 3400 0 Eastbound 000 Westbound 1500 0 1500 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Lett Thru Right Turn Turn Northbound 0.0% 42.1% 0.0% Southbound 14.5% 67.3% 0.0% Eastbound 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Westbound 0.5% 0.0% 1.3% 10/05/90 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: CARLSBAD BLVD. BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: STATE STREET AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 0 2288 217 I I I <--' v '--> 021* 0 ---- ' 0 1 ' ---- 20 0 ..... 0 0 < ---- 0 0 ---- . 0 1 , ---- 8 030 <--. A ,--> III 0 2115 32 | North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound East bound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 0 1500 0 1500 RATIO Left Turn 0.0% 14.5% 0.0% 0.5% Thru 1700 5100 3400 0 0 Thru 42.1% 67.3% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 1500 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.3% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 78.6% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > C INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: CARLSBAD BLVD. BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: STATE STREET PM PEAK i TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 0 345 0 14 L LT 1500 1500 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 Left Turn 0 2700 0 1500 Left Turn 0.0% 12.8% 0.0% 0.9% Thru 2299 2194 0 0 T 1700 2 2 0 0 Thru 5100 3400 0 0 Thru 45.6% 64.5% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 27 0 0 30 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 1 0 0 000 000 0 1 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 1500 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 10/05/90 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: CARLSBAD BLVD. BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: STATE STREET PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY • 0 ' o 0 . V 0 2194 I I <— ' v 0 2 0 n\J 0 0 3 I I 0 2299 345 I ' — > 2 0 I 27 • A 1 ' 30 n 4? n 1 , 14 V . I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1500 0 2700 0 1500 RATIO Left Turn 0.0% 12.8% 0.0% 0.9% Thru 1700 5100 3400 0 0 Thru 45.6% 64.5% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 1500 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 76.5% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • I 1 iV 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : CARLSBAD BLVD EW : GRAND AVENUE TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound 10/05/90 Lett Turn 15 2 25 22 L 1500 1 1 1 1 Lett Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 Left Turn 1.0% 0.1% 1.7% 1.5% BUILDOUT AM PEAK Thru 2049 2197 62 47 LT T 1500 1700 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 Thru 3400 3400 1700 1700 Thru 61.1% 65.1% 5.1% 4.2% PROJECTIONS Right Turn 29 15 24 24 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 000 000 000 000 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : CARLSBAD BLVD. EW : GRAND AVENUE BUILDOUT F AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETF - 25 ' CO 24 V 15 2197 I I <— ' v 0 2 1 1i 0 1 2 rf** A I I 15 2049 2 I '--> 1 0 I 29 • o • — ^ ^1 , V « I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 RATIO ' Left Turn 1.0% 0.1% 1.7% 1.5% Thru 1700 3400 3400 1700 1700 Thru 61.1% 65.1% 5.1% 4.2% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 24 22 EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 82.6% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > D 1 1 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : CARLSBAD BLVD. 1 1 1 ••r 1 1' 1 • * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EW : GRAND AVENUE TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound 10/05/90 Left Turn 30 2 29 42 L 1500 1 1 1 1 Lett Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 Left Turn 2.0% 0.1% 1.9% 2.8% BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS PM PEAK Thru 2140 2110 65 81 LT T TR 1500 1700 1700 020 020 0 1 0 0 1 0 Thru 3400 3400 1700 1700 Thru 64.0% 62.8% 5.4% 9.2% • Right Turn 37 25 26 75 R LR 1500 1500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 . INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: CARLSBAD BLVD. EW : GRAND AVENUE BUILDOUT PROJE' PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 29 ' ec 26 , V 25 2110 i i1 1 <--' V 0 2 1 1 0 1 2 I I 30 2140 2 i1 1 0 I 37 A 0 ' 75 1 < 81 1 , 42 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 2.0% 0.1% 1.9% 2.8% Thru 1700 3400 3400 1700 1700 Thru 64.0% 62.8% 5.4% 9.2% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 85.9% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: CARLSBAD BLVD. EW : CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR. BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS AM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 0 62 0 230 L 1800 1 1 1 1 LT 1800 0 0 0 1 Thru 2063 2171 0 0 T 2000 2 2 1 1 TR 2000 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 208 0 0 42 R 1800 0 0 0 0 LR 1800 0 0 0 0 LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 JP CAPACITY 9en) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1800 1800 1800 0 Thru 4000 4000 2000 5600 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 \PACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 0.0% 3.4% 0.0% 0.0% Thru 56.8% 54.3% 0.0% 4.9% Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 02/01/91 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : CARLSBAD BLVD. EW : CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR. BUILDOUT PRiOJB AM PEAK-HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 0 2171 I I <--' V 0 2 0 ' 1 0 _ 1 0 , 0 V 1 2 ^— — A I I 0 2063 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Lett Turn Default Capacity 1800 Northbound 1800 Southbound 1800 Eastbound 1800 Westbound 0 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Turn Northbound 0.0% Southbound 3.4% Eastbound 0.0% Westbound 0.0% 62 I '— > 1 0 I 208 Thru 2000 4000 4000 2000 5600 Thru 56.8% 54.3% 0.0% 4.9% • 0 ' 2 -.^.— — — — 1 , V A I North Right Turn 1800 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0,0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 42 230 EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 75.1% LEVEL OF SERVICE > C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: CARLSBAD BLVD. EW : CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR. BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS PM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 0 32 0 414 L 1800 1 1 1 1 Left Turn 1800 1800 1800 0 Lett Turn 0.0% 1.8% 0.0% 0.0% Thru 2113 2153 0 0 LT T 1800 2000 0 2 0 2 0 1 1 1 Thru 4000 4000 2000 5600 Thru . 57.5% 53.8% 0.0% 8.9% Right Turn 185 0 0 86 TR R LR 2000 1800 1800 000 000 0 0 0 000 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 02/01/91 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : CARLSBAD BLVD. EW : CARLSBAD VILLAG E DR. BUILDOUT PROJEi PM PEAK-HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 0 ' 0 , V 0 2153 i i1 1 < — ' v 0 2 1 1 0 1 2 ^ * I I 0 2113 32 iI 1 0 I 185 A 0 ' 86 2 < 0 1 , 414 V I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1800 1800 1800 1800 0 RATIO Left Turn 0.0% 1.8% 0.0% 0.0% Thru 2000 4000 4000 2000 5600 Thru 57.5% 53.8% 0.0% 8.9% Right Turn 1800 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 78.2% LEVEL OF SERVICE > C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: CARLSBAD BLVD. BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: TAMARACK AVENUE AM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 0 29 0 730 Thru 2025 2350 2 5 Right Turn 134 0 0 52 INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound L 1800 1 1 0 2 LT 1800 0 0 1 0 T 2000 2 2 0 0 TR 2000 0 0 0 1 R 1800 0 0 1 0 LR 1800 0 0 0 0 LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1800 1800 0 3240 Left Turn 0.0% 1.6% 0.0% 22.5% Thru 4000 4000 1800 2000 Thru 54.0% 58.8% 0.1% 2.9% Right Turn 0 0 1800 0 Right Turn 0.0% ' 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 02/04/91 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : CARLSBAD BLVD. EW : TAMARACK AVENUE BUILDOUT PROJE AM PEAK-HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 0 ' 2 . 0 , V 0 2350 i i1 1 <--' V 0 2 0 1 1 1 2 ^ A I I 0 2025 29 iI 1 0 I 134 0 ' 52 1 < 5 2 , 730 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1800 1800 1800 0 3240 RATIO Left Turn 0.0% 1.6% 0.0% 22.5% Thru 2000 4000 4000 1800 2000 Thru 54.0% 58.8% 0.1% 2.9% Right Turn 1800 0 0 1800 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 91.4% LEVEL OF SERVICE > E I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: CARLSBAD BLVD. BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: TAMARACK AVENUE PM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound East bound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 0 59 1 318 L 1800 1 1 0 2 LT 1800 0 0 1 0 Thru 2187 2156 4 4 T 2000 2 2 0 0 TR 2000 0 0 0 1 Right Turn 230 0 0 94 R 1800 0 0 1 0 LR 1800 0 0 0 0 LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1800 1800 0 3240 Lett Turn 0.0% 3.3% 0.0% 9.8% Thru 4000 4000 1800 2000 Thru 60.4% 53.9% 0.3% 4.9% Right Turn 0 0 1800 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 02/01/91 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: CARLSBAD BLVD. EW : TAMARACK AVENUE BUILDOUT PROJE PM PEAK-HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 1 ' 0 , V 0 2156 I I < — ' v 0 2 0 1 1 1 2 I I 0 2187 59 I 1 0 I 230 A 0 ' 94 1 < 4 2 , 318 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1800 1800 1800 0 3240 RATIO Left Turn 0.0% 3.3% 0.0% 9.8% Thru 2000 4000 4000 1800 2000 Thru 60.4% 53.9% 0.3% 4.9% Right Turn 1800 0 0 1800 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 83.8% LEVEL OF SERVICE > D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: CARLSBAD BLVD EW: CANNON ROAD BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS AM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 0 622 2 199 -• ... - L 1800 1 1 1 1 Left Turn 1800 1800 1800 1800 Lett Turn 0.0% 34.6% 0.1% 11.1% Thru 2118 2464 15 5 LT T 1800 2000 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 Thru 4000 4000 2000 2000 Thru 53.0% 61.6% 0.9% 0.3% Right Turn 304 0 2 31 TR R LR 2000 1800 1800 0 1 0 000 000 0 1 0 Right Turn 1800 0 0 1800 Right Turn 16.9% 0.0% 0.0% 1.7% LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : CARLSBAD BLVD EW : CANNON ROAD BUILDOUT PRIOJE AM PEAK-HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 2 ' 1C 2 - — , V 0 2464 1 1 <--' V 0 2 1 - 0 1 2 rf* A I I 0 2118 622 I '--> 1 1 I 304 » 1 • j 1 , V - I North 31 199 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 RATIO Left Turn 0.0% 34.6% 0.1% 11.1% Thru 2000 4000 4000 2000 2000 Thru 53.0% 61.6% 0.9% 0.3% Right Turn 1800 1800 0 0 1800 Right Turn 16.9% 0.0% 0.0% 1.7% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 109.4% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > F I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: CARLSBAD BLVD BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: CANNON ROAD PM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 2 209 1 130 L 1800 1 1 1 1 Left Turn 1800 1800 1800 1800 Left Turn 0.1% 11.6% 0.1% 7.2% Thru 2286 2252 1 14 LT T 1800 2000 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 Thru 4000 4000 2000 2000 Thru 57.2% 56.4% 0.4% 0.7% Right Turn 428 2 7 131 TR R LR 2000 1800 1800 0 1 0 000 000 0 1 0 Right Turn 1800 0 0 1800 Right Turn 23.8% 0.0% 0.0% 7.3% LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : CARLSBAD BLVD EW : CANNON ROAD BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS PM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 2 2252 209 1A 1 ' 7 , < — 0 1 1i 0 V 2 131 14 130 1 1 I I 2 2286 428 LANE GROUP CAPACITY North Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 RATIO Left Turn 0.1% 11.6% 0.1% 7.2% Thru 2000 4000 4000 2000 2000 Thru 57.2% 56.4% 0.4% 0.7% Right Turn 1800 1800 0 0 1800 Right Turn 23.8% 0.0% 0.0% 7.3% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 86.4% LEVEL OF SERVICE > D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: CARLSBAD BLVD. EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS AM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 0 233 0 259 L 1800 0 2 0 1 LT 1800 0 0 0 0 Thru 2071 2413 0 0 T 2000 2 2 0 0 TR 2000 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 146 0 0 446 R 1800 1 0 0 1 LR 1800 0 0 0 1 LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 0 3240 0 1800 Left Turn 0.0% 7.2% 0.0% 14.4% Thru 4000 4000 0 0 Thru 51.8% 60.3% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 1800 0 0 1800 Right Turn 8.1% 0.0% 0.0% 24.8% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : CARLSBAD BLVD. EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. BUILDOUT PRiOJEi AM PEAK-HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 0 ' 0 , V 0 2413 I I <— ' v 0 2 0 - 0 0 2 j. A I I 0 2071 233 I ' — > 2 1 I 146 A 1.5 ' 0 ^-___^ —•• 1.5 , V A I North 446 259 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1800 0 3240 0 1800 RATIO Left Turn 0.0% 7.2% 0.0% 14.4% Thru 2000 4000 4000 0 0 Thru 51.8% 60.3% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 1800 1800 0 0 1800 Right Turn 8.1% 0.0% 0.0% 24.8% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 95.1% LEVEL OF SERVICE > E 1 1 1 1 1 1•V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION NS : CARLSBAD BLVD. EW : PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. TRAFFIC VOLUMES Lett (Vehicles per Hour) Turn Northbound 0 Southbound 537 Eastbound 0 Westbound 364 INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) L MODEL BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS PM PEAK-HEAVY Thru 2286 1983 0 0 LT T TR Default Capacity 1800 1800 2000 2000 Northbound 0 Southbound 2 Eastbound 0 Westbound 1 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Lett (VPH of Green) Turn Northbound 0 Southbound 3240 Eastbound 0 Westbound 1800 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Lett Turn Northbound 0.0% Southbound 16.6% Eastbound 0.0% Westbound 20.2% 020 020 000 000 Thru 4000 4000 0 0 Thru 57.2% 49.6% 0.0% 0.0% DEMAND Right Turn 179 0 0 481 R LR 1800 1800 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Right Turn 1800 0 0 1800 Right Turn 9.9% 0.0% 0.0% 26.7% LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 1 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: CARLSBAD BLVD. BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. PM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 0 1983 537 A o — • .. 0 , V <--' V 0 2 0 0 - 0 0 2 -, A 1 1 0 2286 '— > 2 1.5 1.5 1 I 179 A 1 481 ^ n^*— ——— \j , 364 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1800 0 3240 0 1800 RATIO Left Turn 0.0% 16.6% 0.0% 20.2% Thru 2000 4000 4000 0 0 Thru 57.2% 49.6% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 1800 1800 0 0 1800 Right Turn 9.9% 0.0% 0.0% 26.7% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 110.4% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE ——> F I I i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: CARLSBAD BLVD BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: POINSETTIA LANE AM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 0 243 0 213 L 1800 0 2 0 2 LT 1800 0 0 0 0 Thru 2075 2574 0 0 T 2000 2 2 0 0 TR 2000 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 672 0 0 137 R 1800 1 0 0 1 LR 1800 0 0 0 0 LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 0 3240 0 3240 Left Turn 0.0% 7.5% 0.0% 6.6% Thru 4000 4000 0 0 Thru 51.9% 64.4% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 1800 0 0 1800 Right Turn 37.3% 0.0% 0.0% 7.6% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : CARLSBAD BLVD EW : POINSETTIA LANE BUILDOUT PROJEi AM PEAK-HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE 0 2574 I 1 < — ' v 0 2 0 ' 0 0 0 0 — -. 0 V 0 2 ^«-— A 1 1 0 2075 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left Turn Default Capacity 1800 Northbound 0 Southbound 3240 East bound 0 Westbound 3240 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Turn Northbound 0.0% Southbound 7.5% Eastbound 0.0% Westbound 6.6% 243 I 1 — > 2 1 I 672 Thru 2000 4000 4000 0 0 Thru 51.9% 64.4% 0.0% 0.0% GEOMETRY A 1 ' o < \J **— — — — 2 ,-— V I North Right Turn 1800 1800 0 0 1800 Right Turn 37.3% 0.0% 0.0% 7.6% 137 o\J 213 EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 82.0% LEVEL OF SERVICE > D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: CARLSBAD BLVD BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: POINSETTIA LANE PM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 0 224 0 557 L LT 1800 1800 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 Left Turn 0 3240 0 3240 Left Turn 0.0% 6.9% 0.0% 17.2% Thru 2411 2205 0 0 T 2000 2 2 0 0 Thru 4000 4000 0 0 Thru 60.3% 55.1% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 341 0 0 204 TR R LR 2000 1800 1800 0 1 0 000 0 0 0 0 1 0 Right Turn 1800 0 0 1800 Right Turn 18.9% 0.0% 0.0% 11.3% LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: CARLSBAD BLVD BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: POINSETTIA LANE PM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 0 2205 224 A o — • 0 ----- 0 , V <--' V 0 2 0 0 0 2 rf* A 1 1 0 2411 — > 2 1 I 341 - 1 • 204 0 ^— — — — O 2 , 557 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1800 0 3240 0 3240 RATIO Left Turn 0.0% 6.9% 0.0% 17.2% Thru 2000 4000 4000 0 0 Thru 60.3% 55.1% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 1800 1800 0 0 1800 Right Turn 18.9% 0.0% 0.0% 11.3% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 94.4% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > E I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: AVENIDA ENCINAS BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: POINSETT1A LN AM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 26 245 34 502 L 1500 2 2 2 2 Left Turn 2700 2700 2700 2700 Lett Turn 1.0% 9.1% 1.3% 18.6% Thru 415 178 845 295 LT T 1500 1700 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 Thru 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 21.2% 6.1% 25.9% 23.7% Right Turn 307 28 36 511 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 000 000 000 000 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : AVENIDA ENCINAS EW : POINSETTIA LN BUILDOUT PROJE' AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 34 ' 36 , V 28 Ii 0 2 2 0 2 1 26 178 245 i iI I v '--> 2 2 2 0 A ^ I I 415 307 A 0 ' 511 2 < 295 2 , 502 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2700 2700 2700 2700 RATIO Left Turn 1.0% 9.1% 1.3% 18.6% Thru 1700 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 21.2% 6.1% 25.9% 23.7% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 84.8% LEVEL OF SERVICE > D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: AVENIDA ENCINAS BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: POINSETTIA LN PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 58 492 51 361 L 1500 2 2 2 2 Left Turn 2700 2700 2700 2700 Left Turn . 2.1% 18.2% 1.9% 13.4% Thru 335 442 464 615 LT T 1500 1700 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 Thru 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 27.3% 15.6% 15.1% 25.8% Right Turn 592 87 50 263 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 000 000 000 000 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: AVENIOA ENCINAS BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: POINSETTIA LN PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 87 442 492 I I I A 51 — -' ACA 50 , v < — ' 0 2 o<C 0 2 I 58 v '--> 2 2 2 0 I I 335 592 * 0 ' 263 2 ^--.__ fti*;^— — — — o |^ 2 , 361 v A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2700 2700 2700 2700 RATIO Left Turn 2.1% 18.2% 1.9% 13.4% Thru 1700 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 27.3% 15.6% 15.1% 25.8% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 84.0% LEVEL OF SERVICE > D 1 1 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : PASEO DEL NORTE 1 . 1 - • 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EW : POINSETTIA LN TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 63 39 368 23 L 1500 1 1 2 1 Left Turn 1500 1500 2700 1500 Left Turn 4.2% 2.6% 13.6% 1.5% BUILDOUT PROJECTION AM PEAK Thru 29 9 1181 1642 LT T TR 1500 1700 1700 0 0 1 0 1 0 020 020 Thru 1700 1700 3400 3400 Thru 3.4% 0.5% 36.0% 58.8% Right Turn 29 93 43 357 R LR 1500 1500 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Riflht Turn 0 1500 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 6.2% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : PASEO DEL NORTE EW : POINSETTIA LN BUILDOUT PROJE< AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 93 1 <— ' 1 368 ' 2 1 1 fl1 __ 9 43 . 0 V 1 I 63 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left Turn Default Capacity 1500 Northbound 1500 Southbound 1500 Eastbound 2700 Westbound 1500 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Turn Northbound 4.2% Southbound 2.6% Eastbound 13.6% Westbound 1.5% 9 39 I I v '--> 1 1 1 0 A *. I I 29 29 Thru 1700 1700 1700 3400 3400 Thru 3.4% 0.5% 36.0% 58.8% A 0 ' 357 2 < 1642 1 , 23 V A I North Right Turn 1500 0 1500 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 6.2% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 88.6% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : PASEO DEL NORTE EW: POINSETTIA LN BUILDOUT PROJECTION PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 65 165 239 42 L 1500 1 1 2 1 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 22 30 1616 1678 T 1700 0 1 2 2 TR 1700 1 0 0 0 Right Turn 36 124 69 165 R 1500 0 1 0 0 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 2700 1500 Left Turn 4.3% 11.0% 8.9% 2.8% Thru 1700 1700 3400 3400 Thru 3.4% 1.8% 49.6% 54.2% Right Turn 0 1500 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 8.3% 0.0% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : PASEO DEL NORTE EW : POINSETTIA LN BUILDOUT PROJE PMPEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE 124 I < — ' 1 239 ' 2 1fi1ft ..... 9 69 , 0 V 1 I 65 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left Turn Default Capacity 1500 Northbound 1500 Southbound 1500 Eastbound 2700 Westbound 1500 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Lett Turn Northbound 4.3% Southbound 11.0% Eastbound 8.9% Westbound 2.8% 30 165 I I v '--> 1 1 1 0 A ^ 1 1 22 36 Thru 1700 1700 1700 3400 3400 Thru 3.4% 1.8% 49.6% 54.2% GEOMETRY A 0 ' 165 2 < 1678 1 , 42 V A I North Right Turn 1500 0 1500 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 8.3% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 87.5% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: BATIQUITOS DR. BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: POINSETTIA LN AM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 428 39 42 12 L 1500 2 1 1 1 Lett Turn 2700 1500 1500 1500 Left Turn 15.9% 2.6% 2.8% 0.8% Thru 2 2 1055 1471 LT T 1500 1700 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 Thru 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 1.3% 3.7% 35.5% 43.6% Right Turn 41 124 153 10 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 00 0 000 0 00 000 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : BATIQUITOS DR. EW : POINSETTIA LN BUILDOUT PROJE AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 42 ' 153 , V 124 I 0 1 2 0 2 I 428 2 39 I I v '— > 2 1 2 0 A ^ I I 2 41 0 ' 10 2 < 1471 1 , 12 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2700 1500 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 15.9% 2.6% 2.8% 0.8% Thru 1700 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 1.3% 3.7% 35.5% 43.6% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 75.9% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: BATIQUITOS DR. EW: POINSETTIA LN BUILDOUT PROJECTION PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 217 16 110 46 L 1500 2 1 1 1 Left Turn 2700 1500 1500 1500 Left Turn 8.0% 1.1% 7.3% 3.1% Thru 2 3 1311 1611 LT T 1500 1700 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 Thru 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 0.5% 1.8% 50.2% 48.4% Right Turn 14 57 395 33 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 000 000 00 0 000 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : BATIQUITOS DR. EW : POINSETTIA LN BUILDOUT PROJEi PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 110 ' 1 01 1 _ 395 , V 57 I 0 1 2 0 2 I 217 3 16 I I v '--> 2 1 2 0 I I 2 14 A 0 ' 33 2 < 1611 1 , 46 V I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2700 1500 1500 1500 RATIO Lett Turn 8.0% 1.1% 7.3% 3.1% Thru 1700 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 0.5% 1.8% 50.2% 48.4% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 75.5% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE ——> C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : ALGA RD. EW : POINSETTIA LN TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound BUILDOUT PROJECTION Left Turn 337 127 415 10 L 1500 2 2 2 2 Left Turn 2700 2700 2700 2700 Left Turn 12.5% 4.7% 15.4% 0.4% AM PEAK Thru 637 280 612 903 LT T TR 1500 1700 1700 020 020 020 020 Thru 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 20.4% 8.2% 21.8% 31.7% Right Turn 55 153 129 176 R LR 1500 1500 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0 1500 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 10.2% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 - 'IN? ERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : ALGA RD. EW : POINSETTIA LN BUILDOUT PROJECTION AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 415 ' £1 9O 1 £ 129 , 153 280 I I < — ' v 1 2 2 0 127 I '--> 2 « 0 ' 2 4* ^,— — — — 2 , 176 on ^%7Uw 10 I I I 337 637 55 LANE GROUP CAPACITY North -*-• Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2700 2700 2700 2700 RATIO Left Turn 12.5% 4.7% 15.4% 0.4% Thru ,„_ 1700 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 20.4% 8.2% 21.8% 31.7% Right Turn 1500 0 1500 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 10.2% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 82.2% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE —-> D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: AVENIDA ENCINAS EW: CANNON ROAD BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS AM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 9 0 0 397 L 1500 1 0 0 1 Left Turn 2250 0 0 1500 Left Turn 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 26.5% Thru 0 0 967 337 LT T 1500 1700 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 Thru 0 0 3400 3400 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 30.1% 9.9% Right Turn 60 0 56 0 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 0 1 1 000 000 000 Right Turn 2250 0 0 0 Right Turn 2.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 02/06/91 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: AVENIDA ENCINAS BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: CANNON ROAD AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY o —• o o •— o 967 2 2 < 337 56 , 0 1 , 397 v v 1.5 0 1.5 <--, * ,--> III 9 0 60 | North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2250 0 0 1500 RATIO Left Turn 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 26.5% Thru 1700 0 0 3400 3400 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 30.1% 9.9% Right Turn 1500 2250 0 0 0 Right Turn 2.7% 0.0% 0,0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 69.2% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > B I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NS : ALGA RD. EW : POINSETTIA LN. TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound BUILDOUT PROJECTION PM PEAK Left Turn 274 293 .82 26 L 1500 2 2 2 2 Lett Turn 2700 2700 2700 2700 Left Turn 10.1% 10.9% 3.0% 1.0% Thru 354 705 943 826 LT T 1500 1700 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 Thru 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 11.3% 20.7% 34.7% 25.4% Right Turn 30 590 236 39 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 000 0 1 0 000 000 Right Turn 0 1500 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 39.3% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : ALGA RD. EW : POINSETTIA LN. BUILDOUT PROJE PMPEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 82 ' 04.0 236 , V 590 1 1 2 2 0 2 I 274 705 293 I I v ' — > 2 2 2 0 A ^ I I 354 30 A 0 ' 39 2 < 826 2 , 26 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2700 2700 2700 2700 RATIO Left Turn 10.1% 10.9% 3.0% 1.0% Thru 1700 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 11.3% 20.7% 34.7% 25.4% Right Turn 1500 0 1500 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 39.3% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 85.0% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: AVENIDA ENCINAS BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: CANNON ROAD PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 37 0 0 231 L 1500 1 0 0 1 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 0 0 736 351 T 1700 0 0 2 2 TR 1700 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 328 0 22 0 R 1500 1 0 0 0 LR 1500 1 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 2250 0 0 1500 Left Turn 1.6% 0.0% 0.0% 15.4% Thru 0 0 3400 3400 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 22.3% 10.3% Right Turn 2250 0 0 0 Right Turn 14.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 02/06/91 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : AVENIDA EW : CANNON ENCINAS ROAD BUILDOUT PROJE PMPEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 0 ' yOC 22 - — , V 0 1 < — ' 0 0 0£ 0 1.5 I 37 0 0 I I v '--> 0 0 0 1.5 A ^ I I 0 328 A 0 '— - 0 9 <* V\1 1 , 231 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound East bound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound East bound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2250 0 0 1500 RATIO Left Turn 1.6% 0.0% 0.0% 15.4% Thru 1700 0 0 3400 3400 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 22.3% 10.3% Right Turn 1500 2250 0 0 0 Right Turn 14.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR CAPACITY UTILIZATION 62.3% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE ---- > B 0.1 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: PASEO DEL NORTE BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: CANNON ROAD PM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 220 424 586 92 L 1800 2 2 2 2 LT 1800 0 0 0 0 Thru 197 270 1063 637 T 2000 2 1 2 2 TR 2000 0 1 0 0 Right Turn 217 815 248 334 R 1800 0 1 0 0 LR 1800 0 0 0 0 LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Lett Thru Right (VPH of Green) Turn Turn Northbound 3240 4000 0 Southbound 3240 5800 0 Eastbound 3240 4000 0 Westbound 3240 4000 0 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Lett Thru Right Turn Turn Northbound 6.8% 10.4% 0.0% Southbound 13.1% 18.7% 0.0% Eastbound 18.1% 32.8% 0.0% Westbound 2.8% 24.3% 0.0% 02/06/91 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : PASEO DEL NORTE EW : CANNON ROAD BUILDOUT PROJE' PM PEAK-HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY » 586 ' 1 /\CQ 248 . V 815 I < — ' 1 2 0 2 I 220 270 424 I I v '— > 2 2 2 0 A »^ I I 197 217 A 0 ' 334 O ^ ft*57 2 , 92 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1800 3240 3240 3240 3240 RATIO Left Turn 6.8% 13.1% 18.1% 2.8% Thru 2000 4000 5800 4000 4000 Thru 10.4% 18.7% 32.8% 24.3% Right Turn 1800 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 77.9% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > C 1 1 1 E 1 1 •1^p i • ik INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : PASEO DEL NORTE BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW : CANNON ROAD TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound AM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND Left Turn 68 212 597 127 L 1800 2 2 2 2 Left Turn 3240 3240 3240 3240 Left Turn 2.1% 6.5% 18.4% 3.9% Thru 162 150 1343 616 LT T 1800 2000 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 2 Thru 4000 5800 4000 4000 Thru 6.7% 8.6% 40.6% 22.4% Right Turn 107 347 279 279 TR R LR 2000 1800 1800 000 1 1 0 000 000 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 I I I I I 02/06/91 I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : PASEO DEL NORTE EW : CANNON ROAD BUILDOUT PROJEi AM PEAK-HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 597 ' HOXO ... 279 , V 347 1 1 2 2 0 2 I 68 150 212 I I v '--> 2 2 2 0 A ^ I I 162 107 0 ' 279 2 , 127 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1800 3240 3240 3240 3240 RATIO Lett Turn 2.1% 6.5% 18.4% 3.9% Thru 2000 4000 5800 4000 4000 Thru 6.7% 8.6% 40.6% 22.4% Right Turn 1800 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR CAPACITY UTILIZATION 67.7% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE ---- > B 0.1 I I I I 1 I I I i I I i i i i i i I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL N: HIDDEN VALLEY BLIILDOUT PROJECTION EW: CANNON RD. AM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 58 0 0 607 L 1500 1 0 0 2 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 0 0 1142 965 T 1700 0 0 2 2 TR 1700 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 138 0 520 0 R 1500 1 0 1 0 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1500 0 0 2700 Lett Turn 3.9% 0.0% 0.0% 22.5% Thru 0 0 3400 3400 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 33.6% 28.4% Right Turn 1500 0 1500 0 Right Turn 9.2% 0.0% 34.7% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : HIDDEN VALLEY BUILDOUT PROJE EW : CANNON RD.AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 0 - — ' 1 1 A9 _ 520 , V 0 I <— ' 0 0 2 1 1 I 58 0 0 I I v '— > 0 0 0 1 A ^ I I 0 138 A o • — o 2 < 965 2 , 607 V - I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound East bound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1500 1500 0 0 2700 RATIO Left Turn 3.9% 0.0% 0.0% 22.5% Thru 1700 0 0 3400 3400 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 33.6% 28.4% Right Turn 1500 1500 0 1500 0 Right Turn 9.2% 0.0% 34.7% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 75.3% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > C 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I i I I i I i i INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL N: HIDDEN VALLEY BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: CANNON RD. PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 375 0 0 270 L 1500 1 0 0 2 Left Turn 1500 0 0 2700 Left Turn 25.0% 0.0% 0.0% 10.0% Thru 0 0 1372 688 LT T 1500 1700 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 Thru 0 0 3400 3400 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 40.4% 20.2% Right Turn 405 0 332 0 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 0 1 0 000 01 0 000 Right Turn 1500 0 1500 0 Right Turn 27.0% 0.0% 22.1% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : HIDDEN VALLEY EW : CANNON RD. BUILDOUT PROJECTION PMPEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 0 ' 1 *V79 - __- 332 , V I < — ' 0 0 2 1 1 I 375 I I v '— > 0 0 0 1 A *^ I I 0 405 A o • — o 2 < 688 2 , 270 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 0 0 2700 RATIO Left Turn 25.0% 0.0% 0.0% 10.0% Thru 1700 0 0 3400 3400 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 40.4% 20.2% Right Turn 1500 1500 0 1500 0 Right Turn 27.0% 0.0% 22.1% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 87.4% LEVEL OF SERVICE > D I I I I I I I I I I i I i i I i I i i INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL S: FARADAY AVE. EW: CANNON RD. TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound i INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound BUILDOUT PROJECTION Left Turn 24 0 0 329 L 1500 1 0 0 2 Lett Turn 1500 0 0 2700 Left Turn 1.6% 0.0% 0.0% 12.2% AM PEAK Thru 0 0 761 1549 LT T TR 1500 1700 1700 000 000 020 020 Thru 0 0 3400 3400 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 37.6% 45.6% Right Turn 8 0 519 0 R LR 1500 1500 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : FARADAY AVE. EW : CANNON RD. INTERSECTION TURNING MOV 0 1 <--' 0 0 ' 0 7fii o 519 . 0 V 1 I 24 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left Turn Default Capacity 1500 Northbound 1500 Southbound 0 Eastbound 0 Westbound 2700 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Turn Northbound 1.6% Southbound 0.0% Eastbound 0.0% Westbound 12.2% EMENTS/LAf 0 0 I I v '--> 0 0 0 1 A ^ I I 0 8 Thru 1700 0 0 3400 3400 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 37.6% 45.6% BUILDOUT F AM PEAK JE GEOMETf A o • — o ^£ ^»~~ ~~ 2 , V A I North Right Turn 1500 1500 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0 49 329 EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR CAPACITY UTILIZATION 61.4% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > B 0.1 I I I I I I I I I I i I i i i i i i i INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL S: FARADAY AVE. EW: CANNON RD. TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound BUILDOUT PROJECTION Left Turn 187 0 0 7 L 1500 1 0 0 2 Lett Turn 1500 0 0 2700 Left Turn 12.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% PM PEAK Thru 0 0 1609 771 LT T TR 1500 1700 1700 000 000 020 0 2 0 Thru 0 0 3400 3400 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 52.3% 22.7% Right Turn 58 0 168 0 R LR 1500 1500 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 Right Turn 3.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: FARADAY AVE. BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: CANNON RD. PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY <--' v '--> 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 ' 0 1609 2 2 < 771 168 , 0 2 , 7 v v 101 <--. * ,~> III 187 0 58 | North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1500 1500 0 0 2700 RATIO Left Turn 12.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% Thru 1700 0 0 3400 3400 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 52.3% 22.7% Right Turn 1500 1500 0 0 0 Right Turn 3.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 75.0% ' Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > C I I I I 1 I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL I I I I I I I I NS : COLLEGE BLVD. EW : CANNON RD. BUILDOUT PROJE' AM PEAK-HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 240 ' 85 . V 196 I 1 2 2 0 2 I 62 1099 44 II v ' — > 3 2 3 0 A _^ I I 601 162 A 0 ' 151 2 < 965 2 . 371 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1800 3240 3240 3240 3240 RATIO Lett Turn 1.9% 1.4% 7.4% 11.5% Thru 2000 6000 6000 4000 4000 Thru 12.7% 18.3% 12.4% 27.9% Right Turn 1800 0 1800 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 10.9% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 65.5% LEVEL OF SERVICE > B INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: COLLEGE BLVD. BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: CANNON RD. AM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 62 44 240 371 L LT 1800 1800 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 Left Turn 3240 3240 3240 3240 Left Turn 1.9% 1.4% 7.4% 11.5% Thru 601 1099 411 965 T TR 2000 2000 3 0 3 0 2 0 2 0 Thru 6000 6000 4000 4000 Thru 12.7% 18.3% 12.4% 27.9% Right Turn 162 196 85 151 R LR 1800 1800 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0 1800 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 10.9% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I i i i i INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: COLLEGE BLVD. EW: CANNON RD. BUILDOUT PROJECTION PM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 55 142 93 508 L 1800 2 2 2 2 LT 1800 0 0 0 0 Thru 1380 773 1199 217 T 2000 3 3 2 2 TR 2000 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 286 206 34 113 R 1800 0 1 0 0 LR 1800 0 0 0 0 LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left (VPH of Green) Turn Northbound 3240 Southbound 3240 Eastbound 3240 Westbound 3240 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Turn Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound 1.7% 4.4% 2.9% 15.7% Thru 6000 6000 4000 4000 Thru 27.8% 12.9% 30.8% 8.3% Right Turn 0 1800 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 11.4% 0.0% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : COLLEGE BLVD. EW : CANNON RD. BUILDOUT PROJE< PM PEAK-HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 93 ' 11 QQ 34 . V 206 773i i1 1 <— ' v 1 3 2 2 0 2 3 — A I I 55 1380 142 i1 2 0 1 286 A 0 ' 113 2 < 217 2 , 508 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1800 3240 3240 3240 3240 RATIO Left Turn 1.7% 4.4% 2.9% 15.7% Thru 2000 6000 6000 4000 4000 Thru 27.8% 12.9% 30.8% 8.3% Right Turn 1800 0 1800 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 11.4% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 88.7% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > D 1 1 I 1' 1 1 i i i i t i I i i i i INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : COLLEGE BLVD. W: TAMARACK AVE TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 0 0 180 0 L LT 1500 1500 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Left Turn 1500 0 1500 0 Left Turn 0.0% 0.0% 12.0% 0.0% BUILDOUT AM PEAK Thru 1155 1665 0 0 T 1700 2 2 0 0 Thru 3400 3400 0 0 Thru 34.0% 51.1% 0.0% 0.0% PROJECTION Right Turn 0 73 0 0 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 000 000 0 1 0 000 Right Turn 0 0 1500 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : COLLEGE BLVD. EW : TAMARACK AVE. BUILDOUT PROJE' AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 73 1665 I I <--' V 0 2 180 ' 1 0 , 1 V 1 2 j, A I I 0 1155 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left Turn Default Capacity 1500 Northbound 1500 Southbound 0 Eastbound 1500 Westbound 0 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Turn Northbound 0.0% Southbound 0.0% Eastbound 12.0% Westbound 0.0% 0 I '--> 0 0 I 0 Thru 1700 3400 3400 0 0 Thru 34.0% 51.1% 0.0% 0.0% A o • — o O f n^v~~~ ~ V 0 , 0 V A . I North Right Turn 1500 0 0 1500 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 73.1% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > C I I I I I I I I I i i I I i i i i i i INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: COLLEGE BLVD. W: TAMARACK AVE. BUILDOUT PROJECTION PM PEAK * TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound East bound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 0 0 84 0 L 1500 1 0 1 0 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 1388 1531 0 0 T 1700 2 2 0 0 TR 1700 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0 196 0 0 R 1500 0 0 1 0 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1500 0 1500 0 Left Turn 0.0% 0.0% 5.6% 0.0% Thru 3400 3400 0 0 Thru 40.8% 50.8% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 0 0 1500 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : COLLEGE BLVD. EW : TAMARACK AVE. BUILDOUT PROJECTION PMPEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 196 1531 0 84 0 0 1 0 1 o • 0 < 0 , 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1388 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY North Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 0 1500 0 RATIO Lett Turn 0.0% 0.0% 5.6% 0.0% Thru 1700 3400 3400 0 0 Thru 40.8% 50.8% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 1500 0 0 1500 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 66.4% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > B 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 K 1 1m 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION NS : COLLEGE BLVD. EW: ELM AVE. TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound MODEL BUILDOUT PROJECTION Left Turn 247 54 178 46 L AM PEAK Thru 881 1160 25 82 LT T TR 1500 1500 1700 1700 2 1 1 1 Left Turn 2700 1500 1500 1500 Left Turn 9.1% 3.6% 11.9% 3.1% 020 020 020 020 Thru 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 27.0% 47.4% 4.9% 5.2% Right Turn 38 451 140 96 R LR 1500 1500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : COLLEGE BLVD. EW : ELM AVE, BUILDOUT PROJEi AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE A 178 ' OK, _____ 140 , V 451 1160 I I <— ' v 0 2 1 2£. 0 2 2 <--. I I 247 881 54 I '--> 1 0 i — > 1 38 GEOMETRY • 0 ' 96 2 <• R2f, **~ U£i 1 ,-— 46 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1500 2700 1500 > 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 9.1% 3.6% 11.9% 3.1% Thru 1700 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 27.0% 47.4% 4.9% 5.2% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 83.6% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > D I I I I I I I I I I I i i I i i i i i INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: COLLEGE BLVD. EW: ELM AVE. BUILDOUT PROJECTION PMPEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound i INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 391 101 178 41 L 1500 2 1 1 1 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 1154 971 56 55 T 1700 2 2 2 2 TR 1700 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 76 459 186 55 R 1500 0 0 0 0 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 JP CAPACITY een) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 2700 1500 1500 1500 Thru 3400 3400 3400 3400 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Lett Turn Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound 14.5% 6.7% 11.9% 2.7% Thru 36.2% 42.1% 7.1% 3.2% Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : COLLEGE BLVD. EW : ELM AVE BUILDOUT F PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETF » 178 ' Efi 186 , V 459 971 I I <— ' v 0 2 1 2£ 0 2 2 I I 391 1154 101 I '— > 1 0 I 76 A o • — 2 <£ ^i» ~™ 1 , V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2700 1500 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 14.5% 6.7% 11.9% 2.7% Thru 1700 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 36.2% 42.1% 7.1% 3.2% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 55 41 EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 81.6% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: FARADAY AVE. EW: COLLEGE AVE. TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound BUILDOUT PROJECTION Left Turn 249 94 24 48 L 1500 2 1 1 1 Lett Turn 2700 1500 1500 1500 Lett Turn 9.2% 6.3% 1.6% 3.2% PMPEAK Thru 151 211 703 625 LT T TR 1500 1700 1700 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 Thru 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 10.0% 7.8% 26.1% 20.1% Right Turn 190 55 186 57 R LR 1500 1500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : FARADAY AVE. EW : COLLEGE AVE. BUILDOUT PROJB PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 24 ' 186 . V 55 iI 0 1 2 0 2 I 249 211 94 i i1 1 v '--> 2 1 2 0 A ^ I I 151 190 A 0 ' 57 2 < 625 1 , 48 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound East bound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound East bound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2700 1500 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 9.2% 6.3% 1.6% 3.2% Thru 1700 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 10.0% 7.8% 26.1% 20.1% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR CAPACITY UTILIZATION 56.4% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE — — > A 0.1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: FARADAY AVE. EW: COLLEGE AVE. TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound East bound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound BUILDOUT PROJECTION AM PEAK Left Turn 472 62 44 92 L 1500 2 1 1 1 Left Turn 2700 1500 1500 1500 Left Turn 17.5% 4.1% 2.9% 6.1% Thru 96 443 406 899 LT T 1500 1700 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Thru 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 3.8% 20.1% 19.2% 29.3% Right Turn 34 239 246 98 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : FARADAY AVE. EW : COLLEGE AVE. BUILDOUT PROJE AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 239 1 < — ' 0 44 ' 1 Af\fi 9*rvD £. 246 , 0 V 2 I 472 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left Turn Default Capacity 1500 Northbound 2700 Southbound 1500 Eastbound 1500 Westbound 1500 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Turn Northbound 17.5% Southbound 4.1% Eastbound 2.9% Westbound 6.1% 443 62 I I v '--> 2 1 2 0 A ^ | '" 96 34 Thru 1700 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 3.8% 20.1% 19.2% 29.3% A 0 ' 98 2 < 899 1 , 92 V A I North Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 79.8% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > C I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION NS : MELROSE AVE EW : FARADAY AVE TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound BUILDOUT PROJECTION Lett Turn 560 0 260 0 L 1800 2 0 2 0 Left Turn 3240 0 3240 0 Lett Turn 17.3% 0.0% 8.0% 0.0% AM PEAK-HEAVY Thru 1520 2353 0 0 LT T TR 1800 2000 2000 030 0 2 1 000 000 Thru 6000 6000 0 0 Thru 25.3% 72.1% 0.0% 0.0% DEMAND Right Turn 0 1975 73 0 R LR 1800 1800 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 1800 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 4.1% 0.0% LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : MELROSE AVE EW : FARADAY AVE BUILDOUT PROJEi AM PEAK-HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 260 ' 73 . V 1975 2353 i ii i <— ' v 0 3 2 1 2 3 ^ A I I 560 1520 0 iI 0 0 I * 0 0 ' 0 0 < 0 0 ,- — 0 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1800 3240 0 3240 0 RATIO Lett Turn 17.3% 0.0% 8.0% 0.0% Thru 2000 6000 6000 0 0 Thru 25.3% 72.1% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 1800 0 0 1800 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 4.1% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 107.4% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > F I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION NS : MELROSE AVE EW : FARADAY AVE TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound BUILDOUT PROJECTION Lett Turn 157 0 1446 0 L 1800 2 0 2 0 Left Turn 3240 0 3240 0 Lett Turn 4.8% 0.0% 44.6% 0.0% PM PEAK-HEAVY Thru 2618 1471 0 0 LT T TR 1800 2000 2000 030 0 2 1 000 000 Thru 6000 6000 0 0 Thru . 43.6% 31.7% 0.0% 0.0% DEMAND Right Turn 0 429 213 0 R LR 1800 1800 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 1800 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 11.8% 0.0% LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: MELROSE AVE BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: FARADAY AVE PM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 1446 ' 213 , V 429 1471 I \ <—' V 0 3 2 nV 1 2 3 ^ A 1 1 157 2618 0 I ' — > 0 0 I 0 A o • — o 0 < n^* ~~ V 0 ,— - 0 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1800 3240 0 3240 0 RATIO Left Turn 4.8% 0.0% 44.6% 0.0% Thru 2000 6000 6000 0 0 Thru 43.6% 31.7% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 1800 0 0 1800 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 1 1 .8% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 98.3% LEVEL OF SERVICE > E I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION NS : MELROSE AVE EW: CARRILLOWAY TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound East bound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 559 0 632 0 L 1500 2 2 2 0 Left Turn 2700 2700 2700 0 Left Turn 20.7% 0.0% 23.4% 0.0% BUILDOUT AM PEAK Thru 1698 643 0 0 LT T 1500 1700 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 Thru 5100 5100 0 0 Thru 33.3% 29.2% 0.0% 0.0% PROJECTION Right Turn 0 847 67 0 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 000 1 0 0 020 000 Right Turn 0 0 2700 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 2.5% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : MELROSE AVE EW : CARRILLO WAY 8UILDOUT PROJEi AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 632 ' 0 _- 67 -— , V 847 643 1 1 <— ' v 0 3 2 2 2 3 ^ A 1 1 559 1698 0 I '-- > 0 0 I 0 A 0 ' 0 0 ^~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 , 0 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2700 2700 2700 0 RATIO Left Turn 20.7% 0.0% 23.4% 0.0% Thru 1700 5100 5100 0 0 Thru 33.3% 29.2% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 1500 0 0 2700 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 2.5% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 83.3% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > D I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 NS : MELROSE AVE EW: CARRILLOWAY TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound East bound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound BUILDOUT PROJECTION Lett Turn 134 0 363 0 L 1500 2 2 2 0 Lett Turn 2700 2700 2700 0 Lett Turn 5.0% 0.0% 13.4% 0.0% PMPEAK Thru 1059 1352 0 0 LT T TR 1500 1700 1700 030 0 2 1 000 000 Thru 5100 5100 0 0 Thru 20.8% 39.0% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 0 635 855 0 R LR 1500 1500 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 2700 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 31.7% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : MELROSE AVE EW : CARRILLO WAY BUILDOUT PROJEi PMPEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY • 363 ' 855 , V 635 1352 I I <--' v 0 3 2 0 2 2 3 ^ A I I 134 1059 0 I '--> 0 0 I 0 • 0 ' 0 0 < 0 0 ,— - 0 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound East bound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2700 2700 2700 0 RATIO Left Turn 5.0% 0.0% 13.4% 0.0% Thru 1700 5100 5100 0 0 Thru 20.8% 39.0% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 1500 0 0 2700 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 31.7% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 85.6% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION NS : MELROSE AVE EW : ALGA ROAD TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 625 0 391 0 L 1500 2 0 2 0 Lett Turn 2700 0 2700 0 Lett Turn 23.1% 0.0% 14.5% 0.0% BUILDOUT AM PEAK Thru 1606 652 0 0 LT T 1500 1700 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 Thru 5100 5100 0 0 Thru 31.5% 15.9% 0.0% 0.0% PROJECTION Right Turn 0 160 354 0 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 000 1 0 0 0 2 0 000 Right Turn 0 0 2700 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 13.1% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : MELROSE AVE EW : ALGA ROAD BUILDOUT F AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETF A 391 ' 0 _____ 354 , V 160 652 I I <--' V 0 3 2 2 2 3 — A I I 625 1606 0 I '--> 0 0 I 0 A o • — 0 4*^v____ 0 ,- — V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2700 0 2700 0 RATIO Left Turn 23.1% 0.0% 14.5% 0.0% Thru 1700 5100 5100 0 0 Thru 31.5% 15.9% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 1500 0 0 2700 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 13.1% 0.0% 0 0 EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 63.6% LEVEL OF SERVICE > B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION NS : MELROSE AVE EW : ALGA ROAD TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound BUILDOUT PROJECTION Left Turn 484 0 129 0 L 1500 2 0 2 0 Lett Turn 2700 0 2700 0 Left Turn 17.9% 0.0% 4.8% 0.0% PM PEAK Thru 1015 1288 0 0 LT T TR 1500 1700 1700 030 0 2 1 000 000 Thru 5100 5100 0 0 Thru 19.9% 31.1% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 0 298 600 0 R LR 1500 1500 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 2700 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 22.2% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : MELROSE AVE EW : ALGA ROAD BUILDOUT PROJEi PMPEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 129 ' 600 , V 298 1288 I I <— ' v 0 3 2 0 2 2 3 I I 484 1015 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 ' 0 0 < 0 0 , 0 V * I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 2700 0 2700 0 RATIO Left Turn 17.9% 0.0% 4.8% 0.0% Thru 1700 5100 5100 0 0 Thru 19.9% 31.1% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 1500 0 0 2700 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 22.2% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 81.2% LEVEL OF SERVICE > D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION NS : MELROSE AVE. EW : LA COSTA AVE. TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound BUILDOUT PROJECTION Left Turn 0 0 116 0 L 1500 0 0 2 0 Left Turn 0 0 2700 0 Lett Turn 0.0% 0.0% 4.3% 0.0% PM PEAK Thru 0 0 0 0 LT T TR 1500 1700 1700 000 000 0 0 0 000 Thru 0 0 0 0 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 0 158 0 0 R LR 1500 1500 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0 2700 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 5.9% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : MELROSE AVE. EW : LA COSTA AVE. BUILDOUT PROJE PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 158 0 I I <— ' v 2 0 116 ' 2o 0 , 0 V 0 0 ^ A I I 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Lett Turn Default Capacity 1500 Northbound 0 Southbound 0 Eastbound 2700 Westbound 0 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Turn Northbound 0.0% Southbound 0.0% Eastbound 4.3% Westbound 0.0% 0 I '— > 0 0 I 0 Thru 1700 0 0 0 0 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% A 0 ' 0 0 <———-• 0 0 , 0 V A I North Right Turn 1500 0 2700 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 5.9% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR CAPACITY UTILIZATION 20.1% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE ---- > A 0.1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION NS : MELROSE AVE. EW : LA COSTA AVE. TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound BUILDOUT PROJECTION Left Turn 0 0 78 0 L 1500 0 0 2 0 Lett Turn 0 0 2700 0 Left Turn 0.0% 0.0% 2.9% 0.0% AM PEAK Thru 0 0 0 0 LT T TR 1500 1700 1700 000 000 000 000 Thru 0 0 0 0 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Right Turn 0 149 0 0 R LR 1500 1500 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0 2700 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 5.5% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : MELROSE AVE. EW : LA COSTA AVE. BUILDOUT PROJEi AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 149 0 i iI I <--' V 2 0 78 ' 2 n ft 0 - — . 0 V 0 0 j A I I 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left Turn Default Capacity 1500 Northbound 0 Southbound 0 Eastbound 2700 Westbound 0 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Turn Northbound 0.0% Southbound 0.0% Eastbound 2.9% Westbound 0.0% 0 iI 0 0 I 0 Thru 1700 0 0 0 0 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% A 0 ' 0 0 < 0 0 , 0 V A I North Right Turn 1500 0 2700 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 5.5% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR CAPACITY UTILIZATION 18.4% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > A 0.1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL N: SAXONY RD. EW: LA COSTA AVE. TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound BUILDOUT PROJECTION Left Turn 238 0 0 110 L LT 1500 1500 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Left Turn 1500 0 0 1500 Lett Turn 15.9% 0.0% 0.0% 7.3% AM PEAK Thru 0 0 960 1770 T 1700 0 0 2 2 Thru 0 0 3400 3400 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 30.8% 52.1% Right Turn 72 0 87 0 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 0 1 0 000 000 000 Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 Right Turn 4.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : SAXONY RD. EW : LA COSTA AVE. BUILDOUT PROJEi AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A o - — • QOT\ 87 - — , V 0 1 <— ' 0 0 0 1 I 238 0 0 I I v '--> 0 0 0 1 A ^ I I 0 72 A 0 ' 0 2 ** - 177fi^,— — — — \ t i \j 1 , 110 V * I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 0 0 1500 RATIO Left Turn 15.9% 0.0% 0.0% 7.3% Thru 1700 0 0 3400 3400 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 30.8% 52.1% Right Turn 1500 1500 0 0 0 Right Turn 4.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 77.9% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL N: SAXONY RD. EW: LA COSTA AVE. TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound BUILDOUT PROJECTION Left Turn 153 0 0 161 L 1500 1 0 0 1 Left Turn 1500 0 0 1500 Left Turn 10.2% 0.0% 0.0% 10.7% PMPEAK Thru 0 0 1216 1772 LT T 1500 1700 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 Thru 0 0 3400 3400 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 41.8% 52.1% Right Turn 106 0 206 0 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 0 1 0 000 000 000 Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 Right Turn 7.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : SAXONY RD. EW : LA COSTA AVE. BUILDOUT PROJE PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 0 1 <— ' 0 0 ' 0 191ft .... 9 206 . 0 V 1 I 153 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left Turn Default Capacity 1500 Northbound 1500 Southbound 0 Eastbound 0 Westbound 1500 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Turn Northbound 10.2% Southbound 0.0% Eastbound 0.0% Westbound 10.7% 0 0 I I v '— > 0 0 0 1 A ^ I I 0 106 Thru 1700 0 0 3400 3400 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 41.8% 52.1% A 0 ' 0 2 *r ... 1779^— •»»•* \ f t £: 1 , 161 V A I North Right Turn 1500 1500 0 0 0 Right Turn 7.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 72.8% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL N: CAMINO DE LAS COCHES BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: LA COSTA AVE. AM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 20 0 0 80 L LT 1500 1500 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Left Turn 1500 0 0 1500 Lett Turn 1.3% 0.0% 0.0% 5.3% Thru 0 0 7 103 T 1700 0 0 1 1 Thru 0 0 3400 1700 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 1.9% 6.1% Right Turn 18 0 59 0 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 0 1 0 000 1 0 0 000 Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 Right Turn 1.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : CAMINO DE LAS COCHES BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: LA COSTA AVE. AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 0 0 I I <—' v 0 0o —• o o •— o 7 2 1 < 103 59 , 0 1 , 80 v v 1 0 1 <--. * ,--> III 20 0 18 | North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 0 0 1500 RATIO Lett Turn 1.3% 0.0% 0.0% 5.3% Thru 1700 0 0 3400 1700 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 1.9% 6.1% Right Turn 1500 1500 0 0 0 Right Turn 1.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 18.6% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL N: CAMINO DE LAS COCHES BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: LA COSTA AVE. PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 53 0 0 40 L 1500 1 0 0 1 LT 1500 0 0 0 0 Thru 0 0 30 105 T 1700 0 0 1 1 TR 1700 0 0 1 0 Right Turn 66 0 94 0 R 1500 1 0 0 0 LR 1500 0 0 0 0 LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1500 0 0 1500 Left Turn 3.5% 0.0% 0.0% 2.7% Thru 0 0 3400 1700 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 3.6% 6.2% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 Right Turn 4.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : CAMINO DE LAS COCHES EW : LA COSTA AVE. BUILDOUT PROJB PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 0 0 1 1 <--' V 0 0 0 ' 0 Of) 0 94 , 0 V 1 0 <" — _ * I I 53 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left Turn Default Capacity 1500 Northbound 1500 Southbound 0 Eastbound 0 Westbound 1500 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Turn Northbound 3.5% Southbound 0.0% Eastbound 0.0% Westbound 2.7% 0 I ' — > 6 1 I 66 Thru 1700 0 0 3400 1700 Thru 0.0% 0.0% 3.6% 6.2% • 0 ' 0 1 <r ins1 ^* ••»— 1 V J 1 , 40 V A I North Right Turn 1500 1500 0 0 0 Right Turn 4.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 20.7% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL FUERTE ST EW : ALGA RD. TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 32 9 211 13 L 1500 1 1 1 1 Lett Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 Left Turn 2.1% 0.6% 14.1% 0.9% BUILDOUT AM PEAK Thru 146 22 604 464 LT T 1500 1700 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Thru 1700 1700 3400 3400 Thru 11.7% 1.9% 17.9% 25.8% PROJECTION Right Turn 53 11 6 413 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 000 000 1 0 0 1 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL FUERTE ST EW : ALGA RD BUILDOUT PROJE' AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 211 ' fif\A. 6 , V 11 I <--' 0 1 0 1 I 32 22 9 I I v '—> 1 1 1 0 A s^ I I 146 53 « 0 ' 413 9 *r A.&A 1 . 13 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 RATIO Lett Turn 2.1% 0.6% 14.1% 0.9% Thru 1700 1700 1700 3400 3400 Thru 11.7% 1.9% 17.9% 25.8% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 62.2% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL FUERTE ST EW : ALGA RD. TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 12 341 6 39 L 1500 1 1 1 1 Lett Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 Left Turn 0.8% 22.7% 0.4% 2.6% BUILDOUT PMPEAK Thru 40 77 439 662 LT T 1500 1700 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Thru 1700 1700 3400 3400 Thru 3.9% 19.2% 13.6% 19.8% PROJECTION Right Turn 26 250 22 11 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 000 000 1 0 0 1 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL FUERTE ST EW : ALGA RD BUILDOUT PROJE PMPEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 6 ' JftQ•toy 22 — -. V 250 1 < — ' 0 1 2 0 1 I 12 77 341 I I v '--> 1 1 1 0 A ^ I I 40 26 A 0 ' 11 2 < 662 1 , 39 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 0.8% 22.7% 0.4% 2.6% Thru 1700 1700 1700 3400 3400 Thru 3.9% "19.2% 13.6% 19.8% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR CAPACITY UTILIZATION 56.8% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE ---- > A 0. 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL FUERTE ST EW : CARRILLQ WAY TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound BUILDOUT PROJECTION AM PEAK Left Turn 49 0 75 19 L LT 1500 1500 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 Lett Turn 3.3% 0.0% 5.0% 1.3% Thru 820 48 660 1305 T 1700 2 2 2 2 Thru 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 24.8% 2.1% 19.7% 41.3% Right Turn 24 25 9 98 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 000 000 000 000 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL FUERTE ST BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: CARRILLO WAY AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 75 ' cen 9 , 25 1 <--' 0 1 0 48 I v 2 LANE GROUP CAPACITY EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 81.1% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > D 0 ' ---- 98 2 < ---- 1305 1 , ---- 19 v v 1 2 0 <--, * ,--> III.* 49 820 24 | North Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 3.3% 0.0% 5.0% 1.3% Thru 1700 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 24.8% 2.1% 19.7% 41.3% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : EL FUERTE ST EW: CARRILLOWAY TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound BUILDOUT PROJECTION Lett Turn 12 0 71 46 L 1500 1 1 1 1 Lett Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 Lett Turn 0.8% 0.0% 4.7% 3.1% PMPEAK Thru 79 699 1254 658 LT T TR 1500 1700 1700 020 020 020 020 Thru ' 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 3.1% .. 26.4% 38.5% 20.3% Right Turn 27 198 54 33 R LR 1500 1500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: EL FUERTE ST BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: CARRILLO WAY PM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 198 699 0 I I I <--' v '—> 021 71 ' 1 0 ' 33 1254 2 2 < 658 54 , 0 1 , 46 v v 1 2 0 <--, * ,--> III 12 79 27 I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 0.8% 0.0% 4.7% 3.1% Thru 1700 3400 3400 3400 3400 Thru 3.1% 26.4% 38.5% 20.3% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION 78.7% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE > C I i \ i i i i i i i i i i i i i i INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: TAMARACK AVE. BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR. AM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 9 0 0 326 L LT 1500 1500 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 Lett Turn 0.6% 0.0% 0.0% 21.7% Thru 0 33 178 516 T 1700 1 1 2 2 Thru 1700 1700 3400 3400 Thru 9.2% 1.9% 5.2% 15.2% Right Turn 157 0 0 0 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 000 000 000 000 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : TAMARACK AVE. BUILDOUT PROJE' EW : CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR. AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A o — • 17ft _- 0 , V 0 I 0 1 2 0 1 I 9 33 0 I I v '--> 1 1 1 0 A ^ I I 0 157 A o •- — o 2 < 516 1 , 326 V A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 0.6% 0.0% 0.0% 21.7% Thru 1700 1700 1700 3400 3400 Thru 9.2% 1.9% 5.2% 15.2% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 46.2% LEVEL OF SERVICE > A I I I I I I I I I I I 1 i I i i I i i INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: TAMARACK AVE. BUILDOUT PROJECTION EW: CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR. PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 34 0 0 231 L LT 1500 1500 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 Lett Turn 2.3% 0.0% 0.0% 15.4% Thru 0 14 306 600 T 1700 1 1 2 2 Thru 1700 1700 3400 3400 Thru 11.2% 0.8% 9.0% 17.6% Right Turn 190 0 0 0 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 000 000 000 000 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : TAMARACK AVE. EW : CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR. BUILDOUT PROJEl PMPEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 0 14 I I <--' V 0 1 0 ' 1 0 — -. 0 V 1 1 j._^ A I I 34 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left Turn Delau It Capacity 1 500 Northbound 1500 Southbound 1500 Eastbound 1500 Westbound 1500 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Lett Turn Northbound 2.3% Southbound 0.0% Eastbound 0.0% Westbound 15.4% 0 I ' — > 1 0 I 190 Thru 1700 1700 1700 3400 3400 Thru 11.2% 0.8% 9.0% 17.6% • o • — o 2 < 600£. ^— — — — OWW 1 , 231 V A I North Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 45.6% LEVEL OF SERVICE —-> A I I I I I I I I I 1 i I i i i i i i i INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: MARRONROAD BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: JEFFERSON STREET AM PEAK-HEAVY DEMAND TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 175 473 151 0 L LT 1800 1800 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 Left Turn 1800 3240 1800 1800 Left Turn 9.7% 14.6% 8.4% 0.0% Thru 81 126 75 116 T 2000 2 2 1 1 Thru 4000 4000 2000 2000 Thru 2.0% 14.3% 7.1% 17.7% Right Turn 0 444 67 237 TR R LR 2000 1800 1800 000 000 000 000 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 02/28/91 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I NS : MARRON ROAD EW : JEFFERSON STREET BUILDOUT PR(OJEi AM PEAK-HEAVY I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY A 151 ' ye 67 V 444 126 I I <--' V 0 2 1 j 0 1 2 ^ A I I 175 81 473 I '— > 2 0 I 0 A o • — J 1 , V A I North 237 1 ifi1 1 O 0 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 1800 1800 3240 1800 1800 RATIO Left Turn 9.7% 14.6% 8.4% 0.0% Thru 2000 4000 4000 2000 2000 Thru 2.0% 14.3% 7.1% 17.7% Right Turn 1800 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 60.0% LEVEL OF SERVICE > B 1 1 I 1 iIr 1 (• 1 1 /N 1 1 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : MARRON ROAD BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW : JEFFERSON STREET TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 142 451 152 0 L 1800 1 2 1 1 Left Turn 1800 3240 1800 1800 Left Turn 7.9% 13.9% 8.4% 0.0% PM PEAK-HEAVY Thru 40 244 87 355 LT T TR 1800 2000 2000 020 020 0 1 0 0 1 0 Thru 4000 4000 2000 2000 Thru 1.0% 13.0% 5.7% 46.9% DEMAND Right Turn 0 275 26 582 R LR 1800 1800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1800 0 0 0 0 I I I I 02/28/91 I I I I I I I I I I I I I r I i INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : MARRON ROAD EW : JEFFERSON STREET BUILDOUT I PM PEAK-H INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETI 275 244 1 1 <--' V 0 2 152 ' 1 fi7 1 26 , 0 V 1 2 ^—— A I ' I 142 40 LANE GROUP CAPACITY Left Turn Default Capacity 1800 Northbound 1800 Southbound 3240 Eastbound 1800 Westbound 1800 VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Left Turn Northbound 7.9% Southbound 13.9% Eastbound 8.4% Westbound 0.0% 451 I '— > 2 0 I 0 Thru 2000 4000 4000 2000 2000 Thru 1.0% 13.0% 5.7% 46.9% A 0 ' 1 <— — -- 1 . — V A I North Right Turn 1800 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZATION Percent Utilization 86.2% LEVEL OF SERVICE > D 582 0 i I t \ I \ I I I I I I I t I I I I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: MONROE STREET BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: MARRON STREET AM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Left Turn 70 168 0 404 L 1500 1 1 1 1 Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 Lett Turn 4.7% 11.2% 0.0% 26.9% Thru 174 120 155 186 LT T 1500 1700 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 Thru 1700 1700 3400 3400 Thru 22.9% 7.1% 5.7% 16.0% Right Turn 216 0 38 358 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 000 000 000 000 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 10/05/90 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS : MONROE STREET EW : MARRON STREET BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS AM PEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY 120 168 I I v '—> 1 1 o — • •ICC __.. 38 V 1 2 0 1 I 70 1 0 A ..— ^ I I 174 216 0 ' 358 2 < 186 1 , 404 V A 1 North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 RATIO Left Turn 4.7% 11.2% 0.0% 26.9% Thru 1700 1700 1700 3400 3400 Thru 22.9% 7.1<>/fa 5.7% 16.0% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR CAPACITY UTILIZATION 76.8% Percent Utilization LEVEL OF SERVICE ---- > 0. 1 (V I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL 7 NS: MONROE STREET BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: MARRON STREET PM PEAK I I I I I r I i i i i i t TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Vehicles per Hour) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound INTERSECTION GEOMETRY (Number of Lanes) Default Capacity Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound LANE GROUP CAPACITY (VPH of Green) Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Lett Turn 22 320 0 321 L LT 1500 1500 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 Lett Turn 1.5% 21.3% 0.0% 21.4% Thru 167 333 199 161 T 1700 1 1 2 2 Thru 1700 1700 3400 3400 Thru 21.8% 19.6% 7.9% 16.7% Right Turn 203 0 71 407 TR R LR 1700 1500 1500 000 000 000 000 Right Turn 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% LTR 1500 0 0 0 0 10/05/90 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MODEL NS: MONROE STREET - BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS EW: MARRON STREET PMFEAK INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS / LANE GEOMETRY•:; -.'v ' • A 0 ' 1 0Q -. 71 v . 0 333 I I < — ' v b 1 1 0 1 1 ^— — A I I 22 167 320 1 '—> 1 0 I 203 A 0 ' 407 2 «r 1 C1<;---- 1D1 1 , 321 v A I North LANE GROUP CAPACITY Default Capacity ^Northbound "Sbuthtjpiind - Eastbound ' Westbound VOLUME/CAPACITY Northbound Southbound \j3a»£ito»- ^'westbound Left Turn 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500- RATIO Left Turn 1.5% 21.3% 0<0% 21:.4% Thru 1700 1700 1700 3400 3400 Thru 21.8% 19.6% ; 7.9% 16^7% Right Turn 1500 0 0 0 0 Right Turn 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%^" 0.0% EFFICIENCY LOST FACTOR 0.1 CAPACITY UTILIZAtiON 82.4% Percent Utilization LEVEL'OF SERVICE ——> D t I APPENDIX B Project Cost Estimates I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PROJECTS AND COST ESTIMATES INTERSECTIONS Intersection 1 . Cannon Rd. - Interstate 5 2. Cannon Rd - Paseo Del None 3. E! Camino Real - Alga Road 4. El Camino Real - Cannon Road 5. El Camino Real - Camino Vida Roble 6. El Camino Real - Carlsbad Village Dr. 7. El Camino Real - Faraday Ave. 8. El Camino Real - Palomar Airport Rd. 9. El Camino Real - Tamarack Ave. 1 0. Faraday Ave. - Orion Street 1 1 . Faraday Ave. - College Blvd. 12. Melrose Dr. - Alga Rd. 13. Palomar Airport Road - College Btvd. 14. Palomar Airport Road - Paseo Del None Project Description Road and Ramp Widening Signal Installation at Ramp termini Add one thru lane in each direction Add dual left turn signal modifications Add southbound right turn lane Left turn lanes Dual left on El Camino Real Dual left turn lanes on El Camino • right turn lanes eastbound, westbound and southbound Intersection reconstruction. Add left turn, thru and right turn lanes on all legs - phased construction Close free right turn lane signal modification for dual lefts and left turn phasing, (reimburse Foote Development) Traffic Signal Dual left turn northbound and southbound Dual left turn lanes northbound, southbound eastbound and westbound Dual left turn lane southbound Dual left turns all legs TOTAL Estimated Cost $1,750,000 $435,000 $250,000 $130,000 $320,000 $320,000 $710,000 $1,750,000 $170,000 $100,000 -0- Already Constructed $480,000 $160,000 $525,000 $7,100,000 I I I I I 1 i i i i ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET ENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 jsheet 1 of 1 'Project Title: CANNON ROAD/INTERSTATE 5 INTERCHANGE IProject No.: ^Location:iRef.: .Project Description: RAMP WIDENING (FOUR RAMPS) AND RESTRIPING CANNON ROAD Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN i X ! Conceptual j Date: 2-27-91 Checked Bv: Preliminary • Design Date: ! 'Final ITEM NO. j 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ITEM DESCRIPTION Mobilization Clear and Grub Remove Curb and Gutter Embankment and Import Curb and Gutter Asphalt Concrete 6* Aggregate Base 12" Stripe and Sign Traffic Signals Traffic Control Slope Planting and Irrigation SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION 12 13 J 14 Design at 8% Construction Admin. & Inspection at 7% Contingencies at 25 % of Total ESTIMATED QUANTITY 1 1 4,000 60,000 4,000 48,000 56,000 1 2 1 1 UNIT L.S. L.S. L.F. C.Y. L.F. S.F. S.F. L.S. Each L.S. L.S. UNIT PRICE $35,000.00 $50,000.00 $5.00 $10.00 $10.00 $1.30 $1.45 $9,000.00 $100,000.00 $20,000.00 $100.000.00 1 I 1 L.S. L.S. L.S. TOTAL COST ITEM COST S35.000 S50.000 „ S20.000 $600.000 S40.000 $62.400 $81.200 $9.000 $200.000 $20.000 $100,000 $1,217,600 $97,408 : $85,232 : $350.060 : $1,750,300 I TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED): $ 1,750,000 TERSTATE IMPROVEMENTS: ADD LANE TO EACH RAMP AND INSTALL SIGNALS AT RAMP TERMINUS. r i \ \ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET IENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 Project Title: CANNON ROAD Location: INTERSTATE 5 TO PASEO project Description: WIDEN TWELVE .Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN DEL NORTE Sheet 1 Project No.: of 1 Ref.: FEET ON BOTH NORTH AND SOUTH SIDES JDate: 2-27-91 i Checked By:Date: X I Conceptual 1 Preliminary | Design Final ITEM NO.ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 I Mobilization 2 •7 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Clear and Grub Remove Curb and Gutter Excavation and Export Curb and Gutter, Type "G" Asphalt Concrete Pavement (6') Aggregate Base (12*) 7.5" Concrete Driveway Signing and Striping Traffic Control Slope Planting and Irrigation Median Curb Stamped Concrete SUBTOTAL CONSTRUTION 14 15 16 17 18 Design at 7% Construction Admin. & Inspection it 8* Right-of-Way Right-of-Way Acquisition Costs Contingencies at 25 % ESTIMATED QUANTITY 1 1 2000 4500 1000 12000 14000 1 1 1 1 500 10800 UNIT L.S. L.S. L.F. C.Y. L.F. S.F. S.F. L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. L.F. S.F. UNIT PRICE 525,000.00 $15,000.00 $5.00 $10.00 $10.00 $1.30 $1.45 $5,000.00 $1.500.00 $1,500.00 $20,000.00 $10.00 $3.00 1 1 6000 1 1 L.S. L.S. S.F. L.S. L.S. $15.00 $20,000.00 ITEM COST S25.000 $15.000 $10.000 $45.000 $10.000 $15,600 $20.300 S5.000 $1.500 SI. 500 j $20,000 $5.000 $32.400 $206,300 $14,441 $16,504 $90.000 $20,000 $86.811 TOTAL COST| $434,056 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED): $435,000 i i INTERSTATE 5 PASEO DEL NORTE I o> o-z. o I I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET IENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 [Project Title: EL CAMINO REAL AND ALGA ROAD IMPROVEMENTS JLocation: EL CAMINO REAL AND ALGA ROAD Sheet 1 of 1 Project No.: ; Ref.: iProject Description: TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATION. DUAL LEFT TURNS AND MEDIAN IMPROVEMENTS Date: 4-15-91 i Checked By: X Conceptual [Preliminary Design ] ! Final ITEM NO.ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 [Traffic Signal Mod., Turn lanes & Median ESTIMATED QUANTITY 1 UNIT L.S. UNIT i ITEM PRICE I COST ! 5250,000 TOTAL $250,000 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED):$250,000 i I I \ \ I I I I I I 1 m I o o PCm i I I I I i r .GA ROAD i i i i IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDE SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS ACCOMODATE LEFT TURNS O DU ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET I I I I I I I I I I I ENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 Project Title: EL CAMINO REAL AND CANNON ROAD INTERSECTION Location: EL CAMINO REAL AND CANNON ROAD Project Description: RIGHT TURN LANE ON THE SOUTH BOUND SIDE OF EL Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN Date: 10-30-90 | Checked By: X [Conceptual j (Preliminary j JDesign Sheet 1 of 1 Project No.: Ref.: CAMINO REAL 'Date: i 'Final ITEM NO. [ESTIMATED ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 QUANTITY 1 ! Mobilization 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Relocate Utilities Remove Curb and Gutter Excavation /Fill Curb and Gutter, Type "G" Asphalt Concrete Pavement (5') Aggregate Base (12") 4' P.C.C. Sidewalk Handicapped Ramp Curb Inlet, Type "B-l' Slope Planting and Irrigation Signing and Striping Traffic Control Traffic Signal Relocation SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION 15 16 17 18 19 Design at 9% Construction Admin. & Inspection at 8% Righi-of-Way Righl-of-Way Acquisition Costs Contingencies at 25 % of Total j 1 500 1100 500 180 300 2500 1 1 1000 1 1 1 UNIT L.S. L.S. L.F. C.Y. L.F. Ton Ton S.F. Each Each S.F. L.S. L.S. L.S. UNIT PRICE ITEM i COST S4.000.00 $4.000 : $5.000.00 $5.00 $10.00 $12.00 $35.00 $20.00 $2.00 $600.00 $3.000.00 $1.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $15.000.00 1 1 5000 1 1 L.S. L.S. S.F. L.S. L.S. $4.00 $5,000.00 TOTAL COST $5,000 $2.500 ! $u.ooo ! $6.000 $6,300 $6.000 $5,000 $600 $3,000 $1,000 $1,000 $2,000 $15,000 $68,400 $6,156 $5,472 $20,000 $5,000 $26,257 $131,285 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED): $ 130,000 o o m CANNON ROAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DrviSlON PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Project Title: EL CAMINO REAL AND 'ENRCNDEXFORLA 5930 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE INTERSECTION Location: EL CAMINO REAL AND CAMINO V1DA ROBLE Project Description: DUAL LEFT TURN Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN X Conceptual Sheet 1 of 1 .Project No.: Ref.: POCKETS ON EL CAMINO REAL Date: 3-15-91 Preliminary Checked Bv: Design Dale: Final ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 Mobilization 2 Relocate Utilities ' 3 Remove Curb tnd Gutter i 4 Excavation/Fill I 5 'Curb and Gutter. Type *G* 1 6 ; Mediin Curb, Type "B-2' ESTIMATED ! QUANTITY 1 1 1 ' 1500 1 1100 I 500 1 1000 UNIT L.S. L.S. L.F. C.Y. L.F. S.F. ; UNIT i PRJCE S4.000.00 i S5.000.00 i S5.00 ; I $10.00 : j $12.00 ! I $12.00 ] ITEM COST $4.000 S3. 000 S7.500 Sll.OOO S6.000 $12.000 7 Asphalt Concrete Pavement (5°) 8 Aggregate Base (12*) 9 !4' P.C.C. Sidewalk 10 ; Handicapped Ramp 11 12 13 14 15 16 Curb Inlet, Type 'B-l' Mediae Stamped Concrete Slope Planting and Irrigation Signing and Striping Traffic Control Traffic Signal Relocation SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION 17 IS 19 20 21 Design at 9 % Construction Admin. 4 Inspection at 8% Right-of-Way Righl-of-Way Acquiaibcai Co*u ContingeociM at 25* of Total 180 300 2500 1 1 1000 1000 1 1 1 Ton Ton S.F. Each Each S.F. S.F. L.S. L.S. L.S. $35.00 $20.00 $2.00 $600.00 $3,000.00 $3.00 $1.00 $1,000.00 S6.300 $6.000 ' S5.000 • S600 i $3.000 $3.000 1 $1.000! $1.000 | $2,000.00 1 $2.000 : $15,000.00 1 1 5000 1 1 L.S. L.S. S.F. L.S. L.S. $4.00 $5,000.00 TOTAL COST PER LANE TWO LEFT TURN LANES: 2 X $160,535 - $15.000 ; $88,400 i $7.956 i $7.072 1 $20.000 | $5,000 I $32.107 $160,535 $321,070 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED):$320,000 :AMINO VIDA ROBLE i FUTURE m o s •z.o m ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET \ I I \ I I I I I I I I I I I IENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 Project Title: EL CAMINO REAL AND CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INTERS 'Location: EL CAMINO REAL AND CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE Sheet 1 i Project No.: Ref.: of 1 Project Description: DUAL LEFT TURN POCKETS ON EL CAMINO REAL ; Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN Date: 3-15-91 '.Checked By: i X Conceptual j Preliminary I {Design 'Date: ! Final ITEM NO. ESTIMATED ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY 1 Mobilization 2 'Relocate Utilities 3 i Remove Curb and Gutter 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Excavation/Fill Curb and Gutter, Type 'G" Median Curb. Type 'B-2" Asphalt Concrete Pavement (5") Aggregate Base (12") 4" P.C.C. Sidewalk Handicapped Ramp Curb Inlet, Type "B-l' Median Stamped Concrete Slope Planting and Irrigation Signing and Striping Traffic Control Traffic Signal Relocation SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION 17 18 19 20 21 Design at 9% Construction Admin. & Inspection at 8% Right-of-Wty Right-of-Wiy Ac^is&oD Cotti Contingencies at 25* of Total 1 t 1500 1100 500 1000 180 300 2500 1 1 1000 1000 1 1 1 UNIT UNIT PRICE ITEM COST L.S. $4.000.00 | $4.000 L.S. L.F. C.Y. L.F. S.F. Ton Ton S.F. Each Each S.F. S.F. L.S. L.S. L.S. S5.000.00 $5.00 $10.00 $12.00 $12.00 $35.00 $20.00 $2.00 $600.00 $3,000.00 $3.00 $1.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $15,000.00 1 1 5000 1 1 L.S. L.S. S.F. L.S. L.S. $4.00 $5,000.00 TOTAL COST PER LANE TWO LEFT TURNS: 2 X $160,535 - $5.000 $7.500 $11.000 i $6,000 i $12,000.00 $6.300 $6,000 1 $5,000 $600 $3,000 $3.000.00 $1.000 $1,000 $2,000 $15.000 $88,400 $7,956 $7,072 $20,000 $5.000 $32,107 $160,535 $321,070.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED): $320,000 \ I i m-r~ o CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET ! Project Title: FARADAY AVENUE AND •Location: FARADAY AVENUE AND EL IENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 EL CAMINO REAL INTERSECTION CAMINO REAL : Project Description: RIGHT TURN LANES ON BOTH LEGS Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN 1 X ! Conceptual j JDate: 10-30-90 iPreliminary OF FARADAY & ! Checked Bv: i Design i Sheet Project Ref.: 1 No. NORTH LEG of 1 OF EL CAMINO Date: Final REAL ITEM] . .ESTIMATED NO. 1 ITEM DESCRIPTION | QUANTITY 1 Mobilization 1 2 Relocate Utilities ! 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Remove Curb and Gutter Excavation/Fill Curb and Gutter, Type "G' Asphalt Concrete Pavement (5') Aggregate Base (12') 4' P.C.C. Sidewalk Handicapped Ramp Curb Inlet, Type 'B-l' Slope Planting and Irrigation Signing and Striping Traffic Control Traffic Signal Relocation SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION 15 16 17 18 19 Design at 9% Construction Admin. & Inspection at 8% Right-of-Way Right-of-Way Acquisition Cottt Contiagencie* at 25% of Total 500 1100 500 ISO 300 2500 1 1 1000 1 1 1 UNIT L.S. L.S. L.F. C.Y. L.F. Ton Ton S.F. Each Each S.F. L.S. L.S. L.S. UNIT ; ITEM PRICE i COST S4.000.00 i S4.000 $5.000.00 S5.000 ; $5.00 $2.500 i $10.00 $11.000 $12.00 $6.000 $35.00 $6,300 $20.00 $6,000 $2.00 $600.00 $3,000.00 $1.00 $1.000.00 $2.000.00 $15,000.00 1 1 5000 1 1 L.S. L.S. S.F. L.S. L.S. $4.00 $5,000.00 TOTAL COST PER LANE THREE RIGHT TURNS: 3 X $131, 285- TWO LEFT TURNS: 2 X $160,535 - (SEE PREVIOUS COST EST. SHEET FOR DETAILS) TOTAL COST $5.000 $600 $3,000 $1.000 $1,000 $2,000 $15,000 $68,400 $6.156 $5,472 $20,000 $5,000 $26.257 $131,285 $393,855 $321,070 $714,925 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED): $710.000 \ (rFARADAY AVENUE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET !ENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 Project Title: EL CAMINO REAL AND PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Location: INTERSECTION PLUS 1000 FEET OF EACH LEG ! Sheet 1 : Project No.: 'Ref.: of I Project Description: REBUILD AND WIDEN INTERSECTION Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN iDate: 3-22-91 iChecked By: | X ! Conceptual i Preliminary ; ; Design Date: Final ITEM NO.ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY 1 j Mobilization < 1 2 Relocate Utilities 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Remove Curb and Gutter Remove Sidewalk Remove Pavement Remove & Rehabilitate Pavement Grading (Cut & Fill) Curb and Gutter, Type "G" Median Curb, Type "B-2" Pavement (6" A.C. & 20' A.B.) 4' P.C.C. Sidewalk Handicapped Ramp Streetlight Median Stamped Concrete Median Landscaping and Irrigation Slope Planting and Irrigation Signing and Striping Traffic Signal Modification Utility Undergrouading Traffic Control SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION 25 26 29 Design at 6% Construction Admin. A Inspection at 5 % Contingencie* at 25% of Total 1 2,000 15,000 40,000 10,000 15,000 6,000 6,000 110,000 30,000 4 12 35,000 20,000 70,000 1 1 I 1 UNIT UNIT PRICE ITEM COST L.S. S25.000.00 i $25.000 L.S. L.F. S.F. S.F. S.F. C.Y. L.F. L.F. S.F. S.F. Each Each S.F. S.F. S.F. L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. $50.000.00 $5.00 $1.00 $1.50 $5.00 $7.00 $10.00 $10.00 $2.80 $2.00 $750.00 $3,000.00 $3.00 $3.00 $1.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $100,000.00 $25,000.00 1 1 1 L.S. L.S. L.S. TOTAL COST S50.000 S10.000 ; $15.000 $60,000 $50.000 $105.000 | $60.000 $60.000 i $308,000 ' $60.000 $3.000 $36.000 $105.000 $60.000 $70,000 $5.000 $50.000 $100,000 $25.000 $1,257,000 $75,420 $62.850 $348,818 $1.744,088 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED):$1,750,000 ~0> Si—i ii o ' §1 EL CAMiNO REAL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET !ENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 ^Sheet 1 of 1 project Title: TAMARACK AVENUE AND EL CAMINO REAL INTERSECTION jproject No.: j Location: TAMARACK AVENUE AND EL CAMINO REAL :Ref.: Project Description: DUAL LEFT TURN POCKETS WESTBOUND, CLOSE FREE RIGHT Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN iDate: 3-15-91 [Checked By:Date: X I Conceptual j Preliminary ! Design Final ITEM SO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ITEM DESCRIPTION Mobilization Relocate Utilities Remove Curb and Gutter Excavation /Fill Curb and Gutter, Type "G' Asphalt Concrete Pavement (5') Aggregate Base (12*) 4" P.C.C. Sidewalk Handicapped Ramp Curb Inlet, Type -fl-l" Slope Planting and Irrigation Signing and Striping Traffic Control Traffic Signal Relocation SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION 15 16 17 18 19 Design at 9% Construction Admin. & Inspection at 8% Right-of-Wiy Right-of-Way Acquisition Costa Contingencies at 25% of Total ESTIMATED QUANTITY 1 1 1500 1100 1500 180 300 2500 1 1 1000 1 1 1 UNIT UNIT PRICE L.S. $10.000.00 L.S. L.F. C.Y. L.F. Ton P" Ton S.F. Each Each S.F. L.S. L.S. L.S. S5.000.00 $5.00 $10.00 $12.00 $35.00 $20.00 $2.00 $600.00 $3,000.00 $1.00 $1,000.00 $2.000.00 $20,000.00 1 1 soool 1 1 L.S. L.S. S.F. L.S. L.S. $4.00 $5,000.00 TOTAL COST ITEM COST SIO.OOO $5,000 $7,500 : $11,000 i $18,000 1 $6,300 i $6,000 $5,000 i $600 i $3.000 '; $1.000 $1,000 i $2,000 | $20.000 | $96,400 ! $8.676 j $7.712 $20,000 $5,000 $34.447 $172,235 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED):$170,000 m o ^0m I o • OCOm mm o TAMARACK AVENUE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET ENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 Sheet 1 of iProject Title: FARADAY AVENUE AND ORION STREET TRAFFIC SIGNAL jProject No.: Location: FARADAY AVENUE AND ORION STREET Ref.: Project Description: TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS TO ACCOMODATE DUAL LEFT TURNS Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN Date: 4-15-91 X Conceptual | j Preliminary ITEM NO. 1 2 3 4 ITEM DESCRIPTION Traffic Signal Design at 7% Construction Admin. & Inspection at 8% Contingencies at 25 % ESTIMATED QUANTITY Checked By. Design Date: : Final UNIT L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. UNIT PRICE ITEM ; COST $71,500 $5.005 ! $5.720 i $17.875 i TOTAL COST[$100,100 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED):$100,000 ; >^c m-z.cm tni ORION WAY IMPROVEMENTS: TRAFFIC SIGNAL TO BE INSTALLED AT INTERSECTION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET 'ENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 Project Title: MELROSE AVENUE AND ALGA ROAD INTERSECTION Location: MELROSE AVENUE AND ALGA ROAD Sheet 1 of 1 Project No.: Ref.: Project Description: DUAL LEFT TURN POCKETS AT ALL LEFT TURN POCKETS Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN JDate: 3-15-91 Checked By: j X ! Conceptual | Preliminary | {Design Date: ! ;Final ITEM NO.ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 Mobilization 2 | Relocate Utilities 3 'Remove Curb and Gutter 4 5 6 7 g 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Excavation/Fill Curb and Gutter, Type "G" Median Curb, Type "B-2' Asphalt Concrete Pavement (5*) Aggregate Base (12*) 4' P.C.C. Sidewalk Handicapped Ramp Curb Inlet, Type 'B- 1" Median Stamped Concrete Slope Planting and Irrigation Signing and Striping Traffic Control Traffic Signal Relocation SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION 17 18 19 20 21 Design at 9% Construction Admin. & Inspection at 8% Right-of-Way Right-of-Way Acqnuiliam Cottt Contingencies at 25% of Total ESTIMATED QUANTITY 1 I 1500 1100 500 1000 180 300 2500 1 1 1000 1000 1 1 1 UNIT L.S. L.S. L.F. C.Y. L.F. S.F. Ton Ton S.F. Each Each S.F. S.F. L.S. L.S. L.S. UNIT PRICE $4,000.00 $5,000.00 $5.00 $10.00 $12.00 $12.00 $35.00 $20.00 $2.00 $600.00 $3,000.00 $3.00] $1.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $15,000.00 1 1 5000 1 1 L.S. L.S. S.F. L.S. L.S. $4.00 $5.000.00 TOTAL COST THREE DUAL LEFT TURNS: 3 X $160,535 - ITEM COST S4.000 $5.000 $7,500 $11,000 $6,000 $12.000 $6,300 $6.000 $5,000 i $600 $3,000 $3,000 $1,000 j $1,000 $2,000 $15,000 $88.400 $7,956 $7.072 $20,000 $5,000 $32.107 $160.535 $481,605 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED):$480,000 r C <>; J•*w j- - ALGA ROAD I m c:m I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED): ENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 Project Title: PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD & COLLEGE BOULEVARD INTERSECTION Location: PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD Sheet 1 of 1 i Project No.: Ref.: Project Description: DUAL LEFT TURN POCKET AT SOUTH BOUND COLLEGE BOULEVARD Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN Date: 3-15-91 X [Conceptual Preliminary ITEM NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ITEM DESCRIPTION Mobilization Relocate Utilities Remove Curb and Gutter Excavation/Fill Curb and Gutter, Type "G" Median Curb, Type "B-2" Asphalt Concrete Pavement (5°) Aggregate Base (12') 4' P.C.C. Sidewalk Handicapped Ramp Curb Inlet, Type "B-l" Median Stamped Concrete Slope Planting and Irrigation Signing and Striping Traffic Control Traffic Signal Relocation SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION 17 18 19 20 21 Design at 9% Construction Admin. & Inspection at 8% Right-of-Way Right-of-Way Acquisition Costs Contingencies at 25 % of Total ESTIMATED QUANTITY 1 1 1500 1100 500 1000 180 300 2500 1 1 1000 1000 1 1 1 1 1 5000 1 1 Checked By: iDate: : (Design UNIT L.S. L.S. L.F. C.Y. L.F. S.F. Ton Ton S.F. Each Each S.F. S.F. L.S. L.S. L.S. UNIT PRICE $4,000.00 S5.000.00 $5.00 $10.00 $12.00 $12.00 $35.00 $20.00 $2.00 $600.00 $3,000.00 $3.00 $1.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $15,000.00 L.S. L.S. S.F. L.S. L.S. $4.00 $5,000.00 TOTAL COST ! Final ITEM i COST ! $4,000 $5,000 | $7.500 SI 1.000 $6,000 $12.000 $6,300 $6.000 $5,000 $600 S3 .000 $3,000 $1.000 $1.000 $2,000 $15,000 $88,400 $7,956 $7,072 $20,000 $5,000 $32,107 $160,535 $160,000 N T) p_ O j> 50 > ~D O — 1 o O £ \ \ 111 111111 \\ COLLEGE BLVD. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET |ENR INDEX FOR LA.- 5930 Project Title: PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND PASEO DEL NORTE INTERSECTION Location: PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND PASEO DEL NORTE Sheet 1 of 1 Project No.: Ref.: Project Description: DUAL LEFT TURN POCKETS - ALL LEGS OF INTERSECTION Estimated By: ROBERT JOHNSON ~|Date: 5-8-91 X Conceptual ] Preliminary ITEM NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ITEM DESCRIPTION Mobilizatioo Relocate Utilities Remove Curb and Gutter Remove Sidewalk Remove Pavement Curb & Gutter, Type "G" Median Curb, Type "B-2" Asphalt Concrete Pavement (5") Aggregate Base (12*) 4" P.C.C. Sidewalk 7.5" Concrete Driveway Handicapped Ramp Curb Inlet, Type 'B-l" Median Stamped Concrete Median Landscaping and Irrigation Signing and Striping Traffic Control Traffic Signal SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION 19 20 21 Design at 10% Construction Admin.*. Inspection at 10% Contingencies at 20% of Total ESTIMATED QUANTITY 1 1 800 3000 1000 500 2000 200 400 2500 2 4 4 6000 1 I 1 1 Checked By: iDate: ] Design | : Final UNIT L.S. L.S. L.F. S.F. S.F. L.F. L.F. Ton Ton S.F. Each Each Each S.F. L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. UNIT PRICE $40.000.00 $100.000.00 $5.00 $1.00 $1.50 $10.00 $10.00 $35.00 $20.00 $2.00 2000 $1,500.00 $3,000.00 $3.00 5000 $6,000.00 $15,000.00 $100,000.00 1 1 1 L.S. L.S. L.S. ITEM COST S40.000 5100.000 54,000 53,000 51,500 i 55,000 i 520,000 57,000 58,000 ' 55,000 54,000 56,000 $12,000 518.000 55,000 j 56,000 $15.000 $100,000 $359,500 $35,950 $35.950 $86,280 TOTAL COST TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED): $517,680 $525,000 I I • I ! "D i>r~O -y : : i ! ; §1 III i ! PASEO DEL NORTE i ! L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PROJECTS AND COST ESTIMATES ROADWAY SEGMENTS Project 1 . Alga Road 2. Avenida Encinas 3. Carlsbad Boulevard 4. Carlsbad Village Drive 5. Carlsbad Village Drive* 6. El Camino Real 7. El Camino Real 8. La Costa Avenue 9. La Costa Avenue* 10. Leucadia Boulevard** 1 1 . Olivenhain Road & Rancho Santa Fe Rd. ** 12. Poinsettia Lane Description Widen south side from Mimosa Drive to El Camino Real Widen south of Palomar Airport Road Widen from Manzano Drive to 600 ft. north of Cannon Road Widen from Pontiac Drive to Victoria Avenue Widen east of B Camino Real Widen from Tamarack Avenue to Chestnut Avenue Widen from La Costa Avenue to Arenal Road Widen from I-5 to B Camino Real Mitigation for widening Construct from existing terminus east to B Camino Real Widen from B Camino Real to Melrose Drive Widen from I-5 to Batiquitos Lane TOTAL Cost $ 300,000 525,000 2,100,000 1,360,000 450,000 1,760,000 450,000 6,710,000 765,000 3,500,000 6,000,000 1,870,000 $25,790,000 Construction completed **City contribution only-not full project I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET ;ENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 ! Sheet 1 of I Project Title: ALGA ROAD j Project No.: ! Location: MIMOSA DRIVE TO EL CAMINO REAL JRef.: Project Description: ADDITION OF ONE THRU LANE AND BIKE LANE ON THE SOUTH SIDE Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN 'Date: 10-30-90 jChecked By:Date: X j Conceptual ; Preliminary •Design Final ITEM NO.ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 ; Mobilization 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Relocate Utilities Remove Curb and Gutter Excavation/Fill Curb and Gutter. Type *G" Asphalt Concrete Pavement (5*) Aggregate Base (12*) 4" P.C.C. Sidewalk Handicapped Ramp Curb Inlet, Type 'B-r Slope Planting and Irrigation Signing and Striping Traffic Control Traffic Signal Relocation SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION 15 16 17 18 19 Design at 9% Construction Admin. & Inspection at 8% Right-of-Wiy Righl-of-Way Acquisition Cost* Contingencies at 25 X of Total ESTIMATED QUANTITY 1 1 1250 2000 1250 400 700 6300 4 2 10000 1 1 1 UNIT L.S. L.S. L.F. C.Y. L.F. Ton Ton S.F. Each Each S.F. L.S. L.S. L.S. UNIT PRICE $15.000.00 $10,000.00 $5.00 $10.00 $12.00 $35.00 $20.00 $2.00 $600.00 $3,000.00 $1.00 $5,000.00 $7,500.00 $25,000.00 1 1 10000 1 1 L.S. L.S. [ S.F. L.S. L.S. $4.00 $10,000.00 TOTAL COST ITEM COST S15.000 $10.000 : S6.250 ; $20.000 $15,000 $14.000 $14.000 $12,600 $2,400 $6.000 $10.000 i $5.000 $7,500 $25.000 $162,750 $14.648 $13.020 $40.000 $10,000 $60,104 $300,522 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED):$300,000 O. E UUl ca i O | UUl 3E0. a. 2 oUl ca. O UJoIo (0 a.c ^UJ Q & Ifs& 23 II09 _• HC 00 2 UJ cQ. 1V3H ONIWVO 13 0 a W 5 UJ 2 0. K 00- 2> O UJ1 O (0 3AIBQ NOSWdO 133blS VilNVZNVK O HI^o DC 0. 3AIHQ Oi §§ III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET ENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 (Project Title: AVEN1DA ENCINAS [Location: PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD TO 2700 FEET SOUTH Sheet 1 of I Project No.: Ref.: | Project Description: WIDEN WEST SIDE OF STREET TO COMPLETE TO STANDARD 'Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN Date: 10-31-90 'Checked By:Date: X 'Conceptual jPreliminary [Design Final ITEM NO.ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 ; Mobilization 2 Fill 3 Curb and Gutter, Type "G" 4 (Asphalt Concrete Pavement (4") 5 6 7 8 9 Aggregate Base (12") 4" P.C.C. Sidewalk Streetlight Signing and Striping Traffic Control ESTIMATED QUANTITY 1 8,000 2,700 1,940 6,000 13,500 5 1 1 UNIT L.S. C.Y. L.F. Ton Ton S.F. Each L.S. L.S. UNIT PRICE $35.000.00 $7.00 $12.00 $35.00 $20.00 $2.00 $3,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION 10 11 12 Design at 8% Construction Admin. & Inspection at 7% Contingencies at 25 % of Total 1 1 1 L.S. L.S. L.S. TOTAL COST ITEM COST $35.000 $56.000 $32.400 $67.900 $120,000 $27,000 $15,000 $5.000 $5.000 $363,300 $29,064 $25,431 $104,449 $522,244 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED):$525,000 a£LIIo O CO H < § o a LJJ t Z UJ LU3tc | OUJ a 8- IIo Q. •5 OE E oca. ui I** I i ^ w111 11! I I I I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET iENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 'Sheet 1 of 1 i Project Title: CARLSBAD BOULEVARD 'Location: MANZANO DRIVE TO 600 FEET NORTH OF CANNON ROAD Project No.: Ref.: |Project Description: REBUILD AND WIDEN TO FOUR LANES WITH MEDIAN 'Estimated Bv: RICHARD ALLEN I- IDate: 3-22-91 j Checked By:Date: X ! Conceptual I Preliminary [Design TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED): 'Final ITEM NO. 1 2 ITEM DESCRIPTION Mobilization Relocate Utilities 3 | Remove Curb and Gutter 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Remove Pavement Excavation Fill Curb and Gutter, Type "G" Median Curb, Type 'B-2* Asphalt Concrete Pavement (5") Aggregate Base (12*) 4' P.C.C. Sidewalk 5.5" Concrete Driveway Handicapped Ramp Curb Inlet, Type "B-r Streetlight Median Stamped Concrete Median Landscaping and Irrigation Signing and Striping Traffic Control SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION 20 21 22 Design at 8% Construction Admin. & Inspection at 1% Contingencies at 25% of Total ESTIMATED QUANTITY 1 1 3,000 40,000 15,000 5,000 6,400 6,400 6,000 15,000 32,000 20 4 4 6 30,000 10,000 1 1 UNIT L.S. L.S. L.F. S.F. C.Y. C.Y. L.F. L.F. Ton Ton S.F. Each Each Each Each S.F. S.F. L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. UNIT PRICE $100,000.00 S 100.000.00 $5.00 $1.50 $10.00 $5.00 $10.00 $10.00 $35.00 $20.00 $2.00 $500.00 $750.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $3.00 $10.00 $5,000.00 $25,000.00 TOTAL COST ITEM COST ! $100,000 S100.000 S15.000 i S60.000 i $150.000 $25.000 i $64.000 ! $64.000 $210.000 S300.000 I $64,000 | $10,000 ! $3.000 $12,000 $18,000 $90,000 $100,000 $5.000 $25,000 $1,415,000 $113.200 $99,050 $406,813 $2,034,063 $2,100,000 o z ~~ 2 uj £ 9 w Quj CC H 2O UJm _JI 8 cc<o oo wI o UJ 4 f.i i.CANNON ROADA.T.4 S.F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II . RAILROAD 1 1 1 i I i i I 1 I M IT 3AIUOV 1O9UV 13 BAIdd DRIVE^ CEREZOS3T8OU SOT 1 I I 3AIUQ ONVZNVW \O UJ->Occ Q. QV8S1UVO hiII ! ISu I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET ENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 'Project Title: CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE [Location: PONTIAC DRIVE TO EAST OF VICTORIA STREET I Sheet IP reject JRef.: 1 of No.: 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I iProject Description: CONSTRUCT HALF STREET WIDENING ON EAST SIDE Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN Date: 3-13-91 X ] Conceptual | Preliminary ITEM NO. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ITEM DESCRIPTION Mobilization Clear and Grub Excavation Fill (Import) Curb and Gutter, Type "G" Median Curb, Type 'B-2" Asphalt Concrete Pavement (4") Aggregate Base (10") 4" P.C.C. Sidewalk 30" R.C.P. Curb Inlet, Type "B-l' Streetlight Metal Beam Guardrail Slope Planting and Irrigation Signing and Striping Traffic Control SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION 17 18 19 Design at 7 % Construction Admin. & Inspection at 5% Contingencies at 25% of Total ESTIMATED QUANTITY 1 1 5,000 50,000 3,300 2,000 2,280 5,934 16,500 100 2 6 900 130,000 1 1 Checked By: Date: [Design ! ; Final UNIT L.S. L.S. C.Y. C.Y. L.F. L.F. Ton Ton S.F. L.F. Each Each L.F. S.F. L.S. L.S. UNIT j ITEM PRICE 1 COST $25.000.00 $50,000.00 $3.00 $8.00 $10.00 $10.00 $35.00 $18.00 $2.00 $120.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $30.00 $1.00 $2.000.00 $10,000.00 1 1 1 L.S. L.S. L.S. TOTAL COST S25.000 $50.000 S15.000 $400.000 $33.000 $20,000 j $79,800 ! $106.812 $33,000 S12.000 ' $6,000 $18,000 ! $27.000 i $130,000 $2,000 $10,000 $967,612 $67,733 $48,381 $270,931 $1,354,657 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED):$1,360,000 o £cco WUJO o UJ oocCL a. o UJo UJ UJ UJ oUJscca. a. Ioo tn I O I O <A S ccotf>UJo 111 Bca § I l»!4 11 s? I!» ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET I I I I I I I I I I I ] Project Title: EL CAMINO REAL ENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 JLocation: TAMARACK AVENUE TO CHESTNUT AVENUE i Sheet 1 of i Project No.: |Ref.: 1 Project Description: WIDEN TO SIX LANES - ADD ONE LANE EACH DIRECTION Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN j Date: 10-31-90 IChecked By: Date: X ;Conceptual | i Preliminary | j Design Final ITEM NO.ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 Mobilization 2 Clear and Grub 3 'Excavation and Export 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Curb and Gutter, Type "G" Asphalt Concrete Pavement (6") Aggregate Base (12') 4" P.C.C. Sidewalk Brow Ditch Streetlight Slope Planting and Irrigation Signing and Striping Traffic Control ESTIMATED QUANTITY Ij 1 72,000 2,400 1,730 3,800 14,000 2,400 10 108,000 1 1 UNIT L.S. L.S. C.Y. L.F. Ton Ton S.F. L.F. Each S.F. L.S. L.S. UNIT PRICE $50.000.00 $15,000.00 $10.00 $10.00 $35.00 $20.00 $2.00 $10.00 $3,000.00 $1.00J $5,000.00 $15,000.00 SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION 13 14 15 16 17 Design at 6% Construction Admin. & Inspection at 5 % Right-of-Way Right-of-Way Acquisition Costs Contingencies at 25 % of Total 1 1 140,000 1 1 L.S. L.S. S.F. L.S. L.S. $0.80 $10,000.00 TOTAL COST ITEM COST S50.000 $15.000 ,. $720,000 • S24.000 $60,550 : $76.000 ! $28,000 . $24,000 ' $30.000 ': $108,000 ! $5,000 ! $15,000 j $1,155,550 I S69.333 1 $57,778 | $112.000 i $10,000 | $351,165 I $1,755,826 | TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED):$1,760,000 IUJ o 1 u.aDCuw UJo oo 0) .o g § oUJ§ s 1 o CD •5 I oUl ora 1 ULac a oP u 3 o111 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET IENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 'Project Title: EL CAMINO REAL Location: LA COSTA AVENUE TO ARENAL ROAD | Sheet 1 of i Project No.: iRef.: 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I jProject Description: WIDEN BY ADDING SOUTHBOUND LANE Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN bate: 10-31-90 X ITEM NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Conceptual | i Preliminary ITEM DESCRIPTION Mobilization Clear and Grub Curb and Gutter, Type 'G' Asphalt Concrete Pavement (5") Aggregate Base (12*) 4' P.C.C. Sidewalk Brow Ditch Streetlight Slope Planting and Irrigation Signing and Striping Traffic Control SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION 12 13 14 Design at 8% Construction Admin. & Inspection at 6% Contingencies at 25 % of Total ESTIMATED QUANTITY 1 1 2400 1730 3800 14000 2000 10 1 1 1 Checked Bv: Date: ! Design ; Final UNIT L.S. L.S. L.F. Ton Ton S.F. L.F. Each L.S. L.S. L.S. UNIT PRICE ITEM COST $25,000.00 | 525.000 S25. 000.00 $10.00 $35.00 $20.00 $2.00 $10.00 $3,000.00 $10,000.00 $5.000.00 $10,000.00 1 1 1 L.S. L.S. L.S. TOTAL COST S25.000 $24,000 '. $60,550 ' $76,000 | $28.000 i $20.000 ' $30,000 ' $10.000 $5.000 $10.000 $313,550 $25,084 $18.813 $89,362 $446,809 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED): $450,000 a.£ uiQ O UI oca. a. u occ incr UJ co 8* o cc0. u. UJcc o I<o .1 II qTaa °NIWVO 73 z oo otra. 1 9 i-i11!ii ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET I \ I I I I I I I I I I I LA COSTA AVENUE From 1-5 to El Camino Real DESIGN ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: 1-19-89 Construction Cost = (Enr LA Index = 5773) Current Enr LA Index 1.0372 5988 5988 5773 1.0372 x 4,798,379 = Round to Design @ 5.3% Design & Contract Admin. & Insp. @ 2.3% Contingency @ 15% of Const. Right-of-Way Cost Estimated By: Richard Allen Date: 10-30-90 $4,798,379 $4,977,081 $5,000,000 Const. Cost 265,000 115,000 750.000 $6,130,000 580.000 $6,710,000 TOTAL PROJECT COST $6,710,000 o 0.Eu(A UJo o UJ cra. a u UJa UJ UJ 8o o uUJ a. $I •5 •Bins. s. i sI« o- •9 O £ s> W , z 2 a r-uHI3S |lJ I I ONIWVO T3 ^UJ 3 Z UJ >< "^O ^111 -^^ -9 Occa. QVOU ANOXVS ?l - §! os» a1 § ii! S ? I I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET ENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 I Sheet 1 of 1 Project Title: LEUCAD1A BOULEVARD j Project No.: JLocation: EXISTING LEUCADIA BOULEVARD EASTBOUND TO EL CAMINO REALJRef.: jproject Description: CONSTRUCT A FOUR LANE MAJOR ARTERIAL STREET - CITY CONTRIBUTION Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN X (Conceptual j Date: 4-15-91 Preliminary ITEM NO. 1 ITEM DESCRIPTION Estimated Contribution ESTIMATED QUANTITY Checked By: iDate: 'Design ! Final UNIT L.S. UNIT PRICE TOTAL COST ITEM COST $3.500.000 $3,500,000 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED):$3,500,000 O a.£otnIDO OUJ cca. a o O zaio DCC O1o oai CCa. O D.E UJo oca.o uj oCD •g£ u UJ 1V3H a S (J 3 o oca. I I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET ENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 {Sheet 1 of 1 Project Title: OLIVENHA1N ROAD AND RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD [Project No.: Location: EL CAMINO REAL TO MELROSE DRIVE Ref.: I Project Description: CONSTRUCT A SIX LANE PRIME ARTERIAL AT SEVERAL LOCATIONS - CITY CONTR1BU1ON X jConceptual ITEM NO. 1 Preliminary ITEM DESCRIPTION Estimated Contribution ESTIMATED QUANTITY [Design IFinal UNIT L.S. UNIT PRICE TOTAL COST ITEM COST S6. 000, 000 $6,000,000 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED):$6,000,000 Q I UJ 1 is — I 1 S * 3 o «£ 3 UJ UJO X)0) r•5 .3"tr Io V1NVS a. o z< §Q O UJ 1 I 5 1 ill!I I I I I I I I I i I I I l I i ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET Project Title: POINSETTIA LANE ENR INDEX FOR LA Location: INTERSTATE 5 TO PASEO DEL NORTE 5930 ; Sheet 1 IProject No.: JRef.: of I Project Description: WIDEN STREET Estimated Bv: RICHARD ALLEN Date: 11-1-90 Checked By:;Date: X Conceptual iPreliminary I Design 'Final ITEM NO.ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 Mobilization 2 | Relocate Utilities 3 1 Remove Curb and Gutter 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Remove Sidewalk Excavation Curb and Gutter, Type "G" Median Curb, Type "B-2" Asphalt Concrete Pavement (5*) Aggregate Base (12") 4" P.C.C. Sidewalk Curb Inlet, Type 'B-l' Sound Wall, 8' High Streetlight (Relocate) Median Stamped Concrete Signing and Striping Traffic Control SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION 17 18 19 2'0 21 Design at 7% Construction Admin, it Inspection at 8% Right-of-Way Right-of-Way Acquisition Costs Contingencies »t 25% of Total ESTIMATED QUANTITY 1 1 950 950 5000 950 700 300 780 4750 2 300 1 1200 1 1 1 1 5326 1 1 UNIT L.S. L.S. L.F. S.F. C.Y. L.F. L.F. Ton Ton S.F. Each L.F. L.S. S.F. L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. S.F. L.S. L.S. UNIT PRICE S40.000.00 $10,000.00 S5.00 Sl.OO $10.00 SIO.OO $10.00 $35.00 $20.00^ $2.00 $3,000.00 $240.00 $10,000.00 $3.00 $5,000.00 $5.000.00 $15.00 $20,000.00 TOTAL COST ITEM COST 540,000 S10.000 $4,750 S950 i $50,000 $9.500 $7.000 $10.500 i $15,600 $9.500 ! S6.000 ! $72.000 $10.000 $3,600 $5,000 $5.000J $259,400 $18.158 $20,752 $79,890 $20,000 $99,550 $497,750 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED):$500,000 CD illQ 11) 111CO 6Q_ I U§ %ao ina>S S n i- M o Q. WUlQ UUJ cca. <n o "Ic '*€58 OUlUl U CCa 31UON T3Q O3SVd O 5 Z u. UUl D. 1 i 1 i *i si s fO i uU L3 : U.Construction ||§ 11 1 1 1 2 8j 1 :£ *" n « •£ « 3 5 1 I =i i 1 f 1 ft ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET I \ I I I I I -1 I I IENRINDEX iProjecl Title: POINSETTIA LANE i Location: PASEO DEL NORTE TO BATIQUITOS DRIVE FOR LA: 5930 i Sheet 1 | Project No.: :.Ref.: of 1 [Project Description: WIDEN STREET TO SIX LANES JEstimated By: RICHARD ALLEN JDate: 1-3-91 j X 'Conceptual ;Preliminary 'Checked By: i {Design 'Date: i Final ITEM NO.ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY 1 i Mobilization 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 j 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Construction Staking and Marking Traffic Control Excavation (Fill) Excavation (Haul) Curb and Gutter Sidewalk Drainage Retaining Wall Full Depth AC Paving Existing AC (Fog S«al) Metal Beam Guard Rail Traffic Signal - New Traffic Signals - Modify Signs Landscape and Irrigation Temporary Work/Removal Striping and Marking Survey Work SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION Design at 7 % Construction Admin. & Inspection at 5% Right-of-Way & Utility Relocation Contingency at 25 % of Total 1 1 975 65 2900 2100 1 1750 22900 5160 300 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UNIT L.S. L.S. L.S. C.Y. C.Y. L.F. L.F. L.S. S.F. S.F. S.Y. L.F. Each Each L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. UNIT PRICE ITEM COST 565,000.00 i S65.000 $18,700.00 $62,400.00 $17.00 $22.00 $12.00 $15.00 $31,200.00 $30.00 $4.10 $0.10 $25.00 $120,000.00 $120,000.00 $2,000.00 $18,700.00 $6.200.00 $6,200.00 $5,000.00 $18.700'' $62,400 $16,575 $1,430 $34,800 $31.500 S3 1.200 $52,500 $93,890 $516 i $7.500 i $120,000 1 $120,000 i $2.000] $18,700 $6,200 $6,200 $5.000 $694,111 1 1 1 1 L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. $310,000.00 TOTAL COST $48,588 $34,706 $310.000 $271,851 $1,359.255 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED): $1,370.000 CO o 0> 111o OPI uUJ3cc LU iIIo iC/3 Oo. c 4 'I I len this:h directiI *o>if UJ 3NVT sonnoiiva o HI—)o CC. Q. 31UON 130 O3SVd O OQ 3ccQ. § X UJ I S 11! ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET I I \ I I I I I I I I I ENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 Project Title: ALGA ROAD Location: MIMOSA DRIVE TO EL CAMINO REAL Project Description: ADDITION OF ONE Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN y Conceptual ; Sheet 1 of I Project No.: Ref.: THRU LANE AND BIKE LANE ON THE SOUTH SIDE Date: 10-30-90 Preliminary ITEM ; NO.ITEM DESCRIPTION Checked By: Design ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT Date: Final UNIT j PRICE 1 ITES1 COST ; Mobilization L.S.$15,000.00 SI 5.000 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Relocate Utilities • Remove Curb and Gutter Excavation/Fill Curb and Gutter. Type "G" Asphalt Concrete Pavement (5") Aggregate Base (12*) 4" P.C.C. Sidewalk Handicapped Ramp Curb Inlet. Type 'B-l' Slope Planting and Irrigation Signing and Striping Traffic Control Traffic Signal Relocation SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION Design at 9% Construction Admin. & Inspection at 8% Right-of-Way Right-of-Way Acquisition Co»ti Contingencies at 25% of Tool I 1250 2000 1250 400 700 6300 4 2 10000 10000 1 1 L.S. L.F. C.Y. L.F. Ton Ton S.F. Each Each S.F. L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. S.F. L.S. L.S. $10,000.00 $5.00 $10.00 $12.00 $35.00 $20.00 $2.00 $600.00 $3,000.00 $1.00 $5,000.00 $7.500.00 $25,000.00 $4.00 $10.000.00 TOTAL COST S10.000 S6.250 • S20.000 SI5.000 ' $14.000 ! $14.000 $12.600 S2.400 $6.000 $10.000 $5,000 $7,500 $25,000 $162,750 $14.648j $13.020 $40.000 $10.000 $60.104 $300,522 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED):$300,000 0.i UlQ 5Ul Q. CJ 8 3oc o UJ2 O<r i ivaa ONIWVO na CO ± UJ Z 0- Ko?; 2 > O ui X O(0 0. i o oUl 3AIUQ I 133U1S o UJ^occ Q. 3AIHQ § I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET ENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 ! Project Title: AVEN1DA ENCINAS i Location: PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD TO 2700 FEET SOUTH ': Sheet 1 j Project No.: IRef.: of 1 • Project Description: WIDEN WEST SIDE OF STREET TO COMPLETE TO STANDARD •Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN Date: 10-31-90 Checked By:Date: X \ Conceptual I Preliminary : Design Final ITEM | . NO. ! ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 ; Mobilization 2 Fill 3 iCurb and Gutter, Type "G" 4 Asphalt Concrete Pavement (4*) 5 6 7 8 9 Aggregate Base (12') 4' P.C.C. Sidewalk Streetlight Signing and Striping Traffic Control ESTIMATED QUANTITY 1 8,000 2,700 1,940 6,000 13,500 5 1 I UNIT L.S. C.Y. L.F. Ton Ton S.F. 1 Each L.S. L.S. SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION 10 11 12 Design at 8% Construction Admin. & Inspection at 7% Contingencies at 25 % of Total 1 1 1 L.S. L.S. L.S. UNIT ITEM PRICE i COST $35,000.00 S7.00 $12.00 $35.00 L $20.00 $2.00 $3,000.00 $5.000.00 $5,000.00 TOTAL COST S35.000 S56.000 S32.-100 $67,900 : $120.000 i $27,000 : $15,000 ; $5.000 I S5.000 i $363,300 i $29.064 i $25.431 i $104.449 1 $522,244 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED):$525,000 cc u.CO io o ££ a & HIIQL HI O u01 QL •8 1 Ill t 2 oo I in•o 1 i i f>- «k b» t I I I I \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET IENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 Sheet 1 Project Title: CARLSBAD BOULEVARD : Location: MANZANO DRIVE TO 600 FEET 'Project Description: REBUILD AND WIDEN Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN ! X ! Conceptual j NORTH OF CANNON ROAD of 1 Project No.: Ref.: TO FOUR LANES WITH MEDIAN iDate: 3-22-91 jCheclced By: [Preliminary |Design Date: ' 'Final ITEM NO.ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 Mobilization 2 ; Relocate Utilities 3 i Remove Curb and Gutter • 4 i Remove Pavement 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Excavation Fill Curb and Gutter, Type "G" Median Curb, Type "B-2* Asphalt Concrete Pavement (5*) Aggregate Base (12") 4" P.C.C. Sidewalk 5.5" Concrete Driveway Handicapped Ramp Curb Inlet, Type "B-r Streetlight Median Stamped Concrete Median Landscaping and Irrigation Signing and Striping Traffic Control SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION 20 21 22 Design at 8% Construction Admin. A Inspection at 7 % Contingencies at 25% of Total ESTIMATED QUANTITY 1 I 3,000 40,000 15,000 5,000 6,400 6,400 6,000 15,000 32,000 20 4 4 6 30,000 10,000 1 1 UNIT L.S. L.S. L.F. S.F. C.Y. C.Y. L.F. L.F. Ton Ton S.F. Each Each Each Each S.F. S.F. L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. UNIT PRICE S100.000.00 S100.000.00 ] J5.00 SI. 50 $10.00 $5.00 $10.00 $10.00 $35.00 $20.00 $2.00 $500.00 $750.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $3.00 $10.00 $5,000.00 $25,000.00 TOTAL COST ITEM COST S100.000 $100.000 S15.000 . $60.000- $150.000 i $25,000 $64.000 S64.000 : $210,000 ^ S300.000 $64,0001 $10.000 i $3.000 i $12.000 i $18,000 1 $90.000 $100,000 $5.000 $25.000 $1,415.000 $113.200 $99,050 $406.813 $2.034,063 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED):$2,100,000 o o a. £uinuto 5UJ DC0. O LJJ O OCO UJ I i0. o 2 2o 4} 4 CANNON ROADA.T.& S.F. RAILROAD 3AIUQ DRIVETO9UV 13 3AIUQ S318OU SOH ^ CEREZOy MANZANO DRIVEO HI•^o (E Q. avasnavo ill I I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENR INDEX FOR LA Project Title: CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE Location: PONTIAC DRIVE TO EAST OF VICTORIA STREET .Project Description: CONSTRUCT HALF STREET WIDENING ON 'Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN Date: 3-13-91 ! X IConceptual i ^Preliminary : 5930 EAST SIDE 1 Checked By: 1 j Design Sheet 1 'Project No.: ;Ref.: of 1 Date: : Final ITEM NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ITEM DESCRIPTION Mobilization Clear and Grub Excavation Fill (Import) Curb and Gutter, Type "G" Median Curb, Type "B-2" Asphalt Concrete Pavement (4*) Aggregate Base (10') 4' P.C.C. Sidewalk 30' R.C.P. Curb Intel, Type'B- 1" Streetlight Metal Beam Guardrail Slope Planting and Irrigation Signing and Striping Traffic Control SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION Design at 7-% Construction Admin. & Inspection it 5 * Contingencies at 25% of Total ESTIMATED QUANTITY I 1 5,000 50,000 3,300 2,000 2,280 5,934 16,500 100 2 6 900 130,000 UNIT L.S. L.S. C.Y. C.Y. L.F. L.F. Ton Ton S.F. L.F. Each Each L.F. S.F. L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. UNIT PRICE $25,000.00 $50,000.00 $3.00 $8.00 $10.00 $10.00 $35.00 $18.00 $2.00 $120.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $30.00 $1.00 $2,000.00 $10,000.00 TOTAL COST ITEM COST $25.000 S50.000 S15.000 S400.000 $33,000 $20.000 $79.800 . $106.812 $33,000 $12.000 $6.000 $18,000 • $27,000 . $130.000 i $2.000 i $10,000 ! $967,612 ! $67.733 i $48.381 ! $270.931 j $1,354,657| TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED): $ 1,360,000 | O uio oUJ O a u O LU LU 2 UJ §s UJI CO .3 I •8 a. £a. O I - § I §1 \ I I I I i I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET 'ENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 ; sheet i of I IProject Title: EL CAMINO REAL project No.: location: TAMARACK AVENUE TO CHESTNUT AVENUE iRef.: 'Project Description: WIDEN TO SIX LANES - ADD ONE LANE EACH DIRECTION 'Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN !Date: 10-31-90 ^Checked By:Date: X Conceptual ^Preliminary : Design Final ITEM NO.ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 Mobilization 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Clear and Grub Excavation and Export Curb and Gutter, Type "G" Asphalt Concrete Pavement (6*) Aggregate Base (12") 4- P.C.C. Sidewalk Brow Ditch Streetlight Slope Planting and Irrigation Signing and Striping Traffic Control ESTIMATED QUANTITY 1 1 72.000 2,400 1,730 3,800 14,000 2,400 10 108,000 1 1 UNIT L.S. L.S. C.Y. L.F. Ton Ton S.F. L.F. Each S.F. L.S. L.S. UNIT PRICE ITEM COST $50.000.00 $50.000 SI5.000.00 $10.00 S15.000 S720.000 $10.00 ! S24.000 $35.00 $20.00 $2.00 $10.00 $3,000.00 $1.00 $5,000.00 $15.000.00 SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION 13 14 15 16^~l 17 Design at 6% Construction Admin. & Inspection at 5% Right-of-Way Right-of-Way Acquisition Cost* Contingencies at 25% of Total 1 1 140,000 1 1 L.S. L.S. S.F. L.S. L.S. $0.80 $10.000.00 TOTAL COST 560,550 . $76.000 ' $28.000 $24.000 $30,000 : 5108,000 '• $5,000 : $15.000' $1,155,550 i $69.333 i $57.778 ! $112.000] $10,000 ! $351.165 1 $1,755,826 | TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED):$1,760,000 ! LU z LU O P LUO. E 01O O 5 3 1 9 tl£O E za LU 2 Q° § LLGC O <o 2 S I oo oUl oc0. oo i I *n o UJ •5 o.Eo(A8 o LU tra. hiIII u ? ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I !ENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 Project Title: EL CAMINO REAL Location: LA COSTA AVENUE TO ARENAL ROAD \ Sheet I : Project No.: 'Ref.: of 1 Project Description: WIDEN BY ADDING SOUTHBOUND LANE Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN bate: 10-31-90 X Conceptual j i Preliminary ITEM NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ITEM DESCRIPTION Mobilization Clear and Grub Curb and Gutter, Type "G" Asphalt Concrete Pavement (5*) Aggregate Base (12*) 4' P.C.C. Sidewalk Brow Ditch Streetlight Slope Planting and Irrigation Signing and Striping Traffic Control SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION 12 13 14 Design at 8* Construction Admin. & Inspection at 6% Contingencies at 25 % of Total ESTIMATED QUANTITY 1 1 2400 1730 3800 14000 2000 10 t 1 1 1 I 1 Checked By: Date: : Design Final UNIT L.S. L.S. L.F. Ton Ton S.F. L.F. Each L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. UNIT PRICE S25.000.00 ITEM COST S25.000 $25.000.00 | $25.000 $10.00 $35.00 S20.00 $2.00 $10.00 $3.000.00 $10,000.00 $5.000.00 $10,000.00 TOTAL COST $24.000 $60.550 $76,000 I $28.000 $20,000 $30,000 $10.000 ; $5.000 1 $10.000 $313,550 1 $25.084 ' $18.813 $89.362 $446,809 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED): $450.000 I * <o < (0 .,v>HIo o01 3 £ *i_j< LUl t O 'fr u DC I o LU a. z cQ.I gMS S3£ s u £II m 3 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET LA COSTA AVENUE From 1-5 to El Camino Real DESIGN ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: 1-19-89 Construction Cost = (Enr LA Index = 5773) Current Enr LA Index = 5988 5988 m , Oq72 5773 1.0372x4,798,379 = Round to Design @ 5.3% Design & Contract Admin. & Insp. @ 2.3% Contingency @ 15% of Const. Right-of-Way Cost Estimated By: Richard Allen Date: 10-30-90 $4,798,379 $4,977,081 $5,000,000 Const. Cost 265,000 115,000 750.000 $6,130,000 580.000 $6,710,000 TOTAL PROJECT COST $6,710,000 o z I0.Euv> 5ULU Oc0. 0. o LU z CO 8 o § ea Q. OIo raCD tn {5 2 O If cc £ 8 ccQ. s. i Ul 1V3U ONWVO 13 3 £ «ill ill ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET ENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 !Sheet of Project Title: LEUCADIA BOULEVARD jProject No.: ;Location: EXISTING LEUCADIA BOULEVARD EASTBOUND TO EL CAM1NO REALjRef.: !Project Description: CONSTRUCT A FOUR LANE MAJOR ARTERIAL STREET - CITY CONTRIBUTION Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN Date: 4-15-91 ! VI •*• jITEM 1 NO. ! i 1 Conceptual j i Preliminary ITEM DESCRIPTION Estimated Contribution ESTIMATED QUANTITY Checked By: {Design Date: ;Final UNIT L.S. UNIT PRICE ITEM COST S3. 500. 000 TOTAL COST] $3,500.000 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED):$3,500,000 IPTIONtro WLU Q 001 3cQ.2<o oz LU Q >•^ QIT LU_l O CO O u UJ mo>cc f Tr, § 1O UJ 1V3U 1 i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET ENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 I Sheet 1 of I Project Title: OL1VENHA1N ROAD AND RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD !Project No.: Location: EL CAMINO REAL TO MELROSE DRIVE !Ref.: .Project Description: CONSTRUCT A SIX LANE PRIME ARTERIAL AT SEVERAL LOCATIONS - CITY CONTRIBU1OS 'Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN Date: 4-15-91 i X 'Conceptual | | Preliminary ; ITEM i NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION | 1 Estimated Contribution ! i ESTIMATED QUANTITY Checked By: ' Date: [Design Final UNIT L.S. UNIT ITEM PRICE COST $6 000.000 1 TOTAL COST| $6.000.000 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED):$6,000,000 cc111 z <I I E w co Ow X d 1s *§ *Q. O I 10 1LU I £ UJ V1NV8 in H ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IENR INDEX FOR LA= 5930 Project Title: POINSETTIA LANE Location: INTERSTATE 5 TO PASEO DEL NORTE Sheet 1 of 1 Project No.: Ref.: [Project Description: WIDEN STREET TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED): Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN JDate: 11-1-90 X jConceptual iPreliminary ITEM NO.ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 Mobilization 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Relocate Utilities Remove Curb and Gutter Remove Sidewalk Excavation Curb and Gutter, Type "G" Median Curb, Type "B-2" Asphalt Concrete Pavement (5") Aggregate Base (12") 4" P.C.C. Sidewalk Curb Inlet, Type "B-l" Sound Wall, 8' High Streetlight (Relocate) Median Stamped Concrete Signing and Striping Traffic Control SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION 17 18 19 20 21 Design at 7 % Construction Admin. Sc. Inspection at 8 % Right-of-Way Right-of-Way Acquisition Costs Contingencies at 25% of Total ESTIMATED QUANTITY 1 1 950 950 5000 950 700 300 780 4750 2 300 I 1200 1 1 1 1 5326 1 1 Checked By: iDesign UNIT L.S. L.S. L.F. S.F. C.Y. L.F. L.F. Ton Ton S.F. Each L.F. L.S. S.F. L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. S.F. L.S. L.S. UNIT PRICE $40,000.00 Date: 'Final ITEM COST $40,000 : $10,000.00 I $10,000 i $5.00 $1.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $35.00 $20.00 $2.00 $3,000.00 $240.00 $10,000.00 $3.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $15.00 $20,000.00 TOTAL COST $4,750 S950 $50.000 $9,500 $7.000 $10.500 $15,600 $9.500 $6,000 $72.000 $10.000 $3.600 $5,000 $5,000 $259,400 $18.158 $20.752 $79,890 $20,000 $99,550 $497,750 $500,000 O LU HI Oo o trQ. I a CO OQ. a I OIo oLU 8tca. I Q. O in SE0) O£E £ 3 S 3ECa *o s ™ i h 1 ! «0> S "5 ? £ 31UON 130 OBSVd i I if III H ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT COST ESTIMATE WORK SHEET ENR INDEX FOR LA: 5930 Project Title: POINSETTIA LANE Location: PASEO DEL NORTE TO BATIQUITOS DRIVE Sheet 1 of 1 Project No.: Ref.: Project Description: WIDEN STREET TO SIX LANES Estimated By: RICHARD ALLEN Date: 1-3-91 X ITEM NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Conceptual | Preliminary . ITEM DESCRIPTION Mobilization Construction Staking and Marking Traffic Control Excavation (Fill) Excavation (Haul) Curb and Gutter Sidewalk Drainage Retaining Wall Full Depth AC Paving Existing AC (Fog Seal) Metal Beam Guard Rail Traffic Signal - New Traffic Signals - Modify Signs Landscape and Irrigation Temporary Work/Removal Striping and Marking Survey Work SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION Design at 7% Construction Admin. & Inspection at 5% Right-of-Wty & Utility Relocation Contingency at 25% of Total ESTIMATED QUANTITY 1 1 1 975 65 2900 2100 1 1750 22900 5160 300 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Checked By: Design UNIT L.S. L.S. L.S. C.Y. C.Y. L.F. L.F. L.S. S.F. S.F. S.Y. L.F. Each Each L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. UNIT PRICE $65,000.00 $18,700.00 $62,400.00 $17.00 $22.00 $12.00 $15.00 $31,200.00 $30.00 $4.10 $0.10 $25.00 $120,000.00 $120,000.00 $2,000.00 $18,700.00 $6,200.00 $6,200.00 $5,000.00 Date: iFinal ITEM COST $65,000 ; 518,700 1 $62,400 i $16,575 ! $1,430 $34,800 ! $31,500 ' $31,200 $52,500 $93,890 $516 $7.500 $120,000 $120,000 $2,000 $18,700 $6,200 $6,200 $5,000 $694,111 1 1 1 1 L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. $310,000.00 TOTAL COST $48.588 $34.706 $310,000 $271.851 $1,359,255 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ROUNDED): $ 1,370,000 o a £O(0uiQ OHI 3cca. a<u CD HIQ ill LU 2 O ! §i Q. < <Oo u LU ia Tam o I "5O J f2 .*. co * wI•5 c I < sP r ** MH APPENDIX C Sidewalk Priority Listing I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PRIORITY RANK 1. 2. 3. LOCATION TAMARACK AVENUE VALLEY STREET CAMINO V1DA ROBLE 4.MONROE STREET 5 CHESTNUT AVENUE 6. HIGHLAND DRIVE VICTORIA AVENUE TAMARACK AVENUE JEFFERSON STREET BASSWOOD AVENUE PARK DRIVE 9.PINE AVENUE SIDEWALK INVENTORY PRIORITY LISTING SIDEWALK EST. SEGMENT POINTS COST E • Park Dr. to 214.01 West 90.00 C - Basswood Ave. to 335.01 North 82.50 B • Yarrow Dr. to Cone Del Abeto 82.31 C - Cone Del Nogal to 260.CC South 82.31 D • Palomar Airport Rd. to Cone Del Nogal 82.31 E • 528.0' e/o Palomar Oaks Wy. to 123.0' East 82.31 F - Owens Ave. to 117.0* East 82.31 G - 528.0' w/o Owens Ave. to 121.0' West 82.31 H - El Camino Real to Las Palmas Dr. 82.31 J - Las Palmas Dr. to Palomar Oaks Wy. 82.31 K • Palomar Oaks Wy. to Palomar Airport Rd. 82.31 A - Park Dr. to 350.0" North 80.00 C - 103.0' n/o Karren Ln. to 81.0* North 80.00 D - Basswood Ave. to 52.0' South CUUP 92) 80.00 E - Magnolia Ave. to 430.0' South 80.00 F - Basswood Ave. to 451.0' South (UUP 92) 80.00 H • Magnolia Ave. to 137.01 North 80.00 E - Donna Dr. to 152.0" West 78.00 E - Chestnut Ave. to 331.0* North 75.00 N - Hillview Ct. to Magnolia Ave. 75.00 0 - Chestnut Ave. to 314.0* South 75.00 P - Basswood Ave. to Chestnut Ave. 75.00 A - 125.0' w/o Elm Ave. to 101.0* West 70.00 F - La Portalada Dr. to 363.0* West 70.00 B - Chinquapin Ave. to Citrus PI. 70.00 C - Citrus PI. to Tamarack Ave. 70.00 D • Tamarack Ave. to Chinquapin Ave. 70.00 E - 99.0* s/o Magnolia Ave. to 101.0' South 70.00 A - Donna Dr. to 78.0* West 65.00 D - Valley St. to Maezel Ln. 65.00 E • Maezel Ln. to Canyon St. 65.00 L • Donna Dr. to Belle Ln. 65.00 B - Monroe St. to 463.0* South 65.00 C - 68.0* s/o Tamarack Ave. to 51.0* South (OP 95-2000) 65.00 D - 119.0* s/o Tamarack Ave. to 78.0* South (OP 95-2000) 65.00 E - 192.0* s/o Tamarack Ave. to 226.0* South (OP 95-2000) 65.00 1 - 112.0* s/o Monroe St. to 262.0* South 65.00 J - Tamarack Ave. to 462.0* North 65.00 C - Lincoln St. to 184.0* West 60.00 D - Garfield St. to 82.0* West 60.00 E - Lincoln St. to 19.0* West " 60.00 TOTAL $434,050.00 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION - PROJECT COORDINATION HR - HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT (Programmed Fiscal Year) UUP - UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAM (Programmed Fiscal Year) CIP - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Programmed Fiscal Year) B-l SIDEWALK PRIORITY LIST (Continued) PRIORITY RANK 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. SIDEWALK LOCATION VALLEY STREET OCEAN STREET CHESTNUT AVENUE MAGNOLIA AVENUE MAGNOLIA AVENUE LACUNA DRIVE GRAND AVENUE VALLEY STREET CAM1NO VIDA ROBLE GRAND AVENUE MONROE STREET HIGHLAND DRIVE PINE AVENUE STATE STREET HIGHLAND DRIVE CONSTRUCTION - PROJECT SIDEWALK SEGMENT B • Magnolia Ave. to 610.0* South A - Oak Ave. to 71 .ff South B - Elm Ave. to Grand Ave. C - Christiansen Wy. to Grand Ave. D - Beech Ave. to 232.0' South F - Pacific Ave. to 395.01 North G • Pacific Ave. to Cypress Ave. I - Elm Ave. to 510.01 South J • Christiansen Wy. to Grand Ave. L - Pacific Ave. to Cypress Ave. M - Pacific Ave. to 163.01 North N - Mountain View Dr. to Garfield St. F - 90.01 w/o Seaview Wy. to Donna Dr. J - Westhaven Dr. to 485. 01 East C - Highland Dr. to 25.01 East E • Valley St. to 437.0" East F • Monroe St. to 389.0' West I - Valley St. to 176.01 East K - Monroe St. to 189. 0* West A - Pio Pico Dr. to Adams St. G - Pio Pico Dr. to 189.0* East H - Adams St. to 275.0' East J - Highland Dr. to 243.0* West C - Jefferson St. to 197.0* West (UUP 91) F - Roosevelt St. to Madison St. (UUP 91) G - 248.0' w/o Jefferson St. to 206.0* West (UUP 91) B - Jefferson St. to 226.0* West (OP 91) H - Basswood Ave. to Oak Ave. A - El Camino Real to Yarrow Dr. I • Las Palmas Dr. to Las Palmas Dr. A - Carlsbad Blvd. to Ocean St. B - Park Dr. to Sunnyhill Dr. G - Park Dr. to Sunnyhill Dr. D - Tamarack Ave. to 792.01 North F • Chestnut Ave. to Magnolia Ave. M - Magnolia Ave. to Tamarack Ave. B - Garfield St. to 206.01 East B - Carlsbad Blvd. to 244.01 South (UUP 91) I - Arland Rd. to Las Flores Dr. K - Butters Rd. to 125.0* North R - Forest Rd. to Las Flores Dr. S • Butters Rd. to Forest Rd. T - Yourell Ave. to Butters Rd. COORDINATION POINTS 56.50 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 49.00 49.00 46.50 46.50 46.50 46.50 46.50 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 44.69 44.69 44.69 42,50 41.25 41.16 41.16 40.00 40.00 40.00 37.50 37.50 37.50 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 TOTAL EST. COST $24,400.00 2,800.00 22,800.00 12,200.00 13,200.00 22,600.00 21,700.00 20,400.00 12,200.00 21,700.00 9,300.00 5,500.00 8,850.00 19,100.00 1,000.00 17,500.00 15,550.00 3,950.00 7,550.00 20,800.00 7,450.00 6,200.00 9,550.00 14,650.00 20,100.00 15,300.00 9,050.00 42,250.00 41,600.00 35,650.00 16,900.00 30,200.00 30,200.00 31,700.00 31,700.00 42,250.00 8,100.00 23,200.00 4,000.00 2,800.00 23,350.00 4,400.00 1.500.00 $735,200.00 HR - HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT (Programmed Fiscal Year) UUP - UTILITY UNDERGROUNDS PROGRAM (Programmed Fiscal Year) CIP - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Programmed Fiscal Year) B-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PRIORITY RANK LOCATION 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. BASSWOOD AVENUE LA COSTA AVENUE WASHINGTON STREET CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PRIESTLY DRIVE RUTHERFORD ROAD BUENA VISTA WAY VALLEY STREET OCEAN STREET EL CAMINO REAL WALNUT AVENUE PACIFIC AVENUE KNOWLES AVENUE ALICANTE ROAD CYPRESS AVENUE GARFIELD STREET SIDEWALK PRIORITY LIST (Continued) SIDEWALK SEGMENT B - 128.0* e/o Eureka PI. to Highland Dr. C - 2540.0' e/o El Camino Real to 205.0' West D - 2740.0* e/o El Camino Real to 105.0' West E - 697.0' w/o Nueva Casrilla to 156.0' West F • 470.0' w/o Nueva Casrilla to 157.0' West G • 600.0' w/o Nueva Casrilla to 97.0' West H - 271.0' w/o Nueva Castilla to 179.0' West I - Nueva Castilla to 183.0' West J - 94.0' w/o Viejo Casrilla to 71.0' West K - 528.0' w/o Gibraltar St. to 159.0' West L - Gibraltar St. to 60.01 West A • Elm Ave. to Oak Ave. E - Tamarack Ave. to 35.0* North A • Faraday Ave. to Rutherford Rd. B - Rutherford Rd. to La Place Ct. A - Geiger Ct. to Landau Ct. B - Pascal Ct. to Priestly Dr. C • Landau Ct. to Pascal Ct. C - Arland Rd. to Elmwood St. H - Pio Pico Dr. to 172.0* East A - Magnolia Ave. to Chestnut Ave. F • Chestnut Ave. to Magnolia Ave. E - Cypress Ave. to Beech Ave. H - Elm Ave. to 447.0* North K • Cypress Ave. to Beech Ave. K - Elm Ave. to 1056.0* South A - Lincoln St. to 198.0* West B - Lincoln St. to 79.0* East B • Ocean St. to Mountain View Dr. B - Gregory Dr. to Pio Pico Dr. A - Altisma Wy. to 528.0* East A - Ocean St. to Carlsbad Blvd. B - Garfield St. to 260.0* East C • Ocean St. to Garfield St. F - 105.0* n/o Elm Ave. to 151.0* North G - Cypress Ave. to 169.0* South M - Pine Ave. to 73.0* South N - 101.0* n/o Beech Ave. to Cypress Ave. 0 - Pacific Ave. to 157.01 North SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION - PROJECT COORDINATION HR - HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT (Programmed Fiscal Year) UUP - UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAM (Programmed Fiscal Year) CIP - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Programmed Fiscal Year) B-3 POINTS 32.50 30.25 30.25 30.25 30.25 30.25 30.25 30.25 30.25 30.25 30.25 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 28.25 28.25 27.50 27.50 27.50 25.86 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 TOTAL EST. COST $48.700.00 4,600.00 2,350.00 3,500.00 3,550.00 2,200.00 4,050.00 4,100.00 1,600.00 3,600.00 1,350.00 16,500.00 1,400.00 17,800.00 11,900.00 11,900.00 17,800.00 11,900.00 20,500.00 9,400.00 36,400.00 36,400.00 34,200.00 25,600.00 34,200.00 23,750.00 7,900.00 3,150.00 21,100.00 4,400.00 11.900.00 23,900.00 10,400.00 6,800.00 6,000.00 6,800.00 1,650.00 17,400.00 9.000.00 $519,650.00 SIDEWALK PRIORITY LIST (Continued) PRIORITY RANK LOCATION 28. (com) 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. LINCOLN STREET ADAMS STREET CHESTNUT AVENUE EL FUERTE STREET POINSETOA LANE MAGNOLIA AVENUE TAMARACK AVENUE MAGNOLIA AVENUE LACUNA DRIVE MOUNTAIN VIEW DRIVE PACIFIC AVENUE ELM AVENUE GAYLE WAY FOREST AVENUE VALLEY STREET STATE STREET HIGHLAND DRIVE ALGA ROAD 39.OAK AVENUE SIDEWALK SEGMENT A - 161.0" s/o Oak Ave. to 263.01 South B - Chestnut Ave. to 217.0" North C • Chestnut Ave. to Walnut Ave. D - Walnut Ave. to Pine Ave. F - Pine Ave. to 87.0' North G - 145.01 n/o Pine Ave. to 166.01 North C - Tamarack Ave. to Magnolia Ave. G - 169.0' s/o Magnolia Ave. to 270.0" South K - Cameo Rd. to El Camino Real B - Unicomio St. to Cacatua St. B • 100.0' e/o Avenida Encinas to 528.0' East D - Valley St. to 811' West H - 124.01 e/o Carlsbad Blvd. to 315.0' East (OP 90-91) B - 114.0' e/o Adams St to 1056.0" East B - State St. to Buena Vista Cir. (UUP 91) D - Buena Vista Cir. to 438.0" East (UUP 91) E • State St. to Roosevelt St. (UUP 91) A - Ocean St. to Carlsbad Blvd. A - Ocean St. to Garfield St. A - Glasgow Dr. to Tamarack Ave. B - Monroe St. to Ann Dr. C - Ann Dr. to Donna Dr. B • Highland Dr. to Highland Dr. C - Pio Pico Dr. to 187.0" East D • Spruce St. to 348.0" East F - Highland Dr. to Wilson St. G - Magnolia Ave. to 1108.0" South A - Laguna Dr. to Carlsbad Blvd. H - Elmwood St. to Elm Ave. J • Forest Rd. to Ariand Rd. Q - Elmwood St. to Elm Ave. D • Corinda St. to 1056.0" East E - El Camino Real to Estrella De Mar F - Estrella De Mar to Almaden Ln. G • Almaden Ln. to Alicante Rd. K - Santa Isabel St. to El Fuerte St. L - Xana Wy. to 792.0" West A • State St. to 132.0" West (HR 91) B • Roosevelt St. to State St. (HR 91) POINTS 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 24.50 24.26 23.44 23.25 22.75 22.50 22.35 22.35 22.35 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 18.83 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 16.00 16.00 TOTAL EST. COST $10,500.00 8,700.00 17,800.00 17,600.00 3,500.00 6,650.00 23,700.00 10,600.00 41,600.00 23,800.00 11,900.00 32,450.00 23,450.00 41,600.00 36,750.00 32,600.00 29,600.00 16,100.00 2,000.00 79,200.00 9,600.00 13,900.00 6,650.00 13,900.00 19,000.00 19,300.00 96,500.00 41,150.00 41,150.00 46,100.00 42,250.00 23,750.00 17,800.00 23,750.00 5,950.00 17,800.00 17,800.00 5,300.00 12.400.00 $944,150.00 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION - PROJECT COORDINATION HR - HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT (Programmed Fiscal Year) UUP - UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAM (Programmed Fiscal Year) C1P - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Programmed Fiscal Year) B-4 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. SIDEWALK PRIORITY LIST (Continued) PRIORITY SIDEWALK RANK LOCATION SEGMENT 40. LA COSTA AVENUE O - 528.01 e/o El Camino Real to 1584.0' East P - Nueva Castilla to 1584.0" West Q • Nueva Castilla to Calle Madero R - Calle Madero to Romeria St. 41. MADISON STREET A - 106.0' n/o Grand Ave. to 207.0' North B - Laguna Dr. to 528.0* South C - 211.0' s/o Laguna Dr. to 528.0' South B - Janis Wy. to 79.01 South H - Janis Wy. to 111.0' South I - Gayle Wy. to Janis Wy. D - Valley St. to Arland Rd. G - Elm Ave. to Basswood Ave. A - Palomar Airport Rd. to Camino Vida Roble C - Cacatua St. to Chorlito St. A - Pio Pico Dr. to Highland Dr. A - Carlsbad Blvd. to 467.0' East (OP 90-91) I - Chestnut Ave. to 1056.0" South (OP 91-92) J - Chestnut Ave. to 1056.0" North B - 70.01 e/o El Camino Real to 2376.01 East A - Camino Vida Roble to Camino Vida Roble A • Monroe St. to Donna Dr. B - Impala Dr. to Faraday Ave. B - 33.0' e/o Pio Pico Dr. to Elmwood St. I - 270.0* e/o Pio Pico Dr. to Elmwood St. J - Valley St. to Elmwood St. A - Crest Dr. to Highland Dr. G - Wilson St. to Crest Dr. 50. PARK DRIVE F - 140.0* s/o Grady PI. to 248.01 South G - 322.01 n/o Marina Dr. to 462.0' North 51. ALGA ROAD A - El Camino Real to 1320.01 West C • Corinria St. to Cazadero Dr. I - Cazadero Dr. to Corinria St. J - Corintia St. to Santa Isabel St. M - Xana Wy. to Melrose Dr. 52. KNOWLES AVENUE C • Elmwood St. to Gregory Dr. E - Elmwood St. to Pio Pico Dr. D - Magnolia Ave. to Chestnut Ave. E - Chestnut Ave. to Basswood Ave. H - Chestnut Ave. to Basswood Ave. 53. ROOSEVELT STREET A - Laguna Dr. to 109.0" South B - Laguna Dr. to 71.0" South C - 154.0" s/o Laguna Dr. to 126.0" South D - 125.0" n/o Beech Ave. to 125.0" North SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION - PROJECT COORDINATION HR - HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT (Programmed Fiscal Year) UUP - UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAM (Programmed Fiscal Year) C1P - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Programmed Fiscal Year) DONNA DRIVE BUENA VISTA WAY HIGHLAND DRIVE YARROW DRIVE EL FUERTE STREET PINE AVENUE TAMARACK AVENUE EL CAMINO REAL LA COSTA AVENUE LAS PALMAS DRIVE GAYLE WAY PALMER WAY/ COUGAR DRIVE BUENA VISTA WAY FOREST AVENUE PARK DRIVE ALGA ROAD KNOWLES AVENUE ADAMS STREET ROOSEVELT STREET POINTS 15.13 15.13 15.13 15.13 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 13.25 12.91 12.13 11.67 11.38 10.24 10.24 10.08 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 9.00 9.00 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.13 8.13 8.13 8.13 TOTAL SI EST. COST 535,650.00 35,650.00 35,650.00 29,700.00 4,650.00 21,100.00 21,100.00 3.150.00 4,450.00 13,900.00 36,300.00 124,700.00 71.300.00 35,600.00 89,600.00 25,700.00 23,750.00 23,750.00 53,450.00 95,000.00 27,000.00 21,100.00 92,800.00 67,400.00 51,300.00 26,000.00 28,600.00 9,900.00 18,500.00 29,700.00 29,700.00 29,700.00 41,600.00 29,700.00 58,900.00 78,500.00 70,600.00 70,600.00 70,600.00 2,450.00 2,850.00 2,850.00 2,800.00 ,647,300.00 B-5 PRIORITY RANK LOCATION 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. BUENA VISTA WAY TAMARACK AVENUE DONNA DRIVE FOREST AVENUE CANNON ROAD CORTE DE LA PINA ALGA ROAD ARLANDROAD BUENA VISTA WAY ADAMS STREET EL CAMINO REAL LA PORTALADA DRIVE ALTISMA WAY ARENAL ROAD VENADO STREET CHESTNUT AVENUE VALLEY STREET DONNA DRIVE CHINQUAPIN AVENUE GARFIELD STREET WESTHAVEN DRIVE CORTE DEL ABETO CORTE DEL NOGAL SIDEWALK PRIORITY LIST (Continued) SIDEWALK SEGMENT E - Wilson St. to Valley St. F - Crest Dr. to Wilson St. B - Garfield St. to Hibiscus Cir. (OP 90-91) I - Garfield St. to Hibiscus Cir. (OP 90-91) J - Gayle Wy. to Basswood Ave. E - Pio Pico Dr. to Highland Dr. B • Los Robles Dr. to Carlsbad Blvd. (UUP 91) A • Yarrow Dr. to Cosmos Ct. H - Alicante Rd. to Cazadero Dr. A - Buena Vista Wy. to Highland Dr. K - Crest Dr. to Valley St. B - Chinquapin Ave. to 326.CC North F • Chinquapin Ave. to Harrison St. S - Chestnut Ave. to 1848.0" South (OP 91-92) A - Milano Dr. to Tamarack Ave. A - 49.01 n/o Alicante Rd. to 211.0 North A - El Camino Real to Esuella De Mar A - 28.0" w/o Esfera St. to 83.0" West A - Lincoln St. to 285.0" East B - Lincoln St. to Garfield St. G - Washington St. to 400.0" West H - Garfield St. to 143.01 East D - Oak Ave. to 208.01 North E - McCauley Ln. to Buena Vista Wy. I - Elm Ave. to Buena Vista Wy. A - Chestnut Ave. to 528.0" North C - Basswood Ave. to Janis Wy. D - Falcon Dr. to Basswood Ave. E • Falcon Dr. to 138.0' North F - Chestnut Ave. to Charleen Cir. G - Charleen Cir. to 112.0" North K - Falcon Dr. to Basswood Ave. L - Falcon Dr. to 134.0" North A - West end of street to 150.0' East D - Jefferson St. to 164.01 East F - Adams St. to 240.0" East G - Highland Dr. to 249.01 West H - West end of street to 218.0" East 1 - Harrison St. to Adams St. J - Highland Dr. to 249.0" West D - Chestnut Ave. to 29.0" North B - Chestnut Ave. to Park Dr. D • Chestnut Ave. to Park Dr. A - Camino Vida Roble to end of street . A - Camino Vida Roble to end of street POINTS 8.00 8.00 7.58 7.58 7.50 6.67 6.08 6.00 5.83 5.33 5.33 5.26 5.26 5.17 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 TOTAL $1 EST. COST $35,300.00 35,300.00 78,550.00 78,550.00 42,250.00 71,100.00 46,300.00 23,800.00 89,100.00 87,150.00 70,600.00 7,350.00 21,100.00 169,200.00 4,280.00 4,750.00 5,950.00 1,850.00 11,400.00 8,400.00 16,000.00 5,700.00 8,200.00 17,700.00 23,500.00 11,900.00 73,900.00 7,150.00 3,100.00 4,800.00 2,500.00 7,100.00 3,000.00 6,000.00 3,700.00 9,600.00 9,950.00 8,700.00 21,100.00 9,950.00 1,150.00 12,300.00 15,250.00 47,500.00 47.500.00 ,269,530.00 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION - PROJECT COORDINATION HR - HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT (Programmed Fiscal Year) UUP - UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAM (Programmed Fiscal Year) CIR - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Programmed Fiscal Year) B-6 SIDEWALK PRIORITY LIST (Continued) PRIORITY RANK LOCATION 64. (con:) 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. OAK AVENUE BASSWOOD AVENUE SKYLINE ROAD PARK DRIVE ALGA ROAD. CANNON ROAD EL FUERTE STREET PARK DRIVE COVE DRIVE GARFIELD STREET SUNNYHILL DRIVE HILLSIDE DRIVE OAK AVENUE PALMER WAY/ COUGAR DRIVE BASSWOOD AVENUE SKYLINE ROAD HIGHLAND DRIVE ADAMS STREET OAK AVENUE LACUNA DRIVE BASSWOOD AVENUE SKYLINE ROAD HIGHLAND DRIVE ELCAMINOREAL SIDEWALK SEGMENT D - Highland Dr. :o 203.0* East G • Easterly end of street to 107.0* West F - Donna Dr. to Ridgecrest Dr. I - Highland Dr. to 165.01 West J - Monroe St. to 237.01 West K - Monroe St. to Belle Ln. M - Donna Dr. to Ridgecrest Dr. A • MacArthur Ave. to 528.01 South L - Hillside Dr. to 792.0' South B - Cazadero Dr. :o El Camino Real A - Los Robles Dr. to El Arboi Dr. (UUP 91) A - Santa Isabel St. to 2112.0" South K - Tamarack Ave. to 1584.0" South A - End of street to 792.0" North J - Southerly end of street to 1056.0" North C • Tamarack Ave. to Monroe St. E - Tamarack Ave. to Monroe St. A - Park Dr. to Highland Dr. (OP 95-2000) B - Park Dr. to Highland Dr. (OP 95-2000) F - Highland Dr. to Pio Pico Dr. A - Impala Dr. to El Camino Real G • Adams St. to 434.0" East H - Eureka PI. to 415.0" East C - Tamarack Ave. to 1056.0" North D - Alder Ave. to Westhaven Dr. A • Chinquapin Ave. to Hoover St. (OP 95-2000) C - Tamarack Ave. to Chinquapin Ave. (OP 95-2000) L - Chinquapin Ave. to Hoover St. COP 95-2000) A - Harrison St. to Park Dr. C - Highland Dr. to Pio Pico Dr. A - Elmwood St. to 57.0" e/o Pio Pico Dr. I - Elmwood SL to 85.0" e/o Pio Pico Dr. C - Valley St. to 181.0" West B • Tamarack Ave. to 1584.0" North B - Hoover SL to Adams St. B - La Costa Ave. to 3168.0" North C - Arenal Rd. to 2640.0" North EST. POINTS COST 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 S.OO S.OO 5.00 4.50 4.38 4.05 3.10 3.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.18 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.36 1.36 TOTAL 58,000.00 4,200.00 5,200.00 6,500.00 9,300.00 8,800.00 5,200.00 16.825.00 31,700.00 142,550.00 64,050.00 316,800.00 84,500.00 31,700.00 41,600.00 41,600.00 41,600.00 31,700.00 42,250.00 45,450.00 102,200.00 28,200.00 27,750.00 33,650.00 33,650.00 25,250.00 50,500.00 25,250.00 346,500.00 62,350.00 58,400.00 58,400.00 62,100.00 50,500.00 134,600.00 71,300.00 59.400.00 $2,209,525.00 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION - PROJECT COORDINATION HR - HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT (Programmed Fiscal Year) UUP - UTILITY UNDERGROUNDS PROGRAM (Programmed Fiscal Year) CIP - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Programmed Fiscal Year) B-7 PRIORITY RANK LOCATION 74. BEECH AVENUE MILANO DRIVE GRAND AVENUE SUNNYHILL DRIVE PARK DRIVE 75. LA COSTA AVENUE 76. LA COSTA AVENUE 77. SUNNYHILL DRIVE HOOVER STREET 78. PARK DRIVE CREST DRIVE SIDEWALK PRIORITY LIST (Continued) SIDEWALK SEGMENT F • Garfield St. to 99.0' East A - Trieste Dr. to La Portal ada Dr. B • La Portalada Dr. to 346.0* East C - Hope Ave. to end of street D - 16.0* e/o Hope Ave. to 92.01 East A - 208.0" n/o Hillside Dr. to MacArthur Ave. B - 83.01 s/o Tamarack Ave. to MacArthur Ave. H - Monroe St. to Westhaven Dr. A - Piraeus St. to El Camino Real (OP 93-94) N - Piraeus St. to El Camino Real (dP 93-94) M - Rancho Santa Fe Rd. to 2376.0' East D - Tamarack Ave. to 1320.0' South A • Highland Dr. to Adams St. A - Monroe St. to Westhaven Dr. A - Buena Vista Wy. to Forest Ave. POINTS 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.91 0.91 0.54 0.33 0.33 0.20 0.20 TOTAL $2 EST. COST $2,200.00 7,050.00 7.800.00 16,850.00 3,600.00 21,100.00 18,500.00 16,850.00 760,150.00 760,150.00 53,450.00 52,800.00 63,400.00 165,100.00 160.100.00 ,109,100.00 PROJECT TOTAL $9,868,505.00 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION • PROJECT COORDINATION HR - HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT (Programmed Fiscal Year) UUP - UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAM (Programmed Fiscal Year) GP - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Programmed Fiscal Year) B-8 APPENDIX D La Costa Area Traffic Impact Fee Agenda Bill CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o •o«u "Oou •o « a 4)06 a.o•o10 u ou aoICMCM O Oo MTQ DEPT. AUTHORIZING A TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE FOR THE LA COSTA AREA. DEPT. CITY CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. ADOPT Ordinance No. a traffic impact fe Carlsbad. 2. ADOPT Resolution No. to be funded by the T ITEM EXPLANATION authorizing the collection of La Costa area of the City of _, APPROVING the list of projects mpact Fee. At the City Council meeting of July 23, 1985 the Council adopted Resolution No. 8118 which authorized the collection of an interim traffic impact fee of $25.00 per daily trip generated by all land uses in the La Costa area. Said fee wa» to remain in effect pending the results of a Traffic Impact Pee Study which was subsequently awarded to the consulting firm of Barton-Aschman Associates of Pasadena. That study has been concluded and forms the basis for the recommended action. An B**ct»*iwev ftuMnary of the report is attached as Exhibit 1. A draft of the report is available in the Planning Department. The area from which'the fee is to be collected is shown on Exhibit 2, and is bounded roughly by Interstate 5 on the west, Poinsettia - Carrillo on the north, and the City Limits on the east and south. The study concluded that 46 construction projects would b« required to mitigate traffic problems in the La Costa area at buildout of the City's General Plan. The projects ranged from minor lane additions at intersections, to traffic signal construction or upgrading, to major highway widening and improvement. The total estimated cost in 1986 dollars is slightly over $34 million. It is significant that the study dealt in total needs (some of which exist today) without regard for potential funding sources other than an impact fee. A detailed review of the project list by staff revealed that a number of the proposed projects should more logically be funded by developers, assessment districts, or Public Facilities Fees (PFF). Further, 16 of the projects were deemed "not practical" because of environmental, physical, or right-of-way constraints. Accordingly, the traffic impact fee project list has been reduced to 20 projects, with a total cost of $7,914.000. The list of projects is attached to Resolution No. f^"2^ (Exhibit 3). It includes the perceived staff priority of each project. Adoption of the resolution would approve the project list. I I Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. f«?&0 -^l It is significant that all future traffic problems in the La Costa area cannot be mitigated if there is buildout to the density level of the General Plan. Poor peak-hour levels of service will prevail at places such as La Costa Avenue at Rancho Santa Fe Road, La Cos^ Avenue at 1-5, La Costa Avenue at El Camino Real, and Alga Road a! El Camino Real. The mitigation measures needed to attain good ™ peak-hour levels of service at those locations are simply not practical to initiate. That is not uncommon in many Southern • California urban areas. | The recommended list of traffic impact fee projects totaling • $7,914.00, will require a fee of $67.00, per daily trip generated! by each new residential unit, and a fee of $27.00, per daily trip! generated by all other land uses. The SANDAG table of regional trip generation would be the basis for the number of trips I generated. The reason for having two different fees is to overcol the traffic generation phenomenon of "double-counting". For example, approximately 60% of the daily trips generated by a • neighborhood shopping center are trips coming from the nearby I residential areas, where they were already counted once. Under tn proposal, the traffic impact fee to be charged a single family hoA (which generates ten daily trips) is $670.00. That compares to • established interim fee of $250. Attached as exhibit 4 is • Ordinance No. f\ o7 which would impose the fee. At the present time, seven projects in the La Costa area, with a| total of 639 residential units, are "on-hold" pending determinatio by the City Council of the Traffic Impact Fee, and subsequent approval of the projects by the Planning Commission. Several factors are inherent in the recommendation: 1) A consistent monitoring and review process is required.! Traffic growth prediction is not an exact science. The fee structure should be reviewed and subject to change •: least every two years. I 2) Some of the projects deal with traffic problems that ar* existent today. But it will take several years for the! traffic impact fee to generate meaningful revenues. Consideration should be given to allowing the Traffic Impact Fee fund to "borrow" from other City sources, tew repaid with interest when the fund is able to do so. ! I I I Page 3 of Agenda Bill No. £3 fr o -* • Also, it may be possible in some cases to have developers build the needed improvements, and "credited" for otherIfuture improvements, or reimbursed when the fund is solvent. However, it is significant that the recommended fee structure makes no provision for debt service. Any (borrowing with an interest requirement would require an upward re-evaluation of the fee. 3) In reducing the consultant's original project list from 46Ito 20 projects, it was assumed that several major projects would be funded by either a bridge and thoroughfare assessment district, or a developer (single-party) (assessment district. Should either of these methods fail through protest or inaction, major upward adjustments would be necessary in the traffic impact fee. I I I I I I I I I I I I 4) With respect to dealing with locations at which all future problems cannot be mitigated, the City appears to have at least two options: a) Settle for a lower level of service at certain intersections during a one or two-hour peak period. As previously stated, that is not uncommon in many Southern California urban areas. b) Consider lowering the allowable density of the General Plan. That would have two major effects. It would lower traffic generation, thus lowering some improvement needs. But it would also reduce the number of units from which a fee could be collected. At present, a review of the La Costa Master Plan is taking place and could consider the ramifications of reduced density. Any consideration of reducing densities in the La Costa area should include the regional significance of streets such as La Costa Avenue, El Camino Real, Rancho Santa Fe Road, and Olivenhain Road. While Carlsbad might reduce its traffic generation, surrounding communities such as Encinitas, San Marcos, Vista, Escondido, Oceanside, and county areas will continue to grow and impact Carlsbad's street network, and perhaps even increasing their densities over those now contemplated. 5) As a follow-on to this item dealing with the La Costa area, the concept of a City-wide traffic impact fee should be explored before development impacts similar to those in La Costa are felt in other parts of the City. 3 Page 4 of Agenda Bill No. £3. (*Q -** f FISCAL IMPACT positive: Tax-free funding of $7 million in needed traffic improvements. Negative: Fund administration costs estimated at $20,000 per year. EXHIBITS 1. Executive Summary of Barton-Aschman Report 2. Map of Boundaries of Pee Area 3. Resolution No. f3W , Project List 4. Ordinance No. JTJo7 * Imposing Pee EXHIBIT A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I s CJ CD s *(0 « COI 2 04 4*1 gj ffN s m 1 M i 3 I S U-l I 3 3 u t I 3 2 m E«1; I i I 3 in m 10 S < 25 3^< ctf I 2 1 S 63 4J(M V •a u CO d) z mv. s B3 CO «{ 10 1 2 ^ o S Mel3 CM S a* 4» u 1 CJ •'653 a i! (01 • OS o s !5 25 i • S 10 *S^ s a a t 1 3,**H WW d) a a o 4J t I «m aX O» S c(0•H 4J CO g3 4Js14 S' C s in •HQ •8 03 SiS3 s .5 r^ 5 fj »f^ Oac (—i 3 S C '(0€ <o 0) <N *o- U I CM s C 00 <w2 J51- S I in 3 .s fl2 a; in> cs •0 </><n- Oin O S I 'w S C