HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-07-09; City Council; 11253; IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT FOR NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM PERMIT STORM WATER DISCHARGE PERMITITEM EXPLANATION: At their July IO, 1990 meeting, City Council authorized the Mayor to sign a letter ( to apply for a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit wh to be issued pursuant to Order No. 90-42 of the Regional Water Quality Gontro (Regional Board). NPDES Permit No. CA 01 08758 was subsequently issued Regional Board on July 16, 1990. The permit named all eighteen incorporate within San Diego County, the County of San Diego and the Port District as co-pen The NPDES permit was mandated by the requirements of the Clean Water Act t Environmental Protection Agency and requires the establishment of a Cour Comprehensive Storm Water Quality Management Program. The first elemenl program is the establishment of an implementation agreement between all permittees listed under the NPDES permit. This implementation agreement designates the City of San Diego as the p permittee and defines the responsibilities of both the principal permittee a permittees. In this role, the City of San CIiego will serve as a "clearing house" i coordinate the assembly of the various plans, programs, and reports which IY submitted in a timely manner to the Regional Board. Each co-permittee is responsible for the management of the storm water program within its jurisdictio Under the terms of the implementation agreement, each co-permittee is oblig< reimburse the principal permittee for the administrative costs according to a 1 outlined in the implementation agreement. distributed equally among co-permittees and one-half is prorated based up population of each jurisdiction. The City of Carlsbad's portion of this administrati is expected to be approximately $2,000 to $5,000. Co-permittees may withdraw from the agreement with a 60 day written notice Regional Board. Any agency withdrawing from the agreement will need to fil separate permit and will fall under much more stringent and inflexible regulations a\ by the Environmental Protection Agency. One-half of the administrative a 5 0 fz a 2 .. 2 a Other elements of the Storm Water Quality Management Program, such as the prc 4 5 Consultant agreement for storm water testing and monitoring, will be brought fom City Council approval in the coming months in accordance with the time sch provided in Order No. 90-42. 5 z 3 0 0 0 a PAGE TWO OF AB# //,a 5 3 FISCAL IMPACT : The administration cost for the implementation agreement are expected t approximately $2,000 to $4,000 per year. Thirty thousand dollars were approp implementation costs as well as the future consultant costs for testing and monitor storm water discharges. within the recently adopted Fiscal Year 91-91 Operating Budget to pay fc EXHIBITS: 1. 2. Implementation Agreement for Stormwater Permit No. CA 01 08758. Resolution No. 7 1 - 3x8 approving the Implementation Agreement f National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit No. CA 01 0875t authorizing Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement. 0 0 4 NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD SAN DIEGO REGION STORMWATER PERMIT NO. CA 01 08758 IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT entered into by the County of San Diego, (herein called County), th San Diego Unified Port District, (herein called District) and the Cities of San Diego, Carlsbac Chula Vista, Coronado, Escondido, Imperial Beach, La Mesa, San Marcos, Del Mar, El Cajoi Encinitas, Lemon Grove, National City, Oceanside, Poway, Santee, Solana Beach and Visi (herein called CITIES) establishes the responsibilities of each party with respect to complianc with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater permit regulatior administered by the Untied States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the author> granted by the Clean Water Act (CWA) and its 1987 amendments, the Water Quality Act WQA RE C ITALS WHEREAS, Congress in 1987 amended Section 402 of the Federal Clean Water Act (2 U.S.C.A. 1 342(p) to require the Federal Environmental Protection Agency to promulga regulations for applications for permits for stormwater discharges; and WHEREAS, these permits regulations will require the control of pollutants from stormwatl discharges by requiring a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit which wou allow the lawful discharge of stormwaters into waters of the United States; and WHEREAS, these EPA regulations will require NPDES permits for discharges fro municipal storm sewers on a system-wide or jurisdiction-wide basis; and WHEREAS, the CITIES, the COUNTY and the DISTRICT desire to develop an integrate stormwater discharge management program with objective of improving water quality in tt County of San Diego; and Page I of 6 0 0 L. WHEREAS, the California State Water Resources Control Board (CSWRCB) as design€ of the EPA has delegated authority to the Regional Water Quality Control Board San Dieg Region (RWQCB-SDR) for administration of the NPDES Storm Water permit within the boundarie of its Region; and WHEREAS, on July 16, 1990, the Regional Water Quality Control Board - San Diec Region issued NPDES Permit No. CA 0108758 and Order No. 90-42, Waste Discharg Requirements for Stormwater and Urban Runoff from the County of San Diego, the City of Sz Diego, the incorporated Cities of San Diego County, and the San Diego Unified Port Distri naming the above entities co-permittees; and WHEREAS, said Permit and Order require that the co-permittees cooperate in th development and implementation of a comprehensive county-wide stormwater/urban run0 management program including the execution of an Implementation Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: 1. DESIGNATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF PRINCIPAL PERMllTEE A. The City of San Diego is hereby designated Principal Permittee, but ha similar responsibilities as a co-permittee. B. The Principal Permittee shall be responsible for the overall prograi coordination, including: 1. Coordination of activities of all permittees with the Regional Boarc -2. Solicitation of and response to public input for propose( monitoring, reconnaissance, management and implementatioi plans. Collection and submittal to the Regional Board of all reports, plan and programs as required by the Permit and Order. 3. 11. RESPONSIBILITIES OF CO-PERMITTEE A. The co-permittee shall be responsible for management of stormwater an1 urban runoff management programs with their sole jurisdictions for storm drainage system where they have ownership and maintenance responsibilities as delineated by the appropriat Page 2 of 6 0 0 easement conveyances (herein referred to as "sole jurisdiction"), including: 1. 2. Conduct stormwater conveyance system inspections within the c( permittees's sole jurisdiction. Plan and conduct surveys and characterizations needed to identi the pollutant sources and drainage areas where there is SO jurisdiction over such drainage areas. Participate in management programs, monitoring programs, an other plans as required to comply with Order No, 90-42, 3. 4. 5. Implement management programs, monitoring programs, and othc plans as necessary to meet the requirements of Order No. 90-42 Submit stormwater conveyance system maps that are within th sole jurisdiction of the permittee with periodic revisions a necessary. Prepare and submit, in a timely manner, all reports that ar required by Order No. 90-42 and based on the co-permittees' sol jurisdictional responsibilities to the principal permittee. 7. Enact legislation and ordinances as necessary to ensur compliance with the stormwater management programs and th implementation plans consistent with the scope of powers of eac, permittee. Pursue enforcement actions as necessary to ensure compliancl with the stormwater management programs and the implementatioi plans where it has statutory authority to pursue such enforcemer actions. Ensure adequate response to emergency situations such a accidental spills, leaks, illicit discharges, etc. within eacl permittee's sole jurisdiction. Abide by the terms of the Implementation Agreement where it doe not conflict with other statutory requirements. 6. 8. 9. 10. 111. FISCAL RESPONSIBILITIES A. All co-permittee shall share in the administration costs of the permit, including thc initial permit fee, the annual permit fee, if any, and reasonable costs incurred by the Principa Permittee in fu1filling.its duties pursuant to Section I-B. Costs shall be allocated to the co permittees as follows: Each co-permittee, including the Principal Permittee, shall share equally in one-ha1 of the administration costs. The remaining one-half shall be allocated as a percentage of the population of each co-permittee and the principal permittee, accept the Unified Port District, witt respect to the total population of San Diego County. The percentage shares shall be calculatec annually from information provided in the SANDAG "January 1 Population and Housin{ Page 3 of 6 0 0 Estimates", using the "HOUSEHOLD" population figures. B. Joint co-permittee expenses shall be estimated annually by the Principal Permitte on July 1 /June 30 fiscal year. The estimate shall be presented to the co-permittee not later tha January 1st and approved by a majority of the co-permittees prior to March 1st for th succeeding fiscal year. C. Each co-permittee shall pay quarterly its share of expenses within 30 days c receipt of an invoice from the Principal permittee. Funds collected and not expended in an fiscal year shall be carried over as a credit to the next fiscal year. D. The Principal Permittee shall provide a detailed accounting at the end of eac fiscal year of the costs and expenses incurred under section I-B above. IV. LIFE OF THE AGREEMENT The term of this Agreement commences on its execution by each and all of the dull\ authorized representatives of the CITIES, the COUNTY and the PORT DISTRICT. The life of thc Agreement shall run with the NPDES Permit and Order referred to herein. v. RESOLUTION OF DISAGREEMENTS In the event that disagreements arise between the permittees and/or the Regional Wate Quality Control Board such party may demand arbitration of the dispute whereby the aggrievec parties may appoint an arbitrator, and those arbitrators may appoint a neutral arbitrator to resolvc the dispute. VI. WITHDRAWAL FROM THE AGREEMENT - A participant may withdraw from the agreement sixty (60) days subsequent to writter notice to the RWQCB-SDR. The participant shall agree to file for a separate permit when required by law and to comply with all the requirements established by law. In addition, withdrawal shall constitute forfeiture of all of the percentage of cost attributed to their sole jurisdiction for the joint implementation costs for the budget year. The withdrawing participani shall be responsible for all lawfully assessed penalties as a consequence of withdrawal. The cos1 Page 4 of 6 0 e allocations to the remaining members will be recalculated in the following budget year. VII. NON-COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Any participant found in non-compliance with the conditions of the permit within their SO jurisdictional responsibilities shall be solely liable for any lawfully assessed penalties. Noi compliance disputes shall be heard before the RWQCB. VIII. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGREEMENT This Agreement may be amended by consent of the affected co-permittees. N amendment to this agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and singed by the dul authorized representatives of all of the co-permittees. IX. NOTICES All notices shall be deemed duly given if delivered by hand; or three (3) days after deposi in the U.S. mail, postage prepaid. X. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement will be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Statc of California and Order 90-42. If any provision or provisions of this Agreement shall be held tc be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remainin! provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired hereby. XI. CONSENT TO BREACH NOT WAIVER No term or provision hereof shall be deemed waived and no breach excused, unless such waiver or consent shall be in writing and signed by the co-permittee to have waived oi consented. Any consent by any co-permittee to, or waiver of, a breach by the other, whethei express or implied, shall not constitute a consent to waiver of, or excuse for any other differen or subsequent breach. XI I. IN D EM N I FlCATlO N Each party to this Agreement (1) shall have the sole responsibility to comply with the Permit, (2) shall pay all fines, penalties and costs which may arise out of such party’s non- Page 5 of 6 * 0 compliance with the Permit, and (3) shall indemnify the other parties to this Agreement again< any fines, penalties or costs (including attorneys fees) they may incur as a result of its failure t comply with the Permit. XIII, APPLICABILITY OF PRIOR AGREEMENTS This document constitutes the entire Agreement between the co-permittees with respec to the subject matter; all prior agreements, representation, statements, negotiations an undertakings are superseded hereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed as of /8& da! of - , 1991 CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: LEE? RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk 1 Page 6 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e RESOLUTION NO. 91-228 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT FOR THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM PERMIT NO. CA 0108758 AND AUTHORIZING MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN THE AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has been named a co-permittee unc National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. CA 01 08758 by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region pursi Order No. 90-42; and WHEREAS, NPDES Permit No. CA 01 08758 requires that the City of Carlsba into an implementation agreement with the other co-permittees listed under said F and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has found it to be in th interest of the City to comply with requirements of NPDES Permit No. 0108758 i enter into said Implementation Agreement. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Ca California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the implementation Agreement for the National Pollution Dischi hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and direc execute said agreement. Following the Mayor’s signature of said agreement, th Clerk is further authorized and directed to forward a copy of said agreement and ill /// /// . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e Q copies of this Resolution to Robert Cain, Engineering Department, City of San 1222 First Street, Mail Station 500, San Diego, CA 921 01. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsb Council held on the l6thday of July , 1991 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members LEwis, Kulchin, Larson, Nygaard St ant on NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: u 2. R- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SW