HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-07-15; City Council; 791-2; Response from James RidenourPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL o< tote\ sit8 DEPT. TITLE:RESPONSE FROM JAMES RIDENOUR, DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL PARK SERVICE/PARK BARREL POLITICS (INFO) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file. ITEM EXPLANATION; As a result of the Commission's request to pursue action related to the Park Barrel Politics article in Newsweek Magazine, the Council Legislative Committee distributed letters to the appropriate persons regarding the re-instatement of a Park Service Panel to review the selection of National Park sites. Please refer to attached. EXHIBITS; 1. Letter from James Ridenour, Director, National Parks Service, June 1991 li United States Department of the Interior NATIONAL PARK SERVICE P.O. BOX 37127 ™ WASHINGTON. D.C. 20013-7127 REFERRED TO CltYKIMIAGER IN REPLY REFER TO FOR RCSMMSl Date: 9 1991 Honorable Claude A. "Bud" Lewis Mayor, City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 Dear Mayor Lewis: Thank you for your May 13, 1991 letter concerning criteria for potential new units of the National Park System, and advocating a re-instated panel to review potential park sites. We certainly enjoy receiving mail from people who view the parks as "national treasures", and I am pleased to respond to you. I believe the "panel" to which you refer is the National Park System Advisory Board, which in times past has been involved in the review of potential new park units when the Service had an active program. The Board is a panel of 16 persons from across America, which includes representatives of certain types of expertise and which advises the Secretary of the Interior on matters relating to the National Park System and related areas (such as potential national historic and natural landmarks). In the past decade the Board has not been active in the review of potential parks, partially because the Administration and the Service favored consolidation of the existing System before recommending further additions. We also have seen the initiative on establishment of new parks shift toward the Congress, which concerns us because we prefer to see professional studies done before any site is added to the System. But the situation is changing now, and we hope to reestablish a more deliberative process for the evaluation and recommendation of new parks. To answer you directly, the Board may have a role when a reestablished process is in place. We have also issued a brochure entitled, "Criteria for Parklands", and I am enclosing a copy for you. It outlines our criteria for significance, suitability, feasibility and management alterna- tives—the four primary factors we consider in a study of potential NATIONAL PARK SERVICE EXHIBIT 1 1916 -19911 12 Honorable Claude A. "Bud" Lewis Page two new areas. It also summarizes the study process that must precede any recommendation for a new park. Our current practice provides for extensive review within the National Park Service and the Department of the Interior before studies are forwarded to Congress. Sincerely, ^Dir Enclosure 13 a> a » — o1 a <p p < $ SffSft? £. <D g '3 s- -»8 i i5 « a = IS 2.3 * = o »< 22. a a- =s S 3 - £. 1 » 2 * w III P| flllll5. ff o 5T CD QJ^3 "" 3. & 3o §• g- M « a)1.11 H 2. ao- </> o g- g o =•. a) a) a; a < **i-«(0 ' — DJ =• o 3 a>«a^5*ff'Illll » § ° o 8 » c §.3 Ills 111 If lifll f^lf'fli I. HI! ? s 1 s a s s n»i»a*£ii gSlii.sl I?IfI V T =T 3 V , C«-J g w. 2 03 W3CTOO3tua]»aj Sgaff S«"in-£*sn> • 2 ffiS'S 3.9 fig; 8.9 4S:s"a i:og» iS-SSsJag•»Q.™ «—3 ^3>S?S---'<-r«l""-0 0.^,0. Ms-S^O-oS® 2. <. ITS 1 s, 3. 01 o < o -a !*Si2. a> 2. ' 3 ? e. is. =. X. ?• o» •=• = -!• o " =-O"uJ312.= ' a?»°5|-ozg?s_O0B) -i^53"™Q)J'— ^«<"0 = 1 ?J"<t*S3'''52o ""asf Slllflflllf (0 ^ ^ 3S'| ^<2. =ill???*-!!S o-iffS as j 3 3?S<o-3gi| Sow1 32353pl|?s-a* n - o p O -i- 1 s§i?iltin ' IlllllllsilfilPil r;ia|5.3^«a3s<<3?a = i