HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-07-16; City Council; 11259; MAGNOLIA ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT STUDYr r\ ,m 84 .d $ a *_I .a a, b 0 41 " a, u 2 -4 E a, W v1 a, g *rl u rd E 0 l-i (d F: ccl *d c 0 ad .u 4 *d ma cna .-ia ns 03 Q .s (I] %E -4; au a, 8: .A rd 6" OM u 0 w* $2 mu b sa *d au 3: z: % E-IU 4 2L U a,3 so i dQ L' r.a .. F 2 t5 e z 3 0 0 , P%U~IIY WILL WI - wr WW~L~PMU - AB#- 2 MAGNOLIA ACQUISITION AND DEPT. CITY ni DEPT. i3d d RECOMMENDED ACTION: MTG. 3 - /k -[I / DEVELOPMENT STUDY CITY A After review of the staff report and consideration of the alternatives, your motia would be to direct staff to take the appropriate action regarding th acquisition/development of the Magnolia site. ITEM EXPLANATION In a City/School Coordinating Committee meeting held on February 22, 1991, tk subject of this report was discussed. In light of the fiscal implications and availabili for public use of the proposed park, Council representatives in attendance at tk meeting recommended that the issue of the Magnolia acquisition and developmei should be referred to the City Council for further consideration and direction. BACKGROUND On August 28,1990, the City Council accepted a report from the Parks and Recreatic Commission related to a five (5) year plan for park enhancement within the Northwe Quadrant of the City. The report was prepared in cooperation with representativl from a citizens' group and departmental staff. Staffs recommendation as part of the agenda bill that accompanied the Commissior final report with respect to the property adjacent to Valley Junior High Scho (Magnolia site) was: "That the issue of acquisition and/or development strategies for the 13.9 acre parcel be considered by the City/School Coordinating Committee. If a joint venture can be worked out to the satisfaction of both parties, a report outlining the financing and development concepts should be prepared for future district and City Council consideration." The primary reasons this particular property was considered for park enhanceme opportunities were: 1. It would satisfy the citizen group's request that a community park be schedul in the Northwest Quadrant within the next five (5) years. It would replace the original proposed Northwest Quadrant community pa site (Pine Elementary School, seven (7) acres) previously scheduled j acquisition and development in the CIP after the year 2000. It was the only partially vacant land within the study area that had potential * development. Potential joint acquisition, development and use opportunities with the CUS 2. 3. 4. 0 0 --,--a - Although the City accepted the final report and recommendation(s), the followir ? modification was made by Council with respect to the Magnolia site. “City [staff] is to pursue the acquisition of the property adjacent to Valley Junior High School unilaterally while discussing the matter with the high school ljoint venture].” COMMENTSDISCUSSION Staff investigation to date has determined that the subject property of 13.9 acre consists of eight (8) parcels, four (4) property owners and three (3) dwelling units. On September 4, 1990, the City Manager directed staff to prepare a joint us acquisition and development feasibility study for City/School Committee consideratio; The intent of the study was to determine if the needs of the City and District could t mutually met, principally the availability of the facility for public use throughout tf day. Staff prepared four (4) conceptual site plans based on the City’s community par concepts. These plans were then reviewed with district officials on September 2! 1990, to determine if the needs of both the District and the City could be met E outlined in the proposed conceptual plans. After review, it was determined by both the District and City staff that alternativ to accommodate the planned recreational amenities that all the parcels totaling 13. acres would be needed. In a subsequent meeting, the District indicated they would require the use of the largl activity play fields for their PE classes during school hours and on an “as needed” afte school basis for their organized athletic programs. Consequently, during the schoc year the fields would only be available for public use on weekdays after 5:OO p.m. an on the weekends. The District would not require the use of the community center o the passive areas, and accordingly, those areas could be made available for the gener: public throughout the school day and on weekends. Park Inventorv Analvsis (NW) There is a -c1.71> acre park deficit in the Northwest Quadrant. This is based on tht City’s park inventory as of April 1991, conceptual plan #3 could mutually benefit both agencies. It was also determined th: Acres Required Acres Exist. +/- 78.07 76.36 -< 1.71 > “NOTE: Parkland deficit will be eliminated by the Hosp Grove and Sculpturt Park Enhancement projects scheduled to be completed in the next twc years totaling 5.71 acres. e 0 Park projects andh sites included in the approved park Master Plan in the Northwe Quadrant that have an approved financial mechanism for acquisition and developme are: - Site Acres Fiscal Year Veteran’s Memorial 25 2000 + Community Center/Gym 2000 + - 0 0 Park AcqDevel (Pine) 7 94-2000 0 (location to be determined) 0 Cannon Lake 6.87 95-2000 Hosp Grove (improvements) 5.54 92-93 Maxton Brown Extension 1.15 95-96 Sculpture Park - .17 91-92 . Total 45.73 At buildout the inventory indicates there will be a 6.37 acre surplus of park land in th Northwest Quadrant. Acres Required Acres Exist. +/- 113.91 120.29 +6.37 Additional Northwest Quadrant park enhancement projects under consideration a approved by Council in August of 1990: Site Acres Fiscal Year Magnolia Acquisition/Devel 13.97 N/A Maxton Brown Corridor Ext. AHL Zone 8 - 11.3 N/A - . 4.00 96-200 1 0 Total 29.27 It should be noted that of the above 29.27 acres of park enhancement project: currently only seven (7) acres of that total has a financial mechanism for acquisitioi and development in the Northwest Quadrant approved CIP program. FISCAL ANALYSIS In developing cost estimates for the City acquisition and development of the 13.9-acrc Magnolia site, staff has estimated the cost may range from 13 to 16 million dollar! ($13,000,000 - $16,000,000). Additional funding may also be required for the purchasr of the three (3) dwelling units and the exact cost for this particular acquisition has not been determined at this time. e -7 - -0- . ESTIMATED COST a - - .. ITEM LOW HIGH \ Acquisition 14 ac $4,200,000 $7,000,000 Park Improvements 14 ac 1,890,000 1,890,000 Community Center 3,000,000 3,000,000 Offsite Improvements 1,210,000 1,250,000 Sub to tal 10,340,000 13,140,000 Contingency 20% 2,068,000 2,628,000 Total *$12,408,000 $15,768,000 Annual Maintenance & Operation $25 0,000 $250,000 (not included in current budget forecast) "Note In addition to the above cost estimates, there are three (3) dwelling units that wil require acquisition considerations. As outlined in the 1990 to buildout Capital Improvement Program (CIP) there is i total of PIL and PFF funds of $8.2 million available for future park projects includinl a community center in the Northwest Quadrant between today and buildout. The majority of the funds were earmarked for the acquisition and development of thl Pine School site for future community park purposes. It also should be noted that thl bulk of the funds will not be received by the City until well after the year 2000. According to the Finance Department, as of March 1, 1991, there is a total c $1,260,000 in the PIL fund that could be used for park acquisition purposes. If the City Council allocated all current park-in-lieu funds ($1.2 million) to th Magnolia Park project, available resources would fall short of the needed funding b $11.2 to $14.5 million. If we assumed that all Northwest Quadrant park-in-lieu an! Public Facility Fee funds ($8.2 million) to be received through buildout were availabl to fund this project today, we are still short by $4.2 million to $7.6 million. It should be noted that if Council determines to fund all or part of the propose1 Magnolia project and move it up in priority, the CIP would have to be amended b deferring the approved programs such as additional quadrant park plans, librariei street and or other PFF planned improvements. This reallocation of funds could hav an effect on the City's ability to meet growth management standards in other parts c the City. If Council determines to use General Fund monies over $1 million dollars, it woul require a Prop H vote. 0 0 AS*-, * rage 3 Should the Council decide to proceed with this project a financing program must bc developed. The financing program will depend on one or more of the followin alternatives to raise the necessary funds for the project: 1. Debt Financing a. General Obligation Bonds - This type of bond issue requires approvs by 2/3 of the voters of Carlsbad. This issue would provide the fundin necessary to purchase and construct the park but does not provid provides the City Council with the authority to levy a tax on propert owners within Carlsbad to raise funds to cover annual debt servic payments. Mello-Roos Community Facilities District (CFD) - A Mello-Roos community facilities district could be formed within the Northwe: Quadrant to provide the necessary funding for acquisition an development of the site. The Council may define the boundaries of th CFD to be less than the boundaries of the City. A tax is imposed on th property within the CFD to raise the amount needed for annual det service payments on operating costs. The formation of a CFD require approval of 2/3 of the voters within the district boundary. Certificates of Participation (COP’S) - A Certificate of Participation similar to a bond. The City may issue COP’s without voter approva demand on General Fund revenues will require a reduction in Cil services to meet annual debt service payments. 1972 Lighting and Landscaping Act - The 1972 Act is generally used 1 support maintenance and operating costs of landscaped areas. Althoug the Act has been used for land acquisition in some cases, this activity outside the intent of the Act. Development of parks can also be funde through the Act although, again, this is an expansion of the origin, intent. Council may form a 1972 Act District where a benefit from tk improvement or maintenance area is realized by the property. Counc would annually levy an assessment against property within the Distri to raise funds necessary to meet debt service and/or maintenance cost Determining an area of benefit may be difficult in light of our currei funding for ongoing operating costs. A general obligation bond issu b. c. However, the General Fund is used to repay the debt. This addition: d. Quadrant park financing program. e e m+t , ragz v L i 2. General Fund - The Council may decide to support this project from the General Func If this option is selected, staff will report back on the budget reduction necessary to make funds available. Council should realize that th budget impacts of this option will be substantial. ALTERNATIVES 1. Maintain the program as outlined in the FY 90-91 CIP Budget for th development of a community park in the Northwest Quadrant (acquisition an development of Pine Elementary School, 7 acres). Pros The Pine School acquisition and development program would result i a surplus of 6.37 acres of parkland based upon 3 acres/1000 populatia at buildout and would exceed the park performance standard of tk Growth Management program. . The acquisition/development costs and the mechanisms to finance th; expense is currently identified in the approved 1990 Capit Improvement Program. Cons - As outlined in the Northwest Quadrant Park Enhancement Report, tf opportunity for the City to acquire the Pine School site is not a certain at this time. CUSD officials do not anticipate the sale of the site un after the year 2000, if at all. This time frame does not fall within tk Northwest Quadrant Citizen Group anticipation of a five year pal enhancement program. 2. Delete the Pine acquisition, City to acquire and develop entire 13.9 ac Magnolia site for community park purposes. Pros . The park performance standard in the Northwest Quadrant at buildo The park could possibly be acquired and developed within a five ye would be exceeded by 13.22 acres. time frame if a financing plan is secured. The 14-acre site could house the types of amenities that are curren associated with community park development within the other quadm of the City. e -7-r , IUSb I I Cons The cost to acquire and develop is estimated at $13 to 16 millio (including offsite improvement and community centerlgymnasium). Th total funds (PIL and PFF) identified in the CIP for a community par in the Northwest Quadrant amount to $8.2 million but will not b available until well after the year 2000t. (Re€er to fiscal impac statement.) Total funds available to date are approximately $1.2 millioi Additional funding mechanisms would be required for approximate $4.2 - 7.6 million. All funding mechanisms would need to be advance in order to meet a 5-year development timeline. The park development would increase neighborhood traffic, parkin, noise and lighting impacts. Would require the purchase of (3) existing dwelling units. 3. Jointly acquire and develop the 13.9-acre site with the Carlsbad Unified Schoc District. [CUSD has stated they are pursuing the acquisition of a 5.34-aci parcel within the site in order to provide much needed activity play fielc preempted by the high school expansion program.] Pros If CUSD were to acquire the 5.34-acre site for activity playfields, it cou’ work within a conceptual park design and reduce the City acquisition/development costs by approximately $2.3 - 3.4 million. Tf City’s portion to acquire and develop the remaining 8.6 acres wou range from $3.7 to 5.4 million. Additional costs for (offsite improvemen ($1.2 million) need to be discussed with the District. A joint use agreement would provide public use of the playfields durir non-school use. Cons Public use of the activity playfields would be restricted during periods 1 school use (8-5 Monday through Friday approximately). . May require City to purchase two (2) existing dwelling units on tl remaining parcels. City expenditures ($3.7 - 5.4 million) would be required to be advanct in order to meet a 5-year development timeline. The shared costs offsite improvements ($1.2 million) and the costs for the communi center/gymnasium ($3 million) are not included in these figures. 4. Revise the current park development program to the extent that the Ci unilaterally pursues the acquisition of the 5.34-acre parcel only. a w rurr ,iagbv Pros 0 The cost of acquisition and development ($2.3 - 3.4 million) would b significantly less than the cost of the total site. This figure does nc include offsite improvements ($1.2 million) or communi centerlgymnasium ($3 million). The site would provide multi-use activity playfields and meet tk recommendation of the Recreational Facility Financing Committee provide an adult soccer field in north Carlsbad. On an interim basis, the adult soccer field requirement has been satisfit by the renovation of the upper Valley field, completed in December 1990. 0 The park performance standard at buildout would be exceeded 1 approximately 4.7 acres. A financing mechanism is in place for acquisition and development Budget). 5 - 7 acres of parkland in the Northwest Quadrant (approved 90-91 C . Would eliminate the necessity to purchase two (2) existing homes. Cons The size of the parcel (5.34 acres) site would not allow for the types a quantity of amenities, i.e. community center, active or passive are; currently being developed in other community park sites and may n meet the expectations of the Northwest Quadrant Citizen Group. 0 Funding mechanisms would need to be advanced in order to meet a Traffic, noise, light, neighborhood disruption issues. 5-year development timeline. . Parking issues. 0 CUSD would require use of facilities during the school year. Would require the purchase of one existing dwelling unit. . 5. Jointly purchase and develop the 5.34-acre site with the Carlsbad Unifj School District. Retain plans to acquire the Pine School site in the futurt it becomes available and if a financing mechanism can be secured. Pros 0 Park acreage at buildout would exceed the park performance stand: Would eliminate the necessity to purchase two (2) existing homes. by 4.7 acres under the current guidelines (joint use agreement). . 0 W ~rr , ragc 7 b The cost to acquire/develop and provide offsite improvements woulc range from $3.3 - 4.4 million. A joint venture would cost $1.7 - 2.: million. Although $1.2 million in park-in-lieu funds is currently available a total of $2.38 million will be available by 1994-95. This amount ma: fund the City’s share. Multi-use activity playfields would be available for public use under : joint use agreement with CUSD within a 5-year time frame. Cons * The size of the park site would not allow for the types and quantity o amenities currently being developed in other community park sites ani would not meet the expectations of the Northwest Quadrant Citize Group. Traffic, noise, light, and neighborhood disruption issues. Parking issues. b Would require the purchase of one existing dwelling unit. CUSD would require use of facilities during the school year. . 6. District purchase and develop subject parcel. City enters a use an maintenance agreement for public use. Pros . Would allow the City to direct existing financing mechanisms to othc park enhancement projects. Eliminate neighborhood disruption issue and offsite improvement cost Would not meet the expectations of a community park in the northwe 0 Cons . quadrant. The City purchases the total 13.9 acre Magnolia site and land bank fc future park development and/or enter into an agreement with Distrii and they develop for joint use. 7. Pros b Create a land bank for future park considerations. Opportunity exits for joint development and use. . Cons a May not meet the Northwest Quadrant citizens’ group expectations a community park within the next five years. 0 e AD+ . , ragt: iu There are insufficient funds available for acquisition of the 13.9 acr Magnolia site. . Neighborhood disruption issues and offsite improvement impacts. 8. Hosp Grove development proposal. The last alternative Council may wish to consider would be to redirec the NW Quadrant existing financing mechanism (PIL, PFF) to a phas development program of the city owned 75.5 acre Hosp Grove, (trail staging areas, picnic grounds, play areas, possible interpretive an community center location). Creates a public use within the grove area. Financing mechanisms are in place (PIL, PFF). Pros . . Has potential in enhancing the proposed city wide trail system (par standard/dedication revision). May reduce neighborhood disruption issues. Potential site for community center. Cons 0 May not meet the expectations of a community park concept in the N\ Quadrant. SUMMARY The City’s existing long range park development and financing program would satis the park performance standard by build-out in the North west Quadrant (Pir Elementary School acquisition and development). To extend the adopted park an amenity standards beyond buildout projections in any quadrant would create a Ci. wide financial burden. To provide a comprehensive community park that includes a balance of active an passive recreational amenities would require the acquisition of the entire 13.9 acr Magnolia site, which includes three (3) dwelling units and the consideration of majc offsite improvements. Our analysis indicates there are insufficient funds available to acquire and develop ti- entire site based on our existing financial mechanisms (PIL, PFF). To enter into a joint acquisition and development venture with the District for portion of the Magnolia site, may not meet the community park desires of tk Northwest Quadrant Citizen’s group. 0 -7r , LUSb II It is extremely difficult to locate a suitable site to build one large comprehensivl community park in the older part of the Northwest Quadrant without causing eithe a neighborhood disruption issue or entering condemnation proceedings. If the Pine School site never becomes available for community park purposes, Counc may wish to consider redirecting the Northwest Quadrant financing mechanisms (PIL PFF) to a phased development program of Hosp Grove (trails, picnic area: interpretative center etc.). If General Fund monies of over $1 million dollars are used it would mandate a Pro H vote. Staff is seeking direction from Council to either: 1. Maintain the current program as outlined in the FY 90-91 CIP budgt for the development of a community park in the Northwest QuadraI (acquisition and development of Pine Elementary School, 7 acres). District purchase and develop Magnolia parcel. City enters use an maintenance agreement for public use. Develop a long range Hosp Grove enhancement program. 2. 3. EXHIBITS: 1. Site Map 2. Proposed Magnolia Site Community Park Conceptual Plans I** -z- -1 .* . .. . .. . 1.. 0 m --- .I #$!ti 1i i b / v Le L. \atat I .31 \ \ L \-- '2 > \> -\ , /+ * /+ -.- -.- --- - -- ----. ,. \ 3- 2 I._ $ 2 I -* __ .. -.-.- . __ -. - - - --_---- *a - t* .-_ . .-. . . -_ --/- '- -. ' .* I 8 e W 4 c p? 3 flq 4 ( 3\11 LQqt - q .- .2-- -c____ --___. T i e&$ /I * '"';'i C'CP/.-A e Y AU RECEIV $-b/ ;", +LA ,A July 24, 1991 To: Mayor Lewis and Members of the Carlsbad City Council From: Northwest Quadrant Citizen's Committee Re: The Magnolia Acquisition and Development Study Our committee would like to thank you for deferring this agenda item SI that we could study its various alternatives. We offer the followin corn men ts : 1. It is conveniently located next to school and a good concentration of the citizenry of the NWQ. The site has gre; pedestrian accessibility as there are no major arterials one must cros to get to the site. Young children could bicycle to it as well. 2. Pine School would also be a great site but all indications from th Carlsbad Unified School District for its development as a park site lead u to believe that it will not be available in the forseeable future. 3. We reject alternatives 3, 5, and 7 which would entail joint us agreements with the CUSD. We have relied on this method in the pas Future joint ventures are not acceptable to us for meeting park standard in our quadrant. 4. Ideally we would recommend the unilateral acquisition of the 13 acres by the city if the money were available. However, to quote Willia F. Buckley, Jr. "Idealism is fine but as it approaches reality, the co becomes prohibitive." in the PF and PIL Northwest Quadrant funds from now to buildout, it looks like VI are a little short unless the city considers selling or trading its existir underutilized properties such as Buena Vista Reservoir, 405 Oak, and I Pi0 Pic0 Park to make up the deficit. This would insure that the Grow Management Plan standards would be met. The Magnolia site is unique. Since only $8.5 million will be available e * L '* 5. Our group feels that as long as we continue to upgrade and use Hardin! Community Center and the Senior Center the construction of a neb community center is not a high priority at this time. 6. If the cit wishes to pursue this alternative then we feel a comprehensivc enhancement plan should be developed from the south side of Buena Visti Lagoon from Hosp Grove through the duck feeding area and Maxton Browi extension all the way to the ocean. We would not recommend a communit center here as it would not be a convenient location for non-vehicula access, and, of course, it would necessitate cutting down alot of thosr expensive trees. 7. In summary the staff report shows we don't have the financis resources to acquire parkland in the NWQ. If the city is willing to trade sell, or use existing land that it already owns, then we feel thc requirements of the Growth Management Plan will be met. The reliancc on future joint use agreements to meet park standards is unacceptable tr o u r g roup. Thank you for your time. If our group could be of further assistance pleas1 let us know. Alternative 8 proposes further development of Hosp Grove.