HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-07-16; City Council; 11260; BEACH PARKING FEE PROPOSALk d4-1 0 AB#~L+~.GL- TITLE: aaJ a)o MTG.@-/ 19- cil ocd alc DEPT. c44j BEACH PARKING FEE PROPOSAL 4JG DEPT. HI CITY AT CITY MC d a)? 5 Mal -rl 4J 5cd 4-1 .- 0 ffl aJG a0 4-1 *I4 c, a .s ZE g VI om urd ou -rl -4 4Jv -rl mM 00 a\ aa Od rd d Gh .rl a 01 mcd m.c NO IN .a 43 ma oc zu CaJ 03 -4 UM ffl +a 71 2; aaJ 0 fflo ab0 ucd ad 44 cd h rl4J -rl TI g& 4 cn \ a ov vu4 4 \ w .. z 2 6 d, 2 0 z 3 00 I /y ClY)OF CARLSBAD - AGENWBILL (2 -" RECOMMENDED ACTION: Direct staff to prepare letters to the State Department of Parks and Recreation and thc California Coastal Commission in opposition to the imposition of beach parking fees at thc lot at the end of Tamarack Avenue. ,&. ?/- $33- ITEM EXPLANATION: The State Department of Parks and Recreation has applied to the California Coast; Commission for approval to install fee collection devices at 16 state park sites, including tt beaches in Carlsbad at Tamarack Avenue and Ponto Drive. These devices, either automal ticket machines known as "park-ur-selP' devices or "iron rangers", would augment the existir fee collection program throughout the State. Each device will generally be located near the entrance to the park, in a previously paved disturbed area. Two by three foot information signs will also be installed along with ea device. The permit submitted to the Coastal Commission is only for mechanical devicc other devices such as gates or metal teeth in the roadway to prevent vehicular entrance i - not included in the application. These are the same devices currently being used Oceanside at the harbor and beach parks. As part of the FY 1990/91 budget, the Legislature and the Governor directed the St Department of Parks and Recreation to increase its fees throughout the State park syst in order to make up a $16 million shortfall in funding for the operations and staffing of Department. Accordingly, the Department analyzed its existing fee schedule, the areas wh fees were not being collected and its fee collection practices and found that fees were c being collected in about 16% of the day use areas of the system. The Department t identified units and areas in the system where new fees could feasibly be collected, ar where parking is available but no fee is collected, and areas where fees were only bt collected during the peak season (May - September). Based on this analysis, the Departrr identified sites throughout the state, including the Carlsbad sites, where new or more effic: fee collection practices could be instituted. The Carlsbad State Beach at Tamarack Avenue does not currently have a fee coller system. The State Department of Parks and Recreation is asking the Coastal Commis for approval to install either a park-ur-self device or iron ranger at this 120-space lot. June 11, 1991, the Commission postponed their decision on this beach, among others, the Department held public meetings, A public meeting has tentatively been scheduP Solana Beach on Monday, July 22, 1991 from 7:OO to 9:00 p.m. In January, 1991 the Coastal Commission denied coastal permit applications fo installation of 16 fee collection devices at 1 1 state park sites because it was determine( the imposition or increase in fees were not consistent with several policies of the Coast: However, Coastal Commission staff is recommending that the Commission limit its rev, this case to the physical impacts of the collection devices on the natural resource! nearby communities. In denying the Department's prior applications, the Commissior \ 0 e PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. li,a-be concerned about the potential adverse impacts of new or increased fees on persons 01 limited economic means, adverse impacts on natural resources and surrounding communities, and the absence of any relation between fees and services or facilities. In addition, the Commission was also concerned that the Department had failed to adequately involve the public in its decision-making process. In response to the Commission’s action, the Department has taken several steps towardr addressing these concerns. First, the imposition of new fees has been deferred until a serie! of public meetings have been held to allow public input on all issues relative to day use fees Second, the Department will look at the relation of fees to services and facilities provided a the sites. Third, the Department has included in their application a monitoring componen which will result in an identification of potential impacts on natural resources and neighborins communities and which is intended to result in corrective action being taken to mitigate an! significant adverse impacts. Fourth, the Department will provide the Commission with a annual report as to the impacts, if any, in the areas of primary concern to the Commissio relative to the installation and operation of the fee collection devices. As a result of the Commission’s action denying the Department’s applications for fe collection devices, the Commission was asked to explain its actions to the Legislative Budgc Committees of both the Assembly and the Senate. Members of the fiscal committees mad it clear that the Commission’s action, which had the effect of preventing the Department fro1 imposing new fees at coastal parks, was viewed by them as being in direct defiance of tl- Legislature’s and the Governor’s intent as reflected in the FY 1990/91 budget. The Legislative Committee of the City Council has reviewed this proposal, and recommending opposition to beach parking fees at the Carlsbad State Beach at Tamarac Avenue. 'r .f a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 l3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e * RESOLUTION NO. 91 -235 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA OPPOSING A PROPOSAL BY THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION TO IMPOSE PARKING FEES AT CARLSBAD STATE BEACH. WHEREAS, the State Department of Parks and Recreation has applied to the California Coastal Commission for approval to install a fee collection device at the beacb parking lot at Tamarack Avenue; and WHEREAS, many residents visit the beach daily, including swimmers, seawal walkers, surfers, and beachcombers; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has assumed the responsibility for improvinc State owned property near this beach; and WHEREAS, the Carlsbad State Beach is one of the City's greatest assets anc should be enjoyed without charge. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the City Council hereby opposes the imposition of fees at the 120 space beach parking lot at the foot of Tamarack Avenue. 111 111 Ill Ill Ill x Ill , ”. h kT .L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l3 l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a e PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 16th day of July , 1991, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Nygaard, and Stanton NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: iQ AL%*UTEN (SEAL)