HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-08-19; City Council; 891-9; CITIZEN REQUEST FOR INSTALLATION OF TIME LOCK GATES AT THE BEECH STREET ACCESS (ACTION)‘t ngT,* TITLE:. CITIZEN REQUEST FOR INSTALLATION OF TIME LOCK GATES AT THE BEECH STREET ACCESS (ACTION) Z 0 i= 0 e z 0 G cc 5 0 pursue the ownership of the access point and assume the management of maintenanc operations. However, that action was predicated upon a guarantee that the Coast2 Conservancy would provide grant funding in order to construct the existing stairway. Th Coastal Conservancy agreed to provide grant funding to the City for the stairwa construction, and the ownership and subsequent maintenance and operation has bee assumed by the City ever since. Several other access points are located along Ocean Street which provide for public acces to the ocean (Exhibit 2). Currently, there are seven (7) accessways including: Oceai Street, Army/Navy Academy, Cypress Street, Beech Street, Christiansen Way, Grand an( Elm Avenues. Presently, two (2) of the seven (7) accessways are equipped with time locl gates. They are Cypress Street and Christiansen Way. Although staff does not question Mr. Mann’s claim regarding unsavory behavior which ma occur on the beach during late night and early morning hours, staff believes that thl construction of a time lock gate at this access point may serve to deter the problen however, would not eliminate it. Access can be gained to the beach property throug several other access points, notably Ocean Street, Army/Navy Academy, Grand and Eln Avenues. In an effort to neutralize some of this behavior, staff believes that every acces point would need to be under a time lock situation. However, even then, access to thc beach could be achieved through other means (from Oceanside at the Buena Vista Lagoo! to the north and the Carlsbad Seawall access points to the south, etc.). In addition to thi rationale, the following are considerations to deny the request: * 1. The cost to construct time lock gates is anticipated to be in excess of $5,001 per each access point. The funds are currently not provided for in the 1991 92 fiscal year Maintenance and Opejation Budget. The cost for ongoin mainten& and Operation and eventual re cement would also be consideration. If time lock gates are constructed at each of the access points, then shol an emergency situation arise during periods when the gate is time lock€ access for emergency operation procedures by Police and Fire, etc. WOL be restricted. The presence of the time lock gates creates a certain liability exposure itself due to the ability for an individual to scale the fence in an etfort gain access. Should injury result as a consequence, the question of liabil could surface. Since the issue of late night and early morning access to the beach area staffs opinion cannot be eliminated, the issue appears to be one enforcement. The enforcement of laws governing trespassing, loiterir vagrancy, disruptive behavior, public intoxication, etc. should be referred the appropriate enforcement agencies, specifically Carlsbad Poli Department and/or the Stage Parks and Recreation rangers. If the Commission wishes to consider alternatives, the following are offered f consideration: I db c ‘, .. 2- 3. 4. A. If the Commission approves of a time lock gate at Beech Street accesswi that the cost of installation be born by the adjacent resident(s). Because t accessway is owned by the City, application to the Coastal Commission f installation must be processed by the City. Approval by the City Coun would be necessary, and, if this alternative is recommended and approvc by Council, staff would process the application and await approval or den from the Coastal Commission. Direction to continue would be continge upon their decision. Direct staff to communicate the problems arising from unruly behavior the appropriate enforcement agencies and request increased patrol ai enforcement to reduce and correct the problem. If the Commission concurs with the citizen request to install the time lo gate and feels it appropriate that the cost be incurred by the City, dire staff to request funding for the construction during the fiscal year 92- budget process. B. C. FISCAL IMPACT: It is estimated the cost to install time lock gates (at the top and bottom of the accesswa would be in excess of five thousand dollars ($5,000). The annual maintenance a operation of the gates (other than electric costs) would be minimal excluding a vandalism which may occur. Funds are currently not available in the 91-92 departme budget. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. Beach accessways map - - William C. Mann’s letter, 7-15-91 I 119 931-6860 RECEIVED .I111 1 5 ' FIX 619-931-6867 William C. Mann 2701 Ocean Street Carlsbad, California 9200 July 11, 1991 Park & Recreation 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: David Bradstreet Dear Mr. Bradstreet: Keith Beverly of the Parks and Recreation suggested that you were the person to direct this request to. I live at 2701 Ocean Street here in Carlsbad and my neighbors suggested that I be the one to contact you of this matter. My beach property has a 5' easement on the south side, which is a public access it was nicely redone a couple of years ago and since that time there has been a lot more traffic coming on to the beach, which is nice so everyone can enjoy it. The point of this letter is that late night and early morning .feeling of danger. They party on the seawalls causing lots of noise, which wakes us up and they break bottles, which we pick up so innocent visitors don't step on and don't bring suit on us since they are on our property. We are always telling people not to start fires since it is against the law and the smoke blows into our homes through open windows. Transients and street-bums camp out on our decks and between our houses and use our yards as their toilet and cause us concern to keep our homes locked securely, Most recently the event of hearing 2 gunshots fired from the beach at 1:00 a.m. finally prompted me to see what could be done. I was awakened hearing people screaming at each other and then heard the gunshots. I snuck out to see but, luckily saw no one left there. ----2&--- Yi3&M&3 arc l.-- U=~O~IA~Q --- e, mjoz nrtisanca z:nd scxctirnes pvr?:..y the J Corte 'Del Nogal, Suite n, Carlsbad, CR 92009 * a I This letter is to bring your attention to all this and request electrical time lock gate be put at the top of the stairs with t locking hours of 1O:OO p.m. thru 6:OO a.m. at that particul location of my property I do have electrical available that t city would be able to tack into to keep cost down. mine Mr. Dave Richards has talked to a Coastal Commission pers who understood this and thought that our cause was legitimate bu that the authorization would have to come from the city Carlsbad. I would appreciate anything you could do for us. If your offi can't oblige this request, please direct to the appropria . committee. Sincerely, A neighbor ! CL William C. Mann _- - >i;. \ .*, 0 -. r.' a::: . I ' -:' . . I* ,. .. . . 4av-u Uewu- '. .. STATE PAIIKS & c. - +'. !. . I. e 4 '* The Mooring Apts.,Inc. 2895 Ocean Street Carlsbad, Ca 92008 September 19 , 1991 City of Carlsbad Park and Recreation Department 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, Ca 92008 On behalf of the adjoining property owners, The Mooring Apartments an& St. Tropez West, a Condominium Development, this application is made to grant permission to instal( Electrically operated Gates controlling the Beach Access at Grand Streetand Ocean Street. We propose to keep these gates closed from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. daily. Reason: We are concerned about disturbances arising from juvenile gang beachparties and beach fires during the night hours. We have experienc various kind of property damage, Theft of patio furniture and Graffiti as well as verbal assaults to our guests and tenants.. I believe it to be in the interest of the City of Carlsbad to support 1 in our efforts to create a good environment for our Visitors as well a: Also, this measure of controlling the beach accessduring the night houi will help to minimize demands on police patrolling the area of Grandvia Ocean Street. Thank you for considering this Application. /&??,f&>LL Kurt Gunther I L -