HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-08-20; City Council; 11308; ELIMINATION OF ADVISORY APPEALS BOARD4 b 23 ZT: .m 02 2. a2 04 ah 00 0 ou ::g Ca .d Cd 44 .d .d 0 Q $2 gg 22 0 r= 3 SS c 2 .. 82 = rl 0 U z a 0 0 GI YUF CARLSBAD - AGEN-BILL . - AB#- TITLE: ELIMINATION OF ADVISORY AND DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: DEPT. MTG..S"~~"CII APPEALS BOARD CITY I CITY I CA If the city council concurs, your action is to introdu Ordinance No. 0s- 13 ! . ITEM EXPLANATION The Carlsbad Municipal Code and the Uniform Building Co require each city to have an Advisory and Appeals Board. I jurisdiction includes disputes over: a) alternative materials b) refusal to issue permits c) d) notice to abate public nuisances interpretation of building, housing, electric, plumbing, mechanical, fire, solar energy a swimming pool codes. No one can remember when the last appeal was heard and the: has not been one for sure since 1981. There are currently 1 members appointed to or serving on the board. The communi- development director recommends that the board be abolishec Ordinance No.f')S-tI! which is attached would do that. If tl need for an appeal should ever arise in the future, it wou be heard by the city council. Since this recommendation Wi pending, the extension of terms for board members to foi years was not included in the agenda bill and documents fc the other city, boards, commissions and committees. FISCAL IMPACT None. EXHIBITS 1. Ordinance No. f)c- 17! . m Bym-w v- 1200 ELM AVENUE TELI CARSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (6 19) Office of rhe City Clerk Mitg of USPrl~bab BOARD (SI AND/OR COMMISS ION ($1 APPLICATION FOR A PPOINTMENT (Please print or type.) NAnE(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR CM4ISSIW(S) IN UHICH INTERESTED: AM7I9oRY & APpJ32xcs EmRD NAME : JOSEPH N. (JOE) EGGLESTON ADDRESS : 3301 Belle Lane CITY: Car lsbad ZIP CODE: 92001 HOME PHONE: 729-509 1 PRESENT OCCUPATION: Retired, USMC & Retired.Citv of Carlsbad BUSINESS NAME: None BUSINESS ADDRESS: None WORK PHONE: U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) - X Yes Resident of Carl sbad (preference given to residents) - X Yes Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some comnissions) - X Yes I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Comnission(s) I wish to serve; I am willing to provide required statements if appointed to a Board or Comnissic to financial disclosure; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Mer. I SIGNATURE : /Ic fHp& DATE: Januarv 31, I! Y * (Continued on reverse side.) m W IzxJCmIm Graduated frm Chagrin Falls, Ohio High School in 1947 and Mira Costa Junior College in 1975, received a Bachelor of Arts degree in public Ahidstration fm San Diego State University in 1977 and a Master of Arts Degree in Public Administration frcm the California State University at Long Beach in 1981. ExPEmma Tbmty-six years in the U.S,Marine Corps going through the ranks frm Private to Staff Sergeant and Second Lieutenant to Major, being%assigned responsible tasks as Battalion, Company and Platoon COnaMnders; Third mine Amphibious Force Motor Transport Officer, Camp Pendleton, California, Base Motor Transpor Officer, Marine Barracks Security Office.. and Inspector/Instructor for Marine Corps Reserve Squadron. Fifteen (15) years in municipal government mrking for the City of Carlsbad in the Departments of Planning, Personnel, Parks & Recreation, Public Works Administration/Developrent Services, Engineering and Utilities & Maintenance as a Department Adrinistrative Assistant, Administrative Assistant 11, senior Managerent Analyst and Acting Parks and Recreation Director (9 mnths), aMlUNTWXX3WlTES - Member of the Carlsbad Rotary Club, Carlsbad chamber of Comnerce (Ambassadors and Military Affairs Comnittees), Carlsbad Historical Society, Disasterherge Planning Group €or Carlsbad (during employment with City) and the Public Safet and Service Center Planning Group (during employment with City). I have been a member of the Traffic Safety Cormlissioin and the Carlsbad General Plan Review Catunittee in the past and am currently on the Carlsbad Sister City Camittee and the Carlsbad Veterans Memorial Camittee, mITIaaL lIwmMRITrn OR CmMLWrs I am sincerely interested and have sufficient time to participate actively in the junctions of the Carlsbad's Bsirds, &mnissions and Omnnittees. Respectfully request consideration for the tasks which the City Council deems me best qualified, m- a qYd di!%-&d/ TELEi t619) 4, 1200 ELM AVENUE CAR LS BAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the City Clerk @itu of (anrffibaa APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT La a 23 .-"=s x (Please print or type.) "q - 3 - ,$ zg ADVISORY 61 APPEALS BOARD 29 y 75 a BOARD(S1 AND/OR COMMISSION(S) 3 % "* '."t "3 $3 NAME(S) OF BoARD(S) AND/OR CObMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: &t; NAME: JOSEPH N. (JOE) EGGLESTON ADDRESS : 3301 Belle Lane CITY: Carlsbad ZIP CODE: 92008 HOME PHONE: 729-5091 PRESENT OCCUPATION: Retired, USMC & Retired City of CarPsbad BUSINESS NAME: None BUSINESS ADDRESS: None I WORK PHONE: None U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) - X Yes Resident of Carl sbad (preference given to residents) - X Yes Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some comnissions) - x Yes I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) I wish to serve; I am willing to provide required statements if appointed to a Board or Commissio to f inanci a1 di scl osure; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Mem SIGNATURE: y DATE: February 2, (Continued on reverse side.) F V EDUCATION Graduated from Chagrin Falls, Ohio High School in 1947 and Mira Costa Junior College in 1975, received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Administration from San Diego State University in 1977 and a Master of Arts Degree in Public Administration from the California State University at Long Beach in 1981. EXPERIENCE Twenty-six years in the U.S. Marine Corps going through the ranks from Private to Staff Sergeant and Second Lieutenant to Major, being assigned responsible tasks as Battalion, Company and Platoor Commanders ; Third Marine Amphibious Force Motor TransPo* Officer , Camp Pendleton, California, Base Motor Transport Officer, Marine Barracks Security Officer and Inspector/Instructor for Marine Corps Reserve Squadron. Fifteen (15) yeairs in municipal government working for the City 01 Carlsbad in the! Departments of Planning, Personnel, Parks I Recreation, Public Works Admini.stration/Development Services, Engineering and, Utilities t Maintenance as a Department Administrative Assistant, Administrative Assistant 11, Senioi Management Analyst and Acting Parks and Recreation Director (5 months). COMMUNITY ACT IVI'I) IE S Member of the Carlsbad Rotary Club, Carlsbad Chamber of Commerct (Ambassadors and Military Affairs Committees), Carlsbad Historica: Society, Disaster/Ernergency Planning Group for Carlsbad (durinc employment with City), Public Safety and Service Center Planninc Group (during employment with City) and Carlsbad Veterans Memoria: committee. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS5 I am sincerely interested and have sufficient time to participatf actively in the fhnctions of the Ca.rlsbadls Boards, Commissions an( Committees. Respectfully request consideration for the tasks whicl the City Council deems me best qualified. 0 - m , -,,- - c T U (( 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLS BAD, CALI FOR N I A 92008 Office of the City Clerk Citp of CarIsb APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION Name of ~oard or Commission: ADVISO,PY AND APPEALS BOAXD Name (Print or Type): EITAN AHA2ONI Address : 4317 Sea Bright Drive 7xp: 92008 , Phone : 729-7028 present occupation: Architect/Contractor Business Name and Address: AE DESIGN BUILD 412 N. Nevada Street, Oceanside, CA 92054 Bus. Phone: 721-2010 Resident of Carlsbad: Yes Home Phone: 729- 7028 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: Yes I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board o Commission on which I wish to serve. If appointed to a Board o Commission which is subject to financial disclosure laws, willing to provide such statements as may be required. willing to appear for an interview reg for appointment before such committee as the City Council or if requested by indiv I am a1 i fi cations I am DATE: May 20, 1988 SIGNATURE: (See reverse side) 6/8: W * EDUCATION: SEE ZSUME ATTACHED EXPERIENCE: OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS : - e il) AE Design Build Eitan Aharoni, MA General Contractor (61 9) 721 -2010 **El RESUME DEGREES AND LICENSES B.A. in Architecture - U.C. Berkeley, 1971 Licensed Architect, AIA, CA - C011723, 1981 General Buildirrg Contractor, CA - B321392, 1973 Licensed Landscaping Contractor - C2l WORK EXPERIENCE AND TITLES HELD (1969 - present) Gwner/Principal - AE Design Build - 1983-present President - Argo Environments, itd. - A Ceve1opmez.t Conpan Vice-president - Environmental Solar Design - Solar Instal Partner - A/P Builders - General Contractors Director of Housing Rehabilitation - City of Oceanside Deputy Director of Redevelopment - City of Oceanside Assistant City Planner - City of Oceanside Technician Cartographic Services - County of San Diego Architectural Coordination - Larwin San Diego Assistant Project Superintendent - Larwin Northern Califor Draftsman - Sheldon L. Pollack Corporation COiPEMUN I TY INVOLVEMENT $- Chairman Building 3oard of Appeals - City of Oceanside 6/7 Member Historic Preservation Commission - City of Oceansid Past President - North County Jewish Community Center Member Oceanside Historic Society H ON0 FAR I A "Who's Who in California" - 1982 Edition Tau Alpha Epsilon - Honorary Society, 1968 Mathematics Awarc? - Los Angeles Valley College, 1969 Levi Strauss Academic Scholarship - U.C. Berkeley, 1970 PERSONAL DATA U.S. Citizen, born 1947 Married, three children Owner-Renovator of Charles Libby/Goldie Rush Historic Land Oceanside Ofice Address: 708 Fourth Street * Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 721-2010 Mailing Address: 636 Rockledge Streer * Oceanside, CA 92054 9 (619) 722-8015 (answering machintr) i C' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ma, sua *>' koccb 13 sa08 0;;2 moaa 14 Z>iZ P!?Sg m'a~ u ,ai 15 >ma ~u*,o 8ggb 16 EO52 >kg? 17 ps Bo l8 l9 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 W ORDINANCE NO. NS - 171 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 18, OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE DELETION OF CHAPTER 18.36 TO ELIMINATE THE ADVISORY AND APPEALS BOARD The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Califorr does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That Title 18 of the Carlsbad Munic: Code is amended by the deletion of Chapter 18.36. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effeci thirty days after its adoption, and the city clerk shall cerl to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be publis at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days ai its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of Carlsbad City Council on the 20th day of August , 1991, thereafter I/// //I/ /I// //I/ I/// I/// /I// //I/ //I/ /I// //I/ - 8 I, b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 nm &E& Z>jt g 6 4 z 0,ga: “‘cog 15 LL ‘ai >rn< gwrno 6a:~d ZJ 16 2032 55gy 50 v)> Sw? ,3 4308 l4 >clq 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e * PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 1991, by the following vote, to wit: 3rd day of SePtem AYES : Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton Nygaard NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ALETHA L. RATJT$-&k lbczdd ~TE IT- DON'T SAY IO Date March 4 To Mike Holzmiller/Lloyd Hubbs NReply Wanted From Lee Rautenkranz ONo Reply Necessary The attached was filed in the Clerk's Office. It appears to be an appeal for the Advisory and Appeals Board - See Chapter 18.36 of the Municipal Code. Therefore, according to the Code, the appeal should have been filed with the Building & Planning Director. Since the appeal was filed with me, I would appreciate knowing what is going to happen with it since they will probably contact me. Thanks. k2L AIGNER FORM NO. 55-032 PRlN d 4-X.-4cf - I P-Q--- T- 4 ce-h$w 4 0- 18, - B8 0 'cc; c.t;i c E N -1- R t i)E\jEiO?,V 1 p'q-{- I. . Certified - Return Receipt Requested February 29, 1988 City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92009 Re: CT81-46, Appeal from Action of City Engineer Gentlemen: Pursuant to City Ordinance, Carlsbad Airport Centre herel appeals the action of the City Engineer described in the attacht letter of February 17, 1988. Carlsbad Airport Centre objects to the requirement of the removi of a 250 foot existing 36" Corrugated Metal Pipe (CMP) buried : feet below an earthen dike at Detention Basin No. 1 of Carlsbi Airport Centre and replacement by RCP or ACP. CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTRE BY &L+ DEAN GREENBERG, President DG/gk CC: The McIntire Group - .. 1 i 1 I ?:i;()l)l;!r ',irp(>r! k()>(d 1 >:!{tu i()(! L1 < ::l.;\k.[<i, < ,'+& <)?:){y) s ()\<]/\j.j :-(;L ; i I ( OECEIVED 1.. 0 b TELl (619) d FEB I 9 1988 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92009-4859 Off/ce of fhe City Engineer Mitp DE aarlabnh February 77, 1988 Community Resources Corp. 1960 Camino Vida Roble Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: Frank Wagner CORRUGATED METAL PIPE /CT 81-46 Staff has reviewed your soils reports, corrosion investigation, and cathodic protection request. The C.M.P. in place as of 1986 cannot meet the fife span described by Mr. Freelove of Cascade CuIvert Corp. Specifically, the life span of 50 years is now between 13 and 36 years. If we had been aware of this condition in 1986, the change from R.C.P. to C.M.P. would not have been granted. The city will not accept cathodic anode as a supplement or remedy to this issue. Please remove the C.M.P. and utilize R.C.P. or A.C.P. for the storm drain from Detention Basin #l. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact this office. @ CL DE WICKHAM Associate Civil Engineer CEW : dr cc: Lloyd Hubbs Walter Brown Mclnt i re Group E PI H w u I4 e: z e: 3 ER ww &E r/) I k: 3 Pa Lm - H& Frc H E cr: - w u --., - - 1 -. 7 .. -. --. - - --.I - - .. - ". .-m - - - a 0 0 Rhl 4 aa a=r mc GI a4 & 3u x44 &u Glkrlnf UONQ [(I hS0i-I EEOk uudu I4 Ea HHC\lm < LAW OFFICES o -?!!G : 0 DORAZIO, BARNHORST 8c BONAR A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 438 CAMINO DEL RIO SOUTH, SUITE 8-223 P.O. BOX 880209 5AN DIEGO, CALIF-ORNlA 92108-0005 HOWARD J. BARNHORST II VIRGINIA G. BONAR JOEL L. INCORVAIA LAUREL LEE HYDE CYNTHIA J. GLANCY (619) 297-8900 STEVEN P. MCDONALD MARTHA 0. ANDERSON RORY R. WICKS ROBERT J, COLI MICHAEL D. LlUZZl KAREN H. CANOFF CHRISSA N. CORDAY DAVID S. COHN ROBIN F. LAKE LAURl CROCE STREETER -.?- GARY G. ALLEN MICHAEL DORA2 RETIRED TELECOPIER (619) 297-7649 TELEX 697103 BARNDOR - MARK E. STUTZMAN April 12, 1988 Mr. Michael J. Holzmiller Planning Director City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Carlsbad, CA 92009 Re: Sea Point Tennis Club at La Costa Our File No.: 12.14 Dear Mr. Holzmiller: On April 6, 1988, the City of Carlsbad issued the final building permits to our client, La Costa Vale, Ltd., for Sea Poir Tennis Club at La Costa. Therefore, on behalf of our client, we withdraw the appeal dated Feburary 8, 1988, a copy of which is attached, challenging the denial of certain building permits for Sea Point Tennis Club at La Costa. - Since 6 /Robert Jrii 45= DORAZIO, BARNHORST & BONAR RJC/nh 36/12: 03 cc: Mr. E. Scott Dupree Mr. Martin Orenyak Mr. Philip Carter /Clerk, City of Carlsbad Ta 4 LAW OFFICES (0 DORAZIO, BARNHORST & BONAR A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 438 CAMlNO DEL RIO SOUTH, SUITE 8-223 P.O. BOX 880209 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92108-0005 (619) 297-8900 TELECOPIER (619) 297-7649 TELEX 697103 BARNDOR HOWARD J. BARNHORST II VIRGINIA G. SONAR JOEL L. INCORVAIA LAUREL LEE HYDE CYNTHIA J. GLANCY STEVEN P. MCDONALD MARTHA 0. ANOERSON RORY R. WICKS ROBERT J. COLI MICHAEL D. LlUZZl KAREN H. CANOFF CHRISSA N. CORDAY MARK E. STUTZMAN RO9lN F. LAKE LAURI CROCE STREETER r GARY G. ALLEN MICHAEL DOR RETIRE< - DAVID 5. COHN February 8, 1988 Mr. Michael J. Holzmiller Planning Director CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Carlsbad, CA 92009 Re: Sea Point Tennis Club at La Costa - Appeal From Refusal to Issue Building Permits Our File Number 12.14 Dear Mr. Holzmiller: This firm represents La Costa Vale, Ltd., a California limited partnership, (La Costa Vale) which is located at 1764 Sa Diego Avenue, San Diego, CA 92110. The telephone number of La Costa Vale is (619) 297-6771. This letter is an appeal pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code section 18.36.010 et seq. challenging the refusal of Mr. Martin Orenyak of the Carlsbad Planning Department to issue five building permits to our client. Three ( the five requested building permits are required to provide garages for already completed residential units. Copies of the five building permit applications are attached as Exhibits "Att through tgEtf. condominium project known as Sea Point Tennis Club at La Costa. The final map for this project was recorded in 1973 and the condominium plan was presented to and approved by the City in 1981. At this time, two buildings in Phase I have been constructed but do not have certificates of occupancy. The first building, consisting of eight condominium units, was completed ir. February, 1985 prior to the adoption of the City's Growth Management Program, as ratified by Proposition E (Growth Management Program). This building shall hereinafter be referred to as the IIModel Compoundtr. In order for the City of Carlsbad tc issue certificates of occupancy for the units in the Model Compound, the City has advised La Costa Vale that it needs to construct two detached garage structures (each of which will contain three garages) for six of the eight units. also advised La Costa Vale that construction of said garage La Costa Vale, is the developer of the planned 336 unit The City has . %/ k > c0 (0 Mr. Michael J. Holzmiller February 8, 1988 Page 2 -e structures will require La Costa Vale to obtain building permits The building permit applications for these two garage structures are attached as Exhibits IfAf@ and ilE3rr. Two of the units in the Model Compound already have attached garages completed. This building shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Sales Building1#. Two of the units in the Sales Building were also completed in February, 1985 prior to the adoption of the City's Growth Management Program. To complete this building, the City Carlsbad has advised La Costa Vale that it needs building permit to construct the remaining four condominium units located at 730 7308, 7312 and 7314 Alta Vista Drive in La Costa. The building permit application for these four condominium units is attached Exhibit ftclf. In addition, the City has advised La Costa Vale th it needs to construct two detached garage structures which will contain three garages) for the six condominium units the Sales Building and that construction of said garage structur will require La Costa Vale to obtain building permits. building permit applications for these two garage structures are attached as Exhibits IfDIf and ftEtq. On September 25, 1987, La Costa Vale submitted its plans to plan check (Plan Check No. 87514) for the construction of the fo condominium units and the four detached garage structures described above. On December 8, 1987, I sent a letter to Mr. Ph Carter of the City of Carlsbad, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit IrFl1, requesting building permits for these structures. February-2, 1988, I received a written response to my request fr Mr. Orenyak which was dated January 28, 1988. Mr. Orenyak state that the Growth Management Program precludes the City of Carlsba from issuing any building permits in Zone 6. He stated that the building permits would Rot be issuzd xiltil the facility snortfal in Zone 6 have been brought into conformance with the adopted performance standards. A copy of Mr. Orenyakls letter is attach as Exhibit "G". The Growth Management Program was imposed*to Ifinsure that pub1 facilities and improvements meeting city standards are available concurrent with the need created by new developmentll and to Ilcontrol...the timing and location of development by tying the pace of development to the provision of public facilities and improvements at the times established by the city-wide facilitie and improvements plansll. improvements or alterations that do not place a significant additional burden on public facilities were not intended to be prohibited by the Growth Management Program. Consequently, The second building is designed for six condominium units. (each of The It is our client's contention that .. (a f!! Mr. Michael J. Holzmiller February 8, 1988 Page 3 -" alterations of existing single family dwellings and the construction of single family dwellings that would not significantly burden any public facilities were not intended to subject to the Growth Management Program. Specifically, the completion of the four condominium units and the garage structur at Sea Point Tennis Club at La Costa would not come under the prohibitions of the Growth Management Program. Accordingly, La Costa Vale requests that you issue the five building permits as requested to complete the construction of Sea Point Tennis Club La Costa. If the City of Carlsbad determines that the building permit will not be issued as requested, then our client requests that t building permit applications for the garage structures be considered separately. The building permit applications for the garage structures are unique in that three of the four garage structures will provide garages for condominium units which were completed in 1985 prior to the adoption of the Growth Management Program and prior to La Costa Vale's entering into any agreement with the City of Carlsbad resulting from the adoption of the Growth Management Program. In addition, it is our client's contention that they have relied upon the City's prior issuance the building permits for the completed condominiums. The City's denial of the permits for the garage structures at this time wou be totally inequitable, especially in light of the City's knowledge that garages would be required prior to occupancy. Ou clients contend that their rights to permits for the garage structures have fully vested, based upon many factors, including but not limited to, the City's prior actions and issuance of building permits for the residential portions of the units. Delays in the issuance of permits for the garage structures may result in substantial damage to our clients, in light of the facl that out of the eight units located in the Model Compound, four have already closed escrow and the remaining four are currently : escrow, ready to close. A significant number of the purchasers are making substantial moves across the country to permanently reside in the units. Failure to deliver occupancy may undoubted: subject La Costa Vale to substantial damage 'claims. Furthermore, it is our client's position that these garage structures for the completed condominium units do not place any additional burden 01 public facilities within Zone 6 in the City of Carlsbad. Accordingly, there is no justification for the denial of the t'B" I It f building permits for the garage structures (Exhibits IrAl1, and ''E1'). Therefore, if you decide not to issue all five buildir permits requested by La Costa Vale, La Costa Vale requests that the City of Carlsbad issue the permits for the garages structures (0 e Mr. Michael J. Holzmiller February 8, 1988 Page 4 _- (Exhibit rrAti, llBrl, IrDtt and I1E1l) for the condominium units which have already been constructed. e$iJ+* DORAZ BARNHORST 61 BONAR RFL: lm cc: Mr. Scott Dupree Ms. Carol Fox Mr. Martin Orenyak Mr. Phil Carter Carlsbad City Clerk 36/12 : 04 _. * .- NOllVSH3dV1035 U~Y~OM umiin~~r3~no 1013V11UO3 .. EXHIBIT "A'.' .. .. T;r? .. -. , UI uioitnsm~~~~ Y013TMlU03 SHOllVHVl73~ .. .EXHI.BIT- '-'"I . . - . .. f:f' c, c r ;pc5rr:z:c:i' c..-. Fr?BilttIri. :;iti$ 3 r L ; x: t a s e -1 , Oi. Y .::-j;g: ;;f;;z'fd~ . i:;: z5;[::c--- ..4Sa{b$! Ipixa$p;' ax:;:: - 8df f vk p : cc.: :Erf -- $*"s%fr"f;5- -Lt2'?bp! p:? e :I ; i' 1 is! Ai z;z2 fald !?iijjrPl!j!l i!j!lj/i!: i. (k-la*J r rl! f"B'1 Jgji;."j[":I 4&ii @i%; ~ [ "q -A; Z"!: ; !~$~~jf~~~~~ !!i'*zj=Kb, z3i$f2 - %it;$ .I 1 i:&: ---3n 2!:P:6;;dPlf& -{j;:?? --. ;$ys8 ;!?:71 ipi ; ; t rp,g: ;:::;: A:8!:i: ---II-- i;;::;sJ!z; -<fbaja, &;f;i; F,. ~~-~ pi!:!: " p1 tti?=i" &p i q -,::: i? x-: - :!--:r?F$!:?i ::-;$ ,gap3 nj;P;;;lti;Y -;:$; tiii -:.,E i -- . .: t3I . Liz*!: :p' ' 1.3. f1L Y015V11NO3 a3oi1no b3410 ti's ?. 3 15 ' ; ,I :! :ai JiS :; ;jrr ;gi ?! L>:: ;r; LD 3 .' I ;:g jiPh --c pi jj! f :$ :/a 11 ri ::g 3, o:>o si tip : : f9P! !-li $2 :-I ;t: * : 0 0 D :;;! .-$I ;-:E i;."f3 . ;i: p: & i 2 ,:,:;! ;I :a- ; i ;;xi fq, tj :2t* 'fii "Y!. :i?; ?Z ''i L; s L) ?+ n':yl,, I i a P, L LII YO13V'y1UO5 I~~~I~PIU~N~O NOIIISN3dB03S b3YnOM SNrl11VHVll>" EXH I B I T " D " a;r=, 1;;; r:L.a*=-a I. . 7 ,,+#~~ $qqq: gsgq 1 '$ b 'r ' &;!'":;; *..ti;:&;E &:;j E 2; 5 : - 7 stly@p; l:x?tig--5 rg-'!ea r Qp; : 1;:: $!{&:$;. v$'&;. &;g. r ;1 ,p - dZL p;i ;pw i *_.:a r ; $:Si I :$ ;:S' -_ c . ; - ''H2:s.[p;I: ;;:§ii;$il - =i: f &,; E :A,J~ zf"--Pt-:azl ~g~~~;:-~~i E!!!!? g,~s~~- x I:$; j!;;jfr:rrs:g ;padfi:i$ i;"+; .:w [ ?!k:lir:i;;; &q;;&-w z-zz gPBb- /;L-:-: !j, s cc.: - St" -,~~~;~zagzF. kz;~aii;v $5-,-; zSgi:fsEfE8. I ~ ~-?-~s6 *jb 2. _C. ieazr: - 11 8 (& Y' ' i;pl i 1 ; i I llfi 3;fl E?!':. : ; ,qa.q.!i jtz; 1 ;x- .' ' . $2;' ig: *! x -2:; ;<; ..:a; ,., 598 ::, ; ' 1 ;:x. .'j gg; ;gi , ,;i ,: ;+ "Qj ire jir! :r IC 2 :;*i? q ;i; ; i a& I,-fj~. 1, I i " riP i z ;q9 feEJ ;qir , ; .;:i I, ,p I ;;!l i12- {fiF% ' = 'T il!i *tj kg *. .($+ "pP S{ ...!-: -aK! 2:: i8- 0 :'r : _1 \ * c. LAW OFFICES DORAZIO, BARNHORST & BONAB -1 A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 438 CAMINO DEL'RIO SOUTH, SUITE 8-223 P.O. BOX 860209 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92108-0005 HOWARD J. BARNHORST I1 VIRGINIA G. BONAR JOEL L. INCORVAIA LAUREL LEE HIDE CYNTHIA J. GLANCY (619) 297-8900 MARTHA 0. ANDERSON MlCHAEl RORY R. WICKS ROBERT 4. COLI MICHAEL D. LIUZZI I KAREN H- CANOFF CHRISSA N. COROAY MARK E. STUTZMAN STEVE* OF TELECOPIER (619) 297-7649 TELEX 697103 BARNDOR December 8, 1987 Mr, Phil Carter Community Development CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Sea Point Tennis Club at La Costa - Permits for Garages, Sidewalks and for Four Remaining Units Our File No. 12.14 Dear Mr. Carter: This firm represents La Costa Vale, Ltd., a California limited partnership, construction of certain improvements, as specified below. La Costa Vale, Ltd. is the developer of the planned 336 unit condominium project known as Sea Point at La Costa Tennis Club. The final map for this project was recorded in 1973 and the condominium plan was presented to and approved by the City in 01 about 1984. Lot 292 is comprised of the current model unit complex. The approved plan of development for Lot 292 calls for 14 condominium units in two buildings. The first of these two buildings on Lot 292 consists of eight condominium units located at 7320, 7322, 7324, 7326, 7332, 7334 Alta Vista Drive was completed and final inspection received February, 1985. These units shall hereinafter be referred to as the "First Units." for occupancy, the City has advised La Costa Vale that permits to construct detached garages for six units as well as parking facilities and sidewalks. Two of these First Units already have attached garages. The other building is designed for Six condominium units located at 7304, 7306, 7308, 7310, 7312, and 7314 Alta Vista. These uni shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Second Units." Two of the Second Units have been completed with a final inspection as February, 1985. One of the Second Units currently functions as This letter is to request permits for the 7328, 7330, To complete these First Units it needs C;<H I B IT 'I J? I' -. , c. @ Mr. Pkil Carter , December 8, 1987 Page 2 i 4 ,* .* our sales office. To complete this building, the City has advi La Costa Vale that it needs building permits to modify the building in order to construct the remaining four units locatec 7306, 7308, 7312 and 7314 Alta Vista. In addition, the City ha advised La Costa Vale that it needs permits to construct detach garages for all of the Second Units as well as parking faciliti and sidewalks. -- It should be noted that of the 14 units in Lot 292, contracts o sale have been entered into with respect to six of the First Units. Two of these six units have closed escrow. Contracts o sale have also been entered into with regard to two of the four units to be built in the Second Units. As a result, the completion of the entire project and the sale of all of the uni. requires a minimal amount of additional improvements. Therefor1 we hereby request that the City take, as soon as possible, thosl steps necessary to issue to La Costa Vale: (i) any permits it T deem necessary for construction of garages, parking facilities E sidewalks for the remaining six-units in the First Units, (ii) 2 permits it may deem necessary for the construction of the remaining four units in the Second Units, and (iii) any permits may deem necessary to construct garages, parking facilities and sidewalks with respect to all of the Second Units. If the City determines it will not issue said permits, please submit to us in writing within seven (7) days from the date of this letter the reasons for such refusal. Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience witk any questions or comments you may have. Sincerely, qjzifj/(L- obert J Coli DORAZIO, BARNHORST & BONAR RJC : sn 26/12:04 cc: E. Scott Dupree @ 2075 LAS PALMAS (0 CARLSBAD, CALlFORNl I PLANNING DEPARTMENT '619) 438-116 -> - Citp af CarI~bab .. - .. - -.. ,\ -,, 1 -'. ri ', __ -Y January 28, 1988 Mr. Robert J. Coli DORAZIO, BARNHORST & BONAR 438 Camino Del Rio South Suite B-223 P.O.Box 880209 San Diego, California 92108-0n05 Dear Mr. Coli: The purpose of this letter is to respond to your request behalf of La Costa Vale, Ltd. and also bring you up to date a the City's attempt to correct the facility shortfalls identi in the Zone 6 plan. As your aware, the City Council adopted the Local Facili Management Plan for Zone 6 and Resolution No. 9292 w established a local facilities management fee for the zone November 10, 1986. At a subsequent City Council meeting, s was directed to find an alternative financing solution to b these facilities in to conformance with the City's ado! performance standards. This was done because the ( understands the difficulty of the property owners to get toge to resolve these facilities problems. staff is finalizing a proposal to be presented to the ( Council in the near future and, therefore, has not begun collected the local facilities management fee. This proposal reduce the amount of the adopted fee and will eliminate the I for the Zone 6 property owners to work together. When 1 proposal is available for review, I will have a copy sent to ! AS Phil Carter has discussed several times with Robin Lakc your firm, the Growth Management Program as ratified proposition E on November 4, 1986 precludes the City from issi any building permits in Zone 6 until these facility shortf; have been brought into conformance with the adopted perform' standards. CXII I E I T 'I G 'I * c- @ Mr. Rsbert J. Coli .- January 28, 1988 Paqe Two If you have any further inquiries about the ability of La C Vale, Inc. to pulled their remaining permits, please contact Carter at 438-1161. Sincere Marty &-< Orenyak Community Development Director c: Michael J. Holzmiller ., Phil Carter Robin Lake City Manager City Attorney ,I.--- /$#!! .------; &- ci, F 'I LAW OFFICES &--A %- +* e DORAZIO, BARNHORST & BONAR - A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 438 CAMINO DEL RIO SOUTH, SUJTE 6-223 P.O. BOX 880209 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92108-0005 HOWARD J. BARNHORST II VIRGINIA G. BONAR JOEL L. INCORVAIA MICHAEL DORA CYNTHIA J. GLANCY (619) 297-8900 RETIRED LAUREL LEE HYDE STEVEN P. MCDONALD MARTHA 0. ANDERSON RORY R. WICKS ROSERT J. COLI MICHAEL 0. LlUZZl KAREN H. CANOFF CHRISSA N. CORDAY MARK E. STUTZMAN DAVID S. COHN ROBIN F. LAKE LAURl CROCE STREETER GARY G. ALLEN - TELECOPIER (619) 297-7649 TELEX 697103 BARNDOR March 7, 1988 Mr. Philip Carter City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Phil: This letter is to notify you that as soon as the five outstanding building permits are issued to La Costa Vale, we wil withdraw the appeal which we sent to Mr. Michael Holzmiller on February 8, 1988 on behalf of La Costa Vale. It is our under- standing, pursuant to the Carlsbad City Council meeting held on February 23, 1988, that the City plans to issue these building permits on or before March 24, 1988. If the building permits arl not issued by March 24, 1988, then our firm will go forward with the appeal. adw Robert DORAZIO, J ARNHORST & BONAR RJC: usa 36/1214: 02 cc: Mr. Scott Dupree Ms. Carol Fox Mr. Martin Orenyak Mr. Michael Holzmiller Clerk, City of Carlsbad d a rJ x LAW OFFICES . ,u DORAZIO, BARNHOEST €k Bo A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 438 CAMINO DEL RIO SOUTH, SUITE 8-223 P.O. BOX 880209 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92108-0005 HOWARD J. BARNHORST I1 VIRGINIA G. BONAR JOEL La INCORVAIA LAUREL LEE HYDE CYNTHIA J. GLANCY (619) 297-8900 STEVEN P. MCDONALD MARTHA 0. ANDERSON RORY R. WICKS ROBERT J. COLI MICHAEL D. LlUZZl HAREN H. CANOFF CHRISSA N. CORDAY MARK E. STUTZMAN ROBIN F. LAKE LAURI CROCE STREETER GARY G. ALLEN ORA; IRED TELECOPIER (619) 297-7649 TELEX 697105 BARNDOR - DAVID S. COHN February 8, 1988 Mr. Michael J. Holzmiller Planning Director CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Carlsbad, CA 92009 Re: Sea Point Tennis Club at La Costa - Appeal From Refusal to Issue Building Permits Our File Number 12.14 Dear Mr. Holzmiller: This firm represents La Costa Vale, Ltd., a California limited partnership, (La Costa Vale) which is located at 1764 Sar Diego Avenue, San Diego, CA 92110. The telephone number of La Costa Vale is (619) 297-6771. This letter is an appeal pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code section 18.36.010 et seq. challenging the refusal of Mr. Martin Orenyak of the Carlsbad Planning Department to issue five building permits to our client. Three c the five requested building permits are required to provide garages for already completed residential units. Copies of the five building permit applications are attached as Exhibits l1AIt through I1Et1. condominium project known as Sea Point Tennis Club at La Costa. The final map for this project was recorded in 1973 and the condominium plan was presented to and approved by the City in 1981. At this time, two buildings in Phase I have been constructed but do not have certificates of occupancy. The first building, consisting of eight condominium units, was completed in February, 1985 prior to the adoption of the City's Growth Management Program, as ratified by Proposition E (Growth Management Program). This building shall hereinafter be referred to as the tlModel Compoundt1. In order for the City of Carlsbad to issue certificates of occupancy for the units in the Model Compound, the City has advised La Costa Vale that it needs to construct two detached garage structures (each of which will contain three garages) for six of the eight units, also advised La Costa Vale that construction of said garage La Costa Vale, is the developer of the planned 336 unit The City has L b 0 0 Mr. Michael J. Holzmiller February 8, 1988 Page 2 structures will require La Costa Vale to obtain building permits, The building permit applications for these two garage structures are attached as Exhibits lfA1g and aB1l. Two of the units in the Model Compound already have attached garages completed. This building shall hereinafter be referred to as the IISales Building''. Two of the units in the Sales Building were also completed in February, 1985 prior to the adoption of the Cityls Growth Management Program. To complete this building, the City ( Carlsbad has advised La Costa Vale that it needs building permit! to construct the remaining four condominium units located at 7301 7308, 7312 and 7314 Alta Vista Drive in La Costa. The building permit application for these four condominium units is attached i Exhibit rrC*t. In addition, the City has advised La Costa Vale th; it needs to construct two detached garage structures (each of which will contain three garages) for the six condominium units . the Sales Building and that construction of said garage structurc will require La Costa Vale to obtain building permits. building permit applications for these two garage structures are attached as Exhibits flDgl and ltE1g. On September 25, 1987, La Costa Vale submitted its plans to plan check (Plan Check No. 87514) for the construction of the foi condominium units and the four detached garage structures described above. On December 8, 1987, I sent a letter to Mr. Ph: Carter of the City of Carlsbad, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit 'fF19, requesting building permits for these structures. ( February 2, 1988, I received a written response to my request frc Mr. Orenyak which was dated January 28, 1988. Mr. Orenyak statec that the Growth Management Program precludes the City of Carlsbac from issuing any building permits in Zone 6. He stated that the building permits would not be issued until the facility shortfal: in Zone 6 have been brought into conformance with the adopted performance standards. A copy of Mr. Orenyak's letter is attach6 as Exhibit tlGvt. The Growth Management Program was imposed to "insure that publ: facilities and improvements meeting city standards are available concurrent with the need created by new development1' and to *'control...the timing and location of development by tying the pace of development to the provision of public facilities and improvements at the times established by the city-wide facilitie: and improvements plans". improvements or alterations that do not place a significant additional burden on public facilities were not intended to be prohibited by the Growth Management Program. Consequently, The second building is designed for six condominium units. The It is our client's contention that 0 0 Mr. Michael J. Holzmiller February 8, 1988 Page 3 alterations of existing single family dwellings and the construction of single family dwellings that would not significantly burden any public facilities were not intended to 1 subject to the Growth Management Program. Specifically, the completion of the four condominium units and the garage structurc at Sea Point Tennis Club at La Costa would not come under the prohibitions of the Growth Management Program. Accordingly, La Costa Vale requests that you issue the five building permits as requested to complete the construction of Sea Point Tennis Club i La Costa. If the City of Carlsbad determines that the building permit! will not be issued as requested, then our client requests that tl building permit applications for the garage structures be considered separately. The building permit applications for the garage structures are unique in that three of the four garage structures will provide garages for condominium units which were completed in 1985 prior to the adoption of the Growth Management Program and prior to La Costa Vale's entering into any agreement! with the City of Carlsbad resulting from the adoption of the Growth Management Program. In addition, it is our client's contention that they have relied upon the City's prior issuance ( the building permits for the completed condominiums. The City's denial of the permits for the garage structures at this time wou: be totally inequitable, especially in light of the City's knowledge that garages would be required prior to occupancy. ou: clients contend that their rights to permits for the garage structures have fully vested, based upon many factors, including but not limited to, the City's prior actions and issuance of building permits for the residential portions of the units. Delays in the issuance of permits for the garage structures may result in substantial damage to our clients, in light of the faci that out of the eight units located in the Model Compound, four have already closed escrow and the remaining four are currently : escrow, ready to close. A significant number of the purchasers are making substantial moves across the country to permanently reside in the units. Failure to deliver occupancy may undoubted: subject La Costa Vale to substantial damage claims. Furthermore, it is our client's position that these garage structures for the completed condominium units do not place any additional burden 01 public facilities within Zone 6 in the City of Carlsbad. Accordingly, there is no justification for the denial of the building permits for the garage structures (Exhibits t1A*f, lrBlr, "1 and ItEI'). Therefore, if you decide not to issue all five buildii permits requested by La Costa Vale, La Costa Vale requests that the City of Carlsbad issue the permits for the garages structure: 0 e Mr. Michael J. Holzmiller February 8, 1988 Page 4 (Exhibit I1Al1, IIBrl, rrD1l and l1Ev') for the condominium units which have already been constructed. e$J+ DORAZ BARNHORST & BONAR RFL: lm cc: Mr. Scott Dupree Ms. Carol Fox Mr. Martin Orenyak Mr. Phil Carter Carlsbad City Clerk 36/12:04 NOIIVSN3dWOJ 5 u3mn0~ Y3011ll143NMO EXHIBIT "A" - ut U3PN31 N0fIVSN3dN03 S.tl3~tl0~ ' Y013VY1NO3 Y~~~I~P~U~NMO SNOllVHV1~30 Ik=;) EXHIBIT "B" .. sf:~ =#:e $~~;~~~~$~$' -~..-. ".'.-$;!E ;;z,azs h$$fPf?t%e;* 88 .: Fz$$i$ B p -r : ' ?:a: 'mi. ly;%:;"H.gxa: &$3, 53;e=; 'r .E e : iz?: ;$$~%;$:Pgl i3.pi"pI,' IpZ.3 ,§ 33 6 gPje i-81 5 hne i I qf;!qrl;!, . jr:$qf- igjjp EA-,.; -9; 2Pigis;EI~: ,"?. ;b!!8 ,"iI:ea _t y6hq gjs5 y:E:E$;fes$ ;65f3;3S:j;: ::jP-,f ::!:iys!Ji ;ggf :i$;iis :tggzg -* rr :$-,- ~ - . r.3, 52 0- .HEBr:$p! 82% -. :f ; = ai h !:$ii+);, & f prl E~a -,s$s~:!~fq~. si!a 2 8,]i 89, e IS'[ ;-Big i:j;&;;j:$K qp!:& 8 ,!g;e' p6rg-jl :$M dJ;J: ; i$ $5 r.: ;;:&<3ar.:;$: [.:I:% ?I a;PpL: g6--&-" ._ .. 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I k :; h;3,e :* , t -5p pi% ’.il .I, bf; 8 E’* p :! f3i ;; 4 5 , x-* gr23 -HZ j?:.: . 1)- 1 ..SEX I.&j !+ .. * CAW OFFICES 0 DOEAZIO, BARNHOBST & BONAR A PROFESS~ONAL CORPORATION 438 CAMINO DEL.RIO SOUTH, SUITE 8-223 P.O. BOX 880209 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92108-0005 HOWARD J. BARNHORST II STEVEN P JOEL L. INCORVAIA LAURELLEEHYDE CYNTHIA 4. GLANCY (619) 297-8900 OF C( VIRGINIA G. BONAR MARTHA 0. ANDERSON TELECOPIER (619) 297-7649 - MICHAEL I RE RORY R. WICKS ROBERT J. COLI MICHAEL D. LlUZZl KAREN H. CANOFF CHRISSA N. CORDAY MARK E. STUTZMAN TELEX 697103 BARNDOR December 8, 1987 Mr. Phil Carter Community Development CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Sea Point Tennis Club at La Costa - Permits for Garages, Sidewalks and for Four Remaining Units Our File No. 12.14 Dear Mr. Carter: This firm represents La Costa Vale, Ltd., a California limited partnership. This letter is to request permits for the construction of certain improvements, as specified below. La Costa Vale, Ltd. is the developer of the planned 336 unit condominium project known as Sea Point at La Costa Tennis Club. The final map for this project was recorded in 1973 and the condominium plan was presented to and approved by the city in or about 1984. Lot 292 is comprised of the current model unit complex. The approved plan of development for Lot 292 calls for 14 condominium units in two buildings. The first of these two buildings on Lot 292 consists of eight condominium units located at 7320, 7322, 7324, 7326, 7328, 7330, 7332, 7334 Alta Vista Drive was completed and final inspection received February,. 1985. These units shall hereinafter be referred to as the "First Units." To complete these First Units for occupancy, the City has advised La Costa Vale that it needs permits to construct detached garages for six units as well as parking facilities and sidewalks. Two of these First Units already have attached garages. The other building is designed for six condominium units located at 7304, 7306, 7308, 7310, 7312, and 7314 Alta Vista. These unit shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Second Units." Two of the Second Units have been completed with a final inspection as c February, 1985. One of the Second Units currently functions as EXHIBIT "F" . -. , . e e Mr. Phil Carter I December 8, 1987 Page 2 * t. 1. our sales office. To complete this building, the City has advis La Costa Vale that it needs building permits to modify the building in order to construct the remaining four units located 7306, 7308, 7312 and 7314 Alta Vista. In addition, the City ha: advised La Costa Vale that it needs permits to construct detach€ garages for all of the Second Units as well as parking facilitic and sidewalks. -_ It should be noted that of the 14 units in Lot 292, contracts of sale have been entered into with respect to six of the First Units. Two of these six units have closed escrow. Contracts of sale have also been entered into with regard to two of the four units to be built in the Second Units. completion of the entire project and the sale of all of the unit requires a minimal amount of additional improvements. Therefore we hereby request that the City take, as soon as possible, those steps necessary to issue to La Costa Vale: (i) any permits it n deem necessary for construction of garages, parking facilities a sidewalks for the remaining six units in the First Units, (ii) a permits it may deem necessary for the construction of the remaining four units in the Second Units, and (iii) any permits may deem necessary to construct garages, parking facilities and sidewalks with respect to all of the Second Units. If the City determines it will not issue said permits, please submit to us in writing within seven (7) days from the date of this letter the reasons for such refusal. Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience with any questions or comments you may have. Sincerely, As a result, the */- obert J Coli DORAZIO, BARNHORST & BONAR RJC: sn 26/12 : 04 cc: E. Scott Dupree - @ 2075 LAS PALMAS C 0 % CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA P LA N NI NG DEPARTMENT (619) 438-1161 aitp of aarrsbab m - -- >-,.-a - ~ ., .c- - 3 3 JU January 28, 1988 Mr. Robert J. Coli 438 Camino Del Rio South Suite B-223 P.O.Box 880209 San Diego, California 92108-0005 DORAZIO, BARNHORST & B0NA.R Dear Mr. Coli: The purpose of this letter is to respond to your request behalf of La Costa Vale, Ltd. and also bring you up to date as the City's attempt to correct the facility shortfalls identif in the Zone 6 plan. As your aware, the City Council adopted the Local Facilit Management Plan for Zone 6 and Resolution No. 9292 wl- established a local facilities management fee for the zone November 10, 1986. At a subsequent City Council meeting, st was directed to find an alternative financing solution to br these facilities in to conformance with the City's ado€ performance standards. This was done because the c understands the difficulty of the property owners to get toget to resolve these facilities problems. Staff is finalizing a proposal to be presented to the c Council in the near future and, therefore, has not begun collected the local facilities management fee. This proposal reduce the amount of the adopted fee and will eliminate the r for the Zone 6 property owners to work together. When t proposal is available for review, I will have a copy sent to 4 As Phil Carter has discussed several times with Robin Lake your firm, the Growth Management Program as ratified Proposition E on November 4, 1986 precludes the City from issL any building permits in Zone 6 until these facility shortf? have been brought into conformance with the adopted perform; standards. EXHIBIT I' GI' e v Mr. Robert J. Coli January 28, 1988 Pase Two If you have any further inquiries about the ability of La Cc Vale, Inc. to pulled their remaining permits, please contact 1 Carter at 438-1161. Sincere Marty &-< Orenyak Community Development Director c: Michael J. Holzmiller Phil Carter Robin Lake City Manager City Attorney I) e 1200 ELM AVENUE TELl CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) Office of the Mayor Cltp sf Carls’bab February 3, 1983 Robert Ladwig 3289 Donna Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 This is to acknowledge receipt of your resignation from the Advisory and Appeals Board of the City of Carlsbad, effective January 24, 1983. On behalf of the City Council and the citizens of Carlsbad, I wish to express our sincere appreciation for your service on this board. We are grateful for the benefit of your knowledge and experience during your tenure, and for the time and effort that you have given. The Council would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your valuable contributions of time and energy to cormunity services. MARY c+ H. ASLER Mayor MHC : krk I RICK ENG Date Receive 0 - w.1 WI #"YV - PLANNING CONSULTANTS ENGINEERING COMPANY 1 AND CIVIL ENGINEERS r - 22 198 : m? 3088 PI0 PIC0 DR. SUITE 202 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 - P.O. BOX 1129 PHONE AREACODE714 729-4987 January 24, 1983 Ms. Lee Rautenkranz City Clerk CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 RE: ADVISORY AND APPEALS BOARD Dear Lee: The Advisory and Appeals Board has not met €or several years nc and I don't see any signs it will be meeting in the future. Rather than filling out the "conflict of interest" statements again, I hereby resign my position. Sincerely, Robert C. Ladwi RCL :ps Enclosure: Filing statement forms and instructions. 1 c LA $ a& \ t PA- - d+ ere--"- I- d!! y QGt __-_ e-- .- -------"-4-p-.,-+.-- - Ils&. rl L- II) a CITY OF CARESBAD APPLICATION FrSR APPOINTMENT TO 13OAPD OR COT/LMXSSION OR co." :MI 'I' T EE s TO: Ch'ilLSL;AD CTTP COUNCIL Gentlemen : 1 amuld appzeciake the opportunity to serve as a inernber * of t~ic - ADV~J~/~:(/ $ ,/)~PEALS /!~OAPD .- (Name of cormittee GI conmission) In sc 6:oinc; Z understand that if I am asked to serve on the Planning Conmission, I will be requested to make a financial disclosure statement if zppointed. My background andjor avocation lead me to believe that I am qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens cf Carlsbad, I have listed some of those activities below which I have participated in and feel will be of benefit if - I selected. - HP7: AYXP" r/&E ct+/&-F. 6 irs/ OF -, e @A7 #d&> E=i=&Z!z ._<EA.?L.IEP ad A.4. C/7Y Amb--rEE2? PL&d &&H/x-ed4zu a d& L/E /? /L .&Z/SS Q GEd SLSE L0rJ7prQC - 7ze 39 y 2y/ - nsz& E=-sf-A I"&- &&0//2& - -- I J&4%d /id /LA-r$s5fi. (Print name) 27 y "H/~HAAA-4 DR 72s- V2.48 - d .-. QC? <, 1979 -.- Phone Date - /e -/do - * CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION OR CO?IPlITTEES TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Gentlemen: I would appreciate the opportunity to serve as a member Building Advisory h Appeals Board (Name of committee or comnission) of the In so doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the Planning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial disclosure statement if appointed. My background and/or avocation lead me to believe that I am qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens of Carlsbad, I have listed some of those activities below which I have participated in and feel will be of benefit i€ selected, City of Carlsbad Building Director from April, 1961 to January, 1980. - - &',<3 c- /// 9- "0 - I e-/> y'3 q - Phone Date &&-&, @ / - /yyp b-& [%,g"!J LA- $ 4LL&dX&/ CL, yL72&?&,13 n B tAAi $ @&?q&?lt&=4:, J >,-7 z, fL&>?/ Ah 15&?244iM.& g+-$$ &ZYJZ.k>, -48 AL&/fl,L, AzP-zk+ Z222i45 Y D d'L/ -T kk?~%-%2dL +y:YJ&2 v r t$&&----&$!; C.-&.-, 49- ~ 7 n&gov* 0 8 October 2, 1979 Arthur A. Brown 5157 Shore Drive Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Lee Rautenkranz City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Dear Lee : I received notice that the City will adopt the Conflict of Interest Code, and it includes the Building Advisory and Appeals Board. I feel that this code is not logical for an advisory body, therefore, I wish to tender my resignation as of this date. Sincerely , J-Ad/ Arthur A. Brown e *- ‘ &?, figs k’k&:/*<2: *J; ,. A, ////-’ AAB/ca c I) 3 I CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO ‘ BOARD OR COMMISSION QR COllMITTEES TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL * <. Gentlemen: ortunity to serve as a m c In so doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the ‘PJanning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial . disclosure statement if appointe,d, My background andlor avocation lead me to believe that X am qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens e _. of CarPsbad. which 1 have participated in and feel will be of benefit if I have listed some of those activities below e. /. .*-. Phohe . . I! lK/7Y DaFc e -3) 1200 ELM AVENUE TELEPH CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) 724 Office of the Mayor Citp of darl&brsb. October 19, 1979 George Meese, Jr, P.O. Box 414 Carlsbad, CA 92008 On behalf of the City Council and the citizens of Carlsbad, I wish to express our sincere appreciation for the time and effort you have given as a member of the Building Advisory and Appeals Board. We are sorry that you can no longer continue to serve on this Board, but are grateful for the benefit of- your knowledge and experience during your tenure. The CQuncil recognizes the many hours of devoted ser- vice you have given this community and would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your valuable contributions of time and energy to community services. // ,>J ,./- RONALD C, PACKARD Mayor RCP: krs 0 .II) TELEPt (714) 72' 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the Mayor Citp sf QCarI~bab October 19, 1979 G. J. Kamptner 3185 Monroe Carlsbad, CA 92008 On behalf of the City Council and the citfzens of Carlsbad, I wish to express our sincere appreciation for the time and effort you have given as a member of the Building Advisory and Appeals Board. We are sorry that you can no longer continue to serve on this Board, but are grateful for the benefit of' your knowledge and experience during your tenure, The Council recognizes the many hours of devoted ser- vice you have given this community and would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your valuable contributions of time and energy to community services. / A/ RONAL C, PACKARD Mayor RCP : krs e s 1200 ELM AVENUE Office of the Mayor TE Le PI- CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) 725 citp of aarlsbab October 79, 1979 R. R. Robinson 2977 Ocean St. Carlsbad, CA 92008 On behalf of the City Council and the citizens of Carfsbad, I wish to express our sincere appreciation for the time and effort you have given as a member of the Building Advisory and Appeals Board. We are sorry that you can no longer continue to serve on this Board, but are grateful for the benefit of your knowledge and experience during your tenure. The Council recognizes the many hours of devoted ser- vice you have given this community and would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your valuable contributions of time and energy to community services. /:</ RONALD C. PACKARD Mayor RCP: krs 0 a 1200 ELM AVENUE TELEPH (714) 729 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 52008 Office of the Mayor at, of QCarI$bab October 19, 7979 Tom Richardson 2266 Cameo Rd. Carlsbad,CA 92008 On behalf of the City Council and the citizens of Carlsbad, I wish to express our sincere appreciation for the time and effort you have given as a member of the Building Advisory and Appeals Board. We are sorry that you can no longer continue to serve gn this Board, but are grateful for the benefit of your knowledge and experience during your tenure. ; The Council recognizes the many hours of devoted ser- vice you have given this community and would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your valuable contributfons of time and energy to community services. i /I ,< 1 /‘ / RONALD C, PACKARD Mayor RCP:krs -- - cs* - .” -I”_ , * -* .. * -..-- .--., 1 II_ ^I -1 I -_ ._ ” - ~ CII” _“ -_L_ I e e ENGINEERING COMPANY I pAL"Nc'~~Lc%'kTKSS 3088 PI0 PIC0 DR. SUITE 202 * CARLSBAD, CA 92088 P.O. BOX1129 PHONE AREACODE714 729-4987 October 12, 1979 Aletha Rautenkranz CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Ms. Rautenkranz: Enclosed is my completed statement of economic interest form for my position on the Carlsbad Advisory and Appeals Board. Sincerely, Robert C. Ladwig RCL : rc Enclosure fir-+.. ; La&% r d OC'XO33R E, 2579 LE% RAUr~'EIqk~RAWZ CiiY CI3T:Rkl CiTY OF CJBLS3AD GARLSBAD, CA PLEASE HOTLIT TliX CITY COuM3iL AXD THE SSCRZYARY OF '2Lk-B Al"JSOISs AS A TmER 03' *fxiS BQALW is ,%.ER,ZBY StJBHl*xTSD EF;r"ZC'Xim THIS DR. .4ND &?PE,!S BCKMI OF THE 3UILDIIJG DZkA4R2PIE%*2 YE&.C MY RES~GX~X~OI SXNCE-?XIY, &:-..#---- /A! -c- ‘ L., d0L,+t5 ti~~~ eo ie 4 0 ++g&J4@ c- eYli”ll0 I It..‘., ,o- ..<.-., ” ., yo,,)! E c bJ:g 0.a P.Q. BOX 975 CAR LSBAD, CALIF. 92888 (714) 729-1587 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR C-10 307054 October 1, 1979 Mr. R. Packard Mayor City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm St. Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Dear Sir: I understand the City of Carlsbad is going to adopt a Conflict of Intersst Code that includes The Building Advisory and Appeals Board. In view of the disclosure requirements of this ordinance please tender my resignation from this board effective this date. Sincerely, &fi7@74 +ne George H. Meese CC: R. Osburn q 0 d CARLSBAD. CA 92008 PHONE 714 - 729-2358 investments R R ROBINSON September 5, 1979 Mr. Richard Osburn Building Director City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Dick: I received a notice indicating that in all probability the City will be adopting a Conflict of Interest Code in the near future that will include the Building Advisory and Appeals Board. The disclosure requirements of such an ordinance for an advisory body seems completely illogical and unwarranted in my view. Please tender my resignation to the proper authorities effective this date. rsonal regards. RRR: db CC: A. Brown B. Messe G. Kamptner G. Watson T. Richardson 6 q $Ti(=?% pt - +& -I”, tj JJjF p%% wy OjT @-It~JJj ~7 Laf!dq ?cpit2+&; .* R. Ladwig -= $.& f+t j-.- Lf-h “&]“Fi. $1 B“. -.-;“, :J P.. 0 MEMORANDUM DATE : October 2, 1979 TO : mYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM : Councilman Anear RE : Candidates to Advisory & Appeals Board, and Traffic Safety Commission < John "Jack" Langston the Advisory & Appeals Board. Chief Engineer (Division Commander) of the Los Angeles Fire Department and also has had considerable experience in the building industry. .. years. He is an excellent candidate for the position. 2 "Wes" Terry is submitting an application for the Traffic Safet: Corrmisslon. Ec is a retired Captzin from the California State Highway Patrol, formerly conmanding their Oceanside office. I have also worked with and known him for about 10 years. His expertise would be an asset to this committee. Both men have been resldents of the'City for sometime. wFll be submitting his Application for He is a retired Assistant I have known and worked with him for many e- "LEFTY" ANEAR, Councilman LA:ach cc: City Mznager, Acting City Manager 1: RICH d RDSON BROS. C 8 NTRAC'I'OR OCEANSIDE - CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA License No. 192529 Office: 2568 State Post Office €30, Carlsbad, California Telephone: (714) 725 September 4, 1979 City of Carlsbad 1200 Xlm fve, Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: MAYOR OF CARLSBXD Dear Kr. Mayor: I have enjoyed serving on the City of Carlsbad Building hcivisory and Appeals Board but having received notice that this position is to be included under the Conflict of Interest Code, I vi11 have to resign my position. I feel very strongly that this act will result in the eventual appointment of citizens and officials being msointed who are comFletely unqualified. Sincerely, Thomas H. Richardson TRR/ jn