HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-09-03; City Council; 11327; GROWTH MANAGEMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 7Ir 'V ' aJ 5 G 0 v) u L) Id .rl 2 u .rl %I 4-1 (d $4 U g L) $4 0 aJ a $4 Id a ual a,. ma Q) *rl sm WG urd baJ u a0 G Id0 c, ma NC L mal da IaJ mo .m 0 *rl z .a mP 2z aaJ a)M Ua) ad 04 a0 cdv d4-I .d .I4 Ch vu 0 *I+ IU 4 m \ 0-l \ m .. 2 o 6 a $ z 3 0 0 I / WILL _/ bi I wr b/nnLaunu - AUCNU DEPT CITY .a GROWTH MANAGEMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT AB#1/.3a3_ TITLE: MTG. 9 9- 91 D E PT. ,-L ZONE 7 c ITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 41 * h42- approving the Growth Management Financing Pla Facilities Management Zone 7. ITEM EXPLANATION Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code requires that each Local Facilities M, Zone have an approved Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) as a prerc development within the Zone. The LFMP must include a Financing Plan meeting ceri as described in the Code. A number of LFMPs, including Zone 7, have been adopt€ condition that they submit and obtain approval of a Financing Plan prior to fi subdivision map or obtaining a grading or building permit. The preparation of adec Financing Plans has been awaiting a financing mechanism for the Citywide facilities. the Mello Roos Community Facilities District (CFD) has been formed, Zone Financin! being submitted which meet all of the criteria of the Municipal Code. The first of tl Financing Plan for Zone 7. The LFMP for Zone 7 was adopted by the City Council on December 5, 1989. property owner in the Zone, Lyon Communities, then submitted the draft Financing PI( review. Because this plan is the first of its kind and will serve as a prototype for s Financing Plans, it has received very careful review. Staff is now ready to recommen of the Zone 7 Financing Plan. The plan employs a combination of direct developer funding, participation in the City bonds, construction agreements, and payment of fees to finance the public facilities serve development within Zone 7. A summary of the facilities and financing mec provided as Exhibit 2. The key facilities requirements are briefly discussed below. Citywide facilities needed at this time to serve development in Zone 7 include the Libr( Central Maintenance and Warehouse Facility. In later years, Veterans Memoria additional City Administrative facilities will be needed. These Citywide facilities will through the CFD. The primary local facility addressed in the plan is the College Boulevard/Cannon Road ( from the northern City Limit to El Camino Real. Lyon Communities will fully fund and to major arterial width the portion of College Boulevard from Carlsbad Village Dr northern City Limit concurrent with the first phase of development. The first phase \i of Villages Q, T, and L-1 which total 566 dwelling units. Also to be constructed wi phase will be widening of Carlsbad Village Drive from Tamarack Avenue to College The remainder of the CollegeKannon link from Carlsbad Village Drive to El Camino RE constructed by Lyon with development in the remaining villages within the zone. ’*’ v Q Page Two of Agenda Bill No. I1,3a’? Other significant developer-funded items include drainage and sewer facilities. These will be funded and constructed when needed as determined by the City Engineer. In conclusion, the Zone 7 Financing Plan meets all of the requirements of Section 21. Municipal Code with respect to financing. With adoption of this plan, Zone 7 can pro( development as long as all performance standards continue to be met. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that the environmental impacts of the project ha\ been considered in the original issuance of a Negative Declaration dated August 19, the Zone 7 Local Facilities Management Plan; and, therefore, a Notice of Prior Envir Compliance was published on June 27, 1991. FISCAL IMPACT The purpose of the Zone 7 Financing Plan is to assure that adequate funding will be from appropriate sources to construct the capital facilities required to serve developmei 7. Adoption and, implementation of the plan will guarantee private funding for a n facilities concurrent with need. City funding will be involved only to the extent that pri scheduled and funds are available through the City’s Capital Improvement Program. EXHl BITS 1. Resolution No. 7 I -2s L 2. 3. Zone 7 Financing Plan Zone 7 Facilities Financing Matrix *’) t 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l6 17 I.8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 91-393 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CA CALIFORNIA APPROVING A PUBLIC FACILITIES FINANCING PLAN FC FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 7. WHEREAS, Section 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code requires the prep a Local Facilities Management Plan as a prerequisite to development within speci Facilities Management Zones; and WHEREAS, said Local Facilities Management Plans must contain a plan for the public facilities required to serve development within the Local Facilities Ma Zone; and WHEREAS, certain Local Facilities Management Plans, including the plan f have been adopted by the City Council on condition that they prepare and acceptable Financing Plan prior to recordation of any final map or issuance of ai permit or building permit within the zone; and WHEREAS, Lyon Communities, the major property owner within Loca Management Zone 7 has prepared and submitted a Financing Plan which meet! requirements of Section 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, and staff rei approval of the Financing Plan as submitted. 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of i California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the Financing Plan for Local Facilities Management Zone : approved as submitted. .... .... .... *'V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 w W PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Cob the City ofcarlsbad on the 3rd day of September , 1991, by the followir wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton an NOES: Ibne ABSENT: None ATTEST: &XL 2- RcLLkkM- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk\ (SEAL) I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2. EXHIBIT 2 1 w w 'v 5 VI w z E b % 8 & & &&&&&&&&&& 646 ‘8 e 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ZONE 7 LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN - FINANCINGPLAN - Prepared for: City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 Prepared by: Hofman Planning Associates 2386 Faraday Avenue, Suite 120 Carlsbad, California 92008 (619) 438-1465 August 23, 1991 w w e INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PREPARATION OF THI[S PLAN SPONSORING LAND OWNER: LYON COMMUNITIES 4330 La Jolla Village Drive, Suite 130 San Diego, California 92122 (619) 546-1200 George Haviar CONSULTANTS : HOFMAN PLANNING ASSOCIATES 2386 Faraday Avenue, Suite 120 Carlsbad, California 92008 (619) 438-1465 Bill Hofman Grace Manues HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES 10179 Huennekens Street, Suite 200 San Diego, California 92121 (619) 558-4500 David Hammar Greg Gallagher CITY OF CARLSBAD: Jim Elliott, Financial Management Director Don Rideout, Senior Management Analyst Brian Hunter, Senior Planner Steven C. Jantz, Associate Engineer W TABLE OF CONTENTS W Executive Summary ......................... 1 FinancingMatrix ....................... 3 City Administrative Facilities Conditions.. .......................... 4 Financing ............................ 4 Library Facilities Conditions.. .......................... 5 Financing ............................ 5 Wastewater Treatment Capacity Conditions.. .......................... 6 Financing ............................ 6 Conditions ............................ Financing 7 Conditions.. .......................... 8 9 Financing ............................ Conditions.. .......................... 17 Financing 20 Park Facilities I ............................ Drainage Facilities Circulation Facilities ............................ Fire Facilities Conditions 28 Financing 28 ............................ ............................ Open Space Conditions.. .......................... 29 Financing ............................ 29 Conditions.. .......................... 30 Financing ............................ 30 Conditions.. .......................... 31 School Facilities Sewer Facilities Financing ............................ 34 Water Facilities Conditions.. .......................... 43 Financing ............................ 44 1 w @ ’1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This financing plan details how the public facilities and improvements that are required to maintain the adopted Growth Management performance standards for Zone 7 will be financially guaranteed. This plan addresses all applicable general and special conditions contained within the adopted Zone 7 Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP)’. Both the LFMP and this financing plan were prepared pursuant to the City’s Growth Management Program and Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. In preparing this financing plan, it became clear that no single financing mechanism could satisfy the complex infrastructure requirements of this zone. Therefore, several financing techniques are being used to address both the need for upgrading facilities, enabling them tc facilities as development occurs. The following financing techniques will be used to guarantee the public facilities needed to serve future development within Zone 7: A. Developer Funding, conform with the adopted performance standards, and to ensure conformance of future Many of the drainage, sewer, water and circulation improvements will be directly funded and constructed by the developer(s) . Facilities earmarked for developer funding are limited to those which normally would have been imposed as a condition of approval of a tentative map under the City’s existing development review process. Without these essential facilities, the associated subdivisions could not be developed. Therefore, the City is already guaranteed that these specific facilities will be constructed concurrent with need; no further action is required at this time. B. Bonds The developer shall post a surety bond to ensure the construction of a drainage detention basin and a sewer line upgrade and the removal of a temporary sewer pum] station. The form of the bond shall be substantially similar to the City’s standard faithful performance bond. The amount of the bond(s) shall be based upon the best available information satisfactory to the City Engineer at time of posting. Execution of the bond agreement shall constitute the financial guarantee for this facility. Reimbursement Agreements with the City When appropriate, the City may enter into a reimbursement agreement with the developer for any facility which is included in a City impact fee program. The source of reimbursement shall be from the appropriate City impact fee. The schedule for reimbursement shall be based on the City’s capital improvement program and the C. 1 Adopted by the City Council on December 5, 1989 per City Council Resolution No. 89 424. Zone 7 Finance Plan 1 8/23/91 W w a availability of unobligated impact fee revenue. Coordination with Financing; Plans for Other Zones Several facilities discussed in this plan are also required of other zones and property owners. Developers of Zone 7 may enter into private agreements with other propert owners to address reimbursement for such facilities. Any such agreement must be recorded against the title of the participating properties and a copy of the recorded document must be provided to the City’s Growth Management Division. Per the Growth Management Ordinance, future finance plans for other zones which impact facilities in common with Zone 7 shall be coordinated with the Zone 7 Financ Plan. Coordination, however, shall not require identical funding methods, D. E. Timing; of Development This plan is based on the assumption that development in Zone 7 will precede development in other zones that share certain facilities with Zone 7. In the event th; another zone develops earlier than anticipated and constructs a facility needed by Zone 7, this plan may need to be amended. Development in Zone 7 is contingent upon the satisfaction of all eleven growth management performance standards per Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. F. Additional Facilitv Requirements Further facility requirements may be identified through individual Master Plan and/a project review. The appropriate financing mechanism for each special condition was determined based on tl scale, scope and timing of the improvement. The following matrix summarizes the financir strategy for each public facility and also correlates the schedule of facilities requirements to individual development projects within Zone 7. A discussion of each facility follows, including the presentation of all special conditions contained in the approved Zone 7 LFMP and an analysis of the financial guarantee for eacf special condition. Zone 7Finance Plan 2 8/23) 1 w 0 4 4 4 4 $444444 L * w 0 CITY ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES I. CONDITIONS The following conditions were identified in the Zone 7 Local Facilities Management Plan. For a complete analysis of City Administrative Facilities refer to the Zone 7 LFMP, pages 57 to 63. General Conditions If the adopted performance standard for city administrative facilities is not being complied with, then residential development in Zone 7 will be stopped until the performance standard is met. Special Conditions No special conditions. II. FINANCING Zone 7 will contribute to the funding of City Administrative Facilities through participation in the Citywide Mello-Roos Community Facilities District and through the payment of Public Facilities Fees (PFF). Zone 7 Finance Plan 4 8/23/93 I , w W LIBRARY FACILITIES I. CONDITIONS The following conditions were identified in the Zone 7 Local Facilities Management Plan. For a complete analysis of library facilities refer to the Zone 7 LFMP, pages 64 to 71. General Conditions If the adopted performance standard for library facilities is not being complied with, then residential development in Zone 7 will be stopped until the performance standard is met. SDecial Conditions No special conditions. II. FINANCING Zone 7 will contribute to the funding of library facilities through participation in the Citywide Mello-Roos Community Facilities District and through the payment of Public Facilities Fees (PFF). Zone 7 Finance Plan 5 8/23/! 1 I 0 e I WASTEWATER TREATMENT CAPACITY I. CONDITIONS The following conditions were identified in the Zone 7 Local Facilities Management Plan. For a complete analysis of wastewater treatment capacity refer to the Zone 7 LFMP, pages 72 to 79. Special Conditions The following action shall be pursued jointly by each sewer district to ensure adequa wastewater treatment capacity through the year 2000: A. Monitor Encina treatment plant flows on a monthly basis to determine actual flow rates and to have an early warning of capacity problems. II. FINANCING Sewer connection fees provide the primary source of funding for both sewer line upgrades and expansion of treatment plant capacity. The timing of sewer facilities upgrades and the mechanism of financing are critical to analysis of the adequacy of funding for plant expansion. Carlsbad Sewer Service District has projected Capital Improvement Funds to provide for needed facilities. NO special financing mechanism for wastewater treatment facilities is required as a condition of development within Zone 7. Zone 7 Finance Plan 6 8/23/9. I . w W PARK FACILITIES I. CONDITIONS The following conditions were identified in the Zone 7 Local Facilities Management Plan. For a complete analysis of park facilities refer to the Zone 7 LFMP, pages 80 to 88. Special Conditions A. All development shall pay Park-in-Lieu Fees and Public Facility Fees for Parl District 2. No residential development shall be allowed after 1992 unless actions have been taken by the City to construct additional park facilities. B. 11. FINANCING A. Condition A All development shall pay Park-in-Lieu Fees and Public Facility Fees for Parl District 2. B. Condition B On June 19, 1990, the City Council took specific action to keep Larwin Park on schedule; this 22.3 acre park will be constructed in 1991-92. Demand for additional park facilities is not date specific, but is based on adopted thresholc per the performance standards. Residential development will be allowed to continue in the northeast quadrant as long as all performance standards are satisfied. Zone 7 Finance Plan 7 8/23/9 n w W DRAINAGE FACILITIES I. CONDITIONS The following conditions were identified in the Zone 7 Local Facilities Management Plan. For a complete analysis of drainage facilities refer to the Zone 7 LFMP, page 89 to 97. A. All future development in Zone 7 will be required to construct any future Zor 7 storm drain facilities identified in the current Drainage Master Plan and revised Drainage Master Plan as determined by the City Engineer. Any facilities necessary to accommodate future development must be guaranteed prior to the recordation of any final map, issuance of a grading permit or building permit, for any development requiring future storm drain facilities in Zone 7. Prior to the recordation of the final map, issuance of grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first for any specific village within Zone 7 the developers of that project are required to: 1. B. Pay the required drainage area fees established in the current Drainagc Master Plan and; Execute an agreement to pay any drainage area fees established in the forthcoming revised Master Drainage Plan. 2. C. WATERSHED A 1. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first within Watershed A of Zone 7, the developers are required to financially guarantee the construction of the 36" continuation of the storm drain in College Boulevard northerly into the City of Oceanside. Financing: The cost of the proposed 36" storm drain is estimated to be $109,000 This storm drain is to be financed by the Developer of Watershed A. D. WATERSHED B 1. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first within Watershed B of Zone 7, the developers are required to financially guarantee the construction of the following storm drain facilities: Zone 7 Finance Plan 8 8/23/ . W m a, 30" storm drain (BF) crossing into Zone 14 from Zone 7B. b. c. d. Financing: The cost of the proposed storm drains within Watershed B is estimatec to be $435,475. These storm drains are to be financed by the Developer of Watershed B. Prior to recordation of the first final map, issuance of a grading or building permit within Watershed B of Zone 7, the developers are required to guarantee Zone 7's proportional share of the following facilities to the satisfaction of the City Engineer: a. 30" storm drain crossing College Blvd. 36" storm drain (BH-1) crossing into Zone 14. 48" and 42" storm drains (BE) adjacent to Tamarack Avenue. 2. Sediment detention basin approximately 1-2 acres in size to be installed in Zone 14 upstream of Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Horr Park. Restoration by dredging and lining of approximately 3,500 feet of Agua Hedionda Creek from the Calavera Lake Creek to El Camino Real bridge. Provide a mechanism for the maintenance of the sediment detention basin. b. C. Prior to issuance of any building permits for dwelling units draining south into Agua Hedionda Creek within Watershed B of Zone 7, the sediment detention basin and restoration of Agua Hedionda Creek shal be provided. Financin E: The cost of the proposed sediment detention basin is estimated to be $86,250 and the proposed cost for dredging and lining of Agua Hedionda Creek is $644,000. 11. FINANCING The following pages detail the financial guarantee for each special drainage conditior identified above. Zone 7 Finance Plan 9 8/23/3 Condition C1 Estimated Cost Financing Mechanism Guarantee Participating Village Reimbursement 36" Storm Drain $109,000 Developer Funding Improvement Agreement prior to Final Map recordation Village Q None ~ Condition D.1.a. Estimated Cost $113,000 Financing Mechanism Developer Funding Guarantee 30” Storm Drain (BF) Improvement Agreement prior to Final Map recordation Participating Villages Reimbursement Drainage Fees Villages X and Y Condition D. 1.b. Estimated Cost Financing Mechanism Guarantee Participating Villages Reimbursement 30" Storm Drain crossing College $47,500 Developer Funding Improvement Agreement prior to Final Map recordation Village T None Condition D. 1 .c. Estimated Cost Financing Mechanism Guarantee Participating Villages Reimbursement 36" Storm Drain (BH-1) Developer Funding Improvement Agreement prior to Final Map recordation Villages U and W Drainage Fees $79,575 Condition D.1.d. Estimated Cost Financing Mechanism Guarantee Participating Villages Reimbursement 48'' and 42" Storm Drains (BE) $195,400 Developer Funding Improvement Agreement prior to Final Map recordation Villages K and E-1 Drainage Fees Condition D .2 .a. Condition D.2.b. Total Estimated Cost Financing Mechanism Guarantee Participating Villages Reimbursement Sediment Detention Basin ($86,250) Dredging of Agua Hedionda Creek ($644,000) $730,250 Developer Funding and Planned Local Drainage Fees See below Villages E-1, K, L-2, R, T, U, W, X and Y (portions within Watershed B only) Planned Local Drainage Fees Condition D.2.c. Estimated Cost Financing Mechanism Participating Villages Reimbursement Maintenance of Sediment Detention Basin $3,045 per year2 Maintenance Agreement Future development within Watershed B including Village T, U, W, X and Y None 1. m e CIRCULATION FACILITIES I. CONDITIONS The following conditions were identified in the Zone 7 Local Facilities Management Plan. For a complete analysis of circulation facilities refer to the Zone 7 LFMP, pages 98 to 119. A. An on-going monitoring program shall be established to evaluate the aspects ( improvements, development, and demand on circulation facilities. The required timing of improvements is based upon the projected demand of development in the zone and the surrounding region. This timing may be modified without amendment to this plan, however, any deletions or additions to the improvements will require amending this local plan. Prior to the approval of any tentative map for any future development within Zone 7, except for Villages Q, T and L1, the specific alignment for College Boulevard between Carlsbad Village Drive and Cannon Road must be established. This shall include the necessary environmental clearances and required public hearings so that construction of College Boulevard can accommodate future development. The funding for the construction of Colleg Boulevard will be guaranteed as provided by Condition C below. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, within Zone 7, a comprehensive financing program guaranteeing construction of the following circulation improvements shall be approved: 1. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED NOW No improvements are needed. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED WITH FIRST DEVELOPMENT a. B. C. 2. College Boulevard (Lake Blvd. to Carlsbad Village Drive) College Boulevard from Carlsbad Village Drive to Lake Boulevard shall be constructed to include the following improvements : i. Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width to majo arterial standards. Construction of four through travel lanes including a fully landscaped median. .. 11. Zone 7 Finance Plan 17 8/23/91 . e 0 iii. Improvement of Carlsbad Village Drive/College intersection to include the installation of a traffic signal when traffic signals warrants are met as determined by the City Engineer. Estimated Cost - $3,074,000 b. Carlsbad Village Drive (Tamarack Ave. to Glasgow Dr.) Carlsbad Village Drive from Tamarack Avenue to Glasgow Drive shall be constructed to major arterial standards to include the following improvements: i. Construction of two additional through travel lanes including a fully landscaped median. Installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Carlsbad Village Drive and Tamarack Avenue when traffic signals warrants are met as determined by the Cit engineer. Estimated Cost - $160,000 .. 11. C. Carlsbad Village Drive (Glaseow Dr. to College B1vd.l Carlsbad Village Drive from Glasgow Drive to College Boulevard shall be constructed to major arterial standards to include the following improvements: i. Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width to secondary arterial standards. Construction of four through travel lanes including a fully landscaped median. Estimated Cost - $535,000 .. 11. 3. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY 1995 a. College Blvd (Carlsbad Village Drive to Cannon - 2 lanes) College Boulevard from Carlsbad Village Drive to Cannon Roac shall be constructed to include the following improvements: i. Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width to majo arterial standards. Zone 7 Finance Plan 18 8/23/91 L m 0 .. 11. Construction of two through travel lanes including a full landscaped median. Improvement of Carlsbad Village DnvelCollege intersection. Estimated Cost - $3,773,000 iii I b. Cannon Road (El Camino Real to College Blvd.) Cannon Road from El Camino Real to College Boulevard shall be constructed to include the following improvements: i. Grading of Cannon Road to ultimate right-of-way width to major arterial standards. Construction of two through lanes including a fully landscaped median. Improvement of El Camino RealKannon intersection. .. 11. ... 111. iv. Improvement of CollegeKannon intersection. Estimated Cost - $3,450,000 4. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY 2000 a. College Boulevard (Carlsbad Village Drive to Cannon - widening) College Boulevard from Carlsbad Village Drive to Cannon Roa shall be constructed to include the following improvements: i. Two additional lanes necessary to complete full width improvements to major arterial standards. Improvement of Carlsbad Village DriveKollege intersection. Estimated Cost - $1,220,000 ii. 5. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY BUILD OUT a. Carlsbad Village Drive (Pontiac Dr. to Victoria Ave.1 Carlsbad Village Drive from Pontiac Drive to Victoria Avenue shall be constructed to include the following improvements: Zone 7 Finance Plan 19 8/23/9, 4 e 0 i. Two additional lanes necessary to complete full width improvements to major arterial standards. Estimated Cost - $1,391,500 II. FINANCING The following pages detail the financial guarantee for each special circulaticin condition identified above. 20 8/23/9 Zone 7 Finance Plan Condition 2a Estimated Cost Financing Mechanism Guarantee Participating Villages Facility Also Required by: College Blvd (Lake to Carlsbad Village Drive) $3,074,000 Developer Funding Improvement Agreement prior to Final Map recordation Villages E-1, H, K, L-1, L-2, Q or T, whichever occurs first Zone 14 LFMP Condition 2b and 2c Estimated Cost Financing Mechanism Guarantee Participating Villages Facility Also Required by: Carlsbad Village Drive (Tamarack to College) $695,000 ($160,000 + $535,000) Developer Funding Improvement Agreement prior to Final Map recordation Villages E-1, H, K, L-1, L-2, Q or T, whichever occurs first Zone 14 LFMP Condition 3a (portion) Estimated Cost Financing Mechanism Guarantee Participating Villages Facility Also Required by: College Blvd (Carlsbad Village Drive to Zone 14 boundary) $2,850,000 Future tentative map condition; Improvement Agreement Villages U, W, X and Y Zone 14 LFMP Developer Funding Condition 3a (portion) Estimated Cost Financing Mechanism Guarantee Participating Villages Facility Also Required by: College Blvd (Zone 14 boundary to Cannon) $923,000 Developer Funding Condition of Tentative Map Approval Villages U, W, X and Y Zone 14 LFMP Condition 3b Estimated Cost Financing Mechanism Guarantee Participating Villages Facility Also Required by! Cannon Road (College to El Camino Real) $3,450,000 Developer Funding Condition of Tentative Map Approval Villages U, W, X and Y Zone 14 LFMP and Zone 15 LFMP Condition 4a Estimated Cost Financing Mechanism Guarantee Participating Villages Reimbursement Facility Also Required by: College Widening (Carlsbad Village Drive to Cannon) $1,220,000 Developer Funding Condition of Tentative Map Approval Villages U, W, X and Y Yes Zone 14 LFMP Condition 5a Estimated Cost Financing Mechanism Guarantee Participating Villages Reimbursement Carlsbad Village Drive (Pontiac to Victoria) $1,391,500 Traffic Impact Fee ("IF) Payment of TIF at building permit issuance All Villages City TIF 1 0 0 FIRE FACILITIES I. CONDITIONS The following conditions were identified in the Zone 7 Local Facilities Management Plan. For a complete analysis of fire facilities refer to the Zone 7 LFMP, pages 12( to 123. SDecial Condition No special conditions. II. FINANCE No special financing mechanism for fire facilities is required as a condition of development within Zone 7. Zone 7 Finance Plan 28 8/23/5 0 0 OPEN SPACE I. CONDITIONS The following conditions were identified in the Zone 7 Local Facilities Management Plan. For a complete analysis of open space refer to the Zone 7 LFMP, pages 124 128. Special Condition No special conditions. II. FINANCE Funding for performance standard open space will be provided by the property owners of Zone 7. Affected property owners or homeowners associations will be responsible for maintaining open space facilities within their development. Unconstrained open space that is not developed will not require maintenance. If unconstrained open space is developed, the funding will be provided by the developc of that open space. Zone 7 Finance Plan 29 8/231 1 m e SCHOOL FACILITIES I. CONDITIONS The following conditions were identified in the Zone 7 Local Facilities Management Plan. For a complete analysis of school facilities refer to the Zone 7 LFMP, pages 129 to 133. Sued Conditions Prior to recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, within Zone 7, the developers and Carlsbad Unified School District will enter into an agreement which will exchange parcel tax and developer fee credit for the land valuation, site preparation costs, and certain off-sitt improvements for the 20 acre site known as Village S. II. FINANCING The K-8 school site will be dedicated by the property owners to the CUSD. The purchase of the junior high site will be through fee credits or some other form of reimbursement. The cost for construction of the junior high site in Zone 7 is not known at this time. Zone 7 Finance Plan 30 8/23/! k 5' e 0 SEWER FACILITIES I. CONDITIONS The following conditions were identified in the Zone 7 Local Facilities Management Plan. For a complete analysis of sewer facilities refer to the Zone 7 LFMP, pages 134 to 156. A. WATERSHED A 1. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of building permit or grading permit, whichever occurs first for any development in Watershed A of Zone 7, a financing mechanism guaranteeing the construction of the following sewer facilities must be provided: a. . Reach VCTlA from Zone 7 boundary to Marron Road. b. Gravity flow from Simsberry Pump Station to Zone 7/25 boundary. Reach NAHTlA along Tamarack Avenue. c. Reach NAHTlA shall be completed and operational to the satisfactior of the City Engineer prior to the occupancy of the first unit in Watershed A of Zone 7. Financing The cost for construction of the NAHTlA, and VCTlA is estimated t be $272,500 and will be financed by the developers in Zone 7. B. WATERSHED B 1. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, for any developmer in Watershed B of Zone 7, a financing mechanism guaranteeing the construction of the following sewer facilities must be provided: a. Reach NAHTlA shall be completed and operational to the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to the occupancy of the first unit in Watershed B of Zone 7. Reach NAHTlA along Tamarack Avenue. 31 8/23/ Zone 7 Finance Plan * If ’ e e Financing The cost for construction of the NAHTlA is estimated to be $300,00C and will be financed by the developers in Zone 7. C. WATERSHED C Two options for future development of Watershed C are provided below. SAHT2C is projected to be built concurrently with Cannon Road from Collel Boulevard to El Camino Real. If development within Watershed C occurs prior to construction of the SAHT2C, then the Calavera Hills Master Plan provides for temporary sewerage to pump into North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Basin as outlined in Option #2. Oution #1 1. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, for any developmer in Watershed C of Zone 7, a financing mechanism guaranteeing the construction of the following sewer facilities must be provided: a. Reach SAHT2B from Zone 7 to Cannon Road. b. Reach SAHnC from College Boulevard to El Camino Real. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, for any developmer in Watershed C of Zone 7, a financing mechanism guaranteeing Zone facilities must be provided: a. b. c. d. If the construction of the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor west of El Camino Real is not completed, Reach SAHT2C shall connect into the existing North Agua Hedionda Interceptor. Reaches SAHT2B and SAHT2C shall be completed and operational to the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to the occupancy of the firs unit in Watershed C. 2. 7’s proportional share for the construction of the following sewer SAHl adjacent to Cannon Road. SAH2 adjacent to Cannon Road. SAH3 adjacent to Cannon Road. SAH4 adjacent to Cannon Road. Zone 7 Finance Plan 32 8/23/ ,I 0 0 Financing The cost for construction of the SAHI, SAHT2B, and SAHT2C is estimated to be $ 2,278,900. Option #2 1. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, for any developmen in Watershed C of Zone 7, a financing plan guaranteeing the construction of the following sewer facilities must be provided: a. Reach SAHT2B from Zone 7 to Cannon Road. b. Reach SAHT2C from Cannon Road to El Camino Real. c. Reach NAHTlA along Tamarack Avenue. Reach NAHTlA shall be completed and operational to the satisfactior of the City Engineer prior to the occupancy of the first unit in Watershed C of Zone 7. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, for any developmen’ in Watershed C of Zone 7, a financing mechanism guaranteeing Zone 7’s proportional share for the construction of the following sewer facilities must be provided: a. b. c. d. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, for any development in Watershed C of Zone 7, a financing plan guaranteeing the construction of the following sewer facilities must be provided: a. 2. SAHl adjacent to Cannon Road. SAH2 adjacent to Cannon Road. SAH3 adjacent to Cannon Road. SAH4 adjacent to Cannon Road. 3. Construction of a temporary pump station to service a11 units in Watershed C that can gravity flow to the pump station. Construction of a force main from the temporary pump station to convey sewage to Reach NAHTlA in Tamarack Avenue. Yearly operational and maintenance costs for the temporary pump station. b. c. Zone 7 Finance Plan 33 8/23/91 . (I 0 0 d. Removal of the temporary pump station and restoration of the pump station site upon completion of the SAHT2B and SAHT2C. Financing The cost for construction of the facilities listed in Option #2 is estimated to be $ 2,975,950. D. ALL WATERSHEDS Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of a grading permit 0: building permit, whichever occurs first for any development in Zone 7, a financing mechanism guaranteeing construction of Reach NAHTlB shall be provided which will ensure that adequate funding is available to upgrade the NAHTlB sewer line prior to the issuance of the 590th building permit in Zor 7. Financing The cost for construction of the NAHTlB is estimated to be $300,000 and wi be financed by the developers in Zone 7. II. FINANCING The following pages detail the financial guarantee for each special sewer condition identified above. Zone 7 Finance Plan 34 8/23/9~ Condition A.1.a Condition A.1.b Total Estimated Cost Financing Mechanism Guarantee Participating Villages Reimbursement VCTlA ($52,500) Gravity Flow from Simsberry Pump Station to Zonc 7/25 Boundary ($61,600) $114,100 Sewer Benefit Area (SBA) Fees Payment of SBA Fee at building permit issuance Villages H, K, L-1, L-2 and Q None Condition A.1.c. Condition B.1.a. Condition C.1.c. Estimated Cost Financing Mechanism Guarantee Participating Villages Reimbursement Reach NAHTlA along Tamarack Avenue $220,000 Developer Funding Improvement Agreement prior to final map recordation or for Village L-1, prior to building permit issuance All Villages Sewer Benefit Area Fees (Benefit Area B) Condition C.1.a Estimated Cost Financing Mechanism Guarantee Participating Villages Reimbursement SAHT2B $94,200 Developer Funding Improvement Agreement prior to final map recordation Villages U, W, X and Y Sewer Benefit Area Fees (Benefit Area D) Condition C.1.b Estimated Cost Financing Mechanism Guarantee Participating Villages Reimbursement sAHT2c $252,000 Developer Funding Improvement Agreement prior to final map recordation Villages U, W, X and Y Sewer Benefit Area Fees (Benefit Area D) 1 Condition C.2.a. SAHl ($313,200) Condition C.2.b. SAH2 ($297,000) Condition C.2.c. SAH3 ($850,000) Condition C.2.d. SAH4 ($472,500) Total Estimated Cost $l,932,7OO Financing Mechanism Guarantee Participating Villages Reimbursement None Sewer Benefit Area (SBA) Fees Payment of SBA Fees as specified Villages Q, T (payment of fees at bldg permit) Villages R, U, W, X and Y (payment of fees at final map) Condition C.3.a. Condition C.3.b. Condition C.3.c. Total Estimated Cost Financing Mechanism Guarantee Participating Villages Reimbursement Village W Pump Station Force Main from pump station Yearly Maintenance of pump station $477,050 (not including maintenance) Developer Funding Improvement Agreement prior to final map recordation Villages Q and T None Condition C.3.d Estimated Cost Removal of pump station Unknown at this time Financing Mechanism Developer Funding Guarantee Participating Villages Reimbursement None Improvement Agreement prior to final map recordation Villages Q and T .I Condition D Total Estimated Cost Financing Mechanism Guarantee Participating Villages Reimbursement NAHTlB $300,000 Developer Funding Bond prior to Final Map Recordation Village T None * \I- e e WATER FACILITIES I. CONDITIONS The following conditions were identified in the Zone 7 Local Facilities Management Plan. For a complete analysis of water facilities refer to the Zone 7 LFMP, pages 157 to 166. A. All future development in Zone 7 shall be required to provide any water reclamation facilities identified in the future Water Reclamation Master Plan ; determined by the District Engineer. Any water reclamation facilities necessary to accommodate future development must be guaranteed prior to th recordation of a final map, issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first for any project in Zone 7. B. SERVICE AREA A 1. Water facilities will be provided at the time of development to the satisfaction of CMWD. The existing pressure reducing and pumping station at the intersection of College Boulevard and Carlsbad Village Drive and the transmission lines from this station to the existing 6.0 MG TAP reservoir are installed. a. Transmission lines in College Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue (Facilities #3 and 9) will be granted to the district by development at ultimate final grade and right-of-way prior to any granting of occupancy. Any expenses for transmission line installed by the district will be reimbursed by the developer. A portion of the easement in College Boulevard at Carlsbad Village Drive will be granted to the district prior to recordatior of any final map, issuance of a building permit or grading permit, whichever occurs first in Service Area A. Financing The cost of the items discussed in Service Area A, Special Conditions, will be financed by the developers of Service Area A. CMWD has paid for the reservoir and pressure reducing and pump station. Developers will finance and construct all transmission lines in the zone. b. Zone 7 Finance Plan 43 8/23/9, > e -,I r e e C. SERVICE AREA B 1. Water facilities will be provided concurrent with development to the satisfaction of the CMWD. Main transmission lines (Facilities # 8 a 9) from Squires Dam I are to be installed as required by CMWD. Financing The cost of the portion of the proposed facilities in Service Area B is estimated to be $1,075,085. The cost of the items discussed in Servic Area B, Special Conditions, required as needed per development will be financed by the developers of Service Area B. II. FINANCING The following pages detail the financial guarantee for each special water condition identified above. Zone 7 Finance Plan 44 8/23/91 Condition B Estimated Cost Financing Mechanism Guarantee Participating Villages Reimbursement 14" A.C.P. $72,270 Developer Funding Improvement Agreement prior to Final Map recordation Village Q None Condition C Estimated Cost Financing Mechanism Guarantee Participating Villages Reimbursement 12" A.C.P. ($311,410) 14" A.C.P. ($301,125) 16" A.C.P. ($190,080) 21" A.C.P. ($200,200) $1,002,8 15 Developer Funding Improvement Agreement prior to Final Map recordation Villages U, W, X and Y None