HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-09-10; City Council; 11341; PROPOSED ORDINANCE PROHIBITING SKATEBOARDINGc d .rl (d c, $4 a, c) .rl bD c a .rl G 5 0 P U a, 2 2 -rl .rl U P A -4 $4 0 Q a, c) c (d .rl c a $4 0 9 & Ll TI 3 GG Ma, u=r 54J a,c $4 *rl E ua, 0 a, wcn w- c, (d m* h au a, .rl uv c) aa, $4s a -rl u do w ad om c(d gal urd OM 4 m 1 0 1 4 m AB#-, CITY I DEPT. cc CITY I MTG. 9-1~~ -41 DEPT. TITLE: PROPOSED ORDINANCE PROHIBITING SKATEBOARDING RECOMMENDED ACTION: skateboarding and the use of similar toy vehicles in specific areas of the City. Direct Sta Initiate City Council discussion regarding the adoption of a proposed ordinance prohib prepare a draft ordinance for City Council consideration. ITEM EXPLANATION: Council Member Stanton has requested that this item be placed on the City Council age for discussion. It is suggested that an ordinance of the City of Carlsbad be adopted prohib skateboarding and the use of other toy vehicles, in specific areas of the City. These a would include sidewalks, roadways and parking lots in the Village Area and near comme or professional business establishments, and on public or private property where s prohibiting such activity are displayed. This ordinance is being proposed in response to occurrences of property damage (both PI and private) and pedestrian, skateboarder, and vehicular traffic safety hazards which reportedly being caused by skateboarders. FISCAL IMPACT Staff time would be necessary to prepare and install new signage in the affected area addition to Police enforcement; however, there is no estimate at this time of total fiscal iml Signage on private property is the responsibility of the property owner. EXHIBITS: 1. Memo to Mayor and City Council from Council Member Stanton, dated May 20, 1 2. Matrix of skateboarding ordinances in San Diego County. z 0 .. - 8 a s 2 3 0 0 0 0 May 24,1991 TO: MAYOR CITY COUNCIL FROM: Council Member Stanton SKATEBOARDING As I have indicated in the past, I am seriously concerned that skateboarding is causing considerable amount of unnecessary property damage in the Village area. In addition to th property damage and perhaps more important, it is creating safety hazards for pedestrian! unsafe manner. This has been an ongoing problem, and I am personally aware of many efforl of our Police Department to deal with this issue which have been met without cooperation fror the skateboarders. I am going to propose that the City enact an ordinance prohibitin skateboarding in the Village area (and possibly include shopping malls as well). These area: have a high volume of both traffic and pedestrians. While I recognize that this may be controversial to some, I believe the benefits of a safl pedestrian and traffic Village area and a reduction of the destruction of both public and privatl property, far outweigh the limitations to the skateboarders that would be afforded by such a1 ordinance. Please let me know if you have any information that you would like included. I intend to placl this item on the June 18, 1991 City Council agenda for consideration. traffic, and the children skateboarding in that some of the skateboarders are "skating" in a MARGARET STANTON Council Member mhs c: City Manager City Attorney .. 1 0 ,i ; v) 0 B i B El M Y 2 m