HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-09-17; City Council; 11348; ZONE 21 - LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLANF. w 9 .' a lL1 8 oc Q 2 2 .. z 0 5 4 s z 3 0 0 F GAHLSBAU - AUEN ILL -a- AB# 11,348 TITLE: DEPT. MTG, 9/17/91 ZONE 21 - LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN CITY A C\TY N GM DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: The Planning Commission and staff are recommending that the City Coun Resolution No. 91 -306 approving the Negative Declaration issued by the Director and adopt Resolution No. 91- 307 approving the Local Management Plan for Zone 21. ITEM EXPLANATION Zone 21 is the thirteenth property owner-initiated and privately prepared Local Management Plan to be heard by the City Council. It is the fifth privately prep in the Southwest Quadrant. On July 17, 1991, the Planning Commission approved this plan as describ minutes from the Planning Commission meeting attached as Exhibit 5. There are 5 existing dwelling units in the Zone and no approved residential The projected residential buildout of the Zone is 775 dwelling units, which compliance with Proposition E and the Citywide Facilities and Improvement$ The Plan is a regulatory document which analyzes all eleven public fac determine whether they conform with the adopted performance standards. facilities are identified as requiring upgrading in order to accommoda development in the zone. Therefore, specific conditions of approval have beer in the Plan to guarantee that all of the public facility standards will continue ' through buildout of the Zone. This Plan differs from previous zone plans in that it includes a complete finar in compliance with Section 21.90.1 10 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Thc does not require a follow-up financing plan. All facilities required to serve dev in Zone 21 can be provided by participation in the Mello-Roos Community District, by payment of normal City fees, and as conditions of approval on dev permits. This Plan is subject to change if circumstances differ from the underlying ass used to project facility thresholds. The only anticipated change would be in that the Engineering Department determines that a different financing mec needed for constructing Poinsettia Lane. At this time, Poinsettia Lane is not as a critical link in the circulation network. For this reason it can be co incrementally as needed to serve development, rather than all at once. Hc development in Zones 19 and 20 were to trigger the need for the full Poinsettia Lane to be constructed at once, the appropriate zone plans and plans would be amended accordingly. r e 9 t ? Page Two of Agenda Bill No. 1 I,3 Y 8 ENVl RON M ENTAL REV1 EW A Negative Declaration was issued by the Planning Director on May 2, 1991 , ir that the Local Facilities Managem'ent Plan for Zone 21 is not anticipated to t adverse impacts on the environment. The Negative Declaration was recomme approval by the Planning Commission on July 17, 1991, The Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 21 will not cause any si1 environmental impacts. The Plan is a public facilities planning docum implements Carlsbad's General Plan. The Plan makes generalized projections z demand for and supply of public facilities and outlines the provision of adequa- facilities concurrent with the estimated demands. The Plan recognizes tha environmental review pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act required prior to the development of any public or private project that is E discussed in this plan. FISCAL IMPACT Staff time has been utilized in the preparation of this Plan. These costs recovered through the processing fee established by the City Council. It is ani that further staff time will be necessary to monitor this Plan and other zone I a yearly basis. The implementation of this Plan, however, should help futu planning by estimating the timing of future public facilities and their costs. EXHl BITS 1. City Council Resolution No. 91 -306 2. City Council Resolution No. 91 -307 3. Executive Summary - Zone 21 4. Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 3242 and 3243 5. Excerpt of Planning Commission Minutes dated July 17, 1991 T t .c 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I.5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 9 RESOLUTION NO. 91-306 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CP CALIFORNIA APPROVING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR LOCAL F/ MANAGEMENT PLAN 21. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad did on the 17th , 1991, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed September consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testi arguments, examining the initial study, analyzing the information submittec and considering any written comments received, the City Council considered relating to the Negative Declaration including Planning Commission Resolution granting Planning Commission approval of said Negative Declaration; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council oft Carlsbad, California as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director t 1991 was prepared in compliance with the California Envi Quality Act and Title 19 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. That there is no substantial evidence that the project as conditi have a significant effect on the environment. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad incorporates resolution Planning Commission Resolution No. 3242 includin contained therein. I I 3. 4. .... .... .... r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l6 17 18 w e PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City ( the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 17th day of September by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nyga; NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City ci~h (SEAL) 1 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I 2. ' , * 1 2 3 4 !j 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 91-307 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THC c\n OF CA CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT P LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 21. WHEREAS, a Local Facilities Management Plan has been prepared Facilities Management Zone 21 in accordance with Chapter 21.90 of the Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on July 17, 1991 hold a dul public hearing as required by law to consider said plan and at the conclusi hearing adopted Resolution No, 3243 making findings and recommending tha Council adopt a plan; and WHEREAS, a Negative Declaration was issued by the Planning Directo 2, 1991 indicating that the Local Facilities Management Plan is not anticipate any significant adverse impact on the environment; and WHEREAS, the City Council at their meeting of September 17,1991 hc noticed public hearing and considered all testimony and arguments of anyonc to be heard; I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of of Carlsbad, California as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the findings and conditions of the Planning Commission Rc No. 3243 also constitute the findings and conditions of the City That the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 21 dated 1991 on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by refc hereby approved. Any development occurring within the boun Zone 21 shall comply with all the terms and conditions of said 3. A 5 6 7 a 9 10 l1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Cit of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the - 17th day of Septeml: -, 1991, by the following vote, to wit: 1 2 3 4 AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: None Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nyg ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk) ISEAL) 2. a 0 - I. EXECUTIVESUMMARY The purpose of this document is to provide a plan for supplying the public facilities that will 1 needed to accommodate development within the Zone 21 area of the City of Carlsbad, j accordance with the City’s Growth Management Program. The plan has been prepared j accordance with Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and the Citywide Facilities ar Improvements Plan of 1986. Development Assumptions The first step in developing such a plan is to estimate the amount of development, bot residential and nonresidential, that will be allowed in the zone. The types of land uses assume for the zone are those shown in the Carlsbad General Plan, Exhibit 7 on page 19 shows tb location of the various land uses within the zone. For residential development it is assumed thi the density yield will be governed by the Growth Management Control Points as shown belov General Plan Designation Density Yield Residential, Low-medium Density (RLM) Residential, Medium Density (RM) 3.2 dwelling units per acre 6.0 dwelling units per acre The density yield factors stated above were applied to the vacant, developable residential lan in the zone. To determine the developable acreage, the following constrained lands wer deducted: Major Power Line Easements Future Right-of-way of Circulation Element Roads Railroad Right-of-way Slopes Greater Than 40% Riparian Woodland Wetlands Floodways Permanent Bodies of Water Future School Sites Other Environmental Features In addition, it is assumed that slopes of 25% to 40% may be developed at half the usual density. Using this methodology is was estimated that approximately 775 dwelling units could be constructed within Zone 21. The actual number of units that are ultimately constructed in the zone may vary. However, the estimate is useful and valid for purposes of this plan and is consistent with all applicable requirements of the Growth Management Program, particularly Proposition E. 1 1 I 0 0 The only nonresidential use projected for the zone is an Elementary School. For thi nonresidential development, it is assumed that building coverage of the proposed Elemen@ School would be 30% of the net developable acreage. Again, this is only an estimate o assumption for facility planning purposes. Actual nonresidential development may vary. The plan includes phasing schedules which indicate the property owners’ proposed amount a development for each year from 1991 to 2014. The property owners are not required to adher to this phasing, and it is intended for facility planning purposes only. The phasing schedull (Exhibits 14 through 16) also include the projections for other zones with adopted Loc? Facilities Management Plans. The schedules are used to determine approximate threshold year for constructing or upgrading various public facilities to maintain compliance with th Performance Standards in the Growth Management Program, The threshold years arrived at i this way are only projections for facility planning purposes. The actual thresholds must b monitored as development takes place in this zone. Facilities may be needed sooner or later tha the threshold years shown in this plan, depending upon the actual timing of development. Zone 2 1 Reauirements - for Public Facilities The development assumptions outlined above are used to estimate the demand for public facilitir generated by development in Zone 21 based on the eleven adopted Performance Standards in tl Growth Management Program. The following table (Exhibit 2 on page 5) shows the currei status of each facility with respect to the Performance Standard, given the existing amount t development in the zone. Because there is currently a limited amount of developed land in Zor 21 the public facility demands are presently minimal, and all eleven Performance Standards a] currently being met. In order to assure compliance with the Performance Standards as development occurs in tl zone, the Plan contains specific conditions of approval which are listed on Exhibits 4 and 5 ( pages 7 and 9. Exhibit 4 contains the General Conditions which are applicable to all zones the City. Exhibit 5 contains Special Conditions for Zone 21. The Special Conditions state ea( facility which must be provided whether it must be financed or constructed, and when it mu be provided. The following is a list of the public facilities required to serve development in Zone 21. Th chart shows whether the facility would otherwise be provided as a condition of approval of development project or whether a special funding mechanism is needed. City Administrative Facilities. Special funding mechanism is required. Annexation into tl Mello-Roos Community Facilities District (CFD) is required. Librarv. Special funding mechanism is required. Annexation into the Mello-Roos Communi Facilities District (CFD) is required. Wastewater Treatment CaDacitp. Funding provided by sewer connection fees. 2 1 0 0 Park Facilities. Combination of condition of approval of development projects and Mello-Ro CFD . Drainage Facilities. Condition of approval of development project. Circulation Facilities. Combination of condition of approval of development projects a Mello-Roos CFD. Fire Facilities. No special funding required. Open Space. No special funding required. Schools. No specific funding required. Sewer. Condition of approval of development project. Water. Condition of approval of development project. Financing for Facilities Section 21.90.110(3) of the Municipal Code requires that Local Facilities Management Pla contain a discussion of various methods of funding the facilities and improvements identified the plan. This plan for Zone 21 provides an estimated cost for each facility and one or mo possible methods of funding. General Condition No. 10 states that annexation to, and participation in, the Citywide CFD necessary in order to find that development within the zone is consistent with the Pub1 Facilities Element of the Carlsbad General Plan. All Facilities not funded via the CFD will ' provided as part of normal development requirements. 3 0 City of Oceawe North 0 Location Ma Local Facilities Management Plan Note: All locations are approximate Exhibit Zone 21 City of Carlsbad, California lack Nenthorn & Associates Hotman Planninq Associates Rick Engineering O'Dav Consult~nrs C'rban Svstems Associates Inc P SI D Techmhgies Advanced Sciences Inc Development Design 5ew1ces 4 0 0 EXHIBIT 2 ZONE 21 EXISTING PUBLIC FACILITIES SUMMARY SHEET LF" 91-21 Conformance with Adopted Facility Performance Standard City Administrative Yes, existing facilities meet the adopted performan standard. Library Yes, existing facilities meet the adopted performan1 standard. Yes, existing facilities meet the adopted Wastewater Treatment Capacity performance standard. Parks Yes, Park District 3 (southwest quadrant) currently ma the adopted performance standard. Drainage Yes, existing facilities meet the adopted performan standard. Circulation Yes, existing facilities meet the adopted performan, standard. Yes, existing fire facilities meet the adopted periormanc standard. Fire Open Space Yes, existing open space does meet the adopt( performance standard. Schools Yes, existing facilities meet the adopted performanc standard. Yes, existing sewer collection facilities meet the adoptc performance standard. Sewer Collection Water Distribution Yes, existing facilities meet the adopted performanc standard. 5 0 0 EXHIBIT 3 ZONE 21 BUILD OUT PUBLIC FACILITIES SUMMARY CHART LIMP 91-21 Conformance with Adopted Facilitv Performance Standard City Administrative Existing and planned facilities meet the adop performance standard through build out. Existing and planned facilities meet the adop performance standard through build out. Existing and planned facilities meet the adopted performance standard through the year 2000. Library Wastewater Treatment Facilities Parks Park District 3 (southwest quadrant) meets adopted performance standard through build out. Existing and planned facilities meet the adop performance standard through build out. Existing and planned facilities meet the adop performance standard through build out. Existing and planned facilities meet the adopi performance standard through build out. An ongoing work program will assure the open sp: performance standard is maintained through bu out. Existing and planned facilities meet the adopt performance standard through build out. Drainage Circulation Fire Open Space Schools Sewer Collection Sewer facilities meet the adopted performan standard with proposed mitigation measures throu build out of the zone. Water Distribution Water facilities meet the adopted performar standard with proposed mitigation measures throu build out of the zone. 6 e 0 EXHIBIT 4 GTCNERAL CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 21 LF" 91-21 1. All development within Zone 21 shall conform to the provisions of Section 21.90 of Carlsbad Municipal Code and to the provisions and conditions of this Local Facili Management Plan. All development within Zone 21 shall be required to pay a public facilities fee pursu to the standards adopted by the City Council on July 28, 1986, and as amended from ti to time and all other applicable fees. Development in Zone 21 shall also be responsi for any additional fees to be incorporated into this plan that are found to be necessq enable facilities to meet the adopted performance standard. The City of Carlsbad shall monitor all facilities in Zone 21 pursuant to Subsectil 21.90.130(c), (d) and (e) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. All development in Zone 21 shall be in conformance with the adopted Citywide Facilit and Improvements Plan as adopted by City Council Resolution 8797 on September : 1986. Periodic amendment to the Zone 21 Local Facilities Management Plan is anticipated incorporate newly acquired data, to amend conditions and upgrade standards as determir through the required monitoring program. Amendment to this Plan may be initiated action of the Planning Commission, City Council or property owners at any time. If a public facility or service is found not to be in conformance with an adop Performance standard during the yearly monitoring, or at any other time, the matter v be immediately brought before the City Council. If the City Council determines tha non-conformance does exist then no future building or development permits shall be issu until an amendment to the CFIP or the LFMP for this zone is approved by the C Council which addresses those facility shortfalls and brings those facilities ir conformance with the adopted performance standards. After adoption of this Plan by the City Council, no building permits will be allowed unlc the performance standards are complied with. This includes all projects which w( exempt under Section 21.90.030(c) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Approval of this LFMP does not constitute prior environmental review for projects wit1 Zone 21. All future projects within Zone 21 shall undergo environmental review per Ti 19 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Any mitigation measures determined during overriding consideration are made by the City Council. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. project's environmental review shall be complied with in their entirety unless findings 7 L e e 9. Approval of this plan does not constitute prior discretionary review for projects wit Zone 21, All future projects shall undergo review per Title 21 of the Carlsbad Munici Code. facilities planning purposes only. This plan does not guarantee any specific residen density. Approval of any discretionary permit within Zone 21 shall be contingent upon provision of adequate public facilities to satisfy the Public Facilities Element of General Plan. At this time a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District has been forn to finance the construction of several Citywide facilities necessary to serve n development. If the Zone 21 properties do not annex into the district, the requi General Plan Consistency finding cannot be made. Therefore, no discretionary approv; building permits, grading permits, final maps, or development permits will be issued approved. Annexation to the CFD will occur on a property by property basis. Prior to the fi discretionary approval for each property within the zone, the specific property shall required to annex into the CFD No. 1. This plan establishes the maximum allowable number of residential units 10. 8 0 e - EXHIBIT 5 SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 21 CITY ADMINISTRATION FACILITIES No special conditions. LIBRARY No special conditions. WASTEWATER Each sewer district shall monitor the Encina treatment plant flows on a monthly basis to deterlr actual flow rates and to have an early warning of capacity problems. The monthly monitoring will ensure adequate wastewater treatment capacity through the J 2000. PARKS All development shall pay Park-in-Lieu Fees and Public Facility Fees for Park District 3. DRAINAGE A. All future development within Zone 21 will be required to construct any proposed st( drain facilities identified in the current and revised Drainage Master Plan as determi by the City Engineer. Any facilities necessary to accommodate future development II be guaranteed prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of a grading building permit, for any development requiring future storm drain facilities in Zone 2 Prior to the recordation of any final map within Zone 21, the developers of that proj are required to: 1. B. Pay the required drainage area fees established in the current Drainage Ma! Plan, and; Execute an agreement to pay any drainage area fees established in the forthcom revised Drainage Master Plan to include any reimbursements for upsizing downstream facilities or for construction of permanent desilt basins at Batiquitos Lagoon. Agree to participate in a drainage maintenance district should one be formed by ' City of Carlsbad. 2. 3. 9 0 0 C. WATERSHED DE Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading or building per1 whichever occurs first within Watershed DE of Zone 21, the developers are require financially guarantee the construction of the 48" RCP storm drain. D. WATERSHED DF Prior to the recordation of the first map, issuance of grading or building permit, whiche occurs first within Watershed DF of Zone 21, the developers are required to financi, guarantee the construction of the 27" - 36" RCP storm drain north of Alga Road. E. WATERSHED DG Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading or building per1 whichever occurs first within Watershed DG of Zone 21, the developers are require financially guarantee the construction of the 24" - 30" RCP storm drain north of P Road. CIRCULATION Individual project traffic analyses shall be required for projects proposing in excess of residential units. In the event that these analyses indicate that certain facilities need to accelerated, or delayed, as a result of changes in the location and/or timing of development, timing of the required improvements may be modified without amendment to this plan. H0we.c any deletions or additions to the list of improvements anticipated herein will require amending local plan. Prior to the recordation of the first final map or issuance of a grading of building pen) whichever occurs first within Zone 21, the ultimate grade and alignment shall be established Poinsettia Lane between El Camino Real and Alga Road. 1. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED NOW No mitigation required. 2. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY 1993 Poinsettia at 1-5 shall be improved to include the following: Poinsettia at I/5 1. Widening of overpass 2. Widening of northbound and southbound ramps (1993) 10 I 0 0 3. 4. Widening of Poinsettia Lane (1993) Signalization of ramp intersection (1993) Estimated Cost - $9,850,000 Com_~letio~ Date - 1993 3. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY 1995 a. Poinsettia Lane and Batiuuitos Drive Installation of traffic signal (1994) Estimated Cost - $110,000 Completion Date - 1994 b. Poinsettia Lane and Paseo Del Norte Installation of traffic signal (1994) Estimated Cost - $125,000 Completion Date - 1994 4. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY 2000 a. Poinsettia Lane from El Camino Real to Alga Road shall be constructed to inch Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width to major arte standards; Construction of two lanes in each direction to the standards of m; arterials, plus a median; Construction of PoinsettidEl Camino Real intersection; Installation of a traffic signal at PoinsettidEl Camino Real. Poinsettia Lane - El Camino Real to Aka Road 1. 2. 3. 4. Estimated Cost - $ 5,610,000 Completion Date - 2000 11 0 e 5. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY BUILD OUT a. El Camino Real from Camino Vida Roble to Dove Lane shall be constructa include the following: El Camino Real - Camino Vida Roble to Dove Lane 1. Construction of three lanes adjacent to Zone 21, to full pr arterial standards including: a. Fully landscaped median; b. Intersection Improvements as required; c. Signal modifications. Estimated Cost - $ 539,350 ComDletion Date - 2005 b. Improvements to the intersection of Alga Road and El Camino Real to include widening for right-turn-only lane, east to south. Estimated Cost - $ 250,000 ComDletion Date - 2005 c. Improvements to the intersection of Poinsettia Lane and Paseo Del Norte to incl widening of Poinsettia Lane for six lanes at east leg of Paseo Del N intersection. Estimated Cost - $ 500,000 ComDletion Date - 2010 Aka Road and El Camino Real Poinsettia Lane and Paseo Del Norte Intersection 12 0 FIRE No special conditions are necessary at this time. OPEN SPACE No special conditions. SCHOOLS Conformance with the adopted school performance standard will be a prerequisite of a development within the zone. All development within Zone 21 will be conditioned to pay sch( fees in accordance with the requirement of the Carlsbad Unified School District. SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM - A. All Watersheds All development within Zone 21 will be required to pay the appropriate Sewer Connection Fe and Sewer Benefit Area Fees prior to issuance of any building permits. - B. Watershed A: 1. North Batiauitos Sewer Basin Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading or building perm whichever occurs first for any development in Watershed A of Zone 21, a financi mechanism guaranteeing the construction of the following sewer facilities must ' provided: a. The North Batiquitos Trunk System (NBT2) from Watershed A to the Nor Batiquitos Interceptor. 2. Prior to occupancy of any development in Watershed A of Zone 21, construction of tl following sewer facilities must be completed: a. The North Batiquitos Trunk System (NBT2) from Watershed A to the Nor Batiquitos Interceptor. 13 a 0 Watershed B: Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading permit or buildi permit, whichever occurs first for any development in Watershed B of Zone 21, financing mechanism guaranteeing the construction of the following sewer facilities mi be provided; 1. The North Batiquitos Trunk System (NBT1) from Watershed B to the North Batiquit Interceptor. Prior to occupancy of any development in Watershed B of Zone 21, construction of t following sewer facilities must be completed: a. 2. The North Batiquitos Trunk System (NBT2) from Watershed A to the NOI Batiquitos Interceptor. WATER COLLECTION SYSTEM Special Conditions for Zone 21 A. All future development in Zone 21 shall pay a major facilities fee based on E.D.U.’s the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and a capacity charge to the San Diego Coun Water Authority. In addition, all development in Zone 21 shall be required to provi any water reclamation facilities identified in the future Water Reclamation Master P1 as determined by the District Engineer. Any water reclamation facilities necessary accommodate future development must be guaranteed prior to the recordation of a fir map, issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first for a project in Zone 21. These guarantees shall be based upon the requirements for t Service Area within which the proposed development is located to the extent that tl demand is created by the future development. B. SERVICE AREA A The following water facilities will be required as a condition of the approval of futu development within Service Area A to the satisfaction of the CMWD: a. The proposed potable 12-inch water line located on the west side of Zone ; from the existing 18-inch water line to the north. b. The proposed potable 16-inch water line located in El Camino Real from ti existing 16-inch water line to the north. 14 0 0 C. SERVICE AREA B The following water facilities will be required as a condition of the approval of futu development within Service Area B to the satisfaction of the CMWD: a. The proposed potable water line' located in Poinsettia Lane from the existi 10-inch water line located on the west side of Zone 21 to the north. b. The proposed potable pressure-regulating station located on the west side Zone 21 at Poinsettia Lane. c. The proposed potable 24-inch water line located in Poinsettia Lane from t existing 12-inch water line in El Camino Real to the west and a proposl potable 30-inch water line located in Carrillo Way from the existing 12-in water line in El Camino Real to the east. d. The proposed potable pressure-regulating station located at the intersection Carrillo Way and El Camino Real. The proposed relocation and upsizing of the existing potable 10-inch water lii adjacent to the westerly boundary of Zone 21 to a 12-inch water line Ambrosia Drive. e. As of the date of preparation of this plan, the CMWD Master Plan has nc determined the diameter of this potable water line. 1 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 I"i' 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a r. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3242 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY ( CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A NEGATF DECLARATION FOR A LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN F( PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL, NOR' OF ALGA ROAD, SOUTH OF LAS PALMAS DRlVE AND EAST OF TI PACIFIC RIM MASTER PLAN AREA. APPLICANT: JACK HENTHORN & ASSOCIATES CASE NO: LOCAL, FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN - ZONE 21 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 17th day of July, 19s duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testi arguments, examining the initial study, analyzing the information submitted by considering any written comments received, the Planning Commission cons factors relating to the Negative Declaration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Comr follows: A) B) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission hereby recommends APPROVAL of the Negative Declaration to Exhibit "ND", dated May 2, 1991, and "PII", dated April, 23, 1991, hereto and made a part hereof, based on the following findings: Findinns: 1. The Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 21 will not cause any : environmental impacts. The plan is a public facilities planning docui to the demand for and supply of public facilities, and outlines the prl adequate public facilities concurrent with estimated demands. The plan I that CEQA review will be required prior to mitigation of any public project that is generally discussed in the plan. A Negative Declaration issued on May 2, 1991 and recommended for approval by the Commission on July 17, 1991. implements the existing General Plan, The plan makes generalized proj .... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2o 21 22 23 0 0 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 1 Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 17th day of July, 1 the followkg vote, to At: AYES: Chairperson Holmes, Commissioners: Schlehuber, Erwin, Noble & Hall. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Schramm. ABSTAIN: None. - ROBERT HOLMES, Chairperson CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSIOh ATTEST: PLANNING DIRECTOR ' I NEGATTE DECLARATION PROJECT ADDRESS/LOCATION: West of El Camino Real, North of Alga Road, South Las Palmas Drive, East of the Pacific Rim Master P1 Area. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 21 whi guarantees the adequacy of public facilities concurrent w development to adopted performance standards. The City of Carlsbad has conducted an environmental review of the above described projc pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality 1 and the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. As a result of si review, a Negative Declaration (declaration that the project will not have a significz impact on the environment) is hereby issued for the subject project. Justification for tl action is on file in the Planning Department. A copy of the Negative Declaration with supportive documents is on file in the Plannj Department, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, California 92009. Comments from 1 public are invited. Please submit comments in writing to the Planning Department wit1 Planning Department at 438-1161, extension 4468. 21 days of date of issuance, If you have any questions, please call Brian Hunter in 1 DATED: MAY 2,1991 CASE NO: LFMP 21 Planning Director APPLICANT: JACK HENTHORN PUBLISH DATE: MAY 2, 1991 * I BI 2075 Las Palmas Drive - Carlsbad, California 92009-4859 - (619) 438-1 1 0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FORM - PART II (TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT) CASENO. LFMP21 DATE: APRIL 23. 1991 BACKGROUND 1. CASE NAME: Local Facilities Manazement Plan Zone 21 2. APPLICANT: Jack Henthorn 3. ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER OF APPLICANT: 5431-G Avenida Encinas. Carls 92008 (619) 438-4090 4. DATE EIA FORM PART I SUBMITTED: December 6. 1990 5. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Local Facilities Management Plan which guarantees the ad public facilities concurrent with development to adopted performance standards. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS STATE CEQA GUIDELINES, Chapter 3, Article 5, section 15063 requires that the City c( Environmental Impact kssessment to determine if a project may have a significant effect on the em The Environmental Impact Assessment appears in the following pages in the form of a checklist. Th: 8 identifies any physical, biological and human factors that might be impacted by the proposed 1 provides the City with information to use as the basis for deciding whether to prepare an Envi Impact Report or Negative Declaration. * A Negative Declaration may be prepared if the City perceives no substantial evidence that the any of its aspects may cause a sigmficant effect on the environment. On the checklist, "NO" will 1 to indicate this determination. * An EIR must be prepared if the City determines that there is substantial evidence that any as] project may cause a sianificant effect on the environment. The project may qualify for i Declaration however, if adverse impacts are mitigated so that environmental effects can 1 insianificant. These findings are shown in the checklist under the headings 'YES-sig" and I respectively. A discussion of potential impacts and the proposed mitigation measures appears at the end of the f DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION. Particular attention should be given to hirigation for impacts which would otherwise be determined significant. 0 0 PHYSICAL ENvIR0"T WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: YES YES N big) (insig) 1. Result in unstable earth conditions or increase the exposure of people or property to geologic hazards? - unique physical features? - 2. Appreciably change the topography or any 3. Result in or be affected by erosion of soils either on or off the site? Result in changes in the deposition of beach sands, or modification of the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or - 4. any bay, inlet or lake? - - ambient air quality? - movement, odor, moisture, or temperature? Substantially change the course or flow of water (marine, fresh or flood waters)? water, ground water or public water supply? depletion of any natural resources? 5. Result in substantial adverse effects on 6. Result in substantial changes in air - 7. - 8. Affect the quantity or quality of surface - 9. Substantially increase usage or cause - 10, Use substantial amounts of fuel or energy? - - - 11. Alter a significant archeological, paleontological or historical site, structure or object? - -2- 0 BIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT * WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: YES YES N (sid (insig) 12. Affect the diversity of species, habitat or numbers of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, microflora and aquatic plants)? - - 13. Introduce new species of plants into an area, or a banier to the normal replenishment of existing species? - 14. Reduce the amount of acreage of any agricultural crop or affect prime, unique or other farmland of state or local importance? - 15. Affect the diversity of species, habitat or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals, all water dwelling organisms and insects? - 16. Introduce new species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of animals? - HUMANENVIR0"T WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: YES YES n (si& (insig) 17. 18. Substantially affect public utilities, Alter the present or planned land use - - - of an area? schools, police, fie, emergency or other public services? - - - I -3- * 0 HUMANENVIRONMENT WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: YES YES NO big) (insig) 19. Result in the need for new or modified sewer systems, solid waste or hazardous waste X X X control systems? - - - 20. Increase existing noise levels? - - - 21. Produce new light or glare? - - - 22. Involve a significant risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation)? - - - human population of an area? - - - for additional housing? - - - 25. Generate substantial additional traffic? - - - create a large demand for new parking? - - - X 23. Substantially alter the density of the X 24. Affect existing housing, or create a demand X X 26. Affect existing parking facilities, or X 27. Impact existing transportation systems or alter present patterns of circulation or X X movement of people and/or goods? - - - 28. Alter waterborne, rail or air traffic? - - - 29. vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? - - - emergency evacuation plans? - - - aesthetically offensive public view? - - - existing recreational opportunities? - - - Increase traffic hazards to motor X 30. Interfere With emergency response plans or X 31. Obstruct any scenic vista or create an X 32. Affect the quality or quantity of X r 1 4- 0 0 MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE WILL THE PROPOSAL ~rmn,Y OR INDIRECTLY: YES YES NC (insig) Dig) 33. Does the project have the potential to substantially degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wild- life species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or en- dangered plant or animal, or eliminate important examples of the major periods 1 of California history or prehistory. - 34. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the dis- advantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of endure well into the future.) Does the project have the possible environmental effects which are in- dividually limited but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively COR- siderable" means that the incremental effects of an individual project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and time while long-term impacts will 1 - 35. the effects of probable future projects.) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? - - 36. t -5- 0 0 DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION The Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 21 is a facilities planning document. The intent ( is to establish parameters and thresholds that assure public facilities are available when needed as ( by the City's adopted performance standards. The land uses analyzed as taken from the adopted Ge Locations and costs of facility improvements are estimates for information purposes only. It is recognized that CEQA review for these public facilities is general and does not satisfy CEQA ret for the specific project. The Zone 21 Local Facilities Management Plan requires complete CEQA rc to initialization of any public or private project discussed in the Local Facilities Management Pla $ 1 -6- 0 m ANALYSIS OF VIABLE ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED PROJECT SUCH AS: a) Phased development of the project, b) alternate site designs, c) alternate scale of development, d) alternate uses for the site, e) development at some future time rather than now, f) alternate sites for the proposed, and g) no project alternative. a) The project is a public facility informational planning study. Phased planning will not eff adequately address the need for public facilities. b) The project is a public facility information and planning study. c) The project is a public facility information and planning study. d) Uses within the plan reflect the existing General Plan. e) The plan considers phased development. f) The project is a public facility information and planning study. g) The no project alternative would not assure public facilities to meet demand and is therefor detrimental. r -7- e I) DETERMINATION (To Be Completed By The Planning Department) On the basis of this initial evaluation: x I fkd the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a DECLARATION will be prepared. - I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, 1 environmental effects of the proposed project have already been considered in conjur previously certified environmental documents and no additional environmental review i Therefore, a Notice of Determination has been prepared. __ I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environmeni not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an at sheet have been added to the project. A Conditional Negative Declaration will be proposed. - I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVlRC IMPACT REPORT is required. #- 23-91 &-&Ad- Date Signature -- Date Planning Direc r LIST MITIGATING MEASURES (IF APPLICABLE) ATTACH MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM (IF APPLICABLE1 r -8- e a APPLICANT CONCURRENCE WITH MITIGATING MEASURES THIS rs TO cuurm THAT r HAVE RJNEWED THE ABOVE MITIGATING MEASURES AND CONCUR WITH THE ADDITION OF THESE MEASURES TO THE PROJECT. Date Signature BH:vd 1 I -9- . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 m PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3243 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY 0 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNLA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE LOCA FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR ZONE 21 ON PROPERT GENERALLY LOCATED WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL, NORTH OF ALG, MASTER PLAN AREA. APPLICANT: JACK HENTHORN 81 ASSOCIATES CASE NO: WHEREAS, a verified application has been filed with the City of Carls ROAD, SOUTH OF LAS PALMAS DRIVE, AND EAST OF THE PACIFIC Nr LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN - ZONE 21 referred to the Planning Commission, and WHEREAS, the City Council passed Resolution No. 8797 adopting tl Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan establishing facility zones and perf( standards for public facilities, and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 9808 requiring the pr of a Local Facilities Management Plan, and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 8110 and 9829 imple Proposition E approved on November 4, 1986 by the citizens of Carlsbad, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 17th day of July, 1991 duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testin arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission consic factors relating to the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 21. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Cod follows: A) B) That the above recitations are true and correct. That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Con recommends APPROVAL of Local Facilities Management Plan - Zone 21,1 the following findings and subject to the following condition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 191 e m Findins: 1. That the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 21 is consistent with t Use Element, the Public Facilities Element, and the other Elements cont: Carlsbad's General Plan. That the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 21 is consistent with 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (Growth Management), as amei Ordinance No. 8110 and Ordinance No. 9829 and with the adopted 1986 ( Facilities and Improvement Plan. That the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 21 and the co public facilities will be provided in conformance with the adopted perf( standards. The Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 21 will control the tim locations of growth by tying the pace of development to the provision o facilities and improvements. The Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 21 will ensure public facilii services are available in conformance with the adopted performance st prior to development occurring. 2. 3. contained therein will promote the public safety and welfare by ensur 4. 5. Conditions: 1. Approval is granted for Local Facilities Management Plan - Zone 21 as cc in the Plan titled Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 21, dated June 1' incorporated herein by reference. '**. .... 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .... .... .... .... *.** .... .... PC RES0 NO. 3243 -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 0 e PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the P1 Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 17th day of July, 1s the following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairperson Holmes, Commissioners: Schlehuber, Savary, Erwin and Hall. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Schramm. ABSTAIN: None. -rzr. 1 p t )',A, .; "/Td t .J f p \ 1 JL,-&$ 3 k4JfV-- RhERT HOLMES, chairperson CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION - ATTEST: I.5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PLANNING DIRECTOR PC RES0 NO. 3243 -3- MINUTES e / COMMISSIONERS July 17, 1991 PLANNING COMMISSION Page 10 he Poinsettia Village Shopping Center. No expansion of isting square footage is proposed. "he surrounding ses include a video store to the north and an optical its veterinary clinics and small animal 11 zones, except residential, with the approval Staff noted t e proposed use is consistent with the the General Plan as well as all Chairman Holmes opened the testimony and issued the invitation to speak. Court, Newhall, answer questions. Commission members. Schlehuber 5) LFHP 21-LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGMENT PLAN FOR ZONE 21 Don Rideout, Senior Management Analyst, Grouth Management, reviewed the background of the request and stated that Zone 21 is located in the southwestern quadrant of the City and is primarily residential. General Plan densities range nonresidential General Plan land use is 20 acres designated as an Elementary School. Mr. Rideout stated that there are 5 existing and 770 future dwelling units projected in Zone 21. to, and participation in, the Mello-Roos Comunity Facilities District, payment of normal city fees, or direct developer funding. be brought forward with a complete financing plan in it. With Hello-Roos in place, funding for the citywide facilities is guaranteed. management and staff reconmends approval. Conmissioner Emin noted that all of the proposed open space is located within SDGU easements. Brian Hunter, Senior Planner, replied that the open space currently meets the requirement of the growth management program. However, the Open Space Element is currently being reviewed which may disallow SDG&E easements to be used for open space in the future, unless they are a specific essential link to the trail system. The growth management plan states that discretionary action shall be taken based on policies in effect at the time of the application. from low-medium (0-4 du/sac) to medium (4-8 dulac). The only All facility requirements can be met by annexation He noted that this is the first facilities plan to The plan complies with all aspects of growth - , Page 11 COMMISSIONERS 1 July 17, 1991 PLANNING COMMISSION Commissioner Erwin inquired if the applicant(s) understand that open space requirements may be changed in the future, Mr. Hunter deferred reply to the applicant. Chairman Holmes opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. hight Spiers, 5431 Avenida Encinas, Suite G, Carlsbad, one of the property owners in Zone 21, addressed the Commission and stated that all of the property owners have worked very staff recommendation. Commissioner Erwin inquired if Mr. Spiers and the other property owners understand that the open space requirements could change in the future and that they must comply with the ordinance in effect at the time discretionary permits are pulled. Mr. Spiers replied that he understands Jhis requirement and the property owners will accept whatever the open space standards are at that time. Jack Henthorn, 5431 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad. addressed the Comission and stated that there were several groups involved on the team which created this plan. He referred to letters dated July 16, 1991 from Carlsbad Partners, Ltd., Security Pacific National Bank, Anthony Bons, Spiers Enterprises, Carlsbad I Partnership, Terry R. Reiter, and the Matthew Namikas Trust. LFMP 21 are on file with the minutes in the Planning Department. Gregory Saska, 6721 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, addressed the Commission and stated that he supports the Zone 21 plan and that he is currently waiting for completion of the Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report on Zone 20 which will specify the alignment of Poinsettia Lane in relation to his property. There being no other persons desiring to address the Commission on this topic, Chairman Holmes declared the public testimony closed and opened the item for discussion among the Commission members. Conmissioner Erwin believes there may be an error on page 131 of the report because it states that the proposed school, located in Service Area B, is the only source to receive reclaimed water but the pump station for reclaimad water is actually located in Service Area A. Brian Hunter, Senior Planner, replied that the reclaimed water is coming to this zone through the Aviara project via Zone 19. Jack Henthorn, 5431 Avenida Encinas. Carlsbad, returned to the podium and stated that Aviara is responsible for providing the reclaimed water. He does not have an answer regarding the pump station because they used the information which was given to them. Dwight Spiers, 5431 Avenida Encinas, Suite G, Carlsbad, owners will have an option based on the drought conditions. Steve Jantz, Associate Engineer, replied that staff will need to look into that issue. It is possible that there is an error in the plan regarding the reclaimed water service areas. hard to complete the Zone 21 plan and they concur with the Copies of the letters supporting adoption of returned to the podium and stated that he hopes the property ~ July 17, 1991 Commissioner Schlehuber inquired if this item needs to be clarified before action can be taken on the facilities plan. Mr. Jantz replied that Planning Commission can adopt the plan tonight. the Plan going to the City Council. Commissioner Erwin inquired if the adequacy of the park finding is based on inclusion of the future Aviara School. Don Rideout, Senior Management Analyst, replied that park facilities do not rely on the Aviara School; this finding is based on the scheduled construction of the Altamira and Aviara Parks. Motion was duly made, seconded, and carried to adopt Resolution No. 3242 recommending approval of the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director and adopt Resolution No. 3243 recommending approval of Local The change would only be a clarification prior to Facilities Management Plan 21. - site is one o section of Luci a Street. The lot was previously graded The project also incl nstruction of a retaining wall along the eastern pro The proposed project provi requirements and has a 20- Both private yards and a c The entire project will be ly landscaped. The cks which exceed the ration between structures. reation area are provided. ad so that the paved Development Ordinance. Staff recommends the findings and subject to the conditio Comissioner Ervin is concerned about the ret which will be put up next to the existing apa requested information on the height and how f slope it will extend. Elaine Blackburn repli will be 42" in the front yard setback and the beyond that to the rear property boundary. S the wall goes into the slope more at the rear than in the front. Commissioner Erwin inquired if there is a better location the trash enclosure; he doesn't like it so close to the other units. Elaine Blackburn replied that staff has COMMISSIONERS Ervin Hall Holmes Noble Savary Schlehuber . (Form A) e e .I 1 TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FROM: RE: PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST Attached are the materials necessary for you to notice for a public hearing before the City Council. Please notice the item for the council meeting of " . Thank you. _cc Assistant City Man-- Date City of Cartsba LFMP ZONE 21 - . ,_ _"_ __. - 4 city of Carisbad LFW ZONE 21 LOCATION MAP r b U m .. Carlsbad Journal Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County Mail all correspondence regarding public notice advertising to W.C.C.N. Inc. P.O. Box 230878, Encinitas, CA 92023-0878 (619) 753-6543 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitle1 I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper of general cir published weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and which ne is published for the dissemination of locd news and intelIigence of a genera1 character, an newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list o subscribers, and which newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular interv said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one y preceding the date of publicatic notice hereinafter referred to; anc notice of which the annexed is E copy, has been published in eack and entire issue of said newspape in any supplement thereof on thr ing dates, to-wit: NOTICE OF If available you have on any and alkr questions. July 11, please IS91 PUBLIC HEARING call Don Rideout in the Growth Management Department at 43% NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 1161, ext. 4212 the Planning Commission of the Ifyou challenge the Lmal Facili- City ofcarlabad will hold a public ties Management Plan for Zone 21 heanng at the Council Chambers, in court, you may be limited to ram 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive ing 00 thoae Iuues you or some- (formerly Elm Avenue), Carlsbad, OM else raised at the public hear- California, at 600 p.m. on Wednes- ing derribed in thu n&ce or IO commending approval of a L0e.l totbe City of Carlrbad at or prior to Facilities Management Plan for the public baring Zone 21 Case File LFMP 21 Those personr wishing to speak Applicant Jack Benthorn on thin proposal are cordially invit- day, Ju4 17, 1991. to conrider re- written correspondence delivered July 03 CTTY OF CARISBAD ed to attend the public hdpc FUNNING COMMISSION Copies of the st&? rev uiU be I certify under penalty of perjury foregoing is true and correct. Ex Carlsbad, County of San Diego, Stat fomia on the 3rd day of - 'CieiX of i; CJ 6115 July 3.lDDl !ng tbis matter please call Don I. 4 Cl!, d ClWIl LFMP ZONE 2l LOCATION MAP s CI 6276: September 4lWl r I certify under penalty of perjury foregoing is true and correct. Ext Carlsbad, County of San Diego, California on the 5th September, 1 Clerk of tf /kg,/ * e [&$I(- t-8 c 5;-7 /e ib Q May 17, 1991 City of Carlsbad Office of the City Clerk 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Zone 21 Local Facilities Management Plan During the past year property owners within Zone 21 have participated in the development of a Local Facilities Management Plan as required by the City‘s Growth Management Ordinance. As an owner of property within Growth Management Zone 21, I am writing to express my support for the adoption of the Zone 21 Local Facilities Management Plan. Please distribute copies of this letter to the members of the Planning Commission and City Council to insure that they are aware of my support for adoption of the plan. Thank You. Sincerely, /? 1 (7 Gx(b$,Py \@fid k Q /” jVbY0 El &$q&& ff+Z $&y- g.&.vfT /% fl” ti .” pJsd, ;# .//;/59L? f I LZ; e 0 (dg d&C4L&d y>$+&,L/x d ,/> fpt)”LA 2 0 SPIERS ENTERPRISES 17941 Vitchell St Irvine. CA 92714 (714) 863 I767 J May 17, 1991 City of Carlsbad Office of the City Clerk 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Zone 21 Local Facilities Management Plan During the past year property owners within Zone 21 have participated in the development of a Local Facilities Management Plan as required by the City’s Growth Management Ordinance. As an optionee of property within Growth Management Zone 21, I am writing to express my support for the adoption of the Zone 21 Local Facilities Management Plan. Please distribute copies of this letter to the members of the Planning Commission and City Council to insure that they are aware of my support for adoption of the plan. Thank you. Sincerely, Dwight W. Spiers cc 45& 0 ' CARLSBAD I PARTNERSHIP C/O Steve Nishimura 2255 India Street Los Angeles, California 90039 (213) 665-4011 i *I May 17, 1991 City of Carlsbad Office of the City Clerk 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 -- Subject: Zone 21 Local Facilities Management Plan During the past year property owners within Zone 21 have participated in the development of a Local Facilities Management Plan as required by the City's Growth Management Ordinance. As an owner of property within Growth Management Zone 21, I am writing to express my support for the adoption of the Zone 21 Local Facilities Management Plan. Please distribute copies of this letter to the members of the Planning Commission and City Council to insure that they are aware of my support for adoption of the plan. Thank You. Sincerely, /l' * 2-y J>; i at p.. 7 Steve I. Nishimura General Partner - I-LL ,% c c/e , '7, LC,+ //,. 2 L.&L-,"L *-, /' L. e d /7) 3 f-? J(r 4 L 1. p ,Y / 1 L 5) Cf$! 2 # ??&? -, . May 17, 1991 City of Carlsbad Office of the City Clerk 1200 Elm Avenue - Carlsbad, California 92008 i -- Subject: Zone 21 Local Facilities Manaqement Plan During the past year property owners within Zone 21 ha participated in the development of a Local Facilities Management Plan as required by the City's Growth Management Ordinance. As an owner of property within Growth Management Zone 21, I am writing to express my support for the adoption of the Zone 21 Local Facilities Management Plan. Please distribute copies of this letter to the members of the Planning Commission and City Council to insure that they are aware of my support for adoption of the plan. Thank You. Sincere 1 y , y--- * .+&+&--- e * %$!A&..,.. y- May 17, 1991 City of Carlsbad Office of the City Clerk 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Zone 21 Local Facilities Management. Plan During the past year property owners within Zone 21 have participated in the development of a Local Facilities Management Plan as required by the City's Growth Management Ordinance. As an owner of property within Growth Management Zone 21, I am writing to express my support for the adoption of the Zone 21 Local Facilities Management Plan. Please distribute copies of this letter to the members of the Planning Commission and City Council to insure that they are aware of my support for adoption of the plan. Thank You. Sincerely, r -A &--\ F/ ((c . L Ai/ 0- v- / Matthew Namikas Trust 18803 Donington Street Glendora, Ca., 91740