HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-09-17; City Council; 11353; Village merchants request re: Sign ordinance4 (d 3 z ; 6 .rl m La a, a, M 4 (d ri .rl 3 a, 3 F: .rl a a a, 9 4 U d .rl L, fi z 4 a, F: bo .rl m ri a, P (d c, F.l 0 a a, 5 a a, c, U 3 .rl U m Ti G a, h 4 .rl c) G V g ri cn \ b \ 4 cn n l-4 m .rl c, td a) g w w 0 m a, 4J 5 .rl G E a, a, m W CITbOF CARLSBAD - AGENWBILL , ,&” /”;L :, a I AB# ’*13 5 3 MTG. TH19-qf TITLE VILLAGE MERCHANTS REQUEST REGARDING SIGN ORDINANCE DEPT.L DEPT. CITY A CITY hi RECOMMENDED ACTION: Initiate City Council discussion regarding the City sign policies in the downtown villi area. ITEM EXPLANATION The Village Merchants Association has requested this item be placed on the City COUI Agenda for discussion. The purpose of their request is to discuss City sign polic particularly the use of small, freestanding signs in the Village area. The Associatiol requesting a temporary policy that would allow these signs pending review by the Cit] possible changes to the sign ordinance. FISCAL IMPACI’ No direct fiscal impact. EXHIBITS 1. Letter to the City Council from Village Merchants Association dated 9/5/ 2. Memo to City Manager from the Housing and Redevelopment Dim dated September 10, 1991. 2 0 .. 6 a 5 J 2 3 0 0 0 '/(" fp &Si373 VILlAGE MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 143 e-s SEP 1% Carlsbad, CA 92018-01 43 rn hs,"~.1 ;;:at.;* s;, i 3 ;,": ,~/; pt*;-5 * "'is ,a 5. "i q:, L. us 2 '; ;>dl &.?;!:-$"t.$ 9' \; kc.. I"., .*Pea, TT 61' "E::.-; September 6, 1991 .~ --".-,. Members of the City Council '\) City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive / Carlsbad CA 92008 N4' Re: Free-standing signs in the Village p;rz* ' "."? \ DearMayorEe$risandCity Councilpersons The Carlsbad Village Merchants' Association is requesting to be placed on the agenda for the September 17, 1991 City Council meeting. The pur- pose of this request is to discuss the City sign policies in the downtown Village business areas. It is our intent to request an interim policy regarding the use of small, free-standing signs in the public right-of-way. This would be a temporary, emergency policy pending either a city code revision and/or the adoption of the city master plan effecting the redevelopment area--the latter pro- viding an additional ruling on appropriate uses of the right-of-way for private businesses. Recent questionable interpretation of the city signage codes and subsequent enforcement action has caused considerable concern, confusion and frustration within the Village business community. Hence, the necessity of this current request. Thank you for your courtesy and consideration in this regard. Very truly yours, w+ Hope Sign W Committee isley Co-chair RB/h 0 c THE HE CtTY iNFORMATlON COUNCl< OF .~ DATE : SEPT, 10, 1991 TO : CITY MANAGER FROM : HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR d SUBJECT: REMOVAL OF FREESTANDING SIGNS IN VILLAGE THIS MORNING AT THE VILLAGE MERCHANTS MEETING, I WAS INFORMED THAT THE MERCHANTS PLAN TO ATTEND THE COUNCIL MEETING THIS EVENING AND SPEAK DURING THE PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD OF THE MEETING. ROBERT BROUGHDON OF RICHARD’S FRAME SHOP AND HOPE WRISLEY OF WORLD OF TRAVEL WILL BE THE PRIMARY SPEAKERS. ROBE: WILL RECAP THE CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS TO DATE AND HOPE WILL TAKE EMOTIONAL APPROACH TO PLEA FOR COUNCIL ASSISTANCE. COUNCILWOMAN MARGARET STANTON ALSO ATTENDED THE MEETING* THE PRIMARY ISSUES ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1) MERCHANTS BELIEVE THE CODE ENFORCEMENT LETTERS THEY RECEIVE DO NOT IDENTIFY WHAT CODE SECTION THEY VIOLATED. 2) MERCHANTS BELIEVE CITY STAFF DID NOT FOLLOW THE APPROPRIATE PROCEDURE IN ADDRESSING THE SIGN ISSUE. 3) MERCHANTS BELIEVE THAT THE CODE ENFORCEMENT REMOVAL OF SIGP LOCATED ENTIRELY ON PRIVATE PROPERTY IS INAPPROPRIATE. 4) MERCHANTS HAVE REMOVED THE SIGNS, BELIEVE THAT THEIR BUSINI HAS DECREASED AND WANT CITY ASSISTANCE IN DEVELOPING AN INTER1 POLICY. ATTACHED ARE PREVIOUS MEMOS/CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING THIS ISST PLEASE CONTACT ME IF I CAN BE OF ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE. I WII BE AT THE MEETING TONIGHT, SHOULD YOU NEED MY INPUT. tc: ~~ 0 0 August 27,1991 TO: RAY PATCHElT, CITY MANAGER VW: Kathy Graham, Housing & Redevelopment Director Marty Orenyak, Community Development Direct0 ~~~ FROM: Karen Sauer, Management Analyst-Redevelopment SIGN MEETlNGS WITH MERCHANT SUBCOMMITEE On August 19,1991 the Village Merchant's Sub-Committee met'with Housing & Redevelor staff to discuss their concerns about the sign violation letters and finalize potential sign c for the Village Redevelopment Area. (see attached) On August 22, 1991 City Staff hei hearing to focus on the sign code violations and to discuss the process involved with moc or amending the sign ordinance. The Merchants proposed a sign criteria for an interim and inquired about how to revise the Municipal Code for the Village Redevelopment Zon City staff in attendance included the Community Development Director, Housi Redevelopment Director, Planning Director, Code Enforcement Officer and Management Ar Redevelopment. The Community Development Director indicated that the signs were in vic of the Municipal Code because the signs themselves, and the placement of signs was public right of way. Therefore, the signs must be removed before Wednesday, August 2E or they may be removed by the City. The Merchants emphasized the economic role of the signs and that they needed the si promote business by drawing people down the street and into the shops. They also expl concern about the negative impact on the businesses economically if the existing signag be removed. The, Planning Director expressed concern for setting a precedent citywide. Permane standing signs are currently not allowed in the City. Marquis signs were suggested alternative to the sandwich board type sign. Another alternative may be to directional/locator type signs (restaurant, shops, beach) in key locations throughout the Redevelopment Area. City Staff does not have the authority to approve or implement a1 sign criteria. However, staff suggested that the Merchants attend the next Hou Redevelopment Advisory Committee (HRAC) meeting on September 23, 1991 to disc1 proposed sign criteria. The Housing & Redevelopment Advisory Committee (HRAC) coul a recommendation to the Planning Commission to revise the Design Manual and PI Municipal Code revision for the Village Redevelopment Zone. The City Council has the authority to approve an interim sign criteria policy or they may letter may be submitted to the City Manager's Office if they wish to be placed on a fut Council agenda. They also have been advised that a permit is available to al special/additional signage, for limited amounts of time if approved by the City Manager six month extension as detailed in the Village Design Manual. The Merchants are awar 0 e . I The Merchants also requested that a survey of property lines for the public right of M conducted. Varying setbacks may affect some business more than others. They requestr the City owned benches, trash cans and planters be relocated in the event that a merchan not have adequate space available for a sign too. Attached for reference is a chronological list of events associated with the sign violations. I let me know if you have any questions or would like additional information. KAREN E. SAUER Attachment c: Planning Director Code Enforcement Officer e CHRONOLOGY OF VILMGE SIGN EVENTS 0711 6/91 City Staff attended Village Merchants Association meeting to ad members of sign complaint and pending Code Enforcement letters. 0711 7/91 Sixty-two Village Merchants received notices from Code Enforcemer remove illegal signs. 07/23/91 Housing & Redevelopment Staff attended Village Merchants Associs 07/29/91 Village Merchants responded to Code Enforcement notices in a lettt 07/30/91 Housing & Redevelopment Staff attended Village Merchants Associz and Sub-Committee meeting when the list of violators was requestec meeting. Mayor Lewis, City Manager, requesting delay of enforcement. 08/05/91 Letter from Community Development Director was sent to the Vi1 Merchants Association requesting that a hearing be scheduled. 08/06/91 Housing & Redevelopment Staff attended Village Merchants Associ: and Sub-committee meeting regarding procedure for 30 day extens 0811 3/91 Housing & Redevelopment Staff attended Village Merchants Associ and Sub-committee meeting regarding sign violations and procedL develop sign criteria. '\ 08/19/91 08/20/91 9 Housing & Redevelopment Staff met with Village Merchants to de sign criteria. Housing & Redevelopment Staff attended Village Merchants Committee meeting regarding sign violations and proposed sign cri 08/22/91 Hearing with Village Merchants Sub-committee was conducted Community Development Director, Planning Director, Housir Redevelopment Director, Code Enforcement Officer and Managc Analyst-Redevelopment. 08/27/91 Housing & Redevelopment Staff attended Village Merchants Committee meeting to discuss the procedure to be placed on the Ho & Redevelopment Advisory Committee and Council agendas. 4, 0 0 SIGN CRITERIA FOR VILLAGE! AREA The following is the result of the Village Merchants Associati Sign Committee meeting conducted on August 19, 1991 and submitted for your consideration: I. Code Amendment Amend Code for Village Area to allow for sign criteria be incorporated. 11. Definition of sign criteria Type of sign: Small and portable Materials: Wood or similar material Maximum Size: 5 feet in height, 3 feet in width or Sign Style: No more than 2 sign faces per sign Attachment: Signs shall not be bolted, nailed square feet total fixed to any permanent object 111. Maintenance of signs Signs shall be maintained in accordance with Carls Municipal Code 18.20.060 Maintenance Generally. IV. Placement of signs Placement of signs shall be in accordance with Carls Municipal Code 18.20.065 Obstructing Doors, Windows Fire Escapes. Allow safe, comfortable access of 48" as required for handicapped access; including entra ways, public right of way. Signs shall be permit adjacent to City planter, benches, trees and trash c if there is no further invasion into the public right way. V. Approval Approved signs shall be permitted unless a nc violation of the criteria listed above, is received the Code Enforcement Officer. VI. , Survey Please conduct a survey indicating where the public ri of way is located on a block by block basis for Village Area. In addition, a survey of the placement City owned trash cans, benches and planters would helpful to the local Village Merchants. VII. Recommendation The Village Merchants Association requests adoptior this interim sign criteria policy and requests a 30 extension to allow for development of a recommendal regarding outdoor sales displays, banners, tables chairs pending adoption of the Village Master Plan. 0 ne: rna /lii 6CD PC (11 Vi’ L-wlvblvbL.LBLh; September 16, 1991 Honorable Mayor Lewis and Concilmembers Kulchin, Larson, Nygaar Stanton 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and Councilmembers; The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce would like to support the Villa Merchants in their quest for an interim policy regarding signs. In my profession I can attest to the difficulty of small busine in this economic marketplace. Of course, you may ask, why shou elected officials or city staff care about businesses pligh Well, as you certainly know, sales tax enhances the general fun and if businesses are not selling, sales tax is not growing. In a slow economy we all do what we need to do to get that customl in the door. This is not the time to play hardball wi, regulations that are open to interpretations. If you will give this interim time, we can work together with the city to establi, a broader based ordinance with some specific parameters on signagl We understand that there is a need for an ordinance outlining si1 parameters -- for neatness, safety, and so on. Once again, a stressed economic time is not the time to t businesses hands and their marketing capabilities. This is t: time to work together, to bend, to negrotiate with those business who support the Carlsbad economy. I will be pleased to answer any questions at the Council meeting September 17, 1991. Vncerely, A L Don chempp PRESIDENT 5411 Avenida Encinas, Suite 100 P.O. Box 1605 Carlsbad, California 92008 (619) 931-8400 Fax (619) 931-9153 0 e INTERIM FREE-STANDING SIGN POLICY FOR THE CARLSBAD VILLAGE AREA This interim policy would be established pending an amendment .the existing sign code and/or its incorporation into the ReAev opment Area Master Plzn. The policy is designed to cover smal portable, free-standing business advertising signs. Materials: Signs shall be of wood or similar appropriate mate rials. Size: Signs shall not exceed five (5) feet in height, three ( feet in width nc?r more than ten (10) square feet total dimensi Safety: Sign surface requirements will be in accordance with sign code paragraph 18.20.075 (Surface Requirements €or Certail Signs) and shall comply with paragraph 18.20.070 (Obstructing ( Confusing Traffic). Information on Sigr.s: The information contained on the signs will be neatly and tastefully presented and will be in accord- ance with code paragraph 18.20.055 (Displaying Obscene or Indecent Matter ). Maintenance: Signs shall be maintained atcprdance with paragri 18.20.060 (Maintenance Generally). Placement: A business may place one sign (that meet5 the above criteria) on the sidewalk in front of the business no mzre thar three (3) feet on either side of the normal busi'ness entrance E no closer than one (1) foot from the curb. The si'gn may not impair the safe and comfortable access to the public right-of-$ and provide at least four (4) feet of clear space in that righl of-way. Placement shall nut violate code paragraph 18.20.065 (Obstructing drtors, windows or fire escapes). In addition, the sign may be placed adjacent to a city planter, bench or trash container provided the sign does nat encroach on the public right-of-way beyond the limitations stated above. The sign sha not be nailed, bolted or affixed in any way to any permanent surface. Permit Procedure: The city staff should establish a reasonable permit procedure to insure that those signs which are placed in the public right-of-way are in accordance with the stated criteria. We, the Car.lsbad Village Merchants' Association, are requesting this criteria be established as an interim policy for the Carlsbad Village business area. The interim policy is to be in effect while we pursue the normal procedures for affecting a modification to the existing sign codes and/or establish these criteria within the purview of the Carlsbad Village Redevelopme Master Plan. ..