HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-10-08; City Council; 11387; AMENDMENT TO TITLE 21 | BUILDING HEIGHT | ZCA 91-031 a L n '6 [I) 04 co *ti rlcd u mar za 00 *f4 zw .rJY mar !4u a *d arE c) ZJa) aar u 03 G b- om GU -4 s- 0 aa GaJ cdf4 0 ms Iu 4 *ti m3 *G mcd q mLI .a) c40 a) u a aJw uw acd ou am cd a rlar c)c) sf4 oa TI u Gar 0 *rl 4 rn --. 03 \ 0 4 z 0 + 0 - a -I 5 z 3 0 0 1 CITYOF CARLSBAD - AGENDmILL AMENDMENT TO TITLE 21 BUILDING 'El HEIGHT - ZCA 91-3 AB # I/, '3 4 ? TITLE: DEPT. PLN RECOMMENDED ACTION: MTG. 10/8/91 c/ If the city Council concurs, your action is to ADOPT Resolution No. i I -C APPROVING the Negative Declaration, and INTRODUCE Ordinance No. I )\' APPROVING ZCA 91 -3. ITEM EXPLANATION On September 17, 1991, the City Council considered ZCA 91-3. There was support for the proposed zone code amendments by the Council and the However, two issues were identified by the Council to be further reviewed I These issues were: (1) commercial zone height regulations and (2) infill areas 1 of 15,000 sq.ft. or greater and the ability to construct a 35 ft./3 story residence two issues are discussed in the attached memorandum from the Planning Dir the City Manager. If the Council concurs with the recommendations, as containt memorandum, staff does not believe that any further review by the Planning Corr will be necessary and the zone code amendment can be approved. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW On July 31 , 1991, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the r Declaration issued by the Planning Director on May 2, 1991. FISCAL IMPACT There will be no fiscal impacts from the adoption and implementation of the p building height regulations. EXH I BITS 1. 2. 3. Agenda Bill dated September 17, 1991 wlattachments Memorandum to the City Manager (w/revised ordinance attached) ch City Council Resolution Approving Negative Declaration m- - d 0 @ SEPTEMBER 27, 1991 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM : Planning Director ZCA 91-03 - BUILDING HEIGHTS REVISIONS At the September 17, 1-991 City Council meeting, the ah referenced zone code amendment was considered. The item continued so that staff could re-evaluate two specific issu These were: 1) commercial zone height regulations and 2) inf areas with 15,000 square foot lots and the ability to construct 35 ft/3 stories. Staff's evaluation and recommendations for tk issues are described below. Commercial Zone Heiqhts At the September 17th public hearing, the architect represent the Carltas Company submitted recommendations regarding the he: for certain cammercial/af f ice uses. Staff has reviewed tl recommendations and has reached the following conclusions: Only the c-2 and p-C (Master Plans) zones should have ability for a 55 foot regional structure subject to proposed regional findings. These regic uses/structures would be approved by the City Coui through a site development plan subject to the propc regional findings. Non-regional commercial uses in C-2 and P-C zones could exceed 35 feet up to 45 fee' the City Council through a site development plan sub' to the proposed findings. The C-T and Q zones should not have the ability to a a 55 foot regional structure. However, they shoulc allowed to exceed 35 feet to a maximum of 45 feet by City Council through a site development plan subjec the proposed findings. The c-l zone should not have the ability to allow foot regional structure or a structure in excess o feet given the intent of neighborhood scale commer uses within this zone. The c-l zone will allow a he of up to 35 felet and 3 levels. 1. 2. 3. Staff has revised the proposed ordinance approving ZCA 91-0 reflect these conclusions. I e @ CITY MANAGER SEPTEMBER 27, 1991 PAGE 2 Infill Areas Concern was expressed by the City Council at the public hear that the building height revisions for the R-1 zones would allok ft./3 story residences on infill lots. Staff reviewed f alternatives to address the issue of compatibility within inf areas with 15,000 square feet lots and the ability to construct ft/3 story residences. These alternatives included addressing issue by: 1) specific zone regulation; 2) a height overlay zone; a design review process; or 4) requiring increased setbacks. St recommend that in addition to the original proposal that the lot has a minimum size of 15,000 square feet to build a 35 f story residence that the lot also be zoned R-1-15 or greater (I as R-1-20 or R-1-40). Staff has revised the proposed ordinance to reflect this additic recommendation. Staff does not believe that this recommendat would require going back to the Planning Commission for revj The other three alternatives that staff evaluated would reqL additional public review and Planning Commission input. Althc there are a couple of places in the infill areas of the City wt have R-1-15 zoning, (a map will be available at the contir Council hearing on this matter), staff believes that this recommendation adequately addresses the concerns associated P this issue. Summary All of the recommendations described above required staff to I a number of changes to proposed Ordinance No. NS-173 containec the previous Agenda Bill. For this reason, staff has preparc new, revised version of the ordinance which is attached to 1 memorandum. Also, during the continuance, staff prepared a mal summarizing the proposed height changes for all the zones invo: in ZCA 91-03 which is also attached to this memorandum. Submitted by: is recommending the first alternative, Specifically, staff wc i’ *,- Lih LC --, MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER d Planning Director arb Attachments 1. Revised City Council Ordinance No. NS-173 2. Matrix Showing All Proposed Revisions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 l4 l5 l6 l7 I.8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 Q ORDINANCE NO. NS-180 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAI CALIFORNIA AMENDING VARIOUS CHAPTERS AND SECTIONS C TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE FOR THE PURPOSI OF (1) THE REVISION AND ADDITION OF ZONING DEFINITION5 (2) THE ESTABLISHMENT OF BUILDING HEIGHT REDUCTIONS 1 CERTAIN ZONES, (3) THE ESTABLISHMENT OF BUILDING HEIG€ (4) CLARIFICATION OF THE BUILDING HEIGHT LIMIT WITHIN TI BEACH AREA OVERLAY ZONE. CASE NAME: BUILDING HEIGHT PROGRAM CASE NO: ZCA 91-03 INtREXJEJ ru ~ERTAIN INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL ZONES, N The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Californi ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That. Title 21, Chapter 21.04 of the C: Municipal Code is amended by the revision of Section 21.04, read as follows: 112 1.04.04 5 Basement. luBasementll means that portion of a building between flc along the exterior (immediately outside of 'Ibuilding COVC perimeter of the structure but so located that the vf distance from exterior grade to the adjacent interior flooi is more than the vertical distance from exterior grade to ac interior ceiling. This definition must apply to a minimum of the perimeter of building coverage for a structure to qua. a basement. The portion of a basement that is below existinc is not included in the measurement of building height (as c in Section 21.04.065). In no case shall a basement c underground parking." ceiling which is partly below and partly above grade as mc SECTION 2: That Title 21, Chapter 21.04 of the Cz Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Section 21.04, read as follows: ~~21.04.061~ Buildina Coveracre. "Building coverage" is defined as the total ground arc site occupied by any building or structure as measured fr outside of its surrounding external walls or supporting mc Building coverage includes exterior structures such as E arcades, bridges, permanent structural elements protrudin buildings such as overhanging balconies, oriel windows, E which overhang a ground level story, garages and covered cai Building coverage also includes the perimeter area of a bas Excluded from building coverage are roof eaves extending le: 30 inches from the face of any building, awnings, open par1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 a 0 areas, structures under 30 inches in height and masonry wa: greater than six feet in height such as wing-walls, plante: or grade-separation retaining walls. I' SECTION 3: That Title 21, Chapter 21.04 of the CI Municipal Code is amended by the revision of Section 21.04 read as follows: "21.04.065 Buildins Heiqht. (a) The height of a building shall be measured as fo (1) IIBuilding height" means the vertical distant structure measured from the more restrictive (lowest) of f or existing grade. The vertical distance is measured f points at grade along and within the building coverage highest point of the structure directly above that pe measurement. (2) "Existing grade" for the purposes of me building height means the ground level elevation which exi or before August 1, 1991 and prior to any grading or othc development or alteration of existing developments un discretionary permit for such developments or alterati approved. In that case, existing grade shall mean the grad the property is developed or improved in accordance wj grading plans which implement the approved discretionary For non-discretionary permits where retaining walls, fill e grading are utilized to create finished grade higher in el than existing grade as defined above and as determined Planning Director, then existing grade shall be used determination of building height. (3) Building height measurements include baseme other subterranean areas that are above existing grade. case of basements, cellars and underground parking, buildin< ,is measured from existing grade; excluding the area below E ]grade. preparation related to, or to be incorporated into, a propo 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (4) Building height is measured to the peak structure. Fer Section 21.46.020 of this title, penthouses structures for the housing of elevators, stairways, ventilating fans or similar equipment required to operi maintain the building; fire or parapet walls, sky architectural towers, flagpoles, chimneys, smokestacks, L+ masts and similar structures may be erected above the height of this ordinance prescribed, but no penthouse or roof str or any other space above the height limit prescribed for t in which the building is located shall be allowed for the of providing additional floor space, or be taller than reg accommodate the intended use. ... ... 2 'I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Q 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 " 17 18 19 20 c) SECTION 4: That Title 21, Chapter 21.04 of the Ci Municipal Code is amended by the revision of Section 21.04 read as follows: 1121.04.160 Grade. llGradell means the average of the finished ground level center of all walls of a building. In case walls are para measured at the sidewalks. For the purposes of measuring b height llgradell means the ground elevations along and wit1 area of building coverage.11 and within five feet of a sidewalk, the above ground level s SECTION 5: That Title 21, Chapter 21.04 of the C Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Section 21.04 read as follows: II 2 1 . 0 4 .2 0 2 An occupied or usable horizontal and vertical space o Leve 1 . structure. 11 SECTION 6: That Title 21, Chapter 21.04 of the C Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Section 21.04 read as follows: 1121.04.222 Lot Coverase. See Building Coverage. It SECTION 7: That Title 21, Chapter 21.04 of the C Municipal Code is amended by the revision of Section 21.04 iread as follows: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1121.04.330 Story. llStoryll means that portion of a building included betw surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next abc If there be no floor above it, then the space between sucl and the ceiling next above it shall be considered a Underground parking, a. basement or a cellar shall not be con, a story. Lofts or mezzanines shall not be considered E provided that they do not exceed 50% of the floor area of th they are located within.11 ... ... 3 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 @ SECTION 8: That Title 21, Chapter 21.04 of the Ci Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Section 21.04, read as follows: 1121.04.370 Underqround Parkinq. Parking areas that are located completely or pa: underground where the finished floor of the parking area i: existing grade. Underground parking areas are excluded fi measurement of building height. However, in the case will be measured from existing grade so that the portion parking structure above existing grade is part of the b height. In no case shall underground parking areas conti useable living area." underground parking is not completely underyround, building SECTION 9: That Title 21, Chapter 21.04 of the C Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Section 21.04 read as follows: 1121.04.376 Useable Livinq Area. The area of a building intended for habitation and/or the building's occupants. part of an underground parking area.It In no case shall useable living SECTION 10: That Title 21, Chapter 21.07 is amended amendment to Section 21.07.100 to read as follows: 1121.07.100 Buildins Heiqht. No building in the E-A zone used for dwelling pu wherever located, and no building or structure used for otk dwelling purposes and located less than one hundred feet f property line, shall exceed thirty feet and two storie minimum roof pitch of 3/12 is provided or twenty four feet stories if less than a 3/12 roof pitch is provided. A buil structure used for other than dwelling purposes and loca hundred feet or more from any property line may exceed the allowable height pursuant to conditional use permit. Singlc residences on lots with a lot area of 15,000 square feet or shall not exceed thirty-five feet and three stories." SECTION 11: That Title 21, Chapter 21.08 is amended amendment to Section 21,08,020 to read as follows: 1'21.08.020 Buildins Heiqht. No building in the R-A zone shall exceed a height 03 feet and two stories if a minimum roof pitch of 3/12 is pro twenty four feet and two stories if less than a 3/12 roof 1 4 I, I. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 a provided for lots under 15,000 square feet. Single residences on lots with a lot area of 15,000 square feet or and within a R-A zone and specifying a -15 or greater area symbol shall not exceed thirty-five feet and three stories SECTION 12: That Title 21, Chapter 21.10 is amended amendment to Section 21.10.020 to read as follows: 1121.10.020 Buildincr Heisht. In the R-1 zone no building shall exceed a height of feet and two stories if a minimum roof pitch of 3/12 is prov twenty four feet and two stories if less than a 3/12 roof p provided for lots under 15,000 square feet. Single residences on lots with a lot area of 15,000 square feet or and within a R-1 zone and specifying a -15 or greater area symbol shall not exceed thirty-five feet and three stories SECTION 13: That Title 21, Chapter 21.12 is amended amendment to Section 21.12.020 to read as follows: 1t21.12.020 Buildins Heisht. No building in the R-2 zone shall exceed a height of feet and two stories if a minimum roof pitch of 3/12 is prov provided for lots under 15,000 square feet. Buildings on la a lot area of 15,000 square feet or greater, shall not thirty-five feet and three stories.11 twenty four feet and two stories if less than a 3/12 roof p SECTION 14: That Title 21, Chapter 21.20 is amended amendment to Section 21.20.030 to read as follows: t121.20.030 Buildins Heiqht. No building in the R-T zone shall exceed a height of /five feet." . 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SECTION 15: That Title 21, Chapter 21.22 is amended amendment to Section 21.22.020 to read as follows: 1'21.22.020 Buildinq Heiqht. No building in the R-W zone shall exceed a height of five feet." SECTION 16: That Title 21, Chapter 21.26 is amended amendment to Section 21.26.030 to read as follows: t121.26.030 Buildins Heisht. No commercial structures in the C-1 zone shall exceed a of thirty-five feet os three levels. 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 l2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 0 9 SECTION 17: That Title 21, Chapter 21.27 be amended 1 amendment to Section 21.27.050(3) to read as follows: 1121.27.050 Development Standards. (3) Building Height. The maximum height of structures the 0 zone shall not exceed thirty-five feet or three Additional building height may be permitted to a maximum of five feet through a site development plan approved by tl Council provided that:: (a) the building does not contain more than three (b) all required setbacks shall be increased at a r one horizontal foot for every one foot of v construction beyond thirty-five feet. area will be maintained as landscaped open space: and (c) the building conforms to the requirements of S 18.04.170 of this code. The additional Subsection 21.27.050(5) is repealed. SECTION 18: That Title 21, Chapter 21.28 is amended amendment to Section 21.28.030 to read as follows: "21.28.030 Buildins Heisht. Except as otherwise provided in this section, no buil the C-2 zone shall exceed thirty-five feet or three le height. of forty-five feet through a site development plan approvec City Council provided that: (a) the building does not contain more than three (b) all required setbacks shall be increased at a I one horizontal foot for every one foot of t construction beyond thirty-five feet. area will be maintained as landscaped open space; anc (c) the building conforms to the requirements of S 18.04.170 of this code. The City Council may approve a height limit in ex forty-five feet to a maximum of fifty-five feet through development plan for a development of forty acres or more wl /Council finds: (1) The height of the buildings will not adverse11 Additional building height may be permitted to a The additional 23 24 25 26 27 28 surrounding properties; other buildings in the area. (2) The buildings will not be unduly disproportiol (3) the building does not contain more than three (4) an increased area in contiguous heavily lands open space is provided adjacent to and outside of the 1 perimeter and/or the parking lot. The property owner agree develop the open space in the future. The increased area to be provided will be computed as (x) feet increase in vertical height above 35 fee' 6 I. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 multiplied by 1% of the site's building coverage square fo (5) the building conforms to the requirements of S 18.04.170 of this code and; (6) the site must develop with a regional commerci that would accommodate large anchor tenants." SECTION 19: That Title 21, Chapter 21.29 be amended amendment to Section 21.29.060 to read as follows: "21.29.060 Buildins Heisht. No building in the C-T zone shall exceed a height of five feet or three levels. Additional building height permitted to a maximum of forty-five feet through development plan approved by the City Council provided thb (a) the building does not contain more than three (b) all required setbacks shall be increased at a I one horizontal foot for every one foot of t construction beyond thirty-five feet. area will be maintained as landscaped open space; and (c) the building conforms to the requirements of Cl 18, Section 18.04.170. SECTION 20: That Title 21, Chapter 21.30 is amended The additional amendment to Section 21.30.030 to read as follows: 1121.30.030 Buildins Heiqht. No building in the C-M zone shall exceed a height of five feet or three levels. Additional building height permitted to a maximum of forty-five feet by the Planning I provided that! I (a) the building does not contain more than three lei (b) all required setbacks shall be increased at a rati horizontal foot for every one foot of vertical constructio. thirty-five feet. The additional setback area will be ma. as landscaped open space: and 18.04.170 of this code." (c) the building conforms to the requirements of Building heights in excess of forty-five feet may be i SECTION 21: That Title 21, Chapter 21.32 is amendec through a specific plan approved by the City Council. amendment to Section 21.32.050 to read as follows: 1121.32.050 Buildins Heiqht. No building in the M zone shall exceed a height of thi feet or three levels. Additional building height may be pi to a maximum of forty-five feet by the Planning Director ' that: 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 a (a') the building does not contain more than three 1( one horizontal foot for every one foot of vc construction beyond thirty-five feet. The additional : area will be maintained as landscaped open space; and (c) the building conforms to the requirements of S 18.04.170 of this code.'I Building heights in excess of forty-five feet may be a (b) all required setbacks shall be increased at a r, through a specific plan approved by the City Council. SECTION 22: That Title 21, Chapter 21.33 is amended amendment to Section 21.33.060 to read as follows: "21.33.060 Buildins Heiqht. No building or structure in the 0-S zone district shall twenty-five feet in height unless a higher elevation is appr a conditional use permit issued by the planning commission SECTION 23: That Title 21, Chapter 21.34 is amended amendment to Section 21.34.070(1) to read as follows: "21.34.070 DeveloDment Standards. All industrial projects shall comply with the fo development standards : a height of thirty-five feet or three levels. Additional b height may be permitted to a maximum of forty-five feet Planning Director provided that: (a) the building does not contain more than three (b) all required setbacks shall be increased at a r one horizontal foot for every one foot of vertical const beyond thirty-five feet. The additional setback area 1 maintained as landscaped open space: and (c) the building conforms to the requirements of S 18.04.170 of this code.'! through a specific plan approved by the City Council. (1) Building Height. No building in the P-M zone shall Building heights in excess of forty-five feet may be a Subsection 21.27.050(5) is repealed. SECTION 24: That Title 21, Chapter 21.38 is amended addition to Section 21.38.060(1)(B) to read as follows: Location of the various land uses shall be indic the use of zone designations of development zones and overli as provided in this title. Development of property within 1 of each such zone shall be subject to the regulations indicated zone unless specifically modified as a part of thc "(B) 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 l4 l5 l6 l7 18 I' 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 plan approval. All master plans shall allow a maximum k 3/12 is provided or twenty four feet and two stories if 1c a 3/12 roof pitch is provided for single family and duplex 1 on lots with a lot area less than 15,000 square feet in siz( with a lot area of 15,000 square feet or greater and zoned specifying a -15 or greater area zoning symbol by the masl may have a building height limit of 35 feet and three stoi master plan may impose a lower building height limit thz stated above in its development standards. Neighborhood COI uses within a master plan shall conform to Section 21.26.03 C-1 zone. Tourist-oriented commercial uses within a masl shall conform to Section 21.29.060 of the C-T zone. AI commercial uses within a master plan shall conform to the 1 height regulations contained in Section 21.28.030 of the C. All industrial uses within a master plan shall conform building height regulations as contained in Section 21.34.0 the P-M zone. Office uses shall conform to Section 21.27.0 the 0 zone." height of thirty feet and two stories if a minimum roof F SECTION 25: That Title 21, Chapter 21.45 is amendec amendment to Section 21.45.090(0), to add SUI 21.45.090(0) (5) to read as follows: "(5) The building height limit for single family anc residences shall not exceed thirty feet and two storil minimum roof pitch of 3/12 is provided or twenty four feet stories if less than a 3/12 roof pitch is provided for lot lot area less than 15,000 square feet in size, although maximum height may be established for the project. For 1 a lot area of 15,000 square feet or greater and within a and specifying a -15 or greater area zoning symbol, the height limit shall not exceed 35 feet and three stories. SECTION 26: That Title 21, Chapter 21.82 is amender amendment to Section 21.82.050 to read as follows: lt21.82.O50 Buildins Heiqht. No newly constructed, reconstructed, altered or residential structure within the beach area overlay ZOI exceed thirty feet and two stories if a minimum roof pitch is provided or twenty four feet and two stories if less thE roof pitch is provided. Building height shall be mea: defined in Section 21.04.065 of this title. Covered parki and basements shall not be considered a story. In the covered parking, or underground parking as defined in 21.04.370 of this title, or basements as defined in 21.04.045 of this title, building height shall be measu existing grade. I! 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 . 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e SECTION 27: This, ordinance shall not apply to discre' development projects which have a complete application or rt discretionary approvals by August 1, 1991 and for whi building height has been specifically stated; or discretionary approvals are required, then development proj e which a building permit application was on file with the ( Carlsbad by August 1, 1991 and for which said permit is is: February 1, 1992, shall be exempt. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .-- ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 e * EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thii after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published a once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days afl adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the C City Council on the day of , 1s thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Coi the City of Carlsbad on the day of 12 13 14 15 16 17 AYES: NOES : ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk 11 EA RA R1 R2 RT RW os c1 0 c2 CT CM M PM BAO PC PD EXISTING PROPOSED 35 ft or 2 stories 30 fW2 stories with roof pitch non dwelling structure may be higher by CUP 24 fW2 stories with no roof pitch 35 fW3 stories within a minimum 15,000 sq. ft. or grec non dwelling structure may be higher by CUP 35 ft 30 fW2 stories with roof pitch 24 fW2 stories with no roof pitch 35 fW3 stories within a minimum RA-15 Zone and 15, greater sized lot 35 ft 30 ftl;! stories with roof pitch 24 ft/2 stories with no roof pitch 35 ft13 stories within a minimum R-1-15 Zone and 15 greater sized lot 35 ft 30 ftj2 stories with roof pitch 45 ft 35 ft 45 ft 35 ft 24 fW2 stories with no roof pitch 35 fW3 stories on lots 15,000 sq. ft. or greater 35 ft height 25 ft height Higher allowed by Planning Commission through C ~ Higher allowed by Planning Commission through CUP 35 ft 35 fW3 levels 35ft 35 ft/3 levels Higher height allowed by City Council through Site Development Plan with findings 35ft 35 fW3 levels Up to 45 ft allowed by City Council through Site De Higher allowed by City Council with findings 0 Up to 45 fv3 levels allowed by City Council througt Development Plan with findings Beyond 45 ft up to 55 ft for regional commercial us4 Council through Site Development Plan 35 ft 35 fW3 levels Up to 45 ft allowed by City Council through Site De with findings 35ft 35 ft13 levels Higher height allowed through Specific Plan Up to 45 ft by Planning Director with findings Heights in excess of 45 ft allowed by City Council t Plan 35ft 35 fW3 levels Higher height allowed through Site Development Plan or Specific Plan by City Council Up to 45 ft by Planning Director with findings Heights in excess of 45 ft allowed by City Council Plan 35ft 35 fW3 levels Higher height allowed through Specific Plan Up to 45 ft by Planning Director with findings Heights in excess of 45 ft allowed by City Council Plan 30 ft/2 stories with roof pitch 24 ft/2 stories with no roof pitch 25 ft or 2 stories '0 Height Limits specified by designated zone Single family users per R-1 Zone Commercial uses per C-2 Zone Neighborhood commercial uses per C-1 Zone Industrial uses per P-M Zone Office uses per 0 Zone Height limits per underlying zone 30 fW2 stories with roof pitch 24 fW2 stories with no roof pitch 35 fW3 stories within a minimum R-1-15 Zone and greater sized lot .I '. - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 lo " 0 l2 am mug v, &Z& ' - l3 %$Qg oL'm 40"" l4 >iZ QFsg l5 mGa& u a2 +>ma ZZJ h$s rrrrn l6 ku >2% l7 18 l9 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 woo q8y 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 91-305 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING A NEGATI'JE DECLARATION, FOR A ZONE CODE AMENDMENT TO AMEND VARIOUS CHAPTERS AND SECTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO ALLOW FOR (1) THE REVISION AND ADDITION OF ZONING DEFINITIONS, (2) BUILDING HEIGHT REDUCTIONS, (3) INDUSTRIAL AND BUIDING HEIGHT CLARIFICATION OF THE RESTRICTION WITH THE BEACH AREA OVERLAY ZONE. CASE NAME: CITY OF CARLSBAD CASE NO: ZCA 91-3 COMMERCIAL HEIGHT INCREASES AND (4) WHEREAS, on July 31, 1991 the Carlsbad : Commission held a duly noticed public hearing to con proposed Negative Declaration for a zone code amendment ' various chapters and sections of the zoning ordinance to a (1) the revision and addition of zoning definitions, (2) height reductions, (3) industrial and commercial height i and (4) clarification of the buiding height restriction > beach area overlay zone and adopted Resolution NI recommending to the City Council that the Negative Declar approved; and WHEREAS, a Negative Declaration was issued on Ma] and submitted to the State Clearinghouse for a 30 day revic as required by law. No comments were received from t Clearinghouse. All comments from the public were consid responded to during environmental review. The City Co satisfied that the project is in full compliance P California Environmental Quality Act and the Carlsbad Envir Protection Ordinance, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counc City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and COI 11 2 w e 2. That the negative declaration on the above ref zone code amendment is approved and that the findings Planning Commission contained in Resolution No. 3235 marked 4 5 City Council. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meetinc I 8 9 10 11 12 Om $2~ $E& 13 5-0: OLum 14 004s 5>5z 15 +.Sg mso& gwmo ow u'al >ma 1991, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson and Nygaa NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Council MTY;;~ /#fi f CLA~!DE A. LEQIS, '-Mayor ~ ATTEST : gZ26 161 zo~a Urn Go 5k8'i! c?!". l7 la 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - AL%& iuT&Jerk (SEAL) I- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 12 13 - l e eXh'bit kt PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 323s A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CI? CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A NEG, DECLARATION FOR A ZONE CODE AMENDMENT TO AMEND VAE CHAPTERS AND SECTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO A FOR (1) THE REVISION AND ADDITION OF ZONING DEFINITION HEIGHT INCREASES, AND (4) CLARIFICATION OF THE BUII HEIGHT RESTRICTION WITHIN THE BEACH AREA OVERLAY ZOh CASE NAME: CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING HEIGHT REDUCTIONS, (3) INDUSTRIAL AND COMME CASE NO. ZCA 91-3 I- - WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 3rd day of July, 199 31st day of July, 1991, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribe consider said request, and - WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all tf arguments, examining the initial study, analyzing the information submitted considering any written comments received, the Planning Commission cc 15 16 i l4I I 17 1 factors relating to the Negative Declaration. NOW, THEREFOFJ, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Cc follows: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, t Commission hereby recommends APPROVAL of the Negative Declarati to Exhibit "ND", dated May 2, 1991, and "PII", dated April 26, 19 hereto and made a part hereof, based on the following findings: i FillClin!ZS: 1. The initial study shows that there is no substantial evidence that the have a significant impact on the environment since no development Implementation of the proposed zone code amendments on future d will not cause any significant environmental impacts because all subject to environmental review. .- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ~ 17 18 19 20 21 I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 W a 2. The regulation of building height and mass will not prevent the i and/or mitigation of a project's environmental impacts. PASSED, APPROIED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of t Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 31st day of July, following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairperson Holmes, Commissioners: Schlehuber, Savi Noble. NOES: Corrtmissioner Hall. ABSENT: Commksioner Schramm. ABSTAIN: None. ROBERT HOLMES, Chairpc CARLSBAD PLANNING CO ATTEST: I v v MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER PLANNING DIRECTOR PC RES0 NO. 3235 -2- LXhI s1-t NVJ *- NECATNE DECLARATION ?ROJEC? ,ADDRESS/LOCAT';OX: Zorie Code hmendmenr to be implemented C PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Amendments and additions to various chapters and s rhe Zoning Ordinance to allow for (1) the revision and addition of zoning defin building height reductions, (3) building height increases for certain comt industnal uses, (4) modification of the building height limit in the Beach Overlay (5) the establishment of tloor area ratios for single fa*-and duplex residenti The Ciry of Carlsbad has conducted an environmental review of the above descrit pursuant to the Guidelines for [mplementarion of the California Environmental < and the Environmental Protecrion Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. &i a res review, a Negative Declaration (declaration that the project will not have a impact on the environmentj is hereby issued for the subject project. Jusrificari action is on file in the Planning Depanment. h copy of the Negative Declaration with supportive documents is on file in thi Department, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, California 92009. Comment! public are invited. Please submit comments in writing to the Planning Departm 30 days of date of issuance. [f you have any questions, please call Eric Mu Planning Department at 438-1 161, exrension 4441. - - DATED: MAY 2, 1991 CASE NO: ZCA 91-3 APPLICMR QTYOF CMLSBAD PUBLISH DATE: MAY 2, 1,991 Planning Director ENMilh 2075 LU ~r~rnrs ~rivo Carlsbad, ~a~iforn~r 920094859 (619) .- e @ ZdtI A,*& NOTICE 01 COMPLETI ON -a'. 73: State C:aar:rgnause. '-30 *enin Strwt. am. '2' 581- . 7'6,--5.A:3 [Z ProJHt Tltta: ZCA 01-1 - RJlLb tWc rE!:WT JQCCilhM .?a0 A;e-c+: f:-* jC w 7c-sm: Ea:: KUCZ. s~-~~~ , :7 ,F ?bone: (5'G's .j?.''>* < ___I 1 _. -7-m : -, ::;.534: - - d. .c..9 ........ .... ................... ............................................... ~QOJECT .oUTI(1: ::ar:.: :AY ;:EX f.: I 4~3'55: Imn! :y: ::*v'.';~ -3:ac ac-cs: ::- . __ I .,, i:-eers: ::*'k:>E iijesscr's JarceL NO. N/A - jec:,:r: v/4 7.0. Y/A Sarge: 2 . :a'- 2 Y-ICS: State quy #: :-S *dteruaYs: Q A$-car:s: Daia!ur-*cC:et\an @ati.ayS: 4'4~F jc*: , -: ._.. ..... ......................................-............................................................ mxacni TIPE CJiM: __ Vor, - Sumlmt/S&seauenr wn: - 40 I OTWR: - - EA - iarty Cons - E1R (Prior 4Cn ~0.1 - I_ Jrafr E!R - - * reg 3ec - Cther - Draft EIS - - FOMSI ....................................................................................................... - LCUL ACT101 TI# - :enera1 Plan Umate - SWlfiC o!an - Rei- - - Drmf0h. - - ;emrrl @(an Elmt - Ptmd unit :evctocvmnr - use Permit - - ;enerr1 P(an Inwormnc - Master Plan Site Plan - Lad OCvisron (Subdivision, 1 :mity Plan - P~rcel Ra9, Tract Mw, erc.) - ... .............-.......................................................-.------.......-.-............. DEMLmuiNT TYPE aeslaenriai: units 4cres - Yarer taciliries: Tyo Tramporrrrron: fyp - 3ff ice: sq. Ft. Acres Enmiovers - - Mining: ntn Cyrmrcial: Sq. Ft. - lndusrr!al: Sq. Ft. Acres Emc owes - Paw: fm uiat. freirmclt: re Ehicat t orul - Rccreatianil - Nazarw Yesre: Tn: Loo11.nt e# mi ldine ne1gnl - Acres Em1 0YI.S _. - - - X Ornor: Owe ........ ............-.........--....-..-.-.-...*.*.-........................-..-....-..-.-......--..-... PP(ZIECT ISSEI 01- I9 OQUIT Aeirh.ric/Visd - f Lood Plainfilooding - Sckools/Univ.rsitios Air Ouliry - kolgic/teimic - - C0r-t LWFirc Mrard - Seetic tnt~ seuer CIorci tv Soil €rarion/C~tionfErding - - rgrlculturaL Lud - - - ~rckr.ologicrl/Wirtoricrl - Minormla - - - corsrri zon - loiw - sotia Mate F 9 scrl - Rocr8oBtionfParts - v.q.trtion - - 5 ra 1 rug./ AmiUb - E c onqll i e/ Jabr - )QQ110tionfnauinq BaLrKe - ToricfNrtrrdar --tis krvices/Fwr(itres - Trrttic/Circulrtion - I 1 ...............-...----.-..~--...-..........................----...--------------..-.--.......-....... . Pf.rrrt Lrrd uunarfnysrrrrl Pln crw ALL CURREYT CITYYlDE ZaIwi AN0 GtWRAL PLW LANO USE DESlt~lTIOlS MILL WOT K *ODICIEb. ......._.........._..-....~..~.~-~~-..-~...-..........**..............-...------.-----.-------------.. Projet Oeacriflim AMLMOWYTS AN0 MOtffOlS 70 VUI- CXUTCRS UO fLCTIOlt OC TMa LOIIIC QotWrwcI TO ALLQ) Pa 11) TM LOwlt#C DEfIttlltOlS, (2) NllolllG MZGIT REDUCTI~S, (SI WILOIMG MICMT IwCNAW pa CSfiTAIN WfiCI' 4D1F1CA1101 O? Tnt WILDt~ MIGHT LlMlT IN rnt KACM OVERLAT ZOct, AD (5) TI% CSTULltMLNT of FLm A' 4w0 OUPL€l RESIDLYTIAL USES. u~lt: ~~roringha~w vi11 raaim imtification wrr for ail m orojrcts. frca a notice of Prwratial or prrviar draft a0c-t) prearm fill it in. If a KW nd.r @lr*.dy WVRO %&TAL m.4cl’ ASSESSMENT FORM Q . ART E (TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT) CASE NO. ZC491-3 DATE: APRIL 25. 1991 8.4L p x%!. rQ~rl$‘~. .b - . . :. C.GE N.CLIE: BL‘ILDING HEiGHT P!IOGRXV 7. .VPLLC.ViT: ,E:-?, 7F :.‘L~.:SB.m 3. ADDRESS AND PHONE NLMBER OF .VPLIC.&”T: 2075 MS P.4L.MAs DRrVE CARLSBAD. CA 92009 ,619) 438-1151 4. DATE EIA FORM PART I SUBMITTED: APRIL 23. 1991 5. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Amendments and additions to various chauten and sections Ordinance ro allow for (1) the revlsion and addition of zoninn defhtions. (2) buildinn hei; 13) buildinn height increases for cerrain commercial and industrial uses, (4) modificacion I heinht Lirmt in the Beach Overlav Zone. and (51 the establishment of floor area ratios for sir duplex residential uses, The main noal of the Buildina Height Subcommittee wtuch initiated this zone code amendrr of large and bulkv residential dcveloDment that Is overlv intens* andlor out of scale. ’ amendment wdl address this uroblem bv doinn the followinn: (a) It wll introduce a new dehrion and method of measuring building heinht. (b) reduce sinnle fdv and duplex hts from 35 to 25 feet, and (cl establish floor area rados for shnlc familv and duplex I Other recommendations include the allowance for undermound DZ~UIE m relation to builc aDDrouriateness and need for allowinn luunher buildinnr in commercial and industrial areas ( modi& the buildinn heinht resaicaons in the Beach &ea Overlav zone. Attached is E~bit 11. 1991 which contains all the sDecLfic recommendations and definitions which comprise amendment. .. ENVIRONMENTAL [MPACTS STATE CEQA GUIDELINES, Chapter 3, Article 5, section 15063 requires that the City conduct an Envirc ksessment to derexmine if a project may have a sigruficant effect on the environment. The Envirc bsessrnenr appeazs in the following pages in the form of a checkht. ’This checklist identifies any ph; and human facton that ndr)lr be impacted by the proposed project and provides the fit)l with infan che basls for deciding wbrda to prepare an Environmental Impact Report or Negative Declaration. .4 Negative Dechdm rly be prepared if the City perceives no substantial evidence that the prc aspects may cause a d@bnt effect on the environment. On the checklist, “NO” will be checkel determination. * An EIR must be prepared if the Ciry determines that there is substantial evidence that any aspcct o cause a LlpNticgnf effect on the environment. The project my quid@ for a Negadw De& These fi adverse impacts are midgated so that environmental effects can be deemed LNlmuficanf. in the checklist under the headings “YES-sig” and YES-insig” respecnvely. .. A discussion of potential impacts and the proposed mitigation measures appcan at the end 01 DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALU ATlON. Particular attention should be given to discwi impacts which wouid otherwise be determined sigruficant. m W PHYSICAL m0"T WLL THE PROPOSAL DMCTZY OR IND[RECTLY: YES YES '513) .ns;g) 1 Result In unstable eanh conditions or increase rhe exposure of people or property - io geologx hazards' - untque physical features? - - Result in or be affected by erosion of soils eirher on or off the site? - - Result in changes in the deposirion of beach sands, or modification of the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or 2. Appreciably change the topography or any 3. 4. - - any bay, inlet or lake? - - ambient air quality? - - movement, odor, moisture, or temperature? - - water (marine, fresh or flood waters)? - - 8, Affect the quantiry or qualiry of surface water, ground water or public water supply? - - depletion of any natural resources? - - 10. Use substantial auwuats of fuel or energy? - - 11. Alter a si- ddogical, paleontologid Q Ustorial site, stmcture or object?. - - 5. Result in substantial adverse effects on 6. Result in substantial changes in air 7. Substantially change the course or flow of 9. Substantially increase usage or caw -2- e e BIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT WILL THE PROPOSAL DtRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY. YES YES Sla) nslgj 12 Affect rhe diversrry of species, habirar or numben of any species of plants ..ncluding rrees, shrubs, grass, rmcroflora and aquatic piants) ? Introduce new species of plants into an area, or a bamer to the normal replemshment of exis trng species? - - 13. - - 14. Reduce the amount of acreage of any agncultural crop or affect prime, uruque or other farmland of state or local importance? - - 15. Affect the diversity of species, habitat or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals, all water dwelling orgaxusms and insects? - - 16. Introduce new species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of animals? - - HUMANENVIRONMENT WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: YES YES (Wl) ((IwI) 17. Alter the p~ Q planned land use of an area? - - 18, Substantially afkt public utilitia, schools, police, firc, emergency or ocher public services? - - -3- b W 0 HUMAN ENVIRONMENT - WrLL THE PROPOSAL DULECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: YES YES ‘W) ‘CSig) 19. ResuIr ir, rhe need for new or modified sewer systems, solid waste or hazardous waste conrrol sysrems? - - - - 20. Increase existing noise levels? - 21. Produce new light or glare? - 22. Involve a sipticant risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation)? - - - human population of an area? - - 23. Substantially alter the density of the 24. Affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? - - 25. Generate substantial additional traffic? - - create a large demand for new parking? - - 26. Affect existing parking facilities, or 27. Impact existing transportation systems or alter present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? - - 28. Alter waterborne, rail or air traffic? - - 29, [ncrease traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicydiro or pedestrians? - - emergency CYlLlllLbcL ph? - - aesthetically offensive public view? - - existing recreational oppormnities? - - 30. Interfere With - response plans or 31. Obstruct any scenic. vista or create an 32. Affect the quality or quantity of 4 rn W MANDATORY FINDCNGS OF SIGNIFICANCE WILL THE PROPOSAL DtREcTLY OR INDIRECTLY: YES YES :insig) islg) 33. Does the project have the potential IO subsranrially degrade the qualiry of rhe envlromnent, subsranrially redQce :he habitat of a 5sh or %id- !ife species, cause a fish or wildlife popu!ation to drop below self-susraining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal communiry, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or en- dangered plant or animal, or eliminate imporrant examples of the major periods of California hstory or prehstory. - - Does the project have the potential to achieve short-tern, to the dis- advantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occufs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) - - 34. - - - - 35. Does the project have the possible environmental effects which are in- dividually limited but cumulatively considerabie? ("Cumulatively con- siderable" means that the incremental effects of an individual project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other mt projects, and the effects of ptob.bic fu~ pmjccts.) - - 36. Does the prow- environmental effects which d CIIY substantial adverse eff- oa.m beings, either directly or ilidirecdy? - - -S- W rn D[SCLSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 1. The proposed Zone Code Amendment wlll not result in unstable emh con&tiom increase tht-cxposurc of people or properry to geologc hazards because no act1 developmurt is proposed. Ody regulations regardmg future development are bei proposed. All future development Will need to comply with all Ciry Stand= inciuding the issuance of gradhg permits to prevenr unstable earrh conditions or creation of geologc srandards due to development and grading. 2. The proposed Zone Code Amendment will not appreciably change the ropograph! any sire or alter physical features of any site. As shown wth Exiubit "x-, the r building height definition will require rhat building height be measured from the ~p restrictive of finished or existing grade so that building height d conform to natural topography of a given site; but ths Zone Code Amendment itself wdl physically alter any sites until development is proposed. No specfic developmer proposed with this action. The erosion of soils on or off a given site will not be affected by this Zone C Amendment since all future development Will meet applicable City standards an( conditions associated with the issuance of grading permits. This Zone Code Amendment will not result in any changes in the deposition pati of beach sands or the alignment of river or streambeds or the bottoms of any lag1 or inlets. The Zone Code Amendment is only modlfYmp: or adding restrictior hture development with regards to building height and mass. There will be no impact on air quality from this Budding Height Program. reduced residential building height and the potentially increased commerci' industrial height, as well as the result of implementing floor area ratios wil impact air quality or air movement, odor, moisture or temperature. The proposed regulations and modifications to existing building height regula d not impact the flow of any watercomes nor will it affect the quality or qu2 of surface water, groundwater or public water supply. All future developmen go through the standard project review process to ensue that water resources a adversely impacted. Since no &wdoprnent is proposed with this Zone Code Amendment there d impacts 00- fcsourccs and there will be no need for the use of energy o During t& M project review process environmcntd revkw will be dc assess any potmad archdogid, historicd or culd mdurces on a given Sit( regulations associated with this Zone Code Amendment d not affect that F so there wdl be no impacts to cultural resource5 from adoption of this amenc 3. - 4. 5/6. 7/8. 9/10. 11/12, -6- m 0 BIOLOGICAL ENvIRo"-r 12/13. Since no @C development is proposed, there will be no impacts 10 the dive! of any plbt species and there will be no barriers [O the normal replerusher exisring plmt species. There Will be no introduction of plant species into an wirhin the City through tius building height program. The proposed reqdations wdl not impact agicultural lands of any imponance V, the City. Since these regulations are going Citywide, it would not affect any sp site. The environmental renew process for a specific projecr wrh acreage [ha agricultural crops of any importance on it will be identified and rnirigared as nt at that time. Since this project does not propose specific development, there will be no imp; the diversiry of animal species and there will be no barriers created to altc migrations or movements of animal species within the Ciry and no new animal s: will be introduced by this building height program. 2 4. 15/16. HUMAN ENVIRONMENT e a 17. Present or planned land uses of an area wtll not be affect by this proposed Zone Amendment. Present or planned land uses would only be subjected to regulations regarding building height and/or floor area ratio. There will General Plan Amendments associated with this action which would alter any F or planned land use designations within the Ciry. Since these regulations involve definitions and building heights and floor area there will be no impacts to public utilities or public services such as schoo police, etc. There will no adverse impacts to any of the Local Facilities Manag Plans, per the City's Growth Management Ordinance from the adoption of thi Code Amendment. In addition there will be no increased need for modified 1 sewer systems, sanitation systems, or hazardous waste control systems wit1 City. The propod building height program revisions and modifications will not gl no& or p&~r -fkr~ noise leveh. The environmental review associate specific w will assess noise impacts as part of the standard project proccsl The andcjpItrd changes and patterns of future development per the recommer contained within this Zone Code Amendment will not produce any new light other than what is standard and typical for any given development. There will be no explosion or risk of upset due to the adoption of this 201 Amendment which regulates building height and mass of future devclopmel 18/19. 208 21. 22. -7- e 0 23 I The de-iv of an area with the civ wlll not be affecred by rhs proposed zor Code Amendment. The regularion of burldmg height, intensity of deveiopment ar utdizanon Of flOOr area raU0 hd not affect a projects density. There d be r General PhAmMdments associated with this action, therefore the allowed demiti, of any area Within the City will remain as [hey cunently are. Existing housing will nor be affecred by rbis acrion and rhere will not be a demar for additional housing created by the adoprion of the recommendations compnsiI [!-Lis amendment. Future housing, however, shall conform ro the new regulations outlined in Ehbit ‘X. The proposed Zone Code Amendment will not creare additional traffic for furl! development. The residential height reductions do not include any modification [he existing parking requirements for those xes. In addition rhe commercial a industrial height increases have, based on specific uses, rrip generation rates wh would not be increased by the allowance ro have a higher bulldmg height up co I maximum of rhree levels as outlined in Exhibit “X’. Since no development is proposed with this Zone Code Amendment, exisring parki faciliries will not be impacred. In addition, since rhe proposed regulations a revisions do not increase the parking requirement for any pen use, rhere wll be creation of a large demand for parking. The proposed building height modifications for residential,’ industrial and commerc uses will have no corresponding impact to existing or planned transportation syste or the present or planned patterns of circulation of movement of people and goods. Airborne, rail and air trac will not be impacted by these regulations since t. involve the intensity of residential development or the allowance for an increasc 24. 25. 26. - 27. 28. building for certain commercial and industrial uses. 29. Traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicycles or pedestrians will not be increased theses proposed regulations. The standard project review process will maxh safety for these modes of transportation through site plan review. This propod tone code amendment will have no impact on emergency respc plans or - evacuation plans. There is no impact to these rypes of plans fi the vari.tCar ar regdadon of building height or floor area. No scenic viffrr will be obstructed and aesthetically offensive views will no created by &e implementation of the proposed building height ngulaaons. On the goals of this program is to eliminate or reduce the occurrence of aesthetic offensive public views in rhe form of large residential smctures (si family/duplexes) on smaU lots that create projects that are out of scale with thei size and developed too intensely. 30. 31. -8- e e 32. The proposed Zone Code Amedmenc wdl not affect the quality or quantiry of emscl recreational oppormnides. Projecrs requiring recrearional amenities must still prom [hem rtgPrdlcJs of building height or floor area resolutions. s - -9- m e .wALYSI:S OF WLE ALTER VATMS TO THE PROPOSED PROJECT SUCH a: a) phased dcvtloprnent of the project, b) atemate site designs, c) alternate scale of development, d) alternate uses for rhe site, e) development at some hture time rather than now, f) airernate sires for rhe proposed, and g) no 2rojecr airernarive. Phasing the implementarion of the proposed zone code amendment wil not i rhe full scope of the recommendations to have any effect on futue developr The components comprising this zone code amendment ideally wll be adoprec implemented as one program to most effectively address all the initial MU concern which started this project. A. 8. N/A C. N/A - D. - This proposed zone code amendment would be citywide. There is no specific sire involved/actual development proposed. The need for these types of controls on residential development and also rhc allowance for commercial and industrial height increases are needed at tlu time. Waiting to adopt and/or implement these recommendations would no be consistent with the direction of the City and desires of the City Council. The scope of the recommendations within this Zone Code Amendment are me; Cirywide. E/G. F. ENM:lh -10- .- 8 W ;ETEXV~NATION (To Be Completed By The P!anning Department) On [he basis of thh initial evaluation: - :i : 5nd :he propod project COULDNOT have a sipficant effect on the environment, anc 3ECLUATION d be prepared. - : 5nd :hat [!-,e proposed project COULD NOT have a signtficanr effect on the envlrormer tni.-,:cr,.nen:ai effecrs cf :he proposed project have already been considered in CZ: ;x\-.G~slv terrified enbiromental 'docunenrs and no additionai envirormenral w,:e Tb,s:e!ore, a Norice of Deremation nas been prepared. - : F.nd :hat although the proposed projecr could have a sigruficant effecr on [he en~roni no[ be a siflcant effect in this case because rhe mitigation measures descnbed on ai sheer have been added to the project. X Conditional Negative aeciaration d be proposed. - [ find the proposed project MAY have a sipficant effect on the environment, and an Em !?4PACT REPORT is required. Y/z 7/91 GAL PJf --e ,?i*L5l 61 1 Date Signature A- Date LIST MITIGATING MEASURES (IF APP eiCABLEl ATTACH MITIGATION MONlTORING PROGRAM (IF APPWCAsm -1 1- W a APPLICANT CONCURRENCE WITH MITIGATING MEASUUS THIS IS TO CEMlFY THAT I HAVE WJEWED THE .ABOVE MITIGATiNG !VI!~&LR ;tVD CONCUR m THE ADDiT'ION OF THESE MEASURES TO THE PROJECT. Dare Signature z - - - 12-