HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-10-15; City Council; 11395; ADOPTION OF SINGULATIONS AND FEES FOR RENTAL OF SENIOR CENTERt ga LM ec h 6 e. 4 .. z 2 5 a =! 0 z 3 0 0 CITPF CARLSBAD - AGENDWILL pfb' (J - AB#- TITLE: DEP MTG. 10/15/91 DEPT. PER RECOMMENDED ACTION: ADOPTION OF REGULATIONS AND FEES FOR CIp I cir RENTAL OF SENIOR CENTER City Council adopt Resolution No.q/@jqL setting the regulations and fees for afte of the Senior Center. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Senior Center has been available for after-hour's utilization/rentals since J Staff has been using the Facility Use Regulations and Fees followed by the Parks Department for the rental of City facilities (i.e., Harding, Stagecoach, Calaver: Centers, etc.). The Senior Center is distinctively different from other City facilities available f ambiance, equipment, design, accessibility, parking, etc., make it a desirable fa1 events. Due to the uniqueness of the Senior Center (full service kitchen, equipmc and regulations were developed specifically for its use (Exhibit 2). To assist in determining the recommended fees, fourteen (14) public and private surveyed. Three facilities were ultimately selected for the analysis (City of C Community Center "B" Room, Carlsbad Women's Club, Fairbanks Ranch), I represented facilities of similar size, function and equipment (Exhibit 3, Attachn County Senior Centers were surveyed but not considered in the final analysis as available for rental to the general public, or they were not comparable in size c The "Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department Facility Use Regulations" wen basis for the development of the proposed "Carlsbad Senior Center Use Regulatic (Exhibit 2). Significant changes include: - Adjusted fees. I I Inclusion of a non-refundable use fee to offset costs (setup, cleanup, et( All users, regardless of classification, will pay the required staff fee. observed holidays. Senior Center activities have first priority for facility use. Carlsbad Unified School District functions authorized by CUSD adrr included in Classification B - for use of the auditorium at no room rental I Facility is not available for rental before 5:OO p.m. Monday - Fridc I I I e e Page 2 AB No. //,’?/% . At their meeting, April 4, 1991, the City of Carlsbad Senior Commission revie proposed Facility Use Regulations and Fees. They suggested that Carlsbad Unifiel District (CUSD) administration authorized activities be placed into Classification E could utilize the auditorium at no room charge. The Commission further recorn that all users pay the required staff fee. With those amendments, the Commissic unanimously to recommend to City Council the approval of the Senior Center Fa4 Regulations and Fees. Because of the joint use of the Senior Center facility with the Carlsbad Unifiec District, they (CUSD) were given an opportunity to review and comment on these F Regulations and Fees. The District’s comments have been incorporated. FISCAL IMPACT There are several methods for determining the proper fee to charge for service: from detailed studies of the cost of services to market surveys of similar services by other agencies. In this case, the market survey has been selected as . appropriate. The other option would be to undertake a cost study of the Senic operation and set fees based on the results of that study. The method chosen on the ultimate goal of the Council. The market survey will provide the City with i is equal to, or comparable to, the cost to rent similar facilities in other locations. study would guarantee that the City is recovering the full cost of operating tt Center regardless of market influences. It is likely that the fees for facility usage t method would be higher than those resulting from the market survey. If Council \ staff to undertake a cost recovery study for the Senior Center, staff should be SO The City Council may set the fees shown in the attached resolution without holdinl hearing as is the process with developer and certain utility fees. However, the invited to comment on the proposed fee structure at the time this item is consider Council. Since February 1990, after hour rentals of the Senior Center has generated over General Fund Revenue. It is estimated that figure will increase in the futu popularity and knowledge of the facility continues to spread. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution NO.^ 1 -3 4L. 2. City of Carlsbad Senior Center Facility Use Regulations. 3. Memo to Parks & Recreation Director, dated September 3, 1991. v a * c. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 l5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 91-342 A RESOLUTION OF TYE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING THE REGULATIONS AND FEES FOR RENTAL OF THE CARLSBAD SENIOR CENTER WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has the author establish regulations and fees for rental of the Carlsbad Senior Center; an WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the fees and regul shown in Exhibit 2 attached hereto are fair and reasonable. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the t Carlsbad, California, that the Regulations and Fee Schedule shown in Ex attached hereto is hereby adopted and shall become the official Regulatioi Fees Schedule for the After Hours Rental of the Carlsbad Senior Center. I shall become effective on November 1, 1991. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of tt Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 15th day of October , l! the following vote, to wit: ,I AYES: Council Members Lewis, Larson and Stanton NOES: None ABSENT: Council ATTEST: ALETHA (ZA?zLL$ L. ,uTEtiw*/ {Seal) I v 0 0 EXHIBI i CITY OF CARLSBAD SENIOR CENTER FACILITY USE REGULATIONS Applications for use of the Carlsbad Senior Center may be made by mail or in persc the Senior Center, 799 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Applications will be acce Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except holidays. Applications will be reviewed, use will be prioritized and fees, if any, set by the S Center Coordinator or Designee. Please refer to Application Procedures, Rules, PI Classifications and Fee Schedule. APPLICATION PROCEDURES AND POLICIES 1. Applications will be accepted for specific dates and times. Time requested include applicants set-up and clean-up time. Applications must be submitt least fifteen (15) working days in advance of the date requested. Adva scheduling may be accepted one (1) year prior for larger special events. The Senior Center auditorium, dining room and kitchen are available for renta 5:OO p.m. Monday through Friday and from 8:OO a.m. on Saturdays and Sun On Friday and Saturday evenings, programs must end by 1:OO a.m., v departure time no later than 2:OO a.m. Monday through Thursday and on SI evenings, programs must end by 1O:OO p.m., with a departure time no late 11 :00 p.m. The Senior Center is not available for rental on City acknowlc holidays. No activity shall be scheduled for more than room capacity. Auditorium - - 250 for assembly, 130 for dining Dining Room - - 160 (seating configuration must utilize present room sc The Department may refuse or cancel any application. Written notices of r Applications for use may be denied for the following reasons: 2. 3. 4. or Cancellation with appropriate explanation will be given by the Depar a. Facility not available. b. Unsatisfactory prior use. C. Hazardous condition exists. d. e. f. Application submitted less than fifteen (15) days in advance. Non-payment of fees before due date. Higher priority activity takes precedence. 1 0 e a If an application is denied, the decision may be appealed to the Senior Ce Parks and Recreation Director, and then the Senior Commission. The final apl can be made to the City Council. Appeals should be submitted in writing. The Department reserves the right to limit the number of uses by any one gr so that the entire community may make use of the limited facilities available. In the event of a change of plan by applicant, notice of cancellation must be g to the Senior Center 21 days before the date of intended use in order to r financial obligation for charges involved. A ten dollar ($1 0) processing fee w charged and a refund, if applicable, will be mailed to the applicant. All fees must be paid at the Carlsbad Senior Center, 799 Pine Avenue. Checl money orders are made payable to the "CITY OF CARLSBAD." A $150 cleaningldamage deposit must be paid upon application approval. remainder of the fee is due 21 days before scheduled use. This depo. refundable in part or in total based upon the condition of the facility at the el the activity. A non-refundable use fee is required and due a minimum of 21 days befor scheduled event--$40 auditorium and/or dining room; $20 kitchen. A signed copy of your application by the Senior Center Coordinator or Desi is your confirmation of the requested date. Any preparation for an event is ! at the applicant's risk. The City may impose additional requirements on the applicant as a conditi approval. These additional requirements may include, but are not limit€ additional security, City staff or insurance. If an application for facility us been submitted less than fifteen (1 5) working days in advance, the applicatio be reviewed and accommodated subject to facility availability. Any fin obligations incurred by the City to accommodate the applicant will be ded from the required deposit upon notice of cancellation. Cost incurred for add requirements shall be the responsibility of the applicant. Coordinator. The next option, if the applicant is not satisfied, is to appeal it to 5. 6. 7, 8. 9. 10. 2 I 0 0 I RULES GOVERNING FACILITY USE 1. An employee of the Parks & Recreation Department shall be present during all I of use. 2. Clean-up/Refunds a. On the day of the event, the patron must initially inspect the premises \I staff person and fill out a Condition of Facilitv ReDort. This report is a chel to insure there is no negligence by either party (staff or patron). At the end of their event, groups are responsible for the following: b, ,Cleaning of all equipment used. ,Cleaning of any counter areas used. ,Cleaning and wiping all table tops used. Straightening restroom area. ,Cleaning of any floor or carpet areas soiled or dampened. ,Cleaning of the kitchen and all amenities used (i.e., refrigerator, stove, ,Removal of trash to on-site dumpsters. , Removal of all supplies, personal articles, displays, sinks, floors, etc.) decorations, etc. c. At the end of the rental and clean-up period, the patron will inspc premises with a staff person and complete the Condition of Facilitv Rei if a group fails to perform a cleanup after their activity, the total deposit forfeited. If the facility and equipment is left in a satisfactory condition, a will be issued approximately three to four weeks after the date of the facil All groups must be under the direction of their own leadership. There must be l one adult present and responsible for each twenty minors, and an adult r~ present at all times. The City of Carlsbad is not liable for accidents, injuries or loss of individual p in connection with any of its facilities. Groups which fall into moderate to hi activity and/or are utilizing the kitchen will be required to obtain liability insuranc clause to original policy), approved by the City of Carlsbad Risk Manager, nan City of Carlsbad, its officers and employees as additional insured. The C require liability insurance of $1 million to $5 million, depending upon the risk d. 3. 4. 5. No activity will be permitted which is in violation of local, state or federal I Applicants must adhere to all City policies and fire codes during their us[ facility. 3 0 0 6. Groups are responsible for controlling noise that could be disturbing to other act or the surrounding neighborhood. The Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to full access of all act in order to ensure that all rules and regulations are being observed. Staff terminate the activity for the safety and welfare of the citizens or City property. Groups having live musical entertainment or serving alcoholic beverages must by the following additional security requirements: a. 7. 8. Groups selling alcohol must obtain "Daily On-sale General License" fro Alcohol Beverage Control Board. Guard service will be arranged by the Department but paid by the apF Guards will act as security forces and not as I.D. checkers. Additional E may be assigned by the City, if needed. b. 9. Alcoholic beverages shall not be purchased or brought into the building by othr the person responsible for the activity or licensed caterer. Alcoholic beveraG not to be consumed outside the building. If minors are found to be in posses alcoholic beverages, or if participants are found to be in possession of illega prescription drugs, the activity will be terminated immediately. Approval for use will not be granted to a person under twenty-one (21) years ( Senior Center equipment is available for use in the facility, and may not be re to any other location. Persons/groups renting the facility must utilize the equ available at the Center. As approved by staff, limited outside equipment n brought into the facility (i.e., P.A. system, etc). Senior Center equipment may used outdoors. Coffee urns are available for use, however, any and all supp the responsibility of the applicant. The use of any facility will not be granted or permitted to any individual, societ! or organization which has as its objectives the overthrow or advancing overthrow of the present form of government of the United States or the : California by force, violence or other means. Use of the facility by religious groups, groups or individuals for private or CO~ profit making ventures, will be limited to three (3) months per year. Use may extended or renewed beyond the original period. No two groups of opposing political parties or political affiliation shall be scl at the same time at the facility. No tape, nails, staples, etc. will be permitted on the walls or ceilings of the fac suggest decorations be free standing, or designed as table decorations. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 4 0 0 16. The use of confetti, birdseed, rice, etc. (for throwing) is prohibited, Ab, the of hay and straw will not be allowed. The use of candles is prohibited. SMOKING IS NOT PERMllTED IN ANY CITY FACILITY. 17. 18. CLASSIFICATION OF APPLICANTS AND FEES Each application will be reviewed by the Senior Center Coordinator or Designee classified into a group depending on the type of organization and the intended Senior Center activities have first priority for the use of the facility. The classification2 listed in order of priority with classification "A" first, classification 'IB" second, etc. The attempts to accommodate all groups; however, there is a limited number of facil Unfortunately, the demand exceeds the supply. For that reason, a priority system for had to be established. A. Carlsbad Senior Center activities. B. Parks and Recreation activities; City co-sponsored activities; other departments; Carlsbad Unified School District administration authc activities. Examples: Carlsbad resident non-profit organizations (non-paid management): Carl Homeowners Associations, Carlsbad civic and social organizations, ani Carlsbad organization sponsoring a public forum or candidates night. Examples: Carlsbad Rotary, La Costa Youth Organization, Carlsbad League, Carlsbad Boy Scouts. Carlsbad resident non-profit organizations (paid management) : Civic CUSD Board of Trustees Meetings, Friends of the Libra Carlsbad Commission Meetings. C. D. social organizations. Example: Locally organized groups whose normal place of meeting is located City of Carlsbad; resident religious; resident political candidate use fa raisers; non-resident not-for-profit educational; civic and social organiz: resident private parties. Examples: Carlsbad Boy's and Girl's Club. E. North County A.A., Y.M.C.A., resident wedding receptic 5 0 e F. Resident commercial, business, profit making organization: non-resil private party activities. Examples: Carlsbad Inn, non-resident weddings or receptions. Non-resident commercial, business, political, profit making and relig organizations. Examples: Trade shows, company training, meetings, and seminars. G. IN ORDER TO QUALIFY AS CLASSIFICATION "C" OR "D" NON-PROFIT USERS, ORGANIZATION MUST MEET & OF THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: 1, The organization must be registered as a not-for-profit corporation with the of California, or, if not registered with the State, must have a constitution or by which clearly state that the objectives of the organization are of a non-profit, commercial nature. The organization must be comprised of volunteers, and 51% of its membc must be Carlsbad residents. The organization must submit the following: a. 2. 3. If incorporated, submit State incorporation papers and by-laws; incorporated, submit constitution and by-laws. b. Financial verification of organization's exemption from income (Department of the Treasury form 990 may be used.) An updated COI be required by October 1st of each year. A signed statement verifying item "2" above. c. c:\wp51 \files\pro\faciluse.reg 6 a 0 t FACILITY FEE SCHEDULE AND CLASSIFICATIONS SENIOR CENTER - REGULAR OPERATION HOURS Monday - Friday 8:OO a.m. to 300 p.m. Fees are based on an hourly rate, with a two hour minimum. A staffing fee of $7.00 per hour is required for all users. Hourly Rates Per CLASS1 Fl CAT10 N SENIOR CENTER AB----- CDEF Auditorium N/C N/C $30 $40 $50 $65 $ Non-Refundable Use Fee $40 Dining Room N/C N/C $30 $40 $50 $65 $ Non-Refundable Use Fee $40 Kitchen (Warming) N/C N/C $5 $10 $15 $20 $: (Full service/preparation) N/C N/C $15 $20 $25 $30 3 Non-Refundable Use Fee $20 NOTES: 1. There is a two-hour minimum for the use of facilities. Fees will not be pro-rated for less than one hour. Building rentals include use of tables, chairs and P.A. Senior Center equipment cannot be utilized outdoors. All users must pay the $7.00 per hour per 100 people staff fee. 2. 3. 4. c: \wp5 l\fdes\pro\faciluse.reg 7 0 e EXHlBll September 3, 1991 TO: PARKS 8 RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: Senior Center Coordinator FACILITY USE REGULATIONS & FEES FOR AFTER HOURS RENTAL OF SENIOR CENTER BACKGROUND The Senior Center has been available for after hours rental since January 1990. In r the facility, staff has been utilizing the Facility Use Regulations and Fee structure u: Parks and Recreation. Since we first began renting the Center, it has become evide the Senior Center is a very different facility from others in the City and that it shoulc fees and regulations specific to it. SENIOR COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION At their meeting, April 4,1991, the City of Carlsbad Senior Commission reviewed the I Use Regulations and Fees. As suggested by CUSD, the Commission recommendc all CUSD authorized activities be placed into Classification B. The Commissio recommended that a users pay the staff fee. With the inclusion of the above sugge the Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Senior Center I Use Regulations and Fees. CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT REVIEW In December 1990, CUSD Superintendent was provided a copy of the initial draft o regulations for review and comment. On March 6, 1991, a letter (attachment 1 received from the District which outlines their concerns with both the after hours "Facil Regulations" and day use of the facility. Only item #1 of the letter relates to the5 hours "Facility Use Regulations." CUSD requested that all CUSD activities be allowed to utilize the Auditorium at no charge. This request has been incorporated into the "Regulations," provid activity is authorized by CUSD Administration. However, &I users are required to 1 hourly staff fee. In July 1991, a committee was developed to discuss and coordinate issues relatin! joint-use of this facility. The committee is comprised of CUSD Facilities, Maintenar Operations Manager, DeWayne Feasel; the Senior Center Coordinator, and you designee. On July 16, the committee met. CUSD was provided a copy of the final drafl proposed Facility Regulations for comment. Several weeks later, Mr. Feasel inforr Senior Center staff that CUSD had no additional changes and he would be authori; individual use of the Senior Center Auditorium for the district. * 0 a -2- FACILITY USE REGULATIONS & FEES FOR SENIOR CENTER September 3, 1991 FISCAL IMPACT Since February 1990, over $5,000 in revenue has been generated for the City througt hours rental of the Senior Center. This revenue estimate should increase in calenda 1991 due to increased fees and increased activity at the Center. DISCUSSION To determine the proposed fees, staff surveyed 14 public and private facilities whict. available for rental. Staff then met with representatives from the Finance Departm ascertain which facilities should be utilized in the analysis. Four North County Senior Centers were also considered in the survey of available facilities. However, none were utilized in the comparison as three rent primarily to S only and the other was not comparable in size or amenities. Three facilities (Fairbanks Ranch, Carlsbad Womens Club, and The City of Garden Community Meeting Center "B' Room) representing similar size, equipment, and PC uses were selected for the analysis. A scenario was then developed (Attachment B) comparing the same event at 2 facilities. The purpose for this was to view if the recommended rate for the Carlsbad Center would be reasonable and comparable to like facilities. The recommended fees range from $30/hr for use of the Senior Center Diningro Auditorium for a Carlsbad Resident not-for-profit organization, to $80/hr for non re commercial activities. Senior Center, City of Carlsbad, and Carlsbad Unified School I CUSD must pay the hourly staff fee and provide adequate insurance cover? determined by Risk Management. Presently, individuals/groups utilizing City facilities are charged only for the actual hoi their activity is scheduled. However, staff is required to do setup prior to the activ some cleanup afterward. With this in mind, staff is recommending a one tir refundable use fee for utilization of each room. A fee of $40 is recommended for uti of the Auditorium and/or Dining room to generally cover administrative cc scheduling/processing facility applications--setup/breakdown and depreciation of equi cleaning, and closing the facility. authorized activities are not charged a room fee to utilize the building. All groups, inc * a @ -3- FACILITY USE REGULATIONS & FEES FOR SENIOR CENTER September 3, 1991 The Senior Center Kitchen is utilized daily for the Senior lunch program. Because of tk kitchen must be left in a condition that would be approved by the Health Department, requires that after groups who utilize the kitchen leave, staff must clean the kitchen to t Department Standards. A one time non refundable use fee of $20 is recommended to in covering the costs of clean up and supplies. Overall, these proposed Facility Use Regulations are very similar to the ones utili2 Parks and Recreation for rental of City facilities. Below is a listing of the sigr differences: I I I I Applications for rental of the Senior Center will be taken only at the Center. Fees must be paid at the Senior Center. Senior Center activities are the #1 priority for use. Carlsbad Unified School District authorized activities are included in priority B f of the Auditorium at no charge. No applicant will be issued a key to the facility. A Parks and Recreation staff person will be present during all activities. All facility users must pay the hourly staff fee. Senior Center equipment (tables, chairs) must be utilized. No equipment can bt off the premises or used outdoors. Fees for use of the Senior Center are recommended at a higher rate than ott- facilities, and a one time non refundable use fee is proposed. The use of candles, confetti, birdseed, hay and straw is prohibited. The Senior Center is available for rental only after 5 pm Monday through Frid on weekends. I I - I I I . 0 a -4- FACILITY USE REGULATIONS & FEES FOR SENIOR CENTER September 3, 1991 CONCLUSION Staff believes the proposed Regulations more accurately reflect the specific concern requirements in renting the Senior Center, and that the recommended increase it reflect the quality of the facility and its amenities, and will assist in offsetting the c operate the facility and repairlreplace equipment. A* &*d SUE SCHULTZ SPI KARD attachments: A. Letter from CUSD dated 3/6/91 B. Comparison Scenario C:\wpSl\ftles\ab-res\regs&fee.aba i Plnc .\vcnuc. Carisbad. California (1 \RD OF TRCISTEES EDWARD SWITZER. JR. Tcntdcnt OE AXGEL Ice hesrdent lerk Iernbcr MK D. PACKARD AhlEs MWORWC~ -ON FAITHFUL lernber )IbTRICT iWXUS EBRXERLIX, Ed9. ;upennkndent DM ISISTRATIO~ :usAh'-wL= BE.??.Ed.n. \smtBnt Supcnntendent nstrucnonal Sews- 'OHN H. BLUR uwtant Supcnntendent 3uainess &Mm ~ERALD c. TWW * nt Superintendent XERYL ERNST 1ire-r >WAY?rT.L.FEASEL '1 nelSe~ca &rnentary Educauon 'danagcr 'act IlttwMeintena- )perations 92008-2439 (619) 729-9291 FAX# (619) 729-9685 "All st March 6, 1991 Frank Mannen City of Carlsbad - 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Frank: We have further reviewed the regulations for the use audi tori um at the Senior Ci ti zens/School Di stri ct complex. We Would, therefore, request the following: (1) In the 1 i st which prioritizes the groups to facil ity, the school district should be moved f "d" category ta the ~bll category giving it priority usage. (2) If the seniors allow outside groups to u auditorium, other entities of the school d should have the ri'ght to use it as well. "administration's" use would remain as current1 y . The Coordinator of the Senior Center should be to authorize the use of the auditoriurr first-come, first-serve basis. If a sch dispute arises, the dispute could then be appe the Commi ssi on. It was reaffirmed that the major users of the 1 are the senior citizens and that there is no by any of the above requests to minimiz importance, nor to mix students in the activi the center itself. If students were to 1 auditorium, they wculd enter and exit thro parking lot door, not the main doors in the center. (3) . (4) Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, 2%- Thomas K. Brieriey, Ed.D. Di strict Superintendent cs .- D;stln-&ed School Board X=*ard 1984. United Stares Department of Educatlor . ..e I) X$ !E sg %E 0) 111 0 0 0 z 8 111 3 ;3 s. % E‘qg L@ ge k O\P% E% 8% 88 E2 $8 r* Ef$”€e 2- ;f oz li‘ G It O 3F E% g @ gi? E h$ 38 88 g- E. =fi 8. E 2 e U U SEi @T vpfx 22 ;g WE -F@ a 33 P 0 $ I@ 0 0 2 15 ZE r5g” El q- 9 5 $2 rt E e hJ> hJ Eq U O8 hJ X €e E 111 111 tu E gi z4 I 9 0 IE :E ‘ pj s. ;3 oY 9 E 42 kg ZB 0 X# crlv g-G fx% v wtd9g b3M ;;;I E FT E iqplq pj g,N $I 0 2- s. % E) g.E ID ?I %sa$ ID E w ID ! 33s 2g3 .2 # *g:s e 0 Ell05 #‘ 12: !23 $3 E E fE ID ‘ a 2 c ox X P ’d m 5 ; g fx a (D a # mcj h) La : = t!j i$ E VIE;, b+ E gg 12 a z. g 0111 ID 0 % q 0 [n 8. R r* +? a m P- rt ID U ll