HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-10-15; City Council; 11397; CODE MAINTENANCE FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT PENALTIES AND PROCEDURESd cn 0 a $4 0 co 4 I 2 z a aJ c) 3 $4 w -74 a 0 C d U 0 U -d 5 .. z 1 0 4 o\ ul 4 0 d 5 \ a d 0 z a 0 0 L,I iwr wmLamnv - nucnviu 4. DEPl ENFORCEMENT PENALTIES AND CITY ClTY =CODE MAINTENANCE FOR PARKING AB# i!, 397 MTG,!t"lt, '2 7 CA PROCEDURES DEPT, RECOMMENDED ACTION: Introduce Ordinance No. 3-5- !8 1 to conform with state law. amending Section 10.42. C ITEM EXPLANATION The proposed ordinance amends Carlsbad Municipal Code Sectj 10.42.010 to conform with recent amendments to Vehicle Cc Section 40203.5. The city is now required to set parkj penalties and fees in the same amount as the court establisk the bail in the county bail schedule. This section of t Vehicle Code also provides a new remedy to the city, allowj a civil action to be brought against any person who accrt more than $400 in unpaid penalties and fees for parkj violations. The proposed ordinance contains other changes required minor amendments to Vehicle Code Section 40202 (a) , whj describes the information required to appear on the parkj citation. FISCAL IMPACT There will be no fiscal impact if the court adopts a 1992 B; Schedule which is consistent with the fines and penalti currently imposed by the city. The past practice of the COI has been to accept the recommendations of the city j amendments and/or additions to the bail schedule, and there no reason to anticipate a change in policy. EXHIBITS 1. Ordinance No. .iq1 5 - ! 8 ! 2. Exhibit 'IAt1 (illustrates amendments) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 I-8 I 0 W ORDINANCE NO. NS-181 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.42 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 10.42.010 TO CONFORM PARKING ENFORCEMENT PENALTIES AND PROCEDURES WITH STATE LAW The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Calif01 does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That Title 10, Chapter 10.42 of Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Ser 10.42.010 to read as follows: 1110.42.010 Parkinq violation enforcement. (a) Enforcement. Every police officer and every employee charged with enforcement of the provisions of Cha 10.40, 11.24 or 17.04 of this code relating to illegal par the provisions of the California Vehicle Code, and the laws of the state applicable to parking violations withii city, shall have the duty, when any vehicle is illegally pa to issue written notice of violation thereof stating the vehicle license number, the registration expiration date, and color of such vehicle, the time and date of such il parking, street location, a reference to the appropriate se of the code, a time and place for appearance by the regis owner to answer said notice, and the last four digits o vehicle identification number, if that number is visible th the windshield. Such notice shall be attached to the ve either under the windshield wiper or in another conspi place upon the vehicle so as to be easily observed by the p in charge of the vehicle upon the return of that person. (b) Fees. The parking penalties for pa I i 20 21 22 23 24 violations under this chapter shall be established by the in the same amount as established by the court for penalties, and assessments pursuant to Section 1269b o Penal Code and Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 7600 Title 8 of the Government Code. (c) Failure to Pay. Failure to pay the approp fee as provided herein or failure to request a court appea date to contest the violation will result in either notific of the Department of Motor Vehicles, which agency shall co the maximum fee established hereby at such time as the own operator seeks to reregister his vehicle in accordance wit 25 26 27 28 i provisions of Section 4760 of the Vehicle Code of the sta California, or in legal proceedings being instituted i municipal court of the north county judicial district ag the registered owner for violation of the appropriate sections in accordance with the provisions of Section 411 the Vehicle Code of the state of California, or in a 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Om swm m>2 13 $E& FS"8 0LL;m 0044 14 E>?Z 15 +5g ZZJ u~d 16 msnu. LL 0q-J wmv +>ma Q;ij ,7 Fyj - u 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 action against the registered owner if more than $400 in u penalties and fees have accrued, or in any other action a1 by law." EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effe thirty days after its adoption, and the city clerk shall CE to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be pub1 at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting c Carlsbad City Council on the day of and thereafter 1 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Carlsbad on the day of 1991, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES : ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR., City Attorney CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST : ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk 2 0 e EXHIBIT "A" "10.42.010 Parkins violation enforcement. (a) Enforcement. Every police officer and every ci employee charged with enforcement of the provisions of Chapte 10.40, 11.24 or 17.04 of this code relating to illegal parking, t provisions of the California Vehicle Code, and the other laws the state applicable to parking violations within the city, sh2 have the duty, when any vehicle is illegally parked, to iss written notice of violation thereof stating the state vehic license number, make such vehicle, Pa= location, a+& a reference to the appropriate section of the COC and fix;.~tfl a time and e. cc=r;--31 C3a-c YJi,la++333s .. k%z fsr bzhw Tli3l&%ei?s: I TC --.<A IL yclLu TF A& nF -- in Y- AL \-L I" @?n nn vrv.uu DV. in nn 9~1 ?n x &?n 88 n nn nrr in nn ?n 88 AW. -W. rL A". w. .WJJ IW. ww L.W. AW. A". " A". Y". in nn &n in 3~ ?n in IW. nn ww ?n LW. 88 in A". nn "V LW. ?n r-& in n ?A 38 in nn in ~n i?c in nn in nn i?n in nn qn no in ?n 88 ii ?a ??n qn nn ?n 38 17 34 ninf?? in? I,. ."AW 4o.rv4, AW. w LW. ?n AU WW L.W. *".I".ALJ LW. "" 2 9433 LW. AV.IJW AW.WW L."." IW. L". AI. L S. LJ W IW. vu LW. in nn ?n I". vu LW. I,." .w J". 17 n4 nnn 7n w qn 88 FCC fw bClW rF --:A TF --% AL yuAu AI yu i I mc -- in *. IIA\rl&Ill I Y- LAL \-& AW 21113 (2) AW.WW in nn L". ?A 88 in ir 38 I-. Ckv- I-\ 7n n ?t \u UAL '-1 L.". w LJ. AW. Ad. 0 v II 1 la*” LU Fd-1 ,t: I WAUL& t“ rrc tLn --^ mL-11 Ln -,4.4 +n t Scctia-44a-M cf tCc Sktz -z:t CdeT Y+ -~LUII w+ ruAu L- c as provided herein or failure to request a court appearance date contest the violation will result in either notification of t Department of Motor Vehicles, which agency shall collect t maximum fee established hereby at such time as the owner operator seeks to reregister his vehicle in accordance with t provisions of Section 4760 of the Vehicle Code of the state California, or in legal proceedings being instituted in t municipal court of the north county judicial district against t registered owner for violation of the appropriate code sections (Deletions are lined out and additions are highlighted,)