HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-10-22; City Council; 11400; AMENDMENTS TO THE CALTRANS COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AND DESIGN AGREEMENT FOR PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD/INTERSTATE 5 INTERCHANGEn 3 0 g % 2 0 5 < z 3 0 0 s - CIT'(IPF CARLSBAD - AGENDWILL :<; 1- AB#.-, Tm. AMENDMENTS TO THE CALTRANS DEPT. I CITY A MTG. DEPT. ENG:MP INTERSTATE ROUTE 5 INTERCHANGE CITY M RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 9/:346 approving Amendment A/1 to the CALTRANS Cooper( Agreement for the design of the Palomar Airport Road/Interstate Rou Interchange. Adopt Resol uti on No. 9 1 -3%) approving Amendment No. 1 to the Consul tant Agre with Boyle Engineering for the design of the Palomar Airport Road/Interstate 5 Interchange. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City Council previously adopted Resolution No. 88-316 approving a Cooper Agreement between the City and the State of Cal ifornia Department of Transport (CALTRANS) for development responsibilities for the Palomar Airport Road/Intei Route 5 Interchange. The City Counci 1 a1 so previously adopted Resol ution No. approving a Consultant Agreement with Boyle Engineering for the design c Palomar Airport Road/Interstate Route 5 Interchange. The preparation of the project plans and specifications have advanced through the various design [ undergoing final review by the San Diego District 11 CALTRANS Office. Constrc of the project is scheduled to begin in the Spring of 1992 and will be admini: in full by CALTRANS. During the course of designing the project, CALTRANS requested the City and consultant, Boyle Engineering, assess the seismic vulnerability of the ex Palomar Airport Road/Interstate Route 5 bridge structure. This request i response to the State's Seismic Retrofit Program which received the State's h priority and accelerated by the State Legislature following the 1989 Loma earthquake. The Seismic Retrofit Program is currently ongoing with the re of seismically deficient bridges throughout the state in a risk-analyzed pr order. Simultaneously, new projects involving bridge modifications such Palomar Airport Road bridge are being assessed to determine if critical s deficiencies should be addressed while they are being modified. Following several meetings between the City, Boyle Engineering, and CALTRANS it was determined that seismic retrofit is required for the existing F Airport Road bridge structure. It was also concluded that it would b strategic and economically efficient to include the seismic retrofit work w construction of the bridge widening improvements. The retrofit approach ir cutting the main reinforcement bars at the bottom of the existing bridge ( and constructing additional wingwalls at each abutment. This approach u: widening to help support the existing bridge during an earthquake and i costly than retrofitting the existing bridge without the widening. The City Engineering, and CALTRANS have a1 1 concurred on thi s sei smic retrofit approl method. COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AND DESIGN AGREEMENT FOR PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD/ 10/22/9 1 and reviews as required by CALTRANS, The project documents are curl 0 0 Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. I)! 400 CALTRANS staff has indicated that a majority of the design costs for the se' retrofit work can be funded through the State's Seismic Retrofit Program. Boyle Engineering has assembled a scope of work and fees associated with analysis of the existing structure, development of the seismic retrofit strai completion of the design, and incorporation of the seismic retrofit plans intl project documents. Their proposed design fees for this work total $73,970. this amount, $60,650 is eligible for reimbursement to the City by the St, Seismic Retrofit Program. The attached amendment to the Carl sbad/CAL' agreement provides for reimbursement. The remaining costs of $13,320 are for the initial structural seismic analysis determines if strengthening the new widened bridge structure will avoic upgrading of the existing bridge. Under CALTRANS' policy, these cost: ineligible for reimbursement and must be borne by the City. The attached Amendment A/1 to the Cooperative Agreement between the Cit: CALTRANS specifically addresses the seismic retrofit component of the project a condition that CALTRANS .reimburse the City for preparation of the plan specifications for the seismic retrofit. Staff recommends approval of Amen A/1 to the design Cooperative Agreement between the City and CALTRANS. The construction costs related to seismic retrofit are currently estimat $163,000. This amount is also eligible to be reimbursed to the City, and wi addressed in a future construction Cooperative Agreement between the Cit, CALTRANS. This document will be brought to the City Council for consideration at the time the plans and specifications are released for compet bids. In addition to seismic retrofitting, there have been other modifications mi the project during the final design phase. These modifications were not addr in the previously approved CALTRANS Project Report for this project and wer included in the original design contract. The modifications include: A request by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District to install a rec- water line to cross the bridge structure. . The design of a retaining wall to minimize right-of-way acquisitions A request by CALTRANS to analyze the existing interchange drainage s; . Additional documentation required for right-of-way activities. Late design changes requested by CALTRANS to the electrical lighting p The scope of work and fees for all of these items are identified in Amendment to the existing Consultant Agreement with Royle Engineering. Staff reco approval of Amendment No. 1. . 0 0 Page 3 of Agenda Bill No. /Ii YO0 FISCAL IMPACT: In summary, the additional tasks and associated fees are as follows: Seismic retrofit to be reimbursed by the State $ 6( Seismic retrofit initial analysis, City cost 1: Reclaimed water 1 ine 3 Retaining wall design Drainage analysis I Right-of-way documentation I Electrical lighting - TOTAL ADDITIONAL DESIGN COSTS $13 There are currently funds available in the project account to cover the additional design costs of $131,757, and no additional appropriations ti project will be necessary. EXHIBITS : 1. Location map. 2. Resolution No.QI -346 approving Amendment A/1 to the CALTRANS Cooper Agreement for the design of the Palomar Airport Road/Interstate Ro Interchange. 3. Resolution No.qI'347 approving Amendment No. 1 to the Consu Agreement with Boyle Engineering for the design of the Palomar Ai Road/Interstate Route 5 Interchange. Amendment AI1 to CALTRANS Cooperative Agreement No. 11-0378 between thc of Carlsbad and CALTRANS. Amendment No. 1 to the Consultant Agreement between the City of Carlsbi Boyle Engineering for the design of the Palomar Airport Road/Inteu Route 5 Interchange. 4. 5. I r 0 0 LOCATION MAP \ I LEGEND ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. n ............. ............. BRIDGE TO BE IMPROVED PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD OVERPASS 3268 f I' 4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 RESOLUTION NO. - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENT A/1 TO THE CALTRANS COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR THE DESIGN OF THE PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD/INTERSTATE ROUTE 5 INTERCHANGE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad finds it nece desirable, and in the public interest to upgrade the existing Palomar A RoadIInterstate Route 5 bridge structure with seismic retrofitting: and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has previously apl CALTRANS Cooperative Agreement No. 11-0378 identifying design responsibi for said project; and, WHEREAS, the State of California's Seismic Retrofit Program has available to cover certain costs for seismic retrofitting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Car California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Amendment A/1 to CALTRANS Cooperative Agreement No. 11-0 hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and di to execute said amendment. Following the Mayor's signature of said amen the City Clerk is further authorized and directed to forward all three (3) originals with certified copies of this Resolution to the State of Calif /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// .'. I. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e Department of Transportation, District 11, attention Mr. Jim Roy, P.O. Box I San Diego, California 92186-5406. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbac , 1991 by the following Council held on the ad day of October to wit: AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: None Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaard ATTEST: llL?LB@- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e RESOLUTION NO. 91-347 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE CONSULTANT AGREEMENT WITH BOYLE ENGINEERING FOR THE DESIGN OF THE PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD/INTERSTATE ROUTE 5 INTERCHANGE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad finds it necc desirable, and in the public interest to proceed with the improvements Palomar Airport Road/Interstate Route 5 Interchange; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has previously into an agreement with Boyle Engineering Corporation for the design ass with this project; and, WHEREAS, a scope of work and fee schedule has been prepared b, Engineering for additional design work for said project; and, WHEREAS, an amendment to the agreement for the design of said prr submitted herewith. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of C, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Amendment No. 1 to the Consultant Agreement wit Engineering is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby au and directed to execute said amendment. Following the Mayor’s signaturc amendment, the City Clerk is further authorized and directed to forward /// /// /// /// /// /// /// 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 71 8 9 10 11 12 l3 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 e signed original copy to Boyle Engineering Corporation, attention Mr. ( Lutes, 7807 Convoy Court, Suite 200, San Diego, California, 92111. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbac , 1991 by the following Council held on the 2s day of October to wit: AYES; NOES: None ABSENT: None Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaar ATTEST : ALETHA dL32XA L. RAUiNKS- I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 c e e ll-SD-5 47.0 11223-153911 Agreement No. 11-0378 A/1 Palomar Airport Road Seismic Retrofit AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT is This AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT, entered into on between the State of California, acting by and through its Department of Transportation, referred to herein as STATE, and CITY OF CARLSBAD, a bod1 politic and a municipal corporation of the State oJ California, referred to hereir as CITY. RECITALS 1. The parties hereto entered into on Agreement (Documenl No. 6546) on August 23, 1988, said Agreement defining thc terms and conditions of a cooperative project to widen thc OVercrossinq on State Route 5 at Palomar Airport Road referred to herein as PROJECT. 2. It has been determined that the existing structure need: seismic retrofitting and the work will be eligible for fundinc from the State Seismic Retrofit Program. IT IS THEREFORE MUTUALLY AGREED: 1. That Article 2a is added to Section I of the origins Agreement to read: "TO have Plans, Specifications an Estimates for the seismic retrofitting, prepared and include in the PS&E package for PROJECT, and perform additiona Seismic Analysis, all at STATE expense." 2. That Article 2b is added to Section 1 of the origins Agreement to read: "To submit the PS&E package for th Division of Structures, at no cost to CITY." Seismic retrofit to STATE for review and approval by th - r * e a 3. That Article la is added to Section 11 of the original Agreement to read: "To reimburse CITY, within thirty (30) days of receipt of billing from CITY, the actual cost for preparation of the PS&E package for the seismic retrofit, including additional Seismic Analysis, estimated to be costs. STATE may, at its sole discretion, in writing, authorize a greater amount." 4. The other terms and conditions of said Agreement (Document 5. This Amendment to Agreement is hereby deemed to be a part of $55,000. The bill should include a detailed statement of all No. 6546) shall remain in full force and effect. Document No. 6546. STATE OF CALIFORNIA Department of Transportation A. A. Pierce Interim Director of Transportation BY Attest: a 2, w - Chief Deputy City Clerk District Director Approved as to Form and Procedure Attorney Approved as to Funds and Procedure District Accounting Administrator e e AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN SERVICES FOR PALOMAR AIRPORT ROADfiNTERSTATE ROUTE 5 INTERCHANGE THIS AMENDMENT NO. 1, made and entered into as of the - day of 1991, by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Municipal Corporation, hereinaftei referred to as "CITY" and BOYLE ENGINEERING CORPORATION, hereinafter referred ti as "CONSULTANT". RECITALS WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad and Boyle Engineering Corporation, have previous1 entered into an agreement on March 27, 1990, for the design of the Palomar Airpo; Road/Interstate Route 5 Interchange; and, WHEREAS, said agreement identified a scope of work which included profession; engineering services consisting of field survey work, roadway, ramp, bridge, structuri drainage and traffic signal design, traffic striping and marking, coordination of utilitic landscape services, and preparation of the final plans, specifications, and cost estimate and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is actively pursuing to bid and construct t Palomar Airport Road/Interstate Route 5 Interchange project; and WHEREAS, the parties to this aforementioned agreement desire to expand the sco of work to include seismic retrofit design of the existing bridge structure, design oj reclaimed water pipeline, design of a retaining wall, analysis of the existing interchar 0 0 drainage system, additional documentation required for right-of-way activities, an( revisions to the electrical lighting plans; and WHEREAS, the expanded scope of work was not identified in the CALTRANS Projec Report assembled for this project; and WHEREAS, a supplemental scope of work and fee schedule have been negotiate and agreed to between the parties hereto; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, hereby finds it necessay desirable, and in the public interest to proceed with this Amendment No. 1 for sai additional work. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenan contained herein, CITY and CONSULTANT hereby agree as follows: 1. CONSULTANT shall provide CITY additional professional engineering serVicl related to revising the plans and specifications incorporating a seismic retrofit design of tl: existing Palomar &wort Road bddge structure in accordance with the terms, conditio1 and project scope of work as outlined in the attached Exhibit "A", which is herel incorporated and made a part of this agreement. 2. CONSULTANT shall provide CITY additional professional engineering servic related to the design of an encased reclaimed waterline in accordance with the tern conditions and project scope of work as outlined in the CONSULTANT'S letter to CI' dated October 16, 1991, attached as Exhibit "B", which is hereby incorporated and ma a part of this agreement. 3. CONSULTANT shall provide CITY additional professional engineering semi related to the design of a retaining wall, additional right-of-way documentation, anc 0 * drainage analysis of the existing Palomar Airport Road Interchange in accordance with thl terms, conditions and project scope of work as outlined in the CONSULTANT'S letter tc CITY dated October 10, 1991, attached as Exhibit "C", which is hereby incorporated ant made a part of this agreement. 4. CONSULTANT shall provide CITY additional professional engineering service related revising the electrical lighting plans in accordance with the terms, conditions an project scope of work as outlined in the CONSULTANT'S letter to CITY dated October l! 1991, attached as Exhibit "D", which is hereby incorporated and made a part of th agreement. 5. CITY shall pay CONSULTANT in accordance with the fees and costs j accordance with Exhibit "E", which is hereby incorporated and made a part of th agreement, not to exceed $131,757. 6. CITY shall pay CONSULTANT for all work associated with Paragraphs 1, 3, and 4 above, based upon the following: Seismic Retrofit Design $ 73,9: Reclaimed Waterline Design 31,61 Retaining Wall Design 7,2( Drainage Analysis 4,6( Right-of-way Documentation 9,l' Electrical Lighting Revisions 5,o: TOTAL COSTS, NOT TO EXCEED $13 1,7! 7. All provisions of the aforementioned agreement entered into on March i 1990, by and between CITY and CONSULTANT, shall remain in full force and effect. 0 0 8. This Amendment No. 1 to the aforementioned agreement between CITY anc CONSULTANT shall be effective on and tiom the day first above written. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals. BOYLE ENGINEERING CORPORATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BY CLAUDE A. LEWIS Title Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: City Attorney City Clerk 0 1) EXHI SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR SEISMIC RETROFIT OF THE EXISTING PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD OVERCROSSING A. INTRODUCTION In general, the work consists of assessing the probable behavior and performance existing structure during the maximum credible seismic event. The results of our prelii analysis indicate the existing structure does not meet current seismic code. Therefo recommend the preparation of construction plans, specifications, and cost estimat retrofitting the existing structure and associated traffic control. 6. ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR SEISMIC RETROFIT DESiGN - TIME AND MATERIALS TASKS Task 100 - Preliminary Analysis 101. After detailed review of available information, develop several different concepts based on previous experience and anticipated structure res1 Reduce these concepts to one or two schemes that appear most feasib Perform a three dimensional, dynamic, model analysis of the structure structural analysis computer software GTSTRUDL, similar to that us Caltrans Division of Structures (DOS). Other analysis tools include cc footing, and abutment computer programs. Results will be used to detc seismic loads and/or deformation at joints, hinges, columns, abuti footings and other elements of the structure. Up to five succ alternatives will be evaluated until an acceptable solution is obtained. 102. Task 200 - Retrofit Strategy 201. 202. Complete a retrofit plan and associated details describing the prc retrofit strategy. Compile and submit to the City and Caltrans DOS a Seismic Eva Report describing the existing structure, methods used in developi dynamic analysis, a QeOtechnid evaiuation, and an overall assessn the existing structure and its anticipated behavior during the ma credible seismic event. Also included will be summaries of antic ductility demands and displacements, construction cost estimate, and of record drawings, filed reports, analysis calculations, co input/output. The conclusion of the report will be a recommended 5 Retrofit Strategy. Arrange and attend a Retrofit Strategy Meeting to be attended by C DOS personnel. Present the proposed Retroffl Strategy. Address qu or concerns posed by those present. Discuss alternatives as appri Submit an updated schedule and estimate of design engineerinc required to implement the proposed strategy. 203. . EXHI BIT 0 e Task300 - DraftPS&E 301. After the City and Caltrans DOS have approved the proposed retrofit strate! a summary of the Strategy Meeting will be compiled and forwarded to concerned parties. Any issues not previously resolved will be addressed this time. Finalize the design and complete the draft structural plans. The design incorporate appropriate comments and recommendations from the $katl Meeting. Drafting will be completed using AutoCAD software. Four set! blueline plans will be submitted to the City and Caltrans DOS for distribu and review. Complete an independent structurai check of the retrofit plans by a registc Engineer in the State of California. Any apparent discrepancies will resolved with the designer and details modified as necessary. Complete additional roadway and traffic control plans to accommodate proposed construction. Construction quantities will be calculated from the 'Checked Plans" by separate individuals experienced in this work. After comparing results resolving any discrepancies, the appropriate quantity summary sheets v\ completed. Unit costs are applied resulting an opinion of the pro1 Construction Cost. Modify Caltrans Standard Special Provisions. Submit four sets of plans, two copies of quantity calculations, two cop edited special provisions, one copy of design calculations, and one cc independent check calculations to the City and Caltrans 00s for revie1 comment. 302. 303. 304 305. 306. 307. Task 400 - Final PS&E 401. Incorporate appropriate comments from the City and Caltrans in the specifications, and estimate. Submit Final PS&E to the City and Caltrans DOS including one set of ( tracings and four sets of final design plans, one hard copy and one disk of final special provisions, two copies of final quantity calculatioi construction cost estimate, and any information to be included in the RI Engineer's File. Task 500 - Coordination 402. 501. Coordinate with Caltrans District 11, Division of Structures, and : Technology Branch to obtain approvals for the work and to obtain from the Seismic Retrofit Fund. Work includes attendance at mt phone conversations, filling out applications, design and constructi estimate support and negotiations. SD-C17-200-68/etm EXHIBIT E - 0 0 8 rsoyrp EnqlneQrlnq Cdrporatlan Suite 200 7807 Convoy Court $an Diego. Cslifarnis 921 1 7 consuttlnp enqlneoto / ercklt4ctl Tdephons 61 s/2&8-dU8t FM 43 7 B / 292*7w2 I CJN OF CARLSBAD October 18,W 2075 Las Palrnes Drlve Carlsbad, CA 82009 . Attn: Mr. Kenneth W, Quon, PE Project Manager / Palomar .&go rt Road interchanae Wldeninu Prolecf Chanae In Scope lo.r Dsian of the Reclaimed Waterfine Enclosed Is a change in scopc for $31,660. This is bur deslgn fee for the rectalrned watedln along Palomar Airport Road. The attachsd spreadsheet shows the efforts by bur variau offices, The additional work shown is a result af the recent change In CaItran8 pdlc regardlng seismic design of utilitlas through overcrossings, as discussed at our reclef meeting and In subsequent coordination. Please note that all of the work represented by thls change In scope haB already bbf Additionally, we have reached our limit on the Additional Services account; theretore, ar future additional services will also require a change In scope. Thank you for your consideration. BOYLE ENGINEERING CORPORATION campleied at the City's requast in order to facilitate project completion without delay /dmK&, Gordon K Lutes, PE Asslstant Managing Engineer W&$J m Michael R. Cruil, PE Senior Clvit Engineer FRCFjerm Enclosure cc: MRC, FI SD-C17*200-02 EXHI B IT 0 0 Roqle Enqineerina Corporation . * -,- . . - ,_-A Lr---*..s;w. **- - , . iC \x. _- .- * 42, -. = -7L" 0,- 2- * CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Attn: Ken W. Quon, PE 1-5 / Palomar AirDort Road lnterchanae Wideninq Additional Desian and Riaht-of-Wav Work We have completed our design of the "PA-3" retaining wall, and it has been fully impiementec into the project plans. The inclusion of this retaining wall eliminated impacts to private propert and parking facilities. The sound wall (two sheets) is covered in the original scope and ha been included in the project PS&E; however, the retaining wall was not shown in the Projec Report and was not identified until final design. We have completed a breakdown of OL approximate costs for design of this wall, which total $7,260. Please see the attache spreadsheet entitled "Change in Scope for Addition of Retaining Wall to PS&E." Similarly, we have completed Right-of-way requirements for five parcels when oniy two we! identified in the original scope of work. Also, we incurred costs for ordering and reviewing t\h additional title reports. Our approximate costs for these efforts total $9,179, as shown in tb attached spreadsheet "Change in Scope for Three Additional Easements," In addition, we completed drainage analysis and design work for correction of existing on-si. drainage deficiencies. The result is the drainage system at the "PA-5" Ramp and along the we side of the freeway. Our estimated costs for that work are $4,660, as shown on the attacht spreadsheet "Change in Scope for Additional Drainage Work.' If you agree, please approve these changes in scope. Please feel free to call should you ha any questions. BOYLE ENGlNEERING CORPORATION October 10, 1991 Project Manager y$7'h,?? K Ju Gordon K. Lutes, PE Assistant Managing Engineer ~~4&&,Ly Michael R. Crull, PE Senior Civil Engineer FRCF/ cc: MRC, R SO-C17-200-58 EXHIBIT ,D e a L RotJe Enqlneerinq Cwrrrraratlorr Suite 200 7807 Cortw y Court Sen Diego, Ceiitomie 321 I7 ton5ultlna engineers f rrCtVteCt6 Telephono 61 9/2$8*8080 FAX 819 /2@2-7482 CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Laa Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 .Atln: Mr. Kenneth W, Quon, PE Project Manager October 1% Is91 s-5 ! Pa larnar Afrpd Rad Ifiterehanue Widenlnn PrOia Chanrre In &gPe tor Chanrres to the Electrical Plan? Enclosed is a change in scope for revisions to the electrical plans totallng $5,028. THi8 reflects costs incurred as a result of late comments from Cattrans. The comments which are out of our $cope are slfhsr changes to Cattrans statewide standards or deslgn changes whiCh would normally be commented on during the first subrnlttals, as discussed at our meeting. The cost breakdown is BS follows: Senlor Engineer 20.0 @ $85 = $1,700 Associate Engineer 18.0 @ $66 = $1,056 Design Supervisor 18.0 @ $70 = $1,120 Drafter 32.6 @ $36 = $1.152 Total $5,028 Please note that all of the wbtk represented by this Change in SWp6 has already b&n completed at the Clty's request in order to facilitate project Completion without delays, Thank you for your consldoration. BOYLE ENGINEERING CORPORATtON #LdLfh7K&., Gordon K. Lutes, PE Assistant Managing Engineer @AJU Michael R. Crulf, PE Senlor Civil Engineer FRCF/erm Enclosure CCI MRC,R SD-C17-20092 EXH: 0 e - I1 i: * -m mu Nhr MNNV)%aC! moos N(O mlc 8 ;$$3Ig'i Itas "1 I : (0 I1 11 2 II II'O6 I1 :+-I I I I 22 .yI NMN *** s$z2g%: 2 2 i#pq/; I1 i ?? 3?? ?99???9 QOOOOQ 99 oe e 9 !O~O!!Q/ e e a 1181 I c- s 0- m' m' N' N' 2 3 yi;IcII if! 11 1 4 II ; c 25 23% Y*-**HrC) I! : "M m 23s 8%E!o, -c ; g 2 ! 0 Il 11 0 If ! I! 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