HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-10-22; City Council; 11403; TRANSFER OF PROGRAMMER/OPERATOR FROM INFORMATION SYSTEMS TO POLICE DEPARTMENTa u~ g i3 2 .. z 0 5 a i 0 z 3 0 0 GIBOF CARLSBAD - AGEN-BILL Te (f-; AB# /{ 403 TITLE: DEP MTG. to /22 141 TRANSFER OF PROGRAMMEWOPERATOR FROM CITY DEPT.- INFORMATION SYSTEMS TO POLICE DEPARTMENT CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Authorize staff to transfer a PROGRAMMEWOPERATOR position from Data Processi Police Department operating budget. ITEM EXPLANATION The Police and Fire Departments jointly use a Computer Aided Dispatch System as micro computer based wide area network. In addition, the Police Department also coc the use of regional computer systems for law enforcement applications. These are SF uses which require system support. In order to provide support for the Safety Center computer systems, Data Processing 1 for and received a PROGRAMMEWOPERATOR position in the 89/90 fiscal budgt position was filled in January, 1990. Due to the specialized nature of the Police Department’s computer systems, it became that in order to provide the necessary support, it was essential that the employee bc at the Safety Center. That physical separation from the remainder of the Data Process however, created problems as a result of conflicting priorities and distance from the in supervisor. As a result, the Information Systems Director, Police Chief and Fire Chief believe a benefit if the position were supervised and administered by the Police Departmei PROGRAMMEWOPERATOR position would be assigned to the Police Department T Services Division and would report directly to a Police Captain. Data Processing staff will continue to provide support to the Safety Center during ab: the employee. In addition, there will still be close coordination with our Micro-C Specialist to ensure the smooth operation of the City-wide network. The Police De1 Will also continue to coordinate all future computer projects with Data Processing. FISCALIMPArn Currently, Police and Fire are paying the salary of the position via charges frc Processing. Police and Fire will transfer funds from their Data Processing account Police Department’s Salary accounts. Next year, full costs for the position will be bud; the Police Department. There is no fiscal impact to the Data Processing Internal Semi The fund will experience an equal decrease in both revenue and expenses. EXHIBITS 1. Interdepartmental memorandum RE: Transfer. 1 0 Y P. 0 June 28,1991 TO: RAY PATCHE'IT, CITY MANAGER FROM: POLICE CHIEF FIRE CHIEF INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIRECTOR RE: COMPUTER SUPPORT FOR THE SAFETY CENTER Recommendation: We recommend that one of the Programmer/Operator positions in the Data Processir Division's budget be transferred to the Police Department's budget. Background When the' Safety Center was built, the new Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system Wi purchased and installed. The system was marketed and sold as a "turnkey" systf requiring no internal staff support. Shortly after the CAD system was installed, it became apparent that some internal st; support was needed for the system. As a result, the Police Department found that they fii had a Police Officer devoting time to provide that support. When that Officer to( employment elsewhere, a Dispatcher began devoting an ever increasing amount of tir trying to support the system. At the same time, we began installing a network of MacIntosh computers throughout 1 Safety Center to meet the Management Information System needs of Police and F personnel. In addition, we began pursuing the possibility of the Information Syste Department providing support to the CAD System and the Mac network. Plans were made, and personnel were included in the Data Processing Division's budge1 Information Systems could assume responsibility for all the Police Department's comput as well as the Library computer system. Though the transfer of responsibility was noi occur until the additional personnel were hired, the retirement of the Dispatcher provid support made it impossible to wait for the new personnel. In addition, this was all furt complicated by the "crash' of the CAD System. 0 0 -. Page 2 Current Status It has now been almost two years since Information Systems began providing support the CAD System and the MacIntosh network, and we believe all parties have benefit1 from the experience. We do believe, however, that the pendulum has swung to both sidc and it is now time for it to settle in the middle. Our experience has resulted in the following findings: 1. The CAD System is a stand-alone computer system -- not integrated with any other C computer systems. 2. It is essential that the CAD System be supported by a Data Processing Yype" of persc 3. It is desirable for the person supporting the CAD System to also support the MacIntc network. 4. It is a full-time job supporting CAD and the Mac network. 5. It is essential that the person providing support to the systems be physically located the Safety Center. 6. The person supporting the Safety Center computers needs daily supervision. 7. Due to the physical separation of City Hall and the Safety Center, it is extremc difficult to provide the level of supervision required. Therefore, it is the tenden of the person to turn to a management level person at the Safety Center f; guidance and direction. 8. Data Processing's attendance at such meetings as ARJIS further convinced us that tl appropriate place for supervision of the person was with someone knowledgab about all aspects of MIS. Such knowledge is only available from personnel at tl Safety Center. 9. Though CAD is a stand-alone system, the Safety Center cannot operate in a vacuui There needs to be coordination and involvement of Data Processing personnel. e m Page 3 summary We believe the Safety Center would best be served by a coordinated approach to suppo That means the Programmer/Operator would be included in the Safety Center's budget a the position would be directly supervised by them. That does not mean that Dz Processing will no longer provide any support to the Safety Center computer operatioi There will still need to be close coordination with our Micro-Computer Specialist for t smooth operation of the City-wide network. Additionally, due to the critical nature CAD, Data Processing will remain on the On-Call List for assistance in emergencies (DP M merely move to the #3 spot on the list rather than #l.) And finally, Data Processing M continue to work closely with the Safety Center personnel on their computer needs a plans. ROBERT VALES LEE RAUTENKRANZ JIM THOMPSON Police Chief Information Systems Director Fire Chief