HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-10-22; City Council; 11408; KHADEM ADMINISTRATIVE VARIANCE APPEALING AV 90-134 - 0) 4 Y-l (d u a) a .k 40 cnw cn 4: *.u mz &I ?I a,fi P Ea *: 8- za) w* 0; -4 G -2 $k E3 a)o -4 03 ud :: u ma 2 .2 A a)a 2 *; a,=l 4 :? 44 M1 a) 55 1a .z % &2 uu u ud 5s c2 N' 04 z 0 k 0 a J b z 3 0 0 I/ ' t CITYeF CARLSBAD - AGENDmlLL AB # I{, VDg TITLE: DEP' CITY DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MTG. 10-22-91 KMADEM ADMINISTRATIVE VARIANCE APPEAL - C,TY AV 90-13 PLN Both the Planning Commission and Planning Director are recommending that the Council direct the City Attorney to prepare documents UPHOLDING the DENll Administrative Variance 90-1 3. ITEM EXPLANATION This item is an appeal of the Planning Commission's denial of a variance fc for an existing fence to exceed the maximum allowed height of 42 inches in a front ' setback on property located at 7327 El Fuerte St. The violation was discovered in November of 1990 during an inspection for certificate of occupancy. The fence vi between 4 to 7 feet in height and is located on flat and sloping ground in the front b It violates Carlsbad Municipal Code 21.46.1 30 which states that "no fence, wall, or h6 over 42 inches in height shall be permitted in any required front yard setback". Because the fence exceeds the maximum allowed height in the required 20 foot f yard setback, Mr. Khadem (the property owner and applicant) was informed to el remove or redesign the fence so that it does not exceed 42 inches in height. Ra than pursue altering the fence, Mr. Khadem applied for an administrative variance 90-13) which was later denied by the Planning Director on April 24, 1991 beca required legal findings could not be made. The Planning Director's decision was t appealed to the Planning Commission. On June 5, 1991, staff presented AV 90-13 to the Planning Commission wit recommendation to deny the variance. After considerable discussion by Commission, staff requested that the item be continued in order to explore alterna designs with the applicant. The Commission agreed and continued AV 90-1 3 to a c uncertain. Subsequently, the Planning Department reviewed alternative designs with the applic in order to meet the findings necessary to grant the variance. Although some chans were agreed upon, the applicant was not prepared to lower one portion of the fence level grade to 42" in order that the findings of approval could be made. On Septeml 18, 1991, the Planning Department again therefore, presented AV 90-1 3 to the Plann Commission with a recommendation to deny the variance because all of the findir needed to grant the variance could not be made. The Planning Commission concurr and denied the variance. overheight fence in a front yard setback. At issue is whether a variance can be ora t .L e 0 PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. 11, yo 8 The Planning Department had indicated that findings of approval could be madc those portions of the fence on sloping ground, however, the Planning Commis denied the entire administrative variance including the fence on the sloped portion o property as well as the portion on level grade. The applicant was given the opporti to have the variance denied without prejudice so that he could later bring the fenc standards, but he chose to accept a complete denial. As a result, two of the four lek required variance findings cannot be made because there are no extraordii circumstances applicable to the property nor is the property owner being denic property right possessed by others in the same vicinity and zone. TWO findii however, can be made because the fence will not be detrimental to the public we or injurious to the property or improvements in the same vicinity and zone, nor will General Plan be adversely affected. All of the findings required by law must be made before the project can be appro ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW C.E.Q.A. does not apply to projects which a public agency disapproves. environmental review was performed. FISCAL IMPACT None. EXH I BITS 1. Location Map 2. 3. 4. 5. Planning Commission Resolution No. 3256 Staff Report dated September 18, 1991 wlattachments Excerpts from Planning Commission Minutes dated June 5, 1991 Excerpts from Planning Commission Minutes dated September 18, 1991 mw W L KHADEM RESIDENCE AV 900' c I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I" 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 PLANNING ComrssroN RESOLUTION NO. 3256 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR'S DENIAL OF AN ADMINISTRATIVE VARIANCE TO ALLOW A FENCE TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM ALLOWED HEIGHT OF 42 INCHES IN A FRONT YARD SETBACK GENERALLY LOCATED AT 7327 EL FUERTE STREET. CASE NAME: KHADEM RESIDENCE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, UPHOLDING THE CASE NO: AV 90-13 WHEREAS, a verified application for certain property, to wit: Lot 73 of Carlsbad Tract No. 75-4 La Costa Estates North in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 8302, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County on May 5, 1976 has been filed with the City of Carlsbad, and referred to the Pla-ng Commis. WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request as prc Title 21.51.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 5th day of June, 1 the 18th day of September, 1991, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribi to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and consid testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Cox considered all factors relating to AV 90-13. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Cor of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) B) That the above recitations are true and correct. That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Comrnissic upholds the Planning Director's Denial of AV 90-13, based on the followh findings: 11 L I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 Findings : 1. There ARE NOT exceptional or extraordinary Circumstances or COI applicable to a portion of the property that do not apply generally t properties in the same vicinity and zone. The portion of the fence approximately 7 feet high and located upon level grade at the northern se the lot cannot be justified for exceeding the 3 foot 6 inch height limit. TI is not needed as a result of any physical constraints imposed by the I because the fence does not retain soil nor change the property's topography. Exceptional circumstances do exist, however, for the sloped portion property. The portion of the fence currently located upon this slope is d with the top part of the fence stepping with the contours of the slope. I and aesthetically pleasing appearance, the extension of each step exceec height limit of 3 feet 6 inches can be justified. For that portion of the property containing the 7 foot high fence on leve the requested variance IS NOT necessary for the preservation and enjoym substantial property right possessed by other properties in the same vicir zone but which is denied to the property in question . Other properties do walls and fences exceeding the maximum allowed height, but without I Therefore, these property owners do not possess property rights for such w fences. However, the portion of the fence which steps with the slope is necessary preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right. Other propertie same vicinity and zone have topographies similar to the subject property wl permitted the same right to construct a "stepping" type fence provided th fence adheres to the same findings and circumstances granted under this va Permitting the fence WILL NOT be detrimental to the public welfare or ir to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which the pro located because the fence does not obstruct safe sight distance for motorists the subject property's driveway nor for motorists exiting the driveway south of the subject property. The General Plan WILL NOT be adversely affected because the property c of one single family home which does not substantially impact any element: General Plan, nor the General Plan as a comprehensive document. to allow a fence to be designed with a "stepping" type architecture in a r 2. j 3. 4. ..... ..... PC RES0 NO. 3256 -2- II % c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l2 13 14 l5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 2nd day of October, the following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairperson Holmes, Commissioners: Schlehuber, S Savary, Erwin & Noble. NOES: Commissioner Hall. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. ;(---h&J~ 11< ( ., $J&& ROBERT HOLMES, Chairperso CARLSBAD PLANNING COMM "W ATTEST: ' * i' *L =$aL!L I li?!, i2,d -<\&- I I, . MICHAEL J. HOLJZMMER PLANNING DIRECTOR I PC RES0 NO. 3256 -3- L APPLI o! I'ION COMPLETE DAT 0 * /i i; 0 MARCH 8, 1991 STAFF REPORT DATE: SEPTEMBER 18, 1991 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: AV 90-13 KHADEM RESIDENCE - Request for an appeal of the Planni Director's decision to deny an administrative variance for a fence to exce the maximum allowed height of 42 inches in the front yard setback. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 32 UPHOLDING the Planning Director's decision to DENY AV 90-13, based upon the findir contained therein. u. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND On June 5, 1991, Staff presented Administrative Variance 90-13 to the Pld Commission as requested by the applicant's appeal of the Planning Director's decision deny the variance. Staff recommended that the Planning Commission uphold the Pld Director's decision to deny AV 90-13 because 3 of the 4 findings necessary to grant 1 variance could not be made. After considerable discussion and debate of the facts and findings by the Plad Commission, staff recommended that the item be continued in order to explore alternat designs with the applicant. The Commission motioned to continue AV 90-13 to a d, uncertain to be agreed to by staff and the applicant. Staff explored options to resolve the problem of the fence obstructing safe sight distar for motorists exiting the driveway to the south of the subject property and determined tl safe sight distance can be obtained with the repositioning of the southern most portion the fence. The applicant has agreed to reposition this portion of the fence as shown Exhibit "A". ' AV 90-13 KHADEM REBENCE e SEPTEMBER 18, 1991 PAGE 2 Staff also determined that there maybe unusual circumstances associated with the fro slope. In order for fences to be placed on steep slopes it may be necessary to exceed 1 inches in a stepped design and therefore grounds for the variance may exist for tl portion. The applicant was, however, not willing to reduce the fence height to 42 inches for thc portions of the fence that are not on sloping ground. Therefore two of the four findir cannot be made for this portion of the overheight fence or flat ground. sloping portion of the property. This portion of the fence is designed to step with t 111. ANALYSIS Based on the following four questions, can the findings required for granting a variance made? 1. Are there exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to t property that do not apply generally to other properties in the same vicinity a zone? Is this variance necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substant property right possessed by other property owners in the same vicinity and zone 1 which is denied to the property in question? Will the granting of this variance be materially detrimental to the public welfare injurious to the property or improvements in the same vicinity and zone? Will the granting of this variance adversely affect the comprehensive general pla 2. 3. 4. DISCUSSION Extraordinary or Exceptional - Circumstances There are exceptional circumstances associated with the sloped portion of the proper The portion of fence currently located upon this slope is designed with the top part of 1 fence stepping with the contours of the slope. In order to allow a fence with a "steppir type design to function with a practical and aesthetically pleasing appearance, 1 extension of each step exceeding the height limit of 3 feet 6 inches can be justified. The portion of the fence that is approximately 7 feet high and located upon level grade the northern part of the lot, however, cannot be justified for exceeding the 3 foot 6 ir height limit. The fence is not needed as a result of any physical constraints imposed by 1 property, as the fence does not retain soil nor change the property's existing topograp ' AV 90-13 KHADEM REBENCE e SEPTEMBER 18, 1991 PAGE 3 PRESERVATION OF A SUBSTANTIAL PROPERTY RIGHT The portion of the fence that is approximately 7 feet high and located upon level grade the northern part of the lot is not necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of substantial property right possessed by other properties in the same vicinity and ZOI Other properties do contain walls and fences exceeding the maximum allowed height lirr but without permits. Therefore, these property owners do not possess property rights 1 such walls and fences. However, the portion of the fence which steps with the slope is necessary for t: preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right. Other properties in the sar vicinity and zone have topography similar to the subject property which are permitted t same right to construct a "stepping' type fence provided that such fence adheres to t same findings and circumstances granted under this variance. DETRIMENTAL TO THE PUBLIC WELFARE Permitting the fence will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to t property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which the property is located becau the fence does not obstruct safe sight distance for motorists exiting the subject propeq driveway nor for motorists exiting the driveway directly south of the subject property. 1 relocating the last pilaster 5 feet west of the front property line and locating the ne pilaster directly between the relocated pilaster and existing pilaster, safe sight distance CE be obtained in the following manner: The motorist exiting the driveway can first determine if the sidewalk is clear of pedestria without encroaching into the sidewalk. Once the driver determines that the sidewalk clear of pedestrians, then he may obtain safe sight distance by partially encroaching in the sidewalk while still remaining clear of the street. ADVERSELY AFFECT THE COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL PLAN The General Plan will not be adversely affected because the property consists of one sing family home which does not substantially impact any elements of the General Plan, nor tl General Plan as a comprehensive document. N. ENvm0"TALlREVIEw Section 15270Ca) of the California Environmental Quality Act states that no environment review is required for projects that a public agency rejects or disapproves. ' AV 90-13 KHADEM REaNCE 0 SEPTEMBER 18, 1991 PAGE 4 SUMMARY In summary, findings could be made for those portions of the fence which exist on dOpk terrain, however, the property in question does not have any unique or extraordini circumstances to allow the portion of the fence that is approximately 7 feet high ar located on level grade, nor is the applicant being denied a property right for this portic of the fence which other property owners possess in the same neighborhood. Because tw of the four findings necessary for granting a variance cannot be made, sta recommends adopting Planning Commission Resolution No, 3256 denyir Administrative Variance 90-13. ATTACHMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. Location Map 5. 6. Exhibit "A" Planning Cornmission Resolution No. 3256 Memorandum dated June 5, 1991 Staff Report dated June 5, 1991 Attachment "A" - Letter from applicant August 15, 1991 DR.km:lh , e e MEMORANDUM DATE: JUNE 5, 1991 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: AV 90-13 - KHADEM RESIDENCE - Request for an appeal of the Piannini Dkectois decision to deny an administrative variance for a decorative fencf to exceed the maximum allowed height of 42 in a front yard setback. The third finding of Resolution No. 3256 has been changed to read as follows: 3. The granting of this variance WILL be detrimental to the public welfare in the vicinity and zone in which the property is located because the fence obstructs tht site distance for motorists exiting the driveway located directly south of the subjec: property. APPLI !9 AfrION COMPLETE DATE e March 8. 1991 G STAFF REPORT DATE: JUNE 5, 1991 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: AV 90-13 - KHADEM RESIDENCE - Request for an appeal of the PlanniI Director's decision to deny an administrative variance for a decorative fen to exceed the maximum allowed height of 42" in a front yard setback. I. RECOMMENDATtON That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commksion Resolution No. 32: contained therein. UPHOLDING the Planning Directois deckion to DENY AV 90-13, based upon the findin II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND In mid November of 1990, a violation of Carlsbad Municipal Code 21.46.130 was sighti by a City inspector on property located at 7327 El Fuerte Street while inspecting t: property for compliance with a Hillside Development Permit. The property owner w informed of this violation and directed to remove the fence or reconstruct it in conforman with City code. Rather than pursue altering the fence, the property owner applied fo1 variance. Section 21.46.130 states that "no fence, wall, or hedge over 42 inches in height shall permitted in any required front yard setback'. The property contains one single fam setback. Because the Municipal Code does not allow walls or fences to exceed a height 3'6" in a front yard setback, and because this fence exceeds the maximum allowed heig by 3'6' in some instances, it needs to be removed or redesigned so as to not exceed height of 3'6' unless this requested variance is granted. The fence is constructed of wrought iron with a series of stucco pillars placed in betwef It extends the entire width of the front property and steps down from north to south a gradual slope. home with an existing fence that varies from 4' to 7, located within the 20 foot front ya AV 90-13 - WEM RQbENCE a JUNE 5, 1991 PAGE 2 111. ANALYSIS Planning Issues Based on the following four questions, can the findings required for granting a variance b made. 1. Are there exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to th property that do not apply generally to other properties in the same vicinity an zone? Is this variance necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substanti; property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone but whic is denied to the property in question? Will the granting of this variance be materially detrimental to the public welfare c injurious to the property or improvements in the same vicinity and zone? Will the granting of this variance adversely affect the comprehensive general plan 2. 3. 4. DISCUSSION Extraordinary or Exceptional Circumstances There are no exceptional circumstances associated with the property, The property similar in shape and topography to other properties in the same vicinity and zone whic contain no illegal walls or fences. The fence is not needed as a result of any physic: constraints the property may contain because the fence does not retain any soil nor chang the property's existing topography. Preservation of a Substantial ProDertv Riaht Although there are several walls or fences exceeding the maximum allowed heigl permitted in a front yard setback on properties within the same vicinity and zone, the5 properties in the same vicinity and zone do not possess property rights (building permi or variances) for their walls or fences to exceed the maximum pennitted height. Therefor1 the property in question is not being denied a property right that is possessed by otht properties in the same vicinity. P 0 AV 90-13 - KHADEM SIDENCE JUNE 5, 1991 PAGE 3 Detrimental to the Public Welfare Permitting the fence will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which the property is located beca. the fence does not obstruct site distances for motorists exiting the property or motor traveling along El Fuerte Street. In addition, the fence is primarily open and does substantially obstruct the circulation of air nor the penetration of light. Adverselv Affect the Comprehensive General Plan The General Plan will not be adversely affected because the property consists of one sir family home which does not substantially impact any elements of the General Plan, nor General Plan as a comprehensive document. Iv. ENVIRONMENTAL REvlEw Section 15270(a) of the California Environmental Quality Act states that no environmei review is required for projects that a public agency rejects or disapproves. In summary, the property in question does not have any unique or extraordir circumstances which would allow the proposed fence, nor is the applicant being denic property right that other property owners possess in the same neighborhood. Because of the four findings necessary for granting a variance cannot be made, staff recomme adopting Planning Commission Resolution No. 3256 denying Administrative Variance 90-13. ATTACHMENTS 1. 2. Location Map 3. 4. Exhibit "A" Planning Commission Resolution No. 3256 Attachment "A" - Letter from applicant May 14,1991 DR:rvo:lh -W RCHMENT IIA" . .. .. r.1 3;,/ 1 0 : p, , 1 3 7 1 -. . . -. .- ,Jir;l...lES 1 . t(HADEl'.l 7327 EL FllEFtTE I::AF:t_SEHD, CA 5'2CI1:l" P LArw I N G c CIMM I s s I or..] CITY OF CARLSEUIj RE: ADEIIF.lISTEATIUE VARIANCE NO. YCI-13 With writing this letter I would 1 ike to appeal the decision of the P1 ann i ng Di rector regardi ng the abave ment i oned admi n i strat i ue uar j ance and would 1 i ke to have the oppclrtuni tr ta present my ca5.e to he the Planning Commission. m James. Khadem. \ June 5, 1991 PLANNING COb61I6STON Dngo 2 There being no persons desiring to address the Commission on this topic, Chairman Holmes declared the public testimony closed. Motion was duly made, seconded, and carried to cancel the scheduled Planning Commission meeting of June 19, 1991 and to continue GPA 90-8 to a rescheduled meeting to be held on June 26, 1991 at the Safety Center. 1) AV 90-13 - KHADEM RESIDENCE - Request for an appeal of the Planning Director's decision to deny an administrative variance for a decorative fence to exceed the maximum allowed height of 42" in a front yard setback. David Rick, Planning Technician I, reviewed the background of the request and stated chat rhe fence is located ut 7327 I21 Fuerte Street on a .60 acre lot containing one single family home. The fence varies from 4 ft. to 7 ft. in height within the 20 ft. front yard setback and violates Section 21.46.130 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The violation was spotted by a City inspector while inspecting the newly developed property for compliance with the Hillside Development Permit. Section 21.46.130 states that "...no fence, wall, or hedge over 42 inches in height shall be permitted in any required front yard setback." to exceed a height of 42 inches, and because this fence exceeds the maximum allowed height by 3'6" in some instances, it needs to be removed or redesigned so as to not exceed a height of 42 inches unless this requested variance is granted. In order for the variance to be granted, four findings need to be made. However, staff cannot make three of the four required findings. - In the opinion of staff, there are no exceptional Because no walls or fences are allowed circumstances associated with the property, inel the fence does not retain any soil nor change the existing topography. * The fence does not preserve a substantial property right that is possessed by other properties in the same vicinity. exceeding the maximum allowed height on other properties in the same vicinity, they do not possess property rights (building permits or variances). Permitting the fence will be detrimental to the public welfare in the area because the fence obstructs the sight distance for motorists exiting the driveway located directly south of the subject property. Although there are several walls or fences * * Staff could find that the General Plan will not be adversely affected because the property consists of only one single family home. Mr. Rick showed slides of the Khadem residence and the fence which is in violation. Staff recommends denial of the appeal because all four findings cannot be made. COMMISSIONERS Erwin Hall Holmes Noble Savary Schlehuber Schramm Commissioner Schlehuber inquired if the sight distance finding could be made with one section of the fence next to the driveway removed. Bob Wojcik, Principal Engineer, replied that at least two sections of the fence would have,to be removed in order to eliminate the sight distance obstruct ion. Commissioner Noble noted the comment that other homes in the area have fences without permits and inquired if they would also be cited at a future date. David Rick, Planning Technician I, replied that enforcement is on a complaint basis only. Commissioner Schlehuber inquired if the Khadem fence was reported by a complaint. Mr. Rick replied that it was not. The violation was reported by a City inspector. Commissioner Schlehuber commented that this does not seem very fair. Ron Ball, Assistant City Attorney, commented that now that staff has knowledge of the numerous violations, the Code Enforcement Officer can take legal action; all residents will be treated equally. Commissioner Schlehuber inquired if that means that all of the violators will be cited. Mr. Ball replied to the affirmative. The City is required to take action regardless of how it becomes aware of a violation. Commissioner Erwin requested staff to comment on the memorandum from James Khadem dated June 5, 1991 regarding the landscape aspect. He inquired if staff had attempted to locate the inspector that advised the contractor that the fence was part of the landscaping. Robert Green, Principal Planner, replied that it is the responsibility of the contractor to make sure that construction meets the code r%quirements, regardless of what an inspector may say. Commissioner Erwin inquired if the owner had submitted a landscape plan. David Rick, Planning Technician I, replied that the exhibits for the Hillside Development Permit did not show a fence. Commissioner Hall inquired if the inspection was triggered by a member of the Planning Department rather than a Building Inspector. Mr. Rick replied to the affirmative. Chairman Holmes opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. Farus Khadem, 7327 El Fuerte, Carlsbad, addressed the Commission and read into the record a memorandum from her husband, James Khadem, dated June 5, 1991, which is on file in the Planning Department. The memorandum generally stated that their contractor had asked the building inspector about requirements for the proposed fence but was advised that permits were not necessary because the fence would be part of the landscape plan. The fence was then constructed, based on that representation, at a cost in excess of $20,000. Attached to the memorandum is a letter from their general contractor, Kevin Terry, who had inquired of the building inspector about the fence, as well as copies of six letters from neighboring residents who approve of the fence, feel it is attractive, and that it does not obstruct views or sight distances of motorists in the area. , I ' COMMISSIONERS June 5, 1991 PLANNING COPiMISS ION Page 4 Mrs. Khadem thinks it is very strange that after working with staff for over eight months on the fence violation, she and her husband were not informed of the sight distance problem until this morning, June 5, 1991. Hrs. Khadem stated that removal of the fence will create a financial hardship to her and her husband as they have no funds available for the demolition. She presented an exhibit of photographs of the fence which included examples of other illegal fences in the same vicinity and zone, Ron Ball, Assistant City Attorney, commented that the photographs must remain as part of the public record and could not be returned to the applicants. Commissioner Hall inquired when Mrs. Khadem and her husband first started working with staff on the fence violation. She deferred to her husband because she could not remember the exact date. James Khadem, 7327 El Fuerte, Carlsbad, addressed the Commissioil and stated that his home was finished in November 1990. The inspector who came to issue the final occupancy permit, noticed the fence problem in November. A variance request was made, with drawings, in early December. Commissioner Hall inquired who had constructed the fence. Mr. Khadem replied that it was the landscaping contractor. Commissioner Hall inquired if the landscaping contractor had discussed any permits with him. Mr. Khadem replied that the landscaping contractor told him he should ask the City if a permit would be needed. Since his general contractor was in close touch with the building inspectors and he (Mr. Khadem) was not sure where to inquire, he requested the general contractor, Kevin Terry, to find out what would be required. Commissioner Hall advised Mr. Khadem that most landscape subcontractors are well aware of the permit process. Mr. Khadem replied that his subcontractor was not sure what permits would be needed and he requested Mr. Khadem to get the necessary information, which is why Mr. Khadem asked his general contractor for help. contractor, Kevin Terry, has been given to staff. Commissioner Hall inquired if the subcontractor was hired directly and not through the general contractor. Mr. Khadem replied to the affirmative. Ron Ball, Assistant City Attorney, commented that the Business and Professions Code requires a licensed contractor to obtain all necessary permits before construction. There being no other persons desiring to address the Commission on this topic, Chairman Holmes declared the public testimony closed and opened the item for discussion among the Commission members. A letter from the general Commissioner Schlehuber inquired if the building inspector, Tim Phillips, is still an employee of the City. Gary Wayne, Assistant Planning Director. replied that Mr. Phillips still is a building inspector. Commissioner Schlehuber could probably make the finding that there are extraordinary circumstances; however, there are other problems. He would prefer to continue this for a month I ww ww 0 Y COMMISSIONERS June 5, 1991 PLANNING COMMISSION Page 5 I l and he would like the opportunity to speak with Mr. Phillips. He feels that Tim Phillips should either confirm or deny the statement and if a mistake was made, acknowledge it. Ron Ball, Assistant City Attorney, commented that the applicant had also requested a continuance because of the late information about .the sight distance so that would probably be a good idea. However, he added that it would not make any difference, from a legal standpoint, what Tim Phillips said or did not say as to the necessity of a permit. Commissioner Schlehuber is aware of the legalities; however, from a practical standpoint and a sense of justice, he feels it would only be fair to hear from him. He believes the findings are very thin. Commissioner Schramm stated that she has walked the site and is concerned about the site obstruction. She inquired if the fence could be cut down to improve the sight distance. Robert Green, Principal Planner, replied that the fence would have to be cut down to 42 inches in height because that is the maximum height to allow a person to see 150 ft. while sitting in a vehicle. Bob h'ojcik, Principal Engineer, added that a motorist could pull forward of the fence to see, but then the car would be sitting on the sidewalk. Someone approaching on the sidewalk could be in danger. Commissioner Erwin would also be interested in hearing from Tim Phillips. He inquired if the subcontractor who built the wall is required to check with the City. Ron Ball, Assistant City Attorney, replied to the affirmative. The law states that the subcontractor must obtain the permits. Not to do so would subject him to discipline by the State contracting agency. Commissioner Erwin would like to hear from'the subcontractor. He could support a continuance. Commissioner Hall doesn't see why the general contractor has anything to do with this. from the City building inspector. He could support the variance but feels that something needs to be done about the sight distance. Commissioner Schlehuber agrees with Commissioner Hall. thinks something needs to be done at the corner. The Engineering Department could advise the applicant how to correct the sight distance problem. 1 Further, he sees no reason to hear He Robert Green, Principal Planner, commented that, if the Commission desires, staff would attempt to work out the problem within certain prescribed limits. Commissioner Noble has mixed feelings about the issue. The home and the fence are beautiful but rules need to be followed or the rules are no good. safety problem remedied. Commissioner Savary is concerned about the 7 ft. height of the fence in front of the home. Commissioner Schlehuber believes that if we have allowed other nonconforming fences without permits, then this would constitute an extraordinary condition. applicant to remove his fence, then we have to enforce it throughout the area. He would like to see the If we require this June 5, 1991 PMNING COMMISSION Page 6 Commissioner Erwin feels that this could open the barn door. He agrees with Commissioner Schlehuber. Commissioner Schramm thinks we have a split Commission. If we deny this applicant, staff should be required to apply the same set of rules to every fence violator in the City. Robert Green, Principal Planner, commented that this item could be returned to staff for reevaluation to see if there is some way to approve the fence. Ron Ball, Assistant City Attorney, stated that there is no time limit requirement for the continuance as long as the hearing is renoticed. Motion was duly made, seconded, and carried to continue and renotice AV 90-13 so that staff may have an opportunity for reevaluation; said rehearing to be held at a time when a full Commission will be present. RZCESS The Planning Commission recessed at 6:50 p.m. and reconvened at 7:OO p.m. 2) PCD/GPC 90-5 - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD - The widening of Palomar Airport Road from the intersection of El Camino Real to the westerly boundary of San Marcos and extending into the City of San Marcos to Avenida de las Rosas. Christer Westman, Associate Planner, reviewed the background of the request and stated that this City project is being brought forward for a General Plan consistency determination. The project site begins approximately 1,200 feet east of the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real and continues east nearly three miles to connect with San Marcos Boulevard, which has already been improved at the westerly consistency determination is for the section of road lying within the City of Carlsbad. The length of the project area boundary of the City of San Marcos. The General Plan is currently a roadway with a single lane in either direction. There are vacant lands to the south which are being used as agricultural lands and there are existing industrial developments to the north. The proposed project is the interim widening of an existing section of Palomar Airport Road from 60 ft. to 102 ft. in width. Within that expanded roadway width will be two 12 ft. lanes in either direction, a 6 ft. bike lane, curbed median, and a hydroseeded parkway. As development fills in along the corridor, additional improvements will occur. Once completed, Palomar Airport Road will ultimately be a full prime arterial from the City of San Marcos west to Interstate 5 in the City of Carlsbad. Improvement of this road to prime arterial standards will achieve overall City goals by providing a comprehensive circulation system to serve the present and future mobility needs of Carlsbad and the greater San Diego area. No significant environmental impacts have been identified; however, staff is recommending the addition of Condition ii8 (memo dated June 5, subsequent three phased program if there is a presence of fossil bearing material. consistency determination. 1991) which requires a soils analysis and Staff recommends approval of the COMMISSIONERS 3 Erwin Hall Holmes Noble Savary Schlehuber Schramm j ~ I ~ I September 18, 1991 PLANNING COMMISSION Page 2 General &,an consistency for the 1991-92 Capital Improvement Program (CXF). California law requires that the CIP, which is a list of\the proposed public works projects recommended for planning,\,initiation, or construction during the fiscal year, be revieLed as to conformity to the adopted General Plan. The determination of conformity is a fairly simple process. EssentiLlly, staff reviews the various elements, focusing on their goals and policies, to determine whether or not that consistency exists. Staff has completed the review of the projects listed in the 1991-92 CIP and found them to be consistent with the General Plan. Therefore, staff is recommending approval. Chairman Holmes opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. There being no persons desiring to address the Commission on this topic, Chairman Holmes declared the public testimony closed and opened the item for discussion among the Commission members. Motion was duly made, seconded, and carried to adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 3298, approving PCD/GCP 91-2, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: 2) AV 90-13 KHADEM RESIDENCE - Request for an appeal of the Planning Director's decision to deny an administrative variance for a fence to exceed the maximum allowed height of 42 inches in the front yard setback. David Rick, Planning Technician, reviewed the background of the request and stated that on June 5, 1991, staff recommended that the Planning Commission uphold the Planning Director's decision to deny AV 90-13 because three of the four findings necessary to grant the variance could not be made. After considerable discussion of the facts and findings by the Commission, staff recommended that the item be continued in order to explore alternative designs with the applicant. The Commission voted to continue AV 90-13 to a date uncertain. At issue is whether a variance can be granted to allow an existing wrought iron stucco fence to exceed 3'6" in height within a front yard setback on property located at 1321 El Fuerte Street. The fence currently varies in height from four to seven feet. the fence, evaluated the original findings with the applicant to try to modify portions of the fence so that all four findings necessary for granting the variance could be made; however, staff and the applicant could not completely agree on a design that would meet the requirements necessary to make all four findings. Therefore, staff still recommends denial of AV 90-13 based on the following; - There are no exceptional circumstances associated with the Staff explored alternative designs for portion of fence located upon level grade at the northern part of the lot; and COMMISSIONERS Erwin Hall Holmes Noble savary Schlehuber Schramm I MINUT 8 0 / ' The fence is not needed as a result of any physical constraints imposed on the property. The area where the fence is overheight is generally level and the fence is not part of a wall needed to retain soil. Staff informed the applicant that the findings could not be made for this overheight portion of the fence. Neverthe- less, the applicant was not willing to reduce the fence to 42". This overheight portion of the fence is also not necessary for the preservation or enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other properties in the same vicinity and zone. If other properties do contain walls and fences exceeding 3'6" in the front yard setbacks, they have been built without permits. Therefore, these other property owners do not have property rights for the walls and fences. There are exceptional circumstances associated with the slope portion of the property, however. The portion of the fence currently located on the slope is designed with the top part of the fence stepping to the slope. In order to allow a fence with a stepping design to function with a practical and aesthetically pleasing appearance, the extension of each step exceeding the 3'6" height limit can be justified. This portion of the fence which steps with the slope is also necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right. Other properties in the same vicinity and zone, with topography similar to the Khadem's property, are permitted the same right to construct a stepped fence, provided that such fence adheres to the same conditions and findings granted under this variance. Because the applicant was willing to relocate the last two pillars at the south end of the fence, the third finding can be made. Permitting the fence will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which the property is located because the fence does not obstruct safe site distance for motorists exiting the subject property's driveway nor for motorists exiting the driveway directly south of the subject property. The fourth finding can also be made. The General Plan will not be adversely affected because the property consists of one single family home which does not substantially impact any elements of the General Plan nor the General Plan as a comprehensive document. In summary, because all of the findings cannot be made for that portion of the fence located at level grade, staff recommends adoption of Resolution No. 3256 denying Administrative Variance 90-13. Mr. Rick showed a slide view of the Khadem residence and fence from E1 Puerte Street for the benefit of the Commissioners. Chairman Holmes inquired if the lower part of the fence is the portion on which staff can make all of the findings. Mr. Rick replied to the affirmative. Commissioner Erwin requested staff to point out that portion of the fence. Robert Green, Principal Planner, used a pointer to indicate the portion of the fence wherein the findings could not be made. Commissioner Schramm inquired how much lower that portion of the fence would have to be. Mr. Green replied that it would need to be 42" high. currently at 7'6". Chairman Holmes opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. Farus Khadem, 7327 El Fuerte Street, Carlsbad, applicant, addressed the Commission and read a letter written by her husband, James Khadem. The letter stated that during the past 10 months he has been attempting to resolve this problem, he has made 135 telephone calls to the City of Carlsbad, replied to 31 telephone calls from the City, made 22 trips to the Planning Department (including meetings with the City Manager). He changed his drawings five times and provided between 6 and 12 copies of the drawings each time. He prepared a list of his neighbors on labels twice. He spent two days taking pictures of similar fences in his neighborhood. occupancy permit for one and a half months and he had to move into a temporary apartment and pay rent. He was finally able to move into his home, thanks to the City Manager, who helped him obtain his permit. The Planning Department placed a hold on his grading bond and deposit until two months ago. It was only through his own perseverance and numerous telephone calls that the bond was finally released. He spent a total of 235 hours on this matter. Total expenses, including permit, temporary rent, relocation of two columns according to the new drawings, and other expenses totalled $3,731.63. Although he has also had medical expenses as a result of the problems he has experienced, he does not feel a price can be made for the aggravation, tension, and frustration a problem of this nature can cause. Mr. Khadem feels he has paid enough for his ignorance and would appreciate a favorable decision in his matter. Commissioner Noble inquired if a contractor had been hired to construct the fence. Mrs. Khadem deferred reply to her husband. James Khadem, 7327 El Fuerte Street, Carlsbad, addressed the Commission and stated that a contractor had been hired to construct the fence. Commissioner Noble inquired who had pulled the permit to construct the fence. Mr. Khadem replied that a permit was not necessary. Commissioner Noble inquired if the contractor had a license. Mr. Khadem replied that he did. Commissioner Savary inquired what the PVC pipes located on top of the columns are for. Mr. Khadem replied that the pipes would hold light fixtures approximately 5" high. Bruce Jordan, 7216 Daffodil Place, Carlsbad, addressed the Commission and stated that he owns a lot around the corner from the Khadems. Although he does not know the Xhadems, he does know the fence because he sees it often. He was surprised to read in the newspaper of the Planning Director's decision which is why he felt the need to attend tonight's meeting. Dr. Jordan stated that he had read the staff report and realizes that the fence is in violation because the law only allows a 42" fence. However, he He believes that the pilasters are The Planning Department placed a hold on his September 18, 1991 PLANNING COMMISSION page 5 COMN wanted to know if there was something special about 42" which makes anything higher unsafe. Chairman Holmes replied that the 42" height issue does not concern safety. Robert Green, Principal Planner, added that the main reason for restricting the wall to 42" along the front setback is aesthetics. Walls higher than 42" within a setback tend to create a "walled" effect. There is no finite reason for the 42" height requirement other than it is a community standard. Commissioner Noble commented that he recalled hearing at the last meeting that 42" was the height that a person sitting in a vehicle could see over. Mr. Green replied that this measurement was used in relation to the safety issue and the sight distance which has since been corrected. Mr. Jordan concluded his comments by stating that he feels the wall is very open and has a pleasing effect; as a neighbor, he has no problem with the wall remaining the way it is. Gary Wayne, Assistant Planning Director, commented that another reason 42" was established as the height limit is that the Police Department has stated that they need to be able to see into a front yard for security reasons. There being no other persons desiring to address the Commission on this topic, Chairman Holmes declared the public testimony closed and opened the item for discussion among the Commission members. Commissioner schlehuber commented that since there is a fence standard, he feels that it should be upheld. He feels that staff has tried to work with the applicant and that they have tried to be fair. He supports the staff recommendation because he cannot make the findings. Commissioner Hall commented that he would like to go on record that he hates fence issues because nobody ever comes out a winner. When the Khadem appeal first came before the Commission there was a sight distance problem and it has been corrected. Even though there are some columns which are above height, the overall fence is open and decorative. Because the Khadems have corrected the sight distance problem, he feels he could make the findings to approve the fence. Commissioner Erwin is sorry that the contractor who built the fence is not in attendance. He had requested at the last meeting that the contractor be present to answer some pivotal questions. Commissioner Erwin feels that the contractor is at fault. He cannot make the findings and, therefore, supports the staff recommendation. Commissioner Noble stated that he has discussed a hypothetical situation with several contractors that he knows personally. Each Contractor stated that a licensed contractor is required to pull permits. He asked the City Attorney to confirm that this is true. Ron Ball, Assistant City Attorney, replied that this is correct. The Khadems have a right to seek civil damages against the contractor and may also take administrative action against the contractor's license. I September 18, 1991 PLANNING COMMISSION Page 6 COMn Commissioner Schramm feels the fence is very nice because it has an open effect. Nevertheless, it does not comply with the standard and she cannot make the findings. Therefore, she can support the staff recommendation. commissioner Schlehuber inquired if the applicant would prefer a denial without prejudice or a continuance in an effort to allow him to bring the fence to standard and avoid having to pay permit costs again. Otherwise, the denial covers everything. Mr. Khadem replied that he would accept a denial. Motion was duly made, seconded, and carried to adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 3256 upholding the upon the findings contained therein. Planning Director's decision to DENY AV 90-13, based Ron Ball, Assistant City Attorney, asked if the denial was on the entire fence or on just those portions of the fence which did not comply with the standard. Commissioner Schlehuber replied that he had given the applicant an opportunity to accept a compromise but he apparently does not want that; the motion was a denial of everything. PUBLIC HEAhIING ITEMS: '\ 3) CT ~o-~&cP 90-12 - GIBRALTAR GREENS - Request for approval For the development of a 12 unit condominium project on\.,.882 acres of land adjacent to the La Costa Golf Course'i in Local Facilities Management Zone 6. ', Brian Hunter, Seni0.r Planner, reviewed the background of the request and stated t,hat the project is a 12 unit condominium consisting of four three-story townhomes, each containing two car garages. the roof with a 7,000 's,f. recreational area containing a swimming pool and restiopms. There are six guest parking spaces, adequate RV parkhg space, and a 30' driveway, as well as other essential requirements of the pun Ordinance- The zoning is Residential Density-Multiple. The General Plan designation is Resideniial High (RH). management control point is l9 du/ac and this project is 16.9 du/ac, so it also meets tpat requirement. Staff The\structures are 33 ft. to the peak of The growth recommends approval. L., Commissioner Erwin inquired what'-ptructures, if any, would be located in the water district dasement. replied that the easement would onI& contain a sidewalk. Chairman Holmes opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. Chuck Lockman, an engineer with Lochan &i Associates, representing the applicant, addressed the'%Commission and stated that his firm has worked very dilige,ntly with staff on the Gibraltar Greens project. Mr. Lochan stated that the applicant's architect is also in attendance to answer any questions which the Commissioners might have. In addition, a representative from GeSle Jac, Inc., is also in attendance. Mr. Lockman stated that he has reviewed the staff report and can accept the conditions therein, Mr. Hunter \., '1, EX. Ha No, Sal HO sct SCh \ 1 e W KEVIN TERRY CONSTRUCTION #45@239 31333 PAHUTA ST TEMECULA, C (714) 699-1393 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, I AM WRITING ON BEHALF OF JAMES KHADEM, A RESIDENT OF LA COSTA, CA. I GUILT A HOUSE FOR HIM BEGINNING IN JUNE OF 1989, AND COMPLETED IT AT THE BEGINNING OF THiS YEAR, 5991 I CONTRACTED TO BUILD THE HOUSE ONLY, AND MY CLIENT SUBCONTRACTED OCJT MANY OF THE EXTERIOR FINISH ITEMS SUCH AS LANDSCAPING AND FENCING. DUFiiNG TiiE LATTER STAGES OF THE HOUSE, AS MR. KHADEM WAS GEARING UP TO DO HIS LANDSCAPiNG, HE ASKED ME TO QUESTION THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ABOUT THE PLACEMENT OF HIS GARDEN WALLS AND FENCES WE WERE CONCERNED ABOUT MEETING ALL REQUIRE@ CODES FOR THE CITY SINCE I WAS MEETING WITH THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON A REGULAR BASIS FOR OTHER ITEMS, 1 AGREED TO DO THIS. THE INSPEETOR I TALKED TO WAS TIM PHILLIPS. I ASKED HIM IF THERE WERE ANY REST41CTIONS REGARDING SETBACKS AND HEIGHTS OF WALLS ON THE PKCIPERTY RELATED TO LANDSCAPING HIS REPLY WAS THAT AS LONG AS WE STAYED ON THE PROPERTY WITH OClR 'WALLS AND THEY WERE NOT RETAINING ANY DIFIT, &E WOULD PROBASLY BE OKAY I DID NOT KNOW AT THAT TIME, TPAT THE CITY WAS, GOING TO BEGIN DOlNG INSPECTIONS FROM THE PLANNING DEDT ALL OF MY JOB5 IN THE CITY PREVIOUS TO THIS- &AD NOT HAD PLANNiNG iNS9ECTiON'Z I ALSO DID NOT REAL I ZE THAT ThE PLAkK I NG DEPACtTMENT 'AA5 THE S@L!4CE I SHOULD HAVE ONE T(7 WlTH TClS V4TTE3 WEEN I INFORMED MY CL IEI~T (IF MY ~ISCLISS ION '+,ITH TIM PH I LL I PSI HE BEGAN C0NSTRUCT:ON OF PIS FENCE, '~"!C.Y !'; VEF'C BEAUTiFiJL, AND I NEVER GAVE IT A SECOND THdUGkIT \iiHEil T-iE PLANNING DEPT TURNED IT DOWN, i TRIED TO kELP ME KHA3EM 60LL'S IT THROUGH DIEECT NEGOTIATIONS 'UITH PLANNING TECH DAVID FilCK MF; R ICK SA ID i T WAS NOT H IS DEC IS I ON, AND HE WAS GI V i NG THE VAR I ZNCE APPLICATION TO A HIGHER SOURCE 1 REAL I ZE THAT FROM T%E WORD Gc?, T8AT VIE HAVE BEEN (301 i'!G IN REVERSE, HOWEVER I WOULD LIKE TC, POINT CJGT THAT MR KHADEMS INTENTIONS WERE NEVER TO TRY TO SLIP SOMEThiNG BY T%E CiTY. t+E BUILT HIS FENCE WITH EVERY INTENTION TO COMPLY HOWEVER IGNGRENT WE WERE IN THIS MATTER, THE FENCE IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE PROPERTY ON EL FUERTE ST THE FENCE POSES. ABSOLUTELY NO NEGATIVE POINTS TO ANYONE, BUT RATHEF; BEAUTIFIES THE NEIGHBORHOOD IN MY OPINION. I HAVE BUILT SEVEN HOlJSES IN LA COSTA SINCE 19'3s I HAVE WORKED WITH THE CITY IN ALL FACETS OF ENGINEERING, FLANNING, AND BUILDING I FEEL I HAVE A GOOD REPUTATION WITH MY INEFECTORS, BUT I REALIZE THIS SITUATlON IS A MATTER OF POLICY AND EKFORCEMENT, COST HIM UNNESSARY EXPENSE TO REMOVE IT. PLEASE ALLOW MR. KHADEM TO KEEP HIS FENCE AS IS. IT WOULD S I NCERLY , - KEVIN TERRY e 0 June 4, 1991 Planning Commission City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California Re! Fence at the Khadem Residence 7327 El Fuerte Street, Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: We are neighbors of James Khadem and are writing to you i support of his request for an administrative variance for his fenc OC which exceeds the height limitation currently zllowed. neighbor has gone to great expense to construct a very attractiv wrought iron fence connected by a series of stucco columns. I addition to being attractive, the fence is primarily open, it doe not obstruct views or sightlines for motorists in the area. Fi believe the current: fence is aesthetically pleasing and improve the property values in our neighborhood. We are concerned that should the City of Carlsbad require tk fence to be demolished, such additional expense will require thz Mr. Khadem replace the fence with one that may be the prop€ height, but is much less attractive than the current fence. F much prefer the current attractive fence to a lower fence which i much less attractive. Since the fence is largely open, tt additional height is not even noticeable. We are aware also of other fences in the neighborhood thz violate the height restriction, and we feel it is unfair to appl the rule strictly in this case. If the fence was a solid fenc prohibiting views, we might feel differently. However, that is nc the case here. We thank you for your kind consideration of hi request . Yours very truly, .D Name: KL.,i-\ &>i x-42 Address: '(?pa FA - p:p\-s+ L I .pLi-'Sixc' ( + q7,< + Date: fi-d-qi ~----_ 0 w June 4, 1991 Planning Commission City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California Re: Fence at the Khadern Residence _7327 El 'Fuerte $ treet, Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: We are neighbors of James Khadem and are writing to you i support of his request for an administrative variance for his fer,:: OL which exceeds the height limitation currently allowed. neighbor has gone to great expense to construct a very attractih wrought iron fence connected by a series of stucco columns. I addition to being attractive, the fence is primarily open, it doe not obstruct views or sightlines for rnotorrsts in the area. F believe the current: fence is aesthetically pleasing and improve the property values in our neighborhood. We are concerned that should the City of Carlsbad require th fence to be demolished, such additional expense will require thz Mr. Khadem replace the fence with one that may be the prop€ height, but is much less attractive than the current fence. F much prefer the current attractive fence to a lower fence which i much less attractive. Since the fence is largely open, tb additional height is not even noticeable. We are aware also of other fences in the neighborhood thz violate the height restriction, and we feel it is unfair to appi the rule strictly in this case. If the fence was a solid fenc prohibiting views, we might feel differently. However, that is nc the case here. We thank you for your kind consideration of hi request . Yours very truly, Name : &&,Lk4 Address: 73,q 2- e & Date: L J+;/ ..................................................... I e w June 4, 1991 Planning Commission City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California Re: Fence at the Khadem Residence 7327 El Fuerte Street, Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: We are neighbors of James Xhadem and are writing to you j support of his request for an administrative variance for hi2 fenc Ol which exceeds the height limitation currently allowed, neighbor has gone to great expense to construct a very attract17 wrought iron fence connected by a series of stucco columns. 1 addition to being attractive, the fence is primarily open, it doc not obstruct views or sightlines for motorists in the area. F believe the current fence is aesthetically pleasing and improve the property values in our neighborhood. We are concerned that should the City of Carlsbad require tt fence to be demolished, such additional expense will require thz Mr. Khadem replace the fence with one that may be the prop€ height, but is much less attractive than the current fence. F much prefer the current atkractive fence to a lower fence which i much less attractive. Since the fence is largely open, tk additional height is not even noticeable. we are aware also of other fences in the neighborhood thz violate the height restriction, and we feel it is unfair to appl the rule strictly in this case. If the fence was a solid fen( prohibiting views, we might feel differently. However, that is nc the case here. We thank you for your kind consideration of h: request;. Yours very truly, Name : B g PC/,' //Ap vkey Address:733L &d puEETE L& COSTA PA 4Zo07 JUNE/ /q?/ Date; h. / I / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --__-__ e e June 4, 1991 Planning Commission City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California Re: Fence at the Khadern Residence 7327 El Fuerte Street, Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: we are neighbors of James Khadern and are writing to you : support of his request for an administrative variance for his fez( 01 which exceeds the height limitation currently allowed, neighbor has gone to great expense to construct a very attractiy wrought iron fence connected by a series of stucco columns. : addition to being attractive, the fence is primarily open, it doc not obstruct views or sightlines for motorists in the area. 1 believe the current fence is aesthetically pleasing and irnprovc the property values in our neighborhood. We are concerned that should the City of Carlsbad require tt fence to be demolished, such additional expense will require thi Mr. Khadem replace the fence with one that may be the propt height, but is much less attractive than the current fence. P much prefer the current attractive fence to a lower fence which i much less attractive. Since the fence is largely open, tk additional height is not even noticeable. We are aware also of other fences in'the neighborhood th; violate the height restriction, and we feel it is unfair to app: the rule strictly in this case. If the fence was a solid fen( prohibiting views, we might feel differently. However, that is nc the case here. We thank you for your kind consideration of h: request. Yours very truly, Name : @?dW Address : 73&3 f-LA Date: 4/+// L& e&& a W June 4, 1991 Planning Commission City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California Re: Fence at the Khadem Residence 7327 El Fuerte Street, Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: We are neighbors of James Khadem and are writing to you i support of his request for an administrative variance for his fenc ou which exceeds the height limitation currently allowed. neighbor has gone to great expense to construct a very attractiv wrought iron fence connected by a series of stucco columns. I addition to being attractive, the fence is primarily open, it doe not obstruct views or sightlines for motorists in the area. W believe the current fence is aesthetically pleasing and improve the property values in our neighborhood. We are concerned that should the City of Carlsbad require th fence to be demolished, such additional expense will require tha Blr. Khadem replace the fence with one that may be the prope height, but is much less attractive than the current fence. W much prefer the current attractive fence to a lower fence which i much less attractive. Since the fence is largely open, th additional height is not even noticeable. We are aware also of other fences in the neighborhood tha violate the height restriction, and we feel it is unfair to appl the rule strictly in this case, If the fence was a solid fenc prohibiting views, we might feel differently. However, that is nc the case here. We thank you for your kind consideration of hl request. Yours Name +b?Z : Address : -%=71-x? F 2i k *kt%, Q4JL ‘c Date: co /slq( .............................................................. , .I e w June 4, 1991 Planning Commission City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California Re: Fence at the Khadern Residence 7327 El Fuerte $ treet, Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: We are neighbors of James Khadern and are writing to you i support of his request for an adninistrative variance for his fefic which exceeds the height limitation currently allowed. Qu neighbor has gone to great expense to construct: a very attractiv wrought iron fence connected by a series of stucco columns. I addition to being attractive, the fence is primarily open, it doe not obstruct views or sightlines for motorists in the area, h believe the current fence is aesthetically pleasing and improve the property values in our neighborhood. We are concerned that should the City of Carlsbad require th fence to be demolished, such additional expense will require tha blr. Khadem replace the fence with one that may be the prope height, but is much less attractive than the current fence. W much prefer the current attractive fence to a lower fence which i much less attractive. Sifice the fence is largely open, tk additional height is not even noticeable. We are aware also of other fences in the neighborhood thz violate the height restriction, and we feel it is unfair to appl the rule strictly in this case. If the fence was a solid, fenc prohibiting views, we might feel differently. However, that is fic the case here. We thank you for your kind consideration of hi request . Yours very truly, Name: & . , ,,[,&;, ,- 3 ;- L ;$ ,+.? 1 Address:72-02 .fi dygk /fi T/4 , L2,4 4 1 - /I Date: c. v- f ' .,< I - "f --/ 1 - i ~ - - - - - - - 0 0 * -, v- P * 1200 ELM AVENUE TELEPt CARL2 BA b, CALIFORNIA moo8 (619) 431 Office of the City Clerk aitg of aarlsbah DATE : September 20, 1991 TO : Bobbie Hoder, Planning Dept. FROM : Karen Kundtz, Clerk's Office RE : AV 90-13 - Khadem Residence THE ABOVE ITEM HAS BEEN APPEALED TO THE CITY COUNCIL. According to the Municipal Code, appeals must be heard by the City Council within 30 days of the date that the appeal was filed. (REMINDER: The item will not be noticed in the newspaper until the agenda bill is signed off by __ all parties.) Flease process this item in accordance with the procedures contained in the Agenda Bill Preparation Manual. If you have any questions, please call. _-___________--_____----_--------------------------------------------------- The appeal of the above matter should be scheduled for the City Council Meeting of Signature Date 0 4- * 1200 ELM AVENUE TELEPI- CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619) 434 Office of the City Clerk Uil~ of Marlsba APPEAL FORM I I (We) appeal the following decision of the Pghd? &HP,M,,,~., to the City Count Project Name and Number (or subject of appeal): . - Qd-q-E.5 KiqR ht p, f!) I/ cj c - /=? /-/ 6 J iz cq /‘?<s,~ /-b,,+ - G - Date of Decision: Reason for Appeal: Q -/p - 71 -- Date &fiTES &Ifi&sfl 7327 {ZC /A.CltQy{e &q-@L9Wd 920u 7 (‘&/si q3E-3rc77 Name (Please Print) 7 Address Tel ;phone Number CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 438-5621 ,-- REC’D FROM ACCOUNT NO. DESC RI PTl ON ._ - - .. - __ - -- (b 0 c '1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPEAL ADMINISTRATIVE VARIANCE - AV 90-13 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will holc a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drivc (formerly Elm Avenue), Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO p.m., on Tuesday, Octobei 22, 1991, to consider an appeal of the Planning Commission denial of ai administrative variance for a decorative fence to exceed the maximum allowec height of 42" in a front yard setback on property generally located at 7327 E' Fuerte Street, and more particularly described as: Lot 73 of Carlsbad Tract No. 75-4, La Costa Estates North, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Mal thereof No. 8302, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diegc County of May 5, 1976. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call David Rick in thc Planning Department at 438-1161, ext. 4328. If you challenge the appeal of the Planning Commission denial of thc administrative variance in court, you may be limited to raising only those issue: raised by you or someone else in the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad, City Clerk's Office, at or prior to the public hearing. APPELLANT: James Khadem PUBLISH: October 10, 1991 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL I I 4 city d Clrhlrl KHADEM RESiDENCE AV 90-13 I w w (Form A) TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT RE: PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST Attached are the materials necessary for you to notice KHADEM ADMINISTRATIVE VARIANCE APPEAL - AV 90-13 for a public hearing before the City Council. t Please notice the item for the council meeting of Thank you. MARTY ORENYAK SEPT. 27, 1991 Assistant City Manager Date NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive (formerly Elm Avenue), Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO p.m. on Wednesday, September 18, 1991, to consider approval of an appeal of the Planning DirectoJs decision to deny an administrative variance for a decorative fence to exceed the maximum allowed height of 42" in a front yard setback on property generally located at 7327 El Fuerte Street and more particularly described as: Lot 73 of Carlsbad Tract No. 75-4 La Costa Estates North in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 8302, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County on May 5, 1976. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. Copies of the staff report will be available on and after September 11, 1991. If you have any questions, please call David Rick in the Planning Department at 438-1161, ext. 4328. If you challenge the appeal of the Planning Director's decision to deny an administrative variance in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. - CASE FILE: AV 90-13 APPLICANT: JAMES KHADEM PUBLISH: SEPTEMBER 5, 1991 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION DR:vd - John D Lopez- E DWCaravan Tours Inc Pensio 6992 €1 Camino Real #104 2502 Navarra Drive W225 -hi# Carlsbad CA 92009 Carlsbad CA 92009 215-491-04 215-491-05 Bruce M%tCarol Jordan J Thomaslklrena Kreid 7216 Daffodil P1 2648 Ftarrnol Ct a -? Carlsbad CA 92009 Carlsbad CA 92009 215-491-43 215-491-46 Intrax Holding N V Bce Development Properties Inc 60 State St 33 South Sixth St Boston Ma 02109 Minneapolis Mn 55402 215-492-01 215-492-02 Sheldon Brooks C W Associates 7340 Altiva P1 14908 Vista Del Oceano Carlsbad CA 92009 Del Mar CA 920 14 215-492-04 215-492-05 Gene8tflajel Roddenberry TerrygtM Hollingworth 12121 Wilshire Blvd e1223 1055 Bluesage Dr Los Angeles CA 90025 San Marcos CA 92069 21 5-492-07 215-492-08 Mrchael&Debbie Hollabaugh Peter J SA Dixie Perkinson 7351 El Fuerte St 157 Stewart Ave Carlsbad CA 92009 Garden City Ny 11530 - 315 - 992 - 07 dl5 4Qa-/2 J-yA Y,w 5- 5du-+A Pagioierla, CCC *Ud (- y-w- 87) m, + z 'YQ h/ /3/5 6mQ~ s 8vcL. #23/ 7371 A7 FUCJfC 5t. 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A IrwinQEdith Ross 7311 El Fuerte St 2 1 5- 49 1 -49 Intrax Holding N v 60 State St Boston Ma 82109 21 5-492-03 MiltonaHiku Kapfan Carlsbad CA 92009 7344 Altiva Place 21 5-492-06 Benny Wang 7355 El FueTte St Carlsbad CA 92009 22 5-492-09 Wan-teh&Lien Tsai 1315 Fair Oaks Ave #201 South Pasadena CA 9 1030 _- 21 5-492- 13 Living Trust 01-06-89 Khadgm San Diego CA 92 127 11084 Pin~on Way 215-492-16 Bce Development P~ope~ties Inc 33 South Sixth St Minneapolis Mn 55402 2 1 5-493-U3 Randall L&.Lahna Strong 7332 El Fuerte St Carlsbad CA 92009 21 5-493-06 &&$- 7327 &U@. David T Zt Sharon Cheatham Pa Box 3395 Rancho Santa Fe CA 92069 -4- ' 58+