HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-10-22; City Council; 11413; MANDATORY RECYCLING'1 ' *" a a, u a 0 2 ag a d* .e .d mu a30 rla, m tn za) h -3 c) *o ah Ma 0 a, a& za, 05 U a,u -dw !ja ua, 94 -74 G-d v)a 46 la zo" 'v) 2; uc) ah or( a ad dl+ .d *d uu gs oar 0 .- u m ma, ma, E *a 0 m 2 a a0 apl 00 uu rl m 1 \ N N 0 l-i .. z g b 4 f z 3 0 0 = ,- { *. _I ,Y AB#&= TITLE: DEPT. Hi MTG. 10/22/91 MANDATORY RECYCLING CITY All DEPT. U&M CITY MG RECOMMENDED ACTION: ClTiLpF - CARLSBAD - AGEND()~~ILL ? _r \ 1. Introduce an Ordinance amending Title 6, Chapter 6.09 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code establishing Mandatory Recycling Regulations in the City of Carlsbad. &%!D hfoq - Adopt Council Policy No. 50 , Mandatory Recyclinff Program Enforcement. Adopt Resolution No. - authorizing the Utilities and Maintenance Director to execute a tonnage grant agreement on behalf of the City and appropriating funds in the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund. d 2. 3. q\*353 1;TEM EXPLANATION: On April 9, 1991, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors directed the Chief Adrddstrative Officer to prepare a mandatory recycling ordinance. On June 11,1991, the Board of Supervisors adopted an ordinance which mandates recycling in San Diegc County. The mandatory recycling ordinance includes five primary components: 1) Designation of materials to be recycled from residential, commercial, an( industrial sources (Exhibit 1); A requirement that all collectors providing services in the unincorporated area must provide their customers with collection of designated recyclables ii accordance with the regional schedule; A requirement that waste generators in the unincorporated areas of the Count must store designated recyclables separately from solid waste for pick-up; A prohibition against disposal of designated recyclable materials with mixe refuse at County solid waste facilities, a schedule for implementing enforcemer measures, and surcharges for failure to comply; An exemption from inspection for vehicles carrying loads from cities that ha7 adopted and are diligently enforcing approved recycling provisions similar to th ordinance. 2) 3) 4) 5) The ordinance is to be implemented first in the North County region because of limitc capacity at San Marcos landfill and the need to minimize the transportation of wast to distant disposal sites. e PAGE 2 OF AB# /1,,41* County Ordinance Enforcement: County Department of Public Works personnel will enforce the ordinance by conductin: random inspections of vehicles to determine contents and origins of vehicles enterin: County disposal facilities. Vehicles carrying loads from those cities that have adoptec and are diligently enforcing similar, approved, mandatory recycling ordinances XI exempt from random inspections and the surcharges identified below. The ordinance implementation schedule by waste source and region, includin: progressive enforcement measures, is attached (Exhibit 2). Following the initial the month warning period at each County landfill, haulers delivering solid waste containin: designated recyclables will be subject to initial surcharges of $25, increasing tc $100/load over a four month period. Citizens hauling their own wastes in cars, vans, and pick-up trucks, will be subject ti an initial one month warning period in the North County region and then assessmen ordinance for single-family residential wastes in each region of the County. Ordinance Incentive Program: As an incentive to stimulate single-family curbside and multi-family residential recyclinj programs, the County is offering noncompetitive tonnage grants. Grants will bc awarded according to the total tons of designated residential recyclables, excluding yarc and wood wastes, documented as having been collected and marketed from each ciq and the unincorporated area. Documentation will include receipts and weight ticket: for the sale of materials, and reporting forms that the County will provide, tc summarize the tonnage information. Tonnage grants will be awarded quarterly commencing with the first quarter of I? 1991/92, at the rate of $7.75 per ton. The County has appropriated $2 million for th~ program in ET 1991/92, Staff estimates that approximately 5,000 tons of residential recyclables will be collectec and recycled from the City's curbside collection and multi-family residential recyclint, programs. However, this figure may vary, as collection statistics from the multi-familj program are not yet available. Model Mandatory Recycling Ordinance: Staff of the cities of North County have met and drafted a model mandatory recycling ordinance. The draft ordinance is designed to serve as a model ordinance for all cities County staff and the Board of Supervisors have reviewed and approved the mode ordinance. The Cities of Del Mar, Vista and Escondido have adopted a variation of tht model ordinance, and other North County cities are considering adoption of the mode ordinance or a variation. b8 of a $15 maximum surcharge consistent with the schedule for implementing thr -- PAGE3OFAB# /\;q/* e i. Proposed Program: Staff proposes that the City Council adopt a mandatory recycling ordinance and program based on the model ordinance so that: 1) 2) 3) waste disposed of at the San Marcos landfill can be reduced; loads generated in Carlsbad will be exempt from random inspection; and to avoid penalties for non-compliance. The proposed ordinance provides for the following: 1. A list of designated recyclables which may be amended from time to time by resolution of the City Council. The disposal of designated recyclables with mixed refuse is prohibited. The City's enforcement program will be established by a Council Policy Statement and will consist of three warnings, and reference to Code Enforcement upon the third warning for further enforcement action. 2. 3. Enforcement: The City's refuse collection and recycling contractor has agreed to initial enforcement of mandatory recycling provisions through warnings. Coast Waste Management (CWM) refuse collection personnel will inspect trash as they perform their refuse collection CWM staff will notify City code enforcement staff of third offenses. After the third offense, Code Enforcement personnel will conduct inspections, and if necessary, cite offenders. This enforcement process is established by the proposed Council Policy No. E attached as Exhibit 7. Yard Waste: One of the requirements of the County's mandatory recycling program is yard wastc collection. The County ordinance requires cities in the North County to implement i yard waste collection program no later than January 1, 1992. Staff of the Nortl County cities have been discussing various yard waste collection methodologies in ar attempt to arrive at a collection system that most cities could use. Implementation o similar programs in each city could serve to reduce customer/citizen confusion anc maximize the effectiveness of limited advertising and promotional funds. Once i collechon program methodology has been developed, staff will work with CWM ti develop an implementation schedule to meet the County's timeline. duties. CWM staff will issue warnings to offenders for first, second and third offenses. -L PAGE3OFAB# jl141a 0 F. Proposed Program: Staff proposes that the City Council adopt a mandatory recycling ordinance and program based on the model ordinance so that: 1) waste disposed of at the San Marcos landfill can be reduced; 2) 3) loads generated in Carlsbad will be exempt from random inspection; and to avoid penalties for non-compliance. The proposed ordinance provides for the following: 1. A list of designated recyclables which may be amended from time to time by resolution of the City Council. The disposal of designated recyclables with mixed refuse is prohibited. The City's enforcement program will be established by a Council Policy Statement and will consist of three warnings, and reference to Code Enforcement upon the third warning for further enforcement action. 2. 3. Enforcement: The City's refuse collection and recycling contractor has agreed to initial enforcement of mandatory recycling provisions through warnings. Coast Waste Management (CWM) refuse collection personnel will inspect trash as they perform their refuse collection duties. CWM staff will issue warnings to offenders for first, second and third offenses. CWM staff will notify Utilities and Maintenance of third offenses. After the third offense, U/M will consider further enforcement methods. This enforcement process is established by the proposed Council Policy No. 50 attached as Exhibit 7. Yard Waste: One of the requirements of the County's mandatory recycling program is yard waste collection. The County ordinance requires cities in the North County to implement i yard waste collection program no later than January 1, 1992. Staff of the NOrtI County cities have been discussing various yard waste collection methodologies in a1 attempt to arrive at a collection system that most cities could use. Implementation o similar programs in each city could serve to reduce customer/citizen confusion an( maximize the effectiveness of limited advertising and promotional funds. Once i collection program methodology has been developed, staff will work with CWM t develop an implementation schedule to meet the County's timeline. -- PAGE 4 OF AB# /I,, y/9 e -. Curbside Recycling Program Summary Attached is a summary of Carlsbad residents' participation in the curbside recycling program during fiscal year 1990-91 (Exhibit 8). Participation rates reflect weekly Multi-Family Program are also attached. However, these statistics only reflect partial implementation (@75% complete) of the program. AB 939 Update Legislation was introduced which would have extended the deadline for submission of the Source Reduction and Recycling Elements to the California Integrated Waste Management Board from July 1, 1991 to January 1, 1992. Subsequently, legislation was introduced which would have extended the deadline additionally, to July 1, 1992. However, this legislation was not addressed before the end of the last session, effectively "killing" the issue. Therefore, technically, all of the cities in San Diego County, as well as the County itself and approximately 300 other California jurisdictions are in non-compliance with the July 1,1991 deadline. It is expected that the legislation to extend the deadline will be re-introduced in the next session. FISCAL IMPACT: The adoption of a mandatory recycling program in the City of Carlsbad will result in an administrative cost to administer the fines assessed on violators. It is anticipated that the revenue generated by the fines will offset this cost. Coast Waste Management, IC. will absorb the costs associated with issuance of warnings. Revenues to the City from the noncompetitive tonnage grants are expected to be in the amount of $40,000. These funds will be used to offset a portion of Solid Waste Program costs, such as yard waste collection and a backyard composting pilot project. The single-family curbside program is already in place and is funded by the sale 0. recyclable materials and a $1 .OO residential recycling fee. A multi-family residentia recycling program is partially implemented (@75% complete) and a fee has yet to bt determined by staff and CWM. Implementation of a Yard Waste Curbside Collection Program is mandated by 1/1/92 and will result in an increase to residential customers. Staff is reviewing a prograrr which would charge customers based on the volume of yard waste set out fol collection. Implementation of commercial collection programs (both office and hospitality) ar mandated by 7/1/92 and are currently in the development stage. These programs wi: result in a yet to be determined increase in the commercial rate. Further enforcement action, if any, will be funded by the Solid Waste Enterprise Func participation. Monthly participation is estimated to exceed 80%. Statistics on the -' PAGE 5 OF AB# /I,, Y/e 0 ..- EXHIBITS: 1. List of designated recyclables 2. Ordinance Implementation Schedule 3. Ordinance No. QS-Ig 3 4. Resolution No. 9 I -.?53 5. Tonnage Grant Agreement 6. Tonnage Grant Claims Foms 7, 8. Curbside Recycling Program Summary Council Policy No, 5 0 * ?- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 i) RESOLUTION NO. 9 1 - 3 5 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OB A TONNAGE GRANT PROGRAM FUNDING AGREEMENT WITE THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO WHEREAS, The San Diego County Board of Supervisors establishe tonnage grant program to offset costs associated with implementation of mand recycling provisions; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is eligible for the program; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the of Carlsbad as follows: 1. 2. The above recitations are true and correct. That the Tonnage Grant Program Funding Agreement betwee City of Carlsbad and the County of San Diego attached here Exhibit A is hereby approved. That the Utilities and Maintenance Director is hereby authoriz sign the Tonnage Grant Program Agreement on behalf of the 3. 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 e w PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of th of Carlsbad at its regular meeting held on the 22nd day of October , 19 the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (SEAL) d w TONNAGE GRANT PROGRAM FUNDING AGREEMENT AND THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO. BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD This Tonnage Grant Program Funding Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Agreernent" , a municipal corporation (hereinafter refef made between the CITY OF to as "City"), and the COUNlY OF SAN DIEGO (hereinafter referred to as "County"). CARLSBAD I PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT The purpose of this Agreement is to provide economic incentives to divert designa residential recyclables from entering San Diego County disposal facilities as impacted by the COL of San Diego's Mandatory Recycling Ordinance of 1991, (hereinafter referred to as the "Ordinanc The Board of Supervisors established the San Diego County Recycling Tonnage Grant Progr (hereinafter the "Program"), IO provide economic incentives through the award of grants to all cit excluding the City of San Diego, in the County of San Diego and collectors that serve residents in unincorporated area of San Diego County. These grants are based upon the amount of resider recyclsblts recycled vviii-lin each of their respective jurisdicrions in fiscal year i 99 7 - 1992, RECITALS WHEREAS, the COUNTY, by action of Board of Supervisors, Item 69 on May 28, 15 authorized the establishment of a tonnage grant program for the County of San Diego. Exhibit 5 0 w WHEREAS, the COUNTY, desires such services to be provided In accordance wlth the County of San Diego Tonnage Grant Program Guidelines and whereas rhe Grantee agrees to adhere to the conditions in this agreement and in the guidelines. 1. DEFINITIONS A. "Residential Recyclables" are those items eligible for tonnage grants and include: aluminum cans, glass bottles and jars, mixed paper, newsoapers, Dlastic beveracje bottles, plastic containers, rin and bi meral cans, and "white goods" (heavy appliances). r B. "Funding Level" means that the County will award grants aT: the rate of $7.75 per ron up to a maximum of $2 million total ior all grants in fiscal year 1997 - 1992. C. The following are "Non-Fundable" : 1. Commercial Solid Waste: any solid waste diverted from stores, offices, and other commercial sources. 2. Industrial Solid Waste: any solid waste diverted from rnechanizec manufacturing facilities, factories, refineries, construction and demolitior projects, publicly operated treatment works, and/or solid wastes placed i commercial collection bins. 3. Household Hazardous Waste: any waste material or mixture of wastes whic is toxic, corrosive, flammable, an irritant, a strong sensitizer, which generate pressure through decomposiTion, heat or other means, if such a waste ( mixrure of wasres may cause substanrial personal injury, serious illness or har 2 w w to humans, domestic animals, or wildlife, during or as an approximate result c any disposal of such wastes or mixture of wastes as defined in Article : Chapter 6.5, Section 251 17 of the Health and Safety Code. 4. All residential recyclables recovered from the City of San Diego. 5. Yard and Wood Wastes including leaves, grass, weeds, and wood materia from trees and shrubs generated from residential sources. D. "Eligible Parties" are all cities within the County of San Oiego, excluding the City San Diego, and collectors that serve unincorporated area residents in the County. E. "Collector" shall mean any person who operates service routes or provides service a is directly or indirectly reimbursed for the collection of solid waste from resident premises. NOW, THEREFORE, incorporating the recitals of facts and definitions above and consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties agree as follows: 1. Ciiy A. City agrees to participate in the Program in accordance with all the terms : conditions of this Agreement and ihe Tonnage Grants Program Guidelines. B. City agrees to submit to the County this Agreement and all required documentat submitted with each Tonnage Grant Claims Forms in the format required by the Tonnage GI Program Guidelines; said documentation shall be submitted quarterly. 3 .- e m C. City agrees to maintain records related to the Tonnage Grant Program funds for 2 minimum of three (3) years following the grant award and such records are subject to reasonablc review, inspection and approval by lhe County, 2. County of San Diego A. City will be funded at a rate of $7.75 (seven dollars and seventy-five cents] per to[ of eligible residential recyclables diverted from disposal facilities owned by the County of San Diegc 6. After verification the County will return the Tonnage Grant Claims Forms 2 and th accompanying receipts to the City. C. The County may, by written notice stating the extent and effective date, terminal this contract for convenience in whole or in part, at any time. D. The County will terminate the Tonnage Grant program upon reaching tt- $2,000,000 limit for all grants. 3. Successors in Interest This agreement and all rights and obligations contained herein shall be in effect wheth or not any or all parties to this agreement have been succeeded by another entity, and all rights ai obligations of the parties signatory to this agreement shall be vested and binding on their successo in interest. 4 1- @ w 4. Severability If any term, provision or condition of this Agreement shall be found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining terms, provisions and conditions shall, nevertheless, remain in full force and effect. 5. Entire Agreement This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the oarties. No term or Drovisio hereof may be changed, waived, discharged or terminated unless the same be in writing, signed an executed by the parties to the Agreement. I 6. Effective Date Upon its execution by all parties, this Agreement shall become effective as of July 0 1991 and shall remain in effect until June 30, 7 992 or until the $2 million limit h been reached. 7. Manner of Giving Notice Notices required or permitted herein shall be sufficiently given if in writing ana if eitt served personally upon or mailed by certified mail to: 5 1- a m County of San Diego William A. Worrell or Solange Whitehead Deputy Public Works Director Tonnage Grant Coordinator Department of Public Works, Solid Waste 5555 Overland ,+venue, Mail Stop 0383 San Diego, CA 92123 8. Governing Law This agreement is entered into, and shall be construed and interpreted, in accordance with, the laws of the State of California. 9. Audit and Inspection of Records A. General. The County shall have the audit and inspection rights described in this section. 8. Cost or Pricina Data. The County Contracting Officer or his representatives or it agent shall have the right to examine all books, records, or documents and other data of the Cit related to the negotiation pricing or performance of such contract, change or modification, for th purpose of evaluating the accuracy and completeness of the cost or pricing data submitted. C. Availability. The materials described above shall be made available at the office the Citv, at all reasonable times, for inspection, audit or reproduction, until the expiration of three ( years from the date of final payment under this contract, or by (1) or (2) below: 6 0 W -- (1 1 If this contract is completely or partially terminated, the records relating to the VJO terminated shall be made available for a period of three years from the date of ai resulting final settlement. (2) Records which relate to appeals under the "Disputes" clause of this contract, litigation of settlement of claims arising out of the performance of this contract, st be made available until such appeals, litigation, or claims have been disposed of, three years after contract completion, whichever is longer. 10. Disputes r A. Any dispute arising under this contract shall be decided by the Director Purchasing & Contracting (Director) within thirty (30) days after the dispute has been submittec writing to the Director of Purchasing and Contracts. The Director shall then issue his decisior writing to the City. The decision of the Director shall be final and conclusive within 60 days from date of said decision unless the decision is contested in a court of competent jurisdiction. City s proceed diligently with the performance of the contract pending a final-decision. B. The "Disputes" clause does not preclude consideration of legal question: connection with decisions provided for in paragraph (a), above. Nothing in this contract shai construed as making final the decision of any administrative official, representative, or board i question of law. 7 _I e m .- IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, this agreement is executed by the Clty Utilities & Maintena Carlsbad , acting by and through its Gi+'$W4UfiW, pursuar Resolution No, 91-353 authorizing such execution, and by the Coun San Diego, acting by and through the Director of Purchasing and Contracting, pursuant to Minute C No. 69 authorizing such execution. THE CITY OF CARLSBAD THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO A Municipal Corporation By : By: RALPH ANDERSON, 'h9XWRX Director Uti1ities ' Maintenance Director of Purchasing and Contracting I HEREBY APPROVE the form and legality of the foregoing agreement this - dz October ; 1991. By: San Diego County Counsel City of Carlsbad Revised 911 619 1 8 6 e -. .* DESIGNATED RECYCLABLE M.A"Em RESIDENTIAL RECYCLABLES newspaper plastic beverage bottles aluminum tin and bi-metal cans yard wastes white goods (appliances) glass bottles and jars COMMERCIAL RECYCLABLES (a) Office Buildings of more than 20,000 square feet office paper corrugated cardboard newspaper aluminum (b) Hospitality Industry, including all restaurants and taverns corrugated cardboard plastic beverage bottles glass jars and bottles aluminum tin and bi-metal cans white goods (appliances) INDUSTRIAL RECYCLABLES dirt asphalt sand land clearing brush concrete rock Exhibit 0 a -. .+ MANDATORY RECYCLING ORDINANCE IMPLEMENTATION PLAN North South East Region Region Region county county county Residential Single Family Warnings Aug 1, 1991 Mar 1, 1992 Sept 1, 1992 $25 surcharge Nov 1, 1991 June 1, 1992 Dec 1, 1992 $50 surcharge Jan 1, 1992 Aug I, 1992 Feb 1, 1993 $100 surcharge Mar 1, 1992 Oct 1, 1992 Apr 1, 1993 Residential Multi-family Warnings July I, 1992 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1994 $25 surcharge Oct 1, 1992 Oct 1, 1993 Oct 1, 1994 $50 surcharge Dec 1, 1992 Dec 1, 1993 Dec 1, 1994 $1 00 surcharge Feb 1, 1993 Feb 1, 1994 Feb 1, 1995 Yard Waste Warnings Jan 1, 1992 Jan 1, 1993 Jan 1, 1994 $25 surcharge Apr 1, 1992 Apr 1, 1993 Apr 1, 1994 $50 surcharge June 1, 1992 June 1, 1993 June 1, 1994 $100 surcharge Aug 1,1992 Aug 1, 1993 Aug 1, 1994 Commercial: Office & Hospitality Warnings July 1, 1992 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1994 $25 surcharge Oct 1, 1992 Oct 1, 1993 Oct 1,1994 $50 surcharge Dec 1, 1992 Dec 1, 1993 Dec 1, 1994 $100 surcharge Feb 1, 1993 Feb 1, 1994 Feb 1, 1994 Industrial Warnings Oct 1, 1991 Oct 1, 1992 Oct 1, 1993 $25 surcharge Jan 1, 1992 Jan 1, 1993 Jan 1, 1994 $50 surcharge Mar 1, 1992 Mar 1, 1993 Mar 1,1994 $100 surcharge May 1, 1992 May 1, 1993 May 1, 1994 Exhibit 2 -. c- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l3 14 15 l6 17 18 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 ORDINANCE NO. NS-183 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CrrY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNLA AMENDING TITLE 6, CHAPTER 6.09 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO MANDATE RECYCLJNG The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does ordain as fol That Title 6, Chapter 6.09 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amend the addition to Section 6.09.010 and the addition of Sections 6.09.092, 6.05' 6.09.094 and 6.09.111 to read as follows: 6.09.0 1 0 Definitions. (0 "Aluminum" means recoverable aluminum materials such as beverage containers, siding, and other manufactured items. (9) "Cardboard" means post-consumer waste paper grade corru cardboard (#ll), kraft (brown) paper bags or solid fiber boxes which have served packaging purpose and are discarded and can later be reclaimed for collectioI recovery for recycling. (h) "Commercial Recyclables" means recyclables from the two comm subcategories of office buildings (of more than 20,000 sq. ft.) which are office r corrugated cardboard, newspaper, and aluminum; and hospitality (restaurant: taverns) which are corrugated cardboard, plastic beverage bottles, glass jars and bc white goods (appliances), aluminum, and tin and bi-metal cans. (i) "Cornmercial Solid Waste" means solid waste originating from s offices, and other commercial sources, but does not include construction or demc waste. (i) "Construction Waste" means the demolition, dredging, grubbing the rubble resulting from construction, remodeling, repair and demolition activiti housing, commercial or governmental building and any other structure and pave (k) "Curbside Collection" means the collection of recyclables fro1 residential waste stream from curb or alleyway. (1) "Designated Recyclable Materials" means materials that are recyi and/or reusable within the following categories of residential, commercial (offic hospitality), and industrial as defined more specifically within each category as within this ordinance. (rn) "Glass bottles and jars" means food and beverage glass conti including container glass covered by the deposit law, and excluding householc kitchen containers such as drinking glasses, cups, and cooking and serving dishe (n) "Industrial Recyclables" means food and beverage glass cont; including container glass covered by the deposit law, and excluding householc .- ..- 1 2 0 0 kitchen containers such as drinking glasses, cups, and cooking and serving dishes mechanized manufacturing facilities, factories, refineries, construction and demo projects, publicly operated treatment works, and/or solid wastes placed in comm~ (0) "industrial Solid Waste" means solid waste originating 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 'I. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2 3 24 25 26 27 28 collection bins. (p) "Metal" means recoverable aluminum, tin and bi-metal materials as used beverage containers, siding, and other recyclable manufactured metal ite (4) "Newspaper" means materials printed on newsprint. (r) "Office Paper" means waste paper grades of white and colored lec Examples include forms, copy paper, stationery, and other papers that are genc associated with desk activity. (s) "Plastic Beverage Bottles" means plastic containers with narrow r or mouth openings smaller than the diameter of the container bodies, usel containing milk, juice, soft drinks, or water intended for human consumption; or other household products. (t) "Recyclable Plastic Beverage Containers shall mean those bc marked PET or PETE (1) and HDPE (2) on bottom of plastic beverage container5 (u) "Residential Recyclables" means those specific recyclable materials the residential waste stream including, but not limited to] newspaper, plastic bevc bottles, aluminum, tin and bi-metal cans, yard and wood wastes, white g (appliances), and glass bottles and jars. (v) "Scavenging" means the uncontrolled and/or unauthorized rem01 solid waste materials, recyclable or recoverable materials. (w) "To Segregate Waste Material" means any of the following placement of recyclables in separate containers; the binding of recyclable ma separately from the other waste material; the physical separation of recyclables other waste material. (x) "White Goods" means kitchen or other large enameled appliancc (y) "Wood Wastes" means lumber and wood products but excludes pa wood, wood treated with chemicals, and pressure treated wood. (z) 'Yard Wastes" means leaves, grass, weeds and wood materials trees and shrubs. 6.09.092 Fees for Recycling. The City Council will establish fee recycling by resolution, which may be amended from time to time. 6.09.093 Separation of Recyclable Materials. All designated recyc materials shall be separated from other garbage and combined refuse. The dispoc designated recyclable materials with mixed refuse is prohibited. Designated recyclable Single-Family and Multi-Family Residential customers shall include: newspaper, pl beverage bottles, aluminum, tin and bi-metal cans, yard waste, white goods (applian and glass bottles and jars. Designated recyclables for Commercial Office Buildings of more 20,000 sq. ft. shall include: office paper, corrugated cardboard, newspaper, aluminum. Designated recyclables for Commercial Hospitality customers, includii restaurants and taverns, shall include: corrugated cardboard, plastic beverage bo distinguished from non-food bottles such as those for containing motor oil, deter 6.09.0 94 Desima ted Recyclable M atenals. I _. .- 1 2 3 * 5 6 7 8 g 10 'I. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ' e 0 glass jars and bottles, white goods (appliances), aluminum, and tin and bi-metal c Designated recyclables for Indust'rial customers shall include: dirt, asp1 sand, land clearing brush, concrete, and rock. The designation of recyclable materials may be amended from time to 1 by the City Manager or resolution of the City Council. Mandatory recycling shall commence on November 1, 1991 for Sii Family Residential and Industrial customers. Mandatory recycling shall commence 1, 1992 for Multi-Family Residential and Commercial Office Buildings and Come Hospitality customers. Mandatory recycling shall commence January 1, 1992 for waste. 6.09.111 Enforcement. The City Manager or designee shall be respon for the enforcement of all provisions of this Chapter. Failure to comply with t regulations shall be an infraction and will be prosecuted according to the provisioi Chapter 1.08 of the Municipal Code; however, nothing in the regulations shall prt the authorized agents or deputies from efforts to obtain voluntary compliance by of warning, notice of violation or educational means. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days aft adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cai to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days aft adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the City Cc , 1991, and there of the City of Carlsbad on the day of -” _- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council o City of Carlsbad on the to wit: day of , 1991, by the fallowing AYES: NOES: ABSENT: CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) 1 ?. NRTAGE INFORMATION: JUL- 1991 - SEFT 30, 1991 (Complete "'E one for each applicant: City or Unincorporated Area Collector) A 1. NAME OF CITY OR UNINCORPORATED AREA COLLECTOR 2. CONTACT INFORMATION Contact Person Title Mailing Address City, State, Zip Code SUMMAR Y OF DESIGNATED RESIDENTIAL MATERXALS RECYCLED (Round off to the nearest ton, sum all tons reported by collectors from Report Form 1 MATERIAL TONS MATERIAL TONS Aluminum Tin and Bi cans Metal Cans Plastic Beverage Bottles Glass Plastic Appliances Containers Newspaper Recy clables Mixed Paper 3. Commingled Total Tons (All Materials/All Collectors) Chief Fiscal Officer or Authorized Contract Manager Name Title Chief Fswl Officer or Authorized Contract Manager Signature Date Revised 9/16/91 Exhibit 6 ? -. TONNAGE GRAST CLAIMS FORM COLLECTION TING INFOR&UTION:' JULY , 1991 - SEI3 30, 1991 (One form is needed for each collection agent) *- 1. COLLECTION AGEhT Type of Collection Agent: Municipal Public Works - Private Hauler - Non-Profit Org - Other - Contact Information: Name Title Company / Agenc y City State Zip Code 2, HOUSEHOLDS SERVED Siindber of singie famiiy residents Number of multi-family residents 3. RESIDENTiAL MATERIALS RECYCLED (round to nearest ton) Jurisdiction Material Tons Collection Source Market (NamelAddress) Aluminum Cans Plastic Beverage Bottles Plastic Containers Newspaper Mixed Paper Tin/Bi-metal Cans Glass Appliances Commingled Recyclables TOTAL Revised 9/16/91 -. 1 - C@ OF CARLSBAD 0 Policy No. 50 Effective Date 10/22/91 Supersedes No. n/a COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued 10/22/91 General Subject: Solid Waste Cancellation Date n/ a Specific Subject: Mandatory Recycling Program Enforcement Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File PURPOSE: To establish a procedure for enforcing the Mandatory Recycling Program. POLICY: The City’s Recycling Enforcement Program seeks to identify and communicate with in households and businesses that do not comply with the Mandatory Recycling Ordinancc City’s general goal in enforcement is not to punish, but to gain compliance with the rn: recycling provisions. o e- -. ,. t. -. PARTICIPATION BY DAY OF SERVICE JULY SO AUGUST 90 !=PTE&BER!3a OCTOBER 90 BIIAFtCH 91 WR1L Sf TOTALS .. . .. \ CI -. .- . ._ . \ -. >. .. . ... i .Exhibit 8 .... ...... 0 0 *a :: .... ... - ........ .- .. ~ _. . .- . . .. .. .- _- .. - .. ... .. .. .... ;:.. ... .. .. . : .. . ._ .. _. . .. -. . ------ ____.__ _. . .... ....... ... .- .. ..... ... ... -.. . .. .. - .. .. .... .. .. .* .. ... ....... .. .... .. ci- .- ..- ZG -E2 .. ... g 2u 2 3z! qS:z $mc Zyp .. .. z<;g WOE2 .. ks . LLI 74 s 1" mw .. eU3c .. .. L5bg .. .. .. .. ... _. - sr5 6OZ .. . .- .. ... .. ...... .... .. .... Q< 0 0 .- .. .. . _. .. ON ROUTE TOTAL NEWSPAPER 1 50,310 AVG LBS/HOME 1 __ ERR - TOTAL MIXED RECYCI 17,960 68,270 OT NEW9 8 M. REC I TOTAL UNITS 1 TOTAL NEWSPAPER 45,580 TOTAL MIXED RECYC 15,900 AVG L0SRiOME ERR A ON ROUTE TOT NEWS & M. REC 61.480 TCITbL NEWSPAPER 76,32P TOTAL MIXEL) HECYC 29,360 %%%@S & M. REG 1 AVG msImr,aE - - . . . . , , .. f '