HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-11-05; City Council; 11438; Carlsbad State Beach parking feesI t i .rl U @ rl 0 5 0 w 0 [I) u a w 2 u *rl G u 4 .rl (d al b 0 L) *ti E a) 2 m al . . g F 0 4 A is z 3 0 o CI~OF CARLSBAD - AGEN~BILL % AB# jj; qL3 8- TITLE: DEPT, MTG. 11-05-91 CITY 1 DEPT. CM CITY I CARLSBAD STATE BEACH PARKING FEES RECOMMENDED ACTION: Direct staff to either: (1) enter into an agreement with the State Department of Parks and Recreation in which the of Carlsbad would pay the State $36,000 pro-rated for the 1991 -92 fiscal year, in exchang which the State Department of Parks and Recreation would not charge for parking at Tamarack Avenue parking lot; or (2) enter into an operating agreement with the State Department of Parks and Recreation to the State the pro-rated share of $36,000 and take over maintenance between the warm H jetty and Pine Avenue, and the area between the seawall and Carlsbad Boulevard; or (3) recommend reduced hours of fee collection for all State beach parking lots, and implementation of 8 $4 parking fee; or (4) continue to actively oppose the imposition of beach parking fees on the basis that it lii coastal access and creates pedestrian hazards. ITEM EXPLANATION: In 1990, the City entered into an agreement with the State Department of Parks and Recreal to automate and upgrade the irrigation system to the turf and landscaped section along blufftop walkway area. The City also agreed to augment landscaped and turfed areas needed. In addition to these duties, the City currently provides sidewalk sweeping on blufftop walkway, graffiti removal on the seawall, and augments litter removal on the beacl On July 16, 1991 the City Council directed staff to formally oppose the imposition of beE parking fees at the Tamarack Avenue lot, and investigate the possibility of the City taking o maintenance of the lot. The Council formally opposed the fees at a State Department of Pa and Recreation (hereafter referred to as State DPR) public hearing on July 22, 1991 and befc the Coastal Commission on August 13, 1991. Staff has been in contact with State DPR and discussed available options to maintain fr parking at the Tamarack lot. State DPR presented the City with the first two options outlin under the recommended action. Option I is to pay State DPR $36,000 to supplement the revenue which otherwise would collected from the 1 10-space Tamarack lot in fiscal year 1991 -92, if fee collection devices i installed. This money would go into the Department’s general fund, and would not necessat be directed toward State park services or maintenance efforts in Carlsbad. The amount $36,000 would be pro-rated for FY 1991 -92; agreements for funding in subsequent years wou be negotiated annually. According the State DPR staff, the cost to the City in future years dependent upon the State budget and direction from the Legislature and the Governor. Option 2 is to pay State DPR the pro-rated share of $36,000 outlined in Option 1, and addition enter into an operating agreement to assume maintenance responsibilities for tt blufftop walkway and slope area from the warm water jetty north to Pine Avenue, as well as tt- * 0 W J AGENDA BILL NO. /I, 438 Page 2 Tamarack parking lot, restroom and landscaped areas. Because this agreement would considered an amendment to the existing City agreement with State DPR, the approval proci would take approximately three months. State DPR’s annual operating expense in this area equals $28,271, excluding lifeguard servic State DPR would continue to maintain the beach area from the seawall west, including lifegu services and related maintenance responsibilities. However, State DPR staff have indicated 1 the level of maintenance currently provided to the Carlsbad State Beach will most likely dec in the future, due to budgetary constraints. If the City were to take over maintenance of the areas discussed under this option, I estimates that annual maintenance and operation costs would be $63,500 (see Exhibit These expenditures would be required to maintain the area at a level equal to other p facilities in the city. As requested by Council, staff also investigated the cost of one-time capital improvement: the area, which total $641,600 (see Exhibit 1). Option 3 is to recommend reduced hours of fee collection for all State beach parking lots, i the implementation of a $4 parking fee. Currently, the Tamarack Avenue parking lot is 01 from 7:OO a.m. to 11 :00 p.m. The State is proposing to collect fees during this entire peri State DPR staff have indicated that they are not willing to reduce the hours of fee collection the Tamarack lot only. Reduced hours must be implemented at all State beach parking I( and will be carefully studied by the State for impacts on revenue generation. The Council li wish to recommend specific fee collection hours to the State, such as 9:OO a.m. - 4:OO p.m 1O:OO a.m. to 300 p.m. State DPR staff have indicated a willingness to implement the lowest parking fee at Tamarack lot, which is $4. This fee would cover the entire day, and be good at any State p ora the day issued. Option 4 is to continue to actively oppose the imposition of fees at the Tamarack Avei parking lot. This includes written and oral opposition before the Legislature, Coa Commission, and State DPR. This option does not include any expenditure of City funds maintenance, improvements or an operating agreement. For the Council’s information, staff contacted the cities of Oceanside and Encinitas, and Silver Strand State Beach. Locally-run paid parking lots in Oceanside range from $2-5 per c with the most expensive lots closer to the beach. Encinitas currently has no paid parking I along the beach; however, parking fees at Moonlight State Beach will begin in 1992. Fin: parking fees at the Silver Strand State Beach are $6 per day. FISCAL IMPACT: Option 1 : $36,000 from the City’s 1 991 -92 general fund, pro-rated for the remainder of FY 19 92, and negotiable costs in future years. e 0 AGENDA BILL NO. )I, Li38 Page 3 @tion 2: $36,000 from the City’s 1991 -92 general fund, pro-rated for the remainder of FY * 92, and negotiable costs in future years, plus $63,500 annually to maintain the area bet the warm water jetty and Pine Avenue, and between the seawall and Carlsbad Boulevard. includes the Tamarack Avenue parking lot, sidewalk, restrooms, landscaped areas an1 slopes, including the squirrel habitat. Options 3 and 4: None. - Note: Funding for Options 1 and 2 is currently not available in the general fund. Council will nec appropriate funds for either option from the City’s contingency account. EXH IBlTS : 1. 2. Memo from Parks Superintendent to Parks and Recreation Director dated Augus 1991. Maps of Carlsbad Seawall and Whale Walk. W Exhibit 1 a August 22, 1991 ; TO: PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: Park Superintendent BEACH AREA MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT COST The following costs estimates are for maintenance and improvements to the State bea property from the cold water jetty to Pine Street. These costs include all land from the CL on Carlsbad Boulevard to the base of the sea wall. ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION COSTS: 1. Parking lot $7,500 3. Irrigation* 2,500 4. Utilities* 25,000 5. Rodent Control 3,500 6. Rest room and shower area 3,000 f 1 2. Turf landscape and slope areas* 20,000 7. Misc. Costs - litter, special projects 2,000 TOTAL MAINTENANCE COST $63,500.** * Includes cost for improved slopes ** This total does not include current seawall and anti graffiti program IMPROVEMENT COST ESTIMATES: 1. Concrete curbing (along Carlsbad Boulevard and parking lot entrance) 17,600 2. Keseal and restripe parking lot 9,000 3. Aluminum Fencing (replacing wood fence) 155,000 This item is identified in 90-91 C.I.P. 4. New and replacement benches/tables 10,000 5. Relandscape slopes (6k acre of slopes) 185,000 0 w Parks and Recreation Director August 22, 1991 Page 2 6. Rip rap enhancement 50,000 7. Design services and project admin. (@ 25%) 86.65 0 SUBTOTAL $5 13,300 CONTINGENCY @ 25% 128.350 TOTAL IMPROVEMENT COSTS $641,600 The above costs reflect improving over 6+ acres of slope that is located between the sea wall and Carlsbad Boulevard. The improvements would include landscaping and irrigation. All improvements to this slope would have to have Coastal Commission permits. Only selected native species would be allowed to be planted here. Staffs experience in growing natives approved by the Coastal Commission has proven to have limited success. The landscaping and irrigation would require close monitoring as well as supplemental plant species introductions to provide a vigorous landscape appearance. Additional staffing would be required to provide quality maintenance to this area. 9 DOUGLAS J. DUNCANSBN Pa t Mor ro 3 /9/Di PETE WILSl 0 e , --- . STATE DF CALIFORNIA - RESOURCES AGENCY _____._______._~__-------_____I___ DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION ' PO BOK942896 SACRAMENTO 94296-0001 (916) 653-7475 DISTRI3~T~~ NOV 1.4 1991 II] 13 tQrldl M € &TI@ 6 The Honorable Bud Lewis, Mayor k city of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1519 Dear Mayor Lewis: south Carlsbad State Beach ponto Beach Riqht-of-Way Imrovements The California Department of Parks and Recreation is requesting the City to remove the existing informal parking along the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard near Ponto Beach. lot at Ponto Beach and, as part of the approved coastal permit, improvements were included along the City's right-of-way where the informal parking is located. The original intent of the improvements was to clear the area of vehicle barriers (i.e., boulders) and to install a guard rail. However, we have been advised by the City's Traffic Engineer that the use of the guard rail would be inappropriate. removing the proposed guard rail and replacing it with native plant landscaping in the area where cars now park. The request to'remove the informal parking along Carlsbad Boulevard and to put native landscaping in its place is on the November 19, 1991 City Council's agenda, and the recommended action,is to deny our request. (See enclosed copy of Agenda Bill. ) The Department is currently constructing a 240-space parking We have revised the plans by We are asking you and the City Council to consider the following reasons why the informa) pakking along Carlsbad Boulevard should be removed: 1. There is a potential for traffic conflicts between vehicles entering the access road to the new parking lot and vehicles pulling out from the informal parking lot onto Carlsbad Boulevard in the same area. The conflicts will increase when the proposed beach improvements are made by the placing of sand on the beach from the dredging of Bataquitos Lagoon when beach use can be expected to go up. *me {y!& '+ +r r H m* * e 8 e- ... .( I The Honorable Bud Lewis I Page Two NOV 1.4 1991 1 2. There is also a potential for traffic conflicts betweei vehicles entering and exiting the informal parking lot and bicycles traveling along the heavily used bike lane. We are offering to spend about $30,000 for landscaping improvements within the City right-of-way. "one-time offer", since we will have no available funds once our Ponto Beach development is completed. The view from Carlsbad Boulevard to the shoreline will be greatly enhanced with the removal of the informal parking area and the installation of landscaping. The 75-car informal parking lot will be replaced with a 240-car lot with restrooms, better access, and improved security for parked cars. 3. This is a 4. 5. In conclusion, the intent of our request to remove the informal parking is to eliminate a potentially hazardous traffic situation, to improve the views of the shoreline and to enhance the area with landscaping. Thank you very much for considering our request. Sincerely, -J-&y&$f&y., flA- t&&@J Robert D. Cates, Chief Development Division Enclosures cc: Lloyd Hubbs, City of Carlsbad Sherri Howard, City of Carlsbad . Ray Patchett, City of Carlsbad / 0' bcc: Ken Jones, Southern Region Clay Phillips, Southern Region Bill Fait, La Costa District /