HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-11-12; City Council; 11428; AUTHORIZE BATTALION CHIEF TO TRAVEL OUT OF STATE. 0 0 EIC h 9 2 .. z 0 - 6 a A z 3 0 0 G 9 AB# /$ #aB TITLE AUTHORIZE BATTALION CHIEF TO TRAVEL DEPT. HD? DEPT. CITY MG@ GI IQT F GAtiLWAU - AUtNUwILL U - CITY A& 1111 2/91 OUT OF STATE MTG..- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Authorize Battalion Chief Brian Watson to travel to the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg Mary land. ITEM EXPLANATION: Battalion Chief Brian Watson has been accepted into the “Executive Fire Officer Program” at thc National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, Maryland. The program consists of four 2-week course and is designed to enhance the professional development of senior fire officers. The four course are: Executive Development Strategic Analysis of Fire Department Operations Strategic Analysis of Fire Prevention Programs Executive Leadership Chief Watson is scheduled to attend “Executive Development” during the first two weeks o December, 1991. FISCAL IMPACT: The only direct cost to the city is $163 for meals during the two week stay. Lodging is provide1 by the Fire Academy. Transportation costs are reimbursed to the student by the Fire Academy. EXHl BIT: 1. Executive Fire Officer Program I 1- 3 ! I f i i 1 1 i 1 $ I f 1 1 t 1 > 1 f i I I 0 0 National Fire Academy 2991-1992 Catalog of Courses Executive Fire Officer Program The Executive Fire Officer Program is a major initia- tive of the Academy and is designed to provide senior officers with a broad perspective on various facets of fire administration. The officers enhance their professional develop- ment through a unique series of four graduate and upper level college courses. These courses stress agement of change, leadership styles, proactive fire protection planning, and working with the organ- izational structure. Students who successfully complete the program will be presented with a special Certificate of Achievement. Executive Fire Officer Program participants will be required to complete each of the 2 week courses, one course per year. The required courses are: fire prevention and suppression strategies, man- o Executive Development o Strategic Analysis of Fire Department o Strategic Analysis of Fire Prevention o Executive Leadership Operations Programs Executive Fire Officer Program participants are re- quired to complete an applied research project, in their organization, within six months after the com- pletion of each of the four courses. Completion of sequence of the program. Certificate of completion for the entire Executive Fire Officer Program will be based upon the successful completion of the re- search project. the project is a prerequisite for attending the next United States Fire Administration Federal Emergency Management Agency e Natioiral Fire Academy 1991-2992 Catalog of Courses 0 Executive Fire Officer Program Selection Criteria Eligibility Requirements for Continuing Admission to the program willbe limited to the fol- lowing individuals: o The Chief of department or equivalent; o Chief officers or equivalent who are heads of major bureaus or divisions within a fire department, e.g., suppression, prevention, training, etc.; o Chief officers and their senior deputies of state governmental fire organizations, i.e., Training. Because of the intense competition for admission to the Program, the Academy has adopted very strin- gent requirements for continuing eligibility. If at any time during participation in the Executive Fire Officer Program a student’s rank or responsi- bility is reduced, voluntarily or involuntarily, the person shall be removed from the program. Per- sonal situation changes during the four-year period of the program such as leaving the fire service, changing departments, etc., may change a student’s eligibility to continue in the program. Any such Academy as soon as possible in order to determine continuing eligibility. Students who cannot attend the courses for which they are scheduled are required to notify the admis- sion’s office as soon as possible before the class begins; failure to do so will result in removal from the program. Please Note: There will be only one application period for the Executive Fire Officer Program for the entire academic year (October 1,1991 through September 30,1992). To be processed, applications must be postmarked between May 15 and July 15, 1991. State Fire Marshals and State Directors of Fire change must be brought to the attention of the In addition, applicants must have earned at least an Assodate D~~~~ from an institution of higher learn- ing. How to Apply Applicants for admission into the program will be reviewed on an individual basis by the Superinten- dent and require three things: 1. A letter from the applicant requesting admis- sion to the Executive Fire Officer Program. The letter should specify applicant’s commitment to the entire program, including the applicant’s expectation of the program. 2. A General Admissions Application (In Block 9, please specify ”Executive Fire Officer Program,” Executive Development). qualifications (see Eligibility section and 3. A letter of recommendation from the appli- cant’s immediate supervisor (Chief of Depart- ment, Mayor, City Manager, etc.), indicating the organization‘s commitment to completing the entire program. If the prerequisites are satisfied, the applicant will be asked to complete an essay-based Executive Fire Officer application form. Final acceptance will be the result of a competitive application process due to the limited number of available slots in the Executive Fire Officer Program. 6 United States Fire Administration Fcderal Emergency Mnnagement Agcncy e e National Fire Academy 2991-2992 Catalog of Courses Executive Development (R123) The design of the Executive Development course is based upon the recognition that present and future fire executives work in complex and dynamic or- ganizations surrounded by ambiguity. To be suc- cessful, they need to develop effective management and leadership strategies. Given this environment, the Executive Develop- nel in the transition from manager to senior execu- tive. Through a combination of theory, case study analysis, reflection, introspection, and self-assess- ment, the course offers the opportunity to enhance the development of teams and the application of action research. Examples of ‘modules include Personal Develop- ment, Leading, Marketing, City Manager! Elected Official, and Quality Service. systems. Executive Development serves as a bridge between the Management Series and the Executive Fire Officer curriculum. Therefore, participation assumes that there has been successful completion of the Man- agement Series or equivalent instruction. Student Selection Criteria: ministration. Same as requirements for the Executive Fire Officer Program. Students enrolled in the Executive Fire Officer Program will be given priority. ACE Recommendation: In the graduate degree category, 3 semester hours or in the upper division baccalaureate category, 4 semester hours in Busi- ness Administration, Fire Science Management, or Public Administration. February 10-22,1992 Post Course Requirement for Executive Fire Offi- cer Students: An applied research project will be required as a post course activity for this course for all Executive Fire Officer Program students. Second Semester: April 27-MaY 8,1992* June 8-19/1992 JUlY 20-311 1992* *Course deliveries reserved for Executive Fire Officer Program (EFOP) participants. ment course is designed to aid fire service person- Strategic AnalYsisof Fire Department Operations (R306) This is a hw-week course which is designed for SeniOr-kVel chief Officers who Will Ultimately as- sume command of maximum effort fire or emer- gency incidents within their jurisdictions. A “les- sons learned” approach to case studies is utilized along with a Study of fire ground management Student Selection Criteria: Same as the require- ments for the Executive Fire Officer Program. ACE R~COIWIWKM~O~: In the graduate degree Or upper division baccalaureate category, 3 semester hours in Fire Science Management or Public Ad- Post Course Requirement for Executive Fire Offi- cer Students: An applied research project will be required as a post course activity for this course for all ~xec~tive Fire Officer %~dentS. First Semester: September 30-October 11,1991 March 2-13,1992* Second Semester: April 6-17/1992 May 18-29/1992 July 13-24,1992+ First Semester: August 10-21,1992 November 4-15,1991 September 14-25,1992* December 2-13,1991 January 6-17,1992* February 3-14,1992* Program (EFOP) participants. March 9-20,1992* *Course deliveries reserved for Executive Fire Officer 7 United States Fire Administration Federal Emergency Management Agency 0 Notional Fire Academy @ 1991-1992 Catalog of Courses 1 0 Strategic Analysis of Fire Prevention Programs Executive Leadership (R125) (R309) This two-week graduate-level course is designed This two-week course is an intensive program for for chief executive officers within a fire agency. It senior-level fire officers which further develops the provides them with the framework necessary to manager’s analytical and decision-making abilities. identify the required skills and abilities necessary for administrative effectiveness. Students participate in extensive case study activi- ties where they debate and defend key points in Course modules include: Management, A Sys- each example. Case studies are drawn from Har- tem’s Approach; Developing Self As a Leader; Roles; vard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Gov- Decision-Making; Influence; Creativity; Organiza- ernment Library, the Harvard School of Business tional Culture; Implementation (with emphasis on Library, and other sources. labor relations); and a comprehensive module of Analysis and Evaluation. Student Selection Criteria: Same as the require- ments for the Executive Fire Officer Program. The primary methodology is case study analysis, but additional methodologies include self-assess- ACE Recommendation: In the graduate degree or ment and structured and non-structured problem upper division baccalaureate category, 3 semester solving. A framework is provided for the execu- hours in Community Development, Fire Preven- tives to analyze and evaluate data and information tion Engineering, Labor Planning, or Occupational in preparation for the transfer of “lessons learned” Health and Safety. to their own organizations. Post Course Requirement for Executive Fire Offi. Student Selection Criteria! cer Program Students: An applied research project Same as the requirements for the Executive Fire will be required as a post course activity for this Officer Program. course for all Executive Fire Officer Program stu- dents. ACE Recommendation: In the graduate degree category, 3 semester hours in Business Manage- NOTE: Extensive pre-course reading assignments ment, Human Resource Management, Organiza- are required. Evening class sessions are to be tional Behavior, Public Management, or Supervi- expected by all participants. sion. First Semester: Post Course Requirement for Executive Fire Offi- cer Students: An applied research project will be required as a post graduate activity for this course for all Executive Fire Officer Program students. October 14-25,1991 November 4-15,1991* December 2-13,1991 January 6-17,1992+ First Semester: February 3-14,1992 September 30-October 11,1991 March 16-27,1992“ November 4-15,1991* April 27-May 8,1992 December 2-13,1991 June 1-12,1992* January 6-17,1992* March 16-27,1992* *Course deliveries reserved for Executive Fire Offi- cer Program (EFOP) participants. Second Semester: April 27-May 8,1992 June 1-12,1992* September 14-25,1992* July 27-Aug~st 7,1992 *Course deliveries reserved for Executive Fire Offi- cer Program (EFOP) participants. 8 United States Fire Adniinistration Federal Emergency Management Agency