HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-11-12; City Council; 11431; APPROPRIATION OF POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE FUNDt ' Q Ill ' 0 E p. 4 a z z 0 a 6 z 3 0 0 b11 T UT ~HBILUWMU - MUGIlYM WILL I I. AB# '!1~3/ TITLE: 9PpRoPRiATiON T OF POLICE ASSET DE MTG. 11 -1A-71 FORFEITURE FUND CI1 DEPT. Pol CI1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: appropri-ating funds from the Police Adopt Resolution No.------------- activities . ITEM EXPLANATION: The City of Carlsbad periodically receives disbursed funds as a result I the Police Department's narcotic enforcement efforts and participatior in the United States Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture Program. These funds are restricted by authority of the United States Attorney General's Guidelines on Seized and Forfeited Property for use by the PC Department only, and must be used to increase and not supplant law enforcement resources of the Police Department. Many of the items on list attached represent items previously submitted in the department's 91/92 capital outlay budget request that were deleted due to budgetar! constraints. The recommended action will appropriate funds making them available the Police Department for expenditure. Once appropriated, these funds will be controlled by the same rules which apply to other City funds including bidding procedures and the award of the contract. Proposed expenditures for these funds include the following: 1. Supplementation of the existing Special Investigative Supply Fund 1 include narcotics investigations, buy fund, and maintenance, mechanic upkeep and repair of specialized Vice/Narcotics/lntelligence Vehicles TOTAL: $10,000 2. Narcotic Task Force. The Drug Enforcement Administration is no longc able to provide vehicles to participating agencies. Due to the amount mileage and use placed on vehicles assigned to Task Force Agents, thi! TOTAL: $20,000 3. Infra-red laser night vision, no IightAowlight surveillance system accessories. This unit is adaptable to existing camcorder and optical W366 Forfeiture Fund for the acquisition, maintenance, and support of police Full-sized sedan for Detective assigned to San Diego Integrated unit will be budgeted on a three-year replacement schedule. e 0 systems in V/N/I Unit. TOTAL: $10,000 4. Laserwriter IlNF Printer for Traffic Division. TOTAL: $4500 5. Custom Shell and Shelving for the Traffic Accident Investigation/Commercial Enforcement Vehicle. TOTAL: $3500 6. units, with accessories. division. TOTAL: $2500 7. Two (2) forty-foot security storage units for the Police Pistol Rang and for Property/Evidence. Allows for replacement of existing leased for the pistol range, and provides additional space for the secure stora! of property and evidence. TOTAL: $6000 8. Portable VHS camcorders (2). traffic and patrol divisions for video taping drunk driving arrests, fielc sobriety tests and pursuits. TOTAL: $4000 9. Replacement chairs (6) for communications center. Replacement p are no longer available. TOTAL: $3000 10. Computer Training Workstation furniture for Maclntosh audiohidel shared training station. TOTAL: $2500 11. Radio Repeater System to enhance the ability of mobile units and t patrol to communicate via radio. Strengthens beach area communicatic TOTAL: $2500 12. FAX unit and Computer Desk for Administration. Eliminates curren Pro 1000 Stalker wireless Radar Units (3), for motorcycles and tra Current radars will be transferred to the patr Units and accessories to be utilized 9 0 problem with typewriter and computer layout. TOTAL: $4000 13. Video Tape Recorders (2) for Watch Commanders Office and for Investigations Briefing Room, Color monitor for investigations training/briefing. TOTAL: $3000 14. Maclntosh llsi Computer and software for D.A.R.E. Program. TOTAL: $3000 15. Records division workstations (2) for clerical personnel and volunteers. Investigations secretary and V/N/I unit. TOTAL: $7000 16. Replacement Secretarial Chairs (4) for Investigations, Administra and Technical Services Division. TOTAL: $2000 17. TOTAL: $1500 18. Commercial Refrigerator for Property/Evidence. Provides additior storage and protection for items requiring refrigeration, TOTAL: $5000 19. 35mm cameras (7) and accessories to include cases, lenses, filter and battery packs. Provides individual and standardized equipment for each Uniformed Crime scene Investigator. TOTAL: $1 0,000 Modular enhancements to existing workstations for Locking 3 drawer file cabinets (2) for Juvenile Diversion Unit. 20. Crime prevention vehicle. Replacement vehicle (passenger van) fc present sedan. This new vehicle would be used for transporting passengers for various events and for transporting displays and equipment for various city wide functions. TOTAL: $20,000 No additional M&O required .. 0 0 21. Crime prevention display. This is a portable display booth which used for Neighborhood Watch, and various other department displays I as recruiting etc. TOTAL: $3,500 22. ARJIS terminal replacement. Replacement of present Hewlett Packard terminals, printer and controller all of which are over five y old. Terminals are no longer made and would only be able to be repair not replaced. TOTAL: $1 6,000 23. CAD terminal replacement. Replacement of ten WYSE terminals with HDS terminals and software drivers. The present WYSE terminal no longer made and are failing at an increased rate. Repair costs are increasing. Replacement terminals are for dispatch. Other WYSE terr replacement will take place on an incremental basis. TOTAL: $42,000 24. Notebook Computer Pilot Project. The proposed pilot project wil require miscellaneous hardware mounting design and installation ser’ which these funds will be used for. TOTAL! $3500 TOTAL APPROPRIATION REQUEST: $1 89,000 FISCAL IMPACT: The City currently has an unappropriated fund balance of $822,000 in Police Asset Forfeiture Fund. The appropriation of $1 89,000 will leav balance of $633,000. Appropriation of these funds has no impact on tl City General Fund. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 9b366) , L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9 a RESOLUTION NO. 91-366 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROPRIATING FUNDS FROM THE POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE FUND FOR THE SUPPORT OF POLICE ACTIVITIES WHEREAS, from time to time the City of Carlsbad receives funds assets resulting from the Police Department's drug enforcement activil WHEREAS, said funds must be restricted to use in supporting p' activities including the acquisition of equipment, supplies or service; WHEREAS, the appropriation of said funds is necessary before a expenditure of funds can take place; and > WHEREAS, the Police Asset Forfeiture Fund has an available fun( of $822,000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Carisbad, California, that the amount of $189,000 be hereby approprial the available fund balance of the Police Asset Forfeiture Fund for the of poiice activities. 11 11 11 1' 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 t . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 * @ PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting there on the 12th day of November , 1991, by the following v to wit: * AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nyg; NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: / ALETHA LIQ-GtL L. R#UT&mI+r-k (SEAL) -2-