HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-11-12; City Council; 11444; GUIDE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHILD CARE CENTERSRECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive and file. Report will be available at following locations: Developmental Services Counter Research Office Both Carlsbad Libraries ITEM EXPLANATION: In April of this year Council approved the Child Care Commission Findings Recommendations based on the Child Care Needs Assessment completed by the City' Consultant, International Child Resource Institute (ICRI). One of the eight recommendations was to create a "Guide to the Development of Child Ci including a review of all the City fees required for child care (Exhibit 1). The attached "Gui a flow chart of the process, three sample scenarios to illustrate City fees, a glossary of table, plus an addendum describing each fee. This guide is intended to provide a clear F process required to develop a child care center in Carlsbad, and to reduce the time dela unanticipated costs. ICRl worked closely with the Building, Planning and Engineering sta this invaluable report. Also attached is an update on the eight City Council adopted recommendations (Exhibii 1. Guide to the Development of Child Care Centers. 2. Update on the Eight City Council Adopted Recommendations. Q La 3 8 E a 2 .. z 0 6 6 a z 3 0 0 e m THE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S "GUIDE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHILD CARE CENTERS" Prepared in Conjunction with the Carlsbad Child Care Commission by International Child Resource Institute Berkeley, California September 1991 0 . GUIDE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHILD CARE CENTERS On the following pages is a guide to assist you with understanding factors involved in developir a child care center. The Flow Chart is designed to clarify all steps in the planning ar implementation process of a child care center. There are three sample scenarios illustrating tl City Planning Fees one may incur while developing a child care center. In order to help yc compare one scenario to the others, the size of the center and the number of children rema: constant. The Fee Table outlines the potential City Fees one may incur during the developmei of a child care facility. There are three categories of fees: Processing, Engineering, ar Building. Depending on the particular circumstances, a few or many of these fees may appl: Complementing the Fee Table is an Addendum providing more extensive information c Engineering Fees and reference information for Building Fees. The City Planning Departmei is available to answer specific questions you have regarding these fees. They will be better ab to assist you if you provide them with specific details, including location and size, of yo1 proposed child care center. You may reach them at (619) 438-1161. The Guide includes the following: Item Page Flow Chart 2 Scenario 1 : Refurbishment of Existing Building 3 Scenario 2: 4 Scenario 3: 5 Glossary 6 Fee Table 8 Addendum 9 Developing a Child Care Center on Building-Ready Land Developing a Child Care Center on Bare Land 1 z ~ a':a 727 gggo 2 % % g; 5. z ;z G 5' 3 a5 (Doom mmomg'2g'2'2 (Dm E co, z~ Ti nzn 2 C9m mmm (D mv)(Dm 0 f4 i 4 32 (Dm=3 - 0 Zn,Q3--< 52s 03 ,.-cg - 2.: 9, Y3;e $g g$:$%5 Eag: 4 5' ;$ E7- m D) : 2':: 2% $$Z Q :: % 20" 2 $$ ;=3 2.- <&$ b u - C9c- 3; usz az $2 TI2 %> g2 zz $Q $$ 3K ~ 3- OI 3 - 2, 3Pnm P 2 3 u .3m ,o, cm 0': 3- 1 - u z: m m v) -n 3 * E 5. u Q 2 2 W oi--go b rzzzo- s D m ZrD * 0 0- pq PI -LC Q $ 0,' 2s. -. A I v Q (0 2 - u 5.x D -=ZD%:O u -=q 2.0 - iD 3 -92 gg g-Ouo LCz o) Sl,- 3 s z.2 z -.m 3 OICl- P ~~~ 0 - 4 z: E 7 e SCENARIO 1 REFURBISHMENT OF EXlSTING BUILDING Understanding the need for additional child care in the Northeast Quadrant, you have found a furniture store whi you want to redevelop as a child care center. This site is located in a Master Plan area north of Cannon Road, a designated commercial zone. You have a 1/2 acre lot, and the building itself is approximately 4,500 square fi of that lot. You plan to develop a non-profit center for 80 children. The following represents the City Fees y would incur. PROCESSING FEES 1. Preliminary Review (optional) $1 10 2. Conditional Use Permit (non-profit) 110 3. Environmental Impact Fee 2 10 4. Master Plan Area Amendment 1,580 5. Public Facility Fee Agreement 40 Total Processing Fees $2,050 (With Regular CUP) $4,040 ENGI"G FEES You would not be charged for any engineering fees because the land is building-ready, meaning that all necessary drains, gutters, etc. are already in place. Total Engineering Fees $0 BUILDING FEES 1. Building Permit Fee $608 3. Strong Motion Fee 14 4. Development Impact Fees: 2. Building Plan Check Fee 395 a. Drain (Drainage Plan Area 6) 200 d. Bridge and Thoroughfare (northern third of city) 0 b. School 1,170 c. Traffic 2,400 0 f. Public Facilities 3,229 g. Sewer Connection (1.33 EDU) 2,147 h. Sewer Benefit Area (Area D) 1,570 i. Sewer Lateral Connection 850 j. Water Connection (1.33 EDU) 2,933 Total Building Fees $17,260 TOTAL FEES $19,310 e. Facility Management (not in Zone 5, 6, 11 or 12) k. County Water Capacity Charge (1" meter) 1.744 (With Regular CUP) $21,300 3 m w SCENARIO 2 DEVELOPING A CHILD CARE CENTER ON BUILDING-READY LAND You have found a site on which you would like to develop a child care center. It is located in a shopping distn in a Master Plan area in the Southeast Quadrant. You have a 1/2 acre lot, and the building itself will 1 approximately 4,500 square feet of that lot. You plan to develop a non-profit center for 80 children. ICRI estimt the building will cost approximately $622,800 broken down into interior, $450,000, at $100 per square foot, a exterior, $172,800, at $10 per square foot. You may also have $10,000 in landscaping fees. The following are t City Fees for this scenario. PROCESSTNG FES 1. Preliminary Review (optional) $1 10 2. Conditional Use Permit (non-profit) 110 3. Environmental Impact Fee 2 10 4. Master Plan Area Amendment 1,580 5. Public Facility Fee Agreement 40 Total Processing Fees $2,050 (With Regular CUP) $4,040 ENGI"G FEES You would not be charged for grading and improvement fees because the land is building ready, meaning that all necessary drains, gutters, etc. are already in place. However you may be charged for landscape fees. Thus we have included the appropriate fees for this possibility. 1. Improvement and Landscape Plan Check $600 2. Improvement and Landscape Inspection Fee 500 Total Engineering Fee $1, loo BUILDING FEES 1. Building Permit Fee $1,140 2. Building Plan Check Fee 74 1 3. Strong Motion Fee 36 4. Development Impact Fees: a. Drainage 0 b. School 1,170 c. Traffic 2,400 d. Bridge and Thoroughfare 5,280 e. Facility Management (Zone 6) 620 f. Public Facilities 8,505 g. Sewer Connection (1.33 EDU in Leucadia District) 3,733 i. Sewer Lateral Connection 850 j. Water Connection (1.33 EDU in Olivehain District) 4,971 k. County Water Capacity Charge 1.744 Total Building Fees $31,190 h. Sewer Benefit Area (N/A) 0 TOTAL FEES $34,340 (With Regular CUP) $36,330 4 e m SCENARIO 3 DEVELOPING A CHlLD CARE CENTER ON BARE LAND You have found a 1/2 acre of bare land in the Southwest Quadrant on which you want to build a center. It is a Specific Plan area and is a designated commercial zone. Since the land is bare, you will have to contract and pi for all necessary land improvements. ICRI estimates that the cost of these improvements (e.g. drains and gutte1 will cost approximately $83,750. The corresponding Engineering Fees are listed below. You want to build a 4,5( square foot center for approximately 80 children. We estimate the cost of constructing the building itself will 1 approximately $622,800 broken down into interior, $450,000, at $100 per square foot, and exterior, $172,000, $10 per square foot. ICRI also estimates that you may need up to 200 cubic yards of grading done. The followb are the City Fees for this scenario. PROCESSING FEES 1. Preliminary Review (optional) $1 10 2. Conditional Use Permit (non-profit) 110 3. Environmental Impact Fee 210 Total Processing Fees $2,050 (With Regular CUP) $4,040 4. Master Plan Area Amendment 1,580 5. Public Facility Fee Agreement 40 ENGI"G FEES 1. Improvement and Landscape Plan Check Fee $3,350 2. Improvement and Landscape Inspection Fee 4,188 3. Grading Plan Check Fee 580 4. Grading Permit Fee 85 Total Engineering Fees $8,203 BUILDING FEES 1. Building Permit Fee $1,140 2. Building Plan Check Fee 74 1 3. Strong Motion Fee 36 4. Development Impact Fees: a. Drain 0 b. School 1,170 c. Traffic 2,400 d. Bridge and Thoroughfare 5,280 0 f. Public Facilities 8,505 h. Sewer Benefit Area (Area M) 228 i. Sewer Lateral Connection 850 j . Water Connection (1.33 EDU) 2,933 k. County Water Capacity Charge (1" meter) 1.744 Total Building Fees $28,760 TOTAL FEES $39,013 (With Regular CUP) $41,003 e. Facility Management (not in Zone 5, 6, 11, or 12) g. Sewer Connection (1.33 EDU) 3,733 5 0 0 GLOSSARY The following glossary of terms wiLl help to clarify the fee analysis: 1. ADT: The number of average daily trips (ADT) assessed by San Diego Association I Governments (SANDAG) that this building will generate in the City. Discretionary Project Review: An applicant submits a site plan and required supplement materials to the City. An approving body such as the City Engineer, Planning Direct0 or Planning Commission reviews the project. Project approval or denial is based on tl approving body's discretion, based upon their interpretation of codes, policies ar standards of the City. EDU: Equivalent dwelling unit; a dwelling unit contains living facilities for no more th; one family. One family equals 2.67 people. General Plan: A comprehensive long range policy document which establishes tl physical, social, and economic goals of the community and serves as a guide for tl future development of the City. Land Use Approvals: Approval of the concept of a building plan by the City based ( the plans and applications submitted. Master Plan: A plan which establishes the development regulations for large plannr communities in the City, specifically over 100 acres and held under one ownership ( control. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Planning Commission: A commission appointed by the City Council. The Plannir Commission advises the Council on matters related to the General Plan, zoning and lar development; in some cases the Commission is empowered to act for the Council. Preliminary Review: Staff from the Planning and Engineering Departments perfor reviews of projects and proposals to provide some direction to the proposal, its over; feasibility on a conceptual basis, and identify some of the major issues. Redevelopment Area: The older part of town known as "The Village" or "Downtown which is being guided by development standards, design standards, and use allocation th are specified in the Village Design Manual. Sewer Benefit Area: These areas are designed to create revenues to construct adequa sewer facilities for the growth of the City. Site Development Plan Area: structures, grading and drainage, and streets and utilities. Sewer Lateral: The sewer line connecting an individual property line to the main sew line; this is usually needed for development of vacant lots. 8. 9. 10. 11. Plan showing all existing and proposed building iu 12. 6 m 13. Specific Plan: Similar to a master plan. It contains the locations and standards for lar use and development regulations, streets, and other public facilities in detail. Stak Regulated Value: This refers to the value the State places on a building based c the location and size of property. Tentative Parcel Map: A proposal requiring the preparation of a map to subdivide 01 larger piece of land into five or more lots or units. A final map which conforms to tl tentative map completes the subdivision process. For example, if you want to develc one acre of a five acre parcel, a fee for a tentative map subdivision may apply. Zone Change: A formal request to change the City's zoning map designation for specific area. A proposed zone change is reviewed and acted upon by the Plannir Commission and the City Council. 14. 15. 16. Note: Several of these definitions, or parts of them, are cited in "A Citizen's Guide To Ci Planning" available through the Planning Department, located at 2075 Las Palmas Dnv Carlsbad, Ca (619) 438-1 161. 7 0 W m Y-3 rrgr 0- saw K;;: 1 f E z Z8 p:Q --:-- 5 g I I 1.; R$ 2 n 0 *z 8 5: 3 23 30 ?$ E co r ;$ $5 c ?2% i ;SF firn 5 g? ec$ "ga EO q Egs- ;gEp Z%Z CD g$ $5.5. pk " 8. VIa q 2pdf "".'E ..-L 9" p. b's &?Ea -. G;' 3 E. j. p. -8 v) 93 Ern 1 D-JQp €ami [ [ (D $2 z- $%; sow 8' % 2 E.F B gr 5' B g- 1 %B Etg 3, 52 0 gn.z -0 - p;z 3 S'g 88 310 c' ? s f ym 8" s:g k5-=. 2 g? P? :E fF [F LZ. g 2." gg $---.a =ori e p Y -. g$j aoj Bo Zmi ori R 2 E.8 " m(D E ua. 5 z& -3 g. "3 8g *-az. 59% -& gg q g ?Pi! &E2 k q TYp. gawk v)gg -y 0-m gi E.g g. q 52 3.f ?Z ori "0 "2 EZY 3g BE: 3 5.5 Z EE 3. $ 1.;- * gE Rlg p. < 3 f25 3;;f FZZ P 8" 5'* gg gp < a- y gg P E.9 2 E-@ as : f F $- Tz -. gF $k E52 :?8 2. g Y ..a g$g =E+ 3 g2 E <.? 696 5 ze "8 0- Gj? 2 z -7 cg EL "r PO Er VIP g vlws "G % B 2?$ 2?q rp m !g'p 2- m = s: E vg 9 g Fop 8 !l ss9. (DOE: 929 5.5. gzj b Et%.&: gg 285 OQ s=m gI f gq E. c( *E I g;$ e $ u. gJ $i ~ 3,- gig p g9.e Ee kg, 5- z 28 *: f =. %2 B g h) 0 2. 6 1 -E > %-8 =a owg 2a, E fiz =E 3 SF'" (DmoO Ftn" 23 -q 5; flB 1. : % q 5 .. 3s kif f P z 5' so$ 2.Ek % Ee& "E " "0 gg 0 i;31 BEE g grw -09 2 g e Fs g tj. 3. Fr ItG O0 g$ * * ?6+G gg: 'de" = nTg Kz- w! VF 5' g-z 0% 3.- fA* = .!a% e g ? g 4gg &E5 ?o pg.8 B-z ?BY ZeP OQ 7 w 0 v 52 3 h ?,c$ -E g.$ YgE 3 - g. 8 0' "1 E. gg e F ti' e 8 p- e %E.- g YgT F I[ 9: 3 5' if ;: 5 !$ i. 2: qe yap ? w8QQ a 2 8ia3n. E gf f ([ g?Q. 1 22. FP5.C p. 3 8 jf ti.008 % a!? F f B Q ggch ?$.E J G E'g j 1 $ $! P?; 2 %g w p3 -m Gg ae -a -€LE% 3- Rk B F OB 3 5 go kg g s.9 e' $E. +. eo ch 9 u' I. E2 T k 8' 6 5 ij- ** ft r R rr p=.o -l % r: ii 33 J,3g,;;SP$ 8 3 5' B 52-2 !? fj -. 2.2 g .. 2 w-69 u" 69 2 z69 we 6969z E gs sa$ g zz c. 2.3 v) y 23 2. 908 g 2 LO 0 3 3=r 6' p. 85 I I+ sa gz' ibh CD F fft 69 g 00 0 '0 0 0 5. o 008 0 g 5 3. g, $. 5' ?E w 3% +97zz?c5$ Go(V-0 L.53 PS m v) Y- e - % ? R - 69 .. 6969 3692 as- $ 3 5' 5' mi -69 W" cQ\ - $8 2% 00 00 s 0 zs z- -0 - QQO~ 8% G8 -aa.z 2 3, 5' Y CD Q 3' " em - -. ori sOQ gm ss s v)z qLe o5 P 5. c tns !pz Ep. 5.a 99 6' % 3 a s ch 4- ax 0 5. 0 ** B 8 $a 3. G E. G ZY 2 3- e. - B *w ? 2 CL B ? 5 63 E+ % i= zzg 69 69 v)rh g 8W r d sE 2 t? "- "-'u -0a um r VIQ\q CD z T@Q ?E 0 Elf :Etl e 8 FEZ E:% 5 g:F r 0 3 >g R E.$ 3 03 E$ aR $1 3 2 3 5 ws P.il 2 E b *R= -6 84 g Q ? TSa. 8 & v- =o 3 ? K z s wmm g p guu a occ e ADDENDUM 0 Below is a reference list to complement the Development Impact Fees from the Fee Table. The fees depend ( where in the City you are building. School Districts: San Marcos School District 270 San Marcos Blvd. San Marcos, CA 92069 (619) 744-4776 San Dieguito Union High School District 710 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024 (619) 753-6491 Encinitas Union Elementary School District 189 Union Street Encinitas, CA 92024 $.26/sq. ft. $.142/sq. ft. $.118/sq. ft. (619) 944-4300 Carlsbad Unified School District See Information Resource List $.26/sq. ft. Traffic La costa $271ADT Water Service Districts Vallecitos $4,750 for 1" meter 788 San Marcos Boulevard This includes $1,744 County Water Capac San Marcos, CA 92069 Fee. (6 19) 744-0460 Olivenhain Normal: $8,184 for 1" meter 1966 Olivenhain Road Encinitas, CA 92024 (619) 753-6466 Carlsbad 5950 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92008 Full (those on bare land): $9,124 for 1" meter. Both include $1,744 County Water Capacity Fee. $2,200EDU plus County Water Capacity Fi (619) 438-2722 Sewer Districts: Leucadia $2,800/EDU P.O. Box 2397 Leucadia, CA 92024 EDU = 60 children (619) 753-0155 Vallecitos $2,400/EDU 788 San Marcos Boulevard San Marcos, CA 92069 (619) 744-0460 Carlsbad $16 10/EDU 5950 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 438-2722, ext. 153 plus $1,200 each additional EDU EDU = 25 children 9 a ADDENDUM e The following fees are referred to in the Fee Table and are used to calculate Engineering F of Scenario 3. IMPROVEMENT i% LANDSCAPE PIAN CHECK PLAN CHECK FEES ARE BASED ON THE CURRENT CITY OF SAN DIEGO UNIT PRICES. THIS IN( THE COST OF CURBS, GUTTERS, SIDEWALKS, ASPHALT OR CONCRETE PAVING, STORM DRAIN ESTIMATED COST OF IMPROVEMENTS FEE s -0- to s 20,Ooo 6.0% (S 200 minimum) S 20,OOO to S 50,000 5.0% (S 1,200 minimum) S 50,000 to S 100,OOO 4.0% (S 2.500 minimum) s 1oo.OOo 10 s 250,000 3.5% (S 4,000 minimum) S 250,000 to S 500,000 2.75% (5 8,750 minimum) s 500,000 to S l,ooo,ooo 2.25% (3 13,750 minimum) Over S1,000.000 1.50% (S 22,500 minimum) IMPROVEMENT & LANDSCAPE INSPECTION FEE ESTIMATED COST OF IMPROVEMENTS FEE s -0- to s 250,000 5.0% (S 250 minimum: S 250,001 10 S 750.000 4.5% (3 12,500 minimum) S 750.001 to S 2,000,000 4.0% (S 33,750 minimum) s 2,000.001 to s 5,000,000 3.5% (S sO,000 minimum) S 5,00,001 and over 3.0% (S 175,000 minimum STREET LIGHT ENERGIZING FEE LUMENS FEE WATTS 5,800 S 85.00 S 115.00 S 160.00 25000 S 175.00 70 150 16,000 200 100 9300 ABOVE FEES ARE THE COST FOR ENERGIZING EACH STREET LIGHT FOR EIGHTEEN MONTH! ENGR:FEES 02~91 10 ADDENDUM The following fees are referred to in the Fee TabIe and are used to calculate Engineering Fee of Scenario 3. GRADING PIAN CHECK FEES e AMOUNT FEE 100 Cubic Yards Or less.-- __________ --____-___-_--___________ ____ -- __-___-_______ --- ___.I-_ s 100.00 $ 500.00 for the first 100 cubic yards S80.00 for each additional 100 cubic y fraction thereof. 101 lo 1,m Cubic Yards ____________-_____ -___-------- __________-__________-.---___.___--_ 1,(01 to 1o.m Cubic Yards--- _____. _____ -___._~_~--___--__.-----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--._~~~~- $1,~.~ [or [he first 1m cubic yar, $80.00 for each additional IO00 cubi or fraction thereof. 10.001 to 100,m Cubic Yards ____________________-_--_-_--_-_---___- --___--___---__--_-- f2,100.00 for the first 10,OOO cubic yal W.00 for each additional 10,OOO cub or fraction thereof. 1 ~,~ 1 10 200,000 Cubic Yards _________ - ____ -________--___________________________.I~--- S2,900.00 for the first 100,OOO cubi plus $80.00 for each additional 10.N yards or fraction thereof. 200,001 Cubic Yards Or more. ______-__________ -___~-____-_-__-_-____~~~~~---~~~---~-~---- $3,700.00 for the first 200,000 cub plus 380.00 for each additional 100,O yards or fraction thereof. GRADING PERMIT FEES AMOUNT FEE 100 Cubic Yards or less ................................... --___-_ _____ _____________-____-_- $ 25.00 10 1 10 1.m Cubic Yards _____________-________________________..--------------- $ 75.00 for the first 100 cubic p $10.00 for each additional 100 cubic fraction thereof. 1,001 to 10,m Cubic Yards _.___--_---.)---- ..---_------------------------ S 175.00 for the fint 1,ooO cubic p $5250 for each additional 1,OOO cul or fraction thereof. 10,001 to 1~,~ Cubic yards _________---__- - ---- - _---- ___-__-___--__-_-_---.------ $ 700.00 for the first 10,m cubic y $60.00 for each additional l0,OOO cu or fraction thereof. 1O(Jm1 10 200,000 Cubic Yards _____------_---- __--_-----_-___-.----------- sl$oo.~ for the fht 100,m CUI plus S180.00 for each additional 10,1 yards or fraction thereof. plus S300.00 for each additional cubic yards or fraction themf. 200,001 Cubic Yards or More--__-_-----------------.--.------.--- $3,100.00 for the fist 1a),W CUI ENGR:FEES 02/91 11 e 0 EXHIBIT 2 UPDATE ON EIGHT RECOMMENDATIONS ADOPTED BY CITY COUNCIL IN APRIL 1991 ************ Recommendation I - Expansion of Current Child Care Programs ICRl has completed all work in this area until January, when providers will I recontacted. Recommendation I1 - Changes in City Planning Ordinances The attached "Guide to the Development of Child Care Centers" partially fulfills this Recommendation. The training of Planning and Development staff by ICRl will be scheduled in the near future. A revised draft of Child Care Standards for incorporation into the City Municipal Code is being reviewed. Recommendation 111 - Development of a Refined Child Care Information System lCRl has presented a resource list to the Carlsbad City Library. A list of distribution points for child care information has been created. Recommendation IV - Development of a Plan for Expansion of Critical Child Care * An awareness campaign to highlight child care needs in Carlsbad will be presented to the Child Care Commission at its regular meeting of December 5, 1991. Recommendation V - Quadrant Specific Recommendation A Request for Information (RFI) has been developed to send out to child care centers seeking interest in providing centers in Carlsbad. Critical child care needs by quadrant are: NW - Child care for low income families NE/SW/SE - Infant and mildly ill care, which are identified in the RFI. 0 e UPDATE ON EIGHT CHILD CARE RECOMMENDATIONS Page 2 Recommendation VI - Special School-Age Problems This recommendation is completed with the establishment of licensed year-roui school-age child care opportunities. Recommendation VI1 - Other Child Care Policies A proposal reflecting a coordinated approach to child care development throu the efforts of all City departments, and training courses for City employees will presented to the Child Care Commission for consideration within two months Recommendation Vlll - Funding Approaches A Child Care Commission sub-committee has been meeting to consider optia and alternatives for the establishment of a Child Care Fund for Carlsbad. T Child Care Fund would be the recipient of donations to provide, enhance a facilitate the process of child care within Carlsbad.