HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-11-19; City Council; 11449; SettlementCI'P -3F CARLSBAD - AGENDITILL y&6 @ DEPT. HD.- 1ITO.J.JLULU SETTLEMENT OF SAN MARCOS IEPT. INCINERATOR LITIGATION CITY MOR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council, by motion, place a copy of the settlement agreement in the public record thereby announcing publiclythat the agreement embodies the position of the City of Carlsbad in the matter. ITEM EXPLANATION The City Council, at your meeting of November 5, 1991, approved a joint settlement agreement and release between the City of Carlsbad, City of Enchitas, City of Escondido and City of Oceanside on the one hand and the County of San Diego, City of San Marcos and North County Resource Recovery Associates on the other. Since that time, the City of Oceanside has declined to participate in the agreement but they have agreed to withdraw themselves and dismiss all actions in connection with the incinerator litigation. Escondido will vote on November 13, 1991. The agreement has been approved by all of the other parties. It was entered as a formal stipulation before the Honorable Ronald Johnson in Vista Superior Court on November 8, 1991 and is now fully effective. One of our obligations under the agreement is to take no action to oppose the Phase I recycling center and give no assistance directly or indirectly to the citizens' groups and others who may be involved in litigation against the project. Recognizing that the Council cannot constrain the constitutional rights of our citizens to act on matters of public interest as they see fit, nevertheless, it has been agreed to minimize such actions that a copy of the agreement be placed in the public record at a City Council meeting, and that it be publicly announced that the agreement embodies the position of the City of Carlsbad in the matter. The adoption of the recommended action will do that. The agreement is in a slightly different form than previously presented. Oceanside has been deleted and a provision for Escondidols participation, which was not settled when this was prepared, has been added. I think it substantially conforms to the agreement as approved by the Council and that no further action in that regard is required. FISCAL IMPACT None EXHIBIT Agreement 4 - c i JOINT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE THIS JOINT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE (hereafter, the rtAGREEMENTtp) is entered into as of November -1 1991, by and between those of the following parties who sign the AGREEMENT: THE CITY OF ENCINITAS, THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, THE CITY OF ESCONDIDO, on the one hand (referred to herein, collectively, as ltPETITIONERSll), and THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, and NORTH COUNTY RESOURCE RECOVERY ASSOCIATES, on the other hand (referred to herein, collectively, as "RESPONDENTS") , on the following terms and conditions. This Agreement shall be binding upon the signatures of at least two of the PETITIONERS and upon the signatures of all of the RESPONDENTS. W I T N E S E T H: A. WHEREAS NORTH COUNTY RESOURCE RECOVERY ASSOCIATES (hereinafter ttNCRRAIt) is the proponent of a resource recovery and waste-to-energy project (hereinafter, the "Projectst) to be carried out, in part, pursuant to a service agreement with THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO (hereinafter "THE COUNTY") ; B. WHEREAS the Project is proposed to be constructed and operated on County-owned land at the San Marcos Landfill located within the jurisdiction and boundaries of THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS (hereinafter, "SAN MARCOS") ; C. WHEREAS on August 16, 1987, SAN MARCOS granted certain land use approvals for the Project, including General Plan Amendment 05-85, Rezoning Ordinance No. TA23-87, Resolution No. 87-2667 approving Conditional Use Permit No. 126-87, and Resolution No. 87-2662 certifying EIR No. 03-85; DVKITEND.333 11/8/91 Settlement Agmt -1- D. WHEREAS on September 23, 1987, THE CITY OF ENCINITAS and CHRISTWARD MINISTRY, ET AL., each filed petitions for writ of mandate and other relief, as amended, being Action Nos. N38253 and N38255, respectively, challenging the aforementioned SAN MARCOS approvals; c E. WHEREAS on October 13, 1987, SAN MARCOS adopted City Ordinance No. 87-754 approving a Development Agreement for the Pro j ect : F. WHEREAS on October 27, 1987, SAN MARCOS adopted Resolution No. 87-2707, pursuant to Condition 18 of the Conditional Use Permit, finding that the 1987 health risk assessment for the Project remained acceptable for the City's permitting purposes, and PETITIONERS thereafter amended their pleadings in Action Nos. N38253 and N38255 to challenge said approval; G. WHEREAS on December 2, 1987, THE CITY OF ENCINITAS and CHRISTWARD MINISTRY, ,ET AL., each filed petitions for writ of mandate and other relief, as amended, being Action Nos. N38886 and N38893, respectively, challenging the Development Agreement approval ; H. WHEREAS the CITIES OF CARLSBAD, ESCONDIDO, and OCEANSIDE have each intervened as PETITIONERS in the aforementioned actions; I. WHEREAS RESPONDENTS in each of the foregoing actions have denied all of PETITIONERS' claims that the SAN MARCOS approvals for the Project should be set aside; . J. WHEREAS the foregoing Actions have been consolidated, in part, and are presently set for hearing on November 7, 1991; DV/CITEND.333 11/8/91 Settlement Agmt -2- K. WHEREAS PETITIONERS have filed certain other litigation challenging governmental approvals or actions relating to the Project ; L. WHEREAS on May 22, 1990, THE COUNTY Board of Supervisors directed THE COUNTY Department of Public Works to commence negotiations with NCRRA for the Project to proceed in two phases, with Phase 1 to include generally the receiving building for incoming solid waste, a central processing building containing waste processing lines to remove recyclable material and produce a shredded waste, and an interim storage area for the shredded waste and process residue (herein the "Recycling Project"); and Phase 2 to include generally the stoker boiler to be fueled by the shredded waste and a steam turbine generator to produce electrical energy; M. WHEREAS on August 6, 1991, THE COUNTY Board of Supervisors declined to approve an Amended and Restated Service Agreement with NCRRA', (hereinafter, the "RSAI1) for the entire Project, and thereafter on September 17, 1991, approved the I1RSAI1 for the Recycling Project only; N. WHEREAS RESPONDENTS are now prepared to irrevocably cancel all permits, approvals and entitlements for Phase 2 of the Project, agreeing that none of such permits, approvals, or entitlements may be used for any incinerator proposal to be located at the San Marcos Landfill, and PETITIONERS are now prepared to drop all opposition to the Recycling Project, reserving their right to object to any future incineration proposal; DV/CITEND.333 11/8/91 Settlement Agmt -3- 0. WHEREAS the Petitioners and Respondents now desire to settle their disputes concerningthese matters and to terminate the foregoing litigation on the terms and conditions set forth below: P. WHEREAS THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE, CHRISTWARD MINISTRY, CITIZENS FOR HEALTHY AIR IN SAN MARCOS AND NORTH COUNTY CONCERNED CITIZENS have declined to enter into said settlement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises, covenants, and warranties given below, the parties, and each of them, agree as follows: 1. PETITIONERS' Undertakinss. In consideration of the obligations undertaken and the promises made herein by RESPONDENTS, the signing PETITIONERS hereby covenant, warrant and agree to undertake the following actions: (a) To dismiss with prejudice their petitions and complaints in Action Nos. N38253dnd N38887: (b) To dismiss with prejudice the following other actions against the Proj ect : (i) City of Enchitas, et al. v. County of San Dieqo, et al., Court of Appeal, Fourth Appellate District, No. DO13230 (on appeal from San Diego Superior Court No. 604424) subject to the Court of Appeal's approval, and upon the express understanding and agreement that the filing of this case, the trial court ruling, and this dismissal will not be collateral estoppel or res judicata as to Petitioners as to any issue raised, or that could have been raised, therein in DV/CITEND.333 11/8/91 Settlement Agrnt -4- the event of any future litigation provided howeverthat PETITIONERS give up entirely any claim or contention that Phase 1 is or should be subject to competitive bidding and that any such claim is barred by any such dismissal; (c) To file no appeal in City of Encinitas, et al. v. California Pollution Control Financinq Authoritv, et al., San Diego Superior Court No. 634996. (d) To commence no legal action against the decision of the County Board of Supervisors on September 17, 1991, approving the RSA for the Recycling Project and certifying Supplemental Environmental Impact Report No. 89041911 in connection therewith, insofar as the same authorize or relate to the Recycling Project only, but without prejudice to the right of PETITIONERS to challenge such documents or approvals if they are attempted to be used for an incinerator proposal at the San Marcos Landfill; (e) PETITIONERS ',agree not to oppose the funding of the Recycling Project before or in connection with the proceedings of the California Pollution Control Financing Authority (the ItCPCFAlr) scheduled on or about November 20, 1991. The letter attached hereto as Exhibit A shall be executed by all PETITIONERS and shall be transmitted by PETITIONERS to the CPCFA with copies to all parties, so that it will be received prior to the meeting on November 20, 1991. The letter shall be the only position taken by PETITIONERS with respect to the CPCFA approval of financing for the Recycling Proj ect : (f) To take no action whatsoever, directly or indirectly, whether in writing, orally or otherwise, to oppose any existing DV/CITEND.333 11/8/91 Settlement Agmt -5- governmental approval, permit or entitlement, or existing modification or amendment thereof, or any additional permits and approvals consistent with the approved RSA which may be required, for the approval or implementation of the Recycling Project, whether in administrative, legislative or judicial proceeding, recognizing that PETITIONERS cannot bind future City Councils not to participate in future permit or amendment proceedings as of yet unknown, but further acknowledging that it is the good faith intent of the PETITIONERS not to oppose the approval or implementation of the Recycling Project in a manner consistent with the approved RSA as approved by the County on September 17, 1991 in any future proceedings based upon facts and information currently available. The parties recognize and agree that the following solid waste issues which may relate to the Recycling Project remain unresolved: (1) the issue of flow control, (2) the issue of the right of the North County Cities to access East and South County disposal facilities, (3) the validity of the San Marcos CUP and its conditions for expansion of the San Marcos landfill, and (4) solid waste fees which San Marcos and\or the County may set in the future. The parties reserve their respective rights to assert positions on these issues and to take such actions in the future as they deem appropriate. Any such positions or actions do not violate this Agreement. (4) To provide no financial or legal assistance directly or indirectly to CHRISTWARD MINISTRY, CITIZENS FOR HEALTHY AIR IN SAN MARCOS and NORTH COUNTY CONCERNED CITIZENS or to the CITY OF OCEANSIDE, or to the CITY OF ESCONDIDO if it does not sign this DV/CITEND.333 11/8/91 Settlement Agmt -6- AGREEMENT, in this litigation or other litigation inconsistent with this Agreement. 2. With respect to PETITIONERS' undertakings set forth in paragraph 1 above, PETITIONERS and RESPONDENTS recognize that individual citizens within PETITIONER CITIES not authorized to act on behalf of PETITIONERS, may nonetheless take individual actions contrary to said undertakings and that PETITIONERS may be without power or authority to prevent said individual actions. In order to prevent or minimize any such actions, PETITIONERS, and each of them, agree to place a copy of this Settlement Agreement in the Public Record at a duly noticed City Council meeting and to announce publicly at such meeting that the Settlement Agreement embodies the position of the CITIES. 3. RESPONDENTS' Undertakinqs. In consideration of the obligations undertaken and the promises made by PETITIONERS, RESPONDENTS hereby covenant, warrant and agree to undertake the following actions: (a) Not to utilize or rely on any existing approval, permit or entitlement, or existing amendment thereto, for the Project as a basis to proceed with Phase 2, or for any other incinerator proposal at the San Marcos landfill, and not to assign or transfer to any person, entity, or party in any manner any such permit, approval or entitlement for purposes of locating an incinerator at the San Marcos landf-ill, except that RESPONDENTS retain the right to utilize any of their private data or work product developed in support of any existing approval, permit or entitlement for any future purpose. To carry out this paragraph Respondents shall DV/CITEND.333 11/8/91 Settlement Agmt -7- irrevocably cancel those approvals, permits and entitlements, including existing amendments thereto, currently existing and necessary for Phase 2 of the Project, or which could be used for any other incineration project at the San Marcos landfill, specifically including the irrevocable relinquishment of PSD Permit No. NSR 4-4-10, SD 84-01 issued by Region IX of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on August 9, 1991, and the withdrawal and irrevocable relinquishment of NCRRA's pending Authority-To-Construct Application No. 890618 to the San Diego Air Pollution Control District. Further, this settlement Agreement shall constitute an express contractual commitment on the part of NCRRA that SAN MARCOS CUP No. 126-87 and Development Agreement Ordinance No. 87-754 shall not be used by NCRRA or assigned or transferred to any other person, entity, or party for purposes of locating an incinerator at the San Marcos landfill; (b) The two permits to be cancelled as set forth in paragraph (a) above shall be irrevocably cancelled prior to the time that any dismissal with prejudice as to any of PETITIONERS' litigation is entered and provided that, if time necessitates, all parties agree that the statute of limitations shall be extended as to PETITIONERS as to any new challenge to the Recycling Project until such time as said permits are cancelled and that all currently pending litigation to be dismissed hereunder will be held in temporary abeyance, without prejudice to any party's rights pending completion of the settlement; (d) SAN MARCOS and the COUNTY shall not impose conditions or charges for use of public solid waste facilities serving North DV/CITEND.333 11/8/91 Settlement Agmt -8- County in a manner intended to retaliate against any PETITIONER for having initiated litigation or for otherwise having opposed the project in the past. The parties recognize and agree that certain solid waste issues remain unresolved, as set forth in Paragraph l(f) of this Agreement. Any position or action taken by any party respecting these unresolved issues shall not be deemed retaliatory for purposes of this Agreement. 4. Power Purchase Asreement. It is understood and agreed by all parties hereto' that this Agreement does not include or affect in any way that certain Power Purchase Agreement in and between NCRRA and San Diego Gas and Electric Company, nor does anything herein affect or restrict any party's rights or actions in connection with litigation, California Public Utility Commission proceedings, or any other proceeding, pending or future, as to said Power Purchase Agreement. 5. Third Partv 'Construction Cost Verification. The parties agree that, with respect to all costs which the County Auditor is obligated to review under Section 3 of the Agreement approved with the RSA (Exhibit B attached hereto) the County Auditor shall receive reports from the Consulting Engineer designated in accordance with the terms of the RSA to assist the County Auditor in completing such review. The County Auditor shall consider such reports in good faith in exercising his authority under such Section 3. Copies of all such reports from the Consulting Engineer shall be made available to the signing Petitioners and shall be made available to the public at the same time they are released to NCRRA. The Consulting Engineer which has currently been designated DV/CITEND.333 11/8/91 Settlement Agmt -9- - 4 by the County is R.W. Beck and Associates (''Beck1'). Beck has also been retained by the Bank which will provide the Letter of Credit to secure the amounts due on the bonds (the being issued by the California Pollution Control Financing Authority to finance the Recycling Project and will provide the Consulting Engineer's Reports to the Bank. Such reports shall be made available to the County Auditor and to Petitioners and the public at the same time they are released to NCRRA. Copies of all decisions and reports of the County Auditor made under Paragraph 3 of Exhibit B shall be provided to the signing parties hereto and shall be made available to the public by the County. 6. Representation of RESPONDENTS as to Future Incinerator Plants. Recognizing that SAN MARCOS and THE COUNTY cannot bind their future City Councils and Boards of Supervisors, respectively, as to permit actions or policy decisions which said bodies may be called upon to make .in the future, the RESPONDENTS make the following representations: There are no current negotiations in process with any project sponsor for any incinerator at the San Marcos landfill. Any new possible incinerator proposal forthe San Marcos landfill would have to obtain all new permits, entitlements, environmental review, and authorizations. 7. Full and Final Release. Except as to those claims expressly reserved herein, this Agreement constitutes a full and final compromise, release and settlement of any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action by PETITIONERS or by RESPONDENTS as against each other, arising out of or connected with the SAN MARCOS approvals which are the subject matter of Action DV/CITEND.333 11/8/91 Settlement Agmt -10- Nos. N38253 and N38887. All parties understand and acknowledge that it is possible that unknown claims exist, and the parties have taken into that account in determining whether to enter into this Agreement: and they agree as a further consideration and inducement for this settlement that it shall apply to all unknown and unanticipated causes of action in addition to those that are now disclosed. Consequently, the parties, and each of them, expressly waive all rights under California Civil Code section 1542, which provides as follows: "A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor. 8. Authority for Dismissals. PETITIONERS hereby authorize their attorneys of record to enter dismissals with prejudice in the actions identified in subparagraphs 1 (a) and 1 (b) above immediately upon the execution of'.this Agreement, and in no event later than five (5) business days from the date RESPONDENTS notify PETITIONERS that the two permits and/or applications referenced in subparagraphs 3 (a) and 3 (b) above have been cancelled or withdrawn. Failure to carry out any part of this obligation shall be a material breach of this Agreement. 9. Asreement Freely Entered Into. This Agreement is freely and voluntarily entered into by all parties. The parties., and each of them, have been fully advised by their counsel as to the contents, meaning and significance of this Agreement, and the terms of which are contractual and not a mere recital, and they fully understand its terms and their effects. The parties acknowledge DV/CITEND.333 11/8/91 Settlement Agmt -11- that they have read the foregoing Agreement and each signs his or her name as an agent of the parties herein, as his or her own free act, on the effective date as indicated above. Each of the parties hereto understands that if the facts under which this Agreement is executed, and for which the dismissal with prejudice is provided, are found hereafter to be other than or different from the facts now believed by any party or parties to be true, such party or parties expressly accept and assume the risk of such a possible difference in facts and agree that this Agreement shall be and will remain effective notwithstanding such difference in facts. 10. Remedies for Breach. This Agreement shall constitute a complete bar, and may be pled as the basis for injunctive relief or an affirmative defense, in any action, at law or in equity, which is commenced in violation of the terms hereof; and in the event any party to this Agreement should have to petition the court or otherwise bring further proceedings to enforce the terms and conditions of this Agreement, or assert said Agreement as an affirmative defense, the prevailing party in any such action will be entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees and costs in such proceeding. 11. Compromise and Settlement. This Agreement is a compromise and settlement of disputed claims, and nothing contained herein shall be construed as an admission of any kind on the part of any party hereto. 12. Bindins on Successors and Assisns. This Agreement shall bind, and inure to the benefit of, all successors and assigns of the parties and any associates in interest, and their respective DV/ClTEND.333 11/8/91 Settlement Agmt -12- directors, officers, agents, servants, and employees, and the successors and assigns of each of them, separately and collectively. 13. California Law. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced pursuant to the law of the State of California. 14. Entire Asreement. This document embodies the entire terms and conditions of the Agreement described herein. This Agreement may be executed in ten (10) counterparts, one for each party hereto, each of which shall constitute an original. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereby have duly executed this Joint Settlement Agreement and Release. Attorney of Record Partv CITY OF CARLSBAD BY Vincent F. Biondo, Jr., , Esq. CITY OF ENCINITAS CITY OF ESCONDIDO DV/CITEND.333 11/8/91 Settlement Agmt David R. Chapman, Esq. -13- CITY OF CARLSBAD Attorney of Record Mayor NORTH courm RESOURCE RECOVERY ASSOCIATES 1 - -1 5- Attorney of Record Mkk C. Mead Deputy County Counsel Partv COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Norman W. Hickey Mark C. Mead, Esq. 2 1 Ronald E. Van Buskirk, Esq. DV/CITEND.333 11/8/91 Settlement Agmt COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO -14- CITY OF SAN MARCOS B NORTH COUNTY RESOURCE RECOVERY ASSOCIATES BY November 7, 1991 California Pollution Control P.O. Box 942809 Sacramento, CA 94209-0001 Financing Authority Re: NCRRA Request for Phase 1 Only Financinq Dear CPCFA: In light of the fact that the San Diego County Board of Supervisors is fully committed to a recycling facility at the San Marcos landfill (the NCRRA Phase 1 Project) and given that if the Project is to proceed as the County and NCRRA intend it to proceed, it is in the public interest for CPCFA financing to be available for such Recycling Project, the undersigned hereby withdraw their opposition to CPCFA financing of the Recycling Project. Sincerely, CITY OF ENCINITAS BY Gayle Hano, Mayor CITY OF CARLSBAD BY Claude E. (Buddy) Lewis, Mayor CITY OF ESCONDIDO BY Jerry Harmon, Mayor DV/CITEND1.175 A G R E EM El I 'l' - 1991 This Acjreemenb ,s made and dated as of 5 -tember -, between the County of San Diego ("County1') and North Coiinty Resource Recovery Associates ( 'lNCRRAt') . 1. The County and PICRRA have entered into a Restated Service Agreement dated September , 1391 (the "Service Agreement") pursuant to which NCRFU has agreed to construct and operate a solicl waste sorting and recycling facility (the "Facility") . 2. The parties acknowledge that the execution of this Agreement is a condition to the execution of the Service Agreenent. 3. With respect to all costs specified in the Ssrvice Agreement for which the County is responsible, such costs shall be subject to Cost Substantiation in accordance with ths Servics A-greernent and the County A-uditor shall reviev such costs for their reasonableness. To the extent the decision of the County Auditor with respect to reasonableness of such costs is supported by substantial evidence and is not arbitrary and capricicus, such decision shall be binding on the par"' Lies. . .\ 4. With respect to the County's option to purchase the Facility pursuant to Section 11.05 of the Service Agreensnt, th2 amount specified for the purchase, shall be changed frog $16,700,000 to $1O,OOO,COO for the first four operating yezrs of the Facility and thereafter, such amount shall be decreased by 5% for each operating year of the Facility and during the last operating year of the Service Agreenent such zmount shall ec;uzl The County and NCRRh- hereby agree to utilize the proceeds of the California Pollution Control Finance Authority's Eonds to the extent feasible to finance the recycling Facility described in the Service .Agreement. The parties 'further agree to release any rights they may have to utilize any remaining proceeds of such Bonds for an incineration process or facility. With respect to the County's optional right in accordance with Section 11.21 of the Service Agreenent, to utilize NCR?,2?*s permits or other property, NCRR4's obligation to cooperate with the County shall include the assignment of agreements, pernits, or other actions requested by the County. 7. With respect. to amounts specified in- subsections 4.01(a) (1) , (3) and (4) of the Service Agreement, such costs sha'll b2 only payable to the extent they are allocable to the development of the recycling Facility described in the Service Agre, The total , not-to-exceed, amount specified in the Service Agreement for such costs is equal to $9,433,000 and such'costs are subject to the Cost Substantiation and. subject to Board of Supervisors reviev and approval. $100 , 000. I 5. 6. NORTH COUNTY RESOURW RECOVERY ASSOCIA?. ., n 4 COUNTY SAFl DIEGO a .. INCINERATOR LITIGATION SETTLEMENT The Council's overriding objective and the City Attorney's mission was to stop the San Marcos incinerator and protect Carlsbadls citizens, particularly those in South Carlsbad, from all of its adverse environmental effects. The City Attorney recommended the settlement because it accomplished our objective and, in his opinion, achieved more for the City than we could have gotten through litigation. The press criticism is unfortunate. It assumes that the incinerator was dead anyway and that Phase I could be stopped and, therefore, the settlement was somehow unnecessary and we gave something away. Nothing could be further from the truth. The NCRRA incinerator was not dead. It was very much alive and it was unclear whether or not the City could win the litigation. The settlement killed the incinerator and eliminatedthe risk of losing everything if we lost the litigation. The settlement canceled all of the permits for the NCRRA incinerator, including the EPA and APCD air quality permits. It also canceled the development agreement and the San Marcos CUP. Some permits would have remained alive even if we won the litigation. These permits could have been easily assigned to another developer and used to construct an incinerator in the future. The settlement protected our citizens against that. The settlement also ensures that the new EIR done by the County cannot be used for any incinerator requiring #'ground zero1' environmental review if another proposal ever surfaces; something that could take years and which makes it highly unlikely an incinerator can be built. The City will continue to fight the NCRRA - SDG&E power contract to ensure that our rate payers are protected. The City Council did everything possible to persuade the Board of Supervisors not to approve the Phase I recycling center contract. We made every argument possible to convince them that it was not a "good deal" for our citizens but we lost. The Board of Supervisors made that deal and we didn't have the power to stop it. Since the Supervisors' minds were made up it was cheaper for our citizens to have Phase I recycling center funded through the CPCFA bonds than in any other way. It might have been politically more satisfying to continue to oppose that but the result would have been higher trash bills for our citizens. The Board of Supervisors' decision is already going to require them to be raised high enough, Litigating an incinerator is one thing. Fighting a recycling plant is another even if it is more expensive than necessary. None of the other cities, including Oceanside, were willing to file new We didn't want to make a bad situation even worse. b lawsuits against it. Opposition to Phase I recycling center was hurting the City's credibility with the South and East County cities and damaging our efforts to get acceptance of an interim solution that will take care of our citizen's trash when San Marcos closes. The litigation was also being used by the County as a reason to refuse to help us. Now, there is no excuse for them not opening the South and East County facilities. Oceanside has refused any financial support for our litigation efforts. The primary burden has been borne by Encinitas and they decided to settle. Carlsbad was not prepared to bear the full cost and expense of litigating Phase I which will not have any substantial adverse environmental effects on our citizens and will be paid for by everyone in San Diego County. Anyone concerned about Phase I recycling center should talk to the members of the Board of Supervisors who voted for it. Litigation can't remedy all the mistakes made by the Board of Supervisors. Only the voters can do that. Claude A. "Bud" Lewis Mayor, City of Carlsbad November 19, 1991 memos\trash.res,