HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-11-19; City Council; 11452; CARING RESIDENTS OF CARLSBAD REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE WITH DEVELOPMENT FEES AND DONATION OF CMWD OFFICE TRAILERGI I F GAHLSBAU - AGEN ILL AB# 11 4 5 L TITLE: Caring Residents of Carlsbad Request CITY I DEPT. CITY 1 MTG. I I- /ti -Crl for Assistance with Development Fees DEPT, A" ET and Donation of CMWD Office Trailer I I I RECOMMENDED ACTION: RLQd (psi: L&Tgfl 00. 91 - Lg 7 g I 0 Authorize deferment of all impact/facilities fees for the emergency sheltt project (La Posada de Guadalupe). 0 Contribute to Caring Residents of Carlsbad, an amount equivalent to the co! of all inspection, permit and plancheck fees and the first year Mello-Roc assessment on the property ($5300.00). a Make a donation of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District's surplt office/trailer. ITEM EXPLANATION: d w > 0 iz kau 2 .. 2 0 4 5 2 0 z 3 This item is being brought before the City Council prior to Planning Commissiol approval of the project in order to assist Caring Residents of Carlsbad in meeting thl federal grant construction deadline for completion of the emergency shelter projecl According to Caring Residents of Carlsbad, the grant specifies that construction c the facility must be complete no later than January 1992. Caring Residents has file' a sixty day extension of the deadline, however to date no confirmation has bee received. In July of this year, Caring Residents of Carlsbad made a written request to the Cit Council, to waive all customary development fees, permit costs and the Mello-Roo, assessment associated with establishment of the Carlsbad Homeless Shelter (L Posada de Guadalupe, C.U.P 91-10). In addition, the group requested that the Cit permit Catholic Charities of San Diego to use a surplus Carlsbad Municipal Wate' District office/trailer, as the office of the Shelter's resident manager (Exhibit 2). Staff from Engineering, Planning, Growth Management and Building estimated thc customary fees related to a project of this type at the proposed location. Estimate, were based solely upon the site plan submitted by Caring Residents and did no include costs which may be associated with conditions of approval imposed upon thc project by the Planning Commission ( the Planning Commission hearing is schedule( for December 4, 1991). Staff is also recommending that any contributions, donation and deferments be contingent upon approval of the Conditional Use Permit, by thc Planning Commission. I 0 0 E 0 a PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. /(, qjg As a condition of development, the City would normally collect a number of fee5 related to current and future public facilities, such as the Bridge and Thoroughfare District Fee, Public Facilities Fee, and Traffic Impact Fee. Since the EmergencJ Shelter project proposed by Caring Residents specifies temporary structures and s two year limited use of the property (Exhibit 3), staff is recommending that a1 facilities fees be deferred until permanent structures are built and a permanent us€ established for the property. In addition, staff is recommending that the City Counci make a monetary contribution in an amount equivalent to inspection, permit anc plancheck fees, as well as the first year Mello-Roos tax for the property. Caring Residents has also requested the use of an office/trailer which was used by tht Carlsbad Municipal Water District several years ago. The modular in question ha! been valued at $5408.00, and according to Water District staff there are no futurt plans to use the facility. Based on the information provided, staff is recommendin! the City Council donate the office trailer to Caring Residents of Carlsbad for use a the Shelter. FISCAL IMPACT: Because the emergency shelter project represents a temporary use of the proper9 staff is recommending that facilities and impact fees be deferred until a permanen date, there is no current fiscal impact in this area. However, staff is recommendin] that the Council contribute a total of $5300.00 to the project. These funds would bc transferred from the General Fund Contingency Account into the General Fun( Community Contribution Account and then donated to Caring Residents of Carlsbac for the project. A reduction in the General Fund Contingency Account of $5300 wil leave a balance of $1,334,200.00. Donation of the CMWD modular trailer will havc the effect of reducing Carlsbad Municipal Water District assets by $5408.00 (the boo1 value of the trailer). use has been established, Since fees are not being waived but collected at a late EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 9 / -3 98 2. Request from Caring Residents (7/28/91) 3, Location Map 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 I 26 27 28 I 0 m RESOLUTION NO. 9 1 - 3 7 8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORMA, AUTHORIZING DEFERMENT OF ALL IMPACT FEES FOR LA POSADA DE GUADALUPE, CONTRIBUTING AN AMOUNT EQUNALEN TO THE COST OF ALL NORMAL PERMIT, INSPECTION, PLANCHECK AND MELLO-ROOS ASSESSMENT FEES, AND DONATING THE CMWD SURPLUS OFFICE TRAILER TO CARING RESIDENTS OF CARLSBAD WHEREAS, the City Council has. supported the concept of an emergenc shelter program in the City of Carlsbad, at the proposed location; and WHEREAS, the shelter program has receive a commitment from the feder: government for partial funding of the project; and WHEREAS, the remainder of the shelter program is being funded throug donations and volunteer support; and WHEREAS, Caring Residents of Carlsbad has made a request of the Cic Council to waive all customary development fees, permit costs, and the Mello-Roo, assessment associated with the project; and WHEREAS, Caring Residents of Carlsbad has also asked the City Council tc permit Catholic Charities of San Diego to use a surplus office trailer owned by tht Carlsbad Municipal Water District at the shelter for the resident manager's office and WHEREAS, staff is recommending that fees be deferred, but not waived, until a permanent use of the property has been established; and WHEREAS, staff is recommending that the City Council make a monetary contribution in an amount equivalent to the cost of all inspection, permit and plancheck fees, and the first year Mello-Roos assessment on the property; and I .... i I I II e 0 . WHEREAS, staff is recommending that the .City Council/CMWD Water Board donate the Carlsbad Municipal Water District’s surplus office trailer to Caring ’ Residents of Carlsbad for use at the shelter, 2 3 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City oi 4 5 Carlsbad, as follows: 6 7 1. That the City Council authorizes the deferment of all impact/facilitie$ fees associated with the emergency shelter project (La Posada de Guadalupe) until a permanent use of the property has been a 9 established. 2. That the City Council directs the Finance department to transfer an 10 12 Mello-Roos assessment fees ($5300.00) from the General Func 11 amount equivalent to the cost of all inspection, permit, plancheck and Contingency Account to the Community Contribution Account. These 13 14 15 funds will then be distributed to Caring Residents of Carlsbad as 2 monetary contribution to the shelter project. 3. That the City Council/CMWD Board of Directors authorizes the 16 donation of the CMWD surplus office trailer to Caring Residents oj 17 I 19 Carlsbad for use as the resident manager’s office at the shelter. 18 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Counci of the City of Carlsbad on the 19 th day of November 1991, by the following vote, to wit: 20 21 22 23 ABSENT: None 24 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Nygaard & Stanton NOES: None 25 1 26;/ &.ab 2 R-. 27 // ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Cle$ 28 I . .I 8 e REFERRED 70 2;T FOR RE SPi KATHLEEN DUNN WELLMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW POST OFFICE BOX 1670 v- ~ i~, Date - CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA $2008 (6 1 9) 729-9289 CITY COUNCIL READ\ July 28, 1991 DATE p-3- 7, Honorable Claude "Bud" Lewis Mayor, City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 . . .. Re: Carlsbad Homeless Migrant Shelter Dear Mayor Lewis: By this letter I wish to give you and the members of th city council an update concerning our Carlsbad Homeless Migran Shelter. The lease between Catholic Charities and Palomar Investmen - Associates has been signed, and is being reviewed by lega counsel for the State of California Emergency Shelter Program. Likewise the bid specification package for the modular unit has been prepared and is also being reviewed by the contrac administrator in Sacramento. Caring Residents of Carlsbad, Inc. and Catholic Charities c San Diego is being assisted by Jerry Romboiis, Architect Eduard Samaniego, Bob Ladwig of Rick Engineering, and Dave Gardner c Starboard Development (all volunteers) in the preparation of th application for the conditional use permit. The application fc the conditional use permit will be filed with the City Plannin Department later this week. Caring Residents and Catholic Charities is working to secur matching funds of $ 25,000.00 toward the operational costs of tk shelter and we thank the Carlsbad City council for its materiz endorsement of our shelter in authorizing matching CDBG funds oi $ 25,000.00 toward its operEtional costs. To further our development of this shelter, I believe tl following itens must be subroitted to the city council and/or cii staff for formal review and zpproval: 1. On beha.lf of Caring Residents of Carlsbad, and Cathol: Carlsbad to waive :a11.:customary.-developrnent -feerand .permit-cos, far the establisment of .-the :Carlsbad,Homeless-,.Migrant~~rShelt'?F Our project is truely a community effort with volunteer servicm Charities of San Diego, a request is hereby made to the City ( L %+I 8 e 8 Letter to Mayor Lewis July 28, 1991 Page Two being rendered by local contractors, surveyors, engineers developers, architect, attorneys and health care professionals We believe a waiver of the usual development fees by the Cit: will serve to augment the funds which can be spent directly up01 the costs of equipment in establishing the shelter, According t, the terms of the grant, three dollars of grant money will bl allocated for every dollar which is donated (this includes i kind services and fee waivers). . . , . . . . . . .. . 2. A further request is made of the City of Carlsbad tc permit Catholic Charities of San. Diego to ~use~~h.e-fo~rner~~~f~~~ of the,~~a~~sbad-~Wa~t'eD-"is.t~.,i-ct~3(.whi-chip,-iiQa~mo-dul-a~~u~~_f~~u~~~ ~i~~nd~.bath~nd---sleeping"zqua.r-te-Il.~,~as-;lrth~of.f-~c~o~~~~ ip.. ",." =--z. i" re-~i.~e~t.~m-a-n.a~.e-r~~o-f *'the Carlsbad Homeless Migrant Shelte, Project. It is my understanding that the City has no plans tl presently use this modular unit and said unit would be of grea' benefit and use to our project, and would better enable us ti keep within our proposed budgetary projections. 3. Since the property to be leased falls within thc recently enacted Mello-Roos jurisdiction, foc-ma.l~reequest"is~~~~c .. . _. . made=zforTa"wafVeryof '~'a~y.=Me.f-fo-Roos-~f.ee~~-~sessment-during:-~~~ . .- : keiizokthts=leasG 3ih.ich-A ,f.or_a,period - -0.f-two-yea.rs ..--- . Should you require more specifics about the requsts mad herein please contact me. Again, I wish to thank you a~d all the council members fo. your support of this project and ais0 want ycu tc knsw that th tremendous assistance and support which the entire city staff ha: given us and continues to give us is greatly appreciated. Sincerely yours, *&td&4- KATHLEEN DUNN WELLMAN KIN: sh CC to Raymonda DuVall, Director of Catholic Charities Attorney Nick Banche Ray Pafchett, City Manager of Carlsbad ...... ACCESSRQAD City of Carl& EMERGENCY SHELTER