HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-01-21; City Council; 11521; PUBLIC HEARING FOR STREET VACATION OF A PORTION OF IMPALA DRIVE WEST OF ORION STREET - PR 6.108TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING FOR STREET VACATION OF A PORTION OF IMPALA DRIVE WEST OF ORION STREET - PR 6.108 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. ?6? - 2 5 Street subject to certain reservations. vacating a portion of Impala Drive west of Orion ITEM EXPLANATION: On December 17, 1991 the City Council adopted Resolution No. 91 -404 declaring its intention to vacate a portion of Impala Street. This was pursuant to a request made by James C. Baldwin. The declaration of intention was made on the determination that the area proposed to be vacated appeared to be excess right of way and that provision for public utilities could be made by reserving an easement for public utilities purpose. The Resolution found that the vacation would be in substantial conformance with the General Plan and Growth Management Policies. The Resolution set January 21, 1992 as the date of public hearing on the proposed vacation. Public notice was published and posted as required by law announcing the intention to vacate and the date of the hearing. Staff recommends that the City Council now consider public comments and if the facts and findings support then adopt the resolution vacating a portion of Impala Drive on the condition that the resolution not be allowed to record until provision has been made to close off the area vacated. Such condition has been included in the resolution under the FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of this vacation will result in approximately 1,104 square feet of land to be returned to the tax rolls. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. h3 w U Resolution No. 9 9 e 3 5 Orion Street. vacating a portion of Impala Drive westerly of >o !i .. z 0 E 8 a 2 0 z 3 I LA WS7A streef Vocufioo: IMPALA DU/U€ Scde /= /o& . LOCATiON -MAP __ - JMPA b A OR1 VE STREET VACATlON I 1 2 3 * 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a 0 RESOLUTION NO. 92 - 2 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, VACATING A PORTION OF IMPALA DRIVE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on December 1_7 2 1991 did declaring their intention to vacate a portion of impala adopt Resolution No. 91 - 4 0 4 Drive, and WHEREAS, the City Council did find in said Resolution that the proposed vacation was in accordance with the Growth Management policies and consistent with the General Plan, and WHEREAS, all publication and posting of notices regarding the proposed vacation of a portion of Impala Drive, pursuant to said Resolution have been given as required by law, and WHEREAS, the area to be vacated would not be useful as a non-motorized transportation facility, and WHEREAS, the vacation of this right-of-way would result in approximately 1 ,I 04 square feet of land being returned to the tax rolls, and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear the evidence offered by all persons interested in said proposed vacation and does find from all the evidence submitted that the portion of Impala Drive proposed to be vacated is unnecessary for present or prospective street pur poses. I NOW BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That pursuant to Division 9, Part 3, Chapter 3 of the California Streets and Highways Code the portion of Impala Drive as described in Exhibit A and shown for the sake of clarity on Exhibit B is hereby vacated , closed up and abandoned for public street purposes. 2. That easements and rights necessary to maintain, operate, replace, remove, or 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 'I. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 0 renew in-place public facilities are reserved and excepted from the vacation. 3. That the vacation of said portion of Impala Drive is conditioned upon the applicant receiving approval for improvement plans to restore the street section to City standards and entering into a secured agreement for the completion of the improvements to close off the area being vacated. 4. The City Clerk is instructed NOT TO RECORD this Resolution of Vacation until the terms of the above stated Condition have been complied with. 5. From the date the resolution is recorded in the County Recorder's Office, the area vacated no longer constitutes a street. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 21st day off J~TXJXY , 1992 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaard NOES: None ABSENT: None LAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: I 0 0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION IMPALA DRIVE VACATION That portion of Impala Drive, shown as Goldenbear Place on Parcel Map No. 12561 and dedicated on Parcel Map No. 11573, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, recorded in the office of the County Recorder of said county, being moze particularly described as follovs: Commencing at the most Northeasterly corner of Parcel 13 of Parcel Map No. 12561; thence along the Easterly boundary line of said Parcel 13, South 11' 01'58" West 36.00 feet to a point on the Southerly sideline of that portion of land reserved for future street per Parcel Map No. 11573 as shown on said Parcel Map No. 12561; thence along said Southerly sideline North 78'14'55'' West 112.73 feet to a point on an arc of a 55.00 foot radius curve concave Northerly, a radial bearing to said point bears South 37'21'48" East, said point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence Westerly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 90'48'44" a distance of 87.17 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a 20.00 foot radius curve concave Southerly; thence Westerly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 41' 41'51" a distance of 14.56 feet; thence South 78"14'5St1 East 91.47' feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Contains an area of 1,104 square feet, more or less. Roge; LA shermak, L.S. 5971 EXHIBIT A %Em I OF I SHEET e 0 / -- - \ A -- I' -- 7A8CEL 13 I* I- I' LI 2 /VI Ah f 256/ " I y g: I i@J fndimtes Sfreef Veuffbn 4/04 ~uo~feef - &uco~u,co. 92023 (6rst942-~)637 EXHIBIT B - WRITE IT- DON'T SAY rr! 19 P/ /+a Date I./e fl2 d$ dkkd OReply Wanted - From G? *@ . ,/gpfif AcrflGU& E Mkj/&&, Po Reply Necessary Q/ hi kL,#7&fi*& hp2%4L P'w;ik s/ewf- &.&-$za...J' Reg@* {& /bjLe*lf.;r3) No, Yb9, EflGI#?d &fc &Oy7/-w cy %de "2&& eyfed a--e/ic ,A&: ced' 864 52- #/iiii+? fie ofp/-fiflh 6z-5 1% dC/F /& 64Zv flj< /&/ #fl&/&&= eJ?4Pm-+t /'J 4dT2 /h-+kp- / AIGNER FORM NO 55-032 PRINTED IN USA December 31, 1991 POSTING OF NOTICES OF INTENTION TO VACATE A PORTION OF IMPALA DRIVE FILE, PR 6.108 In accordance with the California Streets and Highways Code, Division 9, Part 3, Chapter 3, I hereby attest and certify that I posted the required Notices in the field along Impala Drive between Palmar Way and Orion Drive on December 31, 991. (Seven notices not more than 300 feet apart.) & ob.-- JIM DAVIS ASSOCIATE ENGINEER @ 2075 Las Palmas Drive - Carlsbad, California 92009-1 51 9 - (61 9) 438-1 161 0 NOTICE OF STREET VACATION 0 NOTICE OF PROPOSED VACATION, CLOSING UP, AND ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF IMPALA DRIVE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad did on Oecember 17, 1991, pass a Resolution of Intention No. 91-404 to vacate, close up, and abandon a portion of Impala Drive between Palmer Way and Orion Street. The portion of said street proposed to be closed up, vacated and abandoned is legally described as follows: THAT PORTION OF IMPALA DRIVE, SHOWN AS GOLDENBEAR PLACE ON PARCEL MAP NO. 12561 AND DEDICATED ON PARCEL MAP NO. 11573, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRBBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE MOST NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF PARCEL 13 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 12561; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 13, SOUTH 1l0O1'58" WEST 36.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDELINE OF THAT PORTION OF LAND RESERVED FOR FUTURE STREET PER PARCEL MAP NO. 11573 AS SHOWN ON SAID PARCEL MAP NO. 12561 ; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY SIDELINE NORTH 78O14'55" WEST 11 2.73 FEET TO A POINT ON AN ARC OF A 55.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHERLY, A RADIAL BEARING TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 37"21'48' EAST, SAID POINT BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90O48'44' A DISTANCE OF 87.17 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE OF 20.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 41'41'51' A DISTANCE OF 14.56 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 78O14'55' EAST 91.47' FEETOF TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Excepting from this vacation an easement for all existing utilities. REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE to a map showing the portion of said street proposed to be abandoned for particulars and details. Said map is on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN HEREBY that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has set January 21, 1992, at the hour of 6 p.m., as the time and the Council Chambers of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as the place for the hearing of all persons interested in or objecting to the proposed vacation of said portion of said street, and the said City Council at the said time and place will hear the evidence offered by any person interested in the vacation of said portion of said street heretofore described. DATED: /.. d3/d y/ 4- & fWCity Clerk City of Carlsbad 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 a RESOLUTION NO. 9 1- 4 0 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIW OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO VACATE A PORTION OF IMPALA DRIVE WESTERLY OF ORION STREET. WHEREAS, a request has been made to vacate for public street purposes a portion of Impala Drive westerly of Orion Street, and WHEREAS, the area proposed to be vacated is a turn around area, and WHEREAS, a turnaround area is not needed for present or future street purposes since Impala Drive is no longer a cul-de-sac street, and WHEREAS, it is intended that an easement for public facility purposes be reserved over the area to be vacated, and WHEREAS, the public utilities utilizing the area have not expressed opposition to the street vacation if said easement is reserved, and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the proposed vacation would be in substantial conformance with the General Plan and Growth Management Program; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California as lollows: 1. It is said Council’s intention to vacate, for public street purposes, a portion of Impala Drive between Orion Street and Palmer Way as described in Exhibit A and shown for the sake of clarity on Exhibit B. 2. It also shall be said Council’s intention to conduct the proceedings for this street vacation under the California Streets and Highways Code, Division 9, Part 3, Chapter 3. 3. It also shall be said Council’s intention to reserve and exempt from these proceedings an easement for public facility purposes. 4. A public hearing shall be held at the City Council Chambers at 1200 Carlsbad for all persons Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO P.M. on January 21, 1992 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I2 13 14 I.5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 interested in or objecting to said proposed vacation. 5. The City Clerk is instructed to publish this resolution of intention in the local newspaper and the City Engineer is instructed to post such notices along the site in accordance with the California Streets and Highways Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 17th day of Decanbe? 1991 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaard NOES: None ABSENT: Nore ATTEST: ho9e, ALETHA L. W\UTENKM* (SEAL) c 0 0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION IMPALA DRIVE VACATION That portion of Impala Drive, shown as Goldenbear Place on Parcel Map No. 12561 and dedicated on Parcel Map No. 11573, in the City in the office of the County Recorder of said county, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the most Northeasterly corner of Parcel 13 of Parcel Map No. 12561; thence along the Easterly boundary line of said Parcel 13, South 11'01'58'' West 36.00 feet to a point on the Southerly sideline of that portion of land reserved for future street per Parcel Map No. 11573 as shown on said Parcel Map No. 12561; thence along said Southerly sideline North 78'14'55'' West 112.73 feet to a point on an arc of a 55.00 foot radius curve concave Northerly, a radial bearing to said point bears South 37'21'48'' East, said point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence Westerly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 90'48'44'' a distance of 87.17 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a 20.00 foot radius curve concave Southerly; thence Westerly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 41' 41'51'' a distance of 14.56 feet; thence south 78'14'55" East 91.47' feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Contains an area of 1,104 square feet, more or less. of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, recorded Roge; Add hhermak, L.S. 5971 EXHIBIT A ancri i ut I sntk I 7 e 0 - -- \ A l. 7.A 3 c ,, L 13 I I LLI t) 2 A4 Ab, /Z6/ " I q T / - - / --c L- Indicofes Streef Vucahon LBucodio, cff. 92023 ONEI (6r9l942 -.O637 E x w 1 B 1 Cp -&A -I . February 16, 1994 Annette J. Evans County Recorder PO Box 1750 San Diego CA 92112-4147 Enclosed for recordation is the following described document: Certified Copy of City Council Resolution 92-25 Vacating a portion of Impala Drive Adopted by City Council on January 21, 1992 Our Engineering staff has determined that conditions stated in the Resolution have been met allowing us to proceed with the recordation. Staff has also determined that the recordation is of benefit to the City and we therefore request the fees be waived. Thank you for your assistance with this item. -$&fdi&QS+ / f KATHLEEN D. SHOUP WP-I1 B 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-2808 0 e FEBRUARY 8, 1994 TO: CITY CLERK FROM: Associate Engineer, Jim Davis RELEASE TO RECORD A STREET VACATIONFOR A PORTION OFIMPALA DRIVE CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 92-25 PR 6.108, BALDWIN ENGINEERING Condition No. 3 of City Council Resolution No. 92-25 has been met. Therefore the Street Vacation for a portion of Impala Drive may be recorded. C: SherriHoward Karl von Schlieder IK~ uerK 200 Carlsbad srlsbad, Cb 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IQ- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I.8 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 1626 Village Dr. 92008 , -x&..> ,$ RESOLUTION NO.- A RESOL’UTIQN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAO, CALIFORNIA, VACATING A PORTION OF IMPALA DRIVE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on December l-7, 1991 did declaring their intention to vacate a portion of Impala adopt Resolution No. 91-404 Drive, and WHEREAS, the City Council did find in said Resolution that the proposed vacation was in accordance with the Growth Management policies and consistent with the General Plan, and WHEREAS, all publication and posting of notices rqarding the proposed vacation of a portion of Impala Drive, pursuant to said Resolution have been given as required by law, and WHEREAS, the area to be vacated would not be useful as a non-motorized transportation facility, and WHEREAS, the vacation of this right-of-way would result in approximately 1,104 square feet of land being returned to the tax rolls, and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear the evidence offered by all persons interested in said proposed vacation and does find from all the evidence submitted that the portion of Impala Drive proposed to be vacated is unnecessary for present or prospective street purposes e NOW BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That pursuant to Division 9, Part 3, Chapter 3 of the California Streets and Highways Code the portion of Impala Drive as described in Exhibit A and shown for the sake of clarity on Exhibit B is hereby vacated , closed up and abandoned for public street purposes. 2. That easements and rights necessary to maintain, operate, replace, remove, or L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 €3 9 10 I' 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 0 162'9 I, renew in-place public facilities are reserved and excepted from the vacation. 3. That the vacation of said portion of Impala Drive is conditioned upon the applicant receiving approval for improvement plans to restore the street section to City standards and entering into a secured agreement for the completion of the improvements to close off the area being vacated. 4. The City Clerk is instructed NOT TO RECORD this Resolution of Vacation until the terms of the above stated Condition have been complied with. 5. From the date the resolution is recorded in the County Recorder's Office, the area vacated no longer constitutes a street. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 21st day of J- , 1992 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaard NOES: None ABSENT: None MUD€ A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (SEAL) KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant City Clerk I 1628 0 e . 31 LEGAL DESCRIPTION IMPALA DRIVE VACATION That portion of Impala Drive, shown as Goldenbear Place on Parcel Map No. 12561 and dedicated on Parcel Map No. 11573, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, recorded in the office of the County Recorder of said county, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the most Northeasterly corner of Parcel 13 of Parcel Map No. 12561; thence along the Easterly boundary line of said Parcel 13, South 1P 01'58" West 36.00 feet to a point on the Southerly sideline of that portion of land reserved for future street per Parcel Map No. 11573 as shown on said Parcel Map No. 12561; thence along said Southerly sideline North 78'14'55" West 112.73 feet to a point on an arc of a 55.00 foot radius curve concave Northerly, a radial bearing to said point bears South 37"21'98" East, said point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence Westerly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 90" 48'44'' a distance of 87.17 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a 20.00 foot radius curve concave Southerly; thence Westerly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 41'41'51" a distance of 14.56 feet; thence South 78'14'55" East 91.47' feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Contains an area of 1,104 square feet, more or less. Rogei LA Shermak, L.S. 5971 EXHIBIT A JrrLLI I w I >ncc I 1629 0 0 , *I - ---- h - 1.' /- 9A2CEL 13 I- 1- I. LL) u 2 al? Ah 12561 " 1 %I Y T 1 IBdiis9dcs Sfreef viwfion FESUREYlN6d-M _- PUWE~(6191942-6637 EXHIBIT B -&v -.. .- . _- + * : ..c r -- -_ * 1630 * * I$ STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ss. KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant I. ../ . .. (:it). (;Id of tlir <:it? of (;;iiIsl):iti, (:ort~it>. of San I>ic,go, Statti of (;iiIiforItia. Iicm4)>. c.c.rtif>. tliat I 1t:ivtx cwtipir~d tlir forctgoirig copy with tlw origii):il Reao1ution.k ..92-2.5 passc~l :iritl atioptcd I)>. said (:it!. (;oiiiiciI. at ... a...reg.ul.ar...... . ..... iiiwtiiig tIwi-cvf, at tltc tiiiw aiit~ ~)y tIie vote tIicwbiii .st:itc,tI. wIiicdi origiiial . Re~.~lutio~ ......... ..... is Tiow 011 file iii iil?. o~iicc.: t~iat tIic. siiiiie contains ii full. triicb aiitl c~ol-rc1c.t triiiisc,ript tlrc~rc~frorii ;tilt1 of thc \vhole tIic.rcot. \\'itiicss iti!. IiaiitI aiitl tIrt. scb;iI of saici (:ity of (:nrls~xic~, tiiis . IO.tM;iy of ..FebrU.a~~1,...1994 .............. ,..... I SI'..\ 1, I i. 1581 ION NO. 89-360 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, VACATING A PORTION OF OAK -- AVENUE AND LINCOLN STREET,- BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California as follov 1. That all publication and posting notices regarding the proposed vacation portions of Oak Avenue between Lincoln Street and Carlsbad Boulevard and Lincoln Strf between Oak Avenue and Carlsbad Boulevard, pursuant to Resolution of Intention No. 89-332, have been given as required by 1aw. 2. That the City Council did hear the evidence offered by all persons interest s find from all the evidence submitted that portions Oak Avenue bettwen Litcoh Street ad Carlsbad Eoule~ard and Lincch Street betwe Oak Avenue and Carlsbad Boulevard, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, St: on Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B", attached hereto and , is unnecessary for present or prospective strt order vacating said portions of Oak Avenue betwe Lincoln Street and Carlsbad Boulevard and Lincoln Street between Oak Avenue a Carls bad Boulevard. 3. 4. That an easement for all existing utilities is excepted from this vacation. That the vacation of said portions of Oak Avenue and Lincoln Street conditioned upon the guarantee of construction of the Oak Avenue and Lincoln Strc improvements to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 L '.. 1582 *e 1 5. That City Clerk is instructed NOT TO RECORD this Resolution of Vacatl until the terms of Condition 4 have been complied with. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad ( Council held on the 10th day of October , 1989 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larsor NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: u ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Cler (SEAL) 1 1583 ('0 :a LEGAL DESCRIPTION OAK AVENUE STREET VACATIOM That portion of Oak Avenue as shown on the Town of Carlsbad Map thereof No. 775, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego :County on February 15, 1894, being in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and described as followst Beginning at the Southeast corner of Block 15 of said Map NO. 275. thence along the Northern right of way of Oak Avenue, Southo55 16:15t1 West 80.78 feet; thence leaXing said right of way, South 34 43'45** East 10.00 feet; thence North 55 16'25'' East 95.98 feet to the beginning of a 5 footoradius curve concave Westerly, a radial line to- which bears South 34 43'45" East; thence along tne arc of said curve 7.85 feet through $ central angle of 90°00'00"; thence taggent to said curve, North 34. 43'45" West 5.00 feet; thence South 55 16'15'' West 20.20 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 1,004.44 sq. ft. 1 u I + _- ?& / L' ir,/ y$/gy B.B. DeWitt, LS 4525 ate NalS4575 L , 2 '>HgU mf=z EX</fl'P \\ \\\\Hi\\\\\\ AREA 70 E 1/4a .. !& 'e 1585 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LINCOLN STREET VACATION That portion of Lincoln Street as shown on Town of Carlsbad Map NO. 775 filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County on February 15, 1894, being in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, described as followsl Beginning at the Southeast corner of Block 15 of said Map No. 775; thence along the Westerly right of way of Lincoln Street, North 34°43945" West 114.43 feet: thence leaving said Westegly right of way, North 55°16115" East 20620 feet: thence South 34 43'45" East 114.43 feet: thence South 55 16'15" West 20.20 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 2,311.49 sq. ft. -- /gj?%--- -i __ 4/5/89 B.B. DeWitt S 4525 Date +\..:- . p J$ Y No. EXp.3.32.sI) 1.s 45:s * ; , : 1' f2 flP ,/:.$4 ! Yp.$ o&' L577w./&7- g''wi%E7- / -2, 40' -8 1387 .=.-- e , ,I Q r:q.Q &GE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ss. , (;it> (:lc.rk of tliv (:it? of (~;~i~lsl);id, (;(iiiiit>. of Sail I>ic~g:o. Stat(, (it (;alitorili;i. II(,I,(,~)!. c.c,i.tit!. tIi;it I ~i;i\,cb c.oiirl)aroc~ tIit. forcagoiiig coI)y vvitli tlic, origiii;iI Resolution 89-360 ]);iss(-(i :iiit~ atloptc~l I)!. saitl (:it!. C;IIIIIK~I. ;it ...... a...r.eg.Ula.r... . . .... iiic.c.tirig tIicw~if, :it tIic tiiiiv ;iii(I I)y tIw vote. tlicwbiii st:tt(d. u*iiic.h origiiial Re.solut.ion....... ..... is 1101v oii fiI~ iii III!. ollicc,: tIitit tIi(. smiic c.oritaiiis ;I fiiII. triic. ;iii(I c.orrc.c.t ti.iiii.sc.ri1)t tlicw~frcirii ;iid of tlic. wliolt~ tlic~c~if. KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant I. ../ \\'itiicw iii!. Ii;iii(I :iid tli(s sc~il of said (;ity of (~;wIsI);icI. tliis 27th clay of . .. April .,... 19.90.,. ... ...,. .... .. . (sl*:;\i, I y-yfi.. ss stant t,, (;I rk . . . .