HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-01-21; City Council; 11526; APPOINTMENT TO CABLE TELEVISION FOUNDATION BOARD1 &I al u k u (d 5 2 2 rl .c M x *A a,u C $ *: - ria .a ava 3 1a c, UN aal .z .$ ‘;“ g g2 u uTl mm5 5 cd+J k Ma ala,@ 332 uu iJ url 5 (d.4 alar EEZ 66: 0-4- 4 \\‘ rldN me- si a, a, 3 aJ cJNN c \\\ u mas Q w 0 a - a, 1 F: -4 u 4 aaac a, a, a, a,s .d c -4 c TI cz; c-g :EL: 3555 uuuus (0 VI m mu (d cd (d a% 3333E k Sd ” ”a, uQJJ vj cd cdd BiiEEN GdGsm alalQ)*\ HHHH\ a, aJ “$c &Jc)4JQH m m N N NcJ .. mcnmmz \-“GO c\lhld4c 4a-I \\\>0 rl4N 4 r! 0 211 3 0 0 OF CARLSBAD - AGEN tIa u I DEPT. MTG. 1/21/92 DEPT. CLK APPOINTMENT TO CABLE TELEVISION FOUNDATION BOARD CITY A CITY N RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 92-23 , appointing one member to the Board of Dire for the Foundation for Carlsbad Community Cable Television. ITEM EXPLANATION The by-laws of the Carl sbad Community Cable Television Foundation authorize directors. Two are selected by the cable television operators within Carlsbad other five directors are appointed by a majority vote of the members of the Council. Additionally, Council has requested the Carlsbad Unified School Dir to nominate a trustee for one of the five Council-appointed directors. The Foundation‘s By-Laws previously established two-year term lengths. Pt request of the City Council , the Foundation recently amended their by-1; establish four-year term lengths. Therefore, subsequent appointees will four-year terms. Shane Salerno resigned from the Board of Directors for the Foundation for Ca Community Cable Television effective December 25, 1991. The term vacated ’ Sal ern0 does not expire until January, 1993. Therefore, it is recommended tk Mayor appoint one member to fill the unexpired term. There are currently no applications on file in the City Clerk’s office. EXHIBITS 1. Resolution No.? %-a% , appointing one member to the Board of Diu for the Foundation for Carlsbad Community Cable Television. 2. Copy of letter of resignation from Shane Salerno dated December 25, I 0 u-&TL&- K : b e a e9 DECEMBER 25, 1991 HONORABLE MAYOR LEWIS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD 1.200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, Ca. 92008-1989 MAYOR LEWIS: I regret that I am unable to perform my duties as a member of the Cable Television Foundation ---and therefore must resign post. , As you are aware ---in February of this year I completed my first film - "SUNDOWN: THE FUTURE OF CHILDREN AND DRUGS." Ne to say I had no idea it would so well or be so well received. of that credit I owe to the City of Carlsbad and to the Carls Cable Television Foundation ---both of which I have tireless1 to thank both in the local press and on such national progran ."Larry Kinq Live." (September 26, 1991) Due to national commitments to promote "Sundown," (and in thc put disadvantaged young people through drug rehabilitation) z because I have just begun work on my second film, I am unable to attend the Cable-Tv- Foundation meetings ---and therefore that it would be inappropriate for me to continue serving. I appreciate the opportunity you have given me ---and want y know that this is a decision I make with great reluctance. b. 0 e c. -2- I apologize for the delay in presenting you with this letter - but I honestly felt that my schedule would lighten up and that I would then be able to make the necessary meetings. I realize that the members of The Cable Television Foundation also very busy ---and that they manage to make the meetings. the last three meetings I haven't even been in California. So I sincerely hope that the members of the foundation will u: and not incorrectly assume that I feel my schedule is any mor important than anyone else's. Once again thank you Mayor Lewis ---and thank you to each of foundation members for their patience and understanding. Respectfully, 3&" Shane Salerno P.S. I will sorely miss Fred's Ctry humor. / *--- APPLICATION FOR APPOINTWWI' BOARD(S1 AND/OR COl"liSSION(Sl (Please print or type.) 52 io "z 7; s .o -4 - -. 2.J -1 : ;u .- L, "I ._ r" .. ... . _. ., .I > I" " NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR cOMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: % y? " A- WATER^ CC>MMIS.SION gz Mu TV FOON&T/ON : CHlL~COMMIS~flN NAME: KmNET7f d GQAm - I ADDRESS: 8/O M&NOC/A AVF CITY: G4RLML) ZIP CODE: 92008 HOME PHONE: 7Zq-OQ77'1 PRESENT OCCUPATION: &%&Ti% m%!!/&YW BUSINESS NAME: R-/-r/V&FDKAL -A - BUSINESS ADDRESS: 4003 ~/m WY o~FWF 92CSli WORK PHONE: 940 ?%)2 - r/ Yes .- N( u. S. Citizenship (required rOr 41 appoinbnents) . - Resident of Carlsbad (@weme gm to residents) Registered voter in Carisbad (m@md f~r s~md CORW&W) / Yes 'i d Yes Nc Ni @ r-)wnsibil" aswled BO me Board(@ Qf -mm-wa aacld disclowre statsmenb as required by the State's or C Coiflict 00 Interest codes; cornmitt@@ designzgl9d by the Chy Council or at the request of an indtv; I am willing to BbD interwiewd regarding my qualiflcatl~~s for appointment (Continued on reverse side) . . . . ,.,,"- --;,,e - parlch3d caiifornia 92008-1989 (619) 434 0 a EDUCAtI,fYy &,A, (LEvM.. . + ~UAL, psrc(KxaGr -um/vmmoFc*iww~/ceo /972 wm/c m!/% - uc- * 1977- SOOH&S, @wma ~rn~~~ w.z wPRoDclcp7cw ZfVF/C/)m ,' O/L /C/REWW ScASs€s: HYDRIQULJCS flALVOdW PAODLICJRW~~~IW~~~G move W&WRIQUG 4xJ&m& EXPERIENCF 10 YR3+ oxzsw A42%@T--flm/w PMrn/C 3 YRS P?OF;rsS/on/AL m/f FkE#= WRwzR/kDToR ,. 8' Po Pa. COMMUNlW ACTIVITIES WE% XE-/seES!!€NP- ~RUBU /dAD?UGF/EM wm ~~9-amdvvW/EJLLsnEP~ !oV"QR - FWh9%~~~~#VN /&e @&qVM- P?Rm ACMrnR WSION E'DUGSTlON PA* l4 E VG 0RWFR- NOkW CoUhlPy (J976-198y) rnrn/WMrn ~~~4PzLe - GtpwS4w ouaK/a 44Y Fd /9a/ 1 598 la!!P~sT 2 ms Z9E /5Es5?RwDq4mmvEw4m slou+wq >vj.%IRy WRD - s.0, //LcsT/wE FO& &fi Mm/C//\/E W~WOF LSLQllDmR22EB#?PE% '~MTpi3,%&&"P~~ ' WlER .S€U?!ZJA v f%?~~~~ &!E&$G$D/p OF m F/&flw2 &, % p5/ ADDlTlC"L INFORMA~ON OR COWMEN UF,@L4 CWc43AVWZNG Q.V mE WKOF~E&QEE~P+E~N A!& 3 aU-ULcY DkiO 800 WEa A&%V. m "??. &' GO/NG 'OKA UECffiC ROW m/%mi~s, e 77lPAS /N7t) N~M/"EJT~B~G[~~ E'R. 2 0;F /JIs WELLS /N WPsQV'D~mo COG!! w. DR/m Fax LeKErn w4m cw"Y/N m"wg&, p3jEMGm Q.t/% ; p?&@I/m NRE w4m m 700 GQLLon/s Pmw/mE AYm Ah!l!l ~~~~V~~/#~~w/~Up-Anl)'~~~/N m~~~QuAc~~ ?&!I& E" OF &ROVG#& wmwe2 &f IwUmf-vOF &J4=m y/@w.x)m auPPu=, 2-65 /mv/w&l mE Fi3UNLXx OF 77fE- hzvv-fl~~7 s FbWrnVN2&ND rn0MLy WEE MT c.mwa coo. E!*- I2 EXPrnSS WVNUE '/-O/NGf!4 mm StrfPU3 CZMmNW @ 'O~.ez/nA~Cy,WFS"F/0~- AT&&- 4" ~~~W~. . 1Ffl-D &Y D&OGfl/4n/D /N/?j=%C?~A~%%Cb''~ //2/ 7%. mL ve' 1 2 3 * 0 RESOLUTION NO. 99 - 9 8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE FOUNDATION FOR CARLSBAD COMMUNITY CABLE TELEVISION. 4 WHEREAS, Shane Sal ern0 resigned from the Board of Directors i 5 Foundation for Carlsbad Community Cable Television from a term expiring J 611 1993; 7 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of C; 8 California, as follows: 9. 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 10 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to serve as a me I' for a term expiring January, 1993: I.2 the Board of Directors for the Foundation For Carl sbad Community Cable Tel vote, to wit: l6 City of Carlsbad on the 21st day of ADril , 1992, by the fc l5 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Counci' 14 13 KENNETH CARTER I? AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaard l8 NOES: None I I.9 I ABSENT: None 2o I 21 1 22 23 ATTEST: 24 25 KRANZ, City C1 erk d 26 27 (SEAL) 28 April 23, 1992 Mr. Kenneth J. Carter 810 Magnolia Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 It is my pleasure to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council, a its meeting of April 21, 1992, appointed YOU as a member of th Board of Directors for the Foundation for Carlsbad Community Cab1 Television to fill a term which will expire in January, 1993- May 1 extend my best wishes for an interesting and productive ter of office. Mayor CAL: ijp c: B. Dominguez 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive .- Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-2E February 3, 1992 Mr. Fred Morey 2618 Abedul Street Carlsbad CA 92009 Dear Mr. Morey: It is my pleasure to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of January 7, 1992, reappointed you as a member of the Cable Television Foundation Boarc for a term expiring January 31, 1996. May I extend my best wishes for an interesting and productive term of office. 1 Mayor 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-21 February 3, 1992 Ms. Sharon Faithful 4933 Avila Avenue Carlsbad CA Dear A& 1 It is my pleasure to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting c January 7, 1992, reappointed you as a member of the Cable Television Foundation Boar1 for a term expiring January 31, 1996. May I extend my best wishes for an interesting and productive term of office. 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-28: February 3, 1992 Mr. Paul Vanderpool 3527 Milford Place Carlsbad CA 92008 Dear Mr. Vanderpool: It is my pleasure to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of January 7, 1992, reappointed you as a member of the Cable Television Foundation Board for a term expiring January 31, 1996. May I extend my best wishes for an interesting and productive term of office. WB Mayor 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-28