HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-01-22; City Council; 11528; REVIEW OF 1991 CITY COUNCIL GOALSb . . I, g -4 .ii ffl 3 a G (d 4 ffl rd 0 c3 a, & U a a, -4 ffl z M a G (d W Wn 04 (dm m -4 EU cd OU w Lla uo M MW 0 aco aJaJ MW aJG 3 .c -4 @E aaJ aaJ ?m *ti w aJ L) a,. hU G 4a, -4 E UaJ GU 22 I GI I Y F GARLSBAD - AGENDWILL Y 31 y AB#% JITLE CITY MGR.: DEPT. CM CITY DEPT- A % REVIEW OF 1991 CrrY COUNCIL GOALS MTG. 1-22-92 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review existing Vision Statements and Goals, and set new ones for the 1992 calendar year. ITEM EXPLANATION: Each year, the Ci Council reviews its Five-Year Vision Statement and the goals it has set for each service area, including Administration, Community Development, Cultural & Recreational, Sl Services and Public Works. The Vision Statements provide a vision of what Carlsbad should look in five years and beyond. In creating and reviewing these statements, the Council relies on input from citizens and comml organizations, as well as on personal preferences which are shaped by this process of identH visions, setting goals and adopting specific, measurable objectives to meet these goals. These vis provide staff with a visual picture of what Carlsbad should look like, and ensures that all activities directed toward doing what is best for Carlsbad now and in the future. The graph below shows the Strategic Values and Ground Rules as the hub of the overall process the perimeter linking the City Council Goals, Specific Objectives and Operating Budget, inclu program/performance and the performance of management employees - Behavioral Anchored Bi - System (BARS). With this process in alignment, it is likely the organization will achieve virt anything it sets out to do. Staff presented its accomplishments in meeting last year's goals on December 17, 1991. Aftel Council reviews and establishes its goals for 1992, staff will return with objectives to meet these g' urn N \ a N I+ hl \ ;o a $ z 3 0 0 2 .. g 0 Q VISIONS GOALS Performance Specific Appraisal Strateaic Values Objectives (BARS) Ground Rules (MBW D PROG BUDGET 0 RAM/PERFORMANCE EXHIBITS: 1. 1992 Five-Year Vision Statement, as revised. 2. 1992 Service Area Goals, as revised. 3. Strategic Values 4. Ground Rules _I.. . . Y. . . '_ < Suggested Order: 1.4 2 4 9 + 8 4 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 4 3 + 0 0 1992 Fm YEAR VISION STATEMENT ~~~~.~~~~~~~~.~~~~h ~~~~~~~~~~~~ *~l;l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .~ _.,.,.,.,.,...,.(..,i ... ... ...... ............................... ._.. 1 .I''....'....,.... -. _..-i_.....*:.....I.: ..,.....,.. ......- _............. :.:.x.:.:.: :.;. .......... ......................................................................................................................... reflect"the.'.General'.pian.'and ......... ............................................................ enforce :.I:.::::: ._.._ the ._.._.._.. ._.._ ........\... Growth (.....(. ,.......... :.:.:.:::::::: ......... ,_____,,,,,,,, ........................... Management ..,......._... ... ....... . ..,.. ... ................................................. Plan. M + :t.. CI L ALL u .. 0 0 Reflect the General Plan and enforce the Growth Management Plan. whkh w n,, * 1, AY UA A 10 + Eliminate political attitudes from land use decisions and work for the best interests of Carlsbad. 11 + Council working cooperatively in a non-political, open government on all issues for the betterment of the community. q €ks=&tL .. 12 + sn , .i ,. e City Council ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . ..". ...................................................... ............................ . .........;..,....... ~~~~~~~~~~ ............................................. > ..... - &&& .,........._...,._.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................... .:.:.:...,.,.,. :.:.:.:.:.: ._.. ........................................... ................................................. understands all aspects of municipal services. ~ kaes [Note: It has been suEEested that this statement be deleted.) -* City. [Note: It has been suggested that this statement be deleted.) 13 + :.>:.:.:.:.:y. .:. .. .. City Council whkh accepts responsibility for the efforts of the ... ....._. :.:. e Exhibit 2 <. CITY COUNCIL GOALS - 1992 * ADMINISTRATION * Goal 11: E-mwe The City will always be fiscally sound by managing the finances of the City in light of the economy from an operation/growth/CIP perspective while balancing the needs of the community. Goal III: Lead intergovernmental relations regarding regional planning issues at Council and staff level with adjoining cities, school districts x:.:<.! .:.:.:.: :;,22 :.:.:.:, :i. :.:.:.:. County and other agencies. , ~~~~~~~~~~ utility districts and ~~d~~d, State, . . . . ................................... ..... Goal Tv: Continue a Public Information Program and Outreach Program for @,i$f$w. communication between Carlsbad citizens and government. .:.,._>>:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.>: ...,... Goal V: (formerly Goal 11) Increase the performance of Council anit Commissioners am"f€ by promoting their v ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. _....,. .............................................................................. Goal VI: Enhance professional growth, performance and v employee excellence by providing - ~~~~~.~.~.:~::ri:.::~ :.~~.~,:~:~:~-~-.:.:.:.:::::~ .:...: i_,._,_ii_ . .i.. . :. . ,.......... rnw~g;;&g~g~rn y.. ,__, :.:.:.:.:,:.:.:i.: , , , _, , .. ...... , __... ....................................................... for all employees. Ged-Wk (merged with Goal I) L. 0 a CrrY COUNCIL GOALS - 1992 * COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT * Goal I: Pro~de a high level of sehce to our m v ........................... q.E$Orn@B. ....... ..................................... Goal 11: Maintain, monitor and implement the Growth Management Plan. - Goal 111: Keep the General Plan up to date. Goal IW Initiate and continue programs which contribute toward the economic development of the entire City. c Goal W Enrich and revitalize redevelopment areas for the benefit and enjoyment of the entire community. . GoalVE: Provide affordable housing opportunities. i Provide affordable housing w @$ym$$ for all economic segments of the w I-&?:. .......................... .:.:, > .............. :.:.:.:.: .:.) >>: ........................... j:,:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:.sf:?:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .;.:.:.:. =:.x .:.:.:.:.:.:., .................. ......................... .:.:,:. :.> ... "* ..................... +..: ....... yqyd8.gjj.& ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<'..'. Goal VII: Improve the overall quality of field inspection, project processing, and front counter operations. 0 0 5. ... .:.:.:y,:e:., ,:,:: ~~:.:.:~.:.:.:.:.:~:~:: ... :~:.:.:.:.:~.:.:.:.:, ::F..:w, . . ...................... . . . . , . . . . . . . ......... . . . . :.,:.~.~.:~.:~jjjj::~~~..:~.~~.:~:~~:~ > support regional par\~~gg~a~a~&~~I .Vh...... .,.,u$&@& facilities for Carlsbad residents. ~~~:~:~~:~:~~:~:~~~~~~~ Goal V Continue relations with schools to provide recreational and arts facilities and opportunities. 0 e .. CITY COUNCIL GOALS - 1992 * SAFETY SERVICES * God I: Maintain a high and safe level of Police services throughout the City. Goal 11: Maintain a high and safe level of Fire $&&-:&& services &y&& ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ...,.,._.ii,.,. ._._. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .* :..... : ,.., ....................... . ..,._. ... ..........,.. . ../. . _..... ... ,.,.. ." :.. ...*:. ' n.. .i . i_,...../..... . . . . . . . . . . . ...... __. , ___... , . . , , ,i........._. ),, , ........................................... .._.... ..................... ii. ... . .. ... ... . .. . . . . .. . ........ ......_............ . ..,.. . ................. L. ,.............. . ..,., i..... . . Goal 111: (formerly Goal I) .. . nc. LO W Maintain - :z=lage-by szt- the highest standards for courteous service and community responsiveness. Goal IV: Cm- a cs%j$&@ community drug awareneSS A :::::jj::j9:~:~:~g~[:511::::(, . , , , . , . . . . . education programs art~~8~~~~~~~~~~~~:p~~~~~tms for parents, adults and students. i,.ii,.,.,.(.. .,.,.ii..j..._ii_(_ ~.~. :~.:.:.: ... :.:.:.: .~~~.. :.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ...~.~.~~~. ............................................................ k:::jj::jj:y<> ,..... :.:.:.* .,.,.,. :.:.:.:.~.:~k:%.:::~:~.::y~~.:::~:~:: .,... :x$%.:: ._.. :.:.:.:+:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. Goal V: Provide safety personnel appropriate training in order to enhance their personal safety and the services provided to citizens. 0 0 %. Goal VII: - Maintain Carlsbad as a clean city through the removal of litter and graffiti .... :~~~~~~~~~~~d~~~~~~Q~~~~~~~~~:~tim~* 8i8~i:::~~.::~i:::j::::::j:i:::::.::::: j:,..,.:.: ............................................ ~.... :.::~:::: j:..... :.:.:.~:::.~.~:~: a 0 CAlllDl I J STRATEGIC VALUES * Important to the Future Success of Carlsbad * Financial Stability Sound policies in a balanced revenue expenditure base. Qualitv of Life Concerns Creating a living environment which is environmentally sensitive, free af pallutian, nan-congested, aesthetically and architecturally pleasing and offers well-rounded cultural, recreational and other enhanced quality of life opportunities. Top Quality Services Delivering the highest quality social, recreational, cultural, infrastructure, community development and public safety services. Timelv Response to CitizendCustorners Providing as immediate and practical a response as is possible to the citizens. Employee Excellence Having the highest possible level of efficiency, effectiveness and talent in the employee group. 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 (619) 434-2820 e ".. . . I. . . -. ** GROUND RULES ** (Adopted November 16, 1990) I do what is best for Carlsbad. I am 100% responsible for meeting my commitments and for the team's success. No surprises. (I keep team members informed about actions that may affect them.) I am truthful, open and communicate directly. I am collaborative and seek to achieve widwin in all my dealings. 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 (619) 434-2820 t 4~ t 0 L 0 I m n 6 m cn I E 5 0 0 > LL I I - c) 2 3 0 0 > t- c) - 1L r 0 cn LLI > F 0 W I m ., 0 n z 3 - I - 0 6 cn I 6 0 0 +-r 4&/ w .1 -,- - c\1 6) rn F c\1. nl > r 6 3 '2 6 I 7 0 c/> K n d 2 0 0 LLI 3 7 > LLI W U - I- 2 0 m m 1 L a> Q a, 0 a> E n 1 m m 1 L a, a a, 0 a, E n 0 07 0)o) mm 77 00 w w nn r-Jg a [L: < J J 0 n 0 LL c/) z 0 1 1 2 - I :8 .oo :.oj OS :z '0 :n 6 I- 2 z! 2 f- Cn W c/) I- t. 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L \ II I- U I n s 0 I\ m c\1 c\1 U a cn a) m c113 3 a, Q) >. 0 Q a, Q) N 0 LL I - E I n 8 d- F u m Tt e cn 3 0 > a, Q a- L E 0 CT) c U S a, Q v) U a, c) 3 U Q> K c CC. a- I n 8 00 nl d- 6) U e L m a, >. .' I - 0 *u. 6JF vA+/$i-i- ,-r",-./v,~o -,.. ""C,. LEGAL AID SOCIETY OF §AN DIEGO, mc. Office of the Public Aitorney a 2n6 s. ~~~~~~t st, (6 19) 721-2740 (619) 3%2=2955 Oceaans;da2, CA 92054 pi?.. i'i' .... I m January 15, 1992 Bud Lewis, Mayor City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbaq Village i>rive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: IJse of Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds (20% Set-Aside Funds) Dear Mr. Lewis: Item 11 on the June 4, 1991, City Council Agenda was the City's 1991-92 Operating Budget. The one-page Agenda Bill which pre- faces the Budget, notes that the Redevelopment Operating Budget which totals $760,000.00, was reduced by $34,000.00 from the 1990-91 calendar year, This reduction was accomplished by "establishing expenditure categories in the Affordable Housing portion of the fund.. .(of) $95,030." When I spoke with Ms. Graham regarding this Agenda item, she advised me that the anticipated Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund set-aside for fiscal year 1991-92 was approximately $400,000.00, While this puts the anticipated Operating Budget of $95,000.00 barely within the 25% cap which the state advises, the propriety of charging such exorbitant operating expenditures against the Fund is tied not only to the total set-aside for that fiscal year, but more importantly to the number of housing units produced as a result of those operating expenditures. Since the City's Fair Share goal for the next five years if 1,125 units, your objectives are to produce 225 units annually towards this goal. Of these, 125 will be met by the private sector's inclusionary housing requirements, with no assistance from the Low and Moderate Income Bousing Fund. The balance of the 100 units must be produced by non-profit housing developers and the local governnent with local, state and federal, private and public, resources. Because the fiscal year is half over, unless construction of a specific project(s) is underway, it is extremely doubtful whether one unit, never mind 100, will be built by the City of Carlsbad before the end of this fiscal year. Health & Safety Code S 33334.3(d) requireis the tow and Moderate Income Housing Fund to be used to the maximum extent possible to defray the cost of production, improvement, and preservation of low End %xmwfimbf !!E!lz!e .* / ~34 Lewis, Mayor January 15, 1992 II) Page 2 e moderate income housing. The amount of money spent for planning and general administrative activities associated with the deve- lopment, improvement, and pr5servation ot that housing must not be disproportionate to the amount actually spent for production, improvement, and preservation. Under Section 33334,3(e), plan- ning and general administrative costs payable from the Housing Fund must be directly related to the programs and activities authorized under subdivision (e) of Section 33334.2, and must be directly attributable to a specific project. Planning and administrative costs associated with the prepara- tion and revision of the Flousing Element, Inclusionary Housing Program, or other programs of general applicability, are not appropriately attributable to the Low and Moderate Income Rousing Fund. Since the City of Carlsbad is setting aside the absolute minimum required under State Redevelopment Law for low and moderate income housing, administrative costs directly associated with a particular project may be charged against the redevelopment rather than the Housing Set-Aside Fund. Alternatively, the City may contemplate increasing its commitment to affordable housing above the bare minimum. If the City has a particular project in the pipeline, I want you to be mindful of your: obligation to notify me of such activity j pursuant to the Settlement Agreement in Sahagun, et al. vs. City of Carlsbad, et al., Zase No. N43834, San Diego Superior Court. MY clients in that case are entitled to the riqht of first refu- sal to occupy, at affordable rates, the first, appropriately- sized housing units developed with the Sousing Fund. Sincerely, LEGAL AID SOCIETY OF SAN DIEGO, INC. &#L -. CATHERINE A. RODMAN Attorney at Law CAR/b cc: City Council Planning Commission Design Review Eoard City Manager City Attorney City Clerk -.-- ~ - - I r ., 3 0 i .C"""./L MLZPN~ 2F &2/i City Council Car L sbad I .Lad previously suSmitted most of these comme~ts to tke "anninc: Commission on September 4, 1991. Generally, government's success in providing kousi-g k.35 been a dismal one, at least judging from public hoxs:~-,; gr3;ezt~. rurther~ore. r?,er.t:on "!ow ir,coI.;?e housinu" t3 ar,y 3roDerty crclner, however modest the investnect. and every red flag goes cp. ir,tome :".c,si;; 1s v;ewed zs detrimental to gropert-7 -,ralues iwhlch. after all. is of some significance to this city also). causes an incr2ase in traffic, congestion, crixe. 5aci schools r( If - i,3x ' 11 ' etc. O~ly sexior housing escapes the property owners' wrath. at !east partially. Csrtai21y this Yousing Element, by stressinu that every quadrar.t must.absorb its "fair share" of low IECGT,.~ housizg seems to reinforce these perceptions, Sy giving the impression (.maybe unintentionally) that it's a burden to be shared, along with its pain and disagreeable features. I've read. Government Code Article 10.6 which dictates the Reed for a Bousing Element. This legislation, from 1983 is completely outdated ar,d unworkable for the State of Califcrnra now. Our representatives need to work on this. In the last decade, we have seen two explosions in the state. particularly in Southern California -- population and housing prices, California immigration continues at an unprecedented rate -- legal, illegal, transient. temporary. with a strain on every resource. Most of us notice it most throtclgh heavy development, traffic congestion, air pollution, lack of recreational space, lack of classrooms, and even an adequate water supply. more expensive and gradually out of reach financially for almost everyone. Younger families go into new tracts (e.g. Ternecula! where they trade a longer commute for more open space, lower prices, and an agreeable life style. aerospace, finance, heavy manufacturing, are shrinking or disappearing to other locations. These are the jobs which provided the good wages which built up Southern California over the last forty years. Fewer opportunities in high paying jobs -- that's what is sustaining the "Affordability Gap". Of course the Choice residential areas. particularly near the ocean Secorrie What I think is ominous is that the well paying jobs, in market will adjust. It has already. Housing prices are flak or have even declined. Housing is being auctioned. ProFerty pr:ces 1 0 0 i d 2 are redcced to sell. Actually. there is a tremendous amount of affordable housing all over North County: houses, aFartments. condos. townhomes. Of cocrse much of this housing is further in!ar,d. 2nd therefore not in perhaps what a lo: of people perceive as prime areas. But actually very few people caz live exactly where they wish. Ultimately, the market dpte?rrr,ines the;r selection. I find it dlfficalt to agree with the report that li2ks traffic congestion with the fact that people don't live near L;e~r jabs in Carisbad. If that were true. then 'G::: rcads wau:6 cniy be crowded at rush hour. But that's simply not the case! Interstate 5 is always busy, as is the Village, ar,d the Palomar Airport road interchange. Congestion comes from massive developm.ent and inadequate roads and no continuous, convenient rapid transit. Carlsbad is obviously not just housing workers ,or local employers. It is also a Sedroom community for workers in La Jolla, Mira Mesa, San Marcos, even Orange County. Some people even commute (at least part of the time) into Los ARgeles! It is unfortunate that the Housing Element could not use 1990 Census figures. A lot of the statistical data is from the A' c - - .I.? __ Census and projections are based on that. California zf 1380 is simply not the Caiifornia of today. In assessing housing needs. the report considers various cj.roups -- students. seniors, handicapped, military, homeless, migrants/agricultural. Probably, the only group whose needs can be accurately assessed are those of seniors. Let's take the case of students, junior college and up. Traditionally students commute from home or share living space near campus. Carlsbad has no college, except a small Chapman facility in an office park. UCSD, University of San Diego, San Diego State are almost twenty miles away. California State University San Marcos is at least eight miles away. Why are we considering housing needs of students who don't attend a college in our city? On the one hand, we say workers should live near their jobs -- why would we build housing for a uriversity mi 1 es away? Is it Carlsbad's responsibility to build housing for Camp Fendleton, or Miramar Naval Air Station? I don't think so. The Pentagon simply has not adjusted its budget to,reflect the fact that the majority of our volunteer military force is married, usually with dependents! Here, our political representatives need to exert some pressure! Military housing, stipends need to be realistic and to keep pace with inflation. I e 0 I' w 3 O~VLOUS!~. the place to 5cild this type sf family housing is at ZZT.? ?endleton, Fortanately, the areas near the Sase are s0p.e of the m~st affordable. No it:^ In America has solved the homellss pr?blem. It is uenerally agreed that many are ill, drug and alcahol adclctei, 3: fxll-blown psychotic, Police in many areas do "zercy 5ookings" to get them off the street. Others are women acd childre-. oz families. cften dlslocated. out-of-area, who need temporary assistance. the way the Red Cross assists disaster victims. via mota! v3:rche:s. etc. A local jurisdiction cannot tacklt this proble~ exceFt iri the most elementary way. which is "ow ch'c;rche~ and ckaritahle 3rganizatlons approach it. if Tany homeless (particclazly s~ngle adults) belong in a hospital, how can yo:-: build housing for them? Seniors is one group for whom affordable houslng planning car, be accurate. often successful and easier to gain local approval. A great deal of '?novation can be used here. Above all, this type of housing has to be accessible to two things: transportation and services. Therefore, what sense would it Take to locate it in a remote area in our scuth-east quadrant, for instance? The lack of housing for migrant agricultural labor is of ccurse a disgrace-- even although the problem will disappear xhen Zarlsbad builds out. However, the recent inability of Z~cinltas to convert just one defunct motel for migrant housing is I , believe a pretty accurate indication of the difficulty of building housing for this group. Trailers' should be brought onto the agrlcu! ttlral sites. A great deal of housing for "low income" residents is already being provided by relatives in this city. What about the adult child living with parents, the senior livir,g with a child. the handicapped adult being cared for by a relative? The report really doesn't consider these people, Technically, all of then should be provided with housing. Would the city then pay a stisend to their families? I doubt that. Often these people can't even be claimed as dependents for income tax purposes. recommendation on how the affordable housing should be built. First of all, I: saw nothing in the Housing Element legislation that mandated that a city has to spend any of its own revenues. Furthermore, a lot of federal and state funds have "dried up". However, in the area of rehabilitation, there still may be money available. I am quite shocked at the large number of dilapidated or decaying residential structures in this city. Unless this is reversed, their decline will result in areas of Let's now consider Carlsbad's housing stock and the report's e 0 .. * 4 high crime, with lenders refusing tc make any type of loan in the area. Deteriorating areas always create even more need for housicg. People won't consider them as housing options, unless they are absolutely desperate. More and more units are really sort of "off limits". This decreases the housing stock and increases the price of the other units, I don't think there is one thina a city can do that Is more beneficial and pays greater dividends than to reverse urban blight -- whatever it takes -- ~~re inspectors, code enforcement, impounding of abandoned cr A,-ega-lly parked vehicles, prevention of illegal business activities, garage conversions. etc. In the long run it's rzck ~chea~er to take remedial action than to let a project or block completely decay. :7. Whenever a building project is subsidized by waiving fees, someone else has to pick up the differencel Since all fees are passed on to the buyer eventually, the result is that the other projects become even more expensive. creating even a greater need for affordable housing. It's a vicious circle. F.lso. how can you consider lowering building standards. particularly in earthquake country? In fact, the higher the building density, the stricter the codes should be . That's why there are required exit and emergency signs in hotels and not in houses! pay for anything. I consider it highly discriminatory. Why? Because only one type of property is singled out. What about other property which appreciates, such as stocks, bonds, jewelry, antiques, club memberships? What about people who aren't selling? I think it is outrageous that a 70 year old widow going Call it a hypothetical case, but that's the scenario that is created. I am emphatically opposed to a Real Estate transfer tax to into a nursing home is taxed to pay for someone else's' housingl We are unhappily in a five-year drought. Statewide, residential water use is 15% of the total. However, the residential customer has been hit with severe restrictions. If there is a real emergency, I don't understand how one building permit is handed out. However, the report proposes that somehow if we retrofit our houses (to the tune of hundreds or even thousands of dollars) somehow the water we save can provide water to hundreds of new homes, without any change in consumption! "Retrofit" has become a nice little buzz-word. I'm not sure if a current residential customer should lose his landscaping investment to supply water for new hook-ups. This point has been made repeatedly, particularly in the last year. b e e \ .' r J A *rnv :~~,-hing I?& the Eousins z~emerk discusses hox r3andldates for -7 L 1,. . 7 .... e -ax-income housing should be .=,e!ectei: 5.: l?t_t?r;~. waiting !:st? S!xi;lC: 3 applicant have to be a resider& or enplyec ir. 7.3rlsbad fsz say. five years, or 'can ar.y';ne .:..:3:lfy. c3x:i;"z a recen: a:~-lval frorr. out of state? cly ccmrr:er?ts are lengthy encugh. Thank you fc;r reading '_he? .... .=.f '_k$ wzcld i,= struggling to achieve a market econor?:J, vicL b" 3;;r T k:avzr.'t addressed every point ir, this 3ousi::g ,_?zent a5 -7 *.- * " c,;y-sl~~sion, 1 2; find it ironic that at a t: ". .-i - --'r,an k.-b-. .. --,..-I- ,Ab.. l2 1 Q ,~air:'~ - .- ar:? er:coura?er.ent I this Hcusing Z!iemer;t- re2ol-t 9ses 'completely acains'; the copcept. ?.espectf:illy schmltted, Renata B. Mulry CarlsSad r.;sic!ent ectober 21, 135: