HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-01-28; City Council; 11537; Adoption of Revised Fees for City ServicesAB # li; 533 TITLE:
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1. Hold Public Hearing on the revision of development related and gene
City fees.
43-3q 2. Adopt Resolution No. setting development related fees.
35 3. Adopt Resolution NO.^'^' setting general City fees.
The City conducted a review of fees charged by all major departments during
latter part of 1990-91. The recommendations made within the report prepa:
by David M. Griffith and Associates (DMG), are based on the concept that f
should be set to recover the cost of services. In addition, staff from affec
departments have reviewed the report and made subsequent recommendatic
on the proposed fees. Generally, the recommended fees do not complet
recover costs for performing a service, resulting in subsidized services.
Development related fees which include planning and engineering services
recommended for a general increase of approximately 5% to 10%. Althoug
much larger fee increase could be defended on a cost of service basis for cert
types of services, the City's position has been that some subsidy is approprj
where the service benefits the general public. The recommended fee increa
reflect a balance between the need to fund services and the need for complia
and public benefit. Both the DMG Study and staff recommend that fees
increased in an effort to capture inflation and recover costs. The only f
recommended to remain at current levels are those associated with
acquisition of grading permits. In this case, it is important to avoid pricing
cost of compliance out of the reach of the individual or small organizations wl
it is in the City's best interest to encourage conformance with standards. I
estimated that increased development related fees will yield approximai
$53,000 annually in additional revenue.
New fees have been recommended in several areas.
include the following:
Examples of new i
Master Plan Pre-Submit
Waste Water Discharge Permit
Appeal City Council City Engineers Decision
Tentative Tract Map Extensions
Although revenue from new fees is not anticipated to be major, the time SF
by staff in these and other areas related to development should be recove
through fees.
n * e
* 11,537 Page Two of Agenda Bill No.
General City fees are also recommended for increase in an effort to capti
inflation and recover costs. Included within this category of fees are thc
increases ranging from 10% to 15%. There is also a new series of fees
individualized instruction recommended within the aquatics category.
Emergency medical transport fees are recommended for increase, from $165
$200 plus the cost of supplies. It is estimated that increased fees will result
an additional $43,000 annually. The assessment of new fees within fire servi
are recommended and primarily address use permits, plan review and inspecti
of fire protection system installations. Again, the time spent by staff in thl
areas should be recovered through fees. It is estimated that permit applicat:
fees will yield an additional $18,000 annually.
The Park-In-Lieu fee is the only capital fee recommended for increase. 1
increase is based upon a recent appraisal of property within the northw
quadrant, and increases the value of an acre of land from $1 75,000 to $195,0(
This results in increasing the fee per unit of development within this quadra
All other fees are recommended to remain at their current levels. The Cour
recently reviewed and adopted revised Traffic Impact Fees, Sewer Fees and Wa
rates. All fees are shown within this document in an effort to compile all f
charged by the City in one centralized place.
Charges for services are estimated to provide approximately $4.3 million
General Fund revenue in the 1991-92 budget. This revenue source supports ab
10% of the General Fund budget. Fees for services are set by the City COUI
to recover all or part of the cost of providing certain services provided
individuals or organizations benefitting from the service. The proposed actil
recommend increases in fees that will provide up to $114,000 annually additional revenue to the General Fund.
2. Resolution No. ci 2-3 ‘d setting development related fees.
3. Resolution No. q 2-3 3 setting general City fees.
associated with charges for use of the pool, which contain recommenc
Report to Financial Management Director on 1991-92 Fee Adjustmen
L 0 0
December 16, 1991
VIA. Finance Director
Senior Management Analyst - Finance Q^,
In July, 1991, a Report on Fees, Charges and Revenue as prepared by David M. Gn
(DMG) was submitted to the City. The main principal behind the recommendai
included in this report is that, where possible, fees should be set to recover the co
services. The recommendations made by both staff from departments which generate
and the DMG Report recognize that the City Council may wish to subsidize services tc
public. This memo will outline the recommendations made by both City staff and the I
report, which are not necessarily the same. Where differences occur, they are discu
Several new fees as well have been identified both by staff and the DMG Report
include charges for fire inspection permits and for appeals to the City Council.
The DMG Report recommends increasing fees by $398,924, or 16.8% over 1989-90.
recommendations result in increased fees of $93,000. Following are discussions of the
which are recommended for each applicable program area.
Both the DMG study and City staff recommend increasing Planning fees by approxim 5% to 10% in order to capture 1990-91 inflation and to recover City costs.
recommended fees are shown in the attached fee schedule. This level of fee assess
recovers about 50% of the Citys cost of providing planning services. Staff estimates
if current volumes of activity are maintained, the increase in planning fees will fie
additional $50,000 annually.
Fees charged for Tentative Tract Maps both Residential and Non-residential have
modified in order to improve upon the equity of the fee correlating with work perfo
and to more accurately charge for work based upon volume. Further the proposed rnt
of assessing these fees more accurately reflects the amount of time both Engineerin]
Planning functions put into the map reviews. The fees are based upon a base fee I
charge per unit or lot reviewed. For example, a Tentative Tract Map, Residential wi
lots for review has a current fee of $1,050 and a proposed fee of $6,000 for an inc
of $4,950 or 471%. The increase occurs both within the base rate, up $1,450, and j assessment of a per unit or lot fee of $100.
L e e
There are two service areas which are subsidized within the planning process. The
relates to the costs of general plan maintenance. It is difficult to assess user fees for
service as this is a community based activity having an impact on all local residents.
second subsidy area is the pursuit of special projects as requested by the City Counci
to address transportation planning and habitat management issues. The General
update is an example of a special project for which costs are not being recovered.
possible to recover these costs by placing a surcharge on building permits, based or
construction valuation. The DMG Report states that the cost of updating the General
is approximately $405,000. It is not recommended that this fee be established.
The DMG Report indicates that the grading permit fees are significantly below cost,
recommends these fees be increased. The DMG Report recommends increases ranging
$500 to $5,350 depending on the volume of grading. City staff does not concur wit1
recommendations made in the Report, and recommends retaining the current fees. A
fee is included within the DMG Report, which is for a waste water discharge perm:
$1 15.00. Staff however recommends a fee assessment of $25 in order to minimally rec
the costs associated with complying. Staff's recommendations consider the cost of sen
market conditions, and benefits to the City. It is important to avoid pricing the co
compliance out of the reach of the individual or small organizations when it is in the (
best interest to encourage conformance with standards.
With the exception of plan checking fees, all other fees within the Engineering arei
recornmended to increase by approximately 5% in an effort to capture infla
Engineering staff estimates that the increased fees will yield an additional $3,2C
revenues. The DMG Report and staff alike do not recommend increasing the plan chec
The DMG Report recommends raising the basic ambulance service fee from $165
supplies to $200 plus supplies, for emergency medical transport. This represen
increase of $35.00 or 21% over the present fee. Compared to Carlsbad's neighboring c
Vista and Oceanside, Carlsbad's fee would still be the lowest fee for basic transport sei
Oceanside charges a flat rate of $260 while Vista charges a rate of $310 plus $5.01
mile. Fire staff supports the DMG recommendation, and estimates that the increase(
will result in an additional $43,000 in annual revenue for the City.
The DMG Report also recommends the City implement a new annual charge for fire p
applications which would recover 60% of the cost of providing the service. Fire stal
reviewed the DMG Report permit application fees and their method of assessment, an
several of its own recommendations to make. First, fire staff recommends that the f
0 0
assessed only at the time of permit application, as opposed to annually as suggested in
DMG Report. Staffs recommendation considers that as long as the conditions of the pe
are maintained, the City incurs no additional expenses and cannot reasonably chargc
annual fee. Fire inspections are regularly conducted whether or not a permit is requ
of a business, and as long as compliance is maintained, an annual assessmen
unreasonable. The major cost in issuing the permit is when it is initialized, as plans codes are thoroughly researched.
Second, staff recommends full recovery of the costs associated with the actual issuanc
permits considering the purpose of a user fee is to recover costs of services provided. C
for issuing fire permits were based upon the estimated time it takes to issue a spe
permit, multiplied by the hourly rate of the reviewing employee including administr:
and overhead charges. The hourly rate used was $80 per hour.
Third, staff recommends that the fee be reassessed only upon failure of a busines
maintain the conditions of the permit, which would be discovered during a roi
inspection. If the permit needs re-issuing then the fee should be applied. This can s
as an incentive to businesses to maintain the conditions of the permit.
It is estimated that during the first year, the permit application fees will bring i~
additional $18,000 annually in revenues. AU complying uses and processes requ
permits which exist on the effective date of this ordinance will be issued permits a
charge as part of the routine inspection.
Both the DMG study and staff recommend full recovery of administrative costs relatt
weed abatement. Administrative cost, including a ratio established for overhead, i
average of $80 per parcel. Staff recommends the assessment of $80 per parcel for T
abatement administration plus any additional expenses needed to compensate for
contractor's charge.
Staff is also recommending the assessment of one new fee for fire reinspections.
assessment of this fee would recover costs of fire staff as result of builder's failui
comply with orders, notices, and code requirements. Continuous failures re(
reinspections and unusual demands on staff time. Any single reinspection required w
assessed at $40.00.
It is recommended that fees associated with Agua Hedionda Lagoon remain at cu
levels. Fees associated with pool usage are recommended for increases ranging gene
from 10% to 15% and have not been increased for approximately 3 years. Increasin,
fees now will keep with the effort of capturing inflation that has occurred over time.
series of new fees are recommended which which address, 1)individualized instructii
basic swimming, and 2) advanced instruction/coaching. The proposed fee is $17.0(
hour and $25.00 per hour respectively for residents, and $23.00 and $31.00 for
residents. Presently, individualized instruction is not offered as part of the aq
e 0
residents. Presently, individualized instruction is not offered as part of the aqi
program. Establishing the fee for individualized instruction will allow the program t
offered with all costs recovered.
A modification in a series of existing aquatic fees is also recommended. The recommei
fee consists of changing the four month pass to a term of six months, and renaming
Season Discount. This results in an increase of $1.75 or 20% per month for the Se
Discount - Adult Resident, and $.75 or 7% for Season Discount - Family Resident.
Season Discount can be purchased on a pro-rated basis. This recommended chan;
based upon survey results of fees Carlsbad charges for passes which indicate that the
is currently below average. Second, a study of season pass users was conducted and re
indicate that a pass lasting for a longer time period with the option to purchase on a
rated basis would be desirable.
Appeals to City Council is a set of new general fees which are recommended for inclu
The Information Systems Director compiled a list of all citings in the Municipal Code M
referenced opportunities for appeals to the City Council. All appeals are included ii
attached schedule under the broad headings of 1) Appeal - City Council - City Engir
Decisions, and 2) Appeal - City Council - Miscellaneous. A fee of $120 per appc
recommended which is consistent with that which is assessed for appeals related tc
Planning process. Following consultation with interested departments, all other ge
fees are recommended to remain at current levels,
The water usage rates recently adopted by Council are reflected in the schedules attar
Staff recommends that the stand-by rates and turn on rates remain the same. The Assi
General Services Manager indicated that within the next three to four months, a stuc
rates and the most effective means of assessing them would be occurring. Any ne
different fees can be altered at that time.
The recommendations contained within this report were assembled in accordance
state statutes requiring that the City establish fees that are directly related to the c(
providing services. The completion of the David M. Griffith and Associated, LTD, Rep
Fees, Charges and Revenue provided the basis for establishing the relation between cost
fees. Recommended fees do not exceed the cost of providing the service, although in
instances fees are equal to or less than the actual cost. Where necessary, fees were re(
so as not to exceed the cost of providing the service.
Although it would be ideal to fully recover the City's cost of providing any one sew
is important to understand the impact of a full cost recovery policy upon the users.
subsidy of services can meet one or more of several goals. First, lower costs can p
0 e
an identified group or individuals to participate in services they might not otherwis
able to afford. Second, although fees are used to recover some City costs, an effort is n
to avoid placing the cost of compliance out of the reach of most people. Third, fees
be used to encourage or discourage certain activities. For example, assessing higher
for increased water usage can encourage conservation.
e e
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has the author
1 to establish fees for City services; and
WHEREAS, from time to time said fees are reviewed and evaluated
maintain an adequate fee structure recovering costs for City services; anc
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined the cost of providii
development-related services; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds it necessary to recover the costs f
development-related services; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the fees shown
Exhibit A attached hereto are fair and reasonable in relation to the servic
received; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has held the necessary public hearing a
allowed for public comment on the establishment of said fees.
e e
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Ci
of Carlsbad, California that the fee schedule shown in Exhibit A attacht
hereto is hereby adopted and shall become the official fee schedule fc
development-related services for the City of Carlsbad. Any fee area n
included in said list shall remain under the control of previous resolutic
adopted by this Council. All fees shall become effective on April 6, 1992
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Ci
Council of the City of Carlsbad on the
1992, by the following vote, to wit:
day of
Total 1990-91 Proposed FeeChan
Fee Description Note Cost Fee Fee Amount
Additional Planning Inspections (first lnsp included in plan check f 50 50 50 0
Adjustment Plat 415 320 340 20
Administrative Variance - Single Family 1,186 240 250 10
Administrative Variance - Other 652 41 0 430 20
Appeal - City Council - Single Family 893 110 120 10
Appeal - City Council - Other 730 470 490 20
Appeal - City Council - City Engineer’s Decision (New) 893 0 1 20 120
Appeal - Planning Commission - Single Family 1,079 110 1 20 10
Appeal - Planning Commission - Other 972 470 490 20
Building Permit Fees (Base on state fee schedule)
Certificate of Compliance 240 240 240 0
Construction Change Review - Minor 500 50 50 0
Construction Change Review - Major 600 1 60 1 70 10
Coastal Development Permit - Single Family 463 110 150 40
Coastal Development Permit - Other 484 360 400 40
CUP 2,699 2,100 2,500 400
Building Plan Check - 6501’0 of Bldg Permit (3) 32
CUP - Amendment - Regular 1,500 1,000 1,000 0
CUP - Amendment - Non-Profit 1,500 75 80 5
CUP - Extension - non-profit 500 50 55 5
CUP - Non-Profit 2,700 110 120 10
DayCare Permit 1,238 110 1 25 15
DayCare Permit - Extension 500 50 55 5
Design Review - Preliminary Review - Major 500 250 275 25
Design Review - Preliminary Review - Minor 300 50 55 5
Drainage Fees (3)(4)
Duplicate Tracing Fees - Final Parcel Maps - per sheet 30 30 30 0
Duplicate Tracing Fees - Final Tract Maps - per sheet 30 30 30 0
CUP - Extension - Regular 500 375 400 25
Easement or Offer to Dedicate or Improve 200 160 200 40
EIA - All Others 1,321 21 0 220 10 EIA - Single Family 1,088 21 0 220 10
EIR - 1 through 4 Acres 5,806 2,100 2,210 110
EIR - 5 through 19 Acres 4,924 2,100 2,210 110
EIR - 20 Acres and up 12,290 5,250 5,510 260
EIR - Addendum 500 250 275 25
EIR - Supplemental (Requiring a Public Hearing) 10,237 10,500 10,500 0
Encroachment Permit (Before Installation) 50 50 50 0
Encroachment Permit (After Installation) 100 100 100 0
Engineering Variance - Minor 85 82 85 3
Engineering Variance - Major 160 157 160 3
Final Parcel Map (Minor Subdivision) 1,580 1,580 1,580 0
(Base + acutal cost)
Environmental Monitoring Fee 150 110 150 40
Final Tract Map (Base fee + $5 per Acre) 3,081 2,630 2,760 130
Fire Hydrant Fees - See Uti1 Maint dept - $2,500 Deposit
Fish & Game Fee - Negative Declaration (8) 1,275 1,275 0
Total 1990-91 Proposed Fee Chan
Fee Description Note Cost Fee Fee Amount
Fish & Game Fee - EIR (8) 875 875 0
Future Improvement Agreements 80 80 80 0
General Plan Amendment - 1 Acre or less 2,218 1,050 1,200 150
General Plan Amendment - 1 to 5 Acres 2,363 1,050 1,200 150
General Plan Amendment - 5 Acres and up 5,760 2,100 2,500 400
Grading Permit - (See Schedule for Rates)
Grading Plan Check - (See Schedule for Rates)
Growth Management Fees - As established by Council
Hillside Dev Permit - Other 1,126 370 400 30
Hillside Dev Permit Amendment - Single Family 857 75 80 5
Hillside Dev Permit Amendment - Other 791 300 350 50
Improvement Agreement Extension 340 160 170 10
Improvement Inspection Fee (See Schedule Below)
Improvement Plan Review (Plan Check) (See Schedule Below)
Information to Planning Commission - Single Family 1,518 110 120 10
Information to Planning Commission - Other 1,733 390 41 0 20
Inspection Overtime (On Request) 100 75 80 5
Landscape Plan Check - Same as lmpvt Plan Check
Landscape Inspection - Same as lmpvt Construction lnsp
Lighting Plan Checks - (Plan Check) (See Schedule Below)
Hillside Dev Permit - Single Family 1,028 110 120 10
Local Coastal Plan - Amendment - Major 5,531 5,780 5,531 (249)
Local Coastal Plan - Amendment - Minor 2,642 1,580 1,700 120
Master Plan (Base Fee + $15 per Acre) 20,911 9,980 10,475 495
Master Plan Pre Submit (New) 6,249 0 3,750 3,750
Master Plan Amendment (Minor) 3,947 1,580 1,700 120
Master Plan Amendment (Major) (Base Fee + $10 per Acre) 15,456 3,680 3,860 180
Monumentation (Cash deposit as required)
Notice Fees - Based on Cost to Provide Notice
Park In-Lieu Fees - (See attached schedule)
PD or Condo Revision - 4 or less (1 ) 599 21 0 250 40
PD or Condo Revision - 5 to 50 (1) 2,786 1,840 2,000 160
PD or Condo Revision - 51 or more (1 ) 6,192 5,250 5,510 260
PD Revision - Non-Res - 5 to 50 (1 1 3,243 2,599 3,000 401
PD Revision - Non-Res - 51 or more (1 1 7,298 5,250 6,000 750
PD or Condo - 5 to 50 (1) 6,613 3,680 4,000 320
PD or Condo - 51 or more (1) 11,022 10,500 11,022 522
PD - Non-Res - 5 to 50 (1) 5,551 5,250 5,510 260
PD - Non-Res - 51 or more (1) 10,504 10,088 10,504 41 6
Permit Amendments Not Specifically Identified
Planned Industrial Permit 2,245 530 600 70
Planning Commission Determination - Single Family 2,650 21 0 220 10
Planned Development Final Map - Minor (4 or less) 25 20 25 5
cost cost
PD Revision - Non-Res - 4 or less (1 1 1,315 530 575 45
PD or Condo - 4 or less (1 1 2,103 420 440 20
PD - Non-Res - 4 or less (1) 1,705 420 440 20
Planned industrial Permit - Amendment 535 375 400 25
Planning Commission Determination - Other 2,649 790 830 40
Total 1990-91 Proposed Fee Char
Fee Description Note Cost Fee Fee Amount
Planned Development Final Map - Major (50 or less) 587 60 70 10
Planned Developemnt Final Map - Major (51 or more) 721 60 70 10 Planned LocaJ Drainage Fees
Precise Development Plan 3,899 1,580 1,700 1 20
Precise Development Plan - Amendment 2,499 1,000 1,100 100
Preliminary Plan Review (Single Family Exempt) 250 110 120 10
Public Facilities Fees - 3.5% of Bldg Permit Value
Public Facilities Fees Agreement 50 40 50 10
Quitclaim of Easement 388 260 280 20
Redevelopment Permit (Major) 4,967 1,310 1,400 90
Redevelopment Permit Amendment (Minor) 356 75 80 5
Research Time (By Written Request) - Per Hour (7) 80 100 100 0
Reversion to Acreage 500 250 250 0
Right of Way Permit - Single Family 224 30 35 5
Right of Way Permit - Municipal Projects paying insp fees 224 80 90 10
Right of Way Permit - All other Non-Utility 224 80 90 10
Right of Way Permit - Utility (By Contract)
Satellite Antenna Permit 97 30 40 10
School Fees - (Set by School Districts)
Sewer Connection Permit (5) 1,250 1,675 425
Sewer Lateral Charges - 4" line 30' long - 10' deep 800 720 760 40
Sewer Lateral Charges - 6" line 30' long - 10' deep 900 850 890 40
Sewer Lateral Charges - Over 10' deep add $7.50 per ft
Sewer Lateral Charges - Over 30' long add $1 2.50 per ft
Sign Program 561 160 175 15
Site Development Plan (Minor) (2) 5,992 2,630 2,775 145
Site Development Plan (Major) 8,579 5,250 5,530 280
(41 '
Preliminary Review - Minor 388 0 230 230
Redevelopment Permit (Minor) 1,838 110 150 40
Redevelopment Permit Amendment (Major) 1,384 750 800 50
Sign Permit 32 30 30 0
Site Development Plan Revision (Minor) (2) 4,162 420 475 55
Site Development Plan Revision (Major) 6,727 1,050 1,150 100
Special Use Permit 1,073 260 280 20
Special Use Permit - Flood Plain 1,283 1,050 1,150 100
Specific Plan Amendment (Minor) (2) 4,371 1,580 1,700 120
Special Use Permit Amendment - Flood Plain 1,208 750 820 70
Special Use Permit Amendments - All Other 1,072 200 225 25
Specific Plan Amendment (Major) 12,068 5,780 6,200 420
Specific Plan - Less than 5 acres 1,580 1,750 170
Specific Plan - 5 to 25 acres 19,339 5,250 5,700 450
Specific Plan - More than 25 acres 19,903 12,600 13,500 900
Street Light Energizing Fee (See table below)
Street Name Change 339 110 120 10
Street Sign Deposits (As Required)
Street Vacation 490 530 490 (40)
Structure Relocation 267 1 60 180 20
Tentative Map Revision - No PD - 5 - 25 Units or Lots (new) 3,987 1,050 1,150 100
Total 1990-91 Proposed Fee Char
Fee Description Note Cost Fee Fee Amount
Tentative Map Revision - No PD - 26 - 100 Units or Lots (new) 3,813 1,310 1,425 115
Tentative Map Revision - No PD - 101 or more Units or Lots (new) 5,365 2,100 2,350 250
Tentative Parcel Map Processing Fee 1,611 1,580 1,611 31
Tentative Parcel Map lyr Extension 365 424 365 (59)
Tentative Tract Map Litigation Stay - 1/4 orginal Fee
Tentative Tract Map RES - 5 - 49 Lots or Units (9) 12,524 1,050
Tentative Tract Map RES - 50 or more Lots or Units - (9) 20,782 2,630
Tentative Tract Map NON-RES - 5 - 49 Lots or Units - (9) 12,524 1,050
Tentative Tract Map NON-RES - 50 or more Lots or Units - (9) 20,782 2,630
Tentative Tract Map Extension - 1 to 25 (new) 295 0 240 240
Tentative Tract Map Extension (new) 374 0 225 225
Tentative Tract Map Extension - 101 or more (new) 427 0 260 260
$2,500 base + $100/lot or unit over 5 (whichever is greater).
$7,500 base + $25110t or unit over 50 (whichever is greater).
$2,500 base + $lOO/lot or acre over 5 (whichever is greater).
$7,500 base + $1 OOllot or acre over 50 (whichever is greater).
Traffic Impact Fee - North / South Carlsbad
Variance (Single Family) 1,573 260 280 20
Variance (Other) 1,762 530 575 45
Water Service Connection Fees - (Set by CMWD)
Waste Water Discharge Permit (new) 112 0 25 25
Zone Change - 5 or fewer acres 2,532 260 280 20
Zone Change - 5.1 to 25 acres 2,675 790 850 60
Zone Change - 25.1 or more acres 2,680 1,970 2,175 205
Zone Code Amendment 3,181 1,050 1,150 100
(1) - Based on number of units or lots whichever is greater
(2) - Minor Residential Development - Defined as - 50 or fewer units or lots, Whichever is greater
Minor - Other Uses - Defined as less than 2 acres
(3) - No change recommended - Previous council action establishing fees remains unchanged
(4) - See attached schedule for rate table
(5) - Based on fees established by Council on 1/15/91.
(6) - Any Permit Amendment not identified assessed at 50% of original cost.
(7) - Research Fee = Minimum $25.00 to Maximum $100.00 based on hours to completion.
(8) - Fees set by State Statute.
(9) - New fee structure assesses a base fee plus a cost per unit or lot. Specific costs are
outlined under the appropriate headings above.
City of Carlsbad
Park In-Lieu Fees
Value Fee
Quadrant Per Acre Per Unit
District 1 - NW 195,000
Single Family Detached & Duplex 1,755
Attached (4 units or less) 1,463
Attached (5 units or more) 1,170
Mobile Home 1,034
District 2 - NE 175,000
Single Family Detached & Duplex 1,575
Attached (4 units or less) 1,313
Attached (5 units or more) 1,050
Mobile Home 91 9
District 3 - SW 175.OOO
Single Family Detached & Duplex 1,575
Attached (4 units or less) 1,313
Attached (5 units or more) 1,050
Mobile Home 91 9
District 4 - SE 175,000
Single Family Detached & Duplex 1,575
Attached (4 units or less) 1,313
Attached (5 units or more) 1,050
Mobile Home 91 9
The Park Fee ordinance establishs a method of
determining park land values in each quadrant
City of Carlsbad
Sewer Connection Fees
General Connection Fee All Areas
Plus Local Sewer Fees shown Below
Sewer Service Fee BY Area
Area A 279
Area B 491
Area C 407
Area D 785
Area E 803
Area F 879
Area G 76
Area H 51 4 Area 1 285
Area J 982
Area K 1,981
Area L 776
Area M 38
-Grading Plan Check Fee Schedule -
Fee Plus Per
Grading Plan Check - 100 CY or less 100 - -
Grading Plan Check - I01 to 1,000 CY 500 80.00 1OOCY
Grading Plan Check - 1,001 to 10,000 CY 1,300 80.00 lOOOCy
Grading Plan Check - 10,001 to 100,000 CY 2,100 80.00 10,000 CY
Grading Plan Check - 100,001 CY to 200,000 CY 2,900 80.00 10,000 CY
Grading Plan Check - 200,001 CY or more 3,700 80.00 100,ooo CY
Grading Permit Fee Schedule
Fee Plus Per
Grading Permit - 100 CY or less 25 - -
Grading Permit - 1,001 to 10,000 CY 175 52.50 1OOOCy
Grading Permit - 10,001 to 100,000 CY 700 60.00 10,000 CY
Grading Permit - 100,001 to 200,000 CY 1,300 180.00 10,000 CY
Grading Permit - 200,001 CY or more 3,100 300.00 100,000 CY
Grading Permit - 101 to 1,000 CY 75 10.00 100CY
Street Light Energizing Fee
Watts Lumens Fee
70 5,800 48.00 + $73.35 per light
100 9,500 67.00 + $73.35 per light
150 16,000 90.00 + $73.35 per light
200 22,000 115.00 + $73.35 per light
250 30,000 148.00 + $73.35 per light
(Above fees are the cost for energizing each
street light for eighteen months)
a e
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has the authori
to establish fees for City services; and
WHEREAS, from time to time said fees are reviewed and evaluated
maintain an adequate fee structure recovering costs for City services; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined the cost of providix \ general City services; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the fees shown
Exhibit A attached hereto are fair and reasonable in relation to the servic
received; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has held the necessary public hearin;
and allowed for public comment on the establishment of said fees.
3 *
0 0
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Cj
of Carlsbad, California that the fee schedule shown in Exhibit A attach
hereto is hereby\adopted and shall become the official fee schedule for t
City of Carlsbad. Any fee area not included in said list shall remain und
the control of previous resolution adopted by this Council. All fees sh
become effective on March 1, 1992.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the C
Council of the City of Carlsbad on the
1992, by the following vote, to wit:
day of
Total 1990-91 Proposed
Fee Description Note Cost Fee Fee
General City Fees
Administrative Fee for 1915 Act Bond Call 500.00 500.00
0.00 120.00
Bicycle Licenses 3.00 3.00
Bond Search 30.00 30.00
Business License - Base Fee (No change in other fees) 25.00 25.00
Business License - Fee for Listing of Businesses 25.00 25.00
Business License - Motion Picture taking First Day 30.00 30.00
Business License - Private Police/Patrol/Watch Service 30.00 30.00
Business License - Sign Painter 30.00 30.00
Cabaret Dance Permit 200.00 200.00
City Council Minutes Subscription - Set by City Manager
Copies - each 0.15 0.15
Emergency Response Billings - DUI AtCost AtCost
Facility Rental (2)
Fire Use Permit Fees
Abandoned Vehicle Abatement - Actual Administrative Cost Cost Cost
Ambulance Fees 165.00 200.00
Appeal - Housing and Redevelopment Commission New 0.00 120.00
Bicycle Licenses - Replacement or Transfer 1.00 1.00
Appeal - City Council - Miscellaneous New
Public Assembly - Candles or Other Open Flame New 40.00 0.00 40.00
- Assembly New 80.00 0.00 80.00 - Covered Mall Use New 80.00 0.00 80.00
Temporary Use - Tents New 80.00 0.00 80.00 - Carnivals and Fairs New 240.00 0.00 240.00 - Fireworks Display or Special Effects New 240.00 0.00 240.00
Hazardous Materials and Processes
-Welding New 40.00 0.00 40.00 - Compressed Gases New 80.00 0.00 80.00 - Dust Production New 160.00 0.00 160.00 - Combustible Fiber Use and Storage New 160.00 0.00 160.00 - Flammable Finishes New 160.00 0.00 160.00 - Haz-Mat Use and Storage New 160.00 0.00 160.00 - Dry Cleaning New 160.00 0.00 160.00 - Motor Vehicle Repair New 160.00 0.00 160.00
Hazardous Installations
- Medical Gas Dispensing System New 160.00 0.00 160.00 - Industrial Ovens New 120.00 0.00 120.00 - Combustible Storage Facility New 120.00 0.00 120.00 - High-Piled Combustible Storage New 240.00 0.00 240.00
- Refrigeration Equipment New 160.00 0.00 160.00
- P
: :
' .
Total 1990-91 Proposed
Fee Description Note Cost Fee Fee
Flammable and Combustible Liquids, Gases and Aerosols
- Dispensing New 80.00 0.00 80.00
New 80.00 0.00 80.00 - Storage - Tanks New 80.00 0.00 80.00
Fire Protection System Installation - Automatic Sprinkler Systems - See Schedule for Rates - Fire Alarm Systems - See Schedule for Rates - Other Fixed Fire Systems - See Schedule for Rates
Fire User Fees - Repeated Inspection, New Construction New 40.00 0.00 40.00 80.00 49.00 80.00 - Weed Abatement (charge per parcel) 85.00 0.00 0.00 Fire - Routine Fire Inspection for Business
Fire - Failed Business Inspection 80.00 40.00 40.00
Library Audio Visual Insurance fee - Per Video Tape 0.50 0.50
Library Fines (3)
Library Online Searching Fees (3)
- Use New 80.00 0.00 80.00
New 320.00
Police - Alarm Permit 30.00 30.00
Police - False Alarm Fee - Second Occurance 25.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 Police - False Alarm Fee - All Additional Occurances 100.00 100.00 Police - False Alarm Fee - Businesses - During Business Hrs 5.00 5.00 Police - Fingerprinting Fees At Cost At Cost Police - Hourly Cost per Police Officer - Determined by Finance Dir At Cost At Cost Police - Hourly Cost per Police Officer With Vehicle - Determined by Fin Dir
10.00 10.00 Police - Report Fee (Free to Victim) 200.00 200.00 Public Dump Permit - Fee per acre
Publications - As Determined by the City Manager
Returned Check Fee 15.00 15.00
Special City Services - Billed at Cost At Cost
25.00 25.00
100.00 100.00
300.00 300.00
Police - Impounded Vehicle Administrative Charge 12.00 12.00
Special Events - Minimum Filing Fee - One Street
Special Events - Traffic Variance I Minor - 5 or fewer interesctions
Special Events - Traffic Variance I Major - 5 or fewer intersections
- d
Total 1990-91 Proposed -
Fee Description Note Cost Fee Fee 1
General City Fees - Parks & Recreation
Agua Hedionda
Annual Fee - Resident - Power Boats &Jet Skis Over 8’
Annual Fee - Non-Resident - Power Boats 8, Jet Skis Sail boats over 8’
Annual Fee - Resident -Board SaiVBoats under 8’ & Passives
Annual Fee - Non-Resident - BoardlSail Boats &Jet Skis under 8’ & Passives
30.00 30.00
40.00 40.00
15.00 15.00
17.50 17.50
Annual Fee - Board Sail - Additional Decal 10.00 10.00
Replacement Lagoon Permit Decal 6.00 6.00
Daily Fee - Resident - Power Boats &Jet Skis Over 8’ 8.00 8.00
Daily Fee - Non-Resident - Power Boats &Jet Skis Over 8’ 12.00 12.00
Daily Fee - Resident - Passive Use & Vessels under 8’ 3.50 3.50
Daily Fee - Non-Resident - Passive Use & Vessels Under 8’ 6.00 6.00
Per Admission - Youth &Teen 1.00 1.00
Per Admission - Adult 1.75 1.75
Season Discount - Adult - Resident (5) 35.00 60.00
40.00 65.00 Season Discount - Adult - Non-Resident 45.00 72.00 Season Discount - Family - Resident 50.00 78.00 Season Discount - Family - Non-Resident
City Classes - Beginner - Learn to Swim - Res 15.00 17.00
City Classes - Beginner - Learn to Swim - Non-Res 20.00 23.00
City Classes - Adult/Teen - Learn To Swim - Res 20.00 22.00
City Classes - Adult/Teen - Learn To Swim - Non-Res 25.00 28.00
City Classes - Parentllnfant thru Adv Pre-School - Res 20.00 22.00
City Classes - ParenUlnfant thru Adv Pre-School - Non-Res 25.00 28.00
Contract Classes - Adapted Aquatics - Res 15.00 17.00
Contract Classes - Adapted Aquatics - Non-Res 20.00 23.00
Contract Classes - Aqua X I Masters Swim (Daily Fee) - Res 2.75 2.75
Contract Classes - Aqua X I Masters Swim (Daily Fee) - Non-Res 3.25 3.25
Contract Classes - Diving, Synchro Swim - Non-Res 25.00 28.00
Contract Classes - Masters Swim Workouts - Res (Monthly Fee) 27.00 28.00
Contract Classes - Masters Swim Workouts - Non-Res (Monthly Fee) 32.00 34.00
Individualized lnstr - Basic Swimming - Res New 0.00 17.00
Individualized lnstr - Basic Swimming - Non-Res New 0.00 23.00
Individualized lnstr - Advanced Instrkoaching - Res New 0.00 25.00
Individualized lnstr - Advanced Instrkoaching - Non-Res New 0.00 31.00
Rental - Exclusive Use - CommerciallCorp (Per Hr) 75.00 80.00
Rental - Exclusive Use - CommunitylNon-Profit (Per Hr) 30.00 32.00
Use Agreements - C.U.S.D. (per lane per hr) 1.80 1.80
Use Agreements - N.C.A. - (per lane per hr) 1.80 1.90
10.00 11.00
Contract Classes - Diving, Synchro Swim - Res 20.00 22.00
Staff Costs - City provided services (Life Guard I Supervision etc. - Per Hr)
Total 1990-91 Proposed
Fee Description Note Cost Fee Fee 1
Utility Fees - Water Services
Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 5/8" meter
Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 314" meter
Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 1 112" meter 6.20 6.20
Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 2" meter 13.60 13.60
Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 2 1/2" meter 16.80 16.80
20.00 20.00
Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 4" meter 24.60 24.60
Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 6" meter 26.50 26.50
Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 8" meter 29.70 29.70
Water use > 7 units up to target (target = base year - 20%) (cost per unit) 1.15
Water use > 20% above target (cost per unit) 1.73
Water Service Fee - Per New Account - Service Turn on 15.00 15.00
20.00 20.00
Water Meter Deposit - Construction Meters 450.00 450.00
Water Meter - Construction Meter rental fee 50.00 50.00
Utility Fees - Sewer Services
Minimum Monthly Charge 11.58
Group I - Residential 7.30 11.58
Group II - Commercial - Minimum plus rate per hundred cubic feet 1.43
5.50 5.50
5.60 5.60
Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 1" meter 5.70 5.70
Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 3" meter
Qualified Single Family Residential Lifeline (1-7 units of water) (cost per unit)
Water use > target and up to 20% above target (cost per unit)
Water Service Fee - Accounts scheduled for termination for non-payment
Group Ill - Commercial - Minimum plus rate per hundred cubic feet
Group IV - Commercial - Minimum plus rate per hundred cubic feet
Group V - InstitutionslSchools - Elementary School - rate per hundred cubic feet - Junior High School - rate per hundred cubic feet - High School - rate per hundred cubic feet - Boarding School - rate per hundred cubic feet
- Beckman Micro Operations - Minimum plus rate per hundred cubic feed
- Hughes Aircraft - Minimum plus rate per hundred cubic feet
Group VI - Large Volume Users
- Culligan - Minimum plus rate per hundred cubic feet
Fire Protection System Installation
Automatic Sprinkler Systems - Commercial System
- Tenant Improvement - Residential System
Fire Alarm Systems
- 1 to 10 Devices
- 11 or more Devices
Other Fixed Fire Systems - Hood and Duct - Halon
- Special Chemical Agent - Standpipe - Paint Spray Booth
Plan inspection Fees Total
Review No. ICost Fee
$80 +.75/spklr 6 at $40 each $320 +.75/spklr
40 1 at 40 each 80
40 3at 40 each 160
40 minimum 1 at 40 each 80
40 +$l.OO/device 2at 40 each 120 +l.OO/device
40 1 at 40 each 80
60 2 at 40 each 140
40 1 at 40 each 80
40 2at 40 each 120
40 2at 40 each 120
4 @ 0
The City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, January 28, 199
6:OO P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carl:
California, to discuss the increase of various City development fees and general
Included will be discussion regarding the fees which are proposed for increase, as wc
several new fees recommended for implementation.
Interested parties are invited to attend this meeting and present their views
comments to the City Council.
The basis for recommending the proposed fees is a report prepared by Davi
Griffith and Associates. This report is available for public review in the City of Carl
Finance Department Offices, 1200 Carslbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California. Copi
the information which has been prepared for City Council review are also availabl
public inspection at the City Clerk’s office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive,
Written and telephone inquires may be directed to Debbie Neville of the Fir
Department, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, 434-2973.
- - -- -- - ---_ -2-LLL.3 r
4 =A-T 0 i I -
6X36 GREENWICH DRIVE. SUITE F, SAN DIEGO. CALIFORMA 92122 (819) 587-0282 FAX (619) 455-1113
January 24,1992
Honorable Mayor Lewis
Hmdle City Cmd Members
Ci1y of carlsbad
1200 Carlsbad Vige Drive
Carlsbad,CA 92008
Dear Mayor and CounciTznemh:
The Construction lndustry Feder(ition appreciates this oppormniry IO comment on the proposed increases to development relared fees, general city fees, and orher fees.
CF has reviewed the proposed fee increases and is concerned,with &e negative impacr and harm7 influcncc it will have on the business community as well as the citizens of Carlsbad. The propow
fee imeddSc=s cannot be Considered "small" especiaUy during ou poor economic sinmion; the
increases directly impact businesses, existing homeowners, and new development.
CIF hps puhiiciy suppomd fee increases many times in the pas? in carfsbad, and would SU~K a
increase to tfiese types of fees in normal economic times. However, we find it hstraling and
difficult fo support any fee increases at this unfavorabb time.
To that end, we respec#& request fhar the proposed incremes be &@ed and revisited in one yc or when ecuwm'c situation becorns brighter.
CXF appreciiues yaw consideration of these comments.
si rely,
January 28, 1992 Public Hearing To Increase Fees
p+ nlorkgisI cAnatyst