HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-02-04; City Council; 11546; CARLSBAD STATE BEACH PARKING FEESh a, d k 0 4J $ h Q .rl a, G- 4J. m u arc Qrd a, -4 UQ cua, k5 -4 atl 0 'clw a, 5c, a? a?C d -4 F: am a,E 22 5aJ cu 9. 9m la, CJ -4 ma a, *E zL4 oa, Cd rc zsd old .d &P Qa, o&i ma, a,& !xQ 0 Qc, a -4 ldc, m da, dd 3 00 UQ a ma, %ti d3 Ud 2 0 4. 1 0 z 3 5 8 CIT&OF CARLSBAD - AGEN-BILL AB#!^,- TITLE DEFT. HI MTG. A- Y -9 tz. CITY AT CARLSBAD STATE BEACH CITY MC PARKING FEES DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 7- I- 'x ' r* 7. To authorize staff to enter into an agreement with the California State Department of Parks & Recreation to keep parking free at Carlsbad State Beach for the remainder of the 7997/92 fiscal year. To appropriate $78,000 from the City Council Contingency Fund to provide for free parking at the Carlsbad State Beach. 2. 3. Adoff &SOiU*B.I/I I&, 9g-W ITEM EXPlANATION On November 79, 1997, the City Council directed staff to negotiate an agreement witb the California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) that would provide a revenue supplement to DPR in exchange for free parking aC the Carlsbad State Beach parking lot. Staff has concluded these negotiations and is recommending that the Council appropriate $78,000 from the Council Contingency Fund to keep free parking at the lot for the remainder of fhc 7997/92 fiscal year. The California Coastal Commission at their January 73, 7992 meeting grantet a two year permit for the installation of the fee collection device at th Carlsbad State Beach parking lot. The two year limit on the permit for the fe collection device provides an opportunity for the Coastal Commission to reviel the permit and the fee collection program. The Commission, in adding the tw year condition, sfated they are concerned that if parking fees increase ow time coastal access will be negatively impacted. The Commission also require DP R to include in their annual report an outline of public information effoi explaining the availability of reduced annual passes for certain segments of tl population. City staff is continuing to explore methods by which the City can oppo implementation of beach parking fees. We are tracking the Surfric Foundation Lawsuit filed against the DPR and have requested information frc Mendocino County regarding a citizen effort to place an initiative on 1 November, 7992 ballot that would force repeal of the parking fees. Staff I continue to update the City Council on these efforts. '. 0 0 Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. [I 5 Yb I FlSCAL IMPACT The cost of maintaining free parking through the remainder of the FY 97-92 wil be $78,000. Funds remaining in the Contingency Fund after the $78,000 fol beach parking wili be $7,085.000. The Council will have an opporfunity tc consider what action they would like to take in 7992/93 budget year when staf presents the proposed budget for the next fiscal year. AnACHMENT 1. Resolution ?A--L/ Li . -* 0 0 AGREEMENT REGARDING DAY USE PARKING FEES CARLSBAD STATE BEACH TUlS Agreement is made and entered into this th day of 7992 by and between STATE OF CALIFORNIA, acting through the Department of Parks and Recreation hereinafter referred to as "STATE" and the City of Carlsbad hereinafter referred to as "CITY. RECITALS 7. The STATE proposes to collect day use parking fees at the Tamarack Avenue parking lot at Carlsbad State Beach for the purpose of offsetting operation and maintenance costs of state beaches. 2. The ClN opposes imposition of fees at this location and has agreed fc provide City funds to help offset operation and maintenance costs of stat( beaches for the remainder of fiscal year 7997-7992. AGREEMENTS 7. Term of Agreement: This Agreement shall begin on February 4, 7992 and shall continue through June 30, 7992. 2. Collection of Day Use Parking Fees: The State shall nof impose collect day use parking fees at the Tamarack Avenue parking lot during fisc; 0 *. 0 year 7997-7992. 3. City Funds: The City shall py to the State the sum of $18,000 within : days of execution of ?:;is agreemc,It. City of Carlsbad State of California Southern Region Director Department of Parks & Recreation By: By: Claude A. Lewis, Mayor Date: Date: February 5, 1992 I* 6. < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 92-44 A RESOLUTION OF THE CIN COUNCIL OF THE AGREEMENT WITH THE CALIFORNIA STATE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION AND THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR MAINTAINING FREE PARKING AT THE CARLSBAD STATE BEACH . CIN OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING AN The City Council of the Cify of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve as follows: 7. That the affached agreement regarding day use parking fees al Carlsbad State Beach is hereby approved. 2. That the Mayor of the Cify of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute this agreement for and on behalf of the Cify of Carlsbad That the City Council approves and authorizes the disbursement o $78,000 dollars from the Contingency Fund to the State of Californi Department of Parks and Recreation to fund this agreement. 3. 4. This resolution shall not act in any way, or be deemed to be, a waiver of any of the City’s rights or abilities to obtain or pursue lega legislative, or other methods to oppose the continued implementation c parking fees. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the CH Council of the Cify of Carlsbad on the 4th day Of February 7992, by ff following vote, to wit: ////I ///I/ ///// ///I/ I I* *. m b’ AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton & Nygaa NOES: None ABSENT: None