HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-02-11; City Council; 11554; Tamarack Ave. widening status report8-
Council receive and file status update for Tamarack Avenue Widening project.
On December 18, 1990 the City Council approved a conceptual alignment and prc
description for Tamarack Avenue between Carlsbad Boulevard and Interstate 5.
approved project shown on Exhibit A (Alternative 3) is a hybrid design providing a b
two lane 44 foot curb to curb roadway with a two-way left turn lane, bicycle lanes anc
curb, gutter and sidewalk. The roadway will be selectively widened at Jefferson Strec
provide four lanes matching the existing bridge over Interstate 5 and in the block betw
Garfield Street and the railroad to provide supplemental residential and beach park
The project incorporates construction of storm drain facilities and the undergroundin
Status and Schedule
Plans and specification for the project are near completion.
The major outstanding issues are:
Processing of Future Improvement Agreements
Right-of-Entries for private property construction activities
Obtain utility easements for undergrounding outside of the public right-of-wz
Finalize right-of-way dedications and subordination agreements U N 0 a a)
Jz a) u
Staff is currently targeting an early summer bid advertisement with construction to b
in early September. Construction is estimated to take from six to eight months depen
on the construction staging program.
Proiect Staging Options
The most time consuming and difficult portion of the project will be the constructic
underground facilities. The excavation for storm drains and the undergrounding of uti1
will require numerous street cuts involving constant traffic disruption and detou
These disruptions are further complicated by the regrading of the roadway which
involve extensive excavation and filling in the road segment between Garfield Street
the Santa Fe Railroad.
Staff is exploring two approaches to construction. The first approach would atteml
maintain through traffic on Tamarack Avenue throughout the construction period.
alternative involves a three stage construction program that builds one half of the s
in each of the first two stages and concludes with construction of storm drain facilitic
the center of the street. Traffic would be disrupted throughout by utility undergroun
activities and water service connection. Construction of the storm drain under traffic
be difficult, costly, time consuming.
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The second approach would involve full closure of the street to through traffic for a
day period.
The roadway would be open to local residents at all times. Through traffic would
detoured to Cannon Road and Carlsbad Village Drive.
This approach will shorten overall construction time, reduce potential traffic hazards i
be the least costly. Traffic will, however, experience delays and diversions.
In order to fully evaluate both approaches staff will be bidding both alternative:
determine the true savings in time and cost afforded by a full closure. Council will
given both alternatives at bid award to select the preferred approach. Staff will i
attempt to canvas local residences and businesses on the preferred alternative.
Future Improvement Aqreements
Through the years, as development activities have occurred along Tamarack Aver
developers have been required to enter into Future Improvement Agreements (F.1.A
pay their prorata share of frontage improvements at time of construction. Twelve
such agreements have been entered into over the years. These agreements ha\
current estimated value of approximately $225,000. The list of property owners
agreements is attached as Exhibit B and shown graphically on Exhibit C.
Under the provision of the F.I.A. (Sample Attached) upon demand of the City Engir
the property owner has 60 days in which to install or arrange to install the appropi
improvements. In the latter part of February staff will be notifying property owners of 1
obligation under these agreements and giving them two options:
Option 1 : As a condition of your Future Improvement Agreement, you are requ
to install all the necessary improvements in front of your propert
accordance with the City’s plans and specifications within sixty (60) c
from the date of this notice.
Within thirty (30) days of this notice you may request in writing indicz
that you wish the City to install the improvements and bill you for tf
Option 2:
If the property owner selects Option II, they would not make payment to the City until
the project is completed in mid 1993. Following project completion the actual costs be computed and the owners invoiced for payment. If the property owner ref1
payment the debt would become a lien against the property.
The Tamarack Avenue widening and realignment project is being paid for with PI
Facilities Fee (PFF) fund. $1.9 million have been budgeted for the project.
A. Alternative 3 Design
B. FIA Summary
C. FIA Graphic
D. FIA Notification Letter and Sample Agreement
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APN: 204-280-41
Dear Property Owner:
As you are aware, the City of Carlsbad has been diligently working to improve the safety a
aesthetics of Tamarack Avenue from Interstate 5 to Carlsbad Boulevard. The plans a
specifications have been completed and the bid date is set for November 1991.
The City of Carlsbad has previously executed Future Improvement Agreements with seve
property owners on Tamarack Avenue to install necessary improvements in front of th
properties. You, as the title holder of the property, have two (2) options to fulfill your futi
improvements obligation:
OPTION I: As a condition of your Future Improvement Agreement, you are required to ins1
all the necessary improvements in front of your property in accordance with 1
City’s plans and specifications within sixty (60) days from the date of this notic
Within thirty (30) days of this notice, you may request in writing indicating that y
wish the City to install the improvements and bill you for these costs.
If you elect to go with Option II, your estimated cost is $2,625, which is due and payable wit1
thirty (30) days of completion of the improvements, sometime in the Spring of 1992.
lease contact Pat Entezari at (61 9) 438-1 161, extension 4385,
City Engineer
c: Municipal Projects Manager
Principal Civil Engineer, Dan Clark
Pat Entezari, Project Manager
2075 Las Palmas Drive - Carlsbad, California 92009-1 51 9 - (61 9) 438-1 1
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F!LE/PL ?: 110.
33bA 1951 Llo<unient:xLgnsiFer tax: $ilo
S i gna tu re of dec Is ra ti t de I ei~i i II f i rni name
City OF Carlsbad
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nFClCI!l. *F'WftDs $4 OB IC 4 c CLI u n 4 , ,C x
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u~~~~.L~\~ NO Fa Parcel No. 204-28996
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1'HIS ACREEt4EEJT is made by the City of Csrlsbad, ii miir-
corpor.aLic!n, hereinafter referred to 3s "City", and
Kardaret Jeffress
1ierc.i.naL t.sr referred to as "property oWIlcr~~
REC I TALS: --------
WHEREAS, Property Owner has applied to City for a
. 14j.no.r Subdivision [do. 525
1:or tile real properCy hereinafter described, notJ irndcr Pi-ryiet.ty
<Ib;rle r ski i p ; and
WHEREAS, it has been Fourid that said propcrty is nCJt *I
fOl-. ilcve1opriient in its present: conditiori, however said property
sui~able For developnient if certain public irnprovments hereina
d.2sc:ribe:l are constructed and -certain irrevocable offers of ded
are maclc to City; and
WHEREAS, the Elunicipal Code OF City and Section 20.2L
attaclicd he!-cto ad incorporated by refei-cnce herein require ce
inii>rove~.es-its and dailicatiorir, a': a ccindi ion oi ap;jr-'ovsi OF tfiis
Mir:ol: Subdivision No. 526 ; and
C./tIEt?F.P,S, Property Owiic!r hac; reclur!s t.ccl said
Minor Subdivision
1)~ ~,jr-~irit:t!d by City in ac!v;iiic.c? OF the I iiii2 said ~ii~p~[~~i~!i~~~:!t~, :II-O
I~I.,I tl c ; ;i ;id
' \il+Cl!t./\5, Pi.opf.:rt:y O.~ii~!r, in c.r.)nt. itlc~.~~ t. ioi: of tti..: .il)l>i.
.t;d i cl. Minor Subdivision - J. 526 des i res lo criter i 3 11, i 5 i14rc!t:i
Secur-i ..I ii!l he construct ion of said inlprov d .b8LcntS, and C i ty has (let
it to he in the public interest: LO agree to temporarily pc~s~polle
CoIlli L i.uc t i ori;
NUN, TtIEREFORE, IT IS AGREED between the parties het-ct
f 0 1 1 CI'.'/S :
SectioriL That City agrees to record any irrevocilblc
[liner Suhclivision ~~,s
' ..lication filade by Property Owner for
.-_ Section 2, That Property Owner, in lieu OF making thc
after described improvements before approval of said Minor Subd
is granted, agrees to install and construct, or cause to be insi
or constructed, said improvements in accordance with plans arid !
cations approved by the City Engineer within 60 clays after writ
deinand so to do by City. Property Owner shall not be requi red
said improvements -before January 1, 1982 or within such furthe
of tiliie as is granted by City, provided, however, that upon the
OF ei ttier OF the fol lowing occurrences said improvements may, a
election of City, he required to be made sooner than said date (
extended period of time which may have been granted by City: ;.
(a) When the City Council finds that the owners of 4
of the frontage, including the Frontage of Property Owner, betw
sectirig streets on both sides of the street upon which the prop
described has frontage, have agreed with City to install street
ments to City specifications.
(b) When owners of inore than 50% OF the frontage, be
incar-sccting streets on both sides of the street upon which the
Iicircin dcscribed has frontage, have petitioned the City to Forrrt
iiript*ovc!iient district for the improvement of ssid strccts.
Sa id improvements sha 1 1 be made w i tliout cost or experi
City. City esLiliiat(?s tllat Ltte cost OF cngineering anti coristi-uc
said iIiipi-overnerits at the tiine of signing this coiitract is. $5,06(
Pi-qwrt,y 0;Jripr- hereby acknowledges that sa id cost is a rcasomb
estiii!;i~c: of cnclir1eeririg and construction costs at this tiiiic ;;I)~I
iic:Ltl;i I C.C)SL of stiillc: ;~t: 50111e L iiiie i ri the FuLiii-t: iiiils CSCC.C:C~ I ti i 5,
SCLI iori 3. 'rlrat For the feitliful pcrForwaticc of ill(: - . - . . ..- -. . . .-- - -
. <iric~' ccjwil~s tlci-ciii containeci, rl-ope,-t)%)lic:r ilcl-ct)y (]1-31)(< io (,
I ittn cipati the hereiiiaftcr described I'r-operty in the alilollilt of $s,o
pl~is ally future increases uf cost in excess or ttlis sllnl i.esultinc
i tic:i-cS1~.c(l ciigilicet-iiiq aiid c:ori<;t r1tc.t ion COSLL;, c7IIcl iri tilc: (.vc.rlt pi
O\dricr-, tiis successors, heirs, assigns, or transferees fai 1 to itis
c711d construct said iliiproveiiierits in the mariner a11d Lvi ~t~in ti-Ie tinre
. f ied lierein, he agrees that Ci,ty may do any or al 1 or the Fol 1oi.ri
Have the riecessary engineering for said itiipruvcrlien (a)
done, and install and construct said improvements by contract or
\disc. City or its coritractor and 'his employees may cnter upon ar.
portion or portions of the property reasonably necessary for said
engirieei-ing and construction, and the entire cost and expense sha
charged again;t said property and payable by said Property h/ri?r,
successors, heirs, assigns, or transferees immediately upon cornpi
of said improvements. In the event same is not paid within 30 cla
completion, City may foreclose said lien as provided by law for t,
foreclosure of mortgages.
(b) Direct the City Engineer to estirnate'the cost of 11
engineering, and the work required to install and construct said
nients, and foreclose said lien in said amount.
(c) Pursue any remedy, legal or equitable (includ:&g t
specifically referred to herein), for the foreclosure of a lien, r
Property Oviner, his successors, heirs, assigns, and transferces,
be liable for reasonable attorney's fees as a cost in said proceei
-- Section 4: That it is agreed that anything herein conti
ttje contrary notwithstanding, the promises and covenants niaclz lieri
not bc. t~inding upon the holders, mortgagees, or benericiaries of i
pu rctiasp. nloriey niortgaye or purcliase money deed of trust for value 1:
has been or may iri tlle future be executed by the Property Owrier, I
succc~svrs, iieirs, assigns, or transferees, and the lien hereby cr
sliall iic and is laereby subordii'iated to siid declai-cJ to ba iiifcrio!
sll\JSC!(lLiC'rl~ in 1 it:tl to lite 1 icn of' any such purcltase nioney tiiortil?ig(
[)ti i-cfi;if:c Ilturwy clcccl of t I-us 1. Ttie 1 i en hcrchy ci-ca tccl !ilia 1 1 1 i ke!
of iio ffJi-cC or CTTC~CL. acj;,iri=.t ally ciwri2r- whi-):;c ti L I:: to thc: p:opc!rt
i IEJ I't::i- cIc:scr iliccl i s ilctj~t i rcr.1 l)y or as LI I-CSCI 1 t of ii fot-c:c Icisii re (
t ~li!~~l!c:: ;1lc of drly .It ~~LllLll.!s~.: Illoll~ly l.L!J.:i<,. .>I' p:Ii.(.I);,sc I,,<j -19 * deed o I. t rii I; t .
---_--- Sect iori 5. Iii;iL at clliy I:iiiie clui-irq the pct.i:.!:~ ~,c;~-ci,l f'
tilt: Yi.oI)<:r-ty 01wnct-, Iiis SIICCP~CC~I~S, Iiei I-si, 8.isiii<j[15, 01- 1, l-;,i,c~fc!rc~~
<lc\)o>> i \ a cast> t>~iiicl CII' IICI!~ L a SII~C t y ~)ci-ti~i-~~l~ilt:c !101!:1 !,L, 1 i 5 1 ;I,-[ ol.,
the City to cti~ir~j~ said surety v/i Lh tl~c CO<,L of s;li(i i,i,,.,l,~,"~~,~!~~~,l~
, amiinr of bond to tie the estimated Cost of cngirlceriny a,-ld illlprov
at the time of such d[:posit or posting as sscel-tainccl by tI1- city
and that upon deposit OF said cash or postii.lg of said boric1 the Ci
agrees LO release the property, or any portion of it a5 to t./\iich '
depbsi t or posting applies, from tlie pr-ovisioris OF this agree:mriI:
to execute any necessary release to enable the record title of th
psrty to be released from the lien herein iliiposed.
~-- Section 6. Said City shall not, riot- sha1 1 driy ofricer (
eniployee thereof, be I iable or respons iblc Cor- ariy accident, ~OS?,
ciatnage liappening or occurring to the work or improvements speci Fit
this agreement prior to the completion and acceptailce of tlle swe,
shall said City, nor any of.ficer or employee thereof, be liable fc
any persons or property injured by reason OF said mrk or iinproven.
but all OF said liabilities shall be assumed by said Property own^
1. #I> ? - succcssors, heirs, as5iyns, and transfcrees, and tI~;:y slial 1 sa
City ttarmlcss from, and indeninify the Ciky against, any and ail cl
suits and 1i.abilities of or to any person or property injured or' c
ing to be injured as a result of said work or ihiprovements. Said
perty Owner, and his successors, liei rs, assigns, and transferees,
agrees to protect said City arid the oFFicers and employees thereof
all liability or claim because of, or arising out OF, the use of a
patent: or patented 'article in the construction of said iiitpr.ov&'meiit
Section 7. It is further agreed that said Property Otme -
at all times up to the coniplction and acceptartce of said work and.
pi-ovmwnts by thc: City, give good and adequate warning to tlic LIavc
pub1 ic of any darryeroiis or clefect ive coriditions of pubi ic 'pr-operty,
Properly Owtier hcrcljy aqrees to pay for srich i ris(xc1 iun n(' ;iiq)i.nvef
as rnay LC required by tlie City Erigineci. of' City.
SccL ivri 8. T!ii:, ;I~JI-I!V,IIC~~~ .tnd tttc covc:riaiirti <:(I~II~I i ii;!<l 11'
sl1:II 1 Ijc 1)itidirlcj upnn illid ii1itI.o to ttio t~ci:cfi t ot Itit. SI~C.CC!~~~~~I~:~, t
---. .--- __ - -.
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L e e
ijsqs.i~1r1:;, ;iIIrj tr';ii~~Fci*t:es oI: P1.01)~i-ty OL*irier-, I-CIII wit II scli
[)I-oi><!l-iy, arid ci-cati: ;ti> equi t-ablc servirutlc upon said reill pro
-.. Sc!c~ion ------ 9. A clcr;cri(itioii of tiic property r-C['errcd r~
sh;lI I
aild ti1)oIl v:I\icfi r;iitl 1 icri is iiIipu,;cd is dc!:,c.r.ibcd ti5 fol \~it~:;:
Portion of Tract 231 of Thum Lands per Ila? 1681, recorded Decembc
in the.office of San Diego County Recorder.
:;C:CL-.~.C,CL 'LU - '1. . ~~qtli~i'ci ~i,i~)~~.~~!~[l~l~~:~ 1. I,<: C<Jil':L CI.:: t..d b
b::; t inirt L-.c!d Cn ----.-.-
m-- ? ' L .-. I
LI,~ esti, .c:il costs t11ereof itre R:; fo'l.lc>i.ia
:Iniprovcrnen ts -. - .--- P
Curb $ 640.00
Sidewalk 660.00
A. C. Pavement 1,200.00
Base Course 1,560.00
Site Preparation 400.00
Engineering 2 Contingencies 600.00
TOTAL COST s 5,060.00
1, Dated: Yqy A( /qJ'/
A' mJL4 +.yi, 7- .I
_- (I/
Property Owner
Corpbrntion of the Sta
BY -.----- 2A @&
FRWK U. 1'\LTiSiIJ.[<E, (:i ty
(:I.)[I>iTY OF S?.N DIFGO )
) ss.
On. x- / 1 I 9 g\ , before me. the uoiters+rj';leit
potLiry pU13l.i~: in and for sa d State, personally appwred Frank 1). AI'.
>;rlor.Jn to m?: to be the City Ihnager o.E the City 0.f Cnrlsbad, il I,lun.i(
Cocprakion oE the State of Cal.iEornia, known to me to be the perr,c c,:ecuted L;hs Hithin instrument on behalf of said PlUaiC'Lpal COrp0l-a
and acknowlrrfged to me that such City of Carlsbad, CaliEornla, ex?
t.lie sams.
VIITNESS my hand and official seal.
d.4 @& . '0 JI.4 CA ,I.,.,
*mapIuI J
CI CE UNI f. 1 m
(TMS *re* for om~i*i noudal wl,)