HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-02-18; City Council; 11562; REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAINt . 0 0 PAGE TWO OF AB# / 1, 56 & Environmental Review The Planning Director has determined that this project has already been considl conjunction with a certified Prior Environmental Compliance noticed on Septen 1991. FISCAL IMPACT The only fiscal impact is the staff time to process the reimbursement payments to I Industries Corporation twice each year. Maximum reimbursement costs eligible for reimbursement shall not exceed the fol amounts without amendment of Benefit Area fees and this agreement: j& Amount SAH 3 $3,103,621 SAH 4 $ 560,000 SAHT 3A $ 103,000 SAHT 3B $ 617,000 Cost depicted for SAH 3 include cost for full Master Plan pump station not conten for construction under this Agreement. EXHIBITS 1. 2. 3. Resolution No.C?2-$/I approving a Reimbursement Agreement and auth Exhibit A - South Agua Hedionda Interceptor System. Exhibit B - Sewer Benefit Area Boundaries. the Mayor to execute said Agreement. 4. Reimbursement Agreement. t . e 0 WSTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR PROJECT NAME SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT I EXHIBIT " B " 0 e * 0 a SEWER IMPROVEMENT REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT THIS SEWER IMPROVEMENT REIMBURSEMENTAGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made an entered into this Z?BG day of &_A 19- , by and between UPLANI INDUSTRIES. CORPORATION, a Nebraskd dorporation ("Developer") and THE CITY 0 following facts: CARLSBAO, a municipal cmpofation of the State of California ("City") with reference to th RECITALS A. On June 3, 1986, the City adopted Agenda Bill 8427-6 and Resolution No. 858 The Project shall impact th (the "Resolution") approving Tentative Subdivision Map No, 85-24 in connection with the projec known as Carlsbad Research Center Unit No. 5 (the "Project"). City's existing sewage disposal system. B. Condition No. 54(a) of the Resolution requires compliance with the Master PI: of Sewerage as a condition of Project approval and, specifically, provides as follows: "In order for the 'Developer' to be in compliance with the Master Sewer Plan, they must ultimately make connection with the South Agua Hedionda Trunk Line. Prior to final map developer must either post a completion bond or actually construct the work required." ' C. On May 7,1991 I City approved the recordation of the final subdivision map for Ur 5 of Carlsbad Tract (CT) No. 85-24. D. Developer in conformance with the condition of approval for the "Project" h: agreed to advance the cost of constructing sewer improvement serving areas of benefit beyor the boundaries of Unit 5 of CT 85-24. E. Pursuant to Resolution No. 91-21 adopted by the Carlsbad City Council c January 22, 1991 City has implemented a plan for levying and collecting sewer benefit area fe in order to fund improvements in various sewer benefit areas within the City of Carlsbad. Sc plan is set forth in the December 1990 Update to the December, 1987 Master Plan of Sewerai prepared by Wilson Engineering (the "Wilson Report") and is subject to further review ai modification by City. The sewer benefit area fees in addition to sewer connection fees will I collected by City from builders upon City's issuance of building permits. F. City will utilize funds collected from such sewer benefit area fees to reimburse t costs advanced hereunder by Developer. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Costs to be Reimbursed bv Citv. a. SAHT 3A and 3B. Developer agrees to construct South Agua Hedionl Trunklines (SAHT) 3A and 3B serving Sewage Benefit Area "F" as depicted on Exhibit "A and " Page: 1 of 5 l e e and more particularly described on DWG 294-1 S Sheets 9-1 5. SAH 3 and SAH 4. Developer further agrees to construct the South Agi Hedionda Trunk Intercepter identified in the "Wilson Report" as SAH 3 and SAH 4 particular described on DWG 294-1 S, Sheets 1-8 and 17. SAH 3 and SAH 4 are depicted on Exhibit A ar will serve future development within Benefit Areas C, D, E and F depicted in the "Wilson Repoi and on Exhibit B. c. Permanent Facilities Reimbursed. Only permanent Master Plan facilitic b. shall be included for reimbursement, Interim pump station improvement shall be constructed the sole expense of the "Developer". d, Maximum Reimbursement, Costs eligible for reimbursement shall n exceed the following amounts without amendment of Benefit Area fees and this agreement: - Line Amount SAH 3 $3,103,621 SAH 4 $560,000 SAHT 3A * $103,000 SAHT 3B $61 7,000 Cost depicted for SAH 3 include cost for full Master Plan pump station n contemplated for construction under this Agreement. Definition of "Work'. The various Items of construction and improveme described in subsections (a) through (d) above are hereinafter collectively referred to as tt "Work". Reimbursement for Costs of Work. City shall reimburse "Developer" in tt e. f. manner described in Section 2 below for the total eligible costs advanced by Developer for tt work but not to exceed the amounts delineated in Paragraph (d) above. Accountinq of Costs. When an item of the Work has been completed (i described in Section 2(a) below), "Developer" shall present City with a complete and detailt accounting of the costs and expenses advanced by "Developer" in connection with the Woi Upon its receipt of a written request therefor from City, "Developer" will allow an audit of su( costs and expenses to be prepared at "Developer's" expense by an accounting firm specified 1 City. Nature of Reimbursable Costs. In addition to "hard" construction cos such as materials, equipment and labor, the costs to be reimbursed hereunder shall include rig of way acquisition costs and costs of obtaining property interests, engineering design ai construction fees and permit fees advanced by "Developer". City shall not be required to pay "Developer" interest upon costs or expenses advanced by "Developer" hereunder. The Ci Engineer shall have the authority to establish reimbursable costs based upon informatic obtained pursuant to Sections 1 (9) and 1 (h) of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoin if "Developer" disputes the City Engineer's determination of reimbursable costs or believes th the sum established by the City Engineer is not consistent with the specific provisions of tt- Agreement, then "Developer" may elect to (i) appeal the City Engineer's decision to the Ci Council (and thereafter, at "Developer's" option, to a Court of proper jurisdiction) for fin determination, or (ii) submit the dispute for the review and recommendation of a neutral ar independent civil engineer qualified in engineering, design and construction and mutua approved by City and "Developer"; provided, however, said engineer's recommendation shall t non-binding and shall not preclude "Developer" from thereafter appealing the City Engineei decision as described in item (i) above. g. h. Page: 2 of 5 e e 2. Manner of Pavment. a. Citv's Collection and Reimbursement. City shall collect sewer benefit arc fees upon its issuance of all building permits in Sewer Benefit Areas C, D, E and F described each item of the Work is completed and accepted by City as manifested by City's approval ( a notice of completion for said item then the City's reimbursement payment for said item is dL 31 (for sewer benefit area fees collected by City through the preceding June 30) and on eac January 31 (for sewer benefit area fees collected by City through the preceding December 3 any such fees and accrued interest collected by City for building permits issued within the Bene Areas, until "Developer" is fully reimbursed for the costs and expenses of the items of the Wo as described above provided that City's liability under this agreement is limited to fees actual received within the appropriate benefit areas. Future Reimbursements. In the event future developers are called upc to install master plan improvements within Benefit Areas C, Dl E and F and said improvemen result in subsequent reimbursement agreements, the City shall apportion fees received proportion to the original reimbursement amounts that each reimbursement agreement represen to the total reimbursement amount for all reimbursement agreements outstanding. Reimbursements shall be calculated by Benefit Areas separately utilizing facility costs benefitir not subject to further challenge. C. Formation of Assessment District. In the event an Assessment District formed and in a position to proceed with the financing of the "Work" or portion of the "Work", tt District shall acquire said "WorkE or credit "Developer" as determined appropriate by tt Assessment Engineer. upon which it is executed by City and shall terminate on January 1, 2020. detail in the "Wilson Report" and depicted in the attached Exhibit "8" (the "Benefit Areas"), 1 and payable. Thereafter City shall pay to l'Developer1l in semiannual installments on each 3u b. each Benefit Area. The City's determination of reimbursement proportioning shall be final ar 3 Term of Agreement. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the da 4. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and shq be binding upon, the assigns, successors in interest, personal representatives, heirs and legatec of the parties hereto. 5. Entire Agreement. This Agreement shall constitute the entire agreement betwe< the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof superseding all negotiations pri discussions, preliminary agreements or understandings, written or oral. Attorneys' Fees. In the event of any litigation to enforce the provisions of th Agreement, the prevailing party in such litigation shall be entitled to recover from the losing par its expenses, attorneys' fees and costs incurred therein or in the enforcement of collection of ai judgment or award rendered therein. 6. 7. Payments to "Developer". Any payments by City to "Developer" hereunder shl be made payable to Upland Industries Corporation. Payment or notice required or permitt< to be given by one party to the other shall be in writing and shall be deemed effective (a) ( personal delivery on the second business day after mailing by Certified or Registered Unit6 States mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested or (b) on the succeeding business di after mailing by Express Mail or after deposit with a commercial delivery service of general us all postage or fees prepaid and addressed to the parties at the addresses below: Page: 3of 5 e e If given to Developer: Upland Industries Corporation c/o Union Pacific Realty Co. 3030 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1500 Triwest Plaza I Dallas, TX 75234 With copy sent to: V.P & General Counsel Union Pacific Corporation Martin Tower 8th and Eaton Avenue Bethlehem, PA 1801 8 City Engineer 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 If given to City: City of Carlsbad Notice of change of address shall be given by written notice in the manner set forth in th paragraph. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day ar year first written above. DEVELOPER: CITY OF CARLSBAD, UPLAND INDUSTRIES State of California CORPORATION, a Nebraska corporation A Municipal Corporation of the By:- :;gLy,;:J& -1 B ' ,L.E. Olson, Vice President &G ATTEST: Priscilla Dominguez Assistant Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR. City Attorney BY!!- ee Rautenkranz, City Clerk By: Deputy LL City Attorney L/ f7/97 . Page: 4 of 5 \ e e SATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNNOF c&k@&? ) 2 On J~IY~/LJ~~L Y 16 , 19gX before me, a Notary Public in and for said Statc personally appeared L.E. ’OLSON, personally known to or proved to me on the basis ( satisfactory evidence to be the person who executed the within instrument as the Vice Presiden and PRISCILLA DOMINGUEZ, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis c satisfactory evidence to be the person who executed the within instrument as the Assistai Secretary of UPLAND INDUSTRIES CORPORATION, the corporation that executed the withi instrument and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within instrumer pursuant to its By-Laws or a Resolution of its Board of Directors. @f&lii2/,Q< /e, WITNESS my hand and official seal. ot’a’rp-Public My Commission Expires: &A ,2( /?7\5- H:\LIBRART\ENG\WPDATA\HUBBS\SEWEIMPR.AGR Page: 5 of 5 - h” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 3.0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 l9 20 21 * e RESOLUTION NO. 92-57 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BElWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND UPLAND INDUSTRIES CORPORATION REGARDING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAIN WHEREAS, Carlsbad Tract No. 85-24 was approved by the Planning Commiss City Council identifying the need to construct the South Agua Hedionda Lift Station an Main; and WHEREAS, the required improvements are necessary to provide adequatc service to future development in the South Agua Hedionda Basin; and WHEREAS, the improvements are required to be oversized to accommodat sewer flows from development outside of the boundaries of Carlsbad Tract No. 85-2 WHEREAS, Upland Industries Corporation is desirous to enter into a reimbu agreement with the City of Carlsbad in order to collect a fair share reimbursement fro development which would benefit from the construction of this sewer facility; and WHEREAS, the City Council determines that it is in the best interest of the City into said agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of C California that: - 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2. That it is in the best interest of the City to enter into said reimbursement ag with Upland Industries Corporation for the construction of the South Agua H Interceptor and Force Main. Ill Ill /I1 111 . -2 1:’ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 3. The City Council hereby Authorized the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad to e said agreement. ~ PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City C held on the 18th day of Februry , 1992 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk 1 (SEAL) -