HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-02-18; City Council; 11570; SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ISSUES UPDATE AND JOINT COOPERATION WITH OTHER CITIESSOUD WASTE MANAGEMENT lSSUES UPDATE AND Receive report and direct staff as Council deems appropriate. /EM EXPLANATION Elected officials and staff representatives of the cities of Carlsbad, Escondido, and Oceanside have been discussing a possible joint cooperative approach to dealing with solid waste management in North County. Representafives of the three cities have met informally to consider the possibilities of a cooperative approach, and as a result of those meetings the elected representatives of the cities agree to go back to their city councils and ask for direction as to the desirability of proceeding with a cooperative approach. The purpose of this agenda bill is to provide the Council an opportunity to receive an update on solid waste management issues, and to discuss the desirability of working cooperatively with the other two cities fo develop solid waste management alternafives. Enclosed is a drai? concept outline of the cooperative approach that the Council will be asked to consider. F/SCAL IMPACT An unspecified amount of staff fime will be needed to further develop the concept if the Council wishes to proceed. Q(HIB/T Draft outline of cooperative concept. .. 2 2 5 a g 2 3 0 0 s 0 RAj,:$. w&% r FT p;t--r NORTH COUNTY CITIES CONSORTIUM FOR SOLID WASTE SOLUTIONS ElEEQsE Within a Consortium of Cities, provide cost effective, well-managed solid waste alternatives for our citizens within a setting of appropriate city control and environmental responsibility . SElTlNG The cities of Carlsbad, Escondido and Oceanside represent nearly 300,000 citizens, currently generating nearly 70 percent of the solid waste in the North County region. Geographically spread from the inland to the coastal areas of the region, the cities believe they can provide services for themselves and neighboring cities as well. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT GOALS The Consortium of Cities will achieve: - One or more Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) constructed and operated cost effectively. e WAfl .il FT CgFy 0 - Maximum recyclability through source separation and high levels of citizen and business participation. - Development of facilities and programs through competitive bidding and/or proposals to ensure consideration of a number of alternatives to seek the greatest long term value for the rate payer. - Support for the AB 939 process to the fullest extent possible, ensuring compliance with State law and providing regionally sound decisions. - Consideration of all possible alternatives for landfilling options including: o Support for County siting of a North County Facility o Other private facilities in the region (Campo) o Facilities in nearby regions (Eagle Mountain) - Support for waste stream control, including: o Flow into a MRF or composting facility o Flow of the residue from separation into a landfill - A decision-making process that actively involves all current and future members of the Consortium. - Maximization of Recycling market opportunities within our cities and the region by supporting local, state and federal legislation to facilitate recycled material product content; and by encouraging recycle market development zones within our area of influence. 2 e * ~~~~~ t‘ i T3 ucpi m TS”\T” - Marketing of our recycled materials (including separation residue) through re-manufacture or disposal in environmentally sound processes. PROCESS The Consortiurn of Cities will immediately begin preparation of Request for Qualification documents to invite the broadest level of participation for consideration as to the provision of recycling facilities. The Consortium will solidify its relationship through the creation of a Joint Powers Authority to achieve its goals. 3