HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-03-10; City Council; 11587; AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE PALOMAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FOR PARAMEDIC TRAINING4 e ti oc $. 2 .. 2 2 c- 0 a =i 0 z 3 0 0 ,- Irl I wr IrnnLamnu - AGEND ha - - AB# //: 587 TITLE: AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPT CITY 3/10/92 MTG.- DEPT. CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council adopt Resolution No. 5 2 - 9 6 and the Palomar Community College District to provide for paramedic training. ITEM DESCRIPTION: The City of Carlsbad and the Palomar Community College District have an existing agreerr paramedic training. Under the terms of this agreement the City allows the College I paramedic interns on fire department paramedic units for the duration of their two mon internship. The intern is under the supervision and direction of a Carlsbad paramedic qualified to perform as a preceptor. The paramedic training program must include a field internship segment, There are c AND THE PALOMAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT FOR PARAMEDIC TRAINING approving an agreement between the City of C three programs within San Diego County, all of which rely on fire departments Or paramedic providers to fulfill the field internship requirement. The existence of these pi provides agencies such as Carlsbad a broader field of candidates from which to choose whei vacant paramedic positions. Approval of this item will simply extend and update the current agreement. FISCAL IMPACT: No cost to the city. EXH I BITS: 1. Resolution No. qt2 - 94 District 2. Palomar Community College District Resolution approving agreement with City of Carls approving agreement with the Palomar Community 1 'b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l3 l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 92-76 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORP APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND F nlSTRlCT The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That certain agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the Palomar Communii District for paramedic training, attached hereto as Exhibit A, is hereby approved. 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to exec agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the Carlsbad, California, held on the loth day of March I the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton & Nygaard NOeS: None Absent: None ATTEST C~UDE A. LEWIS, Mayor A~~i~~iiAiE,t$'~~~ (SEAL) EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION NO. '" e- - -a- -- 0 t AGREXKENT THIS AGREEUENT made and entered into this 23rd day January, 1992 by and between the Govorning Board of Palea Community College, hereinafter called the COLLEGE, and City Carlsrbad Fire bepartaant, hereinafter called the m-P SER~ PROVIDER, d0 hereby agree us foilova; IS AND P-- WITNESSETH : WHEREAS, thr COLLEGE is hereby authorized to enter into tl agreement as permitted by California Education Code Section 7824 WHEREAS, the COLLEGE and MT-P SERVXCE PROVIDER acknovledgc public obligation to contribute tothe education of paramedics i the benefit of the stuaenta and for community needs, WHW, the COLLEGE has established a rogram for trainj paramedics that requires the educational fae f: lities of the IWI SERVICE PROVIDER in field prautioe, WHE!REAS, the $KIp-P SERVICE PROVIDER has ffeld faciliti suitablo far thr educatianal nreda of the COUEGS! pauamac Pr0gr-f WHEREAS, it ie to the mutual benefit of both the COLLEGE z EM!-P SERVICE PROVIDER that student^ haw opportUnithu for fie service education am 6tUdentS and future practitioners. NOW, WEREFORE, the COLLEGE and the El4T-P SERVICE PROVII mutually agree aa followat I. SPOHSIBILITI~S OF THE COUtEGE A. am in 0- 1. The COLLEGE aasume~t full rasporasilbility J offering an rducational program rZfgibPm 1 accreditation by the State Department of Educat: and the San Dieqo County Division of Enrerqta Medical Services. 3. The COLLEGE will provid8 the saae quality education in the param8dic program as it does all other curriculum oZferings at the COLLEGE. I w 3. The word "facultya1 as used herein meandl the COUE faculty engaged in teaching in the COLLEGE Paramedia Program. Tha worda "student" qr "studentP a8 urd herein mean8 students Qf the COLLEGE who ar enrolled in the COLLEGIS Paramedic Program. 4. *e C~UEGE will selecrt anti train preaepters in coOp8ZatiOn with the field seWiae providers, B. vuct iona 1. The COLLEGE will provide th8 necessary faculty to plan and coordinate the field experience for paramdic students. Said fauulty will assum rarponsibility.for monitoring at-p atudsnts whila assigned to the EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER. The COUMiE will develop a plan far using the EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER'S faailition to meet the eduoational goal. of tho uurrioulum. This plan will include a list of the numbsr of hours involved and shall be made available to the EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER at a mutually agreed upon tine prior tc the beginning of the school tern and subject tc ravision by the EMT-P SERVICE PROWDEB in instances wheze conflicts with t)re EI4T-P SERVICE PROVIDEI 80- t6 UXfBt. 3. The COLLEGE will assume responeibility fo: dttrrnlning the final grade evaluation relative t( the students performknee after conaultation wit: students file preceptor. 4. Thr faculty will be responsible for learning an observing the policies and regulations of bot COLLEGE and EB9T-P SERVICE PROVIDER as they apply t the circumstances of the field teaching. 5. The COUGE is responsible to issure the student assigned to the EI4T-P SERVICE PROVIDER for fie1 htunship meat both COLLEGE and EMT-P SERVIC PROVIDER standards of health and have the acadentf ability to profit from the axporionoa. 6. The COLLEGE will require that all instructors ai students during assignment to tEe EMT-P SERVIC PROVIDER comply with the same administratit poliaiorr an the ampleyoom in matters relating t the welfare of the patiant. 2.' 2 0 a 4 C. E PtiVilW8a 1. The COLLEGE ha5 the privilega of regulai oeheduld ramatingo with the EMT-P SE-WICE PROVII staff and administrative level representatives j the purpose of Interpreting, discmesing, i evaluating thle educational program for train. parantedies . mPON8- AND PRXVILEGES OF !W&,&MT -P SWVICE PRovTl 11. A. Gunera ResDonsihilitiea 1. The gpIT-P SERVICE PROVIDER will naintain standards which made it eligible for approval a field area for inatruction in an accredi paramedic program provided, however, thr EM SERVICE PROVIDER shall not be obligated eatablish, maintain or continue any iaailities services that the El4T-P SERVICE PROVIbER, in a018 discretion, dm8 not virph to establi The m-p SERVICE PROVIDER will permit the facu and studenta of the COLLEGE to use Ita patient c and patient service facilitiea for field csducat in aaaordanaa with policies, prooeduresl protocols of the San Diego County Division Energency Medical Services. 3. The =-P SmVICE PROVXDER will accept for fl internship emt-p studente in a number mutuz agreed upon by the COLLEGE and EHT-P SERt mainbin er continua, 2. PROVIDER, B. e 1. The EEIT-P SERVICE PROVIDER will p-it educational use of such supplies and equipmen1 aze coou~only available for patiurt aara. The EHT-P SERVICE PROVIDER will provide accesi sourc~s of information for educational purpoi subject to the EHT-P SERVICE PROVIDER’S right prataat the privaay ai tho patimtz Examples : a. Procedures guides, paliay manual8 b. standard flald references such a8 mea dictionary, dfagnostid taxts, pharmaco rafarrncas and standard references suitabl the field area and care program. 2. 3 w 0 c. Part ioinaucation 1. The EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER will zecomend staff to function as preceptors for paramdic students during the field internchip. %e ratia of prsceptora to 8tudants shall not elcaeed one to one. 2. Preceptore will attend a training seereion for the purposa of orienting them to the educational program and evaluation procedufes. 3. Procoptora will asrirt with the education and evaluation of paramedic seudents during the field 4. Preceptors will remain employees of the EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER and will not be aonddored - internship. onployees or the CO~LEGE, D. i. The EPIT-P SERVICE PROVIDER MY refuse educational access to its field areas or recorda to any COLLEGE faaulty (lr studentm who de net meat the EWT-P SERVICE PROVIDER'S stanaards. 2. The EHT-P SERVICE PROVIDER may rasolvca any problem situation in favor of the patient's welfare and nay restrict the student involved. E. - 1. Students will have the statu of learners and will not replace EMT-P SERVICE PROVXDWI staff, not give service--to patients apart from its eduuational valua, sf- Studente are aubject to the authority, policies and rrguhtions of tho COUNL. They are alao zrubjact, during field assignment and while with the EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDER, to the authority, policies and - -_ 2. Ltegulatiana of the EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDERa 3. Studontr will vmar the designated uniform in field areas. 4 e 0 c, P. abil itv Status of Contractimr AS e& 1. The COLLEGE shall aarry proforr~onal liaSilA insurance (aalpractice) covering etudent8 of t COLLEGE during assignment with MT-P SERVI PROVIDER. 2. The COLLEGE shall carry public liability inaural covering faculty wrkers ofr the COLLEGE dur; assignment with the Em-P SERVICE PROVTDER. 3. The COLLEGE shall carry workers' colapensat insurance covering its faculty and students wh With the EHT-P SERVICE PROVIDER (purSUant to La! Code Section 3368). 4. COLLEGE shall indemnify and hold harmlam EM SERVICE PROVIDES from and against any and liability arising from any negligent aat, COLLECEra students or instruatorr during the fi internship. EMT-P SERVICE PROVIDES shall indemn and hold harmlese COLLEGE frola and against any all liability arising from any neqllgmnt act EHT-P SERVICE PROVIDER, its OZfkerEi, agents employeom. G. ation of the Contract 1. This agreeaent is for a period of tine not exceed three yeare but may be termhated at cl of any school year by serving notice in writing the intention to do so by either party. 2. Thh contract shall be reviewed annually by administrative staff of COLLWE and P sa PROVIDER. 5 w IN WITHBSS WHEREOF, the said parties have hereunto set their hands on tbe date first above written. PAWMAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRZCT Bryant L. Guy Con-tr & sPr- Projects -r Title Mayor. Title Approved by the Governing Board: OctOb~ 81 1991 6 TOTFY, P. E - - -_ EXHIBIT 2 AB b9 PccO MRwlES 1W8.l pagr 7 a Mac Dougherry,Hugher 7 w-140m L BE ItfWKnmM.gr- bo approvd bawm theP8bmu Community Colloge District uld Vh below liraod rqenckr, for tho ~uposs of prodding facilllie$, equ@TW” md srrpplb in conjunctbn wllh ttn OWfCtV Paremedl0 Prqrorn on a maat book. The toms of th. ag~errt~ ~hali be far a period dthm ~8~8 andahDdl bs rwiowod MII~~ by the raspectke adminktratrvr ptrrnn 1. A)vandoHorpwMedclJ-= 865SAhrU.QOW 8m PkQO, CA 92120 2 0rossmontHospw P.O. Bax ls6 L8MqGAOIQ44 Scrippa LI Jallo Mamwld Hwpitol 9888 bene80 Avmoe tJollsCA 02037 4. QharpMmHospitcd 7901 FtodSu#r 8pn Dm, CA WlP 3, I, I W PCCD flmUlE8 Iawal P-8 s, tli-my~clnt# uIQ2w.vbtlwoy om, CA Q2QM e, P&mr Pomrrpdo Health Sy8tm 650 East VJky PWq dba Palomar MedW Center 201 N. elorr<rmy Eocacldm, CA 92085 9, ttamcln~Wes P.O. Box I35231 Sur Dm Ca 92138 12365Porkskb lacmidacA- 11. ckaanweRrsoIpnment 3ob NOR^ H.I am. Ocaanside, CA $2064 10. Laknldr Fire PraecruOn DtrtriCr 12 CityatPoway P.O. Baoc 789 powey, CA 92074 rnEUwfl- -CAS083 14. CltyOtacd#, la E. Lexin@n Avenus €1 c8Jm CA aa20 a CnydVlrra Th. vat. waa uMnhwr. TOT% P.a