HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-03-10; City Council; 11591; AUTHORIZATION TO DISTRIBUTE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS AND APPROVAL OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN PROGRAM YEAR 1992-93D : az a 2 z 0 F 0 a 2 0 z 3 0 0 community where no other financial resources are available to meet such ne The primarv objective of the CDBG Program is to assist low and moderatc persons/households. Every proposed project must also meet at least one of the City community development objectives. The proposed Community Development Plan fr of Carlsbad is provided as Exhibit 1. Based on the Federal regulations for the CDBG the Community Development Plan must identify the City’s community development an( needs as well as specify both short-term and long-term community development o Based on H.U.D guidelines, the following Community Development Objectives for tt Carlsbad are being recommended: 1. Provide direct benefit to low and moderate income persons through the prc maintenance of affordable housing units or housing related services for Carl: Provide assistance to prevent or eliminate residential Building or Municil violations and/or the deterioration of potential or existing affordable housing Provide public services which meet the basic needs (food, clothing, shelter, low and moderate income persons/households. 2. 3. e 0 -, In order to receive the new CDBG allocation of $390,000 and reallocate the funds from pi programs the City must have an approved "Community Development Plan" and submit i Statement" indicating the activities to be funded through the City's 1992-93 CDBG Pr TO identify activities fat' funding which meet the needs of low and moderate income hou$ within the community, staff requests authorization to distribute the "Request for Pro provided as Exhibit 2. After the proposals are received from the community, staff will them for eligibility purposes. All eligible proposals will be forwarded to the City Council review and funding awards. The second action requested by staff is City Council approval of the 1992-93 Con Development Plan. All proposals will need to meet one or more of the City's objecti outlined in this plan, in order to be eligible for funding. Fiscal Impact: Federal regulations for the CDBG Program allow the City to use 20% of the annual allc or $78,000 for 1992-93 administrative costs. Therefore, administration of the CDBG P will have no negative impact on the General Fund. The CDBG Program can be fully fun use of these federal funds. Exhibits: 1. Community Development Plan 2. Request for Proposal REDEVELOP M El a e .c ’ -HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT 2965 Roosevc Suite Carlsbad, CI (619) 434- MitQ af Marlsbah CARLSBAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN This Community Development Plan was developed in accordance with US. Departrr Housing & Urban Development regulations. In order to be entitled to future Com Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, the City of Carlsbad must develop and app Community Development Plan that is consistent with the National Objectives. The N Objectives are: 1. 2. 3. Provide direct benefit to low and moderate income persons. Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. Meet other community development needs having a particularly urgency because e conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the com where no other financial resources are available to meet such needs. The City of Carlsbad is committed to using Community Development Block Grant (CDBG: to enhance both the physical environment of the City and to assist low and moderate ii persons. The maximum feasible priority will be given to projects which benefit low and mc income residents or aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. To achieve tt Department of Housing & Urban Development goals, all CDBG projects/services that are 1 by the City of Carlsbad will be required to meet at least one and preferably more than on€ three National Objectives listed above. In addition to meeting National Objectives, each Community Development Block Grant (( project must also meet at least one of the City’s Primary Community Development Obje The City of Carlsbad’s Primary Community Development Objectives are: 1. Provide direct benefit to low and moderate income persons through the provi: maintenance of affordable housing units or housing related services for Carlsbac Provide assistance to prevent or eliminate residential Building or Municipal violations and/or the deterioration of potential or existing affordable housing unit: Provide public services which meet the basic needs (food, clothing, shelter, health) and moderate income persons/households. 2. 3. These Primary Community Development Objectives were developed to address the treme need for the provision and/or maintenance of affordable housing units or housing related s services. There also exists a number of housing units that have deteriorated and may CL be in violation of local regulations. Recently, the City of Carlsbad has experienced ai greater need for basic services for low and moderate income individuals and families. Bt of the identified need for additional affordable housing units and housing related servic primary goal of the Community Development Plan is focused on how to meet this need. 0 * -t The need for additional affordable housing units in the City of Carlsbad has been dacume by San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) during an analysis of housing nl countywide. The regional share of affordable housing units in Carlsbad is significant foi period (1 991 -1 996). Consequently this Community Development Plan gives first priorit assistance to the construction or creation of new affordable housing units to meet our fair s of for very low (1,443) and low (1,066) income households. To address the State of California requirement to provide housing opportunities for all segrr of the population the City of Carlsbad has amended the Housing Element of the General I The housing opportunities will include additional units for very low, low and moderate inc persons/households in Carlsbad. The Housing Element will be in effect between 1991 and 1 The Housing Element identifies a variety of programs with time schedules (including both : and long term goals) that will be necessary to meet the affordable housing needs for all inc ranges. The Housing Element describes the need for more housing opportunities and hoi related support services for individuals and families that meet low and moderate inc guidelines. The Housing Element of the General Plan is incorporated by reference into Community Development Plan. The Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) also addresses the short and term community development and housing needs of low and moderate inc persons/households as required by the National Affordable Housing Act. The CHAS will I effect until November 1, 1996. The CHAS was prepared by the Housing & Redevelopi Department in 1991 and is intended to be a comprehensive assessment of housing neec coordinated housing development plan incorporating Federal, State and local public and pr resources; and a one-year implementation plan. The CHAS is incorporated by reference this Community Development Plan. The Primary Community Development Objectives are intended to comply with the requirements for a Community Development Plan. The Primary Community Develop1 Objectives will be used as a tool to evaluate the eligibility of all future CDBG proposals pri submission to the City Council for funding recommendation on an annual basis. Approved By: Mayor Exh RED EVE LO PM El 2965 Rooseve Suite t Carlsbad, CE (619) 434.; e e . * HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT aitn Qf aarlabnh CITY OF CARLSBAD 1992-93 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 1. INTRODUCTION Funding for the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program is author1 under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383. program provides annual grants on a formula basis to entitled cities and counties to devt viable urban communities through provision of decent housing, a suitable living environment by expanding economic opportunities for low and moderate income persons. The amount of each entitlement grant is determined by statutory formula which uses sev objective measures of community need, including the extent of poverty, population, hou! overcrowding, age of housing and growth lag in relationship to other metropolitan areas. Entitlement communities, such as the City of Carlsbad, develop their own programs and func priorities. However, maximum feasible priority will be given to activities which meet at least of the local community development objectives and at least one of the three broad natic objectives for the program. II. PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT The City of Carlsbad is eligible to receive an annual grant through the CDBG program. In o for Carlsbad to receive the grant, a list of community development objectives must be develo along with an outline of proposed projects. The City of Carlsbad must also certify that it followed an approved Comprehensive Housing Assistance Strategy (CHAS) and that not than 70% of the CDBG funds will be used for activities that benefit low and moderate incc persons. Low and moderate income guidelines are based upon household size and a chs attached for your reference. 111. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The City of Carlsbad expects to receive a total of approximately $407,455 in CDBG funds dL fiscal year 1992-93. This amount represents a new allocation of approximately $390,000 from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and $1 7,455 in reallocated funds. Carl: has no income from previous CDBG Entitlement program years. 7. e 0 In order to develop a 1992-93 CDBG program which meets the needs of the low and mode income population, Carlsbad requests assistance from members of the community. Cit participation is critical to the success of the Carlsbad CDBG program! Therefore, we encouraging all community members to consider the needs of low and moderate income per: within Carlsbad and submit a proposed project(s) or service, for consideration by the Council at a future public hearing. Activities that can be carried out with CDBG funds may include, but are not limited acquisition of real property; relocation and demolition; rehabilitation of residential nonresidential structures; construction of public facilities and improvements; and, conversic within certain limits, and for activities relating to energy conservation and renewable en resources. Assistance may also be provided to profit-motivated businesses to carry economic development activities which benefit low and moderate income persons/househo The types of activities that generally are not eligible for CDBG funding include: buildings fo general conduct of government; political activities; income payments; construction of housing; and other facilities offering 24-hour care. The City of Carlsbad is committed to using CDBG funds to finance projects/services w provide direct benefit to low and moderate income residents. Every project proposed foi CDBG program must address at least one of the Carlsbad primary community developr objectives which are: 1. Provide direct benefit to low and moderate income persons through the provisic affordable housing units or housing related services for Carlsbad. Provide assistance to prevent of eliminate residential Building or Municipal ( violations and/or the deterioration of potential or existing affordable housing units. Provide public services which meet the basic needs (food, clothing, shelter, health) o and moderate income persons/households. In addition to meeting the objectives of the City, every project proposed for CDBG funding I meet at least one of the three broad national objectives for the program. The national objec are: 1. 2. 3. schools for eligible purposes, In addition, GDBG funds may be used to pay for public servi 2. 3. Provide direct benefit to low and moderate income persons. Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. Meet other community development needs having a particular urgency because exii conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the comm where no other financial resources are available to meet such needs. It is the intent of the City to only approve CDBG-assisted projects which do not result ir displacement of low/moderate income persons from their homes. Therefore, all per submitting project proposals to the City should consider the displacement impact I low/moderate income households. e *. IV. SUBMISSION OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS All persons, organizations, agencies, etc. wishing to submit a project(s) for funding consider: Housing and Redevelopment Department, 2965 Roosevelt Street, Suite B, Carlsbad, CA 92 Interested persons may request a Funding Proposal Form by calling (61 9) 434-281 1. All project proposals must be submitted to Karen Sauer prior to 4:OO p.m. on Tuesday, M 31 , 1992 at the following address: under the CDBG program must obtain a "Funding Proposal Form" from the City of Carlsl KAREN SAUER CITY OF CARLSBAD HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 2965 ROOSEVELT STREET, SUITE B CARLSBAD, CA 92008 A schedule of applicable hearing dates and other significant meetings will be mailed tc persons submitting a proposal for consideration. V. QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS If you have questions or comments regarding the City of Carlsbad 1992-93 CDBG program contact Karen Sauer at (619) 434-2811, between 8:OO a.m. and 5:OO p.m., Monday thrc Friday. '* e e .. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE FUNDING PROPOSAL FORM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FOR 1. Indicate the type of project or service to be provided (i.e., day care center, shelter for homeless, etc.) 2. Indicate the name of the individual or agency submitting request for consideration (i.e., Mr. James Citizen, Disat Network, etc.) 3. Provide mailing address and daytime telephone number for person/agency submitting request for funding. If agency i submitting request, indicate the name of the person who c best answer questions about the agency and proposed projc 4. Indicate address for proposed project or general descrip. of location (.i .e., corner of Laguna. and State Street) 5. If an agency is submitting request, indicate non-profit number. If agency is not a non-profit or an individual i: submitting the request, leave blank. Indicate the total amount of fun'ding requested from the I of Carlsbad's CDB.G program. 7. Provide a detailed description of the project or service be provided to the community with the requested funding. 8.' Provide a complete description of how low/moderate incom, persons will benefit f.rom the proposed project/service. responsible for this type of activity in the past or whi City Department should have been responsible for the pro or service. 6. 9. If known, indicate which City Department has been 10. Indicate any funds which are currently available for thi project (i.e., other city department funding, state fund City of Oceanside funding, etc.) 11. Indicate the amount of funding which will be needed frorr City of Carlsbad in future years to maintain the success the project or service. All applications must be signed by the individual or agency executive submitting the proposal for consideration by the Carlsbad City Council. 3. Address: City: State: Zip Code: Telephone No: ( ) Contact Person: 4. Project Location: 5. Non-profit I.D. #, if applicable: 6. Requested funding amount; 0 0 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM INCOME LIMITS HOUSEHOLD SIZE MAXIMUM INCOME/MO 1 $23,150 2 $26,450 3 $29,750 4 $33,050 5 $35,700 6 $38,350 7 $40.950 8 $43,600 e a 1992-93 COMMUNITY DEVELOMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SCHEDULE OF PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES DATE AND TIME ACTIVITY February, 1992 Prepare Request for Project Pro$ packets, update Community Develop1 Plan and prepare related agenda bills. March 10, 1992 Update Community Development I Reallocate funds. Request authorizatic distribute Request for Proposals for 199 Program Year. March 11 , 1992 Distribute Request for Proposals tc interested persons, city departments com mu n ity groups. Public Notice to appear in Garlsbad 61 Citizen announcing availability of CI funds and request for project proposal: All CDBG project proposals are due to the Housing and Redevelopment Depart! for review. Staff review of all proposals and complc of project eligibility determination. Letters to be mailed to persons/ager submitting proposals to inform then staff’s project eligibility determinations. April 20, 1992 Housing and Redevelopment Advi projects for projects located in, or sei low/moderate income populations withir Village Area. Public hearing for selection 6:OO p.n projects to be included in the Cit Carlsbad’s 1992-93 CDBG program. City Council will hear public testimony 01 proposed projects and review s recommendations for the CDBG progra the Council Chambers located at Carlsbad Village Drive. March 14, 1992 March 31, 1992 4:OO p.m. April 1 - 7, 1992 April 8, 1992 Committee to discuss proposed (elig April 28, 1992 % * 0 * PAGE 2 SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES DATE AND TIME ACTIVITY The Council will also be asked to autho application for CDBG funding and to exec applicable documents. Staff to prepare program description complete application for funding requirec CDBG regulations. Public Notice to appear in Carlsbad BI: Citizen outlining the City's proposed 199: "Public Review and Comment Period" for proposed program. "Public Review and Comment Period" for of Carlsbad's proposed 1992-93 CC Program. All verbal and/or written 5:OO p.m. pi comments on the proposed CDBG prog must be submitted to the Housing Redevelopment Office. the City Manager to submit Carlsbi May 4 - 8, 1992 May 14,1992 CDBG program and announcing a 15- May 14 - 28,1992 May 28, 1992 May 29, 1992 Final program description and CI application for funding mailed to Department of Housing and UI Development with any comments rece from the public. US. Department of HUD review of C proposed 1992-93 CDBG program. If the proposed program is approved, City's fifth year CDBG Entitlement Pros will begin. Funds will be available expenditure after the appropriate docum have been approved and executed. June 1 - 30, 1991 July 1, 1991