HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-03-10; City Council; 11592; CARLSBAD PERSONNEL BOARD APPOINTMENT\ CIT@OF CARLSBAD - AGEN-BILL ” . AB# /( g% MTG. 3/10/92 TITLE \cm OEPT. “ CARLSBAD r biwb CLK APPOINTMEN, DCD ‘=QNNEL BOARD r 1::; : g z a V .I+ rl rl -I+ 5 M .I+ C .4J xc a, *I+ a0 @a E: oa hi +la ON a* .rl ’ F: 32 r- !G 2m GQJ a v ma, (d4J ka c, aa Clrl (d *rl a,l GO BV ”& E2 CY CnN \a 01 \\ dr- me .. z 0 F 0 4 d 0 z 3 0 0 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 96- y? appointing one member to the Personnel Board. ITEM EXPIANATION: Board Member Alvin A. Weinroth has resigned from a term which will expire in JI His resignation became effective February 18, 1992. Other members are: Joe Eggleston, Jere Kimbrell, Camille Mitkevich, and Paul Nc EXHIBITS 1. Resolution No. 9 a - 3 7 J appointing one member to the Carlsbad Persol Board. 2. Copy of letter of resignation from Alvin Weinroth. 3. Copies of applications received in calendar year 1991. ,. 0 I)iy f%UtuG16 6ikjADlK DATE .-?,-d /' - FA w Alvin A. Weinroth Carlsbad, CA. 92009 -/.> 'FS 7. 7.. . C,-Y L ,&t/n&d 7034 Snapdragon Drive c44$ l Feb. 18, 1992 Mayor Claude A. Lewis City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA. 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis, I am submitting my resignation as an appointed member of the Carlsbad City Personnel Board, effective immediately. Following is an explaination of my decision to not serve the remaining period of my appointment. This decision has been reached after my review of the many Hearings conducted during my period of past service when Mr. Kelly Irving has served as the appellant's Hearing Representative. Mr. Kelly has been totally unprofessional in the handling of his responsibilities as Hearing Representative for CSEA members. Mr. Irving does not present a case to prove the appellant's position in support of his grievance. Mr. Kelly does not address the issues of the written grievance or complaint. Instead he seeks continuous confrontation with the Chair. His representation is characterized by continuous argument with the Chairperson regarding the presentaion of evidence and procedures in e questioning witnesses. He refuses to accept rulings from the Chair and over and over will state, "my appellant is not getting a fair hearing". This approach can create the eventual belief in the mind of the appellant that Mr. Irving is fighting a Personnel Board that is against him and therefore aqainst the - At this time there are no existing rules or procedures that have been established by the Carlsbad City Council to control Mr. Irving at the Hearings. There is no way for tne Chair to maintain orderly control at the Heariny because Mr. Irving cannot be disciplined by the Chair for his actions or attitude. 0 e In light of the recent murder of a Labor Relations representative at a local San Diego hearing I believe thai Mr. Irving is creating a situation wherein an appellant in Carlsbad may follow'that path against members of the Carlsbad Personnel Board or a City employee involved in a Hearing. Mr. Kelly's actions at the Hearings create an atmos2here of distrust of the impartiality of the Personnel Board members. This could in turn provoke an appellant to seek revenlje if a Hearing decision is not to his liking. I, as a member of the Board,feel I have been placed in a threatened position by Mr. Irving's actions. I wish to thank you for your appointing me as a member of the Board and it has- been my pleasure to serve. If in the future you see fit to appoint me as a member of anothc available. Carlsbaa Board or Commission, I would be immediately Very truly yours, CL- c. U"&Z Alvin A. Weinroth Member Personnel Board cc: Camille Mitkevich Chairperson f Carlsbad Personnel Board 0 . 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAO. CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the City Clerk f \6 1 aitg af aarlBbnb AND/OR COMMISS BOARD 6) ION (S) m7 G3 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT "5 - - , :- ."., I j -, I '. -. ,." I. ' I. -1 L2 ... (Please print or type.) j, 3 8. j_ r -2 zb WE($) OF eoARD(S) AND/OR COMISSIW(S) IN WICH IKIERESTED: z?? CJZ Permo-1 (h~rfraibgn~ NAME : 33rwm ]Jarre ADDRESS: 305 Kenloek am. CITY: hrlabaa ZIP CODE: 9: HOME PHONE : 41 9-729-3949 PRESENT OCCUPATION: Custod ieLn BUSINESS NAME: No Buaineas bme. BUSINESS ADDRESS: b &ISUB -88- WORK PHONE: la Werk Pme. U.S, Citizenship (requlred for all appointments) - * Ye! Resident of Carl sbad (preference given to residents) - * Ye! Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some comissions) - * Ye! I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board($) or Comissiol I wish to serve; I am willing to provide required statements if appointed to a Board or Comnir to financial disclosure; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment b: designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council SIGNATURE: 7 rcu/tx 1/2/2., DATE : 4-8-9 1 (Continued on reverse side.) e e tllwud Aacounting, Sap11 B.U8i1l886 Management, h~urance, Butinass Lawr, Real Eatate. EXPERIENCE Experience ia my educational background. v NO eOmUIlitJr aCtidf;iBs m * Po comment at this time. 0 0 EWCATIOCl Aecounting, Small Bushe88 bnagement, In8uranee, Businem3 Law ha1 htrtu. EXPERIFNG Rperienos ie my educational background v No roamunity activities m ITIWL INFOWTIOU OR m Wo comment at thie time. e I 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the City Clerk @it :u of @arls P4&,& 2+ g//4/'/a/ a+L!ez& ,' c; c ". i ..ib.L , -lL. Uli 1 r-".,.. C."V 1-1 "'7i;'S c;:;,, 1,- C! -: i *'" ; ,. . ..., 1 3 PI-; 2: 5 7 ti'" /' " ..,% f : ;.- ;C,i+ZLSFJAD :bab A TF (6 1 APPLICATION FOR APPOZNTMENT BOARD61 AND/OR COMMISSION ($1 (Please print or type.) NAME : CITY: HOME PHONE : PRESENT OCCUPATION: BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE : U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) Resident of Carlsbad (preference given to residents) - dyes Registered voter in Carl sbad (required for some commi ssions) - /'Yes I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Boardjs) or Commission I wish to serve: I am willing to provide required statements if appointed to a Board or Cornis; to f i nanci a1 disc1 osure; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council I DATE: Ja/yf 5 0 0 B.J& &- /Ad &f=h EDUCATION &bfpb e%%- Hd/+ Pi &., -&Ff!&Ja 4@- T& EXPERIENCE COWUNITY ACTIVITIES 0 0 B-J& - EWCAT ION d?fAi&*f. J, Hd4 PI ~- Ne= K4-b &fd d e- T& EXPERIENCE CWNITY ACTIVITIES 1 2 3 * 0 RESOLUTION NO. 92-79 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE CAR!.SBAD PERSONNEL BOARD. 4 5 6 effective February 18, 1992; and 7 WHEREAS, it is necessary to appoint an individual to fill the u term. 8 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of c 9 ~alifornia, as follows: WHEREAS, Alvin Weinroth has resigned as a member of the Personn 10 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 11 2: That the following person is hereby appointed to serve as a n I.2 the Carlsbad Personnel Board for a term to expire in June, 1993. 13 11 William Compas 14 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Counc I.5 X City of Carl sbad on the 7th day of April , 1992, by the I AYES I Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson and Nygaard I' vote, to wit: l8 NOES: None l9 20 ! ABSENT: Council Member Stanton 21 22 23 24 ATTEST: 25 Wc<TcTedk / 26 (SEAL) 27 I! 28 January 16, 1991 Mr. Joe Sinclitico 7607 Calle Madero Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Mr. Sinclitico: The purpose of this letter is to accept your resignation as a Personnel Commissioner you tendered to me verbally on November 16, 1990. The City of Carlsbad appreciate, service that you provided as a Personnel Commissioner and thanks you for your ser Sincerely, &i$& MAYOR LA "BUD" LEWIS ma c: City Council City Manager City Clerk - Human Resources Director Chair - Personnel Commission 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 - (61 9) 434 April 30, 1991 Mr. Kelly Irving P.O. Box 2056 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Irving: In response to your recent telephone request, pleased be advised that all application appointment to the Personnel Board are filed in the City Clerk's office, and you may 01 copies of them from the Clerk's office. In reply to your other question, I met with Mr. Sinclitico late last year, at which tin verbdy resigned from the Personnel Board. Mr. Sinclitico's resignation was accept€ me via a letter which is on file with the Clerk's office, and a Certificate of Appreciatio~ been sent to Mr. Sinclitico for his service to the City. Please feel free to contact the City Manager's office if you have need of more infome Sincerely, A/& CLAU EA'BU 'LEWIS < Mayor cc: City Council Members City Manager Human Resources Director City Clerk 120C Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 - (619) 434