HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-03-17; City Council; 11600; CONSIDERATION OF ARTS COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATION REGARING CHANGES TO SPLIT PAVILION AND REVIEW OF PENDING PUBLIC ARTWORKS. ? F: -4 u 0 0 (d h 0 w (0 a, u 3 d .r( a, a, rn E c\I a 1 4 1 m .. h z 2 g a s z 3 0 0 OF CARLSBAD - AGENWBILL - AB# I/, 6 00 TITLE:CONSIDERATION ~ OF ARTS COMMISSION'S DE CI' MTG.3/17/92 DEPT.Arts PENDING PUBLIC ARNVORKS c I' RECOMMENDED ACTION: RECOMMENDATION REGARDING CHANGES TO SPLIT PAVILION AND REVIEW OF Consider the recommendation of the Arts Commission to appoint a special subcomrr and accept staff's report of pending public artworks. ITEM EXPLANATION The public artwork "Split Pavilion" was completed in February. This piece was created arts element in the Housing and Redevelopment Agency's Streetscape. Prior to constru the artist was selected. She developed a design which was approved through a r process and the design was then approved for construction as a major component of F IV of the Streetscape Program. Dissatisfaction with "Split Pavilion," specifically the landscaping and rails, has been exprc by a number of residents. It is in response to that dissatisfaction that the Arts Commi has approved a recommendation, (Exhibit 1). The recommendation includes appoin special subcommittee made up of three (3) Arts Commissioners and two (2) addi members appointed by the Mayor with advice and consultation from the City Council. subcommittee would communicate the community response to the artwork to the arti: seek a re-examination by the artist and the subcommittee of the design and materials landscape plantings and other issues. The subcommittee would seek the artist's coope in defining artistically acceptable changes. The recommendation also sugge recommended timeline, and recommends that City Council defer any other action on Pavilion" pending a final report from the Arts Commission. Additionally, at Council's request, staff has prepared a report of the artworks now in pro in the Art in Public Places Program, including projects which have funds appropriate have not yet begun (Exhibit 2). FISCAL IMPACT The cost of the artist's expenses to come to Carlsbad and meet with the subcommittt estimated at $1,000. Funds are available in Engineering Account #811-820-1880-33 changes are recommended, the cost will be determined at that time. EXH IBlTS 1, Recommendation of the Arts Commission dated March 5, 1992 2. Report on Public Art Projects March 1992 c Exhibit 1. Agenda Bill No. 0 I RECOMMENDATION OF ARTS COMMISSION In response to citizen input, the Arts Commission recommends the following interim cou action in the matter of the Split Pavilion: 'Ip.. 1. The Arts Commission will convene a special subcommittee to meet with tha (in Carlsbad). Goals of the meeting(s) will be ... a. b. c. Communicate community response to the artwork. Seek a re-examination by the artist and the subcommittee of the d and materials of the landscape plantings and other issues. Seek the artist's cooperation in defining artistically acceptable chan 2. The study committee will consist of no more than five persons, three of who be members of the Arts Commission and two of whom will be appointed 1: Mayor with the advice and consultation of the City Council. a. b. It will be desirable to have the Council's appointees named within 30 I It will be desirable for the subcommittee to complete its meetings wil artist and to present its report to the Commission within 120 days. 3. The Arts Commission will seek to give its final recommendation for further e to the City Council within 180 days. 4. The Commission recommends that the City Council defer any other action o Split Pavilion matter pending a final report from the Arts Commission 31 0 0 r March 1992 Exhibit 2 to Agenda Bill h PUBLIC ART PROJECTS 1. Carlsbad Boulevard Shore Protection Project $30,000 - design and fabrication Artist: Raul Guerrero Contract approved with California Art Preservation Act rights waived. Approvals: Shore Protection Citizen Review Committee Arts Commission Planning Commission Coastal Commission Status: Working drawings complete. Ready for construction. 2. Streetscape Phase V Rotary Park Entrance Railing and Pose Entrance Sign off 1-5 $7,500 - design Artist: James Hubbell Contract approved without California Art Preservation Act rights waived. Approvals: Carlsbad Merchants Association Housing & Redevelopment Advisory Committee Carlsbad Arts Commission Status: Working drawings completed. Ready for construction. 3. South Carlsbad Librarv $170,000 - design and fabrication Artists: Jan Sanchez Ellen Ziegler Deloss McGraw Contracts approved, $50,000 each, with California Arts Preservation Act rights waived. Approvals: Library Design Review Committee Arts Commission Library Board Status: Jan Sanchez: Neon in the auditorium Copper trellis on the front of the building fabrication has begun 0 e I Public Art Projects Page 2 Ellen Ziegler: Deloss McGraw: Cistern in the courtyard Six (6) sculptures for the children’s courtyard - co, Book - writing and design in progress Six (6) paintings illustrating the book in progress 4. Larwin Park $25,000 - design and fabrication Artist: Martha Heavenston Contract approved with the California Art Preservation Act rights waived. Status: 5. Aka Mira Park Design development on hold until Larwin Park issues are resolved. $56,000 - design and fabrication Status: Request for Qualifications due March 16, 1992. 6. 1-5 Bridge Wideninqs $30,000 appropriated for design Status: Process on hold. ,+&&J&9* e 0 ( 22/6& xp %&A .&vO& McfyCw ad +=rflx*~4*&4cq -*s>---e J- *A-x - L-W&&-& zzA5 AWL>- --u __ Ad -~~~~--~~~~-~~~-*~~~~~~- -&-JJ____t; L ____ fdi?&..L-T-&-_ # 4dA7-.guv- ~%-.~~~~~~-~~-~~.-~nr --&- &.-..A&-&+ r 24L-&Je __-_ *-d--& -72 --- I. .-dJ __- ---lie -/- - .&p#!/8--e-T+ A (rnHf_-& A+& -:A -LeA%wc &A2->&AL-&-K-&p 25 -&lt--J’zcL #/t +dJ--4A HAG ________ bd - Ak?.ez-#*-/+ ?- Z@& -efl2y &-3zMd >A&-*-- &-+=&--a,- y&L!?l:+*-w d 4LbwLaa&-*- - & ,+ &* +A-@-&4 ?-&--&Ta.cI/ A&& W4L.f I 4A4y%ec7&H--&A 4z z &--+2 @ 4Jh&LM@i/-y-& &%&f dJ 4W.j - -.-&---+A ---- h&!!4fi&- -&mL44-dk-Ay2 4.- --Ecu-&--m Qd2-&4 Hk@-XT+dp Y A&~4y&-zc/z 4--.b,+- - &A4 ___.___ y @& yytL&-&.-z---&-& L @/J&- /wf--L 4% - _._ GA44 .. -.__ - -- k - .- - - A+&* - - - z4+ %Hd#4 *-+-; --- __-___- - -- __ - 5 -&4&4--2’S’@K,--.&at4- ,i ew~-.-~--&~d-m&u&& ___~- _____ A=+-- ___ _-___ ___-____ -____ .dL ---- A ---je&m .x- &*MA*zvA-p*~g-Tz -w-L&A<dL+- &/U-- - -- 7 JGL2ei5LE~ --_____ - P7 7 u---- __ A! Y 2 ._ I-- - ---- - __- _____ - _____-_ 0 e I David S. Easterbrc 2215 Janis Way Carlsbad, CA 92001 March 17, 1992 Carlsbad City Council Carlsbad, California Dear Councilmembers: The Carlsbad City Council should listen to the over- whelming negative sentiment regarding the Split Pavilian park and do whatever is necessary to correct this mistake. This is not an issue regarding art. This is pul land that we pay for. The citizens and taxpayers of Carlsbad want this park mistake corrected. This problem needs to be dealt with by the City Counc not the Arts Commission. It is you who need to take respc sibility and take action that is sensitive to the desires of your Carlsbad citizens. Please do not insult me by setting up committees and groups to talk to Ms. Blum. Only the Carlsbad City Council can correct this mistake. is your responsibility and duty to listen to your citizen: Until the park is changed, it will serve as an irrit, billboard with a strong message regarding our local goveri DSE/pac