HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-03-24; City Council; 11607; CCVB 1st quarter report (1991-92)3 AB # '1; 609 TITLE: MTG. 3/24/92 DEPT. FIN CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITOR'S BUREAU FIRST QUARTER REPORT - 1991-92 DEPT. t CITY A1 CITY Mc n 9 0 LL= e 2 ti a d 5 8 0 z 3 CIBOF CARLSBAD - AGE BILL &5 \ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and File Report. I'IEM EXPLANATION: The Carlsbad Convention and Visitor's Bureau (CCVB) has submitted the first quarterly report for the fiscal year that runs from October 1, 1991, through September 30,1992. The quarterly report covers the period of October 1,1991 through December 31, 1991. Income for the period totaled $34,963 while expenses totaled $40,376. Although expenses exceed revenues to date, the CCVB has not yet requested reimbursement for program costs incurred as outlined in the agreement with the City. Most income for the CCVB was received from the City of Carlsbad at $29,500 or 84%. The income was the result of the monthly administrative expenses received from the City as outlined in the agreement. Other revenues to CCVB came from hotel contributions, the County of San Diego, and sales of items. Expenses for administration totaled $29,746 or 74%, and represent the largest portion of expenditures to date. Administrative expenses include salaries, and materials and supplies needed to maintain the CCVB offices. The remaining expenses incurred, $10,630 or 26% of the total, went toward programs and included items such as brochures, advertising and trade show attendance. The report identified five activities in which the CCVB was involved from October through December. The production of a video was completed and Canadian travel agents and writers visited Carlsbad. The Marathon also brought in over 500 room reservation requests through the ConVis 800 phone system. FISCAL MPACX The City's agreement with the Chamber of Commerce establishes $225,000 as the total amount of funding with $118,000 designated for administrative costs and $107,000 designated for programs. Of the program funding, $25,000 requires matching contributions from other sources. These amounts were appropriated within the 1991-92 budget. As of December 31, 1991, $29,500 of the administrative funds have been disbursed. No program funds have been requested. EXHIBITS: First quarter report from Carlsbad Convention and Visitor's Bureau for fiscal year 1991-92, dated February 5, 1992. EGEUVE 0 0 October 1 - December 31, 1991 INCOME City of Carlsbad $29,499.99 County of San Diego 1,793.92 Co-op programs with hotels 3,067.28 Special promotions 46.00 Sales of items in depot 354.20 Interest on bank account 202.38 Total Income $34,962.77 EXPENSES Administrative Expenses $29,746.00 Programs Advertising 2,912.79 Video 52.00 Trade Show 1,225.00 Fam Trips 227.02 Brochures 5,262'00 Special Events 744.08 Advertising items -0- County projects 207.52 Total Expenses $40,376.41 ACTIVITIES October/Movember -- Production was completed of the video aimed at travel agents and tour organizers to help them sell Carlsbad to their clients. The 8-minute video is being reproduced in hundreds of copies for distribution. October 20-22 -- Air Canada brought 14 travel agents to Carlsbad for a familiarization tour. These travel agents, from the Toronto area, are their top producers primarily to the East Coast. The trip was designed Complimentary rooms were provided by the Carlsbad Inn and Andersens Inn A welcome dinner was held at Raintree. breakfast for them. to help them sell their clients on a vacation to this area. Beach View Lodge also hosted a November 8-11 -- Seven Canadian travel writers visited Carlsbad for a week- end of sightseeing. The trip was arranged by Alaska Airlines. Rooms were provided, compliments of the Beach Terrace Inn, Tamarack Beach Resort and Carlsbad Inn. Meals were coutesy of Pea Soup Andersens, Neiman's, Fidels and La Costa. 0 * Decwnber -- The ConVis was actively involved in the arrangeinents for the Marathon, including processing more than 500 room reservations on the ConVis 800 phone system. ConVis was also respoIisible for iuiannjng the Hospitality Suite for foiir days. December 27-31 -- A Travel writer from New York stayed at the Carlsbad Inn and explored the area's points of interest. In addition to writing travel articles, he publishes a monthly newsletter entitled "Travel Smart" for 3,000 suuscribers. 0 e VISITOR IMFO-WATION SUY~RY OCTOBER 1, 1991 - DECEMBER 31, 1991 C-4. resident Out of CA Foreiqn Total for vis ito rs visitors visitors month OCT, 592 315 231 1,138 NOV . 557 4 57 154 1,168 DEC . 394 411 105 910 3,216 3 month totals 1,543 1,183 490 ~ove figures represent one member of family and/or group OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTALS Phone inquiri’es 659 703 582 1,944 Mail outs 993 7 52 59 6 2,341 187 306 248 741 Travel agent mail outs w How would you do it? If asked to produce a short video to convey an enticing image of Carlsbad to travel agents and others in the travel industry; what would you'include in the video? This is the challenge faced'this produced by communities for this purpose are traditionally about seven minutes long and rely on visual impact rather than a lot of narration to get the message across," said Rick Smock, ConVis Advisory Panel Chairman. "We will produce hundreds of copies to be distributed to selected travel agencies, tour and wholesale operators and other companies that can use the video to encourage people to visit Carlsbad. These agencies already have detailed information about accommodations, restaurants, and attractions in Carlsbad. They will use the video to sell the image of Carlsbad to their clients." The video revolves around the theme song "Quiet Times" written by local musicians John Kelly and Steve Silvers. The music is heard throughout the video and ends with an evening scene of Kelly playing a guitar and singing the song in front of a campfire on the beach. Besides scenes of people enjoylng our beaches and eating at sidewalk cafes, the video shows some of our community events, including the Tournament of Champions, Carls- bad 5000 and the Village Faire. The ConVis contracted with JM- TV, a local firm, to produce the video. They have more than six hours of video tape that is currently being edited to seven minutes. "It is agonizing to edit out so much beautiful footage," said Steve Link, ConVis manager. "Some people who help set up some of the scenes may be disappointed at how short their scene is. But, the purpose of 14 November, 1991 0 Carlsbad Business journal this video is to quickly convey a charming image of our community to those who may travel here or send others here." "The video will be a terrific addition to the marketing tools used by the ConVis to promote Carls- summer by the ConVis. "Videos bad," said Smock. _. 0 azz comer included in the video. A family enjoying u quiet lunch overlooking the golf course at La Costa is videotaped for the Carlsbad tourism video. CONVIS e Canadian travel agents explore Carlsb Air Canada brought 14 Canadian enabling them to promote the area as a tourist destination to their Director of Public Relatic hotel provided complim “On their first evening North County Tourism Group and the Raintree them at the Rain&,” si “it was a good opporhu questions about the ares The next morning Tor Jones hosted the agents nental breakfast at the 1 Lodge, where they met tives from many of the , CarlsMhotels. , Duringtheirstay,Wr the agents as they dim charms of Carlsbad. Sh them on a tour of the S Mission and the Antiq Museum. travel agents to Carlsbad and San Diego this month. The agents Canadian clients. lodging. represented the 14 highest produc- ing travel agencies for the airline. The trip was designed to familiar- ’We assisted with accommoda- tions for part of the group to stay at the Carlsbad Inn and the remainder explained Qeta Wright, ConVis ize the group with downtown San at Andersen’s Inn for two nights,” co-hosted a welcoming the North County videu Diego and also North San Diego, After two nights# the traveled tosanmego 1 daysof toursunderth theSanDi~convis. 0 0 CON,VIS Canadian j ournalisi learn firsi hand abo. Carlsbad In mid-November, seven ists from the Toronto, Cana visited Carlsbad for a week sight-seeing and informatia gathering. They write trave for several Canadian public The trip was arranged by A Airlines and included two I San Diego as well. activities into their visit anc left wishing for more time t and experience what Carlst to offer," said Cleta Wright, director of public relations. '"'he spa treatment at La t was a unique experience fo said Wright. '%ut they also their tour of the Magee Hoi Alt Karlsbad, as well as bra through antique stores and tiques in the Village." Rooms were provided by rack Beach Resort, Carlsbac Beach Terrace Inn for their night stay. "In spite of the s treatment, they probably le Wright. "Fabulous evening were provided by Neiman' Fidel's plus lunch at Pea So Andersen's and breakfast a COSta." "The support the ConVis from the hotels and restaur their program to bring jour Carlsbad is really unique," hock, ConVis Advisory P Chairman. "This cooperatic the costs down and is gene some terrific publicity for c 'We packed a full schedu Marie Howard-Jones gives Canadian journalists a tour of some of Carlsbad's historic sites few pounds heavier," corm community." 0 0 CONVIS I 6,000 runners converge on Carlsbad for Marathon We11 over 6”,000 long-distance runners from virtually every state and 11 foreign countries are coming to Carlsbad the first week Of km- ber to compete in the San Diego Marafipn, The marathon, including a half-marathon and 4-mile walk, is home in Carlsbad.” Marathon. slated for Sunday morning, Dec. 8. The start and finish line is at Plaza Camino Real mall. The competitors will run along Jefferson Street to Grand Avenue to Carlsbad Boule- vard. The course continues to La Costa Avenue and back including a the charm of Carlsbad.““ Volunteers, recruited by ConVi will be manning the Hospitality Suite for four days, in the Carlsb, Inn. The Inn has been designated the headquarters hotel for the The festivities begin Friday, Dec. 6, with the opening of the health and fitness expo at Plaza Camino Real. A full range of fib equipment, nutrition and more & on display in 80 booths throL out the weekend. ci= Super Session and a carbo dinner at Stagecoach Park. The weekend will conclude with an awards dinner late Sunday aftei noon. ‘“he San Diego Marathon is n more than a 26.2 mile race,” sai Lynn Flanagan, race director. “ community event.” A dozen bi nesses are sponsoring some as] of the event and 26 charities ha been designated to benefit fror race. More than 3,000 voluntee will perform a myriad of dutie such as crowd control and pro ing water to the runners. ’We are thrilled that the San Diego Marathon has found a permanent home in Carlsbad,’ Mayor Claude “Bud” Lewis. “ believe this event reflects the r and cornunity spirit that citk of Carlsbad have in their city.“ “We are thrilled that the sun Diego Marathon has found a pemanent Mayor ’%ld” LeWis Rnnej’, ConViS inforrxttiOn Special- ist. ’me local hotels are full for the weekend. Many runners are coming the COurSe, so I expect the hotels will be pretty full all week.” ‘“For several thousand people Coming for the race, this will be their first visit to Carlsbad,” said Steve Link, COnViS maWF. ’“his is a great opportunity to showcase portion of Palomar Airport Road. several days earlier to practice on Other activities include a Jazzc For the past six months the ConVis has served as a central point of contact for hotel accommodations. ’”Since our phone number appeared in Runners World magazine a few months ago, our phones have been ringing constantly,” said Lyn * 0 CONVIS I '. , Carlsbad and Marathon make good tern The Marathon has established itself in Carbbad. More than 6,200 people competed in either the walk, the half-marathon or the marathon on Sunday morning Dec. 8. Carlsbad shined in the eyes of the competitors who came from virtu- ally every state and 11 countries. "On Sunday afternoon, as the runners and their families came back to the hotel after the race, they organized the race was and how much they enpyed our commu- nity," said John Mace, manager of the Inns of Ameria. "One runner from New York stopped by the ConVis office on Monday morning and said he didn't want to leave Carlsbad before telling someone about how im- pressed he was with the enthusiasm and helpfulness of the volunteers he met," said Steve Link ConVis manager. "It is not surprising the runners were impressed. With more than 3,000 volunteers, that equates to one for every two runners." '"he runner also mentioned that cheerful and friendly, which is not the case in other cities where he competes," said Link. The race was telecast live on KGTV Channel 10 in San Diego and a 30-minute replay will be telecast nationwide on kime Ticket in the near future. 'Two couples who came for the Marathon phoned a few days later and booked rooms at a hotel near the beach for the next weekend," said Cleta Wright, ConVis director of public relations. '"hey said they fell in love with our Village and wanted to enjoy a romantic weekend here." Besides the merchants, restaura and hotels that benefited from th thousands of visitors, the Marath also served as a vehicle for 26 loc charities to raise funds. It looks like the Marathon has found a good home in Carlsbad. told me again and again how well the police he chatted with were