HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-04-07; City Council; 11628; Revision of Public Notice SectionCIT' OF CARLSBAD - AGENW BILL AB # /4 hegb TIT*. MTG. 4- 9-92 DEPT, CN CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDAS REVISION TO PUBLIC NOTICE SECTION OF -r < DEPT. HD. CITY ATTY CITY MGR, I I I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve by minute motion, a proposed revision to the public notice section of the City Council Me Agenda. ITEM EXPLANATION: The first page of City Council Meeting Agendas contain a Notice to the Public section which ini citizens that they may have an item placed on the agenda by submitting a letter with their requc the City Manager ten days prior to the meeting. No guideline is given as to how much time VI given to the citizen. The lack of a such a guideline has led to misunderstandings between stai the public concerning how much time will be allowed for presentations. The Carlsbad Municipal Code does not deal with the subject of items being placed on agendas request of citizens, It does authorize the Mayor as presiding officer to decide on all questions of and procedure, subject to an appeal to the Council in which case the matter is to be decided majority vote of the Council. Staff recommends that citizens be given ten minutes when an item is included on the agenda ai request unless the Mayor, with the unanimous consent of the Council, wishes to provide them more time. Citizens wishing to address Council for more than the standard ten minutes could cc the Mayor and request that they be given more time. That portion of the Notice to the Public section proposed for revision currently reads as follow: "Citizens may have an item listed on the agenda by submitting a letter to the City Manager tel days prior to the meeting." Staff recommends that the sentence be revised to read as follows: "Citizens may have an item listed on the agenda by submitting a letter to the City Manager tel days prior to the meeting. Unless the Mayor, with the unanimous consent of the Council, othc 0 directs, such presentation shall be limited to ten (10) minutes." w > 0 oc FISCAL IMPACT: e % None 2 0 a 6 d z 3 0 0 9 8 i . - I" - -.I '> 4 '. I - - ,- i, . . y- "' -x.S. j i j .>.,,La ,! i . ,. rq I, .,, ; " .".. I Ij;?l I .- : 2 " - ~ <; L': .. .. 12/30/91 :? "__ """ "" __- ,? HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT _.""_.""" "Bo.cnie_P 0 ." " _""" ~ """.__ - - 7:!=\,; ''yzp:?<: , ~ ._____ -. . " . - . _~_ ." .."." .__" " "". .". _"..__"_..." ~ __" .".."- - F.CT - ~LXO ?ec)ly Necesszrv New home address for Margaret Stanton (Riesgo) 4407 Highland Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 434-7786 cc: City Clerk PRINTED IN -e -24: ZzZzL " .~ Mayor City of Carlsbad City Council of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue (Carlsbad Village Drive) Carlsbad Ca 92008 October 8, 1991 * -r Friends of Lake Calavera 645 Oak Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Environmental Impact Report Lake Calavera The Friends of Lake Calavera request the Mayor of Carlsbad and the City Council to postpone the 45-day public comment cut-off date for the Lake Calavera EIR. The two main reasons are: delayed availability of EIR to the Friends of Lake Calavera and not having all the appendixes available for personal reviewing. We were finally able to obtain the partial EIR after several key staff people fell through on their commitment to get us a copy of the EIR. Due to not having all the appendixes in one location, our process of reviewing the EIR has become more time consuming. Respectfully, i ds of Lake vera r 6Qe * /x 67%v JJ G # e?.zwn, ,&a!/ &5&$ ."/&fa? d&dO( J ~pra moLh -7cO /&Lde> /$wztd.!. /44 #!&/ L~ahd /A e /&A, CY ts *.+y ze/;e /J' /a0 kj$Z?m?&- fi" fl c idd. &? &Lk SOCIETY P.O. BOX480 OCEANSIDE, CA 92049-0480 CITY COUNCIL READING F BAfE ?-/a" T/ July 16, 1991 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Council Members, The Buena Vista Audubon Society strongly supports the devel- opment of a boardwalk across the Buena Vista Lagoon. This walk would improve safety and greatly enhance our lagoon educational programs. If we can be of assistance in this matter, please contact me. Sincerely, &-fl William Daugherty President " " -7 -"--A Y - \ " =- "2; - "".V* . b^ *.ii> ci " BUENA VISTA LAGOON FOUNDATION P.O. BOX 4516 e CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 q+ "x*, I '+ , 1 :f July 15, 1991 . , I-' ; e ;J i $ " f . ,i i d ;; $< ; j: +' & @4<: p'*i x '4 p* 2 $2 City Council, City of Carlsbad &4 ;.r lI.c ** 4 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive :::---Carlsbad, CA 92008 -.<"ix@".r p.- . . -."A2 1 ;.: %I hi ;Gentlepersons: i ">.u"'," 4 'a, ~ '."/.,&; !s, ii I "-f? % p +%-"e*i \ %< _*-* \. :a, 'The Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation would like to urge your " . , %, '.* ''% Boardwalk. We believe this project would be a wonderful , , :: ', enhancement of the Buena Vista Layoon and its environs. id I j; "? .:, i > $,, support for the proposed Hill Street/Carlsbad Boulevard ". 1 :$ , j. 1 $ %" I i. ?< % 1" i The benefits of this project are many: ; b. ?,< , i' $f ~~ 3: 1. A safe pedestrian access from Maxdon-Brown Park to the Nature Center would be accomplished. s: ,- = iii ,~ . . ,. ._ i i :. ,I i ,- *i 2. The beauty of the western Lagoon would be exposed a / I! i I: to the public. ,< 3. Public access for viewing and fishing would be r ~ %.i 7; .. 4. Northern Carlsbad recreational opportunities would *>",-z\,>,, . *?,~" n: ~ 5. This project would complement Carlsbad's recently j "; II d .- i x, -" j i<:' ; . ', *,I.." ; " , , : ,^ , ". .>' ., ,I I i ( :I ' ,, .i. , i li ! e; enhanced. (2 M" 2- .- 2' <i $' ,, , , *> .* P* <' ,? i 'i ' . ," ,, ,, , ,I 52 ir,creasc<, *: n i "< .; i ' ~. 8 *' ". . -i . *Jd";c*:J"a,:s .."" t; %>+$ ".?,, .., campleted street enhancement project. ; , '," :.?"e;",- I j " - i *"-. 2.3 "2 >f,g"z.$.-,s+ I _,__ & 8- ' i.r~, ^* ,-.>:r. , ,I * . .._ , ,L ~ ,a . : $> <$ , *! ,. ; ,?; I j : 3; ;,: { ?'. j ," 1:; /c j r' i 9 , 8 t,! i ! ."" ., xi ,/ ,"& , i "/" r/,? ? ~ i / $p ; 1 / -;:,e ;%& .+ i ""4 ~; !$ \/G2 :.;= x.*-,\ i 21 ~ c::."c ;kt f /,* <*? >' *" A;f /ipf /9 % 4 .p% ~~ 'I a* ' *, , > i i I;{ ,_ *$ ,I , $. ;: /"RtJ ,; 5 &{ "," \\s=>t* > ; , ~ 1 ;* ; j/@ 2 bb % For these and many other reasons, we urge your support of this project. We are willing to work with the City to accomplish these goals. SiQcerely,@urs, >.---; /' //A " f /f / -.'.,,[ 1 c,/-,,'i'. /./ i..L fq"- .. .., Regg V. Antle, M.D. Vice President Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation RVA: lg cc: John Cahill, N~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~anager c =* 1) e FEBRUARY 11, 1991 TO: comcn MEMBER NYGAARD FROM: City Attorney TUO-TERM LIMITS FOR COUNCIL MEMBERS As requested, I contacted Gordon Phillips, City Attorney of the City of Redondo Beach, who is a long-time friend and got the "inside story" on that charter city's ongoing litigation with a council member who wishes to serve a third term, contrary to a provision in the city charter adopted by citizen's initiative. He is challenging the limit on statutory pre-emption and constitutional right to vote grounds. This memo is to report that a Superior Court judge has ruled in favor of the city and upheld two-term limits for a charter city. The law remains clear that a general law city or a charter county may not impose such limits. The council member has sought an extraordinary writ from the court of appeal because the city election is happening now and he wishes to be on the ballot. The case is important because the constitutional issues raised also relate to statewide proposition 140 which limited terms of members of the state senate and assembly. Attached is a copy of an article from the January 31, 1991 Los Angeles Daily Journal, one of the legal newspapers I regularly read which discusses the trial court's decision. I will continue to follow the case and let you know if there are any further developments. VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR. City Attorney afd I. G c: Mayor city council City Clerk City Manager i *- I.YO-~l-erm - Lwit Is Upheld 1ni)ledondo Eea( - I- Continued from Page 1 T nia Constitution grants charter cities :- ; certain powers in dealing with municipal : -affairs that are separate from powers --fReld by general law cities. And the . ;-?unger decision, in assessing powers y’ OL charter counties, distinguished char- * cities from other cities and general FCewdrey decided to challenge the em limitations when the city clerk re- +epted his third-tern nomination papers .,past month. Joining him as a plaintiff was z:@rk Conte, a resident of Cawdrey’s -,&uncilmanic district who said he :%anted to vote for the incumbent. &.- zzx-Cawdrey said City Attorney Phillips ,*Ehially supported his intention to run sin, but then took a 180-degree turn. b**yhillips told Cawdrey that City Clerk n Oliver would have to accept his mination papers. In an Aug. 6, 1990, morandum to Oliver, a named defen- w counties. c $$& Qq &+. :+< dant in the suit, Phillips told the clerk that he “must release nomination pa- pers to any candidate who requests them. If they are returned, you must ac- cept them for filing.” Phillips relied on a 1987 opinion of the California iegislative counsel. The city attorney also cited Wheeler v. Hall, 1% Ca1.49 204 (1922), in which the California Supreme Court held that the clerk’s duties are ministerial, and that it would be improper for the clerk to determine the eligibility of a candi- date to hold office. in a second memo addressing the same However, exactly four months later, topic, Phillips “reached the opposite conclusion,” Cawdrey said in a declara- tion. In the second memo, Phillips wrote that the clerk “may reject the nomination paper and refuse to place the candidate’s name on the ballot.” He did not mention the legislative counsel’s opinion or Wheeler. ond 180-degree turn, Richards, Watson :*soning relied on in Sfeinkamp Ironically, in what Fisher called a sec- Younger court had used the ! soning can be extended to app sidered a measure that would have lim- limitations, Cogan said. “The Last July, when the City Council con- tion gives it the authority to e drey’s position against term limitations, ‘dant’s position that the state gal opinion that closely paralleled Caw- court disagreed with the COUI & Gershon six months ago issued a le- down term limitations. In Yo1 ited to two the number of terms the ter cities,” she said. elected city attorney could hold, Phillips “Thus, there is still some referred the proposal to Richards Wat- whether such a provision, as son. The firm responded in a seven- the City Attorney, would be UI page opinion letter in which associate . [and] there is good reasor Efrat M. Cogan doubted whether term that a limitation of this kind be upheld. limitations for any elected official would vive judicial scrutiny,” Cogar Cogan observed that Section 36502 of Cawdrey said the City Cou the Government Code led the Court of to table the proposal based o Appeal in Steinkamp to invalidate a pro- conclusion. vision limiting councilmanic terms in On Tuesday, Cogan said ti the general law city of San Francisco on expressed in the letter did nc pre-emption grounds. . the particular term limitation ed. Ten years earlier, she wrote, the I in the hwdrey case. - - “““b I ‘Strong Feelings’ Two-Term Limii Is Upheld in Redondo Beach City Council Seat Involved By G.M. Bush DuilyJoumlSfaj’Re$.nfer TORRANCE - After two judges re- cused themselves from a volatile political case, a Superior Court judge late Tuesday upheld the two-term lifetime limitations imposed on Redondo Beach city council members, blockinga councilman’s bid for a third term. Judge William C. Beverly Jr. - noting the lack of previous cases directly on point - held that the two-term limitation enacted by Redondo Beach voters in 1975 does not constitute an impermissible qualification. The judge denied Council- man Ronald A. Cawdrey’s petition in Cawdrey u. Redondo Beach, YC004071, for preliminary and permanent injunctions and writ of mandate. QuickAppealLikely Plaintiffs’ attorney Barry Fisher said he expects an early appeal is likely, per- haps as soon as today. Following the ad- verse ruling, Fisher said he was disap- pointed but remained convinced that the arguments presented on Cawdrey’s be- half are legally correct. Beverly was handed the case at the last minute and reviewed the file less than 1 and U2 hours before ruling. Fisher said he was impressed by the judge’s grasp of the case, but said the schedule previously worked out with opposing counsel would have given the trial judge several days to go over the file. “Instead, we ended up with a judge who had just over an hour to assimilate voluminous briefs and complex constitu- tional arguments, then go immediately into oral arguments and follow all this up with an immediate ruling,” he said. At the start of the trial, Beverly said he would have preferred to put the mat- ter off for a week or two. However, he changed his mind - and his court schedule - after Fisher and Redondo Beach City Attorney Gordon Phillips ar- gued for a quick decision so :he city’s March 5 ballot could be printed. Torrance Superior Court Presiding Judge Douglas McKee, the original judge, bowed out Tuesday afternoor! be- cause of his past dealings with the Pa- cific Legal Foundation, which petitioned for amicus starll;. I The case then went to Judge J. Gary Hasting, who recused himself because 1 he is a Redondo Beach resident and vot- ’ ’ er. Hastings said he thought his per- sonal feelings could get in the way of his professional judgment. “I have some very strong feelings about this case,” he said. Beverly’s first move was to hear ar- guments on the Pacific Legal Founda- tion’s petition to enter the case as a friend of the court. Beverly denied the petition, so as to do “what is practical under all the circumstances.” Consider- ing the tight time limitations and Fleish- man, Fisher & Moest’s failure to re- ceive the petition until last Tuesday, the plaintiffs’ attorneys did not have ade- quate time to respond, he said. staff attorney Jonathan M. Coupal of Sacramento told the judge that the is- sues discussed in the amicus brief were the same issues raised by the parties. Coupal said the foundation has been Moreover, Pacific Legal Foundation , retained by the supporters of PrOPOSi- tion 140, the statewide initiative passed last year that limits legislative terms. A legislative challenge to Proposition 140 is expected Friday, Coupal said, and the Cawdrey ruling could have a profound bearing on that suit. Following Beverly’s denial of the Cawdrey petitions, Coupal said his ear- lier disappointment over having the am- icus petition turned down had been SUP- planted by delight. “This is great. They didn’t need us after all.” Beverly’s ruling will help “save” Proposition 140, he said. I A Municipal Matter In his ruling, Beverly agreed with name partner Glenn R. Watson of Rich- ards, Watson & Gershon, counsel to Re- dondo Beach, that the charter city’s term limitations represented a munici- pal matter. The judge held that a case dealing ?‘e&, 210 Cal.App.3d 402 (19891, and one that dealt with a charter county, Younger v. Board of Supwvisors, 93 Cal.App.3d 864 (19791, did not apply in the case at hand. Both cases struck down term limitations. However, Beverly ruled, the Califor- with a general law city. Steinkamp v. See Page5 - LIMIT p \A w 2;x c!d CL e ?vh+x-ie 3bwurd-Jones 4823 Argosy Lane &rlsGnd, Gdijornia 92008 (619) 729-2054 February 5, 1991 To Mayor Lewis Members of the Carlsbad City Council: Dear friends, I am glad to hear that you are considering revisions to residential building height limits in the Northwest quadrant of the city. I have been very concerned about the recent rash of overlarge homes being built in neighborhoods of smaller structures and I hope you will also look at ways to define "scale" as well as size. Sincerely, %!e 0- 0 . PdQyu,-77 eufi ~LUluU,~ -., c/3 CLcAy December 20, 1999 Mayor Lewis City Council Members Planning Commission Planning Dept . RE: Raising lot level - Highland Dr. It has come to my attention that the lot across the street from my house at 2870 Highland Dr. will be raise four feet with fi'll to, apparently, the'street level. I wondered why this, if it is tr'ue, was approved. Earlier this year this matter was discussed before the Council and I'was under the impression ,that it was resolved that no such fills would be allowed on Highland>Dr. I am protesting this change becduse it will distort the roof and .land levels and not conform to the,structures on the west side of the street. Also it will block.the views now enjoyed by those of us that live on the east side of the street. I have observed that new structures permitted do not always con- form to the other structures in the neighborhood. One need only approved. I can understand how this happens.. The Council cannot always be aware' of such things unless it is brought directly to 'the attention of the Council members. That is why I am writing to to each of you. ride around Csrlsbad to see some of 'the abominations previously', Carlsbad should be preserved to the extent possible. ,With all the building that is going on, nevertheless, the ohiiracker -Sf :otde.- .-I: Carlsbad should not be endangered with changes which could signi- ficantly impact it'. The -area is unique and will only be more so, not only'esthetically but economically,in the future. Con5ormity must be maintained. "Little" changes must not be permitted if they change the complexion of the.neighborhood. : I request that the raising of the"1ot level above its natural conformation be denied and that the foundation of the planned house be no; higher than its neighbors. Thank' you for your attention to this matter, It is not possible to present this at a Council meeting. Respec fully' yours, AF6ert &&w* Mend 2870 Highland Dr. Carlsbad, .CA. 92008 ' (916) 823-4062 cc: Mr. & Mrs. M. Bremer, 2880 Highland Dr. .Mrs. L. Lawson, 2862 Highland Dr. , e 0 L'L .L& " '6 -2, LLL4 Carlsbad Unified School District 801 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad, Califor? F BOARD OF TRUSTEES JAMES McCORMICK President JULIANNE L. NYGAAFtD Vice President JOE ANGEL Clerk J. EDWARD SWITZER. JR. Member DONALD M. JOHNSON Member DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION THOMAS K. BRIERLEY, Ed.D. Superintendent SUSAN-HARUMI BENTLEY, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent Instructional Services JOHN H. BLAIR Assistant Superintendent Business Services GERALD C. TARMAN Assistant Superintendent Personnel Services CHERYLERNST Director Elementary Education DEWAYNE L. FEASEL Manager Facilitieehiaintenanad Operations lia 92008-2439 (619) 729-9291 FAX# (619) 729-9685 "All Students Can 1 c1m CQUNClL READING FILE DATE, /fb7/ 2% December 18, 1990 The Honorable C1 aude A. Lewis Mayor of the City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carl sbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis: At the December 12, 1990 meeting of the Board of Trustees, new committee members were elected for 1991. The Trustees to serve on the School Board/City Council Coordinating Committee will be James McCormick and Mark Packard. I hope we can establ ish a mutually convenient time for this group to meet in early January. Sincerely, @A- /e Thomas K, Brierley, Ed,D, District Superintendent Distinguished School Board Award 1984, United States Department of Education -. 9 e *- * '1cI December 10, 1990 TO : CITY MANAGER FROM: Mayor Bud Lewis APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS I note that the terms of the Design Review Board all expired in October of 1990, and would like to know when this will be before the Council for appointments. Also, it appears that four members of the Housing E Redevelopment Advisory Committee terms expired in March of 19-90, when will we be ready to make these appointments? Please advise, thank you. &.@LEWIS Mayor cc: City Clerk Decemfr5<~9-$:;~~ i .;:, t 4:;<5, "?,*, -3. ..' . , , - -. * ." r * MSTER SHEET e r. CITY COUNCIL 1st four Tuesdays 6:OO PM Claude A. Lewis, Mayor 2030 Basswood Avenue, 92008 729- 1669 Nov. 1994 Ann J. Kulchin, Mayor Pro Tem 3014 Garboso Street, ?ZOO? 942-2834 Nov. 1992 Eric Larson 1355 Forest, 92008 729-8465/931-1600 NOV. 1992 Julianne Nygaard 3405 Spanish Way, 92008 729-0754 Nov. 1994 Margaret Stanton 4711 Sunburst Road, 92008 434-2101 Nov. 1994 Term Expires . ARTS coc#ISSION 1st Thursday 4:OO PM Term Expi res Melanie Schuling 2951 Cape Cod Circle, 92008 434-8026 March 1993 Joe Bear 331 1 Fosca, 92009 944 - 1407 March 1991 Wayne Bischoff Stanley Jersey Sue Ladouceur Dona Mei lach Patra Straub 1085 Laguna Dr., 92008 729-0384/729-9228 March 1991 3294 Uestwocd Dr. 92008 729-8826 March 1992 3460 Charter Oak Dr. 92008 729-6555 2018 Saliente Way, 92009 436-4395 March 1992 March 1992 P.O. Box 1306, 92008 729-7519/941-5813 March 1993 BEACH EROSION M)IIIIITTEE Called by Comnittee Chairman Term Expires Ralph Copley, Jr. 2335 Rue Des Chauteux, 92008 434-5253 June 1994 Donald E. Jackson 260 Normandy Lane, 92008 434-3675 June 1994 Pearl Johnson 6733 Hyacinth Circle, 92008 438-3707 June 1994 Anna Leeds 4170 Harbor Dr., 92008 729-6154 June 1994 Gary Nessim 2987 Highland Dr., 92008 729-3333/434-2778 June 1994 . Bai ley Noble 5470 Los Robles Dr., 92008 438-4685 June 1994 Sally Vigil 2805 Ocean St. #K, 92008 729- 2609 June 1994 BUILDING AUTHORITY Called by City Clerk Term Expires Marvin Cap 3580 Trieste Drive, 92008 729-7661 Oct. 1991 Don Pool 1778 Butters Road, 92008 729-4246 Oct. 1991 Charles F. Rowe P.O. Box 142, 92008 729-9545/434-3125 Oct. 1993 CABLE TELEVISION FOUNDATIOU 1st Thursday 5:OO PM Term ExDires Tim Davidson 2983 Lexington Circle. 92008 729-05631231-5453 Jan. 1992 Bi 11 Dominguez James McCormick Fred J. Morey Robert Sheppard 4378 Adams-S t . , 92008- 434 - 493 1 Jan. 1991 3994 Syme Drive, 92008 223-2671 Jan. 1992 4x4 Aberdeen Ct., 92008 729-1812 Jan. 1991 7690 EL Camino Rea1,Ste 209,92009 436-1637/943-9016 Jan, 1992 CHILD CARE co#IISSIoW 4th Thursday 6:00PM "._.._ Term "". Expires Julie Baiter 3523 Brookfield Uay, 92008 72Y-4068 July 1994 Dennis Cutler 4377 Yosmite St.. 92008 434-1559f967-4445 Julv 1992 Linda Gilk 1730 Ha*.ws Point-Place, 92008 729-6402/739-3950 Jul; 1991 Merry LIEsperance 2051 Ladera Court, 92009 942-2680/757-6843 July 1994 Barbara Mead 4140 Adams St., 92008 434-5088 July 1992 Julianne Nygaard 3405 Spanish Way, 92008 729-0754 July 1992 Mark Schwei 4377 Tuolurne Place, 92008 434-1582/726-6464 July 1991 CITIZENS CWITTEE TO STWY GROCCFH Called by Cmittee Chairman Matt Hall 2631 Galicia Uay, 92009 436-4618/434-1007 Dan Hamner 4015 Isle Drive., 92008 434-1950/231-6616 Homer Hupf 3341 Cadencia St., 92009 753-4737/530-3753 James McCormick 3994 Syme Drive, 92008 223 - 2671 Clarence Schlehuber 4085 Sunnyhill Drive, 92008 729-1815/729-2327 Darryl Tell 1700 Buena Vista May, 92008 729-9078/722-8201 - Tom Erwin 7703 Garboso Place, 92009 436-4429 ~~~.~;~~:.~ ._. ./.",< ,.,.. >.v>:mv%"-~:-- %DESIGN-REVIW BOAW) ::~~."~.-+ xAq 1st & 3rd Uednesday 5:OO PM ~E-x~~~;g. John McCoy P.O. Box liBll, 92008 729-9242 .."Oct.:"-l~O;:"~' Jeanne 8. McFadden 1331 Chinquapin, 92008 729-7432 ";oct;-';1990, :;; Jerry Rombotis Clarence Schlehuber 729-5080/729-7911 'O'CX k-iwo' -5; 729-1815/729-2327 ::.! dct.:.;1990 GG .... .,. . . . .*- Sharon Schramn 2430 Stromberg Circle, 92008 729 - 7868 ";dct~~~990+" ': $.?.+. I ::-< . .&, . : .".: ..L HISTORIC PRESERVATIOW M#IIISSION . ,. <.. -" 1730 Calavo Court, 92008 4085 Sunnyhill Drive, 92008 -I "" .. :- ;;.:.2.m..".==="- Term Expires 2nd Monday 5:OO PM Eitan Aharoni 1824 Oak Ave., 92008 729-7028/720-9697 April 1994 Kay Christiansen 2802 Carlsbad Blvd., 92008 729-2301 Apri l 1991 . Dennis Richard Gallegos 2908 Via Pepita, 92009 436-6245 Apr i l 1993 . Marjorie Howard-Jones 4823 Argosy Lane, 92008 729-2054 April 1994 Brian Robertson 4660 Et Camino, 92008 438-2845 April 1992 _i ____ ;x.; ".... ".." .-": '?.'.I.. "--~~~-.---~.* ."_" HOUSING & REDEVELOPMEWT~ADVISORY (XI+IITTEE . 4th Monday Vacant " -4 Belynn Gonzales 2728 Chestnut Ave., 92008 Phyllis Hamilton 3410 Monroe, Apt A, 92008 Thelma I. Hayes 580 Laguna Drive, 92008 John McCoy P.O. Box Wl, 92008 Keith Meloy 2848 Jefferson, Apt.301, 92008 Peder Norby 2630 Valeuood Ave., 92008 Jerry Rombotis 1730 Calavo Court, 92008 Witt Rowlett 7206 Daffodil PI., 92009 4:OO PH Te-r'm-E--.-.iFes. March !-1990 & 0 434-2281/729-8565 x&&h;.l%f' 729-47141434-6397 March 1991 434- 1054 "?uaTcR;1999~3 729-9242 August '1991 729-9553 March 1991 729-2446/729-6186 August 1991 431-1808/729-4423 August 1991 729-SO80/729-7911 Ma'rch~l990.P b i 'u 5 0 e November 27, 1990 Page 2 Council Member Eric Larson Buena Vista Lagoon Committee - ".~ EI " /;I ._ j /7 [-. ! // c i +E.) -Y - Lib .c \ CG / November 27, 1990 TO : COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM : Mayor Bud Lewis PROPOSED COUNCIL ASSIGNMENTS I would like to propose the following Council assignments, and make the assignments at the Council meeting of December 4, 1990: Mayor Bud Lewis Board/Commission Chair Subcommittee City/School Committee Corridor 78 Homeless Subcommittee LAFCO (Alternate) League Revenue and Taxation Committee Local Coastal Plan North County Immigration Task Force North County Transfer Station Siting Committee North County Mayors and Managers (Alternate) North County Mayors Council Olivenhain Road Study Committee SANDAG Carlsbad Legislative Sub-Committee Mayor Pro Tem Ann Kulchin Carlsbad Legislative Subcommittee Corridor Commuter Committee LAFCO Library Building Review Committee Local Coastal Plan LOSSAN Corridor Committee NCTD North County Mayors and Managers Olivenhain Road Study Committee (Alternate) SANDAG (Alternate) SAFE, San Diego Service Authority for Freeway Shoreline Erosion Committee Emergencies Board a (I, November 27, 1990 Page 3 I would also request that Council Members attend at least one meeting a year of the following Boards and Commissions, with the understanding that this assignment will be rotated every year: Mayor Bud Lewis Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee Water Commission Personnel Board Mayor Pro Tem Ann Kulchin Arts Commission Library Board of Trustees Beach Erosion Committee Council Member Eric Larson Historic Preservation Commission Senior Commission Cable Television Foundation Council Member Julie Nygaard Child Care Commission Parks & Recreation Commission Traffic Safety Commission Council Member Marqaret Stanton Citizens Committee to Study Growth Planning Commission Sister City Committee Respectfully, CLAUDE A. "BUD" LEWIS Mayor cc: City Manager City Clerk