HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-04-07; City Council; 11632; PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT* i *;. m !? t 4 E g 2 -4 d u -4 c 0 c4 a (d a a bo I N a 0 2 m 2 a a, 4J a 0 a (d 4 .rl 2 3 0 V 2 0 F 0 a hI a \ h \ d- s z 3 0 0 'C r- vr bARLSBAU - ACitNm BILL - AB#+SZL m. DEPT. MTG.Y-~-W PL2WNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT CITY A CITY k DEPT. Clk RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. s2-97 appointing one member to the P1z Commission. ITEM EXPLANATION The term of Robert Holmes expires in April, 1992. In accordance Section 2.24.020 of the Municipal Code, members are appointed majority vote of the Council and serve four-year terms. Mr. Holmes was originally appointed to the Commission in SeptE 1985, and has served seven consecutive years. Other members of the Planning Commission are: Tom Erwin, Ma Hall, Clarence Schlehuber, Sharon Schramm, Peggy Savary, and E Noble. Copies of applications received in calendar year 1991 are attacht Council review. EXHIBITS 1. Resolution No. 9 2 - 99 , appointing one member to the Ci Carlsbad Planning Comhission. 2. Copies of applications received in calendar year 1992. I L‘ P c. APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT - - BOARD61 AND/OR COMMISSION(S) (Please print or type..) -- NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) ANb/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: - - dl ’I6 (a ?ACLL~ -b. ikceEFFTI013) PLdkZJr3d-G ci, .-1$516d. I d/o3 5;‘cW 6& .. g >; ih 5 J sd.*?5*- t.lP’’rC% Cor--h\jlro. NAME: GFIm44- iLCl5.L ADDRESS: 2537 d~ 4Ftaeq -d 4/0 CIN. CA r2LSGfiD ZIP CODE: ~ZOOY HOME PHONE: 64%3L- 97a3 PRESENT OCCUPATION: ~da~-5~~~ -,-%F geo& 1 BUSINESS NAME: &-UEU,=Q &-E LE-KXZ~ BUSJNESS ADDRESS: ~IGL~ ~GC,Z~FP PC dc Ad- RZ~.G.JY.SLD~ ce 9 WORK PHONE: G(9- fS/- 7OCjLj U. S. Citizenship (required rw ell ttppoimm~) 4s No Resident of Carlsbad (-0 givdn to residLwrt) /yes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (ww lor sw cm-) Yes x No dad ld WC~~J~--S dIcc g~ 3G3,-~~10 HS oF 3//5jpL . I am familiar wtWl t)H responsibilities assigned to the bard($) or Commission(8) on which I wlrh to sew*; I am willing to llck financial dbclo8ure 8tatemenk as required by the State’s or City‘a Conflict of Interest codes; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualiticationa for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an indMdual Council Me SIGNAT v* DATE: 92030q a (Continued oyt reverse side) 1200 Carlch=,d VillDmn nritla - pe-lrh--4 *-I:&- ’ AnAnn J --- ,^ 1 e EDUCATION GQAD~U- ALJ~~LCZ~ 63826 [O L-LE&c(dUEdxJ 6% ‘.rc c74 ULE&€O P 6 g3L€5@0.4 id 1983 rnO&LCSdC) LldRfieY GJ+- EXPER1 ENCE MF;F\Rc* &pEe ,yh&-/p9& mlok ’T9 svl0db*L - cff- f)c33 w[ QCfSANidC &i?hh\~S+lOCJ u PfiJ=L$ -+ wenod 1799. &c[z-yiFo COMMUNln ACT~VITIES - do- 3=- z3sT mo -=,, ,+E< #k-3L~ x b3 *JS ~UdiIctk CrlG375 IC GMzL5gf+4-) / ADDlTloNAL ‘NFORMAnON OR COMMENTS - m5-r Que+ec,s ea my ,ST &AE &-.c€ fioJtrJ6 “zr3 ft3 irrl /?!A. r &m tray (A=- I~ &e-&& t~~\rocr/izn ).J 7.i. */ &)fY\*drJrTy. &5P &tJZ Fltz Ft e-eLL /fl $04 j++JG &Jf &u’=5TIoNfs - LI e 0 r - QTY OF CARSBAD BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS CABLE TV FOUNDATION LIBRARY BOARD OF PAWING AU?HORTN 0 0 INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS (Please read before completing application.) A brief statement of the functions and responsibilities assigned to the various Boards i Commissions which serve the City of Carlsbad is available in the Office of the City Clerk you are not thoroughly familiar wth the functions and responslbtlities of the Board Commtssion to which you seek appointment, please ask the City Clerk for the approprii information sheet. While previous experience and education in the subject matter handled by t Eoard/Cammission are considered in the appointment process, these factors are not t only determinants. Avocations, previous and current occupations, and familiarity w community affairs are also relevant. You must also be a US. citizen, and Carlsb, residency is preferred. Before applying, you should be aware of the time and dates on which tl BoardKommission regularly meets and how much of your time you will have to devote. Tt latter can best be determined by speaking with someone who has served 01 is now sewin Dual membership is aeneralty not desirable but may be allowed by the City Counc Applications are valid for one year and are open for public inspection. You will be required to file 8 flnancial disclo8uro 8tatemOt if sppornted to one of th following: h Commitmion, Child Care Commiuion, Ddgn Review hrd, Housin! and Redevelopment Adviwry Committeo, Ubf8V Board rbf Trurtwr, Pa** an( Recreatian C~mmisslon, Personnel Wrd, Planning Cornmimion, Seniol Commission, Trafflc Safety Commission and tho W8tw Commiulon. Upon completion of your application, please mail or deliver the application to the CIT'1 CLERK'S OFFICE, City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carisbad, California 92008. _y - Tc-* - U e 4 ' *$J &&'fc CITY COUNCIL READIN( a-/ 4- 9 < * OATE %6& u "eb. IS, 1993 yor 3ewis -3- r? -*m 1 .-' 1'1)O fin- Jcd!3rd -/illrye Je, S 3rlsb3d ':a., 9?03E! Your Eonor; ',s ny 23~~i3t;~ent on the Traffic Connission will expire shis year, 1 would like $0 5e considered 2nd 3ppointed for the oFenin5 on the Planning Cornmissitma I beleive I 3ave been effective in work on the Traffic Commission. It is my hoge that I would be 3ble to continue to be of service to the community. I have been a long tirne resident of T&lsbatt, lonzer than sone that are presently on the .,omission .?he develope9en-t of Czrlsbad h3s zlways been of L -c ,-- interes'i to r?e. I do hope khzt you will give me this opportuni to continxe $0 be of service. 'Ihznk you 5 inc erly - 759 l-zyv- r ock Ive., 3.;rls d ?s., 92008 7 19-6076 - r 0 0 !ZOO ELM AVENUE CAnLSBAO. CALIFORNIA 92008 %/a &&pEeK: Oflice of the City Cterk Citp u€ Qarlabab I I 7eb. 13, 1993 -- APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR CoMMIssroN IJame of Board or Commission t Planning Commiasi3n , Etame (Print or Type): Address! E'honet 723-0976 Present occupationr Dart; time IlegI Estate Sa Dusiness'Name and Address! Part time only= Russ Skinner Realtort Mary Me 1 Id~q 153 I]emlxk Ave,, carlsbnd, Ca.9 92008 2996 1\33sevdt St, # (farlsbarl ye0 Bus. Phone! 334-3147 Resident of Catlsbad! Home Phone! '1 2 9- 807 G Registered Voter in carlsbadt yes I am familiar with the responsibilitiea assigned to the Board or Commission on which 1 wish to serve. If appointed to a Board or Commission which is subject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to provide such statements as may be required. wfllinq to appear for an interview regarding my qualification8 Cor appointment before such committee da may be designated by the City Council or if requested by individual Cot!ncil btembers. I am 1 * DATE! SIGNATUREt 7&&1 d- (See revetse side) t 6/fl' (c W EDUCATION t - .r F;ducpted in Can.?CJa, M~jming in Burriness and Art. I t EXPERIENCE2 W3rke.J. lor Alberta. Government for 2 years An. theggccounbg Qnd t dBpsrtmen5s .prior tg coming t3 the United Ststes. 6 citezm Tor yesrs) 1 yegr bq3kkeeping in tWist31 Penn.1 2 years managing restuarsnt in Durbak, C8.) heft for Real Eshl Sales. 13 years in Real Estate Salea. OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES $ Prseident 91 P.T.A. in which I hqld 8 [Ionorary Mfc? MemberBhiP On Uqarrt of Co-flrdinating CTucil of P.T.A. Cub Scmt Leader, Girl Scout Leader. Managed Cfrla Pony Tail 1 2 yeqrs (soft ball) [.!ernher 3f Wgma.nt s Club of Carlsbsrl, 2nd, 3rd, and 4 th vice-pcc: and president fw Zyeare,plus numemug chairmanships; Legisla Decorating ect. I'arLinment:,r.ian for Palomar District CtP,W,C, (12 clubs) an4 reln tims fw League of Wmens Voters Pronently wrving thc cf ty on the Traffic ComrniGf3ion4 J have alwayP activly contributed to &e community in lfrhich I Ieel. that I can be rJf service in this area,anri contribute -tiv'y to thin c9mmissi7n. I hope that you will seriously coi Conmission 9 however I would like to use my expertise in an area of service to the community, ADDXTfOttJN, ~NFOC~M~TION OR CQ~NTS~ c my 'T)P1.ication '' this timeel do enjoy my'commission on the ddJ &L:cc 8 a7 r' O? APPUCATION FOR APPOINTMENT 3 -. -. r BOARDW AND/OR COMMISSION(S) - > I) L I -7 (Please print or type.) - i;; NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: 2 <? el o-? - PARKS €X RECREATION COMMISSION, LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES, PLANNING COm$SSIC NAME: JAMES R McCA" ADDRESS:26z- CITY: CARLSBAD, CA ZIP CODE: 92009 HOME PHONE: (619) 438-7506 PRESENT OCCUPATION: REAL, ESTATE DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS NAME: NEWPORT NATIONAL CORPORATION BUSINESS ADDRESS: 5962 LA PLACE COURT, SUITE 200, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 WORK PHONE: (619) 438-4242 U. S. Citizenship (required for ell appointments) x Yes No Resident of Carlsbad (preference given to residents) x Yes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some commissions) x Yes No I am familiar wtt)r the responsibilities assigned to the Board($) or Commission(s) on which I wkh to serve; I am willing to fish financial disclosure statements 8s required by the State's or City's Conflict of Interest codes; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. SI G NATU RE: $w4M&AE: / -23-pz (Continued 5 erse si&) 1200 Carisbad ill^^^ Drive . ParIchsd PzaIifnrni= OQnnm +aaa - IC*-' Ac)* qan a a E DUCATION EXPERIENCE COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS r r 0% r EDUCATION - B.S., Civil Engineering, San Diego State University, 1981 - M.B.A., National University, in progress EXPERIENCE I have served for the past approximately two years as a member o the Library Building Review Committee. In my view, the experienc of having worked with the Library Trustees, City staff and electe officials and the architect and consultingteam which the Committe commissions in which I have expressed an interest. The process o working in a group of people with diverse professional and persona backgrounds and implementing policies which have been determine1 by the City Council in response to the citizens at large has bee quite a positive learning opportunity. Previously, I was involved for nearly 5 years as a volunteer in th Leukemia Society including one year as a member of the executiv committee. Lastly, I am currently a board member of my homeowner association which manages the CCbR's for approximately 150 homes COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES I am a member of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce and a frequen participant in its many functions and undertakings. In addition my wife, two daughters and I are regular users of the library an park facilities. interviewed and selected, would serve well in any of th ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMXENTS Please see attached letter. c 0 0 A . January 28, 1992 Honorable Claude A. rtBudg' Lewis Mayor, City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Application for Boards and Commissions Dear Mayor Lewis: I am writing to you to present my Application for Appointment to 1 various Boards and Commissions which are coming due, particularly 1 Park and Recreation Commission, Library Trustees and the Plann. Commission. My wife, daughters and I have now lived in south Carlsbad for 4 . years. We are an active, outdoor family, participating in Carlsl Parks & Recreation activities and we are frequent users of the lot parks and library with our two daughters. I am sure we are typical many young families in Carlsbad, and I am confident that I woi represent a large constituency. As my application indicates, I have been a member of the Libri the opportunity to have been of service. The Library is going to spectacular - hopefully, its commencement will be shortly forthcomii In my view, this experience would be very valuable in any one of . commissions listed above. In summary, my relationship to date with my community has just beg I now desire to continue and extend that relationship. I am genuin interested in an active role in this very exciting, growing commun that I call home and I would greatly appreciate your consideration any one of these appointments. I have listed some references for y use. Kinst per;bp& Building Committee for nearly two years. I would like to thank you / w mes R. McCann d REFERENCES Tony D. Lawson: President, ADL PLANNING, Parks & Recreat Seena Trigas: Library Board of Trustees, 6340 Flamenco, Carlsk Ann Kulchin: Mayor Pro Tern, City of Carlsbad, (619) 434-2830 Commissioner, City of Carlsbad, (619) 434-1345 CA 92009, (619) 478-3223 - 0 .' . ?' L APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT 12 BOARDW AND/OR COMMISSION(S) 5-2 .- 3 - c L (Please print or type.) -. -I -i NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: -- NAME: JoseDh N. F- ADDRESS: ??n1 ~pl1p T;rnp CITY: Carlsbad ZIP CODE: 93008 - 1115 HOME PHONE: (61 9 1 729-5091 PRESENT OCCUPATION: Retired BUSINESS NAME: None BUSINESS ADDRESS: mp WORKPHONE: one U. S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) x Yes No Resident of Carlsbad (preference given to residents) x Yes No Registered voter in Carisbad (required for some commissions) X Yes No I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board($) or Commission(s) on which I wish to serve; I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or City's Conflict of Interest codes; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. SIGNATURE: .$- ?>&& DATE: J- 7, 1993 (Continued on reverse side) 1200 Carlsbad Villaqe Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 (61 91 434-28Oe 0 0 E3lumIT:cN Graduated from Chagrin Falls, Ohio High School in 1947 and Mira Costa Junior College in 1975, received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Adtministration from San Diego State University in 1977 and a Master of Arts Degree in Public Administration from the California State University at Long Beach in 1981. ExpHiIENcE Twenty-six (26) rears in the U.S. Marine Corps going through the ranks from Private to Staff Sergeant and Second Lieutenant to Major, being assigned responsible tasks as Eattalion, Carpmy and Platoon Cmdess; Third Marine Amphibious Force Motor Trmport Officer; Camp Pendleton, California, We Motor Transport Officer, Marine Barracks Security Officer and Inswtor/Instruc for Marine Corps Reserve Squardon. Fifteen (15) years in municipal government working for the City of Carlsbad in the Departments of Planning, Personnel, Parks & Recreation, Public Works A&knistration/Development Services, Engineering and Utilities & Maintenance as a Department Administrative Assistant, Administrative Assistant 11, Senior Managpment Analyst and Acting Parks and Recreation Director (9 months). (33Mmrm- Member of the Carlsbad Rotary Club, Carlsbad Chamber of Comerce (Ambassadors). Carlsbad Historical Smiety, Disaster/Elnergency Planning Group for Carlsbad (during emFloyment with City) and the Public Safety and Service Center Plannin! Group (during enrployment with City). I have been a rnmber of the Traffic Safeti Corranission, the Carlsbad General Plan Review Ccanmittee, the Carlshd Sister City Corranittee and the Carlsbad Veterans Memorial Conmittee in the past and am clurently on the Carlsbad Personnel Board. ALlDrrIm Iraxmwnm OR (xzmmls I am sincerely interested and have sufficient time to participate actively as a member of the Carlsbad's E?oards, corrrmissions and Corranittees. Respectfully request consideration for the tasks which the City muncil deems me best qualified. _. A ” ** d APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT - BOARD61 AND/OR COMMISSION(S1 e (Please pht or type-) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: P\R Id N-, # cl CQmm i 5 4 f, \\I %icn \,I! e\c;hr. n\ ‘T; UI t NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: CN-\ sh PI A ZIP CODE: 9300 7 HOME PHONE: 7Y:;t- oii.2 PRESENT OCCUPATION: BUSINESS NAME: 2\21 P\M C; c 10 cr3 \I v‘ 4 slI:( rnyr,: h!r4 Pk-o&~f,i~t\:d_ i RC \k\riyic c‘ (pf \y, i ,\.JcfIh !% j- i‘ 0 < .)G).p p\-p p,-; E k: i-<,\, r\\ \h- ; c . FWhA\d ce.rnT= ,, T 5 CRrI % I?/,. r\ ‘ (72 i“’ (7 7 BUSINESS ADDRESS: I 3.W P\w \c\~ Coc ir-4 ‘ .. 4 .L WORK PHONE: yya - r, f 1.2 U. S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) y Yes NO Resident of Carlsbad (preference giwn to residents) y Yes NO Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some commissions) I am familiar Wtttr the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(8) on I am willing to fik financial disclosure statements as required by the State’s or C@’S 1 am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. SIGNATURE: $& /h!-&2W d Yes No which I WM to serve; Conflict of Interest codes; 31 /p “2 DATE: $?&d < 1 (Continued on reverse side) 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-2808 .. I' 0 0 - d EDUCATION 0 \fik.;jcl 05 I\\\!, 'b,ec.u.c~ ;R! Phi %icv\L EJiicf\\;e~ e '~\\C\.\C\O~~ 27 RYk ;h) h$dj 5wp~ >;ey c.tde~~hes~ 3. 5- $".. e ps+- cA.Ue~u-1 i\uhlpAed tkc dis~tidbh) ( m$,( +J fl CL<I>\ \.tauAe (kt R+i,ad L 06 +\e ~~\<jbfit~ G,-&AlAo.+e ,hWA ,vec o~dew\c ntltiew 3\-\nib;ec c st.n+s 1' ui\li\ev-s;+J bb.cb3 04 SpK;ii\idiod% %r 7.;. OWN^^ ukh RN eyhnsir; YO Glc-oAe poi^+ hero e \\LJ,-,~%. c 35 i( t~ L E-AW ti i : 0 b i rJ- dc rc\e.&n fJ t~5 27 mtdit'j co~pkkd toll;~rh~~:~) k~i+ $fic\.h.bec .Kc 0 Co\\.Cc!~-+~ Cr.n,r.nur<h &.\~=c 0s -& StWhC& G-edc-ri\+;al 5kb$ c.t b\w!!t?~. .. &sirtA. aLccr\h\0n) \ A ~ece; P:cu+ & t~\c o)~P\~ J VL\ Y~~e\~~fi~~i~~ "\tcc\kph<c sdi~cL,5\,; y)\c Q&c*\uce ., &sc+web"\ &,\y\or,,cc\< 1 P Ut\\;h TOV Liqc 0 F$R.'icuec/ .!I EXPERIENCE ' 5EE p,~t,~d,~cl; ?hlc \;i+i~q+Le\;+\; \& cis 112 pl~et;~ CWEEU),., , go\kl.ed p,,L\:c iielL\-r.ct- WCL p-csc \I\firk&d ~brjsK\-\fi& i AREI" 9 ~t., &<;cior~ OX 11'b'ib~~ cJ& ?wp.;e+or &- \-ju 4 F\ u&c5 &&5L...\\i g-Wth-2 ~oi-\& ekpsLave WA Geco oitiohj 9 1 t'. k)rcl~essiak\f~\, .fhpe\-; CrXe-, &~\ramker (De&N lJ.)ijer .?LC h\O\h5\ 4 TE\Q;dohJ co\o\r ccmiin.er5.in.tar CCBS spAs1 c;,\Lp+&r 6% PI swt3LL LlM: nnli ?,T$,S@V hi- SHh)'ok c 5+*L dPJ.NF+J COMMUNITY ACTIVITIE$ ;? 0 cl\e\L\be,- & \\\C?<Wd ofbir TW& L<t VvesiCledt CF -f U?WAL'C\1, tbmecc ~~~~ (Q v,c,;c\t.N+;\\L cc \nvi'tu<<d 5w.\ \i\ c R vb,b *A C.i\ 1 b i p c &d,$u. G? " h%,\C\t4S h b b \ I o CPlds\sLnd YOdft5 Hr3 h Re'recLfii? n: cC..n\m; 5s ied hVpaiNteh: Hb.~+,~st 1987 - cerveh. Y C&P kvrn {> . ' Y R:cGc ucd a*,h1.%,\4YL2. fo\\owE NC 3 yy~~+mP~t- to +k WKker Cbmn\;ss ;& thILLJ.) ,<-\~pp~tt~~~:.~ : h\<\'tkcdb \qq \ $or p,wa\b\er 9 ee\rtep\-fi Y ..- 3' L kctc. x c\\f\ib-pebscd '. \489, \y50 ArAd \q / a Cnir\sLo\c\ Lcl0&pr (-omm;ss;or\l Sp.F>cueh WQCi %utJ&d Llu FtWHwkJe55 ~ik,zlc\C\\.tzCnl1 A\ouc, && @\\\6t. IfN\C<k.kV. \++\\\&s , (,,be, :XV\ (2 R :J \.t: 9":"3 L'cit. +n.+1\e 5CllOC.l fidA \n\G+\bkk't\Re LtdJ Vf cy&, a)wn;'u t\h5(>f .l hqpo'i ALA t. 344uu.334-i 9'7, \99.~. ': ~vJc-~uAc~~ '\qq\ ke~is~c~~ cf tke ~avk5 ~d$ &c, ~\eijl~dk Tend deisiotj;, vt-d ' boc O.r& N B NC e. Skb- Col\\\n;&?e cp,\r\r;i\O K\-~NC\X z+RL~\\zH~\~~Q ~NA. ~tju~, -~sezt~ (ofiln\i>y>fiM &\nb cd,\t\hva\\, Fk\c;[(+-t;es ~t.cw,\lr\;&ee - FppiGiQA b I- ADDlTlONAL INFORMATION OR COMMEN c. 5cwc. OF +kL NurReu-oLts &&e CCl,Ma,;%ee5 i$Ny Z<b1\35 'AL\-\\OC. '&\YYw~$~~S 1 l\r,bc L;t\-yed crJ 1 \w+ et- LQ~;S l2F LcCh:iIs J 4 j' q9e.N spce Comoc\;ttee -"p pe.i de d h. IT\ c T ,,\,\td\lh\4d cku,ky,~~ c-t.u.\;~;r~\iorcr -t~~,tliu~,~i\~ ~l~le~~tc19~ w, svu?ss \la .tkt r~~Fa :> () lI a Ti n P p -6 ~ t;\t:.iun c\h;\cl &\ lie- cKp\ibL$ su.irt\ cc.nx \ex CO~ c\iy:cni, nwk~k w A, e~wk:m.ai ew L;&~,~*~~~ & ~'cc.t t~ i njo v2h5;c,~,;(c- CJ".\ .o,-:t. -hi-. .tt\c= bok A da :CJIV~~~ Kem.e~- Cc en) u&i- 50: Clt t-4% ~f\~~,ti~\C?W- - E\)\&.C%.< .z QTL' iJQ;k&&+-J tt- 5h\r4&,.& 3,Yt b{& , L<&< k6L-A cc?g;:rGc GK?i"tCIi-- 3 5 h&A -tkc<; t.> i &)C, :d. hi t~,%,. (h<..zirc.s 3 -3 e AQUATIC & 0 '1. A ENHANCEMENTS SWIMMING LESSONS * REHABILITATIVE AQUATIC THERAPY SPORTS ANALYSIS & TRAINING PROGRAM ti FACILITY CONSULTING 2121 PLACID0 COURT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 PHONE (619) 942-0112 KM mmH3 i?2?Ph?Yvx?? fom c"au(rbod, C&TurtI& ,V##P MlCHLlCMTS - . - df Synchronized Swimming Honors and CLtrhieuements: o 1968, 1969, 1976 -- Acclaimed GlORLD CHAMPION in all four events: 5010, Duet, Team, and Figures Gold Medalist -- 1963 Pan CLmerican Games (5ao Paulo, Brazil), Team event c) o 13 U. 5. Senior national Championship Titles t) 14 International Championship Titles o o Five times named ta the All American Synchronized Swimming Team 1966 -- Gave two command performances for the President and Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnsr (Mexico City, Mexico and Hearst Castle, San Simeon) 1971 -- Selected, as the World Champion of Synchronized Swimming, to ride on the C of Santa Clara's float entry, 'Young People's Sports Capital of the World', in the Tournament of Roses Parade (Pasadena, California) 1971 -- First Synchronized Swimmer inducted into the Santa Clara International Swim Center Hall of Fame (Santa Clara, California) 1971 -- Inducted into the United Savings-Helms Athletic Foundation Hall of Fame 'For Noteworthy Achievement in Synchronized Swimming' (International Sports Shrine, 10s Angeles, California) 1933 -- Inducted into the International Surimminp Hall of Fume (Fort Lauderdale, Flmidi o o o c) o 1992 -- First Synchronized Swimmer inducted into the Santa Clara Unified School Distrir Hall of Fame CSanta Clara, California) KIM WELSHONS WORLD CHAMPION PAN AMERICAN GAhlES GOLD MEDALIST INTERNATIONAL SWIMMING HALL OF FAME SPORTS BIOhfECHANIST I - L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 RESOLUTION NO. 92-99 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE A MEMBER TO THE CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION. . CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING WHEREAS, the term of Robert Holmes expires in April, 1992; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to serve as a member of the Carlsbad Planning Commission for a term to expire in April, 1996: Kim Welshons PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 7th day of April I 1992, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Larson, Kulchin, and Nygaard NOES: None ABSENT^ Council Member Stanton ATTEST : fl&mL. 2, Q& ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City )Clerk (SEAL)