HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-04-28; City Council; 11663; UPDATE OF FISCAL CONDITION THIRD QUARTER 1991-92.I AB# /1!6G73 TITLE: MTG. 4/28/92 UPDATE OF FISCAL, CONDITION DEPT. FIN THIRD QUARTER 1991-92 DEPT. HD? CITY ATTV CITY MGR.. 1 z 0 41 0 z E z 0 r 0 a =! 0 z 3 0 0 Cw OF CARLSBAD - AGEWA BILL SO (-r/.A+ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive and file. ITEM EXPLANATION: This report summarizes the fiscal status of the General Fund based on data through Mmk 31,1992. REVENUES: Despite the lingering effects of the recession, we have not revised our revenue estimates any further downward this quarter. As the following schedules show, most of our revenues are still falling below our estimates although we have seen some very weak signs of recovery in others. In total, we expect to achieve our estimate of $42,000,000 in revenue for the General Fund for fiscal year 1991-92. This amount includes $39,645,000 of General Fund revenues, $875,000 from the gas tax fund and $1,480,000 of previous year's fund balance. As shown on page two of this report, property tax and sales tax revenues, our two largest revenue sources, continue to run below our estimates. Although sales taxes have recovered slightly from previous months, they are still 9.5% below prior year while we had estimated only a 8.2% decline. Property taxes have remained at an approximate 5% to 6% increase rather than the 9.8% increase we estimated. This slower growth in property taxes is mainly due to the slow rate of turnover of real estate as well as increased delinquencies. If these percentages remain at their current levels, it translates Based on the payments we have received for April, we do not expect a dramatic improvement in these revenues. The recessionary effects on the real estate and construction industry are continuing to effect our revenues. License tax on new construction is 34% below prior year. Construction permits have fallen further behind this quarter due to the large amount of permits issued during the third quarter of 1991 (525) compared to those issued this quarter (10). Our building fees are also down 54% compared to our estimate of a 38% decrease. Engineering fees are the one bright spot in our development revenues. These have continued to climb upward so that as of March 31 we only need to collect another $89,000 to equal our estimate for the entire year. Despite the bleak picture portrayed above, General Fund revenues, in total, are keeping pace with our estimates. We are currently 2.25% below last year's revenues while we had anticipated a 3% decline for the year. The outlook is optimistic that we will be able make our projections for the 1991-92 General Fund revenues. EXPENDITURES: When the City revised its revenue estimates downward by $4 million in December of 1991, staff was also aware that expenditures would need to be reduced by a like amount. In order to achieve this, each department submitted a revised budget for the year. Through these voluntary budget cuts, we were able to reduce our projected expenditures by the required $4 million (10%). These revised budget amounts are presented in Exhibit 4. As these are voluntary reductions, staff is monitoring the expenditures closely to insure that we meet our goals. into a potential $650,000 shortfall in property and sales taxes compared to our estimates, s e e Page Two of Agenda Bill No. I I! b (P 3 To date, expenditures for the General Fund are down 11% from the original budget. Total expenditures for the month of March may look as if they skyrocketed, however, there is a good explanation for the increase. The City pays its employees every two weeks rather than twice a month; thus, there are two months a year in which we have three pay periods. March is one of these months. Approximately $850,000 of the increase is attributable to the extra pay period. We did anticipate this increase (and even a little more) as you can see by the increased forecast for March in Exhibit 3. Based on that analysis, we are continuing to run approximately $675,000 below projections and expect to end the year with a balanced budget. ExHmlTs 1. Revenue Comparison Graphs 2. General Fund Revenue Estimates 3. General Fund Expenditure Summary 4. General Fund Expenditure Status by Department EXHIBIT 111 TAX%EVENUE COMPA~SON MARCH 1991 MARCH 1992 MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ............................. mBUDGET 1992 PROP.TAX SALES TAX TOT LICENSES PERMITS FINES REVENUE MARCH 1991 MARCH 1992 THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ........................... .................. ........... DOWN 34% DOWN 34% EXHIBIT #1 ' DEV~OPMENT FEE R~ENUE page two MARCH 1991 MARCH 1992 THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS MMAR 1991 MAR 1992 UBUDGET I902 . . ._.._.......... PLANNING BUILDINGENGINEERING EXHIBIT #2 0 e Ea ""C?rnOh myC9:gz t - ""-.@?" mmcc2g X""" 7-07 ~aZ!s~E+~ mhma3cucu@3= ; @3 t @?s $$$$$$ $ $$$$$ $$$$ 99999999 $ $ $ $ (D m -m(D(Dv- a3 az Z6 %% 0-990-0-0- 0- 9 9 9 9 0- 9 0- 9 9 9 0- 0- 9 0- 0- 0- 9 0- 0- 0- W s Q)mClon& "DC -3% z 8 2 a" g2 N- LC m s --s nm 888888 8 WWN 888Xgg 8 zR8XZ y!$8 8 8 88 2 Z'ZZ g- 2- 2- 8 kZ? 2 7 cucu ZWZ F>z cu E2 sa I1 Ill II I I I 2m osossoso s s 0 s k 00000000 0 0 0 0 soos 0000 SOSSS 0 sso ss 0 mh -Q)b-Co cu*mm(D 00000 000000 0 -womm* - mmmcuh zgcuw a3cu*a3co*-h 2 Q) a3 W =c 0 W r F W 00000000 00000000 8 s 8 8 hmoobcu- NhOCOh (Domw mmommomh In 0 cu m rccu(D- rhma3- m 0- Q)" cu Q)- W" cum 0) - zcom 00000 0000 00000 0000 7 m cu- cuco*cuh. 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REVISED TOTAL AVAILABLE YO BUDGET COMMITTED* BALANCE AVAILABL DEPT DESCRIPTION FY 1991-92 03/31 192 03/31 192 03/31 I9 GENERAL GOVERNMENT 101 0 CITY COUNCIL 159,790 11 9,831 39,959 25 1030 CITY CLERK 15,800 13,536 2,264 14 1020 CITY MANAGER 607,994 470,174 137,820 22 1210 ATTORNEY 399,908 31 7,124 82,784 2c 1310 FINANCE 1,081,422 776,002 305,420 28 1320 TREASURER 82,853 57,049 25,804 31 141 0 PURCHASING 378,284 286,584 91,700 24 1510 HUMAN RESOURCES 837,898 609,411 228,487 27 161 0 RESEARCH & ANALYSIS 284,829 224,539 60,290 21 171 0 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 377,833 295,608 82,225 21 1910 lNSURANCE/RISK MGMT. 234,933 182,292 52,641 22 1XXX OTHER (INCL CONTINGENCY) 1,119,850 734,127 385,723 34 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 7,078,039 4,538,886 2,539,153 35 21XX POLICE 8,701,519 6,802,537 1,898,982 21 22XX FIRE 6,661,796 4,947,011 1,714,785 25 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 15,363,315 11,749,548 3,613,767 23 19XX MlSC NON-DEPT 1,496,645 452,609 1,044,036 69 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 30XX COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADMIN. 854,315 532,310 322,005 3i 31XX ENGINEERING 3,554,027 2,809,857 744,170 2c 32XX PLANNING 2,348,990 1,860,222 488,768 2c 341 1 HISTORIC PRESERVATION 5,940 2,927 3,013 5c 3610 BUILDING 906,166 743,284 162,882 1E TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7,669,438 5,948,600 1,720,838 22 40XX LIBRARY 2,412,494 1,840,707 571,787 29 41XX PARKS & RECREATION 4,299,091 3,070,165 1,228,926 2e TOTAL CULTURE & RECREATION 6,999,750 5,119,554 1,880,196 26 TOTAL MAINTENANCE & UTILITIES 4,914,760 3,295,927 1,618,833 32 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 42,025,302 30,65231 5 1 1,372,787 27 CULTURE & RECREATION 42XX CULTURAL ARTS 288,165 208,682 79,483 27 MAINTENANCE & UTILITIES * Total committed includes both expenditures & encumbrances. * * Amount available would be 25% if funds were spent evenly throughout the year (ie. 3 months remaining divided by 12 months equals 25%)