HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-05-05; City Council; 11669; Agreement for Preparation Environmental Impact Report Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan EIR 91-3, . 8 % % f5 4 6 2 8 CIT’- 3F CARLSBAD - AGENL:. BILL II3 @- - \B # 0, h 1; 7 TITLE: pAG&EEMENTS FOR THE PREPARATION OF AN IITG. 5 -5 - 4% ENVIRONBENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE PLN CARLSBAD RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN - EIR 91-3 IEPT. IECOMMENDED ACTION: ADOPT Resolution No. qa-123 APPROVING an agreement with the consulting firm P&D Technologies ‘to prepare an Environmental Impact Report for the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan - EIR 91-3, and APPROVING an agreement with the Carltas Company to provide funding for the Environmental Impact Report. ITEM EXPLANATION As a part of the review of the proposed Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan, General Plan Amendment, Local Coastal Plan Amendment, and Agricultural Preserve Contract Amendment, staff has determined that an Environmental Impact Report should be prepared. Staff has informed the project proponent, the Carltas Company, of this determination. An agreement to this effect is attached. Requests for proposals were sent to nine consulting firms, seven of which responded. The bids for the preparation of the EIR ranged in cost from $98,570 to $154,565. For each proposal submitted, the Planning Department conducted a thorough review of the scope of work, the subconsultants to be used, qualifications and cost. The contrast in costs can be attributed to the scope and method of the consultants for addressing each of the potential impacts to be analyzed. After reviewing all proposals, staff recommends that P&D Technologies, at a cost of $108,280.00, be selected to prepare the EIR for the review of this project. Their proposal was comprehensive and well formatted. The scope of work proposed by the consultant and their subcontractors indicated a knowledge of methodology and experience necessary for the project. The subcontractors as well as the principal environmental consultant have worked previously for the City of Carlsbad and are therefore familiar with the City's policies and expectations. Because of the above stated reasons, staff recommends P&D Technologies for the preparation of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report. The estimated cost of the proposed work is not to exceed $108,280.00. FISCAL IMPACT The project proponent the Carltas Company is responsible for the provision of the funding for the EIR. Funds have been deposited with the City in a trust account. EXHIBITS 1. City Council Resolution No. G&G!- l&y 2. Exhibit @'A** (Location Map) 3. Exhibit @lBrl (Agreement w/P&D Technologies) 4. Exhibit *lC" (Agreement w/Carltas Company) EXHIBIT “A” l “~mo~~~~~~~mo~~~~~~~mmmmmmmmm~~m~~m : : : : : l : mm SITE : : : City of tarlabad CARLSBAD RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN EIR 91-3 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made this .Sth day of -MAY ,19 92 -2 between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation hereinafter referred to as CITY, and CARLTAS COMPANY “APPLICANT”. RECITALS of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as WHEREAS, the APPLICANT has filed with the CITY a request for approval of a proposed project identified as CARLSBAD RANCH SPECtFIC PLAN requiring an Environmental Impact Report; and WHEREAS, CITY has determined that its current staff is inadequate in number to process the proposed Environmental Impact Report in a timely and thorough manner; and WHEREAS, APPLICANT in order to ensure the expeditious processing of said i Environmental Impact Report desires to pay to CITY the amount necessary to hire a CONSULTANT. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and conditions, it is agreed as follows: 1. The CITY will engage the firm of P & D TECHNOLOGIES hereinafter referred to as “CONSULTANT” to perform the necessary work in the processing and monitoring of the Environmental Impact Report for 2. that area more particularly depicted upon a site map attached as Attachment “1” and made a part of this agreement. It is understood that the CONSULTANT services shall conform to the Proposal attached as Attachment “2” and made a part of this agreement, and may require: a> Field exploration; bl Weekly communication with the City staff; 4 Written reports; and 4 Such other work necessary to properly evaluate the proposed project as directed by the Planning Director. 3. 4. It is understood that the CITY will direct the CONSULTANT to complete a draft and final Environmental Impact Report at the earliest feasible time. The CITY will advise the APPLICANT in writing of any impacts which may render the proposed project unfeasible within a reasonable time after CITY has received the CONSULTANT’s conclusions in writing. The APPLICANT shall pay to the CITY the actual cost of the CONSULTANT’s services. Such cost shall be based on the costs set forth in Attachment “3”. The APPLICANT has advanced the sum of $108,280.00 as payment on account for the actual cost of the CONSULTANT’s services. In the event it appears, as the work progresses, that said sum will not be sufficient to cover the actual REV. 4/25/91 cost, the CITY will notify the APPLICANT of the difference between the amount deposited and the new estimated cost. CITY will ensure, to the extent feasible, that no further work will be performed by the CONSULTANT incl :ilg an obligation beyond the amount advanced without an appropriate amendment to this Agreement. If the actual cost of preparing the report is less than the APPLICANTS advance, any surplus will be refunded to APPLICANT by CITY. It is understood that the CONSULTANT shall be an independent contractor of the CITY. The APPLICANT agrees to permit the CONSULTANT to enter upon his property and to perform all work thereon as the CONSULTANT deems necessary to complete the Environmental Impact Report. It is agreed that the APPLICANT will not interfere with the CONSULTANT in the performance of such work or attempt to influence such CONSULTANT during the course of his 5. I investigation and report. 6. ’ It is understood that the CITY will attempt to bring the Environmental Impact Report to Planning Commission and City Council as soon as possible, barring no delays from the APPLICANT. REV. 4/25/91 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the day and year first above written. Executed by APPLICANT this day of APPLICANT: CARLTAS COMPANY, a California limited DartnerShiD (name of Applicant) CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California By: ATTEST: Christopher C, Calkins (print name here) Manager (title and organization qf signatory) I ALETHA L. FWJTENJGW’JZ City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ; ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1 On April 3, 1992 ---------rbefore me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Christopher C. Calkins ----- personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person that executed the within instrument as Manager on behalf of Carltas Companv. a California Limited Partnership the partnership therein named and acknowledged to me that the partnership executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature 4 , ‘7) /mJ ,c 4 REV. 4/25/91 . STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1 On April 3. 1992 ---------;-before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Christopher C. Calkins ----- personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person that executed the within instrument as Manager on behalf of Carltas . . . . COmDaW. a California -ited Partnw the partnership therein named and acknowledged to me that the partnership executed it. ,DlANE 8. FISCHER -T.-l m&L y! f!y ,tr~m.d,* t _._-_ -- /w&&-m 16 ‘994 -_ -_ ATT- 1 c ACUA HEDlDNO.4 LAGOON / , , ’ /’ CIFIC OCEAN Figure 5 SITE LOCATION. MAP I- PROPOSAL FOR PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE CARLSBAD RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN Submitted to: CITY OF CARLSBAD Planning Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive * Cad&ad, California 92009 Contact: Mr. Michael Holzmiller (619) 438-1161 Prepared by: P&D TECHNOLOGIES. 401 West “A” Street, Suite 2500 San Diegu, California 92101 Contact: Betty Dehoney (619) 2324466 . AlTACMENT 2 I l February 28,1992 ’ March 20,1992 (nv.) March 23, 1992 Mr. Michael Holzmiller City of Carlsbad Planning Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 P’anring We 2500 Sar, Otego CA 92101 FAX 6!9’234-3022 619 232.4466 Engmeenrg Transpor:abcn Ennronme~rai Economrcs Lanascape Arc.%:ec!Lre An Employee-Owned Company 97300.74 Subject: Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Dear Mr. Holzmiller: P&D Technologies (P&D) is pleased to submit this proposal to assist the City of Carlsbad in the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan project. P&D Technologies is a multidisciplinary firm which is organ&d into five distinct operating division: environmental services, public works/transportation. planning/economics, land development engineering, and aviation. A major portion of the environmental services division’s work is the preparation of EIRs for local jurisdictions. P&D is adept at working as an extension of City staff on large-scale and often controversial projects. This is evidenced by our recent experience on the San Elijo Ranch EIR (City of San Marcos), the Ranch0 de1 Rey SPA 2 and Ranch0 de1 Rey SPA 3 SEIRs (City of Chula Vista), and the Calavera Lake Golf.Course EIR (City of Carlsbad). P&D is proud of the fact that our EIRs have withstood substantial legal challenges. We are motivated by our commitment to present an objective analysis of potential environmental impacts of the proposed project. P&D is dedicated to providing an independent review of the issues’ associated with the Carl&ad Ranch Specific Plan project and to being available to work with the City on an “oncaR’* basis. With a successful track record of highly controversial projects involving the City of Carlsbad, P&D is welI qualified to assume this challenging assignment. We have assembled a Project Team whose members are noted for their technical Capabilities, supported by superior credentials and relevant local experience. Associate arrangements have been made with a leading cuhural resources fvm (Gallegos & Associates), paleontological firm (PaleoServices, Inc.). and air quality and acoustics firm (Giroux & Associates). P&D’s Project Manager, Betty Dehoney, Director .of Environmental Studies, has personally conducted 15 environmental projects through the City of Carl&ad, giving her a hands-on, thorough understanding of the procedural and processing requirements of the City. Ms. Dehoney brings strong management skills to this team as the result of her background in projects with Mr. Michael J. Holzmiller City of Carlsbad large-scale controversial and sensitive environmental issues. Roviding Quality Control review is Sylvia Salenius, AICP, Vice President of Environmental Programs, a seasoned expert with over 20 years of experience on major EIRs. P&D and our subconsultants do not have nor expect to have in the near future any contractual agreements with the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan applicant/property owner (i.e., the Carltas Company). P&D has reviewed the City’s standard agreement and is able to work under the provisions set forth therein. The contract establishes a milestone billing process. In the event that there are substantial delays (of more than 30 days) due to the City’s review/processing requirements, the applicant, or other factors outside of P&D’s control, P&D will bill the City for costs incurred. This requested amendment in the contract is due to previous projects which have either stopped or the designers/applicant have decided to redesign the project. This has resulted in substantial delays even though extensive effort has been expended conducting the assessments. P&D’s familiarity with the City of Carl&ad, our unblemished history of producing legally sound environmental documents, our sensitivity to the public sector, and our ability to work in unison with City staff forms the basis for P&D’s qualifications. Thank you for the opportunity to present our custom&d approach to this challenging assignment. We look forward to working . with the City on this project, assisting with the goal of producing an objective, legally defensible Program EIR for the City. Sincerely, Director of ‘Environmental Studies BD:be TABLE OF CONTENTS Section I PROJECT UNDERSTANDING AND APPROACH . . . I-Z Section II FIRM QUALIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-I Set tion III PROJECT TEAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III-1 Section IV PROJECT EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES . . . . . W-1 Section V PROJECT SCHEDULE . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-l Section VI APPENDIX . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI-Z l Understanding of the Project .................. I-Z l Overall Methodology ....................... 1-2 l Description of Tasks ....................... Z-2 l P&D Technolo&ies ......................... II-2 l Gallegos & Associates ...................... U-2 l PaleoSewices, Inc. ......................... II-2 l Giroux & Associates ....................... II-2 l Management Staff ........................ HI-2 l Organization Chm ........................ III-3 l Key Personnel ........................... III-Q l P&D Technologies ........................ W-I l Gallegos & Associates ..................... N-5 l PaleoServices, Inc. ........................ IV-6 l Giroux & Associates ........................ N-6 l References ............................. N-7 l Resumes l Sample Mitigation/Monitoring Rograms P Section I Project Understanding and Approach Seclion I PROJECT UNDERSTANDING AND APPROACH UNDERSTANDING OF THE PROJECT P&D believes that the key issues of concern for the proposed Carl&ad Ranch Specific Plan are visual aesthetics/grading and land use compatibility. The project site is a highly visible landmark in the City of Carlsbad. The site currently supports an expanse of colorful flower fields which can be seen from several heavily traveled roadways in the project vicinity, including Interstate 5. P&D will develop state-of-the-art computer visual simulations that will provide City staff, the public, and the decision makers with realistic representations of both the grading and the completed project. P&D will be able to demonstrate exactly what the changes to the existing aesthetic setting will be by utilizing a unique three dimensional “framework-type” computer simulation program. The proposed landform alteration and proposed changes to viewsheds will be thoroughly analyzed in the EIR. P&D has recently completed visual simulations for the Pine Valley EIR (County of San Diego) and the Linda Vista Street Improvement project (Ciq of San Diego). A sample of the Linda Vista Street Improvement simulations are presented in the appendix for your review. The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan will be processed concurrently with a General Plan Amendmenf Local Coastal Plan Amendment, and Land Conservation Contract Amendment. P&D’s land use compatibility assessment will present a multi-level analysis including an analysis P&D Technologies Page I-I -- . of the project’s consistency with applicable plans, policies, and’regulations; the appropriateness of conversion of agricultural land; and compatibility with adjacent uses. P&D is known for their detailed-oriented land use analyses, and has extensive experience on large-scale Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment EIRs of a similar magnitude. Some of our recent relevant experience in completing complex land use assessments for local jurisdictions includes the San Elijo Ranch EIR (City of San Marcos), the Old Coach Golf Estates ElR (City of Poway), and the Ranch0 De1 Rey SPA 2 and 3 SEIRs (City of Chula Vista). P&D will ensure the City of a comprehensive and methodical approach to the land use analysis. P&D will work closely with City staff during the preparation of the EIR to maxim& the efficiency of the report preparation. P&D’s Project Manager, Ms. Betty Dehoney, has demonstrated P&D’s ability to perform the level of coordination that is required on this type of project. P&D’s familiarity with the City’s environmental review procedures and recent relevant experience (see Section IV) will facilitate P&D’s ability to meet the City’s scheduling requirements on this project and to prepare a legally defensible EIR. Ms. Dehoney has worked on a number of EIRs for the City of Carlsbad, and has a proven track record for successfully performing the tasks required to comply with CEQA. Ms. Dehoney will manage the organization of the project team to ensure responsiveness to the City’s needs. She will participate in all project meetings and public hearings as the City’s environmental expert on the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Project EIR. OVERALL METHODOLOGY The technical and procedural requirements of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Program EIR will be accomplished within the framework of completing four major tasks. These tasks include: Task 1 - Project Initiation and Scoping Task 2 - Prepare Draft Program EIR Task 3 - Prepare Final Program EIR Task 4 - Meetings and Hearings . DESCRIPTION OF TASKS This section of our proposal briefly summarizes the activities that anz associated with each of the four tasks. This scope is based on the RFP and the pn-proposal conference held at the City on February 5, 1992. P&D Technologies Page I-2 Task 1. Project Initiation and Scoping P&D’s Projtct Manager will attend a kick-off meeting with the City’s Project Manager to obtain all project information necessary to prepare the EIR. The main objectives of this task are to clearly define the project description and approach to the issue analysis to be conducted for the EIR. In addition, projects to be included in the cumulative impact analysis will be defined. P&D’s Project Manager will participate in one public scoping meeting. P&D will prepare the project description and submit it to the City for review and comment. The basis for the technical analyses in the EIR will be formulated from the approved project description. P&D will work with the City to clarify the project alternatives. P&D will pnpare the Notice of Preparation (NOP) and list of responsible agencies and other agencies to be consulted for the EIR. The City will distribute the NOP to the appropriate recipients. Upon receipt of comments on the NOP, P&D and City staff will review the comments to ensure that the scoping of the EIR is adequate. Should additional issues or other analyses be required, P&D will work with the City to modify the scope and cost accordingly. Task 2 - Prepare Draft Program EIR The preparation of the technical/resource studies will rely on both secondary source data as well as on primary field investigation. Issues to be addressed in the ElR include: 1. Agriculture and Open Space 2. Air Quality 3. Archaeological Resources/Paleontology 4. Biology 5. Circulation 6. Land Use Compatibility 7. Noise 8. Solid Waste 9. Visual Aesthetics/Grading 10. Water Quali& 11. Cumulative Impacts 12. Growth Inducement 13. Alternatives Each issue will be presented in the following format: . Existing Conditions . Imp- . Mitigation/Monitoring . Analysis of Significance The impact assessment process to be used will identify the types of impacts that could &cur, the resource sensitivity, whether impacts would be direct or indirect, and the duration of impacts (short-term vs. long-term). The detcmtination of signiftcance or non-significance of adverse impacts will be conducted. P&D’s Project Manager will keep. the City’s Project Manager informed as to the significance of impacts as the issue analyses are completed. This will allow for the consideration of significant impacts during the project planning process and the P&D Technologies Page I-3 4 incorporation of ~commended actions necessary to avoid or mitigate significant impacts into the project design. The impacts evaluation will be consistent with the level of project detail. If future tentative maps are consistent with the project description identified in this EIR, then this EIR will serve for future discretionary actions. This is, of course, subject to CEQA Guidelines pertaining to changes in the project or environmental impacts. Recommendations on feasible mitigation/monitoring measures which could reduce or eliminate significant adverse impacts from the proposed C&bad Ranch Specific Plan project will be made for each issue. Mitigation recommendations will be at a level that is appropriate for the project. In addition, a separate stand-alone Mitigation Monitoring Program will be prepared for the project. This will consist of both a detailed description and a summary table indicating the mitigation measure, responsibility for implementation, timing, and monitoring requirements. The approach for the impact analysis of each environmental issue is summarized below. Agriculture and Open Space The Agricultural Study prepared by Agland Inves@ents Services Inc. (October 1991) dl be reviewed and utilized to the extent possible. The current agricultural land use onsite will be described in the Existing Conditions section. Important Faxmland classifications will be reviewed utilizing the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Soil Conservation Service (SCS) maps and land under Williamson Act Land Conservation contract will be identified. The City of Carlsbad General Plan will be reviewed for relevant policies related to agricultural land uses. The impacts section will describe the amount of agricultural land which would be converted under the proposed project. The degree of impact will be based on the amount (extent) of change, and the potential for agricultural production based on SCS classifications, and consistency with Williamson Act and General Plan policies. Land use compatibility between the remaining agricultural uses and the proposed Specific Plan uses (including borrow and stockpile sites in agricultural areas) will be discussed. Mitigation .measures will be proposed as necessary to reduce the amount of converted agricultural land if impacts are determined to be significant. Air Quality A technical air quality assessment will be conducted using the California Air Resources Board’s (ARB) Air Quality Analysis Tools (AQAV computer model series. An atmospheric environment setting will be performed based on meteorological data on winds, inversions and stability primarily from National Weather Service data and on a baseline air quality characterization based on data from the Oceanside air monitoring station. Temporary construction activity emissions will be calculated based on typical dust generation factors including assumptions for heavy equipment operations. The significance of impacts will be detetined based on the sensitivity of receptors in the project area. Lofting of pesticides and dust from continuing agricultural activity and converted agricultural lands during grading will be diSCUssed. P&D Technologies Page I4 Long-term regional vehicular emissions using the most current URBEMISn3 (urban emissions) computer model will be calculated The potential for any microscale air pollution hotspot formation using the revised CALINE4 line source dispersion model will be evaluated. The project’s consistency with the regional air quality management plan in terms of land use planning will be documented. Any applicable mitigation measures will be identified for construction fugitive emissions and equipment exhaust impacts, as well as any relevant transportation control measures (TCMs) and any reasonable available control measures (RACMs) incorporated into the San Diego Air Basin of the California State Implementation Plan (SIP). The findings of the technical air quality assessment will be incorporated into the EIR. Archaeological Resources/Paleontology Survey A cultural resource survey of the approximately 420-acre Carlsbad Ranch property will be completed. This survey will be conducted in accordance with the City of Carlsbad and CEQA guidelines. Field personnel will survey using transects no wider than ten to twelve meters. High probability areas, such as those adjacent to a known site or those atop a knoll or ridge will be intensively surveyed for cultural resources. All previously recorded sites will be relocated and carefully examined. Should additional sites be encountend they will be recorded on State of California site record forms and recommended for testing. Testing The objective of the testing program will be to determine site importance under City of Carlsbad Guidelines and CEQA for three of the five previously recorded archaeological sites (CA-SDi- 8797/SDM-W-116, SDM-W-117, SDM-W-118, SDM-W-125, and SDM-W-129). The sites were recorded during the 1920s by l@lcolm Rogers and arc part of a large complex of sites located along Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The sites include cobble hearths, ceramic sherds, stone tools, shell, human burials, and dark midden soil. All of the sites have been disturbed by agricultural activity; howeler, there is a potential for undisturbed deposits below the plow zone. Testing will be conducted to dcterminc site size, depth, content, integrity and potential to address important research questions. Field methods will include collection of surface artifacts as necessary; site mapping; shovel test pits (STPs) to determine site size and depth; and one to two 1 by 1 meter units to deurminc site content, integrity and potential to address important research questions. Field and labomtory methods and report preparation are discussed below. 4 . Collection of DiaPnostic Surface Artifacts - In the course of testing only diagnostic artifacts will be collected These artifacts will be mapped by provenience. . Subsurface Assessment - Excavation of shovel test pits (STPs) - STPs will be placed along a north-south and east-west grid system in 10 to 20 meter intervals, depending on P&D Technologies Page I-5 -. site size. All excavated soil will be processed through l/8” screen mesh. All artifacts/ecofacts will be collected/bagged by STP and depth, and notes completed. . One to two 1 by 1 meUr ust unit(s) will be excavated at each site. Additional units may need to be excavaud at the direction of the City of Carisbad. Additional units are not covered under this scope of work. Unit placement will be determined by either the highest or more complex concentration of subsurface material as indicated by SIPS or, the area most likely to possess subsurface material (based on surface remains or natural features). Each unit will be excavated in 10 centimeter levels and excavated to sterile which is defined as bedrock or one level with no cultural material present. If two consecutive levels record a significant drop-off in cultural materials with the presence of the cultural material explained in terms of natural processes, then that is defined as sterile. . Site MaDDing - A site map will be prepared for each site showing location of STPs, 1 by 1 meter units, provenience of collected diagnostic surface artifacts and significant landform and/or landmarks. . ReDon Preoaration - Evaluate the sites/loci in terms of site size, depth, content, integrity and potential to address important research questions as per City of Carlsbad Guidelines and CEQA. Present all results in a report which will satisfy the concerns of the City of Carlsbad. The findings of the cultural resources report will incorporated into the EIR. PaleoServices, Inc. will conduct a paleontological resources analysis for the project. This will consist of a records search, literature search, and a field survey. A separate technical report with the results of the records/literature search and field work will be prepared. A description of onsitc geology, the potential of the underlying geologic formations to contain fossils, and any recorded paleontological sius onsiu and in the vicinity will be provided. Potential impacts to any fossil-bearing formations will be based on a review of the proposed grading plans. Mitigation measures will be proposed should potential impacts to fossiliferous forming strata be identified. A recommendation regarding the need for further work and mitigation monitoring will be presented. The findings of the technical paleontological report will be incorporated into the EIR. Biology P&D biologists will conduct a survey of the 423 acre project site focussing primarily ~NI the areas currently not in agricultural production. Confimtation of biological resources will be conducted utilizing the existing 1987 biological report (provided by the City of Carl&ad). A compleu floral and faunal survey will be conducted within areas supporting native vegetation.’ P&D will prepare a technical biology report for inclusion in the EIR appendix. Assuming existing conditions are the same as previously documented, the information of the 1987 report P&D Technologies Page Id will be utili& as primary reference material. The technical report will include existing conditions, potential direct and indirect impacts, and mitigation requirements. The impact section of the report will provide an evaluation of all grading and development onsite. Offsiu improvements, such as circulation network or other infrastructure, are not included within this scope of work. The significance of impacts for each biological resource identified onsiu as well as any indirect impacts which may occur to surrounding areas (e.g., streams and lagoon environments) will be analyzed. The report will include a table summarizing impacts with acreages of each habitat type which will be impacted and/or preserved. Mitigation measures for significant impacts will also be presented in the uchnical report. Mitigation measures will be conceptual with enough detail for the preparation of a detailed mitigation program if required at a later time. A detailed mitigation program is not included in this scope of work. A complete floral and faunal list will be included in the report. If extensive habitats or sensitive plant or animal species are identified which were not shown on the Specific Plan map provided to P&D, additional costs may incur. The findings of the technical biological report will be incorporated into the EIR. Circulation P&D will incorporate the findings of the City-approved traffic report (prepared by Urban Systems Associaus) into the EIR text. Mitigation measures to reduce potentially significant impacts to below a level of significance will be based on the recommendations contained in the technical traffic report. If the traffic report is not provided in a timely manner, P&D will proceed with the preparation of the screencheck EIR to the exunt feasible. Sections which are dependent on traffic (air and noise) will be delayed. P&D will coordinate with City staff to identify the appropriate strategy for the EIR preparation. Land Use Compatibility Existing land uses onsite (i.e., agricultural uses and native habitat areas) will be described. The adopted General Plan and Local Coastal Plan (LCP) land use designations onsite and adjacent to the site will be narratively and graphically described. Relevant excerpts from the City of Carlsbad’s General Plan Land Use Element (and other elements if appropriate) and zoning for the project site will be documented. The Palomar McClellan Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) will be reviewed with regard to compatibility of land uses with air operations. Other applicable ‘City ordinances, regulations, and administrative policies will be reviewed and described in the EIR text The EIR will pmcnt a multi-level analysis of potential land use impacts including plan;to plan, plan-to-ground, and plan-to-adjacent development. The plan-to-plan analysis will evaluate the project’s consistency with the relevant General Plan, LCP, and CLUP policies and other applicable ordinances/policies. In addition, the proposed change from the adopted Non- Residential Reserve (NRR) land use designation for the site will be documented. The Carl&ad Ranch Mixed-Use Development Analysis (prepared by Alfred Gobar Associates, Inc.) will be utilized to address this reclassification. The plan-to-ground analysis will evaluate the P&D Technologies Page I-7 conformance of the project to the environmental goals of relevant City General Plan policies. The intensity of the proposed development and the preservation of open space will be reviewed as part of this analysis. The plan-to-adjacent development will analyze the compatibility of the proposed land uses to existing and planned surrounding land uses. This will include the compatibility of the proposed public driving range with the Williamson Act Agricultural Preserve, the compatibility of the proposed development and adjacent agricultural uses onsiu and McClellan Palomar Airport uses offsitc. Mitigation recommendations will be made as appropriate. Noise P&D will conduct a third party independent review of the noise study that was prepared by Mestre-Greve Associates (June 1991). The methods used and the conclusions of the noise study will be reviewed for adequacy for inclusion in the EIR. If it is determined that revisions are rquired to the noise study, a detailed written description of the required modifications will be provided to the City. If revisions are necessary, the revised study will be reviewed. The fmdings of the accepted noise study will be incorporated into the EIR text. Solid Waste Existing solid waste facilities will be described including the landfill serving the site, recycling facilities and transfer stations. The integrated waste management planning context will be described (A.B. 939). Existing and projected waste generation and disposal capacity will be presented. The impacts section will provide anticipated waste generation and wastestream characteristics of the project (during construction and maintenance of the proposed uses), source reduction and recycling related to the project, impacts on solid, waste services and capacity, and consistency with A.B. 939. Cumulative impacts to the regional solid waste situation will also be addressed. Mitigation measures such as project design features for recycling, and recycling and source reduction procedures/programs will be recommended as appropriau. Visual Aesthetics/Grading The existing conditions of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan will be graphically and narratively described. The aesthetic character will& documented through a field visit and photographs of the site. Current landform, slopes, and land uses will be described Pertinent General Plan and other City policies (including the Hillside Development Regulations, Scenic Corridor Guidelines, and Landscape Manual) will be described. Views from existing key observation points and the quality of thcae views will be described in detail. 4 P&D will prepare up to five simulations to accurately depict the, impacts associated with the proposed project. The simulations will be based on the illustrative site plan provided by the City and a three dimensional computer framework to be generated by P&D. This approach will create a realistic representation of the proposed development on the site. These computer simulations are far superior to the widely used technique of ‘manipulating two dimensional elements on a P&D Technologies Page I4 photograph to create an artist’s impnssion. First, the proposed development is digitized into a computer system and then a three dimensional model is created for the project. There will be one model showing the proposed grading and another model depicting the compete project (with buildings and landscaping). The models of the graded site and the completed project are then matched to a site photograph and the combined output is captured on film. The three dimensional model approach allows P&D to create successive views quickly, since the model is simply rotated (by the computer) and then matched to a new photograph (i.e., new viewpoint). The entire composition does not have to be recreated with each new view. P&D recommends that the following simulations be included in the analysis. . Palomar Airport Road/Paseo de1 Norte intersection (grading simulation) . Palomar Airport Road/Paseo de1 Norte intersection (complete project simulation) . Palomar Airport Road westbound (grading simulation) . Palomar Airport Road westbound (complete project simulation) . Either Cannon Road or Paseo de1 Norte (complete project simulation) The simulations will be utilized to prepare the impact assessment section of the EIR. In addition, the impact analysis will be based upon the Specific Plan Illustrative site plan, proposed grading plan, and cross-sections. The impact assessment will include an analysis of grading impacts and changes to existing viewsheds. The grading analysis will include a discussion of the amount of earth movement for cut and fill, heights of cut and fill slopes, an assessment of stockpile and borrow locations, specific grading impacts to agricultural soils and operations, conformance with the Hillside Development Ordinance, and overall balancing will also be addressed. The changes to existing visual setting based on conformance with applicable General Plan policies and changes in views will be analyzed. Mitigation recommendations such as revisions to the grading plan, landscaping and other design features will. be based on existing vi+ resources, adjacent development, and the policies contained in the relevant plans and ordinances. Mitigation measures will be presented including phasing of grading and redesign of building heights and land use intensity, if appropriate. Water Quality The existing hydrological setting will be described in general terms. Information will be presented related to surface drainage characteristics and surface flow direction. Existing water quality will be described to the exunt possible based on Regional Water Quality Control Board’ (RWQCB) information for the project area. A review of the proposed storm water management concept will be conducted to verify that from an environmental perspective Best Management Practices have been incorporated into the project design to reduce impacts from urban pollutant runoff. In accordance with conversations with City staff, an engineer’s review of the storm water management concept is not include in this scope of work. The phased grading plans will be reviewed to assess the impact of exposed manufactured slopes on the environment. Erosion control measures (including umporary erosion control during construction) will be addressed particularly for areas to remain in agricultural production. The impacts of the proposed Specific Plan will be evaluated in terns of drainage and potential waur quality impacts downstream. P&D Technologies Page I-9 Mitigation measures to reduce the impact of agricultural and urban runoff (including the segregation of agricultural and urban runoff) will be recommended. Cumulative Impacts The EIR will address cumulative impacts as a result of the proposed Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan. This section will list past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future projects with related impacts. A summary of the expected effects of these projects when considered together will be presented. If project specific mitigation measures are available to reduce cumulative impacts, incorporation of these measures into the project will be recommended in the EIR. Growth Inducement ’ Growth inducement will be analyzed in a separau section of the EIR. This section will analyze the potential of the project to induce growth (i.e., any growth which exceeds planned growth and results from new development which would not have taken place in the absence of the proposed project). Since Carlsbad Ranch is centrally located within the City, and only minor extension of services is proposed to serve the project site, no, significant growth inducement impacts are anticipated. Alternatives P&D will evaluate up to four alternatives to the proposed project. The alternatives evaluation will include a comparative analysis between the potential impacts under the proposed project and the alternatives. Each environmental issue area will be addressed in this section. A summary matrix will be provided. Alternatives to be addressed include: . “No Proiect” - The “No Project” alternative would involve no development of the site and no revisions to the adopted General Plan, LCP, and Land Conservation Contract. . Lower Densitv Alternative - This alternative will analyze the impacts of developing the entire property using a 30 percent coverage, as opposed to the proposed clustering of development along the central ridgeline. A “bubble diagram” graphic will be prepared to depict the alternative conceptual layout. . Land Use Alternative/Vocational School Facilitv - This alternative will analyse the impacts associated with a vocational school facility for parcels 1,2, and 3. ‘Ihe impact assessment will be based on the site plan for the school (to be provided by dre City). . Offsite Proiect Alternative - P&D will work with the City to identify an offsite location that would accommodate the proposed project. A general level evaluation will be performed based on available baseline data (to be provided by the City). No field reconnaissance or original research will be conducted for the offsite alternative analysis. P&D Technologies Page I-10 -- Other CEQA Required Sections The other s&ions as required by CEQA will be included in the EIR including Relationship Between Local Short-Term Use of the Environment and the Maintenance and Enhancement of Long-Term Productivity and any Significant Irreversible Environmental Changes which would be involved in the proposed action should it be implemented. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program will be a separate stand-alone document. It will include an Introduction, Project Description, Procedure for Implementation of Rogram, and a Tabular Summary of the Mitigation Monitoring Rogram. The Mitigation Monitoring Program will identify all of the mitigation monitoring tasks, timeframe, party responsible for task, party responsible for verification, date of completion, and mitigation completion verification by the appropriate City Department. P&D will submit ten copies of the Mitigation Monitoring Program to the City for review. The Mitigation Monitoring Program will be revised in accordance with the City’s comments. A sample of a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Rogram prepared by P&D is included in the Appendix for your review. The Mitigation Monitoring recommendations will also be included in the Mitigation/Monitoring subsection for each issue. P&D will provide the City with ten copies of the Screencheck Draft EIR (not to exceed 200 pages) and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for review. P&D will revise the Screencheck Draft EIR upon receipt of the City’s comments. P&D will submit un copies of the Revised Draft Program EIR and appendices. Upon approval by the City, the Revised Draft Rogram EIR will be prepared for circulation as the City Approved Draft Program EIR. Fifty copies (25 in three-ring binders and 25 comb-bound) of the Draft Rogram EIR (not to exceed 200 pages) with appendices (not to exceed 500 pages) will be prepared by P&D for distribution by the City. Should the number of pages exceed this estimate, additional copies will be billed separately on a time and materials basis. One reproducible master copy of the Draft Program EIR and one disk, suitable for the City’s computers will be submitted as well. P&D will prepare the Notice of Completion. The public review period will follow. Task 3 - Prepare Final Program EIR P&D will prepare response to public comments received during the public nview period (assume a maximum of 30 substantive comments). Ten copies of the responses and commcnts,will be submitted to the City for their review, and subsequently revised as appropriate. Thedext and graphics of the Draft EIR will be revised as required in response to the comments received. The comments and responses, together with the Draft EIR will constitute the Fiial EIR. P&D will provide ten Final EIRs to the City for review and comment. The Final EIR will be revised in accordance with the City’s comments. P&D will submit 50 copies (25 in three-ring binders and 25 comb-bound) of the Final EIR (not to exceed 300 pages) and awndices (not to exceed 500 pages). One reproducible master copy of the Final Program EIR and one disk, suitable for the P&D Technologies Page I-11 .- City’s computers will be submitted as well. Should the number of pages, exceed this estimate, additional copies will be billed on a time and materials basis. Task 4 - Meetings and Hear/ngs P&D’s Project Manager, Ms. Betty Dehoney, will attend up to 14 meetings and/or hearings, Meetings have been budgeted at four hours each. Hearings have been budgeted at six hours each. Based on the RFP, the following meetings are anticipated: . Kick-off meeting with City staff . Public scoping meeting . Bi-weekly progress meetings with City staff between kick-off and submittal of the screencheck draft. Four progress reports will be submitted to the City . Two meetings with staff to review comments on the screencheck draft . Two meetings with staff to review responses to public comments and final draft . Up to four public hearings with presentations as necessary as determined by City staff Should additional meetings/hearings be required, costs will be billed on a time and materials basis. P P&D Technologies Page I-12 Section II Firm Qualifidtions Section II FIRM QUALIFICATIONS P&D TECHNOLOGIES P&D Technologies’ Environmental Services Division provides a variety of services to public and private clients throughout the Southern California area. The principal staff have from un to fifteen years’ experience with environmental compliance requirements, and are knowledgeable in current legislation and regulations. P&D’s areas of expertise include environmental analysis and documentation, ecological inventory and monitoring, feasibility and site selection studies, state-of-the-art conceptual visual analysis, Geographic Information Sysum (GIS), and public involvement programs. P&D is particularly experienced in providing legally defensible environmental documentation for controversial projects. P&D staff have completed environmental documents for several controversial EIR projects which have faced serious public opposition. P&D Technologies spccializes in large land development projects, and the senior staff have worked on numerous major land development projects including Ranch0 de1 Rey SPAS II and III EIRs, Oceanside Annexation EIR, and San Elijo Ranch EIR. Recent experience in Carlsbad has included Calavera Lake Golf Course EIR, Aviara, Larwin Park, Cannon Road Assessment District, and’Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Plan Permitting. Our environmental services arc supported and augmented by P&D’s in-house planning, economics and public fhncc, transportation, engineering, surveying and graphics scnkces. The staff of P&D Environmental Sewices Division are skilled at tailoring compliance activities and documentation to each agency’s regulations, or each client’s particular needs, while providing comprehensive and legally defensible products. P&D Technologies has proven experience in completing State-required Environmental Impact Reports (EIR), federally-required Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), and other P&D Technologies Page II-I environmental analyses and assessments for a variety of proposed urban and infrastructure development projects. Principal services that P&D offers to carry out environmental compliance requirements include: . Identification of federal, state and local requirements for permits and environmental reports . Evaluation of sites in terms of environmental, engineering and regulatory criteria . Design and implementation of environmental baseline survey and measurement programs Over 500 environmental impact reports and statements have been prepared by P&D in the last five years on a broad spectrum of public and private projects. P&D’s primary area of expertise is the provision of high quality environmental documentation required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEQA). The in-house library houses up-to-dau copies of guidelines issued by State of California Resources Agency, State Water Quality Control Board, City and County of San Diego, Caltrans, Federal Highway Administration, Council on Environmental Quality, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and Department of Housing and Urban Development. EIR guidelines used by many other San Diego County cities are also included in the library’s collection. Listings of rare and endangered species by Federal and State agencies and special interest groups are kept on file, as well as listings of local, State and Federal historic resources. P&D staff members have a broad bases of experience working with these guidelines to prepare ElRs and EISs in the San Diego region and throughout California.’ As a result of their knowledgeable adherence to agency guidelines, P&D Technologies has never experienced a viable legal challenge to an EIR or EIS. GAL&EGOS & ASSOCIATES Gallegos & Associates is a small minority business located in Carl&ad, California, which provides the federal governmen t and other agencies with cultural resource consulting services using highly qualified personnel. Studies conducted by the firm include the full range of federal overviews, inventories, probability modeling through sample inventories, National Regisur evaluation program& preparation of treatment plans, data recovery pqrams, management programs for the protection of cultural resources, and use of cultural resources for public education. AlI of the stat7 have conducted federal studies necessitating National Regisur evaluations for 106 compliance. In addition, Mr. Gallegos and staff have had previous experience as federal and/or local agency employees, and understand the needs of the federal government. The firm’s staff has previously worked together to complete a number of cultural resource studies for federal and local agencies, including lithic analysis and faunal studies. P&D Technologies Page II-2 Specialized services such as soils, pollen, obsidian hydration/sourcing studies, and radiocarbon dating are available. PALEOSERVICES, INC. PaleoSexvices, Inc. is a San Diego based consulting firm specializing in the collection, salvage, and preparation of paleontological resources (fossils) from development-slated assessment of property;relevant to environmental impact studies. The firm has over nine years experience in providing technical expertise in paleontological resource evaluation for EIR consulting firms. This work has involved assessment of resource sensitivity and potential impacts, as well as proposal of impact mitigation measures. Paleoservices projects have included new roadway construction, roadway realignments, residential and commercial developments, pipelines, and transmission lines. The fum has an ongoing working relationship with the San Diego Natural History Museum, where significant fossils discovered at various project sites have been, or are’ currently on public exhibit. GIROUX & ASSOCIATES Giroux & Associates has been involved in air quality and acoustical impact concerns from a wide variety of projects for over two decades. Mr. Giroux is well known to environmental, planning and enforcement staffs at local, county, state and federal agency staffs and the fum’s work products are well respected for their accuracy and relevance. As a small and diverse office, the firm has participated in over 500 environmental investigations. Special&d services include ambient pollution and noise monitoring, computerized air pollution and noise dispersion modeling, emissions source testing, inert tracer gas field studies, APCD/AQMD permit preparation and processing, expert witness testimony and regulatory agency liaison. General environmental program areas and specific types of experience include preparation of air quality and noise sections for EAs, EIRs, NDs; development of impact mitigation and compliance monitoring plans; and provision of consistency -analyses with regional air quality plans and applicable General Plan Noise Elements for land use planning projects throughout the San Diego area. Giroux performs air quality monitoring and modeling form line and area sources: evaluate transportation and air quality planning consisuncy; performs noise monitoring and impact modcling; evaluates noise abatement criteria and develops noise reduction plans through barriers or stnictural insulation requirements. P&D Technologies Page II-3 Sect&m III Project ieam . Section III PROJECT TEAM To achieve the goal of an Environmental Impact Report which is legally defensible and responsive to CEQA will require a staff of technically sound experts who have extensive land development impact assessment experience, all of which is supported with directly relevant project experience. Consequently, a Project Team has been carefully assembled to ensure close client-consultant communications, innovative thinking, and cohesive project implementation. The P&D Project Team has an impressive history in the environmental profession, with a proven track record of over 1,000 legally defensible environmental documents. Additionally, as community liaison experts, P&D enjoys a sound working relationship with the City of Carlsbad staff and the local community. P&D maintains a strong understanding of the project area--a key asset to successful implementation of the overall solicited effort Our familiarity with the area works in unison with an established understanding of the procedure required to process environmental documents under the City. From direct involvement by Ms. Dehoney on the preparation of the EIR, P&D can ensure technical integrity, open communicatidn and an established commitment to meet the schedule. As the result of her past experience in the City of Carlsbad, Betty Dehoney is intimately familiar with the procedural requirements and key concerns of the City. A seasoned veteran in comprehensive environmental/planning projects, she will coordinate all discipline efforts, including those of our subconsultants: Gallegos & Associates, PaleoServiccs, Inc. and Giroux & Associates. P&D Technologies Page 111-l Overview and quality control for this project will be provided by Sylvia Salenius, AICP, Vice Resident of Environmental Programs. With over 19 years of experience and with principal involvement in such highly visible EIR projects as the l,400-acre North County Specific Plan EIR, the EIR for the 3,200 unit hillside development of Mission Crest, and the 893-acre recreational community of Desert Hills Ranch in Coachella Valley, Ms. Salenius will commit her expertise to overseeing the project through its duration. An organizational chart detailing the Cadsbad Ranch Specific Plan project team structure is included on page III-3. Following the organization chart are abstracts of the proposed project management staff and key personnel who are listed in alphabetical order. A complete resume for each member of the project team is included in the Appendix of this proposal. MANAGEMENT STAFF BBlTY DEHONEY - Project Manager Betty Dehoney, Director of Environmental Studies for P&D Technologies, will serve as Project Manager for the Carlsbad Ranch SPA/GPA EIR She will be respon-sible for technical oversight of document preparation in the areas of EIR/EIS organization, procedures and processing requirements, and overall npott consistency and legal sufficiency. Ms. Dehoney has managed the analysis and preparation of many EIRs and environmental assessments throughout San Diego County for various entities, including the County of San Diego and the cities of Carlsbad, Escondido, Vista, San Marcos, Oceanside, San Diego, and Chula Vista, as well as Caltrans. She has 12 years experience in the preparation of environmental documentation, specializing in the preparation of legally defensible environmental documentation for projects with controversy and major sensitive environmental issues. Ms. Dehoney has served as project manager with massive citizens and resource agencies opposition associated with large and small scale land development projects. As a result, Ms. Dehoney has extensive experience in the preparation of response to comments, Findings and Statements of Overriding Considerations. Ms. Dehoney works extensively with the resource agencies to alleviate potential impacts and identify feasible mitigation measures. Understanding the numerous and sometimes conflicting requirements associated with resolving environmental constraints is the key to her resolution- oriented appnuch to project management. She has had extensive involvement in the City of Carlsbad based on her involvement witb fifteen projects, including Calavera GdfCourse EIR, Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Permitting, Larwin Park Initial Study, Palomar Airport Road Expansion Studies Permitting, Green Valley Technical Studies, Aviara Technical Studies, Cannon Road Permitting, and Jefferson Street Widening Initial Study. With her demonstrated ability to work extensively with the lead agencies and resource agencies in tandem with project participants, Betty Dehoney brings superior technical and managerial capabilities to the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan project. P&D Technologies Page 11X-2 CITY OF. CARLSBAD PROJECT MANAGER m PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE 6etiy Dehoney Sylvia Salenius, AKP \ 9 TECHNICAL STUDIES AGRICULTURI AIR/ NOlbl ARCHAIOLOGY Ma/y Puhom Hans Giroux Dennis Go/logos Carolyn Kyle BIOLOGY CIRCULATION flyrra Robertson Sochiko Kohaiw IAND USt PALIONTOLOGY Mary PutnunJ Tom Dom~ro Sochi&o Kohatsu SOUD WASTt Troy Davis VISUAL AISTHETlCS/ .GRADtNG John Iuno Robert Ryan, ASlA WATER QUAUTY Sechiko Kdmtw PROJECT TEAM ORGANIZATION P&D Technologies Page III-3 SYLVIA SALENIUS, AICP - Principal-In- CIuvgc To optimizc performance quality, Sylvia S&nius, AICP, P&D’s Vice President of Environmental Programs, wiIl be the Principal-In-Charge, providing the quality control and technical review for regulatory compliance. Having spent much of her 20-year career addressing the relationships of land use and associated impacts, she spccializcs in the preparation of legally sound environmental documents for complex, controversial projects. She has served as project manager or principal-in-charge for the 1,400-acre North County Specific Plan EIB, the EIB on Mission Crest development proposed for annexation to the City of Corona, the EIR on the It-vine Technology Complex Tentative Map for the City of Irvine, and the Land Use and Demographic Forecast for Canyon Lake Hills planned community in Lake Elsinore. As Principal-In-Charge she will scrutinize critical phases of document preparation prior to release of the document to the City of Carlsbad or the public. This review will aid in the prompt execution of the document through a consistent legal and technical analysis process, ultimately providing for a sound, defensible EIR. KEY PERSONNEL TROY DAVIS - Solid Waste Troy Davis has over ten years of professional experience in the environmental field. With an educational background in geography and biology, she has been responsible for research, writing and project management for environmental documents on a variety of projects throughout Southern California. Projects include General Plan Amendments, Specific Plan Amendments, sand mines, residential and commercial developments, and public facilities. She is knowledgeable of solid waste legislation and related issues. Ms. Davis wrote the Alternatives analysis, as well as the Public Services and Facilities analysis for the North County LandAll EIR/EIS, and provided responses to public review comments on the document. She has further developed her expertise by providing the solid waste sections for a number of environmental documents addressing land development projects including Bougainvillea Golf Course Residential and Resort EIR, and 4s Ranch Specific Plan Amendment EIR. TOM DEiUERE - Pa&onto&y Tom Demere has worked as a professional paleontologist for eighteen years. Since 1981,Jie has worked as an environmental consultant (under the firm name PaleoScrvices, Inc.) to various planning fums, municipalities, and land development companies. In this capacity, Mr. Dcmcrc’s work has ranged from initial resource assessments, through impact evaluation, to actual impact mitigation. Although the majority of this work has been with residential and commercial developments within San Dicgo County, it has also i~volvcd a number of water or natural gas pipeline and utility transmission line projects as well as roadways projects in Southern California. P&D TechnoIogbs Page III4 DENNIS GALLEGOS - Archaeology Dennis Gallegos’ experience in the San Diego County region includes directing and authoring survey, testing and data recovery programs. His recent experience in San Diego County includes the preparation of a planning document for the City of Escondido’s General Plan Amendment, performance of a cultural resource inventory for 1,000 acres of Lilac Ranch EIR, and coordination of a survey and testing program for Colachis in the area surrounding Lake Hodges, among others. Dennis Gallegos has conducted cultural resource studies since 1969 for the State of California, Federal Government and local agencies. These studies include constraint level record searches, surveys, testing programs and mitigation of impacts programs for avoidance/open space or large scale data recovery programs. Mr. Gallegos has been a senior archaeologist involved in planning and management for the past ten years, and has directed over 200 cultural resource studies within the County of San Diego. Mr. Gallegos is familiar in working with agency requirements and NEPA and CEQA requirements. HANS GIROUX - Air/Noise Hans Giroux, Principal at Giroux & Associates, will perform the air quality and noise analyses for this assignment. Since 1977 he has served as an atmospheric impact processes consultant. He has prepared air quality impact assessments for road widening projects, recreational land uses, airports, harbors, residential uses, and commercial facilities. He has performed air environment data acquisition programs, developed airflow and diffusion computer models, and performed microscale and regional airflow analysis. Mr. Giroux has extensive experience in the preparation of acoustical evaluations for various projects, and is familiar with the City of Carlsbad’s policies. His recent Carlsbad experience includes the Ranch0 Carrillo Business Park, Bressi Ranch Development, Carlsbad Boulevard Widening, Carl&ad Pacific Industrial Park, Macario Park Development, and the Tabata Property EIR. Mr. Giroux has conducted several studies for major residential and mixed-use developments including the Rittcr Ranch EIR and the EastLake EIR. SACHIKO KOHATSU - Lund UseiCirculationl Quality Sachiko Kohatsu is experienced in the compilation and review of environmental documentation and natural resources evaluation for numerous projects throughout San Diego County. Her range of experience includes both federal and state projects, private development and public facilities projects, and new development and redevelopment projects. She has provided documentation in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National EnvironmenW Policy Act (NEPA). Her recent project experience includes Calavera Golf Course EIR, San Elijo Ranch EIR, Old Coach Golf Estates EIR, South Bayfront EIR, and Chula Vista’s Ranch0 del Rey SPA 3 EIR. Project nsponsibilities have included analyses of issues, coordination with subconsultants, document preparation and production, attendance at meetings and public hearings. Her role on this EIR will be to provide these -ices to the City of Carlsbad. P&D Technologies Page III-5 JOHN LANE - Visual AestheiicslGrading John Lane has worked within the landscape architectural field for over six years. As a landscape architect, he has gained a broad base of experience in the areas of landscape architecture, visual simulation, physical site planning, and computer applications. His visual simulation experience includes a conceptual design from the Tentative Map for 4s Ranch EIR located in an unincorporated area of northern San Diego County, the conceptual site plan for the Reed Reservoir EIR in Escondido using the grading plans from the project, developed the conceptual final landform for the Calmat EIR in Poway, and a computer-generated visual simulation for the Palm Court Condominium EIR located in Imperial Beach in which the illustrations were legally defensible. Currently, Mr. Lane is providing the visual simulation services for the Ocean Point Shopping Center located in Oceanside in which the finished product will be three dimensional exhibits realistically representing the proposed project. These illustrations will visually explain what the project will look like once the it is completed. Other areas of Mr. Lane’s expertise include problem solving resulting in aesthetically pleasing solutions for critical traffic, infrastructure, and urban issues as well as golf, resort and residential design. Mr. Lane provided these services mostly recently for the Hawaii Kai development in Oahu, Hawaii. Mr. Lane will be able to draw from his experience on these various projects enhancing the Project Team for the City of Carlsbad’s current solicitation. MARY PUTNAM - Lund Use/Agriculture Mary Putnam has over twelve years experience in environmental planning and assessment for a variety of development projects, with specialization in cultural resource assessments, land use and visual resource analysis, mitigation monitoring programs, and development of planning documents. She is responsible for project management, the preparation and processing of environmental impact statements and reports, technical reports and other planning documents, and coordination with federal government, local agencies and technical consultants. Relevant project experience includes the La Terraza for the City ,of Escondido; Ranch0 San Diego Specific Plan Amendment EIR, the Hidden Meadows SPA/EIR, and-the Rams Hill SPA/BIR for the County of San Diego; Old Coach Golf Estates EIR located in Poway; and Ranch0 de1 Rey SPA 2 EIR for the City of Chula Vista. Mr. Putnam is adept at coordination of data and resources and will facilitate in the required interface between the ‘EIR consultant and the City. ELYSSA ROBERTSON - Biology Elyssa Robertson, a specialist in biological assessments, sensitive plant surveys, revegetation programs and resoutce permitting, will serve as project and field coordinator for the biplogical resoumes task. Ms. Robertson has over four years experience in impact assessment in San Diego County, and has conducted impact and mitigation analysis on over 30 projects. Her biological field surveys have included plant and animal inventories, sensitive resource surveys, and vegetation mapping. In addition, Ms. Robertson is knowledgeable of the Unified Federal Method of Wetland Delineation. She has prepared numerous ‘technical biological reports including existing conditions and detailed analysis of impacts and mitigation measures. She has P&D Technologies Page III4 _- conducted extensive field surveys for sensitive plant species throughout San Diego, Imperial and Riverside Counties. These include surveys for known localities as well as documenting new populations of sensitive species. Ms. Robertson has coordinated environmental efforts for such projects as CaIavera Golf Course EIR, Palomar Airport Road Widening Project, Lanvin Park Initial Study, La Costa Avenue Mitigation, and Jefferson Street Widening Project. In addition, Ms. Robertson prepared a mitigation plan and site alternatives for riparian revegetation in Macario Canyon and performed environmental tasks on the Cannon Road Assessment District in the City of Carlsbad. ROBERT RYAN, ASL4 - Visuaf AesthcticslGrading Robert Ryan has a wide range of experience as a landscape architect and project planner. As a landscape architect, he possess a thorough knowledge of native plant material and environmental systems which have been utilized in design of wildlife and riparian habitat restoration plans. As a project planner, he has worked on master plans, specific plans, and preliminary planning studies for large-scale urban design projects as well as detailed designs for communities in Southern California. Mr. Ryan’s capabilities with computer visual simulation models have been a valuable tool in the communication of land use enhancement design to the community and local citizen’s groups. These projects have been implemented around the theme which is unique for each project using planting and other natural elements characteristic to the surrounding area. Recent project experience includes, the Buena Vista Lagoon Bike Path in which a landscape habitat mitigation plan was developed and implemented, Aviara where a conceptual park design and recreational facilities were designed, and the San Marcos Creek project where a rock quarry enhancement plan complete with riparian enhancement was created. Mr. Ryan’s design detailing expertise has made possible the vital transition from a creative design solution into an aesthetically pleasing reality. He will utilize his diverse experience to represent the visual simulations component of the Project Team. P&D Technologies Page III-7 Section IV Project Experience and Referekces - . C Section IV PROJECT EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES P&D Technologies is experienced in the preparation of EIRs for major, controversial, and complex land development projects. These projects have included planned communities, landfills, major airport expansions, and jails. P&D Technologies enters each and every project assuming that the project will be challenged. Recent projects of the team include: P&D TECHNOLOGIES CALAVERA LAKE GOLF COURSE EIR Carlsbad, CrJifornia The Calavera Lake Golf Course environmental constraints project is located on 252-acres in the northeast comer of the City of Carlsbad surrounding Calavera Lake. Biological and archaeological constraints were evaluated to aid in the design of an environmentally sensitive golf course plan. Sensitive biological habitats include Diegan coastal sage scrub, native California grassland, southern oak woodland and riparian woodland. With completion of the golf course plan, an EIR addressing impacts of development was prepared. Issues evaluated included land use, visual quality, access/circulation, geology/soils, hydrology/water quality, economics/public finance, biology, cultural resources, water/water reclamation/sewer, and alternatives. BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEAUENT PLAN PERMTTING Cadsbad, California P&D prepared and coonlinated the permit application process for this major regional enhancement project. The Port of Los Angeles proposed to dredge and conduct other enhancement processes in Batiquitos lagoon to mitigate impacts associated with construction plans in the Port of Los Angeles. Nearly 15 separate, permitting processes were required. CANNON ROAD REACH I ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Car&b& CIJifornia Ms. Dehoney was the project manager for the proposed Cannon Road Assessment District pamitting. The project consisted of the construction of a major roadway, bridge, sewer and pump station located near Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Mitigation for impacts to riparian and marsh habitat was designed in Macario Canyon. Resource agencies included U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Coastal Commission and California Department of Fish and Game. The mitigation program, including monitoring, was coordinated through all agencies. P&D Technologies Page IV-I CANNON ROAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Carlsbad, Cal(fomia P&D provided environmental consulting and permitting services for Cannon Road Assessment District. The project consisted of the construction of a major roadway, bridge, sewer and pump station located near Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Mitigation and monitoring design for impacts to riparian and marsh habitat in Macario Canyon was provided by P&D. Resource agencies involved in the project included U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, US. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Coastal Commission, and California Department of Fish and Game. P&D coordinated the mitigation and monitoring program with each of the participating agencies and also provided environmental consulting for the project and the engineering for a portion of the road. CITY OF CARLSBAD LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM Carisbad, California The Local Coastal Program for the City of Carlsbad represented a comprehensive analysis and land use plan for a 15square mile area of sensitive coastal area. The plan designated areas for agricultural, residential, commercial, open space and recreational uses and the location of public facilities, transportation corridors, and coastal access points. Services included land use planning, implementation plan, and public participation program. RANCH0 DEL REY SPA 2 SEIR Chula Vista, California The El Ranch0 De1 Rey Specific Plan area encompasses approximately 2,450 acres located east of I-805, south and west of Otay Lakes Road, and north of Telegraph Canyon Road in the City of Chula Vista. SPA II consists of a detailed plan for 567 single-family r&identiaI development, community facilities, park and open space uses on approximately 370 acres located northeast of the intersection of East H Street and Ridgeback Road. Sensitive issues include traffic, visual quality, and biological resources. PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WIDENING Car&bad, California Ms. Dehoney was the project manager for the proposed Palomar Airport Widening project. The road widening affected riparian and wetland resources which were located on both sides of the road. A mitigation program was designed and coordinated through the resoume agencies including U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, California Fish and Game and CalifomiarCoastal Commission. P&D Technologies Page Iv-2 SAN ELIJO RANCH EIR San Marcos, CcJifornirr An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for the San Elijo Ranch project which encompasses 2,149 acres near the southernmost boundary of the City of San Marcos. The project proposes to develop a maximum of 2,744 varied residential units, a destination resort hotel and restaurant, 18-hole golf course, tennis and swim club, elementary school, and firt station/sheriff’s substation. In addition, approximately 1,418 acres of the site is devoted to open space in the form of a regional park, wildlife preserve, neighborhood park, natural open space, and landscape common areas. The development of this project necessitates the realignment of Questhaven Road from its western connection with Ranch0 Santa Fe Road to its intersection with Twin Oaks Valley Road extension to the east. Environmental constraints on the site included steep topography, sensitive biological resources (California gnatcatcher), riparian vegetation, sensitive plant species (summer holly), and traffic. Major circulation element impacts required extensive. offsite improvements. RANCH0 DEL REY SPA 3 SEIR Chula Vista, California The El Ranch0 De1 Rey Specific Plan area encompasses approximately 2,450 acres located east of I-805, south and west of Otay Lakes Road, and north of Telegraph Canyon Road in the City of Chula Vista. SPA III proposes the construction of 1,380 single-family residential units, 530 dwelling units of specialty housing for a retirement community, a school site, neighborhood park and open space uses on approximately 408 acres. Sensitive biological resources included at least one avian species and one reptile species under consideration as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. Impacts to the coastal sage scrub community and its sensitive plant species were identified as significant. AVIARA RESIDENTIAL AND RESORT COMMUNITY Carlsbad, California The Aviara residential and resort cdmmunity is a l,OOO-acre master planned project in the City of Carlsbad,’ on the north shore of Batiquitos Lagoon. The master plan includes a total of 2,600 units; an 18-hole championship golf course; resort hotel, conference center, sports complex and spa; public park and school. The project planning and design has included extensive provisions for the protection of sensitive upland habitats and the adjacent lagoon. A pedestrian/bicycle pathway and linear park is designed along the lagoon and is part of a system that will ultimately connect to the ocean. Reject plans call for the dredging and restoration of the lagoon vhich will remain as an important wildlife habitat and visual focus for the community. The phased development plan covers 32 separate but coordinated plan areas. Construction is expected to extend over the next 7-10 years. Services provided include Master Plan update, tentative and final maps, improvement plans, coastal resource surveys and documentation, environmental analysis, planning approvals and construction scheduling, and cost estimates. P&D Technologies Page IV-3 LARWIN PARK Carlsbd Cai#ornia Larwin Park is a 22-acre hillside park which has site constraints such as: two high power SDG&E transmission lines in a 150 foot easement, limiting park design; a ldinch Santa Fe Petroleum Pipeline, limiting amount of cut and fill; hillside. terrain, making siting of facilities (tennis courts, ballfield, park areas and rest rooms) a difficult process. P&D was able to work with the landscape architect to develop a site plan that met the cities active use goals. RANCH0 SAN DIEGO SPECIFIC PLAN AND EIR San Diego, CrJifonia P&D Technologies completed all aspects of planning and design for the 3,000-acre master planned Ranch0 San Diego community in San Diego County. P&D completed a full spectrum of site constraint and environmental studies including slope analysis, biological and archaeological studies, and a regional traffic analysis. The EIR for the plan addressed growth inducement, conformance with existing plans and policies, air quality and energy impacts, effects on public services and facilities (including wastewater treatment), and effects on natural resources. In addition to single and multi-family residential use, the project included loo-acre regional shopping center to serve as a focus of the Ranch0 San Diego new town, and three neighborhood shopping facilities and an industrial park. TEMESCAL VALLEY PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN PROCESSING AND ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMlWl’ATION Riversid& Cow@, California Land planning, processing assistance and environmental services were provided on the Specific Plan and EIR for the Temescal Valley Properties. The project is comprised of separate residential communities, as well as commercial and industrial parcels in the Temescal Valley, located along I- 15 between Corona and Lake Elsinore, California. Sensitive planning, land uses and distribution of densities was required to assure compatibility with adjacent rural equestrian estates and citrus orchards. Design of a Nature Park was closely coordinated with a P&D in- house biologist to assure that riparian habitat was preserved. Since the project involved removal of property from ‘agricultural preserve status, P&D’s Environmental Studies Unit prepared detailed documentation of productivity impacts in consultation with agriculturaI extension staff. Extensive buffa zones were established to protect surrounding sensitive uses and to buffer the project site from adjacent sand and gravel mining activities. The resulting project is an existing plan which mprcscnts a successful compromise of a variety of competing interests. Q’ 4s RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT EIR San Diego Coun@, Ca&&onaia The EIR for this project addressed the phased development of a 3,615-acre site in the central portion of San Diego County, with a mixture of office, industrial, commerc ial and residential P&D Technobgies Page N-d uses. The appmvaIs included amendments to the Land Use and Circulation Elements of the San Diego County General Plan, and the San Dieguito Community Plan; a 634acre Specific Plan and related rezones; a Major Use Permit for an onsite wastewater treatment plant; formation of a County Service District, and annexation of the Specific Plan area to a number of service districts, and a Board of Supervisor’s resolution to amend the Williamson Act agricultural contracts,.and the TM for Phase I of the Specific Plan. Issues addressed included land use, geology, landfoxm and aesthetics, hydrology/water quality, public services, traffic, air quality, noise, agriculture, biology, cultural resources, dark skies and growth inducement. 4s RANCH SPA, TENTATIVE MAP, REZONE AND MAJOR USE PERMIT MODIFICATION San Diego County, Ca&fomia P&D Technologies prepared an EIR for 4s Ranch Specific Plan Amendment, which included a Tentative Map for the development of the southernmost portion of the 634acre Specific Plan area. The document addressed biological resources, land use, geology, visual impacts, cultural resources, public services, air quality, noise, hydrology/water quality, traffic and transportation. GALLEGOS & ASSOCIATES LILAC RANCH Valiey Center, California Performed a cultural resounze inventory and testing program for the Lilac Ranch located in Valley Center, California. A survey of 1,000 acres and testing program for 20 prehistoric and historic sites was conducted SALT CREEK RANCH Chula Vista, California Conducted a cultural resource inventory and testing program for Salt Creek Ranch, located in Chula Vista, California. A survey of 1,000 acres and testing historic and prehistoric sites for site importance under CkQA was conducted. RANCH0 BERNARD0 LAKE COURSE San Diego coumty, cal@omia Performed a cuRural resource inventory and CEQA test for site importance, for th; Ranch0 Bernard0 Lake Course. Inventory of 315 acres, identification and testing of ten prehistoric sites examined. P&D Technologies Page N-S PALEOSERVICES, INC. CARUBAD RESEARCH CENTER Cadsbad, Cwomia . PaleoServices, Inc. has conducted salvage paleontology and resource evaluation services addressing mitigation measures surrounding the Carl&ad Research Center. AVIARA Cadsb& California The fum provided technical expertise in the area of palcontological resource expertise in the area of paleontological resource evaluation involving actual impact mitigation for the Aviara project, located in Carlsbad, California. AIRPORT BUSINESS CENTER Catfsbad, Caiifomia PaleoServices, Inc. performed salvage paleontology and resource evaluation services for the Airport Business Center, located in Carlsbad, California. The project involved assessment of resource sensitivity and potential impacts as well as proposed of impact mitigation measures. GIROUX & ASSOCIATES BRESSI RANCH DEVEWPMENT Carisbad, California Prepared air quality and noise impact analyses for the Bressi Ranch Development located in Carlsbad, California. This was a land use/planning and infrastructure project. RANCH0 CARRILW BUSINESS PARK Car&bad, California Conducted an analysis of construction and operational impacts, including an evaluation of noise impacts for the Ranch0 Carrillo Business Park. This was a land use/planning and infrastructure project located in Ciulsbad, California. I B MACARIO PARK DEVEWPMENT C&W Cal@omicr Performed an air quality and noise impact analysis for the Macario Park Development, a land use/planning and infrastructure project located in Carl&ad, Califomia. P&D Technologies Page Nd _- P&D CLIENT REFERENCES RANCH0 DEL REY SPA II AND HI EIRS Chula Vista, California Client: Ms. Barb- Reid City of Chula Vista 276 Fourth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 92010 (619) 691-5097 OLD COACH GOLF ESTATES EIR Po way, California Client: Mr. James Nessel City of Poway . 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 (619) 679-4256 WEST MAIN STREET EIR El Cajon, California Client: Ms. Barbara Ramirez City of El Cajoh 200 East Main Saet El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 441-1771 P&D Technologies Page N-7 I 1 -. . * . Section V Project Schidule - . - . - _- Secfion v PROJECT SCHEDULE The proposed schedule is based on the parameters set forth in the RFP. However, it should be noted that due to the requirement for an archaeological testing program, the schedule for submittal of the screencheck Draft EIR has been extended to include an eight to twelve week timeframe. This schedule may need to be revised should inclement weather (i.e.. rain) be encountered. The milestones and deliverables to be produced by P&D are listed along with the number of weeks allocated to each milestone. This schedule is achievable assuming provision of all project information at the project kick-off meeting. The schedule may be extended by the City as the project progresses. MILESTONE/PRODUCT WEEKS CUMULATIVE Notice to Proceed 0 0 Notice of Preparation 1 1 Screencheck Draft EIR 8-12 8-12 City Review Fist Screencheck Draft EIR 3 1 l-15 Revise First Screencheck Draft EIR 2 13-17 City Review Second Screencheck Draft EIR Revise and Circulate DEIR 3 1 Public Review Period 7 24-28 Response to Cornmcnts 2 City Review of FEIR 3 Revise and Print Final EIR 2 16-20 17-21 26-30 , 29-33 @ 3 l-35 P&D Technologies Page V-I . - . - Sect@ VI Appkdix ,--: COST PROPOSAL FOR PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE CARLSBAD RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN Submilted to: CITY OF CARLSBAD Planning Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 Contact: Mr. Michael Holzmiller (619) 43&1161 :c;: ;. ,“, * r;* Submitted by: -r)ier P&D TECHNOLOGIES 401 West “A” Street, Suite 2500 San Diego, California 92101 Contact: Betty Dehoneg (619) 232-4466 February 28,1992 Match 20, 1.992 (rev.) -,. ‘: i .I : .w i %!T .‘Z ? -. . . . Ia -cf?zE$T S, :e 290 Sar Sego CA 92701 ‘LX 6’9’234.3022 6’9 232466 Planning Engmeemg ?bnspor:arcq Ewfron~enrai Ecor omcs Lardscaoe Arc,*ftecfure March 23, 1992 An Employs-Owned Company Mr. Michael Holzmiller City of Carlsbad Planning Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad. California 92009 97300.74 Subject: Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Cost Proposal Dear Mr. Holzmiller: P&D Technologies (P&D) is pleased to submit this revised cost proposal to assist the City of Carlsbad in the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan project. The enclosed cost proposal is a fum offer for sixty (60) days from the date of this letter. John Richards is authorized to contractually bind P&D Technologies, whereas any questions pertaining to scope should be addressed to Betty Dehoney. Sincerely, P&D TECHNOLOGIES 6hn Richards Vice President JR:BD:be . Cost Estimate TASK RATE HOURS’ DRAFT EIR Scoping Intro/Summary Project Description Agriculture/Open Space Air Quality Breakout Archaeology Paleontology Breakout Biology Breakout Circulation Breakout Land Use Compatibility Noise Breakout Solid Waste Visual Aesthetics/Grading Water Quality Alternatives CEQA Sections Prepare Draft EIR Subtotal 95 8 55 24 55 16 65 24 55 18 55 16 55 8 55 16 55 16 65 16 55 32 55 16 55 18 55 40 55 24 65 16 55 40 55 40 55 40 MITIGATION MONfTORiNG PROG. Environmental Specialist Environmental Analyst Subtotal 65 12 55 40 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Project Manager QA Meetings (up to 10 @ 4 hrs. ea.) Hearings (up to 4 @ 6 hrs. ea.) Subtotal 95 60 100 8 95 40 95 24 TECHNICAL STUDIES Air Quality and Noise Review Biology Report Archaeology Testing Report Paleontology Study Visual Simulations (5 Q $2,000) Subtotal 38 80 840 28 128 $760 $1,320 $880 $1,560 $880 $880 $440 $880 $880 l $1,040 $1,760 $880 $880 $2,200 $1,320 $1,040 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $24,200 $780 $2,200 $2,980 $5,700 $800 $3,800 $2,280 $12,580 e $2,000 $4,500 $33,500 $1,800 $10,000 $51,600 Cost Estimate sum Word Processing Graphics Administrative/Clerical Subtotal FINAL EIR Responses to Comments (assum no more than 30 substantive comments) Report Production Subtotal REIMBURSABLES Blueline reduction, stats, etc. Reproduction (EIRs), binders Color Xerox of Visual Simulations Mileage (20 trips - Carlsbad) Film, fax, courier, phone, etc. Subtotal TOTAL $108,280 CONTINGENCY Radiocarbon Dating (if necessary) 50 45 40 95 65 55 55 60 $3,000 60 $2,700 16 $640 $6,340 6 $760 16 $1,040 32 $1,760 24 $1,320 $4,880 $300 84,500 $200 $500 $200 $5,700 $2,875 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the day of 5th MAY , 19 92 -, between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as “CITY”, and P & D TECHNOLOGIES hereinafter referred to as “CONSULTANT”. RECITALS WHEREAS, the CITY has entered into an agreement with CARLTAS COMPANY hereinafter called applicant, wherein the CITY agrees to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed project identified as the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan which is located north of Palomar Airport Road, south of future Cannon Road and east of Paseo De1 Norte and Car Country Drive and more precisely shown on the plat marked Attachment 1, attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT has the qualifications to prepare the required i Environmental Impact Report; and WHEREAS, it is understood that the CONSULTANT shall be an independent contractor of the CITY; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual covenants and conditions, the parties hereto agree as follows: REV. 4/25/91 1. DUTIES OF THE CONSULTANT CONSULTANT shall prepare an Environmental Impact Report on the subject project in accord with the California Environmental Quality Act as implemented by the State Guidelines and by CITY in Title 19 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and its implementing resolutions. In carrying out this obligation the CONSULTANTS duties shall include the following: (a) The CONSULTANT shall, consistent with the Work Program contained in Attachment 2, (1) make all necessary and required field explorations, reviews and tests; (2) make all necessary and required laboratory tests and analyses; (3) appear and be prepared to answer questions and prepare testimony on the final Envirbnmental Impact Report at all public hearings before the Planning Commission and the City Council prior to the certification of the report; (4) make all reports necessary to comply with the requirements of this section. Before preparing the draft report, the CONSULTANT shall submit ten copies of a preliminary report (screen check EIR) to the Planning Director for staff review. The CONSULTANT shall revise the preliminary report as requested by staff in order to make it suitable for draft EIR review. (b) CONSULTANT shall prepare a draft report in compliance with the Work Program contained in Attachment 2 on file at the Planning Department (unless otherwise stated in this agreement), attached 2 REV. 4/25/91 hereto and made a part hereof and with applicable state law and CITY ordinances. The CONSULTANT shall submit to CITY fifty copies (25 in 3-&g binders and 25 comb-bound) plus a reproducible master of the draft Environmental Impact Report to the CITY. cc> CONSULTANT shall attempt to determine as soon as possible in the study of the area involved, those factors which could severely inhibit or prohibit the proposed project. If it appears that such factors are present, CONSULTANT shall so inform the Planning Director who in turn will discuss with the applicant the feasibility of continuing with the report. The objective of this subsection of the agreement is to minimize the cost if these adverse factors exist. Cd) CONSULTANT shall prepare and file with the CITY written responses to all comments received subsequent to public notice that the draft Environmental Impact Report has been filed. CONSULTANT shall also prepare any response necessary to matters raised at the public hearings. The written responses shall be prepared in a form that will permit the responses to be incorporated into the final Environmental i Impact Report. 2. DUTIES OF THE CITY (a) The CITY will make payment to the CONSULTANT as provided for in this agreement. (b) The CITY will make available to the CONSULTANT any REV. 4/25/91 (cl Cdl documents, studies, or other information in its possession related to the proposed project. The CITY will review the Preliminary Report presented by the CONSULTANT within fifteen working days of their receipt and make written comments to the CONSULTANT within that time period. The CITY shall provide the CONSULTANT with copies of all written comments received on the draft Environmental Impact Report subsequent to public notice that the draft Environmental Impact Report has been filed and is available for public review. 1 f 3. 4. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT The CITY may terminate this agreement at any time by giving written notice to the CONSULTANT of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof, at least fifteen days prior to the effective date of the termination. In event of termination, all finished or unfinished documents and other materials prepared pursuant to this agreement shall become its property. Upon termination for reasons other than breach of this agreement CITY shall pay CONSULTANT the reasonable value of the services completed to the date of notice of determination. RELEASE OF INFORMATION BY CONSULTANT Any reports, information or other data, prepared or assembled by the 4 REV. 4/25/91 . . . _._ _ _. _ . .‘__.^-._.wi A”,_----.-- . _ I .I I - 5. CONSULTANT under this agreement shall not be made available to any individual or organization by the CONSULTANT without the prior written approval of the CITY. OWNERSHIP. PUBLICATION. REPRODUCTION AND USE OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS AND OTHER MATERIALS All documents and materials prepared pursuant to this agreement are the property of the CITY. The CITY shall have the unrestricted authority to publish, disclose, distribute and otherwise use, in whole or in part, any 6. reports, data, or other materials prepared under this agreement. PAYMENT The CONSULTANT will be paid a maximum of $108,280.00 dollars for all work necessary to carry out the requirements of this agreement. Actual payment shall be based on the cost of the report based on the costs as set forth in Attachment 3 on file at the Planning Department. The CONSULTANT shall be paid within 14 days, in response to monthly invoice, for 40 percent of the compensable services for the submittal of the screen check draft Environmental Impact Report in accordance with Paragraph 1 above. The CONSULTANT will be paid up to an additional 40 percent upon submittal of the CITY approved. Draft Environmental Impact Report, 10 percent upon acceptance by the CITY of the response to comments from the CONSULTANT, the final 10 percent will be paid, not to exceed the maximum amount provided in this agreement, within 14 days after receipt +f invoice, to be submitted after the certification of the 5 REV. 4/25/91 7. 8. 9. Environmental Impact Report by the City Council. TIME OF COMPLETION Time is of the essence in carrying out the terms of this agreement. It is understood that inclement weather conditions may delay the completion of field work. The CONSULTANT will be allowed as many additional days as are necessary to compensate for days lost due to inclement weather. The CONSULTANT shall submit to the CITY ten copies of the Preliminary Environmental Impact Report within eight to twelve weeks of the signing of this agreement by both concerned parties. The CONSULTANT shall submit to the CITY fifty copies of the draft Environmental Impact Report within ten working days of the completed staff review of the Revised Draft Environmental Impact Report. LIMITS OF THE OBLIGATION The limits of the’ obligation of the CITY under this agreement is the sum of $108,280.00 which amount is estimated to be sufficient to compensate the CONSULTANT for all services performed hereunder during the terms of this agreement. In the event at any time it appears to the CONSULTANT that said sum may not be sufficient, he shall immediately so notify the Planning Director. He will not perform any work or incur any obligation beyond said sum of $108,280.00 without appropriate amendment to this agreement. CHANGES IN WORK If, in the course of this contract, changes seem merited by the CONSULTANT 6 REV. 4/25/91 or the CITY and informal consultations indicate that a change in the conditions of the contract is warranted, the CONSULTANT or the CITY may request a change in the contract. Such changes shall be processed by the I CITY in the following manner. A letter outlining the required changes shall be forwarded to the CITY or CONSULTANT to inform them of the proposed changes along with a statement of estimated changes in charges or time schedule. After reaching mutual agreement on the proposal, a supplemental agreement shall be prepared by the CITY and approved by the CITY according to the procedures described in Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.28.172. Such supplemental agreement shall not render ineffective or invalid unaffected portions of the agreement. Changes requiring immediate action by the CONSULTANT or the CITY shall be ordered by the Planning Director who will inform a principal of the CONSULTANT’S firm of the necessity of such action and follow up with a supplemental agreement covering such work. The lump sum amounts detailed in this agreement shall be adjusted for changes, either additive or deductive, in the scope of work, provided such changes are processed according to the procedures in this paragraph. 10. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The CITY, its officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to goods, properties, or effects of any person whatever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or 7 REV. 4/25/91 resulting from, any intentional or negligent acts, errors or omissions of CONSULTANT or CONSULTANTS agents, employees, or representatives. CONSULTANT agrees to defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the CITY and its officers and employees against any of the foregoing claims, liabilities, penalties or fines, and any cost, expense or attorney’s fees which are incurred by the CITY on account of any of the foregoing. 11. INSURANCE The CONSULTANT shall obtain and maintain policies of general liability insurance, automobile liability insurance, and a combined policy of worker’s compensation and employer’s liability insurance from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of California which meets the requirements of City Council Resolution No. 90-96 in an insurable amount of not less than one million dollars ($l,OOO,OOO) each, unless a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or the City Manager. This insurance shall be in force during the life of this agreement and shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the CITY sent by certified mail. The CITY shall be named as an additional insured on these policies. The CONSULTANT shall furnish certificates of insurance to the CITY before commencement Iof work. . . . 8 REV. 4/25/91 - 12. STATUS OF Ti-lE CONSULTANT The CONSULTANT shall perform the services provided for herein in CONSULTANT’S own way as an independent contractor and in pursuit of CONSULTANT’S independent calling, and not as an employee of the CITY. CONSULTANT shall be under control of the CITY only as to the result to be accomplished, but shall consult with the CITY as provided for in the request for proposal. The CONSULTANT is an independent contractor of the CITY. The payment made to the CONSULTANT pursuant to the contract shall be the full and complete compensation to which the CONSULTANT is entitled. The CITY shall not make any federal or state tax withholdings on behalf of the CONSULTANT. The CITY shall not be required to pay any workers’ compensation insurance on behalf of the CONSULTANT. The CONSULTANT agrees to indemnify the CITY for any tax, retirement contribution, social security, overtime payment, or workers’ compensation payment which the CITY may be required to make on behalf of the CONSULTANT or any employee of the CONSULTANT for work done under this agreement. The CONSULTANT shall be aware of the requirements of the Immigration Reform and Control- Act of 1986 and shall comply with those requirements, including, but not limited to, verifying the eligibility for employment of all agents, employees, subcontractors and consultants that are included in this agreement. 9 REV. 4/25/91 13. ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACI’ CONSULTANT shall not assign this contract or any part hereof or any monies due or to become due thereunder without the prior written consent of the CITY. 14. SUBCONTRACTING If the CONSULTANT shall subcontract any of the work to be performed under this contract by CONSULTANT, the CONSULTANT shall be fully responsible to the CITY for the acts and omissions of its subcontractor and of the persons either directly or indirectly employed by its subcontractor, as it is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by it. Nothing contained in this contract shall create any contractual relationship between any subcontractor of CONSULTANT and the CITY. The CONSULTANT shall bind every subcontractor and every subcontractor of a subcontractor by their terms of this contract applicable to its work unless specifically noted to the contrary in the subcontract in question approved in writing by the CITY. 15. PROHIBITED INTEREST No official of the CITY who is authorized in such capacity on behalf of the CITY to negotiate, make, accept or approve, or to take part in negotiating, making, accepting or approving any architectural, engineering, inspection, construction, or material supply contract or subcontract in connection with the construction of the project, shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or in any part thereof. No officer, employee, 10 REV. 4/25/91 architect, attorney, engineer or inspector of or for the CITY who is authorized in such capacity and on behalf of the CITY to exercise any executive, supervisory or other similar functions in connection with the performance of this contract shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or any part hereof. 16. VERBAL AGREEMENT OR CONVERSATION No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent or employee of the CITY, either before, during or after the execution of this contract, shall affect or modify; any of the terms or obligations herein contained, nor such f verbal agreement or conversation entitle the CONSULTANT to any additional payment whatsoever under the terms of this contract. 17. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The CONSULTANT shall file a Conflict of Interest Statement with the City Clerk in accordance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Conflict of Interest Code. The CONSULTANT shall report investments or interests in real property. . . . . . . . . . ..* ..* 11 REV. 4/25/91 Executed by CONSULTANT this 1st day of MAY , 19 92 -* CONSULTANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California P&D Technoloqies, Inc. (name of Consultant) By: (sign here) ATTEST: D.A. Deslatte (print name here) Vice President - Finance (title and organization of signatory) City Clerk (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by CONSULTANT must be attached.) (President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporations. If only one officer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering that officer to bind the corporation.) APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL Acting City Attorney STATE OF CALIFORNIA ;ss. COUNNOF 2~ 406~ } On u/-,/F x before me, personafly appeared personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the 37. 4/25/91 person(s) acted, executed the instrument. SYLVIA A. GAITAN WITNESS my hand and official seal. sig~/-+.&7;~~& - STATE OF CALIFORNIA ; ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1 On April 3. 1992 ---------,-before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared ChristoDher C. Calkins ----- personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person that executed the within instrument as M ager iteadnpartnershig on behalf of Carltas the partnership therein named and acknowledged to me that the pa&ership executed it. NOTAR PUBLIC CALIFORNIA MN DIE00 COUNTY YyComm.trgcm0.c 16 ‘99’ \. 1 *e-s,. YC,.,“.,... , .r,,,,., A tJ Figure 5 SITE LOCATION- MAP ,- ,. . -, PROPOSAL FOR PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE CARLSBAD RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN Submitted to: CITY OF CARLSBAD Planning Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 Contact: Mr. Michael Holzmiller (619) 438-1161 Prepared by: P&D TECHNOLOGIES 401 West “A” Street, Suite 2500 San Diego, California 92101 Contact: Betty Dehoney (619) 232-4466 February 28,1992 March 20,X992 (rev.) . . l 4 Ed March 23, 1992 c&o7bwao#h 401 W ‘A’ Street Sute 2500 San DIego. CA 92101 FAX 6!9!234-3022 619:232-4466 P!annrng Eng,neer/ng liansportat/on Enwronmenta/ Economrcs Landscape Archrtecture Mr. Michael Holzmiller City of Carlsbad Planning Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 An Employee-Owned Company 97300.74 Subject: Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Dear Mr. Holzmiller: P&D Technologies (P&D) is pleased to submit this proposal to assist the City of Carlsbad in the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan project. P&D Technologies is a multidisciplinary firm which is organized into five distinct operating division: environmental services, public works/transportation, planning/economics, land development engineering, and aviation. A major portion of the environmental services division’s work is the preparation of EIRs for local jurisdictions. P&D is adept at working as an extension of City staff on large-scale and often controversial projects. This is evidenced by our recent experience on the San Elijo Ranch EIR (City of San Marcos), the Ranch0 de1 Rey SPA 2 and Ranch0 de1 Rey SPA 3 SEIRs (City of Chula Vista), and the Calavera Lake Golf.Course EIR (City of Carlsbad). P&D is proud of the fact that our EIRs have withstood substantial legal challenges. We are motivated by our commitment to present an objective analysis of potential environmental impacts of the proposed project. P&D is dedicated to providing an independent review of the issues’ associated with the Carl&ad Ranch Specific Plan project and to being available to work with the City on an “on-call” basis. With a successful track record of highly controversial projects involving the City of Carlsbad, P&D is well qualified to assume this challenging assignment. We have assembled a Project Team whose members are noted for their technical capabilities. supported by superior credentials and relevant local experience. Associate arrangements have been made with a leading cultural resources firm (GaIlegos & Associates), paleontological firm (PaleoServices, Inc.), and air quality and acoustics fum (Giroux 8t Associates). P&D’s Project Manager, Betty Dehoney, Director of Environmental Studies, has personally conducted 15 environmenta) projects through the City of Carlsbad, giving her a hands-on, thorough understanding of the procedural and processing requirements of the City. Ms. Dehoney brings strong management skills to this team as the result of her background in projects with Mr. Michael J. Holzmiller City of Carlsbad large-scale controversial and sensitive environmental issues. Providing Quality Control review is Sylvia Salenius, AICP, Vice President of Environmental Programs, a seasoned expert with over 20 years of experience on major EIRs. P&D and our subconsultants do not have nor expect to have in the near future any contractual agreements with the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan applicant/property owner (i.e., the Carltas Company). P&D has reviewed the City’s standard agreement and is able to work under the provisions set forth therein. The contract establishes a milestone billing process. In the event that there are substantial delays (of more than 30 days) due to the City’s review/processing requirements, the applicant, or other factors outside of P&D’s control, P&D will bill the City for costs incurred. This requested amendment in the contract is due to previous projects which have either stopped or the designers/applicant have decided to redesign the project. This has resulted in substantial delays even though extensive effort has been expended conducting the assessments. P&D’s familiarity with the City of Carlsbad, our unblemished history of producing legally sound environmental documents, our sensitivity to the public sector, and our ability to work in unison with City staff forms the basis for P&D’s qualifications. Thank you for the opportunity to present our customized approach to this challenging assignment. We look forward to working . with the City on this project, assisting with the goal of producing an objective, legally defensible Program EIR for the City. Sincerely, Director of Environmental Studies BD:be . TABLE OF CONTENTS Section I Section II Section III Section IV Section V Section VI PROJECT UNDERSTANDING AND APPROACH ... I-l l Understanding of the Project .................. I-1 l Overall Methodology ....................... I-2 l Description of Tasks ....................... I-2 FIRM QUALIPICATIONS ...................... II-Z l P&D Technologies ......................... II-2 l Gallegos & Associates ...................... 11-2 . PaleoServices, Inc. ......................... II-2 . Giroux & Associates ....................... 11-2 PROJECT TEAM .......................... III-Z l Management Staff ........................ III-2 l Organization Chart ........................ III-3 l Key Personnel ........................... HI-4 PROJECT EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES ..... W-l l P&D Technologies ....................... IV-I l Gallegos & Associates ..................... IV-5 l PaleoServices, Inc. ........................ N-6 l Giroux & Associates ....................... IV-6 l References ............................. W-7 PROJECT SCHEDULE ........................ V-Z APPENDIX .............................. VI-I l Resumes l Sample Mitigation/Monitoring Rograms Sect&m I Project Understanding and Approach Sdion I PROJECT UNDERSTANDING AND APPROACH UNDERSTANDING OF THE PROJECT P&D believes that the key issues of concern for the proposed Carl&ad Ranch Specific Plan are visual aesthetics/grading and land use compatibility. The project site is a highly visible landmark in the City of Carlsbad. The site currently supports an expanse of colorful flower fields which can be seen from several heavily traveled roadways in the project vicinity, including Interstate 5. P&D will develop state-of-the-art computer visual simulations that will provide City staff, the public, and the decision makers with realistic representations of both the grading and the completed project. P&D will be able to demonstrate exactly what the changes to the existing aesthetic setting wiIl be by utilizing a unique three dimensional ‘framework-type” computer simulation program. The proposed landform alteration and proposed changes to viewsheds will be thoroughly anaIyzed in the EIR. P&D has recently completed visual simulations for the Pine Valley EIR (County of San Diego) and the Linda Vista Street Improvement project (City of San Diego). A sample of the Linda Vista Street Improvement simulations are presented in the appendix for your review. The Carl&ad Ranch Specific Plan will be processed concurrently with a General Plan Amendment, Local Coastal Plan Amendment, and Land Conservation Contract Amendment. P&D’s land use compatibility assessment will present a multi-level analysis including an analysis P&D Technologies Page I-I of the project’s consistency with applicable plans, policies, and regulations; the appropriateness of conversion of agricultural land; and compatibility with adjacent uses. P&D is known for their detailed-oriented land use analyses, and has extensive experience on large-scale Specific Plan/General Plan Amndment EIRs of a similar magnitude. Some of our recent relevant experience in completing complex land use assessments for local jurisdictions includes the San Elijo Ranch EIR (City of San Marcos), the Old Coach Golf Estates EIR (City of Poway), and the Ranch0 De1 Rey SPA 2 and 3 SEIRs (City of Chula Vista). P&D will ensure the City of a comprehensive and methodical approach to the land use analysis. P&D will work closely with City staff during the preparation of the EIR to maximize the efficiency of the report preparation. P&D’s Project Manager, Ms. Betty Dehoney, has demonstrated P&D’s ability to perform the level of coordination that is required on this type of project. P&D’s familiarity with the City’s environmental review procedures and recent relevant experience (see Section IV) will facilitate P&D’s ability to meet the City’s scheduling requirements on this project and to prepare a legally defensible EIR. Ms. Dehoney has worked on a number of EIRs for the City of Carlsbad, and has a proven track record for successfully performing the tasks required to comply with CEQA. Ms. Dehoney will manage the organization of the project team to ensure responsiveness to the City’s needs. She will participate in alI project meetings and public hearings as the City’s environmental expert on the Carl&ad Ranch Specific Plan Project EIR. OVERALL METHODOLOGY The technical and procedural requirements of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Program EIR will be accomplished within the framework of completing four major tasks. These tasks include: Task 1 - Project Initiation and Scoping Task 2 - Prepare Draft Program EIR Task 3 - Prepare Final Rogram EIR Task 4 - Meetings and Hearings DESCRIPTION OF TASKS This section of our proposal briefly summa&es the activities that are associated with each of the four tasks. This scope is based on the RFP and the pre-proposal conference held at the City on February 5,1992. P&D Technologies Page I-2 Task 1. Project Initiation and Scoping P&D’s Project Manager will attend a kick-off meeting with the City’s Project Manager to obtain all project information necessary to prepare the EIR. The main objectives of this task are to clearly define the project description and approach to the issue analysis to be conducted for the EIR. In addition, projects to be included in the cumulative impact analysis will he defmed. P&D’s Project Manager will participate in one public scoping meeting. P&D will prepare the project description and submit it to the City for review and comment. The basis for the technical analyses in the EIR will be formulated from the approved project description. P&D will work with the City to clarify the project alternatives. P&D will prepare the Notice of Preparation @TOP) and list of responsible agencies and other agencies to be consulted for the EIR. The City will distribute the NOP to the ‘appropriate recipients. Upon receipt of comments on the NOP, P&D and City staff will review the comments to ensure that the scoping of the ElR is adequate. Should additional issues or other analyses be required, P&D will work with the City to modify the scope and cost accordingly. Task 2 - Prepare Draft Program EIR The preparation of the technical/resource studies will rely on both secondary source data as well as on primary field investigation. Issues to be addressed in the ElR include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Agriculture and Open Space 7. Noise Air Quality 8. Solid Waste Archaeological Resources/Paleontology 9. Visual Aesthetics/Grading Biology 10. Water Quality Circulation 11. Cumulative Impacts Land Use Compatibility 12. Growth Inducement 13. Alternatives Each issue will be presented in the following format: . Existing Conditiohs . IIlpCtS . Mitigation/Monitoring . Analysis of Significance The impact assessment process to be used will identify the types of impacts that could occur, the resource sensitivity, whether impacts would be direct or indirect, and the duration of impacts (short-term vs. long-term). The determination of significance or non-significance of adverse impacts will be conducted. P&D’s Reject Manager will keep the City’s Project Manager informed as to the significance of impacts as the issue analyses are completed. This will allow for the consideration of significant impacts during the project planning process and the P&D Technologies Page I-3 incorporation of recommended actions necessaty to avoid or mitigate significant impacts into the project design. The impacts evaluation will be consistent with the level of project detail. If future tentative maps are consistent with the project description identified in this EIR, then this EIR will serve for future discretionary actions. This is, of course, subject to CEQA Guidelines pertaining to changes in the project or environmental impacts. Recommendations on feasible mitigation/monitoring measures which could reduce or eliminate significant adverse impacts from the proposed Carl&ad Ranch Specific Plan project will be made for each issue. Mitigation recommendations will be at a level that is appropriate for the project. In addition, a separate stand-alone Mitigation Monitoring Program will be prepared for the project. This will consist of both a detailed description and a summary table indicating the mitigation measure, responsibility for implementation, timing, and monitoring requirements. The approach for the impact analysis of each environmental issue is summarized below. Agriculture and Open Space The Agricultural Study prepared by Agland Investments Services Inc. (October 1991) will be reviewed and utilized to the extent possible. The current agricultural land use onsite will be described in the Existing Conditions section. Important Farmland classifications will be reviewed utilizing the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Soil Conservation Service (SCS) maps and land under Williamson Act Land Conservation contract will be identified. The City of Carlsbad General Plan will be reviewed for relevant policies related to agricultural land uses. The impacts section will describe the amount of agricultural land which would be converted under the proposed project. The degree of impact will be based on the amount (extent) of change, and the potential for agricultural production based on SCS classifications, and consistency with Williamson Act and General Plan policies. Land use compatibility between the remaining agricuitural uses and the proposed Specific Plan uses (including borrow and stockpile sites in agricultural areas) will be discussed. Mitigation’measures will be proposed as necessary to reduce the amount of converted agricultural land if impacts are determined to be significant. Air Quality A technical air quality assessment will be conducted using the California Air Resources Board’s (ARB) Air Quality Analysis Tools (AQAT) computer model series. An atmospheric envirmment setting will be performed based on meteorological data on winds, inversions and stability primarily from National Weather Service data and on a baseline air quality characterization based on data from the Oceanside air monitoring station. Temporary construction activity emissions will be calculated based on typical dust generation factors including assumptions for heavy equipment operations. The significance of impacts will be determined based on the sensitivity of receptors in the project area. Lofting of pesticides and dust from continuing agricultural activity and converted agricultural lands during grading will be discussed. P&D Technologies Page I4 Long-term regional vehicular emissions using the most current URBEMIS#3 (urban emissions) computer model will be calculated. The potential for any microscale air pollution hotspot formation using the revised CALINE4 line source dispersion model will be evaluated. The project’s consistency with the regional air quality management plan in terms of land use planning will be documented. Any applicable mitigation measures will be identified for construction fugitive emissions and equipment exhaust impacts, as well as any relevant transportation control measures (TCMs) and any reasonable available control measures (R4CMs) incorporated into the San Diego Air Basin of the California State Implementation Plan (SIP). The findings of the technical air quality assessment will be incorporated into the EIR. Archaeological Resources/Paleontology Survey A cultural resource survey of the approximately 420-acre Carlsbad Ranch property will be completed. This survey will be conducted in accordance with the City of Carlsbad and CEQA guidelines. Field personnel will survey using transects no wider than ten to twelve meters. High probability areas, such as those adjacent to a known site or those atop a knoll or ridge will be intensively surveyed for cultural resources. All previously recorded sites will be relocated and carefully examined. Should additional sites be encountered, they will be recorded on State of California site record forms and recommended for testing> Testing The objective of the testing program will be to determine site importance under City of Carlsbad Guidelines and CEQA for three of the five previously recorded archaeological sites (CA-SDi- 8797/SDM-W-116, SDM-W-117, SDM-W-118, SDM-W-125, and SDM-W-129). The sites were recorded during the 1920s by Malcolm Rogers and are part of a large complex of sites located along Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The sites include cobble hearths, ceramic sherds, stone tools, shell, human burials, and dark midden soil. All of the sites have been disturbed by agricultural activity; however, there is a potential for undisturbed deposits below the plow zone. Testing will be conducted to determine site size, depth, content, integrity and potential to address important research questions. Field methods will include collection of surface artifacts as necessary; site mapping; shovel test pits (SIPS) to determine site size and depth; and one to two 1 by 1 meter units to determine site content, integrity and potential to address important research questions. Field and laboratory methods and report preparation are discussed below. . Collection of Diagnostic Surface Artifacts - In the course of testing only diagnostic artifacts will be collected. These artifacts will be mapped by provenience. . Subsurface Assessment - Excavation of shovel test pits (STPs) - STPs will be placed along a north-south and east-west grid system in 10 to 20 meter intervals, depending on P&D Technologies Page l-5 site size. All excavated soil will be processed through l/8” screen mesh. All artifacts/ecofacts will be collected/bagged by STP and depth, and notes completed. . One to two 1 by 1 meter test unit(s) will be excavated at each site. Additional units may need to be excavated at the direction of the City of Carl&ad. Additional units are not covered under this scope of work. Unit placement will be determined by either the highest or more complex concentration of subsurface material as indicated by STPs or, the area most likely to possess subsurface material (based on surface remains or natural features). Each unit will be excavated in 10 centimeter levels and excavated to sterile which is defined as bedrock or one level with no cultural material present. If two consecutive levels record a significant drop-off in cultural materials with the presence of the cultural material explained in terms of natural processes, then that is defined as sterile. . Site Mauning - A site map will be prepared for each site showing location of STPS, 1 by 1 meter units, provenience of collected diagnostic surface artifacts and significant landform and/or landmarks. . Reuort Preoaration - Evaluate the sites/loci in terms of site size, depth, content, integrity and potential to address important research questions as per City of Carlsbad Guidelines and CEQA. Present all results in a report which will satisfy the concerns of the City of Carlsbad. The findings of the cultural resources report will incorporated into the EIR. PaleoServices, Inc. will conduct a palcontological resources analysis for the project. This will consist of a records search, literature search, and a field survey. A separate technical report with the results of the recordVliterature search and field work will be prepared. A description of onsite geology, the potential of the underlying geologic formations to contain fossils, and any recorded paleontological sites onsite and in the vicinity will be provided. Potential impacts to any fossil-bearing formations will be based on a review of the proposed grading plans. Mitigation measures will be proposed should potential impacts to fossiliferous forming strata be identified. A recommendation regarding the need for further work and mitigation monitoring will be presented. The findings of the technical paleontological report will be incorporated into the EIR. Biology P&D biologists will conduct a survey of the 423 acre project site focussing primarily on the areas currently not in agricultural production. Confirmation of biological resources will be conducted utilizing the existing 1987 biological report (provided by the City of Carl&ad). A complete floral and faunal survey will be conducted within areas supporting native vegetation. P&D will prepare a uchnical biology report for inclusion in the ER appendix. Assuming existing conditions are the same as previously documented, the information of the 1987 report P&D Technobgies Page Id will be uti.l&d as primary reference material. ‘The technical report will include existing conditions, potential direct and indirect impacts, and mitigation rquirements. The impact section of the report will provide an evaluation of all grading and development onsite. Offsite improvements, such as circulation network or other infrastructure, are not included within this scope of work. The significance of impacts for each biological resource identified onsite as well as any indirect impacts which may occur to surrounding areas (e.g., streams and lagoon environments) will be analyzcd The report will include a table summarizing impacts with acreages of each habitat type which will be impacted and/or preserved. Mitigation measures for significant impacts will also be presented in the technical report. Mitigation measures will be conceptual with enough detail for the preparation of a detailed mitigation program if required at a later time. A detailed mitigation program is not included in this scope of work. A complete floral and fauna) list will be included in the report. If extensive habitats or sensitive plant or animal species are identified which were not shown on the Specific Plan map provided to P&D, additional costs may incur. The findings of the technical biological report will be incorporated into the EIR. Circulation P&D will incorporate the findings of the City-approved traffic report (prepared by Urban Systems Associates) into the EIR uxt. Mitigation measures to reduce pountially significant impacts to below a level of significance will be based on the recommendations contained in the technical traffic report. If the traffic report is not provided in a timely manner, P&D will proceed with the preparation of the screencheck EIR to the extent feasible. Sections which are dependent on traffic (air and noise) will be delayed. P&D will coordinate with City staff to identify the appropriate strategy for the EIR preparation. Land Use Compatibility . Existing land uses onsite (i.e., agricultural uses and native habitat areas) will be described. The adopted General Plan and Local Coastal Plan (LCP) land use designations onsiu and adjacent to the site will be narratively and graphically described. Relevant excerpts from the City of Carlsbad’s General Plan Land Use Element (and other elements if appropriate) and zoning for the project site will be documented. The Palomar McClellan Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) will be reviewed with regard to compatibility of land uses with air operations. Other applicable ‘City ordinances, regulations, and administrative policies will be reviewed and described in the EIR text. The EJR will present a multi-level analysis of pountial land use impacts including plan-to plan, plan-to-ground, and plan-to-adjacent development. The plan-to-plan analysis will evaluau the project’s consistency with the relevant General Plan, LCP, and CLUP policies and other applicable ordinances@olicies. In addition, the proposed change from the adopted Non- Residential Reserve (NRR) land use designation for the site will be documented. The Carlsbad Ranch Mixed-Use Development Analysis (prepared by Alfred Gobar Associates, Inc.) will be utilized to address this reclassification. The plan-to-ground analysis will evaluate the P&D Technologies Page I-I conformance of the project to the environmental goals of relevant City General Plan policies. The intensity of the proposed development and the preservation of open space will be reviewed as part of this analysis. The plan-to-adjacent development will analyze the compatibility of the proposed land uses to existing and planned surrounding land uses. This will include the compatibility of the proposed public driving range with the Williamson Act Agricultural Preserve, the compatibility of the proposed development and adjacent agricultural uses onsite and McClellan Palomar Airport uses offsite. Mitigation recommendations will be made as appropriate. Noise P&D will conduct a third party independent review of the noise study that was prepared by Mestre-Greve Associates (June 1991). The methods used and the conclusions of the noise study will be reviewed for adequacy for inclusion in the EIR. If it is determined that revisions are required to the noise study, a detailed written description of the required modifications will be provided to the City. If revisions are necessary, the revised study will be reviewed. The findings of the accepted noise study will be incorporated into the EIR text. Solid Waste Existing solid waste facilities will be described including the landfill serving the site, recycling facilities and transfer stations. The integrated waste management planning context will be described (A.B. 939). Existing and projected waste generation and disposal capacity will be presented. The impacts section will provide anticipated waste generation and wastestream characteristics of the project (during construction and maintenance of the proposed uses), source reduction and recycling related to the project, impacts on solid waste services and capacity, and consistency with A.B. 939. Cumulative impacts to the regional solid waste situation will also be addressed. Mitigation measures such as project design features for recycling, and recycling and source reduction procedures/programs will be recommended as appropriau. Visual Aesthetics/Grading The existing conditions of the Carl&ad Ranch Specific Plan will be graphically and narratively described. The aesthetic char&cur will be documented through a field visit and photographs of the site. Current landform, slopes, and land uses will be described Pertinent General Plan and other City policies (including the Hillside Development Regulations, Scenic Corridor Guidelines, and Landscape Manual) will be described. Views from existing key observation points and the quality of these views will be described in detail. P&D will prepare up to five simulations to accurately depict the impacts associated with the proposed project. The simulations will be based on the illustrative site plan provided by the City and a three dimensional computer framework to be generated by P&D. This approach will create a realistic representation of the proposed development on the site. These computer simulations are far superior to the widely used technique of manipulating two dimensional elements on a P&D Technologies Page I-8 photograph to create an artist’s impassion. Fit, the proposed development is digit&d into a computer system and then a three dimensional model is created for the project. There will be one model showing the proposed grading and another model depicting the compete project (with buildings and landscaping). The models of the graded site and the completed project are then matched to a site photograph and the combined output is captured on film. The three dimensional model approach allows P&D to create successive views quickly, since ,the model is simply rotated (by the computer) and then matched to a new photograph (i.e., new viewpoint). The entire composition does not have to be recreated with each new view. P&D recommends that the following simulations be included in the analysis. . Palomar Airport Road/Paseo de1 Norte intersection (grading simulation) . Palomar Airport Road/Paseo de1 None intersection (complete project simulation) . Palomar Airport Road westbound (grading simulation) . Palomar Airport Road westbound (complete project simulation) . Either Cannon Road or Paseo de1 Norte (complete project simulation) The simulations will be utilized to prepare the impact assessment section of the EIR In addition, the impact analysis will be based upon the Specific Plan Illustrative site plan, proposed grading plan, and cross-sections. The impact assessment will include an analysis of grading impacts and changes to existing viewsheds. The grading analysis will include a discussion of the amount of earth movement for cut and fill, heights of cut and fill slopes, an assessment of stockpile and borrow locations, specific grading impacts to agricultural soils and operations, conformance with the Hillside Development Ordinance, and overall balancing will also be addressed. The changes to existing visual setting based on conformance with applicable General Plan policies and changes in views will be analyzed. Mitigation recommendations such as revisions to the grading plan, landscaping and other design features will’ be based on existing visual resources, adjacent development, and the policies contained in the relevant plans and ordinances. Mitigation measures will be presenud including phasing of grading and redesign of building heights and land use intensity, if appropriate. Water Quality The existing hydrological setting will be described in general terms. Information will be presented related to surface drainage characteristics and surface flow direction. Existing waur quality will be described to the extent possible based on Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) information for the project area. A review of the proposed storm water management concept will be conducted to verify that from an environmental perspective Best Management Practices have been incorporated into the project design to reduce impacts from urban pollutant runoff. In accordance with conversations with City staff, an engineer’s review of the storm water management concept is not include in this scope of work. The phased grading plans will be reviewed to assess the impact of exposed manufactured slopes on the environment. Erosion control measures (including temporary erosion control during construction) will be addressed particularly for areas to remain in agricultural production. The impacts of the proposed Speci.tic Plan will be evaluated in terms of drainage and potential waur quality impacts downstream. P&D Technologies Page I-9 Mitigation measures to duct the impact of agricultural and urban runoff (including the segregation of agricultural and urban runoff) will be recommended. Cumulative Impacts The EIR will address cumulative impacts as a result of the proposed Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan. This section will list past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future projects with related impacts. A summary of the expected effects of these projects when considered together will be presented. If project specific mitigation measures are available to reduce cumulative impacts, incorporation of these measures into the project will be recommended in the EIR. Growth Inducement Growth inducement will be analyzed in a separate section of the EIR. This section will analyze the potential of the project to induce growth (i.e., any growth which exceeds planned growth and results from new development which would not have taken place in the absence of the proposed project). Since Carlsbad Ranch is centrally located within the City, and only minor extension of services is proposed to serve the project site, no, significant growth inducement impacts are anticipated. Alternatives P&D will evaluate up to four alternatives to the proposed project. The alternatives evaluation will include a comparative analysis between the potential impacts under the proposed project and the alternatives. Each environmental issue area will be addressed in this section. A summary matrix will be provided. Alternatives to be addressed include: . “No Proiect” - The “No Project” alternative would involve no development of the site and no revisions to the adopted General Plan, LCP, and Land Conservation Contract. . Lower Densitv Alternative - This alternative will analyze the impacts of developing the entire property using a 30 percent coverage, as opposed to the proposed clustering of development along the central ridgeline. A “bubble diagram” graphic will be prepared to depict the alternative conceptual layout. . Land Use Alternative/Vocational School Facilitv - This alternative will analyze the impacts associated with a vocational school facility for parcels 1.2, and 3. The impact assessment will be based on the siu plan for the school (to be provided by the City). . Offsite Proiect Alternative - P&D will work with the City to identify an offsite location that would accommodate the proposed project. A general level evaluation will be performed based on available baseline data (to be provided by the City). No field reconnaissance or original research will be conducted for the offsite alternative analysis. P&D Technologies Page I-10 Other CEQA Required sections The other s&ions as required by CEQA will be included in the EIR including Relationship Between Local Short-Term Use of the Environment and the Maintenance and Enhancement of Long-Term Productivity and any Significant Irreversible Environmental Changes which would be involved in the proposed action should it be implemented. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program will be a separate stand-alone document. It will include an Introduction, Project Description, Procedure for implementation of Program, and a Tabular Summary of the Mitigation Monitoring Program. The Mitigation Monitoring Program will identify all of the mitigation monitoring tasks, timeframe, party responsible for task, party responsible for verification, date of completion, and mitigation completion verification by ‘the appropriate City Department. P&D will submit ten copies of the Mitigation Monitoring Program to the City for review. The Mitigation Monitoring Program will be revised in accordance with the City’s comments. A sample of a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Rogram prepared by P&D is included in the Appendix for your review. The Mitigation Monitoring recommendations will also be included in the Mitigation/Monitoring subsection for each issue. P&D will provide the City with ten copies of the Screencheck Draft EIR (not to exceed 200 pages) and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for review. P&D will revise the Screencheck Draft EIR upon receipt of the City’s comments. P&D will submit un copies of the Revised Draft Program EIR and appendices. Upon approval by the City, the Revised Draft Program EJR will be prepared for circulation as the City Approved Draft Program EIR. Fifty copies (25 in three-ring binders and 25 comb-bound) of the Draft Rogram EIR (not to exceed 200 pages) with appendices (not to exceed 500 pages) will be prepared by P&D for distribution by the City. Should the number of pages exceed this estimate, additional copies will be billed separately on a time and materials basis. One reproducible master copy of the Draft Program ElR and one disk, suitable for the City’s computers will be submitted as well. P&D will prepare the Notice of Completion. The public review period will follow. Task 3 - Prepare kinal Program EIR P&D will prepare response to public comments received during the public review period (assume a maximum sf 30 substantive comments). Ten copies of the responses and comments will be submitted to the City for their review, and subsequently revised as appropriate. The text and graphics of the Draft EIR will be revised as required in response to the comments received. The comments and responses, together with the Draft EIR will constitute the Final EIR. P&D will provide ten Final EIRs to the City for review and comment. The Final EIR will be revised in accordance with the City’s comments. P&D will submit 50 copies (25 in three-ring binders and 25 comb-bound) of the Final EIR (not to exceed 300 pages) and appendices (not to exceed 500 pages). One reproducible master copy of the Final Rogram EIR and one disk, suitable for the ’ P&D Technologies Page I-II City’s computers will be submitted as well. Should the number of pages exceed this estimate, additional copies will be billed on a time and materials basis. Task 4 - Meetings and Hear@gs P&D’s Project Manager, Ms. Betty Dehoney, .will attend up to 14 meetings and/or hearings. Meetings have been budgeted at four hours each. Hearings have been budgeted at six hours each. Based on the RFP, the following meetings are anticipated: . Kick-off meeting with City staff . Public scoping meeting . Bi-weekly progress meetings with City staff between kick-off and submittal of the screencheck draft. Four progress reports will be submitted to the City . Two meetings with staff to review comments on the screencheck draft . Two meetings with staff to review responses to public comments and final draft . Up to four public hearings with presentations as necessary as determined by City staff Should additional meetings/hearings be required, costs will be billed on a time and materials basis. P&D Technologies Page I-12 Section N Firm Qualifications Section II FIRM QUALIFICATIONS P&D TECHNOLOGIES P&D Technologies’ Environmental Sentices Division provides a variety of services to public and private clients throughout the Southern California area. The principal staff have from un to fifteen years’ experience with environmental compliance requirements, and are knowledgeable in current legislation and regulations. P&D’s areas of expertise include environmental analysis and documentation, ecological inventory and monitoring, feasibility and site selection studies, state-of-the-art conceptual visual analysis, Geographic Information System (GIS), and public involvement programs. P&D is particularly experienced in providing legally defensible environmental documentation for controversial projects. P&D staff have completed environmental documents for several controversial EIR projects which have faced serious public opposition. P&D Technologies specializes in large land development projects, and the senior staff have worked on numerous major land development projects including Ranch0 de1 Rey SPAS II and III EIRs, Oceanside Annexation EIR, and San Elijo Ranch EIR. Recent experience in Carlsbad has included Calavera Lake Golf Course EIR, Aviara, Larwin Park, Cannon Road Assessment District, and ‘Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Plan Permitting. Our environmental services are supported and augmented by P&D’s in-house planning, economics and public finance, transportation, engineering, surveying and graphics services. The staff of P&D Environmental Smites Division are skilled at tailoring compliance activities and documentation to each agency’s regulations, or each client’s particular needs, while providing comprehensive and legally defensible products. P&D Technologies has proven experience in completing State-required Environmental Impact Reports (EIR), federally-required Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), and other P&D Technologies Page II-1 environmental analyses and assessments for a variety of proposed urban and infrastructure development projects. Principal services that P&D offers to carry out environmental compliance requirements include: . Identification of federal, state and local requirements for permits and environmental reports . Evaluation of sites in terms of environmental, engineering and regulatory criteria . Design and implementation of environmental baseline survey and measurement programs Over 500 environmental impact reports and statements have been prepared by P&D in the last five years on a broad spectrum of public and private projects. P&D’s primary area of expertise is the provision of high quality environmental documentation required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEQA). . The in-house library houses up-to-date copies of guidelines issued by State of California Resources Agency, State Water Quality Control Board, City and County of San Diego, Caltrans, Federal Highway Administration, Council on Environmental Quality, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and Department of Housing and Urban Development. EIR guidelines used by many other San Diego County cities are also included in the library’s collection. Listings of rare and endangered species by Federal and State agencies and special interest groups are kept on file, as well as listings of local, State and Federal historic resources. P&D staf? members have a broad bases of experience working with these guidelines to prepare EIRs and EISs in the San Diego region and throughout California.’ As a result of their knowledgeable adherence to agency guidelines, P&D Technologies has never experienced a viable legal challenge to an EIR or EIS. GALLEGOS & ASSOCIATES Gallegos & Associates is a small minority business located in Carl&ad, California, which provides the federal government and other agencies with cultural resource consulting services using highly qualified personnel. Studies conducted by the firm include the full range of federal overviews, inventories, probability modeling through sample inventories, National Regisur evaluation pqrams, preparation of treatment plans, data recovery programs, management programs for the protection of cultural resources, and use of cultural resources for public education. All of the staff have conducted federal studies necessitating National Register evaluations for 106 compliance. In addition, Mr. Gallegos and staff have had previous experience as federal and/or local agency employees, and understand the needs of the federal government The firm’s staff has previously worked together to complete a number of cultural resource studies for federal and local agencies, including lithic analysis and faunal studies. P&D Technologies Page II-2 Specialized services such as soils, pollen, obsidian hydration/sourcing studies, and radiocarbon dating are available. PALEOSERVICES, INC. PaleoServices, Inc. is a San Diego based consulting firm specializing in the collection, salvage, and preparation of paleontological resources (fossils) from development-slated assessment of property, *relevant to environmental impact studies. The firm has over nine years experience in providing technical expertise in paleontological resource evaluation for EIR consulting firms. This work has involved assessment of resource sensitivity and potential impacts, as well as proposal of impact mitigation measures. Paleoservices projects have included new roadway construction, roadway realignments, residential and commercial developments, pipelines, and transmission lines. The firm has an ongoing working relationship with the San Diego Natural History Museum, where significant fossils discovered at various project sites have been, or are’ currently on public exhibit. GIROUX & ASSOCIATES Giroux & Associates has been involved in air quality and acoustical impact concerns from a wide variety of projects for over two decades. Mr. Giroux is well known to environmental, planning and enforcement staffs at local, county, state and federal agency staffs and the firm’s work products are well respected for their accuracy and relevance. As a small and diverse office, the firm has participated in over 500 environmental investigations. Special&d services include ambient pollution and noise monitoring, computer&d air pollution and noise dispersion modeling, emissions source testing, inert tracer gas field studies, APCD/AQMD permit preparation and processing, expert witness testimony and regulatory agency liaison. General environmental program areas and specific types of experience include preparation of air quality and noise sections for EAs, EIRs, NDs; development of impact mitigation and compliance monitoring plans; and provision of consistency analyses with regional air quality plans and applicable General Plan Noise Elements for land use planning projects throughout the San Diego area. Giroux performs air quality monitoring and modeling form line and area sources; evaluate transportation and air quality planning consistency; performs noise monitoring and impact modeling; evaluates noise abatement criteria and develops noise reduction plans through barriers or structural insulation requirements. P&D Technologies Page II-3 Section III Project Team Section III PROJECT TEAM To achieve the goal of an Environmental Impact Report which is legally defensible and responsive to CEQA will require a staff of technically sound experts who have extensive land development impact assessment experience, all of which is supported with directly relevant project experience. Consequently, a Project Team has been carefully assembled to ensure close client-consultant communications, innovative thinking, and cohesive project implementation. The P&D Project Team has an impressive history in the environmental profession, with a proven track record of over 1,000 legally defensible environmental documents. Additionally, as community liaison experts, P&D enjoys a sound working relationship with the City of Carlsbad staff and the local community. P&D maintains a strong understanding of the project area--a key asset to successful implementation of the overall solicited effort Our familiarity with the area works in unison with an established understanding of the procedure required to process environmental documents under the City. From direct involvement by Ms. Dehoney on the preparation of the EIR, P&D can ensure technical integrity, open communication and an established commitment to meet the schedule. As the result of her past experience in the City of Carlsbad, Betty Dehoney is intimauly familiar with the procedural requirements and key concerns of the City. A seasoned veteran in comprehensive environmental/planning projects, she will coordinau all discipline efforts, including those of our subconsultants: Gallegos & Associaus, PaleoServices, Inc, and Giroux & Associates. P&D Technologies Page III-I Gverview and quality control for this project will he provided by Sylvia Salenius, AICP, Vice President of Environmental Programs. With over 19 years of experience and with principal involvement in such highly visible EIR projects as the 1,400-acre North County Specific Plan EIR, the EIR for the 3,200 unit hillside development of Mission Crest, and the 89%acre recreational community of Desert Hills Ranch in Coachella Valley, Ms. Salenius will commit her expertise to overseeing the project through its duration. An organizational chart detailing the Carl&ad Ranch Specific Plan project team structure is included on page III-3. Following the organization chart are abstracts of the proposed project management staff and key personnel who are listed in alphabetical order. A complete reSume- for each member of the project team is included in the Appendix of this proposal. MANAGEMENT STAFF BBlTY DEHONEY - Project Manager Betty Dehoney, Director of Environmental Studies for P&D Technologies, will serve as Project Manager for the Carlsbad Ranch SPA/GPA EIR She will be respon-sible for technical oversight of document preparation in the areas of EIR/EIS organization, procedures and processing requirements, and overall report consistency and legal sufficiency. Ms. Dehoney has managed the analysis and preparation of many ElRs and environmental assessments throughout San Diego County for various entities, including the County of San Diego and the cities of Carlsbad, Escondido, Vista, San Marcos, Oceanside, San Diego, and Chula Vista, as well as Caltrans. She has 12 years experience in the preparation of environmental documentation, specializing in the preparation of legally defensible environmental documentation for projects with conuoversy and major sensitive environmental issues. Ms. Dehoney has served as project manager with massive citizens and resource agencies opposition associated with large and small scale land development projects. As a result, Ms. Dehoney has extensive experience in the preparation of response to comments, Findings and Statements of Overriding Considerations. Ms. Dehoney works exunsively with the resource agencies to alleviate potential impacts and identify feasible mitigation measures. Understanding the numerous and sometimes conflicting requirements associated with resolving environmental constraints is the key to her resolution- oriented approach to project management. She has had exunsive involvement in the City of Carl&ad based on her involvement with fifteen projects, including Calavera Golf Course EIR, Batiquitm Lagoon Enhancement Permitting, Latin Park Initial Study, PaJomar Airport Road Expansion Studies Permitting, Green Valley Technical Studies, Aviara Technical Studies, Cannon Road Permitting, and Jefferson Street Widening Initial Study. With her demonstrated ability to work extensively with the lead agencies and resource agencies in tandem with project participants, Betty Dehoney brings superior technical and managerial capabilities to the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan project. P&D Technologies Page III-2 CITY OF CARLSBAD I ” PROJECT MANAGER Betty Dehoney TECHNICAL STUDIES AGRICULTURI AIR / NOISE Mary Putnam Hans Giroux ARCHAEOLOGY Dennis Go/logos Carolyn Kyle BIOLOGY Elyssa Robwtson ClRClJlATlON Sachiko Kohatsu LAND USI PALEONTOLOGY May Putnam Tom Damore Sachiko Kohatsu SOUD WASTE Troy Davis VISUAL AtSTHETlCS/ $RADING John lane Roboti Ryan, ASlA WATER QUAW Sachiko Kohatsu . PROJECT TEAM ORGANIZATION P&D Technologies Page III-3 . SYLVIA SALJZNIUS, AICP - Principal-h- C-e TO optimise pufomance quality, Sylvia Salenius, AICP, P&D’s Vice President of Environmental Programs, will be the Principal-In-Charge, providing the quality control and technical review for regulatory compliance. Having spent much of her 20-year career addressing the relationships of land use and associated impacts, she specializes in the preparation of legally sound environmental documents for complex, controversial projects. She has served as project manager or principal-in-charge for the 1,4fJ&acre North County Specific Plan EIR, the EIR on Mission Crest development proposed for annexation to the City of Corona, the EIB on the Irvine Technology Complex Tentative Map for the City of Irvine, and the Land Use and Demographic Forecast for Canyon Lake Hills planned community in Lake Elsinore. As Principal-In-Charge she will scrutinize critical phases of document preparation prior to release of the document to the City of Carlsbad or the public. This review will aid in the prompt execution of the document through a consistent legal and technical analysis process, ultimately providing for a sound, defensible EIR. KEY PERSONNEL TROY DAVIS - Solid Wuste Troy Davis has over ten years of professional experience in the environmental field With an educational background in geography and biology, she has been responsible for research, writing and project management for environmental documents on a variety of projects throughout Southern California. Projects include General Plan Amendments, Specific Plan Amendments, sand mines, residential and commercial developments, and public facilities. She is knowledgeable of solid waste legislation and related issues. Ms. Davis wrote the Alternatives analysis, as well as the Public Services and Facilities analysis for the North County Landfill EIWEIS, and provided responses to public review comments on the document. She has further developed her expertise by providing the solid waste sections for a number of environmental documents addressing land development projects including Bougainvillea Golf Course Residential and Resort EIR, and 4s Ranch Specific Plan Amendment EIR. TOM DEiUERE - Paleontology Tom Demere has worked as a professional paleontologist for eighteen years. Since 198 1, he has worked as an environmental consultant (under the firm name PaleoServiccs, Inc.) to various planning firms, municipalities, and land development companies. In this capacity, Mr. Demere’s work has ranged from initial resource assessments, through impact evaluation, to actual impact mitigation. Although the majority of this work has been with residential and commercial developments within San Diego County, it has also involved a number of water or natural gas pipeline and utility transmission line projects as well as roadways projects in Southern California. P&D Technolog’ks Page III4 DENNIS GAUEGOS - Archaeology Dennis Gallegos’ experience in the San Diego County region includes directing and authoring survey, testing and data recovery programs. His recent experience in San Diego County includes the preparation of a planning document for the City of Escondido’s General Plan Amendment, pufounance of a cultural resource inventory for I,flilfl acres of Lilac Ranch EIR, and coordination of a survey and testing program for Colachis in the. area surrounding Lake Hodges, among others. Dennis Gallegos has conducted cultural resource studies since 1969 for the State of California, Federal Government and local agencies. These studies include constraint level record searches, surveys, testing programs and mitigation of impacts programs for avoidance/open space or large scale data recovery programs. Mr. Gallegos has been a senior archaeologist involved in planning and management for the past ten years, and has directed over 200 cultural resource studies within the County of San Diego. Mr. Gallegos is familiar in working with agency requirements and NEPA and CEQA requirements. HANS GIROUX - Air/Noise Hans Giroux, Principal at Giroux & Associates, will perform the air quality and noise analyses for this assignment. Since 1977 he has served as an atmospheric impact processes consultant. He has prepared air quality impact assessments for road widening projects, recreational land uses, airports, harbors, residential uses, and commercial facilities. He has performed air environment data acquisition programs, developed airllow and diffusion computer models, and performed microscale~ and regional airflow analysis. Mr. Giroux has extensive experience in the preparation of acoustical evaluations for various projects, and is familiar with the City of Carlsbad’s policies. His recent Carlsbad experience includes the Ranch0 Carrillo Business Park, Bressi Ranch Development, Carlsbad Boulevard Widening, Carlsbad Pacific Industrial Park, Macario Park Development, and the Tabata Property EIR. Mr. Giroux has conducted several studies for major residential and mixed-use developments including the Ritter Ranch EIR and the EastLake EIR. . SACHIKO KOHATSU - L,and UsefCircuhlion/Worer Qua&y Sachiko Kohatsu is experienced in the compilation and review of environmental documentation and natural resources evaluation for numerous projects throughout San Diego County. Her range of experience includes both federal and state projects, private development and public facilities projects, and new development and redevelopment projects. She has provided documentation in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Her recent project experience includes Calavera Golf Course EIR, San Elijo Ranch EIR, Old Coach Golf Estates EIR, South Bayfront EIR, and Chula Vista’s Ranch0 de1 Rey SPA 3 EIR. Project responsibilities have included analyses of issues. coordination with subconsultants, document preparation and production, attendance at meetings and public hearings. Her role on this EIR will be to provide these services to the City of Carlsbad. P&D Technologies Page III-S JOHN LANE - Visual AestheticslGrading John Lane has worked within the hdscape architectural field for over six years. As a landscape architect, he has gained a broad base of experience in the areas of landscape architecture, visual simulation, physical site planning, and computer applications. His visual simulation experience includes a conceptual design from the Tentative Map for 4s Ranch EIR located in an unincorporated area of northern San Diego County, the conceptual site plan for the Reed Reservoir EIFt in Escondido using the grading plans from the project, developed the conceptual final landform for the Calmat EIR in Poway, and a computer-generated visual simulation for the Palm Court Condominium EIR located in Xmperial Beach in which the illustrations were legally defensible. Currently, Mr. Lane is providing the visual simulation services for the Ocean Point Shopping Center located in Oceanside in which the finished product will be three dimensional exhibits realistically representing the proposed project These illustrations will visually explain what the project will look like once the it is complited. Other areas of Mr. Lane’s expertise include problem solving resulting in aesthetically pleasing solutions for critical traffic, &rastructure, and urban issues as well as golf, resort and residential design. Mr. Lane provided these services mostly recently for the Hawaii Kai development in Oahu, Hawaii. Mr. Lane will be able to draw from his experience on these various projects enhancing the Project Team for the City of Carlsbad’s current solicitation. MARY PUTNAM - Lund UseiAgriculture Mary Putnam has over twelve years experience in environmental planning and assessment for a variety of development projects, with specialization in cultural resoume assessments, land use and visual resource analysis, mitigation monitoring programs, and development of planning documents. She is responsible for project management, the preparation and processing of environmental impact statements and reports, technical reports and other planning documents, and coordination with federal government, local agencies and technical consultants. Relevant project experience includes the La Terraza for the City .of Escondido; Ranch0 San Diego Specific Plan Amendment EIR, the Hidden Meadows SPA/ElR, and. the Rams Hill SPA/EIR for the County of San Diego; Old Coach Golf Estates EIR located in Poway; and Ranch0 de1 Rey SPA 2 EIR for the City of Chula Vista. Mr. Putnam is adept at coordination of data and resources and will facilitate in the required,interface between the EIR consultant and the City. ELYSSA ROBERTSON - Bio&gy Elyssa Robertson, a specialist in biological assessments, sensitive plant surveys, revegetation programs and resource permitting, will serve as project and field coordinator for the biological resources task. Ms. Robertson has over four years experience in impact assessment in San Diego County, and has conducted impact and mitigation analysis on over 30 projects. Her biological field surveys have included plant and animal inventories, sensitive resource suneys, and vegetation mapping. In addition, Ms. Robertson is knowledgeable of the Unified Federal Method of Wetland Delineation. She has prepamd numerous technical biological reports including existing conditions and detailed analysis of impacts and mitigation measures. She has P&D Technologies Puge III4 conducted extensive field surveys for sensitive plant species throughout San Diego, Imperial and Riverside Counties. These include surveys for known localities as well as documenting new populations of sensitive species. Ms. Robertson has coordinated environmental efforts for such projects as Calavera Golf Course EIR, Palomar Airport Road Widening Project, Larwin Park Initial Study, La Costa Avenue Mitigation, and Jefferson Street Widening Project. In addition, Ms. Robertson prepared a mitigation plan and site alternatives for riparian revegetation in Macario Canyon and performed environmental tasks on the Cannon Road Assessment District in the City of Carlsbad. ROBERT RYAN, ASLA - Visual AestheticsiGrading Robert Ryan has a wide range of experience as a landscape architect and project planner. As a landscape architect, he possess a thorough knowledge of native plant material and environmental systems which have been utilized in design of wildlife and riparian habitat restoration plans. As a project planner, he has worked on master plans, specific plans, and preliminary planning studies for large-scale urban design projects as well as detailed designs for communities in Southern California. Mr. Ryan’s capabilities with computer visual simulation models have been a valuable tool in the communication of land use enhancement design to the community and local citizen’s groups. These projects have been implemented around the theme which is unique for each project using planting and other natural elements characteristic to the surrounding area. Recent project experience includes, the Buena Vista Lagoon Bike Path in which a landscape habitat mitigation plan was developed and implemented, Aviara where a conceptual park design and recreational facilities were designed, and the San Marcos Creek project where a rock quarry enhancement plan complete with riparian enhancement was created. Mr. Ryan’s design detailing expertise has made possible the vital transition from a creative design solution into an aesthetically pleasing reality. He will utilize his diverse experience to represent the visual simulations component of the Project Team. P&D Technologies Page III-7 Section Iv Project Experience and References Section N PROJECT EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES P&D Technologies is experienced in the preparation of EIRs for major, controversial, and complex land development projects. These projects have included planned communities, landfills, major airport expansions, and jails. P&D Technologies enters each and every project assuming that the project will be challenged. Recent projects of the team include: P&D TECHNOLOGIES CALAVERA LAKE GOLF COURSE EIR Carlsbiad, Cai(fiw@a The Calavera Lake Golf Course environmental constraints project is located on 252-acres in the northeast comer of the City of Carlsbad surrounding Calavera Lake. Biological and archaeological constraints were evaluated to aid in the design of an environmentally sensitive golf course plan. Sensitive biological habitats include Diegan coastal sage scrub, native California grassland, southern oak woodland and riparian woodland. With completion of the golf course plan, an EIR addressing impacts of development was prepared. Issues evaluated included land use, visual quality, access/circulation, geology/soils, hydrology/water quality, economics/public finance, biology, cultural resources, water/water reclamation/sewer, and alternatives. BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PLAN PERMITTING Carisbad, California P&D prepared and coordinated the permit application process for this major regional enhancement project. The Port of Los Angeles proposed to dredge and conduct other enhancement processes in Batiquitos lagoon to mitigate impacts associated with construction plans in the Port of Los Angeles. Nearly 15 separate permitting processes were required. CANNON ROAD REACH 1 ASSESStiNT DISTRICT Carlsbh California Ms. Dehoney was the project manager for the proposed Cannon Road Assessment District permitting. The project consisted of the construction of a major roadway, bridge, sewer and pump station located near Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Mitigation for impacts to riparian and marsh habitat was designed in Macario Canyon. Resource agencies included U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Coastal Commission and California Department of Fish and Game. The mitigation program, including monitoring, was coordinated through all agencies. P&D Technologies Page IV-1 CANNON ROAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Cadsbad, Ca&fornia P&D provided environmental consulting and permitting services for Cannon Road Assessment District. The project consisted of the construction of a major roadway, bridge, sewer and pump station located near Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Mitigation and monitoring design for impacts to riparian and marsh habitat in Macario Canyon was provided by P&D. Resource agencies involved in the project included U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Coastal Commission, and California Department of Fish and Game. P&D coordinated the mitigation and monitoring program with each of the participating agencies and also provided environmental consulting for the project and the engineering for a portion of the road. CITY OF CARJISBAD WCAL COASTAL PROGRAM C&bad, California The Local Coastal Program for the City of Carlsbad represented a comprehensive analysis and land use plan for a 15square mile area of sensitive coastal area. The plan designated ateas for agricultural, residential, commercial, open space and recreational uses and the location of public facilities, transportation corridors, and coastal access points. Services included land use planning, implementation plan, and public participation program. RANCH0 DEL REY SPA 2 SEIR Chub Vista, Colifornita The El Ranch0 De1 Rey Specific Plan area encompasses approximately 2,450 acres located east of I-805, south and west of Gtay Lakes Road, and north of Telegraph Canyon Road in the City of Chula Vista. SPA II consists of a detailed plan for 567 single-family r&dential development, community facilities, park and open space uses on approximately 370 acres located northeast of the intersection of East H Street and Ridgeback Road. Sensitive issues include .traffic, visual quality, and biological resources. PAWMAR AIRPORT ROAD WIDENING Cdsbad, Caljfomia Ms. Dehoney was the project manager for the proposed Palomar Airport Widening project The road widening affected riparian and wetland resources which were located on both sides of the road. A mitigation progtam was designed and coordinated through the resource agencies including U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, California Fish and Game and California Coastal Commission. . P&D Technologies Page IV-2 SAN ELIJO RANCH EIR San’ Marcos, CIJ(fornia An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for the San Elijo Ranch project which encompasses 2,149 acres near the southernmost boundary of the City of San Marcos. The project proposes to develop a maximum of 2,744 varied residential units, a destination resort hotel and restaurant, l&hole golf course, tennis and swim club, elementary school, and fue station/sheriff’s substation. In addition, approximately 1,418 acres of the site is devoted to open space in the form of a regional park, wildlife preserve, neighborhood park, natural open space, and landscape common areas. The development of this project necessitates the realignment of Questhaven Road from its western connection with Ranch0 Santa Fe Road to its intersection with Twin Oaks Valley Road extension to the east. Environmental constraints on the site included steep topography, sensitive biological resources (California gnatcatcher), riparian vegetation, sensitive plant species (summer holly), and traffic. Major circulation element impacts required extensi.ve offsite improvements. . RANCH0 DEL REY SPA 3 SEIR Chula Vista, California The El Ranch0 De1 Rey Specific Plan area encompasses approximately 2,450 acres located east of I-805, south and west of Qtay Lakes Road, and north of Telegraph Canyon Road in the City of Chula Vista. SPA III proposes the construction of 1,380 single-family residential units, 530 dwelling units of specialty housing for a retirement community, a school site, neighborhood park and open space uses on approximately 408 acres. Sensitive biological resources included at least one avian species and one reptile species under consideration as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. Impacts to the coastal sage scrub community and its sensitive plant species were identified as significant. AVIARA RESIDENTIAL AND RESORT COMMUNITY Carlsbad, Caf~ornia The Aviara residential and resort community is a l,OOO-acre master planned project in the City of Carlsbad, on the north shore of Batiquitos Lagoon. The master plan includes a total of 2,600 units: an 18-hole championship’golf course; resort hotel, conference center, sports complex and spa; public park and school. The project planning and design has included extensive provisions for the protection of sensitive upland habitats and the adjacent lagoon. A pedestrian/bicycle pathway and linear park is designed along the lagoon and is part of a system that will ultimately connect to the ocean. Project plans call for the dredging and restoration of the lagoon which will remain as an important v$dlife habitat and visual focus for the community. The phased development plan covers 32 separate but coordinated plan areas. Construction is expected to extend over the next 7-10 years. Services provided include Master Plan update, tentative and final maps, improvement plans, coastal resource sweys and documentation, environmental analysis, planning approvals and construction scheduling, and cost estimates. P&D Technologies Page IV-3 LARWIN PARK Carls~ Cai#omia Larwin Park is a 22-acre hillside park which has site constraints such as: two high power SDG&E transmission lines in a 150 foot easement, limiting park design; a 164nch Santa Fe Petroleum Pipeline, limiting amount of cut and fill; hillside. terrain, making siting of facilities (tennis courts, ballfield, park areas and rest rooms) a difficult process. P&D was able to work with the landscape architect to develop a site plan that met the cities active use goals. RANCH0 SAN DIEGO SPECIFIC PLAN AND EIR San Diego, Cahfomiu P&D Technologies completed all aspects of planning and design for the 3,000-acre master planned Ranch0 San Diego community in San Diego County. P&D completed a full spectrum of site constraint and environmental studies including slope analysis, biological and archaeological studies, and a regional traffic analysis. The EIR for the plan addressed growth inducement, conformance with existing plans and policies, air quality and energy impacts, effects on public services .and facilities (including wastewater treatment), and effects on natural resources. In addition to single and multi-family residential use, the project included loo-acre regional shopping center to serve as a focus of the Ranch0 San Diego new town, and three ncighborhood shopping facilities and an industrial park. TEMESCAL VALLEY PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN PROCESSING AND ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION Riverside County, California Land planning, processing assistance and environmental services were provided on the Specific Plan and EIR for the Temescal Valley Properties. The project is comprised of separate residential communities, as well as commercial and industrial parcels in the Temescal Valley, located along I-15 between Corona and Lake Elsinore, California. Sensitive planning, land uses and distribution of densities was required to assure compatibility with adjacent rural equestrian estates and citrus orchards. Design of a Nature Park was closely coordinated with a P&D in- house biologist to assure that riparian habitat was preserved. Since the project involved removal of property from ‘agricultural preserve status, P&D’s Environmental Studies Unit prepared detailed documentation of productivity impacts in consultation with agricultural extension staff. Extensive buffer zones were established to protect surrounding sensitive uses and to buffer the project site from adjacent sand and gravel mining activities. The resulting project is an existing plan which represents a successful compromise of a variety of competing interests. 4s RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT EIR San Diego county, Callfomia The EIR for this project addressed the ph& development of a 3,615-am site in the central portion of San Diego County, with a mixture of office, industrial, commercial and residential P&D Technologies Page IV-4 uses. The approvals included amenQments to the Land Use and Circulation Elements of the San Diego County General Plan, and the San Dicguito Community Plan; a 634acre Specific Plan and related rezones; a Major Use Permit for an onsite wastewater treatment plant; formation of a County Service District, and annexation of the Specific Plan area to a number of service districts, and a Board of Supervisor’s retilution to amend the Williamson Act agricultural contracts,.and the TM for Phase I of the Specific Plan. Issues addressed included land use, geology, landform and aesthetics, hydrology/water quality, public services, traffic, air quality, noise, agriculture, biology, cultural resources, dark skies and growth inducement. 4s RANCH SPA, TENTATIVE MAP, REZONE AND MAJOR USE PERMIT MODIFICATION San Diego County, California P&D Technologies prepared an EIR for 4s Ranch Specific Plan Amendment, which included a Tentative Map for the development of the southernmost portion of the 634acre Specific Plan area. The document addressed biological resources, land use, geology, visual impacts, cultural resources, public services, air quality, noise, hydrology/water quality, traffic and transportation. GALLEGOS & ASSOCIATES LILAC RANCH Valley Center, California Performed a cultural resource inventory and testing. program for the Lilac Ranch located in Valley Center, California. A survey of 1,000 acres and testing program for 20 prehistoric and historic sites was conducted SALT CREEK RANCH Chuh Vida, California Conducted a cultural resource inventory and testing program for Salt Creek Ranch, located in Chula Vista, California. A survey of 1,000 acres and testing historic and prehistoric sites for site importance under CEQA was conducted. RANCH0 BERNMDO LAKE COURSE San Diego County, Cal@omia Performed a cultural resource inventory and CEQA test for site importance, for the Ranch0 Bernard0 Lake Course. Inventory of 315 acres, identification and testing of ten prehistoric sites examined. P&D Technologies Page IV-5 PALEOSERVICES, INC. CARUBAD RESEARCH CENTER Carlsbad, Cal$fomia PaleoServices, Inc. has conducted salvage paleontology and resource evaluation services addressing mitigation measures surrounding the Carl&d Research Center. AVIARA Car&bad, Caiifomia The fum provided technical expertise in the area of paleontological resource expertise in the area of paleontological resource evaluation involving actual impact mitigation for the Aviara project, located in Carl&ad, California. AIRPORT BUSINESS CENTER Cadsbad, California PaleoServices, Inc. performed salvage paleontology and resource evaluation services for the Airport Business Center, located in Carlsbad, California The project involved assessment of resource sensitivity and potential impacts as well as proposed of impact mitigation measures. GIROUX & ASSOCIATES BRESSI RANCH DEVELOPiUENT Carlsbad, California Prepared air quality and noise impact analyses for the Bressi Ranch Development located in Carlsbad, California. This was a land use/planning and infrastructure project. RANCH0 CARRILU) BUSINESS PARK Carl&bad, California Conducted an analysis of construction and operational impacts, including an evaluation of noise impacts for the Ranch0 Carrillo Business Park. This was a land use/planning and infrastructure project located in Carl&ad+ California. MACARIO PARK DEVELOPMENT carlsw ccJi/ornicr Perfotmed an air quality and noise impact analysis for the Macario Park Development, a land use/planning and infrastructure project located in Carlsbad, California. P&D Technologies Page Iv4 P&D CLIENT REFERENCES. RANCH0 DEL REY SPA II AND ItI EIRS Chuh Vi.&, California Client: Ms. Barbara Reid City of Chula Vista 276 Fourth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 92010 (619) 691-5097 OLD COACH GOLF ESTATES EIR Po way, California Client: Mr. James Nessel City of Poway . 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 (6 19) 679-4256 WEST MAIN STREET EIR El Cajon, California Client: Ms. Barbara Ramirez City of El Cajon 200 East Main Street El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 441-1771 P&D Technologies Page N-7 - I . Section V PROJECT SCHEDULE The proposed schedule is based on the parameters set forth in the RFP. However, it should be noted that due to the requirement for an archaeological testing program, the schedule for submittal of the screencheck Draft EIR has been extended to include an eight to twelve week timeframe. This schedule may need to be revised should inclement weather (i.e., rain) be encountered. The milestones and deliverables to be produced by P&D are listed along with the number of weeks allocated to each milestone. This schedule is achievable assuming provision of all project information at the project kick-off meeting. The schedule may be extended by the City as the project progresses. MILESTONE/PRODUCT WEEKS CUMULATIVE Notice to Proceed Notice of Preparation Screencheck Draft EIR City Review First Screencheck Draft EIR Revise First Screencheck Draft EIR City Review Second Screencheck Draft EIR Revise and Circulate DEIR Public Review Period Response to Comments City Review of FEIR Revise and Print Final EIR 0 0 1 1 8-12 8-12 3 11-15 2 13-17 16-20 17-21 24-28 26-30 29-33 31-35 P&D Technologies Page V-I ,_ -- COST PROPOSAL FOR PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE CARLSBAD RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN SubmUted to: CITY OF CARLSBAD Planning Department 2075 Las Polmas Drive Carisbad, California 92009 Contact: Mr. Michael Holzmiller (619) 43&1161 S&n&ted by: P&D TECHNOLOGIES 401 West “A” Street, Suite 2!500 San Diegq California 92101 Contact: Betty Dehoney (619) 232-4466 Febrwy 241992 Murch 20,1992 (rev.) . . a H March 23, 1992 Mr. Michael Holzmiller City of Carlsbad Planning Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 HDmdmob@ms SO1 W A Sireet S, :e 2500 Sac 3 ego CA 92101 xx 6’9 / 234-3022 6’9 232-4466 Planmng Englneenng Transporrarm Enwronmenral Economcs Lacdscaoe Archttecture An Employee-Owned Company 97300.74 Subject: Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Cost Proposal Dear Mr. Holzmiller: P&D Technologies (P&D) is pleased to submit this revised cost proposal to assist the City of Carlsbad in the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan project. The enclosed cost proposal is a firm offer for sixty (60) days from the date of this letter. John Richards is authorized to contractually bind P&D Technologies, whereas any questions pertaining to scope should be addressed to Betty Dehoney. Sincerely , P&D TECHNOLOGIES /P-- &hn Richards Vice President JR:BD:be Cost Estimate TASK DRAFT EIR Scoping Intro/Summary Project Description Agriculture/Open Space Air Quality Breakout Archaeology Paleontology Breakout Biology Breakout Circulation Breakout . Land Use Compatibility Noise Breakout Solid Waste Visual Aesthetics/Grading. Water Quality Alternatives CEQA Sections Prepare Draft EIR Subtotal MlTlGATlON MONRORING PRCG. Environmental Specialist Environmental Analyst Subtotal PROJECT MANAGEMENT Project Manager cb4’ Meetings (up to 10 @ 4 hrs. ea.) Hearings (up to 4 @ 6 hrs. ea.) Subtotal TECHNICAL STUDIES Air Duality and Noise Review Biology Report Archaeology Testing Report Paleontology Study Visual Simulations (5 @ $2,000) Subtotal RATE Horn 95 8 55 24 55 16 65 24 55 18 55 16 55 8 55 16 55 16 65 16 55 32 55 16 55 18 55 40 55 24 65 16 55 40 55 40 55 40 65 12 55 40 95 60 100 8 95 40 95 24 38 80 840 28 128 $760 $1,320 $880 $1,560 $880 $880 ,g: $880 l $1,040 $1,780 $880 $880 $2,200 $1,320 $1,040 $2,200 $2,200 S?*200 $24,200 $780 $2,200 $2,980 $5,700 $800 $3,800 $2,280 $12,580 $2,000 $4,500 $33,500 $1,800 $10,000 $51,600 Cost Estimate SUPPQRT Word Processing Graphics Administrative/Clerical Subtotal FINAL EIR Responses to Comments (assum no more than 30 substantive comments) Report Production Subtotal REIMBURSABLES Blueline reduction, stats, etc. Reproduction (EIRs), binders Color Xerox of Visual Simulations Mileage (20 trips - Carlsbad) Film, fax, courier, phone, etc. Subtotal TOTAL CWllf%ENCY Radiocarbon Dating (if necessary) 50 60 s3,ooo 45 80 $2,700 40 18 $640 $8,340 95 8 $760 65 16 $1,040 55 32 $1,760 55 24 $1,320 $4,880 $300 84,500 $200 $500 $200 $5,700 $108,280 $2,875 RESOLUTION NO. 92-123 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND P&D TECHNOLOGIES AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE CARLTAS COMPANY TO PREPARE AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE CARLSBAD RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That certain agreements between the City of Carlsbad and P&D Technologies and the City of Carlsbad and the Carltas Company for *consulting services to prepare an Environmental Impact Report for the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan (SP-207), copies of which are on file in the office of the City Clerk, and incorporated herein by reference, are hereby approved. 2. The Mayor ef the' City of Carlsbad is hereby ' . ; authorized and directed to execute said agreements for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 5th day of MAY , 1992. AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton, Nygaard NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: IL& ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Cl&k (SEAL)